CITY OF CAPE TOWN Integrated Rapid Transit Project Progress Report No. 20 July to September 2011 Page i of 66 Project Status & Progress Report Project Name: Integrated Rapid Transport System / MyCiTi Directorate: Transport, Roads & Major Projects Focus Area: IRT Project Development and Implementation Product: Quarterly Project Progress Report No. 20 for July to September 2011 Prepared By: Document Owner(s) Project / Organisational Role J. Martheze City IRT Project Manager J Grimbeek PMIRT Project Manager Contributing Authors: Managers of Respective Sections Project Status Report Version Control Version Date Author Change description V1 15 October 2011 J. Grimbeek Initial draft V2 19 October 2011 J. Martheze / J. Grimbeek Edited This Progress Report will be made available on the City of Cape Town’s website: PURPOSE The Progress Report is a document prepared by MyCiTi / IRT Project Team for the purpose of regular recording and presenting the project status to the various City of Cape Town political and administrative oversight committees, the Department of Transport, Department of Finance, PGWC as well as other key stakeholder groups and interested parties. DISCLAIMER While ever effort has been made to present accurate and current information in this progress report, the City of Cape Town will not be held liable for the consequence of any decisions or actions taken by others who may utilise any information contained herein. Cover Photograph IRT Feeder Stations under construction at the Civic Centre IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page ii of 66 Contents 1. Introduction................................................................................................................................ 4 1.1. Project Background 1.2. Business Plan 2. 4 4 Master Programme ...................................................................................................................... 5 2.1. Master Programme Overview 2.2. Master Programme Detailed Status 3. Project Financials ...................................................................................................................... 12 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. 3.7. 3.8. 4. Introduction to Phase 1A Financials Project Estimate and Salient IRT Project Information: Phase 1A Project Estimates Project Cost Report Budget: Funding and Expenditure Authority Budget: Capital and Operating Expenditure Project Estimate and Future Funding Applications (DORA) Key Financial Issues 12 13 14 14 15 16 16 17 Stakeholders ............................................................................................................................. 22 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 5. 5 9 City Political Committees and Oversight Structures Province Government Western Cape / National Department of Transport Other Major Stakeholders Schedule of Key Meetings and Workshops 22 22 22 23 Risk Management ...................................................................................................................... 24 5.1. Overview 5.2. Risk Identification 6. Administration........................................................................................................................... 27 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 7. 24 25 Human Resources Project Documentation Systems Accommodation Asset Management 27 27 28 28 Procurement ............................................................................................................................. 29 7.1. Introduction 8. 29 Health and Safety...................................................................................................................... 31 8.1. Project Office 8.2. Construction Contracts 8.3. Operational MyCiTi Contracts 31 31 31 9. System Planning ....................................................................................................................... 32 10. Infrastructure ........................................................................................................................... 35 10.1. Introduction 10.2. Design & Planning Progress 10.3. Construction Progress 10.4. Depots 10.5. Land Acquisition 10.6. Health & Safety 10.7. Operational Handover of Infrastructure to CoCT service departments 11. 35 36 38 38 39 39 40 Business Development ............................................................................................................... 42 11.1. Vehicle Procurement Contracts (VPCs) 11.2. Vehicle Operator Companies (VOCs) 11.3. Industry Transition 11.4. Fare Collection 11.5. Control Centre and Vehicle Tracking IRT Progress Report No 20 42 42 43 45 46 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page iii of 66 11.6. Station Services Contracts (SSCs) 12. 46 MyCiTi Operations ..................................................................................................................... 47 12.1. Airport Shuttle Bus 12.2. Milestone “0” Interim Services: Inner City – Trunk – Table View Services 12.3. Special Event Services 12.4. Operations Management 12.5. Operational Resources 12.6. Public Feedback 12.7. Service Level Agreements 13. 47 47 49 49 50 50 51 Communications, Marketing & Branding ...................................................................................... 52 13.1. Introduction 13.2. Media 13.3. Overall Communication 13.4. Progress with Marketing and Branding Strategy 13.5. Stakeholder Engagement 13.6. Project Management and Meetings 13.7. Events 13.8. The Way Forward 14. 52 52 52 53 54 54 54 55 Conclusions .............................................................................................................................. 56 14.1. Main Successes & Challenges of the Project 14.2. Do the Outcomes justify the Costs? 14.3. Were the Objectives Achieved within the specified Time & Budget? 14.4. Embedding the Objectives in Local Institutions 14.5. Preparation of Stakeholders 14.6. Project Direction 15. 56 56 56 56 56 57 Lessons Learnt & Recommendations ........................................................................................... 57 ANNEXURES: No. 1 - SCM BAC Summary Progress No. 2 - List of Reports to Council No. 3 - Contact List for Contributors IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 4 of 66 1. Introduction The September 2011 Report is presented as a Quarterly Progress Report for the period from June 2011 to September 2011. It is prepared to record and to provide various oversight committees with a summary of progress made to the end of the reporting period and to highlight any major issues and concerns that may impact on the project going forward. This report deals with Phase 1A of the MyCiTi project together with the initiation of the roll out of the system to other areas, such as the Metro South East. Summary Progress Reports are prepared on a monthly basis and comprehensive Project Reports are prepared on a quarterly basis. 1.1. Project Background The City of Cape Town’s Integrated Rapid Transit (IRT) project, referred to as MyCiTi, is planned to transform the City’s current road based public transport system. This is to be accomplished through inter alia the provision of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) services in dedicated right-of-ways, feeder bus services, automated fare systems, operating service contracts, institutional reform and the transformation of the existing public transport industry. The project is being undertaken under the auspices of the National Department of Transport’s Integrated Rapid Public Transport Project (IRPTN) programme and is funded primarily through the Public Transport Infrastructure and System Grant (PTI&SG), but also through the City’s rate funding and through fares paid by passengers. An interim MyCiTi starter service running between the CBD and Table View commenced in May 2011. The full service for Phase 1A will be completed by September 2013. 1.2. Business Plan The MyCiTi / IRT Business Plan was adopted by Council in October 2010, which set the framework for Phase 1A of the project, including financial and time conditions. A copy of the Business Plan is available on the City of Cape Town’s website: Amendments were approved at the February 2011 Council meeting to accommodate changes in the operating environment. A further update of the Business Plan is being prepared for submission to Council to address the requirements for designing and implementing the follow up phases of the system, including Phase 2 to the Metro South East. IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 5 of 66 2. Master Programme 2.1. Master Programme Overview Based on the progress of a number of issues over the last quarterly reporting period, it was agreed that the master programme would be revisited to undertake an update of the baseline programme. After a number of minor adjustments as noted in a workshop, the City approved the revised Master Programme: Revision K (September 2011) as the new baseline programme. A summary of the main workstreams, indicating the current status of each (based on Master Programme Rev K – Sept. 2011), is shown below: DESCRIPTION VEHICLE OPERATOR APPOINTMENTS STATUS Behind 1 week NOTES Additional routes added & slower than anticipated progress STATION SERVICES CONTRACT VEHICLE ACQUISITION On track Behind 1 week On track Programme to be finalized Feeder appointment delayed & Trunk tender not yet complete Need clear decision with regards to Atlantis Depot land. LAND PROCUREMENT TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT CENTRE CCC - DESIGN CCC - CONSTRUCTION & IMPLEMENTATION AFC - DESIGN AFC - CONSTRUCTION & IMPLEMENTATION EIA / PLANNING APPROVAL Complete On track On track On track On track Behind 1 week ATLANTIS CORRIDOR - DESIGN (HHO) ATLANTIS CORRIDOR - CONSTRUCTION INNER CITY DESIGN (GIBB) On track On track Behind 1 week Behind 1 week INNER CITY – CONSTRUCTION STADIUM CIVIL WORKS (NS / AURECON) AIRPORT CIVIL WORKS (ASCH / ILISO) SUPERSTRUCTURES - TRUNK STATIONS & CLOSED FEEDERS Complete Complete Behind 1 week NMT INTEGRATION On track IRT Progress Report No 20 In line with Master Programme Revised programme to finalize In line with Master Programme Revised programme to finalize EIA process delayed by delayed consultant appointments & budget approvals In line with Master Programme In line with Master Programme Delayed consultant appointments & budget approvals. Delayed due to delayed consultant appointments, budget approvals and design approvals. Civic Centre Closed feeders and the surrounding structures are delayed In line with Master Programme V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 6 of 66 The summary sheet indicated below is based on the MASTER PROGRAMME Rev K – September 2011. This indicates the revised completion dates (Target Dates) of infrastructure after being rescheduled. These revised Milestone dates are indicated in comparison with the dates contained in the October 2010 Business Plan. IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 7 of 66 IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 8 of 66 The revised Master Programme Rev. K (September 2011) was rescheduled to reflect the status of all the workstreams as at 1 September 2011. The summarized version of the programme shown below, indicates the progress of the works at 30 September 2011. The team is in the process of identifying mitigating solutions to ensure Phase 1A is delivered by the original completion date of September 2013, but the projected completion date is now in November 2013. IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 9 of 66 2.2. Master Programme Detailed Status The revised milestone implementation dates and reasons for the delays are listed below. It should however be noted that although a number of delays are affecting the planned implementation dates of interim milestones, these delays are not impacting on the overall programme delivery date of November 2013. Please refer to Figure 1 above for the comparative Milestone Dates between the Target Dates from the latest Master Programme Rev K (Sept 2011), and the original October 2010 Business Plan dates. Explanation of deviations are indicated below. Milestone 0 / Interim Service Actual Implementation Date: May 2011 Status: The predominant delay to this milestone was the delayed signing of the Vehicle Operator Contracts. Interim contracts were signed with all of the Companies managing portions of the MyCiTi service. The Interim service is now fully operational. The interim paper ticketing system still needs to be replaced with the permanent EMV card system. Milestone 1 Business Plan Date: December 2011 Revised Milestone Completion Date: October 2012 Status: A delay was experienced with the preparation of comprehensive tender documents required for the procurement of the feeder vehicles. The increased anticipated manufacturing duration of the vehicles will potentially delay the delivery of the first vehicles up to June 2012 and the full complement of vehicles required for Milestone 1, up to August 2012. Figure 1 illustrates the anticipated delay. More definitive timeframes will be available once the supplier is appointed. The delays to Inner City closed feeder projects, such as Adderley Street, Queens Beach and V&A Waterfront due to stakeholder, heritage and EIA constraints will most likely result in the projects starting later than planned and continue beyond the planned completion dates of Milestones 1 & 2. As an interim measure, the stop points will be utilised as open feeder stops, marked with temporary poles. The procurement of the Inner City open feeder stop structures was delayed. The contractor was appointed and the contract is in progress. Temporary feeder poles will be used, until the permanent structure are complete, to ensure that the Operational dates for the feeder routes are not impacted by the delayed award of the contract. The Automated Fare Collection Contract is awarded. Although the contract was delayed, it can be accelerated to install the equipment required for Milestone 1. In order to mitigate this delay, an alternate ticketing system was introduced for Milestone 0, which will be extended until the EMV Cards system is operational. The Control Centre Contract is awarded. The rescheduled programme indicates that the permanent system can be installed for the already procured buses by May 2012. This is not the driving delay to Milestone 1, but can be if severely delayed. The current Netstar system utilised by the City for fleet management has been introduced as an interim measure, until the permanent control system is operational. IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 10 of 66 The Station Services Contract is in the process of being re-assessed, to take cognisance of the Service Level Agreements pending between IRT and various City departments. The rescheduled programme indicates the best case scenario for the award of this contract. The Vehicle Operating Companies (Long term contracts) for Milestone 1. The processes require the survey data to be accepted as correct by the affected parties, to ensure that the Market share calculation will be approved. When this is achieved, the compensation calculation can be finalized and the transition process can begin. The process map, indicating the key elements required to reach an agreement has been re-programmed for completion in August 2012. Multiple variables make this process a high risk item. Milestone 2 Business Plan Date: February 2012 Revised Milestone Completion Date: December 2012 Status: The preparation of the tender documentation required to procure the Milestone 2 feeder vehicles delayed the tender process. This delay, together with the increased lead time required to manufacture the busses are delaying the delivery of the vehicles. The delivery of all the vehicles for Milestone 2 is anticipated to be in October 2012. Figure 1 illustrates the anticipated delay, but more definitive timeframes will be available once the feeder vehicle supplier is appointed. The Racecourse Road civil works contract (128Q) extent of works resulted in a longer programme duration. This is the second driver of the amended Milestone date. Current programme indicates completion of the infrastructure works in August 2012, i.e. two months prior to the availability of vehicles and implementation of the milestone service. Milestone 3A & 3B Business Plan Date: 3A - July 2012 3B - December 2012 Revised Milestone Completion Date: 3A & B – February 2013 Status: The preparation of the tender documentation required to procure the Milestone 3 feeder vehicles delayed the tender process. This delay, together with the increased lead time required to manufacture the busses is delaying the delivery of the vehicles. The delivery of all the vehicles for Milestone 3 is anticipated to be in November 2012. The R27 North trunk contract (112Q), projected infrastructure completion date is August 2012. The procurement of the Atlantis & Melkbos trunk contract (262Q) is currently on hold due to an appeal. The appeal is delaying the contract start date and subsequently the end date. Based on current delays, the best case projected completion date is in October 2012. The completion of the above mentioned contracts (112Q and 262Q) needs to align with the Open feeder and Depot contracts. The concept design of the Atlantis depot project has been finalized. The current design can be completed by the end of October 2012. It is currently programmed to synchronize the completion of the depot with the Atlantis trunk and feeder infrastructure. The Atlantis feeders (according to the business plan) was planned to be completed as part of Milestone 3B (December 2012). Similar to the Atlantis Depot, the proposal is to finish the open feeders by the end of October 2012. This can be achieved by installing the temporary feeder poles used for Milestone 0 and complete the permanent structures by February 2013. The industry transition team require Milestone 3A and 3B to be implemented concurrently, as a phased launch of trunks then feeders is not recommended when replacing the Atlantis existing IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 11 of 66 services. Therefore the launch of services in Atlantis is dependent on all the workstreams, with the critical path being the delivery of vehicles in November 2012. Figure 1 reflects the potential effect on Milestone 3A and 3B. Milestone 4 Business Plan Date: November 2013 Revised Milestone Completion Date: November 2013 Status: All contracts related to Milestone 4 are currently on track for completion by November 2013, however the original float available in the programme has been absorbed by the need to retender the Potsdam contract. The Potsdam road tender will be retracted due to a substantial scope change to this section of the project, as a result of the implications to relocate informal dwellings from the affected road reserve. The new contract, that will include some of the original contract work and a new trunk section to Century City, can be tendered in time to deliver the infrastructure by November 2013. The Blaauwberg Road tender was awarded and will proceed according to programme. Figure 1 reflects the potential effect on Milestone 4. IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 12 of 66 3. Project Financials 3.1. Introduction to Phase 1A Financials This section which addresses the IRT Project financials covers the following; a. The project estimates and other salient information. b. The project cost report including the value of works done, planned and projected cash flows and expected cost at completion. c. The City Budget Funding and expenditure authority Capital and operating expenditure d. Funding applications (DORA) e. Other key issues relating to the project financials A key aspect to note when reviewing this section is the difference between the information presented under the section addressing the Project Cost Report and that reported under the City Budget and Capital and Operating Expenditure reports. The former focuses on actual value of work done and is used by the project team to manage cash flow, monitor and predict expenditure to enable proactive interventions at a project level if necessary. The latter addresses that expenditure (payments) as recorded in the City’s financial system and may lag actual value of work done by up to two or more months. IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 13 of 66 3.2. Project Estimate and Salient IRT Project Information: Phase 1A Project Duration Phase 1A First IRT construction contract awarded 6 Oct 2008 Projected completion of Phase 1A as currently programmed (subject to PTISG 30 Sep 2013 funding being confirmed for 2012/13). Costs of implementing Phase 1A Estimated infrastructure and vehicle costs (incl additional VAT) R 3 894 million Estimated transitional, design and implementation operating costs (incl VAT) Estimated total cost of implementing Phase 1A (excl additional VAT) Additional VAT potentially due R 702 million R 4 287 million[1] R 309 million Estimated total cost of implementing Phase 1A (incl additional VAT) Estimated Annual Operating Deficit of running Phase 1A as currently modelled R 4 596 million R 116 million pa (not escalated, excluded above, and excludes planned reallocated bus subsidies) [2] Expenditure 2008/09 FY R 248 million Expenditure 2009/10 FY R 846 million Expenditure 2010/11 FY R 457 million Expenditure 2011/12 FY R 111 million Total expenditure to date 2008/09 FY to 2011/12 FY on SAP as at 2011-0906 R 1 663 million Available assured funding from City and National received to date [3] Estimated future expenditure for implementing Phase 1A (for the remainder of R 2 688 million R 2 933 million the 2011/12, 2012/13 and 2013/14 FY’s but excluding annual running cost) Total indicative PTIS funding from National in the 2008/09 to 2013/14 financial years R 5 965million[4] Estimated Total Project System Cost of Implementing Phase 1A R 4 596 million Table 1: Salient Project Financial Information [1] Various changes were made in the course of the review of the Business Plan, many which had cost implications. However, in most instances cost increases in one area were compensated by decreases elsewhere. However, the apparent fall of R22 million in the total cost of implementation (compared to the total of R4 309 in implementation costs, excluding amount that is attributable to additional VAT) is mainly explained by the fact that the previous total included an amount of R30 million for one year of internal departmental costs. This is now shown separately under recurrent costs, which will be incurred annually. [2] This represents midway between the optimistic and pessimistic projections of operating costs as set out in par 9.5 of the updated Business Plan. [3] This excludes the R 368 million made available by the City to bridge the gap between the City and National financial years, which was recovered from the National PTI&S Grant after approval by Council in July 2010. [4] Based on the Division of Revenue Act (DoRA), gazetted on the 28 April 2011. This is an indication of all funding on this particular category of grant and does not imply that all funding is for the IRT project only. IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 14 of 66 3.3. Project Estimates The above table includes the results of a major review of the transport and operating cost modelling for Phase 1A of the project and includes the estimated cost of running the system once commissioned and takes into account the estimated operating income and operating expenditure. This review included an audit of the system demand and cost modelling where inputs and assumptions were closely scrutinised. The review of the transport and cost model will improve the confidence and accuracy of the estimated operating cost of Phase 1A. The estimated total project system cost of implementing Phase 1A (reflected above) has remained as previously reported. The estimated annual operating deficit of running the service is pegged at the mid-point of a possible deficit range. The Project Team is also reviewing other parts of the project, such as possible re-engineering of the infrastructure and value engineering to ensure that project costs are minimised without compromising project objectives. 3.4. Project Cost Report The PMIRT team in consultation with the IRT Project Team have developed a detailed monthly cost accounting and reporting process, whereby monthly project costing is tabled and discussed at the monthly Client Project Management Meetings. This reporting details and consolidates all project cost activities and this is being used to accurately monitor and manage the project expenditure and cash flow, ensuring alignment with Council’s approved budgets. Further, this information forms a basis for the on-going program evaluation and progress monitoring of Phase 1A, ensuring that funds will only be committed when secured. In this regard it is assumed that National Treasury will make firm its DORA allocations for future years. In Figure 3.1 below two aspects relating to the project expenditure profiles are graphically illustrated. The first aspect addresses the actual value of work done vs. our estimated value of work done. This is measured in terms of the value of invoices received vs. our planned project cost. Invoices received vs. our target spend line. As can be seen we are slightly above our target in terms of spend which indicates we are on track for our invoiced spend of just over R1 billion by June 2012. The second aspect represents an estimate of the operating and capital expenditure (payments) vs. actual expenditure that is recorded on the City’s SAP financial system. The lag between the two profiles represents the lag in processing the invoices onto the SAP system, approximately 7 – 21 days. The targeted SAP line, which estimates expenditure is indicated and the actual SAP expenditure is extracted from the City’s financial SAP system Typically the actual SAP expenditure (recorded at the end of September 2011) is above the targeted SAP profile so we are currently on track to achieve our actual SAP recorded expenditure of approximately R950 million by June 2012. IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 15 of 66 Figure 3.1: Project Cashflow 2011 / 2012 3.5. 3.5.1. Budget: Funding and Expenditure Authority Operating The 2011/12 Operating Budget, approved by Council on the 8th of June 2011 included an annual budgetary provision of R 30m (million) for the establishment and on-going management of the IRT Project Office. The organisational structures of both IRT Departments have been approved by Council. The recruitment and selection process to fill the approved organisational structure is underway. Budgetary provision for Grant Funded Operating projects, associated with the various streams within the IRT project, has also been included in the 2011/12 Operating Budget submitted to Council for approval. With the introduction of the MyCiTi Starter Service commencing on 9th May 2011, this project will have a significant increase in expenditure levels as a result of the system operating costs incurred by the 3 vehicle operating companies. 3.5.2. Capital As a result of the financial review of Phase 1A during 2009 and 2010, prior to the adoption of the Business Plan in October 2010 and based on our contractual commitments and future commitments, the capital programme for IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 16 of 66 the implementation of Phase 1A was changed drastically. The City has received R 905 m (million) from NDOT as part of the first tranche DoRA allocation gazetted to the City for 2011/12 municipal financial year. 3.6. 3.6.1. Budget: Capital and Operating Expenditure Progressive Capital Expenditure Report for 2008/09, 2009/10, 2010/11 & 2011/12 Table 3.2 reflects capital expenditure from all sources (PTI&SG, CRR and EFF) relating to the IRT project. Individual projects are grouped according to their specific category or area. 3.6.2. Expenditure Report for Grant Funded Operating Projects Table 3.3 reflects all operating expenditure, funded from grant funding, relating to the IRT project. Individual projects are grouped according to their specific area and relate primarily to the procurement of external service providers except where stated otherwise. 3.6.3. Expenditure & Revenue Report for the 2 IRT Departments Table 3.4 reflects all operating expenditure and revenue relating to the running of the 2 IRT Departments (Implementation & Operations). Expenditure & revenue is summarised per subjective categories. 3.6.4. MyCiTi Starter Service Table 3.5 reflects all operating costs (budgeted and actual) and all operating revenue (budgeted and actual) associated with the provision of the MyCiTi Starter Service which commenced on 9 th May 2011. The actual operating expenditure & revenue reflected in Table 3.5 is also represented in Table 3.4. 3.7. 3.7.1. Project Estimate and Future Funding Applications (DORA) Future Funding Applications (DORA) As a result of the review of Phase 1A and due to the fact that more information on infrastructure costs, systems planning, operations and business planning is becoming clearer as the project progresses, the capital programme for the implementation of Phase 1A was changed drastically in 2009 and 2010 (prior to the adoption of the Business Plan in October 2010) and the 2010/11 to 2012/13 Operating Budget and Capital Budget Programme has been amended to reflect the latest position reflected in DORA as well as the latest stance adopted on the treatment of VAT within the IRT System etc. The updated Business Plan includes a request for an additional R1 909 million of PTISG funding. This includes R 909 million over the 2011/12 and 2012/13 financial years to cover the additional VAT as explained in the Business Plan, to be able to complete Phase 1A by the end of the second of these years, and to start planning for Phase 2A and beyond. It also includes R1 billion for the 2013/14 financial year for further system expansion. The relevant reports required for consideration of future allocations in terms of DORA have been submitted by 15 August 2011, as required by the Act. Table 3.1 below reflects the actual DoRA allocations from the Department of Transport (DoT) towards the Public Transport for the City as a whole. The information in the table below has gazetted in parliament in April 2011, as part of the Division of Revenue Act (DoRA). IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 17 of 66 DoRA - April 2010 DoRA - 28 April 2011 Increase Rm Rm Rm 2010/11 850 1 068 168 2011/12 1 600 1 800 200 2012/13 900 1580 680 1 600 1600 5 998 2 648 Financial Year 2013/14 Total 3 350 Table 3.1: Division of Revenue Act: City Allocations (2010/11 to 2012/13) 3.8. 3.8.1. Key Financial Issues VAT Recalculation The City is reviewing the VAT paid on the full contractual value as at end March 2010 due to the exempt nature of transport for fare paying passengers. This process is being overseen by the City’s VAT unit in the Finance Directorate. Once full clarity on the way forward has been obtained from SARS, the current flagging of the WBS numbers involved in the IRT Capital contracts to show the VAT exempt status will be reviewed. IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 18 of 66 Table 3.2: 2008/2009, 2009/2010 & 2010/11 (September 2011) Capital Projects Category WBS Project Description 2008/2009 Current Budget Actual 2009/2010 % Spend Current Budget Actual 2010/2011 % Spend Current Budget % Spend - - - IRT:Koeberg BRT Corridor:PTIF- - - - - - - - NG DOT PTI&SG C09.00419-F1 IRT:Granger Bay Blvd:PTIF 10 500 000 - - - - - - NG DOT PTI&SG C09.00487-F1 IRT:Klipfontein Corridor:PTIF - - - - - - NG DOT PTI&SG C09.00488-F1 IRT:Public Trsprt&Bus Upgr 20 000 on000 Corr:PTIF19 983 113 - - - - - - NG DOT PTI&SG C09.00489-F1 IRT:IntegratedFareManagement- System:PTIF - - - - - - NG DOT PTI&SG C09.00497-F1 IRT:PropertyAcquisition:PTIF 57 800 000 - - - - - - NG DOT PTI&SG C09.00498-F1 IRT:VehicleAcquisition:PTIF NG DOT PTI&SG C09.00499-F1 IRT:WestCoastCorridor:PTIF 90 000 000 89 999 969 100.0% NG DOT PTI&SG C09.00500-F1 IRT:AirportService:PTIF 2 000 000 2 000 000 100.0% NG DOT PTI&SG C09.00501-F1 IRT:PropertyAcquisition:PTIF - NG DOT PTI&SG C10.00093-F1 IRT: Control Centre:PTIF - NG DOT PTI&SG C10.00126-F1 100.0% - 57 202 138 - 99.9% 99.0% - 76 500 000 63 888 232 83.5% 368 405 758 328 560 020 89.2% 15 920 000 4 635 868 49 220 873 % Spend IRT:Integr Rapid Transit Syst(Ph1A):PTIF - - 86.1% Actual NG DOT PTI&SG C09.00352-F1 10 500 000 113 368 320 Current Budget NG DOT PTI&SG C09.00313-F1 - 131 640 721 2011/2012 Actual 11 167 423 7 276 129 14.8% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IRT: Depot Infrastructure:Inner City - - - - NG DOT PTI&SG C10.10320-F1 IRT:PropertyAcquisition:PTIF - - 17 629 17 629 100.0% NG DOT PTI&SG C10.10327-F1 IRT:WestCoastCorridor:PTIF - - 51 941 535 50 633 467 97.5% 211 558 802 NG DOT PTI&SG C10.10350-F1 IRT:InnerCityService:PTIF - - 10 000 000 9 463 641 94.6% 7 907 362 NG DOT PTI&SG C10.10542-F1 IRT:AirportService:PTIF - - 6 000 000 6 000 000 100.0% 570 000 NG DOT PTI&SG C10.10581-F1 IRT:Public Trsprt&Bus Upgr on -Corr: - 2 000 000 1 677 149 83.9% 4 560 000 NG DOT PTI&SG C10.10582-F1 IRT:IntegratedFareManagement- System - 13 295 117 10 833 656 81.5% NG DOT PTI&SG C11.10123-F1 IRT: Control Centre - - - - 54 128 438 1 228 709 2.3% 123 332 771 12 716 686 NG DOT PTI&SG C11.10124-F1 IRT: Fare Collection - - - - 77 076 110 21 595 971 28.0% 64 489 292 2 926 135 4.5% NG DOT PTI&SG C11.10501-F1 IRT: FeederStations: InnerCity: -PTIF - - - 54 476 896 40 935 104 75.1% 61 488 143 10 000 000 16.3% NG DOT PTI&SG C11.10502-F1 IRT: Trunk Stations: PTIF - - - 57 474 780 1 099 673 1.9% 184 288 117 1 110 514 0.6% NG DOT PTI&SG C11.10504-F1 IRT: Depot Infrastruc: Potsdam -Depot: PTIF - - - 10 000 000 6 403 724 64.0% 59 314 763 10 016 705 16.9% NG DOT PTI&SG C11.10505-F1 IRT: Depot Infrastruc: Atlantis Depot: PTIF - - - 67 036 - 0.0% 63 644 277 NG DOT PTI&SG C11.10507-F1 IRT: NMT: PTIF - - - - 5 504 804 - 0.0% 14 310 724 NG DOT PTI&SG C11.10558-F1 IRT: Property Acquisition - - - - 4 500 000 100.0% 5 130 000 NG DOT PTI&SG C11.10121-F1 IRT: Vehicle Acquisition - - - - Total NG DOT PTI&SG - 180 300 000 179 685 220 99.7% - - - 15 009 772 64.4% - 7 111 659 - 183 861 872 - 86.9% 264 263 172 - 0.0% 31 714 000 - 0.0% - - 100.0% - - 4 560 000 - - 4 499 386 - #DIV/0! 31 190 076 - 657 932 - 658 699 172 397 198 399 60.3% 1 214 624 148 66 682 409 64 453 192 96.7% 10 128 339 -3 693 819 -36.5% 10 287 339 IRT: Traffic Management 15Centre: 000 000 CRR - - - - IRT:PropertyAcquisition:CRR - - 50 177 314 50 177 314 100.0% - - - - CRR BRT SystemC09.00498-F2 IRT:VehicleAcquisition:CRR - - 25 000 000 23 260 345 93.0% - - - - CRR BRT SystemC09.00499-F2 IRT:West Coast Corridor:CRR 30 000 000 111 583 679 111 583 679 100.0% - - - - CRR BRT SystemC10.00093-F2 IRT: Control Centre:CRR - - 25 000 000 25 000 000 100.0% - - - - CRR BRT SystemC10.10337-F2 IRT:West Coast Corridor:CRR - - - - - - CRR BRT SystemC10.10579-F1 IRT: Traffic Management Centre: - CRR - 45 001 399 41 035 764 91.2% - - - - CRR BRT SystemC10.10582-F2 IRT:IntegratedFareManagement- System - 7 704 883 5 511 049 71.5% - - - - 331 149 684 321 021 343 96.9% 43 860 316 97.5% 247 529 247 529 100.0% C05.00951-F1 Acquisition of Land EFF C07.00002-F2 R27: Addtl lanes and intersection - impr EFF C09.00499-F3 IRT:WestCoastCorridor:EFF EFF C10.10112-F1 IRT: Project Office IRT Progress Report No 20 - 45 000 000 EFF Total EFF 96.2% - 10 128 339 -3 693 819 -36.5% 10 287 339 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -0 4 000 000 1 089 396 27.2% 228 213 -19 070 -8.4% - 247 529 247 529 100.0% 4 000 000 1 089 396 27.2% 228 213 -19 070 -8.4% 225 547 529 223 793 065 99.2% 863 309 723 793 184 532 91.9% 669 055 724 393 485 510 58.8% V2.0 July-September 2011 0.0% 6.3% 89.2% CRR BRT SystemC09.00497-F2 28 861 715 4.6% 0.1% 471 073 793 - 0.0% 76 147 217 528 160 039 - 10.3% 253 040 CRR BRT SystemC09.00486-F2 100.0% 0.0% 275 148 934 IRT:Integr Rapid Transit Syst(Ph1A) - 14 998 601 11.8% - CRR BRT SystemC09.00313-F2 Total CRR BRT System - 23 314 223 1 224 911 487 76 147 217 6.2% Page 19 of 66 Table 3.3: 2008/2009, 2009/2010 & 2010/11 (September 2011) Grant Funded Operating Projects 2008/2009 Category WBS 2009/2010 Project Description Actual Actual 2010/2011 Current Budget Actual % Spend Integrated Rapid Tra 1 875 472 10 743 484 G09.00097-F1 IRT:Prov of Prof Ser 1 651 103 2 000 000 - - - - NG DOT PTI&SG G09.00099-F1 IRT:Prov of Prof Ser 10 403 662 4 999 121 - - - - NG DOT PTI&SG G09.00100-F1 IRT:Prov of Prof Ser 6 321 511 3 000 000 - - - - NG DOT PTI&SG G09.00101-F1 IRT:Prov of Prof Ser 1 616 594 1 491 694 - - - NG DOT PTI&SG G11.00005-F1 IRT: Project Management - - 16 500 000 NG DOT PTI&SG G11.00031-F1 IRT: Compensation & Scrapping Allowance - - 10 176 575 NG DOT PTI&SG G11.00010-F1 IRT: Property Lease - - 6 378 894 6 378 893 100.0% 950 000 NG DOT PTI&SG G11.00032-F1 IRT: Operating Management Unit - - 51 546 095 2 831 051 5.5% 159 503 028 3 788 404 2.4% - 12 979 111 5.9% 14 500 000 0.0% 10 176 575 3 287 104 % Spend G09.00068-F1 981 640 95.1% Actual NG DOT PTI&SG IRT Progress Report No 20 18 191 590 Current Budget NG DOT PTI&SG Total NG DOT PTI&SG 19 136 180 2011/2012 25.3% 110 726 0.8% - 0.0% - 0.0% 21 868 342 22 234 299 103 737 744 28 383 174 27.4% 198 108 714 7 186 234 3.6% 21 868 342 22 234 299 103 737 744 28 383 174 27.4% 198 108 714 7 186 234 3.6% V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 20 of 66 Table 3.4: 2008/2009, 2009/2010 & 2010/11 (September 2011) Project Office Category Department Cost Centre 2008/2009 2009/2010 Actual Actual 2010/2011 2011/2012 Subjective Category Current Budget Expenditure IRT: Implementation 19070167 Salaries & Wages - - Expenditure IRT: Implementation 19070167 Social Contributions - - Expenditure IRT: Implementation 19070167 General Expenses Expenditure IRT: Implementation 19070167 Contracted Services Expenditure IRT: Implementation 19070167 R+M (Primary) Expenditure IRT: Implementation 19070167 Secondary Actual 8 975 000 % Spend 5 225 837 - 398 093 58.2% Current Budget Actual % Spend 15 171 537 5 165 323 359 128 258 519 72.0% 48.3% 2 976 957 3 585 306 120.4% 2.6% 12 435 785 249 979 #DIV/0! 34.0% 22 618 052 39 709 150 49 108 237 23 736 885 2 305 700 13 589 116 11 003 909 288 215 5 904 18 685 19 996 487 481 420 748 592 902 611 427 797 916 72.2% 818 748 880 65 176 947 8.0% 44 926 143 534 737 698 661 989 757 457 453 613 69.1% 849 692 287 74 436 866 8.8% 6 875 000 3 295 173 47.9% 21 328 429 114 345 - 6 667 #DIV/0! - 792 2.0% #DIV/0! Expenditure IRT: Operations 11120010 Salaries & Wages - - Expenditure IRT: Operations 11120010 Social Contributions - - Expenditure IRT: Operations 11120010 General Expenses - - Expenditure IRT: Operations 11120010 Contracted Services - - - 2 865 757 #DIV/0! Expenditure IRT: Operations 11120010 R+M (Primary) - - - 33 655 #DIV/0! Expenditure IRT: Operations 11120010 Secondary - 86 951 205 525 154 26 959 054 13.1% 756 794 596 22 916 484 3.0% - 86 951 272 051 749 61 002 237 22.4% 948 878 301 48 103 855 5.1% 534 824 649 934 041 506 518 455 850 55.5% 1 798 570 588 122 540 721 6.8% Total Expenditure 44 926 143 - - 34 931 59 651 595 - 27 813 668 7 087 600 15 736 187 163 667 676 9 319 046 - - 0.5% #DIV/0! 222.0% 5.7% #DIV/0! IRT: Implementation 19070167 User Charges - - #DIV/0! IRT: Implementation 19070167 Operating Grants 21 868 342 22 234 299 45 962 146 24 685 586 53.7% - - #DIV/0! Revenue IRT: Implementation 19070167 Capital Grants 19 983 113 471 073 793 527 494 624 373 541 843 70.8% - - #DIV/0! Revenue IRT: Implementation 19070167 Secondary 41 851 455 - 493 308 092 -1 #DIV/0! 17 793 Revenue - 2 415 569 46.6% - Revenue - - #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 780 082 262 56 697 701 7.3% 7.3% 573 456 770 400 642 997 69.9% 780 082 262 56 697 701 105 600 000 6 823 134 Revenue IRT: Operations 11120010 User Charges - - 2 562 600 4 553 783 177.7% Revenue IRT: Operations 11120010 Operating Grants - - 73 214 093 1 390 608 1.9% Revenue IRT: Operations 11120010 Capital Grants - - 131 204 548 22 498 892 Revenue IRT: Operations 11120010 Secondary - - - - - 1 627 399 17.1% #DIV/0! - 6.5% - #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! 742 472 226 16 700 980 2.2% 206 981 241 30 070 682 14.5% 848 072 226 23 524 114 2.8% Total Revenue 41 851 455 493 308 092 780 438 011 430 713 679 55.2% 1 628 154 488 80 221 815 4.9% Net Cost to Rates -3 074 688 -41 516 557 -153 603 495 -87 742 171 57.1% -170 416 100 -42 318 906 24.8% IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 21 of 66 Table 3.5: 2008/2009, 2009/2010 & 2010/11 (September 2011) Operating & Estimated Revenue Costs – MyCiTi Starter Service Category Detail 2010/11 Plan (R m) 2010/11 Actual (R m) 2011/12 Plan (R m) 2011/12 Actual (R m) Operating Costs Milestone 0 33.3 14.0 141.7 23.3 Milestone 1 - - 46.1 - Milestone 2 - - - - Start Up Cost 6.0 - - - IRT Operations Staff (ME) - - 13.0 - 39.3 14.0 200.8 23.3 Milestone 0 5.6 4.6 28.4 6.8 Milestone 1 - - 26.2 - Milestone 2 - - - - Events & Charters Income 0.4 - 6.0 - Advertising - - 3.0 - Total Estimated Revenue 6.0 4.6 63.6 6.8 33.3 9.5 67.6 16.4 - 69.5 - Total Operational Cost Estimated Revenue Operating Deficit (Rates) Operating Deficit (PTI&SG) IRT Progress Report No 20 - V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 22 of 66 4. Stakeholders 4.1. City Political Committees and Oversight Structures The Progress Report for periods ending July 2011 and August 2011 (No’s 18 and 19) were submitted to the following Council Committees for their consideration during the respective September and October cycle of meetings: Portfolio Committees - Transport Roads & Major Projects; Finance Sub Councils – Koeberg; Good Hope; Blaauwberg; Pinelands Mayoral Committee Council This Quarterly Progress Report (No. 20) is scheduled to serve before the abovementioned Committees during Council’s November cycle of meetings. A summary of quarterly Progress Report No 17 for the quarter ending June 2011 served before the City of Cape Town’s Audit Committee. This is now a standing item on the Committee’s agenda and a summary of this Progress Report (No 20.) is to serve before the Committee on 28 November 2011. 4.2. Province Government Western Cape / National Department of Transport Copies of the Project Progress Reports have been forwarded to the national Department of Transport and Province Government Western Cape (Transport Department) for their information. To keep these key stakeholders informed of project progress and of any issues that may arise during the execution of the project, minutes of the project’s Monthly Client/Management Meetings are distributed to both the Province Government Western Cape (Transport Department) and the National Department of Transport. Invitations to attend these meetings have been extended to both parties. 4.3. Other Major Stakeholders Ongoing stakeholder meetings have been held or are planned with PRASA, PGWC, NDOT and relevant City Departments on the role of Rail in the Integrated Rapid Transit Network (IRPTN) for the City of Cape Town. Engagement with other stakeholders / interested and affected parties is discussed in; Section 11.2 - Vehicle Operating Companies. Section 12.1 - Communications, Marketing & Branding IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 23 of 66 4.4. Schedule of Key Meetings and Workshops DATE MEETING / WORKSHOP / SUBJECT 1 July 2011 Workshop: Improving Public Transport in the Metro South East held at Alphen Centre, Main Road, Constantia 5 July 2011 Meeting with Cities on guidelines and requirements for 2012 MTREF Budget Proposals and 2011/12 reporting held at Indaba Boardroom, Department of Transport Offices, Tshwane 13 – 14 July 2011 Southern African Transport Conference BRT Workshop held at the CSIR International Convention Centre, Pretoria 20 July 2011 IRT Workshop – Session 1 – Completion of 2012/13 PTSIG Funding Application to Department of Transport, Boardroom 3, 15th Floor, 2 bay side, Civic Centre, Cape Town 22 July 2011 Stakeholder Meeting on the role of Rail in the IPTN for the City of Cape Town, Committee Room E1, 18 th Floor Tower, Civic Centre, Cape Town 4 August 2011 Korean Delegation – Transport/IRT, Committee Room B, 5th Floor Podium, Civic Centre, Cape Town 8 September 2011 Meeting with Department of Transport: Design philosophy (Cape Town IRT: City Penetration and Racecourse/Sable Road issues), Committee Room D, 5th Floor Podium, Civic Centre, Cape Town 9 September 2011 Meeting with Department of Transport: Audit of 2010-11 PTIS Expenditure, Committee Room B, 5th Floor Podium, Civic Centre, Cape Town 15 September 2011 Visit to MyCiTi by the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality Task Team, Site Visit – Civic Centre to Tableview and back, Return trip on feeder route – V & A Waterfront to Civic Centre and then meeting in Committee Room D, 5th Floor Podium, Civic Centre, Cape Town 16 September 2011 Directorate: Transport, Roads & Stormwater: Integrated Public Transport Planning for the Urban Core Corridor Workshop, Media Conference Room, Cape Town Stadium, Greenpoint IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 24 of 66 5. Risk Management 5.1. Overview An ongoing risk analysis is undertaken in regard to the Phase 1A project and the main risks identified and included in the consolidated RISK ASSESSMENT for 30 June 2011 are presented below. All risks identified that may have a significant or major impact on the project as a whole are included. Risk mitigation processes are underway. The risk report is currently updated on a monthly basis, adding new risks and updating the mitigating strategies for each item. With each analysis the mitigating factors of the previous report are updated and compared in order to review the status of the risk profile with the City. IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 25 of 66 5.2. 5.2.1. Risk Identification Risks related to the implementation of the extension of the IRT to the South East Metropolitan Area Primary Risk Extension of the IRT to the Metro South East as part of Phase 2, within an accelerated timeframe. Limited resources available to manage the process. Mitigating Measures 1 The City is in the process of appointing professional services to address the immediate resource shortages. Secondary Risk Industry Transition with all the affected parties of the Metro South East. Mitigating measures The City to prioritise Phase 2 implementation across all line departments similar to the 2010 World Cup efforts, including full administrative and political support. Alternatively, the City to consider an extended timeframe, for implementing the initial service to the Metro South East. Additional resources need to be appointed as a matter of urgency to start with the facilitation of the process. 5.2.2. Staff Procurement & Office Accommodation Primary Risk Procurement of Operational and Implementation staff is running behind schedule and impacting on delivery and roll out of the project. Mitigating measures Appointments of key professional services were advertised and interviews will start soon. Appointments of critical professional services were extended. The City is doing an internal audit on the process to look at ways to better the procurement process. Secondary Risk The preparation of accommodation for the soon to be appointed IRT workforce has not started. There might not be enough time to prepare a suitable area. Mitigating measures Accommodation space to be prepared as a matter of urgency, with the aim to be complete by mid October 2011. A programme, indicating the planned preparation process is required. 5.2.3. Forward cover for imported equipment, to ensure forex fluctuation does not influence the price. Primary Risk The contract states that contractor should take out forward cover, but if the contractor fails to do so, exposing himself and the City to major risk. Mitigating measures IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 26 of 66 The City to request proof from the contractor, that forward cover was taken out to the value of the imported equipment cost. The use of local suppliers must be encouraged. 5.2.1 Danger of Civil Unrest to MyCiTi buses and stations Primary Risk Taxi associations not included in IRT companies can oppose the progressive rollout. Complications with the community at Du Noon can influence the construction of Stables Depot and the Potsdam road contract Mitigating measures The Taxi associations are still in agreement with the proposed process. The City is in negotiation with the Du Noon community. 5.2.4. Risks related to the implementation of the infrastructure Primary Risk Busways - Trunks - Design - Consultant Appointments - revised budget for consultants (BAC approval required). The delay to the design process can delay the implementation process. Mitigating measures The preparation and submission of the report to BAC should be done without delay, to ensure minimal impact on the design process. Secondary Risk Designs delayed due to EIA & Heritage approvals required for the following projects: Adderley Street, Queens Beach and V&A Waterfront. The consultant appointments must be extended. Mitigating measures The new completion dates for the stations listed, were taken into account with the rescheduled Master Programme. The progress of the stations must be monitored very closely, for it can be delayed beyond September 2013. Third Risk The dwellings in the road reserve at Du Noon need to be relocated to complete the Civil works for the Potsdam contract. The current inhabitants can refuse to leave. The alternate is to re-design the contract to accommodate the residents, until the dwellings are relocated. Mitigating measures The dwellings that need to be relocated must be surveyed in advance, to ensure the minimum amount of disruption. In order to re-tender of the works, the scope of the project must change significantly. The redesign is in progress. IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 27 of 66 6. Administration 6.1. Human Resources Both the IRT Implementation and IRT Operations organisational structures were approved at the Council meeting held on 2011/09/28. The Systems Amendment Act required that in future all newly created posts had to be approved by Council and not by the City Manager as was the case previously. Strategic HR however, agreed to go ahead and in the meantime to advertise the posts on both the IRT organisational structures subject to the relevant structures being approved by Council before any of the posts could be filled. The posts on the IRT Implementation organisational structure was advertised on 2011/08/20 with a closing date of 2011/09/02. The posts on the IRT Operations organisational structure was advertised on 2011/08/27 with a closing date of 2011/09/14. The posts on both IRT organisational structures requiring filling were about 104 posts for IRT Operations and 33 for IRT Implementation. The following options were considered for populating the IRT organisational structures: Advertising of vacant funded posts Placement of 2010 World Cup staff in accordance with their appointment contracts on the 2010 World Cup organisational structure Accommodation of suitable fixed term contract staff already appointed on IRT temporary organisational structures. There are still a limited amount of staff seconded from other departments such as Transport and Roads and Stormwater to the IRT Project to address immediate operational requirements. Furthermore, various consultants are also still employed on the project. Meetings and discussions between HR and IRT Management started since 2011/09/18 to get agreement on the recruitment and selection process for IRT. At a meeting on 2011/10/13 between both IRT directors and representatives from HR agreement was reached on a process to speed up the filling of the IRT posts. The placement of the 2010 WC Technical staff could be concluded before the end of October 2011 with implementation date being 2011/11/01. About 50% of the posts advertised for IRT Implementation have already been shortlisted by HR and now needs to be agreed with Line Management. The shortlisting of the IRT Operations posts have commenced today. In the meantime agreement was also reached with IRT directors on a priority list for the filling of the IRT posts. The post of Manager: Industry Transition has been re-advertised and psychometric assessments concluded. Interviews are planned for October 2011, subject to the availability of all role players. The assessments for the IRT posts advertised could include competency based interviews, psychometric evaluations, technical written presentations and reference checks subject to the level of the relevant post. To further save on time those candidates shortlisted for more than one post may be interviewed once for a number of posts. Integrity of the process will be ensured by HR. HR has also employed additional resources to fast track the capturing and shortlisting of applications received and assessments for different posts could be conducted simultaneously. Further meetings between HR and Line Management will take place to finalise a Gant Chart for all required selection processes and timeframes in order to closely monitor progress. 6.2. Project Documentation Systems After completion of a review period of commercially available document management platform, the PMIRT Team submitted a final report for consideration by the City’s IS&T department. In August 2011 the City decided upon IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 28 of 66 and approved the use of Microsoft Sharepoint Collaboration system for both internal staff and external consultants for the IRT Phase 1A project. A Work Group has been established and a programme of implementation finalized. The documentation sharing platform will be completed for operational use by the middle of December 2011. 6.3. Accommodation Draft accommodation design plans for T14 (2 bay) and T15 (2 bay) for IRT Operations and Implementation Department have been submitted by Space Management Department to the Director’s IRT Operations and Implementation for sign off. TMC – Updated furniture design specification plan submitted by Space Management to IRT Operations for sign off. 6.4. Asset Management Initial interaction has been held with a number of City Departments to formalise ownership of IRT related assets and future repairs and maintenance requirements. Service Level Agreements with a number of the relevant City Departments (e.g. Cleansing, City Parks etc.) are currently being negotiated and formalized. IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 29 of 66 7. Procurement 7.1. Introduction The following statistics relate to the IRT procurement of goods and services i.e. equipment, consultants and contractors and have been drawn from a schedule of awards in terms for the IRT project; The total value of goods and services procured to date: R 3 485 million. o Consultants (Professional Service Provider) = 10,5 % o Contractor / Supplier / Service Provider = 89,5 % The value of awards made to Historically Disadvantaged Individuals (HDI) expressed as a percentage of the total value of awards made, as measured in terms of the City’s Supply Chain management Policy = 54.4 %. Increases in Contact Sum, Single Source appointments and Deviations measured as a percentage of the total value of procured goods and services is 22.36 % and is split as follows; o Increase in contract sum – 12,75% o Deviations – 9,36% o Single Source Selection – 0.25% Note: The above statistics apply to the IRT project from its initiation in 2008 to present. A schedule of all the appointments made in terms is appended as an Annexure to this report. Full details and the reasons for awards / extensions to awards Increases in Contacts Sums, Single Source awards and Deviations are provided in regular reports to the Council of the City of Cape Town. Refer to the quarterly reports submitted to the Finance Portfolio Committee, Mayco and Council re: “Report in terms of Supply Chain Management Regulations Section 36 and the Supply Chain Management Policy Section 299. IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 30 of 66 IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 31 of 66 8. Health and Safety 8.1. Project Office As required in terms of the Occupational Health & Safety Act the monthly inspection of the project office facilities and environment was undertaken during September 2011. No non-compliance issues were noted. 8.2. Construction Contracts Independent safety agents have, as required in terms of the OHS Act and Construction Regulations, conducted requisite inspections of all construction sites to ensure that contractors are compliant with OHS Act requirements. General compliance has been satisfactory and no major incidents occurred during this reporting period. Minor infringements and contraventions of the H&S Act are being identified to the various contracts and are being addressed on a case by case basis. 8.3. Operational MyCiTi Contracts Tenders are to be called for independent Health and Safety Agents to act on the City’s behalf for the MyCiTi operational contracts being entered into at present. The acquisition of H&S Officers needs to be expedited. An OH&S audit by an independent safety Agent has audited commuter movements between the stations and the buses. Following this audit remedial / interim mitigation measures have been put in place where deemed necessary. The main problems relate to bus and station door synchronization have now been addressed. IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 32 of 66 9. System Planning 9.1 System Plan A comprehensive systems plan has been developed for Phase 1A of the IRT project and this continues to undergo review and refinement as revealed demand and behaviour comes to the fore. This iterative process, which is informed by work being done in parallel work streams, has led to a review of the MyCiTi fleet requirements and service operating regimes with beneficial results thus improving the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the system. This report gives a status quo summary of the Phase 1A system plan as at 30th September 2011. 9.2 Milestone “0” Interim Service In summary the Table View trunk service is growing steadily. However, the full fleet capacity (mainly the standing capacity) has not been realised due to passengers preferring not to stand. In addition to the captive users, the service has attracted significant choice users (private car commuter and recreation trips). A comprehensive survey (as mentioned in the previous progress report) of Milestone 0 operation is currently in the design process and will commence shortly to analyse, evaluate and report on the change in travel behaviour along the R27 since the introduction of this service. Findings of this evaluation will be documented and the results thereof will be included in future progress reports. The following graphs shows growth of trunk and feeder passengers during the last quarter: Proposed improvements to Milestone 0 The following system routing amendments are proposed for Milestone 0 to improve system operational efficiency; 1. Gardens to Waterfront Interim feeder route a. For the Civic to Waterfront segment of this route, a more direct route using the Hans Strydom and Western Boulevard Roads is proposed. This allows for the utilisation of the dedicated infrastructure along Heerengracht, around the fountain circle and along Hans Strydom Roads including the Thibault trunk station. 2. Table View interim feeders a. Although there is no significant change to the roads being used by the interim feeders there are proposals to amend service operations in attempt to address the challengers passengers have experienced along Gie Road. IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 33 of 66 9.3 Remainder of Phase 1A (Milestone 1 to 4) Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 The permanent Inner City feeders; Interim feeders in Tableview will continue in support of this milestone. December 2012. Plus: Permanent Table view feeders to serve the R27 trunk and provide a distribution service within the Table View area. Permanent Du Noon – Montague Gardens - Century City Woodbridge feeders Trunk into Montague Gardens February 2013. Plus: Milestone 4 Trunks to Atlantis with connection to Melkbosstrand Feeders within Atlantis serving trunk and local travel desires. November 2013 Plus: 9.4 October 2012 Plus: Trunk from Bayside to the CBD is extended from Bayside to Du Noon. Phase 2A: Metro South East Phase 2 is defined as the Metro South East (MSE) area and is responsible for the majority of the total public transport activity in the metropolitan area. Years of planning, research and investigation have identified critical missing transport links in the public transport system serving the MSE which could be served by BRT. These missing links and the impact thereof are clearly shown in the following figure which describes the rail system (city’s transport backbone) in terms of utilisation over capacity on the rail network; IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 34 of 66 The Khayelitsha to CBD Rail service is running at over capacity (red shade) until it connects with northern lines towards Bellville and Southern lines towards Claremont and Wynberg. This dynamic identifies the actual desire for movement towards the Bellville and Wynberg/ Claremont area but due to the lack of a direct transport links to these areas, commuters travel a roundabout way to their final destination. It is therefore planned that BRT would be implemented to address these critical public transport missing links as schematically shown above. Over time, the road based public transport demand between the MSE and the Cape Town CBD has grown significantly. This is due to passengers moving from rail to both bus and mini-bus taxi services because of the lack of capacity and perceived safety and security concerns by passengers on the rail system. Until these concerns have been addressed, there will always be a requirement to provide road based public transport alternative to the CBD. Accordingly PRASA has responded in their recent Rail Plan by identifying the Chris Hani (Khayelitsha) to CBD rail service as a ‘modernisation and demonstration’ project. Until then, an interim express BRT service could be considered and if found to be practical to commence operations within the 2013/14 financial year. Any infrastructure built and fleet procured for this express service will be common for future MSE trunk services and therefore will not result in abortive expenditure. The express services must be planned together with the development of transport corridors which could include: MSE to Wynberg/ Claremont N2 Corridor (Incl. N2 express, Klipfontein and Main Road) Symphony Way MSE to West Coast via Nigeria Way and Jan Smuts Drive Please note that the above proposals are conceptual only and subject to further detailed investigation. The brief for professional services for the Phase 2 and beyond system planning and design has commenced and is currently being finalised, with the scheduled award planned for early 2012. Initial engagement with existing MSE bus operators indicates a possible challenge with respect to industry transition towards the rapid implementation of the MSE express service to the CBD. The technical engagement with District 6 development team resulted in the agreement of possible opportunities of extending one of the MSE future trunks through the CBD to the District 6 area using Keizergracht. IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 35 of 66 10. Infrastructure 10.1. Introduction This section of the report is focused on the status of IRT Phase 1A Infrastructure within the Inner City and Atlantis Corridor. The overall status of Design, Tender and Construction of all Infrastructure is as shown below: INTEGRATED RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM - PHASE 1A ATLANTIS CORRIDOR & INNER CITY - CONTRACT PROGRESS SUMMARY OVERALL PROGRESS 1 Report date 2 Overall Progress - Design of new contracts 3 Overall Progress - Awarded Contracts 30-Sep-11 Planned 70% 30% Actual 67% 34% NOTE Progress Measured against Intergrated Rapid Transit System Phase 1A Programme 'Master Rev K, Septermber 2011 PROGRESS ON AVERAGE DESCRIPTION STATUS MILESTONE CONTRACT CONTRACT EOT PLANNED CURRENT WORK DAYS START END PENDING PROGRESS PROGRESS AHEAD/BEHIND -34 DESIGN & TENDER BALANCE OF THE ATLANTIS CORRIDOR CONTRACTS > R27 North - Sandown & Sunningdale (112Q) > Racecourse Road - Montague Gardens (128 Q) > Atlantis & Melkbos (262 Q) > Potsdam Road > Blaauwberg Road HHO HHO HHO HHO HHO 3 2 3 4 4 ► ► ► ► ► COMPLETE COMPLETE APPEAL DESIGN IN PROGRESS CONSTRUCTION 100% 100% 100% 38% 92% 100% 100% 85% 38% 92% INNER CITY CONTRACTS > Thibault Square (Hans Strijdom & Heerengracht) (86 Q) > Adderley Street > Gardens Centre > V&A Waterfront > Queens Beach GIBB GIBB GIBB GIBB GIBB 1 1 1 1 1 ► ► ► ► ► COMPLETE PRE-TENDER(HIA) COMPLETE PRE- TENDER(EIA?) PLANNING APPLICATION 100% 0% 100% 0% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 0% FEEDER STOPS > Tableview Feeders > Inner City Feeders > Atlantis & Melkbos Feeders HHO GIBB HHO 2 1 3 ► ► ► CONSTRUCTION TENDER TENDER 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0 0 0 IRT DEPOTS > IRT DEPOT - Stables > IRT DEPOT - Atlantis > IRT DEPOT - Inner City Final design HHO HHO GIBB 2 3 1 ► ► ► COMPLETE DESIGN IN PROGRESS PRE TENDER 100% 62% 31% 100% 62% 0% 0 -58 0 0 0 0 ► ► ► ► COMPLETE COMPLETE COMPLETE PRE-TENDER 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 02-Mar-12 31-Oct-12 0 0 0 CONSTRUCTION CIVIC TO TABLE VIEW TRUNK > BUSWAYS - ATLANTIS CORRIDOR CONTRACTS > BUS TRUNK STATIONS (INCLUDING WORLD CUP STATIONS) > IRT DEPOTS - Inner City & Foreshore > IRT DEPOTS - Inner City - Next phase BALANCE OF THE ATLANTIS CORRIDOR CONTRACTS BUSWAY > R27 North - Sandown & Sunningdale(112Q) > Racecourse Road - Montague Gardens (128Q) > Atlantis & Melkbos (262Q) > Potsdam Road (420Q) > Blaauwberg Road > NMT HHO HHO HHO HHO HHO HHO 3 2 3 4 4 ► ► ► ► ► ► CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION TENDER TENDER TENDER CONSTRUCTION 14-Jan-11 22-Feb-11 03-Oct-11 01-Mar-12 09-Sep-11 14-Jan-11 02-Jun-12 16-Sep-12 28-Sep-12 15-Jul-13 13-May-13 15-Dec-11 54% 40% 0% 0% 0% 84% 54% 39% 0% 0% 0% 85% 0 -5 2 109 0 0 INNER CITY CONTRACTS BUSWAY > Thibault Square(86Q) > Adderley Street > Gardens Centre > V&A Waterfront > Queens Beach GIBB GIBB GIBB GIBB GIBB 1 1 1 1 1 ► ► ► ► ► CONSTRUCTION PRE-TENDER CONSTRUCTION PRE-TENDER PRE-TENDER 19-Aug-10 17-Sep-12 05-Jul-11 31-Aug-12 14-Sep-11 22-May-11 26-Jul-13 23-Jan-12 29-May-13 29-Jun-12 100% -124% 50% 0% 0% 100% 0% 33% 0% 0% 0 252 -21 0 0 TRUNK STATIONS > Trunks Stations(Civic 2&3, Thibault,Adderley Gardens, V&A, Queens) > Trunks Stations( Omuramba, Ascot, Table View Feeder) > Trunks Stations (Sandown, Sunningdale, Melkbos, Atlantis) > Trunks Stations (Potsdam & Blaauwberg) ALL ALL ALL ALL 1 2 3 4 ► ► ► ► PART CONSTRUCTION TENDER TENDER TENDER 01-Nov-10 01-Sep-11 01-Sep-11 04-Jul-12 29-Aug-12 28-Feb-12 22-May-12 30-Apr-13 21% 0% 0% 0% 16% 0% 0% 0% -12 0 0 0 > Table View Feeder HHO 2 ► TENDER 28-Jul-11 19-Oct-12 15% 15% 1 > Inner City Feeder GIBB 1 ► TENDER 17-Aug-11 28-May-13 7% 7% 0 > Atlantis & Melkbos Feeders HHO 3 ► PRE TENDER 12-Sep-11 18-Jul-12 0% 7% > IRT DEPOT - Stables HHO 2 ► CONSTRUCTION 04-Mar-11 03-Mar-12 62% 58% -10 > IRT DEPOT - Atlantis HHO 3 ► PRE-TENDER 09-Jan-12 30-Nov-12 0% 0% 0 > IRT DEPOT - Inner City Extention GIBB ► PRE-TENDER 100% 100% 0 FEEDER STOPS IRT DEPOTS Table 10.1 - Infrastructure Progress 1 IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 36 of 66 10.2. Design & Planning Progress Bus Lanes: Potsdam Road: The award of the Potsdam Road contract is subject to the relocation of approximately 105 families currently living within the road reserve. Areas initially identified for the relocation of these families have been allocated to the Eskom electrification process. A number of options including the reduction of the road cross section at the bridge and the use of the sports field, recently rehabilitated by Parks and Recreation, are being considered for the relocation of informal settlers. Consultants are currently busy with the redesign of Potsdam Road, which includes the reduction of the road cross section at the road over rail Bridge. The revised design will eliminate the need to relocate informal settlers within the road reserve and will also achieve significant cost savings. The following design revisions have been made to avoid having to relocating families within the road reserve and to achieve cost savings for phase 1A: Road cross section over the bridged reduced to a single mixed traffic lane in either direction and a single southbound bus lane Structural works associated with the bridge widening has been eliminated Typical road cross section in link sections reduced from two to one mixed traffic lanes A trunk station has been eliminated The above design amendments equate to approximately R20million worth of implementation savings. The intention is to bring forward Phase 1b infrastructure as part of this contract, by implementing a trunk route between Du Noon and Montague Gardens, opposite to the Phase 1A feeder route that would ultimately be replaced by a trunk route in future phases. These additional works can be assigned to future IRT phases and could result in savings to Phase 1A capital expenditure. However, due to the significant changes to the scope of works these works will be re-advertised. Trunk & Feeder Stations: Adderley Street closed feeder station – The HIA for the proposed Adderley Street IRT Bus station and the relocation of the Cenotaph was discussed at the Heritage Western Cape (HWC) Impact Assessment Review Committee (IARCOM) on 15 June 2011. The HWC require the application to be divided into three applications, as follows: Application under National Heritage Resources Act (NHR Act) Section 27: Proposal to erect the Cenotaph on a Provincial Heritage site (PHS) the Parade Application under National Heritage Resources Act (NHR Act) Section 27: Proposal to erect the Cenotaph on a Provincial Heritage site (PHS) the Parade Application under NHR Act Section 38 (1)(c)(i) HIA due to proposed change of character to a site is over 5000 m² - Assess the impacts of the proposed Bus stations on Adderley street site In principle HWC have no objection to the dismantling of the Cenotaph or its reconstruction on the Parade. Heritage consultant, Bridget O'Donoghue, has been appointed. As part of the HIA process HWC has requested a method statement for the relocation of the Cenotaph. Two quotations for compiling this detailed method statement have been received and a motivation for appointing this specialist sub-consultant is currently underway. A photomontage and the detailed method statement for relocating the Cenotaph will be submitted as part of the application in Nov 2011 and a ROD is expected Jan 2012. Considering design and contractor procurement processes, construction is expected to start May 2012 and completion is expected Sept 2013. Queens Beach Station: The concept layout plan showing two low floor platforms and closed feeder stations on the LHS side of Beach Road outside the Peninsula Hotel has been approved by the CoCT. A number of meetings have been held together with representatives from the Peninsula Hotel and a number of design amendments which included the lowering of the roof, repositioning of the platforms, incorporation of planter boxes, the use of non-reflective roof paint and the use of Mosaic tiles along the station wall all contribute to softening the view of the station from the hotel patio. Subsequent to meetings with the Hotel, our consultant, @ Planning, has received a letter from Peninsula confirming that they have no objection to the proposed IRT station. This letter will be submitted with our application in hope that the City’s planners will agree to waive advertisement of the Town Planning Application. Anticipated time frames: Should the application not be advertised, we can expect an approval before the end of the year. Should it be advertised, the decision will probably be forthcoming in February 2012. If an objection is lodged and an appeal is lodged as a result of it, this may delay the decision beyond Feb 2012. IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 37 of 66 Conversion of Solomons Road to one-way road to accommodate a northbound bus route would necessitate the removal of on-street parking. Owners of both the Piazza da Luz shopping centre and the Edge Boutique Hotel, fronting the 2-way section at the top end of Solomons Road, have been consulted regarding the CoCT’s proposal to introduce a feeder bus route and to convert Solomons Road to one-way along the entire length between Regent Road and Beach Road. Both these businesses are supportive and have no objection to conversion of the top end on Solomons Road to one-way. The remainder of the road will experience a slightly increased traffic flow when traffic from the Piazza da Luz Shopping Centre turn right, however this is expected to have a negligible impact on the Peninsula Hotel and large apartment blocks. Gardens Station: The Town Planning application was advertised in May and 2 objections have been received, one from a neighbour and one from the Ratepayers Association. We have officially responded to the objectors and have submitted this response to the Council’s planning office. A planning report will now be prepared and will be tabled to the next possible committee meeting (probably in August). Our planning consultant has advised the City to await the Council decision and only then approach parties if they lodge an appeal. V & A Waterfront - The V&A Waterfront have indicated that they are not willing to contribute towards the construction costs and feel that they are already making a significant contribution via rates. If the site along Breakwater Boulevard is considered to be part of the Port of Harbour, no EIA is required; else a development setback line needs to be established. It should be noted that the land has note yet been transferred from Transnet to the V&A Waterfront. Based on the above facts a letter was sent to DEA&DP confirming the City’s interpretation of the NEMA triggers for an EIA and CoCT’s intention to construct an IRT trunk station. A response was received from DEA&DP on 12 Sept 2011, in which the CoCT was advised to submit layout plan of the Port to confirm that proposed IRT Station site is in fact owned by the Ports Authority. A copy of the Port layout has been requested through GIBB and will be submitted to DEA&DP in due course. consultants have been instructed to proceed with the detail design. Design development and improvement: Occupation Health & Safety audit on the operation of doors – Frost International system and compatibility with open architecture equipment needs to be explored for future trunk station as not to be tied to a single supplier Open Feeder Stops – Two options were considered for shelters where the longitudinal gradient of the road is in excess of 5%. First option employs standard shelter leg lengths with plinths for the totem and shelter legs protruding above natural ground level. The second option involves burying cold formed steel shelter legs and requires deeper concrete footings, a longer shelter leg length, addition corrosion protection, however results in no plinths protruding protection. There is a need to limit the on-site cutting or welding and to limit the number of shelter components required for future maintenance. The two options were assessed upon individual merits with respect to constructability, durability and maintenance implications. Advantages of the first option (plinths) over second option (bearing steelwork) are as follows: a) b) c) d) e) All shelters are identical with standard length of legs and purpose made shoes for particular site conditions simplifying manufacture, transport and replacement All civil works can be completed before steel arrives, thus easier to programme trades. No damage to steel finishes caused by later civil works, especially compacting All steel above ground, thus an increased life span Does not require extensive excavation to replace shelter components since steelwork is all above ground all this will result in less additional costs for shelters on gradients. Based on the above findings the decision was taken to proceed with the first option which employs standard shelters coupled with concrete plinths that protrude a maximum of 50mm above ground and purpose make shoes. The decision on whether the design is to accommodate the future provision a real-time passenger information VMS has a direct impact on the space requirements to house a rechargeable battery unit. Public Notification process has commenced and information relating to the permanent feeder stops and routes is available at local libraries including Central (Darling Street), Sea Point, Woodstock and Hout Bay or at IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 38 of 66 10.3. Construction Progress Bus Lanes: 86Q Practical completion of the Hans Strijdom Avenue contract achieved 14 June 2011 112Q (R27 North Sandown & Sunningdale) - on programme. 128Q (Racecourse Road & Montague Gardens) - Approximately 5 days behind. and 54 days extension of time has been granted to date. 262Q (Atlantis and Melkbos Busway) – The tender is still under appeal and the revised commencement date of 3 October will in all likely hood not be achieved. 437Q (Blaauwberg Road) – has been awarded to Martin and East and Contract commenced on 9 September 2011. 420Q Potsdam Road – Tender withdrawn and these works will be retendered due to the change in scopeThe tender is to be advertised by 4 November 2011, and projected contract start is March 2012. Inner City Civil works and Tender processes for Adderley, V&A and Queens Beach are dependent on resolutions as mentioned below in 10.3.2 and are behind programme as indicated in Annexure D, Figure 2. IRT Trunk Stations: Civic Closed Feeders – Resolution of Design of Civic East Concourse 3 months behind. These works will not be completed as originally programmed. Interim measures are being undertaken to ensure Milestone 1 Date is still achieved. Balance of HHO stations dependant on civil contracts, e.g. Sandown, Sunningdale, Omuramba, etc which are on track. Thibault - Station construction currently on track. Open Feeder Stops: 391Q (Inner City Feeder Stops) – contract has been awarded to Group 5 375Q (Table View and Millerton) – contract has been awarded to Civils 2000 10.4. Depots Inner City Depot: - The CoCT has obtained a signed lease agreement from AutoPax, however a number of amendments including the waiver of the deposit have been proposed. The current lease agreement expires 31 March 2011 and Autopax has not yet paid rental. The first sixty feeder buses are expected to arrive in April 2012 and remainder of the Inner City Fleet to arrive by August 2012. The eviction of AutoPax and the full construction of phase 2 depot facilities are unlikely to be complete before the delivery of all of the buses and the Milestone 1 operational date and as such a sectional completion for the Inner City depot phase 2 is being considered. Current plan is to bundle the improvements to the Foreshore Staging Area, and the construction of the Western Boulevard access road into one contract and further improvements not hindered by Autopax whilst the requirement for provision of temporary staging area under Mandela Boulevard is still being assessed. It is proposed that the development of the remaining section of the Inner City Depot site, subject to vacation of AutoPax, shall be constructed as a separate contract or as a later sectional completion. Prior to the completion of phase 2 depot facility, additional operational requirements may have to be met at the Foreshore Staging (i.e. above ground fuel tanks etc.) Compliance with Sustainable Urban Drainage regulations for local improvement of SW runoff quality wrt the reduction of Total Phosphorous and Suspended Solids is being investigated. Further input received from the CoCT’s current Inner City vehicle operator was assessed by the design team with 3 new options being presented to the City, of which one was chosen by the City. Concept plan sign-off expected early October 2011, after which design and tender documentation will need to proceed rapidly to achieve the required deadlines Atlantis Depot: Concept layout plan has been finalised and will be submitted to Ron Haiden for approval prior to submitting the Site Development Plan. Following cost cutting measures which included the rationalisation of feeder routes and improvements to the operational scheduling, the fleet size has been IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 39 of 66 reduced significantly, and hence corresponding maintenance facilities are currently being reassessed. Tender advert for these works was placed in August and although the scope of these works may be reduced, the feeling of the professional team is that a JBCC contract would be able to accommodate this change without having to retender. Stables Depot: New Council policy approved on 22/06/2011 requires contractors to draw labour from a database maintained by the Sub-Council. The problem is that the labour has already been employed and the database has not been updated with relevant software security features to eliminate manipulation. The Sub council chair has reluctantly agreed to retrospectively allow the labour selected by the ward councillor. All future contracts must incorporate this policy and the requirements of the extended public works programme (EPWP). 10.5. Land Acquisition Inner City Depot Transnet Site – This property has been acquired, the Deed of Sale has been signed and the funds will be transferred by end June 2011. Atlantis Depot: City Property Management Department confirmed that Erf 6189 Atlantis is owned by the City of Cape Town and can be reserved for IRT purposes to construct a bus depot. Securing land for the future the expansion of the IRT depot facilities onto the Sibanye site (Erf 6167) is required. City Property Management Department to lead the future negotiation process with the owners of Erf 6167 (Atlantis), in collaboration with the IRT Team. Francois Meyer of GABS believes that proposals to build a new MyCiTi Depot directly adjacent to the existing Sibanye Depot is a ‘waste of tax payers money’, since MyCiTi operations will displace current bus services making the existing depot redundant; these concerns have been communicated directly to Councillor Brett Herron. The CoCT is of the opinion that a significant proportion of existing Sibanye bus services will not be replaced by the MyCiTi services and that the existing depot facilities are not suitable for their new fleet of some 90 buses. Wood Drive Park & Ride: City Property Management Department agreed that the 3 properties may be reserved for IRT Park & Ride facilities at the intersection of Wood Drive and Blaauwberg Road. The widening of Wood Drive to be reviewed as part of the design process for the Park & Ride facilities. Culemborg: Transnet has signed the wayleave agreement, allowing the BRT vehicles to pass over Transnet land, but this is limited to two years and is non-renewable. During this period it will be necessary investigate options including building an alternative route, expropriating the required land. Transnet have submitted a draft development framework for the development of Culemborg, and vehicular access shall be addressed as part of this submission. Bayside Fuel Service Station: Acquisition of the Bayside service station site on the corner of Raatz and Blaauwberg Road is required in order to channel pedestrians to and from the taxi facility. This requirement is now supported by the Director of Transport and Property Management is now facilitating negotiations. The gravel parking area in Hout Bay (Erf 33-315) just south of the Princess Road-Victoria Road traffic circle has been proposed as a night time staging area. The public toilet blocks and law enforcement office buildings are owned and managed by the CoCT. Following a recent site inspection, it has become evident that the available area for overnight staging has been reduced due to the encroachment of the sand dunes. The design team is currently investigating alternate sites within close proximity of the end of the feeder route. 10.6. Health & Safety Road Safety Audit: In light of a number of pedestrian-bus accidents, a detailed Stage 6 Road Safety Audit has been commissioned to assess the safety of NMT facilities, signals and intersections along the completed IRT corridor between Ganger Bay and Table Bay Boulevard. Three quotes were received and the work has been awarded to BMK Engineering. The specific intent of this audit will be to assess the vehicle-vehicle and vehicleperson interface along the IRT bus ways, at intersections and at stations. A first draft report has been reviewed by officials and BMK are currently finalising the report. A request for quotations has been drafted. IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 40 of 66 10.7. Operational Handover of Infrastructure to CoCT service departments Street Lighting: The process for the handover of IRT lighting infrastructure to the city’s public lighting department has been handed over to public lighting for operational maintenance. All street lighting between the Civic and Table View Stations, with exception section between Otto du Plessis and Blaauwberg Road, has been handed over to public lighting for operational maintenance IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 41 of 66 MDA INTEGRATED RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM - PHASE 1A IRT - PHASE 1A - PROJECT KEY BALANCE OF IRT/MyCiTi PHASE 1A MITCHELL DU PLESSIS ASSOCIATES INFRASTRUCTURE LAYOUT V& ATLANTIS CORRIDOR INNER CITY PROJECTS MILESTONE CONTRACTS MILESTONE DATE CONTRACTS MILESTONE STATUS MILESTONE DATE STATUS > Thibault Square (Hans Strijdom & Heerengracht) GIBB (86 Q) 1 15-Aug-12 CONSTRUCTION > Blaauwberg Road HHO 4 01-Jul-13 TENDER > Adderley Street > Gardens Centre GIBB GIBB 1 1 15-Aug-12 15-Aug-12 PRE-TENDER HHO HHO 4 3 01-Jul-13 01-Oct-12 TENDER CONSTRUCTION > Potsdam Road > Atlantis & Melkbos (262 Q) > V&A Waterfront GIBB 1 15-Aug-12 PRE-TENDER > Racecourse Road - Montague Gardens (128 Q)HHO 2 01-Oct-12 CONSTRUCTION > Queens Beach > Inner City Feeders > IRT DEPOT - Inner City Final design GIBB GIBB GIBB 1 1 1 15-Aug-12 15-Aug-12 15-Aug-12 PRE-TENDER > R27 North - Sandown & Sunningdale (112Q) HHO > Tableview Feeders HHO > Atlantis & Melkbos Feeders HHO 3 2 3 01-Oct-12 01-Oct-12 01-Nov-12 CONSTRUCTION > Civic Zone 2 & 3(Contract 390Q) ArG 1 15-Aug-12 PART CONSTRUCTION > IRT DEPOT - Stables > IRT DEPOT - Atlantis 2 3 01-Oct-12 01-Nov-12 01-Nov-12 CONSTRUCTION TENDER PRE-TENDER NMT HHO HHO HHO Table 10.2 - Infrastructure Key Dates 1 IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 3 TENDER CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION DESIGN IN PROGRESS CONSTRUCTION Page 42 of 66 11. Business Development The Business development work stream is primarily responsible for the planning the process of running MyCiTi, including the preparation and contacting of the MyCiTi service providers and for the procurement of the technology systems. The contracted and “to be” contacted MyCiTi service providers include the Vehicle Operating Companies, the Station Services Contactor, the Control Centre and Fare Management Contactors. The technology systems being procured include: The MyCiTi buses; The Control Centre equipment i.e. tracking systems, information and communication systems and associated intelligent transport systems (ITS) and supporting information technology systems) The Automated Fare Management Systems i.e. fare validation systems and gates, fare media electronic smart cards and supporting information technology systems. 11.1. Vehicle Procurement Contracts (VPCs) The MyCiTi vehicle fleet for Phase 1A are being procured through three procurement contacts: An order has been placed for the acquisition of 10 x 12 metre high floor trunk vehicles and delivery has been programmed for January 2012. Tenders for the supply of 9 meter long low entry feeder buses have been received, adjudicated and a preferred bidder nominated by the SCM Bid Adjudication Committee. Negotiations with the preferred bidder are underway with an aim of ordering 190 such buses and it is anticipated that an award will be made in mid-October, with delivery expected in June/July 2012. A tender is being prepared to procure the balance of the Phase 1A fleet, comprising of 24 high floor trunk service buses. The tender will be advertised in November 201, with the intended of delivery in the 3rd quarter of 2012. Two issues which could significantly affect the procurement of the buses are the volatility in foreign currency fluctuations and changes in legislation pertaining to local content. The latter could affect delivery lead times, given that manufactures may have to retool/equip their manufacturing plant. 11.2. Vehicle Operator Companies (VOCs) The current MyCiTi starter services are provided by three companies, which were contracted around early May 2011: Company A: Transpeninsula Investments – owned by companies formed by Central Unity Taxi Association, Peninsula Taxi Association and Vredehoek Devil’s Peak Taxi Association. Company B: Kidrogen, owned by companies formed by the Blaauwberg Taxi Association, Du Noon Taxi Association, Maitland Taxi Association, United Taxi Association and Ysterplaat Taxi Association and by Sibanye Bus Services Pty Ltd.; Company C: Golden Arrow Bus Services Pty Ltd (GABS). These interim services are currently being monitored as it provides insight for developing the long term contracts with the VOC’s. For a report on operations of the vehicle operators, see Chapter 12. IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 43 of 66 11.3. Industry Transition 11.3.1. Surveys to establish market share of taxis and buses and compensation to taxi operators As previously reported: These surveys were conducted late in 2010 and early in 2011, and preliminary figures were released to the affected operators in February and March 2011. An auditor has been appointed to audit the survey and to consider comments from the affected industry. Final draft figures were issued in September 2011 with the aim of making a final determination as to market share and passenger trips. There have been intensive engagements with the directly affected minibus-taxi associations as well as scheduled bus operators in September, a process that will continue during October. 11.3.2. Notice in Media re affected Operators On 16 September 2011 the City published a formal notice in the press addressed to individual taxi operators and taxi associations, inviting those who considered themselves to be directly or partially affected to indicate the reasons why they consider themselves affected; and inviting holders of operating licences in listed routes to inspect lists of affected operators to determine whether they are on those lists, and to advise the City if they are not. The notice and related documents are available at 11.3.3. Steps towards Compensation The City has requested all directly affected taxi associations to hold special general meetings to decide formally how the compensation pots that the City will offer to each association will be allocated. The Registrar of Taxi Associations will oversee these meetings. The associations are also required to submit to the City proof that at least the holders of 80% of operating licences in the association support the allocation formula, and have to provide an explanation to the City why such formula is fair and equitable to directly affected operators in the association. Thereafter the City’s compensation offers will be finalised. 11.3.4. Surveys of passengers on competing GABS routes A survey of Golden Arrow Bus Services (GABS) routes overlapping with MyCiTi services has been done, to determine whether GABS routes should be discontinued. The agreement between GABS, Province and the City provides that on routes overlapping with the MyCiTi starter services, which are surveyed to have an occupancy (being passengers divided by available seats in scheduled trips) below 30% that the routes should be discontinued; between 30 and 60% that Province will determine whether the services should be discontinued; and over 60% that GABS can decide whether to discontinue the services (subject to Province’s approval). Where services are discontinued, the GABS subsidy will be cut in proportion, and Province will pay an equivalent amount to the City. The survey results were as follows: IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 44 of 66 Percentage occupancy of GABS buses in MyCiTi starter service area AL 2 D AI 5 D AI 4 D 1 AG D 3 AK 1 D D AC AK 0 D 2 AC D ES A3 AL 6 D ES A2 D AG 9 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% GABS Route Nos The relevant routes are as follows: Route No Origin Destination Via DAC2 Killarney City Table View, Marine Drive DAC3 City Killarney Marine Drive, Table View DAG1 City Parklands Marine Drive, Dolphin Beach DAG9 Parklands City Marine Drive, freeway DAI4 Killarney City Parklands DAI5 City Killarney DAK0 City Blaauwberg Killarney DAK1 Blaauwberg City Killarney DAL2 City Killarney Parklands DAL6 Killarney City ESA2 Metro City ESA3 City Metro The overall percentage of utilisation of seating capacity (also referred to occupancy rate) regarding all the trips was found to be 37%. Province and GABS have proposed to cancel only 22 of the 56 trips per day, with effect from January 2012. This amounts to 36% of all the kilometres travelled per day, which translates in a reduction in subsidy to GABS on these routes of the same percentage. They proposed that another survey is administered early in 2012 to determine the occupancy rate at the time, which could result in further decisions to reduce GABS bus trips. The City is currently considering these proposals. IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 45 of 66 11.4. Fare Collection 11.4.1. Interim Paper Ticket System Interim paper tickets are continued to be sold on a daily basis at all the trunk stations and on all the feeder buses, in the form of booklets of 10 x R5.00 ticket vouchers or as single R5.00 ticket vouchers, with ‘free’ transfers continuing to be implemented at the closed stations. Although there have been no cases of proven ticket fraud, measures have been taken over the past three months amend the paper tickets to limit the possibility of ticket fraud. A process of regular random checks has also been implemented to monitor the rate of fare evasion. At present such fare evasion is low but, in as far as it occurs, it should be all but eliminated by way of the planned electronic gates. 11.4.2. Automated Fare Collection A 7-year Automated Fare Collection (AFC) system contract was awarded in February 2011 for the implementation, operation and maintenance of an AFC system for the MyCiTi bus rapid transit system. This system takes about 18 months to roll out before fully functional. During this last quarter, a series of comprehensive interactive design and review workshops lead by the AFC Contractors and covering all aspects of the AFC System, such as fare rules/fare structure, business rules, transit products, reports, functionality and configuration of back office systems, electronic validators, electronic gates, banking devices, and network and software architecture with all the relevant COCT stakeholders were completed. The task of physical implementation, software development and data flow is now well under way. A phased delivery of the AFC, rather than a ‘big bang’ approach, was adopted as the preferred procedure of implementation starting with an extensive and comprehensive trial period involving 100 City employee volunteers. The main purpose of the trial period was to allow for the electronic system to be rigorously tested, in particular with respect to value loading and transaction speed, operational procedures and data flow processes, without putting the commuters or the City’s reputation at risk. Prior to the trial commencement date of 24 September the relevant staff was trained in the use of the ABSA equipment and validators, the volunteers were briefed on all aspects relating to the use of the MyCiTi EMV Smartcard, such as the purchasing of the card, value loading, validation and value load fees. Although the initial scope of the trial is limited to the Civic Station and the Inner City feeders, the process of validation through the use of handheld validators, either handled by the staff at the station or mounted onto the feeder buses, will remain unchanged when the remaining stations and feeder buses are included. Since the electronic system will continue with the implementation of the flat fare structure, the passenger flow system at closed stations will remain as it is for the paper ticketing system. Thus far, the trial has produced the following results: A confirmed validation speed of 3 seconds per passenger, which may appear long but is necessary in order to avoid the processing of accidental ‘double taps’; Confirmation that the validation speed of the MyCiTi EMV Smartcard is, on average slightly faster than the validation speed of paper tickets; Confirmation that the process for the purchasing the card, changing the pin and loading value onto the card takes, on average, 6 mins, although this may be reduced as staff and passengers get more experienced in the system; Confirmation that the business processes are functioning as required. It is planned to start selling MyCiTi smartcards in November 2011, to go live in December and to run a parallel paper system for two months. The public must be made aware that the system implemented is only an interim system, and that improvements will be brought about over time. IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 46 of 66 11.5. Control Centre and Vehicle Tracking 11.5.1. Interim System During this last quarter, all 42 MyCiTi buses have continued to be electronically tracked by the City’s Vehicle Fleet Management System, using NetStar. With respect to close circuit television (CCTV) surveillance, a total of 100 fully operational IRT Cameras, installed outside the trunk stations and along the routes, also continue to be monitored for the duration of the service on a daily basis by the City’s Strategic Surveillance Unit (SSU). 11.5.2. Electronic Control Centre A 7-year Control Centre (CC) contract was awarded in May 2011 for the implementation, operation and maintenance of CC equipment for the MyCiTi bus rapid transit system. A series of comprehensive interactive design and review workshops lead by the CC Contractors and covering all aspects of the CC, such as onboard bus systems, CCTV, variable message systems (VMSs) and passenger information, intercom and back office systems, network and software architecture with all the relevant City stakeholders have been undertaken. The task of physical implementation, software development and data flow now well under way. A process known as ‘rapid deployment’ has been followed during these past few months for the installation of the onboard bus systems into the two selected benchmark buses, being 18m and 12m trunk buses. This means that the equipment is immediately installed as it arrives ‘off the shelf’ thus speeding up the overall installation process, and providing immediate functionality such as tracking. It is anticipated that these benchmark buses will be completed shortly and will provide the opportunity for continued in situ design and review. Also, during this last quarter, a start was made on the datasets, such as stop names, timetables and routes, for use in the DIVA & VICOS LIO systems, i.e. the systems that run with the processes relating to the scheduling and routing of buses, as well as passenger information. Paarden Eiland station was selected to be the prototype station and was therefore, in the last part of this quarter, the place of an on site design and review for the installation of all station equipment such as cameras, passenger information boards, video screens and telecoms. 11.6. Station Services Contracts (SSCs) Preparation of the Station Management tender documents was significantly advanced during September, when most of the issues requiring resolution were clarified through a series of internal and external (other City Departments) interactions. Work was undertaken to refine the contract agreement (Conditions of Contract and Specifications) with the Business Plan JV involved in the final drafting the documents. The tender is programmed to be advertised early in November 2011 and tenders will be closed in mid-January 2012, allowing for a long tender period. This period is necessary due to the size and complexity of the tender and because it spans the December holiday period. Subject to factors such as the lengthy processing of appeals, it is likely that the contract will be signed in June 2012 and that operations of the Station Management contract will commence operations in August 2012. IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 47 of 66 12. MyCiTi Operations 12.1. Airport Shuttle Bus The Airport Shuttle Bus service has continued to operate with increasing popularity. The detailed monthly data is shown below. The figures continue to show increased ridership with a new record having been reached this month with the ridership having increased 10% on the previous month. The September ridership figure of 10 213 represents an increase of just under 300% on the ridership in September 2010. These figures take into account the single, bulk, child and monthly tickets. The airport service carried the 100,000th passenger journey during September. Monthly ticket sales for Airport Service 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 City to Airport single tickets/trips Airport to City single tickets/trips Total equivalent single tickets/ pax. trips* * Equivalent single passenger tickets/ pax. trips assumes easch single ticket sold generates one trip , bulk tickets generate 10 single trips and monthly tickets generate 26 single trips. Figure 1. Airport to CBD IRT service: Monthly Ticket Sales 12.2. Milestone “0” Interim Services: Inner City – Trunk – Table View Services The interim service, Milestone “0”, which includes the trunk service between the City and Table View as well as feeder services in the Blaauwberg / Table View and CBD/City Bowl areas, continues to operate successfully. The following graphs reflect the monthly ticket sales trends as reported by Revenue Table View and Civic Stations continue to be busy throughout the day. Some of the intermediate stations have proved to be quiet during certain hours of the day and as a result, the operational hours of the kiosks are being reviewed so as to ensure the best economical output for the City, while keeping customer convenience in consideration. IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 48 of 66 Ticket Sales for Feeder services (R5 per ticket) Ticket Sales for Trunk services (R10 per ticket) 250 000 120 000 100 000 200 000 Table View to Civic equivalent single pax trip/one-way ticket 80 000 Civic to Table View equivalent single pax trip/one-way ticket 60 000 40 000 150 000 Inner City single ticket/pax trip 100 000 Table View single ticket/pax trip TOTAL single ticket/pax trip TOTAL equivalent single pax trip/one-way ticket 20 000 50 000 - - Jun-11 Jul-11 Aug-11 Sep-11 Jun-11 Jul-11 Aug-11 Sep-11 Ticket sales on the service continue to increase with a new record high being achieved for the month. Buses continue to ride full in the peak hours with the operations team now reviewing the timetables to optimise bus headways so that a more frequent service is provided. It is estimated that the millionth passenger will travel early in October 2011. The following graph indicates the estimated daily passenger journeys based on ticket sales received from revenue. The highest estimated daily passenger numbers to date occurred on 26 September, when 12 469 passengers were estimated to have used the services. Passenger journeys based on ticket sales: MyCiTi (excl Airport) (Assumption: 33% of passengers use only feeders. 66% use trunk + feeders or only trunks.) Total passenger journeys counted. Different trips taken by passengers not reported cummulatively. 14000 12000 10000 8000 Table View feeders start. Inner City interim feeder starts. Tickets sold at R5. 16000 Yellow bars = Weekends School holiday ` 6000 4000 17 Oct 11 10 Oct 11 03 Oct 11 26 Sep 11 19 Sep 11 12 Sep 11 05 Sep 11 29 Aug 11 22 Aug 11 15 Aug 11 08 Aug 11 01 Aug 11 25 Jul 11 18 Jul 11 11 Jul 11 04 Jul 11 27 Jun 11 20 Jun 11 13 Jun 11 06 Jun 11 30 May 11 23 May 11 16 May 11 0 09 May 11 2000 Figure 2. Passenger journeys based on ticket sales: MyCiTi services (excl Airport) Notes re the table above: The numbers above have been calculated assuming that one third of passengers use only feeders and that two thirds use trunk and feeders or only trunks. This assumption is based on limited initial IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 49 of 66 surveys, but will be tested in extensive further surveys. The graph shows total passenger journeys counted, adding single feeder trips to trunk-feeder combinations. Additional feeder trips taken by passengers (eg after trunks or other feeders) are not added cumulatively. Thus this graph represents an undercount of all trips taken. 12.3. Special Event Services The IRT special event services have started to pick up, especially in September. The following event related services were provided: eThere were no events in July. On the 27th August a 40,000 seater Ajax vs Kaiser Chiefs game was held where 5 820 people were transported to the match and 4 451 back to the City after the game on the stadium shuttle only. Due to passengers from Table View being stranded at the Civic Centre, two buses ran from the Civic Centre Station to Table View to get people who used the system before the match home again. Ajax vs Chiefs match at Cape Town Stadium with 32 000 spectators on the 14th September – 1 824 people were conveyed to the stadium and 1 905 from the stadium. A Civic-Table View and Feeder service was provided for the first time with 145 people using this as an option to get home. Louries awards at Cape Town International Convention Centre with 4 000 delegates from 16-18 September. The service was pre-paid through an event ticket, with approximately 230 delegates using the airport service. Event-related buses were put on to four different loops around the inner City to service the event which was very well used. Many words of appreciation for “a service well done” were received. They were able to use the Gardens Waterfront Service with an event ticket as well. Cape Town Marathon on the 25 September – A special service was provided the between the Civic Centre and the Stadium station before the run. The event organisers charged participants for the service as a part of their registration. It was well used. 1 323 passengers were conveyed with 17 bus trips. Outing from Elkana School in Table View which had a group of 80 school kids plus 10 handlers Although no special buses were provided, the IRT operations team facilitated the use of the MyCiTi service to get the children to the CBD. Words of appreciation were received from Elkana, complimenting the IRT service for its friendliness and efficiency. 12.4. Operations Management With operational systems now starting to work efficiently, the operations team are focusing their attention on contractual compliance issues. The monitoring systems are working effectively in identifying trends and problem areas. Areas identified as needing improvement are subsequently being rectified. The following table indicates the compliance of our busses within the system against the planned timetables. There has been a slight improvement on some of the routes and a drop on others in comparison to August. There are no specific reasons for the changes, but route F15 is being reviewed due to the on-going peak hour congestion problems. IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 50 of 66 % On-Time (2:59 min early to 5:59 min late vs. time table time) 1-30 September 2011 T1 F1 F14 F15 F16 Airport Averages 89% 89% 80% 48% 74% 98% 1-31 August 2011 T1 F1 F14 F15 F16 Airport Averages 86% 89% 77% 50% 72% 100% The operations team have now started developing a more efficient and user friendly service taking into account all the monitoring information gathered over the past 5 months of service. Key factors driving the changes to the existing system are: the buses which continue to be delayed on the F15 route; the peak hour crowded buses and Table View/Civic Stations; Thibault station coming on line at the end of October; better synchronisation being needed between the feeders and trunk services; and a later service being required for the Gardens - Waterfront service. Improvements to the service, taking into account the above, include; amended routes on the Table View feeder system, reduced headways on the Trunk service to provide a more frequent service, and a later service on the Inner City (F1), Trunk and Table View Feeder services. 12.5. Operational Resources The full complement of monitors and technical assistants started with the team at the beginning of August and has contributed to ensuring that the monitoring system is properly up and running. Information is being integrated as a result of the management of resources in SSU, our own TMC staff who are operating the Netstar system, the monitors and technical assistants, as well as City staff. Applications to the adverts for the permanent City positions within the operations team are being assessed. Training of the Law Enforcement team has now been completed to enable them to enforce the MyCiTi Rules and ticketing system. Fortnightly meetings with law enforcement staff to ensure that there is a sharing of knowledge between Traffic, SAPS, Metro Police, Law Enforcement and IRT Operations are ongoing and proving to have positive results. The extra VOC staff used in August to educate the public in the safe use of the station and bus door system, was used in September to ensure that faults in the door systems are reported and rectified more efficiently. Their contracts have been extended through September up to end October. The numbers of revenue staff are being assessed in light of the implementation of the AFC system as well as the usage of the stations. 12.6. Public Feedback Aside from the numerous compliments and thanks received for the special event services, passengers on the general service continue to take the trouble to write in and compliment the service. IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 51 of 66 A key focus to enabling the system to improve relies on the feedback from the general public. Data is being compiled from calls being received from the public at the Traffic Information Centre. Each complaint received through either the TIC, Media office (via Twitter or Facebook) or the Mayor’s offices are dealt with through personalised responses from the operational team. Rectifications such as customer care training are being used to deal with items such as the rudeness complaints. Penalties are also being issued to the VOC’s where repetitive problems are arising. Monthly Transport Information Centre Feedback 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 SEPTEMBER 12.7. Service Level Agreements Draft Service Level Agreements have been compiled for Revenue, City Parks, Roads and Stormwater, Transport Network Operations, Safety and Security (Law and Traffic Enforcement and Surveillance (SSU)), Facilities Management, Fleet Management, Cleansing and City Electricity, with Insurance and interim utilities costs also now being taken into account. Although most of the Departments have been engaged, final costs of the services are being compiled and the required level of service may need to be adjusted to meet the budgetary allowances. During July authority was obtained to continue with the TSJV contract until the end of December 2011. IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 52 of 66 13. Communications, Marketing & Branding 13.1. Introduction The main focus of communication and marketing initiatives during the month under review was in relation to the construction of new infrastructure and planning for the extension of MyCiTi services in Phase 1A. This included preparation for public meetings in October 2011, preparation for the roll out of the EMV MyConnect card and preparation for new construction work to begin on Blaauwberg Rd and with the inner city permanent feeder network. MyCiTi’s new mascot Marvin was also introduced in September at a special launch event after a public participation process. 13.2. Media 13.2.1. Media Releases and Media Engagement Media releases issued from 1 – 30 September 2011: MEDIA RELEASE, 08 Sept 2011: Cape Town to launch mascot for MyCiTi MEDIA RELEASE, 13 Sept 2011: Cape Town launches mascot for MyCiTi MEDIA RELEASE, 14 Sept 2011: Meet Marvin – the newly launched mascot for MyCiTi MEDIA RELEASE, 14 Sept 2011: Additional transport available for Ajax vs Kaizer Chiefs match MEDIA RELEASE, 20 Sept 2011: City continues engagement with minibus-taxi industry regarding MyCiTi rollout MEDIA RELEASE, 27 Sept 2011: City hosts public meeting on new MyCiTi services MEDIA RELEASE, 29 Sept 2011: City to engage with residents during Transport Month 13.2.2. Radio and Print Adverts The placement of adverts for the MyCiTi Table View Inner City and Airpot bus services is ongoing Initial meetings and work in preparation for the implementation of the MyCiTi radio campaign. Production is planned for October, so that the campaign can roll out from 31 October 2011. A pamphlet was prepared for distribution about the forthcoming construction work that will get underway in the inner city. This is to support previous communication to residents. 13.3. Overall Communication 13.3.1. Electronic Media E-newsletter This e-publication was written, compiled, designed, coded in HTML and sent out to 958 people in September 2011. The September newsletter featured a profile on Cllr Brett Herron, Mayoral Committee Member for Transport, Roads and Stormwater, a construction update on the inner city (specifically Thibault Square Station Gardens) and a tip of the month about avoiding anti-social behaviour on the buses. IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 53 of 66 A draft of the October edition was also prepared with a focus on the mascot launch, new construction for the inner city, preparations for the roll out of the MyConnect smartcard and partnerships with the minibus taxi and bus operators. Website The website is the public face of the MyCiTi service. It also provides the public with a forum to ask questions about the system. The latest project report was submitted to the webmaster for uploading. Recently time was spent with the web development team discussing possible improvements and additions to the website. Work has begun on an inclusion of a clickable map of the Table View feeder bus system where a member of the public will be able to click on the name of their stop and the relevant schedule will appear. This requires programming and therefore will take a few weeks before it can be implemented. The electronic copy of the MyCiTi Rules was uploaded to the website for download by members of the public. The following actions are ongoing: Development, writing, copy editing, design and layout, and HTML coding. Distribution of e-newsletter. Regular updates and news releases. Updates of and regular postings on social media platforms (including pictures), such as Facebook and Twitter. There is a growing trend for users of public transport to get scheduling and other information online, with the added advantage that online media is usually the most accurate source of information as it can be changed on a virtually real-time basis. These services are also increasingly demanded on a mobile (cellphone) platform. At present the site is not geared to perform these functions, and this is being assessed, with a view to upgrading the site. The following stories were uploaded to the MyCiTi website news archive in Sept: Meet Marvin – the newly launched mascot for MyCiTi (15 September 2011) 13.3.2. Pamphlets Distribution of: Finalised and signed off launch pamphlet: Airport Service (DL) Finalised and signed off launch pamphlet: Gardens-Civic-Waterfront (DL) Finalised and signed off launch pamphlet: West Coast trunk and Table View feeders (DL) 4 page supplement about the construction starting on the proposed inner city routes to be implemented in 2012. 13.4. Progress with Marketing and Branding Strategy Vinyl info sheets in Stations Vinyl stickers are being produced to update the information in the station pods to avoid the total replacement of all vinyl applications which would be extremely costly. Unfortunately it seems these replacement stickers (specifically the R53 stickers that were used to update the airport ticket price) are easily removed by passengers waiting for their bus. MyCiTi staff uniforms and identification Ongoing – name badges for all drivers are in production. IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 54 of 66 Uniforms for all staff working on the MyCiTi system are in the process of being procured though the City’s Tender and Procurement process. The uniform branding has been finalised. The Request for Proposal is being finalised and the tender applications evaluated. A shortlist of three companies has been identified. The next step is for the short-listed companies to present. 13.5. Stakeholder Engagement 13.5.1. Public Participation - The establishment of a Stakeholder Forum is ongoing. Dealt with enquiries directly from the public about the system. planning and co-ordination of a series of public meetings to roll out in October 2011. Meetings have been organised for Dunoon and Atlantis in consultation with the ward councillors. This has included liaison with the ward councillors and other stakeholders and attendance of Sub-council meetings. Posters advertising the meeting were distributed and displayed in MyCiTi stations and Sub-council offices. 13.5.2. Strategic Partnerships Strong partnerships will be critical to the success of the MyCiTi system and a number of stakeholder and partner organisations have emerged that will play an important role in the success of the first trunk and feeder services. These include: The Cape Town Partnership Cape Town Tourism ACSA PRASA CTICC 13.5.3. Promotional Offers - Distributed free media/guest passes for the Table View trunk route to media representatives. The winner of the “Design-a-mascot” competition, Xin Zhang won a 6 month pass to ride the buses free of charge. 13.6. - Project Management and Meetings Meetings with events team re the mascot launch (29 Aug, 30 Aug, 6 Sept, 12 Sept, 13 Sept) Strategy meeting re the EMV MyConnect cards – communication discussions with representatives from ABSA (27 Sept 2011) Loeries event preparation meeting (7 Sept 2011) Regular weekly meetings with members of the City communications team (6, 13, 20 and 27 Sept 2011) Regular IRT Ops meetings (7, 14, 21 and 28 Sept 2011) Client management meeting no 7 (26 Sept 2011) IRT Comms meeting re construction of inner city feeder stops (27 Sept 2011) IRT service amendment rollout meeting (29 Sept 2011) 13.7. Events The launch of the MyCiTi mascot was held on 14 Sept 2011. Speeches were given by both the Mayor, Ald Patricia de Lille, and the Mayco Member for Transport, Roads and Stormwater, Brett Herron. The mascot for the system, Marvin, was unveiled at the end of the ceremony. IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 55 of 66 13.8. The Way Forward The MyCiTi system is an overwhelmingly positive development that represents many exciting marketing opportunities for the City and the MyCiTi team. Critical success factors include: The ability to communicate to the public with certainty about the services that we will offer and when they will be available; Recognition of the strategic role that marketing and communication play in successful public transport services; Appropriate budgets and resourcing; Ongoing and integrated dialogue across the multi-functional MyCiTi team so that marketing and communication strategy is not expected to emerge in a silo; The need to develop short, medium and long term marketing plans and strategies that are integrated with the system/operational plan; Fostering strong partnerships with key stakeholders. IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 56 of 66 14. Conclusions 14.1. Main Successes & Challenges of the Project The following can be described as the main successes of the project: Ridership since May 2011 has reached 1 million; Support by the general public for the IRT has exceeded expectations; The vehicle operators have responded to the business opportunities offered and are delivering a highlevel service. The challenges to the project are: Continued improvement of communication to the general public as well as affected parties; Roll out to the main metropolitan areas to the south east is to be prioritized; Smoother vehicle operator negotiations without further delays; Local bus industry were unprepared for the feeder vehicle tender due to limited opportunity to match specifications for low floor and special needs passenger requirements, and inability of their existing vehicle being able to operate safely in built-up CBD and residential areas (tracking and vehicle size). 14.2. Do the Outcomes justify the Costs? Based on the present day successes to date, the outcomes for this quarterly period continue to justify the costs. 14.3. Were the Objectives Achieved within the specified Time & Budget? The planned IRT project objectives for this reporting period have been achieved, but process delays were incurred on spend and roll-out of a limited number of project activities. 14.4. Embedding the Objectives in Local Institutions Service Level Agreements are well developed to formalize structures between City departments and external stakeholders. 14.5. Preparation of Stakeholders In the implementation of the IRT system in Cape Town, local taxi operators received training and guidance for transition to vehicle operator contracts. Bus industry consultations were held and tasked with assessing the ability of the local industry to take up the challenge of the feeder bus roll-out to match specifications and requirements. Ongoing and regular consultations are held with local communities, local businesses, organizations such as Cape Town Partnership, ACSA, PRASA and also included local developers such as the V&A Waterfront and Century City, amongst others. IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 57 of 66 14.6. Project Direction Whilst focus remains on achieving the targets for completion of Phase 1A, reviews will be undertaken in regard to bus technologies available for trunk and feeder routes. No re-orientation is currently planned for the IRT Project. 15. Lessons Learnt & Recommendations The team has learnt the following lessons from the outcomes of the project, and recommends the following to be considered: Express service options for main trunk route buses; Trunk extensions to elements of the service for a more efficient usage of vehicles; Early appointment of a professional project management team to assist the City’s IRT staff; Have a robust and adaptable system plan in plan which contributes to a successful roll-out; Establish a operational cost model before commitment to services; Start the project early and maintain progress; Commit to a procurement and programme strategy; Proper team resourcing as required. IRT Progress Report No 20 V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 58 of 66 ANNEXURE 1: SCM BAC Summary Progress (September 2011) TENDER NO. F/YEAR TYPE - 2007/2008 Single Source Appointment of Service Provider 204S/2007/08 2007/2008 Award of Tender 266C/2007/08 2007/2008 Award of Tender 27Q/2008/09 2008/2009 Award of Tender 80Q/2008/09 2008/2009 Award of Tender 77Q/2008/09 2008/2009 Award of Tender 131C/2008/09 2008/2009 123C/2008/09 2008/2009 133C/2008/09 2008/2009 128C/2008/09 2008/2009 127C/2008/09 2008/2009 139Q/2008/09 2008/2009 144Q/2008/09 2008/2009 163Q/2008/09 2008/2009 135C/2008/09 2008/2009 - 2008/2009 319Q/2008/09 2008/2009 - 2008/2009 - 2008/2009 390Q/2008/09 2008/2009 - 2009/2010 563N/2008/09 2009/2010 IRT Progress Report No 20 AUTHOR / PROJEC T MANAG ER PROJECT DESCRIPTION Authority to Appoint Dr Lloyd Wright, International Transport Expert, as a Technical Specialist Advisor, to the City of Cape Town, to Guide and Advise on the Planning, Design, Programming and Implementation of the Bus Rapid Transport Components of the Public Transport Implementation Action Plan, Phase 1 (2007 - 2010) Provision of Professional Services : Integrated Rapid Transit System : Operational Plan Provision of Professional Services : Integrated Rapid Transit System : Business Plan (Project Report Stage) Construction of Public Transport Corridor through Culemborg from Church Street to the N1 Underpass : Roadworks, Relocation of Railways, Viaduct and Appurtenant Works Consstruction of Public Transport Corridor through Paarden Eiland from the N1 Underpass to Milner Road : New Bridge Structure over Salt River Canal (World Cup 2010 Project) Construction of Public Transport Corridor through the Paarden Eiland Railway Spur from the N1 Underpass to Milner Road : Roadworks, Services Accommodation and Appurtenant Works Appointment of Consultant / Service Provision of Professional Services : Process Manager Provider Appointment of Consultant / Service Provision of Professional Services : Road Work Engineer Provider Provision of Professional Services : Implementation of the Appointment of Integrated Rapid Transit System : Non-Motorised Transport Consultant Specialist Appointment of Consultant / Service Provision of Professional Services : IRT : Business Manager Provider Appointment of Provision of Professional Services : Implementation of the Consultant / Service Integrated Rapid Transit System : Industry Transition Provider Specialist Construction of Public Transport Corridor along Route R27 Award of Tender from Racecourse Road to Blaauwberg Road : Roadworks, Services Accommodation and Appurtenant Works Construction of Public Transport Corridor through Culemborg from Old Marine Drive to Church Street : Award of Tender Roadworks, Relocation of Railways, Service Accommodation and Appurtenant Works Construction of Public Transport Corridor along Route R27 Award of Tender from Milner Street to Racecourse Road : Roadworks, Services Accommodation and Appurtenant Works Appointment of Provision of Professional Services : Implementation of the Consultant Integrated Rapid Transit System : Design Specialist Request for Provision of Professional Services : Implementation of Deviation (above Integrated Rapid Transport System - Communications R200 000.00 Consultant Construction of Atlantis Integrated Rapid Transport Corridor Award of Tender : Old Marine Drive to Heernegracht : Roadworks, Service Accommodation and Appurtenant Works Request for Electronic Fare Collection (EFC) Project : Provision of Deviation Professional Services 2010 World Cup Project Request for Increase Integrated Rapid Transport / 2010 World Cup : N1 Corridor In Contract Sum and Priority Projects - Culemborg / Koeberg / R27 Corridor : or Period (above Increase In Professional Fees R200 000.00) Cape Town Integrated Rapid Transport System (Phase 1A) Award of Tender Major Stations Superstructures Appointment of ACSA to Undertake Implementation of the Cape Town International Airport IRT Station Sub-Structure and Associated Road Works on Behalf of the City of Cape Town Supply and Delivery of Kassel Kerbs for Integrated Rapid Transport Stations D Cupido AGENDA ITEM RESOLUTI ON 06/08/2007 Approved Ron Haiden 18/12/2007 Approved Ron Haiden 17/03/2008 Approved Cobus Hugo 06/10/2008 Approved Cobus Hugo 17/11/2008 Approved Cobus Hugo 17/11/2008 Approved Jonathan Louw 17/11/2008 Approved John Martheze 17/11/2008 Approved Jonathan Louw 17/11/2008 Approved Jonathan Louw 17/11/2008 Approved Jonathan Louw 17/11/2008 Approved Cobus Hugo 08/12/2008 Approved Cobus Hugo 15/12/2008 Approved Cobus Hugo 15/12/2008 Approved Jonathan Louw 15/12/2008 Approved John Martheze 09/03/2009 Approved Cobus Hugo 23/03/2009 Approved Francois Nell 20/04/2009 Approved Dave Buerger 08/06/2009 Approved Dave Buerger 29/06/2009 Approved Dave Buerger 06/07/2009 Approved Dave Buerger 20/07/2009 Approved V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 59 of 66 - 2009/2010 Request for Deviation 556N/2008/09 2009/2010 Award of Tender 17Q/2009/10 2009/2010 Award of Tender - 2009/2010 Request for Deviation and/or Condonation 139Q/2008/09 2009/2010 Request for Deviation 17Q/2009/10 2009/2010 - 2009/2010 - 2009/2010 - 2009/2010 - 2009/2010 319Q/2008/09 2010/2011 86Q/2009/10 2010/2011 - 2010/2011 123C/2008/09 2010/2011 133C/2008/09 2010/2011 127C/2008/09 2010/2011 CM 08/03/09 2010/2011 17Q/2009/10 2010/2011 77Q/2008/09 2010/2011 77Q/2008/09 2010/2011 - 2010/2011 17Q/2009/10 2010/2011 IRT Progress Report No 20 Inner City Link Infrastructure Projects (2010 World Cup & IRT) : Increase in Fees for Professional Services Supply of Public Transport Vehicles for 2010 Trunk Services Appointment of Volvo South Africa (Pty) Ltd Construction of Access Road and Upgrading of the Inner City Bus Depot in Napier Street, Cape Town (IRT Project) Dave Buerger John Martheze Dave Buerger R031000379 - Due Diligence Exercise on the Integrated Rapid Transport System (IRT) 31/08/2009 Approved 30/11/2009 Approved 14/12/2009 Approved Louise Muller 14/12/2009 Approved Cobus Hugo 14/12/2009 Approved Dave Buerger 08/02/2010 Approved Dave Buerger 08/02/2010 Approved Abdul Bassier 22/02/2010 Approved Transport Management Support (Technical and Administrative) Louis Haultzhauz 23/03/2010 en Approved Integrated Rapid Transit : Appointment of Project Management Consultant Services John Martheze n/a Approved 12.07.2010 Approved Dave Buerger 19.07.2010 Approved John Martheze 26/07/2010 Approved Integrated Rapid Transit Project Phase 1A : Increase in Contract Sum for the Following Professional Services Contract - Road Work Engineer John Martheze 02/08/2010 Approved Integrated Rapid Transit Project Phase 1A : Increase in Contract Sum for the Following Professional Services Contract - Non Motorised Transport Specialist John Martheze 02/08/2010 Approved Integrated Rapid Transit Project Phase 1A : Increase in Contract Sum for the Following Professional Services Contract - Industry Transition Specialist John Martheze 02/08/2010 Approved Integrated Rapid Transit Project Phase 1A : Increase in Contract Sum for the Following Professional Services Contract - Communications Consultant John Martheze 02/08/2010 Approved Construction of Access Road and Upgrading of the Inner City Bertie Bus Depot in Napier Street, Cape Town Byker 16.08.2010 Approved Construction of Public Transport Corridor through Paarden Buerger, Eiland from the N1 Underpass to Milner Road : Road Works, Dave Services Accommodation and Appurtenant Works 13.09.2010 Approved Construction of Public Transport Corridor through Paarden Buerger, Eiland from the N1 Underpass to Milner Road : Road Works, Dave Services Accommodation and Appurtenant Works 13.09.2010 Approved 13.09.2010 Approved 11.10.2010 Approved Construction of Public Transport Corridor along Route R27 from Racecourse Road to Blaauwberg Road : Roadworks, Services Accommodation and Appurtenant Works : Increase in Contract Sum Construction of Access Road and Upgrading of the Inner City Award of Tender Bus Depot in Napier Street, Cape Town (IRT Project) Request for Increase in Contract Sum : Contract for the Request for Increase Cape Town International Airport IRT Station Sub-Structure In Contract Sum and Associated Road Works being Undertaken by Airports (above R200 000.00) Company South Africa (ACSA) on behalf of the City of Cape Town Request for Authority to Negotiate and for 2010 World Cup IRT-Related Transport Event Services : Consequential Operator Contract (Excluding Test Event 1 & 2) Deviation (above R200 000.00) Condonation Request for Single Source Selection (under R200 000) Request for Increase in Contract Sum and/or Period (above R200 000) Acceptance of Tender : Contractor (CIDB) Request for Single Source Selection (above R200 000) Request for Increase in Contract Sum and/or Period (above R200 000) Request for Increase in Contract Sum and/or Period (above R200 000) Request for Increase in Contract Sum and/or Period (above R200 000) Request for Increase in Contract Sum and/or Period (above R200 000) Request for Increase in Contract Sum and/or Period (above R200 000) Request for Increase in Contract Sum and/or Period (above R200 000) Request for Deviation and/or Condonation (above R200 000) Request for Deviation and/or Condonation (above R200 000) Request for Deviation and/or Condonation (above R200 000) Construction of Atlantis Integrated Rapid Transport Corridor Dave - Old Marine Drive to Heerengracht - Roadworks, Service Buerger Accommodation and Appurtenant Works Construction of Inner City Integrated Rapid Transport System from Hertzog Boulevard along Heerengracht, Fountain Circle and Hans Strijdom Avenue up to Bree Street, Cape Town Integrated Rapid Transit : Appointment of Professional Services for Business and Operations Planning Support : D R Bosch Post 2010 World Cup IRT-Related Public Transport Services Bassier, Abdul Construction of Access Road and Upgrading of the Inner City Byker, Bus Depot in Napier Street, Cape Town Bertie V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 60 of 66 511C/2009/10 2010/2011 - 2010/2011 319Q/2008/09 2010/2011 24G/2009/10 2010/2011 25G/2009/10 2010/2011 163Q/2008/09 2010/2011 139Q/2008/09 2010/2011 113Q/2010/11 2010/2011 112Q/2010/11 2010/2011 123C/2008/09 2010/2011 127C/2008/09 2010/2011 133C/2008/09 2010/2011 AE-CM08/03/09 2010/2011 SCMB 16/01/09 2010/2011 DEVIATION / CONDONATION 2010/2011 128Q/2010/11 2010/2011 170Q/2010/11 2010/2011 390Q/2008/09 2010/2011 - 2010/2011 24G/2009/10 2010/2011 IRT Progress Report No 20 Acceptance of Tender : Provision of Professional Project Management Services : Consultant/Professio Integrated Rapid Transit System (Phase 1A) nal Service Provider (CIDB) Appointment of Consultant for Supervision of Final Design, Request for Single Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Advanced Public Source Selection Transport, Information and Security Management Systems (above R200 000) on Busses, Stations and in the Transport Management Centre Request for Increase Construction of Atlantis Integrated Rapid Transport Corridor in Contract Sum - Old Marine Drive to Heerengracht - Roadworks, Service and/or Period (above Accommodation and Appurtenant Works R200 000) Design, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, and Acceptance of Commissioning of the IRT Fare System, the Supply and Tender : Goods Distribution of Fare Cards, and the Provision of and/or Stores Items Maintenance and other Related Services Acceptance of Design, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Tender : Goods Commissioning and Maintenance of the IRT Control Centre and/or Stores Items Hardware and Software Systems Request for Increase in Contract Sum Construction of Public Transport Corridor along Route R27 and/or Period (above from Milner Road to Racecourse Road R200 000) Request for Increase Construction of Public Transport Corridor along Route R27 in Contract Sum from Racecourse Road to Blaauwberg Road : Road Works, and/or Period (above Services Accommodation and Appurtenant Works, R200 000) Alternative 2 : Asphalt Intersections Construction of Non-Motorised Transport Infrastructure Acceptance of within 500m of the Atlantis Integrated Rapid Transit Bus Tender : Contractor Stations : Culemborg, Paarden Eiland to Racecourse Road, (CIDB) Sunset Beach Acceptance of Construction of Atlantis Integrated Rapid Transport Corridor Tender : Contractor - R27 from Blaauwberg Road to Sandown Road (North) (CIDB) Request for Increase in Contract Sum Integrated Rapid Transit Project : Phase 1A : Professional and/or Period (above Service Appointments - Road Work Engineer R200 000) Request for Increase in Contract Sum Integrated Rapid Transit Project : Phase 1A : Professional and/or Period (above Service Appointments - Industry Transition Specialist R200 000) Request for Increase in Contract Sum Integrated Rapid Transit Project : Phase 1A : Professional and/or Period (above Service Appointments - Non Motorised Transport Specialist R200 000) Request for Increase in Contract Sum Integrated Rapid Transit Project : Phase 1A : Professional and/or Period (above Service Appointments - Communications Consultant R200 000) Request for Increase Integrated Rapid Transit Project : Phase 1A : Professional in Contract Sum Service Appointments - Business and Operations Planning and/or Period (above Support R200 000) Request for Integrated Rapid Transit System : Business Plan : Deviation and/or Appointment of Multi-Disciplinary Consultant Consortium Condonation (above to Undertake Additional Work R200 000) Acceptance of Construction of Transport Corridor along Racecourse Road Tender : Contractor from R27 to Omuramba Road : Roadworks, Services (CIDB) Accommodation and Appurtenant Works Acceptance of Tender : Contractor Construction of the Stables Bus Depot (Potsdam Road) (CIDB) Request for Increase in Contract Sum Cape Town Integrated Rapid Transport System (Phase 1A) : and/or Period (above Major Station Superstructures R200 000) Contract for the Cape Town International Airport IRT Station Request for Increase Sub-Structure and Associated Road Works being in Contract Sum Undertaken by Airports Company South Africa (ACSA) on and/or Period (above behalf of the City of Cape Town : Increase in Final Contract R200 000) Sum Design, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Acceptance of Commissioning of the IRT Fare System, the Supply and Tender : Goods Distribution of Fare Cards, and the Provision of and/or Stores Items Maintenance and Other Related Services Martheze, John 18.10.2010 Approved Greenwood 18.10.2010 , Chantal Approved Buerger, Dave 01.11.2010 Approved Greenwood 08.11.2010 , Chantal Approved Greenwood 08.11.2010 , Chantal Approved Buerger, Dave 08.11.2010 Approved Buerger, Dave 15.11.2010 Approved Hugo, Cobus 13.12.2010 Approved Hugo, Cobus 13.12.2010 Approved Hugo, Dave / Martheze, 13.12.2010 John Approved Hugo, Dave / Martheze, 13.12.2010 John Approved Hugo, Dave / Martheze, 13.12.2010 John Approved Hugo, Dave / Martheze, 13.12.2010 John Approved Hugo, Dave / Martheze, 13.12.2010 John Approved Bassier, Abdul 13.12.2010 Approved Hugo, Cobus 24.01.2011 Approved Hugo, Cobus 31.01.2011 Approved Buerger, Dave 31.01.2011 Approved Buerger, Dave 07.02.2011 Approved Greenwood 28.02.2011 , Chantal Approved V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 61 of 66 563N/2008/09 2010/2011 CONSEQUENTIAL 2010/2011 DEVIATION 204S/2007/08 DEVIATION and/or CONDONATION 2010/2011 DEVIATION and/or CONDONATION 2010/2011 DEVIATION and/or CONDONATION 2010/2011 DEVIATION and/or CONDONATION 2010/2011 DEVIATION and/or CONDONATION 2010/2011 262Q/2010/11 2010/2011 86Q/2009/10 2010/2011 - 2010/2011 556N/2008/09 DEVIATION and/or CONDONATION 2010/2011 375Q/2010/11 2010/2011 DEVIATION and/or CONDONATION 2010/2011 DEVIATION and/or CONDONATION 2010/2011 DEVIATION and/or CONDONATION 2010/2011 - 2010/2011 123C/2008/09 DEVIATION and/or CONDONATION 127C/2008/09 DEVIATION and/or CONDONATION 133C/2008/09 DEVIATION and/or CONDONATION 2010/2011 2010/2011 2010/2011 IRT Progress Report No 20 Request for Increase in Contract Sum and/or Period (above R200 000) Request for Authority to Negotiate in Terms of National Land Transport Act and For Consequential Deviation (above R200 000) Request for Deviation and/or Condonation (above R200 000) Request for Deviation and/or Condonation (above R200 000) Request for Deviation and/or Condonation (above R200 000) Request for Deviation and/or Condonation (above R200 000) Request for Deviation and/or Condonation (above R200 000) Acceptance of Tender : Contractor (CIDB) Request for Increase in Contract Sum and/or Period (above R200 000) Request for Increase in Contract Sum and/or Period (above R200 000) Request for Deviation and/or Condonation (above R200 000) Acceptance of Tender : Contractor (CIDB) Request for Deviation and/or Condonation (above R200 000) Request for Deviation and/or Condonation (above R200 000) Request for Deviation and/or Condonation (above R200 000) Request for Increase in Contract Sum and/or Period (above R200 000) Request for Deviation and/or Condonation (above R200 000) Request for Deviation and/or Condonation (above R200 000) Request for Deviation and/or Condonation (above R200 000) Supply and Delivery of Kassel Kerbs for the Integrated Rapid Buerger, Transport Stations Dave 22/03/2011 Approved My Citi Phase 1A : Interim Vehicle Operator Contracts Starting from April/May 2011 22.03.2011 Approved Authority to Negotiate 28.03.2011 Approved Bassier, Abdul Provision of Professional Services : Integrated Rapid Transit Fortune, System : Operational Plan - Request for Condonation for Gershwin Increase in Contract Period My Citi Phase 1A : Interim Vehicle Operator Contracts Bassier, Abdul 29.04.2011 Approved My Citi Phase 1A : Interim Vehicle Operator Contracts Bassier, Abdul 29.04.2011 Approved My Citi Phase 1A : Interim Vehicle Operator Contracts Bassier, Abdul 29.04.2011 Approved My Citi Phase 1A : Extension of Existing Vehicle Operator Contract Period Bassier, Abdul 29.04.2011 Approved Hugo, Cobus 03.05.2011 Approved Buerger, Dave 03.05.2011 Approved Printing of MyCity Bus Tickets Malan, Danie 30.05.2011 Approved Supply of Pulic Transport Vehicles for 2010 Trunk Services : Acquisition of Additional Vehicles and Ancillary Services Martheze, John 13.06.2011 Approved Integrated Rapid Transit System Phase 1A : Construction of Bus Stop Infrastracture in Table View and Milnerton Hugo, Cobus 20.06.2011 Approved Communication and Marketing Services Provided to the IRT Hatton, Project Team Kylie 20.06.2011 Approved Communication and Marketing Services Provided to the IRT Hatton, Project Team Kylie 20.06.2011 Approved Communication and Marketing Services Provided to the IRT Hatton, Project Team Kylie 20.06.2011 Approved Integrated Rapid Transit System : Business Plan : Extension of Contract Period of Multi-Disciplinary Consultant Consortium Bassier, Abdul 20.06.2011 Approved Road Engineer and Non-Motorised Transport Specialist : Integrated Rapid Transit Project : Phase 1A Hugo, Dave 20.06.2011 Approved Road Engineer and Non-Motorised Transport Specialist : Integrated Rapid Transit Project : Phase 1A Hugo, Dave 20.06.2011 Approved Road Engineer and Non-Motorised Transport Specialist : Integrated Rapid Transit Project : Phase 1A Hugo, Dave 20.06.2011 Approved Construction of Atlantis Integrated Rapid Transport Infrastructure : Trunk Route Stations, Roadworks and Services in Melkbosstrand and Atlantis Construction of Inner City Integrated Rapid Transport System from Hertzog Boulevard along Heerengracht, Fountain Circle and Hans Strijdom Avenue up to Bree Street, Cape Town V2.0 July-September 2011 Page 62 of 66 391Q/2010/11 2011/2012 DEVIATION 2011/2012 DEVIATION 2011/2012 437Q/2010/11 2011/2012 469Q/2010/11 2011/2012 DEVIATION : SOLE 2011/2012 PROVIDER 371G/2010/11 2011/2012 SINGLE SOURCE SELECTION 2011/2012 SINGLE SOURCE SELECTION 2011/2012 IRT Progress Report No 20 Acceptance of Tender : Contractor (CIDB) Request for Deviation and/or Condonation (above R200 000) Request for Deviation and/or Condonation (above R200 000) Acceptance of Tender : Contractor (CIDB) Acceptance of Tender : Contractor (CIDB) Request for Deviation : Sole Provider (above R200 000) Acceptance of Tender : Goods and/or Stores Items Request for Increase in Contract Sum and/or Period (above R200 000) Request for Increase in Contract Sum and/or Period (above R200 000) Construction of Inner City Integrated Rapid Transport System Open Feeder Bus Stops Hugo, Cobus 04.07.2011 Approved Management Support for Roll Out of Milestone Zero (0) of Integrated Rapid Transport (IRT) Project Kingma, Ronald 18.07.2011 Approved Maintenance and Non Warranty Repair of IRT Station Band Structure and Automatic Doors Hugo, Dave 25.07.11 Approved Construction of Atlantis Integrated Rapid Transport Corridor Hugo, : Blaauwberg Road from R27 to Potsdam Road Cobus 10.08.2011 Approved Integrated Rapid Transit System Phase 1A Construction of Bus Stop Infrastructure in Atlantis and Melkbos 10.08.2011 Approved Maintenance and Non Warranty Repair of IRT Station Band Hugo, Dave 22.08.2011 Structure and Automatic Doors Approved Supply of Public Transport Vehicles and Ancillary Services for the IRT System Approved Authority to Negotiate Hugo, Cobus Martheze, John 05.09.2011 Integrated Rapid Transit System : Automatic Fare Collection Greenwood 26.09.2011 Professional Services Contract , Chantal Awaiting Resolution Inner City Link Infrastructure Projects (2010 World Cup and Buerger, IRT) Dave Awaiting Resolution V2.0 03.10.2011 July-September 2011 Page 63 of 66 ANNEXURE 2: List of Reports to Council / Committees Item Number C 46/03/08 C 75/08/08 C 47/08/09 C 71/10/09 C 80/11/09 C 100/11/09 TRS 04/02/10 (Item 16) TRS 04/03/10 (Item 08) C 06/03/10 MC 16/03/10 (Item32) MC 16/3/10 (Item 59) C 31/03/10 (Item 53) MC 29/4/10 (Item 22) MC 18/5/10 (Item 14) MC 24/05/10 C 98/05/10 MC 79/05/10 C 25/05/10(Item 118) FIN 30/05/10 TRS 24/05/10 MC 38/07/10 C 28/07/10 (Item 64) TRS 03/06/10(Item 9) MC 08/07/10 MC 22/07/10 MC 39/07/10 C28/07/10 (Item 65) F2/08/10 (Item 13) TRS 05/08/10 (Item 16) FIN 02/08/10 (Item 14) TRS 05/08/10 (Item 15) MC17/08/10 (Item SMC07/08/10) C26/08/10 (Item 59) FIN 02/08/10 (Item 19) TRS 05/08/10 (Item 13) MC 17/08/10 (Item 15) M17/08/10(Item 16) IRT Progress Report No 20 Subject Development of an IRT system for the City of Cape Town Implementation of the IRT system for the City of Cape Town Implementation of the IRT system for the City of Cape Town: Phase 1A: funding allocation and progress report IRT project (IRT): project status and a financial & strategic assessment. Transfer of Integrated Rapid Transport project from Transport Roads and Stormwater (TRS) to Service Delivery Integration (SDI) and the transferring of certain functions of Service Delivery Integration (SDI) to other directorates Funding and budgetary provisions for basic transport requirements for the 2010 World Cup in accordance with Council recommendation c71/10/09 of 28 October 2009 IRT Project Status and Progress Report No 1, December 2009 IRT Progress Report No 2, January 2010 Tariffs for IRT services rendered during the 2010/2011 financial year and public transport services for the 2010 FIFA World Cup and other events planned at the Cape Town Stadium during 2010/2011 financial year Update on negotiations and contracts related to Council decisions of 28 October 2009 Tariffs for services rendered by the Transport Department for the 2010-2011 financial year Recommendation - IRT project: Update on negotiations and contracts related to Council decisions of 28 October 2009 IRT Progress Report No 3, February 2010 IRT Progress Report No. 4, March 2010 To obtain approval to incur additional expenditure on the Rapid Transit System (IRT) projects as a result of the latest VAT implications in the current financial year To obtain approval to incur additional expenditure on the Rapid Transit System (IRT) Projects as a result of the latest VAT implications in the current financial year Provision of municipal public transport services: establishment of interim operational capacity for IRT Report on the due diligence completed on the IRT System Date 27-03-2008 27-08-2008 26-08-2009 IRT Report No. 5, April 2010 03-06-2010 Transfer of funds from EFF to State Funding – 2009/10 IRT repayment of bridging finance Business Plan for Phase 1A of Cape Town’s MyCiTi IRT System 07-07-2010 28-10-2009 26-11-2009 26-11-2009 04-02-2010 04-03-2010 31-03-2010 16-03-2010 16-03-2010 31-03-2010 29-04-2010 18-05-2010 18-05-2010 25-05-2010 18-05-2010 25-05-2010 03-05-2010 28-07-2010 15-07-2010 28-07-2010 02/08/2010 05/08/2010 02/08/2010 05/08/2010 17/08/2010 26/08/2010 Authorisation for public participation process: Disposal of MyCiTi vehicles to a Financial Institution Provision of Municipal Public Transport Services: Expansion of existing Municipal Systems Act Section 78 (4) decision regarding MyCiTi Services IRT Progress Report 6 – May/June 2010 MyCiTi proposed re-introduction of interim inner city bus service V2.0 02/08/2010 05/08/2010 17/08/2010 17/08/2010 July-September 2011 Page 64 of 66 M17/08/10(Item 60) C26/08/10 (Item 55) F04/10/10 (Item 07) MC06/10/10 (Item 06) TRS 07/10/10 (Item 15) MC 19/10/10 (Item 48) C27/10/10 (Item 79) MC 19/10/10 (Item 49) FIN01/11/10 (Item 27) TRS04/11/10 (Item 21) MC 01/12/10 (Item 24) C09/12/10 (Item 22) (Item 76) C09/12/10 (Item 77) FIN 17/01/11 (Item 6) TRS 17/01/11 (Item 17) MC02/02/11 (Item 05) TRS 17/01/11 (Item 8) TRS 17/01/11 (Item 10) MC 19/01/11 (Item 22) MC02/02/11 (Item 37) MC02/02/11 (Item 38) MC 02/02/11 (Item 80) FIN 04/04/11 (Item 11) TRS 07/04/11 (Item 18) MC 20/04/11 (Item 17) MC 04/05/11 (Item 4) TRS 05/05/11 (Item 15) FIN 06/05/11 (Item 07) C 11/05/11 (Item 88) FIN 01/08/11 TRS 04/08/11 MC 16/08/11 TRS 02/09/11 (Item 25) FIN 05/09/11 (Item 38) MC 07/09/11 (Item 11) FIN 03/10/11 (Item 18) MC 05/10/11 (Item 05) TRS 06/10/11 (Item 09) TRS 06/10/11 (Item 14) TRS 06/10/11 (Item 15) IRT Progress Report No 20 Tariffs for MyCiTi services rendered during the 2010/2011 financial year – concessions and new services IRT Progress Report 7 – July, August 2010 Business Plan for Phase 1A of Cape Town’s MyCiTi IRT System Establishment of an IRT Mayco Subcommittee MyCiTi vehicles title holding and use – authorisation sale and transfer to a financial institution, etc MFMA Section 33 MyCiTi IRT long term contracts (a) automatic fare collection system (tender 24G/2009/10); (b) control centre (tender 25G/2009/10) MyCiTi vehicles title holding and use – authorisation of sale and transfer to a financial institution, equivalent arrangement regarding vehicles still to be purchased, for on-leasing to MyCiTi vehicle operator IRT Progress Reports – October and November 2010 Tariffs for MyCiTi services for 2011/2012 Tariffs for services rendered by the Transport & IRT Departments for 2011-2012 Additional tariffs for MyCiTi services: 2010 – 2011 financial year Tariffs for MyCiTi Services for 2011/2012 Tariffs for services rendered by the Transport & IRT Departments for 2011-2012 MyCiTi IRT System : Milestone 0 Interim service and updating of Business Plan IRT Progress Reports – January 2011 and February 2011 IRT Progress Report – March 2011 IRT – Introduction of Starter Service IRT – Progress Report – June 2011 (Meeting Cancelled) IRT – Progress Report – July 2011 IRT Progress Report – August 2011 IRT Progress Report – August 2011 IRT Progress Report – August 2011 MyCiTi IRT System – Update on Phase 1A and commencement of Planning etc MyCiTi Integrated Rapid Transit System – Amendment to Business Plan for Phase IA V2.0 17/08/2010 26/08/2010 04/10/2010 06/10/2010 07/10/2010 19/10/2010 27/10/2010 19/10/2010 01/11/2010 04/11/2010 01/12/2010 09/12/2010 09/12/2010 17/01/2011 17/01/2011 02/02/2011 17/01/2011 17/01/2011 19/01/2011 02/02/2011 02/02/2011 02/02/2011 04/04/2011 07/04/2011 20/04/2011 04/05/2011 05/05/2011 06/05/2011 11/05/2011 01/08/11 04/08/11 16/08/11 02/09/11 05/09/11 07/09/11 03/10/11 05/10/11 06/10/11 06/10/11 06/10/11 July-September 2011 Page 65 of 66 ANNEXURE 3: Contact Details of Contributors Name Department Phone No Email John Martheze IRT Project Office 021 400 9140 Abdul Bassier Dir: IRT Operations 021 400 9369 Dave Hugo Dir: IRT Implementation 021 400 9343 Andrew Swanepoel IRT Consultant 021 400 9368 Dawie Bosch IRT Business Devt 082 557 8597 Gershwin Fortune IRT Systems Planning & Modelling 021 400 9130 Hennie Viviers Strategic HR 021 400 2596 Ronald Kingma IRT Operations 021 400 9352 Wallied Taliep Transport, Roads Major Projects 021 400 9880 Kylie Hatton Communication 021 400 4684 Jedd Grimbeek PMIRT (MDA) 021 419 7733 Johan Slabber PMIRT (MDA) 021 419 7733 Ernst Viljoen PMIRT (MDA) 021 419 7733 Peter Wortmann PMIRT (MDA) 021 419 7733 Jan Seemann PMIRT (Ariya) 021 462 6047 Allan Twine PMIRT (Ariya) 021 462 6047 Tim Smith PMIRT (Davis Langdon) 021 423 7840 Graham Harding PMIRT (Davis Langdon) 021 423 7840 Andre Frieslaar PMIRT (HHO Africa) 021 423 1380 Graeme Greenwood Operations Team 021 950 7500 IRT Progress Report No 20 & V2.0 July-September 2011