Need More Information?
Local law enforcement agencies and the Dunn
information on the legal aspects of Wisconsin’s
Drinking Age Laws.
UW-Stout Security and Police Services
110 University Services Building
Menomonie Wisconsin 54751
(715) 232-2222
Dunn County Clerk of Circuit Court
615 Stokke Parkway
Menomonie, WI 54751
(715) 232-2611
For more information about the educatioinal
options, please contact:
UW-Stout Alcohol and Other Drug Education Program
410 Bowman Hall
Menomonie, WI 54751
(715) 232-2648
Arbor Place, Inc.
320 21st Street NE
Menomonie, WI 54751
(715) 235-4537
Offense Type
# Of Offenses
Age 17-20
Consumption or Possession
of Alcohol
First Offense
Second Offense
Third Offense
Fourth Offense
Possession of ID Card/
Makes, Provides, Alters
First Offense
(Criminal Offense)
Procuring from Licensed
First Offense
Second Offense
Third Offense
Fourth Offense
Procure for, Sell to, Dispense, of Give to Underage
First Offense
Second Offense
Third Offense
Sale of Alcohol Without a
License ($753/Host)
First Offense
Second Offense
Third Offense
Loss of Driver’s License for 90 Days
Loss of Driver’s License for 1 Year
Loss of Driver’s License for 2 Years
An Option to Loss of License?
It Means Going to Court?
The Dunn County Court System offers an Alcohol
Education Program option to violators of Drinking
Age Law. Not choosing the Alcohol Education option will result in a minimum 90 day suspension
of driving privileges.
A mandatory court appearance will be required
for most drinking age violations. The police of-
Instead of the loss of driver’s license and the
negative consequences that go with this loss, a
person may choose to attend an alcohol education program provided by UW-Stout’s Alcohol and
Other Drug Education Program or Arbor Place, Inc.
April 2013
$250.00 Bond
(Criminal Offense)
Over 21
Note: There is a fee to cover the cost of providing
the classes, which may be partially offset by a
provide information about the court dates, times,
and location of the court.
What Happens in Court?
1. Be prepared to spend a few hours in court;
sometimes it takes all morning to process
every case.
the citation.
The following information was compiled by the
UW-Stout Alcohol and Other Drug Education
Program and we believe the information to be
accurate as of the date of writing. Some of the
information will become outdated as laws and
practices change. Use this brochure as a gen-
Wisconsin Drinking Age Laws
This brochure explains some of the major provisions of the Wisconsin Drinking Age Law including the penalties and alternatives to penalties,
as established by the Dunn County Circuit Court.
the room where alcoholic beverages are sold
or furnished
E. Except if the person is at least 18 and is
contracted to entertain
What are the Penalties?
driver’s license. Driving privileges could be postponed from the time you make the application.
The penalties for these violations are costly and
are designed to be a deterrent. There are the
How Long is it On My Record?
insurance rates, and loss of driving privileges to
be considered.
F. Except of a premises when no alcoholic
beverages are being sold or given away and
Underage drinking convictions stay on your record
for 5 years. Multiple citations could impact your
future career opportunities, when a prospective
employer conducts a background check that
includes legal record history.
Can I Be Arrested?
when under age persons will be allowed
4. Obtain an ID card with inaccurate information;
Underage drinking in itself is not a criminal offense. However, a person may be detained by
Who Keeps Conviction Records?
5. Misrepresent age in order to obtain alcohol
the investigation. Sometimes arrests may result
because of incident related circumstances.
What Do These Laws Cover?
7. Obtain an alcoholic beverage license or permit
Are there Any Other Costs?
The laws cover a range of activities and actions
related to the possession and consumption of
alcoholic beverages by persons under the drinking age (21).
*Class A License- retail sales of liquor for consumption on premises, by the glass and not in
original containers and beer to be consumed on
or off the premises.
Besides the money forfeitures, there are some
additional costs that are less obvious:
It is illegal for persons under the legal drinking
age to:
**Class B License- retail sales of liquor for consumption on premises, by the glass, and not in
original containers and beer to be consumed on
or off the premises.
2. An occupational license, which you may apply
for during the loss of regular driving privileges,
costs $50 to obtain. This license severely limits
when and where you may drive
Providing a False ID
3. Your auto insurance rates may double or triple
for 3 to 5 years after the loss of a license for
an underage drinking law violation, even if you
were not driving at the time of citation. Your
parents’ auto insurance may also be affected
if your insurance is part of their policy
1. Purchase, procure, or attempt to procure
alcoholic beverages. ($452.50)
2. Possess or consume intoxicating liquor
(including wine). ($263.50)
A. Except when accompanied by parent,
guardian, or spouse who has attained
legal drinking age
3. Enter or be on premises which has a
license or permit to sell alcoholic beverages. ($452.50)
A. Except if an underage person is an employee, resident, or boarder on premises
B. Except if entering a Class A* retail intoxicating liquor premises to purchase edibles
C. Except hotels, drug and grocery stores,
bowling alleys, stadiums, restaurants, etc.
D. Except Class B** liquor premises if for an
auction or marching and drilling, but not in
Included in the Drinking Age Laws is a section
1. Reinstatement of all licenses after suspension
costs at least $60
Any person who makes, alters, or duplicates an
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation
provides a central record-keeping service for all
Drinking Age Law violations whether they result
in loss of driving privileges or not. This means
cords of previous incidents, even if they occurred
in a distant part of the state.
To check your current record, go to:
Underage Drinking and Driving
Wisconsin Statute 346.63 (2M) states that if a
person has not attained the legal drinking age,
the person may not drive with a BAC of more than
0.0%. This provision in the Not a Drop Law carries
pension of driving privileges in addition to other
possible charges that may be brought under the
Drinking Age Laws.
Will Insurance Rates Go Up?
30 days.
Housing a Party
The sale of alcohol without a license (keg party
etc.) will result in a citation for each person living
at that location. Fines start at $767.50 (each) for
Your insurance company may raise your rate if
ing a policy review or when you are required to
from your insurance company before the courts
will return a revoked license or issue an occupational license.
What if I Don’t Have a License?
The loss of license penalty can be invoked
sometime in the future, whenever you apply for a
intoxicants on the person’s breath.
A refusal to take a breath test for blood alcohol
concentration results in a one year revocation of
license. There is also required participation in a
assessment to determine the degree of alcohol or
other drug-related involvement.
If the individual is 21 years of age or older, a BAC
test that registers 0.08% subjects the driver to
penalties under Wisconsin’s Drunk Driving Law.