Branches of Government

Branches of
Review Questions
1. Who is in charge of the Executive Branch?
2. Who is in charge of the Judicial Branch?
3. Who is in charge of the Legislative Branch?
4. What is the Congress made of?
Put this in your whiteboards
Executive Branch
Quote the part of the text
that answers the following
Who is seen as the leader
of this branch?
Who is seen as the leader of this branch?
Legislative Branch
Quote the part of the text
that answers the following
How do we know this
branch is split up into two
How do we know this branch is split up
into two parts?
Judicial Branch
Quote the part of the text
that answers the following
How long can someone
serve as a judge on the
Supreme Court?
How long can someone serve as a judge?
the Supreme Court?
Scavenger Hunt
 Answer the 5 questions on the scavenger hunt
 The first 5 students with all the correct quotes will
receive 5 tickets
Independent Practice
The Three Branches of Government
The three branches of the federal
government are the executive, legislative, and
the judicial branches.
The executive branch is responsible
for enforcing laws. The head of the executive
branch is The President. The President is the
chief law enforcer of the United States. The
President is also the head of the armed forces.
The legislative branch makes laws. The
legislative branch is known as Congress.
Congress consists of two houses, known as
the Senate and the House of Representatives.
The judicial branch interprets laws. The
Supreme Court heads the judicial branch. The
judicial branch decides if laws are constitutional.
You will answer the
questions by quoting
and paraphrasing. Read
the whole passage first,
then answer the