Iowa State University Professional and Scientific Council Regular Session Council Meeting Minutes

Iowa State University
Professional and Scientific Council
Regular Session
Council Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, December 5, 2002
Pioneer Room, Memorial Union
President: Rex Heer
Vice-President: Kevin Kane
Secretary/Treasurer: Cathy Good
Call to Order and Seating of Substitutes
The November 6, 2002 P&S Council Meeting
was called to order at 2:10 p.m.
Becker, Tom
Brink, Marcia
Brinkmeyer, Linda
Brotherson, Dave
Brueland, Brent
Cooney, Sarah
Doty, Ann
Eggers, Tim
Good, Cathy
Heer, Rex
Hintz, Roger
Jensen, James
Joiner, Stacy
Kane, Kevin
Kapke, Paul
Marks, Del
Mayer, Marie
McCool, Kelly
McCroskey, Barry
McManus, Barb
Mumm, Lynne
Nelson, Mark
Patton, James
Peters, Beverly
Peterson, Teresa
Riedemann, Trevor
Roberts, Kurt
Sorensen, Jeffrey
Strah, Pat
Strand, Judy
Van Beek, Brenda
VanGinkel, Margaret
Wood, Douglas
Woodin, Dan
X = Present
A = Absent
S = Substitute
Guests were Marlise McCammon, Associate Director of Human Resource Services and Director of Employee
Relations; Ellen Rasmussen, Assistant Provost; Debra Bahr, Institute for Social and Behavioral Research, Linda
Charles, news writer from University Relations (Inside Iowa State). Substitutes: Nancy Holcomb, Administrative
Specialist, Food Science and Human Nutrition, for Judy Strand; Lynette Spicer, Communication Specialist,
Extension Communication Services, for Del Marks.
Following general introductions, all substitutes were given full voting rights and privileges.
Establish a Quorum
A quorum was present.
Presentation of Committee Motions
Resolution in Support of Diversity at Iowa State University (2002-03.03)
The P&S Council believes that our campus is enriched and enlivened by diversity of all kinds. The Council
also supports free speech, open debate, and the expression of diverse ideas and opinions. Given this, we
have an obligation to promote an environment where discrimination, harassment, or threatening behavior
directed toward any group or individual is not tolerated.
Therefore, the Council wholly condemns actions like those that occurred over the weekend of November
16 and 17, 2002, when threatening, anti-homosexual graffiti were spray-painted on the exterior of ISU
buildings. Such activity is not free speech but instead undermines a core value that makes free speech
important: diversity.
To support diversity, in 1997 the Council provided funds to initiate the Safe Zone project at Iowa State.
Participants in this program send an important message of non-judgmental concern and understanding to
lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) students, staff, faculty, and their allies on campus. The
P&S Council hopes that through interest and participation in programs such as these, all of us in the
university community can help develop a campus culture that actively values, appreciates, and fosters
Motion for Total Compensation Illustration on AccessPlus (2002-03.04)
Whereas: Iowa State University provides an excellent benefits package in addition to salaries, it is
important for employees to understand the total compensation and benefits package.
Whereas: Iowa State University has previously provided an illustration of the total compensation and
benefits package via direct mailing of a form titled “Your Personal Benefits Statement,” which contained a
detailed illustration of the employee’s salary, benefits credits, retirement matching funds, and a summary
value titled “Your Total Compensation.” The last such illustration was provided in October of 2000; and
Whereas: The current benefits summary report, which is distributed in association with the benefits
enrollment period, does not contain a comprehensive illustration of the total compensation; and
Whereas: Iowa State University provides timely and detailed payroll information on-line via AccessPlus;
It is moved: That the Iowa State University Professional & Scientific Employee Council urges the
University to add a “Total Compensation” illustration to the Employee Payroll information services
available on the AccessPlus system. The illustration should include all the funds that directly affect an
employee’s financial position along with a grand total based on either the tax year or University Fiscal
Year. The P&S Council also requests that the University provide a response, by January 31, 2003, to this
motion answering the following: Will the University pursue adding a Total Compensation Illustration to the
Employee Payroll information services available on the AccessPlus system, and if so what would be the
target date for implementation?
Approval of the Agenda
The agenda was approved as presented.
Approval of the Previous Meeting’s Minutes
The minutes of the November 6, 2002, Council meeting were approved as presented.
Provost’s Office Report
Ellen –
 In spite of budget shortfalls, the professional development/tuition grant program will continue to be funded,
thanks mainly to the Provost but also supported by other administrative units.
 On the policy-making front, they are meeting again on the arrival of children policy.
 Regarding the ERI program, they are working on a document to help staff plan for retirement and understand
the full range of options upon retirement.
 Provost search – she has nothing new to report.
 Budget – basically the budget is the only legislative issue for this year. As this was discussed at the open forum,
she did not repeat what was said there but offered to answer any questions.
Q: Early retirement – are you seeing a big bubble of people piling up for the June 30 retirement date? We are not
seeing this yet, but expect to as the final date for exercising the option approaches (6/30/04). They did not have to
apply for it by 6/30/02, just had to be eligible by that date.
Human Resources Report
Marlise –
 They are in the process of relocating their offices, so if you need to talk to someone, she recommended calling
Carla’s office.
 Reminder that open enrollment ends tomorrow, 12/6/02 (this is also the deadline for making changes in the flex
spending plans).
 They are getting ready to negotiate the new contract. AFSCME is proposing very few changes at ISU.
Q: Will those of us who do budgeting have to wait until late spring to get hard numbers? I would predict March.
Council President’s Report
Rex –
 Provost search: the P&S Executive Committee met with each of the candidates and had some good
conversations. Individuals also attended some of the open forums. Our feedback was provided to the search
committee. President Geoffroy still has not made a decision, but we expect to hear something pretty soon.
 Also, in his meeting with President Geoffroy and at the campus leaders breakfast, Dr. Geoffroy noted that
several Board of Regents members came up to him and commented on the how well the P&S staff were versed
on campus and Iowa issues. Thanks to everyone who participated. It went very well.
 Rex was invited to attend the Supervisory/Confidential Council meeting and talk to them about whatever he
wanted – P&S and other university issues. Each side learned a bit more about the other group. Rex proposed
that if there are issues of mutual concern, in our ongoing efforts to be communicative and participatory and
teamwork oriented, we are open to working with them. We may want to invite them to attend our meetings.
They are really on the back burner as far as being outside the protection of tenure or collective bargaining. They
are covered by the contract, but they are prohibited from participating in the process. There are about 200 S/C
on campus. Supervisory receive benefits equal to P&S; confidential are covered by negotiated contract benefits.
We don’t know how Supervisory ended up w/P&S benefits.
Council Secretary/Treasurer’s Report
Cathy Good reported the following balances:
General Fund: $2,212.81 Campus Organization: $436.23
Professional Development: $845.03
Council Officer Reports
Lynne – Campus leaders breakfast: President Geoffroy provided an update on several issues including the transfer of
the Memorial Union to ISU and the Provost search. Issues addressed included Council interaction with the Board of
Regents, P&S concerns about the upcoming AFSCME contract, and efforts to keep the P&S and Faculty Handbooks
and the OPG up to date and consistent. The next campus leaders breakfast will be within the next couple of weeks,
and we welcome your questions and concerns.
Compensation and Benefits
Jim – The comments we received from the minisurvey (on the availability of health providers for extension people
out in the state reported to Council) last month were passed along this week to the University Benefits Committee.
Trevor – Following up on the HRS recommendation that professional society salary surveys could be an option for
obtaining personal, comparative salary data, he did that for his own situation. On face value, his salary was
significantly lower, but by adding benefits (TIAA/CREF, etc.), things balanced out. The individual total
compensation report has not been recently distributed. This was on the table at one time for AccessPlus, but got
dropped off. We will try to get it back on, thus the motion proposed to Council.
According to Carla, there is no mechanism for advancing through the pay scale, but above-average performers
should receive above-average raises. From the P&S perspective, it only stands to reason that the longer you have
been in a position, the more valuable you should be (by virtue of your experience), thus you should be able to expect
larger raises; and while some above-average performers do receive above-average raises, the difference is marginal.
We need to get away from an us-versus-them mentality and get on the same page. We have put together a wish list
for the salary report.
Other issues we are working on: Merit/P&S overlap, ERI.
Policies and Procedures
Dan – They are looking at their priorities to decide what they want to get done in the last 6 meetings of the year. The
January 2 meeting may not take place because there will be a lot of absences. Five items they plan to move forward
on are: restructuring the P&S committee structure (they will be visiting with committee chairs to evaluate needs);
work-at-home policy; ombuds position; procedures to keep the P&S handbook updated (this is ready to put out on
the web! Thanks to Rex, Marlise, and others who put a lot of time in on this effort); resolution policy.
Representation and Awards
Bev –
 Deadlines changed on awards, and there has been some concern about the effect of the deadline change on
eligibility for some of the time-sensitive awards. The committee will be lenient on this.
 Elections: they are putting together a list of how many members are eligible for reelection.
 Their recommendation on representation: We don’t want a smaller Council because of the problem of having
enough people on committees to get the work done.
 They are still gathering low/no-cost recognition ideas.
Marcia –
 They have obtained nametags for new members.
 Still need to fill the forums for March 6 and April 2.
 They still plan to look through the P&S archived files (University Archives, 4th floor of the Library).
Q: how about having occasionally having a light-hearted training session (e.g., Humor in the Workplace). Ellen
offered to talk at the forum again, since the March/April time frame might be in the midst of dealing with budget
Retention and Recruitment
Kelly – In mid-January they will be sending out the request for mid-year reports. Then they will begin selecting
those who will give reports at the May forum.
Peer Advisory
Brenda – Has had 2 contacts this month
Ad Hoc: President/President Elect
Kevin – He has not heard from Kerry this month. They hope to have findings ready to report by the January
Old Business
Feedback to the University Library Committee regarding the serials budget: Brenda – visited with Dru Frykberg and
with a representative from the Library. The cost of serials has had several years’ double-digit inflation and has been
through several rounds of cancellations. Options are: 1) across-the-board cuts; 2) index-to-inflation-based cuts; 3)
zero-based budgeting; 4) protect-the-strong subjects strategy; 5) hybrid. If anyone has questions or comments, visit
with Brenda, Lynne, or Kevin. Electronic versions of serials actually cost more than print versions. They cannot
necessarily eliminate subscriptions to individual publications because often the subscriptions are for a group of
serials. We will probably recommend a hybrid that incorporates several of the options given.
New Business
Safe Place Presentation – Jeff Sorensen reported on recent vandalism on campus and provided a brief history of past
(1997) P&S Council support of the Safe Zones project.
Jeremy Hayes (coordinator, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Student Services office & Safe Zone Project)
outlined the services provided. They have distributed over 5000 Safe Zone stickers, 1000 Safe Zone key chains, and
numerous clear-window clings. This project encourages students to feel the environment is accepting and
welcoming. Displaying the stickers does not mean you are an expert on anything, just that certain topics are okay to
discuss. Current efforts are mostly word-of-mouth publicity, and training volunteer advocates. The largest service is
providing individual support for students, referral services, lending library, etc. At this time there is no university
office/council to support LGBT faculty and staff.
Motion 2002-03.03 (In Support of Diversity) – Rex wants Council to make a statement that affirms our support and
appreciates and fosters diversity. This will be forwarded to the President, Provost, and Vice Presidents. No second is
needed as this was an Executive Committee motion. Following discussion, the motion passed.
Ann Doty moved that Rex contact the ISU Daily to find a way to print this resolution unedited, prefaced with a
description of P&S Council. Motion seconded and passed.
Motion 2002-03.04 (Total Compensation Illustration on AccessPlus). Following discussion, motion passed.
For the Good of the Order:
Roger Hintz resigned from Council. Representation and Awards Committee has forwarded to Rex several names for
a replacement; and while Rex has contacted a couple of people, he does not yet have a name to bring forward.
Rex – special thanks to the committees and committee chairs for all the work that is going on. A lot of significant
things are happening this year due to all your hard work.
Next P&S Council meeting will be Thursday, January 2, 2003, unless you are notified otherwise by December 20.
Happy Holidays!
The meeting was adjourned at 3:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Cathy Good
P&S Council Secretary/Treasurer