Plant genome evolution: lessons from comparative genomics at the DNA level

Plant Molecular Biology 48: 21–37, 2002.
© 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
Plant genome evolution: lessons from comparative genomics at the DNA
Renate Schmidt
Max-Delbrück-Laboratorium in der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Carl-von-Linné-Weg 10, 50829 Cologne,
Germany; present address: Max-Planck-Institut für molekulare Pflanzenphysiologie, Am Mühlenberg 1, 14476
Golm, Germany (e-mail
Key words: collinearity, comparative mapping, comparative sequence analysis, genome, retroelement, sequence
Angiosperm genomes show tremendous variability in genome size and chromosome number. Nevertheless, comparative genetic mapping has revealed genome collinearity of closely related species. Sequence-based comparisons
were used to assess the conservation of gene arrangements. Numerous small rearrangements, insertions/deletions,
duplications, inversions and translocations have been detected. Importantly, comparative sequence analyses have
unambiguously shown micro-collinearity of distantly related plant species. Duplications and subsequent gene loss
have been identified as a particular important factor in the evolution of plant genomes.
Angiosperm genomes
Cytogenetic techniques allow insight into genome organisation at the chromosome level. Chromosome
numbers for different species have been established
by light microscopic analysis of chromosome spreads.
In angiosperms, plants with as few as 2n = 4 (e.g.
Haplopappus gracilis) and as many as 2n = ca. 600
chromosomes (Voanioala gerardii) are known (Bennett, 1998). The importance and prevalence of polyploidy in angiosperms has also been recognized by
studying karyotypes of different plant species. It has
been estimated that 50–70% of flowering plants have
experienced chromosome doubling at least once in
their evolutionary history (Wendel, 2000). Many of
the important crop plants are polyploids (e.g. wheat,
rapeseed, potato, cotton).
Different methods can be used to estimate genome
size. These include for example DNA reassociation kinetics, nuclear volume measurements and estimations
from sampling genomic clone libraries. Microdensitometry of Feulgen-stained nuclei (Bennett and Smith,
1976, 1991; Bennett et al., 1982) and flow cytometry of isolated nuclei stained with propidium iodide
(Arumuganathan and Earle, 1991) were used for extensive surveys. A compilation of 2802 estimates for
angiosperm species has shown that haploid genome
sizes range over 1000-fold from ca. 0.1 pg to over
125 pg. About 50% of the flowering plants analysed
to date have genome sizes between 0.1 and 3.5 pg
(Leitch et al., 1998). Arabidopsis has one of the smallest genomes observed in higher plants, the analysis
of the DNA sequence of the nuclear genome supports
a value of 125 Mb (Arabidopsis Genome Initiative,
2000). In contrast, the particularly large genome of
Fritillaria assyriaca encompasses ca. 120 000 Mb
(Bennett and Smith, 1976). Even species belonging
to the same family show substantial differences in
genome size. In the Poaceae, values of ca. 450, 750,
2500, 5000 and 16 000 Mb have been established for
the rice, sorghum, maize, barley and wheat genomes,
respectively (Arumuganathan and Earle, 1991).
Reassociation kinetic studies provide an important insight into the complexity of plant genomes.
These experiments have unequivocally shown that
plant genomes are composed of repeated and low or
single-copy DNA sequences. Comparing complexities
of large and small plant genomes, it has been estab-
lished that differences in genome size can mainly be
attributed to the varying proportion of repeated DNA
sequences (Flavell, 1980), although the ploidy level is
another factor which affects the size of genomes.
Repeated DNA sequences can be divided into two
classes, elements which are organized in tandem arrays and those which show a dispersed distribution
in the genome. Transposons are a particular frequent
component of the latter category. In the small Arabidopsis genome transposable elements account for
only 10% of the genome (Arabidopsis Genome Initiative, 2000), whereas the 20-fold larger maize genome
consists of at least 60–80% of repetitive DNA sequences. The especially abundant retrotransposons are
found at a high frequency interspersed with gene sequences in the maize genome and make up more than
50% of the maize genome (SanMiguel et al., 1996;
Rabinowicz et al., 1999). In contrast, the roughly
2100 retroelement copies present in the Arabidopsis
genome, mainly in the centromeric regions, make up
less than 10% of the genome (Arabidopsis Genome
Initiative, 2000).
Hybridization-based comparisons of plant genome
Gene coding sequences from closely related plant
species show considerable DNA similarity. Hence, it
can be tested which proportion of gene coding sequences of a given species cross-hybridizes with DNA
sequences in a related species. It cannot be discriminated, however, if a particular sequence is missing
from a genome altogether or has diverged to an extent that it does not have sufficient sequence similarity
to be detectable in hybridization experiments. Despite
this limitation such studies give a good indication of
the conservation of gene repertoires in related species.
Markers which reveal restriction site polymorphisms in DNA of different individuals in genomic
DNA blot hybridizations (RFLP markers) have been
adopted to establish genetic linkage maps for many
different plant species. Gene, cDNA or random lowcopy DNA sequences are used as RFLP markers.
Thus, if a collection of RFLP markers from one
species is tested for cross-hybridization to DNA from a
related species the similarity of the low-copy sequence
repertoires of these two species is assessed.
Species of the Solanaceae (tomato, potato and pepper) share a highly conserved gene repertoire. As
many of 46 cDNA clones hybridized to tomato as
well as pepper DNA, regardless of whether the cDNA
clones were derived from tomato or pepper (Tanksley
et al., 1988). Likewise, nearly all tomato cDNA
or genomic clones tested hybridized to potato DNA
(Bonierbale et al., 1988). Similar results were obtained if species of the Poaceae were compared in respect to marker repertoire. Of 105 maize RFLP markers tested, only one failed to hybridize to sorghum
DNA, however, 15–20 other probes hybridized much
more strongly to maize than to sorghum DNA (Hulbert et al., 1990). About 85% of rice, oat and barley
cDNA clones analysed showed hybridization to maize
DNA (Ahn and Tanksley, 1993). According to these
results, RFLP markers derived from one species can
be exploited for genetic mapping in related species.
If genetic maps are constructed with the same set of
RFLP markers for two or more species it is possible
to compare the resulting linkage maps. Thus it can
be determined whether the order of markers along the
linkage groups is conserved in the species studied.
This is a very powerful technique to compare the gross
chromosomal organization of two or more species, especially since only a limited number of markers is
needed for such a comparison.
Genetic mapping, however, limits the resolution
of such studies. For example, it will often not be
possible to establish the order of physically closely
linked markers in an unambiguous way using genetic
mapping, especially if small segregating populations
are used. Likewise, if sequences are mapped for
which several cross-hybridizing sequences exist in the
species analysed, it is often not possible to determine
whether orthologous loci are compared.
Only a small proportion of genes from a given
genome is analysed in comparative genetic mapping
studies. Consequently, many tens or hundreds of genes
may be present in an interval delimited by a pair of
adjacent markers. A more detailed characterization
of orthologous regions in related species is necessary
to reveal whether local gene order, orientation and
spacing are conserved between species. This can be
accomplished by comparative physical mapping and
sequencing. Such studies require libraries of cloned
genomic DNA fragments. For any given cloned genomic DNA fragment the gene content needs to be
assessed and compared to the orthologous region in
the other species of interest.
In some cases information about the gene content
may be available for a particular genomic region in
one of the species studied. Then the gene content
of the orthologous region in another species can be
assayed using DNA blot experiments of digested highmolecular-weight DNA, which has been separated
by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Alternatively, extended DNA fibres can be subjected to fluorescent in
situ hybridization.
Sequence-based comparisons of plant genome
The availability of sequence information for a genomic DNA fragment offers unique opportunities for
its analysis. The gene repertoire of this particular region can be established. Moreover, the spacing of
genes and their orientation relative to each other may
be studied. It is also possible to analyse exon/intron
structures in detail. Furthermore, it can be examined
whether the region shows any hallmarks of repetitive
sequences such as mobile elements.
It is immediately obvious that sequence analyses
of orthologous regions allow comparisons of unprecedented detail. Sequence alignments indicate which
kind of sequences show conservation. Gene repertoire,
spacing and order can be unambiguously compared in
orthologous regions. Most importantly, comparative
sequence analysis identifies the nature of differences
in gene arrangements.
The low degree of sequence identity in distantly related species hampers an unambiguous recognition of
orthologous sequences using hybridization-based approaches. In contrast, comparisons at sequence level
are much more sensitive, even regions from distantly
related species can be reliably analysed.
Large-scale duplications in plant genomes
The generation of a genetic linkage map is not only
useful for assigning loci to positions on chromosomes.
Genetic mapping may also highlight duplicated areas
of a genome. If markers are utilized which detect two
different loci each in a given genome, it can be studied whether the duplicated sequences are randomly
arranged in the genome or whether pairs of loci are
found in a collinear pattern. An ordered arrangement
of duplicated sequences along pairs of chromosomes
points to the common origin of these chromosomal
segments. Such a pattern could be the result of a duplication of a chromosome segment or it could indicate
the polyploid ancestry of a genome.
The hexaploid bread wheat genome consists of
three sets of seven homoeologous chromosomes.
RFLP mapping has revealed that the majority of gene
sequences are triplicated. A comparison of the chromosome linkage maps has shown that the identity of
gene orders on homoeologous chromosomes is only
interrupted by few gross chromosomal rearrangements
(Chao et al., 1989; Devos and Gale, 1993).
In maize, 28.6% of cloned sequences tested detected more than one fragment on genomic Southern
blots. Mapping of these duplicated sequences has revealed that they were arranged in a non-random order.
Thirteen pairs of duplicate loci were, for example,
present on chromosomes 2 and 7. The order of the loci
was roughly the same on both chromosomes and the
loci were distributed in chromosomal segments, which
spanned more than 50 cM each. Generally, duplicated
sequences in maize have been found in an ordered
arrangement along pairs of chromosome segments.
This pattern of duplicated loci in maize supports the
polyploid origin of maize even if the current maize
genome does not consist of five pairs of homoeologous
chromosomes (Helentjaris et al., 1988).
Similarly, genetic mapping in Brassica nigra,
B. oleracea and B. rapa showed that a high proportion of sequences in these genomes is duplicated
(Slocum et al., 1990; Song et al., 1991; Truco and
Quiros, 1994; Lan et al., 2000). But, only genetic
mapping experiments which took advantage of a particularly polymorphic cross in B. nigra have disclosed
eight chromosomal segments, which are present in
three copies each (Lagercrantz and Lydiate, 1996).
Collinear regions corresponding to these chromosomal
segments were also identified in the B. oleracea and
B. rapa genomes. From these data it was concluded
that the three Brassica species studied have triplicated genomes and a hexaploid ancestor was proposed
(Lagercrantz and Lydiate, 1996).
An example for a duplication, which only involves
a particular region of a genome, was found by carrying out genetic mapping experiments in rice. The
duplicated segment encompasses the distal ends of the
short arms of chromosomes 11 and 12. Clone contig maps of these regions were constructed to allow
a detailed study. In the duplicated segments, which
spanned ca. 2.5 Mb each, 35 DNA markers were
found in a collinear arrangement. Only two of the
markers tested appeared to be single-copy sequences,
the markers were present on chromosome 11 but not
chromosome 12 (Wu et al., 1998).
These examples show that comparative mapping
is a powerful tool to discover duplicated segments in
a given genome. However, the limited resolution of
these experiments does not allow a reliable estimate
of the similarity of gene repertoire and arrangement
in duplicated segments. Using genetic mapping many
markers may for example only be mapped to one of
the copies of a particular duplicated segment due to a
lack of suitable polymorphisms.
Based on the results of genetic mapping the presence of large-scale duplications has also been suggested for the Arabidopsis genome (Kowalski et al.,
1994; Grant et al., 2000; Lan et al. 2000). Extensive comparative sequence analysis has corroborated
these observations. Sequencing of a 400 kb contig
on chromosome 4 and comparison of that region to
other Arabidopsis sequences has shown that for nine
out of eleven genes in a 45 kb region, counterparts are
present in a conserved arrangement on chromosome 2.
The two regions differ by insertion/deletion of several
genes and non-coding sequences are not conserved.
Therefore it has been concluded that this duplication
was ancient (Terryn et al., 1999). Upon availability
of the complete sequences for chromosomes 2 and 4
it became apparent that the region described is only
a small part of a much larger duplication. The copy
on chromosome 2 spans 4.6 Mb, and 430 out of 1100
genes are in common to the regions on chromosomes
2 and 4. Apart from megabase-scale rearrangements
gene order is preserved in the two segments (Lin
et al., 1999; Mayer et al., 1999; Bancroft, 2000).
The characteristics that have been established for this
duplication can also be traced in other duplicated segments of the Arabidopsis genome (Lin et al., 1999;
Blanc et al. 2000; Rossberg et al., 2001; Figure 1A).
Based on the analysis of the genome sequence it has
been estimated that evidence for ancient duplications
is found for ca. 60% of the genome (Blanc et al., 2000;
Paterson et al., 2000; Arabidopsis Genome Initiative,
2000; Vision et al., 2000).
Comparative genomics between closely related
Numerous comparisons of genome structure using genetic mapping between closely related species have
been carried out. A special emphasis has been on
species of the Poaceae and the Brassicaceae, although
several studies have been performed for members of
the Solanaceae and legumes (Schmidt, 2000).
Figure 1. Duplicated chromosome segments differ in gene content.
A. The gene arrangement of a region mapping to A. thaliana chromosome 1 is compared to its counterpart on chromosome 3. Genes
in common to both regions are shown as white boxes. Lines connect homologous sequences. Black boxes represent genes unique
to the chromosome 1 or chromosome 3 region, respectively. The
location of a box relative to the sequence drawn as a line indicates
the direction of transcription (Rossberg et al., 2001). B. Comparison of a region of the A. thaliana genome and three corresponding
homoeologous segments from B. oleracea. A square indicates the
presence of a gene in a particular genomic region. Lines connect
homologous sequences. Gene arrangements indicative of a translocation (E) and an inversion (A–D) are shaded light and dark grey,
respectively (O’Neill and Bancroft, 2000).
Comparative mapping has generally revealed
collinear chromosomal segments in closely related
plants, albeit of varying size. In some cases entire
chromosomes show collinearity. For example, only
five chromosomal inversions have to be inferred to
explain differences in marker organization between
the twelve tomato and potato chromosomes (Tanksley
et al., 1992). In contrast, other comparative studies
revealed collinear regions spanning only few centimorgans. Such a pattern was, for example, described
for the A. thaliana and Brassica nigra genomes. One
has to assume about 90 chromosomal rearrangements
since the divergence of these species to explain the
observed pattern of collinear segments which span
on average 8 cM (Lagercrantz, 1998). The rate at
which chromosomal rearrangements have taken place
in the A. thaliana and B. nigra genomes is far higher
than values that have been reported for the Poaceae
(Paterson et al., 1996). Comparative mapping between the Arabidopsis and Capsella genomes revealed
much larger collinear segments than those observed
for A. thaliana and B. nigra (Acarkan et al., 2000).
Although Arabidopsis and Capsella diverged more re-
cently than A. thaliana and B. nigra, this difference
does not fully account for the numerous rearrangements reflected in the comparative maps of Arabidopsis and Brassica. Rather these results indicate that
different rates of chromosomal rearrangements are observed in the Brassicaceae if different species pairs are
Comparative genetic mapping between species of
the Poaceae revealed extensive genome collinearity
even if species were compared which diverged as long
as 60 million years ago. Moreover, genome sizes of
some of the species studied varied as much as 40-fold
(Gale and Devos, 1998). It was possible to establish
that a limited number of rice linkage segments is sufficient to describe the marker arrangement on the twelve
rice, seven wheat and ten maize chromosomes. In accordance with the polyploid origin of maize each of
the rice linkage segments was found to correspond
to two different maize chromosomes (Moore et al.,
1995). Based on the concept of conserved linkage
segments multiple alignments of chromosome maps
are possible and a comparative map including the
genomes of foxtail millet, oats, pearl millet, maize,
rice, sugarcane, sorghum and Triticeae was developed (Gale and Devos, 1998). Interestingly, despite
the close taxonomic relationship of pearl and foxtail
millet, comparative mapping revealed a large number
of gross chromosomal rearrangements. A comparison
of the millet and rice genomes indicated that most of
these structural changes very likely took place in pearl
millet (Devos et al., 2000).
Borders that delimit conserved linkage blocks can
often be aligned with the sites of centromeres, telomeres and nucleolar organizer regions. This has been
shown in comparisons involving different species of
the Poaceae, Brassicaceae and Solanaceae, respectively (Moore et al., 1997; Lagercrantz et al., 1998;
Livingstone et al., 1999). Aligned chromosome maps
allow the identification of markers derived from various species for a given genomic region. This approach
is especially useful if large numbers of markers are
needed for fine-scale mapping and map-based cloning
experiments. Minor deviations from overall collinearity are, however, frequently detected if more refined
mapping experiments are carried out. For example,
rice chromosome 9 is collinear with the consensus
map for group 5 chromosomes of wheat, but a nonsyntenic region was pinpointed. Probes from this
region of wheat chromosome 5 map to rice chromosomes 2, 8 and 11 (Foote et al., 1997). Likewise, a detailed comparative study of the Rpg1 genomic regions
in rice and barley provided evidence for a translocation which disrupts collinearity (Kilian et al., 1995;
Kilian et al., 1997). Comparing the marker arrangement on corresponding linkage groups of A. thaliana
and Capsella revealed that two of the Arabidopsis
markers located on chromosome 4 were not present
in the Capsella genome. For another marker, which
represents a single-copy gene on A. thaliana chromosome 4 two unlinked loci were found in Capsella
(Acarkan et al., 2000). These examples show that the
genome arrangement in related species is not only
distinguished by large-scale chromosomal rearrangements but that many small structural changes, such as
deletions/insertions, duplications and translocations of
gene sequences are frequently observed.
From results of comparative genetic and physical
mapping experiments it is difficult to assess to what
extent genome structure is conserved in two species.
Lack of polymorphisms often does not allow one to
analyse the map positions of all loci corresponding
to a particular marker in the species of interest. Thus
it may be impossible to determine whether a marker
in a non-collinear position provides evidence for a
rearrangement or whether a paralogous sequence has
been mapped. Likewise, on the basis of hybridization
experiments it is difficult to establish whether a sequence is absent from a given genome or whether lack
of hybridization is due to a high degree of sequence
divergence. Therefore, it is important to investigate
collinearity of genomes at the sequence level.
So far, only few comparative sequence analyses have been carried out but they indicate that microstructure might not be as conserved as the gross
chromosomal organization (Bennetzen, 2000). Rice
and sorghum diverged about 50 million years ago,
nevertheless complete micro-collinearity has been established for the sh2/a1 region. In addition to the
sh2 and a1 genes, a putative transcriptional regulatory
gene has been identified in the corresponding regions
of both genomes. Evolutionarily conserved sequences
in the chromosome segments analysed correspond to
genes, with intron sequences evolving at a much faster
rate than exons (Chen et al., 1998). In both rice and
sorghum the sh2 and a1 genes are separated by ca.
19 kb, whereas in maize the two genes are 140 kb
apart (Chen et al., 1997). Comparing the adh regions
of maize and sorghum, it has also been found that the
distances between genes are different in both species.
Nine genes were pinpointed in the 225 kb sequence
of the maize adh region and these are present in the
same order in sorghum. Five additional genes were de-
tected in the adh region of sorghum, although at 80 kb
it is much smaller than the corresponding maize segment. Three of these five sorghum genes are flanked by
genes, which are present in sorghum and maize. Hybridization studies have shown that these three genes
are located elsewhere in the maize genome. The increased size of the maize adh region compared to
the one of sorghum is due to the presence of many
retrotransposons (Tikhonov et al., 1999).
Earlier studies had already indicated that many of
the repetitive elements do not cross-hybridize between
maize and sorghum (Hulbert et al., 1990). This feature
can be exploited to identify gene sequences in complex genomes, since only such sequences will crosshybridize with DNA from related species (Avramova
et al., 1996). A comparison of the 22 kDa α-zein cluster in maize and the corresponding regions in sorghum
and rice has also revealed that the presence of repetitive elements located amidst gene sequences explains
the observed size differences in intergenic regions of
these species (Messing and Llaca, 1998).
Comparative sequence analysis of barley and rice
regions containing four conserved genes has revealed
more retroelement sequences in the barley than in
the rice segment. The four genes are present in the
same orientation in the rice genome, but in the barley region one of the genes is inverted in respect to
its neighbours. Another difference distinguishing the
gene arrangement in both species is that one gene is
present in two tandemly arranged copies in the barley genome, whereas the rice region harbours a single
copy (Dubcovsky et al., 2001; Figure 2C).
The results of the described micro-collinearity
studies comparing regions of the barley, maize,
sorghum and rice genomes suggest that the sizes of
intergenic regions are correlated with genome size
(Messing and Llaca, 1998; Tikhonov et al., 1999;
Dubcovsky et al., 2001). In contrast, receptor-like
kinase genes were found tightly clustered, not only
in the small rice genome but also in the much larger
wheat and barley genomes. A detailed comparison of
the regions harbouring receptor-like kinase genes in
the wheat, barley, rice and maize genomes has also
revealed the important role of duplications and other
small-scale rearrangements in plant genome evolution
(Feuillet and Keller, 1999).
Sequence analysis coupled with genetic and/or
physical mapping experiments has also been exploited
for detailed comparative studies. For the 340 kb of
DNA sequence around the Adh1 and Adh2 loci of
rice, the presence of 33 genes was predicted. Only
Figure 2. Comparison of gene arrangements in orthologous regions. Gene sequences are shown as boxes and lines connect
homologous genes. Those genes, which indicate deviations from
micro-collinearity are shaded grey or black. The different directions
of transcription are shown by the locations of the boxes relative to
the sequence drawn as a line. A. A region of A. thaliana (A. t.) chromosome 1 is completely collinear with its counterpart in C. rubella
(C. r.) (Rossberg et al., 2001). B. Orthologous regions of the
A. thaliana (A. t.) and C. rubella (C. r.) genomes show evidence
for a gene duplication (Acarkan et al., 2000). C. Corresponding
segments of the barley (H. v.) and rice (O. s.) genomes differ by
an inversion and a gene duplication (Dubcovsky et al., 2001). D.
A comparison of orthologous regions of the Arabidopsis (A. t.) and
tomato (L. e.) genomes reveals two inversions involving one and two
genes, respectively (Rossberg et al., 2001). E. A translocation differentiates corresponding segments of the Brassica oleracea (B. o.)
and Arabidopsis (A. t.) genomes. Grey shading and arrows highlight
the genes involved in the translocation (Quiros et al., 2001).
five out of thirteen rice genes tested cross-hybridized
with maize DNA. Sequence information for the adh2
region in maize would be a necessary prerequisite to
determine whether the lack of cross-hybridization to
maize DNA for 8 of the 13 rice genes indicates a difference in gene repertoire of these species or a low
degree of sequence conservation. Genetic mapping
studies have shown that four of the cross-hybridizing
genes are located in a chromosome segment on maize
chromosome 4, but the adh1 gene maps to maize chromosome 1 (Tarchini et al., 2000). This is indicative of
a translocation of the adh1 gene. The complete lack
of collinearity between the adh1 region of maize and
the segment of the rice genome which carries the orthologue of adh1 is consistent with this assumption
(Tikhonov et al., 1999).
In the Brassicaceae the annotated sequence of the
Arabidopsis genome has been exploited for comparative mapping studies in a very similar fashion as
described for the comparative study of Tarchini et al.
(2000). Nineteen different gene sequences located in
a 222 kb segment of A. thaliana chromosome 4 were
chosen for a comparative analysis with Brassica oleracea. For 9 of the 19 genes duplicated copies are
present in collinear arrangement on Arabidopsis chromosome 5. The 19 different gene sequences were used
as probes to identify B. oleracea BAC clones harbouring homologous sequences. Seven different BAC
contigs were established. Three contigs corresponded
to the Arabidopsis chromosome 5 region. All three
B. oleracea regions showed collinearity with the Arabidopsis counterpart, but in any one of the triplicated
B. oleracea segments one or several of the genes located in the Arabidopsis region were missing. Only
the gene content of all three B. oleracea contigs taken
together equalled that of Arabidopsis. A comparison
of the B. oleracea contigs with their counterpart on
Arabidopsis chromosome 4 revealed very similar results; in addition, evidence for a translocation and an
inversion was detected (O’Neill and Bancroft, 2000;
Figure 1B). The results of this microsynteny study
are consistent with the proposed triplicated nature
of the B. oleracea, B. nigra and B. rapa genomes
(Lagercrantz and Lydiate, 1996). Consequently, in the
amphidiploid oilseed rape genome up to six different
copies correspond to a particular A. thaliana segment
(Parkin et al., 1995; Bohuon et al., 1996; Scheffler
et al., 1997; Cavell et al., 1998). The A. thaliana
region carrying the GTP, RPM1 and M4 genes is,
for example, represented six times in the B. napus
genome. Two of the B. napus loci contain all three
genes, whereas in the remaining four loci the RPM1
gene appears to be deleted (Grant et al., 1998). Other
comparative studies between the Brassica and Arabidopsis genomes have also revealed evidence for
differences in gene content in homoeologous Brassica segments (Sadowski et al., 1996; Sadowski and
Quiros, 1998). Thus, deletions appear to occur very
frequently in multiplied regions of a genome.
A comparison of a segment of the B. campestris
genome harbouring the self-incompatibility genes
and the corresponding region of the A. thaliana
genome has revealed extensive collinearity at the sub-
megabase scale. Nevertheless, evidence for a small
inversion, translocations and gene deletions/insertions
was detected. Three out of 21 A. thaliana genes mapping to a 275 kb region did not cross-hybridize with
B. campestris DNA and the B. campestris SLG and
SRK genes were not found in the A. thaliana region
(Conner et al., 1998).
For the region corresponding to the Rps2 region
of A. thaliana chromosome 4, a collinear segment on
chromosome 4 of B. oleracea was identified. However,
in the Brassica region an additional gene is found,
which is homologous to genes located on Arabidopsis chromosomes 2 and 5. Thus, this microsynteny
study highlighted a translocation (Quiros et al., 2001;
Figure 2E).
Complete micro-collinearity was observed in comparative studies of the closely related species Arabidopsis thaliana and Capsella rubella. For two 30 kb
regions located on A. thaliana chromosomes 1 and 4,
respectively, it has been shown that gene order and
orientation is identical in both species (Acarkan et al.,
2000; Rossberg et al., 2001; Figures 2A and 2B). A
single difference was detected; one out of the eleven
genes studied was tandemly duplicated in C. rubella
but not in A. thaliana (Figure 2B). As judged by the
pattern of amino acid exchanges the duplication of
the gene took place in Capsella after the divergence
of Arabidopsis and Capsella (Acarkan et al., 2000).
Corresponding chromosome segments in Arabidopsis
and Capsella are very similar in size (Acarkan et al.,
2000; Rossberg et al., 2001). In comparisons between
genomic regions of Arabidopsis and Brassica it depended on the particular segments analysed whether
similar-sized regions were observed in both species or
whether an increase in size was noted for the Brassica
segment when compared to the Arabidopsis counterpart (Sadowski et al., 1996; Conner et al., 1998; Grant
et al., 1998; Sadowski and Quiros, 1998; Jackson
et al., 2000; O’Neill and Bancroft, 2000).
Comparative genomics between distantly related
The low degree of sequence identity, as is generally found for orthologous genes in distantly related
species, does in many cases not allow the unambiguous recognition of orthologues by hybridization-based
techniques. Only highly conserved gene sequences are
suitable markers for cross-hybridization experiments
between species belonging to different plant families.
However, many conserved gene sequences are of limited use for comparisons since they belong to gene
families. This severely restricts the number of markers available for such experiments and, as a result,
conserved linkages might escape detection.
The number of chromosome rearrangements observed in comparative mapping studies between
species pairs belonging to different families was compiled. An average rate of 0.14 (±0.06) structural mutations per chromosome per million years of divergence
was calculated and it was estimated that 43–58% of
chromosomal tracts of ≤3 cM should remain collinear
over a period of 130–200 million years. According
to these predictions even monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous species which diverged about 130–200
million years ago should share small collinear chromosome segments (Paterson et al., 1996). Pairs of
genes linked at ≤3 cM in crucifer plants were used
for genetic mapping in cotton and sorghum. In some
of the cases studied, linkage of the gene pairs has also
been established for sorghum and cotton; however, the
distances between the linked markers in sorghum and
cotton were often much larger than 3 cM (Paterson
et al., 1996). It would be very interesting to assess by
statistical analysis to what extent the observed pattern
of linkages are expected to be seen by random chance
in distantly related species.
Conserved linkage arrangements in distantly related dicotyledonous plants were reported in a study
by Grant et al. (2000). Soybean linkage group A2,
for example, showed significant synteny over its entire length with Arabidopsis chromosome 1 and only
a limited number of chromosomal rearrangements had
to be assumed to explain differences in map order.
Comparative studies between the Arabidopsis and
rice genomes were undertaken to assess the degree of
collinearity between monotyledonous and dicotyledonous species. Devos et al. (1999) analysed regions of
Arabidopsis chromosome 1. BLAST searches identified rice ESTs with homology to Arabidopsis gene
sequences located on several BAC clones. A subset of
33 EST sequences, putatively orthologous to the genes
derived from Arabidopsis chromosome 1, was then
used for genetic mapping in rice. Loci corresponding
to these EST sequences were found on 10 of the 12 rice
chromosomes. For some pairs of Arabidopsis locus
linkage has also been detected in rice, but generally
with the approach chosen conservation of gene order
was not detectable between Arabidopsis and rice.
Van Dodeweerd et al. (1999), with a similar strategy, identified a conserved segment spanning 200–
300 kb in the rice and Arabidopsis genomes. Gene
predictions derived from a 252 kb region of A. thaliana
chromosome 4 were used for BLAST searches to reveal homologous rice EST sequences. In total, 24
different ESTs were obtained which putatively represented orthologues of the Arabidopsis genes. Among
these ESTs were two sequences, that had been used
as RFLP markers in rice, the two markers mapped adjacent to each other on rice chromosome 2. A clone
contig was established which spanned the region of
the rice genome harbouring these two RFLP markers. Three other ESTs, which had been identified in
the BLAST analysis, have also been mapped to this
clone contig. The order of the five different genes in
Arabidopsis was distinguished from that in rice by a
single inversion. Moreover, the Arabidopsis and rice
segments showed a different gene content, the conserved framework of genes was interspersed with nonconserved genes. Subsequent analysis showed that the
remaining 19 EST sequences were mapping elsewhere
in the rice genome.
Further support for a conserved linkage of genes in
distantly related species comes from a comparison of
a 33 kb rice contig sequence containing five different
genes and the sequence of the Arabidopsis genome.
Two rice genes separated by 16 kb show amino acid
similarity with two genes in a similarly sized region
mapping to the long arm of Arabidopsis chromosome
4. Whereas one additional putative gene is found between the two rice genes, three predicted genes are
located between the Arabidopsis homologues. Two
other putative genes located in the 33 kb rice region
also show similarity to genes located in a different
region of A. thaliana chromosome 4. In this case the
orientation of the genes with respect to each other is
different in the two species (Han et al., 1999). In contrast, homologues of four genes present in conserved
regions of the rice and barley genomes were found to
be dispersed in the Arabidopsis genome (Dubcovsky
et al., 2001).
The comparative analysis of genomic regions in
rice and Arabidopsis revealed the difficulties and pitfalls of collinearity studies in distantly related species.
The unambiguous identification of orthologues in incomplete sequence databases has been identified as
the major limitation encountered in such experiments
(Devos et al., 1999). However, the completion of the
Arabidopsis genome sequencing project (Arabidopsis
Genome Initiative, 2000) and that of rice well advanced (Barry, 2001; Yuan et al., 2001) offers the
unique opportunity to assess genome collinearity in
a comprehensive way at the DNA sequence level.
This will clarify whether a framework of conserved
genes (van Dodeweerd et al., 1999) can be generally observed. The results of the first comparative
sequence analyses between distantly related dicotyledonous species show the strength of such an approach.
A pattern of complex relationships was revealed
in a study of a 105 kb segment of tomato chromosome 2 and related regions in Arabidopsis. The portion
of the tomato genome showed conservation of gene
content and order with four different segments in the
A. thaliana genome. The gene repertoire and order
observed in the related Arabidopsis regions is compatible with assuming at least two consecutive rounds
of duplications of an ancestral segment in the Arabidopsis lineage followed by extensive loss of genes
in duplicated regions (Ku et al., 2000).
Further support for micro-collinearity between the
Arabidopsis and tomato genomes has also been found
in another study. Five different genes were identified in the 57 kb Lateral suppressor region of tomato
chromosome 7. All five genes have homologues in a
region mapping to Arabidopsis chromosome 1, which
encompasses ca. 30 kb. The arrangement of the five
genes in tomato is distinguished from that in Arabidopsis by two inversions (Rossberg et al., 2001;
Figure 2D).
Tomato and Arabidopsis are representative of two
major clades of the eudicots (Soltis et al., 1999). In
accordance with the results of micro-collinearity studies carried out for tomato and Arabidopsis extensive
conservation of genome microstructure might also be
detectable if genomic regions derived from other dicotyledonous plants are compared. This hypothesis
could be tested if sequence information for many different genomic regions would be generated for various
dicotyledonous (and monocotyledonous) plants and
compared to the sequence of the Arabidopsis genome.
Using comparative genome analysis for gene
structure predictions
A comparative sequence analysis of the sh2 and a1
genes from rice, maize and sorghum revealed that
exon sequences are considerably more conserved than
intron sequences. Interestingly, different rates of divergence for introns are observed in the sh2 and a1
genes of maize and sorghum, despite a tight linkage of these loci in both genomes. For maize and
sorghum coding sequences a high degree of sequence
identity was found, whereas the rice genes are considerably more diverged than their counterparts in maize
and sorghum. The exon sequences of the sh2 gene of
maize are, for example, 95% identical to the sorghum
homologue while, in contrast, the Sh2 gene in rice
shares 82% and 83% identity with the corresponding
genes in maize and sorghum, respectively. This finding is consistent with the divergence times reported
for these species. The rice lineage separated from the
one of maize and sorghum about 50 million years ago,
whereas maize and sorghum diverged 15–20 million
years ago (Chen et al., 1998). Aligning A. thaliana
cDNA sequences with genomic DNA sequences of
A. thaliana and C. rubella revealed not only a high
degree of sequence identity for exon sequences at the
nucleotide level but also suggested the conservation
of number and position of intron sequences in both
species. In contrast, the sizes of introns and their
sequences vary, although stretches of sequence identity can also be found in intron sequences. Likewise,
in intergenic regions no overall sequence homology
is found between Arabidopsis and Capsella genomic
DNA sequences (Acarkan et al., 2000).
Evaluation of gene prediction software revealed
that gene modelling merely based on gene prediction programs needs further improvement (Pavy et al.,
1999). For example, in four out of nine cases analysed
the exon/intron structure of a predicted gene differed
from that deduced from alignments of Arabidopsis
cDNA and genomic DNA sequences (Acarkan et al.,
2000; Arabidopsis Genome Initiative, 2000; Rossberg et al., 2001). Interestingly, aligning such most
probably incorrectly predicted Arabidopsis coding sequences with Capsella genomic DNA sequences did
not yield a conserved gene structure. This is in contrast to the results obtained if Arabidopsis cDNA
sequences are compared to Arabidopsis and Capsella
genomic DNA sequences. Consequently, alignments
of genomic DNA sequences of orthologous regions
from related species may be exploited to improve gene
structure predictions by taking into account conservation of exon length and sequences.
In the segmental duplications of the Arabidopsis genome, non-coding sequences are not conserved
(Terryn et al., 1999; Blanc et al., 2000). Blanc et al.
(2000) proposed to use conserved exon sequences of
duplicated genes as a tool for improvement of gene
structure predictions.
Conservation of exon/intron structures has even
been seen in sequence alignments of orthologous gene
sequences from tomato, Arabidopsis and Capsella. In-
Figure 3. Comparison of exon/intron structures of orthologous
genes. The three different coding sequences shown (A, B, C) are
present in collinear segments of the Arabidopsis (At), Capsella
(Cr) and tomato genomes (Le) (Rossberg et al., 2001). The regions
between start and stop codons are indicated. Exon sequences are displayed as boxes and to scale, for intron sequences the sizes are given
in bp. Exons which are identical in length in all three species are
represented as white boxes. Grey shading indicates that the exons
are identical in size in two of the analysed species.
trons of two different tomato genes were on average
twofold larger than their counterparts in Arabidopsis
or Capsella, whereas differences in exon length are
essentially restricted to the 5 and 3 regions of the
genes. Number of exons was conserved, although for
one gene an additional intron has been identified in
the tomato copy. One of the five genes analysed in
tomato, Arabidopsis and Capsella, however, showed
remarkably different exon sizes (Figure 3). Interestingly, this coincides with a less pronounced level of
sequence identity. Most of the sequence comparisons
carried out for different gene sequences in Arabidopsis
and Capsella revealed identities of >90% for exon sequences at the nucleotide level, for this particular gene
which belongs to the WRKY family of transcription
factors a value of ca. 80% was determined. The tomato
gene harbours two WRKY domains, whereas in the
Arabidopsis and Capsella genes only the C-terminal
domain is present. This difference in domain structure partly accounts for the differences in exon length
(Rossberg et al., 2001).
For a gene encoding a putative transcription factor
a very similar observation was made; the gene encodes
a protein of 895 amino acids in sorghum, whereas the
rice protein consists of 1070 amino acids. A putative
zinc finger motif present in the rice gene is absent from
the sorghum sequence. The differences in predicted
protein sizes for the A1 homologues in sorghum, rice
and maize can mainly be attributed to variations in
stop codon location at the C-termini of the putative
peptides. The A1 genes in sorghum and maize har-
bour in comparison to the orthologous gene in rice an
additional intron (Chen et al., 1998).
Gene structure was found to be largely conserved
between rice and barley orthologues. Most of the differences in exon length were confined to the 5 and
3 end of the four genes analysed. Interestingly, a noncanonical splice site in one of the introns was also conserved. These gene structures have been successfully
aligned with those of the Arabidopsis homologues.
Many of the exons analysed proved to be identical in
length in all three species. Most notably, these alignments also suggested modifications to Arabidopsis
gene predictions. Arabidopsis exon/intron structures
have been deduced for three out of four genes analysed
which show a higher overall similarity to the rice
an barley genes than the unmodified gene predictions
(Dubcovsky et al., 2001). These results clearly demonstrate the utility of comparative sequence analysis for
improvement of gene structure predictions.
Detailed comparisons of orthologues from different species may also provide evidence for pseudogenes (Feuillet and Keller, 1999).
Comparative genomics as a tool for gene isolation
Comparative mapping experiments have revealed extensive genome collinearity at the gross chromosomal
level between plant species belonging to the same family. In contrast, the results of micro-collinearity suggest a high frequency of small-scale rearrangements,
such as deletions/insertions, duplications, inversions
and translocations. Although micro-collinearity may
be disturbed by duplications of gene sequences and
inversions covering one or several genes, this kind
of structural alterations does not impose major limitations on using comparative mapping strategies for
gene cloning and fine-scale mapping of monogenic or
polygenic traits.
The large genome sizes of many important crop
plants render map-based cloning experiments especially difficult. Thus, it is attractive to advance such
experimental strategies in species with large genomes
by exploiting comparative mapping with a related
species, which is characterized by a small genome.
Due to the numerous deviations seen in microsynteny
studies it is nevertheless advisable that the locus to be
cloned from a species of interest is covered by a clone
contig derived from this plant. Comparative maps are
very useful resources to identify many different markers from a variety of species for a given genomic
region. Especially fine-scale mapping or map-based
cloning experiments in plants with large genomes may
benefit from this. Synteny in the vicinity of rpg4 was
investigated using rice and barley molecular markers
as well as clone libraries established from genomic
DNA of these species. This approach was successful
in delimiting the position of the rpg4 locus physically
and genetically (Druka et al., 2000).
Triticum aestivum has a very large genome of
ca. 16 000 Mb; moreover, the presence of three
highly similar genomes render map-based cloning
experiments more difficult. Thus, the extensive
collinearity between chromosome 1Am of the diploid
wheat Triticum monococcum and chromosome 1A of
Triticum aestivum (Dubcovsky et al., 1995) was exploited to reduce the complexity of analysis. A physical contig encompassing 450 kb has been established
in T. monococcum; this region is collinear with the
segment of the bread wheat genome which spans the
leaf rust resistance locus (Stein et al., 2000).
Correspondence of quantitative traits across different species has been inferred from results of comparative mapping (Lin et al., 1995; Paterson et al., 1995).
For example, loci controlling shattering of the inflorescence could be mapped to orthologous regions of
foxtail millet, maize, sorghum and rice chromosomes
(Paterson et al., 1995; Devos and Gale, 2000).
Homologues of the Arabidopsis thaliana GAI
gene encoding a gibberellin response modulator were
cloned from maize, rice and wheat. Using comparative mapping, a gene controlling a key trait in several
species has been identified. The Rht1 gene of wheat
and the D8 gene of maize map to homoeologous
chromosome segments. Gene isolation and characterization confirmed their orthology. Mutations in the
N-terminal region of the encoded proteins cause reduced response to gibberellin and dwarf phenotyes
(Peng et al., 1999).
It can be very difficult to define orthology of genes
derived from distantly related species unambiguously,
especially if gene families with many members are
investigated. But by combining sequence information
with micro-collinearity data, orthologous sequences
for a member of the rapidly evolving WRKY family of transcription factors have been identified in the
A. thaliana, C. rubella and tomato genomes (Rossberg
et al., 2001).
The well-characterized Arabidopsis genome together with the extensive collinearity seen in species of
the Brassicaceae present unique opportunities for the
identification of candidate genes encoding economi-
cally relevant traits in Brassica. Reciprocal mapping
experiments are carried out to correlate Brassica loci
of interest with Arabidopsis candidate genes.
Putative candidate genes from Arabidopsis can
serve as molecular markers on suitable segregating
populations of Brassica. This will show whether
any of the loci detected by these probes show cosegregation with the Brassica locus of interest. Detailed information on many Brassica genomes is available, thus in many cases molecular markers will be
available in the vicinity of a particular trait to be studied. These molecular markers can be used for genetic
mapping in Arabidopsis to identify the corresponding region. For any Brassica marker, which represents
exon sequences there is a high likelihood that an alignment with the sequence of the A. thaliana genome
will immediately reveal corresponding genes and their
map positions. The mapping of several closely linked
Brassica marker sequences onto the sequence maps
of the Arabidopsis chromosomes should pinpoint in
most cases a corresponding segment in A. thaliana.
The annotated Arabidopsis sequence can then be used
as a tool to refine the positioning and ultimately identify the locus of interest in Brassica. The control of
flowering time in Brassica, for example, is studied by
using information about Arabidopsis genes that have
been implicated in this mechanism (Lagercrantz et al.,
1996; Osborn et al., 1997; Bohuon et al., 1998; Lan
and Paterson, 2000; Kole et al., 2001). Comparative mapping has identified an oilseed rape homologue
of the Arabidopsis CURLY LEAF (CLF) gene as a
candidate for the petal-less flower trait in B. napus
(Fray et al., 1997). Similarly, homologues of the Arabidopsis fatty acid elongase (FAE1) gene have been
correlated with two loci controlling erucic acid content
in oilseed rape (Fourmann et al., 1998).
Pathogen resistance gene homologues were frequently found in non-syntenic map positions in different grasses (Leister et al., 1998). Recently, Arabidopsis ESTs and Brassica sequences with homology to
cloned plant resistance genes were mapped in B. napus to provide a source of candidate-resistance genes
for B. napus. An integration of this information with
the map positions of disease resistance loci that have
been placed on the oilseed rape genome can now be
pursued (Sillito et al., 2000). This will clarify whether
a rapid reorganization of disease resistance loci is also
observed in the Brassicaceae. For the Rpm1 and Rps2
genes it has already been shown that they reside in
collinear positions in the Arabidopsis and Brassica
genomes (Grant et al., 1998; Quiros et al., 2001).
The sequence analysis of the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis Genome Initiative, 2000) and rice genomes
(Barry, 2001; Yuan et al., 2001) provides a vast resource of gene sequences suitable for genetic and
physical mapping experiments. This can be exploited
to study a particular genomic region in related species
in detail, but markers derived from Arabidopsis or
rice may also provide an important contribution to
establish genome-wide clone contig maps for closely
related species. For example, the information from the
rice physical map has been recognised as a powerful
resource for advancing a contig map of the sorghum
genome (Draye et al., 2001).
Patterns of plant genome evolution
Comparative genetic mapping has generally revealed
collinear chromosomal segments in closely related
plants, whereas comparative genome studies at the
micro level have disclosed many small differences between genomes of closely related species. Even if
genome segments of 100 kb or less are analysed deviations from collinearity are often apparent. Evidence
for translocations and inversions, that involve one or
several genes are readily detected (Figure 2). Particularly common, however, are deletions and duplications
of gene sequences (Figures 1 and 2), possibly resulting from unequal crossing-over. All these results taken
together indicate that alterations of the fine structure may play a much more prominent role in the
evolution of plant genomes than gross chromosomal
In this context, it is interesting to note that the
analysis of the Arabidopsis genome revealed 1528 tandem arrays containing 4140 individual genes. Moreover, it is striking that the proportion of proteins
belonging to families of more than five members is
much higher in Arabidopsis than the values that have
been reported for Drosophila or Caenorhabditis elegans (Arabidopsis Genome Initiative, 2000). Taken
together, the results of microsynteny studies and the
analysis of the Arabidopsis genome sequence, indicate
that tandem gene duplications may play an important
role in shaping plant genomes.
Plasticity of genome microstructure is also seen if
genomes of different ecotypes are compared. A region of A. thaliana chromosome 4, ecotype Columbia,
was compared to the corresponding region of the
Landsberg erecta accession. The region harbours two
retroelement-like sequences in the Columbia ecotype,
whereas in Landsberg erecta three are found in different positions. Moreover, polymorphisms including
both DNA sequence and copy number of genes in
tandem arrays were observed (Noël et al., 1999).
A comparative analysis of 82 Mb of Arabidopsis
genome sequence, accession Columbia, and 92.1 Mb
of non-redundant sequences of the Landsberg erecta
ecotype detected 14 570 insertions/deletions which
range in size from 2 bp to 38 kb. Insertions/deletions
>250 bp in Columbia compared to Landsberg erecta
genomic sequences are often caused by transposon insertion or excision; however, evidence for the translocation of genes to new locations in the genome is
also frequently found (Arabidopsis Genome Initiative,
Non-collinear positioning of transposon sequences
has been observed in many collinearity studies; moreover, the rapid divergence of these elements has been
noted. The importance of retroelements in shaping
plant genomes is particularly noteworthy in the large
grass genomes (Bennetzen et al., 1998). However,
size differences in intergenic regions are not always
explained by the presence of retroelement-like sequences. For example, intergenic regions in tomato
are expanded in comparison to the orthologous segments in Arabidopsis and Capsella, but hallmarks
of retrotransposons were not found (Rossberg et al.,
All synteny studies carried out to date between
species belonging to the Brassicaceae show that Arabidopsis and Capsella display more pronounced conservation of genome structure than Arabidopsis and
Brassica (Arabidopsis Genome Initiative, 2000; Bancroft, 2001; Schmidt et al., 2001). The species Arabidopsis and Capsella diverged more recently than
the lineages leading to Arabidopsis and Brassica
(Acarkan et al., 2000). Nevertheless, this does not
fully account for the differences seen in comparative
genome studies. In this context it is important to note
that the most pronounced deviations from conservation in genome structure are seen in multiplied regions
of the Brassica genome. The triplicated segments of
the Brassica genomes differ in respect to gene repertoire and only the genes of the triplicated regions taken
together make up the gene content in the corresponding Arabidopsis region. One or several homologues
of Arabidopsis genes may be missing from any particular triplicated region. These results are consistent
with the hypothesis that gene deletion events occur
frequently in multiplied regions of a genome. The
complex nature of the Brassica genome with many
regions being present in multiple copies may thus be
the crucial factor for the less pronounced collinearity
seen for Arabidopsis and Brassica when compared to
Arabidopsis and Capsella.
Analysis of the Arabidopsis genome sequence data
led to the discovery of large segmental duplications
(Blanc et al., 2000; Paterson et al., 2000; Arabidopsis Genome Initiative, 2000; Vision et al., 2000). In
the segmental duplications seen in the Arabidopsis
genome, a set of common genes is interspersed with
genes unique to any one of the regions. Collinearity studies with distantly related species support the
view that the segmental duplications indeed originate from a common ancestral chromosome segment
(Ku et al., 2000; Rossberg et al., 2001). Therefore,
the duplications in the Arabidopsis genome share the
same characteristics as the multiplied segments in the
Brassica genome. Studies of the Arabidopsis genome
sequence thus also support the hypothesis that duplicated segments may substantially influence plant
genome evolution.
In this context, a study of synthetic polyploids of
Brassica by Song et al. (1995) is particularly noteworthy, since evidence for extensive and rapid genome
change was presented. The described alterations could
be due to different processes such as chromosomal
rearrangements, point mutations or gene conversions.
By contrast, the organization of the genomes of amphidiploid B. napus and B. juncea is very similar to
the ones from their progenitors, thus polyploidization
events are not necessarily followed by extensive alterations in chromosome structure (Axelsson et al., 2000;
Parkin et al., 1995; Bohuon et al., 1996).
The duplicated regions in the Arabidopsis genome
may be remnants of single or multiple polyploidizations. Alternatively, they might represent independent
segmental duplications. Two different analyses have
shown that the majority of the genome falls into duplicated blocks. This was taken as a hint that the duplicated blocks are likely due to a single polyploidization
event (Arabidopsis Genome Initiative, 2000). Consistent with that view, a molecular-clock analysis by
Lynch and Conery (2000) identified a large group of
duplicated genes which belong to the same age class.
The age of these duplications has been estimated at
65 million years. In contrast, an independent study
suggested at least four large-scale duplication events
that occurred 100 to 200 million years ago (Vision
et al., 2000). However, as discussed by Wolfe (2001),
analyses of phylogenetic trees and sequences from an
outgroup are needed to confirm whether more than
one large-scale duplication event has occurred in the
lineage leading to Arabidopsis thaliana.
Comparative mapping between Arabidopsis, Capsella and Brassica has provided evidence that at least
the few Arabidopsis large-scale duplications studied
predate the divergence of the three crucifer species
(Bancroft, 2000; O’Neill and Bancroft, 2000; Arabidopsis Genome Initiative, 2000; Rossberg et al.,
2001). Thus, using more comparative data, especially
with more distantly related species, will shed light on
the age of the duplicated blocks.
It needs to be considered that polyploidy is widespread in the plant kingdom (Wendel, 2000). The
analysis of the Arabidopsis genome has shown that
large-scale duplications may even be discovered in
plant species with very small genomes. Since largescale duplications and subsequent gene loss seem to
be a very important process in plant genome evolution it is of great significance to assess the occurrence
of polyploidization events in different plant lineages.
Only such studies will allow the use of comparative
genomics in the most effective way.
I thank Dr B. Schulz (University of Tübingen, Germany) for helpful comments on the manuscript.
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