MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET P a ge 1 of 5 I. PRODUCT INFORMATION MANUFACTURER'S NAME: ADDRESS: TRADE NAME: REGULAR TELEPHONE NO. EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NO. Elk Corporation of Texas (9 7 2 ) 8 7 5 -9 6 1 1 (9 7 2 ) 8 7 5 -9 6 1 1 202 Cedar Road, Ennis, Texas 75119 VERSASHIELD® Prestique Grande Interply, VERSASHIELD® Domain W inslow Interply SYNONYMS: Shingle Interply SHIPPING NAME: DOT: Mineral-Coated Chopped Strand Glass Mat (not restricted) II. HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS MATERIAL OR COMPONENT CAS NO. % HAZARD DATA Limestone 1 3 1 7 -6 5 -3 5 0 -6 0 Slag, Coal 6 8 4 7 6 -9 6 -0 1 0 -1 5 Glass, Fibrous (diameter > 13 micron) 6 5 9 9 7 -1 7 -3 5 -1 0 ACGIH(TLV-TW A)=10 mg/m3 OSHA(PEL-TW A)=15 mg/m3 Total Dust = 5 mg/m3 Respirable Fraction Calcium Hydroxide 1 3 0 5 -6 2 -0 0.1-0.2 ACGIH(TLV-TW A)= 5 mg/m3 OSHA(PEL-TW A)=15 mg/m3 Total Dust = 5 mg/m3 Respirable Fraction ACGIH(TLV-TW A)=10 mg/m3 * OSHA(PEL-TW A)=15 mg/m3 Total Dust = 5 mg/m3 Respirable Fraction ACGIH(TLV-TW A)=10 mg/m3 = 5 mg/m3 Respirable Fraction OSHA(PEL-TW A)=15 mg/m3 Total Dust = 5 mg/m3 Respirable Fraction * This value is for total dus t containing no as bes tos . Fibrous Glas s Inhalation Acute: Mechanical irritation of the m outh, nos e and throat. Chronic: Many s tudies have been conducted to determ ine the potential long term effects of fibrous glas s inhalation. Although inconclus ive, s om e res earch s upported by the indus try indicates that m anufacturing plant em ployees , who were firs t em ployed m ore than 30 years ago in factories that m anufactured glas s wool and m ineral wool, have an increas ed rate of lung cancer as com pared to certain other reference populations . Further third party s tudy is planned to identify thos e factors as s ociated with the reported increas ed rate. Sim ilar findings were not reported regarding em ployees in textile fiber m anufacturing plants . Anim al s tudies have not dem ons trated an increas ed rate of lung cancer when the anim als breathed large quantities of glas s fibers . Artifical im plantation or injection of fine glas s fibers into the ches t, abdom inal cavity or trachea of laboratory anim als has produced cancer. III. PHYSICAL DATA BOILING POINT, 760 MM HG NA MELTING POINT NA SPECIFIC GRAVITY (H2O=1) NA VAPOR PRESSURE NA VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=1) NA SOLUBILITY IN H2O % BY W T % VOLATILES BY VOL. NA EVAPORATION RATE (BUTYL ACETATE-1) NA pH (AS IS) pH (1% SOLN.) NA APPEARANCE AND ODOR BlackColor, Mineral-filled Mat w ith laminated plastic filmOdorless Insoluble MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET P a ge 2 of 5 IV. FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA FLASH POINT (TEST METHOD) NA AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE FLAMMABLE LIMITS IN AIR, % BY VOL. NA LOW ER NA Non-Flammable UPPER NA EXTINGUISHING MEDIA W ATER, FOAM, DRY CHEMICAL, SAND AND CO2 SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES NONE-Treat w ith generally accepted practices for combusible product. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD NA V. HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION HEALTH HAZARD DATA ROUTES OF EXPOSURE HAZARD CLASSIFICATION NUISANCE DUST INHALATION SKIN CONTACT SKIN ABSORPTION EYE CONTACT INGESTION NUISANCE DUST BASIS FOR CLASSIFICATION SOURCE "Industrial Exposures and Control Technologies for OSHA Regulated Hazardous Substances" " " 1 -1 9 -8 9 Federal Register " " NA NUISANCE DUST NA "Industrial Exposures and Control Technologies for OSHA Regulated Hazardous Substances" 1 -1 9 -8 9 Federal Register " " EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE: Use of this product is not anticipated to result in employee overexposure during normal conditions of use that are in accordance w ith the manufacturer's specified applications. How ever, use of this product in other applications not specified by the manufacturer could potentially result in eye, skin and/or respiratory irritation. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ACUTE OVEREXPOSURE: Excessive grinding or abrasion of this product may create airborne dust and fiber concentrations in excess of state and Federal OSHA permissible exposure limits. Exposure to concentrations in excess of these PELs may cause severe respiratory irritation, skin irritation and/or eye irritation. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHRONIC OVEREXPOSURE: Repeated and/or prolonged exposure to dust and fibers at concentrations in excess of state and Federal OSHA permissible exposure limits may result in respiratory damage, chronic skin irritation and/or eye injury. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET P a ge 3 of 5 EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES EYES: Flush w ith clean w ater for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical attention if irritation persists. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SKIN: Flush w ith clean w ater for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical attention if irritation persists. INHALATION: Remove afffected persons from source of exposure. Seek medical attention if irritation persists or if affected persons develop breathing difficulties. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ INGESTION: This product is not intended for consumption or direct contact w ith any type of food or beverage. Seek medical attention if this product is ingested. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NOTES TO PHYSICIAN: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VI. REACTIVITY DATA CONDITIONS CONTRIBUTING TO INSTABILITY: NA _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ INCOMPATIBILITY: Strong acids w ill react w ith the limestone component releasing CO2 gas. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide and Hydrocarbons w ill result from incomplete combustion of the organic binder if involved in a fire. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CONDITIONS CONTRIBUTING TO HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: W ill not occur _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VII. DISPOSAL, SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES AQUATIC TOXICITY: NA _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ W ASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: Dispose of w aste in accordance w ith local, state, and Federal law s and regulations pertaining to material of this type of composition. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ STEPS TO BE TAKEN IF MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: Collect spilled material in appropriate containers for reuse or disposal. Avoid dry sw eeping and other spill removal procedures that may create airborne dust and fibers. NEUTRALIZING CHEMICALS NA MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET P a ge 4 of 5 VIII. SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION VENTILATION REQUIREMENTS: Use of this product is not anticipated to require more than general room ventilation during normal conditions of use that are in accordance w ith the manufacturer's specified applications. How ever, use of this product in other applications not specified by the manufacturer could potentially generate airborne dust and fibers that may require additional mechanical exhaust to prevent employee overexposures. Excessive grinding or abrasion of this product may create airborne dust and fiber concentrations in excess of state and Federal OSHA permissible exposure limits. If employee exposures exceed these PELs, local exhaust ventilation or other mechanical ventilation systems may be required to reduce such exposures to concentrations below the PELs. If mechanical exhaust ventilation is necessary, exhaust air should be appropriately filtered or otherw ise controlled to meet local, state and Federal air pollution and air quality law s and standards. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SPECIFIC PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: W here respiratory protection is used, such use must comply w ith state and Federal OSHA standards. Only respirators approved by the National Institute for Occupational and Health (NIOSH) should be used. EYES: W ear safety glasses w ith sideshields or safety goggles. Selection and use of all eye protection should meet applicable standards set by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and state and Federal OSHA standards. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SKIN: W ear sturdy w ork gloves and intact clothing w ith long sleeves and long pants. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FEET: W ear socks and appropriate, closed-toe shoes or boots. Selection and use of all foot protection should meet applicable standards set by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and state and Federal OSHA standards. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ HEAD: W ear a hard hat, bump cap or other head covering appropriate for the specific w ork areas and activities to be performed. Selection and use of all head protection should meet applicable standards set by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and state and Federal OSHA standards ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RESPIRATORY: If employee exposures exceed state or or Federal OSHA permissible exposure limits, respiratory protection should be w orn until and unless such exposures are reduced to concentrations below these PELs. Only NIOSH-approved respirators should be w orn. Selection and use of specific respirators should meet applicable standards set by state and Federal OSHA standards for repiratory protection and for the specific substances and concentrations to w hich employees are exposed. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ W ORK PRACTICES: Employees should avoid eating, drinking, chew ing, smoking, taking medication and applying cosmetics in w ork areas w here this product is being installed or removed. Employees should w ash their hands and other exposed areas of skin after handling this product and before smoking or consuming anything. Employees should show er at the end of each w ork shift after installing or removing this product. W ork clothing should be w ashed separately and the w ashing machine should be w iped out at the end of the w ashing cycle. IX. SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS STATE: This product contains chemicals know n to the State of California to cause cancer and/or repro- ductive toxicity, as defined by Title 22 California Code of Regulations Section 12000. For additional information on this content, contact the product manufacturer. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET P a ge 5 of 5 ADDITIONAL REGULATORY CONCERNS: FEDERAL- NA FDA- NA USDA- NA TSCA CARCINOGENICITY IARC - NA NO OSHA - NO IS THIS PRODUCT, OR ALL ITS INGREDIENTS, BEING CERTIFIED FOR INCLUSION ON THE TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL ACT INVENTORY OF CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES? Yes_____ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ OTHER HANDLING AND STORAGE REQUIREMENTS: NONE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ OTHER: W hile Elk Corporation of Texas, Inc. believes the data set forth herein is accurate as of the date hereof, Elk makes no w arranty, express or implied, regarding its correctness w ith respect thereto and expressly disclaims all liability for reliance thereon. The conditions and methods of handling, storage, use and disposal of the product are beyond our control. For this and other reasons, w e do not assume responsibility and expressly disclaim liability for loss, damage, or expense arising out of or in any w ay connected w ith the handling, storage, use or disposal of the product. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DATE: September 19, 2002