Cell: (919) 500-9490
BA in Sociology from Appalachian State University. Graduated 1978.
2 years providing training for graduate level students from multiple disciplines
4 years coordinating support groups across NC
9 years coordinating a parent support program
4 years research and data collection
31 years parenting a child with special needs
Author of four books and numerous articles related to autism and parenting special needs
Presentations at international, national, state and local conferences and seminars
Sept. 2011to Faculty member, Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities
(LEND) Program, The Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities (CIDD), University
of North Carolina Chapel Hill.
July 2012 to CIDD Family Faculty Representative UNC Maternal and Child Health Leadership
June 2008 to Director of Advocacy and Chapter Support for the Autism Society of North Carolina.
Dec. 2010
Supervises 16 Parent Advocates across the state and coordinates over 40 support groups in
NC. Helps develop new support groups in communities across the state. Supports Chapter
leaders and problem solves with them as problems arise. Liaisons with agencies across the
state serving individuals with Developmental Disabilities. Provides presentations at support
group meetings, university classes, and community organizations.
June 2006 to Director of Chapter Relations at the Autism Society of North Carolina. Liaison with 50+
June 2008
chapters of the Autism Society across the state of NC. Support chapters, develop new
chapters, and provide contact for chapters to the state society.
1997 to
Parent Support Coordinator at Chapel Hill TEACCH Center. Oversees parent advocacy,
support and mentor programs for TEACCH. Oversees the statewide parent support activities
provided by TEACCH as well as providing training and dissemination of information to
other TEACCH staff members and parents throughout the state. Responsible for parent
liaison activities with the Autism Society of North Carolina and providing advocacy support
and information to families in the Triangle region of the state and outside of North Carolina.
Coordinates yearly recruitment and training for new mentors, monthly support meetings, and
produces a Mentor Newsletter. Creates and distributes Parent Mentor Notebooks collecting
resource information (local, state, and national), compiling these resources and other
information in notebooks for parent mentors. Lead development of the Parent Mentor
Program from its beginning with 9 volunteer mentors at one TEACCH Center to over 100
mentors at 5 TEACCH Centers across the state. Responsible for all data and paperwork for
the mentor program and evaluation of the program. Development and distribution of Home
Teaching Kits from original 10 kits at one Center to a total of 62 kits from two TEACCH
Centers. Meets with families to offer instruction and explanation of kits. Co-facilitates two
Mothers’ Support Groups at two TEACCH Centers. Participation in monthly orientation
meetings for parents and several parent trainings during the year.
1993 to
Research assistant with the Administration and Research department of Division TEACCH.
Responsible for gathering data and entering data. Traveled to numerous group homes and
day programs across the state, doing observations of clients and interviewing staff.
Interviewed parents of adults with autism entering a residential day program, gathering
research data and evaluating the home environment.
1980 to
Special Education Teacher’s Assistant for Durham Public Schools. Assistant in middle
school self-contained class for Emotionally Handicapped students.
Realizing the College Dream with Autism or Asperger Syndrome: A Parent’s Guide to Student Success,
published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2005.
Parenting Across the Autism Spectrum: Unexpected Lessons We’ve Learned, with Maureen Morrell,
published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2006.
Families of Children with Autism: What Educational Professionals Should Know, with Dr. Lee Marcus,
published by Prufrock Press, Inc. 2010.
A Friend’s and Relative’s Guide to Supporting the Family with Autism: How Can I Help, published by
Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2012.
“Sexual Behavior in Adults with Autism”, with Mary E. Van Bourgondien and Nancy C. Reichle, Journal of
Autism and Developmental Disorders, Volume 27, Number 2, April 1997.
“Sixteen Years Ago”, Exceptional Parent Magazine, September 2004.
“Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders: How you can help”, Tweens and Teens News Magazine,
November 2006.
“Making a Difference for Families with ASD”, Autism Asperger’s Digest, May/June 2012.
“Passing the Advocate Torch to Your Child”, Autism Asperger’s Digest, to be published May/June 2013.
“The Positive Force of Parent Support Groups”, Autism Asperger’s Digest, January/February 2014.
“Strategies for Surviving Middle School with an Included Child with Autism”, “Preparing for College: Tips
for Adults with HFA/Asperger Syndrome” with Gladys Williams, TEACCH website.
Alabama Autism Conference keynote, Univ. of Alabama- March 2013
Broadening Our Horizons Conference keynote, Sioux City, Iowa- June 2013
Kate Welling Disability Lecture Series, Miami University- April 2009
Multiple presentations in Japan (Saga, Yokohama, and Sapporo)- June 2009
International Conference on Autism in Skive, Denmark- November 2008
TACCLD Annual Conference- Columbus, Ohio, 2008
Tokyo Autism Conference- August 2006
Autism Society of America National Conference- 1995, 2005-2009, 2012
National Smart Start Conference- 2006, 2007, 2011
Leo M. Croghan Conference on Developmental Disabilities- December 2001
Autism Society of North Carolina Annual Conference- April 2003, April 2004
Association of Higher Education and Disabilities (AHEAD) Annual Conference- 2006, 2010
Virginia Association of Higher Education and Disabilities- October 2004