PARKING LEGEND G parking Parking permitted from 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. 19th St A Building numberings begin at the north end of campus and continue to the south. ▲ Price Lab North lot A parking Parking permitted from 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. ▲ 1 ▲ Public Safety Phones ▲ ▲ 4 ▲ ▲ 6 Campbell B lot ◆ 7 Multimodal Transportation Center ▲ 16 89 ▲ ▲ ● 12 10 ▲ Latham Field ▲ 17 A 13 11 18 ◆ 22 20 19 ▲ 47 ▲ Rider lot ▲ Minnesota St ▲ ▲ - Disabled Parking 53 St Pedestrian ◆ Access ko ta 52 BRC lot - Handicapped-accessible Entries B l - Parking Meters ITC lot ◆ A TP - Ticket Patron ❈ . ✱ - University Police and Parking Office Dr ● Av e B 54 ITC west lot Je n Ohio St B ● rsi ty Physical Plant South lot Information Booth TP Construction Site Illinois St 67 56 A 50 ITC south lot B A 57 BCS lot North ◆ 66 M ◆ C ▲ 31st St 31st St Un ive ▲ 65 46 u - Motorcycle parking Motorcycles are required to display a valid MC permit and must be parked in motorcycle areas 48 55 B ● A 51 CP Physical Plant North lot ◆ 43 Da 49 Service area May be used by university vehicles and vehicles with service permits ▲ Noehren lot ▲ 35 34 42 ▲ ◆ ● GBPAC Visitor lot Shull lot 50 ▲ ▲ ▲ ◆ 45 CP Redeker lot Hudson Road CP ▲ F St. lot overflow parking 60 59 58 318 G Street M M M ROTH lo t C B Jennings Dr. lot M 61 r. arkway Panther P 44 ▲ B C Loading zone All permit holders may use for specified time period Missouri St Gilchrist lot ▲ 64 Hagemann lot ▲ South Art lot 27th Street lot R Kansas St ▲ CP 33 Baker lot 41 ▲ Warehouse 1 lot ▲ G B R 40 ▲ 32 28 ▲ 27th Street lot 27th St 39 ● ▲ 37 ▲ 36 A 38 ▲ ▲ 27 ● 26 ▲ ▲ ▲ 30 B 62 63 A ▲ 31 29 South Dome lot 25 West Gym lot ▲ A ▲ West Dome lot D - parking May be used by those with a valid handicapped permit or a temporary UNI handicapped permit along with a valid university permit ▲ 21 24 23 Metered Lots ▲ ● 15 ▲ A B 14 Bartlett lot G R St . t. F *Upland Forest Trailhead Visitor 2 hour parking St . ES sD TP M parking 24 hour parking permitted ▲ ◆ B 23rd St 8 R parking 24 hour parking permitted R permit not valid in C or CP lots Multimodal Transportation Center: • Gm - Reserved •A • Pay by Stall • Handicapped ing Pa ▲ r Pa nthe 5 CP lot Multimodal Transportation Center lot 22nd St. ▲ y WRC lot rkwa Campbell C Preferred - parking 24 hour parking permitted Je nn 22nd St 3 2 ◆ Campus St A B C parking 24 hour parking permitted Handicapped Accessible Entrance College St ◆ Towers Drive gs Tennis courts CP nin C ▲ R Principal Walkways Merner Ave. North Dome lot Pedestrian Underpass B CP Price Lab South lot Price Lab lot Wisconsin St *Wetland Trailhead Visitor 2 hour parking B parking Parking permitted from 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. Hillside Courts overflow ◆ Numerical Order of Buildings 1 Malcolm Price Laboratory School 2 Bender Hall 3 Towers Center 4 Dancer Hall 5 Campbell Hall 6 Athletic Fields 7 Wellness/Recreation Center 8 Marshall Center School 9 Student Health Center 10 Lawther Hall 11 Commons 12 Bartlett Hall 13 East Bartlett 14 Alumni/1012 W. 23rd St. 15 2304 College St. 16Richard O. Jacobson Human Performance Center 17 UNI-Dome 18 Schindler Education Center 19 Innovative Teaching Technology Center 20 Begeman Hall 21 Lang Hall 22 Honors Cottage/2401 College St. 23 West Gymnasium 24 Campanile 25 Rod Library 26 Maucker Union 27 Center for Multicultural Education 28 President’s Home 29 McLeod Center 30 Kamerick Art Building 31 Communication Arts Center 32 Baker Hall 33 Wright Hall 34 Sabin Hall 35 Seerley Hall 36Continuing Education/ 2637 Hudson Rd. 37 Strayer-Wood Theatre 38 Russell Hall 39 Curris Business Building 40 Facilities/2601 Campus St. 41 P #1 42 Greenhouse 43 McCollum Science Hall 44 Hagemann Hall 45 Rider Hall 46 Gilchrist Hall 47 Latham Hall 48 Biology Research Complex 49 Noehren Hall 50 Redeker Center 51 Shull Hall 52Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center 53 Visitor Information Center 54 Industrial Technology Center 55 Panther Village (Under Construction) 56Center for Energy and Environmental Education 57Business & Community Services 58 Hillside Courts 59 Jennings Courts 60 Residence On The Hill Complex (ROTH) 61 University Apartments Office 62 Warehouse 1 63 Tallgrass Prairie Center 64 Power Plant 65 Physical Plant 66 Museum 67Environmental Health and Safety Building/8628 University Ave. Alphabetical Order of Buildings 14 Alumni/1012 W. 23rd St. (H-33) 6 Athletic Fields 32 Baker Hall (BAK) 13 Bartlett Hall (BAR) 20 Begeman Hall (PHY) 2 Bender Hall (BEN) 48 Biology Research Complex (BRC) 57Business & Community Services (BCS) 24 Campanile 5 Campbell Hall (CAM) 56Center for Energy and Environmental Education (CEEE) 27 Center for Multicultural Education (CME) 11 Commons (COM) 31 Communication Arts Center(CAC) 36Continuing Education/ 2637 Hudson Rd. (H-32) 39 Curris Business Building (CBB) 4 Dancer Hall (DAN) 13 East Bartlett (SSC) 67Environmental Health and Safety Building/8628 University Ave. (H-26) 40 Facilities/2601 Campus St. (A-2) 52Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center (GBPAC) 46 Gilchrist Hall (GIL) 42 Greenhouse (GNH) 44 Hagemann Hall (HAG) 58 Hillside Courts (HSC) 22 Honors Cottage/2401 College St. (EMC) 54 Industrial Technology Center (ITC) 19 Innovative Teaching Technology Center (ITTC) 59 Jennings Courts (JCT) 30 Kamerick Art Building (KAM) 21 Lang Hall (LNG) 47 Latham Hall (LAT) 10 Lawther Hall (LAW) 1 Malcolm Price Laboratory School (PLS) 8 Marshall Center School (MCS) 43 McCollum Science Hall (MSH) 29 McLeod Center (MCL) 26 Maucker Union (MAU) 66 Museum (MUS) 49 Noehren Hall (NRN) 55 Panther Village (Under Construction) 65 Physical Plant (PHP) 64 Power Plant (PPL) 28 President’s Home 41 P #1 50 Redeker Center (RDC) 60 Residence On The Hill Complex (ROTH) 16Richard O. Jacobson Human Performance Center (HPC) 45 Rider Hall (RID) 25 Rod Library (LIB) 38 Russell Hall (RSL) 34 Sabin Hall (SAB) 18 Schindler Education Center (SEC) 35 Seerley Hall (SRL) 51 Shull Hall (SHU) 37 Strayer-Wood Theatre (SWT) 9 Student Health Center (SHC) 63 Tallgrass Prairie Center (NRV) 3 Towers Center (TOW) 17 UNI-Dome (DOM) 61University Apartments Office (UAP) 53 Visitor Information Center (VIC) 62 Warehouse 1 (WH1) 7 Wellness/Recreation Center (WRC) 23 West Gymnasium (WST) 33 Wright Hall (WRT) 15 2304 College St.