Volume 10 (2009), Issue 2, Article 42, 10 pp. ON HEISENBERG AND LOCAL UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLES FOR THE q-DUNKL TRANSFORM AHMED FITOUHI, FERJANI NOURI, AND SANA GUESMI FACULTÉ DES S CIENCES DE T UNIS 1060 T UNIS , T UNISIA . Ahmed.Fitouhi@fst.rnu.tn I NSTITUT P RÉPARATOIRE AUX É TUDES D ’I NGÉNIEUR DE NABEUL T UNISIA . nouri.ferjani@yahoo.fr FACULTÉ DES S CIENCES DE T UNIS 1060 T UNIS , T UNISIA . guesmisana@yahoo.fr Received 17 January, 2009; accepted 02 May, 2009 Communicated by S.S. Dragomir A BSTRACT. In this paper, we provide, for the q-Dunkl transform studied in [2], a Heisenberg uncertainty principle and two local uncertainty principles leading to a new Heisenberg-Weyl type inequality. Key words and phrases: q-Dunkl transform, Heisenberg-Weyl inequality, Local uncertainty principles. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 33D15, 26D10, 26D20, 39A13, 42A38. 1. I NTRODUCTION In harmonic analysis, the uncertainty principle states that a function and its Fourier transform cannot be simultaneously sharply localized. A quantitative formulation of this fact is provided by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which asserts that every square integrable function f on R verifies the following inequality Z +∞ Z +∞ Z +∞ 2 1 2 2 2 b 2 2 2 (1.1) x |f (x)| dx λ |f (λ)| dλ ≥ x |f (x)| dx , 4 −∞ −∞ −∞ where Z +∞ 1 fb(λ) = √ f (x)e−iλx dx 2π −∞ is the classical Fourier transform. Generalizations of this result in both classical and quantum analysis have been treated and many versions of Heisenberg-Weyl type uncertainty inequalities were obtained for several generalized Fourier transforms (see [1], [14], [10]). 019-09 2 A. F ITOUHI , F. N OURI , AND S. G UESMI In [2], by the use of the q 2 -analogue differential operator studied in [11], Bettaibi et al. introduced a new q-analogue of the classical Dunkl operator and studied its related Fourier transform, which is a q-analogue of the classical Bessel-Dunkl one and called the q-Dunkl transform. The aim of this paper is twofold: first, we prove a Heisenberg uncertainty principle for the q-Dunkl transform and next, we state for this transform two local uncertainty principles leading to a new q-Heisenberg-Weyl type inequality. This paper is organized as follows: in Section 2, we present some preliminary notions and notations useful in the sequel. In Section 3, we recall some results and properties from the theory of the q-Dunkl operator and the q-Dunkl transform (see [2]). Section 4 is devoted to proving a Heisenberg uncertainty principle for the q-Dunkl transform and as consequences, we obtain Heisenberg uncertainty principles for the q 2 -analogue Fourier transform [12, 11] and for the q-Bessel transform [2]. Finally, in Section 5, we state, for the q-Dunkl transform, two local uncertainty principles, which give a new Heisenberg-Weyl type inequality for the q-Dunkl transform. 2. N OTATIONS AND P RELIMINARIES Throughout this paper, we assume q ∈]0, 1[, and refer to the general reference [6] for the definitions, notations and properties of the q-shifted factorials and the q-hypergeometric functions. We write Rq = {±q n : n ∈ Z}, Rq,+ = {q n : n ∈ Z}, 1 − qx , [x]q = 1−q x∈C and [n]q ! = (q; q)n , (1 − q)n n ∈ N. The q 2 -analogue differential operator is (see [11, 12]) f q −1 z )+f (−q −1 z )−f (qz)+f (−qz)−2f (−z) ( if z = 6 0 2(1−q)z (2.1) ∂q (f )(z) = lim ∂q (f )(x) (in Rq ) if z = 0. x→0 We remark that if f is differentiable at z, then limq→1 ∂q (f )(z) = f 0 (z). A repeated application of the q 2 -analogue differential operator is denoted by: ∂q0 f = f, ∂qn+1 f = ∂q (∂qn f ). The following lemma lists some useful computational properties of ∂q . Lemma 2.1. (1) For all functions f on Rq , ∂q f (z) = fe (q −1 z) − fe (z) fo (z) − fo (qz) + , (1 − q)z (1 − q)z where, fe and fo are, respectively, the even and the odd parts of f . (2) For two functions f and g on Rq , we have • if f is even and g is odd, ∂q (f g)(z) = q∂q (f )(qz)g(z) + f (qz)∂q (g)(z) = ∂q (g)(z)f (z) + qg(qz)∂q (f )(qz); • if f and g are even, ∂q (f g)(z) = ∂q (f )(z)g(q −1 z) + f (z)∂q (g)(z). J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 10(2) (2009), Art. 42, 10 pp. http://jipam.vu.edu.au/ U NCERTAINTY P RINCIPLES FOR THE q-D UNKL T RANSFORM 3 The operator ∂q induces a q-analogue of the classical exponential function (see [11, 12]) e(z; q 2 ) = (2.2) ∞ X n=0 an zn , [n]q ! a2n = a2n+1 = q n(n+1) . with The q-Jackson integrals are defined by (see [8]) Z a ∞ X f (x)dq x = (1 − q)a q n f (aq n ), 0 Z n=0 b Z b Z 0 0 Z f (x)dq x, 0 f (x)dq x = (1 − q) and a f (x)dq x − f (x)dq x = a ∞ Z ∞ X q n f (q n ), n=−∞ ∞ f (x)dq x = (1 − q) −∞ ∞ X n n q f (q ) + (1 − q) n=−∞ ∞ X q n f (−q n ), n=−∞ provided the sums converge absolutely. The q-Gamma function is given by (see [8]) Γq (x) = (q; q)∞ (1 − q)1−x , (q x ; q)∞ x 6= 0, −1, −2, ... • Sq (Rq ) the space of functions f defined on Rq satisfying ∀n, m ∈ N, Pn,m,q (f ) = sup xm ∂qn f (x) < +∞ x∈Rq and lim ∂qn f (x) (in Rq ) exists; n o • L∞ q (Rq ) = f : kf k∞,q = supx∈Rq |f (x)| < ∞ ; R p1 ∞ p p 2α+1 • Lα,q (Rq ) = f : kf kp,α,q = −∞ |f (x)| |x| dq x < ∞ ; R p1 a p p 2α+1 • Lα,q ([−a, a]) = f : kf kp,α,q = −a |f (x)| |x| dq x < ∞ . x→0 For the particular case p = 2, we denote by h·; ·i the inner product of the Hilbert space L2α,q (Rq ). 3. T HE q-D UNKL O PERATOR AND THE q-D UNKL T RANSFORM In this section, we collect some basic properties of the q-Dunkl operator and the q-Dunkl transform introduced in [2] which will useful in the sequel. For α ≥ − 12 , the q-Dunkl operator is defined by Λα,q (f )(x) = ∂q [Hα,q (f )] (x) + [2α + 1]q f (x) − f (−x) , 2x where Hα,q : f = fe + fo 7−→ fe + q 2α+1 fo . It satisfies the following relations: • For α = − 12 , Λα,q = ∂q . J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 10(2) (2009), Art. 42, 10 pp. http://jipam.vu.edu.au/ 4 A. F ITOUHI , F. N OURI , AND S. G UESMI • Λα,q lives Sq (Rq ) invariant. • If f is odd then Λα,q (f )(x) = q 2α+1 ∂q f (x) + [2α + 1]q f (x) and if f is even then x Λα,q (f )(x) = ∂q f (x). • For all a ∈ C, Λα,q [f (ax)] = aΛα,q (f )(ax). R +∞ • For all f and g such that −∞ Λα,q (f )(x)g(x)|x|2α+1 dq x exists, we have Z +∞ Z +∞ 2α+1 (3.1) Λα,q (f )(x)g(x)|x| dq x = − Λα,q (g)(x)f (x)|x|2α+1 dq x. −∞ −∞ It was shown in [2] that for each λ ∈ C, the function ψλα,q : x 7−→ jα (λx; q 2 ) + (3.2) iλx jα+1 (λx; q 2 ) [2α + 2]q is the unique solution of the q-differential-difference equation: ( Λα,q (f ) = iλf f (0) = 1, where jα (·; q 2 ) is the normalized third Jackson’s q-Bessel function given by 2 jα (x; q ) = (3.3) ∞ X (−1)n n=0 The function ψλα,q (x), q n(n+1) ((1 − q)x)2n . (q 2 ; q 2 )n (q 2(α+1) ; q 2 )n has a unique extension to C × C and verifies the following properties. α,q α,q • ψaλ (x) = ψλα,q (ax) = ψax (λ), ∀a, x, λ ∈ C. • For all x, λ ∈ Rq , |ψλα,q (x)| ≤ (3.4) 4 . (q; q)∞ The q-Dunkl transform FDα,q is defined on L1α,q (Rq ) (see [2]) by Z cα,q +∞ α,q α,q FD (f )(λ) = f (x)ψ−λ (x)|x|2α+1 dq x, 2 −∞ where cα,q = (1 + q)−α . Γq2 (α + 1) It satisfies the following properties: • For α = − 12 , FDα,q is the q 2 -analogue Fourier transform fb(·; q 2 ) given by (see [12, 11]) 1/2 Z +∞ (1 + q) 2 f (x)e(−iλx; q 2 )dq x. fb(λ; q ) = 1 2 2Γq 2 −∞ • On the even functions space, FDα,q coincides with the q-Bessel transform given by (see [2]) Z +∞ Fα,q (f )(λ) = cα,q f (x)jα (λx; q 2 )x2α+1 dq x. 0 J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 10(2) (2009), Art. 42, 10 pp. http://jipam.vu.edu.au/ U NCERTAINTY P RINCIPLES FOR THE q-D UNKL T RANSFORM 5 • For all f ∈ L1α,q (Rq ), we have: kFDα,q (f )k∞,q ≤ (3.5) 2cα,q kf k1,α,q . (q; q)∞ • For all f ∈ L1α,q (Rq ), such that xf ∈ L1α,q (Rq ), FDα,q (Λα,q f )(λ) = iλFDα,q (f )(λ) (3.6) and Λα,q (FDα,q (f )) = −iFDα,q (xf ). (3.7) • The q-Dunkl transform FDα,q is an isomorphism from L2α,q (Rq ) (resp. Sq (Rq )) onto itself and satisfies the following Plancherel formula: kFDα,q (f )k2,α,q = kf k2,α,q , (3.8) f ∈ L2α,q (Rq ). 4. q-A NALOGUE OF THE H EISENBERG I NEQUALITY In this section, we provide a Heisenberg uncertainty principle for the q-Dunkl transform. For this purpose, inspired by the approach given in [10], we follow the steps of [1], using the operator Λα,q instead of the operator ∂q , and consider the operators Lα,q (f )(x) = fe (x) + q 2α+2 fo (qx) and Qf (x) = xf (x), and the q-commutator: [Dα,q , Q]q = Dα,q Q − qQDα,q , where Dα,q = Lα,q Λα,q . The following theorem gives a Heisenberg uncertainty principle for the q-Dunkl transform FDα,q . Theorem 4.1. For f ∈ Sq (Rq ), we have q 2α+1 [2α + 1] q 2 2 qkf k2,α,q + 1 − q − (4.1) kf k o 2,α,q 1 + q + q α−1 + q α q 2α ≤ kxf k2,α,q kxFDα,q (f )(x)k2,α,q . Proof. By Lemma 2.1 and simple calculus, we obtain [2α + 1]q 2α+2 2α+1 [Dα,q , Q]q f = q fe + q 1− fo . q 2α Then, using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and the properties of the q-Dunkl operator, one can write 2α+2 [2α + 1] q 2 2α+1 2 q kf k + q 1 − kf k e o 2,α,q 2,α,q q 2α = |h[Dα,q , Q]q f ; f i| = |hDα,q Qf − qQDα,q f ; f i| ≤ |hDα,q Qf ; f i| + q |hQDα,q f ; f i| = |hDα,q (xfe + xfo ); f i| + q |hDα,q f ; xf i| = hΛα,q (xfe ) + q 2α+2 Λα,q (xfo )(qx); f i + q hq 2α+2 Λα,q (fe )(qx) + Λα,q (fo )(x); xf i J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 10(2) (2009), Art. 42, 10 pp. http://jipam.vu.edu.au/ 6 A. F ITOUHI , F. N OURI , AND S. G UESMI ≤ |hΛα,q (xfe ); f i| + q 2α+2 |hΛα,q (xfo )(qx); f i| + q 2α+3 |hΛα,q (fe )(qx); xf i| + q |hΛα,q (fo )(x); xf i| = |hΛα,q (xfe ); f i| + q 2α+1 |hΛα,q (xfo (q.)); f i| + q 2α+2 |hΛα,q (fe (q.)); xf i| + q |hΛα,q (fo )(x); xf i| ≤ kxfe k2,α,q kxFDα,q (f )k2,α,q + q α−1 kxfo k2,α,q kxFDα,q (f )k2,α,q + q α kxfe k2,α,q kxFDα,q (f )k2,α,q + qkxfo k2,α,q kxFDα,q (f )k2,α,q ≤ (1 + q + q α−1 + q α )kxf k2,α,q kxFDα,q (f )k2,α,q , which achieves the proof. As a consequence, we obtain a Heisenberg-Weyl uncertainty principle for the q 2 -analogue Fourier transform (by taking α = −1/2) and the q-Bessel transform (in the even case). Corollary 4.2. (1) For f ∈ Sq (Rq ), we have q (4.2) 1 + q + q −3/2 + q −1/2 kf k22,q ≤ kxf k2,q kλfb(λ; q 2 )k2,q . (2) For an even function f ∈ Sq (Rq ), we have (4.3) q 2α+2 kf k22,α,q ≤ kxf k2,α,q kλFα,q (f )(λ)k2,α,q . 1 + q + q α−1 + q α We remark that when q tends to 1− , (4.2) tends at least formally to the classical Heisenberg uncertainty principle given by (1.1). 5. L OCAL U NCERTAINTY P RINCIPLES In this section, we will state, for the q-Dunkl transform, two local uncertainty principles leading to a new Heisenberg-Weyl type inequality. Notations: For E ⊂ Rq and f defined on Rq , we write Z Z ∞ Z f (t)dq t = f (t)χE (t)dq t and |E|α = |t|2α+1 dq t, −∞ E E where χE is the characteristic function of E. Theorem 5.1. If 0 < a < α + 1, then for all bounded subsets E of Rq and all f ∈ L2α,q (Rq ), we have Z a (5.1) |FDα,q (f )(λ)|2 |λ|2α+1 dq λ ≤ Ka,α |E| α+1 kxa f k22,α,q , E where Ka,α = and e cα,q = 2e cα,q p [2(α + 1 − a)]q α+1−a a 2a ! α+1 α+1 α+1−a 2 2cα,q . (q;q)∞ J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 10(2) (2009), Art. 42, 10 pp. http://jipam.vu.edu.au/ U NCERTAINTY P RINCIPLES FOR THE q-D UNKL T RANSFORM 7 Proof. For r > 0, let χr = χ[−r,r] the characteristic function of [−r, r] and χ er = 1 − χr . 1 Then for r > 0, we have, since f · χr ∈ Lq (Rq ), 1/2 Z α,q 2 2 2α+1 |FD (f )(λ; q )| |λ| dq λ = kFDα,q (f ) · χE k2,α,q E ≤ kFDα,q (f · χr )χE k2,α,q + kFDα,q (f · χ er )χE k2,α,q α,q α,q er )k2,α,q . ≤ |E|1/2 α kFD (f · χr )k∞,q + kFD (f · χ Now, on the one hand, we have by the relation (3.5) and the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality, cα,q kf · χr k1,α,q kFDα,q (f.χr )k∞,q ≤ e =e cα,q kx−a χr · xa f k1,α,q ≤e cα,q kx−a χr k2,α,q kxa f k2,α,q 2e cα,q ≤p r(α+1)−a kxa f k2,α,q . [2(α + 1 − a)]q On the other hand, since f ∈ L2α,q (Rq ), we have f · χ er ∈ L2α,q (Rq ) and by the Plancherel formula, we obtain kFDα,q (f.e χr )k2,α,q = kf · χ er k2,α,q = kx−a χ er · xa f k2,α,q ≤ kx−a χ er k∞,q kxa f k2,α,q ≤ r−a kxa f k2,α,q . So, Z |FDα,q (f )(λ)|2 |λ|2α+1 dq λ 21 E ≤ 1 2e cα,q p |E|α2 rα+1−a + r−a [2(α + 1 − a)]q ! kxa f k2,α,q . The desired result is obtained by minimizing the right hand side of the previous inequality over r > 0. Corollary 5.2. For α ≥ − 12 , 0 < a < α + 1 and b > 0, we have for all f ∈ L2α,q (Rq ), (a+b) kf k2,α,q ≤ Ka,b,α kxa f kb2,α,q kλb FDα,q (f )ka2,α,q , (5.2) with Ka,b,α " a # a+b 2 b b b a+b a a+b q −(2α+1)(a+b) = + (2Ka,α ) 2 ab a b ([2α + 2]q ) 2(α+1) where Ka,α is the constant given in Theorem 5.1. er the supplementary of Er in Rq . Proof. For r > 0, we put Er =] − r, r[∩Rq and E r 2α+2 . Then the Plancherel formula and We have Er is a bounded subset of Rq and |Er |α ≤ 2 [2α+2] q the previous theorem lead to kf k22,α,q = kFDα,q (f )k22,α,q Z Z α,q 2 2α+1 = |FD (f )| (λ)|λ| dq λ + Er J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 10(2) (2009), Art. 42, 10 pp. |FDα,q (f )|2 (λ)|λ|2α+1 dq λ er E http://jipam.vu.edu.au/ 8 A. F ITOUHI , F. N OURI , AND S. G UESMI a ≤ 2Ka,α |Er |αα+1 kxa f k22,α,q + r−2b kλb FDα,q (f )k22,α,q Ka,α 2a ≤2 kxa f k22,α,q + r−2b kλb FDα,q (f )k22,α,q . a r α+1 [2α + 2]q The desired result follows by minimizing the right expressions over r > 0. 0 Theorem 5.3. For α ≥ − 12 and a > α + 1, there exists a constant Ka,α,q such that for all 2 bounded subsets E of Rq and all f in Lα,q (Rq ), we have Z 2 α+1 2(1− α+1 ) 0 a (5.3) |FDα,q (f )(λ)|2 |λ|2α+1 dq λ ≤ Ka,α,q |E|α kf k2,α,q a kxa f k2,α,q . E The proof of this result needs the following lemmas. Lemma 5.4. Suppose a > α + 1, then for all f ∈ L2α,q (Rq ) such that xa f ∈ L2α,q (Rq ), (5.4) kf k21,α,q ≤ K2 kf k22,α,q + kxa f k22,α,q , where (q 2a , q 2a , −q 2α+2 , −q 2(a−α−1) ; q 2a )∞ K2 = 2(1 − q) 2α+2 2(a−α−1) . (q ,q , −q 2a , −1; q 2a )∞ Proof. From ([4, Example 1]) and Hölder’s inequality, we have Z +∞ 2 2 2a 12 2a − 12 2α+1 kf k1,α,q = (1 + |x| ) |f (x)|(1 + |x| ) |x| dq x −∞ ≤ K2 kf k22,α,q + kxa f k22,α,q , where +∞ x2α+1 dq x 1 + x2a 0 (q 2a , q 2a , −q 2α+2 , −q 2(a−α−1) ; q 2a )∞ = 2(1 − q) 2α+2 2(a−α−1) . (q ,q , −q 2a , −1; q 2a )∞ Z K2 = 2 Lemma 5.5. Suppose a > α + 1, then for all f ∈ L2α,q (Rq ) such that xa f ∈ L2α,q (Rq ), we have (1− α+1 ) kf k1,α,q ≤ K3 kf k2,α,q a (5.5) α+1 a kxa f k2,α,q , where " K3 = K3 (a, α, q) = # 12 α+1 a a α + 1 q 2(α+1) ( − 1) q −2(α+1) (1 + ) K2 . α+1 a−α−1 Proof. For s ∈ Rq , define the function fs by fs (x) = f (sx), x ∈ Rq . We have kfs k1,α,q = s−2(α+1) kf k1,α,q , kxa fs k22,α,q = s−2(α+a+1) kxa f k22,α,q . Replacement of f by fs in Lemma 5.4 gives: kf k21,α,q ≤ K2 s2(α+1) kf k22,α,q + s2(α−a+1) kxa f k22,α,q . J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 10(2) (2009), Art. 42, 10 pp. http://jipam.vu.edu.au/ U NCERTAINTY P RINCIPLES FOR THE q-D UNKL T RANSFORM Now, for all r > 0, put α(r) = Then, for all r > 0, kf k21,α,q Log(r) Log(q) −E Log(r) Log(q) . We have s = 9 r q α(r) ∈ Rq and r ≤ s < qr . " # 2(α+1) r ≤ K2 kf k22,α,q + r2(α−a+1) kxa f k22,α,q . q The right hand side of this inequality is minimized by choosing 2a1 1 α+1 a − a1 a kxa f k2,α,q . r= −1 q a kf k2,α,q α+1 When this is done we obtain the result. Proof of Theorem 5.3. Let E be a bounded subset of Rq . When the right hand side of the inequality is finite, Lemma 5.4 implies that f ∈ L1q (Rq ), so, FDα,q (f ) is defined and bounded on Rq . Using Lemma 5.5, the relation (3.5) and the fact that Z |FDα,q (f )(λ)|2 |λ|2α+1 dq λ ≤| E |α kFDα,q (f )k2∞,q , E we obtain the result with 4(1 + q)−2α 0 = 2 K2 Ka,α,q Γq2 (α + 1)(q; q)2∞ 3 α+1 a 8(1 − q)(1 + q)−2α a α+1 2(α+1) −2(α+1) = 2 q −1 q 1+ Γq2 (α + 1)(q; q)2∞ α+1 a−α−1 × (q 2a , q 2a , −q 2α+2 , −q 2(a−α−1) ; q 2a )∞ . (q 2α+2 , q 2(a−α−1) , −q 2a , −1; q 2a )∞ Corollary 5.6. For α ≥ − 12 , a > α + 1 and b > 0, we have for all f ∈ L2α,q (Rq ), (a+b) 0 kf k2,α,q ≤ Ka,b,α kxa f kb2,α,q kλb FDα,q (f )ka2,α,q , (5.6) with 0 Ka,b,α = 0 Ka,α,q [2α + 2]q ab 2α+2 q −(4α+2) " b α+1 α+1 α+b+1 + b α+1 #! a(α+b+1) b − α+b+1 2(α+1) , 0 where Ka,α,q is the constant given in the previous theorem. Proof. The same techniques as in Corollary 5.2 give the result. The following result gives a new Heisenberg-Weyl type inequality for the q-Dunkl transform. Theorem 5.7. For α ≥ − 12 , α 6= 0, we have for all f ∈ L2α,q (Rq ), (5.7) kf k22,α,q ≤ Kα kxf k2,α,q kλFDα,q (f )k2,α,q , with ( Kα = K1,1,α if α > 0 0 K1,1,α if α < 0. Proof. The result follows from Corollaries 5.2 and 5.6, by taking a = b = 1. J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 10(2) (2009), Art. 42, 10 pp. http://jipam.vu.edu.au/ 10 A. F ITOUHI , F. N OURI , AND S. G UESMI Remark 1. Note that Theorem 4.1 and Theorem 5.7 are both Heisenberg-Weyl type inequalities for the q-Dunkl transform. However, the constants in the two theorems are different, the first one seems to be more optimal. Moreover, Theorem 4.1 is true for every α > − 12 and uses both f and f0 , in contrast to Theorem 5.7, which is true only for α 6= 0 and uses only f . R EFERENCES [1] N. BETTAIBI, Uncertainty principles in q 2 -analogue Fourier analysis, Math. Sci. Res. J., 11(11) (2007), 590–602. [2] N. BETTAIBI AND R.H. BETTAIEB, q-Aanalogue of the Dunkl transform on the real line, to appear in Tamsui Oxford J. 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