Campus Landscaping Improvements STARS Analysis University of Wisconsin-Stout SUST 425 Spring 2013 Callie Bernier & Megen Hines TABLE OF CONTENTS PROJECT OVERVIEW CURRENT CONDITIONS 2 3 STARS PROGRAM 3 DESCRIPTION 3 Integrated Pest Management Native Plants Wildlife Habitat Landscape Waste Composting Stormwater Management Xeriscaping OPERATIONAL DETAILS 3 3 4 4 4 4 6 CAMPUS MAP SOIL MAP VEGETATION RESOURCES USED 6 8 10 11 TECHNICAL FACTORS 13 OVERVIEW OF LIFE CYCLE PROS & CONS LIFE CYCLE ANALYSIS PROPOSALS 13 15 16 19 CASE STUDIES 19 NORTH LAKE COLLEGE, TEXAS UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-STEVENS POINT, WISCONSIN UW-STOUT CAMPUS LANDSCAPING PROPOSAL PLANT RECOMMENDATIONS NATIVE PERENNIALS 19 19 20 25 25 Full Sun Part Sun Shade TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE & IMPACTS 25 26 28 29 ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL 29 30 30 STARS PROGRAM IMPROVEMENTS 31 DESCRIPTION 31 Integrated Pest Management Native Plants Wildlife Habitat Landscape Waste Composting Stormwater Management Xeriscaping 31 31 31 31 32 32 SUMMARY REFERENCES APPENDICES 33 34 36 1. TIMELINE 2. TEAM MEETINGS AND COMMUNICATIONS 3. VEGETATION TABLE 1 36 37 48 PROJECT OVERVIEW The UW-Stout Sustainability Office is working on evaluating sustainability throughout the university using a tool known as the STARS program, which rates universities on their sustainable practices. One area of evaluation within the program is the sustainability of the grounds areas on campus. Our project consisted of analyzing current campus landscaping practices and determining how the university can improve these practices through planting native plant species of Wisconsin in order to become more sustainable. Our project expands upon previously collected evaluations of the sustainability of campus landscaping performed by the UW-Stout Sustainability Office headed by Sarah Rykal. Mike Smith, Facilities Director at UW-Stout, provided information about campus landscaping practices and current species planted on campus. As part of the project, we mapped all landscaped areas on campus and determined the environmental conditions of each. This information was integrated into an ArcGIS map with an attribute table including the associated environmental conditions, such as if the area receives full sun, part sun, or shade. A triple bottom line analysis was performed to assess the economic, environmental, and social impacts of planting native Wisconsin plant species on campus. Additionally, proposed recommendations for which native species should be planted was included to promote the sustainability and biodiversity of campus landscaping. Results from our project will be forwarded to the UW-Stout Sustainability Office to include in their STARS report for the Facilities Department. We hope to initiate more native planting on campus and improve UWStout’s overall STARS rating. 2 CURRENT CONDITIONS STARS PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Sustainability Tracking, Assessment, and Rating System (STARS) is a tool that rates universities on their sustainable practices. The STARS program was first researched and developed in 2006 and is administered by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE). It is voluntary and interested universities provide their own data for evaluation. Credits can be earned for various university related areas and a score is awarded for each credit. There are 104 total possible points with rankings of bronze (25 points), silver (45 points), gold (65 points), and platinum (85 points). Universities in the UW system that have received scores from STARS include UW-River Falls, UW-Stevens Point, UW-Oshkosh, and UW-Green Bay, while UW-Stout and UW-Milwaukee are currently gathering data to receive a STARS ranking. The categories that could be improved by incorporating more native plants in landscaping on the UW-Stout campus include integrated pest management, native plants, wildlife habitats, stormwater management, and xeriscaping. Integrated Pest Management To earn points in the STARS program for integrated pest management, universities need to follow a four-tiered approach that sets action thresholds, monitors and identifies pests, practices prevention, and introduces controls. At UW-Stout, all areas except buildings and parking lots are covered by an integrated pest management plan. This area totals 75 acres on campus. Plant damage and pest populations must meet certain thresholds before the grounds crew will apply a treatment. Pests are identified to determine which chemical treatment to use. There is no formal pest management monitoring plan, rather grounds crew keep their eyes out for something out of the ordinary. According to Facilities Director Mike Smith, there is little prevention for insects as the campus infrequently has pest problems. An example of preventative treatment on campus is the management of crab grass. Other prevention measures include not planting species that have previously had pest problems on campus (Email from Sarah Rykal). Native Plants Universities earn STARS points for native plants by having a policy, program, or practice of planting native species on campus. 3 UW-Stout does not have a policy, program, or practice of planting native plant species on campus. The institution does not prioritize the use of native plant species in landscaping on campus (Email from Sarah Rykal). Wildlife Habitat STARS points for wildlife habitat can be earned by having a policy, program, or practice of creating wildlife habitat on campus. UW-Stout does not currently have a plan in place to create or protect the wildlife habitat on campus (Email from Sarah Rykal). Landscape Waste Composting Universities earn STARS points for landscape waste composting by composting or mulching landscape waste. The university can report landscape waste composted both on and off campus. UW-Stout utilizes mulching mowers that allow grass trimmings to go back into the ground. This practice also helps to reduce nutrient applications. Grounds keeping has a pile of yard waste compost consisting of old wood mulch, pruning branches, and sticks that gets reused by the department on campus. The largest yard waste, approximately 2-4% of all yard waste, is sent to the landfill for disposal. (Email from Sarah Rykal). Stormwater Management STARS points for stormwater management can be earned by having programs and policies in place to reduce stormwater runoff and water pollution. UW-Stout has a stormwater management plan from 2009, but it is still in draft form (Email from Sarah Rykal). Xeriscaping To earn STARS points for xeriscaping, universities need to be utilizing xeriscape landscaping techniques which reduce or eliminate the need for watering plants. UW-Stout does not have a program or practice of utilizing xeriscape landscaping techniques (Email from Sarah Rykal). 4 In this report, we will provide recommendations for native plants that would work well on campus, as well as a proposal for converting three landscaped beds to all native perennials. These recommendations will help improve UW-Stout’s STARS rating in the native plants, wildlife habitat, and xeriscaping categories specifically. 5 OPERATIONAL DETAILS CAMPUS MAP There are about 227 landscaped beds on the southern portion of the UW-Stout campus. We tried to be consistent in our count by excluding single planted trees and natural areas. The environmental conditions of each bed, including type of plants present (Fig. 1) and sunlight availability (Fig. 2), were recorded and mapped as well. According to the UW-Stout Campus Physical Development Plan, south campus comprises about 65.6% (86 acres) of the total campus acreage, while north campus comprises only 34.4% (45 acres) (2011). Through our mapping process, we discovered that only about 7% of south campus is landscaped. We used these percentages to calculate estimates in our life cycle analysis and proposal. Figure 1: Map displaying the types of plants present in landscaped beds on south campus (A: annual; P: perennial; S: shrub; T: tree). 6 Figure 2: Map of sunlight availability for landscaped beds on south campus (F: full; P: part; S: shade). 7 SOIL MAP 511A 511C 511A 433A Figure 3: The soil survey map of south campus shows that the primary soil types are Plainfield sand and Forkhorn sandy loam (NRCS 2012). Plainfield Sand The majority of south campus features a Plainfield sand soil which according to the NRCS website consists of 32 inches of sand overlaying stratified gravelly course sand (Fig. 3) (2012). This soil type forms from the sandy and gravelly outwash of valley trains. Valley trains are formed when water runoff from glaciers deposits sediment as it flows through a valley (Wikipedia 2013). It is excessively drained and has a high to very high ability to transmit water (Fig. 4B). This soil is not hydric due to low available water capacity and no frequency of flooding (Fig. 4A). With a high infiltration rate and more than 80 inches to the water table, there is a low runoff potential as well. 8 Forkhorn Sandy Loam The eastern edge of south campus, especially the athletic fields, consists of Forkhorn sandy loam (Fig. 3). This never flooded, not hydric soil originates from loamy alluvium over sandy and gravelly outwash of valley trains (Fig. 4A). Its upper horizons are composed of sandy loam making its available water capacity low, while the lower horizons are gravelly loamy sand to stratified gravelly coarse sand. This explains why its drainage class is well drained and it has a moderately high to high rate of water transmission (Fig. 4B). Similar to the Plainfield sand soil, it has a depth to the water table of more than 80 inches and low runoff potential. (A) (B) Red = Excessively Drained Yellow = Well Drained Blue = Not Hydric 511A 511A 511C 511C 511A 511A 433A 433A Figure 4: Additional maps of south campus displaying a (A) hydric soil map and (B) drainage class map (NRCS 2012). With the two main soil types being well drained with low water capacity, there is a high demand for water in the landscaped beds. The soil types on campus were taken into consideration when preparing the recommendations and proposal found later in this report. Plant choice is critical when planting in a region with low water capacity soil. The Facilities Department adds compost or organic material to the beds which provides nutrients for plants and has the ability to store more water than the original soil. Also, the need for watering should decrease if more drought tolerant native plants were incorporated into the landscaping at UW-Stout. Since they are adapted to the local environmental conditions and typically have a deeper root system, they are able to find and store more water than non-native annuals and perennials. 9 VEGETATION Perennials and annuals are planted in landscaped beds on the UW-Stout campus. Between 2009 and 2012, 5,709 perennial plants were purchased and planted on campus according to Mike Smith (Table 1). Of these plants, 2,014 were species native to Wisconsin, compromising 35.3% of all perennials planted on campus from 2009-2012. Additionally, 64.7% of these perennials (3,695 plants) were species that are not native to Wisconsin. The majority of the native perennials planted on campus included a variety of fern and black eyed Susan species (Appendix 3). It is obvious that more native species need to be planted however to improve biodiversity (Table 1). We were not able to gain any information on the species or quantity of annuals on campus due to variability of plantings each year. A life cycle analysis was performed comparing a typical annual found on campus to a typical cultivar perennial found on campus to a native perennial that we are recommending be incorporated into the campus landscaping. Total Perennials Purchased 2009-2012 Native Non-Native Total Perennial Species Count 2009-2012 Native Non-Native 5709 2014 3695 35.30% 64.70% 85 14 71 16.47% 83.53% Table 1: Table of native versus non-native perennial percentages in campus planting. 10 RESOURCES USED Consistently used resources in campus landscaping include sunlight, soil, water, and nutrients. Without these, plants would not be able to survive. However, the plants themselves are also considered materials in this case. In order to better understand the current conditions, we quantified the used tangible resources. We figured that there would be four annuals for every one perennial based on plant spacing recommendations for 1 ft2 (Fig. 5). Based on this 4:1 ratio of annuals to perennials and the number of purchased perennials from 2009-2012 (5,709) we estimated that there were 22,836 annuals purchased during this time (Table 2). Since the annuals need to be repurchased every year while the perennials should live for years depending on the type of species and the environmental conditions, we assume that the actual number of annuals purchased would likely be higher than we estimated. To determine the amount of water consumed, we used a landscaping area of 1 ft2 to obtain estimates on water needs for both annual and perennial beds. We then estimated the amount of water required by each plant using an online tool from Value Landscaping (2013). For annuals, 1 ft2 needs 96 gallons of water per year, but this number was divided by four to estimate the water needs of a single annual. 1 ft2 of perennials requires 24 gallons of water per year. After multiplying these amounts by the number of annuals and perennials on campus, we estimated the total water used to be 685,080 gallons. We were told by Mike Smith, the Facilities Director, that UW-Stout spends $600 total per year on fertilizer. This figure is divided evenly for annuals and perennials. By averaging prices from multiple websites, we discovered that bulk wholesale fertilizer costs about $300-$400 for one ton or approximately 2,000 lbs. We then estimated that the grounds crew uses about 4,000 lbs. of fertilizer per year. For compost, we were unable to estimate an amount since UW-Stout provides the compost free of charge. Lastly, oil is used for transportation, equipment, and even packaging in some cases. However, we were also unable to determine how much is used on campus. Annuals Perennials 22,836* 5,709 # of Plants 685,080* gallons Total Water 24* gallons 24* gallons Water/Plant/Year $300 $300 Cost of Fertilizer 4,000* lbs. Amount of Fertilizer Table 2: Resources used for annuals and perennials. * represents estimated numbers 11 Labor is an intangible resource needed for successful plant growth and appearance. From our interview with Mike Smith, we found out that the grounds crew consists of 22 seasonal workers who work 40 hours per week. Their tasks include weeding, applying fertilizer, watering, planting, mulching, dividing, and pruning (Table 3). The majority of their job takes place in the summer months during the growing season of annuals and perennials. Four workers spend 2.5 weeks planting annuals each year. This results in 400 person hours for an approximate cost of $3,400 to just plant the annuals on campus each year. Perennials are fertilized three times per year or once per month for the summer months, while annuals are fertilized weekly or biweekly depending on their living conditions. All watering takes place during the day. In addition, money is a financial resource needed throughout the process, especially for purchasing plants, paying employees, utility costs, etc. Table 3 shows the specific labor tasks for annuals and perennials. Labor Tasks Annuals Perennials Plant Plant Water Water Fertilize Weekly Fertilize monthly Weed Weed Prune/Dead-Head Prune Pull-up Divide Dispose Table 3: Specific labor tasks for annuals and perennials. Figure 5 below illustrate how we estimated the ratio of annuals to perennials on campus. First, we are assuming that there is equal square footage of annuals and perennials on campus, which may or may not be accurate. Next, we used a one square foot area to determine the ratio of annuals to perennials in landscaped beds on campus. As shown below, we would recommend planting four annuals in a one square foot area, while we would only plant one perennial in a one square foot area, giving a 4:1 ratio of annuals to perennials. Annuals Perennials 1 ft. 1 ft. 1 ft. 1 ft. Figure 5: Illustration of our annual to perennial per square foot ratio (4:1). 12 TECHNICAL FACTORS OVERVIEW OF LIFE CYCLE Flower GROWER/ REPRODUCE Die (annuals) Water Sun Soil Nutrients Labor Mature Plant Seed Seedling Transplant PLANTER/ REGENERATE Mature Plant Water Sun Soil Nutrients Labor Flower 13 Die Back (perennials) Die (annuals) In the operational diagram, there are many technical factors to consider. For instance, a variety of equipment is needed throughout the process. This includes, but is not limited to, gloves, trowels, shovels, hoses, watering cans, sprinklers, pruning shears, wheel barrels, mini diggers, lawn mowers, weed wackers, etc. Some of the powered equipment requires fuel which is an additional cost to consider. However, since all of these items are used for both native and nonnative plants, there is no way to quantify how many times each item is used for one specific type of plant. Even though, it is possible to estimate how many times each item is used for annuals and perennials based of the 4:1 ratio. There are some differences in the specific labor tasks between annuals and perennials, notably that fertilizer is applied weekly to annuals and monthly to perennials. Annuals also need to be pulled up and disposed of each growing season while perennials may need to be divided depending on how old they are. The amount of labor needed for each really changes once we get into multiple growing seasons, where annuals need to be replanted yearly and perennials do not get planted each year. Additionally, there are many limitations throughout the operational diagram. A knowledgeable and trained labor force is a large part of this process. If employees are not experienced, they could potentially kill or harm the plants, costing more time and money. Lastly, if the plants are purchased from a grower with a greenhouse, extra technical factors exist. These involve building materials, heating equipment, fans, product packaging, and transportation costs. Nevertheless, we are not including calculations outside of campus, so this is not relevant. 14 PROS & CONS Cultivar Annuals: The perk to planting annuals is that they are engineered to produce continuous, large blooms. In other words, they are aesthetically pleasing due to their vibrant color. They are typically smaller than perennials, so more of them can be planted in a smaller space, and they only last for one growing season. For this reason, annuals can become expensive since you are purchasing more plants yearly, even if the cost per plant is cheaper. They are also very labor intensive because of this. Native Perennials: Native perennials provide many more biological functions than annuals. First, they provide wildlife habitat for local species, such as insects. Second, by planting native perennials, the overall biodiversity of the area increases. This reduces the threat of non-native species invasion. Third, they improve local air and water qualities. Perennial roots are capable of reaching much further into the ground than annual roots (Fig. 6). Because of this, they are better at infiltrating pollutants out of runoff before they enter the water system. Lastly, they use fewer resources than annuals. Since native perennials are adapted to the local climate and have evolved to survive in the local soil conditions, they tend to be hardier than conventional landscaping plants. Meaning, they require less maintenance, water, fertilizer, pesticide, and herbicide. So even though the upfront plant cost is higher than that of an annual, perennials can last for years saving time and money in the long run. They also tend to be larger than annuals with smaller blooms which only occur for part of the growing season. Figure 6: Root structure of perennial wheatgrass versus annual winter wheat. Perennial Bed Annual Bed 15 LIFE CYCLE ANALYSIS This life cycle analysis compares a typical annual planted on campus to a typical cultivar perennial on campus to a native perennial that we recommend be planted on campus. We chose a Wave Petunia to represent the annual, as we have seen many petunias planted in landscaped beds on campus. We chose the species Rudbeckia goldsturm (Black Eyed Susan) for the cultivar perennial, as it is one of the most numerous perennials planted on campus and because it is a cultivar of the native Black Eyed Susan we chose as our native perennial. There are several differences between the species Rudbeckia goldsturm and the native Black Eyed Susan, such as a larger, bolder color bloom in the cultivar which does not seed out like the native Black Eyed Susan. 16 Annual: Wave Petunia • Plant Cost: $0.27 • Labor: $4,946.14 • Fertilizer: $300 • Compost: $0 (Free from UW-Stout) • Water: $0.02 Cultivar Perennial: Rudbeckia goldsturm (Black Eyed Susan) • Plant cost: $8.25 • Labor: $1,236.53 • Fertilizer: $300 • Compost: $0 (Free from UW-Stout) • Water: $0.02 Native Perennial: Black Eyed Susan • Plant cost: $8.25 • Estimated Labor: $1,000 • Fertilizer: $0 (Native plants should not need fertilizer) • Compost: $0 (Free from UW-Stout) • Water: $0.01 This life cycle analysis was calculated using the assumption that the ratio of annuals to perennials on campus is 4:1. This was determined by considering a 1 ft2 area where we would plant four annuals or just one perennial. We were unable to determine an exact ratio due to not being able to obtain exact numbers of perennials and annuals from the Facilities Department. We primarily focused on factors which differed between annuals and perennials, meaning certain information may have been left out if it was equal for both. The Facilities Department hires 22 workers to maintain the entire grounds, including landscaped beds, for the summer. To calculate our labor cost, we assumed that the growing season is from May 1-September 1 (18 weeks), that the workers work 40 hours/week, and that they make $8.50/hour. This gave us a total growing season cost of $134,640. Since we only focused on mapping south campus, we took this number and multiplied by 0.656 since south campus comprises 65.6% of the total area on campus (UWStout 2011). The total estimated labor for south campus is $88,323.84. This number is skewed high as it includes all maintenance activities on the grounds including mowing, grass upkeep, and planting of trees and shrubs. Based on an estimate from the map we created, the ratio of landscaped beds to grass/pavement on south campus is 7:93. This makes the estimated labor for south campus landscape beds to be $6,182.67. Using our 4:1 ratio of annuals to perennials, this makes the cost of labor for annuals on south campus to be $4,946.14 and $1,236.53 for perennials. The labor for native perennials is an estimate. 17 Fertilizer costs were given to us as $600 total per year from the Facilities Department. Mike Smith, Facilities Director, said that the cost of fertilizer is split evenly between annuals and perennials. The cost of applying the fertilizer is wrapped up in the labor cost. The labor cost of applying fertilizer to annuals will be 4 times greater than applying it to perennials, as fertilizer is applied weekly or biweekly to annuals and monthly to perennials. Water costs are estimated in this life cycle analysis. The City of Menomonie sewer and water rates were found to be $0.70/100 cubic feet of water (2010). The amount of water each plant needs was estimated from this website: We used a landscaping area of 1 ft2 to obtain estimates on water needs for both annual and perennial beds. 1 ft2 of annuals needs 96 gallons of water per year, but this number was divided by four to estimate the water needs of a single annual. 1 ft2 of perennials requires 24 gallons of water per year. These numbers were converted to cubic feet of water used and multiplied by the city water rate to determine water cost. The native perennial water cost was estimated by a 50% reduction of the cost of watering annuals based on the reduction seen by North Lake College (case study below). Compost is used to increase the amount of soil and organic matter in the landscaped beds on campus. The compost used comes from UW-Stout and is free of charge for use by the Facilities Department. 18 PROPOSALS CASE STUDIES NORTH LAKE COLLEGE, TEXAS North Lake College initiated a landscaping plan in 2003 to incorporate native Texas plants into their landscaping on campus. The program looked to foster environmental stewardship, aesthetic beauty, cost savings, and awareness of native plant species. The project has since reduced water usage for landscaping purposes by 50%. The water that they do use now is harvested rainwater to further reduce their dependence on city water supply. Other cost savings of planting native plants included a 70% reduction in labor and eliminating seasonal plant material costs. This college is an excellent example of how beneficial it is to incorporate native plants in landscaping. UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-STEVENS POINT, WISCONSIN The University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point (UWSP) created a Campus Tree Care Plan to improve the health and sustainability of tree populations on their campus (2010). They used the five standards of the Tree Campus USA program to develop their plan, as well as the Arbor Day Foundation’s Tree Campus USA program. Through these programs UWSP was able to define their urban forest mission goals and objectives. Maintaining healthy and sustainable urban forests provides a great educational tool for students and the public to learn about quality tree care and sound urban forest management techniques. By investigating UWSP’s Campus Tree Care Plan, we could create our own tree management plan as a part of the Tree Campus USA section of the STARS program. Even though this category is not a part of our planting native species mission, it is an important piece that is worth looking into. 19 UW-STOUT CAMPUS LANDSCAPING PROPOSAL After mapping south campus landscaped beds, we chose three beds to convert from predominantly annuals to all native perennials. We chose three as to keep costs down while still providing enough of a test to show how labor, fertilizer, and water could be reduced by planting natives. These beds would allow the university to see what the aesthetic reaction to these native plant landscaped beds would be. If the plots are well received and if there is a potential for cost savings, the university could choose to expand native plantings to other landscaped beds as well. These three landscaped beds with native perennials would also help improve the university’s STARS scores in the areas of native plants, wildlife habitat, stormwater management, and xeriscaping. The three beds that we chose are located in front of the library, on the southwest corner of South Hall near the intersection of Broadway St. and 13th Ave., and between sidewalks on the northwest corner of Millennium Hall (Fig. 8). These beds were chosen because they are predominantly planted with annuals and they would be visible, but they are not in the main walkways of campus where campus tours take place. In addition, they all receive full sun, meaning their environmental conditions are similar and there is the potential of treating the new plantings as an experiment. Total costs to plant native perennials in each of these three beds was calculated, as well as comparing the costs of planting annuals to native perennials in each of the three beds. The costs of planting annuals versus planting native perennials in each bed was calculated over four growing seasons to show the potential long term savings by planting native perennials. The landscaped bed in front of the library was estimated to be 792 ft2 (Fig. 7A). We believe this estimate is a decent representation of the bed. The estimated total cost to plant native perennials in this bed is $6,886.43. We used our previous assumption that we would plant one perennial in one square foot to determine the number of plants for this bed. Plant cost was calculated using the number of plants multiplied by $8.25 per perennial. The cost per perennial of $8.25 was given to us by Mike Smith. Water was calculated to be 19,008 gallons for a cost of $17.79 by using the square footage and 24 gallons of water needed per year per square foot multiplied by the city water and sewer rate (Value Landscaping 2013). Fertilizer was calculated by creating a ratio using the total cost of fertilizer over total landscaped bed square feet equal to the amount of fertilizer spent on the specific bed over the square footage of that bed. Fertilizer costs for this bed for the first growing season are estimated to be $1.31 per year. The initial start-up costs for planting native perennials is higher than annuals, but by the fourth growing season, the cost of having native perennials in the library bed is less than the total cost to plant annuals (Table 4). There are several assumptions made when these numbers were calculated. The labor for native perennials was estimated to be approximately 70% less than the labor for annuals since this is the reduction in labor costs that North Lake College saw when it planted native perennials. The water cost for annuals was calculated by taking the square footage of the bed multiplied by 96 gallons as this is the number of gallons per square foot needed for annuals according to the Value Landscaping calculation tool (2013). Annual plant costs were calculated using the square footage, multiplying by 4 per our assumption of 4 annuals per square foot, and multiplying by $0.27. 20 Native Perennials # of Plants Plant Cost Labor Water (gallons) Water Cost Compost Fertilizer Yearly Total Annuals # of Plants Plant Cost Labor Water (gallons) Water Cost Compost Fertilizer Total Library (792 ft2) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 792 0 0 $6,534.00 0 0 $333.33 $100 $100 19,008 19,008 19,008 $17.79 $17.79 $17.79 Free Free Free $1.31 $1.31 $1.31 $6,886.43 $119.10 $119.10 3,168 $855.36 $1,111.10 76,032 $71.15 Free $1.31 $2,038.92 3,168 $855.36 $1,111.10 76,032 $71.15 Free $1.31 $2,038.92 3,168 $855.36 $1,111.10 76,032 $71.15 Free $1.31 $2,038.92 Year 4 0 0 $100 19,008 $17.79 Free $1.31 $119.10 4 Year Total 792 $6,534.00 $633.33 76,032 $71.16 Free $5.24 $7,243.73 3,168 $855.36 $1,111.10 76,032 $71.15 Free $1.31 $2,038.92 25,344 $3,421.44 $4,444.40 304,128 $284.60 Free $5.24 $8,155.68 Table 4: Summary of costs associated with planting annuals vs. native perennials in the library bed over four years. The landscaped bed on the southwest corner of South Hall near the intersection of Broadway St. and 13th Ave. was calculated to be approximately 539 ft2 (Fig. 7B). This is an estimate as there are two large trees in this bed. We did the best we could to avoid them in our calculation of the square footage to provide the most accurate number possible. The cost of the perennials for this bed would be $4,446.75, assuming we would actually plant 539 plants. Water needed for the first growing season was calculated to be 12,936 gallons for a cost of $12.10 per year using the Value Landscaping tool online (2013). Fertilizer was calculated to cost $1.17 for one growing season using the same calculation method as described above. The total cost of planting native perennials in this bed is estimated to be $4686.87 for the first growing season. The plant cost for planting annuals is estimated to be $582.12 for each growing season and was calculated in the same way as above. The labor for annuals is 70% more than the labor for native perennials. The amount of water needed each year for annuals in this bed is 51,744 gallons at a cost of $48.42 per year. Cost savings are realized after the fourth growing season by planting native perennials in this bed rather than annuals (Table 5). 21 Native Perennials # of Plants Plant Cost Labor Water (gallons) Water Cost Compost Fertilizer Yearly Total Annuals # of Plants Plant Cost Labor Water (gallons) Water Cost Compost Fertilizer Total South Hall (539 ft2) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 539 0 0 $4,446.75 0 0 $226.85 $100 $100 12,936 12,936 12,936 $12.10 $12.10 $12.10 Free Free Free $1.17 $1.17 $1.17 $4,686.87 $113.27 $113.27 2,156 $582.12 $756.17 51,744 $48.42 Free $1.17 $1,387.88 2,156 $582.12 $756.17 51,744 $48.42 Free $1.17 $1,387.88 2,156 $582.12 $756.17 51,744 $48.42 Free $1.17 $1,387.88 Year 4 0 0 $100 12,936 $12.10 Free $1.17 $113.27 4 Year Total 539 $4,446.75 $526.85 51,744 $48.40 Free $4.68 $5,026.68 2,156 $582.12 $756.17 51,744 $48.42 Free $1.17 $1,387.88 8,624 $2,328.48 $3,024.68 206,976 $193.68 Free $5.24 $5,552.08 Table 5: Summary of costs associated with planting annuals vs. native perennials in the South Hall bed over four years. The landscaped bed on the northwest corner of Millennium Hall was calculated to be 128 ft2 (Fig. 7C). The cost of perennials for this bed is $1056.00 for 128 native perennials. 3,072 gallons of water are estimated to be needed for this bed for one growing season with a cost of $2.87. The cost of fertilizer is $0.28 per year. The initial cost for the first growing season of planting native perennials in this bed is $1,113.02. All calculations for this bed are the same as described above for the other beds. We calculated that 512 annuals would be planted in this bed at a cost of $138.24 per year. This was calculated in the same way as described above. Labor for annuals was estimated to cost $179.57 per year. Water is estimated to cost $11.50 for 12,288 gallons per year. The overall cost to plant annuals each year in this bed is estimated to be $329.59. After four growing seasons, the cost savings of planting native perennials in this bed begins (Table 6). 22 Native Perennials # of Plants Plant Cost Labor Water (gallons) Water Cost Compost Fertilizer Yearly Total Annuals # of Plants Plant Cost Labor Water (gallons) Water Cost Compost Fertilizer Total Millennium Hall (128 ft2) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 128 0 0 $1,056.00 0 0 $53.87 $53.87 $53.87 3,072 3,072 3,072 $2.87 $2.87 $2.87 Free Free Free $0.28 $0.28 $0.28 $1,113.02 $57.02 $57.02 512 $138.24 $179.57 12,288 $11.50 Free $0.28 $329.59 512 $138.24 $179.57 12,288 $11.50 Free $0.28 $329.59 512 $138.24 $179.57 12,288 $11.50 Free $0.28 $329.59 Year 4 0 0 $53.87 3,072 $2.87 Free $0.28 $57.02 4 Year Total 128 $1,056.00 $215.48 12,288 $11.48 Free $1.12 $1,284.08 512 $138.24 $179.57 12,288 $11.50 Free $0.28 $329.59 2,048 $552.96 $718.28 49,152 $46.00 Free $1.12 $1,318.36 Table 6: Summary of costs associated with planting annuals vs. native perennials in the Millennium Hall bed over four years. A) B) C) Figure 7: Aerial photos showing the three proposed landscaped beds where perennial planting would take place (A: Library; B: South Hall; C: Millenium Hall). 23 All three of these landscaped beds are full sun with well drained, sandy type soil. We recommend that a combination of full sun, native perennials such as Heath Aster, Aromatic Aster, Flat-topped Aster, Rattlesnake Master, Prairie Smoke, Wild Bergamot, Hairy Wild Petunia, and Big/Little Bluestem be planted in these beds. The total amount for planting these three beds with native perennials would be around $12,686.32 for the first year including all resources used (Table 7). Library Size (ft2) # of Plants Plant Cost Labor Water (gallons) Water Cost Compost Fertilizer Total South Hall 792 539 792 539 $6,534.00 $4,446.75 $333.33 $226.85 19,008 12,936 $17.79 $12.10 Free Free $1.31 $1.17 $6,886.43 $4,686.87 Overall Total: $12,686.32 Millennium Hall 128 128 1,056.00 $53.87 3,072 $2.87 Free $0.28 $1,113.02 Table 7: Summary of resources used with associated costs for the proposed three beds where native perennial plantings would occur. Costs are for the first growing season. Figure 8: Aerial photo of the three proposed landscaped beds for perennial planting. 24 PLANT RECOMMENDATIONS NATIVE PERENNIALS Full Sun: • Heath Aster (Aster ericoides), H: 1-3’, Spacing: 2-3’ Shrubby, somewhat erect perennial that produces hundreds of small white daisy-like flowers that bloom AugustOctober. Narrow leaves resemble that of the heath (hence its name). Habitats include open prairies and savannas. Larval host of the Pearl Cresent Butterfly. • Aromatic Aster (Aster oblongifolius), H: 1-2’, Spacing: 12’ A stiffly upright perennial that creates colorful mounds in fall that become completely covered with blue lavender flowers. Flowers are typically larger and denser than other aster, due to the numerous petals. One of the last asters to bloom. Leaves and flowers are aromatic when crushed. • Flat-topped Aster (Aster umbellatus), H: 1-7’, Spacing: 13’ A tall, erect perennial found throughout the tall grass prairie, wetland edges and open moist woodlands. White flowers appear in fairly flat clusters atop stiff stems that tend to be purple, July-Sept. One of the first asters to bloom. Important food source for many butterflies. • Rattlesnake Master (Eryngium yuccifolium), H: 3-4’, Spacing: 15” An extraordinary perennial with yucca-like, steel blue-green foliage. In July, showy clusters of white, spiky ball-like flowers appear on tall, rigid stems. With its unique color and texture, it combines nicely with blazing star or rosinweed in the sunny, dry prairie. • Prairie Smoke (Geum triflorum), H: 12-15”, Spacing: 18” A gem for the prairie or dry woods edge. Deep pink nodding flowers in April rise above ferny foliage. Extraordinary pink feathery seed heads have a smoke-like appearance as they sway in the breeze, from May- June. Delightful when massed. 25 • • • Wild Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa), H: 2-3’, Spacing: 2’ Wisconsin’s native bee balm. A stiff upright perennial that forms thick clumps. Pink to lavender tubular flowers forms shaggy clusters in July-September. Being a member of the mint family, all parts are aromatic. Wild bergamot is happy almost anywhere, so it is a perfect addition to any garden. Dragonflies are attracted to this plant, as well as other insects. Hairy Wild Petunia (Ruellia humilis), H: 1-2’, Spacing: 12-15” Forms dense, sprawling clumps of gray-green fuzzy leaves and stems. Showy lavender funnel-shaped flowers bloom from June-September. Resembles cultivated petunias. Drought tolerant. Beautiful when combined with little bluestem or prairie dropseed. Is an “Endangered” species in Wisconsin. Big/little Bluestem (Andropogon spp.), H: 3-8’, Spacing: 20-40” Prefer full sun, moist to slightly dry conditions, and a fertile loam or clay-loam. Other kinds of soil are tolerated, including those containing sand and gravel. Flowers at the end of summer into autumn. These plants are favored by various seed eating birds and other insects such as grasshoppers. Part Sun: • Sky Blue Aster (Aster azureus), H: 2-3’, Spacing: 18-24” Loosely branched, erect, shrub-like perennial. Distinct arrow shaped, sand papery leaves. Very showy, 1” bright lavender to blue daisy-like flowers cover this Aster from August-October. One of the last asters to bloom in the fall, which is beautiful against the fading colors of the tall grass prairie. • Smooth Aster (Aster laevis), H: 1-4’, Spacing: 2-4’ This smooth-leaved aster can be found on dry to moist prairies or open woods. Forms open sprays of light blue to lavender flowers, August-October. Smooth aster tends to have floppy stems. Planting it amongst other prairie flowers will help support it. Turkeys like its foliage. 26 • • • • Shooting Star (Dodecatheon meadia) H: 8-12”, Spacing: 1’ Exceptionally beautiful springtime perennial. Dozens of deep pink shooting star-shaped flowers nod atop stiff stalks from April–June. Basal clump of smooth green foliage. This ephemeral (goes dormant by August) is perfectly happy in the prairie or open woods. Wonderful when massed. Wild Blue Lupine (Lupinus perennis), H: 1-2’, Spacing: 12’ Host plant for the endangered Karner Blue Butterfly. Tall spires of bright blue sweet-pea like flowers in MayJune. Interesting, deeply divided foliage that sparkles with the morning dew. Pea-pod shaped fruits. Prefers sandy soils. Prairie Phlox (Phlox pilosa), H: 1-2’, Spacing: 1-2’ An upright, vigorous perennial found on dry to mesic prairies and woods. Clusters of 5-petaled fragrant pink to lavender flowers bloom in April-June. Also known as Downy Phlox, due to the fine hairs covering leaves and stems. Perfect for the butterfly garden and for hummingbirds. Cardinal flower (Lobelia cardinalis), H: 2-4’, Spacing 824” Vibrant red flowers attract hummingbirds, as well as various butterflies. Can be planted in full sun and blooms from July until September. Prefers moist, sand to loam soil however, meaning that occasional watering may be required. 27 Shade: • Canada Wild Ginger (Asarum canadense), H: 6-8”, Spacing: 12-18” Large, dark green, fuzzy, heart shaped leaves. Small red flowers are hidden under the leaves. Roots are aromatic when crushed. With a little time and rich soil, will form a dense groundcover. Appears to inhibit the germination of Garlic Mustard seeds. • Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum pedatum), H: 12-18”, Spacing: 18-24” Probably the most beautiful and easily recognized fern of Wisconsin’s rich, moist woods. Does not exhibit the typical vase shape of other ferns. It forms a clump of dark wiry stems with fine textured fronds that branch out horizontally. In spring, the emerging fronds are bright pink. • Lady Fern (Athyrium filix-femina), H: 2-3’, Spacing: 2’ Wonderfully upright arching habit with bright green feathery fronds. Forms dense clumps. A dominant fern in forested habitats and along shaded streams. More drought tolerant than other ferns. Deer resistant. Combine with wild geranium or under-plant with Virginia blue bells. • Wild Geranium (Geranium maculatum), H: 1-2’, Spacing: 18” Loose, showy clusters of lilac-pink flowers with white centers, bloom in May above clumps of deeply divided foliage. Red fall color. Great for massing as a groundcover. Prefers shady conditions, yet will be fine in sun with plenty of moisture. • Columbine (Aquilegia canadensis), H: 1-3’, Spacing: 12” A favorite of ruby throated hummingbirds, this plant is adapted to well-drained sites of sand or loam soil in light to medium shade. It has red and yellow flowers in early spring. 28 TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE & IMPACTS Economic • • • • • • Save money by using less resources Purchase fewer plants long-term Reduced labor costs • • • Greater biodiversity Improved air & soil quality Increased wildlife habitat Foster environmental stewardship Marketing materials (aesthetics) Positive relationship with Facilities Department ECONOMIC As shown in the life cycle analysis, there are increased costs with growing annuals compared to cultivar perennials and native perennials. Native perennials provide the most cost savings due to their ability to adapt to the environment in Wisconsin. As shown in case studies above, labor costs could be reduced by as much as 70% by planting native perennials, water costs could be reduced up to 50%, and seasonal planting costs could be drastically reduced or eliminated. Currently on campus, seasonal labor costs for grounds maintenance (lawn mowing, planting, watering, weeding, fertilizing, etc.) exceed $130,000 per growing season. Planting native perennials would decrease the amount of labor by not planting yearly, fertilizer would be less likely to need to be applied, and less water would be needed due to the tolerance of natives and their deep root structure. A 70% reduction in labor would bring seasonal labor costs to approximately $39,000. The downfall of saving the labor costs would be that many of the 29 seasonal labor positions would be eliminated. Other economic benefits would be available if UW-Stout would invest in a rainwater collection system and use this harvested water to hydrate the landscaped beds. These cost reductions would benefit the budget of both the university and the Facilities Department. This money could then be designated for other use to improve the education of students here at UW-Stout or even to go towards other environmental improvement projects such as a rainwater collection system. ENVIRONMENT There are many environmental benefits to planting native plant species in landscaped beds on the UW-Stout campus. Planting native plant species increases the biodiversity of the campus and the landscape, and better protects the landscape from plant diseases that cultivars may not have immunity from. This increased biodiversity would provide native habitat for many species of wildlife, including the endangered Karner blue butterfly. The Karner blue butterfly resides in areas of Wild Blue Lupine which happens to coincide with areas that have good sand reserves. These sand reserves are currently being mined in western Wisconsin to provide sand for the hydraulic fracking industry. Therefore, the native Wild Blue Lupine is being destroyed. Restoring the population of native Wild Blue Lupine is a positive environmental impact of planting native plant species. Native plants also provide habitat for native pollinators such as bees, bats, moths, butterflies, and beetles. These native pollinators are essential to natural ecosystems and allow plants to reproduce naturally. In addition, these native pollinators pollinate approximately 75% of the crop plants globally that are used for food and medicines (NRCS 2005). Native plants also help to improve air and soil quality if utilized correctly. Other environmental impacts of planting native plant species include a reduction in the quantity of chemical fertilizers applied to the soil which could also improve water quality by reducing chemical runoff. Water usage on campus would also decrease dramatically. SOCIAL Planting native plant species on campus has the potential to foster environmental stewardship among students, faculty, and community members. It would make UW-Stout something that the community and region could be proud of for being a forward thinking, environmentally conscious university. The planting of native plant species could also be used in marketing materials to attract new students and faculty to campus. It could also be a talking point in walking tours of campus showing the university’s commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship. Additionally, there is the impact of the aesthetics of flowers on campus. Annuals and cultivar perennials provide high impact, bold color with less greenery while native perennials will have more greenery. Annuals also provide continuous blooms of color while perennials will only bloom for part of the growing season. Native perennials will have smaller, less bold blooms than cultivar perennials that are bred for color. The social impacts of planting natives vary depending on one’s view of the purpose of landscaping. If the purpose of landscaping to someone is a rainbow of big, bold, and colorful blooms, they might not view native plants as aesthetically pleasing. However, if a person’s view of the purpose of landscaping is to be natural, highlighting plants as they are in the wild, then they would highly value the planting of natives on campus. Some of the annual beds are planted so that there is bright, vivid color all summer long along the campus tour routes. These beds provide a picturesque backdrop for campus to help market the university and its programs better. 30 STARS PROGRAM IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIPTION The Sustainability Tracking, Assessment, and Rating System (STARS) is a tool that rates universities on their sustainable practices. It is voluntary and universities provide their own data for evaluation. Credits can be earned for various university related areas and a score is awarded for each credit. Listed below are some suggestions for ways UW-Stout can improve its STARS score in the area of campus landscaping. Integrated Pest Management The university already has a comprehensive integrated pest management plan so there are few recommendations we have to improve the score. One recommendation may be to thoroughly research natural treatments instead of applying chemical pest treatments. Native Plants Our recommendation is that a native plant species planting program be implemented on campus. The many benefits of planting native species in landscaped beds on campus have been discussed previously in this report. A list of recommended native plant species that would do well with the environmental conditions on campus is included in the Plant Recommendations section. Wildlife Habitat The university could create wildlife habitat by planting some of the native plant species recommended in the Plant Recommendations section. One example of creating wildlife habitat would be planting Wild Blue Lupine which is the habitat for the endangered Karner blue butterfly. Other native plant species provide habitat for a variety of animals from turkeys to butterflies. Landscape Waste Composting We recommend that the Facilities department look into reducing the amount of yard waste that goes into the landfill. This could be accomplished by researching people or businesses that could reuse some of the yard waste. By planting a larger number of native perennials on campus, there potentially would be less landscape waste to compost as there would not be as many annuals needing to be disposed. 31 Stormwater Management We recommend that UW-Stout implements a stormwater management plan to control stormwater runoff on campus to improve water quality. This could be accomplished by planting rain gardens, sweeping up salt and sand in campus parking lots, and creating green roofs. Other practices could include removing curb and gutter to allow for better water infiltration, infiltration trenches, and riparian buffers (EPA 2012). Xeriscaping UW-Stout could improve its xeriscaping practices by planting native perennials in the landscaping beds. The deep root structure of native perennials as well as their ability to adapt to the local climate reduce their need for water. 32 SUMMARY This project provides information on the benefits of native plants and recommendations of how to incorporate native plants on the UWStout campus. We recommend at a minimum to start with planting three landscaped beds with native plants as shown above. These three landscaped beds would be a good test to show how well native plants are able to grow on campus, how they are received by students, faculty, and visitors to campus, and the potential cost savings. We think the list of native plants recommended for campus should do well growing on campus and will be aesthetically pleasing. Eventually, we would love to see campus put a priority on planting native plants to help promote biodiversity, improve water quality, and reduce costs associated with landscaping. There are many benefits of planting native plants on campus as detailed throughout this report. Additionally, UW-Stout could become even more environmentally friendly by planting native plants. The planting of native plants would also improve the STARS rating for campus. 33 REFERENCES STARS Program • UW-Stout Campus Physical Development Plan • Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Map • Valley Trains • Value Landscaping Water Requirements • Fertilizer Prices • City of Menomonie Water Rates • Case Studies • • Native Plants • • 02008%20(Final).pdf Natural Resource Conservation Service Pollinators • EPA Stormwater Best Practices • Pictures • • • • • • • • 34 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •,4570,7-153-10370_12146_12213-36471--,00.html!i=41137582&k=2QNNMTz *in order as seen 35 APPENDICES 1. TIMELINE 36 2. TEAM MEETINGS AND COMMUNICATIONS ***Some e-mails were edited to remove personal information*** Tuesday, February 5, 2013 • Assigned to the Campus Landscape project Thursday, February 7, 2013 • Group meeting to discuss project scope and formulate contracts • Made a work flow diagram for project • Emailed Mike Smith, Facilities Director, to set up meeting to discuss campus landscaping practices Wednesday, February 13, 2013 • Emailed Mike Smith again as we had not received a response yet 37 38 Friday, February 15, 2013 • Callie spoke to Dr. Mandy Little about borrowing Trimble GPS units from the Biology Department Tuesday, February 19, 2013 • Met with Mike Smith regarding project scope and feasibility o He stated that project would be of no help to him, but he would be willing to give us information as needed if we decided to proceed • Met as a group to discuss whether or not to proceed with project • Emailed Professor Daines to determine next step Thursday, February 21, 2013 • Met in class and discussed project feasibility with Professor Daines o Decided that we would continue the project, but would be working with Sarah Rykal, Sustainability Coordinator at UW-Stout, to propose recommendations of how to improve the sustainability ratings of the grounds areas on campus through the STARS program • Received the following email originally from Sarah Rykal containing previously collected STARS information from her interview with Mike Smith 39 Monday, February 25, 2013 • Sent email to Mike Smith to acquire a vegetation list for campus landscaping 40 Tuesday, February 26, 2013 • Received email from Mike stating he would get us a vegetation list the week of 3/4/13 as he was out of the office Wednesday, February 27, 2013 • Callie emailed Dr. Mandy Little to set up a meeting to learn how to use Trimble GPS units to map out campus landscaping 41 Thursday, February 28, 2013 • Met with Dr. Mandy Little to learn how to use Trimble GPS units • Met to discuss and work on Progress Presentation and Report 1 • Divided up sections of report and appendices to work on individually Monday, March 4, 2013 • Met as a group to finalize Progress Report 1 and power point presentation 42 Wednesday, March 6, 2013 • Sent Mike Smith another email regarding a vegetation list Thursday, March 7, 2013 • Received vegetation list from Mike Smith • Started working on figuring out which plants are native to Wisconsin, perennials, environmental conditions, etc. • Turn in Progress report 1 • Give progress presentation to class 43 Tuesday, March 12, 2013 • Met with Professor Daines to discuss progress report and where to proceed • Divided tasks between the two of us Wednesday, March 13, 2013 • Emailed Mike Smith to set up a face to face meeting for after Spring Break 44 Tuesday, March 26, 2013 • Met to finalize questions to ask Mike Smith • Met with Mike Smith to get info on costs, types of tasks, and labor amounts for operational diagrams and life cycle analysis. • Started making labor cost calculations and trying to quantify life cycle analysis Thursday, March 28, 2013 • Worked on life cycle analysis • Met with Professor Daines to update project progress Thursday, April 4, 2013 • Worked on Life cycle analysis • Emailed Mike Smith regarding number of annuals on campus 45 Thursday, April 11, 2013 • Presented Progress Report #2 Thursday, April 18, 2013 • Turned in rough draft of final report Thursday, April 25, 2013 • Attempted to map campus landscaping beds with Trimble GPS unit • Met with Dr. Little to discuss alternative possibilities of mapping landscape beds without using GPS as we were unable to acquire enough satellites to get data points. • Started working on rough draft of poster Friday, April 26, 2013 • Visually inspected landscape beds on campus for environmental conditions • Started digitizing landscape beds in ArcGIS • Worked on updating final draft of report based on feedback from Professor Daines • Continued working on poster Saturday, April 27, 2013 • Continued visually inspecting landscape beds on campus • Continued digitizing landscape beds in ArcGIS • Continued working on final draft of report • Continued working on poster 46 Monday, April 29, 2013 • Met to go over mapping and edits made to final paper • Edited poster presentation Tuesday, April 30, 2013 • Met with Professor Daines for proposal and poster feedback • Measured the three landscape beds that we proposed to plant natives in • Edited, formatted, and submitted poster for STEM Expo • Made detailed budgets for each landscape bed proposed to convert into native perennial beds Wednesday, May 1, 2013 • Met to edit final paper and divide tasks to finish paper • Edited proposal details • Worked on formatting Thursday, May 2, 2013 • Finished and submitted final paper 47 3. VEGETATION TABLE UW-Stout Purchased Perennials 2009-2012 General Name Scientific Name Aruncus-Goatsbeard Astilbe-Alive and Kicking Astilbe-Fanal Astilbe-Key Largo Astilbe-Maggeie Daley Astilbe-Montgomery Baptisia-Screaming Yellow Belamcanda-Freckle Face Burnet-Tenuifolia Calamagrostis-Karl Forester Coreopsis-Moonbeam Coreopsis-Zagreb Delphinium-Guard DK Blue Dictamnus-Pink Echinacia-Big Sky Sunrise Echinacia-Green Jewel Echinacia-Harvest Moon Echinacia-Pink DBL Delight Eryngium-Big Blue Fern-Lady Aruncus dioicus Astilbe chinensis Astilbe x arendsii Fern-Ostrich Fescue-Elija Blue Gaillardia-Arizona Sun Hemmoralcalis-Rosy Returns Hibiscus-Robert Flemming Hosta-August Moon Hosta-Blue Angel Hosta-Dream Weaver Hosta-Empress Wu Hosta-Gold Standard Hosta-Guacamole Hosta-Loyalist Hosta-Minuteman Hosta-Night Before Chirstmas Astilbe simplicifolia Astilbe chinensis Astilbe japonica Baptisia sphaerocarpa Belamcanda chinensis Sanguisorba tenuifolia Calamagrostis acutiflora Coreopsis verticillata Coreopsis verticillata Delphinium belladonna Dictamnus albus Echinacia Echinacia Echinacia Echinacia Eryngium ×zabellii Athyrium filix-femina Matteuccia struthiopteris Festuca glauca Gaillardia aristata Hemmoralcalis Hibiscus x moscheutos Hosta Hosta Hosta Hosta Hosta Hosta Hosta Hosta Hosta 48 Native/Nonnative Quantity Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Native 23 37 65 70 31 195 3 5 10 70 22 17 86 3 35 25 50 24 3 212 Native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native 313 75 3 31 3 145 38 162 9 235 80 25 77 21 Hosta-Patriot Hosta-Regal Splender Hosta-Siebold Elegans Hosta-Sun Power Hosta-Twilight Hosta-White Feather Iris-Breakers Iris-Gerald Darby Iris-Gerald Darby Iris-Mega Bucks Iris-Rosalie Figge Iris-Superstition Liatirs-Floristan Violet Ligularia-Desdemona Ligularia-Little Rocket Ligularia-Othello Ligularia-The Rocket Lupine Panicum-Prairie Sky Penstemon-Rostriflorus Peony-Bartzella Peony-Coral Charm Peony-Monsier Jules Elie Peony-Nick Shaylor Peony-Prairie Afire Perovskia-Filigran Perovskia-Little Spire Phlox-Eva Cullum Phlox-Flame Light Pink Phlox-Flame Lilac Phlox-Flame Pink Phlox-Flame Purple Phlox-Franz Shubert Phlox-Laura Phlox-Orange Perfection Phlox-Starfire Phlox-Tenor Platycodon-Komachi Prunella-Summer Daze Hosta Hosta Hosta Hosta Hosta Hosta Iris germanica Iris x robusta Iris x robusta Iris germanica Iris Iris Liatris spicata Ligularia dentata Ligularia stenocephala Ligularia dentata Ligularia stenocephala Lupinus Panicum virgatum Penstemon rostriflorus Paeonia bartzella Paeonia Paeonia lactiflora Paeonia Paeonia Perovskia Filigran Perovskia atriplicifolia Phlox paniculata Phlox paniculata Phlox paniculata Phlox paniculata Phlox paniculata Phlox paniculata Phlox paniculata Phlox paniculata Phlox paniculata Phlox paniculata Platycodon grandiflorus Prunella 49 Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Native Native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Non-native Native 20 15 111 247 121 48 5 5 5 5 3 5 25 48 103 64 5 17 6 3 1 6 1 9 1 50 209 96 70 115 186 52 67 61 22 160 27 3 35 Rudbeckia-City Garden Rudbeckia-Goldstrum Rudbeckia-Pot of Gold Rudbeckia-Viettes Little Susy Salvia-May Night Sedum-Autumn Fire Sedum-Autumn Joy Switch Grass-Badlands Switch Grass-Prairie Sky Switch Grass-Ruby Ribbons Switch Grass-Shenandoah Veronica-Royal Candles Rudbeckia fulgida Rudbeckia fulgida Rudbeckia fulgida Rudbeckia fulgida Salvia x sylvestris Sedum x 'Autumn Fire' Sedum x 'Autumn Joy' Panicum virgatum Panicum virgatum Panicum virgatum Panicum virgatum Veronica spicata 50 Native Native Native Native Non-native Non-native Non-native Native Native Native Native Non-native 225 729 98 296 16 14 17 4 4 13 37 21 We would like to thank everyone who helped us with this project! Martha Daines Sarah Rykal Mike Smith Mandy Little 51