B.S. Information and Communication Technologies 2015 NOTE: This document is meant to display your degree requirements. The Academic Requirements Report is used to track progress toward fulfilling all degree requirements. The Academic Requirements Report must show all requirements “satisfied” before your degree is awarded. University Degree Requirements Major Requirements Overall Credit and GPA Requirements II. Total Credits (120) Resident Credits (32) Stout GPA (2.0) Professional Studies (22 credits) BUACT-206 BUINB-260 ICT-100 ICT-305 ICT-401 INMGT-365 INMGT-400 BUMGT-304 Racial and Ethnic Studies (6 credits) (Three credits from RES Category A) (Three credits from any RES A or B area) Global Perspective (6 credits) (Complete a program of university-approved work or study abroad, or 6 credits of global perspective approved courses) Intro to Financial Accounting International Business Intro to Info & Communication Technology Information Systems for Enterprise Information Technology Policy and Audit Project Management Organizational Leadership Prin. Mngt OR BUMKG-330 Prin. Mrktg 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 III. Technical Studies (18 credits from Selectives or select a Minor) A. Selectives (complete 18 credits) NOTE: RES and GLP requirements may be met within GE or major course selections I. General Education Requirements Communication Skills (9 credits) (40 credits) ENGL-101 or ENGL-111 Composition 1 ENGL-102 or ENGL-112 Composition 2 SPCOM-100 Fundamentals of Speech 3 3 3 Analytic Reasoning and Natural Science (10 credits) (Take the following along with other approved math or statistics course and a natural science course with a lab) MATH-118 or higher Arts and Humanities (6 credits) (At least two categories: Art History/Music Appreciation, Creative/Performing Arts, Foreign Language & Culture, History, Literature, Philosophy) ENGL-415 ICT-309 ICT-311 ICT-375 ICT-405 ICT-475 ICT-449 ITM-133 ITM-134 Technical Writing Collaborative Computing ICT Analytics Web Production and Distribution Enterprise Technology Seminar Dynamic Web Technologies Cooperative Education Experience Network Fundamentals I Network Fundamentals II 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 B. Minor (21-22 credits) (Credits over and above 18 may be used in Technical Competency) Minor in Computer Science Minor in Enterprise Technology Minor in Journalism Minor in Computer Networking Systems and Design* Minor in Photography and Video Minor in Web Technologies 21 21 22 21 21 21 IV. Technical Competency and/or Transfer (40 credits) ITM-XXX (Info Tech Mgmt type transfer credits) ICT-XXX (Info Comm Tech type transfer credits) CS-XXX (Computer Science type transfer credits) PHOTO-XXX (Photography type transfer credits) ELEC-XXX (Electronics type transfer credits) CMG-XXX (Cross Media Graphics type transfer credits) Program Director approved credits Social and Behavioral Sciences (6 credits) (At least two categories: Anthropology, Economics, Geography, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology) Contemporary Issues (3 credits) (Take the following contemporary issues course) ICT-103 Information & Communication Technologies 3 Social Responsibility and Ethical Reasoning (3 credits) (Select from approved social responsibility and ethical reasoning courses) Summary I. II. III. IV. General Education Professional Studies Technical Studies Technical Competency and/or Transfer Selectives (3 credits) (Select any GE-approved courses) Program Website: http://www.uwstout.edu/programs/bsict/index.cfm 0-40 0-40 0-40 0-40 0-40 0-40 0-40 Credits 40 22 18 40 Total 120 For more information: Renee Gunderson, Program Director 206 Fryklund Hall Phone: 715/232-5635 E-Mail: gundersonr@uwstout.edu See online course description for prerequisites Revised 01/21/2014