THE JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY 373~1-10 (1996) Initial Formation and Secondary Condensation of Nerve Pathways in the Medicinal Leech JOHN JELLIES, DIANE M. KOPP, KRISTEN M. JOHANSEN, AND JORGEN JOHANSEN Department of Biological Sciences, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49008 (J.Je.1; Neurobiology Research Center and Department of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama 35294 (D.M.K.); Department of Zoology and Genetics, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011 (K.M.J., J.Jo.1 ABSTRACT Invertebrates have proved to be important experimental systems for examining questions related to growth cone navigation and nerve formation, in large part because of their simpler nervous systems. However, such apparent simplicity can be deceiving because the final stereotyped patterns may be the result of multiple developmental mechanisms and not necessarily the sole consequence of the pathway choices of individual growth cones. We have examined the normal sequence of events that are involved in the formation of the major peripheral nerves in leech embryos by employing (1) an antibody directed against acetylated tubulin to label neurons growing out from the central nervous system, (2) the Lan3-2 antibody to label a specific population of peripheral neurons growing into the central nervous system, and (3) intracellular dye filling of single cells. We found that the mature pattern of nerves was characterized by a pair of large nerve roots, each of which branched into two major tracts. The earliest axonal projections did not, however, establish this pattern definitively. Rather, each of the four nerves initially formed as discrete, roughly parallel tracts without bifurcation, with the final branching pattern of the nerve roots being generated by a secondary condensation. In addition, we found that some of the nerves were pioneered in different ways and by different groups of neurons. One of the nerves was established by central neurons growing peripherally, another by peripheral neurons growing centrally. These results suggest that the formation of common nerves and neuronal pathfinding in the leech involves multiple sets of growth cone guidance strategies and morphogenetic mechanisms that belie its apparent simplicity. c 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc. Indexing terms: Hirudo medicinalis, embryogenesis, pioneer neurons, tubulin, fasciculation A central issue in understanding the development of nervous systems is to determine how patterned neuronal connections and common nerve pathways are established. The embryonic environment, although relatively simple, is constantly changing, and thus multiple mechanisms for guidance and formation of nerves are likely to be required. Although a cell’s intrinsic properties may strongly influence the orientation of its initial extension (Acklin and Nicholls, 1990), temporally and spatially regulated distributions of both cellular and extracellular guidance factors, which subsequently direct the navigation of the growth cone, have been characterized in a number of different systems (Letourneau et al., 1992; Palka et al., 1992; Goodman and Shatz, 1993; Jellies and Johansen, 1995). In the developing nervous system of the grasshopper embryo, pioneer growth cones use information obtained from glia, G 1996 WILEY-LISS, INC. epithelial cells, basal laminae, and “guidepost” neurons in their path to set up a scaffold of axon tracts that are themselves then used by later extending axons as substrates for directed migration (Bentley and Keshishian, 1982; Goodman et al., 1982; Bentley and O’Connor, 1992). Mammalian pioneer neurons have also been characterized (McConnell et al., 1989; Stainier and Gilbert, 1990; Easter et al., 1993; Meissirel and Chalupa, 1994), suggesting that similar mechanisms may be employed among Accepted December 15, 1995. Diane M. Kopp’s present address: Department of Zoology, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712. Address reprint requests to John Jellies, Department of Biological Sciences, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49008. E-mail: 2 .J. JELLIES ET AL. divergent species to generate the initial patterns of neuronal growth during early development. We have addressed the issues of nerve formation and axon guidance in a leech, Hirudo medicinalis, which has particularly accessible embryonic stages and identified neurons and which has been used for many studies of neuronal development and regeneration (Fernandez and Stent, 1982; Muller et al., 1992; Jellies and Johansen, 1995). The central nervous system (CNS) is comprised largely of a chain of segmentally iterated ganglia (Muller et al., 19811, each of which contains about 400 neuronal somata (Macagno, 1980). These ganglia are connected to each other via large intersegmental tracts (connectives) and communicate with the peripheral tissues via stereotyped nerve pathways. Leeches also possess constellations of peripheral sensory neurons that extend axons into the CNS (Derosa and Friesen, 1981;Johansen et al., 1992; Gascoigne and McVean, 1993).Thus, the stereotyped nerve pathways contain mixed populations of efferent and afferent projections, the extensions and interactions of which can readily be analyzed by using CNS- and peripheral neuron-specific antibodies and by intracellular dye filling of single identified cells. The present studies analyze the normal sequence of events that are involved in the formation of the major peripheral nerves during the earliest stages of leech embryogenesis. Our results suggest that neuronal pathfinding in the leech involves multiple sets of growth cone guidance strategies and morphogenetic mechanisms providing a more detailed framework in which to interpret the results of studies examining the cellular and molecular basis of pathfinding. MATERIALS AND METHODS Animals Hirudo medicinalis leeches were obtained from a laboratory breeding colony. Breeding, maintenance, and staging at 22-25°C were as described elsewhere (Fernandez and Stent, 1982; Jellies et al., 19871, except that embryos were maintained in water that was made as sterile-filtered solutions of 0.0005% commercial sea salt (Instant Ocean), wtlwt. Embryonic day 10 (El01 was characterized by the first sign of a tail sucker, and E30 was the termination of embryogenesis. Dye filling Embryos were dissected in leech saline that contained 8% ethanol and were pinned epidermis upward in a saline-filled well of a Sylgard iDow Corningbcoated slide. Cells in the germinal plate were visualized by using transmitted light and DIC optics on a fixed-stage Leitz microscope equipped with epifluorescence. Central and peripheral neurons were intracellularly filled with lucifer yellow (LY), as described elsewhere (Jellies et al., 1987, 1992; Jellies and Kristan, 198813, 1991). Immunocytochemistry The results of this paper are based on the immunocytochemical labeling of more than 200 individual embryos, each of which displays multiple segments in different stages of development. Dissected embryos with or without dyefilled cells were fixed overnight in 4% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) in the cold. Preparations were then rinsed extensively with phosphate buffered saline (PBS) before further processing. A monoclonal anti- body (mAb)directed against acetylated tubulin (ACT; Sigma 1 was used to label central neurons and their axonal projections. The primary mAb was used at a dilution of 1:1,000 in 10% goat serum, 1% Triton X-100, and 0.001% sodium azide in PBS. Incubations were carried out overnight on ice with constant agitation. Lan3-2 (Zipser and McKay, 1981; McKay et al., 1983) was used to label sensillar neurons in fixed germinal plates, as described elsewhere (Johansen et al., 1992). Secondary antisera used included horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-conjugated goat anti-mouse (BioRad) at a dilution of 1500-1: 1,000, Texas Red-conjugated rabbit, anti-mouse IgGl secondary antibody (Cappel) at a dilution of 1:250, and FITC-conjugated rabbit anti-mouse IgGzIl (Cappel) at a dilution of 1 : l O O . Double labels using Lan3-2 Fig. 1. Stereomicrograph of axon tracts labeled by the antibodj acetylated tubulin (ACT) forming the segmentally iterated peripheral nerves. This micrograph is of a single, flattened hemisegment of an E l 4 embryo showing the projection patterns of nerves from the central nervous system (CNS). The ACT antibody labels an epitope expressed by all centrally located neurons, a subset of peripheral neurons, and a repeated pattern of longitudinal muscles (double-headed arrows). The four major nerve roots, AA (anterior-anterior),MA (medial-anterior 1, DP (dorsal-posterior), and PP (posterior-posterior), arise as bifurcations from two nerve roots (A, anterior; P, posterior) and project many finer nerves and branches in the developinggerminal plate. Three ofthe major nerves innervate the ventral, lateral, and dorsal body walls, whereas one of them (DPj rises out of the plane of focus and extensively innervates the dorsal body wall. The DP nerve projects along a muscle that inserts near the ventral and dorsal midline and later projects through the lumen of the animal. During embryonic development, axons in the AA and P P nerves project a short distance beyond the edges of the germinal plate (white dotted line) onto the larval muscle. Anterior is to the left. Scale bar = 100 wm. Fig. 2. The ACT antibody labels the earliest axonal projections within and from the CNS of an E9 embryo. Anterior is to the left in these four panels. A The first cells to express the ACT epitope are midline bipolar cells that define the position of the ventral midline (large white arrow). Following the pioneering of rudimentary interganglionic and intraganglionic commissures, the first peripheral projection is in the position of the future posterior nerve root (small black arrows). Cell bodies become antibody positive only later in development. The posterior projection at the far right has not yet penetrated the ganglionic capsule, whereas the one immediately to its left has just exited the ganglion. The CNS-derived projection in the position of the anterior nerve root (small white arrows) consistently lagged behind that of the posterior by about 2.5-5 hours. B: At slightly older stages, it can be seen that the initial axonal projections from the CNS do not prefigure the anterior and posterior nerve roots, hut rather, they form each of the four major nerve pathways independently (arrowheads). As predicted from earlier work on this system, the longest and first projection corresponds to the DP nerve. C,D: The dorsal P cell (P,), which pioneers the DP nerve, was injected with lucifer yellow (LY)and double labeled with ACT antibody. C shows the LY-injected growth cone (green)of the PI)cell; D is a double exposure of the preparation at the same focal plane through different filter sets. The double label with the ACT antibody confirms that the growth cone of the PD axon corresponds to the most distal extent of the pioneering projection (arrowhead). The P cell was dye filled at a stage just before it had reached the edge of the germinal plate (asterisks). In the double exposure, there are two ACT-positive axons. The farthest is the one also filled with LY and represents the primary axonal projection; the shorter of the two is from a different cell not injected with LY (white arrows). Examining consecutive adjacent segments revealed that the second, shorter, axon is projected from a P cell located in the adjacent anterior segment. The axon from the P cell in the neighboring segment appears to fasciculate with the pioneer axon of the injected P cell. This also demonstrates that the double label seen here is not the result of any overlap in spectral emissions (“breakthrough”) through the two different fluorescent filters. Scale bars = 50 ym. Figure I Figure 2 4 J. JELLIES ET AL. and ACT were possible because Lan3-2 belongs to the IgGl subtype and the ACT antibody to the 1gGz~ subtype. Double labels were generated by sequential incubation in primary and secondary antibodies. HRP-conjugated antibody complexes were visualized by reaction in 3,3'-diaminobenzidine (BioRad, 0.03%) and HzOz(0.01%)for about 10 minutes. Microscopy and image processing Dye-filled cells were photographed with Ektachrome 100 or 400 HC or Ektar 25 Daylight film. High-definition stereo light microscopy was performed by using the Edge microscope as described by Greenberg and Boyde (1993). Digital images were obtained by using a high-resolution Paultek cooled CCD camera, a Pixel Buffer framegrabber (Perceptics), and the NIH-Image software. The digital images were pseudocolored and imported into Photoshop (Adobe), where they were image enhanced and merged before being downloaded to a slide printer. RESULTS To examine the early development of axonal pathways, we used a mAb directed against ACT. Tubulin antibodies have been used to study the axonal projections of vertebrate neurons (Black et al., 1989; Yaginuma et al., 1990; Wilson and Easter, 1991) and labels all known central neurons and their processes in the medicinal leech in addition to a subpopulation of peripheral neurons. Figure 1 shows the three-dimentional relationship of all the peripheral nerve branches in an E l 4 embryo labeled with the ACT antibody. In Hirudo, each midbody ganglion projects two major nerve roots bilaterally that penetrate an enclosing sinus (Muller et al., 1981; Sawyer, 1986). There is a single anterior (A) and posterior (P) root in each hemisegment (Fig. 1).These major roots bifurcate just as they enter the muscle of the body wall, giving rise to four major nerves: AA (anterioranterior), MA (medial-anterior),DP (dorsal-posterior), and P P (posterior-posterior; Ort et a]., 1974; Kretz et al., 1976; Sawyer, 1986). Three of these (AA, MA, and PP) enter the body wall and then branch extensively, whereas the fourth nerve (DP) projects unbranched along a bundle of flattener muscles that is within the body cavity and separate from the body wall. This nerve projects directly toward the dorsal body wall, where it then branches extensively in this region. In addition to neurons, the mAb consistently labeled a subset of longitudinal muscle fascicles (double-headed arrows, Fig. l),two in the ventralilateral region, two in the dorsal region, and one in the lateral region of the body wall. The ACT antibody recognizes axons and growth cones as they are extended (see Fig. 2), whereas cell bodies only become antibody positive at later stages of development. Early CNS projections and nerve condensation Studies of neuronal pathfinding have generally concentrated on either individually dye-filled cells or subsets of cells labeled by selective antibodies. One of the assumptions of such work is that the steering decisions of individual growth cones seen early in development can be deduced by the final stereotyped pattern of nerves and branches. Nevertheless, these events have not generally been examined against a background of the total complement of axonal projections, which would allow for the direct comparison of the spatiotemporal interactions between the different neuronal subpopulations. By using the ACT antibody to label CNS efferents, we found that some aspects of the earliest patterns established by axonal projections in Hirudo are transiently quite different from that of the adult pattern of nerves (Fig. 2). Individual embryos exhibit a rostral-caudal gradient of development with approximately 2.5 hours between each adjacent segment (Jellies and Kristan, 1991). Thus, examining several adjacent segments in single embryos yields a relative sequence of axonal extension. As predicted from earlier work on neuronal development in Hirudo, the first staining revealed by ACT is seen on the midline bipolar cells (large white arrow, Fig. 2A; McGlade-McCulloh et al., 1990). This is followed in time (inferred from the relative rostrocaudal position) by labeling of a limited number of axons that project contralaterally to form one of the commissures and axons that project intersegmentally within the CNS. The earliest projections from the CNS are not seen until after intersegmental axonal projections are continuous, and they exit the ganglionic primordium in a position roughly corresponding to that of the future posterior root (small black arrows, Fig. 2A). This projection is followed by an axonal extension in the position of the more anterior root, which was typically one to two segments more anterior (small white arrows, Fig. 2A) and thus developing 2.5-5 hours after the posterior projections. As predicted from earlier work on pioneer neurons in the leech, the first projection of CNS efferents (Fig. 2A) corresponds to the formation of the DP pathway, whereas the initial anterior projection corresponds to the MA nerve (Fig. 2B). The DP nerve in Hzrudo (Jellies et al., 199413) and Haementeria (Kuwada, 1985) is pioneered by the dorsal pressure-sensitive mechanosensory neurons (PDcells). Separate labels using ACT antibody and intracellular LY-filled PD-cellaxons (Fig. 2C,D) demonstrate that the mAb labels the first axonal projections along their entire length from the cell body to the distal growth cone. Based on this result, it appears reasonable to assume that the ACT antibody serves as a marker for all the axonal extentions from the CNS. Although the initial projections are reminiscent of the final pattern of nerves, examination of slightly older ganglia revealed a phase of growth wherein the four nerve branches (AA, MA, DP, and PP) were separate, projecting individually rather than arising from a bifurcation of growth cones (Fig. 2B). Consequently, the apparent branch point is not formed by pathway bifurcation but rather by a secondary condensation of the individual tracts, which coalesce pairwise (Fig. 3; see also Fig. 2B). Thus, any early projections that fasciculate with the pioneers of any single tract would be restricted to grow along that particular tract, whereas later projectinggrowth cones might have the opportunity to send projections into each or choose one nerve branch over another. Peripheral neurons labeled by the ACT antibody In addition to labeling central neurons, the ACT antibody labels a subset of peripheral neurons. However, early embryos labeled with the ACT mAb did not reveal any of these neurons that become ACT positive only during later stages of development (Fig. 4). The identity and projections of some of these peripheral cells were investigated by intracellular dye-filling and double labels. There were several different classes of cells that labeled with ACT antibody during later development, two of which have been previ- MULTIPLE MECHANISMS OF NERVE FORMATION Fig. 3. Formation of the proximal nerve roots by a secondary condensation of initially parallel tracts. The figure shows ACT-labeled hemisegments from comparable posterior regions on progressive embryonic days ( A ) 10, (B) 11, and (C) 14. Anterior is to the left. There is an orderly progression of coalescing axonal tracts that results in apparent points of bifurcation (small black arrows). The condensation of nerves to form the two major nerve roots begins at a relatively early stage, before or just as the PD cell axon pioneering the DP nerve (arrowheads show similar locations on the axon in A-C) has reached the edge of the germinal plate (dotted arrows in A-C). Although the condensation begins just outside the ganglionic capsule, it moves peripherally and eventually comes to delineate the point at which nerves enter the ventral body wall. At E l 4 (C), the ACT antibody labeling begins to reveal several peripheral neurons. The approximate locations of the major peripheral neurons are indicated by small white arrows (a-d). These designations correspond to the locations of the cells shown in Figure 4A-D. Scale bar = 50 pm. Fig. 4. ACT-positive peripheral neurons are uniquely identifiable cells. Anterior is to the left, and the relative positions of each neuron can be seen in Figure 3. Each panel shows LY-injected neurons double labeled with the ACT antibody. A A previously described stretch receptor in the ventral body wall. This neuron projects a single large-caliber axon into the CNS, where it forms a local terminal arbor. For reference, the cell body of this neuron is indicated by the arrow here and in B and C. The white brackets delineate the extent of flattened membranous veils associated with longitudinal muscles, which are also labeled by the ACT antibody. B: A single monopolar neuron reliably found just lateral to the ventral stretch receptor. C: The previously identified nephridial nerve cell innervates the developing nephridium, a portion of which can be seen by nonspecific background staining highlighted by white dots. D One of several peripheral bipolar cells found in stereotyped positions associated with the major nerves. Scale bars = 25 pm. 5 MULTIPLE MECHANISMS OF NERVE FORMATION ously identified (Wenning, 1983; Blackshaw, 1993) and two hitherto unidentified neurons. One of the peripheral cell types labeled was the putative stretch receptors of the body wall, which have a characteristic association with specialized longitudinal muscles, project large-diameter axons, and have elaborate characteristic terminal branches within the CNS (Johansen et al., 1984; Blackshaw, 1993). The most ventral of these (Fig. 4A) arises along the AA nerve, with its cell body positioned between two specialized longitudinal muscle fascicles, and it has bipolar projections that expand as they cross the muscle. These neurons begin to stain strongly with the ACT antibody during later embryonic stages (E14-El6; hollow white arrow, Fig. 4A-C). There is also a previously unidentified, ACT-positive monopolar cell just lateral to the stretch receptor along the AA nerve (Fig. 4B). Another reliably stained peripheral neuron was the previously identified nephridial nerve cell (NNC; Wenning, 1983; Wenning et al., 1993; Fig. 4C). These neurons are bilaterally paired and project a large dendritic arbor that ramifies along the nephridium and have a single axon extending toward the CNS along the MA nerve. A fourth class of peripheral cell was also routinely found (Fig. 4D) by using the ACT mAb. The spindle-shaped bipolar cells are associated with the major peripheral nerves and project long processes laterally toward the edge of the germinal plate and medially toward 7 the ventral midline. Indeed, many of these processes extended beyond the margin of the germinal plate onto larval muscle (e.g., note ACT-positive projections shown in Figs. 1, 3). These cells are likely to be neurons because they are similar in appearance and location to cells labeled with the mAb Lan3-8, which specifically labels all peripheral and central neurons in hirudinid leeches (Johansen and Johansen, 1995). However, these bipolar cells' ventral projections do not enter the ganglia. None of these four peripheral cell types showed ACT labeling until well after the major nerve tracts were established, and their possible involvement in the formation of the earliest peripheral pathways could therefore not be determined in this study. Formation of common nerve pathways by central and peripheral neurons A major issue concerning peripheral nerve formation relates to the relative temporal contributions from the CNS and peripheral nervous system (PNS) in establishing common nerve pathways. Are they pioneered by either the CNS or peripheral neurons or do both groups of neurons play a role? The ACT antibody labels central neurons and some peripheral neurons; however, a substantial population of peripheral neurons arises early in embryogenesis that is not labeled by the ACT antibody. These neurons, however, do label with a different mAb, Lan3-2, which is specific for sensillar and extrasensillar sensory neurons (McKay et al., 1983; Johansen et al., 1992) that project axons toward the Fig. 5. The S3 sensillum contains Lan3-2-positive afferents that CNS early enough to make them possible candidates for pioneer the MA nerve. Embryos at E8-E9 were double labeled by using pioneering a t least one of the major nerves (Jellies et al., both ACT and Lan3-2 antibodies followed by an FITC-conjugated 1994b; Johansen et al., 1994; Jellies and Johansen, 1995). secondary antibody (green) to localize the ACT epitope and a Texas The first population of the Lan3-2-positive peripheral neuRed-conjugated secondary antibody (red) to localize the Lan3-2 epitrons to differentiate is the sensillar neurons. These neurons ope. The ventral midline is aligned with the far left-hand margin of each are mixed sensory afferents that arise in seven bilateral panel; anterior is up. A: Double exposure shows both labels in a posterior segment. Solid white arrow indicates afferent axons (red) clusters aligned with the central annulus of each segment. along the MA path, and hollow white arrow indicates efferent (green- They are designated Sl-S7, with S1 being the most ventral yellow) axonal projections pioneering the DP nerve. B: Enhanced and S7 the most dorsal. S1-S5 extend axons toward the digitized image from a segment comparable to that shown in A in a CNS along the MA nerve, and S6 and S7 project along the sibling embryo. The FITC and Texas Red labels were pseudocolored DP nerve (Johansen et al., 1992). Previous studies using green and red, respectively, and the small area of overlap between the mAb Lan3-2 showed that the first sensillar neurons arise in two labels is bright yellow. C: Double exposure shows both labels in a more anterior segment of the same embryo shown in A. Within a few S3 and extend growth cones directly toward the CNS, hours followingthe peripheral ingrowth of the Lan3-2-positive sensillar where they segregate into distinct fascicles (Johansen et al., neurons in the MA path, there is a parallel axonal tract growing 1992). We examined the relative contribution of these outward from the CNS. D: Enhanced digitized image from a segment peripheral axons to the establishment of the nerves by comparable to that shown in C in a sibling embryo shows both inward simultaneously using the ACT mAb to label outgrowing (solid arrow) and outward (hollow arrows) axonal projections as well as the initial stages of S3 axon pathway selection within the CNS. In this projections from the CNS and the Lan3-2 mAb to label the figure, anterior is up and dorsal to the right. Scale bar = 25 pm. ingrowing peripheral axons (Fig. 5). Our ACT-labeled embryos (Fig. 2) show that, although Fig. 6. Axons of Lan3-2-positive extrasensillar neurons migrate the early posterior projections are present in young ganglialong select efferent pathways. Anterior is to the left. A: E l 4 embryo onic primordia, an ACT-positive anterior projection has not labeled with Lan3-2 antibody shows the fascicles of sensillar axons that yet' been extended (Fig. 5A,B). In these segments, simultaconstitute a portion of the MA nerve (contributed by SlLS5 sensillar neurons) and DP nerve (contributed by S6 and S7 sensillar neurons). neously staining the sensillar neurons with Lan3-2 clearly revealed that the growth cones of S3 neurons extended to Only a few scattered extrasensillar neurons have differentiated at this the ganglion, penetrated the outer layer of cell bodies, and stage, as indicated by small black arrows. B: A sibling embryo of the preparation shown in A is labeled with the ACT antibody to reveal all of came into contact with the interior neuropil before any the available efferent pathways at this stage. The DP nerve is out of the ACT-positive CNS efferents were directed peripherally focal plane in this panel, and the asterisk indicates the position of the (Fig. 5A,B). Thus, this anterior nerve pathway correspondnephridial bladderipore complex in A and B. C: Enhanced digitized ing to the future MA nerve appears to be pioneered by S3 image of a peripheral region between the MA and AA nerves from an E l 6 embryo prepared as a double label as in Figure 5. The asterisks axons rather than by CNS efferents as is the case for the DP indicate Lan3-2-positive extrasensillar neuron somata. The pathways nerve. A short time after reaching the central neuropil, S3 taken by the extrasensillar axons are highlighted by white arrows. Even growth cones segregate along intersegmental tracts within those neurons that arise immediately adjacent to the AA nerve migrate the CNS (Johansen et al., 1992). At this stage, ACT-positive along CNS efferents (green) to reach and fasciculate with other projections from the CNS could be found coursing peripherLan3-2-positive axons in the MA nerve. Yellow indicates regions of overlap between afferent and efferent axon pathways. Scale bars = 50 ally along the previously established Lan3-2-positive tracts pm in A,B, 25 pm in C. (Fig. 5C,D). At the earliest stages where central projections 8 J. JELLIES ET AL. extending to the periphery were coincident with the peripheral projections centrally, they appeared to be aligned but not intermixed with both labels clearly distinguished as separate at the light microscopic level (Fig. 5C). Thus, the fusion of the ACT-positive and Lan3-2-positive fascicles into a common nerve pathway may also be the result of a secondary morphogenetic process after independent pioneering events. An interesting aspect of leech development is the finding that numerous extrasensillar sensory neurons recognized by the Lan3-2 antibody start to differentiate relatively late in development at E l 6 and then continue to increase in number throughout the life span of the leech (Peinado et al., 1990; Johansen et al., 1992). From double labels with Lan3-2 and ACT antibodies, it appears that these latedifferentiating neurons use the peripheral projections of central neurons as a guide to reach the major nerve trunks, where they then selectively fasciculate with the sensillar axons (Fig. 6C). However, among the two anterior nerve branches, only the MA nerve branch is used for such tracking. Extrasensillar sensory neurons appearing right on the AA nerve branch ignore these axons and project instead only along axons coming from the MA nerve (Fig. 6C). This suggests that only a subset of central neurons may have the capacity to serve as guides for the extrasensillar neurons and/or that some branches express repulsive cues that result in these neurons’ axons being routed to enter the CNS only through certain nerve pathways. Labeling of sibling embryos separately with Lan3-2 and ACT antibodies shows that, at E l 6 when the extrasensillar neurons differentiate, all the major peripheral projections from the CNS are in place (Fig. 6A,B). Thus, the genesis of extrasensillar neurons is developmentally synchronized with the establishment of efferent peripheral projections, which ensures that the proper guidance cues are in place when they differentiate. Although not shown here, extrasensillar axons from the more posterior regions collect within the PP nerve, forming a separate fascicle that enters the ganglion through the posterior nerve root. These observations strongly suggest that the extrasensillar axons are selecting particular axon tracts over others as they navigate toward the CNS and that they use CNS efferents as guides to reach the major nerve trunks. DISCUSSION There are potentially many different mechanisms by which stereotyped nerve pathways can be established (Goodman and Shatz, 1993). In the medicinal leech, peripheral neurons project axons toward the CNS and then segregate into discrete tracts or form characteristic neuropilar arborizations. Likewise, axons extend first within, and later from, the CNS into the periphery along stereotyped pathways. In the present study, we have followed the initial formation of the four major peripheral axonal pathways in Hirudo and demonstrated that they were established in a spatially discrete fashion. In addition, we have shown that the apparent branch point seen in the mature leech, where the proximal nerve roots each “bifurcate” to give rise to two nerves, was actually formed by a secondary morphogenetic mechanism involving a condensation of previously extended, parallel axon tracts. Thus, because the nerve tracts were found to be formed individually, early navigation along each should be considered independently. Furthermore, by having demonstrated that the ACT mAb stained the earliest projecting CNS axons including their growing tips, we have confirmed that the DP nerve is pioneered by one of the P cells as previously shown by using other techniques (Jellies et al., 1994b). In contrast, the MA nerve was pioneered by sensory afferents from the S3 sensillum. Consequently, in the leech, we found that neurons from both the CNS and PNS contribute to the establishment of common nerve pathways in the periphery. This situation is similar to that described for the establishment of peripheral nerves in the grasshopper limb (Ho and Goodman, 1982; Keshishian and Bentley, 1983a,b) and Drosophila body (Hartenstein, 1988). Although most of the emphasis has been placed on the pioneer neurons arising peripherally, in both systems there is also a population of central neurons with peripherally directed growth cones that navigate at least portions of their routes independently. Although the mechanisms that give rise to the compaction of initially separate axonal pathways are not known, another prominent example of neural condensation can be seen in the formation of the subesophageal ganglion during embryogenesis. Ganglionic primordia are initially very close together with short connectives, followed by a period of elongation, and, for a very brief period during embryogenesis (during E8-E9), the elongated connectives joining the first four ganglia are visible (Fernandez and Stent, 1982). In addition, our results may at least partly explain an apparent species difference in the spatial and temporal details of nerve formation between Hirudo and the glossiphoniid leech Helobdella (Braun and Stent, 1989a,b).In the glossiphoniid, the MA and AA nerves remain distinct and do not seem to undergo a comparable secondary condensation (Braun and Stent, 1989a). This is indeed reminiscent of the earliest situation in the formation of the nerves of Hirudo and may represent a more primitive condition. Our results here and in other studies (Jellies et al., 1994a,b;Jellies and Johansen, 1995) have supported a role for the interdependence of outgrowth from the CNS and ingrowth in establishing the stereotyped nerves. As was the case for the posterior nerves, the anterior nerve root was not necessarily established by the S3 axons alone, and the AA nerve might well be pioneered by as-yet-unidentified neurons. The present study did not address the issue of whether the S3 pioneers are necessary substrates for axons extending from the CNS. However, double-labeled preparations from somewhat later developmental stages clearly showed that later developing extrasensillar neurons preferentially extended along the Lan3-2-positive tracts that previously established the MA nerve and not along the Lan3-2-negative AA nerve. In the case of pioneer neurons in insects, some pioneers are necessary for subsequent navigation, and some are not (Edwards et al., 1981; Keshishian and Bentley, 1 9 8 3 ~ Bentley ; and O’Connor, 1992). It has been proposed that the “pioneering” of a pathway may often be the result of other morphogenetic events and that particular pioneers may not, therefore, be necessary for subsequent navigation (Keshishian and Bentley, 1 9 8 3 ~ ) . We might expect such mixed results in the leech as well. Some pioneers may simply be the first neurons to navigate a pathway that can be used by later neurons, whereas others may be necessary to establish “labeled pathways” when the environment is simple (Goodman et al., 1982). We had previously used direct intracellular dye injection to establish one of the P cells as the DP pioneer in Hirudo (Jellies et al., 1994b).However, there are two pairs of P cells in Hirudo (Muller et al., 1981). The dorsal P cell (PD) MULTIPLE MECHANISMS OF NERVE FORMATION projects ipsilaterally within the DP nerve, whereas the ventral P cell (Pv) projects two peripheral axons, one in the anterior nerve root. Although we had previously shown that PD established the DP pathway, intracellular dye filling of Pv (which does send one axon in the anterior nerves) was more ambiguous, and its anterior peripherally directed axon was always coextensive with the ingrowing Lan3-2-positive S3 axons at the stages examined (Jellies et al., 1994b). Our present study confirmed that, although outgrowth in the MA nerve can occur early, it is preceded by ingrowth of S3 peripheral growth cones. It is possible that the ingrowing and outgrowing axons were utilizing the same or closely apposed substrates rather than each other. Such substrates might include cells that underlie incipient pathways such as have been previously described in this system (Kuwada, 1985; Jellies and Kristan, 1988b). Along these lines, in another study (Jellies et al., 1994a) it was shown that CNS-associated cues are required for the continued directed navigation of Lan3-2-positive axons toward the ventral midline. Thus, although one major peripheral nerve is pioneered by sensillar afferents and another by CNS outgrowth, two others (AAand PP) have not been examined in this light, and there remain as-yetunidentified cues associated with the CNS that are also involved in the directed navigation of neuronal growth cones. This complexity in what at first may appear to be a simple system reveals that the formation of common nerves and neuronal pathfinding in the leech involves multiple sets of growth cone guidance strategies and morphogenetic mechanisms that may be of general significance. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Evanne Maher and Edge Scientific Instrument Corporation (Los Angeles, CA) for graciously providing us access to their newly developed real-time three-dimensional microscope and for generating the stereo pair used in Figure 1. Work reported here was supported by NSF grants 9609701 ( J . Jellies), DIR 9113595 (J.Johansen), and NIH grant 28857 ( J . Johansen). J. Jellies is a Fellow of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. Journal paper 5-16745 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa, Project 3371, was supported by Hatch Act and State of Iowa funds. LITERATURE CITED Acklin, S.E., and J.G. Nicholls i1990)Intrinsic and extrinsic factors influencingproperties and growth patterns of identified leech neurons in culture. J. Neurosci. 10:1082-1090. Bentley. D., and H. Keshishian (19821 Pathfinding by peripheral pioneer neurons in grasshoppers. Science 218:1082-1088. Bentley, D., and T.P. 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