Applied Mathematics E-Notes, 14(2014), 161-172 c Available free at mirror sites of amen/ ISSN 1607-2510 Well-Posedness Results For A Third Boundary Value Problem For The Heat Equation In A Disc Arezki Khelou…y Received 10 March 2014 Abstract In this work we prove well-posedness results for the following one space linear second order parabolic equation @t u @x2 u = f , set in a domain = (t; x) 2 R2 : r < t < r; '1 (t) < x < '2 (t) 1 of R2 , where 'i (t) = ( 1)i r2 t2 2 ; i = 1; 2 and with lateral boundary conditions of Robin type. The right-hand side f of the equation is taken in L2 ( ). The method used is based on the approximation of the domain by a sequence of subdomains ( n )n which can be transformed into regular domains. 1 Introduction Let = D (0; r) be the open disc centred at the origin of R2 and with radius r > 0, characterized by = (t; x) 2 R2 : r < t < r; '1 (t) < x < '2 (t) ; where '1 and '2 1 k are de…ned on [ r; r] by 'k (t) = ( 1) r2 t2 2 ; k = 1; 2. The lateral boundary of is de…ned by k = (t; 'k (t)) 2 R2 : r < t < r , k = 1, 2. In , we consider the Robin type boundary value problem @t u @x2 u = f in ; @x u + k uj k = 0, k = 1, 2, (1) where the coe¢ cients k , k = 1,2 are real numbers satisfying non-degeneracy assumptions (to be made more precise later) and the right-hand side term f of the equation lies in L2 ( ), the space of square-integrable functions on with the measure dtdx. The main di¢ culty related to this kind of problems is due to the fact that '1 coincides with '2 for t = r and for t = r, which prevents the domain to be transformed into a regular domain by means of a smooth transformation. The case k = 1, k = 1, 2, corresponding to Dirichlet boundary conditions is considered in [19]. We can …nd in [6] a study of the case k = 0, k = 1, 2, corresponding to Neumann boundary conditions and in [23] an abstract study in the case Mathematics Subject Classi…cations: 35K05, 35K20. des Mathématiques Appliquées, Faculté des Sciences Exactes, Université de Bejaia, 6000, Béjaia, Algeria. Lab. E.D.P.N.L., Ecole Normale Supérieure, 16050-Kouba, Algiers, Algeria y Laboratoire 161 162 Well-Posedness Results for the Heat Equation ( 1 ; 2 ) = (1; 0), corresponding to mixed (Dirichlet-Neumann) lateral boundary conditions. However, the boundary assumptions dealt with by the authors exclude our domain. Further references on the analysis of parabolic problems in non-cylindrical domains are: Labbas et al. [13, 14, 15], Khelou… et al. [8, 9, 10, 12], Degtyarev [5], Aref’ev and Bagirov [3, 4], Sadallah [20, 21, 22], Alkhutov [1, 2] and Paronetto [17]. In this work, we consider the case of Robin type boundary condition, namely, the case where k 6= 0, k = 1,2, and we look for su¢ cient conditions (as weak as possible) on the lateral boundary of the domain and on the coe¢ cients k , k = 1, 2 in order to obtain the maximal regularity of the solution in an anisotropic Hilbertian Sobolev space. In previous works (see [7, 11]), we have studied the case where = (t; x) 2 R2 : 0 < t < T ; 1 (t) < x < 2 (t) with the fundamental hypothesis 1 (0) = 2 (0) and we have proved that the solution u of Problem (1) is unique and has the optimal regularity, that is a solution u belonging to the anisotropic Sobolev space H 1;2 ( ) := u 2 H 1;2 ( ) : @x u + k uj k = 0, k = 1,2 with H 1;2 ( ) = u 2 L2 ( ) : @t u; @x u; @x2 u 2 L2 ( ) ; under su¢ cient conditions on 0 k (t) ( 2 (t) k; 1 k = 1; 2, that are (t)) ! 0 as t ! 0, k = 1; 2. 1 k Examples of functions satisfying this last condition are k (t) = ( 1) r2 t2 2+ ; k = 1; 2 for all < 0. However, the above condition is false in the case = 0 corresponding to the class of domains considered in this article. So, the well-posedeness result which we will prove here can not be derived from [7] and [11]. In order to overcome this di¢ culty, we impose su¢ cient conditions on the lateral boundary of the domain and on the coe¢ cients k , k = 1, 2; that are, 1 ( 1) k k t p 2 2 r < 0; t2 2 > 0, (2) 0 a.e. t 2 ] r; r[ , k = 1; 2; (3) and 1 (16 + 4 2 1 +4 2 2 )r + (4 j 1j + 4j 2 j) r 2 + (8 + 4 2 1 +4 2 3 2 )r > 0: (4) Then, our main result is following: THEOREM 1. Under the hypothesis (2), (3) and (4), the heat operator L = @t is an isomorphism from H 1;2 ( ) into L2 ( ). @x2 A. Khelou… 163 It is not di¢ cult to prove the injectivity of the operator L. Indeed, If u is a solution of Problem (1) with a null right-hand side, the calculations show that the inner product hLu; ui in L2 ( ) gives 0= 2 Z X k=1 ( 1) k p k t 2 r2 k u2 (t; 'k (t)) dt + t2 Z 2 (@x u) dtdx. The hypothesis (3) implies that @x u = 0 and consequently @x2 u = 0. Then, the equation of Problem (1) gives @t u = 0. Thus, u is constant. The boundary conditions and the fact that k 6= 0, k = 1, 2 imply that u = 0 in . So, in the sequel, we will be interested only by the question of the surjectivity of the operator L. The method used here is the domain decomposition method. More precisely, we divide into two parts 1 = f(t; x) 2 : r < t < 0g and So, we obtain two solutions uk 2 H 1;2 ( function u de…ned by u := k) in u1 in u2 in 2 = f(t; x) 2 k, : 0 < t < rg . k = 1, 2. Finally, we prove that the 1; 2; is the solution of problem (1) and has the optimal regularity, that is u 2 H 1;2 ( ). The plan of this paper is as follows. In Section 2, we prove that Problem (1) admits a (unique) solution in the case of a "truncated" domain. Then, in Section 3, we approximate by a sequence ( n ) of such truncated domains and we establish an energy estimate which will allow us to pass to the limit and complete the proof of our main result. 2 Resolution of Problem (1) in a Truncated Disc n For each n 2 N , we de…ne n := (t; x) 2 R2 : THEOREM 2. Assume that and let fn = f j n and n;k = r<t<r k 1 ; ' (t) < x < '2 (t) : n 1 and 'k , k = 1; 2 verify assumptions (2) and (3) (t; 'k (t)) 2 R2 : r<t<r 1 n for k = 1; 2: Then, for each n 2 N , the problem @t un @x2 un = fn 2 L2 ( n ) ; @x un + k un j n;k = 0, k = 1, 2, admits a (unique) solution un 2 H 1;2 ( n ). (5) 164 Well-Posedness Results for the Heat Equation PROOF. We divide n, = f(t; x) 2 So, we have n = : [ LEMMA 1. Let f k n 2 N into two parts + n r < t < 0g and + n [ (f0g = fj = (t; x) 2 :0<t<r 1 n . ]'1 (0) ; '2 (0)[) . and = (t; 'k (t)) 2 R2 : r<t<0 for k = 1; 2: Then, the problem @t u @x2 u = f 2 L2 ( ) ; @x u + k u j = 0, k = 1,2, k admits a (unique) solution u 2 H 1;2 ( ). PROOF. Since '1 is a decreasing function on ] r; 0[ and '2 is an increasing function on ] r; 0[, then the result follows from [18]. Hereafter, we denote the trace u jf0g ]'1 (0);'2 (0)[ by , which is in the Sobolev space H 1 (f0g ]'1 (0) ; '2 (0)[) because u 2 H 1;2 ( ) (see [16]). Now, consider the following problem on + n, n 2 N 8 2 + + 2 + + > < @t un @x un = fn 2 L ( n ) ; + un jf0g ]'1 (0);'2 (0)[ = 2 H 1 (f0g ]'1 (0) ; '2 (0)[) ; (6) > + : @x u+ n + k un j + = 0, k = 1, 2, n;k 1 2 where + n;k = (t; 'k (t)) 2 R : 0 < t < r n , k = 1, 2. We use the following result, which is a consequence of Theorem 4.3 in [16] to solve Problem (6). PROPOSITION 1. Let Q be the rectangle ]0; T [ ]0; 1[, f 2 L2 (Q) and with 0 = f0g ]0; 1[. Then, the problem 8 2 2 < @t u @x u = f 2 L (Q) ; uj 0 = ; : @x u + k uj k = 0, k = 1, 2, where 1 = ]0; T [ f0g and 2 = ]0; T [ 2 H1 ( 0) f1g admits a (unique) solution u 2 H 1;2 (Q). REMARK 1. We have lies in H 1 (f0g ]'1 (0) ; '2 (0)[), then @x is (only) 2 in L (f0g ]'1 (0) ; '2 (0)[) and its pointwise values should not make sense. So in the application of [[16] Theorem 4.3, Vol. 2], there are no compatibility conditions to satisfy. Thanks to the transformation (t; x) 7! (t; y) = (t; ('2 (t) deduce the following result: '1 (t)) x + '1 (t)) ; we A. Khelou… 165 PROPOSITION 2. For each n 2 N , Problem (6) admits a unique solution u+ n 2 H ( + n ). 1;2 So, the function un 2 H 1;2 ( n ), n 2 N de…ned by un := u in u+ n in ; + n; is the (unique) solution of Problem (5). This completes the proof of Theorem 2. 3 Resolution of Problem (1) in the Half Disc + In this section, we de…ne + := (t; x) 2 R2 : 0 < t < r; '1 (t) < x < '2 (t) and consider the following problem in + 8 + @x2 u+ = f + 2 L2 ( + ) , < @t u + u jf0g ]'1 (0);'2 (0)[ = 0, : @x u+ + k u+ j + = 0, k = 1, 2, (7) k where f + = fj + and + k = (t; 'k (t)) 2 R2 : 0 < t < r for k = 1; 2: We assume that k and 'k , k = 1; 2 verify assumptions (2), (3) and (4) and we denote + 1;2 ( + and u+ fn+ = f + j + n . Such a solution n ) the solution of Problem (7) in n 2 H n exists by Proposition 2. PROPOSITION 3. There exists a constant K > 0 independent of n such that u+ n H 1;2 ( + n K f+ K fn+ L2 ( + n ) + ) + @t un 2 L2 ( + n + ) + @x un ) L2 ( +) , where u+ n H 1;2 ( + n )= r u+ n 2 L2 ( + n 2 L2 ( + n 2 + ) + @x un 2 L2 ( + n In order to prove Proposition 3, we need the following result LEMMA 2. We have the following estimations (i) j'0k (t)j ('2 (t) '1 (t)) 2r for t 2 ] r; r[ and k = 1, 2. R ' (t) 2 R ' (t) 2 2 (ii) ' 2(t) [@xj u+ ['2 (t) '1 (t)] ' 2(t) [@xj+1 u+ n (s; x)] ds n (s; x)] ds for j = 0; 1. 1 1 ). 166 Well-Posedness Results for the Heat Equation 2 (iii) k@x u+ n kL2 ( + n 2 L2 ( 4r2 @x2 u+ n ) + n ). PROOF OF PROPOSITION 3. We have fn+ 2 L2 ( + n ) = h@t u+ n + @x2 u+ n ; @t un 2 @t u+ n L2 ( = Let us consider the term R 2 + n + n )+ @x2 u+ ni 2 @x2 u+ n L2 ( 2 Z + n 2 + @t u+ n :@x un dtdx = = 2 ) 2 + @t u+ n :@x un dtdx. + n 2 + @t u+ n :@x un dtdx. We have 2 + + + @t u+ n :@x un = @x @t un :@x un Then + n Z 2 Z @ Z + n + n h 1 @t @x u+ n 2 + @x @t u+ n @x un @x u+ n 2 t dt dx + 2 . Z + 2@t u+ n @x un + n i x @t @x u+ n 2 dt dx d , with t , x are the components of the unit outward normal vector at @ + n . We shall rewrite the boundary integral making use of the boundary conditions. On the part + + of the boundary of + n where t = 0, we have un = 0 and consequently @x un = 0. The corresponding boundary integral vanishes. On the part of the boundary where 1 t = r n , we have x = 0 and t = 1. Accordingly the corresponding boundary R '2 (r n1 ) 2 integral ' r 1 (@x u+ n ) dx is nonnegative. On the parts of the boundary where 1( n) x = 'k (t), k = 1, 2, we have k x ( 1) =q , 2 1 + ('0k ) (t) k+1 t ( 1) '0k (t) =q and @x u+ n (t; 'k (t)) + 2 0 1 + ('k ) (t) + k un (t; 'k (t)) = 0: Consequently, the corresponding boundary integrals In;k and Jn;k , k = 1; 2 are the following: Z r n1 2 k+1 In;k = ( 1) '0k (t) @x u+ n (t; 'k (t)) dt, k = 1, 2, Jn;k k = ( 1) 2 Z 0 r 1 n + k @t un (t; 'k (t)) :u+ n (t; 'k (t)) dt, k = 1, 2. 0 We have 2 Z + n 2 + @t u+ n :@x un dtdx jIn;1 j jIn;2 j jJn;1 j jJn;2 j . It is the reason for which we look for an estimate of the type jIn;1 j + jIn;2 j + jJn;1 j + jJn;2 j @x2 u+ n 2 L2 ( + n ); (8) A. Khelou… 167 where is a positive constant independent of n belonging to the interval ]0; 1[. By 2 (t) x introducing the function (t; x) = ' '(t) ' (t) like in [18], we write for In;1 2 Z jIn;1 j = Z 1 n r (Z '2 (t) '01 (t) @x '1 (t) 0 + n '01 (t) ('2 (t) 2 2r @x2 u+ n + (t; x) @x u+ n (t; x) Z 2 dtdx + 2 '1 (t)) @x2 u+ n Z 1 2 2 + @x2 u+ j'01 j @x u+ n n ) 2 dx dt + n 2 2 + j'01 j @x u+ n @x un dtdx dtdx + n 2r + + 4r2 2 @x2 u+ n L2 ( 7r 1 @x2 u+ n + n 2 L2 ( + n ) ). The last inequality is obtained by choosing jIn;2 j = r. Similarly, we have 7r @x2 u+ n 2 L2 ( + n ). 2 Let us now consider the terms Jn;k , k = 1, 2. By setting h (t) = (u+ n ) (t; 'k (t)) , we obtain Jn;k = k ( 1) Z r 1 n k: 0 = ( 1) k r k :h (t) h h0 (t) 1 n '0k (t) @x u+ n k+1 + ( 1) 0 Z r 1 n 2 i (t; 'k (t)) dt 0 k :'k (t) @x u+ n 2 (t; 'k (t)) dt. 0 2 r k 1 n Condition (2) and the fact that (u+ 0: In k :h (t) n ) (0; 'k (0)) = 0 give ( 1) 0 the sequel, we estimate the last boundary integral in the expression of Jn;k , namely Ln;k = ( 1) k+1 Z r 1 n 0 k :'k (t) @x u+ n 2 (t; 'k (t)) dt. 0 We have @x u+ n 2 (t; '1 (t)) x=' (t) = = = Z 2 '2 (t) x 2 @x u+ (t; x) n '2 (t) '1 (t) x='1 (t) Z '2 (t) '2 (t) x 2 @x @x u+ (t; x) dx n '2 (t) '1 (t) '1 (t) '2 (t) '1 (t) 1 '2 (t) '1 (t) @x u+ n 2 (t; x) '2 (t) x @ 2 u+ '2 (t) '1 (t) x n 2 (t; x) dx. 168 Well-Posedness Results for the Heat Equation So, Ln;1 = Z 0 1 :'1 + n '2 (t) (t) @x u+ n '1 (t) 2 '2 (t) x '2 (t) '1 (t) (t; x) 0 1 :'1 (t) @x2 u+ n 2 (t; x) dtdx. By using the equalities 2 @x u+ n and 2 @x2 u+ n + (t; x) = 2@x u+ n (t; x) un (t; x) + + (t; x) = 2@x2 u+ n (t; x) un (t; x) + 2 @x un (t; x) 2 ; we obtain Ln;1 = = Z 2 1 :'01 (t) + @x u+ n (t; x) un (t; x) dtdx + ' (t) ' (t) 2 1 Zn '2 (t) x + 2 1 :'01 (t) @x2 u+ n (t; x) un (t; x) dtdx + ' (t) ' (t) 2 1 Z n '2 (t) x 2 2 1 :'01 (t) @x u+ n (t; x) dtdx + ' (t) ' (t) 2 1 n An;1 + Bn;1 + Cn;1 : Estimation of An;1 , Bn;1 and Cn;1 a) We have Z 2 1 :'01 (t) + @x u+ An;1 = n (t; x) un (t; x) dtdx; + ' (t) ' (t) 2 1 n then jAn;1 j Z + Z + 1 [ + n Z 2 1 2 (t)] @x u+ n (t; x) 1 + n 1 [ + n Z 0 1 :'1 ['2 (t) 0 1 :'1 (t)] ['2 (t) 2 ['2 (t) '1 (t)] 4r2 + 4r2 @x2 u+ n + n dtdx u+ n (t; x) 2 '1 (t)] 2 2 2 '1 (t)] 2 @x2 u+ n (t; x) @x2 u+ n (t; x) 2 L2 ( + n ) dtdx 2 2 dtdx dtdx 4r3 + 4 2 1r @x2 u+ n 2 L2 ( The last inequality is obtained by choosing = r. b) We have Z '2 (t) x + 2 :'0 (t) @x2 u+ Bn;1 = n (t; x) un (t; x) dtdx; + ' (t) '1 (t) 1 1 2 n + n ). A. Khelou… 169 then 2 1 jBn;1 j 2 1 Z 2 + n j'01 (t)j 2 L2 ( 2 4 1r + n 2 L2 ( + n The last inequality is obtained by choosing c) We have Z Cn;1 = + n 4 @x2 u+ n '1 (t)] 2 L2 ( + n 2 L2 ( ) + n ) ) @x2 u+ n + @x2 u+ n dtdx + 2 @x2 u+ n 4 2 j'01 (t)j ['2 (t) sup t2[0;r] + u+ n (t; x) 4 ) 2 3 1r +r 2 L2 ( @x2 u+ n + n ): = r. '2 (t) x 2 '2 (t) '1 (t) 0 1 :'1 (t) @x u+ n (t; x) 2 dtdx then jCn;1 j Z 2j 1j 4j 1j r 2 + n j'01 (t)j j'2 (t) @x2 u+ n 2 L2 ( + n '1 (t)j 2 @x2 u+ n (t; x) 2 dtdx ). Consequently, jLn;1 j (4 + 4 2 3 1 )r + 4j 1j r 2 + (1 + 4 2 1 )r @x2 u+ n 2 L2 ( + n ). 2 3 2 )r + 4j 2j r 2 + (1 + 4 2 2 )r @x2 u+ n 2 L2 ( + n ). Similarly, we can obtain jLn;2 j (4 + 4 Summing up the above estimates, we obtain fn+ 2 L2 ( + n ) 2 L2 ( 2 2 + jIn;1 j jIn;2 j jLn;1 j jLn;2 j ) + @x un L2 ( + n) n h 2 @x2 u+ 1 (16 + 4 21 + 4 22 )r + (4 j 1 j + 4 j 2 j) r2 n L2 ( + n) io 2 +(8 + 4 21 + 4 22 )r3 + @t u+ n L2 ( + ) : @t u+ n + n n 2 Using the condition (4) and since kfn+ kL2 ( proved. 2 + n ) kf + kL2 ( +) , then Proposition 3 is THEOREM 3. Problem (7) admits a (unique) solution u+ 2 H 1;2 ( + ). 170 Well-Posedness Results for the Heat Equation PROOF. The estimation of Proposition 3 shows that + uf n L2 ( +) + + @] t un L2 ( +) + 2 X i + @] x un i=1 L2 ( +) C f+ L2 ( +) ; + ] + ] + i + where e: denotes the 0 extension of u+ . This means that uf n , @t un ; @x un , i = 1; 2 n to 2 + are bounded functions in L ( ). The following compactness result is well known: A bounded sequence in a re‡exive Banach space (and in particular in a Hilbert space) is weakly convergent. So for a suitable increasing sequence of integers nk , k = 1; 2; :::, there exists functions u+ ; v + ; vi+ ; i = 1; 2 in L2 ( + ) such that g + + + + ^ + ^ i + u nk * u ; @t unk * v ; @x unk * vi ; i = 1; 2 weakly in L2 ( + ) as k ! 1: Clearly, v + = @t u+ ; vi+ = @xi u+ ; i = 1; 2 in the sense of distributions in + and so in L2 ( + ). Finally, u+ 2 H 1;2 ( + ) and @t u+ @x2 u+ = f in + : On the other hand, the solution u+ satis…es the boundary conditions, since 8n 2 N ; u+ + n = u+ n. REMARK 2. The function u 2 H 1;2 ( ) de…ned by u := u in u+ in + ; , is the (unique) solution of Problem (1). Acknowledgment. I want to thank the anonymous referee for a careful reading of the manuscript and for his/her helpful suggestions. References [1] Yu. A. Alkhutov, Lp -solubility of the Dirichlet problem for the heat equation in noncylindrical domains, (Russian) Mat. Sb., 193(2002), 3–40; translation in Sb. Math., 193(2002), 1243–1279. [2] Yu. A. 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