Community Education spring 2016 816.604.2030

Adult Noncredit Classes
spring 2016
Left to right: Ernestine Kirkwood, Kay Owens, Tami Morrow and Janet Schaaf.
Welcome to...
• Fun • Recreation • Enrichment •
The Community Education department at Metropolitan Community CollegeLongview is committed to providing fun and informative educational opportunities
for adults and children.
MCC’s mission of Preparing Students, Serving Communities and Creating
­Opportunities is just as applicable to non-credit students as it is to those
seeking degrees. Here in Community Education, we carry out the mission
each and every day.
We prepare students by offering on-campus and online classes for those n
­ eeding
to brush up on the basics of a class needed for degree completion, test-prep
classes or computer education in preparation for new job opportunities.
Our program is built on serving the community around us – student feedback is
important to us and is necessary to create programs that fit our students’ needs.
We create opportunities for success. Our classes are not grade oriented, only
life enriching. Whether you take a class to expand your skills or just expand your
­horizons, we have something to offer.
Celebrate lifelong learning
with Community Education.
Tami Morrow,
Community Education Coordinator
What s Inside
Arts & Crafts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Careers & Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Home & Garden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Plumbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Language & Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Law & Finance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Long-Term Lifestyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Planning For Aging Well . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Mind-Body Focus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Intuitive Eating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Photography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Cultural Arts Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Online Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Recreation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Flights of Fancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Special Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
We Believe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Certified Barbecue Judging Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Jayhawkers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Reading Horizons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
College for Kids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Enrollment Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Cancellations Due To Weather
When MCC-Longview or Metropolitan Community College District cancels classes,
your Community Education class will not be held. Please be sure to listen for TV or radio
­announcements for cancellations. If you are unsure, you may call the Community ­Education
office at 816.604.2030.
We will accommodate disabilities. MCC-Longview Disability Support Services (DSS) office
will provide special assistance for any students with documented disabilities. To receive these
services, you must inform the College of your disability one month in advance of your class
and provide appropriate documentation. Please call the DSS office at 816.604.2254 for an
Enroll Today! 816.604.2030
Arts & Crafts
Basic Drawing
Soul Paint
Are you tired of living on the left
side of your brain? Even with
no artistic experience, you can
­develop new skills and a new way
of ­seeing the world. Learn the
­fundamental ­concepts in ­drawing,
such as ­perspective, line and
­contour d
­ rawing and value (light and
­shadow). This is your opportunity to
explore a skill in a non-threatening
environment taught by a professional
art instructor. A materials list will be
Everyone possesses the seeds of
creativity. Step away from the outside
world of stress and into a world of
peace, joy and a
­ cceptance through
painting! This class is not one that
teaches you how to paint an object
in front of you, but rather teaches
you to connect to your i­nner self and
unlock your heart for s­ elf-expression.
Learn to free ­yourself of doubt, stress
and j­udgmentj and harness the
beauty of your own unique, creative
style. We’ll explore mixed-media
and acrylic painting while learning
new ­techniques along the way! A
­materials list will be provided. ­
Instructor: Angela Penticuff
5 Tues., Starts Feb. 2
6:30-9 p.m.
Fee - $64
Beginning Watercolor
You will be introduced to b
­ asic
­materials and learn different
­techniques that make watercolor
such a versatile medium. Experiment
with techniques such as washes,
various wet and dry brush ­methods,
color layering and blending. Color
theory and composition will be
included. No previous painting or
drawing experience is required. This
class is perfect for beginners. A
­materials list will be provided.
Instructor: Amy Jo
Section A:
5 Tues., 6-9 p.m.
Starts Feb. 2
Fee - $79
Section B:
5 Wed., 6-9 p.m.
Starts March 23
Fee - $79
Instructor: Amy Jo
3 Tues. & 3 Thurs.
Starts April 5, 6-9 p.m.
Fee - $84
Arts & Crafts
Oil and Acrylic Painting
Paint like the artist you’ve always
dreamed of being. Whether a beginner or an advanced painter, you
will learn techniques to enrich your
painting experience. You’ll learn tips
about using light source, shadows
and glazing that will help you form
your own personal style. Enjoy the
process and join the fun. Let the
­artist in you arise! A materials list
will be provided.
Julie Skinner
5 Wed., Starts Feb. 3, 6-9 p.m.
Fee - $84
The Timeless Art
of ­Chinese Brush Painting
Experience this traditional Chinese
art form that has been practiced
for thousands of years. In this
­introductory course you will learn to
paint on rice papers with a simple,
elegant approach using Chinese
bamboo brushes, ink and ­minimal
colors. Students will practice
­techniques of brush work, creation
of ink tones and composition in
­calligraphy, landscapes, and flower
and bird subjects.
Instructor: Valda Hsu
8 Wed., Starts March 16
6-8:30 p.m.
Fee - $107
Chinese Calligraphy
Calligraphy, or the art of writing,
is the visual art form prized above
all others in traditional China. You
will learn the Chinese calligraphy
often seen practiced in New Year’s
­celebrations in China and Chinese
communities around the globe.
Using basic ink and bamboo brush
technique, students will practice
the eight basic stroke variations
and learn how to plot the strokes
­harmoniously within a space. ­Create
sacred Chinese motifs, sayings
or short poems and develop the
sense of energy through the w
­ riting
of these meaningful characters. It
is a relaxing yet highly disciplined
­exercise for one's physical, spiritual
and esthetic well-being.
Instructor: Valda Hsu
4 Wed., Starts Feb. 3, 6-8:30 p.m.
Fee - $79
Enroll Today! 816.604.2030
Arts & Crafts
Women in Art:
Mona to Marilyn
Beginning Sewing
Join us as we discuss how the
visual arts reflect social, political,
economic and religious trends of
their time. With societal changes we
see changes in the roles of women.
These classes are about women—
about differences in their status
and the manner by which they are
­represented throughout the history
of art. A visit to the Nelson-Atkins
Museum of Art will be scheduled.
Instructor: JoAnn Gloor
4 Tues., Starts April 5
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Fee - $74
Sew a T-Shirt Quilt
Want a special gift for a g
­ raduate,
friend or family member? If you have
6 to 24 t-shirts, you can d
­ esign and
make a keepsake quilt for ­someone
to cherish. You will cut the t-shirts to
make the blocks in the first ­session.
In the second session, you will begin
to sew the blocks together to form
the quilt top. The c
­ ompleted quilt
top will be ready to be either hand
tied or machine quilted ­(outside
of class). You must s­ upply your
own t-shirts. This p
­ roject requires
you to spend extra time ­working
on your quilt outside the class
time. Anticipate spending 6 to 10
hours preparing your quilt blocks
­before coming to the second class
­session. **Please bring your own
­machine – there are limited m
­ achines
available for s­ tudent use on a
­first-come-first-served basis.
Do you have a sewing machine but
don't know how to use it? Basic
sewing is for you. We will start with
the basics and, throughout the
4 ­sessions, you will learn how to
use your machine, perform basic
­clothing/sewing repairs and sew
simple patterns. A supply list will be
provided. **You must bring your own
Instructor: Courtney Hill
Section A:
5 Thurs., 6-9 p.m.
Starts Feb. 4
Fee - $84
Section B:
5 Thurs., 6-9 p.m.
Starts April 14
Fee - $84
Intermediate Sewing
If you know the basics of ­sewing
and want to further your skills, then
­intermediate sewing is for you. We
will be learning more advanced
techniques like gathering, pleating
and more, and completing several
projects. This is a great next step if
you've taken the Beginning ­Sewing
class. **Please bring your own
­machine – there are limited ­machines
available for student use on a
­first-come-first-served basis.
Instructor: Courtney Hill
4 Thurs., Starts March 17
6-9 p.m.
Fee - $79
Instructor: Judy Foglio
3 Mon., Starts Feb. 15
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Fee - $54
& Business
The Great Interview
Most people hate interviewing;
­however, if you understand the
process, interviews don't have to
be scary! This interview ­workshop
teaches participants what the
­interviewer is thinking, what types
of questions to expect, and how to
handle even the trickiest of interview
Marianne Worthington
Mon., April 11, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Fee - $24
Real Estate
Career Overview
Are you thinking about getting your
real estate license? Learn how
much money is needed to start a
real estate business and whether
you'll need a license. There are
many questions to answer if you are
­thinking of starting in the real estate
­business, or t­ ransitioning or r­ etiring
from a professional career track.
­Having a real estate license may
be a tool for g
­ enerating a primary
stream of income or supplementing
your income. Either way, having a
­license can open i­ncome-generating
­opportunities. This workshop
will provide an overview of those
­opportunities and next steps for
moving forward.
Instructor: James & Twana Scott
Tues., March 1, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Fee - $24
Enroll Today! 816.604.2030
Home & Garden
Annual Flowers for
­Summer-long Color
Future Homebuyer’s
True annuals are plants that go
through their entire life cycle—from
seed to bloom to seed ­production
to death—in one year. Some of
the plants typically thought of as
­annuals are actually biennials,
perennials or shrubs in warmer
climates. They are started indoors
to encourage early bloom and
remain in bloom all summer. We’ll
look at different varieties and which
are best suited for your tastes and
There are many things to c
­ onsider
when thinking about b
­ uying a home.
Learn about costs ­associated with
purchasing a home, such as down
payment, closing costs, appraisal
and ­inspection, as well as payment
assistance for some costs for
­first-time home buyers. We will
­discuss a step-by-step ­summary
of the home-buying process in
this class. If you are planning
to ­purchase in the next 2-24
months, make plans to attend.
Instructor: David Kriegh
Thurs., March 3, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Fee - $24
Instructor: James & Twana Scott
Tues., March 15, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Fee - $24
Urban Chickens!
Discover the joys and benefits of
backyard chicken keeping in this
educational workshop. We’ll cover
fundamentals like different breeds,
what to look for in a coop, care for
your backyard flock, how to raise
baby chicks, health issues, city
regulations and the thrill of bringing
fresh eggs to your table.
Instructor: Barb McKinney
Thurs., March 24, 6-8 p.m.
Fee - $24
Home & Garden
How to Sell Your
Home for the Highest
Price Possible
This class is designed to p
­ rovide
the information you need to protect
your most important i­nvestment—
your home. Learn which ­upgrades
will bring the best return and
which ones will improve your
home’s s­ alability. We’ll discuss
the real e
­ state market and how to
­determine if the sale of your home
will provide the profit you require,
and talk about whether to hire a
real estate agent or sell your home
Instructor: James & Twana Scott
Tues., March 22, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Fee - $24
Building Your Next Home
Planning to build a home brings up
different questions than p
­ lanning
to purchase a home. Even if you’ve
built a home before, you may
have questions about the ­process
for your next home. ­Financing
­options are different for the
­building p
­ rocess—what are your
­options? Learn how to save money
whether you work with the builder
or a ­Realtor. Join this i­nformative
class for an overview of the
­building p
­ rocess from the buyer’s
Instructor: James & Twana Scott
Tues., March 29, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Fee - $24
Enroll Today! 816.604.2030
You can learn to tackle those
pesky plumbing issues in your
home! ­Dripping faucets or leaking
toilets making you crazy? Learn
how to fix that. Need to install a
new toilet or garbage disposal?
Master the method. Build on
your existing skills or develop
new ones in these four classes
designed to help you improve
your home sweet home and save
money doing it.
Instructor: Bruce Harden,
Platinum Professional
Group Plumbing
Toilet and Sink Installation
and Maintenance
Are your bathroom fixtures in need
of major updating? Say goodbye to
that water-wasting toilet and learn
to install a newer, more efficient
one. A more fashionable sink can
also change the look of a bathroom.
Learn to install and maintain these
two important fixtures to make your
bathroom not only beautiful, but
more efficient as well.
Garbage Disposal
Tired of food waste making your
trash smelly? A garbage disposal
could be just what you’ve been
looking for. With a few hours and the
right tools, learn to install this handy
kitchen tool with less cash than if
you paid someone to do it for you.
Thurs., April 21, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Fee - $24
Bathtub and
Shower Repair
Your shower head should be
­spraying enough water to get the
job done, while your drain keeps up
its end of the bargain so your tub
doesn’t fill with water. Learn the ins
and outs of bathtub and shower
repair from top to bottom—shower
heads, faucets and drains.
Thurs., April 28, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Fee - $24
Thurs., April 7, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Fee - $24
An Easy Update
for Your Kitchen or Bath
Sinks and faucets do a lot of the
dirty work in our kitchens and
baths, and can start to look a little
­wear-worn after time. Replacing
them with updated models can
change the look of your space and
make your work easier.
Thurs., April 14, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Fee - $24
Language &
Beginning Spanish
Level 1
The innovative program 10 Minutes
a Day is easy to use and will have
you speaking S
­ panish immediately.
Using labels, flash cards, games
and more, you will learn more than
300 vocabulary words, including
­numbers, colors and verbs. This
class is designed for those with no
prior knowledge of Spanish.
Bring a 3-ring notebook
and index cards.
Italian for Travelers
Acquire the basic skills needed to
speak, read, write and u
­ nderstand
the Italian language with the
10 Minutes a Day series. This
­innovative program is easy to use
and will have you speaking ­Italian
immediately. Practice how to
engage in everyday conversations
from ordering at a restaurant to
asking for directions. You will also
be introduced to the Italian culture
and customs.
Instructor: Karen Lange
6 Tues., Starts Jan. 26
6:30-8 p.m.
Fee - $110, includes book
Instructor: Lisa Power
8 Sat., Starts Jan. 30, 9-11 a.m.
(Note: no class the week of
spring break, March 7-12)
Fee - $124, includes book
Beginning Spanish
Level 2
Italian for Travelers II
Continuing with the program 10
Minutes a Day, you will practice
more advanced communication
skills encountered in typical day-today situations. We will also practice
the most important words used
by travelers such as introducing
yourself, getting around the area
and ordering food in a restaurant.
Prerequisite: Italian for Travelers
or equivalent.
Prerequisite: Spanish – Level 1
or equivalent.
Extend the lessons in the previous
class by improving your accent and
expanding your vocabulary through
Instructor: Lisa Power
6 Sat., Starts April 2, 9-11 a.m.
Fee - $114, no book provided
Fee - $124, includes book
Instructor: Karen Lange
6 Tues., Starts March 15
6:30-8 p.m.
Fee - $89, no book provided
Fee - $110, includes book
Enroll Today! 816.604.2030
Language &
Beginning Japanese
Have you studied Japanese before,
but want to be more ­proficient?
This class makes it easy and
­enjoyable to build on your existing
knowledge to master the essentials
of the Japanese language. You
will learn to speak with confidence
and be understood, using correct
pronunciation, vocabulary and
grammar. We’ll practice drills and
dialogue, do interactive exercises
and gain cultural knowledge.
Prerequisite: Basic Japanese
­knowledge, Beginning Japanese I
or equivalent
Eriko Otsuka Wehmeyer
8 Tues., Starts Mar. 15
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Fee - $124, Includes the book
Japanese for Busy People I
German for Travel & Fun
Whether you’re celebrating "­ Oktoberfest," skiing the Alps, or exploring
your German heritage, you’ll have more fun if you can speak the language!
This class will provide plenty of opportunity to speak German and pick
up some vocabulary. Your teacher (born and raised in Germany) will even
throw in some cultural aspects as well. The 10 Minutes a Day program is
a fun and easy, hands-on learning ­experience. No previous k
­ nowledge
Instructor: Kerstin Haack
8 Tues., Starts Mar. 15, 7-9 p.m.
Fee - $124, Includes book
Language &
Sign Language I
Learn sign language to
­communicate with the h
­ earing
impaired. You will learn the manual
­alphabet, basic signs and some
deaf culture. Emphasis is on
­individual ­application.
Instructor: Debra Swinger
6 Thurs., Starts Jan. 28, 7-9 p.m.
Fee - $69
Sign Language II
A continuation of our Sign
­Language I class to take your skills
to the next level.
Prerequisite: Sign Language I
or equivalent.
Instructor: Debra Swinger
6 Thurs., Starts March 17
7-9 p.m.
Fee - $69
How to Have Credibility
at a Moment’s Notice
Are you one of the few people
who possess that unique style,
­charisma, chutzpa and flare for
the dramatic? No? Learn how to
get people to listen to you, take
you seriously and take appropriate
action. You can say what you have
to say well, whenever you have to:
on the phone, one-to-one and in
group situations. Don’t miss this
Instructor: Garrett Gardner,
founder and president of FULL
Sat., April 2, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Fee - $99
Connect with
Community Ed
To subscribe to our newsletter, email
Enroll Today! 816.604.2030
Basic Estate
Planning and Wills
Planning for a Child
with Special Needs
Determine the appropriate estate
plan for you. Topics will include:
the probate process, beneficiaries,
executors and guardians, p
­ roperty
titles, powers of attorney and
­non-probate transfers.
How much do you know about
trusts? Is a living trust right for
you? We will discuss avoiding
­probate, managing your assets
during incapacity, providing for
beneficiaries, minimizing taxes
and more.
Parents of children with physical,
mental or emotional disabilities
devote countless hours to ­caring
for those special needs. We want to
help you understand the ­planning
your child may need during all
stages of life. We’ll cover Social
Security, determining eligibility
and why it’s important. Find out
about a special needs trust and
protecting assets for your children.
­Guardianship will be discussed, as
well as the importance of creating
a blueprint for providing care after
parents are gone. We will review
how planning for your child with
special needs is important both
­legally and financially.
Instructor: Chinnery Law Office
Tues., March 1, 7-9 p.m.
Fee - $24
Instructor: Scott Adams, CFP
Tues., April 19, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Fee - $24
Now You’re an Executor!
Future Homebuyer’s
Instructor: Chinnery Law Office
Tues., Feb. 23, 7-9 p.m.
Fee - $24
Living Trusts
So, you’ve been asked to be the
executor of someone’s will, but
do you know what that entails?
We’ll explain the duties, o
­ bligations
and liabilities of an executor.
This comprehensive overview of
­issues includes everything from
­commencing the probate process
through the closing of the estate.
This course is designed to address
the concerns often experienced
when people are faced with this
seemingly overwhelming task.
Instructor: Chinnery Law Office
Tues., March 15, 7-9 p.m.
Fee - $24
There are many things to c
­ onsider
when thinking about ­buying
a home. Learn about costs
­associated with purchasing a
home, such as down payment,
closing costs, appraisal and
­inspection, as well as payment
assistance for some costs for
­first-time home buyers. We will
discuss a step-by-step ­summary
of the home-buying process in
this class. If you are planning to
purchase in the next 2-24 months,
make plans to attend.
Instructor: James & Twana Scott
Tues., March 15, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Fee - $24
Long -Term
There’s No Place Like
Home but What If You
Have to Move?
As we age, there are many r­ easons
we may need and want to move
from the place we’ve known as
home for many years. Declining
health, family connections, loss
of friends and financial reasons,
among many others, may make the
decision to leave our only option.
But then what? What do we look
for in the way of services? Who
pays for what? And above all, how
do we prepare psychologically for
the adjustment? We’ll explore some
of the questions needed to make
the best decisions and provide
basic ­answers as well.
Instructor: Hannah Rues
Tues., Feb. 9, 6-8 p.m.
Fee - $24
Financial Strategies
for Successful Retirement
Call 816.604.2030 to enroll
More than 1,000 satisfied attendees since 1995!
Highly recommended for adults of all ages.
Topics include:
• Minimizing taxes •
• Maximizing retirement plan distribution options •
• Structuring investments for growth •
• Creating a secure retirement income plan •
And much more!
Instructor: Rob Overton,
Financial Planner, Financial Professionals, Inc.
3 Thurs., Starts Jan. 21, 6:30-9:30 p.m.
Fee - $59/single, includes workbook; $79/couple, one workbook
(Fee includes optional private consultation.)
Enroll Today! 816.604.2030
Planning for
Saturday, March 5
9 a.m.-noon
Invest just three hours to learn financial, health and legal strategies that will
ground you in making wise choices for moving forward — whether you are
­planning for yourself or facing the need to help your parents age well.
Estate Planning 101
Complete your legal checklist while ­learning
about basic documents to protect you and
the ones you love. Learn the difference
between a will and a trust, hear why everyone
needs a Durable Power of Attorney for health
care, plan to have your legal affairs in order
before a crisis occurs and enjoy peace of
mind today by planning for tomorrow.
Presenter: Aaron Love, attorney at law
Practice areas: estate planning and elder
law (The choice of a lawyer is an important
decision and should not be based solely on
Aging with Dignity:
Long-term Care Planning
Baby Boomers are aging, and the cost
of medical care is not going to decrease.
Learn how to plan for long-term care needs
(both for you and your loved ones) from
a ­nationally recognized speaker. Topics
include M
­ edicare, Medicaid, VA benefits and
­insurance products.
Presenter: Stana Martin,
long-term care specialist
Financial Planning: ­Maximizing
Your Retirement Income
Your financial picture changes significantly
when you reach retirement. Strategies that
have served you well during your working
years may not be appropriate for ­retirement.
Whether you are planning for yourself or
for your aging loved ones, you need the
right tools to help you maximize retirement
income. Learn how to manage your finances
to ensure a secure future.
Presenter: Stephen Stricklin,
Founder and President, Wise Wealth, LLC
Personal Organization
Making sure all of your important papers
are accessible and in order doesn’t need to
be difficult. Learn how to identify all your
important documents and assets including
fast-growing digital items. Identify a plan
and tools to get your items all in one spot,
labeled and organized where others can easily
access them when necessary.
Join us on the
MCC-Longview campus
for this informative event.
Refreshments will be served
To enroll, call 816.604.2030
Fee - $39
Mind-Body Focus
Tai Chi for Health
Tai Chi for Arthritis
The gentle movements of Tai Chi
have been shown to reduce a
­ nxiety
and depression and to improve
coordination and balance. The
program helps improve flexibility
and muscle strength, increase heart
and lung activity, align posture and
­integrate the mind and body. Tai
Chi creates a sense of w
­ ell-being
while facilitating mind-body
­awareness and reducing stress.
This is an easy, effective and safe
exercise program based on a form
of Tai Chi and supported by the
Arthritis Foundation. The program
helps improve flexibility and muscle
strength, increase heart and lung
activity, align posture, improve
­balance and integrate the mind
and body.
Instructor: Nina Chen
10 Mon., Starts Feb. 15, 3-4 p.m.
Fee - $84
CPR and First Aid
This comprehensive course c
­ overs
adult CPR and first aid featuring
hands-on practice and real-life
­scenarios. You will also receive
training to use an Automated
­External Defibrillator (AED) on a
victim of sudden cardiac arrest.
You will learn how to respond to
breathing and cardiac emergencies
in adults, as well as how to apply
basic precautions to reduce the risk
of disease transmission during and
after providing care. Take-home
materials will help you retain skills
and serve as reference tools in
an emergency. American
Red Cross CPR
certification is
valid for two years
following the class.
Instructor: Nina Chen
10 Fri., Starts Feb. 19, 3-4 p.m.
Fee - $84
Hatha Yoga with
Meditation & Relaxation:
Beginning and Intermediate
Increase your flexibility and
­decrease the stress in your life
through yoga and relaxation.
This class includes Hatha Yoga
­postures, breathing techniques,
meditation and relaxation. Wear
loose, comfortable clothing. Bring
a yoga or exercise mat and block,
as well as water.
Instructor: Jan Sumner
10 Mon., Starts Feb. 8
6-7:15 p.m.
Fee - $84
Joe Gilman
Sat., March 19
9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Fee - $84,
includes book
Enroll Today! 816.604.2030
Mind-Body Focus
Chiropractic physician Dr. James Womelduff, a chiropractor with nearly
twenty years of experience, will present techniques to heal common
ailments using n­ utrition, acupressure, herbology, reflexology, massage
and chiropractic. One of his favorite quotes is from Thomas Edison:
“The doctor of the future will give no ­medicine, but will instruct his
patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and
prevention of disease.” If you are seeking an alternative to p­ rescription
medications and surgery, you don’t want to miss these lectures.
Acupressure for Couples
Acupressure is a beneficial mode of
healing that relieves pain and stress
by applying light to m
­ oderate
­pressure to acupuncture points
using the fingers, palms, forearms
or elbows. In this class for couples,
you will learn the vital ­acupressure
points of the human body to
treat conditions such as sinusitis,
­allergies, back pain and r­ epetitive
motion injuries. Please wear
­comfortable clothes. This class is
for couples only.
Instructor: James Womelduff
Mon., March 14, 6-8 p.m.
Fee - $48 per couple
Massage: The Healing
Power of Touch
Dr. Womelduff will discuss the
­different types of massage
­available. Techniques for common
conditions such as ­fibromyalgia,
lymphedema and chronic f­atigue
will also be included in this
­hands-on approach to healing.
Please wear comfortable clothes.
This class is for couples only.
Instructor: James Womelduff
Mon., March 28, 6-8 p.m.
Fee - $48 per couple
Mind-Body Focus
Reflexology for Couples
Reflexology focuses on reflex
maps of points and areas of the
body in the feet, hands and ears
using unique micromovement
techniques to create a response
throughout the body. Join us as we
journey into this art, how it works
and ­formulas for dynamic results.
Please wear comfortable clothes.
This class is for couples only.
Instructor: James Womelduff
Mon., March 21, 6-8 p.m.
Fee - $48 per couple
Introduction to
Essential Oils
Essential oils have been used for
thousands of years—learn why
they’re still useful today. We’ll cover
household and personal uses of
essential oils. Learn how to use
oils aromatically, topically and
­internally, and when to use them
each way responsibly. Take home
some “recipes” for household
cleaners and basic holistic uses
of essential oils.
Instructor: Amy Jo
Section A:
Mon. & Wed.
Feb. 8 & 10, 6-8 p.m.
Fee - $24
Section B:
Mon. & Wed.
Feb. 29 & Mar. 2, 6-8 p.m.
Fee - $24
Our intuition is the second
most powerful aspect of our
body. The first is our health!
We are born with the gift of a
body, mind and spirit capable
of amazing things. But when
we're not eating what our
body is asking for, we begin
to feel sluggish, unmotivated,
anxious or depressed. Our
bodies know us better than we
know ourselves. Learn how to
achieve your wellness goals
simply by listening to your
­intuition about what foods your
body is craving.
Instructor: Amy Jo
Wed., Feb. 17, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Fee - $24
Enroll Today! 816.604.2030
Creatively Capturing
the Moment
Manipulating the
Moment for Photoshop
Starting with some basic c
­ oncepts
such as the relationship b
­ etween
aperture, shutter speed and ISO
settings, we will explore depth
of field, various lens types,
­composition techniques, an
­overview of Photoshop as an ­image
editing tool and more. A major
part of the class will be frequent
­shooting assignments. The final
session will cover matting and
framing, and allow you to mount
your favorite image. SLR camera
Learn to use the powerful tools
and capabilities of Photoshop.
Topics discussed will include: tool
usage, cropping, removing dust
and scratches, adjusting colors,
converting images to black and
white, use of more than 100 filters
and combinations, introduction to
the powerful layers tool, ­adding
text and more! We will also be
­learning Elements in Creative Cloud
(any version). If you already use
­Photoshop, this class will ­fine-tune
your skills and teach you new
­techniques. Bring a 2GB (or larger)
USB flash drive to class. You must
bring your own laptop with a
version of Photoshop installed;
a 30-day free trial is available
from ­
Instructor: Debra Lawrence
4 Thurs., Starts Feb. 4
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Fee - $69
Creatively Fine
Tuning the Moment
This is a continuation of the
­Creatively Capturing the Moment
class. We’ll have a more in-depth
discussion about composition
and technique, the use of flash
and also experiment with studio
­lighting ­set-ups. Time will be given
to ­discuss business opportunities
­using your photography skills.
Instructor: Debra Lawrence
4 Thurs., Starts April 7
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Fee - $69
Prerequisite: Creatively Capturing
the Moment class or instructor’s
Instructor: Debra Lawrence
4 Thurs., Starts March 3
6:30-8:30 p.m.
(Note: no class the week of
spring break, March 7-12)
Fee - $69
For tickets call 816.604.2200 or visit For rental
information contact Ryan Morehead at
All gallery events are free and open to the public. For more
information please contact:
of Cultural
the Arts Center
Arts Center
Please call 816.604.2200 to become a
Friend of the Cultural Arts Center.
*Visit, email or call
816.604.2200 for more information, individual or season tickets or
group sales. MCC-Longview is the home of the Summit Theatre Group
and the Kansas City Chapter of Sweet Adelines. Support quality
programming at the MCC-Longview Cultural Arts Center by becoming
a Friend ofToday!
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MCC-Longview Community Education
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MCC-Longview Community
Community Education
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online Career Training Programs are
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begin these Programs at any time and learn at your
A+ Certification Training
Our instructor-facilitated
online courses are
Prepare for employment
in somePrograms
of today’s hottest
• Six Sigma Black Belt
• Medical Terminology:
Popular Courses:
Popular Programs:
A WordCourses:
Association Approach
Analyst Quick Start Program
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Speed Spanish
• Medical Billing
and Coding
• Accounting
• CompTIA™ A+ Certification Training
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Microsoft Excel
• CompTIA™
Certification Training
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Travel AgentA+
• Six Sigma Black Belt
• Medical Terminology:
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Belt& Design
Event Management
Medical Terminology:
A Word Association Approach
Quick Start Program
A Word Association
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Refresher Approach
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Analyst Quick
Start Program
Human Resources
• Speed Spanish
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Speed Spanish
• Medical
• Introduction
to Statistics
Project Management
• Introduction to Microsoft Excel
• Travel Agent Training
• Introduction
• Travel
Computer Skills in the Workplace
• Project Management Fundamentals
• Event Management & Design
• Project
& Design
Certified Personal Trainer
Administrative Assistant Fundamentals
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• Grammar Refresher
• Human Resources Professional
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Project Management
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to Statistics
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• Computer Skills in the Workplace
• Certified Wedding Planner
• Certified Personal Trainer
• Administrative Assistant Fundamentals
• Certified Personal Trainer
• Administrative Assistant Fundamentals
Starting a
Photography Business
You have a digital camera, and
you know your pictures are better
than your neighbor’s pictures on
her wall. You have taken your own
pictures for years – all your friends
ask you to take theirs – why not
start a business? Debra Lawrence,
owner of Abundant Moments
­Photography, will instruct you step
by step how to build your business
the right way – from the bottom up.
A good foundation has s­ upported
Debra’s successful, ­17-year
business. From naming your
­business and properly registering it
to taxes and hiring employees, time
management, pricing and props,
we will cover it all.
Instructor: Debra Lawrence,
Abundant Moments Photography
Thurs., May 5, 6-9 p.m.
Fee - $39
Travel Photography
Going on a trip of a lifetime?
­Taking a weekend break at the
lake? Whether you are in your own
backyard or backpacking across
Europe, a travel photography class
can open up a whole new world to
you. Which lenses do I take? What
types of shots do I look for? People
or things? We go over approach,
equipment and technical tips in
our quest to create the “postcard
­image.” Please bring your ­camera
to class, whether it is a phone
­camera, point-and-shoot or SLR.
Instructor: Debra Lawrence,
Thurs., May 12, 6-9 p.m.
Fee - $39
Organizing Photos
on Your Computer
You have hundreds (maybe
­thousands!) of photos in your
­camera. What do you do with
them? Let’s talk about the ­basic
work flow from shooting your
­photos to downloading and
­organizing them. You’ll learn how
to organize photo files on your
computer, how to edit and delete
­(separating the good from the bad),
how to name them for easy ­access
and how to create folders for
­storage. Your life just got easier!
Instructor: Mark Lozano
Tues. & Thurs., April 12 & 14
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Fee - $54
Enroll Today! 816.604.2030
East Coast Swing
Ballroom Basics
Swing is a great dance to learn,
no matter what type of music you
like—big band, classic rock, c
­ ountry,
blues, and more. Swing is very
versatile, so you’ll be ready for that
cruise, wedding, or nightclub. Lots
of turns and tricks to show off on the
dance floor! Participants must wear
clean, dry, smooth leather soles.
If a wedding is in your future or a
cruise is on your horizon, you’ll want
to join this class! We’ll introduce
the Waltz, Rumba and Tango—so
you’ll be prepared for whatever
­opportunities come your way. If
you’re a bride or groom, a member
of the wedding party or a parent of
one of the lucky honorees, you’ll
be front and center on the dance
floor. As a guest, you can impress
the crowd with your ability! And,
if you’re cruising, knowing how to
ballroom dance is a must! Or … if
you just want to learn the basics of
these three popular dances, you’re
welcome, too.
Instructor: Kate Hagedorn
6 Tues., Starts March 15
6-6:45 p.m.
Fee - $64
Want to learn one of the most
­popular of the Latin-American
dances? Learn to dance the light
and bubbly Cha-Cha! You’ll enjoy
this lively and flirtatious dance with
small steps and lots of hip motion!
­Participants must wear clean, dry,
smooth leather soles.
Instructor: Kate Hagedorn
6 Tues., Starts March 15
7-7:45 p.m.
Fee - $64
Instructor: Karen House
8 Weds., Starts March 16
6:30-7:15 p.m.
Fee - $74
Let’s start with the basics! Most
of the course will concentrate on
swing instruction—from set-up
(grip, a
­ lignment and posture) to­
­follow-through. Basic chipping
techniques, personal swing analysis,
drills and correcting problems will
be included. We’ll offer tips on how
to increase your enjoyment of the
game. You are responsible for golf
balls for the driving range. Clubs are
available at no charge.
Instructor: Don Gibbs
Location: Family Golf Park,
1501 NE 40 Hwy., Blue Springs
7 Tues., Starts May 3
5:30-7:30 p.m.
Fee - $74
April 16
10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
MCC-Longview Campus
500 SW Longview Rd
Lee’s Summit, MO
Bring your own kites and fly with us!
Food and beverages available for purchase.
Alcohol prohibited. No glass containers.
No pets allowed.
Special Interest
Traveling With Your Pet
Plan a Destination Event
Don’t leave Fido out of the fun!
­Including your pet in your travel
plans can be ­successful with a little
planning. Pets will need ­identification
and proof of v­ accination to travel.
There are also safety concerns to
think about, such as car harnesses
or crates for dogs and carriers for
cats. Helping a pet adjust to its new
surroundings once you reach your
destination will make your ­vacation
even more enjoyable. If you c
­ onsider
your pet as part of your f­amily,
­bringing it on vacation will be a
­rewarding experience for all.
What happens when you wake
up with the bright idea of ­going
­somewhere and inviting o
­ thers
along? Learn how to plan a
­domestic or overseas trip with ­family
and/or friends via the Progress
Report method. Class includes
­virtual p
­ lanning of an event such as
a ­vacation, reunion, birthday bash or
destination wedding.
Instructor: Debra Nickelson
Tues., March 1, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Fee - $24
•Purpose of trip/event, suggested
itinerary, estimated budget,
­descriptive highlights, mailing lists,
call to action, how travelers get to
know each other.
Pet First Aid
Your pet is a cherished member
of the family and relies on you
to ­provide care and protection.
What will you do if an emergency
­occurs? Pet First Aid, an A
­ merican
Red Cross course, presents
­symptoms and care for ailments
and ­emergencies, instructions for
creating a pet first-aid kit and tips
for maintaining your pet’s health and
well-being. You will receive a book
with DVD and a student first-aid kit
for use in class. You will practice on
dog or cat mannequins (specify dog
or cat when enrolling) and receive
practical pet health tips and lifetime
American Red Cross certification.
Instructor: Joe Gilman
Sat., April 9, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Fee - $84, includes book
•Who to invite, where and when to
go, types of group trips, g
­ etting
started, doing research and
­managing the group with Progress
•Flight schedule, travel times,
­accommodations, what to expect,
helpful foreign phrases, what to
bring, pre-trip swag bag. •During and after the trip: managing
expectations, organization, what
you should bring, setting tasks,
memorable moments, post-trip
There’s no way to totally eliminate
the stress of planning a trip, but our
tips will make it much easier!
Instructor: Debra Nickelson
2 Thurs. and 1 Tues.
Starts Feb. 18, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Fee - $54
We believe…
exploring lesser-known faith systems
This world of ours ... must avoid becoming
a community of dreadful fear and hate,
and be, instead, a proud confederation
of mutual trust and respect.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Join us for three enlightening
evenings with ­representatives
April 4, 11 & 18
6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
of six lesser-known faith s­ ystems
who will discuss the basic t­enets
of their ­religion. Each panel
­member will make a p
­ resentation,
and time will be ­allowed
for q
­ uestions and ­answers.
Don’t miss this ­opportunity
Dr. Jim McGraw,
Fee - $34
to e
­ xpand your knowledge
and u
­ nderstanding of:
• Buddhism
• Judaism
• Native American Spirituality
• Mormonism
• Quakerism
• Sikhism
Note: This class is ­
designed to educate
participants about
diverse belief ­systems.
An environment of
civility will be expected
and maintained.
Calling all barbeque lovers! If
you’ve ever attended a barbeque
­competition and wished you could
sample all of it, now is your chance
to fulfill that wish by becoming a
certified barbeque judge. “Being a
Certified Barbeque Judge (CBJ) [is]
about ­representing and s­ preading
the ­message of Kansas City
­Barbeque Society (KCBS), which
is to ­promote A
­ merica's cuisine—­
barbeque” (
Join instructor Ed Roith, l­ongtime
member of the KC­BS, as he guides
­participants through the ins and
outs of judging world-class chicken,
pulled pork, ribs and brisket. By
the end of the day you will be ready
to sign up to judge a competition.
The class fee includes a one-year
­membership to KCBS. Current
KCBS members in good standing
may enroll at a d
­ iscounted rate.
Please provide your membership
number at time of enrollment.
Sat., March 19, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Fee -$65 (KCBS members)
$100 (non-members –
includes one-year KCBS
Certified Barbeque Judge s Oath
I do solemnly swear to objectively and subjectively evaluate each
­Barbeque meat that is presented to my eyes, my nose, my hands and my
palate. I ­accept my duty to be an Official KCBS Certified Judge, so that
truth, justice, excellence in Barbeque and the American Way of Life may
be strengthened and preserved forever.
Special Interest
Guitar Instruction
Travel Free &
Get Paid to Do It
Do the words “free travel” pique
your interest? How about “career
opportunities”? This unique class
will offer you a wealth of i­nformation
in just one evening: how to take free
vacations, find fascinating jobs in
the travel industry ­(teaching E
­ nglish,
guiding tours, writing articles,
­shooting photos, driving, etc.), start
your own travel-related b
­ usiness,
mystery shop, find the best travel
web sites, maximize frequent flyer
miles, negotiate ­effectively, pack
lightly and much more. This class
is offered only once a year—don’t
miss it! Your instructor, Gina
­Henry-Cook, has more than 25
years of travel ­experience to more
than 80 c
­ ountries and 40 states.
Free ­Vacations, written by Gina
­Henry-Cook, will be available for
$15; pay ­instructor in class.
Instructor: Gina Henry-Cook
Mon., March 21, 6:30-9:30 p.m.
Fee - $39
If you have ever wanted to
learn to play guitar, this is your
­opportunity! We will begin with
­getting ­acquainted with the parts of
the g
­ uitar and learning the names
of strings and frets. You will learn
basic music skills, but you will
not be ­expected to read music.
We will work on drills and scales,
chords and rhythms. At the end of
the course, you will apply chords
to songs, and you may provide a
song of your own. This beginning
course will provide a foundation for
­further study of the guitar. Bring your
acoustic guitar and prepare to enjoy
the experience. Ages 12 & up!
Instructor: Vance Brison
8 Wed., Starts March 16
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Fee - $109
Write Your Life
The main tool successful people
attribute to their success is setting
goals for their life. Did you know that
fewer than five percent of people
­actually write their life goals down?
In this workshop we’ll explore
why goal setting is so essential to
­having a successful life. We will also
discover a few other secrets that
will propel you toward the life you
deserve. By the end of this class,
you will have set goals for seven
main areas of your life—and then be
prepared to go live the life of your
dreams! Supplies needed: journal,
pack of note cards, notebook.
Instructor: Brandy Bonner
3 Tues. & 3 Thurs.
Starts Feb. 9, 6-8 p.m.
Fee - $74
Enroll Today! 816.604.2030
Special Interest
Vision Board
for Abundant Success
“If you can imagine it, you can
achieve it. If you can dream it,
you can become it”
- William Arthur Ward
Vision boards aren’t just photos
glued to a poster board. They’re
intricately chosen images of your
deepest desires and dreams.
They’re a compilation of quotes,
­imagery and objects that all come
together to specifically show you
EXACTLY where your life can be
if you stay determined and stay
motivated. Vision boards provide
clarity around your goals and remind
you each day to keep on truckin’.
Specific goals get specific results!
Ready to manifest your desires?
In this class you'll not only learn
how to create a vision board that
works FOR you, but you'll learn the
­techniques to bring your desires
into reality. A materials list will be
Instructor: Amy Jo
Wed., March 2, 6-9 p.m.
Fee - $29
Thrifting 101
Thrift stores can hold an i­ntimidating
array of items. Some stores are
well organized, while others are
piles of random treasures. Learn
how to make the most of your time
and your money when ­shopping
in thrift stores. Whether you’re
­looking for clothes, toys, home
décor and furnishings, or vintage
items, thrift stores can be a boon
for your ­budget. Class will cover
dos and don’ts of thrifting, l­ooking
for w
­ ardrobe staples, where the
best thrift stores are, and more. The
second class session will be a field
trip to a local thrift store to put the
lessons to practice. Instructor Nikki
Worstell is a blogger and long-time
thrifter who loves a good bargain.
Instructor: Nikki Worstell
2 Thurs., Starts Feb. 11
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Fee - $39
Stress-Free Dinnertime
“What’s for dinner?” is a ­question
asked nightly in most ­households.
Don’t let it strike fear in your heart
or drive you to the ­nearest f­ast-food
joint. With a little planning, ­cooking
dinner can be enjoyable, not
­stressful. Learn tips to put your
­family’s favorites on the table. This is
not a one-size-fits-all meal ­planning
service. ­Whatever your ­nutrition
requirements are (­gluten-free,
­vegetarian, etc.), you can plan meals
that fit your tastes. Meal-planning
services don’t a
­ ddress your specific
likes and dislikes. You know what
you like to eat—don’t let someone
else design your dinner!
Instructor: Janet Schaaf
Tues., Feb. 23, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Fee - $24
Evening Sections
to MS-Word 2013
to MS-Excel 2013
Learn the basics of this user-friendly
word processing package for
­computers. You will focus on the
menu system and tool bar, as well
as create and edit documents.
Discover the basic functions
and features of this powerful
­spreadsheet program. Learn the
Excel menu system and toolbars,
how to enter and edit data, enter a
formula into a worksheet and adjust
column widths.
Prerequisite: Keyboard
and mouse skills.
Instructor: Teresa Wedel
2 Tues. & 1 Thurs.
Starts Feb. 23, 6-8:30 p.m.
Fee - $90, includes study guide
to MS-Office 2013
MS-Word, Excel and PowerPoint are
the most commonly used computer
applications today. Learn to ­create,
format, enhance, save and print
your documents, spreadsheets and
presentations using Microsoft Office
Prerequisite: Keyboard
and mouse skills.
Instructor: Teresa Wedel
Section A:
2 Wed. & 1 Mon.
Starts Feb. 10, 6-8:30 p.m.
Fee - $90, includes study guide
Section B:
2 Mon. & 1 Wed.
Starts April 4, 6-8:30 p.m.
Fee - $90, includes study guide
Prerequisite: Basic keyboard
and mouse skills.
Instructor: Teresa Wedel
Section A:
2 Tues. & 1 Thurs.
Starts March 8, 6-8:30 p.m.
Fee - $90, includes study guide
Section B:
2 Tues. & 1 Thurs.
Starts April 19, 6-8:30 p.m.
Fee - $90, includes study guide
MS-Excel 2013
Gain stronger proficiency with
­additional features and functions in
Excel. You will focus on tables, how
to adjust row heights, add borders
and shading to a worksheet, and
how to improve output.
Prerequisite: Introduction to
MS-Excel or Introduction to
MS-Office 2013.
Instructor: Teresa Wedel
2 Tues. & 1 Thurs.
Starts May 3, 6-8:30 p.m.
Fee - $90, includes study guide
Enroll Today! 816.604.2030
Thursday, Feb. 18, 6 p.m.
Cultural Arts Center
Suggested donation to the
Cultural Arts Center: $10
Join Filmmaker and KU Associate Professor of Film
and Media ­Studies Kevin Willmott for a screening and
discussion of “Jayhawkers.” ­Willmott ­co-wrote and directed
this biopic that relates the story of Wilt C
­ hamberlain’s
basketball-playing days at the University of Kansas.
The film does more than merely provide a biography
of Chamberlain, though – its backdrop is the early years
of the Civil Rights movement. Willmott ­skillfully recounts
­Chamberlain’s recruitment to KU, his near departure
from the ­university after the reality of segregation set in,
and finally the climactic 1957 National Championship game
between KU and rival University of North Carolina.
Introduction to
Microsoft Access 2013
Get the Most
from Your iPad
Do you need to keep track of
and manage large amounts of
­information? Are other s­ oftware
programs too limiting or
­time-consuming? If so, learn how
to create your own i­nformational
­database. In this beginning
­­Microsoft Access class, you’ll learn
how to create tables and queries,
design forms and reports, and make
your information work for you—not
the other way around! Great for both
home and office use.
Join your instructor, Adam Burns,
for an exploration of your iPad’s
many features. We’ll cover browsing
the web; viewing your photos (via
albums, events, faces, or places);
­email; watching movies, Netflix,
or TV; playing music, reading and
­buying books; using Google maps;
editing your calendar; syncing with
your computer and much more!
Also, learn how to install additional
free and iPad-specific a
­ pplications
via Apple’s App Store. Bring your
iPad, USB cable and laptop
­(optional) to class.
Instructor: Cat Garrett
2 Mon. & 2 Weds.
Starts March 14, 6-8 p.m.
Fee - $90, includes study guide
Wed., April 13, 6-9 p.m.
Fee - $39
Computer Essentials for
Seniors – Just the Basics
Cutting the Cord: TV
without Cable or Satellite
If you have never worked with
­computers or are a very new
user, join us for this easy-paced
­introductory class. We will cover
the basics of using the mouse,
­opening and using programs, saving
and printing your documents and
­survival skills for the new computer
Tired of paying an arm and a leg
for cable or satellite? This is the
year to save on your TV bills by
­cutting the cord. We’ll look at how
to “cut the fluff” and only pay for
the p
­ rogramming you actually
watch. We’ll address how to save on
your phone bill, what to look for in
­Internet plans, what subscriptions to
sign up for and what equipment you
will need to cut the cord.
Instructor: Cat Garrett
2 Mon. & 2 Weds.
Starts May 2, 6-8 p.m.
Fee - $90, includes study guide
Instructor: Adam Burns
Wed., April 27, 6-8 p.m.
Fee - $24
Great info - good
approach to teaching!
Always fun
to learn new
things in
day Sections
to MS-Word 2013
Learn the basics of this user-friendly
word processing package for
­computers. You will focus on the
menu system and tool bar, as well
as create and edit documents.
Prerequisite: Keyboard
and mouse skills.
Instructor: Cat Garrett
Section A:
2 Mon. & 2 Wed.
Starts Feb. 15, 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Fee - $90, includes study guide
Section B:
2 Tues. & 2 Thurs.
Starts Apr. 12, 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Fee - $90, includes study guide
to MS-Excel 2013
Discover the basic functions
and features of this powerful
­spreadsheet program. Learn the
Excel menu system and toolbars,
how to enter and edit data, enter a
formula into a worksheet and adjust
column widths.
Prerequisite: Basic keyboard
and mouse skills.
Instructor: Cat Garrett
Section A:
2 Tues. & 2 Thurs.
Starts Feb. 16, 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Fee - $90, includes study guide
Section B:
2 Mon. & 2 Wed.
Starts April 11, 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Fee - $90, includes study guide
MS-Excel 2013
Gain stronger proficiency with
­additional features and functions in
Excel. You will focus on tables, how
to adjust row heights, add borders
and shading to a worksheet, and
how to improve output.
Prerequisite: Introduction to
MS-Excel or Introduction to
MS-Office 2013.
Instructor: Cat Garrett
2 Tues. & 2 Thurs.
Starts March 29, 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Fee - $90, includes study guide
Introduction to Microsoft
PowerPoint 2013
Deliver professional or personal
presentations using MS PowerPoint.
Create stunning slides, overheads,
handouts, and online projects by
integrating text and graphics.
Prerequisite: Basic keyboard
and mouse skills.
Instructor: Cat Garrett
1 Mon. & 1 Wed.
Starts Feb. 29, 1:30-4:30 p.m.
Fee - $79, includes study guide
A highly effective individualized reading
program for children and adults.
Reading Horizons addresses problems in:
• Auditory discrimination
• Comprehension
• Spelling
• Pronunciation of unfamiliar words
• Sequencing of sounds
• Dyslexia
Our experienced Learning Specialists have been professionally trained in the
renowned Lindamood-Bell® method. They provide private, customized sessions
supported by an evaluative screening and post-testing. This unique, multi-sensory
approach has helped thousands of children and adults achieve remarkable reading
Reading Horizons is not affiliated with, or certified by,
the international Lindamood-Bell® organization.
For more information, or to schedule
an evaluation, call 816.604.2030.
Computer Essentials for
Seniors – Just the Basics
If you have never worked with
­computers or are a very new
user, join us for this easy-paced
­introductory class. We will cover
the basics of using the mouse,
­opening and using programs, saving
and printing your documents and
­survival skills for the new computer
Instructor: Cat Garrett
2 Tues. & 2 Thurs.
Starts March 15, 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Fee - $90, includes study guide
Introduction to
Microsoft Access 2013
Do you need to keep track of
and manage large amounts of
­information? Are other s­ oftware
programs too limiting or
­time-consuming? If so, learn how
to create your own i­nformational
­database. In this beginning
­Microsoft Access class, you’ll learn
how to create tables and queries,
design forms and reports, and make
your information work for you—not
the other way around! Great for both
home and office use.
Instructor: Cat Garrett
2 Tues. & 2 Thurs.
Starts May 3, 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Fee - $90, includes study guide
Computer Training
Get the attention you need on a computer project you choose.
While the ­Community E­ ducation program offers group computer
classes on many subjects, one-on-one lessons can be a better
way to learn for some people. Select your topic and call to
schedule your training. Some topics our instructor can
assist with are:
• basic computer skills • email basics
• software applications such as
MS-Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access or Outlook
• navigating the Internet • completing a mail merge
There are many possibilities. All instruction will be
in a computer lab on the MCC-Longview campus.
Both day and evening sessions are available.
Note: Upon your initial inquiry, we will discuss your specific
needs so that our instructor is prepared to work with you.
Two people may attend together, if they are interested
in the same training.
One-person, 1-hour session - $ 50 per hour
Two-person, 1-hour session - $40 per hour, per person
for Kids
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­Community ­Education
• Pre-enrollment is required for all classes.
• Walk-ins are not accepted.
• Enrollment is not complete without
Four Easy Ways to Enroll:
1. Online
new option!
Beginning Spring 2016 enroll online!
the Telephone
2. Over
using credit or debit
Please have complete enrollment
­information ready – see our form on
page 37 – then call us at 816.604.2030.
3. In(cash,
check, credit or debit)
Come to the MCC-Longview
­Community Education Office in the
Business Building, Room 101.
Office hours:
Mon.-Thurs.: 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Fri.: 8 a.m.-Noon
4. By Mail
Use the mail-in form on page 37 and
submit with check or credit/debit card
A Word About
to Enroll:
Every class has a minimum
­required ­enrollment. If this
­minimum is not met prior to the
starting date, the class will be
­canceled. If you find a class you
like, encourage a friend to join, too.
Sometimes two or three people
make the difference between “go”
and “cancel.”
Enrollment Verification
When you enroll for a class, please mark the
date, time and location on your calendar.
We will send an email confirmation, if you
provide an email address at enrollment. If
you enroll by mail and would like to confirm
that we received your enrollment, please call
816.604.2030. We will notify you if a class
which you are enrolled in has been canceled
or is ­rescheduled.
Refund Policy
Our instructors are paid from fees ­collected,
so we must guarantee a minimum e­ nrollment
to schedule a class. If it becomes necessary
for you to withdraw from a class, please
contact the Community Education office,
at 816.604.2030, at least two business days
­prior to the class start date. You may choose
to designate someone else to take your
place, or request a full refund – minus a $5
­processing fee. No refunds will be made
on the first day of class or after a class
Classroom Assignments/Parking
Please call the Community Education office
at 816.604.2030 for room assignments. You
may park in any area on the MCC-Longview
campus designated as student parking.
Schedule Changes
The information in this brochure is based
on conditions at the time of printing
and is subject to change. Classes may be
­canceled, combined, or added, and ­instructor
­assignments, dates, times and/or locations
may be changed at the discretion of the
Community Education administration.
Cancellations Due To Weather
When MCC-Longview or Metropolitan
Community College District cancels classes,
your Community Education class will not
be held. Please be sure to listen for TV or
radio announcements for cancellations. If
you are unsure, you may call the Community
­Education office at 816.604.2030.
Interested in taking
college classes toward
a degree program?
Visit to view the credit class schedule
and plan your future today.
If you ...
enjoy the challenge of teaching, have creative class ideas,
or want to be involved in a community program,
please contact us!
We are always looking for instructors
for our non-credit programs, adult and College for Kids classes.
If you have an idea for a Community E
­ ducation class or would e
­ njoy joining our
team, contact Tami at 816.604.2640 or email
Community Education Registration Form
Name ____________________________________________________________________________
Address __________________________________________________________________________
Home Phone ____________________________ Work/Cell Phone _________________________
Date of Birth ___________________ Email Address ______________________________________
Class Title
Starting Date
Credit/Debit Card No. ________________________________ Security Code ________________
Name on Card ________________________________ Expiration Date _____________________
Return form with check, money order
or debit or credit card information to:
We accept:
Community Education Office
500 SW Longview Road
Lee’s Summit, MO 64081-2105
Enroll Today! 816.604.2030
500 SW Longview Road
Lee’s Summit, MO 64081-2105
Call 816.604.2030 to enroll!
Real Estate Career Overview
Planning for Aging Well
Beginning Guitar
Thrifting 101
Future Homebuyer’s Seminar
Home Plumbing
Tai Chi for Health
Afternoon Computer Courses
German for Travelers
Certified Barbeque
Judging Class
Spring 2016 Features
Kansas City MO
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