LGBTQ Inclusivity Committee Meeting January 21, 2009 Present:

LGBTQ Inclusivity Committee Meeting
January 21, 2009
Jeanne Foley, Scott Griesbach, Jan Hare, Leni Marshall, Julie McFadden, Julie
Miller, Kate Thomas
Abesent: Nina Borchowiec, Denise Brouilliard, Kevin Doll, Erica Idso, Jory Lehman, Ben
Markl, Karen Stricker, Gao Vang, Susan Wolfgram
Action items are marked with a .
1. Provost’s Council and Pride Index
Jan passed around a new version of the Campus Climate Index survey results. Some of the
results were inadvertently missing from the version we already have.
Scott reported on the council meeting presentation he gave about the pride index results.
There was a very positive reception from everyone there, including the deans and the
Director of Admissions
2. P. B. Poorman Award
Everything is in except Jeanne’s letter, which will be in on Friday. Julie Miller will ask
Dan Winters about adding a letter of student support as well. The final due date is February
1. Jan would like to get the information to the chancellor and provost early next week so that
they have time to review it, put together the packet, and send it all electronically to Lisa
3. Stout’s nondiscrimination policy
Scott talked to Ilse Hartung, who has made some changes. Ilse will update the complaint
form to include sexuality and gender identity/expression. She said that she would have that
done within one week. Scott will again follow up with Ilse.
Leni pointed out that he faculty handbook also does not include a statement of gender
identity/expression. Jan will bring this up with the Faculty Senate.
4. Stout search engine
Kate will speak with Barbara Button about getting a search on the Stout homepage to show
our committee’s webpage.
5. New programs and diversity
Every new program that goes through the system has to address how diversity is built into the
program. The last two programs were held up because their applications did not adequately
explain how their curriculum, program, and recruiting structures would include diversity
elements. Their applications merely indicated that the programs would not discriminate.
However, many programs that do not discriminate still do not have a diverse body of students
or faculty members.
Someone (Richard Tafalla?) should make contact with people forming new programs and
help them incorporate diversity in to their proposals. We need a “boilerplate” language
template developed by the people who know about a variety of diversity. The not-yetassembled Diversity Council would be a useful body for addressing this.
If there is some grassroots effort at the institution level to prioritize the importance of
diversity and inclusion in new program proposals, people at the system level will be
Editor’s Note: there were no action items resulting from this conversation.
6. New Committee Members
It would be great to have someone from the College of Management on this committee.
Jan will ask Damien Hanft to return. The College of Education is also important
representation. Denise is at the graduate level. Jan will ask Mary Hopkins-Best about a
suggestion for an additional person from education, perhaps at the undergraduate level.
7. Diversity Button on Homepage
The Chancellor and the Provost said they were revising the homepage. There is no diversity
page that incorporates Stout’s nondiscrimination statement and all the programs of diversity
at Stout. Kate has the affinity list. Kate will e-mail Jen about this, and Jan will bring this
to the attention of the Chancellor, the Provost, Barbara Button, and Richard Tafalla.
8. FESC Meeting
Jan reported about the Faculty Senate Executive Committee meeting. The group was not
unfriendly to our proposal and the proposal from the MFSN. Hector Cruz thinks that a
faculty seat on the Senate adds another layer between the group and the Chancellor and
Provost. It was suggested that having a Diversity Subcommittee or Standing Committee
would be a better idea. Leni expressed concerns that a group or role that was easily created
could be easily disbanded. The executive committee agreed that the item would be brought
forth to the entire faculty Senate next Wednesday for a full discussion and vote.
Some options going forward:
• Continue and request a faculty Senate seat as we planned
• Withdraw the motion
• Request a diversity subcommittee or standing committee
• Collectively with MFSN request one faculty Senate seat for a diversity person
• When the Diversity Council convenes, have the chair of that council have a seat.
• Have a non-voting seat
The consensus is that the goal is to improve information flow between diversity groups and
the Faculty Senate, and that a non-voting seat would be an acceptable solution. Jan will
check with John Dzissah about what the MFSN is planning to do.
9. Meetings in the Future
Jan will invite Richard Tafalla to an Inclusivity Committee meeting. She will also invite
the Provost to a meeting. Jan will encourage Richard Tafalla to call a Diversity Committee
10. Rainbow Tassels
The bookstore can get rainbow tassels, no problem. It may be possible to contact all
graduating seniors to see how many would like a rainbow tassel. The Dean of Students or
the Registrar should be able to include this information in one of their mailings or e-mailing.
Julie Miller will take charge of publicizing the tassels to the students, and she will
coordinate the efforts to get those tassels to the students. Julie Miller will also plan and
coordinate the graduation reception.
11. Julie Miller went to the conference about responding to hate bias. She now has the training to
train people in how to respond to hate bias. She will begin the training groups on campus.
Admissions seems like a good place to start.
12. Julie Miller went to a Student Health Services meeting. Regarding health service personnel
providing hormones for trans people, she thinks that the three “no”s have become only one
“no.” Student Health Services is, with input from Julie, converting forms to be more transfriendly. Student Health Services and Counseling Services are both thinking of starting a
support group for queer students. Student Health Services has requested that Julie do an
assessment. Student Health Services has requested a half day LGBT sensitivity training this
year and more specific training in the future.
13. Julie Miller met the Stout Police Chief, who requested a meeting to discuss sensitivity
training for campus safety officers.
14. Julie Miller is working to create a LGBTQ room for the Boxes and Walls experiential
diversity program sponsored by Housing. The event will take place on February 3, 4, and 5.
15. Ideas for future presence: visibility during new student orientation in the Great Hall; at the
Pride Festival in Minneapolis (Participate in the parade? Have a booth?)
16. Each agenda will include time for Julie Miller to give a report. Julie Miller will also send a
brief summary version of the monthly report to Julie McFadden so that it can go up on the
website, and get a paper copy to Jan for her file on the committee.
Future items:
Proposition 8 seminars
Plan of action responding to Pride Index items
How to rotate the chair
Meeting Dates:
All meetings will be 11:30-1:00
Feb. 18
March 11
April 1
May 6
Respectfully submitted,
Leni Marshall (minutes-taker pro tem)