Growing Great Middle Schools with Social Studies Steve Molinari, Middle Grades Consultant DPI

Growing Great Middle
Schools with Social
Steve Molinari, Middle Grades Consultant DPI
2009 Middle Grades Conference
March 17, 2009
Today’s Session
► Using
Technology Tools to Unpack the
Standards and Make Connections
► Take
Your Students on a World Tour
Social Studies Updates
Using Technology Tools to
Unwrap the Standards and
Make Connections
Structure of Standards in Grades 6
and 7
► “While
concepts are drawn from history and the
social sciences, the primary discipline is
geography, especially cultural geography”
► “This focus provides students with a framework for
studying local, regional, national, and global issues
that concern them, for understanding the
interdependence of the world in which they live,
and for making informed judgments as active
- NC Standard Course of Study
Results of 2008 K-12 Geography Survey
Why Develop Global Understanding?
► "In
the future globalization
is going to be increasingly
driven by the individuals
who understand the flat
world, adapt themselves
quickly to the processes
and technologies."
- Thomas Friedman
Competency Goal 9: The learner will
analyze the different forms of
government developed in South America
and Europe
9.01 Trace the historical development of
governments including traditional, colonial, and
national in selected societies and assess the effects
on the respective contemporary political systems.
9.02 Describe how different types of governments
such as democracies, dictatorships, monarchies,
and oligarchies in selected areas of South America
and Europe carry out legislative, executive, and
judicial functions, and evaluate the effectiveness of
“Unwrap” The Objectives
► Larry
► Make
► Underline
and circle verbs
Unwrap Sixth Grade Objective 9.01
► 9.01
Trace the historical development of
governments including traditional, colonial,
and national in selected societies and assess
the effects on the respective contemporary
political systems.
Unwrap Sixth Grade Objective 9.01
► 9.01
Trace the historical development of
governments including traditional, colonial,
and national in selected societies and assess
the effects on the respective contemporary
political systems.
- Trace historical development of traditional
- Assess effects on contemporary political
- Trace historical development of colonial
- Assess effects on contemporary political
- Trace historical development of national
- Assess effects on contemporary political
Unwrap Sixth Grade Objective 9.02
► 9.02
Describe how different types of
governments such as democracies,
dictatorships, monarchies, and oligarchies in
selected areas of South America and Europe
carry out legislative, executive, and judicial
functions, and evaluate the effectiveness of
Unwrap Sixth Grade Objective 9.02
► 9.02
Describe how different types of
governments such as democracies,
dictatorships, monarchies, and oligarchies in
selected areas of South America and Europe
carry out legislative, executive, and judicial
functions, and evaluate the effectiveness of
- describe how democracies carry out legislative functions
- describe how democracies carry out executive functions
- describe how democracies carry out judicial functions
- describe how dictatorships carry out legislative functions
- describe how dictatorships carry out executive functions
- describe how dictatorships carry out judicial functions
- describe how monarchies carry out legislative functions
- describe how monarchies carry out executive functions
- describe how monarchies carry out judicial functions
- describe how oligarchies carry out legislative functions
- describe how oligarchies carry out executive functions
- describe how oligarchies carry out judicial functions
- evaluate effectiveness of each
website where anyone with permission
can add, edit, modify, or create content on
that page.
► This provides a place for students to share
their work with the class.
► Teacher maintains control.
► For more detailed information
Goal 9 Wiki Page
Content Addressed
9.01 Trace historical development of
9.02 Describe different types of
governments carry out legislative,
executive, and judicial functions.
9.04 Describe how governments select
leaders in comparison with the US.
Analyze strengths and weaknesses.
Take a World Tour with
Google Maps
Take your students on a Tour
► Google
Maps combines
pictures with maps
► Pictures are posted by
people from around
the world
► They can feature
people, landscapes,
cultural events,
architecture, famous
Start With Google Maps
Enter a City and Country
Choose Explore This Area
More Options…
More Photos
Classroom Applications
► Find
an image illustrating each of the five
themes. (Goal 1)
► Create a travel brochure for a city.
Integrate the five themes. (Goal 1)
► Find evidence of how physical
characteristics of a region impact the culture
of that region (dress, lifestyles, architecture,
etc.) (Goal 2)
Classroom Applications
► Identify
common characteristics of countries
in Asia, Africa, or Australia. (Goal 11)
► Give evidence of religion’s influence on the
culture of an area. (Goal 12)
► Find similarities and differences among
cultures of the regions and that of North
Carolina. (Goal 13)
Social Studies Web Page
► Announcements
► Updates
► Resources
► Professional
► Contact
Concept Based Curriculum and
Pilot program continuing
through Spring 2009
Involved 3 High Schools and 4
Middle Schools
Training will be available online
Summer 2009
Contact Fay Gore for more
Integrating Technology in the K-12
Social Studies Classroom
► Completing
our second cohort Spring 2009
► Blogs, Geocaching, Google Earth, Google
Docs, Moodle, Movie Maker, Podcasting,
► How do these fit in Social Studies?
► For more information contact Michelle
Personal Financial Literacy
downloadable webinars :
- How does the Economic Crisis Impact me?
- Investment Fraud
- How to Prepare for Tax Time
► Grade
appropriate lessons, multi-media resources,
contact information found at
Future Online Resources
► Integrating
Oral History into the Middle
Grades Classroom
► Service
► Using
► Kids
Learning Projects in Secondary
Primary Documents
In Action – Revised and Updated
Revised Newsletter
► The
Social Studies Exchange
► Bi-monthly
► Thematic,
curriculum connections,
technology connections, resources, links to
online resources
► Spotlight on educators
► DPI Sponsored Professional Development
Economics Professional Development
► Grant
funded from NCCEE
► Teachers receive curricular materials and training
► Three high school sessions on Virtual Economics
► Middle grades session June 10 at Fayetteville State
► Elementary School session July 2009 in Johnston
NC Language and Life Project
► Partnership
with NCSU Linguistics Program
► Free video, audio, and curriculum resources
► All (will be) available for download on their
► Great for Eighth Grade
How Do I Keep Up To Date?
► Join
our the Social Studies Listserv
► Email
Fay Gore at
Contact Information
Steve Molinari, Consultant
(919) 807-3835
Tracey Greggs, Section Chief
(919) 807-3836
Social Studies Website