Learning y Services LearningTechnolog Technology Services A Unit of Learning Information and Technology Poster File Naming Conventions When printing posters, it is important for the person who submits the poster to receive the proper poster given when they come for pickup. Therefore, it is important for all people submitting posters to follow a common file naming convention. A common naming convention will increase the ease of identifying posters. When naming your poster, the file name format must be lastname_firstname_titlekeywords.ppt(x). So, if your name is Charlotte Locke and the title of your poster is “The Effect of Hibernation and Season Change on Honey Production in Bees,” the proper naming of the file is locke_charlotte_ hibernation_seasons_honey_production_bees.ppt(x). The PDF file you create after finishing your poster and saving it should be named in the same way: locke_charlotte_hibernation_seasons_ honey_production_bees.pdf. Even if there are multiple people working on the poster, there should only be one person’s name in the file name of that poster. That name should be the designated “lead” person for that poster. The lead person will be in charge of submitting the poster files and the Research Poster Submission Form file. In addition, the lead person should also be the one to pick up the poster after it is finished. University of Wisconsin-Stout Wisconsin-Stout 1 ©©2015 2013The TheBoard Boardof ofRegents, Regents, University University of Wisconsin