TUNABLE LASER SPECTROSCOPY OF THE NaNe A fi-X 2 + S)'TE7 by RIAD AHMAD BS., BITAR CAIRO UNIVERSITY (1969) M.S., AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF BEIRUT (1973) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF SCIENCE at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY August 1977 Signature of Author .e.r. e. . Ph.sics,.u.u. Deparment ofPhvsics, 12, 1977 August 12, 1977 Certified by. David Pritchard, Thesis Supervisor Accepted by . . . . Chairman, Physics Graduate Committee ARCHIVES sE P' 1~77 2 TUNABLE LASER SPECTROSCOPY OF THE NaNe A 2- X E+ SYSTEM by Riad N. A/G. Ahmad Bitar Abstract We have produced the van der Waals molecule NaNe in a supersonic expansion, and have studied the A2H transition using a single mode cw dye laser. -- X2 Vibronic bands of both 23Na20Ne and 23Na22Ne have been completely assigned using analysis based on the long-range R behavior of the excited state A2H potential. This analysis has allowed a definitive determination of the well depth and location of theA 23/2 state (D at reA = 5.1 8.0 .9 cm~ = .1 a ) and the ground X 2E state at reX = 10.0± .1 a 0 ). 140 ±3 cm 1 (DeX = The recent pseudo- potential calculations of Malvern and Peach agree much better with these results than earlier pseudopotential calculations by Pascale and by Baylis. The interpreta- tion of several recent line broadening and collisions experiments is discussed in light of our findings. 3 DEDICATED TO MY FAMILY WHO SUFFERED FROM DEPORTATION FROM THEIR HOMELAND PALESTINE. 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT 2 LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES 8 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION -- Chapter II 11 THEORY OF THE EXPERIMENT -- 19 II. 1. COUPLING OF ROTATION AND ELECTRON MOTION 23 II. 2. HAMILTONIAN 24 II. 3. PERTURBATION 25 CHAPTER III -III. III. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP AND PROCEDURE 1. TUNABLE DYE LASER SCAN UNIT 27 32 35 A. EXTERNAL B. MODIFICATIONS TO A SPECTR PHYSICS CONTROLLER MODEL 481 39 C. PROCEDURE OF LOCKING 41 2. FREQUENCY MEASUREMENT SYSTEM A. FABRY PEROTS (ETALONS ASSEMBLY) 46 49 B. MARKER GENERATOR 54 C. TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE CONTROLLER 57 D. ALIGNMENT AND SIGNAL PROCESSING OF FREQUENCY MEASUREMENT SYSTEM 61 E. CALIBRATION OF FREQUENCY MEASUREMENT SYSTEM 63 5 CHAPTER III. 3. SUPERSONIC JET MACHINE 67 VACUUM SYSTEM 76 A. CHAPTER IV -- IV. 1. IV. 2. B. MOLECULAR BEAM ASSEMBLY 80 C. INPUT/OUTPUT LASER OPTICS 93 D. FLUORESCENCE COLLECTION 100 E. BAFFLING 107 F. DETECTION ELECTRONICS 111 G. ALIGNMENT, RUNNING AND DATA TAKING PROCEDURE 113 SYSTEM 122 RESULTS AND ANALYSIS 137 J', J" ASSIGNMENT AND FINDINGS A. ROTATIONAL CONSTANTS B. A-DOUBLING PARAMETER C. ROTATIONAL TEMPERATURE NaNe D. MULTIPLET SPLITTING "A" AND VIBRATIONAL SPACING "AG v " E. SUBBAND PERTURBATION 161 F. INTENSITY ANOMALIES 161 LONG RANGE AND ISOTOPE SHIFT 162 (B., 146 DV 154 "T R" OF 155 159 ANALYSIS (Comparison with Dunham Expansion Formulae) A. VIBRATIONAL QUANTUM NUMBER ASSIGNMENT 166 B. DISSOCIATION ENERGY OF THE XSTATE (D ) 174 C. THE X-STATE WELLDEPTH D 176 ex 6 Page D. THE A-STATE WELLDEPTH D eA AND BAND ORIGINS 177 E. EQUILIBRIUM INTERNUCLEAR DISTANCE Re 179 F. LONG RANGE ATTRACTIVE COEFFICIENT C 181 THE X-STATE POTENTIAL 183 6 G. CHAPTER V -- 185 DISCUSSION A. DISCUSSION OF THIS EXPERIMENTAL FINDINGS 185 B. COMPARISON WITH OTHER WORKS 187 C. SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE EXPERIMENTS 192 196 APPENDIX A A. 1. HUND'S CASE (a) 196 A. 2. HUND'S CASE (b) 196 199 APPENDIX B B. 1. NON-ROTATING HAMILTONIAN 199 B. 2. BASIS SET OF NON-ROTATING HAMILTONIAN 201 B. 3. EIGENVALUES OF NON-ROTATING HAMILTONIAN 202 B. 4. HYPERFINE STRUCTURE 204 B. 5. ROTATING HAMILTONIAN 205 B. 6. BASIS SET OF ROTATING HAMILTONIAN 208 B. 7. EIGENVALUES OF ROTATING HAMILTONIAN 214 APPENDIX C C. 209 1. LAMBDA DOUBLING 214 7 Page C. 2. CENTRIFUGAL DISTORTION 216 C. 3. VIBRATIONAL CROSSING OF 2H 218 WITH 2H1/2 REFERENCES 221 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 224 8 LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES FIGUR ES Page 1 -- NaNe Potentials 12 2 -- Exploded View of NaNe Potentials 14 3 -- Electron Distribution For the X, A, and B-States 21 4 -- Vector Diagram of Hund's Case 5 -- Vector and Energy Diagram, Including the Hyperfine 6 -- Experimental Setup 29 7 -- External Scan Unit Circuit 37 8 -- Modification Circuit to 481 Spectra Physics Controller 40 9 -- Block Diagram of Laser Locking 42 10 -- Power Meter Circuit 43 11 -- Two Successive Frequency Scans 48 12 -- Fabry Perot Etalon 50 13 -- Marker Generator Circuit 55 14 -- Temperature Controller Circuit 60 15 -- Block Diagram of the Frequency Measurement System 62 16 -- Absorption Scan of Hot and Cold Beam 73 17 -- Vacuum System 77 18 -- Power Supply For Pumps 79 19 -- Flanges Design Show 20 -- Oven Assembly 81 21 -- Cross Section in Oven and Oven Holder Gas 82 22 -- View of Oven, Oven Holder, Source Flange, and Oven Positioner 83 23 -- Vacuum Electric Feed Through 87 24 -- Power Supply of Oven Heaters 88 25 -- Oven Positioner 90 26 -- Auxiliary Laser Optics 94 27 -- Laser Beam Alignment Optics 97 28 -- Block 29 -- Assembly of Collection Optics 103 30 -- PMT Flange and Drawer 105 (a) and (b) Flexibility For alignment Diagram of Detection Electronics L97 206 80 102 9 Page 31 -- Laser Baffling System 108 32 -- Collection Optics Baffling System 110 33 -- Diode Pump Circuit 112 34 -- 123 Absorption Scan of Hot Na 2 35 -- Absorption Scan of Cold Na 2 36-- Absorption Scan of A213/22(5)+X2E() 37 -- 125 of NaNe Absorption Scan of A 21/2(4)+X E (0) of NaNe and A E + E +X u g 22 +X2Z (0) -- 127 of Na1/ 37'-- Time Chart Recorder Absorption Scan of A H 1 /2 (4) 38 126 Plot of Line Width Vs. J' 128 130 39-- Energy Level Diagram of A 2H+XE Transition J(J+l) 139 40 -- A and B-States Rotational Energies Vs. 41 -- X-State Rotational Energies Vs. N(N+1) 151 42 -- Plot of Energy Deficit Vs. J+1/2, A Doubling 156 43 -- Plot to Find Rotational Temperature of NaNe 158 44 -- Possible Transitions From X to A-Potential 165 45 -- Long Range Fit of G(v') 46 -- Isotope Shifts Between Na v'--v"=0 Transition 47 -- Potentials of the X and A-State of NaNe 191 Depth and Location For the X and A-State Potentials 188 and Bvvs. V'. Ne and Na20Ne for a 150 170 171 TABLES 1 -- of NaNe 2-- Absorption Spectrum of A2H+X E of NaNe 131 3 -- Progressions of a Band 142 4 -- First and Second Combination Differences for v"=0 147 5-- Rotation Analysis of A 148 6-- Spectroscopic Constants 152 7 Multiplet "A" and Vibrational Spacing AGv+ / 1 2 160 -- 2H/2(4)+X2E(Q) 8-- Long Range Fit 169 9-- Prediction of Unobserved Bands 179 Scattering Experiments Involving Ne 193 10 -- 10 AT DAY'S END Is anybody happier because you passed his way? Does anyone remember that you spoke to him today? The day is almost over, and its tolling time is through; Is there anyone to utter now a kindly word of you? Can you say tonight, in parting with the day that's slipping fast, That you helped a single brother of the many that you passed? Is a single heart rejoicing over what you did or said; Does the man whose hopes were fading, now with courage look ahead? Did you waste the day, or lose it? Was it well or sorely spent? Did you leave a trail of kindness, or a scar of discontent? As you close your eyes in slumber, do you think that God will say, "You have earned one more tomorrow by the work you did today"? 11 I. INTRODUCTION This thesis work is a study of a weakly-bound diatomic molecule-NaNe. It is well known that molecules (we specialized our discussion on diatomic molecules) may be bound by both ionic and covalent forces. have long been discussed by the chemist These forces, which (PAU25), involve either the transfer of an electron from one atom to the other (ionic bond) or the sharing of an electron between the atoms (covalent bond). These forces cause a bonding energy which is strong enough to keep the molecules bonded under laboratory conditions standard temperature and pressure (STP) to allow their studies by a number of chemical and physical techniques. These binding energies roughly vary from 10 to -1 ev for different diatomic molecules. (N2 ) If neither the covalant nor ionic bonding mechanisms exists in a particular diatomic system, that system is frequently called "repulsive" even though the interatomic potential curve has a shallow minimum. These shallow minima (binding energy) typically vary from 1 to 100 mev for different molecules and sufficiently strong to bind atoms together, and can therefore produce a class of molecules distinct from those bonded by ionic and covalent forces. The attraction causing this minimum is called the dispersion forces, and molecules bound by it alone are called van der Waal's molecules. Figure 1 shows the ground, first, and second excited state potentials of NaNe. One 12 A2 T 2 '-I a, LU Na Ne 2.5 Na (3P) +Ne (3S) 2.0+ 1.5 -t x 2 E+ 1.0 4- .5t Na(3'S ,)+Ne(3S 0.0 r 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 R(a.u.) Figure 1 -- NaNe Potentials 16 18 20 22 ) 13 can barely see these minima on such normal molecular scale. To see these minima, the energy scale is expanded by a factor of 103 as can be seen in Figure 2. For a more detailed discussion about these dispersion forces, readers are advised to consult with Hirschfelder, et al, London, and Margenan (HIR54, LON30, MAR31). One more thing characterizing van der Waal's molecules is the fact that the interatomic separation (5 to 15 Bohr) is quite larger than the separation of molecules which are ionic or covalent bound (2 to 5 Bohr). The binding energy (1 to 100 mev) of Van der Waal's molecules is so small that they dissociate under normal laboratory conditions Troom = 300K = 25 mev. For this reason, they are just beginning to be studied experimentally (SMA77, KLE74, nozzle supersonic jet EW175, EW176) beam techniques as new (CAM70) permit the relatively high density of their production and the development of new spectroscopic techniques permit their detection. Such supersonic jet and a high resolution, doppler-free technique are discussed in Chapter III. Once we introduce ourselves to Van der Waal's molecules, one should ask: molecules? What is so interesting about these To answer this question, we do not claim that all features of these molecules will be listed, but one can see that these molecules retain their atomic identity 14 A2 1/ 2 , 3/2 '-4 U k B2 + 4) w NaNe Na (3P3/ 16973 2 ) +Ne (3S0) )+Ne(3S ) Na(3P 16943 16913 16883 16853 16823 X2 + 30. Na (3S1/ 2 ) +Ne (3S0) 0.0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 R(a.u.) Figure 2 -- Exploded View of NaNe Potentials 22 15 (internuclear separation 5-15 Bohr) and the to high degree molecule can be treated as two atoms perturbing each other slightly -- a view point of interest to atomic-physicists. These molecules provide a convenient setting in which to study both dispersion and overlap forces. They are also excel- lent systems to study the dependence of molecular parameters on internuclear separation because these molecules sample a much wider range of internuclear separation than do conventional more tightly bound molecules. Alkali-rare gas diatomics like NaNe have the additional attraction that they are one-electron molecules; this makes it simpler to study their interatomic potentials using ab initio (SAX77, MAL77) and pseudopotential (BAY69, PAS74, BOT73) methods. Interatomic potentials are needed for the understanding of various physical processes that occur when two atomic particles colide, such as excitation transfer, quenching of excited states, and pressure broadening of spectral lines. As an example, there are experimental studies of line broadening of alkali atoms in rare gas, culminating in the elegant far-wing fluorescence studies of York, et al (YOR75) in which a new method has been developed for determining interatomic potentials. There are also some differential, and total scattering experiments BUC58, D-UR68) deduced. (CAR75, from which interatomic potentials have been A further stimulus to the study of alkali-rare 16 gas molecules (Van der Waal's molecules) is the large body of previous work on optical pumping of alkali atoms in rare gas buffers. As a consequency, if the molecular potentials are found through a definitive method, one could easily verify the validity of ab inito and pseudopotential methods MAL77, BAY69, PAS74), (SAX77, and also check the theories used to find potentials in the scattering and the far-wing fluorescence experiments. We feel that the interaction potentials of such molecules are best studied by spectroscopic measurements of the vibrational and rotational parameters of the bound molecular states since a wide array of proven spectroscopic techniques have been developed for the determination of these interatomic potentials with great accuracy. Such technique, which is described in Chapter IV of this thesis work, employs high resolution laser spectroscopy of the ultracold molecules which may be formed in a supersonic jet. The interatomic potentials of NaNe molecules, especially the first excited state (A2H) have been the subject of several investigations and much controversey. performed by Baylis Theoretical work (BAY69), Pascale and Vandeplanque (PAS74), Bottcher, et al (BOT73) and Malvern and Peach (MAL77), are in disagreement with the differential scatter- 17 ing experiment performed by Carter, et al (CAR75), on the excited state of sodium (P3 / 2 or P1/2 state) but seem consistent with line broadening experiments performed by York, et al (YOR75) and McCartan and Farr (MCC75). More detailed discussion about the discrepancies of the different theoretical and experimental work can be found in the discussion section, Chapter V. Another obvious motivation for NaNe besides the motivations for the study of van der Waal's forces in general, is the number of experiments involving scattering of Na in the 3P state from Ne APT76, PH177). (PIT76, One practical motivation is the existence of a nicely scanable single mode dye laser which operates best near the 35 - 3P transition of Na -- suggesting that we study a weakly bound sodium-containing molecule. Chapter II contains a brief theoretical discussion of the fine structure of diatomic molecules concentrating on phenomena observed in the state under consideration (X2 + and A ). No attemptis made to list all the dif- ferent phenomena which one expects to see in diatomic systems. Chapter III contains the different pieces of the experimental setup sonic jet). (laser, frequency standard, and super- 18 Chapter IV contains the results and describes the analysis of the spectrum. Chapter V contains the findings of this experiment and compares them with the findings of other relevant work. Some suggestions for future experiments are also outlined. 19 II. THEORY OF THE EXPERIMENT In this chapter we describe the Hamiltonian of the system and outline in detail the different features which 2 2 are observed in the NaNe spectrum (A H+X E). Historically, diatomic systems have been treated quantum mechanically a long time ago (early in the Twenties) by many authors, (KRO30,DUN32, MUL31, HER 50), and still, they are the target of many recent investigations (HOU70, ZAR73) most of them not inspired by lasers. In this chapter, we shall concentrate on the phenomena which appeared in the observed NaNe spectrum. To under- stand such spectrum, the problem is divided into three parts. The first is to understand an unperturbed Hamil- tonian which is approximately the sum of three noninteracting parts; electronic, vibronic and rotational interaction. Once this Hamiltonian and its eigenvalues are understood, one could start examining small interactions, caused by perturbations of interacting eigenstates of the system. These are necessary to understand the deviation of the eigenvalues from the ideal situation (unperturbed system). The third part is to discuss the coupling of angular momenta in both the x- and A-state. From the above it seems understandable (to every careful reader) that the aim of this Chapter is to write 20 down the quantum mechanical formalism of the different features of the observed spectrum without getting much involved in the theory of the diatomic molecures. The best way to introduce the theory is to ask few questions and to lay the background about the subject through the answers. want to study? To start, let us ask: We want to study the fine structure of the A 2-X E+ transition and possibly the B E--X2+ next question is: what are these states (A2 B2 +)? what do we transition. The 2 + and To answer this question, let us look to the atomic configuration which represents these states. The atomic configuration with the electron distribution of each atomic state which forms the above molecular states are shown in Figure to (HER50). 3. For more detailed studies one should refer The letter X always refers to the ground state; A and B refer to the first and second excited state. Accordingly, C, D, etc. refers to the third, fourth, etc. excited states allowed for the X state. The spin multi- plicity (2S+1=2 for NaNe) is added to the term symbol (E, R) as a left superscript. E and H are the electronic term label of the state and they represent the projection "A" of the electronic orbital angular momentum "L" along the internuclear axis. E stands for A=0 and H stands for A=l. The coupling of both vectors A and to the internuclear axis produces a resultant angular momentum Q along the internuclear axis. Thus the quantum number Q is given by 21 + X2 a) = Na(32 S1/2) + Ne (3'S0) L=0 A= 0 S=1/2 E=? ±1/2 AR A 2H b) Na(32 P) + Ne(3'S0) L=l A=l S=1/2 E=1/2, -1/2 0=3/2, 1/2 A c) B E B a(3 P) + Ne (3'S0) AR 2S+1 - Figure 3 -- L=l A= 0 S=1/2 E=? ± 1/2 B 2 Schematic representation of the electron A 2 H, and B 2E distribution for the X 2E, states of an alkali-noble-gas diatomic system. 22 Q= IA+EI,-- IA-EI If A= 1 and E = 1/2 there are two values,1/2 and 3/2, Q. for As a result of the interaction of S with the magnetic field produced by A, these different values of A+E corre- spond to somewhat different energies of the resulting molecular states A2H3/2 and A2 1/2 with A$ 0 splits into multiplet (2S+l) components. Finally, the subscript "+" ator. In a Thus an electronic term on the Z state is a symmetry oper- diatomic molecule (or a linear polyatomic molecule) any plane containing the internuclear axis is a plane of symmetry. Therefore the electronic eigenfunction of a non-degenerate state (Estate) either remains unchanged or changes sign when reflected at any plane passing through both nucleio In the first case, the state is called a E+ state, and in the second case it is called a E~ For degenerate states its IAI (1,A --- state. are doubly degenerate since can be +A and -A while a Z state has A=0) linear combinations can easily be found such that the total eigenfunctions remain unchanged or go over to their negatives by the reflection, i.e. + = XeiA$ + Re-iA$ A$ = Xe where X and R and - Xe -iA$ are functions of all coordinates except $. 23 Accordingly, the y H~ and A+ A- and y may therefore distinguish H energies. II. 1 Z+ and Ei states basis functions similar to but with the difference that H + and R~ , have exactly equal This so far explains the states observed. COUPLING OF ROTATION AND ELECTRONIC MOTION The type of coupling of the different kinds of angular momenta in a diatomic system is a prerequisite to understand before we start talking about the best basis set which can describe the Z or H-state and calculating rotational energy level expressions for certain limiting situations known as Hund's coupling cases. Hund's coupling cases, two of them Of the five (case (a) and case (b)) are going to be discussed due to the fact that the X and Astate of the NaNe molecules can be described fairly well by them. We begin by summarizing the types of angular momenta considered and the notation to be used. angular momenta in the molecule - tronic orbital angular mementum L. nuclear rotation R J - The different electron spin S, elec- Angular momentum of from a resultant (total) designated i.e. + + +++ J = L+S+R (2-1) The total angular momentum apart from spin is called N and is given by 24 N = R+L The quantum number associated with L, S, R, J, and N are L, S, R, J, and N respectively. Their projection on the internuclear axis is designated by A,Z, respectively. -- , Q, and A The nuclear spin angular momentum is not considered now and will be treated separately. It is to be noticed that the projection of the rotational angular momentum, R, along the internuclear axis is zero. Hence, no quantum number is introduced for this projection. Hund's case (a) and (b) are discussed in Appen- dix A. II. 2. HAMILTONIAN The Hamiltonian of a diatomic molecule can be considered to consist of two main parts (HOU70, KRO30) excluding perturbation: H = rotating part and non-rotating part, i.e. ev+Hr (2-3) where "H ev" is the electronic-vibrational part of the Hamiltonian alone while "Hr " is the rotational part of the Hamiltonian, which involves the rotational variables and the total angular momentum "J". The dynamics of any diatomic molecule may be thought of as a sum of translational in space (nct considered in this calculation), rotation in space, vibrational of the nuclei, and electronic motion. 25 In addition, there may be electron spin and nuclear spin interactions. The vibrational and electronic motion as well as the electronic spin interaction are considered to be H ev, while the rotational motion is considered in Hr. Dividing the Hamiltonian into two parts implies that one can choose a basis set in which the quantum numbers of the nonrotating molecule are good. lev; r> Such basis functions be written as simple products of the form lev, r> = (2-4) iev>Jr> where the functions lev> are eigenfunctions of Hev and the functions Ir> are appropriate rotational wave functions for the states mentioned above (LAN58). The rest of this Chapter is to understand and specify how one can get the eigenvalues from both equations and (2-4). II. 3. (2-3) The treatment can be found in Appendix B. PERTURBATIONS Perturbations of different origins have been observed in the NaNe of A +X2 Z+ system. These perturbations are: interaction between B 2 Z+ state and A2 1/2 substate causing A-doubling; centrifugal distortion due to vibration-rotation interaction, and 2R1/2 and 213/2 substates crossing belong- ing to different vibrational levels. 26 Normally, deviation of the observed data from the fit by the unperturbed Hamiltonian can be remedied by increasIn ing the dimension of the effective Hamiltonian matrix. our observed and analyzed spectrum, as an example, we have found that measuring the energy spacing between two successive levels of the 2 R/2 state from two different sets of lines does not yield the same energy value, which implies that the (double) degeneracy of this state has been split by interaction with the nearby B 2 state. See Section IV. 1. B In Appendix C, the three types of perturbations, which are mentioned above, will be discussed without much emphasis on the mathematical derivation. Sufficient references will be suggested for readers who are after more specific details. 27 III. EXPERIMENTAL SET UP AND PROCEDURE This chapter is to introduce the reader to the different parts of the experimental set up which can obtain a high resolution resonance fluorescence spectra, and to describe the procedure of taking data. We shall state the objectives first and then describe the system which is used to achieve these objectives. The objective is to detect and measure the molecular spectrum of NaNe which is accessible by the laser. The basic idea of the experiment is to perform a sub-Doppler absorption measurement using a tunable laser source and detecting the absorption by the subsequent fluorescence. The apparatus consists of four components: a.) A source of NaNe molecules; b.) A tunable source of light (laser) signal frequency, capable of sweeping mode frequencies and narrow enough to resolve the rotational absorption c.) spectrum of NaNe; A detector for the fluorescence which also displays the data; d.) A frequency measurement system for the laser light which enables one to measure the frequency of the absorption lines. 28 An experimental setup which can exhibit the above idea will be able to scan through the absorption spectrum and measure the frequency of each line. such an experimental set up. Figure 11611 shows In Figure 6 it is shown that the laser light, molecular beam and direction of detection of fluorescence are perpendicular to each other. The necessity for both the laser light and the molecular beam to be perpendicular to each other is to eliminate the first order Doppler broadening of the transition. The direction of fluorescence detection is not necessary to be exactly perpendicular to either the laser beam or the molecular beam, but was most easily designed in this configuration. To implement the method described above, let us start with the demand of making NaNe molecules. It is important first to realize that weak van der Waal's forces (like the one between Na and Ne) can support bound molecular states of the atom pair. The binding energy of NaNe molecule, as obtained from this experiment, is about .1 mev (-8 cm) and can support 2 or 3 vibrational levels and up to 12 or so.rotational levels. The van der Waal's forces between sodium and neon atoms are inadequate to form molecules which are stable under normal laboratory conditions (standard toom temperature 29 INTENSITY AND FREQUENCY CONTROL SYSTEM 'ifIF I4 AR-ION I LASER I DYE LASER FREQUENCY REFERENCE SYSTEM L CHART RECORDER OPTICAL BAFFLES PHOTOMULTIPLIER FLEMOLECULAR BEAM (OUT OF PAGE) FIGURE 6 -- Experimental Setup 30 and normal pressure), make these molecules. so another technique is needed to Such a technique obviously should allow the molecules to survive at least until they reach the interaction region once they are formed. Supersonic jets with free expansion (CAM70, SMA76) is the type of technique which we employed to fulfill the There is one big advantage to above requirement. performing the experiment in a beam: narrow. the linewidth is There is no collision broadening since there are no collisions; furthermore, the Doppler width is greatly reduced since the molecules are all moving in nearly the same direction. Our supersonic jet machine, which is to be described in Part Three of this Chapter, produces a stable cold beam of NaNe molecules. The next demand is to have a source of excitation light adequate to probe energy transitions between ground and first excited state. have a line-width Such a source should less than 300 MHz be capable of sweeping frequency (0.01 cm~ 1) and smoothly. There are two reasons why a tunable laser is ideal for this application. moves rapidly The first is that the molecular beam (-105 cm/sec) requiring the laser's high intensity to excite the molecule before they leave the interaction region. The second is that the incident 31 light must be extremely well collimated and baffled to avoid laser scattering into the fluorescence detector. We used a Spectra Physics 580 c.w. dye laser. This laser is a single mode laser with 50 MHz line-width, but needed considerable modification to sweep smoothly over appreciable (- 1 0 A) spectral range. These modifi- cations are discussed in detail in Part One of this Chapter. The next demand is to monitor the absorption. The way we chose to accomplish this was to build a tower of collection optics in order to collect the fluorescence. Whenever an absorption occurs it will be followed immediately by a flourescence. The fluorescence is collected and converted to an electric signal which is recorded. This florescence collection optics as well as the electronics are discussed in Part Three of this Chapter. The last demand is to measure the laser frequency. The laser frequency is measured by the frequency measurement system which is discussed in Part Two. This system monitors the laser frequency at which each absorption line occurs. A description of an experimental run will be discussed 32 in Section III. 3. G. Before going into the details of the pieces of the experimental set up, a briefing of how the experiment will be operated is helpful at this point. The tunable dye laser which is capable of going single mode and sweeping the laser frequency smoothly incidents on a molecular beam perpendicularly to reduce doppler broadening of the absorption lines. A small proportion of this light goes to the frequency measurement system. quency measurement The fre- system produces markers to serve as a scale measure for the laser light frequency. While the laser is in the process of sweeping, it excites the molecules to different energy levels. The photon detector detects the fluorescence which occurs immediately after the absorption of laser light. In this way we measure in fact the absorption frequency by the frequency measurement system since it measures the light of absorption and the fluorescence detector just tells us that an absorption just occurred. III. 1. TUNABLE DYE LASER The source of light in this experiment is a Spectra Physics 580 dye laser operated with Rhodamine 6G dye dissolved in methanol and pumped by a Spectra Physics 166 argon ion laser. This single mode laser has a line- 33 width of about 40 MHZ and tunable between 5600 to 61001A. It is operated on single mode by tuning three optical elements (prism, intercavity etalon, and cavity length). These optical elements provide a rough, course, and fine (1500, 5, and .015 cm~ ) selection of frequency. the laser continuously about 5 cm -l We can sweep (150GHZ) by coordinat- ing the tuning of the three optical elements. Locking the three optical elements for frequency sweeping is done by applying a saw-tooth voltage piezo and a proportion prism piezo. to the cavity and etalon of the etalon voltage to the These voltages will displace the cavity length "kc" and etalon, length "kE" by "A9c" and rotate the prism by "AOp". and "AE These displacements are linearly proportional, i.e. similar proportionality defined between AZE and AO ). E and AOp are done These displacements synchronosly is Atc' AtE (FSR) E(FSR) E A. c (A in a way to keep the central frequency at the maximum transmission of each of them. [To sweep about one etalon mode spacing, the scan generator of Spectra Physics model 481 applies a multiple integer of 1/2 wave length sawtooth voltage on the cavity while only one ramp voltage is applied on the etalon.] proportion A small of the etalon ramp voltage rotates the prism to keep the central etalon frequency on the peak transmission of the prism. For more detail on frequency sweeping, 34 the reader is advised to consult with Spectra Physics model 580 single frequency tunable dye laser book. Undesirable mode hopping occur-s .at the reset process of each cavity ramp (i.e. when the cavity fly- back to its original length) causing jumps in frequency during the scan (5 cm~ ) instead of smooth sweeping. Such problem is caused by the differentiated ramp voltage of the etalon which is applied on the cavity integrator while the etalon integrator is left with no correction signal (an error signal) to keep it locked during the cavity flyback. To stop undesirable mode hopping, we used a phase detector in a phase lock loop to generate an error signal which required an addition of an external scan unit to the 481 electronics. Also we modified the 481 controller to accept signals from both the phase detector and the external scan unit. The modification as well as the external scan unit and the operation of the phase detector will be described in the following Sections. Locking the three optical elements (prismcavity, and intercavity etalon) of the modified 580 dye laser works well over several hours. Sweeping the frequency does not cause cavity mode hopping during the scan. The procedure of locking will be discussed in Section C of this part. 35 III. 1. A. EXTERNAL SCAN UNIT This electronic unit is added to give a better control of locking the cavity to the inter-cavity etalon. It essentially takes a DC-error signal, amplifies it and corrects the etalon length to have both the cavity and the etalon on the maximum transmission of the light mode which oscillates inside the cavity. To understand the need for such a unit, let us describe the sweeping process and its problem. For sweeping the frequency, about 160 ramps are applied on the electric piezo of the cavity and just one ramp on the electric piezo of the intercavity etalon in each scan. Each ramp on the cavity is suppose to change its length by Akc at the same time the length of the etalon is displaced by ALE. By the end of 160 ramps on the cavity the etalon has only one ramp and it is displaced roughly by 160 AYc The problem occurs at the end of each cavity ramp. Instead of allowing the next light mode to oscillate another mode oscillates or the frequency switches back and forth between two modes due to the sudden change from k +6k c some besterises in the piezo electric c to k c due to inducers of the cavity and the addition of the differential of the etalon ramp to the cavity integrator without compensating for that by applying a correction signal (error signal) 36 to the etalon integrator. Such frequency jump is due to the lack of proper locking of the cavity to the etalon. This cavity mode hopping (jumping) is prevented by applying an amplified DC error signal to the intercavity etalon with a certain proportionality. The error signal is generated by a phase detector from the dithered dye laser light which is detected by a power meter and processed by the phase detector. (The function of both the phase detector and the power meter will be described in Section C.) The DC error signal corrects for a change in k c by a proper change in kE in a way to keep both on the maximum transmission of the oscillating mode. This kind of locking was satisfactory and kept the sweeping smooth over couple of hours. The circuit diagram of the external scan unit is shown in Figure 7. This circuit is homemade. consists of three main parts: "scan rate control", "sweep amplitude control" and a "jumper". of each is as follows: The function the "scan rate control" selects different rates of the scan. 0.05 It The rate ranges from up to 20 GHZ/sec and it is marked accordingly on the front panel. Control" number It is fine (6) (see Figure adjusted by a "Fine 7). "Scan Rate Control" is connected to a two position switch marked with stop Scan Rate Control Sweep Amplitude Control To Etalon Scan Gen rator To Cavity Scan Generator t.,o N6 tiSV lot( 3.0 DC-Error Signal FIGURE 7 -- External Scan Unit Jumper- 38 start on the front panel. This switch allows to stop the sweeping by grounding the cavity scan generator. The 'sweep amplitude control' is incorporated with the "scan amplitude" of 481 controller to select frequency scan amplitude. up to 10 cm ~. The selection range is from 0.1 cm~1 The frequency scan amplitude is finely tuned with a fine control number (2) on Figure 7. The scan rate control and sweep amplitude control are coupled together through a 10MO resistor. The DC error signal is amplified and fed through the "sweep amplitude control" to the etalon scan generator. The DC error signal which goes to the etalon scan generator can be varied with the fine control number (9) (2). Switch is a two-way switch providing locking and unlocking positions. Locking occurs when the DC-error signal is connected to the etalon scan generator. Finally the "jumper" provides a pulse of about 10 volts onto the etalon by discharging the .02pf capacitor which is charged and triggered externally. This jumper moves the intercavity etalon to the next cavity mode when the jumper is triggered. The process is to change the etalon peizo voltage by the same amount needed to have the next cavity mode centers on the peak of the etalon transmission. 39 III. 1. B. MODIFICATIONS TO THE MODEL 481 CONTROLLER Modifications include the following changes in 481 controller: panel (a) The variable switch on the front (of the 481 controller) is replaced by double pole double through [DPDT] switch to provide internal and external sweep to the unit. (b) A hole was drilled above the etalon heater on the rear panel to accommodate a five wire plug recepticle to supply the "External Scan Unit" with +15, +10, 0, -8 and -15v from the 481 controller. (c) The output of the Blanking is converted to etalon scan generator BNC. The signal from the "external scan unit" BNC of Figure 8 is wired to the etalon scan generator BNC of the 481 control. (d) the input of the blanking is converted to cavity scan generator BNC. signal from the external scan unit BNC (Figure The 7) is wired to the cavity scan generator BNC of the 481 controller. (e) The fine control of the vertical gain unit is replaced by BNC connected internally to the piezo drive. of the intercavity etalon and connected externally to the phase detector which provides a square wave with adjustable frequency and amplitude. are shown in the Part of these changes circuit diagram of Figure 8. The dotted lines are the original lines in the 481 controller. The additions are shown with solid lines. Cavity Scan Rate Etalon Scan Rate Green Blue Blue Black- Blue -- ----- C206 AID White Black FIGURE 8 -- Modification Circuit to 481 Spectra Physics Controller 41 This modification couples both scan generators, the cavity and the etalon, to those of the "external scan unit". see Figure throw" switch 9. The "double pole double (DPDT) of Figure 8 allows the user to do the coupling or use the 481 controller for internal sweep by isolating the "external scan unit". III. 1. C. PROCEDURE OF LOCKING Procedure of locking the cavity to the intercavity etalon diagram figure 9. is shown in the block Mainly, we superimpose a square wave generated with the phase detector onto the ramp voltage of the inter-cavity etalon peizo. The amplitude of the square wave is adjustable and usually chosen to cause the etalon central frequency to oscillate back and forth with about ±20% the mode spacing of the cavity length (about .1 GHZ). (FSR) This results in amplitude modulation of the laser power since laser power is maximum when the etalon is exactly on-resonance with a phase depending on which side of the transmission peak of the etalon the cavity mode is on. The modulated dye laser light is detected with a photodiode. detected light is amplified with a power meter. The The circuit diagram for this-power meter is shown in Figure 10 Dye Pum Laer580 Pum Lse .Laser Phase Detector \Power -Meter 481 Scan Generator External .Scan lnit Scope FIGURE 9 -- Block Diagram of Laser Locking tie/k Fvok L-0 t To Phase 4 Detector - To Argon Ion Laser 3o X4 F L 2-00 L 4v 1001T FIGURE 10 -- Power Meter Circuit .o9- 44 A portion of the amplified signal is sent to the phase detector and another portion is sent to the argon ion laser. The signal which goes to the argon ion laser stablizes the dye laser light intensity with a feedback loop. [Details of the stabilization of dye laser intensity is described by Apt (APT76)]. The portion which goes to the phase detector converts the amplitude modulation frequency signal into a DC error signal which is wired back to the external scan unit then channeled to the etalon scan generator. The sign of the DC error signal is now a guide to center the cavity mode on This technique of the peak transmission of the etalon. locking was successful to several hours of running. However, a sudden disturbance can cause the etalon to jump to another cavity mode and might disturb the locking. Locking procedure is as follows: has the following adjusting knobs. the phase detector The amplitude gives a control on the square wave amplitude which is to be summed on the ramp of the etalon piezo drive. The frequency controls the square wave frequency. The Phase controls the phase of the DC error signal relative to the square wave signal. DC gain controls the DC level of the DC error signal. The carrier null is to suppress the modulation frequency from the output error signal. 45 The first step of locking is to have the proper settings of the phase detector. the square wave This is done as follows: is sent to the scope and its amplitude and frequency are set at about .06 volt and 200 Hz respectively. The output DC error signal is displayed on the scope and adjusted with the carrier null to have the smallest oscillation and its phase relative to the square wave is adjusted by the 'phase control" to be approximately zero. For locking, connect as shown in Figure 9. The scope displays the DC error signal of the phase detector. If the DC error signal oscillates, the frequency should be changed until a DC signal with the least noise is displayed. This avoids frequencies, e.q. 180HZ, where the ion laser is noisy. Put the locking switch of the external unit on locking position and watch the DC error signal. If the whole DC level oscillates, the amplitude of the square wave should be increased until it stops. It is wise though to look for the dye laser mode structure while increasing the square wave amplitude (you should never increase the amplitude to a value which will allow the laser to oscillate between more than two cavity modes. Locking implies a constant DC level on the scope. is helpful sometimes to give a negative It DC value for the DC error signal to stop the DC error 46 signal from oscillations. The next step is to sweep the frequency of the laser and to watch if it sweeps the whole scan smoothly. This is done by pushing the button of the "single sweep" of the 481 controller down and to put the "start-stop" switch of the external scan unit on start. If it fails to lock at the last 1/4 part of the scan, it may mean that the signal to noise ratio of the power meter is comparable or the intensity of the laser output has decreased near the end of the scan. This can be cured simply by increasing the output Argon Ion laser intensity or by adjusting the dye laser. If this is not possible, then the dye laser intensity at which it is stablized should be decreased to a value at which the whole scan will be done without getting out of laser stabilization. Once this is done, the whole locking procedure could be followed as described above. III. 2. "FREQUENCY MEASUREMENT SYSTEM" It is indicated at the beginning of this Chapter that the laser light frequency has to be measured in order to find the absorption lines of A 2[X2 E transitions. Obviously, a system which can monitor a tunable laser is very important for.many applications. It is also mentioned 47 that the laser light is a single frequency of 20 MHZ line width and scanable. Therefore,the objective is to construct a system to monitor the ately. Accuracy of part per 10 laser frequency accur(e.g. 0.002 cm~ ) makes the analysis of the data easier. The system which was built consists of three parts: two fabry perot (etalons), marker generators, and temperature controllers. This system takes a portion of the laser beam and converts it into two kinds of markers pulses which are summed onto the laser scan. The two kinds of markers are of opposite polarity, the first is to find the laser frequency to the accuracy mentioned and the other helps to overlap one scan with the one before or after. Thus, each scan will have the molecular spec- trum with both kinds of markers super-imposed on it. A scan sample is shown in Figure 11 which illustrates how it measures the frequency and traces the end of one scan with the beginning of the one after. The first parts (fabry three sections describe, the three main perots, marker generator, and temperature controller) of the frequency measurement system. fabry perots indicators. provide light The pulses to serve as frequency The marker generator converts the light pulses into sharp electric pulses (Markers). The tempera- lst Scan 0Frequency FXGURE, 11 -- -*.increases. from left to right 2dSa Two successive frequency scans. The frequency of the line scan indicated by v helps to overlap and identify the markers in the two scans. 49 ture controller controls the pressure and temperature of both etalons to define a constant physical dimension for the etalon cavity. Two additional sections are included; the first is a detailed description of the whole frequency measurement system, the second describes two ideas to calibrate the system for absolute frequency measurements and the limitations of this system for frequency measurements. III. 2. A. FABRY PEROTS (ETALONS ASSEMBLY) In the frequency measurement system interference fringes are produced as the laser frequency scans across the regularly spaced (in the wave numbers) transmission perots etalon. peaks of a fabry These fringes occur at con- stant spacing and used for frequency measurements. Most optics textbooks, as well as Fabry and Perot have discussed fully this interferometer (FAB99). Most of what will follow is a description of the installed Fabry perots and the alignment procedure. Figure 12 shows a cross section through the differ- ent elements of the etalon used. plates It consists of two glass (mirrors) with plane surfaces. The inner surfaces have dielectric coatings with 98% reflectivity centered near 5900* A. The glass plates are made slightly prismatic Glass Plate (Mirror) Projection Ring 1J / / 7 K N \ Cape A reflecti ve coating 0O ,rXi / // /7/7' // 7/ FIGURE 12 -- Fabry Perot Etalon -~ / Etalon Cavity 51 in order to prevent the reflections of the outer uncoated surfaces from producing more interference effects. The inner surfaces of the glass plates are separated with a hollow cylinder made of invar (etalon cavity) to main- tain a fixed distance "D" between the mirrors. The invar material has very small thermal expansion in comparison to other materials. It is necessary that the cavity suffers very little change with temperature fluctuation from day-to-day because the cavity length "D" defines the reproducability of the frequency light pulses. The cavity has a tapped hole designed to connect the cavity to a pressure scanning system. this experiment. This hole was sealed for The top part of the cavity has a projecting ring used to secure complete parallelism between the two mirrors. The parallelism is achieved by fine sanding of the projection ring. The cavity also has three tapped holes in each side equally spaced to fasten the caps to the cavity body. Each mirror is kept in place with a cap mirror holder bolted to the cavity body. The joints between the cavity and the cap and between the mirror and the cap are sealed with 0-rings. Sealing the cavity maintains constant density inside it and stabilizes the optical cavity length against atmospheric pressure changes. Alignment is the most crucial element for good per- 52 formance of this spectrometer. To crudely test the parallelismof the mirror surfaces, the following experiment is performed. Figure 11. The etalon is assembled as shown in As He-Ne laser beam is shined normally onto the etalon mirror, the light transmitted through the etalon is projected on a screen. If the transmitted light is of multible reflection behavior (e.g. a series of spots) it indicates that the reflecting mirror surfaces are not parallel. In this case, the projection ring should be sanded smoothly with a fine sand paper to collapse the battern of multiple reflections. This step should be continued until the image is just one transmitted spot. This implies that the light is just reflecting on itself. Now intercepting the He-Ne beam with a lens will diverge the light and will produce an interference rings pattern on the screen. (The same can be achieved by diffusing the light with a lens paper.) The interference rings are not supposed to change size as the etalon is moved across the light in case of complete parallelism between the entire surface area of the mirrors. better parallelism If the rings move, can be obtained by shining the dye laser beam onto the etalon normally. Sweeping the dye laser will produce an incomplete ring pattern, their center is outside the illuminated mirror area and the pattern moves 53 in a certain direction while the laser is sweeping. A fine sanding along the opposite direction of the rings movement. will focus the transmitted light onto a spot. This step is very delicate and sanding should be done very smoothly and carefully. The transmitted spot light can be improved by sanding different directions of the projection ring to produce a spot circular in which appears very fast when the sweep is shape on advance. The important measurable quantity for the perfor- ance of the interferometer is a quantity called the "finesse". range The finesse is defined to be the free spectral (FSR) over the width at half maximum the transmitted light pulses. (FWHM) of The FSR is the frequency spacing between two successive transmission peaks. bigger the finesse, etalons. D-sg ED-short The the better the alignment of the The finesse achieved for the long/short etalon -. 3.33747;:- 8.31) is about 25/45 long/short etalon is found to be . The FSR of (15.8/l.9t .1)GHZ from the calibration. The limitation of the accuracy of the frequency measurements is to be discussed in the calibration section. 54 III. B. MARKER GENERATOR The marker generator is an electronic package which converts the light pulses into electric pulses which serves as frequency markers. five stages. It consists of These stages are mainly detection, cation, flitering, differentiating, amplifi- generating the step type signal,and firing stages. The circuit diagram and the signal at each stage are shown in Figure 13. an SGD - The detector circuits are based on 040 A photodiodes. The next state is an amplification one. controlled with a five position switch. The gain is The offset is controlled by biasing the non-inverting input to a proper voltage which is taken from ± 15 volt power supply. volt, terminals. secure each is The ±15 grounded through 12 KQ resistor to the op amp from any sudden increase in voltage. The next stage is a filtering one. Its purpose is to eliminate high frequency noise which is undesirable at the firing stage because it might produce multiple firing. It mainly filters out the high noise frequency of the main signal. The values of R. and C. in the feedback loops are determined solely by knowing the width of the input signal. The width of the input signal "D" is just 55 I GC cpsp Deflection Amplification 33 Filtering X1 Lni Filtering CN XK Differentiating + StepwiseSignal Firing FIGURE 13 --Marker Generator Circuit + 56 D = FSR 1 F T F - (where "FSF"/F is the free spectral range/ finesse of the etalon and T is the sweep rate of the laser frequency.) Typical values for- long and short etalons are respectively. ( 5 8. "T' is .2GHZ/sec. FSR and X -) for both the (4) 1.9)s By knowing the value of "D" for both the short and long etalong signals the time constants of the feedback loop is chosen to filter the high frequency noise i.e. R and C are 1 p.f and 150kQ for the short etalon and etalon. .lpf and 200 kQ for the long It is to be noticed that the filtering stage will move the position of the peak of the signal towards the right. This is obvious because of the charging process of the capacitor "C'. The next stage is a differentiating one. an RC circuit. output signal. "C" It is just also depends on the width of the C' is chosen to give a time constant about the same as the width of the output signal. "C'" is o.5/.05 pf for the short/long etalon signals. The next stage is a stepwise signal. It converts the differentiated signal to a stepwise kind of signal which switches from -15v to +15v when the differentiating signal switches form +ve to -ve. The diode prevents the output from making multiple swinging between -15 and + 15v due to noise at the input. 57 The offset is to position the place of flipping the output signal from -15 to +15 volt. The last stage is a firing stage. The 0.lpf capaciter discharges through the diode by the time the stepwise signal switches from -15 folt to +15 volt. This firing produces markers for frequency measurement system. OP amp number 5 is The added to put a threshold on the amplitude of the signal which is to be fired. This is done by taking the filtered signal and putting an inverted portion of this amplitude at the diode "D 2 ". This helps to put a limit on the small amplitude signals which might occur due to noise in the circuit or small fluctuations in the dye laser intensity. Both of the output markers of the short and long etalon are coupled together through lMQ resistor and just one BNC output appears on the front panel of the marker generator. The marker generator designed in this way functions properly. It has knobs in the front panel to prevent multiple firing and to adjust the marker amplitude and the amplitude threshold. III. 2. C. TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE CONTROLLER UNIT The drift in the position of the markers relative to a known frequency caused by fluctuations in 58 room temperature and pressure was the reason to build this unit. Temperature and pressure fluctuations from one day to another or even during the same run of the experiment produced a change in the etalon's optical length "D" which in turn will move the marker position in frequency. To obtain reproducibility in the marker position, the cavity of the etalon is sealed with o-rings (see Figure 12) and its temperature was kept constant with an oven, whose temperature is controlled with the temperature controller. Keeping the oven temperature constant ensured a constant pressure and temperature for the etalon cavity. Before going into the details of this unit, let us It is mentioned earlier in this part justify its need. that the accuracy of the frequency measurements is in the order of Let us calculate the drift in the .lGHZ. marker position which is caused by a 3*C change in room temperature. The drift "Av" in the frequency v is AT Av -= YT where Y = 5x10-6 degree expansion of invar and temperature. .45 GHZ is the coefficient of linear AT -T is the fractional change in Using v to be 1015HZ gives a drift Av equal to which is about five times bigger than the accuracy 59 needed. Before the etalons were temperature and pressure contrQlized,a drift in the order of few markers was observed in both increasing and decreasing direction of the frequency in one day measurements. After the unit was installed, minimal drift was observed in the marker position which is less than .001 cm~1 (.lGHZ). The circuit diagram of the temperature controller unit is shown in Figure 14. It is similar to the one designed by Spectra Physics for the 580 dye laser, additions. Q103 except for two (the first addition) is connected to the output of C2106 and biased through 800 0 and a lamp to -15 v. This addition gave better indication of the etalon temperature. Now the unit has one lamp to indicate if the oven is cold and the other if the over is hot. The second addition was to replace a +15 volt power supply to U102 and Q102 by 30 volt power supply. This replacement was necessary to supply more power to the over in order to be able to change the oven temperature over 100 K. The oven is powered by the greatly amplified output of wheatstone bridge with a etalon via one leg. thermistor attached to the The oven is a tantalum wire wound along the etalons. The wire is covered with an asbestos sheet to isolate the oven from the outside and -15V +15V +30V w SAWAMtOAW #V~f 4IU44PA" to cal~ 02WAr a *~t AM AAO 1 gri-t 747C -4 471LC CA 4/v 4 & XIA? r/e 0 I 1~1 Af FIGURE 14 -- Temperature Controller Circuit J 140 LZJ ,.I1 P- H1 1L P-0- VP&MA 61 to minimize heat loss by conduction. The bridge is biased with a zener reference voltage supplied by U102. The bridge output is amplified by AR102 and fed to the power amplifier U102 which is boosted by Q102. The output of the error amplifier AR102 is also fed to the error indicator light comparators which consists of AR101 and diodes GR106-107. The error light goes on when the thermistor bridge is unbalanced. III. 2. D. ALIGNMENT AND SIGNAL PROCESSING OF THE FREQUENCY MEASUREMENT SYSTEM This section is a description of how the whole frequency measurement system works. diagram of this system. light is Figure 15 is a block A small portion of the dye laser sent to a beamsplitter which reflects about 30% of the light onto the short etalon and transmits the rest to a mirror which reflects the rest onto the long etalon. Both the mirror and the beam splitter on a brass metal plate. are each mounted This plate does not provide any fine adjustment to direct the laser beam onto the etalons. The beam is directed instead with "m ". Both etalons are mounted each on an aluminum. plate with two fine threaded screws. The screws can fine, adjust the surface of the etalon mirror to reflect the beam on itself. This is done by looking at the reflection of the laser light onto a piece of paper. The transmitted light Photo Diode Marker GeneratoJ Mixer 0 -) Recorder C%4 0 ,Temperature Controlle: / / m Figure 15 -- Block Diagram of the Frequency Measurement System 63 signal is collected with a 15 mm focal length lens and focused onto the detector of the SGD-040A photodiode which is part of the marker generator. mounted on an aluminum plate. The lenses are The photodiodes are fixed to a plexiglass mount which is in turn fixed to an aluminium plate. The plexiglass mount can rotate and translate as well to provide two degrees of freedom to maximize the signal. All the plates which support S, M 2 , long/short etalons, lenses and photodiodes are bolted on a vertical aluminium plate which in turn is bolted to the laser table. The electric detected signal is sent to the marker generator which processes it and produces sharp markers. The markers are sent to a mixer which takes the molecular signal and the markers and displays both on the x-y recorder. A sweep sample is shown in Figure 11 displays both kinds of markers markers) with Na 2 spectrum. which (long and short etalon The short etalon markers appear with the polarity (up) while the long etalon markers appear with -ve polarity III. 2. E. (down). CALIBRATION OF THE FREQUENCY MEASUREMENT SYSTEM The system described in the previous sections produces frequency markers during the laser sweep. Yet, the 64 frequency of these markers and the accuracy of the measurements are not known. To measure any marker frequency absolutely with the system described in the previous sections we need to have at least one frequency frequency domain of the dyelaser, long etalon. "v" in the and the "FSR" of the The "FSR" cannot be known without at least two known frequencies "Vi" and "v 2". The accuracy of frequency measurements of the markers though depends on three main factors: the reproducibility of the marker position, the dispersion effect of the dielectric coating of the etalon mirrors, and the accuracy of the lines which are going to be used for the calibration. There are two kinds of systems which can be used for the calibration; the first is an atomic system; the second is a molecular system. In both cases the calibration is achieved by using the absorption of the atomic lines or the molecular lines. The disadvantage of using molecular spectrum for calibration is that there is difficulty in assigning the line transition in order to know its frequency and the limited accuracy in the measurements of those lines. The advantage thPugh that the spectra can fill the whole frequency domain which makes the marker frequency measurements more accurate. is 65 The system which is used for calibration is the atomic D-lines of sodium (32 P 3 / 2 and 32 P 1 / 2 ). The absorption of these lines are recorded simultaneously with the molecular spectrum of NaNe. The atomic D-lines are split hyperfine interaction of 32 S1/ 2 . by the This splitting is 1.7716 GHZ and the line frequency of 2 1/2 and 2 3/2 are 16973.379 and 16956.183 ± .001 cm respectively. The center of gravity of the absorption of these two lines are used for the calibration. That is, the number of FSR's is counted between P 1 / 2 and P3/ 2 to calculate the FSR of both the long and short etalon. is found to be The FSR of the long/short etalon (1.9/15.8) GHZ. This kind of calibration of the frequency measurement system is adequate for frequency measurements in the neighborhood of these two frequency lines. The NaNe spectrum is observed between the two sodium D-lines and about 25 cm 1 to the red of P 1 /2. The first limitation on the accuracy of the frequency measurements is the accuracy of the lines used for calibration. The accuracy of either P1/2 and P3/2 not better than .001 cm 1. is Therefore, the absolute frequency measurements are not better than .001 cm1 but the relative frequency measurement is indeed about 5 x 10 cm (error of FSR of etalon). just the accuracy (.0014 cm~ This number is ) divided by the number of 66 FSR between the two lines (P1 / 2 ' P3/2). The error in ab- solute frequency measurements which one might expect to get by using this calibration is Avn = t(Av 0 + nAFSR) = 0.001 + 0.002 = 0.003cm (For measurements about 25 cm 1 1 away from the line (P1 / 2 ) n FSR is 0.002 cm~1 which is as far as our spectrum is observed.) The second limitation on the accuracy is the repro- ducibility of the marker position within the run. The re- preducibility of the markers in position is found better than .002cm~1 in two runs with three days periods between the two runs. So the effect of the reproducibility on the accuracy was not a limiting factor for one run measurements at all. The third limitation on the accuracy was the dispersion effect of the dielectric coating of the etalon mirrors. The dielectric coating produces different phases at different laser frequencies. Accordingly, this will make the FSR of the etalon a function of the frequency (v) instead of being constant. This effect is very small over a small frequency range since the dispersion of the dielectric coating is a smooth and very slowly changing function with frequency. 67 The three kinds of limitation on the frequency measurements are found not to produce more than .003 cm accuracy. Accordingly, we can claim that the frequency measurement system which is described in the previous sections allows us to measure the NaNe spectrum to .003cm 1 accuracy. III. 3. SUPERSONIC JET MACHINE Supersonic jet machines provide an intense beam and a free expansion. These properties are essential pre- requisites to have a beam of NaNe molecules able to survive until at least the time of measurements. Before explaining what good the above two properties will do for a beam of NaNe, an estimate for the type of signal we expect to get will help in verifying the need for an intense beam with a free expansion. Signal Estimate: The signal "N " c (the number of counts per second which is seen by the photo-detector)is the multiplication of the number of molecules "M" available in a certain molecular level at the interaction region by the geometry of the collection optics "G", by the fraction of molecules which get excited by the laser beam, - i.e. N c = MG. (3-1) 68 The function M depends mainly on the flux of NaNe as well as on the number of eigenvalues "F" INaNe in the ground state of the molecule and its rctational temperature. Assuming the beam is not really enough, i.e. KT ot D (D cold is the well depth of X2 E+) gives M = VNaNe F Q (3-2) is the fractional solid angle of the molecular beam at the interaction region. The flux FNaNe can be estimated from measurements done on KAr by Mattison et al (MAT74). They found that rKAr/ FK ~ 10~4 for a molecular This number is smaller for beam of K and KAr. NaNe rNa DeKAr because NaNe has shallower potential than KAr ( rDeNaNe Assuming (2)10 for :NaUe, equation (3-2) becomes =5) PNa M = rNa (33) (2) 105 F The flux of Na "rNa" through the nozzle hole of area "A" is 1 rNa (3-4) 2 n*v*A where n and v are the density and thermal velocity of the atoms, equation (3-4) is correct if the beam undergoes a forward jetting condition. equation (3-3) yields Substituting equation (3-4) in 69 M = 10- 5 n*v*A* 1/4F (3-5) Typical values for the constants in equation 10 7 n = 10 cm 3 5 cm v = 10 cm/sec, and F = 20. -6 A = 7x10 (3-5) are 2 cm, Q.0l, To calculate n and v we assumed a temperature Substituting these constants in of 400*C and Q = 0.01. equation (3-5) gives M - 10 7 #/sec (3-6) The geometry factor G depends on the area and the position of the collection lens relative to the interaction region and the attenuation of the fluorescence light due to reflection at a number of optical surfaces through the collection direction of the fluorescence. Assume this attenuation is 1/10. "G" also depends on the quantum efficiency of the photo tube "E", G = 10HR 2 i.e. (4HR 2 (3-7) HR2 41R2 2 is the portion of the fluorescence light collected by the collection lens. Assuming 6 = 0.1 and a collection lens of 1-f-number and R = 2" located at R2 = 2.5" away from the interaction retion. Therefore G = 1.6 x 10-3 Finally, the fraction of the molecules "a" get which excited depends on the rate of absorption "R" 70 multiplied by the time "T" the molecules spend in the interaction region. The rate of absorption "R" depends between the ground and first excited state on the overlap eigenfunctions as well as on the laser intensity "I". With 500 mw/cm 2, you can certainly saturate the most intense lines and get 1 photon/molecule, i.e. rnl (3-9) Substituting equations in equation (3-9), (3-8) and (3-6) (3-1) gives 1.6* 10- 31.6*104 N Cl*10 (3-10) counts/sec... This estimation of the signal "N c" which one hopes to measure has been done by assuming that a- every molecule which is formed is stable until it interacts with the laser light b- the molecular beam undergoes a forward jetting condition i.e. the flux through the hole nozzle is given by - nvA. There is a considerable overlap between the ground and first excited state eigenfunctions. Of course, the signal can be enhanced by allowing more flux of Na or Ne through the hole nozzle. has a limiting effectiveness. The limitation is This how low the pressure in the vacuum system can be kept in order to prevent the molecules from the invasion of the background gas. Putting more flux through the nozzle implies 71 a build up in the background pressure which in turn needs a pumping system of high throughput. In fact high flux through the nozzle by applying high pressure behind the nozzle hole will create a kind of barrel shock (CAM70, SMA76) with a mach disk nozzle hole. The (shock) at distance X from the shape of the barrel shock and the position of mach disk depends on the nozzle diameter "D" the pressure of the oven "P" X = .67 5 P P and in the vacuum system 1/2 Figure below shows a schematic of JiET the barrel shock. BOUNDARY FEFLECTFD SHOCK NACH DISK (SHOCK ) BARREL SHOCK 72 This equation is derived by equating the force on the mach disk by the change of momentum of the jet. constant .67 of the jet. The depends on the solid angle of conversion It is possible to reach a mode of operation where the expanding gas in the region upstream of the shock structure is unaffected by the background and is equivalent to the same region of a free jet expanding into an infinite vacuum [see equation (3-11)]. The free expansion of the gas from the nozzle produces an extensive cooling in the translational degrees of freedom by the effect of binary collision cooling (AND67). This proceeds until the expansion has produced such a degree of cooling that a significant number of collisions no longer occurs. The cooling of these molecules will enhance the signal because the low rotational energy levels are the ones which are mostly populated and dissociation is harer by collision. Coming back to the first paragraph,we have showed the necessity for an intense beam because of the small signal and the free expansion to prevent the molecules of disappearing at the region of interaction because of background collision with the beam. To see these effects, Figure 16 shows two scans of the same domain in frequency for Na 2 with free expansion and without it. A 'vv Ii''~i~'r 4,' COLD ii m2 I 11,A ~f1~ ii' HOT FIGURE 16 -- Absorption Scan of Hot and Cold Beams *1' '4 p.,I 44I I 4 j j~ j '~ 74 Other limiting factors which might demolish the signal and precautions should be taken against them are accidental scattering of incident photons detector. (laser) into the fluorescence Black body radiation and stray light scatters into the fluorescence detector, and signal from both the D-lines of sodicum (P 1 / 2 1' cence collection optics. system It seems that an optical isolation (baffles) like the one of Smalley Pruett and Zare (10 16 (SMA76) and (PRU76) is to be installed in the Super- sonic jet machine. photons P 3 / 2 ) collected by the fluores- This system should baffle the incident /sec) by a factor of at least 10 -12 . Details of the baffling and optical isolation system is discussed in Section III. 3. E. Baffling the Lorentz tail of both D-lines is impossible, and our only hope is that the part of the spectrum very near the D-lines will not be severely needed for the data analysis. Pumps of a moderate pumping speed but high throughput are superior in handling the gas flow from a high pressure nozzle. To decide on the pumping system, let us write down the typical values for the vacuum chamber pressure "P" (.1 torr), the mach disk "X" (.5cm), of the nozzle hole D(30y). the diameter Equation (3-11) can be used to find what nozzle pressure is needed to get a supersonic jet with the above specification, i.e. 75 P = 1/(.67) 2 X2 (2E) [P] - 7x10 4 torr - 100 atom. To obtain a supersonic molecular beam which undergoes a free expansion to a distance X=.5cm with a background gas pressure P-0.1 torr, a 100 atm. gas pressure "P" is needed behind the nozzle. To find the pumping through put "T", which is the background gas pressure "P" multiplied by the pumping speed "S", we need to find the flow of gas through the nozzle , i.e. r= 3x109 E #/sec (T is measured in k torr/sec). r is given by equation (3-4) i.e. r = 1 A*nxv = 4 iD2 * P K 5KT) 1/2. For neon gas pressurized to 100 atm behind a nozzle heated to about 400,4 r is approximately 4x1020 #/sec. the throughput Tis aboutl3.3 torr k/sec. the throughput simply suggests the pumping system with should a pumping speed equal to background pressure. Accordingly This value for that the throughput of be better than 13.3 torr Z/sec 133 £/sec at 0.1 torr For this system, a 4" stroke "Ring Jet" booster diffusion pump backed with two Welch #1398 Duo-Seal pumps connected in parallel are installed to achieve the above requirements. Under the above estimations and assumptions, the supersonic jet machine is designed and constructed. The following sections will give a full description of this machine with detailed outline of the alignment of 76 the different pieces of this machine. A separate section is devoted to describe a typical run. III. 3. A. VACUUM SYSTEM The vacuum system is a rectangular aluminium box (see Figure 17) welded together out of 1" thick aluminium plate. The inner dimension of the box is about 25.5" x 22.9" x 15.0". we have: baffle a- In the base plate of the box two 4' holes, one of which mates to a water (to prevent the oil vapor from getting into the inner box), which in turn mates to a booster oil diffusion pump with a '14 pumping speed. used 4" stokes '/ sec. The other hole will eventually be for another pump and it is now sealed with a flange which has a DV-6 gauge tube for measuring the pressure inside the box. b-An 6" hole is available for signal collection in future experiments The diffusion pump is backed with two 1397B DUOSEAL rotary pumps connected in parallel and each can provide a pumping speed of about 7 Z/sec. The pressure of the fore- line is monitored with a DV-24 gauge tube. The diffusion pump oil is heater. The potential drop across the heater was Apiezion 201 heated with a 220 volt (ac) electric increased to about 245 volt which improved the pumping speed and throughput by a factor of 1.5. The circuit shown Fluorescence Collection Direction Oven assembly 2 / LIMEI- N N Water Baffle Di ffusion Pump To 1397B DUO-Seal Pump To 1397B DUO-Seal Pump FIGURE 17 -- Vacuum System 78 in Figure 18 is used to provide two power lines of 220 volts each and another 245 volt line. One of the 220 volts runs the rotary pump and the 245 volts supplies power to the diffusion pump heater. In the top plate, we have a 6" hole which is sealed with the hardware of the fluorescence collection optics. The side plates are made identical. Each side has two 4" holes, one of which is used for the laser beam. The other is closed with a plexi-glass flange and allows a view to the interaction region. This - used for another laser beam in the future. hole will be The front is closed with a rectangular flange and the back flange is welded onto the box and contains a 57" hole. 8' This hole is sealed with the source flange which supports the rare gas and oven assembly, as well as the oven alignment assembly. All flanges for this chamber are made of aluminium square plates. The sealing mechanisms and movement of flanges for alignment are made possible with the design shown in Figure 19. From Figure 19 it is easy to see that the center of the flange can move ±6 x-direction and ±A inthe y-direction. in the The tube can move inside the flange along the third orthogonal axis. Con- straint on this movement depends on the type of function the tube has. This constraint will be mentioned whenever . Neutrol 0" 115V _____Ei_ Ln 2115V >1 14 £ I 120V 120V 65K 1 208V To Rotary Pump 0~~ N W 65K 1 W 208V Not Used 1.15 3 3 41 21 4 To Fore Line Gauge 7 To Chamber gauge Controller Neutrol To Diffusion Pump Variable from. "' 208 to 25V FIGURE 18 -- Power Supply for Pumps 80 z X Y K- 6 K' Symmetry Plane I -4K 26 6 is the treedom in the X direction A is the treedom in the Y direction FIGURE 19 -- Flanges Design Show Flexibility For Alignment 80 it is found necessary in the content. The background pressure achievable in this system without gas load is typical 10- 3torr. A typical value for the pressure with load (100 atmosphere gas pressure is about . behind a nozzle of 30 vim diameter hole) 0.1 torr in the foreline. vacuum chamber and about 750p in the The reading of the pressure gauges are always corrected to read the true pressure of the gas (Ne) which is under running. III. 3. B. MOLECULAR BEAM ASSEMBLY This section includes two parts. The first part will be a description of the different pieces which are installed in the supersonic jet beam assembly for a nicely operating molecular oven. These pieces are catagorized as an oven assembly (see Figure 20), holder and inert gas assembly (see Figure 21), an oven positioner system (see Figure 22). oven and Most of these pieces are fixed into the source flange. The second part will be a description of the procedure for loading the oven. Most of the molecular beam assembly is shown in Figure 22. Figure 20. The oven assembly is shown in detail in The oven and the nozzle heater jacket are made of 17-4-PH stainless steel rods. After matching the 81 Nozzle Heater Copper Washer J NozzleT Stainless st el mesh Thermocoupi e Nozzle Heater Jacket Stainless steel filter Sodium Boat Drilled screw Thermocoup e Body Heater Body Heater Jacket 01 Radiation Shield FIGURE 20 -- Oven Assembly Heat Senk Molecular Oven Oven Holder Tantalum-Ceramic Heaters Drilled Gas Inlet Nozzle Heate r Block Weld CN 00 / High Pressure Gas Inlet Tubing Au-Ni Braze Sodium Boat 3Op Nozzle Hole in Mo lybdenum Disk Sintered Stainless Steel Filter FIGURE 21 -- Cross Section in Oven and Oven Holder Gas High Pressure Gas Coupling Vacuum Chamber Wall lo -I Vacuum Elec trical Feed-Through / // X-Y Positioni ng Device Source Flan, ,1, 30V Nozzle Oven Holder 5.' Cajon Fitting \x E Sodium Oven / / / Nozzle Heater Jacket' / 'I' FIGURE 22 -- View of Oven, Oven Holder, Source Flange, and Oven Positioner 84 The two pieces, they are heat-treated to harden them. nozzle is a 2.0 mm diameter molybdenum disk with an 30p hole in the middle. It is a commercial Ted Pella, Inc., Costa Mesa, Calif. product. The nozzle is sealed to the oven by a thin copper washer which fits inside the front opening of the nozzle section. Molybdenum matel is found to be relatively resistant to erosion by sodium. Stainless steel nozzles were found to have an irregular hole after a few runs with sodium. The nozzle heater jacket is screwed onto the oven threads. Molybdenum disulphide powder is spread on the threads to serve as a lubricant. The screwed nozzle heater jacket seals the front oven to the nozzle disk. The sodium boat has a space for a 5pm pore filter at the front. The back has a threaded hole for a screw which has a .020" hole and 8mm long. High purity sodium liquid is poured inside the boat. The filter is then fitted inside the boat. The boat assembly goes inside the oven as shown in Figure 21 The hole in the screw keeps Na vapor from diffusing to the cool parts of the gas handling system. A cleaned stainless steel mesh is also inserted behind the boat to slow the sodium vapor of diffusing backward. 85 The nozzle heater and the back heater are closely wound coils of 0.01" Tantalum wire. The coils are wound on a ceramic rods and cemented inside a ceramic tube with a Saureisen #1 cement, a high temperature ceramic. This is to isolate them from the metal jacket. The coils do not short to each other because of the oxide layer which Five/four heater coils are connected forms on the surface. together in series by crimping a copper-nickel tube around the junction to form the back/nozzle heater. The back heater jacket is made of a sheet of copper which surrounds the middle oven body. three steel screws. It is held in place with Five copper tubes equally spaced are welded around the copper cylinder for the heaters to set in. Two chrome-Alumel thermocouples are attached to the oven; one is kept between two steel washers which is bolted to the middle hole of the body heater jacket; the other is cemented to the front of the nozzle jacket see Figure 20. The thermocouple, leads are inserted in ceramic nuts to isolate them, and their ends are connected to a connector by crimping the wire inside the connecter. couple Both the nozzle/back heaters and thermo- connecters are plugged to a vacuum electrical feed-through connector which is itself sealed to the 86 vacuum chamber with a 'cajon' fitting. Figure 23 shows a cross section of the vacuum electrical feed-through connector. The source flange supports the molecular oven assemble, the vacuum electrical feed-through connectors, and the xy-positioning device. Most of these are shown in Figure 22. The heater leads are wired to a power supply whose circuit is shown in Figure 24. The thermocouples leads are wired to an Omega-type thermocouple meter shown also in Figure 24. Radiation shields are made of 0.002 and shaped as shown in Figure 20. stainless foil, The shields cover both the nozzle heater jacket and the oven body heater jacket as well as all heaters and thermocouple leads. shields These cut down the black body radiation from the oven, and also reduced the power required to heat it. heat sink which is shown also in Figure 20 is The placed around the back side of the oven and its leads are bolted onto the source flange. This heat sink is made of copper and the leads are thick sheets of fine copper wires. The heat sink keeps the Teflon "o" ring temperature down. Figure 22 show part of the oven holder which connects the oven assembly to a stainless steel tubing used for the flow of neon as well as a translation of movement for aligning the nozzle. The oven holder is a "O.D., 8 mil Wall, SS Tube RTV Filled Cavity I 0 0 o 0 N- Epoxy Male Amphenol Pin Plexiglass, \ Drilled for Pins Female Amphenol Pin Plexiglass Epoxy Wire - Soldered to Pins Scale: 2 times actual size FIGURE 23 -- Bacuum Electric Feed Through Double 15A, 115U 5A Fuse Vaziac Isolation 0-5 amp (AC) 4 Neon Lamp Heater 1 out out 1 out 2 Heater 2 out Cxo out 3 47 I 00 Heater 3 out OMEGA Thermocouple meter F -% ", 115U Figure 24 -- 0-150 V(AC) Power Supply of Oven Heaters 89 The machined stainless steel piece. treaded end of the oven is screwed into the oven holder where a Teflon 0-ring provides high pressure seal. Molybdenum power is used to lubricate the oven and the oven holder The stainless steel tubing is The inner tube is an ill tube is an f two coaxial tubes. " O.D and 0.016" I.D. O.D. and 3"1 " I.D. treads. The outer- The inlet is brazed onto the oven holder with Au-Ni braze as shown in Figure 22. The outlet is welded on a high pressure gas coupling. The outer tube is used to strengthen the capability of holding the oven assemble without suffering much bending; also to move the oven around for alignment purposes. The outlet is connected to an " O.D. and .016" stainless steel tube which runs to a preheated ziolite column which in turn is connected to a regulator. The ziolite column is used to trap vapor water from neon gas. The regulator has a 3000 PSI output and 5000 PSI input gauges. The regulator is connected to a neon cylinder. The neon gas is a first type run. The cylinder contains about 75% of National neon (20 Ne and 22Ne) and 25% of helium. The oven front can be moved along three orthogonal axis as shown in Figure supports the oven 25. The Cajon connector which and provides a vacuum seal is drilled to increase its inside diameter. This allowed movement 90 Oven Holder and Gas Handling Tube x X Source Flange N XY-Translator y Z-translation FIGURE 25 -- Oven Positioner Cajon Fitting 91 of the oven front about 1/2" in each direction without hitting the cajon. (X and Y) X and y direction oven movement is accomplished with an xy-translator (see Figure 22) which is bolted on a "U" type aluminum piece secured to the source flange. The displacement of the oven front is constrained to an 1/25 radians angle. This was barely sufficient to fine tune the oven for maximizing the signal. The oven can be moved along the third orthogonal axis (z-axis) with a crude z-translator made from two threaded rods. This movement in the z-direction is to investigate the molecular density and temperature as a function of downstream distance. To run stably without clogging the oven, Na must be very clean and carefully loaded. To accomplish this, we follow the following procedure. The oven assembly (oven body, sodium boat, boat screw, a small stainless steel funnel, and radiation shields) are cleaned thoroughly with a detergent in an ultrasonic cleaner. The hole is dryed with a heat gun. the nozzle (see Figure 20) ing of the oven front. are The copper washer and fixed inside the small open- Both the oven and nozzle heater jacket treads are lubricated with a moly powder (be thorough or the threads will seize upon disassembly). Then 92 the nozzle heater jacket is screwed onto the oven front to a degree where you feel that the molybedenum nozzle is pushing on the copper washer. After the nozzle is tightened to the oven body, a diffraction test for the nozzle hole is necessary to be sure that the nozzle hole is open. A Ne-We laser light incident on the nozzle hole projects a diffraction pattern on a screen in front of the nozzle. The pattern should exhibit nice diffraction circles if the nozzle hole is completely clean. The nozzle hole diameter "D" can be checked with the diffraction formula sine 1. 22 D = Once the nozzle hole is tested, the accessories used in oven loading (electric heater, funnel, hammer, screw driver, ampule of sodium, sodium boat, stainless steel filter, stainless steel mesh) are set inside a chamber filled with dry nitrogen which does not react with sodium (Na). The ampule of pure sodium is melted with the electric heater. With a tissue paper holding the two ends of the sodium ampule, a torque should be applied at the neck of the ampule to break it. As fast as possible, liquid sodium should be poured inside the sodium boat with the help of the funnel. The stainless steel filter is hammered inside the sodium boat to close it. The whole boat is inserted inside the oven and pushed down with the help of the screw driver and soft hammering. 93 After that a small piece of stainless steel mesh is inserted inside the oven and the oven back is closed with a rubber stopper. The loaded oven is then taken from the nitrogen chamber and screwed to the oven holder. The back heater as well as the heated sink are fixed onto the oven body. The cone part of the radiation shields are blackened with lamp black generated from an open to flame of Trichlorethylene. This reduced the scattered laser light from that part. The neon gas is then leaked to the oven and the gas flow through the nozzle hole should be checked before attempting to run the experiment. III. 3. C. INPUT/OUTPUT LASER OPTICS This section will include three parts -input/out laser optics, auxiliary optics (channels proportions of the laser beam into several devices), and the alignment procedure of the input/output light. Small portions of the laser light are sent to different devices (the frequency standard, power meter, spectrum analyzer and sodium cell) as shown in Figure "S " is a 12.7mm thick glass plate of error. wave front It splits the laser beam into three portions. 26. To E 2 Tol Frequency Measurement System To E M A4S Adapter A S 3 S1 S 2 To supersonic Jet Machine Tunable Dye Laser M1 Spectr Analyze 01% N-cel Na cell Scope x .4- FIGURE 26 -- Auxiliiiry Laser Optics Power Meter 95 The first portion is a reflection of the front surface of "S" which is focused onto a photodiode "P", with a lens "L". The signal of I"P is sent to a power meter which monitors the intensity of the laser beam [the laser beam intensity is stabilized with a feedback loop applied onto the Argon laser. The procedure and the process of stablization Apt (APT76).] is described by The second portion is a reflection of the second surface of "S" This light is sent to the frequency measurement system by a bounce on a mirror m. Mirror "im" moves the laser beam laterally into two orthogonal directions by two fine screws. This light is split into two with a beam splitter S4, one goes to the short etalon "E", and the other bounces m 2 and goes to the long etalon The frequency standard is described in Part 2 of 1E2"' this Chapter. "S The third portion is a transmission through sent to another beam splitter "S2"' " a small portion to a sodium vapor cell. "S reflects a The Na-cell is used for alignment purposes as well as for counting modes to the red or to the green of the sodium P1/2 or P3/2 lines. Fluorescence in the cell, which is heated to about 551C, is clearly visible when the laser is at the correct frequency. "S 31" is another beam splitter which reflects a small portion of the laser into a Spectra Physics 470, 8GHZ spectrum 96 analyzer. This spectrum analyzer is swept by the horizontal scope drive and displays the mode structure of the laser. This is necessary to be sure that the laser is operating at a single frequency and is also convenient for observing sweeps or mode hops. The optical system which directs the laser beam into and out of the supersonic jet machine is shown in Figure 27. (interaction region) Earlier in the introduction a geometry factor has been introduced in equation (3-1) to describe in a way the shape of the laser beam at the interaction region. to converge with an The laser beam is shaped intentionally radians angle for three reasons; the first is to reduce doppler broadening of the absorption lines; the second is to increase the absorption region to enhance the signal, the third is to increase the intensity of the laser light at the region of interaction. The system which will be described here has the above three concepts in mind. The laserafter passing through the beam splitter S3 shown in Figure 26, "A" passes through an adapter "A". Adaptor determines the size of the laser beam and purifies it from the unwanted light caused by double reflection through the laser intercavity etalon and blocks the majority of the uncollimated fluorescent emission from the dye cell, and Chamber Output Baffle Arm Input Baffle Arm oven M2 F2 wall F M 1 FIGURE 27 -- Laser Beam Alignment Optics 1 A(ADapter) 98 specially defines the output beam. The laser light is then diverged with a 170mm focal length lens "F located about 5cm away from the adapter mounted on an xy-translator. "A". Lens "F " is This mount can move the lens smoothly which in turns helps to focus the laser light on the lens axis. The expanded laser light makes two bounces at "m " and "m 2 " (" 1 " and "m2 " are Spectra Physics front surface reflectors for 450 angle of incident) before it is directed to the supersonic jet machine. m2 Both m 1 and are mounted on a mirror mount which has two fine screws to direct the beam onto two orthogonal axes. Density filters "D" are used sometimes to attenuate the laser beam The attenuation is necessary to decrease the intensity of strong fluorescence and keep the photocathode in thermal equilibrium. cathode, If a strong signal is seen by the photo- the dark current becomes several times larger than its original value until the photocathode returns to thermal equilibrium. The reflected expanded laser light hits a 495mm focal length lens "F 2" F2 is mounted inside an input baffle arm against an 0-ring fitted in a baffle. It serves as a vacuum seal. The seal is made possible by the difference in pressure between the vacuum chamber pressure and the atmospheric pressure. The input baffle arm consists of two tubes of different diameters. The outer tube which has a bigger diameter slides on the 99 other and can be tilted with four screws. This tilt helps to let "F 2 " focus properly on the molecular beam. F2 focuses the laser light at 1/4" away from the intersection with the molecular beam and provides a 1/15 rad. converging angle which constrains the interaction region The laser light exits to be within this angle. through a 3/8 thick plexiglass exit window which is glued onto the output baffle arm at about 56" angle to provide a to the vacuum system. seal The reflected light at the exit window gets absorbed with the 70cm output baffle arm. The exited laser light is absorbed by black flock paper which is mounted on the wall in front of the exit window "w". Simple lens equations are used to find the distance "D" between the lenses "F" and "F 2 ""(D=92.0)"; the beam size at the adaptor A(2.5mm) and the distance between lens F2 and the focusing point (25 1/4"). The alignment procedure of the input/output laser beam into the supersonic jet machine is done along the following steps. 1. Both the input/output baffle arm axes are aligned to pass through the center of the hole of the vacuum chamber. 2. Both input/output flanges which hold the input/out arm baffles are tightened firmly. 100 3. Both lenses "F " and "F2 (Figure 27 ) are removed and the laser beam is directed to go through the axis of the input/output arms. and "im mirrors "im" This is done by both which change the inclin- " 2 ation of the laser beam relative to the input baffle arm axis. 4. If the laser beam does not pass through the axis of the output baffle arm, the flange which holds this arm should be displaced until the light passes in the middle of the exit window "w" as well as the entrance. 5. holder. Lens "F2" is to be mounted in its input baffle arm 'This arm should be tilted slightly until the focused beam emerges in the middle of the tube of this arm. 6. Lens "F 2 " is then mounted and adjusted in space by the xy-fine adjustment in order that the diverged laser light hits the lens F2 in the middle. The size of the laser beam can be defined with the adaptor "A III. 3. D. " . FLUORESCENCE COLLECTION OPTICS The system which collects fluorescence is designed to have two properties. The first is enough flexibility (degrees of freedom) to focus the interaction region properly on the photocathode of the detector. This objective was achieved by designing movable hardware pieces which 101 hold the optical components. will follow. Description of these pieces The second is a way to prevent the scat- tered light from reaching the detector. This is achieved by baffling the scattered light at the focus of the collection lens which must therefore have reasonable optical quality. A schematic diagram of the optical system used for detecting the fluorescence and processing the signal is shown in Figure The collection lens "F1 28. ", 50.8 mm focal length f/l.0 fresnel lens, is mounted on the baffle "A" which is in turn fixed to a movable tube shown in detail in Figure proper focusing 29. Tube "D" of lens F 1 - by 3 screws equally spaced. protect lens F slides on tube "E" for It is fixed in position Conical baffle "A" helps from sodium contamination on its surface. When the molecular beam jets well, little sodium is deposited on the lens edge as well as on the tongue of the baffle A. Tube "E" extends outside the vacuum chamber where it can slide inside a rectangular flange G 1 which seals the vacuum system with two o-rings. A flange G 2 is welded onto tube "E" and has an 1/2" hole which is covered with a 66-2450 Rolyn heat reflecting filter (cut off below 0 6500 A) sealed to it with RTV silicon rubber. Tube "E" is supported by three long screws which fix both flanges G 1 and G 2 together. These screws also function as fine Y PMT l .J - T (Filler) F2 B(Baffle) x D (Filter) F1 PowerCutr supply Photon isc ----- DiC Electrometer iod Pum XY ecorde Refrigera or Power SupplyInvertor Figure 28 -- Td Amp and Block Diagram of Detection Electronics e 103 FA-t FIGURE 29 -- Assembly of Collection Optics 104 adjustment for focusing of lens F when the experiment is running. Rough focusing is done by observing an object placed at the interaction region through the lens F1 and sliding tube "D" in and out tube E, as well as tilting tube E with the three long screws "S" until a sharp goodquality image is observed at the baffle "B". On the top of flange G baffle "B" is attached to the movable arms of an xy translator (mounted on flange G 2 ) so that it can be moved to coincide with the image of the interaction region. The magnification of the collec- tion lens "f," is around 8 so that the image of the interaction region is 2 x 5 mm. The fluorescence light which passes through the baffle is a 89 mm focal length f/l.6 lens and focused on a 31034 RCA photomultiplier tube. Focusing is done with the help of a tube "I" and both flanges "G "1and "G51* 4 Tube I is welded onto a flange G 4 . Flange G 4 has 3 1/4" where a drawer can slide through. hole and a slot (The flange drawer and the tube assembly is shown in Figure 30.) The drawer is rectangular in shape and has an opening to install filters or pin holes. By sliding the drawer on the flange G 4 , the photomultiplier cathode can view through the pin hole or the filter and can be blocked as well. This flexibility is necessary to test /Mi 7 LC) 0 H FIGURE 30 -- PMT Flange and Drawer 106 for blackbody radiation, to attenuate large signals and to peak up the signal. The flange G 4 also has two 1" clearance holes for two 1/4" screws. These screws pass through the holes to two-treaded holes in the flange on the PMT cooler. The PMT can be moved in the area between the hole and the screw. This movement is used to maximize the signal by proper focusing of the fluorescence on the photocathode. The 31034 RCA photomultiplier tube is cooled with a TE-104 (Products for Research, Inc.) and powered with a 1118 refrigerated chamber JF DC power supply. The dark count rate is around 35 counts/sec. Alignment: The alignment procedure of the collection optics is as follows. A sharp edged object is positioned to block the lower half part of the laser beam at the interaction region. Flange G is then positioned so that the image of the sharp edge passes through the 1/2" hole in flange G 2 . This image is focused on the position of baffle "B" by sliding tube D up and down. Baffle B can be moved horizontally by the xy translator for fine centering of the image. The photocathode of the PMT is moved up and down to set on the image focused by F 2 . "I" over tube H (Figure 29). This is done by sliding tube Usually a small signal is allowed to leak to the photocathode by attenuating the 107 laser beam. Final adjustment must be done when the chamber is under vacuum because evacuating the chamber moves the optics slightly. This will be described in Section III. 3.G. III. 3. E. "BAFFLE SYSTEM" The signal of NaNe estimated in Eq. 3-10 was found in the order of 105 counts/sec. This suggests that the fluorescence detector should not view any scattered or stray light whatever its source. used two baffling systems: To achieve this, we one to cut down the laser scattered light; the other to baffle the collection lens. The laser baffling system is shown in Figure It consists of an input and output arms. 31. Tube "B" which holds the lens Fslides over ring "C" and can be tilted as well for alignment purposes. Both tubes "A" and "B" contain six brass disks painted black, mounted coaxially and located at fixed distances along the tubes "A" and "B". Black flock paper of about 97% absorbtivity is used to position each disk along the tube and to absorb scattered light. The output arm is exactly similar to the input arm except that a Brewster angle (56*) plexiglass exit window replaces the lens F 2 . The window is glued to tube B with an epoxy to provide a vacuum seal. N NOW ov-en- .. 6J 0, 0 r- I't - -- .2 aI A FIGURE 31 -- Laser Baffling System J 1 ~1 109 The lens "F 2", tube 4 and flange E provide a vacuum seal to the vacuum system. The design of this baffle system is done on the assumption that scattered light from the lens should not hit the oven which is located 1/4" off the optic axis. Light which is scattered outside the converging cone of the laser light gets baffled with baffles 2-5. is to pass through. The rest Baffle 1 is only to intercept light scattered from these baffles. Multiply scattered light of baffle 2 is not baffled when the oven is less than 1/4" away from the laser light. The main laser beam passes cleanly through the reaction zone and the aperture of baffle 1' of the opposite arm. Baffle 2' of the opposite arm intercepts this light and reflects it away from the interaction zone. The collection optics baffling system is shown in Figure 32. This baffling system is designed to reduce the scattered background light (whatever its source) through the collection optics. two baffles "A" and "B", It consists of Baffle A is shaped and a hat C. to be a cone with its top cut and shaped to have tongue. Its bottom is formed to have a seat for the collection lens "L" and it extends after that to form a base which has two holes. The holes are used to fasten baffle "A" to tube D (Figure 29) with two long 110 (Baffle) B (Filter) F (Baffle) A - oven (lens) zn.Q o (Interaction region) (Hat)C FIGURE 32 -- Collection Optics Baffling System 111 screws which are used also for holding the hat "C". Its inside is covered with black flock paper and its out- side is painted black. Baffle B is located at the focus- ing of the collection lens L. It is made of cardboard with a 2 x 3 mm aperature. black The hat C is also shaped to be a cone and made of black flock paper. It is located in a position that the lens L just can view the inside of the hat C. After all these efforts the scattered light level could be kept typically to about 40-50 counts/sec when the oven is more than 1/4" away from the interaction region. If the oven is moved closer to the interaction region, the number of counts of the background increases rapidly, implying that baffling should be installed closer to the focus. III. 3. F. DETECTION ELECTRONICS The PMT anode signal is processed as shown in the block diagram of Figure photon discriminator 28 . This signal is sent to a (511 Mech-Tronics) whose output is sent to an 5321 B Hewlett Packard counter and to a diode pump. The diode pump produces a DC voltage proportional to the pulse rates. Figure 33. Its circuit diagram is shown in The output of the diode pump is channeled to an electrometer which is our analog signal monitor and 112 0.0037pf Out In 61S FIGURE 33 -- 1 OkA Diode Pump Circuit 0. 05pf 113 to an amplifier and inverter. The output signal of the Amp and inverter is sent to a mixer for the frequency markers and the fluorescence signal. The mixer is just a potentiometer. The output of the mixer is sent to an xy recorder and time chart recorder. The xy recorder is swept by a small portion of the intercavity etalon PZT voltage of the dye laser. The xy and time chart recorders display the same molecular spectrum. The time chart recorder has a control which gives the advantage of expanding the spectrum in order to locate the center of the lines more accurately. It gives more resolution to distinguish lines which are nearly overlapping each other, and it has a linear distance vs. frequency relationship. III. 3. G. ALIGNMENT, RUNNING AND DATA TAKING PROCEDURE This section describes the procedure of a typical run. This includes preliminary alignment of the system, checking the jetting condition of the oven, fine align- ment and data taking procedure. The preliminary requirements for alignments are described at the end of the previous sections, e.g. the input/output laser alignment can be found in the laser input/output section; the alignment for fluorescence signal can be found in the fluorescence collection optics. 114 After defining the interaction region, the molecular beam should be aligned to pass through it. During this align- ment process a slow flow of neon should be kept on to prevent any flow of air back through the nozzle to the sodium. If this is not done, an ox-idation as well as hydration of sodium might clog the nozzle as well as the filter pores. Having accomplished the preliminary alignment, the vacuum chamber is closed and pumped out. Evacuating the chamber will displace the input baffle arm, the tubes which hold the fluorescence collection optics, and the source flange which holds the molecular oven assemble. This will upset the preliminary alignment and further alignment is unavoidable. A fine alignment is done on an atomic signal or P of sodium lines) and on a molecular signal dimer or sodium neon lines) as well. (P12 (sodium Before getting to this step, it seems unrealistic to fine align the experiment without being sure that the oven is jetting properly. Proper jetting implies a one-directional flow of the fluid (gas mixture of both sodium and neon) through the nozzle hole. If this criterian is fulfilled, we should expect that the flux of the fluid F to be given by F = ynvA (4-12) 115 where y is a constant and A is the area of the nozzle hole. n and v are the density and mean thermal velocity of the fluid. The constant y is bigger or equal to 1/4 for a nozzle hole which is open and has negligible length. The flux (throughput) is measured by different ways, e.g. it is the product of the chamber (or the fore-line) pres- sure times the pumping speed, i.e. P = S P c c = S P where Pc = 4 x 1021 P = c (4-13) 4.2 x 1020 Pf f are the chamber/fore-line pressure in torr, and Sc Sf = 133/14 are their corresponding pumping speeds in Z/s. The numbers in Eqs. 4-13 are just the pumping speed of particles per torr. Flux can be measured with the change in pressure with time "dP/dt", i.e. =' = 5 x 1018 d414 the "5 x 10 18" depends on the volume of the vacuum chamber. The throughput can be measured with the sodium Dlines signal or the Lorentz tail of the D-lines P3/2 ' i.e. (P1 / 2 or 116 F = 2.8 x 10 7 P R P Ne P PT1/2Na (4-15) and F = 2.96 x 1012 (RAv)2 PNe 1/2 Na 4-16) where PNe is the neon pressure in PSIG. PNa is the sodium pressure in torr. P is the laser power in mw. R is the distance between nozzle hole and interaction region. Av is the off-tuning of the D-line central frequency. 6 is the baffle size at the xy translator. (See Figure T is the oven temperature. Ne is the number of counts read by the photocathode. Eqs. 4-13 and 4-14 can be used to find the valve of Y before accomplishing the fine alignment, while Eqs. 4-15 and 4-16 can be used after the fine alignment is accomplished. Having the vacuum chamber at several microns of pressure, a test should be performed to be sure that the 117 nozzle is not partially clogged. This can be done by com- paring the flux measured by either Eq. 4-13 or 4-14 with the expected flux from Eq. 4-12. If y turns out to be less than 1/4, two things might occur: either the nozzle hole is clogged or the neon gas cannot get to the nozzle hole because the sodium might clog the filter pores through the loading. Ify turns out to be bigger than 1, it implies the neon gas is leaking through the position of the vacuum seal at the nozzle. In this case more tightening of the nozzle heater jacket to the oven and the oven itself to the oven holder will be necessary. But if y is less than 1/4, it is more advisable to heat up the oven and check y again as before. From experi- ence, y was it was found that most of the time 1/4 before heating the oven, and got less than close to 1/3 after If heating the oven does not bring y above 1/8 or that. so, it is not worth the effort of running the experiment. Instead an effort should be made to clean the oven and the nozzle. It is found that cleaning the oven with diluted sulfuric acid and brushing the inside of the oven with a stainless steel mesh helped to remove, any chemical deposited inside it and eventually helped minimize (amost to zero) the frequency of clogging the nozzle. 118 We should mention at this point that the old stainless steel nozzle was inefficient in getting a supersonic jet. The reactive sodium was probably the factor of erod- ing the nozzlehole-and than 1/8. lowering the constant y to less Molybdenum nozzles, which are drilled to decrease the nozzle hole length, were definitely producing supersonic jet with y - 1/3. Having a molecular beam jetting properly is the first step for a fine alignment of the experiment. The next step is to remove the upper part of the fluorescence optics tower (from PMT to tube "I"; see Figure 29 ) and then to set the laser frequency on either the sodium P1/2 or P3/2 line. This can be done by watching the sodium fluorescence in the sodium cell (see Figure 26). The next step is to look at the sodium fluorescence in the beam and to move the nozzle up and down until the two beams (laser and molecular) intersect each other. One can see the interaction region through a mirror fixed inside the machine which reflects the sodium fluoresence through a plexiglass flange. The fluorescence can be seen clearly through the fluorescence collection lens. If the fluorescence light is not seen illuminating the middle of the fluoresence collection lens, the flange, which holds the collecting lens assembly, should be dis- placed by soft hammering on it until the light is clearly 119 illuminating the middle of the collection lens. Aligning the fluoresence through this direction requires imaging the fluoresence light at the position of the baffle on the xy translator (see Figure 29). This can be done by focusing the eye at the baffle position and moving the head back and forth. If the image did not move, it implies that it focuses at the baffle. If it moves, the collection lens should be moved up or down with the three fine alignment screws tionary. (Figure 29) until it appears sta- The baffle should then be placed on the xy translator with its diagonal parallel to the laser beam. The baffle is to be translated until the fluorescence image passes through the baffle hole. All this should be done while making sure that the laser drift corrected is always by tuning the laser back to a maximum illumination of fluorescence in the sodium cell. The next step is to install the PMT in its position with its photocathode closed. of transmission ~ 10~ (see Figure 27' A neutral density filter should be placed in the laser beam before exposing the photocathode to the fluorescence light; otherwise it will saturate the photocathode electron emission which implies an increase in the anode dark current. should not exceed 10~ Maximum anode current of PMT amp. is read with the electrometer The PMT anode signal which (Figure 28) is maximized 120 by tuning the baffle with the xy-translator and moving the PMT with the two screws attached to its flange Figure kept 29). (see Again the laser frequency should be at the maximum fluorescence of the sodium cell. If the laser frequency drifts, the fluorescence region will move accordingly. At this point jetting condition of the oven can be tested by using Eq. 4-15 and 4-16. Still no claim can be said that the system is completely aligned. The last possible fine alignment should be done on a molecular line like those of Na 2 or NaNe. The laser frequency is then moved two etalon modes (10 cm~ ) to the red of P /2 The density filters 10- are then removed and a sodium neon line is chosen for fine alignment. This is done by fine tun- ing the oven xy-translator and sweeping the laser across the NaNe line. This will direct different parts of the molecular beam to the optical interaction region. change in fluorescence signal can be viewed The on the electrometer. The anode signal is processed as shown in Figure 28. The noise is minimized by choosing a proper time constant at the signal amplifier and inverter. Both the xy and time chart recorders are used to monitor the signal. this point, it is important to stress At the idea of changing both the back oven and nozzle heater temperatures 121 to give a better signal-to-noise ratio. What is meant by noise here is the one due to the blackbody radiation and Lorentz wings of P1/2 and P3/2 sodium D-lines. This is important because the molecular sodium neon lines lie in the vicinity of the sodium D-lines. If the signal is not maximized relative to the Lorentz tail, it will be difficult to find the molecular lines in that domain. The data is obtained with the following parameters of the supersonic jet: oven/nozzle temperature 350/400*C, pressure of neon gas - 100 atmospheres, chamber pressure .1 torr, distance between the nozzle exit and the interaction region 0.5 cm. The laser power was about 10 mw. 122 IV. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS Looking to an absorption spectrum of a diatomic molecule is quite messy for the first time especially to a beginner in the field. 1 an A 1E 1 u X E g2 Figure 34 is an example of transition of Na 2 . This part of the spectrum can be more complicated if the rotational temperature of the molecule is allowed to warm up. Figure35 shows the same frequency region with higher rotational temperature. The analysis of a molecular spectrum will usually reveal lots of characteristics about the different kind of physical phenomenon which take. place in the region of observation in the molecular states.. The following sections are a full description of the data obtained and of the method utilized to resolve the spectrum into molecular parameters which can very well describe its different features. Before going into the specifics of the analysis, a general description of the data will be outlined in the following paragraphs. The molecular excitation spectrum which is detected in the frequency domain from 16975.59 to 16929.75cm~1 is a mixture of both A H1+X E of NaNe and-A Na 2 in addition to the D-lines of sodium ug (2 P 1 + - 1/ 2 ' 2P 3 / 2 ). This frequency domain is about 25 and 20 cm'1 to the red and the blue of 32 P 1 / 2 of Na. The NaNe lines are discriminated from the rest by observing the line intensity (N PL u LaT T r~11 V~n I 13 A I L JA-IA J ''rai 8 9 10 14 A~L-IL~irr I. hA. 'r~1 1~ 12 I I t0 I 4 9 8 7 10 GHz FIGURE 34 -- Absorption Scan of Hot Na 2 I I ilL 3 P 2 6 5 R 4031 2 13 14 9 10 I I2 I- I I I 4 x 0 X0 Io 5 6 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4f[ II F 2 4031 5 T2 II R P .li I __j I -200 1 1 -180 -160 I -140 I I . I -100 -120 FREQUENCY (GHz) FIGURE 35 -- Absorption Scan of Cold Na 2 -80 -60 -40 -zo I V0 3.8 125 dependence on the neon pressure in the oven and the hyperfine structure exhibited with the NaNe spectrum. The increase in neon pressure suppressed the Na 2 lines and enhanced the signal of NaNe lines. The NaNe lines were found to consist of two components split by the hyperfine structure of the 32 1.8 /2 sodium ground state, which is fv GHz, and with almost the same 5:3 intensity ratio. To decide whether a weak line is NaNe or Na2' because one of the hyperfine components is overlapped with another line, it is judged by comparing them with the spectrum of Na2 which does not have NaNe lines. The entire observed spectrum of NaNe consists of about 760 lines with about 4x10 5 counts/sec for the strongest line observed. Figure 36 represents A H3/ transition of Na 20Ne and Na does not have any Na 2 lines. Al 1/2 (v'=4)+X2+ transition of Na 2 . Ne. (v=5)+X2 + (v"=) This sample of the spectrum Figures 37 and 37' represent transition of Na 20Ne and A' E ++X' E + v"=0) u The intensity ratio of 2 I(NaNe) I(Na 2 ) q i roughly 1/8 as shown in Figure 37. Near the atomic D-linesof sodium (1.5cm~) it was hard to get a good NaNe spectrum because of the strong Lorentz tail of the D-lines in comparison with the NaNe signals. In that region of the spectrum, neutral density filters were used to decrease the incident laser light. Accordingly bad relative and absolute intensity measurements resulted. 3.5 p2 2.4.5 55 6.5 i I 7.5 I I 8.5 I 11.5 1 10.5 9.5 I I 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 I I I I II I 3.5 4.5 5.5 .5 1.5 2.5 R 1 R 1 .5 1 1.5 I 1 3.5 I 2.5 I 4.5 I 9.5 I I 6.5 No 10.5 20 Nq I 7.5 8.5 1 1 5.5 6.5 9.5 1 7.5 8.5 i i 3 'O 0 x 21- U 4n 0 t.0 N z 0 i X 0I- R21 R2 I 1.5 .5 1.5 I1 1I I1 1.5 2.5 3.5 01 P2 I .5 i1 1 3.5 4.5 5.5 1 -40 FIGURE 36 -- 2.5 1I 4.5 I 1 6.5 7.5 I 8.5 - 1 No 1 6.5 1 5.5 1 9.5 i l I 0 60 20 40 -20 FREQUENCY FROM BAND ORIGIN (GHz) 80 100 i Absorpiton Scan of A 2I i i (5)+X 2 Z(0) of NaNe 22 Ne 2.5 p 1.5/3.5 '2 5.5 4.5 1.5 2.5 p I 3.5 4.5 I I I Q. 6.5 .8.5 1 7.5 1 5 1.5 1.5 6.5 5.5 3.5 2.5 1.5 .5 9.5 5.5 4.5 3.5* 2.5 9.5 8.5 7.5 6.5 5.5 5.5 4.5 10.5 9.5 8.5 7.5 6.5 80 x 64C z 0 0 2- a. 0 I 7 8 S _ -10 , 10 II I VO 20 FIGURE 37 -- | 40 I 9 3 4 5 6 3 I I 8 6 7 80 60 FREQUENCY (GHz) Absorption scan of A ID r 2 t1l/2 (4) X Z(Q) 100 5 PI 1 4031 2 120 of NaNe and A*Eu i 140 -XE of Na2 I 00 I.- CN - -I 1 -I~ - I H- I - r~ I -~ ~ IL Ii~ 11I -- A '*1 -~*~-:1 I I ' 4p %tk. FIGURE 37' -- Time Chart Recorder Absorption Scan of A H1/2 (4) X2E (0) 129 Electronic predissociation is observed in the 2 3(v'=5) - 2 + (v'=0) transition. Overlapping of a certain electronic state 213/2 (that is, of its vibrational or rotational levels)by the dissociation continuum belonging to another electronic state 2R1/2 observed lines in that band. caused broadening to the The line width is found to increase with increasing J' as shown in Figure 38. The spectrum of both Na 20Ne and Na 22Ne species is transferred onto a roll of chart recorder paper. On the chart ity the intensity, and the reliabil- the position, recorder roll, of the stronger hyperfine component of NaNe lines are written under each line. The reliability number 1, 2, or 3 is assigned to each line depending on whether the line is clear, partly obscured or doubtful. This is subsequently used in our evaluation of the standard deviation calculation of the lines. of the line frequency, intensity, Table 2 is a list andreliability. Having the data properly labeled, the next need is to assign J', J", v' and v" as well as to determine whether the transition is A H3--X E+,A H 3/2 B 2E+X E+ for each line. This 1/2 +X E or information for each line will be prerequisite before a serious attempt can be made to find the molecular parameters of the molecule. parameters are necessary to find the potentials X2 E+f A2H, and B2E+ for NaNe. The 130 1.81 0 1.5- 1.2" 0 G 0.9-+ ~z H 0 0 0.6- 0. 3. I I 6 8 J FIGURE 38 -- Plot of Line Width vs. J' a 10A 12 131 TABLE 2-- Absorption Spectrum of A - 2 +X of NaNe -------.------ ) ---- --- --- --- -- Line 582. 8 0 583. 1.7 585. 00 587, 588. 5 89. 591.. 57 48 91. 61. 591.. 83 593. 1.3 .594. 71. 597. 52 599. 27 6 0 0.. 1.7 604 39 t6.0 7. 73 608. 1.7. 61.3. 81. 61.8. 23 618. 68 61.9. 90 620. 78 525. 55 6.3 0. 89 6I1. 1 67 6.2. 5. 67<7. 139. 64 6. 1.1. 78 74 91: 647, 8 3 656. 37 664. 74 665. 91 I6F66C.2f 1;'1. 667. 76 669. 22 W ()'l 1.59 2 9. 16929. 16929. 16929. 16929. 1.6929. .233 45 2 361. : 477 641. 697 7P9 896 910 992 1. 94 45 81 2 2 13 16930. 169~I:0. 1 693 :. 1692. 271. 1.54 1 37 9 81 1:6 I I 4;9 715 1.69- 0. 91.8 16930. 945 16931. 383 16931. 582 1693:1. 611 1.6931. 689 1.6931. 744 1.69.2. 147 16932. 185 169?32. 434 16932. 463 1.6932. 695 16932. 79? . 1.6932. 945 1F.9~ ]: 31I3 fr 459 1:134. 00 16934. 529 1-6914. 1. -.9 4. 1.6 934. 1.6934. 604 #6--23 7?1. 814 67. 27 673. 00 1 697:4. 881. 16935. 053 675. 28 677. 56 679. .1. 1.69.5. 1.97 16935. 24? 1.6935. 4.39 16935. 81.2 16935. 902 1.6936. 553 16937 ?71. 1.69 9. (6 1.6938. 04': 1. .697:8. 4 4 1.6938. 591 1.6938. 746 1.6938. 91.0 4, 1.6939 F 16940. 812 16940. 582 1 694(. 61. i685. 00 686. 41. 696. 67 708. 02 909. 0 0 720. 727. 728. 731. 733. 746, 751.. 759. 760. 20 1.7 83 30 87 C7 25 00 75 1. 2 :1 1 2 1 1.6929. 1 6929. 1 929. 16930. 092 I'F9*3 -- --- -- 79 1.26 147 1.63 92 157 183 :145 : 60 'I 130.40" 1 16931* I7 1. 186 77 2 77 2 1 2 2 1 72 49 1.49 146 ) 1 1032.633 49. 1 57 171 S5 2 1. 1. 7:6 05 1.57 120 141 50 & 1. 1 1 6P.~"f 5 1.8 2 -f 3: 1. 48 3 84 88 1.1.5 1.12 159 96 *9: 6 47 79 F 2 48 46 4 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 1. 6 47 57 59 1 3 1. ) 132 767, r 0 7 72. 2 3 775. 44 77.91 778. 8 P 7-81. 88 78i2..537 782. 9 86 786. 1.~3 784. 786.-9 787. 46 788.21 55 1.6941.. 48 16941. 54: 16941. 699 1.6941. 756 16941: 951. 1641. 992 A'4 11. P4 159 91': 1.6942. ?21 16942. 2:8 159! :1.1 55 141 11.9 77 188 824 97 796. 77 1.6942. 1.6942. 16942. 1.6942. 1.6942. 1.6942. 16942. 1.6942. 1.6942. 1.6942. 1.6942. 846 895 85 1 89 797. 46 1 6942. 99 3 800. 28 16942. 888 1694. 1.17 1 6942:. 282 788.48 789. 97 92. 0 792. 79 792. 85 795.6 PtF 795.IS4 796. 00 798.4 -81 . 1-*.:7 8 03. 9 A 804.8 3 806. 22 80 6. 4 8A . 809. 8 Ci9. 809. 81A. 81.2. 796. :2, 22 5A 92 93 81. 77 p.72 8.1.4. 52 87A8. 65 28F 81.5. 88:1.. 06 816. 19 816. 73 84 -C1 817. 15 88. 9. 822. 05 8 2.-. 40 823.5 8 825. 69 828. 30 84.2.2 829. 45 830. 74 84. Q4 :5 354 369 461. 594 643 646 787 627 186 1.2 51. 62 1.694:.969 16944. 828 16944. 892 16944. 16944. 1.694.4. 16944. 16944. .16944. 1.6944. 1.25 1.6 1.86 348 352 292 496 16944. 582 1.6944. 594 1.6944. 789 16944. 89 3 16944. 918 16944. 965 1.6945. 847 16945. 068 16945. 192. 16945. 221 16945. 342 16945. 75 16945. 42 1 6945. 547 16945. 684 1 945. 662 16945. 775 .5: S 1. 1 2 . 66 168 1 74 684 785 729 16942:. 855 1.6943. 912 1. 1 66 494 582 16943. 16943. 16942. 16943. 1.6943. 16943. 8i5. 3 2 875. 92 4 11.9 16943. 486 1.694:. 348 16943.374 16945.294 841. 89 71 174 18:t 71. 71, 814. 0.: P838. I61 8 :9. 2 1.75 182 1 87 1.81 78 141. 44 119 129 146 1 1 2. I I i 1. S: 1. 1. 1.41 119 69 1.77 177 29 1.26 224 I :1 1~ I I 1.97 1.75 2. 23:5 I I ?87 1.88 124 ? 1 419-461 69 I. 30 ~1. I . 16942.821 16942. 1.41 4. 1~777 7o 1. I 133 84:. 63: 1.6945. 863 844. 9 845.32 P.4 6. 75 847. 1.5 850. 26 851. 90 :16945. 945 855. 42 857. 20 858.24 858. 50 860. 51. 8164. 67 16945. 971, 16946. 062 1.6946. 088, 1.6946. 285 16946. :9 :16946. 1.6 946. :1 6946. 16946. 1.6946. 477 1 6946. 9.4. 61.1. 725 789 907. 29 9C9. 55 16950.041 911. 91.8. 92. 923. 9.30. 1695P. 1.82 1.695c.687 16958. 721 1-695 17. 910 16951.1:55 16951.. 551 1.6951. 83 16951. 994 16952. 154 16952. 586 1.6952. 906 16953. 1.04 1695 :. 1.64 1695 3. 35 868. 3 868. 70 870. 8 3 872. 80 876. 75 879. 78 882. 75 886. 1.8 889. 75 892. 79 896. 7:0 901..5 3 904. 28 76 48 28 28 70 973. 3 9 97:7. 80 940. 3 9 942. 91. 949. 7: 954. 957. 958. 961.. 971. 78 9 84 05 96 11.9 246 975. 9 3 977. 56 978. 1.3 1.6954. 1.6954. 16954. 1.6954. 9-80. 39 1.6954. 529 982. F88 991.. 71 1.6954. 31. 16955. 246 16955. 54 16955. 369 1.6955. 465 16955. 529 16955. 689 16955. 756 16956. 418 1 6956. 436 16956. 596 1 6956. 81.2 16956. 848 1.6956. 906 1.6956. 943 1.6957. 1.87 993. 41 99. 995. 996. 997. 999. 181.0. 10 0. 66 15 1.7 44 75 21 49 101.3. 00 1.01.6. 4 3 101.6. 86 10:1.7. 90 1.01.8. 50 102 2 2.4 1 8418 185 7: 148 I 1. :1 1. I 1. I. I 1. ) I 87 1.6947. 1.97 16947. 242 1.6947. 47:O 1.6947. 45: 16947. 588 1.6947. 713 1.6947. 96: 1.6948. 1.54 1.6948. .44 16948. 561 1.6948. 787 1.6948. 979 1.6949. 2 1 1.6949.573 16949. 707 16949. 898 865. 79 25 T 245 91. 84 1.66 350 :87 2T;8 76 192 247 1.85 285 94 28? 23:7 1.97 I I I 1 963-93 4~70464 I 1. I 1. I 74 1.7 214 I 176 81 17 3 1.97 88 134 81. 1.58 212 91 1.45 84 152 64 1 I 1 -1. I ) I :115 1 31 66 1 79 1.69 171 214 185 107 1.51 33 9 282 212 262 1.69 151. 158 1.76 186 289 3 .5 .4 1. 1 289 1. 134 1l2 4. 0 1024. 4P 1r 5. 3 5 1.0,? 9 80 1.0~-0. 46 1ii '. 46 1iI 5 1i4. 43 10.35. 9 0 i 036. 20 1.037. 43 1.695 7. 29:3 16 957. 3:18 21. 1 ?08 16957. 377 16957. (60 24 0' 1.A7 1 1 1 16957'. 701. 1 (95T. 766 1957. 898 1. 57. 953 16 65 -F-. r71 4 1.6958. 164 23:1 -103 8. 1.7 9. 58 1040. 51. 16958. 189 1 1041. 95 1042. 73 10 43. 97 144. 83 -1C.9 5 8. 14 3 '1.6958. 27' 1 95 8. 3:3 8 1.6 958. 43f- 22 2 ? 2i7 2 26 24E: 1 9- : 2 1 1 3:65 :1 1 277 284 1.45. 56 16958. 658 1046. 13 16958. 15958. 16t9. 35 . 1958. 23 . 99 178 47 :1047. 3 0 1047. 33 151. 6e 00 185. :156. 15 1058. 00 1061. 05 1063. 62 ±865. 88 75 106?. SF16. 09 1069. 43 .1069. 7? 1070. 00 1076. 89 1.81. 3:9 1083. 85 10 9. 56 1-096 36 1099. 00 11.1. 39 1.?07. 70 11F8. 68 .11.2. 111.6. 1121. 11.'4 11.25. 11.28. 1.13:0. 62 88 5 8A 1.6 00 24 132. 1.123. 0 11.3:6. 60 1143. 82 1146. 6 11.48. 0 1.51. 5 1157. 25 4.61. 43: 1i 6. 50 1165. 73 11.67. 4 11.67. 72 695 71.7 771-771. 1959. 041. 1959. 129 16959. 3:3 0 16959. 447 16959. 641 16959. 883(' '1(959. 891 1(9.'59 23 1 69(8. 02' 1.7 0 15(7. 9 16968. 189 1.69C.. 27 16960. F,4: -f 19(. 928 1C961. 84 16960.1. 572 1.6961. 877 16962. 045 69(2. 1.89 16962. .596 16962. 652 :1 26 :1. 1. ) '1. 297 134 258 1 1 ?12 1 285 204 1.7 1 1 :1 3:48 248 28 2 2 '09 ?8 I 234 1.62 5 255 177 24.3 247 .1.42 1 1. :1 . 1. 1. 1. 2 206 '158 1. 1. i. 1 1.6962. e.11. 169(2. '6963. '16963. 1.6963. 16963. 16963. 805 908 881. 16964. 823 1 16964. 13 5 114 192 16964. 16964. 16964. 16965. 1.6965. 16915. 16965. 1.6966. 1.99 426 885 1.1.7 1.00 1.72 1"5 13 9 1.88 1.21 - 45 231 9± . 471. 1CI 2 629 105 192 2 701 64 1.48 3:75 734 888 966 F- 89 91 84 1. 1. 1. P 1. 2 1. 1. 1 1 1 9 16966. 271. . 381 1 6966 398 - :e 1 6958. 4 79 1.695-3. 559 -16958. 11 1046. 2 2 I ?32 1.49 46 1.85 1. 2 1 135 11.68. 59 1.1.7 0. 1.1. 1.1.70. 70 1:172. 0 11.74. 91. 1,76. 46 1 178. C7 1178. 4 1.179. 81. 8 0. 67 18 16966. 1 966. 16-*9 e.. 16 6. 1.6.966. 16966. 45?: 551 588 672 854 953 1.89 :179 237 1. 1 1.6967. 855 16967. 07. 169 F7. 1.6F4 ?77 V 19-C, I 3-1.!; 0.8 -fll4 . 1 450 4 92 1. :1 1. 1 1 1 1 . 31. 16967. 322 1.6.967. 7: 16967. 455 16967. 529 169 67. 6F29 169 67. 6 7 1 6967. 8 07 1 6967. 881. 1.6967. 9.37 1.6968. 018 1.968. 152 1696.8. 184 16968. 207 1 6968. 305 1.6968. 350 16968. 443 16968. 539 16968. 670 16968. 7:2 - 1 696 8 1. 16968. 94: 1 6969. 01.4 1 6969. 1.09 16969. 184 16969. 21.7 16969. 396 16969. 543 16969666 16969. 742 16969. , . 1.6969. 975 1.1.87. 1.5 1.1.87. 27 1.1.89. 95 1.91. 12 1192. i0 11.93. 27 11.95. 41. 1.195. 89 1.1.96. 27 11.97. 79 i.1.98. 51. 1.200. 00 :1.201. 51. 1203. 56 1-204. 56 SI20I 9 127. 90 20 9. 00 21.0. 50 121A. 67 1212. 1.21.5. 121.7. .i.9. 122F. I 122. 1,224. : 224. 1226. 1.9 083 36 30 49 F69 1.5 64 5 51 1229 45 S130. 86 -1231.. 06 123. 00 1 3 46 1234. 47 1236. 22 1238 7 1238. 90 1241.. 43 1 242. 37 1243. 76 1245. 1.247. 1248. 1.253. 1258. 09 9F F2 9 5 262. 84 1 264. 0 1264 67 1265. 00 1267. 85 ?27 ?4r 16967f.219 1182. 56 1J84. 4F 1185. 57 . 10 1697 0. 006 1.6970. 1.25 16978. . 16970 16970. 1 A-9 71-. 16970. 1697?. 1.6974. 16970. 16971. 16970. 16971.. 16971. 16971. I6971. 187 311. 398 41.2 535 564 627 738 875 908 68 1.29 21.7 31. 697f. 479 1 6971.. 537 16971. 861. 16972. 1.6 697?. 375 16972. 518 16 972. 541 16972. 562 16972. 742 54C . 1 I 1. 4 92 5C 7 57: 471. 536 578 1 11 9 470 1. 2 119 50 1 1 68 1. 92 1. 484 1. 119 1 561. 1. A:19 J. 35 I 138 2 84 2 477 1. 466 1 4 92 1 96 . 24 249 .1.1.1. 99 11.3 368 768 195 1.95 1.13 119 1 84 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 31.4 1. 57 284 99 146 1.69 2 223 242 144 271. 242 242 278 2671 278 278 1 2 1 1 1. 1 1. 2 1. 1. 1 1I I 136 1281.. 40 1282. 70 128 . 2 3 1284. 55 1286. 1.0 1287. 8 : 1289.12 1289. 70 16973:. 6P2 169 7 :.684 1697:. 71.7 .16973: *.*p 1697':. 898 16974. 08::: 16974. 092 242 16974. 1.974. 1.6974. 16974. 127 258 .919 1291. 65 .292. 35 A2 93. 30 1294. 1295. 1297. 1297. 12948. 45 70 1.6974. 16974. 1. 97 16974. 1.700.1.5 12:01.. 80 132. 95 1303. 40 304. -1.3 07. 45 7 5 1.709.33 131A. 90 131.2. 25 1:-1.3. 55 1.3 .5. 25 I1-:J.7. 00 I :,17. 85 1.3 18.15 1 -R19. 8 0 -1321., 1.0 I.-<21.. 55 7-*.-:0 0 16974. 16974. 16974. 895 16974. 92 16974. 63. 16975. 55 1 6975. 252 16975. 37 1 1.69 7 5. 5973 16975. 557 1 E;9 75. F63:9 16975. 746 1.6975. 752 16975. 93 i 16976. 1:17 16976. 145 16976. 256 16976. 744 .893: 05 16977. 97 0 85 1.6977. 16977. 1-:48. 00 16977. 892 1.25 186 314 -67 402 508 539 F85 82 16977. 846 175 0. f-i 1.:- 55.30F 136I,9. fi 0 A4 02. 3 0 14 F7. 50 481 51.1 48 1 I 1. 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 3 45 1 227 195 21. ?27 49 127 1.464 148 169 27 295 16977. 947 16978 918 16979. 1.52 16981. 262 1.6981. 436 1. r.9 81. 592 1 I 1 J 1 1 1 1 126 16976. 035 40 00 :I 16975. 910 1.6977. 16977. 1'977. 16977. 16977. 16977. 50 1 I F-974. 996 17 -37Z:6. 1.:- :7. -3 -7. 1-40. 1.4 0. 1 4 1' 174. 42 8 508 59 6 09 71.5 789 16974. 00 214 295 7:55 2 21.; 281. 1. 140 29 21 ~ 189 1i 1442 1.77 95 1876 64 129 1. 94 64? 77 A7 607 81. 1 :1 1. 1 1. 1 1. 1. 1. 1. 137 In the following sections, the method of analyzing the data and extracting the molecular parameters will be presented in the order in which they are used to make assignments of both the J and v quantum numbers. The first part (IV-1) tells how one can follow branches and assign the j-quantum numbers from each line. It also explains how the bands are grouped to belong to A2113/ A2H <-X Z 1/2 transition. The second part and 2Z+ (IV-2) explains the long range analysis compared with isotope shift to assign v' for A H-bands. It also contains a fit to the vibra- tional eigenvalues using a Dunham vibration formula. IV. 1. J' , J" -- ASSIGNMENT AND FINDINGS The assignment of the J-quantum numbers is done unambiguously by tracing lines which belong to the same branch and constructing first and second combination differences for the ground state. Before explaining procedure of the J-assignment, it is necessary to discuss the selection rules of the allowed transitions and the number of branches which are expected to be observed. As explained in the theory Chapter II-1, the ground state (X2 Z+) is a Hund's case 2 (b) and the first excited state (A H7 is a good Hund's case (a). each level of X2E+ interaction Since is split by Spin-rotation (S-R) (p-doubling) and each A 2H is split by spin- orbital interaction into two sub-states A2 11/2 and 138 A 2H3/2 (each level in these sub-states is doubly degenerate), the allowed transitions are those of AJ=0,±l or AN=O,±l,±2 which allows 12 branches to be possible. Figure 39 shows the twelve allowed transitions from X 2E to A 2H- state. The NaNe spectrum is found (as will be seen below) to display eight branches instead of twelve branches because the spin rotation (S-R) interaction of the X2E is beyond the measurement resolution. So one should expect to find sub-bands which are split by spin-orbit interaction (~l2cm1 ) and each sub-band will display four branches (progressions). These branches are the one described by solid lines in Figure 39. To show how one can recognize rotational progressions, let us first find the frequency of any line in a band. If one neglects the A-doubling in the A 2R state and spin doubling in X2E+ state, that is, using for the A2H state F'(J) = B 1 J(J+1), F -eff 2 J(J+l) (4-1) -eff(41 and for the X2E+ F1 2 (J) = B state equation 2-25, i.e. (J) = B"(J- ) 1 1 1 (J+ 21 B"N(N+1) (4-2) 3 F 2 1" (J) = BO(J+f) (J+-f) where B eff = B' (1± L)[ AA~ [see Section II-2.G. and (HERSO)] One obtains for the frequency of the branches 139 2 N' (5) (F 2 ) ' *1* 4%- ____T (4) 211/2 (3) 2% (Z) I- = 172 (Fl) N, 7, (4) 4 / P77J+ + aY (3) II II L OPI i> I II I; I I (2) '.1 + + II I I II I I L II N" I '7,, I E 0OI I II ii II i F 1 F2 4 2 8 F, 21/2 1 0. + - F, IIi 2 2. 1 Y2.4 F1 FF2 F -'I 1 I 7,&. 2 2 + Band. In actual cases the (n)Energy Level Diagram for the First Lines of a 39 -spin-doublet splitting in the upper state is often much larger than shown, while, on the other hand, the spin-doublet splitting in the lower state and the A-doublet splitting in the upper state are in general much smaller. If the 2 H state belongs strictly to case (a), the dotted and broken-line transitions are of the same intensity as the full-line transitions; however, in going over to case (b), they change over into the satellite branches given there. FIGURE 140 ',(1) + P1 (J) Q1(J) = VO( F1'(J + F1'(J) F1"(J) - R1 (J) = vo(l) + Fl'(J + 1) = ( + 2Bet.( + F1'(J PO( - (1 - IB" - = vo(l) - Beff.('J + 1) - - (Beff.() - (Beri.(D' - B")j2 1 + 1B" + Beft.( J + (Beg.(C- B" )j2 Fi"(J) + IB" + 3Bent.(C'J + (Beiti'I - B" 1 P 1 2 (J) B" 1) - Fi"(J) = o(1) + - )j2 F2 "'(J) + 2B")J + (Bet.(1) - B" )j2 Q 12 (J) = 'o(1) + Fl'(J) - F2"(J) - P 1 (J + 1) R 12 (J) = O(1) + F1 '(J + 1) - F2 "(J) - Q 1(J + 1) W.-3) P 2 (J) = vo(2) + F2 '(J - 1) Q2 (J) = vo() + F2'(J) F2"(J) - R2 (J) = vo(2) + F2'(J + o(2) + 2Beitf 2 + F2 '(J 1) - 1) - - Vo(2) + F2'(J + =( + 2 2Bef.( ) Fi"(J) - Fi"(J) z R 2 (J 1) - - B" )J 2 F 2 "'(J) 2 "B" + (3Bef.(C ) - Q21 (J) - V(2) + F2 '(J) = (Be.2) (2B" - Be, 1 U )J + B" - (- R21 (J) F2 "(J) 2 B" - (Bei.(2 + 2B")J + (Beff. (2) - B" )J (- P 21 (J) = Vo(2) - - 2 2B")J + (Bef.(C) Q2 (J - B" )j2 1) 1) Fi"(J) 2 + kf.B" + 3Ben.( J + (Beu.( 2 ) - B" )j2 Here J is the quantum number in the ground state V0 and v 2) For small (X2 Z) are the origins of the two sub-bands. (S-R) interaction in x 2+, the branches Q12' R 1 2 ' P 2 1 , and Q21 coincide with Pl, Q , Q , and R2 1 2 respectively. NaNe. while In fact this is what has been found for The resolution of this experiment is 0.003cm~ 1 (S-R) interaction is definitely less than 10 MHz. The splitting is found (MAT74). (.24) MHz for KAr by Matison Mulliken (MUL31) has given more accurate formulae than those of equation the A-type doubling of the 2 of 2 Z state. (4-3) taking account of state and the spin splitting 141 Think of three lines which belong to the same branch and whose J" are i-1, i, and i+l. Call this branch X (X might be any one of the above twelve branches). the second difference A2 X (X i+-Xi)-(X.-X _ ), If one calculates which is defined to be one should find that this value is a constant and equal approximately to 2 (B -B"). (1) Beff is approximately equal to B( 2 ) for bands with the same vibra- eff tional quantum numbers and high multiplet spacing relative to B'. This property can be used successfully to sort out lines which belong to a certain-branch in a band. In practice A 2 Xi changes very slowly with i because the distortion coefficient D 's are not included in the rotational energy levels equations (4-1) and (4-2). This property has been employed to sort out lines which belong to different branches for the bands which are easiest to analyze, namely the bands 2H1/2(v'=3,4) and 2H 3 / 2 (v'=5). Table 3 which shows four recongized progressions. is a band sample Those parts of the spectrum which have lines belong to different bands or are crowded in a small region of frequency space were left to be analyzed using the combination differences methods. These tests will be a powerful technique to assign lines and have branches for the more complex parts of the spectrum. First, we must learn how to sort out lines into branches, to assign the j-quantum numbers, and what to name each progression of lines (branch). If we have an xi i I I z t I ____________ z. I 4 1 40.45 2 47.15 6.70 3 55.42 8.27 4 65.39 4 4 * I A4 f I 31.06 .32 1.70 33.04 1.98 1.66 5.33 1.76 36.80 3.76 1.78 51.90 7.00 1.63 42.24 5.44 1.68 1.59 60.51 8.61 1.61 49.50 7.26 1.82 11. 45 1.62 70.83 10.32 1.71 58.24 8.74 1.48 92. 79 13. 01 1.56 82.75 11.92 1.60 68.70 10.46 1.72 107. 29 14. 50 1.49 96.30 13.55 1.63 81.30 12.60 2.14 123.50 16.21 1.71 111.76 15.40 1.91 1.91 1.79 39.53 3.61 6. 63 1.60 44.90 58. 50 8. 24 1.62 1. 64 68. 33 9. 83 104.28 14.53 1. 53 79. 78 8 120.28 16.00 1. 47 9 137.80 17.52 1. 52 3. 23 1. 57 43. 63 5. 02 9.97 1. 70 50. 25 5 76.75 11.36 1. 39 6 89.75 13.00 7 3 -- ~, 1f9. -xI~I 30.74 35.92 38. 61 TABLE A)(j 34.01 35. 38 1 3 3 F 2. H N) 143 idea about the relative size of (B' -B") then a guess might turn out to be helpful to name the progression. If B'-B">O, then one can safely say that R 1 (J)>Q(J)>P(J) >P 12(J). This gives us some kind of an intuition of naming each branch if these progressions are traced. To proceed in the assignment, the combination differences are very decisive way to assign the J-quantum numbers and to name these progressions (branches). A good place to start with in order to understand how these combination differences work is to consult Herzberg, page 175 (HER50). Essentially what I did is to measure differences in the ground state eigenvalues like A F" (N), A 2F" (n). These values are defined as A F" (N) = F" (N+l) - F" (N) and A 2F" (N) = F" (N+1) - F" (N-l) (4-4) It is easy to find out from Figure 39 that A 1 F"(N) and A 2 F"(N) for the 2 1/2 sub-band are A 1F (N) = R 1 (N)-Q1 (N+l) = Q 1 (N)-P1 (N+l) = (4-5) P 1(N)-P 12(N+l) A 2 F"(N) = R 1 (N-l)-P1 (N+l) = Q 1 (N-l)-P 1 2 (N+1) and for the 2I3/2 sub-band are A 1 F " (N) 2 N+l) R 2 1 (N)-R (4-6) = R2 (N)-Q2 (N+l) Q 2 (N)-P 2 (N+l) (4-5') 144 A 2F"(N) Equations = R 2 1 (N-l)-Q (4-5), (4-6), 2 (N+l) (4-6') R 2 (N-l)-P 2 (N+l) (4-5') and (4-6') are quite independent of the formulae (4-1) and (4-2) (the rotational levels eigenvalues) and would also hold when irregularities (perturbations) occur. Equations (4-5) and (4-6) are used to assign the lines and name the branches of 2111/2 sub-band, by -permuting the progressions and forming the combination differences. Equations (4-5) will yield three equal values for A 1 F"(N) except for N=O where just two values can be obtained for A 1 F"(0) by using R 1 , Q, and P1 branches as can be seen in Figure 39. Equations (4-5') yields the same result except for N=O it gives one value for A 1 F"(<Q) and for N=l it gives two values for A 2F"(1). This difference between equations (4-5) and (4-51) for N=O and N = 1 can be employed to distinguish between 2T3/2 and 2 11/2 sub-bands. It is clear that equations (4-5) and (4-5') yield 6 equal values of A F"(N) for any N except N=O and N=l. These values (A1 F"(N)) can be obtained from the absorption lines of just one band of the A H+X E transition. When forming these combination differences (A1 F"(N) for the 21/2 sub-band it is found that these values do not agree very well with each other and an energy defect is calculated which is due to an interaction between the 21/2 substate and the B 2 E-state. This interaction is 145 called A-doubling. The P and R branches always have an upper state with different symmetry from the one giving rise to the lines of the Q-branch. bination relations It follows that the com- (4-5) no longer hold exactly and the so-called combination defect "&" R(N)-Q(N+l) occurs, i.e. = Q(N)-P(N+l)+s (4-7) As shown in Figure 39 for N=l, the combination defect "e" is equal to the sum J of the A-splittings of the terms with = 1-1/2 and 2-1/2. . Table These defects From equation that "E" is the sum successive levels. (4-3) (4-6) and A 2 F"(N), is clear The splitting of one level is very Equation C.2.27 can be used to find the A doubling parameter ences and Figure 39 it of the A-type splittings of two nearly one-half of this. Equation E are listed in "q+ 1P" (4-6') second combination differ- can be used as a better check for the assignment since they are insensitive to the combination defects "E". Both R This can be seen clearly in Figure 39. and P 1 branches always come from the same level in the A-state. The same thing is true for Q If one band is clearly established numbers and branches assigned), and P 1 2 branches. (has its J-quantum combination differences can be used to assign new bands since all of the assigned transitions come from v"=O. This is true because the beam was cold enough to enhance the v"=O population levels. 146 The way to use the known values of the combination differences to assign new bands is to measure frequency spacing between lines near the suspected band origin, and to match these measurements with what has been found from the assigned bands. This way was successful to resolve the bands which overlap each other like the 2 1Hl/ 2 (v'=6) 2 3/2(v!=3,4). Table 4 shows the result of the method described above. It lists essentially the first combination difference A 1 F" (N) with the combination defect "e" for three sub-bands and the second combination difference "2F"(N) for two subbands. We can construct similar tables for the combination differences of the excited state A 21/2' A 2 F' (J)) 3/ 2 (A 1 F' (J) and exactly the same way as those of Table 4. A sample of the observed bands with the quantum number assignment are listed in Table. Figure IV.l. A. 5. 4 This band is shown in 37. ROTATIONAL CONSTANTS B.7, Dv The direct advantage of forming the combination differences A 2 F"(N) and A 2 F'(J) is that the upper and lower rotational terms, equations from each other. (4-1) and Since equation (4-4) depend only on the lower state and only on the upper state. (4-2) are separated A 1 F"(N) & A 2 F"(N) A 1 F'(J) & A 2 F' (J) depend By adding corresponding A 1 F(J) or A 2 F(J) values, we can obtain the position of the rota- A22 3/2 + 2 + XI Al2 t N 5-0 band 4-0 band A 2F" A F" R 21-Q2 R2-P 2 R -P A 2F" 1 N H 2 0.481 3 + A2 3/2 X2E+ 4 I 3-0 band 0 0.290- X2E+z H A 2F" 1 + 4-0 band 1. 5-0 band A F" A F" A F" A F" A F" A F" R1 -Q 1 QP PQ-P 1 R -Q Q -P R 21-R R 0.108 0.082 0.012 0.117 0.087 0.030 0.100 2 0.287 0.294 0.212 0.178 0.034 0.223 0.170 0.053 0.193 0.191 0.002 0.475 0.482 0.478 0.309 0.267 0.041 0.327 0.260 0.067 0.286 0.288 -0.002 0.667 0.667 0.666 0.670 0.416 0.357 0.050 0.437 0.340 0.097 0.381 0.378 0.003 4 0.852 0.853 0.854 0.852 0.513 0.435 0.078 0.533 0.418 0.115 0.488 0.468 0.01 5 1.033, 1.026 1.028 1.029 0.603 0.511 0.092 0.632 0.496 0.136 0.559 0.549 0.009 6 1.198 1.182 1.198 1.192 0.705 0.599 0.106 0.728 0.567 0.161 0.643 0.644 -0.001 7 1.365, 1.367 1.363 1.363 0.668 0.113 0.823 0.636 0.187 0.722 0.722 -0.001 8 1.512 1.514 1.518 1.525 0.781 0.866 0.739 0.127 0.906 0.696 0.210 0.798 0.791 0.008 9 1.656 1.647 1.725 1.648 1.645 0.930 0.773 0.157 0.859 0.857 0.002 10 1.748 TABLE 4 148 Reliability P 12 16945.047 .068 .193 .254 .342 .375 .432 .547 .604 .662 .775 .863 .945 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 2 5 46.088 .285 .389 .611 .789 .807 .934 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 47.242 .430 .453 .588 .963 1 1 1 1 1 48.154 .344 .787 .979 1 1 1 1 49.201 .707 .898 1 1 1 50.182 .721 .910 1 1 1 51.830 1 >1 TABLE 5 -- 1 1 2 1 1 1 1- _ __2_ R12 R1 1 0 2 1 3 0 6 4 1 3 5 2 8 4 6 3 5 9 7 4 6 8 5 7 9 8 6 10 7 9 8 Rotation analysis of the A 2IT/2 (v'24)+X 2+ (v'=0) X is the wavelength in cm~ , value of the rotational quant the ground state. P 2 to R is the 2number N" for 149 tional levels in the X-state and A,B state as well. This is shown in Figures 40 and4l where the rotational eigenvalues F (J) and F (N) are plotted versus J (J+l) and N (N+l), (remember that J is a good quantum number in the A-state a good quantum number in the X-state) . while N is two isotope bands of Na marked by the letter Ne i. Notice that are analyzed in Figure 40 and The smoothness of the lines in the figures show in fact, the goodness of the analysis. They also show that F(J) or F(N) cannot be represented only by a linear function of J(J+l) or N(N+l) because the molecule cannot be treated as only a rigid rotator and instead a rotation vibration interaction term should be added. It has been shown earlier in Section II-.3.B. that this kind of interaction will lower the eigenvalues by a term which goes approximately as either D [J(J+1)] 2 or Dv [N (N+1)] (see equation C.2.34. these terms are combined with equations If (4-1) and (4-2), one should get F (J) =B F(N) = J(J+1)-D [J(J+1)] 2 and eff B N(N+l)-D v2 The eigenvalues of each band (Figure 40 and submitted to (4-8) [N(9+1)] 41) are a linear least square fit of a polynomial as the one given by equations (4-8). The linear least square fit yielded the molecular spectroscopic constants shown in Table 6 which reproduces the data to within ±.003cm~1 except 150 (v)+FfJ) (cm- ) 2 B Z (v) 2 3/2 (6) 75-2 3 S1/ 3 p 1/2 2n 2 16970 (5) 3/2 2 3/2 (4) 651t 2 1/2(6) 2 ) 60 2 -" r-, 3 p1/ - ..2- / 2 ( 4 3 S1/ 22 2 3/2 55, + 2 16950 452 n2 . (3) 2 -1 (3) (3) 40- 35 30 16925.0( 1 ' 20 40 I I. 610 80 1 100 J(J + 1) FIGURE 40 -- A and B States Rotational Energies vs. J(J+1) 120 5 t 4 3 2 1. 20 10 30 50 40 N(N + 1) FIGURE 41 -- X-State Rotational Energies vs. N(N(N+1) 60 70 80 90 Multiplet Splitting Vibra- tional, Quantun Number A2 111 A 2 I3 /2 2 Band Origin Band Origin (v) (cm-1) (cm-1) from from 1/2 of Na (cm-1 ) 1/2 D' X D (eff 10 4(cm- Bef f (CM-1 23 1/2 Of Na D' ffX10 5 B' eff +2 p B D"x105 cm cm 3/2 (cm (cm-1 ) ) 0 0.0489071 3.00 2 N~ UL) 3 -26.30 0.128480(6) 4.509(6) -31.64 0.130683(3) 5.684(3) 11.86 4 -10.92 0.103676(6) 4.759(6) -16-.31 0.104798(3) 4.605(3) 11.81 5 -1.68 -6.06 0.092299(3) 6.325(3) 6 7 +2.49 0.31 0.058257(3) 6.652(3) H 6.826(6) 0.057335(6) 15.02 8 B e ae .216324(3) cm .0246449 cm 5.0X10- 5 -1 cm 5.099(a0 ) a (2.697) re A TABLE -- & 6 .4 A I 1 .4 ______ 153 near perturbations. These constants should be regarded as effective constants because the interaction with the excited B E state, and the observed perturbation between 21/2 and 213/2 substates belonging to different vibrational levels are not indluded in equation (4-8). To see these perturbations, one should look to the column of the energy and to the crossing of 21(/24) defect "E" in Table 4 with 2 3/2(3) and 21/2 (6) with 2113/2 (4) in Figure 40- The band crossing perturbation is discussed in Herzberg, page 282, (HER50) and in Appendix C.3. At this stage of the analysis, one could find three useful spectroscopic constants for the A-state: namely Be a, if one uses an approximation formulae for By, and T e, B =B-a B i.e. v B e ee (V+ 2 +Y e (v+)22 (4-9) is the constant which should be used to find the equilibrium separation r e, i.e B B e= is given by 4 cRe2 (By gives the mean (4-10) value of -7 during the vibration). A rigorous calculation done by Hyllerass the above concepts. The linear least (HY135), justifies square fit the 213/2 substate to equation (4-9) yielded Bel which is shown in Table constants B 6. of the B ae and ye These constants reproduce the to better than 3xl0 cm . (The vibrational of 154 numbering of these bands will be discussed in (4-2)). B If is substituted in equation (4-10) it yields 5.099 a0 (2.597 *A) for the position of the potential minimum. In Part IV-2, we show how one can find B e(v'=0) from long range analysis. Not enough information is available for the X-state to find Be accurately, but still be too much different from B e. our B (v"=0) should not In Section IV. 2. G. we show a method which can minimize the uncertainty in re . Four characteristics helped in assigning bands to either 2H1/2 or 2H3/2 substates. The characteristics are A-doubling, the value of Bv, combination differences, the value of the multiplet A. Strong A-doubling is found for 2l1/2 bands and zero is found for 2T3/2 bands. rotational constant B is found almost the same for the two substates which have the same v'. The first and second combination differences for the X-state have different behavior for J"=l/2 and 1-1/2 as explained in IV-l. Finally, bands with the same v' have a multiplet splitting equal approcimately 2/3 the energy between 32P1/2 and 323/2 of Na. IV. 1. B. The A-DOUBLING PARAMETERS The effect of A-doubling was observable on the 2 1/2 substate especially for the bands v'=3 and v'=4. 155 This effect can be seen quite clearly in Table 4 -for the 2H1/2 substate the energy defect "E" varies linearly with J [see equation (4-7)] [see equation C.2.291while the 2 3/2 sub- state shows unobservable effect at least to the measurement accuracy (.003 cm 1) limit. If one uses equation C.2.31 as a good approximation for Hund's case (a). A linear least square fit of a straight line can be used to find the best value for the parameter and 0.0115945 cm q+P/ 2 0.007547 The fityielded . for v=3 and 4 respectively. Figure 42 shows a linear plot for the energy defect (e) versus J+I. As mentioned in Appendix C.1, equation C.2.30 can be used to roughly find the potential of the B2E state the measured values of q, A, B , separation one can find the v(H,E) of the 2111/2 from the separation v(11,Z) (SMA77). From can be used with the B 2 E-state. This H/1/2 potential to find two points on the B E-potential. IV. 1. C. ROTATIONAL TEMPERATURE "T R" of NaNe The rotational temperature "TR" of the molecular beam of the NaNe species can be found from the line intensities and the J', J"-band assignment. The line intensities of the A2+2 Z transition in diatomic molecules was worked out by Earls (EAR35). Earls found the following formulas for the line strenth "I". 0.24 0.20 0.16 4-4 >1 m LC) C.). 0.12 0.08 0.04 1 2 3 5 4 J + 1/2 FIGURE 42 -- Plot of Energy Deficit vs. J+ 6 7 8 9 10 157 for J>-2. sn....s ->*nIntensityR, ) (21+1)2 (2J+1) U(4f+4J+1-2X) P2 RR PPP1 2 2 (2J+1) F (2J+1) U(4 QR12 Qp21 P 32(J+1) 2 1J R +4J-7+2X) 32(J+) (4_11) (2J+1)[(4P2+4JT-1) Q2 R RQ 4- U(SJP+12J2-2J+ I -2X)] 2 2+)(j+J1 PQ1 Q, F,U(8J3+12J T 2 -2J-7+2X)] 32J(J+1) P: (2J+1)2±(2J+1) U(4J 2+4J-7+2x) R: cP21J QR1 RRR2 PPP12 Pj R1 32J (2J+1)2:F(2J+1)U[4J+4J+1 -2X] 32J 3 where U=[4--4x+(2J+1)2J-i. and X =A/Bu for J= A'PPp2= j>OPQ12 X<O x~GQ = p, Q1=T P2 =QPII i =RQ21=1 P-.RR2R = Rj RQ21 =Q,~ R, =QR%2-i Q2 =PQ12-f. _B 2 N (N+1) combining these formulas with the Boltzman factor e T it is possible to plot the per state population (intensity divided by strength) as a function of -N(N+l). A typical graph is shown in Figure 43. the data for the 2113/2(5') band. This plot represents The slope was found to give a rotational temperature "TR" about 1.6 ±0.1K. points 0 are those for R21 branch, the points X are those of Q2 and P 2 1 branches. 2 H1/1 The 2 (3)-band Similar plot is done for the and an 2.3K value is obtained for TR. This 4 3 2-0 N (N+l) 10 FIGURE 43 -- 20 30 40 50 60 70 Plot to Find Rotational Temperature of NaNe 80 9 159 might reflect the fact that the data were not taken under identical operating conditions since attemps were taken to improve the signal by making fine alignment while the experiment was running. IV. 1. D. MULTIPLET SPLITTING "A" ~AG"v~/ IA iv+1/2 AND VIBRATIONAL SPACING The multiplet splitting "A" is obtained from Figure 40. If one goes back to equation (2-10) where the electronic energy of a multiplet term E is given by AEA, it is easy to find that the multiplet splitting spacing) of 2H1/2 from 2 3/2 is just A. (energy This multiple "A" measures the spin-orbit interaction in the A H state at dif- ferent v'. These values are listed in Table 7. The large uncertainty in'the 2H1/2 (v'=5) band origin reflects the presence of the intense 32S1/2 3P1/2 atomic transition of Na. The vibrational spacing AGv+1/2 is also obtained from Figure 40. If equation B.2.11 is examined, one could easily get AG +1/2=(W e- x +wy)-(2w x -3w v~l 2ee e e2 y ) (v+1/2) (4-12) 2 +W y (v+1/2) AGv+1/2 measures the amount of the deviation from a simple harmomic oscillator potential which predicts a constant value for AGv+ 1 /2 . in v. To a first approximation, AGv+ 1 / 2 The values of AGv+1/2 are listed in Table 7. is linear 160 v A 3 11.86 4 5 A2 l/2 A 2 H 3/2 G (4) -G (3) 15.38 15.33 11.81 G(5)-G(4) 09.24 10.25 12.82+ G(6)-G(5) ±0.13 6.37 0.13 6 AGV+1/ 15.02 TABLE 7 2 4.17-.13 161 IV. 1. E. SUBBAND PERTURBATION As discussed in II.3.C., perturbation might take place due to crossing of bands belonging to different substates. This perturbation shifts the rotational eigenvalues and sometimes produces intensity anomalies. Figure 40 shows places where crossing of 2113/2 bands with 2 1/2-bands occur. J=10 1 e.g. 2 1/2(4) with 213/2(3) near and 2,(6) 2 1/2' Equation C.2.37 the perturbed levels. where w with 2 3/(4) 13/2 near J = 51 er 2 can be used to find the position of The shift is given by [1 4|w +6 - is the vibrational overlap of the matrix element and 6 is the separation of the unperturbed levels. To calculate this shift, one needs to find the correct potentials then to find the matrix elements w , one should solve the Schrodinger equation to find the vibrational wave functions. Of course, this is to be done on the computer. IV. 1. F. INTENSITY ANOMALIES Intensity anomalies are deviations of band intensity or some lines in a band from the values predicted by the line intensity formulae [see equation (4-11)]. In principle these can be predicted by introducing perturbations or a proper new scheme of angular momentum coupling. We have observed intensity anomalies in the two bands near 162 the dissociation of v'=6 for both 2 1/2 and 2 3/2' These bands were to have only two branches. The branches are assigned as R 2 1 'Q2 and R2' 2, by using the combination differences of the ground state. The absence of two branches may be explained on the basis of intensity anomalies induced by the nearby B 2E state or by using a more atomic basis for those levels, e.g. Hung's case case (e) which permits a passage from Hund's (a) to a more atom-like coupling scheme for the highest vibrational levels of the excited state in which Na becomes a good quantum number. j of the Any of these suggestions to explain the intensity anomalies needs a deep and a lengthy investigation which is not in our hands at this point. IV. 2. LONG RANGE AND ISOTOPE SHIFT ANALYSIS [Comparison with Dunham Expansion Formulae for G(v)] So far we assigned the J-quantum numbers for the absorption lines, but the vibrational quantum numbers are not assigned yet. It is essential to know the vibra- tional numbering of these bands to be able to construct the first excited state potential (A2H). The method, used to assign the vibrational numbering, is to use asymptotic formulae for the vibrational energy near dissociation (long range formulae) (LER70) and isotope shift formulae (STW75). The assignment is affirmed by using Dunham's 163 equation B.:2.11 f or the vibrational energy. As it will turn out, the long range formulae combined with isotope shift calculation is a very reasonable method; not'just to find vibrational numbering, but to make possible the following findings, One could estimate the well depth DeA of the A-state, the dissociation energy DoA of the X-state as well as its well depth D eX the location of the well depth reA, and the constant "C6"1 of the first leading term of the dispersion potential (VC 6 R -6). To proceed, one should describe what is meant by long range analysis method and question the legitimacy of its use. This method is concerned with the influence of the long range part of the interatomic potential on the distribution of levels near the dissociation limit of diatomic molecules. The method described in this section is based on expressions relating level energies to the detailed nature of the long-range potential. The assumption of R-6 potential is quite satisfactory since the second order perturbation theory gives rise to the dispersion terms R-6, R 8, and R_10 which always contribute to the potentials, but still the leading term is R 6 near the dissociation. The legitimacy of using this technique lies in the fact that all observed bands are influenced mainly by the long range forces because of two facts: the first, the X-state interatomic separation (re) is 164 much bigger than the A-state interatomic separation which does not allow transitions fact. to low v'. Figure 44 shows this The second, the NaNe molecules are not bound by either ionic or covalent forces and overlap between electronic clouds of the two atoms is highly improbable. This implies that the leading attractive force is C6R-6 from second perturbation theory calculation (HIR54). To account for these long range forces which dominate near dissociation, I will summarize the needed equations even though vast literature can be found about the subject (LER70, LER70, HIR54, STW73, STW72). If two neutral atoms with at least one in an S-state, are sufficiently far apart that their electron cloud overlap is negligible, the inter action potential of the long-range region can be accurately approximated by V(R) D-Cn/Rn where D is the dissociation limit, and n is some weighted average (in general non-integer and approximately equal to 6) of the powers of the locally important terms. The asymptotic allowed rotationless vibra- tional eigenvalues G(v,J=O) corresponding to integer values of v and the rotational constant "B " are derived by LeRoy and Bernstein (LER70). They found G(v) = D-[(vD-v)Hn B = Qn(vDv) 4 /n- 2 n/n- 2 (4-12) 2 (4-13) 165 A2 Na Ne Lu All 16973 Na(3P)+Ne(3S30) v 16943 4 v =3 '16913 16883 V3l = 16853 16823 X 2 E+ 30 Na (3S 1/2)+Ne (3S0) 0.0 2 i i i i i i i 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 j 18 i i 20 22 R(a.u.) FIGURE 44 -- Possible Transitions from X to A Potential 166 where where H H1 n r1(1+ Q n = ( 4Cy ) F( I (1+-) (1) n 2 r( ) n n-2 = n) 2n 11 2)1 )( (4-14) 1/n n 1/(C (4-15) 2/n n 21 and vD is an integration constant. If the competing (leading)term of the long range is assumed to be VR-6 , the eigenvalues "G(v)" [equation (4-12)] and the rotational constant B [equation (4-13)] can be represented by G(v) = D-[(v D-v) H 6 ] 3 B Bv where H6 Q= (4-16) Q66[[ v -1(4-17) VDv = 1 /6 (196 94336) P 1/2 C6 (4-18) 2 p-3/2 C-1/ 546.658 6 6 (4-19) Units of energy, length, and mass are taken to be cm , A and a.m.u. respectively. Dunham expansion formulae B.2.11 will be used when applicable to compare long range analysis findings with those of equation IV. 2. A. B.2.1l.. VTBRATIONAL QUANTUM NUMBER ASSIGNMENT We have the basic formulae IV. 16 to start the long- range analysis and Eq. B.2.l1 to make the comparison. The first step is to locate the band origins of the A H-state from 167 the observed bands of the A2IT/2 stated in Part 11.3, the B with A 2 H1 and A2 H As -substates. E state interacts strongly substate, especially near the dissocation part of the potential, while its interaction with the 2113/2 substate is unobservable within the experiment resolution A2 H 3/2 (0.003 cm 1). Thus one believes that the substate is pushed up in energy from the un- perturbed A T level by the spin-orbit interaction which is equal to 5.73 cm does indeed Thus the A"H3/2 . represent the A 2 H bands to an additive constant cm~ ). (AZA) (5.75 To make this assumption clearer, the band origins of the A H potential can be deduced from the observed multiplet splitting near the bottom and at the dissociation. At the dissociation, the molecule asymptotically approaches the sodium D-lines ground state (31Se0) of Ne. (32 P 1 / 2 3/2) of Na and the The D-lines are split by fine structure into 2P1/2 and 2 3/2 components. The splitting is 17.196 cm 1. and the ratio of splitting is 2:1, i.e. the 2P1/2 is pushed by 11.464 cm~ 1 to the red, while the 2P 3 / 2 is pushed by 5.732 cm1 to the blue of the center of gravity of the 3 2P-line. Near the bottom, the multiplet splitting is about 11.86 for v'= 3 and 4 (see Table 7). Approximately half of this 2 2 is the energy between the A it and A H . splitting (5.8cm As a conclusion ) 168 the A H 3 2 -bands are - 5.7 cm~ off the blue with respect to the A 2TH-bands as a result of an extrapolation between the two asymptote This concludes that both potentials the bottom). (A2 H and A 2 H 3 / 2 ) are estimation of done Dox, very similar. DeX, by using the A2I3/2 To proceed, Eq. [D - 2 0 G(v)] (the dissociation and near 1/2 DeA* Consequently the r eA and C 6 bands. (4-16) is rewritten again as (20vD) 20H6 and different D's are tried to obtain a straight line fit between [D and ( 20vD 5.1955 cm- - v). are best Table 8 G(v)] 1/3 shows the fit of "D" equals with the expected errors in each value. Figure 45 shows the straight line fit. The fit yielded the following average values (20vD- v0 ) = 6.1239 t .0004 D 0H(4-20) 20 = .533 1 ± .000070 (cm A)1/3 TABLE 8 1 (cm') from V - 2P 1 E Y. (cm1) 3 Y.-Y ± AS + AY. SE 1 (cm') 3 1 1 xl10 6(cm- )3 x104(cm-1 )3 6.13184 8 .32 0.0004 VD -V + A(VD - -31.64 3.327394 V +1 -16.31 2.784655 .54274 5.12839 24 .64 0.0006 V +2 - 6.06 2.241303 .54335 4.12298 40 1.19 0.0009 V + 3 0.31 1.697432 .54387 3.12102 80 1.19 0.0007 V m 2 3 [5.2-G(v)]1 1 0 0 0 V) o [D-G(V)] 3.0 0.15 * Isotope N E C) 0.1 2.0 E to N m (9 0 N H 0 1.0 0.0 0.05 'I I 'I 2 3 4 5 6 ' ' 7 8 V FIGURE 45 -- Long Range Fit Of G(v') and B ' vs. v' 9 0.0 171 One way is to Our aim is to find the value of v 0 . scale the calculated values of 20HD and 20H6 to 22VD and 22H6 and to use Eq. 4-16 to predict the band origins of To find the frequency of the isotope bands the isotopes. 2 2 G(v') "i,one needs to know the band origins t and the difference between the ground state band origins 20G (0) - G (0) as shown in Figure 46. The vibra- tional quantum numbers v scales like Na NOW Ik (LER70). 1 20+ f 11 20 2 2 2v 1 +~) )T 22 2 A , G (U; i.e. 1 'I VD = (20v+12 12 - 1 (4-21) 11 and 22H 6scales [see Eq. (4-18)] 1 22H 20 2 6= 122 Ip H6 (4-22) Assuming a set of values 2,3,4 4x 10, (C for vo and substituting the values of 20.v 20H 6 (Eq. 4-20) in Eqs. 4-21 Figure 46 and 4-22 will predict corresponding values for 22v one value for 22H 6 . and The 22.D and 22H6 values are then substituted in Eq. 4-16 to obtain the isotope band origin ) 172 G(5). These values are shown in Table below. TABLE 22. 22 GW VD 0 +2) 2 8.34151 -6.9716 3 9.36899 -7.2041 4 10.39200 -7.4010 The assignment of .5297708 v =3 is consistent with the observations. 0 It gives 22. VD = 9.3690 (4-24) and 2 2 G(5) The = - (4-25) 7.2041 ± .0076 G(5) differs from the isotope band origin which is observed at V = - by .0634 ± .008 cm-1 . 7.1407 (4-26) ± .003 This difference arises from the isotope shift in the GX(0) level as can be seen clearly in Figure 46. To confirm the above assignment of "3" for the vibrational quantum number v 0(see Table 8), Eq.2-ll is linear least squares fitted. the following constants: Dunham's The fit yielded 173 W e = weXe = w y 44.2873 cm' -4.57934 cm~ = (4-27) .157344 cm~- These constants reproduce the observed band origins to the experiment's accuracy. gins = 20 G(v) W (1-p) (v+ where .p = G(v)] - ) - 2 2 G(v) for v= 5 is given by 20G(v) - 22G(V) WeXe (1-02 /20 /22p. The difference in band ori- v + 1)2 + W Y (1-p3) (v + 1) 3 Therefore = - 7.206 ± .004 cm~- (4-28) Again this value differs from the isotope band origin (Eq. 4-26) by .0653 ± .005 cm~ which accounts for the isotope shift in the G (0) level. This method has affirmed the assignment of 3 for the first band observed. (The first band observed is assigned by v 0 in Table 8.) After the vibrational numbering is established, a return to the long-range Eqs. 4-16 and 4-17 enables one to find quite a few important molecular parameters by suitable extrapolation. the following sections. These findings are summarized in 174 (Dx) DISSOCIATION ENERGY OF THE X-STATE IV.2.B. The parameter D in Eq. 4-16 is the sum of ) and the dissociation energy of the X- v(32 S 1 / 2 +32P 3/ 2 state D O. (Band origins of NaNe are measured from P3/ v(32 1/232 2 ).) From Table 8, fact the dissociation energy Dox ~ the value of D is in 5.2 cm . We gave an estimate for DOX above, the question is: how good is it? To answer this question, we inves- tigated the error by making similar extrapolations calculated eigenvalues of pseudopotentials from Lennard-Jones 8-6 and Durham type of poten- (BAY69; PAS74), tials. We found that pseudopotentials deviates with + 0.8 cm while (R 6,R~ -0.8 cm 1. ) and Durham deviates with about This kind of calculation makes us feel that the dissociation cannot be known better than D = 5.2 ± 0.8 cm~ (4-29) with this kind of extrapolation. The next thing to be checked is the value of DoX 5.2 cm 1. The check is to start with Eq. 4-12. The first and second derivative of the potential gives the following equation (LER70). E'(v) (E"(v))~1 = - [(n-2)/(n+2)] (vD-v) (4-30) 175 The necessary values for n and vD may be obtained from a least square fit to Eq. 4-30. [E(v) is very well obtained from the linear least square fit of Eq. B.2.11 at (see Eq. 4-27).] The least between the observed bands fit of equation 4-30 yielded n = 6.143 and vD = 9.046. It is to be noticed that "n" can be a noninteger number (LER70) since it represents the effective part of the attractive force. Having fixed the n and vD values thus obtained, Eq. 4-12 becomes linear in a new independent variable w, i.e. G(v) = where w = {[n-2)/2n] (vD _ k n ~ 22- D - (4-31) wkn 2n/(n-2) and r (1 P+ n 1/n) FF(1/2+1/n) Cn 1 /n n A least square fit to Eq. 4-31 yielded the values of D = 5.13 cm~ . This value is in good agreement with the value obtained by a straight line fit Eq. 4-29. Eq. 2-11 (Dunham's equation) combined with least square fit findings Eq. 4-27 was also used to find D. The prediction of Eq. Dx = which is B.2.11 is 5.11 cm 1 again in agreement with Eq. 4-29. (4-31) 176 THE X-STATE WELL DEPTH IV.2.C. The well depth of the X-state DeX can be estimated from the difference of the deduced band origin 22G(v) and the observed frequency of the isotope bands v. The difference is nothing but the difference in energy of V'" = 0 of Na 20Ne and Na Figure Ne as can be seen clearly in 46, i.e. V 2 2 G(5) Eq. 4-28, - 22G(5) = 2 2 e i"(1- (4-32) p) has been deduced in two ways, Eq. 4-25 and (from long-range fit and Dunham's fit). Sub- stituting the values of 22G(5) in Eq. 4-32 yields the following two estimates for we": From longe-range fit w e" = 5.15± 0.66 cm From Dunham's fit we" = 5.31± 0.41 cm -l -l e One also can obtain w e" from fit to a model potential. Jones (8-6) are tried; (4-33) rotational eigenvalues Two potentials, Morse and Lennard both fitted the observed rotational energies to the experimental accuracy. parameters were adjusted to obtain the fit. Three It is con- ceivable to fit the data with such model potentials, since the maximum N" observed is 11, while N" = 15 is probably still bound, and just two constants D" and B" can v v represent the data within error. From the Morse fit we 177 obtained "y W "Xe + I w " = G" (0) = 2.87 ± .03 (4-34) cm~ and 1 we" 0.82122x 7 6 j2 6.5 cm 1 (4-35) Combining the values of Eq. 4-33 and Eq. 4-34 with the estimated value of the dissociation DeX (Eq. 4-28) yields the following estimates of the well depth of the X-state. The fit to different formulaes is Eqs. Used D (cm 1) shown in Table below: Type of Fit 4-34, 4-31 7.98 ±0.9 4-33, 4-12 7.78 ±1.04 Morse potential plus Dunham's formulae Long-range formulae 4-33, B.2.11 7.77 + 0.9 Dunham's formulae These fits cannot give the well depth directly because the observed transitions occur from levels above 1 1 the well depth minimum by at least - T w" IV.2.D. THE A-STATE WELL DEPTH 1 - i w1"Xe (DeA) AND BAND ORIGINS Essentially we have two independent equations and (2-11) (4-16) to estimate both the well depth "DeA" and the band origins of the A-state. 4-16 to v' - yields 143 cm An extrapolation of Eq. for the well depth. 178 This value should be thought of as an upper bound since the vibrational bands near the bottom of the potential get affected by the repulsive part of the potential (LER70) which is not accounted for in the derivation of Equation (4. 6) . The maximum value of G D (v) in Equation B.2.11 is e since no discrete vibrational levels lie above the asymptote (HER50). Also "D " can be found by sub- stituting the predicted values of G(v) Equation DeA (4-37), (Table 9) in i.e. 1 2 wA We - 1 Te 4 W Xe + 1 89 wwee y + = G (v+l) -G (v) v=O (4-37) The band origins of the levels v' = 0, 1, 2, 7, 8, and 9 can be predicted by equations B.2.11 and Table 9 (4-16). shows such prediction and lists the observed bands. IV. 2. E. EQUILIBRIUM INTERNUCLEAR DISTANCE r The equilibrium distance of X-state "r eX found from the rotational eigenvalues fit to Jones (6-8) and Morse model potentials. obtained from the fit is uncertainty in r eX is the Lennard The value reX = 1O.O±O.la . The big reflects the fact that different 1 G(v) (cm ) From 2sl/ 2 Fit to Eq. (4-9) Fit to Eq. (4-17) Fit to Ea. (2-11) Fit to Ea. (4-16) 0 -116.28 -116.65 0.204015 .203210 1 -80.64 -80.81 0.179470 .179030 2 -52.74 -52.80 0.155027 .154850 V -4v 3/2 Of Na B V 3 -31.64 -31.64 -31.64 0.130683 0.130683 .130670 4 -16.31 -16.31 -16.38 0.104789 0.104798 .106490 5 -6.06 -6.06 -6.05 0.082299 0.082299 .0823110 0.31 0.31 0.058257 0.058257 .0581306 7 3.65 3.66 0.034318 .033950 8 4.92 4.97 0.0104776 .0097695 9 5.05 5.20 unbound 1 -137.30 0.31 6 2 TABLE 9 -- Fit to 2 3/2 substate. -143. .216324 unbound .215300 H- 180 model potentials produces different values of r eX. The equilibrium distance of the A-state r eA is obtained by two ways. of equation (4-9). The first is the least square fit The fit yielded the spectroscopic constatnts shown in Table 6. The parameter Be corresponds to an reA ru 5.099 ± 0.1 a . The second is an extrapolation of equation (4-17) to v' = 1/2. The linearity of equation (4-17) is shown in Figure The least square fit of equation (4-17) yielded 20 6 = 0.02418 cm 1 and vD = 8.40403 (4-38) Using equation (4-38) and extrapolate to v' reA eA 5.11 ± .la,. 0 Both fits [equations predicted values for B yields (4-9) and (4-17) for v' = 0, 1, 2, 7, 8. values are listed in Table 9 of B ' = These with the observed values 181 IV. 2. F. LONG RANGE ATTRACTIVE COEFFICIENT The long range attractive coefficient"C 6 is related to both the coefficient 20H6 and 20Q6 by equations (4-18) and (4-19). These coefficients are obtained from the slope of the fit which are given by equations (4-20) and (4-38). Using equation (4-18) and the value in equation (4-20) give C 6 = 415.7 ± 0.3 Hartree (a0 ) 6 (4-39) Using equation (4-19) and the value in equation (4-38) give C 6 = 86.902 ± 22.33 Hartree (a0 ) 6 (4-40) Obviously there is a factor of 4.78 discrepancyin the two values. This discrepancy is explained by LeRoy (LER70) as errors introduced by the approximations fundamental to the derivationof equations (4-12) and (4-13) should be relatively more serious for the latter. Another reason lies behind the fact that v D determined by both equations are in disagreement [see equation (4-20) and which affects directly the coefficients Q6 and H 6 . (4-38)] Also, a small deviation from R-6 potential produces large changes in the constant coefficient of Q6 while that of H6 remains with a very small B rather than G(v) change. The effect is dominant in which is reflected in the big error in equation (4-40). 182 To make a reasonable estimate for C 6 , one could combine equations which is independent of vD' [D - (4-17) to yield an equation (4-16) and G(v)] =1/3 = H i.e. B 6v = (3.648233) 10-2 P C 1 / 3 B 6 v (4-41) This equation has the benefit of providing one extra point at which in the dissociation A least square fit of equation C6 = 65 ± 17 Hartree a 6 fixes fact v D to its true value (4-41) yielded (4-42) 0 One could estimate the maximum value of C 6 by considering V=D - R6 and the probability is all concentrated at the outer turning point of the potential. For the vibration eigenvalues G(v) one has C6 = D- G(v) (4-43) R6 V where R is the outer turning point (see Figure below). The rotational constant B corresponding to Rv h2 B' h 1 (4-44) V ID R 183 This value of B B and for the band G(v). (4-44) is obviously less than the observed If one combines equation (3-43) ", one could estim- and assumes the observed "B ate an upper limit for C 6 ' i.e. 1.6621x10-2 C1/ 3 p B = 6 v [D-G(v)]1/3 which gives 6 C 6 < 687.7 Hartree a6 6 IV. 2. G. 0 THE X-STATE POTENTIAL The best and reliable way to find a diatomic potential is the Rydberg-Klein-Rees RKR- method. (RYD31, KLE32, REE47) Since only one vibrational state v'=O was observed in the X-state, it is impossible to use the above method to construct this potential. Instead we have adopted a parametized form for the potential and varied the parameters to fit the observed eigenvalues. The resulting potential is not necessarily a unique potential for the X-state although it reproduces the observed rotational eigenstates. The method to find such potential is as follows: we use the computer to generate a potential with its r eX10.1 (see IV. 2. E.) a (e.g. Morse) and its well depth DeX~7.9cm~1 and equation (4-36). the rotational eigenvalues of v'=O. We then ask for If the first few generated eigenvalues do not fit the observed eigenvalues, 184 we adjust rg until they do. parameter "reX This step fixes the first of the potential. The next step we adjusted the curvature of the potential until all the generated rotational eigenvalues agree with the observed Such potential eigenvalues. V= -[14.22 _ 1066.18 R6 Units are cm~1 and a R8 0 is given by equation (4-45). (4-45) 185 V. DISCUSSION In the following sections the work of this experiment will be discussed and compared with other work done on the same molecules. In addition, possible new work with our apparatus will be also outlined. A. DISCUSSION OF THIS EXPERIMENTAL FINDING We will report on observations, define absolutely), system (which we could not and on further possible work on the same (NaNe) which will make the findings of this work more definitive. We have observed a band about 2.82 cm~ of the P3/2 lines with a B v=.019 cm -. last band shown in Figure 40 to the blue This band is the (labeled by B E). It does not belong to 213/2 state because the long-range formula 4-16 and Dunham's equation 4.11 do not predict its position. It also shows a very small rotational constant which is in disagreement with both equations 4-9 and 4-17. This evidence together with the fact that only second combination differences of the X 2 (v=0) are found for this band makes one conclude that this band should be B E(v')-X E+ (v"=0) transition. The well depth DeB of this state must therefore exceed 2.4 ± .8 cm- 1. This number is inferred from the dissociation energy of the X-state band origin of this transition (5.2 cm~ (2.8 cm1 ). ) and from the 186 More investigations and work should be done along the following lines: We could not analyze the lines of the transition 1. 2 1/2(4,6), 21 3 / 2 (31 4)-X 2Z(O) in the region of the sub- band perturbation because we found just a few lines. These perturbed lines occur in the vicinity of the strong D-linos of sodium. Also, the beam was cold enough to prevent high The perturbed lines still need population of high J". further investigation. We could not also observe v"=l even though we 2. believe it is bound. Again, the cold beam did not allow enough signal to be seen. The 2 H/2(v'=5) band origin lies in the vicinity 3. (1 cm~ ) of 32 1/2 + 32 1/2 of Na. Most of its rotational structure gets buried in the Na transition line. Although lines to the blue and the red of this D-line could be seen clearly. 0.3 cm~ to the blue of the D-line, the spectrum consists of three bands, two of them 2 H3/2(v'=4) and 2H/2 (v'=6) which are perturbed around J=5-1/2, and the third is the progression of 2111/2 (5). This complexity prevented us from analyzing the 211/2(5) at high J and proceeding from there to find the band origin. 4. The bands A 2H(v'=0,1,2) were not seen because of the small Frank-Condon factor. Improvement in the experi- 187 ment by increasing the beam intensity and better baffling will allow an enhancement in the signal to noise ratio which might permit observation of v'=2. 5. Further investigations need to be done to explain 22 the intensity anomalies for the 2 1/ 2 (v'=6) and 2 3 /2 (v=6). These bands were found to have two branches, the 21/2 had P and R 1 branches, the 213/2 had R21 and R2 branches. The absence of the other two branches in each subband may be interpreted as a transition from Hund's case (a) to a more atom-like coupling, where j of the atom becomes a good quantum number. These ideas need more effort and consider ably more work to check their validity. B. COMPARISON WITH OTHER WORKS Molecular spectroscopy is the definitive method for determining interatomic potentials; there is no question that its techniques work well for our NaNe spectrum. This permits a clearcut comparison of our results with the four pseudopotential calculations for NaNe, BAY69, PAS74, BOT73, MAL77. Forthermore, our results bring into sharp question some aspect of the experiments or of their interpretation about the excited state potential of NaNe. involved diverse phenomena: excited Na from Ne from Ne These experiments have differential scattering of (CAR85), far-wing emission of excited Na (Y)R75(, and shift and widths from absorption of light close to the Na D-lines (MCC76). 188 Table 1 shows a compendium of theoretical and experimental values for the well positions and depths and A 2 H states. for the NaNe X 2 TABLE 1 Depth and Location of Minima for A 23/2 and X2 + Potential Curves of NaNe X 2 E+ Method (cm D A2H3/2 r e(o) 1) Ref. BAY69 1.8 12.9 Ref. PAS74 1.8 13.13(*12) Ref. BOT73 Ref. MAL77 This work Scattering <40 17.8 8.0 ± .9 11 + -4 D e(cm 1) 13.7 &.2 r (ao) 8.5 9.0 >9.45 10 10.0 9.1 89.5 .1 6.0 140 ± 3 5.1 120± 15 8.0 ±.3 .1 189 Our results show that the recent pseudopotential calculations of Malvern and Peach (MAL77) are much better able to predict the excited state interaction potential for NaNe than earlier pseudopotentials of Baylis Pascale (PAS74) and Bottcher (BAY69), (BOT73). The X-state parameters found from earlier scattering data (CAR75) are in reasonable accord with this more definitive work: D eX agrees within error, and although reX deduced from the scattering data is too low, we feel this disagreement reflects the departure of the true potential from the Morse van der Waal's shape assumed earlier. The excited state well depth determined from the scattering agrees with the result reported here but We feel that this discrepancy reA definitely does not. most probably arises from failure of the elastic approximation used in the scattering analysis: Although Saxon, Olson and Liu (SAX77) have shown that this approximation 2 works well for the A I state of NaAr Reid (with DeA ~ -1 500 cm ) (RE175) has shown that it fails miserably for NaHe (using DeA - 38 cm 1 ). Apparently NaHe is an interme- diate case; close coupling calculations using the potential parameters proposed here would be valuable, and might also resolve discrepancies in the velocity dependence of Na-Ne fine structure changing collisions PH177). (APT76, Figure 47 shows the potentials of the different works which are mentioned above. A IC ID 84 AIT I 7,050 17,000 )6,950 '5 H C" 5 E 10-r 5 p -u 16,900 CD m. NaNe I PI H I 5 R (W.u.) -15 .1 15 -I 19 2C --- " 10 \7/ L FIGURE 47 -- L XA 20 Potentials Of X and A-State of NaNe A. Present Work B. Ref . CAR75 C. Ref. MAL77 D. Ref. PAS74 191 The present experiment calls into question the ability of spectral line shape data to yield useful information on interatomic potentials for weakly bound systems. The conclusion of Lwin, McCartan and Lewis (LW176), based on line shifts and broadening, that the NaNe potentials are more repulsive than those of Baylis Pascale and Vandeplanque (PAS74) is incorrect. conclusion of McCartan and Farr well depth is 0.5 cm (BAY69) or The (MCC76) that the B E is inconsistent with our observa- tion of a band bound by 2.4 ±.8 cm-1 in the B E potential. The failure of York, Scheps and Gallagher (YOR75) to observe a pressure dependence of the far red wing fluorescence of Na-Ne is puzzling in view of the success of their analysis for NaAr. It seems most probable to us that they did not take emission profiles at sufficiently low perturber pressure for NaNe to see anything except the high pressure (thermalized) emission. This suggests that the failure of Gallagher and co-workers to observe pressure dependence in LiHe, LiNe may stem from the same problem. (SCH75) and NaHe (YOR75) This implies that the systems NaHe, LiNe and LiHe may also have D eA's which are a sizeable fraction of kT in the experiments by Gallagher and co-workers (YOR75, SEH75). The failure of the pre- ceding line shape experiments to indicate that the excited state of NaNe is many times more attractive than predicted 192 by pre-1977 calculations does not invalidate those experiments --- rather it raises the challenge of finding what went wrong in their interpretation plus the hope of finding out more about line broadening and/or parts of the NaNe potential curves which are not determined in this experiment of the X-state). (e.g. the B-state and repulsive regions It also remains to be seen if more sophisticated theories of line broadening can explain the line shapes observed by the preceding workers using potentials consistent with the findings of this work. The interatomic potentials of NaNe, particularly the A H states, are relevant to experiments involving scat(PIT67, CAR75, tering of Na in the 3P state from Ne APT76, PH177). These experiments are listed in Table 10. They are relevant also to the determination of the perturbed line shape of the Na resonance radiation lines) in Ne buffer gas C. (the D (YOR75, MCC76, HOP75). SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE EXPERIMENTS Extension of the present studies to other rare gases is obviously fruitful, given the existence of theoretical predictions (BAY69, PAS74, BOT73, MAL77). Extensions to a lighter system (helium) is of interest since most theoretical work has predicted that the X 2I state is bound. This system requires more pressure of helium since these molecules are less bound than NaNe (probably by a factor 193 Collisions Experiments (Na* + Ne) Author Experiment Kind Na*( 2P112 ) + Ne t Na*(2P3/2) +Ne Pitre & Krause Carter et al. Na*(2 P3/2) + Ne -+ Na*(2 P3/ 2 ) + Ne + Total (cell)-1967 Na* + Ne Differential (Beam) - 1975 Na*( 2P1/2 ) Vel. Dep. on Total (cell) - 1976 Apt & Pritchard + Ne Phillips & Kleppner TABLE 10 -- Na*(2 P3 /2 ) + Ne + Ne Na*(2 P1 /) Vel. Dep. on Total (Beam) -1976 Scattering Experiments Involving Ne 194 of 10). This will require more pumping spped which means an additional work on the pumping system. Extension to heavier NaX systems should imply a more bound B2E state. This should make it possible to determine both excited state potentials (A2H, B 2 Z). Such a determin- ation will make it possible to check the existing data on line broadening (YOR75, SCH75) as well as many elastic and inelastic scattering processes. Such experiments will entail modifications to the pumping system to permit recir- culation of gas (Kr and Xe are expensive). Studies of alkali rare gas molecules containing alkalis beside Na are also of interest since they can be analyzed by the same methods we applied to Na. These are experimentally more difficult because of difficulty of obtaining lasers at the proper wavelength for excitation. Extension to another type of van der Waals molecules like dimmers of alkalis in the triplet states is another interesting experiments. More highly excited states of NaX molecules may be studies by locking a second cw laser to one of the lines observed in the present study and scanning the present laser to excite molecular levels which decay through intermediate levels coming from Na(4P)+Ne. These intermediate levels could be detected with low background by isolating their UV fluorescence. 195 An rf resonance experiment can be performed to study the hyperfine and spin-rotation interactions in NaX molecules. The idea is to use the laser signals to select and analyze a molecular state, which can then be studied by rf resonance. The state which is depleted by the laser can be repopulated by the rf frequency and reexcited again. Such experiments may need a skimmer so that the high intensity beam can be introduced into a long high-vacuum resonance region without destroying the molecules. 196 APPENDIX A A. HUND'S CASE 1. (a) When the spin-orbit interaction is very large in comparison with the interaction of the nuclear rotation with the electronic motion, i.e. when the multiplet A-is large compared to the off-diagonal element of B . the rotational constant), then the angular momentum and R form the couples according to Hund's case (a). resultant J. (B is Figure 4 shows a vector diagram for this case of coupling. The vector J is constant in magnitude and direction in the body fixed coordinate system. and R precess about this vector. L and S precess about the internuclear axis but at different frequencies. According to the discussion at the beginning of this for A 21H-state. Chapter, Q is either 1/2 or 3/2 Since 4. is the component of J along the internuclear axis, it follows that 5 is half integral, i.e. J = N+R. J cannot be smaller than its projection 0. J = Q1, Q+i, 0+21 Naturally, Therefore 0 Bear in mind that each J level is doubly degenerate because of the two parity function H + and H. A. 2. HUND'S CASE (b) When the coupling of the spin to the internuclear axis is smaller than the nuclear rotation interaction with 197 R Hund's Case (a) A + ,w WT-**" LF S Hund's Case Rd (b) J Sd FIGURE 4 -- Vector Diagram of Hund's Case (a) and (b) 198 the spin S, then the angular momentum couples according to Hund's case (b), i.e. when the multiplet "A" is small compared to BJ. Also, when A = 0 and S / 0, the spin vector S is not coupled to the internuclear axis at all. means that 0 is not defined at all. This 1. In this case: The wavefunctions for the nonrotating molecule are usually characterized by three good quantum numbers: A (the projection of L along the internuclear axis), S (the spin quantum number). 2. The angular momenta R and S form the resultant J in case of A = 0. shown in the vector diagram Figure 4. and form N. and This is (In case A/0, Then the angular momentum N and S form the total angular momenta J.) The possible values of J for a given N are, according to the principles of vector addition, given by J = IN-SI (N+S) for S = 1/2, each N level is doubly degenerate and "J" is half integral. Normally, the coupling of S to N causes a small splitting of the levels with different J and equal N which increases with increasing N. 199 APPENDIX B B. 1. NONROTATING HAMILTONIAN The non-rotating Hamiltonian is represented by "H ev " in the equation (2-3). This Hamiltonian is the sum of two parts, the electronic and the vibrational part. The electronic part is concerned mainly with the electron dynamics. Electronics energies and wave functions for the non- rotating molecule can be determined from ab initio (SAX77) or psuedopotential PAS74). (semi-empirically) treatments (BAY69, Both calculations require sophisticated computer programs and many hours of computer time. (Interested readers should consult with BAY69, PAS74 and SAX77 references for more information.) The vibrational part is concerned with the vibrational motion of the nuclei along the internuclear axis. Vibrational energies and wavefunctions for the non-rotating molecule can be determined more easily than electronic energies and wave functions by solving a one-dimensional Schr5dinger equation. Thus, conventional vibrational eigenvalue formulas will be taken into account explicitly. The simplest starting point of treating "H ev" is to assume that it is separable to electronic "H ", vibration "H . and spin part H . imation (BOR27)]. Classically, this means that the equations vib ", s [This is Bohn-Oppenheimer's approx- for each of the coordinates, and the energy is the sum of all, i.e. H ev = H e +H . vib + H s (b.2-5) 200 "H " describes the electrons coordinator. e This part of the Hamiltonian is not going to be discussed any further. But readers who are interested can be referred to HER50, BAY69, PAS 74, SAX77. Hvib is the vibrational part of the Hamiltonian. The potential energy curve V(R) arising from the variation of total electron energy and eigenfunction with internuclear separation R, acts as the potential for the Schrodinger equation governing the radial motion of the nuclei, i.e. H~ t2 2 d a- Hvib = -f -R H + V(R) (B.2-6) is the electronic spin interaction. This interaction is represented here by the simplified form valid only for diagonal matrics elements A'i-i where ' and S are operators representing the total electronic orbital and total electronic spin angular momenta respectively. H is the sum of Hso + H orbit interaction, H 5 5 HSR is + HSR where H In fact, is the spin- is the spin-spin interaction, and the spin-rotation interaction. H is identically zero and H SR will be disregarded because it is beyond the measurement resolution. operator The spin-orbit interaction 9 is used to compute spin splittings within a given spin multiplet. To summarize, the non-rotating Hamiltonian (B.2-5) can be rewritten as 201 H ev =H B. 2. e + [ d2 + V(R)] + AL-S (B.2-7) 2yp dR2 BASIC SET OF NONROTATING HAMILTONIAN The basis function lev>[Eq. (2-4)] for the non-rotating molecule are not considered in detail in calculations of rotational energy levels. Consequently, these basis functions are often represented by symbols containing the quantum numbers used to describe the basis set, e.g. JQ>, IASE>, or ILASE>. More details on the subject can be found in HOU70, ZAR73, and HER50. The vibrator eigenfunctions are usually found after the potential energy curve is constructed. The best way to find the potenial energy curves for A 2 H and X2E states is to use the observed data from the experiment to generate the potential by the RKR procedure, KLE32, REE47). (RYD31, Then use the potentials to find the vibrational eigenfunctions by solving Schrodinger's equation numerically by the computer. To summarize, 1. case (b). E + the X2 E-state is strictly Hund's The basis functions are IASE>= 101E> 1 2. The A2 T-state is split by S-L coupling into A 2H/2 and A 23/2 substate. case (a). It is a very good Hund's The basis set functions are IASE> - where A = ±1 and E = 1 AE> 202 B. 3. EIGENVALUES OF NONROTATING HAMILTONIAN Matrix elements of nonrotating molecule Hamiltonian operator, see equation (B.2-7), in the basis set (see B. 2.) IAS> are taken to have the following form. <ASEI H ev JASE> E (B.2-9) . + E S(B29 el + E vib The exactness of this equation occurs when the functions involved in the matrix element are exact eigenfunction of H ev E is the electronic part of energy and will be left el as it is due to lots of complication to find this term. E is the electronic energy of a multiplet term. by (HER50, HOU70), is given, to a first approximation It ES = AAE (B.2-10) Precise energies of the multiplet components represented by the wave functions IAS7> sion ±AAE because IASE> are only approximate eigenfunctions. For X E-state, E A2 Ztt deviate somewhat from the expres- is zero because A = 0 while the 2 by 1 A E-state is split into two A Rl/2 and A 13/2 by from the position of the A 21-state. A This multiplet splitting "A" is well verified by observations on NaNe system except for the part of the potential near the dissociation. For that part, the multiplet splitting A 3 approaches the atomic sodium fine structure splitting -A. 203 E vib is the vibrational energy of the molecule. In any real molecule, rotation and vibration are occurring simultaneously, and the spectrum will reflect this fact in both the vibration eigenvalues, which are not equally spaced, and the rotational eigenvalues, which are not rigid rotator. A harmonic oscillator is characterized by a parabolic potential curve while real molecules are an harmonic. Dunham (DUN32) assumed a vibrating rotator model for a diatomic molecule. He expressed the energy levels of the vibrating rotator as a power series and showed coefficient relation to the molecular parameters for nonrotating molecules as E Gv)=W Evib =G(v) =w 1 1 2 - wexe(v+ )2+weye(v+ (v+-) 13 +.2 (.-1 To sum up, the energy eigenvalues of the nonrotating molecule in the E ev (a) X2E = E el state is + G(v) (B.2-12) (b) A 2 13/2 state is E ev = E el + G(v) + 1/2 A (B.2-13) (c) A 211/2 state is E 1/2 A ev = E el + G(v) - To calculate the term value v(v", v') of a transition from X to A state, one can use expressions in equation B.2-11 i.e. 204 A2fl (a) v(v"; (b) 2+X2 + = Te + G(v') v') - G(v") - 1/2A and A R 3/ 2 v(v", v') (B.2-14) = Te + G(v')-G(v") + 1/2A where G(v) is given by equation B.2-11 The first term Te in equations (B.2-14) is the electronic energy separation between the X and the A state (the separation between the minima of the two potential curves.) v' and v" are the vibrational numbers of the A and X state respectively. B. 4. HYPERFINE STRUCTURE It is observed experimentally that the weak interaction of NaX molecules ("X" is an inert gas atom stands for Ne and Ar so far) preserved the atomic property of the hyperfine interaction in the ground state 32S1/2 0f sodium into two components of F equal to 2 and 1. F is the quantum number of the coupled electron and nuclear spin. The splitting is 1.772 GHz. of NaX molecules exhibits a Each absorption line 1.8 GHz splitting with the same intensity ratio as those of F=2 and F=l in Na. Intuitively, one could visualize that sodium atoms with both F=2 and F=l combine with the inert gas atoms to form molecules with P rather than coupled to the rotation 205 to form molecular J. This is explained in the vector and energy diagram shown in. Figure 5. In such scheme, molecular F, J, and R are good 4- quantum numbers. 4 .4 Accordingly, S and I form F, and R and F form the resultant J, i.e. J = R+F and F = S+I. The hyperfine interaction yI-S splits the X2z+ state into two substates described by one potential, one with F=l and the other with F=2. is so small The 6F-R interaction [about 6 = .024 MHZ in KAr (MAT74)] which leaves each R level with a 2F+l degeneracy. The discus- sion will proceed on the assumption of neglecting the hyperfine splitting in calculations in the rest of this thesis reminding that the hyperfine is strongly observed in A 2H E transition of NaNe. The first excited state hyperfine structure was not observed. Such interaction would be less than the measurement resolution. B. 5. ROTATING HAMILTONIAN "H r" for any diatomic molecule can be written as a sum of two products. Each product consists of a rotational constant "B" for the molecule and the square of the component of rotation vector along x or y axis (Z-axis is the internuclear axis of the molecule). thus written as Hr is 206 F R 6 y R - - 1.8GHZ ll FIGURE 5 -- Vector and Energy Diagram, Including the Hyperfine 207 or SR2 (B. 2-15) H r B(R = 2 x 2, + R ) y (There is no rotational angular momentum about its internuclear axis). If R is expressed in terms of J, L, and S for the purposes of calculation, one gets H r = B(J -J B(L+S where J+=Jx iJy xy z )+B(L -L z )+B(S -S z ) + +LS+)-B(J+L_+J_L+) - L+=L +iLy, and S _x S ±iS = B(J+S-+JS_) x (B.2-16) y Equation (B.2-16) shows that both L and S affect the rotational energy levels only through four cross terms JxL JyLy i S , S since the selection rules for non- vanishing matrix elements of Lx , L x y and AZ = +1 Hamiltonian respectively. and S , S x are AA = y If both L and S in the (B.2-16) can be ignored, then one might expect the rotational Hamiltonian to be given by approximately 2 2 z B(J -J ) Mulliken for the A-state. Such expressions are found by (MUL30) when the separation be A and X-state is large and "A" is larger compared with BJ. Our ultimate goal is to diagonalize the matrix of the complete Hamiltonian given by equation 2-3. complete Hamiltonian as described by equation The (2-3) is 208 the summation of both the rotating and nonrotating Hamiltonian which can be represented as H = H +H e V (B.2-17) +AL-S+B(r)R Notice that spin-rotation interaction is rejected This interaction is measured by because it is small. Mattison et al on KAr and found to be 0.24(l)MHz. B. 6. BASIS SET OF ROTATING HAMILTONIAN The wave functions associated with the rotational part can be characterized by one parameter 0', and two good quantum numbers J and M; where J specifies the total angular momentum (see equation (2-1)) in the molecule, M specifies the projection of the total angular momentum along some laboratory fixed z-axis -J); (M takes on the values J, J-l and 0' helps to characterized the rotational wave functions of the diatomic molecule. is the projection of J along the internuclear axis which is accidentally equal, for a linear molecule, to the projection of L and S on the same axis. From what is mentioned above, Q is not a quantum number for the rotational wave functions, since it does not correspond to an eigenvalue of some operator acting on the rotational wave functions. (Notice that (L +S ) operator, when acting on a nonrotating moleZ cule basis Z set function, can be replaced by 0) . 209 A basis set for the complete problem consists of products of the basis functions for the nonrotational problem and basis functions for the rota- |v>|nA6E> tional problem I|JM>. (Notice that this is not the only choice of basis set which one could choose). Such functions are represented by |v>nASE> + t electronic vibration B. 1JM> f rot ation 7. EIGENVALUES OF A (B.2-18) ROTATING MOLECULE Here we will not get involved in the derivation of matrix elements of the rotating part of the Hamiltonian equation B.2-16; an interested reader can consult MUL31, HOU70, HIL28, and ZAR73. Instead, we will summarize the important steps taken to calculate matrix elements for 211 and 2 Z states. Matrix elements of the rotational Hamiltonian (equa- tion (B.2-16) can be obtained from general considerations of the matrix elements of an angular momentum operator. As an example let us consider the spin angular momentum S <SES 2 <SE S 2 = S(S+l) SE> = < E±lSI E> (B. 2-19) = i[(S E) (S E+1)]1/2 210 The non-vanishing matrix elements of the components of the orbital angular momentum L can be obtained from equations (B.2-19) by placing S by L and E by A everywhere. For J, one should replace S by J and E by Q everywhere in the third except that S+ must be replaced by J equation of equations <JQ±l JI (B.2-19), i.e. Q> = t[(J~+)(J±Q +1)]1/2 The strange behavior of J is discussed by Van Vleck (VAN51). The next thing one should find is the basis set for and 2Z both 2H states; for 21 state one gets from equation (B.2-18) 2 3/2 = 211 1/2>=IV 2H > IV> ,,I 2 IV> 2 for 2 JM> 1-11 4/2 2 -3/2 j> 13 2 JM > 3 _ JM> _1 f 2 = one gets from equation 2 1/2> = 2 E1/> H - v>10 Iv (B- 2-20) > -. 1 JM> 2 (2-18) JM> 1 -1- 2 2 (B. 2-21) J 2 Rotational Eigenvalues: To calculate matrix elements by using the complete Hamiltonian equation (2-5) and immediately that (2-l one should realize 211 (1) the matrix element <vIASEI H e+Hv+B(r) (L -L z (B.2 22) TAS> e+G(v) This is by definition, T e is the electronic energy and G(v) is the vibrational energy given by equation (B.2.11). (2) the matrix element of B(r) <vi B(r)Iv> = B Computing the matrix elements one will obtain the following matrix element for the 2H state e 1 T +G(v)+ A+B[J(J+l)-7/4], 1 (J3]1/211 -B [(J- -) (J+r)] -[-.)+. -B[(J-1) (J+ T +G (v) , -B[(J-1) 0 0 A+B [J (J+l)+1] 0, 0, T+G(v)+B[J(J+1)-7/4 0, O, -B[(J- 1)(J+3)]1/2, )]l1/2 )o2, (J+3)]1/2 T+G(v)+B[J(J+1)+!] Solving the secular equation produces energy levels which are doubly degenerate pairs. The energies obtained from the secular equation are E= T +G(v)+B[(J+I) -1]- 2 For Hunds case (a) [A(A-4B)+4B where A>>BJ, approximate the radical in equation [A(A-4B)+4B (J+T)]l/ 2 = A{l- it is convenient to (2-23) + (J+1)231/2 i.e., B( (J+)2 2 keeping only terms through order B/A, we obtain the two energy levels for the 2H3/2 and 2H1/2 substates E = T +G(v)+PA+B[J(J+l) E2 = T +G(v)- -7/4] 1 =(B.2-24) 2 A+B[J(J+L)+1/4] (B.2-23) 212 These expressions for the energies of the 2 1H-state agree with expressions B[J(J+l)-Q 3 ] for the rotational eigenvalues given by Herzberg (Her50) apart from an extra The B[J(J+1)-Q 2] eigenvalues can easily be obtained 1/2B. if one ignores all terms of equation B.2-16 except the first one. B 2 are retained, one would If terms of the order (j) find that the coefficients of J(J+l) in equation (B.2-24) must be replaced by B(l+R) and B(1-E) instead shows that B for 2B2 A of B. This H1/2 differs from that of 2 3/2 by 12~/ factor. 2EZRotational Eigenvalues: Hund (HUN27), VanVleck (VAN29),and Mulliken have shown that in the case of 2E (MUL30) states the rotational Hamiltonian eigenvalues are given by 1 = BvN(N=l)+yN F (B.2-25) 1 F2 = BvN(N+1)-ly(N+l) 1 where F 1 refers to the components with J = N+and F2 refers to those with J=N--. The splitting constant y is the effective spin-rotation interaction which is very small compared to By. Expressing equation (B.2-25) in terms of J and neglecting the spin-rotation term, one gets F F =B 1 = 2 B (J+ )(J+3) (J+) (J- ) J+1 )(-1 y(+v * fJ--T ( (B.2-251) 213 The complete energy term for the 2Z state is therefore E = T +G(v) + F (B.2-26) E2 = T +G(v) + F2 where G(v) is given by equation (B.2-11) and F are given by equation (B.2-25'). and F2 214 APPENDIX C (A) DOUBLING LAMBDA C. 1. Electronic states with erate, one for each sign of A IAI/0 are doubly degen- if one does not consider interaction between the nuclear rotation with the orbital angular momentum L. In general, the degeneracy is lifted by the mentioned interaction with the B E state giving rise to a splitting which increases with increasing J. This splitting is called A-doubling and can be interpreted as a second order interaction of the H state with all, especially E states. Van Vleck (VAN29) and Kovacs (2 1 /2' multiplet states (a) have a (KOV58) have shown that 213/2) belonging to Hundcs case A-type splitting of different variation with J for the different multiplet components. For 21H states, the A-type doubling of the 211/2 component varies linearly with J; whereas for the 213/2 component it varies approximately with the third power of J and for small J is very small compared to that of 2H1/2 Therefore, to a approximation Van Vleck found 21/2 substate is F= e Ff Where F "e" also the A-type splitting for the e and F f = (q+) (C.2-27) (q+?)j are the rotational energies of the sublevels and "f",(q+P/2) is the A-doubling parameter. Van Vleck obtained comparatively simple formulae for the constant q and p when the H state considered lies close to 215 one particular E state but far away from other E states and when both E and H state have the same well-defined integral orbital angular momentum L. In this case, assuming L is due to one electron only and is thus equal to ' of this electron, Van Vleck found 2B 2 ~ q ~ P (P+1)/V(HE) (C.2-28) 2AB Z(9+l)/v(HrE) Where v(H,E) is the separation of the H from the E assuming that B is the same in the two states. should be made here about equation (C.2-28), nearby E state which causes A-doubling is i.e. state A remark if the weakly bound (or repulsive), its potential might be roughly deduced by using equation (C.2-28) 1 (q+ -P) 2 and B with the measured values v More recent work on A-doubling has been reported by Hougen (HOU70) and Zare (ZAR73). An approximate formulae for A-type splitting is given by considering second order perturbation of the rotating Hamiltonian and the nearby E-state. It is found that the splitting F -F where = 2(J+f) [2 (HE)+aS(HE)] (C.2-29) (HE) and ao(HZ) are defined as S(HE) and ~q/2 P/2 o (ll) P Bv(21 v(H E) AB £(Z+l) v V (l,E) (C.2-30) 216 The approximate equality at the right of equation (C.2-30) and (C.2-28)X& called the "pure precession" relation and is valid whenever a H and a E state differ by single molecular orbital and for this orbital k is a good quantum number. It should be noticed that for Hund's case (a) molecules, where A>>B,vthe leading term of equation (C.2-30) is and equation (C.2-29) ac(HE) can be approximated as Fe-F ~ C.2. CENTRIFUGAL DISTORTION (C.2-21) P(J+- ) As mentioned earlier in this part, centrifugal distortion results from the fact that the rotational constant "B" is not a constant at all, but rather a func- tion of "r" and as a result can have matrix elements offdiagonal in v. Eq.(C.2-18) The basis set that we have been using contains terms such as IASZ>lv>IQJM>. For a consistent theory, it must be possible to obtain the centrifugal distortion by finding matrix elements 'of the rotational Hamiltonian to use to correct the energy terms by second order of perturbation theory. (This is appro- priate since differences between vibrational energy levels are much larger than those between rotational energy levels.) Hougen (HOU70) andZare (ZAR73) have shown how this approach accounts for the centrifugal distortion and more recently Zare (ZAR73) has calculated this term for the 2if/2' 3/2 217 and 2E states. At this stage, it seems a summary of Zare's calculations is unavoidable. What one would like to do is to examine the rotational [Eq.(B.2-16)] to obtain the precise centrifugal Hamiltonian distortion correction to the rotational eigenvalues of each state (2I1/2' 2H3/2, and 2 In general, one +)E. should find the centrifugal correction E <ZSAv <MJPIHyI;E'S'A'>!v'>IM'J'ov><'I<'t<' Hrl>>> G.(v) - G (v' ) < ' <1< _ E2 _ = to be given by v'v1 ~ -D <v B (r) lv'><v'|B (r ) v>. G(v)-G(v') |>1><I<l [<I<l < I IZ'S'A'>jM'J'Q'><'I<'IH E <ZSAI<MJQIH I> I> (C. 2-32) r r I> > |>1>] where by definition D is given by -D -D= v'><v' IB(r) v> ~ 3<vlB(r)G (v) E -G (v' )(C , (C.2-33) 2-3 Using equation (2-32) and (2-33) Zare has found that centrifugal correction terms for (1) 2 1/2 state is -D{J+)+ (2) [)+(J+~-)12 -l]} 2 3/2 state is -D{[(J+ 1)1 2~22]2+ [( (3) 2+ j 122_1] (C.2-34) state is 1 2 =-D{ (J+~-) T;(-l) J+S 1 '(J+ 2 )} 2 218 It is to be .noted that equation (C.2-34) is indeed the correct form and differs from the distortion coefficients normally adopted by molecular spectroscopists which goes like 2 [J(J+l)]2. Traditionally all rotational energies are expanded in series of J(J+1). C.3. VIBRATIONAL CROSSING OF 2H312 WITH 2H/2 This kind of perturbation occurs due to crossing of vibrational levels governed by the AJ=O selection rules. The perturbation appears as a displacement and an intensity anomaly for a number of successive J values. The displace- ment and intensity anomalies usually have a resonance-like behavior when the deviation increases and decreases rapidly with increasing J values. Such perturbations have been discussed fully in many books KRO30), (KOV37, HER50, and just a summary of the perturbations which we have seen is going to be discussed. The substates perturbation which we observed was generated .substate with from vibrational bands crossing of the 2H1/2 Some of the rotational levels were the 213/2 substate. found displaced. By perturbation theory one can find off-diagonal matrix elements "w.." 13 the two which connect perturbing states, i.e. 1. =3 <A.S. .I<v 1 <M J.Q IHIj H JjMj .>I E- -Aj> where H is the Hamiltonian of the perturbed state. (C.2-35) 219 The conditions for non-vanishing w.. (the selection rules for perturbations) have been derived by Kronig can be accounted for from equation(C. 2 . 3 5 ). (KR028) and These selection rules are: (1) J.-J (2) A.-A. 0 = 0, +i (3) Both states must be of +ve or -ve parity, i.e. + 4 +, and +--/+- -++-, [in absence of electric field] (4) For identical nuclei, both states must have the same symmetry in the nuclei, i.e. s+/-+a. If the Hamiltonian in equation (2-3) breaks down into two parts, rotating and nonrotating, one should find a strong perturbation occurs only if the vibration eigenfunctions have suitable matrix elements of 1/r 2. Eventually this part will be evaluated through a computer program which generates vibrational eigenfunctions from the RKR potential. The rotational part will just give the normal eigenvalues (see equations (C.2.24) and (C.2-25). To find the eigenvalues of perturbed levels, one should diagonalize the two by two matrix, and find the position of the new levels. If we do that, we should get a matrix E -E 1 W.. Ei ji 2- = 0 (C.2-36) 220 and new eigenvalues E = where E (E+E 2 )t v4wij 12+62 (C.2.37) and E2 are the unperturbed eigenvalues, 6=E -E 2 is the separation of the unperturbed levels. equation E-E 2 According to (C.2.37), the shifts of the two levels E-E are equal in magnitude 2 opposite sign. [/41w.,l 1J 2+62 -6] For a given and but of The larger the matrix element w greater are these shifts. 1 the o.., they are largest fJ for 5=0 and decreases with increasing 6. 221 REFERENCES B. Anderson and J. B. Fenn, Phys. Fluids 8, AND(65) J. APT(76) 780 (1965). Jerome Apt and David E. Pritchard, Phys. Rev. Lett. 37, 91 (1976). BAY(69) BOR(27) W. E. Baylis, J. Chem. Phys. 51, 2665 (1969) M. Born and J. R. Oppenheimer, Ann. Phys. 84, 457 (1927). BOT(73) C. Bottcher, A. BUC(68) Rev. A.7, 1606 (1973). U. Buck and H. Pauly, Z. Phys. 208, 390 CAM(70) R. Campargue, J. Chem. Phys. 52, CAR(75) Gary M. Carter, David E. Pritchard, Martin Kaplan, 35,1144 (19.75). and Theodore W. Ducas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 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He developed in me the attitude of working and deciding on things alone to achieve a planned goal. He supplied the necessary equipment for this experiment. He also suggested and worked very closely with me the long range isotope shift analysis part. His many helpful suggestions concerning this work were definitely fruitful. W. P. Lapatovich helped in the design of the supersonic jet machine and in running the computer programs which constructed the ground state Lennard-Jones Potential. (6.8) Professor Robert W. Field and I. Renhorn have been very helpful in discussing the findings of the analysis. My discussion with them was very fruitful and beneficial. AlbertChang worked closely with me on the frequency measurement system, especially the temperature and pressure controller unit. long range analysis fit. R. McGrath has helped on the I am grateful to the friendship of the many past and present group members. I am also very grateful to the M.I.T. Community in general. I also express my gratitude to the members of the Research Laboratory of Electronics for the services and advice that they have provided. Special thanks goes to my wife 225 who has shared the pain and joy of these years of building, data taking, analyzing, and writing, as well as taking care of our baby. Her love and encouragement have made the pains milder and the joys sweeter.