INEQUALITIES FOR THE MAXIMUM MODULUS OF THE DERIVATIVE OF A POLYNOMIAL Inequalities for the Maximum Modulus A. AZIZ AND B.A. ZARGAR A. Aziz and B.A. Zargar Department of Mathematics University of Kashmir, Srinagar-India EMail: vol. 8, iss. 2, art. 37, 2007 Title Page Contents Received: 17 May, 2006 Accepted: 18 December, 2006 Communicated by: Q.I. Rahman 2000 AMS Sub. Class.: 30C10, 30C15. Key words: Polynomial, Derivative, Bernstein Inequality, Maximum Modulus. Abstract: Let P (z) be a polynomial of degree n and M (P, t) = Max |P (z)|. In this paper JJ II J I Page 1 of 15 Go Back |z|=t 0 we shall estimate M (P , ρ) in terms of M (P, r) where P (z) does not vanish in the disk |z| ≤ K, K ≥ 1, 0 ≤ r < ρ < K and obtain an interesting refinement of some result of Dewan and Malik. We shall also obtain an interesting generalization as well as a refinement of well-known result of P. Turan for polynomials not vanishing outside the unit disk. Full Screen Close Contents 1 Introduction and Statement of Results 3 2 Lemmas 6 3 Proof of the Theorems 10 Inequalities for the Maximum Modulus A. Aziz and B.A. Zargar vol. 8, iss. 2, art. 37, 2007 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 2 of 15 Go Back Full Screen Close 1. Introduction and Statement of Results Let P (z) be a polynomial of degree n and let M (P, r) = Max|z|=r |P (z)| and 0 m(P, t) = min|z|=t |P (z)| concerning the estimate of max |P (z)| in terms of the max |P (z)| on the unit circle |z| = 1, we have (1.1) 0 Max |P (z)| ≤ n Max |P (z)|. |z|=1 |z|=1 Inequality (1.1) is a famous result known as Bernstein’s Inequality (for reference see [4], [5], [10], [11]). Equality in (1.1) holds if and only if P (z) has all its zeros at the origin. So it is natural to seek improvements under appropriate assumptions on the zeros of P (z). If P (z) does not vanish in |z| < 1,then the inequality (1.1) can be replaced by (1.2) n Max |P (z)| ≤ Max |P (z)| |z|=1 2 |z|=1 0 Max |P (z)| ≥ |z|=1 n Max |P (z)|. 2 |z|=1 As an extension of (1.2), Malik [9] showed that if P (z) does not vanish in |z| < K, K ≥ 1, then (1.4) A. Aziz and B.A. Zargar vol. 8, iss. 2, art. 37, 2007 Title Page Contents 0 Inequality (1.2) was conjectured by Erdos and later proved by Lax [8]. On the other hand, it was shown by Turan [12] that if all the zeros of P (z) lie in |z| < 1, then (1.3) Inequalities for the Maximum Modulus 0 Max |P (z)| ≤ |z|=1 n Max |P (z)| 1 + K |z|=1 Recently Dewan and Abdullah [6] have obtained the following generalization of inequality (1.4). JJ II J I Page 3 of 15 Go Back Full Screen Close P Theorem A. If P (z) = nj=0 aj z j is a polynomial of degree n having no zeros in |z| < K, K ≥ 1, then for 0 ≤ r < ρ ≤ K, n(ρ + K)n−1 K(K − ρ)(n|a0 | − K|a1 |)n 0 (1.5) Max |P (z)| ≤ 1− n |z|=ρ (K + r) (K 2 − ρ2 )n|a0 | + 2K 2 ρ|a1 | n−1 ) ρ−r K +r × Max |P (z)| |z|=r K +ρ K +ρ Inequality (1.3) was generalized by Aziz and Shah [2] by proving the following interesting result. P Theorem B. If P (z) = nj=0 aj z j is a polynomial of degree n having all its zeros in the disk |z| ≤ K ≤ 1 with s−fold zeros at origin, then for |z| = 1, 0 Max |P (z)| ≥ (1.6) |z|=1 n + Ks Max |P (z)|. 1 + K |z|=1 The result is sharp and the extremal polynomial is P (z) = z s (z + K)n−s , 0 < s ≤ n. Here in this paper,we shall first obtain the following interesting improvement of Theorem A which is also a generalization of inequality (1.4). P Theorem 1.1. If P (z) = nj=0 aj z j is a polynomial of degree n > 1, having no zeros in |z| < K, K ≥ 1,then for 0 ≤ r ≤ ρ ≤ K, 0 (1.7) M (P , ρ) ≤ n(ρ + K)n−1 (K + r)n n−1 # K(K − ρ)(n|a0 | − K|a1 |)n ρ−r K +r × 1− 2 M (P, r) (ρ + K 2 )n|a0 | + 2K 2 ρ|a1 | K + ρ K +ρ Inequalities for the Maximum Modulus A. Aziz and B.A. Zargar vol. 8, iss. 2, art. 37, 2007 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 4 of 15 Go Back Full Screen Close −n (n|a0 |ρ + K 2 |a1 |) (ρ2 + K 2 )n|a0 | + 2K 2 ρ|a1 | n ρ+K × − 1 − n(ρ − r) m(P, K). r+K r+K ρ+K The result is best possible and equality holds for the polynomial P (z) = (z + K)n . Inequalities for the Maximum Modulus A. Aziz and B.A. Zargar Next we prove the following result which is a refinement of Theorem B. P Theorem 1.2. If P (z) = nj=0 aj z j is a polynomial of degree n having all its zeros in the disk |z| ≤ K, K ≤ 1 with t−fold zeros at the origin, then, (1.8) 0 M (P , 1) ≥ n + Kt n−t M (P, 1) + m(P, K). 1+K (1 + K)K t The result is sharp and equality holds for the polynomial P (z) = z t (z + K)n−t , 0 < t ≤ n. The following result immediately follows by taking K = 1 in Theorem 1.2. P Corollary 1.3. If P (z) = nj=0 aj z j is a polynomial of degree n having all its zeros in |z| ≤ 1, with t−fold zeros at the origin, then for |z| = 1, (1.9) n+t n−t M (P , 1) ≥ M (P, 1) + m(P, 1). 2 2 0 The result is best possible and equality holds for the polynomial P (z) = (z + K)n . Remark 1. For t = 0, Corollary 1.3 reduces to a result due to Aziz and Dawood [1]. vol. 8, iss. 2, art. 37, 2007 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 5 of 15 Go Back Full Screen Close 2. Lemmas For the proofs of these theorems, we require the following lemmas. The first result is due to Govil, Rahman and Schmeisser [7]. P Lemma 2.1. If P (z) = nj=0 aj z j is a polynomial of degree n having all its zeros in |z| ≥ K ≥ 1, then (2.1) 2 0 Max |P (z)| ≤ n |z|=1 Pn (n|a0 | + K |a1 |) Max |P (z)|. (1 + K 2 )n|a0 | + 2K 2 |a1 | |z|=1 A. Aziz and B.A. Zargar vol. 8, iss. 2, art. 37, 2007 j Lemma 2.2. If P (z) = j=0 aj z is a polynomial of degree n which does not vanish in |z| < K where K > 0,then for 0 ≤ rR ≤ K 2 and r ≤ R, we have (2.2) Inequalities for the Maximum Modulus Max |P (z)| |z|=r n n r+K r+K ≥ Max |P (z)| + 1 − Min |z|=K |P (z)|. |z|=R R+K R+K Here the result is best possible and equality in (2.2) holds for the polynomial P (z) = (z + K)n . Lemma 2.2 is due to Aziz and Zargar [3]. P Lemma 2.3. If P (z) = nj=0 aj z j is a polynomial of degree n having no zeros in |z| < K, K ≥ 1, then for 0 ≤ r ≤ ρ ≤ K, (2.3) M (P, ρ) n " n−1 # K +ρ K(K − ρ)(n|a0 | − K|a1 |)n ρ − r K +r 1− M (P, r) ≤ K +r (K 2 + ρ2 )n|a0 | + 2K 2 ρ|a1 | K + ρ K +ρ Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 6 of 15 Go Back Full Screen Close (n|a0 |ρ + K 2 |a1 |)(r + K) − (ρ2 + K 2 )n|a0 | + 2K 2 ρ|a1 | ρ+K r+K n − 1 − n(ρ − r) m(P, K). The result is best possible with equality for the polynomial P (z) = (z + K)n . Proof of Lemma 2.3. Since P (z) has no zeros in |z| < K, K ≥ 1, therefore the polynomial T (z) = P (tz) has no zeros in |z| < Kt , where 0 ≤ t ≤ K. Using Lemma 2.1 for the polynomial T (z), with K replaced by Kt ≥ 1, we get ( ) 2 (n|a0 | + Kt2 |ta1 |) 0 Max |T (z)| ≤ n Max |T (z)|, 2 2 |z|=1 (1 + Kt2 )n|a0 | + 2 Kt2 |ta1 | |z|=1 0 Max |P (z)| ≤ n |z|=t A. Aziz and B.A. Zargar vol. 8, iss. 2, art. 37, 2007 Title Page which implies (2.4) Inequalities for the Maximum Modulus (n|a0 |t + K 2 |a1 |) (t2 + K 2 )n|a0 | + 2K 2 t|a1 | Contents Max |P (z)|. |z|=t Now for 0 ≤ r ≤ ρ ≤ K and 0 ≤ θ < 2π, by (2.4) we have Z ρ 0 iθ iθ (2.5) P (ρe ) − P (re ) ≤ |P (teiθ )|dt Zr ρ (n|a0 |t + K 2 |a1 |) ≤ n Max |P (z)|. (t2 + K 2 )n|a0 | + 2K 2 t|a1 | |z|=t r Using Lemma 2.2 with R = t and noting that 0 ≤ r ≤ t ≤ ρ ≤ K and 0 ≤ rt ≤ K 2 , it follows that Z ρ (n|a0 |t + K 2 |a1 |) iθ iθ |P (ρe ) − P (re )| ≤ n , (t2 + K 2 )n|a0 | + 2K 2 t|a1 | r JJ II J I Page 7 of 15 Go Back Full Screen Close t+K r+K n n r+K M (P, r) − 1 − m(P, K) dt t+K (n|a0 |ρ + K 2 |a1 |) ≤n (ρ2 + K 2 )n|a0 | + 2K 2 ρ|a1 | n n Z ρ t+K r+K × M (P, r) − 1 − m(P, K) dt. r+K t+K r This gives for 0 ≤ r ≤ ρ ≤ K, M (P, ρ) Z ρ n(K + ρ) (n|a0 |ρ + K 2 |a1 |) n−1 ≤ 1+ (K + t) dt M (P, r) (K + r)n (ρ2 + K 2 )n|a0 | + 2K 2 ρ|a1 | r Z ρ n t+K (n|a0 |ρ + K 2 |a1 |) − 1 dt m(P, k) −n (ρ2 + K 2 )n|a0 | + 2K 2 ρ|a1 | r+K r (K + ρ)(n|a0 |ρ + K 2 |a1 |) ≤ 1− (ρ2 + K 2 )n|a0 | + 2K 2 ρ|a1 | n (K + ρ)(n|a0 |ρ + K 2 |a1 |) K +ρ + M (P, r) (ρ2 + K 2 )n|a0 | + 2K 2 ρ|a1 | K +r Z ρ (n|a0 |ρ + K 2 |a1 |) (t + K)n−1 −n − 1 dt m(P, k) (ρ2 + K 2 )n|a0 | + 2K 2 ρ|a1 | (r + K)n−1 r K(K − ρ)(n|a0 | − K|a1 |) < (K 2 + ρ2 )n|a0 | + 2K 2 ρ|a1 | n K(K − ρ)(n|a0 | − K|a1 |) K +ρ + 1− M (P, r) (K 2 + ρ2 )n|a0 | + 2K 2 ρ|a1 | K +r Inequalities for the Maximum Modulus A. Aziz and B.A. Zargar vol. 8, iss. 2, art. 37, 2007 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 8 of 15 Go Back Full Screen Close ( ! ) n−1 Z ρ t+K (n|a0 |ρ + K 2 |a1 |) −n − 1 dt m(P, k) (ρ2 + K 2 )n|a0 | + 2K 2 ρ|a1 | r r+K n n K +ρ K(K − ρ)(n|a0 | − K|a1 |) K +r = 1− 1− M (P, r) K +r (K 2 + ρ2 )n|a0 | + 2K 2 ρ|a1 | K +ρ (n|a0 |ρ + K 2 |a1 |) 1 −n 2 2 2 (ρ + K )n|a0 | + 2K ρ|a1 | (r + K)n−1 (ρ + K)n − (r + K)n × − (ρ − r) m(P, k) n n K(K − ρ)(n|a0 | − K|a1 |) K +ρ = 1− K +r (K 2 + ρ2 )n|a0 | + 2K 2 ρ|a1 | n (ρ − r) K +r M (P, r) n o 1− × K+r K + ρ (K + ρ) 1 − K+ρ (n|a0 |ρ + K 2 |a1 |) − (ρ2 + K 2 )n|a0 | + 2K 2 ρ|a1 | n ρ+K × (r + K) − 1 − n(ρ − r) m(P, k) r+K n " n−1 # K +ρ K(K − ρ)(n|a0 | − K|a1 |)n ρ − r K +r ≤ 1− M (P, r) K +r (K 2 + ρ2 )n|a0 | + 2K 2 ρ|a1 | K + ρ K +ρ n (n|a0 |ρ + K 2 |a1 |)(r + K) ρ+K − − 1 − n(ρ − r) m(P, K) (ρ2 + K 2 )n|a0 | + 2K 2 ρ|a1 | r+K which proves Lemma 2.3. Inequalities for the Maximum Modulus A. Aziz and B.A. Zargar vol. 8, iss. 2, art. 37, 2007 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 9 of 15 Go Back Full Screen Close 3. Proof of the Theorems Pn j Proof of Theorem 1.1. Since the polynomial P (z) = j=0 aj z has no zeros in |z| < K, where K ≥ 1, therefore it follows that F (z) = P (ρz) has no zero in |z| < Kρ , Kρ ≥ 1. Applying inequality (1.4) to the polynomial F (z), we get 0 Max |F (z)| ≤ |z|=1 n Max|z|=1 |F (z)|, 1 + Kρ Inequalities for the Maximum Modulus A. Aziz and B.A. Zargar which gives (3.1) vol. 8, iss. 2, art. 37, 2007 0 Max |P (z)| ≤ |z|=ρ n Max |P (z)|. ρ + K |z|=ρ Now if 0 ≤ r ≤ ρ ≤ K, then from (3.1) it follows with the help of Lemma 2.3 that n(K + ρ)n−1 K(K − ρ)(n|a0 | − K|a1 |)n 0 Max |P (z)| ≤ 1 − |z|=ρ (K + r)n (K 2 + ρ2 )n|a0 | + 2K 2 ρ|a1 | n−1 # ρ − r) K +r × M (P, r) K +ρ K +ρ r+K (n|a0 |ρ + K 2 |a1 |) −n ρ+K (ρ2 + K 2 )n|a0 | + 2K 2 ρ|a1 | n ρ+K × − 1 − n(ρ − r) m(P, K), r+K which completes the proof of Theorem 1.1. Proof of Theorem 1.2. If m = Min|z|=K |P (z)|, then m ≤ |P (z)| for |z| = K, which gives m| Kz |t ≤ |P (z)| for |z| = K. Since all the zeros of P (z) lie in |z| ≤ Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 10 of 15 Go Back Full Screen Close K ≤ 1, with t−fold zeros at the origin,therefore for every complex number α such that |α| < 1, it follows (by Rouches’ Theorem for m > 0) that the polynomial G(z) = P (z) + αm z t has all its zeros in |z| ≤ K, K ≤ 1 with t−fold zeros at the Kt origin,so that we can write (3.2) G(z) = z t H(z), where H(z) is a polynomial of degree n − t having all its zeros in |z| ≤ K, K ≤ 1. From (3.2), we get 0 (3.3) 0 zG (z) zH (z) =t+ . G(z) H(z) If z1 , z2 , . . . , zn−t are the zeros of H(z), then |zj | ≤ K ≤ 1 and from (3.3), we have iθ 0 iθ iθ 0 iθ e G (e ) e H (e ) (3.4) Re = t + Re iθ G(e ) H(eiθ ) n−t X eiθ = t + Re eiθ − zj j=1 n−t X 1 =t+ Re 1 − zj e−iθ j=1 for points eiθ , 0 ≤ θ < 2π which are not the zeros of H(z). Now,if |w| ≤ K ≤ 1, then it can be easily verified that 1 1 ≥ . Re 1−w 1+K Inequalities for the Maximum Modulus A. Aziz and B.A. Zargar vol. 8, iss. 2, art. 37, 2007 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 11 of 15 Go Back Full Screen Close Using this fact in (3.4), we see that 0 iθ iθ 0 iθ G (e ) e G (e ) G(eiθ ) ≥ Re G(eiθ ) n−t X 1 n−t =t+ ≥ t + Re , 1 − zj e−iθ 1+K j=1 which gives, Inequalities for the Maximum Modulus A. Aziz and B.A. Zargar 0 |G (eiθ )| ≥ (3.5) n + tK |G(eiθ )| 1+K vol. 8, iss. 2, art. 37, 2007 for points eiθ , 0 ≤ θ < 2π which are not the zeros of G(z). Since inequality (3.5) is trivially true for points eiθ , 0 ≤ θ < 2π which are the zeros of P (z), it follows that 0 |G (z)| ≥ (3.6) n + tK |G(z)| for 1+K |z| = 1. Replacing G(z) by P (z) + αm z t in (3.6), then we get Kt 0 n + tK αtm αm t t−1 P (z) + ≥ (3.7) z P (z) + z Kt 1+K Kt for |z| = 1 it follows from (3.7) that 0 n + tK h mi t|α|m ≥ |P (z)| + |α| Kt 1+K Kt Contents JJ II J I Page 12 of 15 and for every α with |α| < 1. Choosing the argument of α such that αm t m P (z) + z = |P (z)| + |α| for |z| = 1, Kt Kt |P (z)| + Title Page for |z| = 1. Go Back Full Screen Close Letting |α| → 1, we obtain n + tK m 0 n + tK |P (z)| + −t P (z) ≥ 1+K 1+K Kt n + tK n−t m = |P (z)| + for |z| = 1. 1+K 1 + K Kt Inequalities for the Maximum Modulus This implies n + tK n−t Max |P (z)| ≥ Max |P (z)| + Min |P (z)| |z|=1 1 + K |z|=1 (1 + K)K t |z|=K A. Aziz and B.A. Zargar 0 which is the desired result. vol. 8, iss. 2, art. 37, 2007 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 13 of 15 Go Back Full Screen Close References [1] A. AZIZ AND Q.M. DAWOOD, Inequalities for a polynomial and its derivative, J. Approx. Theory, 54 (1988), 306–313. [2] A. AZIZ AND W.M. SHAH, Inequalities for a polynomial and its derivative, Math. Inequal. and Applics., 7(3) (2004), 379–391. [3] A. AZIZ AND B.A. ZARGAR, Inequalities for a polynomial and its derivative, Math. Inequal. and Applics., 1(4) (1998), 543–550. [4] S. 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