Characterization of AP-MALDI and ESI for a Differential Mobility Spectrometer by Priya Agrawal Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science MASSACHUSETTS INS OF TECHNOLOGY at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology May 19, 2005. Copyright rl JUL 18 2005 2005 Priya Agrawal. All rights reserved. I LIBRARIES The author hereby grants to M.I.T. permission to reproduce and distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis and to grant others the right to do so. Author r PriyA Agrawal Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science May 19, 2005 Certified by Dr. Cristina E. Davis Charles Stark Draper Laboratory Thesis Supervisor Certified by Professor Angela M. Belcher Professo r--"ologicgl and Materials Science and Engineering Thesis Advisor Accepted by Arthur C. Smith Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Theses BARKER E [This Page Intentionally Left Blank] 2 Characterization of AP-MALDI and ESI for a Differential Mobility Spectrometer by Priya Agrawal Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science May 19, 2005 In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science ABSTRACT The following thesis entails the construction, testing, modification, and analysis of two systems that couple sample ion introduction methods with a Differential Mobility Spectrometer (DMS). The sample ionization methods used with a custom designed interface for the DMS were Electrospray Ionization (ESI) and Atmospheric Pressure Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization (AP-MALDI). In addition to system development, Fourier transform and decision tree analyses were explored as alternatives to lead-cluster mapping and genetic algorithms for analyzing and classifying data produced by the systems for large biomolecules. Findings from testing and experiments using the prototype system have led to a second generation design of the interface. Results from data analysis have also provided new insights into different methods for classifying data whose form changes drastically for different sample introduction methods. Technical Supervisor: Dr. Cristina Davis Title: Group Leader Bioengineering, Principal Member of the Technical Staff Thesis Advisor: Professor Angela M. Belcher Title: Assoc Professor, Biological Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering 3 [This Page Intentionally Left Blank] 4 14 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT May 19, 2005 The following thesis is the last leg of a great journey in research and academics. My experience at Draper and MIT has truly been a great one, and I have many people to thank for making this possible. First and foremost, I would like to thank my mother, my father, and my brother. They have given me the confidence and ability to achieve my goals and to strive for excellence in everything I do. I would never have been able to come this far without their constant love, encouragement, and wisdom. I am especially grateful to have had such an extraordinary group of colleagues to work with at Draper Labs. Many thanks are due Dr. Cristina Davis for the opportunity to work on such an interesting engineering problem, and for the guidance, optimism, and motivation to tackle tough problems. I would especially like to thank Dr. Angela Zapata and Ernie Kim for teaching me so much, for their technical expertise, and for their patience in fielding all of my questions and ideas. I thank Melissa Krebs for her patience in explaining analysis tools with me, and listening to me when I had exciting ideas. I thank Sarah Cohen, Mariana Shnayderman, and Dr. Malinda Tupper for their advice patience, and sense of humor. Thanks to Dr. George Schmidt, Joseph Sarcia, and Loretta Mitrano in the Education Office for coordinating the Draper Fellow program, and making my experience here possible. At MIT, I would like to thank Professor Angela Belcher for advising me on my thesis, and Professor Mildred Dresselhaus for supporting and advising my academic career. Finally, I would like to extend a special thanks to my friends Ruth, Chaitra, Neha, Kiran, Tara, and Shruti for all the great times we've had together during the few free moments I've had from school these past 5 years. This thesis was prepared at The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc. under Department of the Army, Cooperative Agreement DAMD-17-02-2-0006. Publication of this thesis does not constitute approval by Draper of the sponsoring agency of the findings of conclusions contained therein. It is published for the exchange and stimulation of ideas. f0 5 Priya Agriwal [This Page Intentionally Left Blank] 6 Table of Contents I 12 In tro du ction ............................................................................................................... 14 B ack ground ............................................................................................................... 14 2.1 Differential Mobility Spectrometer................................................................ 2.1.1 Operation Principle of Differential Mobility Spectrometry................... 14 Traditional Uses of Differential Mobility Spectrometry ....................... 18 2.1.2 18 2.2 Electrospray Ionization .................................................................................. 19 Operation principle of Electrospray Ionization...................................... 2.2.1 20 Prior Uses of the ESI Technique........................................................... 2.2.2 21 2.3 A P -M A LD I.................................................................................................... 21 Operation Principle of AP-MALDI...................................................... 2.3.1 22 Prior Uses of the AP-MALDI technique ............................................... 2.3.2 Advantages and Potential of the ESI-DMS and AP-MALDI-DMS systems ... 23 2.4 23 D ata Analysis ............................................................................................... 2.5 24 Fourier Methods.................................................................................... 2.5.1 26 2.5.2 Decision Trees ...................................................................................... 27 Lead Cluster Mapping and Genetic Algorithms .................................... 2.5.3 28 Thesis Summary............................................................................................ 2.6 29 ESI-DMS Instrumentation Development and Analysis......................................... 3 29 The ESI-DMS System.................................................................................. 3.1 31 3.2 T he E SI U nit .................................................................................................. 31 1 Interface....................................................................................... 3.3 Prototype 34 Spray Pattern Characterization ...................................................................... 3.4 34 Experimental Design.............................................................................. 3.4.1 . . 35 R esults.................................................................................................. 3.4 .2 36 3.5 Current Measurement Experiments ............................................................... 37 3.5.1 E xperim ent 1......................................................................................... 38 Experiment 2......................................................................................... 3.5.2 41 ........................................................................ Probe Experiments Langmuir 3.6 42 3.6.1 Initial Testing with the Langmuir Probe................................................ 43 Results of Initial Test Using Langmuir Probe .............................. 45 3.6.2 Air Pump and Breakup Gas effect on Current ....................................... 49 Modified T-junction and Capillary Tube Interface....................................... 3.7 50 Design of the Capillary T-junction ...................................................... 3.7.1 51 3.7.2 Experim ents ........................................................................................... . . 52 3.7 .3 Results.................................................................................................. 53 3.8 Prototype 1 Interface..................................................................................... 53 Design of the Interface........................................................................... 3.8.1 3.8.2 Experimental Method for Testing of the Prototype I Interface.............. 54 2 Resu lts....................................................................................................... 3 .8 .3 3.9 Modified Ion-Optics Interface ...................................................................... 3.9.1 3.9.2 3.9.3 3.9.4 Hardware/Instrumentation Setup ........................................................... Initial Test of the Modified Ion-Optics Interface.................................. Results of Initial Experiment with Modified Ion-Optics Interface........ Experimental Method for the Modified Ion-Optics Interface................ 7 55 56 57 60 61 63 3.9.5 Results.................................................................................................... 3.10 Data Analysis M ethods .................................................................................. Fourier Transform s. .............................................................................. 3.10.1 3.10.2 Decision Tree Analysis......................................................................... 3.10.3 Correlogic Analysis ............................................................................... Com parison of Analysis M ethods......................................................... 3.10.4 AP-MALDI-DMS Instrumentation Development and Analysis ........................... 4.1 Background .................................................................................................... 4.2 Hardw are Description - m aterials and methods............................................. 4.2.1 The AP-M ALDI-DM S system .............................................................. 4.2.2 The M ALDI unit .................................................................................... 4.2.3 The interface ........................................................................................... Sam ple Preparation technique................................................................ 4.2.4 Preliminary Testing....................................................................................... 4.3 4.3.1 Experimental Conditions ...................................................................... 4.3.2 Results of Preliminary Testing.............................................................. :................. 4.4 Optim ization ................................................................................... 4.4.1 Sam ple Depletion Tim e ........................................................................ 4.4.2 Effect of Break up Gas on Signal Quality ............................................. Effect of Pump Flow Rate on Signal Quality ........................................ 4.4.3 Effect of Extraction Voltage on Signal Quality..................................... 4.4.4 4.5 Data Analysis for Finding Trends in the Data ............................................... 4.5.1 Scans from the AP-M ALDI-DM S System ............................................... Determining that Signal is Present Using Fourier Methods ................... 4.5.2 Finding Trends from Optimization Experiments................ 4.5.3 Peak Analysis.......................................................................................... 4.5.4 5 Sum m ary and Conclusions ..................................................................................... ESI................................................................................................................... 5.1 4 5.2 AP-M ALDI..................................................................................................... Data analysis ................................................................................................... 5.3 6 Future W ork ............................................................................................................ 6.1 ESI................................................................................................................... Shorter Ion Path Length .......................................................................... 6.1.1 Better insulation for electronics/HV ....................................................... 6.1.2 Interaction between sam ple and carrier gas ............................................ 6.1.3 6.2 AP-M ALD I..................................................................................................... 6.3 Data Analysis .................................................................................................. 6.3.1 Fourier Analyses ..................................................................................... Statistical analyses .................................................................................. 6.3.2 7 Appendix................................................................................................................. 8 References............................................................................................................... 8 65 65 66 72 80 81 83 83 84 84 84 85 86 87 87 88 90 91 92 94 96 98 99 100 102 103 105 105 107 109 109 110 110 110 111 111 112 112 112 113 114 List of Figures Figure 1 Graph of ion mobility as a function of electric field for three hypothetical ion sp ecie s....................................................................................................................... 15 Figure 2 Picture of the MEMS-based Differential Mobility Spectrometer. ................ 16 17 Figure 3 Schematic of ion trajectory through the DMS................................................. Figure 4 (a) Varying electric field due to RF voltage waveform (b) Constant electric field due to compensation voltage................................................................................. 17 19 Figure 5 Electrospray needle and plum e[18]................................................................. 20 Figure 6 Depiction of ion dispersion from aerosol droplets. ......................................... 24 Figure 7 Example of positive ion spectral data scan.................................................... 30 Figure 8 Block diagram of ESI/AP-MALDI-DMS system .......................................... Figure 9 AP-MALDI or ESI unit in open position on the left and closed position on the 32 right on the sample detector interface.................................................................... interface. of ESI/AP-MALDI-DMS cross section through Figure 10 Ion and gas flows Figure courtesy of Ernest S. Kim, Draper Laboratory, Cambridge, MA.............. 33 Figure 11 SDI with Agilent ESI capillary interface components: 1. External capillary 34 shield 2. Glass capillary shield and inlet............................................................... Figure 12 Plume diameter for various sample flow rates and nebulizing gas flow rates. 36 37 Figure 13 Schematic for current measurement experiment A. ..................................... Figure 14 Plot of current measured at plate versus sample flow rate ............................ 38 39 Figure 15 Current measurement setup with perpendicularly oriented ESI needle ..... 40 Figure 16 Infusion rate versus current for perpendicular current measurements ...... Figure 17 Current measured versus extraction voltage for vertical needle geometry. ..... 41 42 Figure 18 Setup of Langmuir probe for initial test ........................................................ Figure 19 ESI current as a function of sample flow rate for different extraction voltage 43 lev els ......................................................................................................................... Figure 20 ESI current as a function of sample flow rate for two different concentrations 44 o f samp le ................................................................................................................... 45 Figure 21 ESI current as a function of Langmuir probe location. ................................ 46 Figure 22 Langmuir probe setup in second set of experiments .................................... 47 Figure 23 Langmuir probe setup with ESI needle ........................................................ 50 Figure 24 Cross-sectional view of capillary T-junction interface ................................ 51 ...................................... DMS system configuration Modified T-junction -Figure 25 Figure 26 Inner component of prototype 1 interface where arcing was observed........ 54 56 Figure 27 Data replicate from prototype 1 Interface Data set ..................................... Figure 28 Schematic of the modified ESI-DMS interface with modified ion-optics....... 58 Figure 29 Schematic of voltage divider for ESI-DMS interface ................................... 59 Figure 30 (a) DMS positive ion spectra for the protein BSA with extraction voltage turned off (b) DMS spectra with extraction voltage turned on and off in synch with sample injection (c) DMS spectra with extraction voltages on for entire duration of 62 experim ent................................................................................................................. Figure 31 Plot of single replicate from modified ion-optics interface data set.............. 65 Figure 32 Raw DMS spectra for data collected using modified T-junction capillary 67 in terface ..................................................................................................................... Figure 33 1-Dimensional Fourier transform magnitude (left) and phase (right).......... 68 9 Figure 34 Fourier transform magnitude (top) and phase (bottom) plots for data taken 69 using the prototype 1 interface............................................................................... taken using plots for data and phase (right) magnitude (left) Figure 35 Fourier transform 70 the modified ion-optics interface. ......................................................................... Figure 36 Fourier transform magnitude and phase plots for data collected with the 71 modified T-junction interface .............................................................................. Figure 37 Classification error for varying testing and training set sizes, for three different 74 datasets ...................................................................................................................... Figure 38 Error and minimum cost for optimally pruned tree for data collected using 76 m odified T-junction interface. .............................................................................. Figure 39 Cost versus number of terminal nodes in tree built with 2400 data scans from prototype 1 interface data set (top), and modified ion-optics interface data set 78 (b otto m)..................................................................................................................... Figure 40 Best pruned classification tree for modified ion-optics interface................. 79 Figure 41 Cutaway view of major substance flows in the prototype 1 interface.......... 85 Figure 42 (a) SDI with AP-MALDI capillary interface components: 1. Teflon high voltage insulator, 2. break-up gas cylinder, 3. capillary extension. (b) SDI with ESI capillary interface components: 1. break-up gas outlet, 2. glass capillary inlet (figure 86 courtesy of Ernest K im ) ........................................................................................ 88 Figure 43 Timing diagram of sample introduction........................................................ Figure 44 Ion spectra from AP-MALDI-DMS system. (a) Shows data taken when laser is off (b) Data recorded when laser fired on blank plate (c) Data collected when laser 89 fired on sample spot ............................................................................................... 90 Figure 45 AP-MALDI target plate sample spot layout.................................................. Figure 46 DMS signal intensity as a function of break up gas flow rate...................... 94 96 Figure 47 Trend from experiment to vary pump flow rate. .............................................. 98 Figure 48 Trends from experiment to vary extraction voltage ................... 99 Figure 49 Typical scan taken during blank region ablation........................................... 100 ................................... laser ablation. sample Figure 50 Typical data scan taken during Figure 51 Magnitude of Fourier transform of sample ablation spectra against magnitude 101 of Fourier transform of blank ablation spectra. ...................................................... 10 List of Tables Table 1 System components for ESI-DMS system........................................................... 31 Table 2 Conditions varied for electrospray plume pattern characterization.................. 35 Table 3 Experimental conditions for Langmuir probe test ........................................... 48 Table 4 Operating Conditions for Experiment using the prototype 1 interface............ 54 Table 5 Sampling sequence for modified ion-optics interface data collection.............. 55 Table 6 Voltage at outer capillary shield when voltage on inner capillary shield is -3200 V ................................................................................................................................ 59 Table 7 Summary of experimental conditions for initial test with modified ion-optics 60 in terface ..................................................................................................................... Table 8 Summary of operating conditions for modified ion-optics interface data set...... 64 Table 9 Sampling sequence for modified ion-optics interface data collection............. 65 Table 10 Experimental conditions for initial experiments with AP-MALDI-DMS system. 87 ................................................................................................................................... Table 11 AP-MALDI-DMS experimental conditions for sample depletion time 91 ex perimen ts............................................................................................................... 92 for Break up Gas...................... Table 12 AP-MALDI-DMS experimental conditions Table 13 AP-MALDI-DMS experimental conditions for pump flow rate experiments... 95 Table 14 AP-MALDI-DMS experimental conditions for extraction voltage experiments. 97 ................................................................................................................................... 11 1 Introduction In an ideal world, one would be able to rapidly detect and classify any and all types of chemical and biological substances in minute concentrations and volumes with small, easy-to-use instruments. The number of applications for which such sensors are required is numerous, from disease diagnosis to airborne toxin detection. However, sensors currently available have only some, but not all of these attributes. In particular, there are few, if any, sensors that are small and easy to use for detecting and identifying large biomolecules. Draper Laboratory has recently developed a Micro-Electro Mechanical Sensor (MEMS)-based Differential Mobility Spectrometer (DMS) that is small, userfriendly, and has been demonstrated to quickly detect chemicals at low concentrations. The aim of the research is to develop a small, easy-to-use system that employs this sensor to identify large bio-molecules of high molecular weight at low concentrations. The DMS does not require additional reagents to detect ions and it detects substances very quickly using only small volumes of analyte. It operates by detecting the ions of an analyte, and using the properties of those ions as identifiers for that particular substance[1]. One of the major challenges in creating this detection and classification system is to generate and keep intact ionized versions of these bio-molecules and to transport these ions to the DMS. Most methods for ionizing substances tend to destroy the intra-molecular bonds of large bio-molecules and preclude the detection of the original bio-molecule[2, 3]. The system designed and tested in this project involves two different sample ionization and introduction methods, known for their ability to ionize substances while maintaining macro-molecular structure, coupled to the DMS through a common interface. The resulting system will provide us with the ability to sense and 12 analyze large proteins and bio-molecules with a system that has several use and cost advantages over current methods for such analyses. The DMS generally works with gases, presenting another challenge in converting biomolecules to the gas phase. In both ionization techniques, the sample of interest is converted from the solid or liquid phases to the gas phase. The two methods of chemical ionization investigated were Electrospray Ionization (ESI) and Atmospheric Pressure Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization (AP-MALDI). Electrospray ionization converts samples in solution to ions in the gas phase by creating a fine aerosol spray of the sample ions. Atmospheric pressure - matrix assisted laser desorption ionization involves the laser ablation of a crystallized sample to ionize the sample and convert it to the gas phase. The motivation behind the interfacing of these sample ionization assemblies with a differential mobility spectrometer is that these methods present several advantages over traditional forms of biological analyses[4]. AP-MALDI and ESI both preserve molecular properties that are destroyed by other forms of ionization[2, 5]. The ESI and AP-MALDI methods are considered to be 'soft' ionization methods where the softness of an ion transfer method can be defined as "the degree to which fragmentation of the ions is avoided."[6] The properties that are preserved by these ionization processes are essential in classifying large molecules. This thesis describes the work done to initially construct, test, and optimize the ESI-DMS and AP-MALDI-DMS systems and the first stages of work in arriving at a robust detection and classification system. In the following sections, the fundamental principles 13 of this sensor and these sample introduction methods will first be described, followed by descriptions of the experimentation and testing done to create the systems, and the methods of data analysis used to determine system function and substance classification. From the initial design stage, we have come to the point where we have been able to successfully introduce substances into the DMS from both the AP-MALDI and the ESI sample introduction methods, and preliminarily analyze data from the system. The two different systems have been tested and optimized to the point where it is necessary to implement a second generation system design to further improve ion sensing and classification abilities. 2 Background 2.1 Differential MobilitySpectrometer 2.1.1 Operation Principle of Differential Mobility Spectrometry The Differential Mobility Spectrometer (DMS) detects and identifies chemical compounds by measuring the differential mobility of their corresponding ions[l]. Ion mobility is a property that relates to the ability of ions to be deflected and guided by electric fields. An ion's mobility in an electric field in a given gas environment is dependent upon the charge, size, and mass of the ion[7]. As the strength of the electric field increases, the mobility of ions changes non-linearly. Mason and McDaniel [7] found that ion mobility is highly dependent on field strength, and changes non-linearly as the field strength increases. Figure 1 shows that the change in ion mobilities as a function of the electric field applied for three hypothetical substances is non-linear. The 14 non-linearity of ion mobility and the greater separation between mobilities at higher electric fields, are essential properties for classifying substances with the DMS. .. I ** Species A I * Species B K(E) Species C E= 2 E <1000 E Figure 1 Graph of ion mobility as a function of electric field for three hypothetical ion species. Draper Laboratories has recently developed a DMS (Figure 2) with detection limits in the parts-per-billion and parts-per-trillion range that operates under atmospheric pressure and temperature conditions [8]. DMS is loosely based on the principles of Ion Mobility Spectrometry (IMS). IMS works by processing pulses of ions. Sample ions are pulsed into a constant DC voltage electric field, which as show in Figure 1, causes the ions to have certain mobilities. These mobilities are measured by the amount of time if takes for the ions from a particular pulse In contrast to IMS, the DMS is a Radio to travel through a drift tube region[8]. Frequency (RF) filter and produces an added dispersive force which further enhances mobility differences. The DMS is different from the IMS in that the mobility of ions are measured according to the compensation voltage necessary to correct for the oscillatory path of the ion caused by the RF field. One of the main advantages that DMS has over IMS is that ions can be introduced into the sensor continuously whereas in IMS, ions are 15 introduced in pulses. This allows for more continuous monitoring and sensing of biologicals when time plays a critical factor in a particular application. The DMS is less complex than the IMS, in part because it does not require the precise timing of ion travel. Additionally, the simpler DMS instrument is also more conducive to miniaturization than the IMS. The continuous sensing property also simplifies the sample injection process so that samples can be injected in either a continuous or pulsed manner. 1cm Figure 2 Picture of the MEMS-based Differential Mobility Spectrometer. Just before injection into the DMS, analyte is combined with a carrier gas, passed through an ionizing source (an ultraviolet light or a radioactive beta-particle source), then introduced into the DMS. The inner ionization source ionizes the carrier gas, which then transfers charge to the analyte. In some cases, if the ionization potential is higher than that of the analyte, then the analyte may be ionized directly. In the DMS detector (Figure 3) ions are carried in a stream of nitrogen gas between two charged plates. The plates in the DMS have a radio frequency electric field applied to them (Figure 4a). The changing field causes ions to have different mobilities that in turn cause the ions to travel in an oscillatory fashion, with a bias towards one of the plates[9]. 16 The bias in travel is -- -- dependent upon how the ion's mobility changes in that particular field and is caused by the 30% duty cycle of the RF voltage waveform. RF electric Ionization Source Sample in Fow Ion Trajectories -~Detector Compensation electric field Figure 3 Schematic of ion trajectory through the DMS. In order to control which ions reach the detector and when, an additional DC voltage, called the compensation voltage (V,), is applied to the plates. This DC voltage creates a constant electric field that corrects for the bias in the ion's path, and is applied to reverse the effect of the RF field. Some ions will be deflected more than others by the varying RF field, so different ions can be guided through the region between the plates to the detector by applying different compensation voltages to the metal plates. EA( ERF (o) (b (a) Figure 4 (a) Varying electric field due to RF voltage waveform (b) Constant electric field due to compensation voltage. 17 -~ 2.1.2 Traditional Uses of Differential Mobility Spectrometry In other applications, DMS is often used as a gas phase ion separation pre-filtering technique for mass spectrometry [10]. Prior separation of ions increases the performance of the mass spectrometer. For instance, when a DMS is connected to a Gas Chromatography-Mass sjpectrometer (GC-MS), the resulting analysis can often be more accurate[ 11, 12]. The operation of gas chromatography is analogous to a race; substances which travel faster in the gas phase reach the end of the GC column faster. If ions are filtered prior to introduction into the column, then separation among substances is even more pronounced. The analogy is that in the GC race, adding a DMS to the front/back staggers the racers so that they are guaranteed to cross the finish-line - or reach the mass spectrometer - individually. The DMS has also been used with other sample introduction techniques. A pyrolysisDMS system has been shown to successfully detect trace quantities of Bacillus spores[13]. Another system using pyrolysis-gas chromatography has also been used to chemically characterize bacteria[14] A system consisting of a headspace sampler and gas chromatography column has been used with the DMS to detect bacterial headspace [15]. 2.2 ElectrosprayIonization There are several characteristics of ESI which make it a desirable method of sample introduction to the DMS sensor. One of these characteristics is the "softness" of the ESI method which allows both the preservation of non-covalent interactions between molecules in the gas phase that existed in solution and the study of three-dimensional 18 conformations[16]. The "softness" of the ESI method aids differentiation between specific proteins of interest from other closely related interferent proteins or other organic material because macromolecular structure is preserved, making ESI an attractive technology to couple to the DMS sensor[2, 6]. 2.2.1 Operation principle of Electrospray Ionization Electrospray Ionization (ESI) is a method of ionized sample introduction for mass spectrometry which facilitates the analysis of high molecular weight compounds such as proteins and nucleotides by mass spectrometry[17]. ESI converts liquid samples to ions in the gas phase by aerosolizing the sample in the presence of an electric field using a nebulizing needle which creates a "nebula" of ions. Figure 5 Electrospray needle and plume[18] The ESI nebulizer needle assembly consists of two concentric needles. Sample solution travels through the innermost needle, while a nitrogen (N2 ) nebulizing gas travels between the outer and inner needles. When the sample solution comes out of the tip of the inner needle it forms a dipolar layer at the meniscus of the solution. The presence of the strong electric field, where the needle is the positive electrode, causes positive ions to 19 come to the outer surface of the meniscus during the redistribution of charge within the solution at the capillary tip to create field-free conditions within the liquid[6]. The repulsive forces between the positive ions at the surface overcome the surface tension of the solution and cause the liquid to move further in the direction of the electric field, forming a Taylor cone (Figure 5). A jet of positive ions extends out from the cone, and then disperses into a plume of positive ion droplets. These droplets disperse further when the solvent is evaporated by a heated drying gas, such as nitrogen. As the solvent evaporates, and ions come closer together, the repulsive force between the like charges causes the ion droplets to further split apart into smaller clusters and the ions to disperse (Figure 6). Figure 6 Depiction of ion dispersion from aerosol droplets. 2.2.2 Prior Uses of the ESI Technique The ESI method of converting samples to ions in the gas phase has been in existence for many years and has been used for many different applications. The most widely used application for ESI is in mass spectrometry. ESI-MS has been used to analyze peptides, proteins[19], nucleic acids[16, 20], lipids, carbohydrates [21], and inorganic and organometallic complexes[22]. Outside the context of Mass Spectrometry, ESI is an 20 important method for the creation of aerosols, and for the electrostatic dispersion of liquids[6]. 2.3 AP-MALDI 2.3.1 Operation Principle of AP-MALDI AP-MALDI is a technique that is most often used to generate ionized gases from solid and dried liquid samples of non-volatile materials[23, 24]. When a sample is ionized using AP-MALDI, the sample is dispersed into a matrix that absorbs and transfers energy to the sample when the mixture is ablated with an ultraviolet laser source. The matrix is a compound mixture chosen for certain properties which allow for successful ionization of the experimental sample. These properties include the ability to dissolve the analyte and recrystallize with it, and the ability to absorb energy from the laser. The matrix must also not react with the analyte, but should still be able to transfer some positive charge to it. The wavelength of the laser is selected to excite the matrix without altering the experimental sample; the experimental sample is only ionized. The abrupt transfer of energy from matrix to sample causes the sample to desorb and form an ionized gas[2]. These ions are then transported into the analytical sensor of choice via a carrier gas. One of the unique characteristics of the AP-MALDI ionization process is that it is gentle enough to desorb and ionize large molecules while keeping the entire molecule intact[5]. This trait of AP-MALDI makes it a particularly useful technique for analyzing proteins, peptides, and other biological macromolecules for mass spectrometry analysis [3, 25, 26]. Additionally, AP-MALDI allows for the analysis of analytes in a large range of molecular weights at small concentrations[23]. The ionization technique has several 21 advantages in chemical analysis over other methods of chemical ionization[23]. AP- MALDI preserves chemical structure and intramolecular interactions that are often destroyed by other methods[3]. The ability to preserve structure is important for the detection and sensing of molecules with high molecular weights, such as proteins. Other forms of ionization tend to destroy or fragment these kinds of larger molecules. For solid and liquid samples for example, pyrolysis is a highly destructive process, and can fracture and damage the samples, resulting in detection of pieces and fragments of the compound or molecule of interest [27]. 2.3.2 Prior Uses of the AP-MALDI technique Initially, the AP-MALDI was coupled with a time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOFMS), which has a large mass range and high sensitivity [2]. In 1995, the AP-MALDI sample introduction technique was used with a quadrupole mass spectrometer to demonstrate the direct sequencing of proteins and peptides of unknown structure[2]. The AP-MALDI technique was then subsequently demonstrated to work successfully with Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry (FTMS), allowing for the high resolution analysis of complex peptide mixtures. High kinetic energy and extensive meta-stable decay characteristic were thought to be obstacles that prohibited, or made insensitive, the use of AP-MALDI with FTMS, but were overcome by decoupling the AP-MALDI source from the superconducting magnet [28]. The unique ionization characteristics of the AP- MALDI process makes it extremely attractive to interface with novel analytical sensors, especially those that also operate at atmospheric pressure. 22 2.4 Advantages and Potential of the ESI-DMS and AP-MALDIDMS systems As discussed above, the ESI and AP-MALDI techniques are soft ionization techniques that require few reagents to ionize analytes of interest. Hence, ESI and AP-MALDI are good techniques for ionizing large bio-molecules such as proteins because they will not fragment the ions, and will allow for detection based on properties of the entire ionized molecule. These ionization methods coupled to the DMS have the potential to be an extremely powerful new system to detect and classify biological substances with the use of sophisticated classification algorithms. The DMS is small and portable, and also requires no extra reagents other than carrier gasses to detect ions. ESI-DMS and AP-MALDI-DMS systems would provide the ability to detect and analyze large bio-molecules at low concentrations in small volumes quickly, and efficiently, at very low cost. Additionally, instruments that can analyze ions at atmospheric pressure can be coupled to both ESI and AP-MALDI sources with only minor changes[24]. The applications for such systems are numerous, providing great motivation behind the research described in the following thesis. 2.5 Data Analysis The data collected by the DMS varies in three dimensions: time, ion abundance, and compensation voltage. A typical positive background scan showing reactive ion peaks at -17.9 V, -14 V, and -7.5 V (Figure 7). Each scan represents a slice in time for which ion abundances versus compensation voltages are recorded. 23 Cuso 1961I-.15-- \- Figure 7 Example of positive ion spectral data scan Data collected using the ESI-DMS and AP-MALDI-DMS systems are different from previous types of DMS data collected because the sample introduction methods are different. Current methods for analyzing DMS data are computationally expensive, and can not be used for every set of data generated. It is therefore necessary to develop other methods for analyzing data which can provide valuable information without resorting to lead-cluster mapping and genetic algorithms. 2.5.1 Fourier Methods The Fourier transform is a mathematical transformation of signals that forms the basis for modem signal processing, and is used in the context of this research to help extract information from signals for which methods of analysis are not yet well formed. The Fourier transform breaks signals up into a sum of periodic waveforms, and transforms them from time varying signals to frequency varying signals. Inspection of signals in the frequency domain is often the first step in developing methods for further processing and extracting information from unknown signals. discrete Fourier transform is: 24 The equation for the X(k)= x(j)Nijl)(kl-) for k =0,1,2,...,(N -1) and WN =ej(2,T/N) j=1 Where X(k) is the transformed signal, x(j) is the original data signal, and N is the number of points in the original signal. Each point in X(k)is computed by multiplying every point in x(j) by a power of which is called the "frequency", and then (~), summing those all together. The transformed signal has the same number of points as the original signal does. For all otherk, the transform X(k) is equal to 0. Each point in the transform X(k) is the sum of all the points in the original signal, where each point has been multiplied by a different root of 1. The transformed signal is a complex signal, because it involves multiplications by roots of 1 - complex numbers. The transform, because it is complex, can then be broken up into a magnitude and phase. From the magnitude and phase of the Fourier transform, one can fully and uniquely reconstruct the original signal using the following equation: x(j) = - X(kojl(l Nk=1 for k=O0,1,2,...,(-)adONe(t) Each scan of DMS data has compensation voltage V, on the horizontal axis, and abundance V, on the vertical axis, so the integer index j, is analogous to the index of V'. When we make the transformation from x(j) to X(k), the only thing left in common between k and jis that they both range from 0 to (N - 1). By convention, k is usually deemed frequency because most signals vary over time. In the case of DMS data, k refers to the voltage analog of frequency, 1 AV, 25 The Fourier transform is helpful in extracting information about periodicities in the data which may not be obvious in the raw data. For a further explanation of the Fourier transform and its properties, see Oppenheim and Willsky [29]. As shown in the following chapters, the Fourier transform can be used to detect differences in data taken under different conditions. The results of these analyses show differences in data much more clearly than the raw data does itself. 2.5.2 Decision Trees Decision trees are non-parametric classification models that can be used to classify and recognize non-linear patterns in data. Decision trees have simple tree structures where each node of the tree is associated with some classification test, and each leaf of the tree is associated with a specific classification outcome. The input, also called the predictor, is tested at each node by the classification test. Whether or not the predictor satisfies the classification test will determine what the next test or classification applied to the predictor is. The classification tests can be expressed as if-then statements. The decision trees are constructed by partitioning data in increasingly homogeneous subsets according to algorithms described by Breiman, et al[30]. Decision trees have previously been used to classify proteins that were analyzed by mass spectrometry to distinguish between diseased and non-diseased specimens [31-33]. In both cases, proteins from humans with and without cancer were successfully differentiated using decision tree analysis on MS data of those proteins. Decision trees have also been used in the context of medical diagnosis and chemical analysis [34]. 26 2.5.3 Lead Cluster Mapping and Genetic Algorithms The use of genetic algorithms, developed by Correlogic Systems, Inc. (Bethesda, MD), in analyzing DMS data is currently being explored. These algorithms have been used to detect prostate cancer [35] and ovarian cancer [36] using proteomic patterns in serum. This section will provide a brief overview of the algorithms used by Correlogic in their software, ProteomeQuest@, to find biomarkers in DMS data collected at Draper Laboratory. At this time, we are exploring their use for several types of DMS data. ProteomeQuest@ employs lead cluster mapping and genetic algorithms to construct models for classifying biological substances. The data sets are divided into three portions which are used separately in the three stages of the algorithm - training, testing, and validation. Lead cluster mapping first randomly selects a user-defined number of features, usually between 5 and 12, on which to build the cluster maps. Each feature corresponds to one pixel from a DMS data file which contains 250 scans in the V, dimension and 200 scans in the time dimension, for 50,000 total pixels. Each data file is then mapped to the feature space using the intensities of the selected features. After the first data file is mapped on the feature coordinate system, a user defined radius specifying the degree to which the model will fit the data, is drawn around that point to define a cluster. If after the next file is mapped to the feature coordinate system it falls within that first radius, the centroid of the cluster is redefined around the two data files. If not, a new cluster is formed around the second data file. After all the data files have been mapped, each cluster is labeled according to what types of data files define that particular cluster, thereby creating cluster map. The testing set of data is used to determine how accurately the cluster map classifies data it was not constructed with. If the accuracy is low, then 27 another cluster map is constructed using a different random set of features. This process of training and testing is repeated until a user defined number of maps, called the population, is achieved. Once the cluster map population has been built, the genetic algorithms come into play. Each map has associated with it an accuracy value calculated by the performance of the map on the testing data. Using the maps that achieved higher accuracies, new maps are made using some combination of the features from the higher achieving maps. If a high accuracy is achieved, then this new map replaces a lower performing map in the population. This process of attempting combinations of features from maps made while creating the map population is continued for a user-specified number of generations, at which point the best map available will be selected, or until a map is able to achieve a high target accuracy. Once this final map is determined, it is used to classify the data in the independent, blinded validation data set to come up with a final accuracy for that cluster map model. The following thesis presents work done to develop alternative methods for classifying data, and compares the results of those analyses with those obtained using ProteomeQuest@ lead cluster mapping and genetic algorithm tools. 2.6 Thesis Summary Chapter 2 will describe the experiments and hardware optimization tasks completed in order to optimize the ESI-DMS system and to determine how to classify different substances. Chapter 3 will provide a description of the AP-MALDI-DMS system and the work done to characterize and optimize that system. Both chapters contain discussions of 28 the data analysis methods used for the different forms of data extracted from each system. These chapters will be followed by a summary of conclusions from each system, plus another chapter detailing ideas for future work to continue the optimization and improvement in functionality of both systems. 3 ESI-DMS Instrumentation Development and Analysis This chapter describes the function, design, and optimization of the Sample-to-Detector Interface (SDI) which couples the ESI and AP-MALDI units to the DMS sensor. This chapter is divided into characterization of the interface, experimental testing of three different versions of the interface and system setup, and data analysis techniques for DMS signal output. The results and conclusions of the testing and optimization described in this chapter are currently being used to design the second generation of the interface and system. Additionally, data analysis tools investigated here will be further developed to determine whether more robust methods for identifying and quantifying biological substances can be created. 3.1 The ESI-DMS System A block diagram of the entire ESI/AP-MALDI-DMS system is shown in Figure 8, and corresponding components are listed in Table 1. The ESI or AP-MALDI sample introduction unit is connected to the SDI, which is in turn connected to the DMS unit. A small pressure drop of approximately 0.013 atm is applied to the outlet of the DMS to facilitate the transport of ions through the sensor. The DMS unit is connected to a standard notebook PC which controls the sensor and collects data. 29 mass flow conlrollers gas heaters control / data acquisition co mput er nit roge n gas rer gas breakup gas to u, E + -- sample ------- Pump exast exus sample flow carne r gas flow Figure 8 Block diagram of ESI/AP-MALDI-DMS system A list of parts used in the system is summarized in Table 1. Nitrogen (UHP grade 5, Middlesex Gases and Technologies, Everett, MA) flows through the mass flow controllers, is heated by the low flow heaters, and then fed into the inlet of the carrier gas and breakup gas lines. Gas flows in the system are controlled by mass flow controllers (M100B, MKS Instruments, Wilmington, MA), and are heated by low flow gas process heaters. The temperature of the heaters is regulated by variable AC voltage waveform generators that control the amplitude of the AC voltage waveform applied to the metal heater block, subsequently heating the block to a corresponding temperature. A high voltage power supply, (Stanford Research Systems) provides the voltages necessary to produce the high electric fields for extracting ions from the AP-MALDI sample plume. 30 Table 1 System components for ESI-DMS system. Model and Manufacturer G1607A, Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA G1972A, Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA MDP-1, Sionex Corporation, Waltham, Part ESI Unit AP-MALDI Unit Differential Mobility Spectrometer Custom Made, Draper Laboratory, Cambridge, MA. Air Cadet 5730-40, Cole-Parmer, Vernon Hills, IL M100B, MKS Instruments, Wilmington, MA PS350/5000V-25W, Stanford research Systems, Sunnyvale, CA AHPF-062, Omega Engineering Prototype I Interface Air pump Mass flow controllers High voltage power supply Low flow gas process heaters 3.2 The ESI Unit The ESI unit consists of a nebulizing needle and an ionization chamber. Analyte solution is drawn into a syringe and then delivered to the nebulizing needle through 1/16 inch outer diameter Teflon PTFE tubing. The output flow rate of the syringe is controlled by a syringe pump (HA2000P, Harvard Apparatus, Holliston, MA). Nitrogen gas is supplied to the nebulizing needle via 1/8 inch outer diameter Teflon PTFE tubing. The unit is connected electrically to earth ground by a spring-loaded pin that makes contact with grounded portions of the interface when the interface is in the closed position; these features are described in further detail below. 3.3 Prototype 1 Interface A custom designed interface was used to couple the ESI and AP-MALDI units to the DMS sensor. The interface is designed such that commercially available ESI and APMALDI units available from Agilent Technologies can be easily swapped on and off the interface. The mating mechanism is a simple hinge and latch assembly that also allows 31 the user to swing the ESI or AP-MALDI units from open position to closed position to allow adjustment of parts in the ionization chamber without dismantling the interface. Figure 9 shows a drawing of the interface with the AP-MALDI unit attached. The drawing on the left shows the unit in the open position. The drawing on the right shows the unit in the closed position with the latch engaged. Figure 9 AP-MALDI or ESI unit in open position on the left and closed position on the right on the sample detector interface A cross-section of the SDI is shown in Figure 10 with labeled gas and ion flows. Analyte ions are attracted to the inlet of the interface by an electric field and slight suction exerted by a pump applied to the outlet of the DMS. The break up gas is directed against the flow of analyte ions, breaking up any ion clusters and drying any remaining liquid to prevent liquid from entering and damaging the DMS. Heated carrier gas enters the interface and flows in the same direction as the analyte ion path. The carrier gas is ionized when it passes through the radiation source within the DMS, subsequently transferring charge to analyte molecules through collisions. 32 Heated Heated Break-up gas carrier gas gas DMS Analyte ions 2.4 i n Figure 10 Ion and gas flows through cross section of ESI/AP-MALDI-DMS interface. Figure courtesy of Ernest S. Kim, Draper Laboratory, Cambridge, MA. The ESI and AP-MALDI units each have easily interchangeable components that must be attached to the interface (Figure 11). The ESI components include a capillary shield and inlet to which the high extraction voltage is applied (Figure 11, item 2). An external shield which focuses the break up gas flow, and also includes an additional break up gas outlet, is placed over the capillary inlet, (Figure 11, item 1). This shield both focuses the break up gas flow against the flow of ions from the ESI needle, and also focuses the electric field by reducing the surface area of the high voltage inlet which is exposed to the ESI needle. Components for the AP-MALDI unit are discussed further in Chapter 3. 33 Figure 11 SDI with Agilent ESI capillary interface components: 1. External capillary shield 2. Glass capillary shield and inlet. Several experiments were designed to evaluate the performance of the ESI-DMS interface. These experiments investigated the following: properties of ions generated by the ESI method, characteristics of sample introduction, shape and form of the sample aerosol plume emitted form the ESI needle, and ways of manipulating the plume. Conclusions from these experiments then provided the impetus for further investigation to determine system function, leading eventually to design changes in the ESI/APMALDI-DMS interface. 3.4 Spray Pattern Characterization The goal of the first set of experiments was to characterize the shape and quality of the aerosol created by the ESI needle. The results would provide information that would guide further experiments to vary the position of the ESI needle relative to the SDI. 3.4.1 Experimental Design Measurements of electrospray plumes were collected for several different parameters to characterize the spray pattern of the electrospray needle. Nebulizing gas was flowed into the nebulizing needle, and a colored aqueous solution was injected into the electrospray needle. The resulting spray pattern was collected on filter paper some distance away 34 from the needle tip. The nebulizing gas flow rate, the distance between needle and filter paper, and the sample injection rate were all varied to examine their effect on the electrospray plume. Table 2 summarizes the different conditions for which a plume pattern was collected. Plumes for all combinations of conditions were collected. Table 2 Conditions varied for electrospray plume pattern characterization Condition set points 3.4.2 Sample Flow Rate (pl/min) 5 100 Nebulizing Gas Flow Rate (L/min) 400 800 1.0 1.2 1.6 2.0 Distance to Filter paper (cm) 2 3.5 5 Results Each pattern was analyzed qualitatively to gain a general sense of what variations in parameters would cause changes in the spray, and what types of changes would occur. As shown in Figure 12, as the distance between the needle and the filter paper was increased, the diameter of the plume became larger and less dense, as expected for a low sample flow rate of 5 pl/min. The trend is not as clear for the 100 pl/min sample flow rate measurements. These measurements were taken for a spray accumulation lasting only 5 seconds. The edges of the collected pattern were difficult to determine, leading to variability in the measurement of the pattern diameter. Across the different measurements, as the nebulizing gas flow rate increases, the plume diameter decreases, indicating that the high gas flow rate causes the jet to be more spatially focused. For all subsequent experiments, the flow rate for the nebulizer gas was set to 1 L/min to provide an ionized aerosol that was not too narrow. 35 14 12 Sample Flow Rates -+-5 ul/min, 2 cm -u-5 ul/min, 3.5 cm 10 E E cc is5 6 - -r- 8 K- -&-5 ul/min, 5 cm ul/min, 2 cm x-100 -1 *-100 ul/min, 3.5 cm -.- 4 100 ul/min, 5 cm 2 0 0 0.5 1 2 1.5 2 .5 Nebulizing Gas Flow Rate (L/min) Figure 12 Plume diameter for various sample flow rates and nebulizing gas flow rates. 3.5 Current Measurement Experiments Several different experiments were conducted to confirm the operating principle of the ESI method, and to confirm that the ions created by the needle were traveling properly along the pathway to the DMS. One goal for these tests was to maximize the number of ions generated by the ESI method by varying operating conditions while measuring the current between the ESI needle and a detection point some distance away from the needle. An increase in measured current is caused by an increase in the number of ions produced, translating to a stronger ion signal in the DMS, and resulting in increased sensitivity for the entire system. Observations from these experiments led to design changes in the configuration of ion-optics in the interface, and changes to the path traveled by ions from the ESI needle into the DMS. 36 Several different geometries of the ESI needle were tested to determine the effect on the current generated at different distances away from the needle. Additionally, several different methods of measuring current generated by the ESI spray were tested in attempts to improve upon the accuracy of the current readings. One of the challenges in conducting these experiments was that the current being measured was extremely small and that it was to be measured across a large distance which would cause further attenuation of the measured ion signal. Current data collected at non-vacuum conditions would also be highly susceptible to noise and other disturbances. 3.5.1 Experiment 1 In the first experiment, current was measured as a function of the sample injection rate. The ESI needle was aligned on the axis of desired ion path travel (Figure 13). The spray was manipulated by an electric field between the electrospray needle which was connected to earth ground, and the capillary orifice which was connected to an extraction voltage of -3000 V. ESI Needle -3000V Ion Collection Plate Capillary - - orifice Figure 13 Schematic for current measurement experiment A. In the configuration shown in Figure 13, the ions would be sprayed from the needle, attracted into the orifice by the electric field between the needle and the orifice, and 37 directed towards a metal plate which is connected to an ammeter. The distance from the needle to the capillary orifice entrance was 6.5 mm, and the distance from the capillary orifice fitting was 15 mm. The flow rate of the nebulizing gas was 1 L/min. The sample flow rate was varied across the values 0, 100, 250, 500, 750, and 1000 ptl/min. Measurements were taken when the current reading had stabilized. 0.05 0.04 <0.03 0.02 0.01 0 -0.01 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Sample Injection Rate (pl/m in) Figure 14 Plot of current measured at plate versus sample flow rate As shown in Figure 14, as the sample flow rate increased, the current measured also increased. This result confirms the intuitive hypothesis that as more sample is aerosolized per unit time, more ions will travel to the detector plate per unit time, and measured current - charge per time - will therefore increase. 3.5.2 Experiment 2 The previous experiment confirmed the operation principle behind the electrospray ionization method. However, it did not confirm that the electric field between the capillary orifice and the needle was the driving force in attracting ions through the orifice opening to the collector plate because the needle was spraying aerosolized ions directly at the detector plate. 38 To test the efficacy of the electric field in attracting ions into the capillary orifice, another experiment was conducted with the same configuration for the capillary interface and the detector plate, but with the ESI needle now oriented perpendicularly to the direction of the desired final ion path. The horizontal distance from the needle tip to the orifice, a, was set to lcm, the vertical distance from the needle tip to the center of the capillary, b, orifice was 7.1 mm, and the distance from the capillary orifice to the metal detector plate was 13.5 mm. 4- ESI Needle Ion Collection -3000V b a t Plate c Capillary orifice A Figure 15 Current measurement setup with perpendicularly oriented ESI needle The flow rate of the nebulizing gas was set to 1 L/min based on spray characterization tests described earlier, and two experiments to determine the effect of separately varying the sample flow rate and extraction voltage were conducted. The goal of these experiments was to determine that amount of ions that could be generated and how that amount could be varied using an ESI needle geometry configuration more similar to that 39 of the commercially available ESI unit. The sample flow was varied across the values 0, 50, 100, 175, 250, 500, and 750 p.l/min. The extraction voltage was set to -3000 V. 0.005 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.001 -1 -0.001 0 2 400 600 800 -0.002 -0.003 -0.004 Infusion Rate (pl/m in) Figure 16 Infusion rate versus current for perpendicular current measurements As the sample infusion rate increased, the measured current increased as shown in Figure 16. This indicates that ions were attracted into the capillary orifice and to the metal detection plate. Current measurements for flow rates less than about 200 pl/min were negative, which means ions might have been traveling in a direction opposite to the electric field. However, the negative measurements are likely to be due to noise which caused the picoammeter to fluctuate from positive to negative readings. This experiment confirmed the expectation that current would increase for higher sample flow rates, even when the ESI needle was positioned vertically. In the next experiment which would further prove the principle of the ESI method, for a sample infusion rate of 500 pl/min, the extraction voltage was varied across the values 0, -1.0, -1.5, -2.0, -2.5, -3.0, -3.5, -4, and -4.5 kV. Single measurements were taken because the current reading stabilized over time. As the potential difference between the ESI needle and the capillary orifice increased in Figure 17, the measured ion current also increased. This result confirms the idea that as the electric field increases in strength, 40 proportional to the increase in the potential difference between the needle and orifice, the number of ions directed to the detector plate will increase. 0.005 0.004 =L 0.003 0.0021 0.001 0 -0.001 --- - -4 -3 -2 , 0 -0.002 -0.003 Extraction Voltage (kV) Figure 17 Current measured versus extraction voltage for vertical needle geometry. 3.6 Langmuir Probe Experiments Langmuir probes are typically used to measure currents due to ion travel in plasmas[37]. The ESI needle can be treated as an ion source, so a Langmuir probe would improve the method for measuring ion currents and lend greater accuracy to the measurements. Additionally, the Langmuir probe would allow for current measurement experiments in a setup that was far more similar to the actual ESI-DMS interface so conclusions from these tests could more easily be applied to the actual ESI-DMS system. The goal of these experiments was to determine the conditions at which ion generation and transport occurred most optimally. The following section describes the different experiments conducted using the Langmuir probe in a setup similar to the modified capillary Tjunction interface. The outcomes of these experiments contributed to the decision to modify the ion-optics setup in the prototype 1 interface, and led to a deeper understanding of the effect of the ion-optics on ion travel. 41 3.6.1 Initial Testing with the Langmuir Probe The first Langmuir probe configuration is shown below in Figure 18. A T-junction fitting with a copper electrode, and a fused silica capillary tube were attached to the carrier gas heater outlet. The nebulizing needle was positioned at an angle to the Tjunction with 0 = 75', x = 0.5 cm, y = 1.5 cm, where 6 is the angle from the horizontal, and x and y are the horizontal distance and vertical distance, respectively, of the needle from the center of the glass capillary. The probe, a thin wire threaded through a GC column until slightly protruding from the other end of the column, was positioned in between the charged T-junction and the nebulizing needle. As shown in the figure below, the probe is placed directly in the stream of ions. Liquid Carrier sample , Nebulizergas -3500 V Glass capillary Nebulizer needle Capillary entrance Nebulized analyte and solvent Langmuir probe amreter -5 V Figure 18 Setup of Langmuir probe for initial test Current measurements were taken for various sample flow rates with QPUMP = 500 ml/min, and QNEB = 1 L/min. The probe was biased relative to the ammeter to allow for a more accurate reading of current. Measurements were taken at 1 minute intervals, as the 42 sample flow rate was varied. The experiments were repeated with different extraction voltages and a sample solution of 1mM acetic acid in water, and with different sample concentrations at an extraction voltage of -3.5 kV. As the extraction voltage was turned on, and as the sample concentration increased, the measured current was expected to increase, as the increase in these two parameters should increase the total number of ions that reach the detector. Another experiment was conducted to determine the effects that different positions of the probe within the path of the ion spray would have on the total ion current measured. The results of these tests are shown below. Results of Initial Test Using Langmuir Probe -+-HV=OV -- HV=-3500V 34 33 32 ____ ______ - 31 - 30 29 28 27 - 26 25 24 ---- 0 10 20 40 30 50 60 70 Sample Row Rate(pl/min) Figure 19 ESI current as a function of sample flow rate for different extraction voltage levels As shown in Figure 19, when the extraction voltage was set at -3.5 kV, the measured current increased as the sample flow rate increased, in a somewhat linear fashion. When the extraction voltage source was turned off, current decreased as the sample flow rate increased. As the sample flow rate changes, the absolute value of the change in both lines is nearly the same. One way to interpret this graph is that when the power supply is turned off, the polarity of the current changes, so the sign of the trends are opposites. 43 36 ................................................................................ ......... . !............................... 35 34 - - 33 E 32 31 30 - -- 29 1 mM acetic acid - 28 .5 mM acetic acid- 27 0 20 80 60 40 Sample Flow Rate [pl/min] 100 120 Figure 20 ESI current as a function of sample flow rate for two different concentrations of sample In another test using the Langmuir probe setup of Figure 18, the sample flow rate was varied and current measured for two different sample concentrations. Contrary to expectation, the lower concentration sample of acetic acid in Figure 20 produced a larger current than the higher concentration sample did. The plot of Figure 21 shows the change in current as the x-position of the probe was varied for two different y-positions. As the distance from the probe to the orifice increased, current also decreased, for both y-positions. We suspect the trend is nonlinear because the probe may have been positions of higher ion density in some positions than others. Because ions were traveling in the direction of the electric field, and because the field is non-uniformly distributed given the geometry of charged components, then the plot below yields information about where the field might be strongest as evidence by higher current which means that more ions were traveling in that location. 44 38 - 0.5 mm -ay=2mm 37 36 a, C.) 35 -I ___________ 34 33 32 4 4.5 5 5 .5 6 6.5 7 x-distance from orifice (mm) Figure 21 ESI current as a function of Langmuir probe location. 3.6.2 Air Pump and Breakup Gas effect on Current Following the initial test of the Langmuir probe setup where the probe was positioned between the nebulizing needle and the t-junction electrode, further testing was conducted with the Langmuir probe setup as shown in Figure 22 in place of the T-junction from the initial round of testing. These experiments were used to determine ion density at various locations on the ion path for different operating conditions and geometries. This involved placing the Langmuir probe between the nebulizer needle and the high voltage orifice, as well as at various positions inside the glass capillary. The purpose of these experiments was to determine the optimal conditions for which the maximum number of ions are generated and transported through the interface to the DMS. The physical setup of the experiment is shown in Figure 23. 45 heated breakup gas To pump I Septum, allowin passage of Langmuir probe while maintaining a seal glass capillary inside metal tube Langmuir probe -e Connects to bias voltage and picoammeter Tube surrounding glass capillary at HV at HV = -3.2 kV Figure 22 Langmuir probe setup in second set of experiments The probe was threaded through a setup very similar to that used in the modified capillary T-junction interface. One of the T-junctions allowed for breakup gas to flow in a direction opposite to the desired flow of ions. The second T junction allowed for the pump to pull on the gasses that were traveling inside the glass capillary tube. The pump does not actually create vacuum conditions; the system only sustains a 0.015 atm pressure drop from the ionization chamber to the outlet of the DMS. construction is shown in Figure 22. 46 A cross-section of this heated breaku Nebulizer needle To pump Rear end of Langmuir probe X heated breakup gas +spicoa plastic tubing Connects to bias voltage and meter at HV = -3.2 kV insulator Breakup gas manifold/nozzle Figure 23 Langmuir probe setup with ESI needle Experiments were conducted to determine the effect of different gas flow rates, and needle geometries on the strength of the ion current generated by the ESI needle. High breakup gas flow rates would cause a decrease in measured current because the gas would flow against the desired ion path, deflecting ions and preventing them from reaching the detection point. Low breakup gas flow rate would increase the current measured because the force against ion flow would have lessened, allowing more ions to reach the detection point thereby increasing measured current. Changes in the pump flow rate would cause the opposite effect on ion measurements that changes in break up gas would cause. Increasing the pump flow rate should cause the current to increase as more ions are propelled to the detector on a faster gas flow. Decreasing the pump flow rate would decrease the current measurement because fewer ions would be transported to the detector in a given amount of time. 47 The third parameter varied was the needle geometry. By changing the position and angle of the ESI nebulizing needle with respect to the T-junction and probe, different parts of the ion plume would be positioned in different regions of the electric field between the electrode and the needle. In addition, the nature of the field itself would change as the geometry of the needle and electrode changed. These experiments were designed to find the optimum combination of break up gas, pump flow rate, and needle geometry patterns. A summary of testing conditions is shown in Table 3. Table 3 Experimental conditions for Langmuir probe test o Range 0 - 90 0 x, y 0.5 - 2 cm Qs QBU Qpump 0 - 50 pUmin 1 - 4 Umin 500 150 mumin ~ 1 L/min Variable QNEB Notes Angle of nebulizer needle measured from horizontal (i.e. 900 is vertical) Position of nebulizer needle tip from orifice axis and face of breakup gas shield Sample flow rate Breakup gas flowrate Pump flowrate Nebulizer gas flowrate, set to 1 Umin This experiment failed on multiple occasions because of electrical arcing, which required the experiment to be stopped and restarted. After many trials, and greater difficulty in discerning the conditions under which arcing occurred, this line of experimenting was abandoned. There were two main reasons for steering research efforts away from current measurement using this particular setup. The first is that during these experiments, success was achieved in classification of proteins using the prototype 1 interface, as described further below, using Correlogic's ProteomeQuest@ Software. Secondly, drift in the baseline of the current measurements was noticed, and is believed to have been obscuring any trends in the actual current measurement. This drift may have been caused by problems with the equipment being used to make measurements. 48 In addition, the leftmost T-junction was not actually connected to ground through the carrier gas heater as was assumed. There was no specific electric potential applied to the metal T-junction, so when the inner copper electrode was charged to -3.5kV, and the ESI needle was grounded, the strong electric fields caused charge polarization of the Tjunction which then led to arcing. When the electric field across a certain distance is large enough, the dielectric strength of the insulating material, in this case air, can be overcome so that charge can be transferred. The arcing itself occurred in a periodic fashion because after the initial breakdown, the charge distribution in the T-junction would be balanced or relaxed, but the continued presence of the electric field caused repolarization, and more discharge. This phenomenon is called a relaxation oscillator. The problems with conducting this experiment corroborated the finding that the external capillary shield of the interface needed to be floated at a different voltage in order to prevent arcing. By making sure that all conducting components were connected to a specific potential, the creation of a relaxation oscillator could be avoided. Also, the smaller the potential difference between the metal components, the less arcing there would be. 3.7 Modified T-junctionand Capillary Tube Interface. The modified T-junction/capillary tube interface was designed to simplify the components of the prototype I Interface to learn more about the different conditions under which ions would optimally be transported to the DMS. This interface would also help to identify any malfunction in the prototype 1 interface which could interfere with the flow of ions, from the ESI source to the DMS sensor. One of the major goals of this 49 round of experimentation was to determine whether or not sample was reaching the DMS based on the principles which guided the design of the prototype 1 Interface. If sample was successfully introduced into the DMS, then the data collected could also be used to determine whether different biological substances could be differentiated from one another. 3.7.1 Design of the Capillary T-junction One of the first data sets collected with the ESI-DMS system used an interface which was comprised of only the very basic components needed to transport ions from the ESI needle to the DMS. These components include an inlet for carrier gas, a fused silica capillary tube through which ions are transported to the DMS, and an electrode to which the high voltage power supply is connected. A cross sectional view of the interface is shown in Figure 24. Carrier Gas Ion Ion path Electrode Capillary tube Figure 24 Cross-sectional view of capillary T-junction interface 50 3.7.2 Experiments Data was collected for sample solutions of glucose, mannitol, urea, and desmosine, and a 50:50 mixture of urea and desmosine in de-ionized (DI) water. Sample solutions were made in concentrations of 10 mM and 100 pM in DI water. The extraction voltage applied to the capillary inlet was -4kV. The nebulizing gas flow was set to 1 L/min, the carrier gas was set to 300 ml/min, and the break up gas flow was set to 4 L/min. Gas heaters were turned on until temperature stabilized. See Appendix for temperature stabilization data. Sample was injected into the ESI needle at a flow rate of 50 pl/min. A drawing of the system setup for these experiments is shown in Figure 25. The electrospray needle was oriented vertically with respect to the axis of the ion path through the DMS. From syringe pump Nebulizing Gas Nebulizer . Needle Electrospray Voltage T ....... DMS -G Ground Plate Sa np e - Uetec r Interface To exhaust vent Figure 25 Modified T-junction 51 -- DMS system configuration Data was collected in the following manner: data was recorded continuously for 10 minutes of background data without any sample injection, then sample was injected in twenty one-minute pulses with one minute breaks in between. This sampling sequence would create many replicates of data to be used to inspect the changes in the ion spectra due to sample introduction. Additionally, this number of replicates was needed to create a dataset large enough to successfully process using classification algorithms implemented by Correlogic. 3.7.3 Results After analysis with Correlogic's lead cluster mapping and genetic algorithms, it was concluded that data taken for different proteins could not be meaningfully differentiated. Possible reasons for this may have been that the path length along which ions must travel was too long, and was causing the ions to lose charge by the time they reached the DMS. Additionally, it was assumed that by shielding the inner Ni-63 radioactive ionizing source within the DMS, the efficiency of the ESI process could be better observed. However, shielding of the ionization source may have reduced the number of ions entering the DMS and adversely affected the sensitivity of the sensor. These results also indicated that the amount of ionized material reaching the DMS was insufficient for detection. In order to transport more ions created by ESI to the sensor, a slight pressure drop was applied to the outlet of the DMS in subsequent experiments using an air pump. The pressure difference from the inlet of the SDI to the outlet of the DMS was at most 0.015 atm, so the system would essentially still be operating at atmospheric pressure. 52 3.8 Prototype 1 Interface The ESI unit is attached to the interface by a hinge so that the unit can swing open and closed to allow for adjustment of components in the ionization chamber. The interface was designed to allow the ESI and AP-MALDI units to be easily interchanged from the interface, and so employs the mechanical mating scheme used by the Agilent TOF-MS. Further detail of interface design is located in 3.3. 3.8.1 Design of the Interface Conclusions from characterization experiments of flow rates, pressure differentials, and ion path lengths gathered allowed for the successful test of and data collection with the prototype 1 interface. Several changes were made to the initial design. First, the DMS sensor was attached to the interface at a much shorter distance than in the initial design. Additionally, a great deal of electrical breakdown was observed in the interface for voltages as small as -2500 V. As shown in the below, arcing was observed at the areas circled. The arcing occurred because the distance between elements connected to different electrical potentials was too small. The electric field generated was strong enough to overcome the breakdown strength of air, and create arcing. Additionally, these parts contained sharp edges, at which the electric field became particularly strong. After trimming some of the metal away on the parts where evidence of arcing - bum marks were discovered, the extraction voltage could be increased to -4.5 kV with no additional arcing. 53 Figure 26 Inner component of prototype 1 interface where arcing was observed 3.8.2 Experimental Method for Testing of the Prototype I Interface Based on observations and conclusions from the ESI characterization experiments and others, a dataset using the prototype I interface was collected for the proteins BSA and ubiquitin. Operating conditions for the system are summarized in Table 4. Table 4 Operating Conditions for Experiment using the prototype 1 interface Experimental Value System Parameter Carrier Gas Carrier Gas Temperature Break-up Gas Break-Up Gas Temperature Nebulization Gas Pump Flow Rate Extraction Voltage DMS RF voltage Sample (n 50:50 methanol: water, 1 mM Acetic acid in a 5 ml disposable syringe at room temperature) Sample Infusion Rate 50 ml/min hour until stabilized Heaters on for 3 L/min Heaters on for 1/2 hour until stabilized 1 L/min 500 ml/min -3200V 1400 V 50 pg/mI BSA 50 pg/ml ubiquitin 20 pl/min Samples of Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) and ubiquitin were prepared by diluting the proteins to a concentration of 50 ug/ml in a solvent of 50:50:0.1 %water: methanol: acetic acid. These samples were loaded into 3 ml syringes from Becton Dickinson. Each syringe needle tip was connected to the ESI sample inlet via 1/16 inch inner diameter Teflon tubing. Each syringe was loaded onto the Harvard Apparatus PHD 2000 syringe 54 pump which injected sample into the needle at a rate of 20 [1l/min. The sample sequence for collecting data consisted of the collection of 4 minutes of background data collection, and 1 minute of data collection when the analyte solution is injected into the ESI needle. This sequence is summarized in Table 5. Table 5 Sampling sequence for modified ion-optics interface data collection Time (min) DMS action Sample off 0 Start recording 4 on off End recording 5 3.8.3 Results Figure 27 shows a plot of one data replicate representing 5 minutes of data. The horizontal axis is in units of scans which are equivalent to time: I scan is recorded every 1.5 seconds. The vertical axis represents the compensation voltage, which ranges from -40 V to +10 V. The pixel intensity represents the ion abundance detected. The dark line running across the center of the plot represents a high abundance peak in the ion spectra. Sample is actively injected into the system between scans 80 and 120. There is a small time lag between when the syringe pump begins injection, and when the sample reaches the sensor, so the spectrum is still perturbed after scan 120. 55 250 200 CD 0)150 0 0 100 2 E 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Scan Number Figure 27 Data replicate from prototype 1 Interface Data set Correlogic algorithms were used to develop models for classification which could distinguish between ubiquitin and BSA with 100% accuracy. The results of their analyses revealed that the most successful classification models were built from data obtained when the radioactive ionization source inside the DMS sensor was left unshielded, and in the 2 minutes of data collected right after sample was no longer actively injected into the ESI needle. 3.9 Modified Ion-Optics Interface The prototype 1 ESI-DMS interface was modified to allow a higher voltage to be applied to the outer capillary tube shield, and will be referred to as the modified ion-optics interface. The motivation behind this design change came from conclusions drawn 56 during current measurement experiments with the Langmuir probe that the metal surrounding the entrance to the high voltage capillary shield also needed to be connected to a relatively high potential. Previously, this metal fixture was connected to earth ground. The modified application of high voltages is expected to create a stronger, more directed electric field that will extract more ions from the ESI plume, and accelerate them into the inlet of the DMS sensor. 3.9.1 Hardware/instrumentation Setup In the new design, a layer of Teflon insulation was added in between the capillary shield and the rest of the interface to electrically isolate the capillary shield, see Figure 28. Because the Teflon insulation would be positioned between two elements of different electric potentials, it was necessary to ensure that the thickness of the insulation was sufficient to prevent breakdown of the material occurring. The dielectric strength of Teflon is 1500 kV/inch. Based on restrictions of part sizes in the interface, a Teflon insulating shield 43 mm in thickness was selected to isolate the external capillary shield from the rest of the interface. A drawing of the interface after modification is shown in Figure 28. 57 Sample -Detector Interface ESI Unit- High Voltage extraction capillary Figure 28 Schematic of the modified ESI-DMS interface with modified ion-optics. A voltage divider was built to apply different voltages to the capillary shield and the inner capillary tube using a single power supply. A schematic of the voltage divider is show in Figure 29. When the inner capillary is connected to a voltage of -3.2 kV, and the outer capillary shield is connected to the node 'E', shown in Figure 29, the voltage applied to the outer capillary shield is approximately -2.7 kV. 58 -HV 0 c B A E F G H K 0 N M Q P GND Figure 29 Schematic of voltage divider for ESI-DMS interface The voltage divider offers flexibility in generating a wide range of voltages thus enabling optimization. Table 6 lists the voltages measured at the outer capillary shield when it is connected to the various nodes shown in Figure 29 and an inner capillary voltage of 3200 V is applied. Node as labeled on Figure 29 A B C o E F G H I J K L M N o P Q Outer Capillary Shield Volt~ge (kV) -3.133 -3.029 -2.926 -2.822 -2.722 -2.62 -2.517 -2.415 -2.313 -2.211 -2.11 -2.01 -1.908 -1.808 -1.703 -1.6 -1.502 Table 6 Voltage at outer capillary shield when voltage on inner capillary shield is -3200 V. 59 With the ESI needle grounded, these voltages create a strong electric field directing ions into the capillary entrance. The modification was made to improve on the previous design which did not appear to effectively extract ions from the ESI sample plume. The new design is expected to create a stronger field effect thus improving ion extraction. Preliminary results indicate an improvement with the modified interface. 3.9.2 Initial Test of the Modified Ion-Optics Interface In these experiments, the carrier gas was run at a flow rate of 300 ml/min, the breakup gas at 3 L/min, nebulizing gas at 1 L/min, and pump at a flow rate of 500 ml/min. Additionally, the rate of sample infusion was 10 ml/min, the RF voltage was set to 1.4 kV, and the DMS radioactive ionization source was left unshielded. The carrier gas, break up gas, and pump and their respective heaters were on through all experiments. The DMS was allowed to flush with N2 in between experiments to remove any possible saturation due to water. A summary of experimental conditions is located in Table 7. Table 7 Summary of experimental conditions for initial test with modified ion-optics interface. System Parameter Carrier Gas Carrier Gas Temperature Break-up Gas Break-Up Gas Temperature Nebulization Gas Pump Flow Rate Extraction Voltage Voltage applied to External Cap DMS RF voltage Sample (50:50 methanol: water, 1 mM Acetic acid in a 5 ml disposable syringe at room -temperature) Sample Infusion Rate Experimental Value 300 ml/min Heaters on for 1/2 hour until stabilized 3 L/min Heaters on for hour until stabilized 1 L/min 500 ml/min -3200 V -2700 V 1400 V 50 pg/ml BSA 20 pl/min In the first test, the extraction voltage was turned off, and sample was pulsed on and off for 1 minute, with 3 minutes in between on-pulses. 60 In the second test, the extraction voltage was kept on for the duration of the experiment. In the third experiment, the Extraction voltage was turned on for 1 minute before the sample was infused. Both sample and extraction voltage were turned on for one minute, and then simultaneously shut off. The purpose of conducting tests in this manner was to generate data to compare the effects of the different factors on the ion spectra. From data taken in the first test, the effect of sample introduction alone could be observed. From the second test, the effect of the extraction voltage on the entire duration of data collection could be observed. The data from the third experiment would provide information on the effect that the absence of an electric field would have on the spectra after sample was no longer being ejected. It would provide data to compare the effects of the electric field on attracting residual ions from the ionization chamber into the DMS. These experiments were also repeated when the ionization source inside the DMS was shielded so that the efficacy of the ESI needle as the sole source of ions could be seen. 3.9.3 Results of Initial Experiment with Modified Ion-Optics Interface The changes in data for experiments where the ionization source was shielded were too subtle to reveal any obvious trends to the observer. The results from experiments conducted with an unshielded DMS ionization source showed much clearer evidence of changes that the modified ion-optics interface might be having on the ion spectra, and are discussed below. The spectrum in (a) was collected with no extraction voltage applied (Vext = 0 V). During collection of the spectrum in Figure 30(b), the inner capillary and outer capillary shield voltages were set to -3.2 kV and -2.7 kV, respectively. The voltages were turned 61 on at the time of injection and immediately turned off at the end of the injection. For the spectrum shown in Figure 30 (c), the inner and outer capillary shield voltages were again set to -3.2 kV and -2.7kV, however, they were left on during the entire experiment. As can be seen, the recovery time for the reactive ion peaks is longer in frame (c) of than it is in frame (b) and shows greater perturbations than in frame (a). 10 10 Cz CO 0 0 >-1 >-10 C -20 0) C(S-20 C-3 C -30 0 E E 0 0 -40 100 300 200 400 Scan Number -40 500 100 (a) 300 200 400 Scan Number 500 (b) 10 CD>-10o C 0 0 40 100 200 3 4 Scan Number 500 (c) Figure 30 (a) DMS positive ion spectra for the protein BSA with extraction voltage turned off (b) DMS spectra with extraction voltage turned on and off in synch with sample injection (c) DMS spectra with extraction voltages on for entire duration of experiment. These perturbations are evidence that the modified ion-optics interface has made some difference in the ion spectra. Additionally, the long recovery time for the reactive ion peak indicated that the modified interface caused a change in the typical behavior of the ion spectra after sample injection. As a result, a larger more rigorous data set was 62 collected to verify the observations of the initial test data, and to determine whether the proteins BSA and ubiquitin could be better differentiated from one another using this modified system. 3.9.4 Experimental Method for the Modified Ion-Optics Interface The modified interface was further evaluated by generating an additional dataset to test with the classification algorithms. Ubiquitin and BSA were employed to generate 120 data files of each protein collected with the same experimental conditions as those of the original prototype 1 interface as described in the previous section, 3.8.2. Improvements in classification accuracy observed in these experiments will serve as evidence of improved performance for this interface. A summary of experimental conditions is shown in Table 8. All conditions were the same as those in the experiments run with the prototype I Interface so that only changes due to the modification of the ion-optics would be seen between the two datasets. As a result of Correlogic's finding that classification was possible with greater accuracy far data taken when the internal Ni63 source inside the DMS was unshielded, only data with the unshielded ionization source was collected in this experiment. 63 Table 8 Summary of operating conditions for modified ion-optics interface data set System Parameter Carrier Gas Carrier Gas Temperature Break-up Gas Break-Up Gas Temperature Nebulization Gas QDump Experimental Value 50 ml/min Heaters on for hour until stabilized 3 L/min Heaters on for 1/2 hour until stabilized 1 L/min 500 ml/min nominal Extraction Voltage Voltage applied to External Cap DMS RF voltage Sample (in 50:50 methanol: water, 1 mM Acetic acid in a 5 ml disposable syringe at room temperature) Sample Infusion Rate -3200 V -2700 V 1400 V 50 pg/ml BSA 50 pg/ml Ubiquitin 20 pl/min Before the start of data collection, heaters in the system were both turned on for an hour to allow the temperature of the gasses to stabilize. Additionally the DMS sensor was powered on 20 minutes prior to data collection to allow the sensor to warm up. It was observed that such a warm-up period drastically reduced the amount of electric noise that arose later on in data collection. The sampling sequence, as summarized in Table 9, first collects 4 minutes of background data, and then 1 minute of data in which the syringe pump injects sample into the ESI needle at a flow rate of 20 pl/min. Each 5 minute cycle was collected in sets of 40, on 3 different days, at different times of day, for a total of 120 replicates for each protein. By splitting the data collection over different days and times, any day-to-day variations in the instrumentation that would affect the data could be accounted for in later analyses. The syringe pump software and DMS software were both set to automatically collect these 40 replicate sets. In between each set collection, the DMS was allowed to purge at 400 ml/min of carrier gas for 15 minutes to remove any residual analyte from the ion pathway. The gas temperatures were then allowed to restabilize over the course of an hour after returning all flow rate set points to experimental conditions. 64 Table 9 Sampling sequence for modified ion-optics interface data collection Time (min) DMS action Sample 0 Start recording off 4 on off End recording 5 Results 3.9.5 One replicate of data collected using the modified ion-optics interface is shown in Figure 31. Given the slightly different sampling sequence, the portion of the replicate in which sample is actively injected into the system occurs in between scans 1 and 50. 10 5 0 -5 (D 0) 0 -10 -15 -20 U) 0. E 0 -25 0 -30 -35 -40 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Scan Number Figure 31 Plot of single replicate from modified ion-optics interface data set 3.10 Data Analysis Methods One of the greatest challenges in designing the ESI-DMS classification system is the development of data analysis methods. The different methods for introducing ions into 65 the DMS greatly change the resulting spectra, so methods for extracting information about biomarkers must change according to the form of the data. In developing the ESI-DMS system, it was necessary to discern whether ions were being introduced into the DMS before the development of classification tools could even be considered. Fourier transform calculations were used to determine whether or not there were changes in the DMS spectra due to ions which could not be easily discerned in the raw data. In the following sections, Fourier transforms of data taken using the different ESI-DMS interfaces will be presented. Classification by construction of decision trees is also introduced as an alternative to lead cluster mapping and genetic algorithms as a method for developing models for classifying biological substances. 3.10.1 Fourier Transforms. Fourier transforms, introduced in section 2.5.1, have traditionally been used to show the frequency content of time varying electrical signals. The data in the case of the DMS are also electrical signals, but vary based on different compensation voltages instead of time. The Fourier transform, however, can still be used to inspect the data from this sensor because it preserves all information from the original signal and can be used to uniquely reconstruct the original untransformed signal. Additionally, there are many techniques in existence for other applications which extract information from seemingly indecipherable signals using Fourier transforms. For instance, ion-encephalogram signals are processed using Fourier methods to reveal information about irregularities in the heartbeat[38]. 66 For data obtained from the ESI-DMS system, the Fourier transform was employed to determine whether or not changes in the spectra indiscernible in the raw data had occurred due to the introduction of ions via the ESI-DMS interface. Figure 31 shows an The units on the horizontal axis example of raw spectra obtained from the DMS. The vertical axis correspond to time - one scan is recorded every 1.6 seconds. corresponds to compensation voltage axis and pixel intensity corresponds to the ion abundance detected, both in units of Volts. In regions 1 and 2 of Figure 32, sample is not injected into the nebulizing needle. In regions 3 and 4, sample is injected into the nebulizing needle, and a slight change can be seen in the DMS spectra. 10 5 0 -5 -10 0 -15 C -25 E 0 -30 -35 -40 A~ 1 150 100 50 250 200 scar number 2 3 4 Figure 32 Raw DMS spectra for data collected using modified T-junction capillary interface. The plots shown in Figure 33 show the Fourier transform of the raw data from Figure 32. The transform plot was created by computing the one-dimensional discrete Fourier 67 transforms of each scan from the raw data. The plot on the left hand side of Figure 33 shows the magnitude of each of the scan transforms, and the plot on the right hand side of Figure 33 shows the phase of each scan transform. At scan 120, when sample is first introduced into the system, a slight change can be seen visually in the spectra of Figure 32. When inspecting both the magnitude and phase of the Fourier transforms of these scans, however, a much more striking change is apparent between the last two regions and the first two regions than is apparent in the raw data. 1 450 450 400 400 350 350 300 300 250 250 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 Cr LL 200 200 150 150 50 100 150 200 50 2M0 100 - 150 :200 2M0 Scan Number Scan Number Figure 33 1-Dimensional Fourier transform magnitude (left) and phase (right) Fourier transform calculations for data taken using the prototype 1 interface and modified-ion optics interface also show clear differences between data taken when sample was introduced into the sensor and when it was not. In Figure 34, a subtle difference can be seen in the transformed scans collected when sample was introduced into the DMS sensor, scans 80 through 120, using the prototype 1 interface. All other scans were collected when sample solution was not actively injected into the system. The change in the scans can also be seen in the plot of the phase of the Fourier transforms of this data. 68 120 100 80 CD, = 60 CU C. 40 20 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Scan Number 120' 100, 80 60 40 L. . 4 0 Scan Number Figure 34 Fourier transform magnitude (top) and phase (bottom) plots for data taken using the prototype 1 interface. Fourier transforms computed using data collected with the modified ion-optics interface are shown in Figure 35. In this data, sample was injected into the system during scans 1 through 50. The plot of the magnitudes of the transforms show much more variation at 69 higher frequencies for scans collected when sample was injected into the system than do the scans collected when sample was not injected. 120 100 80 0 LL 20 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Scan Number 1 80 se a, 6C a, Scan Number Figure 35 Fourier transform magnitude (left) and phase (right) plots for data taken using the modified ion-optics interface. In the case where signal is very faint, such as in the data collected using the modified Tjunction interface, even Fourier transformation can not amplify differences enough to 70 indicate changes in spectra. The Fourier transform magnitude and phase plots for such data are shown in Figure 36. 450 400 350 r 300 C 250 200 L 150 100 50 200 400 800 600 1000 1400 1200 1UU 10U Scan Number 450 >3" wr. 400 ~., 1, -C 350 'I S 300 1 P >4 250 it ~. t U- 100 50 200 400 600 1000 800 1200 1400 1600 1800 Scan Number Figure 36 Fourier transform magnitude and phase plots for data collected with the modified Tjunction interface The striking changes seen in the Fourier transforms of DMS data indicate that the Fourier representation of DMS data may be used to more readily detect the presence of 71 biomarkers because differences are more obvious in these transformations than in the unaltered representation of the data. Fourier Transform computations help to amplify changes in the DMS spectra, and have been useful in determining when ions have successfully been transported from the ESI unit to the DMS using different interfaces. 3.10.2 Decision Tree Analysis As described in the introduction, decision tree analysis is a method for building anonparametric classification model. The creation of a decision tree, also known as a classification tree, yields a tree structure that contains classification tests at the nodes, and classes at the leaves. To construct a decision tree to classify the proteins BSA and ubiquitin, an equal number of replicates were randomly chosen from the dataset for each protein. The Matlab function treefitO, which uses the algorithm for creating decision trees as described by Breiman [30] was given the training scans from each protein, and labels for each of the those scans indicating the classification of that scan. Another random sampling of the dataset, again an equal number of scans from each protein, was taken to create a testing dataset. The testing data set was classified using the resulting decision tree to determine how accurately that tree could classify data. Random sampling of the entire data set was used to make sure that neither the testing set nor the training set was biased. Additionally, random sampling would allow for the anomalies in data that occurred from replicate to replicate to be incorporated, or rather ignored, in the creation of the decision trees. By randomly sampling the entire dataset to create the training data set, anomalies 72 would be more likely to be ignored as classification features because fewer samples would be likely to have the same anomalies if they were randomly chosen. To determine the optimal number of scans to use in creating decision trees and to characterize the performance of decision trees on ESI-DMS data, trees were built with multiples of 10 from 10 to 200 scans from each of the protein data sets. The data set for each protein had about 40 scans during which sample was injected. Because there was evidence of ions entering the sensor for some time after sample was no longer inject, the 10 scans after the 40 scan 'on' period were also considered suitable for building the classification trees. Since there were 120 data replicates per protein, and 50 scans per replicate that could be used for training, there were a total of 6000 scans from which to randomly select the training and testing sets. Twenty trees were built with each different set size. Each of these 20 trees was then tested with an equally sized testing set to determine the true accuracy. The percentage of incorrectly classified scans was computed and averaged over the 20 trees for each of the training set sizes. A similar method was used to compute the classification error for trees constructed using data collected with the modified Tjunction/capillary interface for urea and desmosine. Because this dataset was smaller, a maximum of only 1200 scans could be used to build the training and testing sets. A smaller step size in training and testing set sizes was used in order to observe a trend. A plot of the resulting average accuracies is shown in Figure 37. In this plot, the accuracy trends for the data set from the prototype I interface, the modified ion-optics interface, and the modified T-junction interface are shown. For the datasets from these 73 three interfaces, as the number of scans in the training and testing sets increases, the amount of error in classifying the testing set decays nearly exponentially. Error in classification of the prototype I interface data is higher than error in classification for the modified ion-optics interface for each of the training and testing set sizes, and classification error for the T-junction interface is higher than errors for both of those interfaces. The change in classification error for increasing tree size became almost negligible, with the error in classification using 1600 scans nearly the same as that for trees built with 2000 and 2400 scans. For both prototype 1 and modified ion-optics datasets, however, classification error was the smallest for trees created with 2400 randomly chosen data scans. The tree with lowest classification error for the modified Tjunction interface was constructed using 1200 scans. These large trees were used for subsequent analyses. * -+- Error in Modified Interface Data -u-- Error in Prototype I Interface Data Error in T-junction Data 60 55 10 45 05 S400- 30 M2520 1510- 0 500 1500 1000 2000 2500 Training and Testing Set Size Figure 37 Classification error for varying testing and training set sizes, for three different datasets 74 When decision trees are built with many data-points, the chances of over-fitting the classification model to the data and worsening classification accuracy rises greatly. One way to prevent over-fitting is to prune the decision tree after training. Pruning involves the removal of some classification test nodes, and replacing them with class assignments. The removal of test nodes effectively removes branches from the decision tree, hence pruning. As branches are removed, the tree will actually be more robust in classification because the chances of misclassification will be lower in the long run. One method for determining the optimal pruning level of a tree is called cross-validation. The first step in cross-validation is determining the resubstitution error. Resubstitution error is the proportion of the original training data that is misclassified by different subsets of the original, unpruned tree. In the cross validation method, the original data set is divided into a set that is 10% of the original data, and another set that is 90% of the original data. A tree is built using 90% of the data, and then tested by classifying the separated 10% of data with that tree. This is repeated until all the different 10% portions of data have been classified. For trees of different sizes that are pruned version of the original tree, the resubstitution error is first calculated, and then cross-validation is used to compute the true-error for the different trees. 75 0.5 I - ~ I 0.45 I I -- Cross-validation - o Resubstitution Min + I std. err. Best choice 80 90 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0 L, 0.2 - 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 10 20 30 50 60 40 Number of terminal nodes 70 Figure 38 Error and minimum cost for optimally pruned tree for data collected using modified Tjunction interface. Figure 38 shows a plot of the cross-validation error and minimum cost for different tree sizes of data collected using the modified T-junction capillary interface. It is evident that the optimal classification tree contains many terminal nodes. This indicates that the data is not easily classifiable because many different test nodes are necessary to make a decision. In comparison to the number of nodes in the optimally pruned trees for prototype 1 and modified ion-optics, this dataset requires an extremely large number of classification tests. These results imply two different conclusions. First, urea and desmosine may be extremely similar in the way they alter the DMS spectra and so classification using 76 decision trees may be difficult as evidenced by the large number of terminal nodes in the optimally pruned tree. Second, the interface may not have properly transported ions to the sensor, so ion signal may have been extremely weak. The weak ion signal may have made the spectra of the two substances look very similar, making classification difficult. In both cases, the resulting decision tree shows that classification can not be easily performed on this data. The large number of terminal nodes also means that the tree may be over-fitted to the data, and will perform poorly on data not used for training. For the plots in Figure 39, the resubstitution error decreases with increasing tree size. However, after a certain point, the cross-validation error no longer decreases, and in fact seems to increase. The optimal tree-pruning level is indicated by the circled part of the cross-validation trend line. The optimal pruning level corresponds to the cross-validation error which is within one standard error of the minimum. This assures that although the optimum tree is not chosen, a smaller tree, less computationally expensive tree that performs roughly as well as the optimal tree is chosen. For the dataset collected using the prototype 1 interface, the optimal number of terminal nodes for a tree built with 2400 scans is about 19. For the dataset collected using the modified ion-optics interface, the optimal number of terminal nodes for a tree built with 2400 scans is about 21. The difference in the optimal tree sizes for the different data sets is very small. This result also shows that a large number of data scans can be correctly classified by a relatively small tree, because trees with up to 80 terminal nodes were tested as well, but did not show the smallest error. 77 0.5 0.45 o Cross-validation Resubstitution Min+ 1 std.err. Best choice 0.4 0.35 0.3 *0.25- .. 0.2 - \ 0.150.15 0 - 0 30 20 10 60 50 40 Number of terminal nodes 80 70 05 90 100 SCross-validation 0.45 -- Resubstitution + 1 std. err. SBest choice -Mmn 0.4 0.35 e tc oc 0.5 &0.42 0.25 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 - 0 10 20 50 40 30 Number of terminal nodes 60 70 80 Figure 39 Cost versus number of terminal nodes in tree built with 2400 data scans from prototype 1 interface data set (top), and modified ion-optics interface data set (bottom). 78 An example of an optimally pruned classification tree for the modified ion-optics interface is shown below in Figure 40. Figure 40 Best pruned classification tree for modified ion-optics interface Each of the nodes in the decision trees can be interpreted as bio-markers for the two different proteins. The nodes in the tree are labeled with the vector indices for which the ion abundances of the protein scans differed most. The topmost node in each tree provides the broadest division between the two proteins, and can therefore be considered the most prominent biomarker. Both trees seem to have the indices 159 and 123-126 in common at the top of the trees. These correspond to compensation voltages of -8.237V, and -15.5V to -14.9. These compensation voltage markers will be compared in the next section to biomarkers found using lead cluster mapping and genetic algorithms implemented by Correlogic Systems, Inc. 79 3.10.3 Correlogic Analysis Correlogic analyses have previously been used by researchers in this group to find biomarkers. The analyses and classification models provided by Correlogic have up until this point been the standard method for analyzing and classifying data collected using the DMS sensor for different sample introduction methods including pyrolysis, and SPME headspace sampling. Analyses via lead cluster mapping were unable to satisfactorily classify data collected with the modified T-junction capillary interface. Classification accuracy was about 60% which is equivalent to randomly classifying data. In the data taken using the modified Tjunction capillary interface, Correlogic analyses were unable to successfully determine the presence of biomarkers that would allow us to distinguish between proteins that were very similar in composition. One of the reasons that this may have occurred is that the data was taken while the Ni63 radiation source inside of the DMS sensor was shielded. For data collected using the prototype I interface, Correlogic was able to build three models that correctly classified BSA and ubiquitin with 100% accuracy. Classification accuracy for data collected using the modified ion-optics interface was not as high, with some models achieving high accuracies, but not 100%. Many of the features found in the successful models as classifiers were located in regions of data collected just after active sample injection had stopped. The implications of these results are twofold. First, the ESI-DMS system has been shown to be successful in analyzing bio-molecules in a way that allows for their classification. Second, most information about bio-markers is obtained after sample is no longer 80 injected through the ESI needle. This could be because the spectra at that point was no longer perturbed by the solvent ions, and that solvent ions are no longer obscuring the detection of bio-molecule ions. 3.10.4 Comparison of Analysis Methods These results of Correlogic analyses on data collected using the modified T-junction capillary interface were corroborated by the large errors in classification using decision trees. Both methods of analysis were unable to classify that dataset with great accuracy which indicates that either the urea and desmosine ions alter DMS spectra very similarly, or that the signal from both ions was so weak that they essentially looked the same. The results of Correlogic's analyses for the prototype 1 and modified ion-optics interfaces were corroborated by the analyses using decision trees. While lead cluster mapping yielded high rates of classification accuracy, decision tree analysis provided relatively lower accuracy rates. However, these rates were based on preliminary analyses with decision trees, and may be lowered through further refinement of the application of that technique to this data. One of the advantages of the method of decision tree classification is that it can create non-parametric classification functions. It seems that much of the data obtained from the DMS is nonlinear data in that the data is very different based on the mixture of substances present in the sample. It is unclear whether the biomarkers for different substances are simply added together when mixtures of those substances are introduced into the DMS. The features specific to certain bio-molecules might not be easily deconvolved from the signals and biomarkers created by other substances. 81 One of the problems with analyses using lead cluster mapping and genetic algorithms may be that biomarkers chosen may actually be artifacts introduced by instrumentation effects. To combat these problems, data must be collected over a longer period of time so that artifacts due to normal instrument variation are not picked out as common features for many different data replicates. Decision tree classification may also fall prone to classification based on artifacts present in many replicates of training data. However, decision tree partitions are based on the entire data scan, rather than on randomly chosen features in the data, which make it more robust against artifacts that may be randomly chosen as biomarkers. Lead cluster mapping is also a computationally expensive, and may not perform well on data replicates which contain large numbers of features, because the chances for randomly choosing the correct biomarkers will decrease as the number of features across which the model is being built grows. Decision trees provide a relatively simple way of classifying large numbers of chemicals, and may prove to be less computationally expensive than the lead-cluster mapping algorithms implemented in ProteomeQuest@. In preliminary testing, decision trees have been shown to provide relatively low classification error rates for large numbers of sample scans. With further work to explore different ways of building training and tests of data sets, these errors rates may potentially go to zero. In the work presented, trees were built on the basis of single data scans, rather than on entire replicates. If the biomarkers for chemicals are dependent on time as well as on compensation voltage, then it will be necessary to develop a method for creating decision trees based on 2-dimensional data. 82 4 AP-MALDI-DMS Instrumentation Development and Analysis This chapter describes the function and optimization of the SDI when used to couple the AP-MALDI unit to the DMS. This chapter is divided into sections on the intial test of the interface, optimization experiments for the system, and data analysis techniques for DMS signal output. Results from these experiments are aiding the design of a second generation interface and AP-MALDI-DMS system. 4.1 Background One of the main purposes for using the AP-MALDI technique with the DMS is that it is a 'soft' ionization process. Whereas other methods of ionization tend to destroy macromolecules, the degree to which ions are fragmented in the AP-MALDI process is relatively low [2]. If large molecules are fragmented during ionization, then the individual components will be detected by the DMS, and the macromolecule as a whole will be harder to identify. Preservation of the macromolecule as a whole in an ionized state will simplify the resultant DMS spectra, and improve its ability to identify the specific macromolecule. A detailed description of the AP-MALDI process is discussed in Chapter 1. The following sections describe in detail the instrumental setup of the AP-MALDI-DMS system, the experimental procedures and results of the hardware optimization experiments, and data analysis methods used for the DMS data generated. As in the ESIDMS system, ions are created by the AP-MALDI unit, transported from the point of ionization to the DMS sensor by the interface, and detected by the DMS sensor. From 83 the following experimentation and analysis, it was found that the AP-MALDI-DMS system did successfully create ions and transport them to the DMS sensor. Additionally, findings from the optimization experiments validated the function of the interface as it was designed to operate. 4.2 Hardware Description - materials and methods 4.2.1 The AP-MALDI-DMS system A block diagram of the entire AP-MALDI-DMS system is shown in Figure 8. The APMALDI sample introduction unit is connected to the Sample-to-Detector Interface (SDI) which is in turn connected to the DMS unit. The outlet of the DMS is connected to a pump which only creates a very small pressure drop of at most .013 atm from the ionization chamber to the outlet of the DMS. DMS control and data acquisition is achieved using a computer. A complete description of the system is located in section 3.1. 4.2.2 The MALDI unit The AP-MALDI unit used in these studies is an accessory for the Agilent, Inc. Time of Flight mass spectrometer (TOF-MS, G1969A, Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA). The unit consists of a translational sample plate, a laser, and a control unit operated via computer. A camera, mirrors, and an LCD screen allow the user to view the position of the laser relative to the target plate prior to and during sample ablation. The unit's target software allows the specification of the laser firing pattern, repetition rate, plate geometry, and desorption time. Users also have the capability of changing the power output of the laser, which can be optimized for different matrix compounds. Samples are 84 dispensed on the surface of a 96 spot gold-coated stainless steel target plate. For all studies conducted, the laser firing rate was set to 10 Hz and the laser ablation pattern to a spiral geometry. Each spot was ablated for 60 seconds. 4.2.3 The interface A small schematic of the gas flows through the AP-MALDI-DMS interface is shown in Figure 41. As discussed in Section 3.3, heated break up gas exits the front of the interface to break apart sample ion clusters before they enter the interface, and the carrier gas flow provides the nitrogen environment for DMS operation. After ion extraction by the high voltage electric field, a small pressure drop created by a pump at the outlet of the DMS propels ions into the sensor. The ions travel from the AP-MALDI unit to the DMS via a glass capillary located in the center of the interface. Gas Break-upCarrier Gas ----. .... .----. ..> o DM S Sample ions Glass Capillary Figure 41 Cutaway view of major substance flows in the prototype 1 interface A metal extraction capillary tube and Teflon PTFE shield for use with the AP-MALDI unit is attached to the interface in place of the capillary shield that was present in the ESIDMS interface. Figure 42 shows the different attachments to the interface for the different ionization methods. The additional extraction capillary for the AP-MALDI unit 85 is necessary because the location of ionization is further away in the AP-MALDI unit than it is in the ESI unit. The extraction capillary acts as an extension to overcome the change in distance so that the strength of the electric field between the target plate and the extraction capillary is maintained. Figure 42 (a) SDI with AP-MALDI capillary interface components: 1. Teflon high voltage insulator, 2. break-up gas cylinder, 3. capillary extension. (b) SDI with ESI capillary interface components: 1. break-up gas outlet, 2. glass capillary inlet (figure courtesy of Ernest Kim). A macro view of the interface, with the AP-MALDI sample introduction unit attached to the interface in the open position is shown in Figure 9. The interface was designed for operation with both ESI and AP-MALDI introduction units, and so it employs the mechanical mating scheme used by the Agilent TOF-MS. The Agilent TOF-MS and the Prototype I interface both use a hinge and latch mechanism to allow the ESI and APMALDI sample introduction units to be easily interchanged. This mechanism also allows easy access into the ionization chamber for component adjustment, sample loading, and clean-up. 4.2.4 Sample Preparation technique Samples for AP-MALDI ionization must first be mixed with a matrix that will aid in the ionization of the sample. When the laser fires on the sample-matrix mixture, matrix molecules absorb enough energy to break the crystal bonds causing matrix-sample 86 clusters to desorb from the plate, and charge transfer from matrix ions to the sample. The compounds used as matrix were a-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (a-CHC) and dihydroxybenzoic acid. The matrix is first diluted in a solvent mixture which is 75% water, 24% isopropyl alcohol, and 1% acetic acid to a concentration of 2 mg/ml. The analyte is then dissolved in the matrix solution to a concentration of 100 nM. Volumes of 0.5 pl and 1 tl were micro-pipetted onto a target plate spot, and allowed to dry at room temperature for 5 minutes. 4.3 Preliminary Testing 4.3.1 Experimental Conditions Initial experimental conditions for the AP-MALDI-DMS system were based on required operating conditions for the DMS, Agilent TOF operation, and tests on the AP-MALDI to determine the optimal pump flow rate. The carrier gas was operated at 350 ml/min, and the pump flow rate at 500 ml/min. Typical experimental conditions are summarized in Table 10. The RF voltage of the DMS sensor was set to +1400 V to allow for maximum ion separation and filtration, and compensation voltage was set to scan across a voltage range of -40 V to +10 V DC in 250 steps of 0.2 V. Table 10 Experimental conditions for initial experiments with AP-MALDI-DMS system. System Parameters Carrier Gas Flow Rate Carrier Gas Heater Break Up gas Flow Rate Break Up Gas Heater Pump Flow Rate Extraction Voltage RF Voltage Experiment condition 350 ml/min On 1.5 L/min Off 500 ml/min -3000V 1400V 87 Data was collected in the following sequence: collection of background DMS signal for 1 minute, laser ablation on clean plate surface for 1 minute, background collection for 1 minute, and then laser ablation on plate with sample for 1 minute, as shown in Figure 43. Each sequence was replicated 5 times per sample type. Data was collected when the laser was off and when firing on a clean surface of the target plate so that the effects of laser fire could be isolated from the data obtained when a sample was ablated. By collecting data for different conditions of the laser and the plate, the ion signal could be discerned from possible background noise rising from the laser or target plate surface contaminants. CI) CU 1 mn 1 min 1 min Blank Spot Sample spot 1 mn Plate position Figure 43 Timing diagram of sample introduction 4.3.2 Results of Preliminary Testing Results from this preliminary testing indicated there was a clear change in the DMS spectra from the background signal during the time when the laser ablated plate areas that contained sample-matrix mixtures. AP-MALDI-DMS data can be visualized as a three dimensional plot where the horizontal axis is time, measured in scan numbers (1.5 sec/scan), and the vertical axis is the compensation voltage axis. The intensity of the pixel coloe for any given time and compensation voltage pair refers to the ion abundance detected. A typical 3-dimensional plot of data is shown in Figure 44. The left most frame shows a plot of data corresponding to DMS signal recorded when the laser is 88 turned off. The middle frame was recorded when a blank or unspotted area of the target plate was ablated. As can be seen, there is no noticeable change from the background data in the first frame. The rightmost frame of data in Figure 44 was recorded during laser ablation of a sample spot on the target plate. There is a clear difference in the data roughly 12-14 peaks per scan - from data taken when sample was not ablated. The presence of clear changes in signal when sample was ablated is evidence that AP-MALDI ionized substances are successfully being introduced into the DMS via the custom interface. 10 10 5 5 5 0 0 0 -5 -5 -5 -10 -10 -10 C., 10 -15 C., C., -15 -15 -20 -20 -20 -25 -25 -25 -30 -30 -30 -35 -35 -35 -40 30 20 10 scan number (a) -40 30 10 20 scan number (b) -40 30 20 10 scan number (c) Figure 44 Ion spectra from AP-MALDI-DMS system. (a) Shows data taken when laser is off (b) Data recorded when laser fired on blank plate (c) Data collected when laser fired on sample spot. 89 These data are further analyzed in the data analysis section below. Subsequent to this test, further experiments were conducted to optimize the operating conditions of the APMALDI-DMS system. 4.4 Optimization Upon the initial proof-of-principle demonstration discussed in the previous section, studies were conducted to determine the experimental conditions corresponding to optimum instrument performance. Instrument parameters that could easily be adjusted, and believed to have an impact on ion signal were optimized to produce strong, lownoise, reproducible DMS spectra. The studies included determination of sample depletion time, optimal ion extraction voltage, and optimal flow rates for the break up gas, and the air pump. The spotting pattern for the sample plates is shown in Figure 45 below. Blank spots were left between sample spots to prevent samples from adjacent spots from mixing, and to provide clean areas for ablation when it was necessary to collect baseline data of spectra where sample was not ablated. 1 A B - 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ---- ----- C D E F G H Figure 45 AP-MALDI target plate sample spot 90 layout 10 11 12 4.4.1 Sample Depletion Time To accurately design system optimization experiments, it was necessary to first determine how long a spot could be ablated before sample depletion led to reduced ion signal in the DMS. The sample depletion time dictated how long sample spots were ablated in all subsequent experiments. A summary of conditions under which this study was conducted is shown in Table 11. In 3 replicates of this study, 1 minute of background data was collected followed by the collection of 3 minutes of data during which laser ablated a target plate spot containing desmosine crystallized with the a-CHC matrix. The laser was set to remain in the same position relative to the sample spot for each replicate. Table 11 AP-MALDI-DMS experimental conditions for sample depletion time experiments. Experiment condition 350 ml/min On 1.5 L/min Off 500 ml/min -3000 V 1400 V System Parameters Carrier Gas Flow Rate Carrier Gas Heater Break Up gas Flow Rate Break Up Gas Heater Cumulative Pump Flow Rate Extraction Voltage RF Voltage The effects of laser ablation on the sample spot were examined qualitatively to determine the extent of sample depletion that occurred over time. The results of this study showed that sample could be ablated for 180 seconds without any noticeable change in the levels of the most intense (measured as peak height) ion peaks so samples could safely be ablated for at least 40 seconds. For each subsequent optimization study, data was collected in the following manner: 40 seconds of background collection followed by 40 seconds of collection during laser ablation of a sample spotted area of the target plate. 91 4.4.2 Effect of Break up Gas on Signal Quality The break up gas flows in a direction opposite to the flow of ions from the AP-MALDI target plate in order to break apart the ion clusters. De-clustering sample-matrix ions leads to "cleaner" analyte ions, enhancing the detection specificity of the particular analyte. Different break up gas flow rates are thus expected to change the quality of ions that reach the sensor. As the break up gas flow rate is increased, the force breaking up the ion clusters also increases. However, the amount of ion reaching the sensor is expected to decrease as the total force against the ion flow increases. The goal of this experiment is to determine the optimal flow rate which will provide the best declusterization, but will also allow a sufficient number of them to reach the DMS. Testing conditions for this experiment are listed in Table 12. The break up gas flow was varied between 2 and 4 L/min in 1 L/min intervals; a flow rate of 0.2 L/min was tested instead of zero flow in order to maintain a nitrogen environment in the ionization region. Table 12 AP-MALDI-DMS experimental conditions for Break up Gas. Experiment condition 350 ml/min On 4L/min, 3L/min, 2 L/min, 0.2 L/min Off 500 ml/min -3000 V 1400 V System Parameters Carrier Gas Flow Rate Carrier Gas Heater Break Up gas Flow Rate Break Up Gas Heater Cumulative Pump Flow Rate Extraction Voltage RF Voltage A plot of average DMS signal intensity as a function of break up gas flow rate is shown in Figure 46. The plot represents the average peak intensities averaged over about 900 peaks. As the breakup gas flow rate increased from 0.2 L/min to 2 L/min, the average ion peak intensity decreased. The trend is not as clear for high break up gas levels however. From flow rates of 2 L/min to 3 L/min, the average ion peak intensity seems to have 92 increased for two of the experiments, but decreased for one of the experiments. When changing the flow rate from 3 L/min to 4 L/min, the average ion intensity increased for all three replicates of the experiment. This result loosely confirms the expectation that the DMS signal intensity is decreased by an increase in the break up gas flow rate. However, the increase in average intensity for low break up gas flow rate may not actually be desirable. As discussed in greater depth in 4.5.3, the peaks seen in the AP-MALDI-DMS data seem to be highly correlated to the laser fire of the ionization unit and are due to the detection of large ion clusters. Although a low break up gas flow rate produces large ion peaks, these peaks may be due to large ion clusters desorbed during ablation, which would not reveal data about individually ionized bio-molecules. It is more desirable to detect individual ions of bio-molecules in order to better identify the analytes using subtler features in the DMS data. The subtle features in ion mobility of certain ionized bio-molecules may be obscured by the large peaks caused by detection of ion clusters. 93 1.3 I I I I I III 1.2- 1.1 C CM 0.9 0.8- 0.7 0.7 -- 0 0.5 1 1.5 2.5 2 3 3.5 4 4.5 Gas Flow (L/min) Figure 46 DMS signal intensity as a function of break up gas flow rate. 4.4.3 Effect of Pump Flow Rate on Signal Quality The amount of pump pull exerted on the DMS is expected to have a directly proportional effect on the strength of the ion signal. The pressure difference created between the ionization region and the DMS acts as a directional driving force transporting the ions into the sensor. This driving force is a small pressure difference of at most about 0.013 atm. The pump pull rates discussed below are cumulative flow rates out of the DMS comprised of gas flows due to the carrier gas and the interface inlet flow. Experimental conditions for the pump pull optimization experiments are listed in Table 13. The cumulative pump flow rate was varied between 0 and 500 ml/min in 100 m/min intervals. When the pump pull rate was 500 ml/min and the carrier gas flow rate was 94 constant at 350 m/min, the flow due to sample from the ionization chamber was 150 ml/min. Table 13 AP-MALDI-DMS experimental conditions for pump flow rate experiments. Experiment condition 350 mI/min On 1.5 L/min Off Oml/min - 500 ml/min -3000 V 1400 V System Parameters Carrier Gas Flow Rate Carrier Gas Heater Break Up gas Flow Rate Break Up Gas Heater Cumulative Pump Flow Rate Extraction Voltage RF Voltage Figure 47 shows a plot of DMS peak intensity as a function of pump pull flow rate. Each point is an average peak intensity averaged over approximately 900 peaks. Among the different optimization experiments, pump flow rate results showed the clearest trend. For cumulative flow rates between -350 and -150 ml/min, the average peak intensity is less than 0.4 V. Between flow rates of -150 and 50 ml/min, there is a clear jump to an average peak intensity of about 0.8 V. These results show that when the carrier gas flow rate is set to 350 ml/min, average signal intensity increases significantly when the cumulative flow rate out of the system is set to 400 ml/min. This result makes sense given the direction of gas flows in the interface. If the cumulative pump flow rate is 400 ml/min or more, about 350 ml/min is contributed by the carrier gas. The remaining 50 ml/min of gas flow comes from the ionization chamber where the analyte ions are created. The pump pull creates a weak force in addition to that of the high electric field to draw ions into the inlet of the interface, and ultimately to the DMS. 95 I 1 0.9- 0.8- 0.7 >, ~ % 0.6d- 03 CM 4)~ ~i0.5 / 0.4- 0.3- 0.2'I -400 -300 -200 -100 Pump Flow Rate, (ml/min) 0 100 200 Figure 47 Trend from experiment to vary pump flow rate. 4.4.4 Effect of Extraction Voltage on Signal Quality As the voltage applied to the extraction capillary increases, the electric field between the target plate and the capillary increases in strength. Equation I describes the Electric Field between the sample plate and the extraction capillary, with the simplifying assumption that the sample plate and extraction capillary are points. In Equation 1, V is the potential difference between sample plate and extraction capillary, d is the distance between the two points, and E is the strength of the electric field between them. E = V/d Equation 1 Equation 1 shows that as the voltage applied to the extraction capillary increases, the electric field between the fused silica capillary entrance and the sample plate becomes 96 larger. The stronger electric field causes a larger number of ions to be attracted into the extraction capillary. Thus, increasing the extraction voltage is expected to increase the magnitude of the ion signal. A table of the operating parameters for this experiment is listed in Table 14. The different extraction voltages for which data were collected in this study were -3, -2.5, -2, -1.5, -1, and -0.5 kV. Three replicates, following the sample pattern described at the end of 4.4.1 were collected for each voltage. Table 14 AP-MALDI-DMS experimental conditions for extraction voltage experiments. System Parameters Carrier Gas Flow Rate Carrier Gas Heater Break Up gas Flow Rate Break Up Gas Heater Cumulative Pump Flow Rate Extraction Voltage RF Voltage RF Voltage Experiment condition 350 ml/min On 1.5 L/min Off 500 ml/min -3, -2.5, -2, -1.5, -1, -0.5 kV 1400 V 1400 V Figure 48 shows average ion signal intensity as a function of the potential difference between the AP-MALDI target plate and the SDI capillary inlet. Each point is an average peak intensity averaged over approximately 900 peaks. As the extraction voltage was increased from -500 V to -1000 V, the ion peak signal increased in intensity. From extraction voltages between -1000 V and -3000 V, the average ion peak intensity appears to fluctuate around a maximum. These results show that when the extraction voltage is set to -500 V and the electric field is very weak, ion signal is lower than for any other extraction voltage. This confirms the expectation that the electric field is a guiding force in directing ions to the DMS through the SDI. For higher potential differences between the capillary inlet and the target plate, the effect on the average ion signal intensity is unclear, as averages from the three 97 experiments seem to both increase and decrease for certain changes in extraction voltage. What is clear is that a high electric field is necessary to achieve greater ion signal intensity. 1.15 - I I I -2500 -2000 -1500 I 1.1 1.05 C 7 0.95- G) C 0.9G) 0. G) 0) 0.85- 4: 0.80.75- V 0.70.65 -3500 ~ - -3000 -___ - ____ ___________ -1000 -500 0 Extraction Voltage (V) Figure 48 Trends from experiment to vary extraction voltage 4.5 Data Analysis for Finding Trends in the Data This section describes the analysis performed on the DMS data for the experiments described above. Because the AP-MALDI-DMS system is a novel one-of-a kind system, this form of data has never before been encountered. Analysis of such data is therefore a non-trivial problem because the methods for analyzing this data are non-existent. Several different methods for analyzing the data were used, and the results of these analyses are 98 described below. It should be noted that there is still much work to be done in developing methods for analyzing AP-MALDI-DMS data. 4.5.1 Scans from the AP-MALDI-DMS System When data was collected during times the laser was not turned on, the ion spectra appeared to be relatively flat with some additive sensor noise. A representative of background data is shown in Figure 49. 1 0.8 0.6 U) 0.4 C Cu C S 0.2 -3-3 -5 -0 1-10 - 0 -0.2 -0.4 -4 0 II -35 I -30 -25 I I I -20 -15 -10 Compensation Voltage (V) I -5 ii 0 5 1 10 Figure 49 Typical scan taken during blank region ablation When areas of the target plate that were spotted with sample solution were ablated the data obtained seemed to have several peaks across each scan. One typical scan is shown in Figure 50. Peaks in the data appear about every 19-20 data points. Each scan typically has about 12-14 peaks when sample-matrix crystals are ablated. 99 1 I I I -35 -30 -25 I I I I I I -5 0 5 0.8- 0.6- 0.4CO C < 0.2- 0- -0.2 -0.4 -40 -20 -15 -10 Compensation Voltage (V) 10 Figure 50 Typical data scan taken during sample laser ablation. 4.5.2 Determining that Signal is Present Using Fourier Methods To verify that ion spectra were indeed different when sample was ablated, Fourier transform methods, employed during analysis of the data obtained from the ESI-DMS system, were also used. As described in the introduction, Fourier transforms preserve all information of the original signal, so that the original signal can be fully reconstructed given the phase and magnitude of the Fourier transform. The Fourier transform separates data into its frequency components, where the frequency is based on the the change in compensation voltage rather than the typical change in time. The analog to the traditional Fourier transform unit of Hertz in these calculations is 100 1 - A VC 200 r 150 - 1 100 - C0 50 . .150 -10oi -1 SE 0 50 100 150 200 250 30 0 Frequency (k) Figure 51 Magnitude of Fourier transform of sample ablation spectra against magnitude of Fourier transform of blank ablation spectra. Vector Fourier transforms were computed to determine whether there were changes between different sets of scans. The data vectors for which the transforms were computed each consisted of 40 data scans, concatenated to form I data vector. Figure 51 shows the resulting Fourier transforms of the data. The upper plot shows the transform of a vector of data taken when sample was ablated, referred to for the rest of this section as the sample transform, overlaid on the transform of data taken when a blank region of the plate was ablated, referred to as the background transform from here onwards. The lower plot, which has been offset by -100 for comparison, shows the background transform overlaid on the sample transform. 101 It is clear that the sample transform has large peaks whereas the background transform is relatively flat. The presence of peaks in the sample transform is a clear indicator that the signal did change quite drastically when sample on the AP-MALDI target plate was ablated. This method of analysis can be used to detect any changes in data that seem periodic or that are difficult to discern visually. 4.5.3 Finding Trends from Optimization Experiments The goal of conducting experiments in which the operating conditions of the APMALDI-DMS system were varied was to quantify the effect that each of the varying parameters had on the total ion signal. The results will be used to determine the optimal operating conditions for the system, and to further conduct experiments to determine whether biological substances can be usefully identified and quantified with this system. One of the features of the data which presented challenges to analysis was the presence of a great deal of electrical noise due to the fluctuations in the ion sensor. It was unclear which data were due to actual ion detection, and which were due to noise. Additionally, the detector sporadically recorded extremely high ion abundances which were clearly artifacts as they were much larger than typical abundances seen in the rest of the data. Several different outlier tests were experimented with to eliminate artifacts which contaminated the data. Based on the form of the data, it was concluded that ions created by the AP-MALDI source were in fact reaching the ion detector. However, the locations of these peaks along the compensation voltage axis were due more in part to the frequency of the laser fire than on filtration by the varied compensation voltage. Although each data scan is 102 recorded relative to compensation voltage, there is a time component to each scan because the sensor takes some time to scan through the entire compensation voltage range. The formula for calculating the length of the scan in time is #scas .00555sec +.isec scan step) Since there are 250 steps, or data points, per scan, the length of 1 scan is 1.4875 seconds. Because the laser fire occurs at a frequency of 10 Hz, or once every 0.1 sec, about 14 APMALDI laser pulses occur in the time it takes for the DMS to record one data scan, and about 18 data points are collected per laser pulse. The peaks in the data scans collected occurred at roughly the same rate, so it was concluded that ions were introduced into the sensor every time the laser fired, but that they were introduced as large ion clusters that traveled too fast to be properly filtered and detected by the DMS. 4.5.4 Peak Analysis It was necessary to develop a standard measure of signal strength to determine how different variables in the experimental setup affected the strength of the ion signal. The data obtained from each of the experiments generally had evenly spaced ion abundance peaks of varying heights with a common baseline in between these peaks as previously shown in Figure 50. From conclusions reached about the nature of the peaks in the data, it was determined that information from just the peaks in the data scans would be sufficient to draw conclusions about the effects of variation of operating conditions. extracting peak information from each scan then arose. 103 The problem of The computational software package Matlab has several predefined functions for image processing which can be applied to one-dimensional vectors such as the data recorded by the DMS sensor. These functions select peaks based on different criteria. It was found that a combination of these algorithms provided the best method for creating an automated peak extraction function. The Matlab code used is included in Appendix A. In addition to selecting peaks from the data, it was necessary to correct for a baseline offset that varied between experiments so that peak intensities could be compared. Because the number of peaks in a data scan is small relative to the number of total data points in the scan, a line of best fit, applied using Matlab's bestfito function fell along that baseline fairly well. By subtracting the midpoint of the line of best fit from the peaks in that scan, bias should have been removed from each of the peaks. Problems with this method arose because each scan was then corrected by a different value. The alternative method chosen finds the minimum recorded abundance in an entire experiment, and corrects all peaks in that experiment by that value. To compute the signal strength for a particular experiment, the average intensity, and the standard deviation of the peaks was calculated. The justification for averaging all the peaks together, regardless of the compensation voltage at which that peak occurred, was due to the fact that the peaks were not being greatly affected by the compensation voltage. 104 5 Summary and Conclusions 5.1 ES! The results of testing on three versions of the interface between ESI and the DMS have yielded important conclusions about the interface, and resulting data analyses. First, the dynamic interactions of the different flow rates through the system have an important impact on the strength of the ion signal detected by the DMS. Because the modified Tjunction/capillary interface did not have a pump attached to the outlet of the DMS, the ion signal may have been very weak. Additionally, the internal ionization source of the DMS was shielded which further weakened the ion signal by preventing the ionization of additional molecules. This weak signal did not provide sufficient information from which analyses by lead cluster mapping and analyses by decision tree could successfully build classification models. The prototype 1 interface performed much better than the T-junction capillary interface in that ions were successfully introduced into the DMS such that classification models with high accuracy could be built from the resultant data. A slight pressure drop was also used to counter the gas flows that may have deflected ions away from the extraction capillary inlet. This interface was then further optimized by modification to the ion-optics configuration of the interface capillary shields. An intermediate voltage between ground and the high extraction capillary voltage was applied to the outer capillary shield. This intermediate voltage would serve to further focus the electric field to deflect ions into the extraction capillary tube. 105 The interface using modified ion-optics also performed well in detecting ions of different proteins. The resultant data did not achieve high rates of accuracy for models built using lead-cluster mapping, however. These low accuracy rates may have been due to the fact that lead cluster mapping relies on random selection of features, and may not have chosen the correct features on which to classify the data. Decision tree analyses performed better on this dataset than on the two previous data sets. This indicates that the modified ionoptics interface may indeed have enhanced the transport of ions from the ionization chamber to the DMS, but the lead-cluster mapping analysis may have missed key biomarkers. After several experiments with various system conditions and variations of the basic prototype I interface, several conclusions about the interface and corresponding parameters can be drawn. First, after ions are generated by the ESI unit, they should be transported over as short a distance as possible to the DMS in order to keep them in a charged state long enough to be detected. It is necessary to select a low flow rate that will allow the ions generated to be properly filtered and detected by the DMS, and to avoid saturating and damaging the sensor. Second, the configuration of the electric field to attract ions into the interface is important. Whereas the entire interface sans capillary inlet had been connected to earth ground, it is necessary to connect the external capillary shield to an intermediate voltage in order to better focus the electric field, and the subsequent path along which ions will be propelled into the DMS. By holding the external capillary shield to some voltage between the high extraction voltage and earth ground, the potential difference across 106 small gaps is reduced, decreasing the chances that arcing will occur in the interface. In other areas of the interface, it is also necessary to make sure that insulation gaps between areas of high electric potential differences are small to prevent breakdown and current conduction across insulators - air and Teflon. Third, ensuring that solvent is evaporated prior to ions entering the interface capillary is important to prevent blockage of the pathway and damage to the sensor. However, there is a tradeoff between increasing the flow of break up gas to dry the solvent, and decreasing that flow to allow more ions to enter the sensor. A break up gas flow rate of 3 L/min caused sufficient evaporation of solvent without a great reduction in the ion signals detected by the DMS. Fourth, the ionization source inside the DMS is necessary to create a spectrum that can be successfully analyzed using current methods of analysis. By shielding this source, the effects of ionization due solely to the ESI method would be better detected. However, in the first generation design of the prototype 1 interface, ions created via ESI may not have stayed in an ionized state long enough to be detected by the DMS so the ESI unit functions as more of an aerosol spray mechanism. The efficacy of ESI as an ionization method will be better tested in the second generation interface design which will comprise a shorter path length from point of ionization to the DMS sensor. 5.2 AP-MALDI Experiments to vary operating conditions in the AP-MALDI-DMS showed that the interface operated as believed. As the break up gas flow rate was increased, the ion signal seemed to decrease. As the pump flow rate and the extraction voltage were 107 increased, the ion signal also increased. Prior to testing of the interface with the ESI unit, these tests with the AP-MALDI method showed that the interface was successful in introducing ions to the DMS sensor, and that the potential for creating a system with greater sensitivity and specificity is great. Plans to conduct the optimization studies described are under way. It is important to verify the results obtained from this round of studies while closely monitoring sample build-up and other experimental conditions leading to DMS sensor malfunction. One of the potential problems encountered with the studies performed for this thesis is that the sensor may have become saturated with sample, leading to loss of sensitivity. It was noticed that as experimentation progressed, problems with electrical noise in the DMS data increased. This is also probably the reason why large statistical spreads in the data were obtained further confounding trends in the ion signal. These problems can be resolved by further refining the flow of what seem to be large ion clusters through the DMS. The large peaks in the data which correspond in time to the fire of the laser leave little confidence that the ion clusters are filtered enough to separate and register as different species with different ion mobilities. Results may change due to changes in the ion-optics configuration of the SDI. Once optimum experimental parameters have been determined, the ability for the DMS to identify and quantify biological molecules should be further investigated. Because peaks in the AP-MALDI-DMS system data are indistinguishable, it will be worthwhile to ensure that ion clusters created by laser ablations are properly fragmented to prevent saturation of the DMS by large clusters of analyte. 108 Additionally, further development is necessary in methods of analyses for AP-MALDI-DMS data. Many different methods of analyses depend on the form of data being analyzed. In this case, the form of the AP-MALDI data seems to be very different from other types of DMS data previously collected, so current methods of analysis may not extract information that is encoded differently in AP-MALDI-DMS data. Once further work is done to resolve the large ion cluster problems and to develop tools of data analysis, the AP-MALDI-DMS may be further evaluated as a tool for identifying and quantifying bio-molecules. 5.3 Data analysis Fourier and Decision tree analyses have both been shown to be very promising techniques for further developing analysis tools for ESI and AP-MALDI DMS data. Fourier Transforms are valuable in enhancing differences among data collected at different conditions for both the ESI-DMS and AP-MALDI-DMS systems. Decision tree analysis has preliminarily been shown to yield only an 11% classification error rate for data collected using the modified Prototype I interface for ESI. Decision trees may fail in classification if data is encountered for certain unknown analytes that were not used to initially create the tree. However, decision trees provide a fast way to classify data with relatively little complexity. Further work is necessary to refine the way these techniques are used for analyzing data collected with the DMS and to reduce classification error rates. 6 Future Work This chapter describes the work that should be done to carry the research described forward, and to improve and expand upon these results. 109 6.1 ESI 6.1.1 Shorter Ion Path Length In the second generation design, the length that the ions must travel must be shortened. A shorter ion path will decrease the amount of time that the ions have to collide with one another and lose their ionized state. As ions have more time to become de-ionized, fewer ions that will reach the drift region in time to be detected. Deionization could greatly worsen the sensitivity of the detector if for small concentrations of sample, the sample quickly loses it added charge, and goes undetected. 6.1.2 Better insulation for electronics/HV One of the lesser understood characteristics of the interface are the shape and strength of the electric fields that are created by the high voltage power source. In the current interface, the ESI needle is grounded, the outer capillary shield is set to -2700 volts, and the inner shield is set at -3200 volts. This creates some unconventionally shaped electric fields, which are distorted even further by the sharp edges and discontinuities in the shapes of the components to which these potentials are applied. Some different types of insulation that may be used in future generations of the interface are humiseal, which has a dielectric strength between 2000 and 3500 V/mm, or Paralene which will uniformly coat corners and prevent interactions due to corner discontinuities in the electric field. 110 6.1.3 Interaction between sample and carrier gas One of the parameters in the interface which can strongly impact the quality of the ion signal is the flow rate of the carrier gas. Sample ions are first created by the ESI needle, but must reach DMS intact. The radiation source inside of the DMS sensor ionizes any remaining un-ionized nitrogen gas, which upon collision with the sample ions, transfers charge. If the carrier gas flow rate were increased, the amount of nitrogen that is ionized that will transfer charge to the sample ions is also increased. However, if relying upon the radiation source in the DMS to create the ions, the point of using the ESI needle as an ionization source is lost; it is reduced simply to an aerosolizer. Additional work can be conducted to understand how large macromolecules are ionized and how they travel through the drift region of the DMS. 6.2 AP-MALDI As with the ESI-DMS system, the problem of maintaining sample in ionization states is also present in the AP-MALDI-DMS interface. The problem here is further complicated by the fact that many of the sample ions are traveling through the sensor in large clusters, and are traveling too fast to be properly filtered and scattered by the RF fields in the DMS drift region. Further work must be done in optimizing the system to reduce the amount of ion clusters that reach the DMS. If the problem can not be solved by modifications to hardware, then additional work must be done in developing methods of data analysis that will extract bio-markers from AP-MALDI-DMS data for large ion clusters. 111 6.3 Data Analysis Based on the outcomes of data analysis and the types of features that are necessary for substance classification, hardware must be accordingly modified so as to produce or enhance these features. 6.3.1 Fourier Analyses Cepstrum analysis, a technique used in speech processing, may be of value in processing AP-MALDI-DMS data. Cepstrum analysis essentially separates the periodic content of a signal from the aperiodic content in the frequency domain. This type of analysis may be useful in separating periodic content due to the laser firing frequency of the AP-MALDI unit from aperiodic information in the spectra which may be due to biomarker information. 6.3.2 Statistical analyses Fourier analyses typically assume that signals resulting from combinations of other signals and perhaps noise can are independent. Other types of analyses, such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) by Single Value Decomposition (SVD) and Independent Component Analysis (ICA) do not assume statistical independence of component signals. PCA and ICA have the potential to be used in the future as methods for analyzing DMS data resulting from samples of mixed analytes, and may be of use in classifying biomolecules analyzed by DMS. 112 7 Appendix voltage = 500; for FileCounter = for spot = [28:43] [1 2 3) scanpeaks = zeros(200,200); scanindices = EventScanNumbers{FileCounter)(spot*2) EventScanNumbers{FileCounter)(spot*2+1)]; correctionvalue(FileCounter,spot) = min(min(Data{FileCounter} (scanindices,:))); for ScanNum = scanindices scan = Data{FileCounter)(ScanNum, :); % findpeak positions , 1 for peak, 0 for nonpeak peakpositions = imextendedmax(scan,.3); %multiplication to extract peaks, and zero non-peaks peakvector = scan .* peakpositions; peakvector = PositivePeaks(peakvector); % find the peak positions , 1 for peak, 0 for nonpeak peakpositions = imregionalmax(peakvector,4); % multiplication to extract peaks, and zero non-peaks peakvector = peakvector .* peakpositions; c2 = 1; c3 = 1; goodpeaks(c3) = 0; for c2 = 1:length(peakvector) if (peakvector(c2) > 0) goodpeaks(c3) = peakvector(c2) correctionvalue(FileCounter, spot); c3 = c3+1; end end peak(ScanNum)= mean(goodpeaks); scanpeaks(ScanNum, 1:length(goodpeaks)) = goodpeaks clear goodpeaks peakvector peakpositions scan; end SEMs(FileCounter, spot) = SEM(scanpeaks, length(scanindices)); FilePeakaverages{FileCounter, spot) = nonzeros(peak); FileSpotAverages(FileCounter,spot) = mean(FilePeakaverages{FileCounter,spot)(:,:)); clear peak, scanindices; end clear scanpeaks; end 113 8 References [1] [2] R. 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