WSDP: MODULE 3 TOPIC 7: ASSOCIATED SERVICES 7. ASSOCIATED SERVICES 7.1. WATER SERVICES 7.1.1. Education Plan All education institutions are supplied with adequate water services in the city. There are therefore no strategies identified with regards to water services. The city will continue to work closely with the Department of Education to ensure that there is always a planned approach to the provision of service as new schools are built. Under the water demand management programme schools have been encouraged to take advantage of the expanding the treated affluent network as a cheaper alternative for irrigating sports fields and landscaped areas. 7.1.2 Health Plan Water and Sanitation has a direct impact on individual and community health. The current focus for health is: Promote safe access to drinking (potable) water Investigate complaints relating to water quality. Monitor water quality through regular sampling (Microbiological and Chemical). Monitoring of recreational water bodies (Vleis, dams and rivers) for possible pollution and contamination. Education institutions has to meet health requirements In any urban context there is always the threat of water borne disease and the threat to water sources. A concerted effort is required to protect water sources. Of particular concern for the city is the threat of ground water contamination (cape flats aquifer). The intensive urban farming on the Cape Flats due its clean draining soils require large amounts of fertiliser and pesticides which possess a direct threat to the aquifer beneath the farms in the Philippi agricultural area. In the city Informal areas were shared services exits there is venerability to infection and contamination. It is therefore necessary to: Keep areas around standpipes clean and clear of stagnant water Avoid spillage and keep taps closed when not in use Keep stray animals away from the area 3.48 Keep standpipe outlets and soak-aways clean Promote hygiene amongst users of standpipes by educating them: On the fact that stand pipes should only be used for filling containers. Standpipes are not to be used for washing clothes or humans. The containers should be closed and clean. All containers should be disinfected regularly. To report vandalism, tampering or contamination of stand pipes. 3.49 7.2 SANITATION SERVICES 7.2.1 Education Plan All education facilities have adequate sanitation services in the city. However a number of education facilities have been vandalised on a regular bases with toilet block being targeted for copper and brass fittings. There is a currently a need to look at regular maintenance and to use alternative materials to brass and copper fittings. The city will continue to work closely with the Department of Education to ensure that there is always a planned approach to the provision of service as new schools that are built. 7.2.2 Health Plan There is a need to work towards all households having water borne sewer connection in the long term. The current rate of urbanisation, net migration and natural growth will result in creased informality and continued use of shared services. In the short to medium term there is a desperate need to eradicate the bucket system and limit the increase in the number of developments that require conservancy tanks. The Cities health plan will do the following: Ensure safe and timeous disposal of domestic, industrial and medical waste Evaluate and provide input where necessary as regards the efficiency of sewerage/waste/storm water systems Monitor waste generation by residents and business community Ensure that problems related to sewerage removal in areas, where inadequate infrastructure exists (bucket sanitation), are eliminated Investigate flooding problems so as to provide input regarding future prevention Monitor and eliminate illegal waste water discharge into the storm water system (industrial effluent) Prevent and limit the spread of health significant pests throughout the community Monitor and control all offensive trades. To improve cities environmental health the following is planned: Investigation of environmental factors relating to the spread of noticeable infectious diseases, and putting preventative measures in place to limit the spread thereof. Compiling case histories with regard to Hepatitis, Typhoid and Cholera etc. Cholera risk monitoring by means of placing "Moore Pads" at selected sampling points, and the analysis of results. 3.50 Shelter and housing related health plan will: Promote the provision of dwellings, informal structures conducive to health (ensure adequate ventilation etc.). Inspect informal settlements with a view to maintaining minimum hygiene standards and promoting better living conditions. 3.51