University Degree Requirements 

 B.S. in Vocational Rehabilitation 2015 NOTE: This document is meant to display your degree requirements. The Academic Requirements Report must be used to track progress toward fulfilling all degree requirements. The Academic Requirements Report must show all requirements “satisfied” before your degree is awarded. Name Student ID
University Degree Requirements Overall Credit and GPA Requirements Total Credits (120) Resident Credits (32) Stout GPA (2.000) Rehabilitation Studies GPA (2.500) All Concentration and Communication Skills courses require a grade of C or better. Selectives (3 credits) (Selected from GE‐approved courses) Core Courses (31 credits) (Select three credits from RES Category A) (Select three credits from any RES area) BIO‐220 COUN‐405 REHAB‐101 REHAB‐102 REHAB‐201 REHAB‐230 REHAB‐310 REHAB‐401 REHAB‐410 REHAB‐470 REHAB‐398 Global Perspective (6 credits) (Complete a program of university‐approved work or study abroad, or 6 credits of global perspective approved courses) NOTE: RES and GLP requirements may be met within GE or major course selection. General Education Requirements (40 credits) Physiology of Disabilities Introduction to Counseling Skills Introduction to Rehabilitation Community Resources Pre Practicum in Rehabilitation Psychosocial Aspects of Disabilities Vocational Assessment & Applic in Rehab Princ & Techniques of Caseload Mgmt Job Placement Processes Adjustment Services Rehabilitation Practicum 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 2 3 3 4 Communication Skills (9 credits) Selectives (23 credits) (Select 23 credits, including a minimum of two courses from Disability Selectives and two from Service Delivery Selectives) 3
Disability Selectives COUN‐494 REHAB‐355 Analytic Reasoning and Natural Science (10 credits) (At least one math or statistics course and a natural science course with a lab are required) BIO‐132 Human Biology 4
PSYC‐361 REHAB‐305 REHAB‐306 REHAB‐325 REHAB‐320 REHAB‐321 REHAB‐482 REHAB‐327 SPED‐447 SOC‐360 SPED‐300 SPED‐301 SPED‐330 SPED‐430 Arts and Humanities (6 credits) (Must be from at least two categories: Art History/Music Appreciation, Creative/Performing Arts, Foreign Language & Culture, History, Literature, Philosophy) Social and Behavioral Sciences (6 credits) (Must be from at least two categories: Anthropology, Economics, Geography, 3
Contemporary Issues (3 credits) Social Responsibility and Ethical Reasoning (3 credits) (Courses must be selected from the list of approved social responsibility and ethical reasoning courses) ProgramWebsite:
Counseling Older Persons OR Rehabilitation of the Older Disabled Worker Abnormal Psychology Sign Language I Sign Language 2 Rehabilitation and Sensory Disability Rehabilitation and Chemical Dependency Rehabilitation of Public Offenders Sexuality and Disability Psychiatric Rehabilitation Behavior Problems of Children Sociology of Juvenile Delinquency Intro to Individuals with Cognitive Disab Learning Disabilities Introduction to Communication Disorders Inclusion of Stu with Exceptional Needs 2‐3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 For more information: Kyle Kleist, Program Director 250E Vocational Rehabilitation Building Phone: 715/232‐2490 E‐Mail: (Courses must be selected from the list of approved contemporary issues courses) Major Requirements (77 Credits) Racial and Ethnic Studies (6 credits) Political Science, Psychology, Sociology) PSYC‐110 General Psychology Free Electives (3 credits) ENGL‐101 or ENGL‐111 Composition 1 ENGL‐102 or ENGL‐112 Composition 2 or ENGL‐113 Honors Seminar I SPCOM‐100 Fundamentals of Speech SEE NEXT PAGE FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS See online course description for prerequisites Revised12/2014 Service Delivery Selectives REHAB‐350 REHAB‐351 REHAB‐360 REHAB‐402 REHAB‐452 REHAB‐460 REHAB‐461 REHAB‐483 REHAB‐488 REHAB‐X99 HDFS‐225 PSYC‐370 SOCWK‐205 SOCWK‐420 SOCWK‐430 SOCWK‐440 SOCWK‐450 SPED‐324 Independent Living Benefits Coordinator Assistive Technology Management of Non‐Profit Organizations Group Processes in Rehabilitation Settings Rehabilitation in the Private Sector Forensics for the Human Service Prof Vocational Counseling Issues Developing Collaborative Partnerships Independent Study Skill Training for Individual/Family Interventions Interpersonal Effectiveness Training Introduction to Social Work Child and Family Agencies Social Casework Methods Social Work with Groups and Families Social Work Methods III Curriculum & Instruction: Career & Transition Education 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 1‐3 COUN‐406 REHAB‐350 REHAB‐360 REHAB‐480 REHAB‐482 PSYC‐370 3 Required Concentration Courses (16 credits) 3 3 1 3 2 4 2‐3 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 1‐3 3 3 3 Introduction to Social Work Child and Family Agencies Social Casework Methods Social Work with Groups and Families Social Work Methods III Lifespan Human Development Culturally Distinct Children and Families Advanced Rehabilitation Practicum 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 4‐8 E. Substance Use Disorders Intervention (23 credits) Required Concentration Courses (20 credits) REHAB‐320 REHAB‐333 REHAB‐327 REHAB‐452 REHAB‐480 REHAB‐XXX HDFS‐426 MFT‐466 B. Independent Living (23 credits) ProgramWebsite:
Required Concentration Courses (23 credits) SOCWK‐205 SOCWK‐420 SOCWK‐430 SOCWK‐440 SOCWK‐450 HDFS‐255 HDFS‐335 REHAB‐480 (Select 7 credits from the following) Counseling Older Persons Family Stress, Coping and Adaptation Death and Bereavement Interpersonal Effectiveness Alcohol & Family Systems Interventions Introduction to Behavior Modification Rehabilitation of Public Offenders Sexuality and Disability Vocational Counseling Issues Developing Collaborative Partnerships Independent Study Sociology of the Family Sociology of Work Child and Family Agencies 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 4 3 D. Social Work (23 credits) Concentration Selectives (7 credits) COUN‐494 HDFS‐310 HDFS‐332 PSYC‐370 PSYC‐466 PSYC‐484 REHAB‐321 REHAB‐482 REHAB‐483 REHAB‐488 REHAB‐X99 SOC‐215 SOC‐340 SOCWK‐420 Abnormal Psychology OR Behavior Problems in Children/Adolescents Alcohol and Family Systems OR Adolescent Substance Use and Abuse Psychology of Adjustment Psychiatric Rehabilitation Group Processes in Rehabilitation Settings Disability Management Advanced Rehabilitation Practicum Developing Collaborative Partnerships 3 2‐3 3 3 2 3 2 1‐3 3 3 Required Concentration Courses (23 credits) PSYC‐361 SCOUN‐447 PSYC‐466 REHAB‐333 PSYC‐XXX REHAB‐327 REHAB‐452 REHAB‐462 REHAB‐480 REHAB‐488 A. Rehabilitation Services Specialist (23 credits) PSYC‐XXX COUN‐406 REHAB‐320 REHAB‐452 REHAB‐480 Family Housing Nutrition for Healthy Living Individual/Family Relations Lifespan Human Development Human Development: Late Adulthood Introduction to Healthy Psychology Group Processes in Rehab Settings Independent Study Introduction to Social Work Child and Family Agencies Choose a Concentration Skill Training for Family/Individual Interventions Psychology of Adjustment Peer Supervisory Experience Rehabilitation of Chemical Dependency Group Processes in Rehabilitation Settings Advanced Rehabilitation Practicum (Select 10 credits from the following) C. Psychiatric Rehabilitation (23 credits) Concentration Requirements HDFS‐225 1 2 2 4 2 3 Concentration Selectives (10 credits) FCSE‐385 FN‐102 HDFS‐115 HDFS‐255 HDFS340 PSYC‐371 REHAB‐452 REHAB‐X99 SOCWK‐205 SOCWK‐420 Peer Supervisory Experience Independent Living Assistive Technology Advanced Rehabilitation Practicum Sexuality and Disability Interpersonal Effectiveness Training 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Required Concentration Courses (13 credits) Rehabilitation and Chemical Dependency Adolescent Substance Use and Abuse Psychiatric Rehabilitation Group Processes in Rehabilitation Settings Advanced Rehabilitation Practicum Developmental and Complex Disabilities Substance Abuse and the Family OR Alcohol and Family Systems Interventions 3 2 2 2 4 3 3 3 SEE NEXT PAGE FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS See online course description for prerequisites Revised12/2014 Concentration Selectives (3 credits) (Select 3 credits from the following) REHAB‐488 HDFS‐456 REHAB‐315 REHAB‐321 REHAB‐482 PSYC‐370 REHAB‐350 REHAB‐483 Developing Collaborative Partnerships Abuse and the Family Rehab and Criminal Justice Rehabilitation of Public Offenders Sexuality and Disability Interpersonal Effectiveness Training Independent Living Vocational Counseling Issues 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 F. Individualized (23 credits) This concentration is limited to students whose educational goals cannot be met by available concentrations. Students who select this option must develop, with advice and consent of their faculty advisor, a list of 23 credits that have a cohesive and logical relationship to the rehabilitation field. Written rationale explaining their career goals and the list of courses selected must be signed by the students and their faculty advisor and be in the students’ files by their junior year. (See next page for Individualized concentration form.) G. Specialization or Minor (23 credits) Students may choose to complete a minor or specialization in place of a concentration. This choice must be communicated to and approved by the program Director before or by the end of the first semester of the students' junior year. Students will not be able to register for second semester courses unless this choice is indicated. For more information: Kyle Kleist, Program Director 250E Vocational Rehabilitation Building Phone: 715/232‐2490 E‐Mail: ProgramWebsite:
See online course description for prerequisites Revised12/2014 