Lecture 8M: The Persuasive Speech; Basic responsibilities GOALS: long-term; immediate: CHALLENGING! GROUND COVERED: Unit 1; Unit 2 LECTURE—reminder of our job. So: PREVIEW I. SPEECH! Test 2: Analysis; first 8 questions the same. MPs/pattern/CI but to start us off on persuasive unit: did it work? persuaded? if not, why? doubts & objections summarize: to persuade—need to answer more of your questions II. The primary duty, persuasive speaker: answer all audience's reasonable doubts & objections. Informative—UNDERSTAND: now: PERSUADE what/how PERSUADE? NOT pour; not beat instead: help think: sketpical/resist. MEET resistance—answer same even when no physical dialogue. "MENTAL DIALOGUE" "You must think of your persuasive speech as a kind of mental dialogue with your audience. Most important, you must anticipate possible objections the audience will raise to your point of view and then answer those objections in your speech. You cannot convert skeptical listeners unless you deal directly with the reasons for their skepticism." What you'll need: TOPIC; Ds&Os; Answers! (NOTE: INVENTION) III. TOPIC CHOICE Great info topics: 2:00 3:00 Rwanda, Skype Body Language, Claes Oldenburg, Botulism saving water, assassination of lincoln Massage GRAPES Persuasive: POLICY: "we should do X" "We" Why? Because it's hard! "Do X" Action Why? Because vital! Example: global warming: technologies policiesī PERSUASION EXERCISE: invent a topic Inappropriate topics: Belief (FACT or VALUE) No disagreement Summary: basic responsibility (Ds&Os); topic choice Next: some questions—some answers Wednesday: Quiz 5 Next Monday: Your Persuasive Topic is due online; plus Quiz 6 "About Test 2" is now online.