CITY OF CAPE TOWN Integrated Rapid Transit Project Progress Report No. 29 June 2012 IRT Progress Report No 29 Version Date V2.0 13 August 2012 Page 2 of 21 Table of Contents 1. Project Overview 3 2. Project Financial Status 3 Overall Project Expenditure 2011/12 Capital Expenditure Report 2011/12 Operating Income and Revenue Report 3 3 4 3. Master Programme 4 4. Infrastructure 8 Construction Summary Status 8 System Planning 11 System Planning: Phase 1A Future Phases 11 11 Business Development 12 Vehicle Procurement Contracts (VPCs) Vehicle Operator Companies (VOCs) Fare Collection Contract (AFC) Control Centre Contract (CCC) Station Management Contract (SM) Advertising Management Contract 12 12 12 12 13 13 7. Industry Transition 13 8. MyCiTi Operations 13 Operational Resources Service Level Agreements 16 16 Communications, Marketing & Branding 17 5. 6. 9. 10. Risk Management 18 11. Health & Safety 20 12. General 21 Cover Picture: IRT Bus Stop, Camps Bay PURPOSE The Progress Report is a document prepared by MyCiTi / IRT Project Team for the purpose of regular recording and presenting the project status to the various City of Cape Town political and administrative oversight committees, the Department of Transport, Department of Finance, PGWC as well as other key stakeholder groups and interested parties. DISCLAIMER While every effort has been made to present accurate and current information in this progress report, the City of Cape Town will not be held liable for the consequence of any decisions or actions taken by others who may utilise any information contained herein. IRT Progress Report No 29 V2.0 June2012 Page 3 of 21 1. Project Overview The City of Cape Town’s Integrated Rapid Transit (IRT) Project, referred to as MyCiTi, is planned to transform the City’s current road-based public transport system through, inter alia, the provision of Bus Rapid Transit services in dedicated right-of-way lanes, feeder bus services, automated fare systems, operating service contracts, institutional reform and the transformation of the existing public transport industry. This monthly summary progress report covers the reporting period for the month ending 30 June 2012. Comprehensive project reports are prepared on a quarterly basis. The MyCiTi Business Plan was adopted by Council in October 2010. A copy of the Business Plan is available on the City of Cape Town’s website: log on to and click on Business Plan. Further amendments to accommodate changes in the operating environment were approved by Council in February and October 2011. The content of these amendments is also available from the above website, by clicking on Amendments to the Business Plan. This monthly report deals primarily with Phase 1A and serves to introduce the balance of the completion of Phase 1 including the initiation of Phase 2 (note: Phase 3 and 4 are not addressed – refer to the approved Business Plan for further details). 2. Project Financial Status Overall Project Expenditure The total project recorded expenditure to end June 2012 as extracted from the City’s SAP accounting system is tabulated below: Table 2.1: Total Project Expenditure to end June 2012 Department / Budget IRT Implementation Capex Project Expenditure to Date R 1,906,085,286 IRT Operations Capex R 357,572,113 IRT Implementation Opex R 267,183,446 IRT Operations Opex R 264,992,160 Total project expenditure to date amounts to R 2,795 billion as recorded at the end of June 2012. 2011/12 Capital Expenditure Report Table 2.2 below reflects the budgetary provisions for the IRT project as approved by Council on 25 January 2012 as part of the mid-year Adjustments Budget. The actual expenditure reflected in the tables is as recorded (SAP accounting system) at the end of June 2012. Table 2.2: Capital Expenditure (FY 2011/12) Department Budget Actual (June 2012 as reconciled in Aug 2012) IRT IMPLEMENTATION R 604 414 640 R 549 518 964 IRT OPERATIONS R 291 657 625 R 277 678 214 IRT Progress Report No 29 V2.0 June2012 Page 4 of 21 2011/12 Operating Income and Revenue Report The FY 2011/12 operating budgets and actual expenditure and revenue (income) as at 6 June 2012 are given in Table 2.3 and Table 2.4 respectively. Table 2. 3: Operating Expenditure (FY 2011/12) Department IRT IMPLEMENTATION- (City Funding) IRT IMPLEMENTATION - OGD (Grant Funding) Actual (June 2012 as Budget reconciled in Aug 2012) 80 307 196 R 79 040 693 R 24 773 126 R 15 624 048 IRT OPERATIONS -( City Funded) R 155 415 565 R 156 920 072 IRT OPERATIONS - OGD (Grant Funding) R 130 372 832 R 69 481 792 Table 2.4: Operating Revenue/(Income (FY 2011/12) Department Actual (June 2012 as Budget reconciled in Aug 2012) IRT IMPLEMENTATION Insurance Recoveries - R 565 608 0 R 565 608 R36 100 000 R 30 129 889 R36 100 000 R 30 129 889 Grand Total: IRT Implementation Revenue IRT OPERATIONS Fares / user Grand Total: IRT Operations Revenue A full reconciliation of operating costs incurred to date and a revised projection of anticipated operating costs and revenue for the complete Phase 1A together with Phase 1B and the Metro South East proposed service is being undertaken and scheduled for completion by the end of August 2012. IRT Progress Report No 29 V2.0 June2012 Page 5 of 21 3. Master Programme The summary sheet indicated below is based on the MASTER PROGRAMME Rev K – September 2011. It reflects the status of the main workstreams and includes the main reasons for the delays. A comparison with the approved baseline programme yields the following summary results: DESCRIPTION VEHICLE OPERATOR APPOINTMENTS STATUS Behind 11 weeks NOTES Compensation and long-term contract negotiations delayed STATION MANAGEMENT SERVICES Re-tendered & re-programmed LAND PROCUREMENT Behind 4 weeks Behind 6 weeks On track CCC - DESIGN On track In line with Master Programme CCC – CONSTRUCTION & IMPLEMENTATION On track In line with Master Programme AFC - DESIGN Behind 4 weeks Behind 4 weeks Behind 15 weeks On track Behind 1 week Software design and implementation behind schedule Delay to the EMV & Transit product implementation process Adderley Street – heritage process delays plan approval of works. In line with Master Programme Delays to civil construction projects and the open feeders Behind 1 week Behind 2 weeks Delayed design due to heritage constraints and last minute changes by the client. Delays to Inner City open and closed feeder stops. SUPERSTRUCTURES - TRUNK STATIONS & CLOSED FEEDERS Behind 1 week Inner City superstructures behind schedule NMT INTEGRATION On track In line with Master Programme VEHICLE ACQUISITION AFC – CONSTRUCTION & IMPLEMENTATION EIA / PLANNING APPROVAL ATLANTIS CORRIDOR – DESIGN ATLANTIS CORRIDOR – CONSTRUCTION INNER CITY DESIGN INNER CITY – CONSTRUCTION Feeder vehicle – manufacture programme feedback – behind schedule In line with the Master Programme. In summary, below are the projected completion dates compared to the planned dates of the various Milestones as per the February 2011 amendments to the IRT Business Plan. The programme delays are at this stage not anticipated to impact on the planned completion date for the implementation of the full Phase 1A service as there is float to accommodate this slippage. Milestone 1 o Planned: October 2012 o Projected: 1 November 2012 (See chapter 10. Risk management) Milestone 2 o Planned: December 2012 o Projected: December 2012 Milestone 3 o Planned: February 2013 o Projected: February 2013 Milestone 4 o Planned: November 2013 o Projected: November 2013 IRT Progress Report No 29 V2.0 June2012 IRT Progress Report No 29 V2.0 June 2012 Page 7 of 21 IRT Progress Report No 29 V2.0 June 2012 Page 8 of 21 4. Infrastructure Construction Summary Status During the month of June 2012, the overall progress on the various infrastructure construction projects under IRT Phase 1A can be summarised as follows: BUSWAY CIVIL CONTRACTS & STATIONS 112Q-R27 North at Sandown & Sunningdale Roads Practical Completion was achieved on 30 June 2012. 113Q-Non Motorised Transport (Table View / Milnerton areas) Works have been completed. The contract has, however, been extended to cater for landscaping maintenance. 128Q-Racecourse Road, Milnerton Practical completion of the civil works is anticipated by September 2012. Completion of the station buildings is scheduled for end October 2012. 262Q- Atlantis & Melkbos Civil Works around Stations Station substructures were handed over to Group 5 on 28 May 2012. Station Top Structures completion projected for January 2013. 437Q-Blaauwberg Road On programme for completion by June 2013. The focus is on the section from Pentz / Raatz to Wood Drive, as the stations are required for operations early 2013. Noted that construction of Boy de Goede being delayed due to re-location of Eskom cables that are required. 154Q-Potsdam Road Works commenced 27 March 2012. Completion for Civil works projected for September 2013. 390Q-Queens Beach Works commenced in May 2012 and are scheduled for completion by March 2013. 390Q-Gardens Works are scheduled for completion in July 2012. 390Q Adderley A public participation process to relocate the Cenotaph is currently underway. Decision from Heritage Western Cape is due by 1 Nov 2012. Following completion of the conceptual design; further design will be on hold and is subject to the outcome of the Heritage Impact Assessment. The construction of this station has been removed from the Group 5 contract. Consultants are developing kerbside bus stops as an interim solution for implementation by Milestone 1 (Nov 2012). Metered taxis will need to be relocated to accommodate the proposed side MyCiti service. 390Q V&A Waterfront Station Lease/ servitude negotiations with the V&A to cover MyCiti route station and stops are progressing well. Once an agreement with the respect to terms and conditions has been reached Council authority to conclude the agreement will be sought. FEEDER STOP CONTRACTS Advertising Contract for Feeder Stops The advertising contract has not been awarded and schedule of completed bus stops will be given to the advertiser, once appointed. 375Q-Table View Feeder Stops Works are not currently on programme, but the contractor is still projecting completion by October 2012. IRT Progress Report No 29 V2.0 June 2012 Page 9 of 21 Table View closed feeder station is due for completion by October 2012. Operation of this station is in line with completion of stations along Blaauwberg Road, i.e. Wood Drive, which is scheduled for early 2013. 469Q-Atlantis Feeder Stops On programme for completion by October 2012. 319Q- Inner City Feeder Stops Currently the contract is running 20 days behind the programme due to contractor-related issues and completion is expected June 2013 Noted that all routes will be available for launch of Milestone 1 in November, but will consist of a mix of permanent and temporary stops. IRT DEPOT CONTRACTS 170Q-Stables Depot Handover of the depot to the operator was achieved in June 2012. Inner City Depot Works commenced in April 2012. Completion date to be confirmed once the impact of design changes and phasing of construction works has been resolved. The co-ordination of current Milestone 0 bus services together with construction activities has placed a risk on the delivery of a fully operational site by 1 November 2012. . The relocation of Milestone 0 services would allow the contractor access to the balance of the site for completion of the majority of the works. Partial occupation can then be planned for the Inner City Depot for November 2012, providing sufficient access to facilities to operate the start-up service. 43Q – Atlantis Depot Contract commenced on 9 January 2012. The contractor is currently three weeks behind programme. Completion is projected for December 2012 as per programme. IRT Progress Report No 29 V2.0 June2012 Page 10 of 21 The overall status of IRT Phase 1A Infrastructure for the Inner City and Atlantis Corridor is indicated in the table below showing current progress versus planned progress: INTEGRATED RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM - PHASE 1A ATLANTIS CORRIDOR & INNER CITY - CONTRACT PROGRESS SUMMARY OVERALL PROGRESS 1 Report date 30-Jun-12 Planned Actual NOTE 2 Overall Progress - Design of new contracts 94% 89% Progress Measured against Intergrated Rapid Transit System Phase 1A Programme 'Master Rev K, Septermber 3 Overall Progress - Awarded Contracts 69% 65% 2011 PROGRESS ON AVERAGE DESCRIPTION STATUS CONTRA CT CONTRA CT MILESTONE S TA RT E ND P LA NNE D CURRE NT WORK DA Y S P ROGRE S S P ROGRE S S A HE A D/ B E HIND DESIGN & TENDER B A LA NCE OF THE A TLA NTIS CORRIDOR CONTRA CTS > R27 North - Sandown & Sunningdale (112Q) HHO 3 COMPLETE 100% 100% > Racecourse Road - Montague Gardens (128 Q) HHO 2 COMPLETE 100% 100% > Atlantis & Melkbos (262 Q) HHO 3 CONSTRUCTION 100% 100% > Potsdam Road HHO 4 CONSTRUCTION 100% 100% > Blaauwberg Road HHO 4 CONSTRUCTION 100% 100% > Thibault Square (Hans Strijdom & Heerengracht) (86 Q) GIB B 1 COMPLETE 100% 100% > Adderley Street GIB B 1 PRE-TENDER(HIA) 46% 0% > Gardens Centre GIB B 1 COMPLETE 100% 100% > V&A Waterfront GIB B 1 TENDER 54% 31% -94 > Queens Beach GIB B 1 CONSTRUCTION 100% 100% 0 > Tableview Feeders HHO 2 CONSTRUCTION 100% 100% 0 > Inner City Feeders GIB B 1 CONSTRUCTION 100% 100% 0 > Atlantis & Melkbos Feeders HHO 3 CONSTRUCTION 100% 100% 0 > IRT DEPOT - Stables HHO 2 CONSTRUCTION 100% 100% > IRT DEPOT - Atlantis HHO 3 CONSTRUCTION 100% 100% 0 > IRT DEPOT - Inner City Final design GIB B 1 CONSTRUCTION 100% 100% 0 > BUSWAYS - ATLANTIS CORRIDOR CONTRACTS 0 COMPLETE 100% 100% > BUS TRUNK STATIONS (INCLUDING WORLD CUP STATIONS) 0 COMPLETE 100% 100% > IRT DEPOTS - Inner City & Foreshore 0 COMPLETE 100% 100% 0 INNE R CITY CONTRA CTS -224 FE E DE R S TOP S IRT DE P OTS CONSTRUCTION CIV IC TO TA B LE V IE W TRUNK 18 B A LA NCE OF THE A TLA NTIS CORRIDOR CONTRA CTS B US WA Y > R27 North - Sandown & Sunningdale(112Q) HHO 3 COMPLETE 14-Jan-11 04-Jun-12 105% 100% -18 > Racecourse Road - Montague Gardens (128Q) HHO 2 CONSTRUCTION 20-Feb-11 05-Sep-12 88% 88% 0 > Atlantis & Melkbos (262Q) HHO 3 CONSTRUCTION 25-Oct-11 14-Sep-12 77% 77% 0 > Potsdam Road (420Q) HHO 4 CONSTRUCTION 27-Mar-12 06-Sep-13 18% 18% 0 > Blaauwberg Road HHO 4 CONSTRUCTION 09-Sep-11 21-Jun-13 45% 45% 0 > NMT HHO CONSTRUCTION 14-Jan-11 15-Dec-11 100% 100% 0 0 INNE R CITY CONTRA CTS B US WA Y > Thibault Square(86Q) GIB B 1 COMPLETE 19-Aug-10 22-May-11 100% 100% > Adderley Street GIB B 1 PRE-TENDER 17-Sep-12 26-Jul-13 0% 0% 0 > Gardens Centre GIB B 1 CONSTRUCTION 09-Jun-11 05-Jun-12 116% 99% -40 > V&A Waterfront GIB B 1 PRE-TENDER 31-Aug-12 29-May-13 0% 0% 0 > Queens Beach GIB B 1 CONSTRUCTION 08-Jun-12 15-Dec-12 14% 14% 0 > Trunks Stations(Civic 2&3, Thibault,Adderley Gardens, V&A, Queens) A LL 1 PART CONSTRUCTION 01-Nov-10 29-Aug-12 43% 38% -15 > Trunks Stations( Omuramba, Ascot, Table View Feeder) A LL 2 CONSTRUCTION 01-Sep-11 28-Feb-12 89% 80% -11 > Trunks Stations (Sandown, Sunningdale, Melkbos, Atlantis) A LL 3 CONSTRUCTION 01-Sep-11 22-May-12 98% 90% -21 > Trunks Stations (Potsdam & Blaauwberg) A LL 4 CONSTRUCTION 04-Jul-12 30-Apr-13 0% 0% 0 > Table View Feeder HHO 2 CONSTRUCTION 29-Jul-11 26-Oct-12 74% 74% 0 > Inner City Feeder GIB B 1 CONSTRUCTION 17-Aug-11 19-Jun-13 49% 45% -20 > Atlantis & Melkbos Feeders HHO 3 CONSTRUCTION 28-Sep-11 15-Oct-12 78% 78% 0 > IRT DEPOT - Stables HHO 2 CONSTRUCTION 04-Mar-11 21-Mar-12 137% 100% -93 > IRT DEPOT - Atlantis HHO 3 CONSTRUCTION 09-Jan-12 12-Dec-12 56% 46% -23 > IRT DEPOT - Inner City Extention GIB B CONSTRUCTION 10-Apr-12 TRUNK S TA TIONS OP E N FE E DE R S TOP S IRT DE P OTS IRT Progress Report No 29 TO BE CONFIRMED V2.0 June2012 Page 11 of 21 5. System Planning System Planning: Phase 1A The comprehensive systems plan developed for Phase 1A of the IRT Project continues to undergo review and refinement as demand and behaviour comes to the fore. Phase 1A scope and routings have not changed and the full service is on schedule for operation by November 2013. Table 5.1 gives an estimation of the projected daily passenger trips for Phase 1A: Table 5.1: Predicted vs. Observed Passenger Trips (revised December 2011) Milestone roll-out towards full Phase 1A Passenger Trips per Day (predicted) Average Passenger Trips per day (obtained from bus observed boarding surveys – includes transfers) Milestone 0 15000 +/- 18 000 Milestone 1 80000 N/A Milestone 2 94000 N/A Milestone 3 148000 N/A Milestone 4 (Full Phase 1A) 180000 N/A Note: 1 Passenger trip = 1 individual trip on a specific bus (.3x1 + .35x1 + .28x2 + .07x3) Future Phases The proposed extensions of the IRT System that are currently under review include Phase 1B, 1C and Phase 2. It is proposed that Phase 1B comprise of the following services: Trunk service between Du Noon to Century City via Montague Gardens Feeder services from Summer Greens, Edgemead & Richwood to Century City Feeder service between Montague Gardens to Maitland and Salt River Rail stations via Koeberg and Voortrekker Roads. The system planning team is scheduled to complete the viability assessment of Phase 1B towards the end of July 2012. a) System planning is currently investigating options of linking Hout Bay & Imizamo Yethu to Wynberg and if found viable will be defined as Phase 1C. Viability assessment for Phase 1C is scheduled to be finalised towards the end of October 2012. b) The roll-out of the Metro South East Express Services is being planned internally and progress thereof will be reported in future reports. System viability of this Express Service is scheduled to be finalised towards the end of August 2012. The preparation of tender documents for professional services appointments for planning and design of the full Metro wide system has now been completed. This appointment includes the conceptual design of the Lansdowne/Wetton Corridor (Start of Phase 2) which will link Khayelitsha and Mitchell’s Plain to Wynberg and Claremont. Tender documents were advertised on the 15th June 2012. It is planned that the professional appointment will be concluded on 1st October 2012. IRT Progress Report No 29 V2.0 June2012 Page 12 of 21 6. Business Development Vehicle Procurement Contracts (VPCs) The fifty two trunk service buses (44 x 12 m rigid and 8 x18 m articulated buses) that have been procured are currently in service. These buses have been assigned to the MyCiTi trunk route services and as a temporary measure, the feeder routes in the CBD and Table View areas. The buses are being operated by the three vehicle operating companies and maintained under a maintenance contact by the vehicle supplier, Volvo SA (Pty) Ltd and the bodybuilder Marcopolo. The City’s contract for the supply of 190 x 9-meter, low-entry feeder buses is well underway under way and 22 vehicles were delivered at the end of June 2012. This was within contractual delivery dates but short of a target delivery of 30 buses. The reason for the target numbers not being achieved was the late delivery of a number of components needed to complete the buses. Component supply logistics (sea and air freight and customs clearance) remains a critical issue but with production progressing beyond the start-up phase this matter is improving. The project team will continue to closely monitor production rates. Notwithstanding some delay in component delivery the expected vehicle production rates will not affect the planned roll-out of feeder services. These buses are being assembled in Elsies River where approximately 120 local personnel have been employed at the assembly plant. Figure 6.1 - Optare SR buses on the assembly line in Elsies River and a completed feeder service bus finished in the MyCiTi livery. The preparation of tenders for the balance of the Phase 1A fleet and the Metro South East Express Service fleet are currently being prepared. Vehicle Operator Companies (VOCs) The process of negotiating the long term VOC contracts for Phases 1A and 1B started in May 2012 with the issue of the Prospectus. This was followed in June 2012 with the issue of the draft contract documents to each of the three VOC’s and the City’s initial proposal of the kilometre rates. Further actions by the business development team during the reporting period comprised of refining the contracts, compiling additional addenda to the Prospectus and responses to the queries from the VOC’s ahead of formal negotiations. Fare Collection Contract (AFC) A total of 411 809 transactions were transacted during June 2012. One of the outcomes of the process undertaken during June 2012 to validate the integrity of the AFC system was, that a total of 276 789 transactions were found not to have been processed – these transaction have subsequently been processed and equate to a value of R1 593 099.00. Further outcomes have been documented in detail along with the implemented solutions. Several technical operational issues were also successfully resolved, with only two technical faults reported thus far. The rollout of the ABSA retail footprint is now at 49 retailers, however, still remains an ongoing challenge. Control Centre Contract (CCC) The trial along the trunk route during the month of June has successfully demonstrated driver competency in their correct usage of the onboard ITS systems. All vehicles operating along the trunk route during this trial have also been successfully tracked and monitored at the TMC by the 8 System Controllers (working in 2 shifts of 4 per day), as well as driver and System Controller interaction. All Passenger Information Boards have now been IRT Progress Report No 29 V2.0 June2012 Page 13 of 21 fully installed at all stations except Airport, Civic and Stadium where there are still some outstanding issues to be resolved. Except for the said stations - this means that all the stations are now fully equipped with all the specified ITS equipment and are in the process of going through rigorous technical testing. Station Management Contract (SM) The Station Management tender was re-advertised on 26 April 2012 and a compulsory briefing session held on 10 May 2012. The date for submission of tenders (originally set for 15 June 2012) has been further extended to 20 July 2012 to allow tenderers to deal with additional CoCT requirements. The principal additional requirement, included in Notice 1, is for tenderers to provide for the use of credit and debit card facilities required for the payment of transit products and Notice 2 allowing tenderers additional time to source compliance with clauses dealing with BRT or similar high technology interchange experience. The SM Contract, once awarded, is programmed for commencement by mid February 2013. Advertising Management Contract The preferred service provider was appointed by the City’s BAC on 2 May 2012, subject to negotiations. It is anticipated that the contract will take effect by August 2012. 7. Industry Transition The City has finalised all inputs into the compensation model, specific to VOC B taxi associations. Subsequently, there has been a request from these taxi associations to make available early exit compensation (EEC) to operators who elect to exit the industry. The City has received approval as per Council resolution to pay early exit compensation to some 88 minibus-taxi operators forming VOC B who have applied for EEC. Currently the City is in the process of legal verification of the qualifying operators’ personal and banking details, cancellation of operating licences and physical scrapping of minibus-taxi vehicles before effecting payment of compensation. In respect of VOC A, Transpeninsula, there a still some costing surveys that the City needs to undertake in order to complete the compensation offer for these associations. It is envisaged that these surveys and calculations will be concluded by the end of July 2012. 8. MyCiTi Operations Since its launch in May 2010 until June 2012, over 3.6 million passenger journeys have been made on the MyCiTi rapid transit system, many of whom use its rapid bus service on the dedicated bus lanes. This includes transport services during the Soccer World Cup, passengers who made use of MyCiTi buses during events at the Cape Town Stadium and those who made use of event services offered with chartered buses. Between January and June 2012, the counting of passengers using the system has been dependant on the recording of the validations made using the myconnect card (as opposed to counting paper ticket sales). The AFC contractor is still verifying the validation figures for February though to June, and as a result accurate figures will only be available once these have been reconciled. There is however an indication that passenger numbers have dropped which are being confirmed through surveys and passenger counts. The following graphs outline the present situation with the best information to hand. IRT Progress Report No 29 V2.0 June2012 Page 14 of 21 IRT Progress Report No 29 V2.0 June2012 Page 15 of 21 The following table indicates the present on time buses against the set schedules. International norms aim to achieve an on time % of 85% or more. Table 8.1 - Performance data for June 2012. % On-Time (2 min early to 5 min late vs. time table time)* Airport F1 F14 F15 July to September 2011 97% 88% 79% 57% October to December 2011 99% 92% 75% 72% January to March 2012 95% 90% 75% 78% Apr-12 99% 91% 80% 89% May-12 T1 Average 87% Average 88% Average 87% Average 89% Average 89% 98% 91% Average 90% 97% 92% F16 67% 78% 79% 93% 79% 87% 81% 83% 89% 84% June -12 *Note that times are indicated in minutes according to international standards. The variances would occur between the time range of 2.59min early and 5.59min late. The following graphs indicate the results of the contracted observations undertaken on a daily basis using onthe-ground monitoring as well as camera analysis at the TMC. Total Transgressions Monitored November 2011 - June 2012 1400 1200 1000 Infrastucture Transgressions 800 600 Vehicles Non Technical Transgressions 400 200 IRT Progress Report No 29 Dec-12 Nov-12 Oct-12 Sep-12 Aug-12 Jul-12 Jun-12 May-12 Apr-12 Mar-12 Feb-12 Jan-12 Dec-11 Nov-11 0 V2.0 June2012 Page 16 of 21 % Departure Transgressions Monitored (More than 2 min early & more than 5 min late) November 2011 - June 2012 50% T1 - % Departure Trangressions 45% 40% T2 - % Departure Transgressions 35% 30% F1 - % Departure Transgressions 25% F14 - % Departure Transgressions 20% 15% F15 - % Departure Transgressions 10% F16 - % Departure Transgressions 5% Dec-12 Nov-12 Oct-12 Sep-12 Aug-12 Jul-12 Jun-12 May-12 Apr-12 Mar-12 Feb-12 Jan-12 Dec-11 Nov-11 0% Operational Resources Despite progress having been made on obtaining permanent staff for the IRT organogramme, there are still key vacancies which require the support of the outsourced consultants, especially as a result of the operations planning presently being prepared for the launch of Milestones 1, 2 and 3. Service Level Agreements Law Enforcement - the following graph indicates the number of unauthorised vehicles observed on the CCTV cameras using the red lane on the R27 between the Civic station and Table View. An overall reduction in transgressions can be seen as a result of law enforcement through the issuing of fines. Total number of vehicles recorded in the IRT red lane by SSU cameras 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Number of vehicles in IRT lane IRT Progress Report No 29 V2.0 June2012 Page 17 of 21 9. Communications, Marketing & Branding The primary communication focus for June 2012 was as follows: Creation of DL brochures about new fares, and about the system in general as of July 2012 – on-going. Organise a public meeting to be held in Melkbosstrand on 24th July to inform the residents about MyCiTi construction plans and progress in the area. Key advertising focus for the month included the price increase scheduled for 1 July 2012 as well as behavioural ads. Design of name badges for the staff on the system – on-going. Construction information pamphlet for distribution by HHO in Melkbosstrand. Designing of a new look and feel of brand-specific ads. MEDIA RELEASES Media releases issued from 1 – 29 June 2012: MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA RELEASE, RELEASE, RELEASE, RELEASE, RELEASE, RELEASE, RELEASE, June June June June June June June 4 15 20 20 20 21 29 : MyCiTi fares set to increase on 1 July 2012 : Lane closures for road works in Killarney Gardens area : City responds to GABS’s MyCiTi court action : City to brief media on its Transport Authority plans : MyCiTi leads the way for special needs passengers : City to launch Transport Authority in October 2012 : Road closures during MyCiTi construction - Melkbosstrand The June edition of the MyCiTi e-newsletter focused on how the building of the new 9 m buses has created jobs – including a picture of Melissa, Cllr Herron and the team at the Bussmark factory in Epping, how transport dominated the budget announcements, and that the fares would increase in July. The MyCiTi tip of the month for June: It’s flu season. If you have a cold or flu, please be considerate towards other passengers and cover your mouth when you cough. IRT Progress Report No 29 V2.0 June2012 Page 18 of 21 10. Risk Management A comprehensive risk register is prepared on a monthly basis for the City’s review and approval. Mitigation measures are agreed upon and action is taken in line with the detailed recommendations contained in the report. The overall risk profile for June 2012 has increased marginally during the reporting period. The major risk listed in the Risk Assessment Report is the following: 1. Delays to the procurement of the VOC interim and Long term agreements: o Risk The current process for the long-term agreement is programmed to be completed by the end of November 2012. This is based on multiple variables that cannot be accurately quantified. The City needs to negotiate the inclusion of Milestone 1 items in the interim contracts with the VOCs. The inclusion of certain elements in the interim contract in time for the launch of Milestone 1 is unlikely. Milestone 1 cannot launch without an operating contract. o Mitigation Assessment of the situation at the end of August 2012 will indicate the most optimum route to follow. Planning for multiple outcomes ensures a proactive approach. 2. Financial management of OPEX: o Risk Operational expenditure to meet planned cashflow spending targets. The operational cashflow targets are being pushed out by various factors. Current Operational cost to be reviewed, to compare expenditure to planned costs. o Mitigation Regular monitoring and updating of the overall cashflow is required and is in the process of being implemented. The review of the operational cost is in progress. 3. Financial management of CAPEX: o Risk Capital expenditure to meet planned cashflow spending targets. o Mitigation Regular monitoring and updating of the overall cashflow is showing a significant improvement in meeting the targets. 4. Delays to the implementation of EMV distance based fare system: o Risk The delayed response from NDOT on the information required for the implementation of the data structure, delayed the EMV / distance-based fare collection implementation. In addition the transit product development and securing of retailers are also lagging. o Mitigation An interim data structure will be implemented, but might not be ready in time for the rollout of Milestone 1. The use of the flat fare system is possible as an interim solution, but is not ideal. 5. Risks related to the procurement of contracts of various phases with current resources: o Risk The procurement of contracts for future phases, in addition to the demand of Phase 1A can put the IRT team & the procurement department under severe pressure. Not meeting procurement dates can lead to delays and underspending. Delivery dates for milestones and specific phases does not allow resource scheduling, to accommodate the potential load. o Mitigation Regular monitoring and updating of the procurement programme, which now includes the future phases, will minimize the potential delays. IRT Progress Report No 29 V2.0 June2012 Page 19 of 21 NOTE: the above figure reflects a summarized risk profile index for this project IRT Progress Report No 29 V2.0 June 2012 Page 20 of 21 11. Health & Safety Building & Civil Contracts The activities on construction sites are subject to the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act No. 85 of 1993. It is a condition of every contract that the contractor ensures that all work will be performed, and all equipment, machinery and/or plant used, in such a manner as to comply with the provisions of the Act and the regulations promulgated there under. Each contractor is required to appoint a competent person whose duty it is to enforce compliance. The Health and Safety practitioner appointed by the City of Cape Town considers, for approval, health & safety plans submitted by contractors; monitors compliance; issues instructions to bring about improvements where required, and prepares monthly reports, of which the table below is a summary: Table 11.1 - Summary of Building & Civil Works: OH&S Compliance Report CONTRACT CONTRACTOR 112Q/2010/11: Atlantis IRT Corridor: R27 from Blaauwberg Road to Sandown Road (North). Martin & East 128Q/2010/11: Transport Corridor along Racecourse Road from R27 to Omuramba Road Exeo Khokela Civil Engineering Construction 154Q/2011/12: Atlantis IRT Corridor: Potsdam Road from Blaauwberg Road to Usasaza Road, Dunoon Martin & East PERCENTAGE GENERAL COMPLIANCE MAY JUNE 2012 2012 93,4% 80% COMMENTS Project completed Close-out report Prohibition excavation Prohibitions – working next to traffic & excavations 100% 95,8% Primary – 91% General – 41% 83,1% Prohibition – lifting machinery and tackle 262Q/2010/11: Atlantis IRT Infrastructure: Trunk Route Stations, Roadworks and Services in Melkbosstrand and Atlantis Martin & East 100% 100% Prohibitions – excavations and traffic accommodation 375Q/2010/11: IRT System Phase 1A: Construction of Bus Stop Infrastructure in Table View and Milnerton Civils 2000 63% 70,9% Prohibitions – transportation and electrical Prohibition – excavations 437Q/2010/11: Atlantis IRT Corridor: Blaauwberg Road from R27 to Potsdam Road Martin & East 469Q/2010/11: IRT System Phase 1A: Construction of Bus Stop Infrastructure in Atlantis and Melkbos Exeo Khokela Civil Engineering Construction 390Q 08/09: IRT Major Station Superstructures Contract 391Q10/11: IRT Open Feeders Bus Stops Contract 88,1% 80,9% 61% 70,2% Group 5 90.6% 81% Group 5 96.5% 90.8% DOL reportable incident Prohibition – lifting machine N/A N/A Note: The “Percentage General Compliance” refers to a score based system of independent “Safety Agent’s” assessing compliance with OH&S requirements, which include, inter alia: on-site construction practice, provision of safety and protective equipment, on-site documentation etc. IRT Progress Report No 29 V2.0 June 2012 Page 21 of 21 Operational MyCiTi Contracts Full OH&S assessments of the VOC operations continue. The overall station compliance on essential OH&S items is good, with minor operational issues such as light bulbs not working which are adversely affecting the compliance results. The following graph and table indicates the overall average H&S compliance of the stations, depots and workshops up to the end of June 2012. Items are classified according to their impact on the system and are accordingly rectified by the VOC’s in the week following the assessment. Monthly Health And Safety Assessment Comparison 100.0 95.0 90.0 85.0 80.0 75.0 TransPeninsula 70.0 Kidrogen 65.0 60.0 55.0 50.0 45.0 40.0 November Vehicle Operator TransPeninsula Kidrogen December January February March April May June February March April May June 81% 74% 80% 79% 80% 81% 83% 77% 82% 74% Project Office As required in terms of the Occupational Health & Safety Act, the monthly inspection of the project office facilities and environment was undertaken in June 2012 - no non-compliance issues were noted. 12. General The following general issues are noted: Additional staff members have been appointed to the City IRT Team; it is anticipated that all IRT staff appointments will be substantially complete by the end of 2012. Agreement was reached with NDOT on a schedule for regular quarterly meetings for the future (on system planning, funding and other crucial matters) IRT Progress Report No 29 V2.0 June2012