Superlattice-Source Nanowire FET with Steep Subthreshold Characteristics MOt Es MASSACHUSETTS OF TECHNOLOGY Xmn Zhao JUL 012013 B.S. Physics Peking University (2010) .... Submitted to the Department of Materials Science and Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Materials Science and Engineering at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY September 2012 C2012 Massachusetts Institute of Technology All Rights Reserved. A uth or ............................................... ......... ........................................................ Department of Materials Science and Engineering August 30, 2012 C ertified by ............................................................................................................................ Jesn's A. del Alamo Professor of Electrical Engineering Thesis Supervisor A n d b y ................................................................................. ............................................... Silvija Grade'ak Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Thesis Reader Accepted by ....................................... ....................... Gerbrand Ceder Chair, Department Committee on Graduate Students ENSTTU 2 Superlattice-Source Nanowire FET with Steep Subthreshold Characteristics by Xin Zhao Submitted to the Department of Materials Science and Engineering on August 30, 2012 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Materials Science and Engineering Abstract The non-scalable room temperature 60 mV/dec subthreshold swing of a conventional MOSFET is a fundamental limit to the continuation of transistor power scaling. In order to further reduce transistor power consumption and transistor footprint, new subthreshold transport mechanisms other than thermionic emission over an energy barrier are required. In this thesis, we devote our efforts towards the analysis and demonstration of a superlatticesource nanowire FET which can potentially beat the 60 mV/dec limit. This key to this device concept is to engineer the density of states of electrons at the source via a superlattice. We have calculated the band structure of a superlattice using a self-consistent quantum-mechanical simulation environment. In particular, the effect of transversal confinement on the band structure of a superlattice that occurs in a nanowire has been studied. We show that in order to obtain single-subband conduction, semiconductor nanowires with sub-10 nm diameter have to be fabricated. An analytical expression of the subthreshold swing including the effect of band edges has been derived and good agreement with simulations was achieved. A process flow to fabricate III-V nanowire MOSFETs has been designed. We have developed several key aspects of this process and have demonstrated the capability of fabricating smooth high-aspect ratio sub-10 nm semiconductor pillars in the InGaAs/InAlAs system lattice matched to InP. Thesis Supervisor: Jesn's A. del Alamo Title: Professor of Electrical Engineering 3 4 Acknowledgments First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my thesis advisor, Prof. Jesn's A. del Alamo for offering me this great opportunity to work on this exciting project. His dedication to excellence, strong physical sense of device physics and brilliant vision of this research field have constantly inspired and motivated me. Besides the scientific knowledge and technical skills I have learned from him, I benefit a lot from his elegant yet strict way of conducting research. He is a role model for successful researchers. I am very grateful for this excellent supervision and persistent help. I also want to thank Prof. Dimitri Antoniadis for his sharp, smart comments and suggestions during the group meetings. I have greatly benefited from his expertise and thinking each time I interact with him. This thesis would have not been possible without support from my colleagues and friends. I would like to sincerely thank Jianqiang Lin, Ling Xia and Winston Chem, for getting me started with III-V processing, simulation and measurements. I also want to say thank you to Luke Guo and Tao Yu. Discussions with them really spark new ideas and thoughts. Many thanks to del Alamo group members: Donghyun Jin, Alex Guo, Shireen Warnock, Jungwoo Joh, Tae-woo Kim and Usha Gogheni. I also appreciate the help from Fitzgerald group students Adam Jandl, Ryan Iutzi and Palacios group student Bin Lu, Han Wang and Omar Saadat. I shouldn't forget other folks on the 6 th floor too. I am also indebted to students and professors affiliated with the Center for Energy Electronics Sciences. Especially, I would like to thank Sapan Agarwal for insightful discussions on problems in TFETs. I have also benefited a lot from Amit Lakhani's advice on processing. This research was sponsored by the Center for Energy Efficient Electronics Sciences, which receives supportfrom the NationalScience Foundation. 5 6 Contents L ist o f F igu re s ............................................................................................................................................... 9 L ist of T ab le s .............................................................................................................................................. 13 Chapter 1IIntroduction ................................................................................................................................ 15 1.1 The Need for Low Power Electronics................................................................................... 15 1.2 The Limit of Current Transistors ......................................................................................... 16 1.3 Superlattice-Source Nanowire FETs with Steep Subthreshold Characteristics .................... 18 1.4 T h esis O u tlin e ........................................................................................................................... 19 Chapter 2 Device Concept of Superlattice-Source Nanowire FETs ........................................................ 21 2 .1 In tro du ctio n ............................................................................................................................... 21 2.2 Operation M echanism of Superlattice-Source Nanowire FETs ............................................. 21 2.2.1 Physics of the Subthreshold Current in M OSFETs...................................................... 21 2.2.2 The Concept of Engineering the DOS at the Source...................................................... 22 2.2.3 Superlattice as Energy Filter ......................................................................................... 24 Quantum Mechanical Simulations of the Band Structures of Nanowire Superlattice .......... 27 2.3 2.3.1 Nextnano Simulation of the Band Structure of Superlattice ........................................ 2.3.2 The Effect of Transversal Confinement on the Band Structure of Superlattice............. 29 2.4 Device Design Issues ................................................................................................................ 27 32 2.4.1 Possible Device Architectures ....................................................................................... 32 2.4.2 Number of Periods of Superlattices .............................................................................. 34 2.4.3 Superlattice Doping........................................................................................................... 37 7 2.4.4 M aterial System ................................................................................................................ 39 2.4.5 Non-idealities in the Subthreshold Regime................................................................... 42 2 .5 Su mm ary ................................................................................................................................... Chapter 3 Technology for SLS nanowire FETs..................................................................................... 43 45 3.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................... 45 3.2 Overall Process Design............................................................................................................. 45 3.3 Process Technology .................................................................................................................. 47 3.3.1 Electron Beam Lithography......................................................................................... 47 3.3.2 Reactive Ion Etching..................................................................................................... 55 3.3.3 Digital Etch ....................................................................................................................... 63 3.3.4 Planarization ..................................................................................................................... 66 3 .4 S u mm ary ................................................................................................................................... Chapter 4 Conclusions and Suggestions ................................................................................................ 68 69 4 .1 S u mm ary ................................................................................................................................... 69 4.2 Suggestions ............................................................................................................................... 70 4.2.1 Ongoing Research Efforts ................................................................................................ 70 4.2.2 Suggestions for future research.......................................................................................... 71 B ib liog rap hy ............................................................................................................................................... 8 73 List of Figures Figure 1-1. US electricity use for date centers (Figure taken from [1])................................................. 15 Figure 2-1 (Left) Distribution of electrons in the source of an n-MOSFET. (Right) Electrons in the high energy tail of the electron energy distribution at the source contribute to subthreshold current........... 22 Figure 2-2. a. The imaginary band structure at the source consists of minibands and minigaps. b. Conduction band diagram of the device biased in the subthreshold regime where electrons from the first miniband are suppressed by the energy barrier. c. Conduction band diagram of the device biased in the on sta te ...................................................................................................................................................... 23 Figure 2-3 (Left) Simulated subthreshold characteristics of a nanowire FET with imaginary ideal band structure at the source showing very steep swing. D is the nanowire diameter. Ns is the source doping level, AEc is the extension of the conduction band (Figure taken from [5])........................................ 24 Figure 2-4. a. Superlattice formed by alternating GaAs/AlAs layers and the corresponding potential energy profile (Figure taken from [2]). b. Allowed minibands (the shaded area) calculated as a function of well or barrier width and the corresponding potential energy profile (Figure taken from [2]). c. Schematic illustration of minibands and minigaps with regard to the original conduction band structure. .................................................................................................................................................................. 25 Figure 2-5. Schematic illustration of simulated nanowire FET and conduction band diagram of superlattice (Figure taken from [7])..........................................................................................................26 Figure 2-6. Subthreshold characteristics normalized to diameter for different SL material pairs. (Figure tak en fro m [7 ]).......................................................................................................................................... 26 Figure 2-7. Calculated first and second eigenstate/eigenenergy with respect to the conduction band profile for G aA s/A lGaA s superlattice................................................................................................... 28 Figure 2-8. Calculated band structure for GaAs/AlGaAs superlattice, including the Ist, 2 nd miniband and the m inigap in b etw een ............................................................................................................................. 28 Figure 2-9. Calculated band structure for 2.94 nm InGaAs/ 1.18 nm InAlAs superlattice along the growth direction. In the perpendicular direction, electrons are confined to a square with a side of 7 nm...... 30 Figure 2-10. Zoom-in of figure 2-9 showing the first three subbands more clearly. The energy separation betw een the first and second subband is 120 m eV . ............................................................................... 31 Figure 2-11. The energy separation between the first and second band versus nanowire cross-section dimension for otherwise the same superlattice in Figure 2-9 and 2-10. ............................................... 31 9 Figure 2-12. a. Cross-sectional distribution of electron density in the InGaAs nanowire with side length of 30 nm and 50 nm at VGS-VT= 1.2 V. b. Normalized electron distribution at the middle of the nanowire for square-shape Si and InGaAs nanowires. (Figure taken from [8]).................................................. 33 Figure 2-13. Diagram of the proposed superlattice source nanowire FET. .......................................... 34 Figure 2-14. Conduction band diagram when device is biased in the subthreshold regime a. The imaginary minibands that have infinitely sharp band edge. b. Real minibands formed by a superlattice with finitely sharp band edge.................................................................................................................... 35 Figure 2-15. a. Conduction band diagram for the 10 periods of InGaAs/InAlAs superlattice simulated. a. Ballistic transmission probability calculated for 7 and 10 periods of superlattice................................ 38 Figure 2-16. Simulated transfer characteristics for different periods of superlattice. Wire diameter D= 5nm, EOT= m. Superlattice is comprised of 1.59 nm GaN/ 0.95 nm AlGaN (Figure taken from [6]) 39 Figure 2-17. (Left) Simulated transfer characteristics for SLS nanowire FETs with different gate lengths and doping levels in the SL region. The values were labeled in the figure. (Right) Conduction band profile of the simulated devices for various gate voltages (Figure taken from [4])............................ 40 Figure 2-18. (Left) On/off current ratio (top) and ION (bottom) vs. IOFF - ON was calculated at VDSO -1 V and VGSgO.4 V. (Right) Peak and average S (top) and gate voltage ranges over which the peak and average S are stable (bottom). From (A) to (F), doping level increases from 2 to 1019 cm-3, with a step of 10'9 cm -3 . (F igure taken from [6])............................................................................................................. 41 Figure 3-1. Process flow of SLS nanow ire FETs................................................................................... 46 Figure 3-2. The heterostructure used in this work. All layers are lattice matched to InP...................... 48 Figure 3-3. Top view SEM images of the HSQ line structures defined following the same process flow, except that a Si adhesion layer was evaporated onto the substrate in (b). ............................................. 50 Figure 3-4. 150 tilted SEM image of the dot pattern with a drawn diameter for 30 nm. The dose time was 0.6 and 0.38 for the left and right figure, respectively......................................................................... 52 Figure 3-5. 15' tilted SEM image of the dot pattern with a drawn diameter of 15 nm............. 53 Figure 3-6. 150 tilted SEM image of the dot pattern with drawn diameters of 30nm and 600 nm. The sidew all profile for 600 nm w as m ore sloped....................................................................................... 53 Figure 3-7. Top view SEM image of the dot pattern exposed with Elionix (left) and with Raith (right), follow ing the process flow shown in Table 3-1 .................................................................................... 54 10 Figure 3-8. 150 tilted SEM images of semiconductor pillars with different sizes after a 2 minute etch following parameters given in Table 3-5. The drawn HSQ mask size was 20 nm, 40 nm, and 200 nm respectively (from the left to the right) ................................................................................................ 57 Figure 3-9. 150 tilted SEM images of semiconductor pillars etched with parameters specified in Table 36. The HSQ mask thickness was 90 nm for all three cases................................................................... 58 Figure 3-10. 450 tilted SEM images with regard to the top view of the semiconductor surface etched with parameters specified in Table 3-7. No hard mask was defined by EBL for both cases, since only surface prop erties w ere ex am ined ......................................................................................................................... 60 Figure 3-11. 150 tilted SEM image of a semiconductor fin etched with a 30 nm wide HSQ line. The param eters for etching were given by Table 3-5.................................................................................. 61 Figure 3-12. 150 tilted SEM image of semiconductor pillars etched with HSQ dot of 200 nm in diameter. The param eters for etching were given by Table 3-8. .......................................................................... 62 Figure 3-13. 150 tilted SEM image of semiconductor pillars with 30 nm Molybdenum layer evaporated onto the heterostructure shown in Figure 3-14. (left) immediately after RIE process (right) after 8 cycles of wet digital etching, with 30% H2O as the oxidant and 49% HF as the oxide etchant..................... 65 Figure 3-14. The heterostructure grown on GaAs substrate used for Figure 3-13................................. 65 Figure 3-15. 150 tilted SEM image of semiconductor pillars with the heterostructure shown in Figure 3-2. (left) immediately after RIE process (right) after 7 cycles of dry digital etching, withl0% H2 S0 4 as the o x id e etch an t.............................................................................................................................................6 6 Figure 3-16. (left) Cross-section SEM image after planarization process described in Table 3-10 was applied to a semiconductor fin (right) 150 tilted SEM image of the same position. .............................. 68 11 12 List of Tables Table 2-1. Well (w) and barrier (b) thickness for the four material pairs simulated. (Data taken from [7]). .................................................................................................................................................................. 26 Table 2-2. Comparison of calculated band parameters of three types of AlGaAs/GaAs superlattices with a barrier thickness of 2.5 nm and various well thicknesses between literature ([3], in black) and N extnano sim ulation s (in red)................................................................................................................... 29 Table 3-1. Optimized process flow for EBL using HSQ resist............................................................ 50 Table 3-2. Thickness range of HSQ with different solid concentration, at typical spin speed ............. 51 Table 3-3. The right doses for different drawn dot sizes ....................................................................... 53 Table 3-4. Process flow for 02 plasma anneal to harden the HSQ as the etch mask ............................. 54 Table 3-5. Optimized SAMCO ICP RIE parameters........................................................................... 56 Table 3-6. SAMCO ICP RIE parameters for the etch results shown in Figure 3-9 (a), (b) and (C)......... 59 Table 3-7. SAMCO ICP RIE parameters for the etch results shown in Figure 3-9............................... 60 Table 3-8. Plasmaquest ECR RIE parameters for the etch results shown in Figure 3-12..................... 63 Table 3-9. D igital etching process details.............................................................................................. 64 Table 3-10. SO G planarization process details .................................................................................... 67 13 14 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 The Need for Low Power Electronics Power consumption is becoming of one of the major concerns in modern electronics. Reducing the power consumption of electronics can make a significant impact on the worldwide energy demands. Specifically, in 2010 data center alone consumed about 2% of all the electricity in the United States, as shown in Figure 1-1 [1]. The thriving of portable electronics further necessitates the reduction of power consumption as batteries of smart phones can barely last for a day. 140 3.5% 130 120 110 100 Percentages refer to % of US electricity use in a given year Current range 2.8% 90 2.2% 80 70 0 1.5% 60 Cooling + power distribution 50 :) 40 - 30 %oinfrastructure UCommunications a3Storge 20 IT load OHigh-nd servers Mid-range servers 10 EVolume servers 0 2000 2005 Best Upper Lower All trends guess bound bound cont. 2007 2010 1 Figure 0-1. US electricity use for date centers (Figure taken from [1]) In addition to this, Si MOSFETs scaling has recently entered an era of 'power-constrained scaling' as the power density dissipated by logic chips hit about 100 Wcm 2 , which is practically limited by packaging and cooling costs [9]. Continued progress in transistor density will require a reduction in the operating voltage, but this will compromise the switching speed. The introduction of a new channel material in which charge carriers travel at a much higher velocity than in silicon could allow a reduction in voltage without a loss of performance. However, even MOSFETs with new channel materials are subject to the fundamental limit described below. Future scaling beyond that requires innovation in device concept. 1.2 The Limit of Current Transistors The fundamental reason that the operating voltage has stopped scaling is because conventional MOSFETs rely on thermionic injection of carriers over an energy barrier [10]. Subthreshold swing, S, defined as the gate voltage required to change the drain current by a decade when the transistor is operated in the subthreshold region has a fundamental limit of 60 mV/dec at room temperature, which is non-scalable. Typical values in advanced Si CMOS technology are close to 100 mV/dec. In order to significantly reduce the operating voltage while maintaining an adequate on-off ratio, the subthreshold swing must be reduced. New physical mechanisms are needed beyond thermionic injection to overcome this fundamental limit and obtain a subthreshold swing smaller than 60 mV/dec. To this regard, there have been extensive research efforts going on worldwide and several interesting device concepts have been proposed and demonstrated, including impact-ionization MOSFET (i-MOS) [11], the negative capacitance FET [12], the nano-electromechanical relay (NEM relay) [13, 14], and the tunnel FET (TFET) [15]. While showing promising device characteristics, all these new concepts have their own limitations. The i-MOS FETs achieve steep turn-on by a positive feedback mechanism where a rise in the drain current results in further current increase by lowering the threshold voltage through the generation of minority carriers by impact ionization at the drain side. In order for significant impact ionization to occur, a substantial voltage (larger than Eg/q, E. being the channel 16 material band gap) has to be applied as the drain bias, which tends to defeat the purpose of operating voltage scaling [16]. While new channel materials featuring narrow band gap such as InAs seems appealing, it is not clear if the problem can be solved considering the fact that in a scaled quantum-well III-V FET, the channel has very strong quantization. Another concern is that as modern transistors start to approach ballistic transport, impact ionization will be less prominent as gate length scaling progresses[16]. Also, the transistor could have significant additional delay as avalanche multiplication inherently takes time to build up [17], which limits its use in logic applications. The negative capacitance FET is another example which involves positive feedback mechanism. The insulator between gate and channel in conventional MOSFET is replaced by a ferroelectric material, whose permanent field will change in response to the amount of charge on the gate capacitor, providing additional charges to the channel and hence higher current. Replacing the gate oxide with a ferroelectric insulator raises severe fabrication, contamination and scalability problems, and ferroelectric materials are again subject to fatigue-related degradation [12]. NEM relay is interesting as it realizes zero leakage current and infinitely sharp turn on characteristics by physically separating the conductive components of the transistor in the offstate. Reliability, operating voltage, which is closely tied to energy efficiency and the speed will benefit from miniaturization just as the Si CMOS. However, the mechanical switching delay is orders of magnitude larger than its electrical counterpart, and complex circuit topologies where a logic function is implemented using several relays in a single gate have to be used [18]. Due to the large surface adhesion force that has to be overcome to turn on the device, the path to minimization of operating voltage is yet to be demonstrated [19]. Also, contact reliability issues such as vulnerability to wear, microwelding and surface oxidation has to be dealt with. TFET conducts current by carriers tunneling through a barrier rather than flowing above it. The conduction and valence band edges effectively filter the electrons tails with high energy which cause the 60 mV/dec limit in conventional MOSFETs. TFETs usually suffer from the inability to deliver high drive currents comparable to MOSFETs [20, 21] due to the large tunnel barrier. Recently impressive drive currents [22-24] have been demonstrated using high quality III-V 17 heterojunctions which reduces the tunnel barrier significantly, but these devices have so far failed to realize sub-thermal subthreshold swing. High drive current with steep turn-on characteristics is still to be demonstrated. 1.3 Superlattice-Source Nanowire FETs with Steep Subthreshold Characteristics In this research we focus on a new device concept which involves a superlattice acting as an energy filter at the source of a FET. As stated in the last section, carriers at the source with higher than the source/channel barrier are responsible for the 60 mV/dec thermal limit of the subthreshold current due to their Maxwellian distribution. In order to overcome this limit, one possibility is to filter out the high energy electron tail. In TFETs, this filtering capability is realized by aligning the source/channel energy bands. Only carriers lying in the energy window of the overlap between source/channel band edges can contribute to the current, while high energy carriers are effectively cut off by the band edges. Rather than solely relying on tunneling effect, another scheme is to insert a superlattice region in the source. It is well known that the band structure of a superlattice is comprised of minibands (where the DOS is large) and minigaps (where the DOS is low) whose energy scale is on the order of several tens to hundreds of meV. By accurately selecting the constituent materials and by adjusting the superlattice physical dimensions, a superlattice region inserted in the source can filter out the carriers in the subthreshold and off-state by minigaps, thus resulting in steep turn-on characteristics. The device can possibly deliver a drive current that is comparable to that of MOSFETs when the miniband is properly aligned with the channel in the on-state. The concept was first proposed by Bjoerk et al. [25] and later investigated theoretically by Gnani et al [6, 7, 26], who showed promising performance. A nanowire design and a wrap-around-gate are also essential elements of this device concept for the following reasons. Short-channel effects resulting from the sharing of the electrical charges in the channel region between the gate and the source/drain limit continued transistor scaling of the planar design below around 20 nm in gate length [27]. Multigate architectures can provide 18 stronger gate control that mitigates short-channel effects, and thin nanowire with a wraparound-gate is one of the most promising designs. A strong gate control is one of the keys to obtain a steep device turn-on. Another possible benefit from thin nanowire design is the volume inversion effect. In a nanowire with a diameter below a few tens of nanometers, it is possible that transport properties in the inversion region will improve as nanowire is further thinned down [8]. This is in contradiction to the expectation that reducing the nanowire size will degrade transport due to the relative increase in surface roughness scattering given the larger surface to volume ratio. The main reason is the increased quantum confinement at smaller dimensions which pushes the inversion carriers further away from the interface and thus are less affected by the roughness scattering. 1.4 Thesis Outline In this research, we aim to understand the key device design issues for a new superlattice-source nanowire FET with steep subthreshold characteristics. Towards this end, we develop a quantum simulation environment to calculate the DOS of nanowire superlattices. The thesis also focuses on technology development for the top down fabrication of vertical nanowire FETs with a diameter less than 20 nm and experimental probing the DOS of nanowire superlattices. The thesis will be organized in the following way. Chapter 2 will start with the operation mechanism of SLS nanowire FETs by reflecting on the MOSFETs limit and explaining the concept of engineering the DOS at the source through a superlattice acting as an energy filter. Following this, a brief introduction to the basic theory of superlattices will be presented, and our simulation environment using a Poisson-Schr6dinger solver (Nextnano) for band structures calculations will be introduced and calibrated with data from literature. Next, we will use the calibrated simulation tool to study the effect of lateral confinement imposed by a nanowire configuration on the band structures of a superlattice. The chapter will end with discussions on several device design issues including the choice of materials system, possible transistor architectures, nanowire dimensions, etc. 19 In Chapter 3, we first describe the process flow designed to fabricate III-V nanowire MOSFETs. Key fabrication technologies developed will be detailed. Finally, the summary of this thesis are presented in Chapter 4, together with ongoing research efforts and suggestions for future work. 20 Chapter 2 Device Concept of Superlattice-Source Nanowire FETs 2.1 Introduction This chapter introduces the device concept of superlattice-source nanowire FETs (SLS nanowire FETs). The operation mechanism will be presented, followed by quantum mechanical simulations of the band structure of the superlattices. Several design issues related to the realization of the steep turn-on will be discussed. 2.2 Operation Mechanism of Superlattice-Source Nanowire FETs 2.2.1 Physics of the Subthreshold Current in MOSFETs In a conventional MOSFET, the leading dependence of the subthreshold current can be understood as the thermionic injection of carriers over the source/channel energy barrier [10]. Let's take an n-MOSFET as an example: the electron distribution at the source is given by n = fE g (E)f(E)dE (2.2) g (E) oc V- f(E) = exp kT (2.1) ) + 1) (2.3) The shape of the distribution is shown on the left of Figure 2-1, which has an exponential tail. In the subthreshold regime, the current is contributed by electrons that possess energies larger than the source/channel barrier, as shown on the right of Figure 2-1. Following equation (2.1), the density of this electron tail can be expressed as ntaii = f o g(E)f(E)dE (2.4) where <ps is the surface potential in the channel. The integral is determined by the Fermi-Dirac distribution function f(E), as it exponentially decays with energy while density of states g(E) 21 only increases in a square root form. In this way, the density and thus the current is proportional to exp (- q , where kT k q is the thermal voltage. Subthreshold swing, S, which is defined as the gate voltage required to change the drain current by one order of magnitude, can be expressed as: dos dVG S =n d4ps d(log1 0 ID) mV U x n10 -=n x 60Odec q (2.5) T = 300K In this expression, n is the ideality factor and it represents the degree of control of the surface potential by the gate. The closer to 1 n is, the tither the gate control over the channel. At room temperature, the subthreshold swing of a MOSFET is 60 mV/dec at best. Typical values of S in advanced CMOS technology are close to 100 mV/dec; by lowering VDD from 500 mV to 250 mV while preserving the overdrive (this requires lowering the threshold voltage by the same amount), the leakage power has been shown to increase unacceptably by a factor of 275 in a 45nm bulk CMOS technology [28]. E High energy tail + Subthreshold current High-energy tail of source electrons -- g (E)f (E)- ---- g (E) oc E2f Ec .g(E) Figure 0-1 (Left) Distribution of electrons in the source of an n-MOSFET. (Right) Electrons in the high energy tail of the electron energy distribution at the source contribute to subthreshold current. 2.2.2 The Concept of Engineering the DOS at the Source To overcome the 60 mV/dec limit, let's examine equation (2.1) more carefully. The FermiDirac factor will always be there as long as we have carriers. If we can find a way to filter out 22 the electron tail at high energy by modifying the density of states in the source, there is a possibility that the subthreshold current will be suppressed and the subthreshold swing will be steeper. Suppose rather than a single conduction band extends all the way up for a n-MOSFET, we have a band structure where minibands which have extension of a few hundreds of meV are separated by minigaps that have similar energy scale, as shown in Figure 2-2a. When the upper edge of the first miniband at the source contact is lower than the energy barrier at the virtual source, the electrons in this band will be blocked from conduction. Since the second miniband is separated by a significant minigap, there will be few electrons available and hence the subthreshold current will be effectively suppressed. Figure 2-2c suggests that, on the other hand, as soon as the upper edge of the first miniband is lined up with the channel potential, the current will rise very fast assuming a perfect band edge. b a E 92 (E)~~ Empty miniband Minigap _ Partially filled miniband (E)f(E) ( ggCE (E ) > g(E) Figure 0-2. a. The imaginary band structure at the source consists of minibands and minigaps. b. Conduction band diagram of the device biased in the subthreshold regime where electrons from the first miniband are suppressed by the energy barrier. c. Conduction band diagram of the device biased in the on state 23 In the simulation performed by Gnani et al [5], the source of the nanowire FET features similar band structure with perfect band edges, showing a very steep slope of 3 mV/dec, which is in fact due to direct source to drain tunneling (Figure 2-3). 2.2.3 Superlattice as Energy Filter It's well known that the band structure of a superlattice is comprised of minibands and minigaps [29], and probably can serve the purpose of a proper energy filter to engineer the density of states at the source. As shown in Figure 2-4a [2], a superlattice is formed by alternating layers of two semiconductors with different band gaps. In addition to the periodic potential of the crystal lattice, an additional one-dimensional potential, the period of which significantly exceeds the lattice constant, is present. As a result of the addition of this potential to the crystal potential, the original conduction band breaks into minibands and minigaps, as shown schematically in figure 2-4c (an equivalent point of view is that single quantum levels within the material with smaller band gap extend to different minibands, illustrated by Figure 2-4b). 3 mV/dec 10, -- F--I--|-- 10 " g'S10" I II :1-di :- A --*- C10 10-" I M 0 10' 100 -0.2 _OA 0 OA "ae Volt 02 I 0.3 0.A M Figure 0-3 (Left) Simulated subthreshold characteristics of a nanowire FET with imaginary ideal band structure at the source showing very steep swing. D is the nanowire diameter. Ns is the source doping level, AEc is the extension of the conduction band (Figure taken from [5]) 24 The potential of using a superlattice as the energy filter to realize steep turn-on characteristics in nanowire MOSFETs has been examined through simulations by Gnani et al [6, 7, 26] and showed promising results. The simulated structure was a nanowire FET with a superlattice interposed between the source and channel regions (Figure 2-5). Several III-V semiconductor pairs commonly used for HEMTs and lasers haven been investigated. The optimal well and barrier thicknesses that ensure the best trade-off between switching slope and on-state current are reproduced in Table 2-1, with the subthreshold characteristics in Figure 2-6. Nw is the doping concentration in the well regions of the superlattice, D is the nanowire diameter and tax is the effective-oxide-thickness (EOT). Among these material options, InGaAs/InAlAs lattice matched to InP is capable to deliver an subthreshold swing of 13 mV/dec and an on-state current of 4.5 mA/um, at VDD 0.4 V. The transfer characteristics of this material pair is shown in Figure 2-6, demonstrating excellent pitch-off. From Table 2-1, we note that the layers of SL need to be very thin. a A b AS 2d >0 1 4 04-0 Oii a Ad Ar b ASA.nlA As.,w Miibn A was Miniga MMiniban Figure 0-4. a. Superlattice formed by alternating GaAs/AlAs layers and the corresponding potential energy profile (Figure taken from [2]). b. Allowed minibands (the shaded area) calculated as a function of well or barrier width and the corresponding potential energy profile (Figure taken from [2]). c. Schematic illustration of minibands and minigaps with regard to the original conduction band structure. 25 drain I M Iw Vo $b Figure 0-5. Schematic illustration of simulated nanowire FET and conduction band diagram of superlattice (Figure taken from [7]). Pair (A) Materials Pair (B) GaN/Alo.15GaO.85N GaN/AlO. 25GaO. 75N Pair (C) Pair (D) InGaAs/InAlAs InGaAs/InP w/nm 1.5945 1.5945 2.9335 2.9335 b/nm 0.9567 0.9567 1.1734 1.1734 Table 0-1. Well (w) and barrier (b) thickness for the four material pairs simulated. (Data taken from [7]). le- 10 V1,S=O.4V le-03 6 / 6OV/ddc., - Dln 1e-05 1e-07 C 18-09 C le-1 le-13 1-15 Figure 0-6. Subthreshold characteristics normalized to diameter for different SL material pairs. (Figure taken from [7]). 26 2.3 Quantum Mechanical Simulations of the Band Structures of Nanowire Superlattice A simulation environment which can capture the essential physics is necessary to help understand various effects and maximize device performance. As superlattice normally features layers with thickness of 1-10 nm, quantum effects are very prominent. To this effect, we have explored a Poisson-Schrodinger solver called Nextnano, which can solve the Poisson equation and Shrodinger equation self-consistently. In this section, the band structure of a superlattice and the effect of transversal confinement were simulated using Nextnano. 2.3.1 Nextnano Simulation of the Band Structure of Superlattice To verify the capability of this solver, we first simulated the band structure of a superlattice along the growth direction and calibrated the results with literature values. The superlattice simulated was GaAs/A1O. 3GaO. 7 As/..., which was assumed to be infinite in the growth direction by having periodic boundary conditions, and have infinite transversal plane. So the transversal direction is decoupled from the growth direction as there is no confinement in the transversal direction and electrons will move freely. In the growth direction, however, minibands and minigaps will form due to periodic potential from alternating layers of GaAs and AlGaAs. For well thickness of 15 nm and barrier thickness of 2.5 nm, the simulated eigenstates and eigenergies at kz=0 with respect to the conduction band profile in one period of the superlattice, 1.25 nm Alo. 3Gao. 7 As/15 nm GaAs/ 1.25 nm Alo.3Gao.7 As was shown in Figure 2-7. If we plot eigenenergies against wave vector along the growth direction kz instead of position, we will have the band structure which features minibands and minigaps, as shown in Figure 2-8. Here L is the period of the superlattice, which is 17.5 nm. To calibrate the simulator, we calculated the band parameters of three types of superlattice of the same materials, but with different well thicknesses. The calculated parameters included the energy position of the first miniband with respect to the conduction band edge A01, the width of the first and second minibands, AMB1 AMB2, and the minigap between them A12. The barrier thickness was 2.5 nm, the same for all three types. The results were listed in Table 2-2 in red, 27 Conduction band edge Second elgenstate First eigenstate Second eigenenergy First eigenenergy N. AIGaAs C GaAs 7z > AIG aAs Figure 0-7. Calculated first and second eigenstate/eigenenergy with respect to the conduction band profile for GaAs/AlGaAs superlattice. E/eV A 0211 2"d miniband 023 1 St minigap on 1st miniband U0 of 02 03 02 05 - 0's - 07 - - - - - 01 - - - 0s I io kzl- L Figure 0-8. Calculated band structure for GaAs/AlGaAs superlattice, including the 1s, 2 "dminiband and the minigap in between. together with those obtained from reference [3] (in black) where the identical structures were also simulated. It can be seen that good agreement was achieved, confirming the validity of our simulator. 28 Parameters Unit Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Well nm 6.5 8.5 15 A0_ AMR1 meV 46/47 33/34 14.5/14.9 meV 22/20 13/11 3.5/3.0 AB meV 114/117 85/89 40/42 IA12 meV 94/90 53/49 14/13 Table 0-2. Comparison of calculated band parameters of three types of AlGaAs/GaAs superlattices with a barrier thickness of 2.5 nm and various well thicknesses between literature ([3], in black) and Nextnano simulations (in red) The dependence of the band structures on the well and barrier thickness is worth discussing, because the width of miniband and minigap will affect the subthreshold and on-state current of superlattice-source FETs, which will be discussed in section 2.4.4. From Figure 2-3b we can see that the miniband width increases with thinner well or barrier thickness. As stated in section 2.2.3, the miniband can be viewed as the broadening of single energy level within the well due to the coupling of the energy levels in adjacent wells separated by barriers (this is similar to the way of thinking about bands in crystals as the broadening of single atomic energy levels due to the coupling of these levels in adjacent atoms). The miniband width is related to the strength of the coupling between energy levels within adjacent wells. Decreasing the barrier or well thickness increases this coupling and hence results in a wider miniband. The dependence of the minigap width is more complicated, as it is determined by the separation of different energy levels within the well subtracted by the extension of the miniband widths. When well thickness drops, the separation of the different energy levels rises (the confinement length is reduced so quantization gets stronger) but the extension of the minibands increases as well. As a result, the minigap width first increases and then drops with thinner well thicknes, as can be seen from Figure 2-3b. 2.3.2 The Effect of Transversal Confinement on the Band Structure of Superlattice In the previous section, the superlattice studied was assumed to have infinite transversal plane perpendicular to the growth direction. Here we release this constraint and investigate the effect 29 of lateral confinement imposed by the finite dimension when the superlattice has a nanowire cross section. The formation of sub-bands in thin nanowires has been studied both theoretically and experimentally [30, 31]. Here we will show that in addition to minibands, subbands will form in the nanowire superlattice. Along the growth direction, the simulated superlattice was 2.94 nm Ino. 53Gao. 47As/ 1.18 nm Ino. 52 Alo.4gAs/..., which was identical to pair (C) in Figure 2-6. In the direction perpendicular to the growth direction, the electrons were confined in a square by assuming Dirichlet boundary condition to its sides (which meant that the nanowire had a square cross section). Figure 2-9 shows the band structure along the growth direction when the side of the square was 7 nm. Distinct features emerge here as compared to Figure 2-8. While in Figure 2-8 there were only two minibands, lateral confinement in Figure 2-9 leads to the formation of subbands for each miniband. For the same miniband but different subbands, the difference between them is the different quantization energy in the confined direction (perpendicular to the growth direction). Graphically, bands in the same miniband but different subbands have similar shape. For example, in Figure 2-9, the second band which corresponds to 1st miniband and 2 "dsubband, has similar shape to the first band. E/eV 1 st subband, 2nd miniband Figure 0-9. Calculated band structure for 2.94 nm InGaAs/1.18 nm InAlAs superlattice along the growth direction. In the perpendicular direction, electrons are confined to a square with a side of 7 nm. kz/- L E/eV 39 33 32 I The energy difference is 0.12 eV 29 28 1 subband, 1 s' miniband 27 26s . 01 0 03 o2 0s o4 0s or 00 o1 r kzl/L Figure 0-10. Zoom-in of figure 2-9 showing the first three subbands more clearly. The energy separation between the first and second subband is 120 meV. 5z 0.25- U) 0.200.15- -0.05 -0.10 -0.15 I 5 I 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Length (nm) Figure 0-11. The energy separation between the first and second band versus nanowire cross-sectiony dimension for otherwise the same superlattice in Figure 2-9 and 2-10. 31 As the nanowire dimension is reduced, the energy separation of different subbands increases. We are interested in the critical dimension where the energy separation is large enough such that there is no overlap between the 1 st and 2 nd subband and essentially we can have single subband conduction. Figure 2-10 depicted the 1st and 2 nd subband at a better energy resolution and we can see that the energy separation between these two bands is 0.12 eV. The positive sign here means that the highest energy in the first subband is lower than the lowest energy in the second band. To have a better understanding of the critical dimension for single subband conduction, the energy separation between the first and second band was plotted against the length of the side for the nanowire cross section in Figure 2-11. In the case of Figure 2-10 where the nanowire diameter is around 7 nm, the energy separation will be as large as 0.12 eV, which is equal to 5kT, with T=300K. In order to have single subband conduction, a technology is needed to fabricate nanowires with physical cross-sectional dimension below 10 nm. 2.4 Device Design Issues Following calculation of idealized band structure, important device design issues such as possible device architectures, superlattice doping, material systems and non-idealities will be discussed in this section. 2.4.1 Possible Device Architectures As stated in section 1.3, a nanowire design and a wrap-around-gate are essential elements of the SLS nanowire FET device architecture. Except for the benefit of single subband conduction and strong gate control, volume inversion effect is another result of electron confinement due to the nanowire configuration. Normally, in nanowires fabricated by top-down approach, it is expected that reducing the nanowire size will degrade transport due to the relative increase in surface roughness scattering given the larger surface-to-volume ratio. However, it has been reported in top-down InGaAs nanowire that the transport properties could be improved as evidenced by the estimated 20% increase in mobility when the nanowire is reduced from 50 nm to 30 nm [8]. The reason behind this improvement is that the stronger quantum confinement at smaller wire dimensions which will push the inversion layer further away from the surface. As a result the 32 transport will be less affected by surface roughness scattering. In the TCAD simulation shown in Figure 2-12 [8], the inversion layer in 30 nm wire is pushed 1-2 nm further away from the surface. The effect is more pronounced in InGaAs than Si because of the smaller effective mass in InGaAs. In this study, a vertical transistor architecture is proposed, and schematically drawn in Figure 213. As will be discussed in section 2.4.5, a high quality superlattice region which has sharp transition between different materials is necessary to obtain a steep turn-on. To this regard, MBE growth of the superlattice is preferred due to its monolayer accuracy. Since the MBE growth direction of the superlattice is inherently vertical, the current flow has to be vertical as well. This design features a top-down etched nanowire, an ALD gate oxide and wrap-aroundgate, and a superlattice source region. (a) Unit:-. Electron DesIty(e 3 ) (b) S1 30 .nu IGoos nA 1Ox i0rtM 2.0E+16 20 9.7E+16 s1 1OXionm.O n E 2.3E+18 10 1.1E+19 0~ SIF 9 1019 w S 30X3 nGaAs 3OX30n 10"8 30\ 20, 1 nGaAs OX30nm X30nm 10 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 * 10 i* 3 Normalized Width Figure 0-12. a. Cross-sectional distribution of electron density in the InGaAs nanowire with side length of 30 nm and 50 nm at VGs-VT= 1.2 V. b. Normalized electron distribution at the middle of the nanowire for square-shape Si and InGaAs nanowires. (Figure taken from [8]) 33 Figure 0-13. Diagram of the proposed superlattice source nanowire FET. 2.4.2 Number of Periods of Superlattices Comparing Figure 2-3 to Figure 2-6, the subthreshold swing increased from 3 mV/dec to a few tens of mV/dec. The reason is because in Figure 2-3 a perfect band edge of an imaginary band was assumed, while in Figure 2-6, an actual superlattice acted as the energy filter and the band edge cannot be ideal. To understand the effect of band edge more carefully, let's examine closely what will happen when the device is in the subthreshold with the help of Figure 2-14. Figure 2-2b was reproduced here as Figure 2-14a. 34 b Band edge Figure 0-14. Conduction band diagram when device is biased in the subthreshold regime a. The imaginary minibands that have infinitely sharp band edge. b. Real minibands formed by a superlattice with finitely sharp band edge. In the case of Figure 2-14a, the imaginary band structure assumed a perfect band edge. This means that, there were no states available in the minigap, and as soon as the energy was in the miniband, the density of states available increased infinitely fast. In this case, the subthrehsold current is contributed by direct source to drain tunneling. However, in the case of Figure 2-14b where superlattice was used as the energy filter, the band edge was not perfect due to the fact that there is a finite number of periodsin the superlattice. In this case, as we show below, the available states extend into the minigap. At first glance it seems that the subthreshold swing would still suffer from 60 mV/dec limit as equation (2.1)-(2.4) suggested, however, there is one critical difference. Following equation (2.4), the subthreshold current is still proportional to: ntaa = feOs g(E)f(E)dE (2.4) Instead of a g(E) oc \5 as is in the case of a normal MOSFET, now we have an exponentially decaying g(E), as evidenced below in Figure 2-15b. So the Fermi-Dirac function f(E) is no longer the single dominant factor, since g(E) is also exponential. Hence subthreshold swing S can be expressed as: 35 dlog1 f f(E)dE dlog1 0 f g(E)dE do#s (1 11 60 Here fl = dops 60 x fl mV (2.6) 60 + fl dec dE d(log 1 o f g(E)dE) We can see that fl is a measure of the rate at which the density of state decays when energy increases at the band edge. This equation also emphasizes the concept of density of states engineering by the assertion of the superlattice acting as the energy filer. To verify that the density of states actually has an exponential tail, the ballistic transmission probability was calculated through the unbiased superlattice region, using the Contact Block Reduction method implemented in Nextnano. The superlattice simulated was 2.94 nm Ino. 53Gao. 47As/ 1.18 nm lno.52Al 0.4sAs/..., which was identical to pair (C) in Figure 2-6, and had an infinite transversal plane. The conduction band profile is shown in Figure 2-15a, for a superlattice with 10 periods. The simulated transmission probability is plotted in a logarithmic scale against energy, for both 7 and 10 periods of the same superlattice, in Figure 2-15b. From this figure it is clear that there is a finite density of states available in the minigap, and at the band edge the transmission probability T decays exponentially. Also worth noting is that, T for 10 periods is sharper than that for 7 periods, which suggests a smaller f#for the 10 period superlattice, and hence a steeper S. The average S of a nanowire FET incorporating this superlattice was 23 mV/dec, as calculated by Gnani et al [7]. We can also estimate the S based on the picture we just developed. As seen from Figure 2-15b, for 10 periods, T decreased from 1 to 7.6 x 10-6 as the energy increased from 2.67 eV to 2.87 eV, which gives an average # of 39 mV/dec. Plug this number into equation (2.4) and note that n = 1 in their simulated structure, 39 x 60 S = 1 x 3 + 60 = 24 mV/dec 39 +60 The good agreement suggests that the transistor is actually limited by the energy filtering capability of the superlattice region. 36 However, there is a trade-off in terms of the drive current when a large number of periods is used. When the barrier number increases, the total transmission within the miniban decreases, and therefore the drive current is reduced. In Figure 2-15b, it seems that the total transmission is fairly constant for 7 and 10 periods. The reason is because in this simulation, the transport was assumed to be ballistic, and the peak transmission in the miniband is always 1 no matter how many periods there are. In a real device where scattering is presented, the peak transmission will be less than 1 [32]. In this case, the more periods we have, the less the peak transmission will be. As a consequence the drive current will decrease. In the simulation performed by Gnani et al, this reduced drive current cannot be predicted, as their transport model is ballistic as well. In Figure 2-16 [6], the drive current is seen to be the same for different number of periods of the superlattice. The subthreshold swing starts to degrade when the number of periods is less than 8. 2.4.3 Superlattice Doping The necessity of heavy doping in the superlattice region is best explained by Figure 2-17 [4]. In this simulation, nanowire FET has a diameter of 5 nm, an EOT of 1 nm, and a source/drain doping level of 2 x 1020cm- 3 . Comparing (a) and (b) in Figure 2-16 (left), device (a) suffers from poor subthreshold slope and degraded on-state current. This difference is caused by the capacitive coupling of the superlattice with the gate which heavily affects the electrostatic potential in the SL region, as seen by the corresponding conduction band profile (top right). Since the SL region is undoped, the voltage difference between the source and gate is partially absorbed by the superlattice, and therefore the miniband potential increases with the channel potential. As a result, the energy filtering capability of the superlattice is compromised. Direct source/drain tunneling could explain the improved performance from device (b) to (c) as a result of the increase in gate length. In addition to suppressing the capacitive coupling between gate and the superlattice region, doping in the SL region also affects ION, IOFF and the on/off ratio. When the doping concentration is higher in the SL region, the Fermi level will come closer to the 2 miniband. The off state leakage current contributed by the thermionic emission from higher minibands will then increase. When the channel potential is at the same position relative to the conduction band 37 a E/eV I77- Z/Rm b o Band edge 1--.0 01 - e 0.01 I1E-3 a 1E-4 1E-5 . 10 Penods 7 Peiods 1EE6 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 29 3.0 3.1 3.2 E (eV) 1st miniband 1st minigap 2 nd miniband Figure 0-15. a. Conduction band diagram for the 10 periods of InGaAs/InAlAs superlattice simulated. a. Ballistic transmission probability calculated for 7 and 10 periods of superlattice. edge of the superlattice region at on state, the drive current will be larger in devices with higher doping since there will be more electrons that can travel across the barrier. To quantify the trade-off in the on/off ratio, we referred to the simulation performed in reference [6], as reproduced here in Figure 2-18. The device geometry was the same with that in Figure 2-16. Label (A)-(F) indicated the SL region doping level ranging from 2 to 9 x 1019 cm- 3 , with a step of 1019 cm~ 3 . From the top right figure we can see that the average subthreshold swing was almost independent of the doping level. The trade-off between off state leakage current and on state current can be seen from the bottom left figure. For IOFF below 10-10 A/um, 2 x 38 1019 cm- 3 doping level can provide the highest drive current. For IOFF value larger than 108 A/um, a doping level of 9 x 1019 cm~3 can give the highest drive current. For IOFF values in between, other doping level gave the best trade-off. The general trend was that, for larger off state current higher doping level provided the highest drive current. This means that for different applications different well doing concentrations should be used. 1e-03 Voa= 0.1 V NY =3x109 cm-3 E E 1e-05 SS [m/dec] &Nomapeak 0) average -num. 1e-07 b=10 19.5 31.1 Z3- num. b=9 21 31.6 C+- num. b=8 23 33.8 -* num. b=7 26 39.1 T-V num. b=5 35 46.2 11e-09 le-Il1 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Gate voltage [V] Figure 0-16. Simulated transfer characteristics for different periods of superlattice. Wire diameter D= 5nm, EOT= 1nm. Superlattice is comprised of 1.59 nm GaN/ 0.95 nm AlGaN (Figure taken from [6]) 2.4.4 Material System The choice of material system is clearly of central importance for the demonstration of this device concept. Due to the ability of growing high quality heterostructures and various types of band alignment available, the III-V material system is naturally suited for this purpose. Actually III-V superlattices have been explored extensively in the field of quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) 39 [33]. Also, motivated by the high electron mobility in III-V materials, recently III-V CMOS technology has raised great interest as an extension to Si CMOS technology and tremendous progress has been made [9]. Engineering DOS at the source could further improve the performance of III-V MOSFET. There are a number of III-V material pairs that are commonly used in HEMTs and lasers, such as InGaAs/InAlAs, GaAs/AlGaAs, InAs/GaSb and GaN/AlGaN, etc. To evaluate the potential of these materials for the operation of SLS-FET, optimum device performance based on these pairs have to be simulated. This involves the optimization of various device parameters such as barrier and well thicknesses for the superlattice, superlattice doping concentration, channel length, etc, for each of these pairs. Figure 2-6 represents such a simulation performed by Gnani 1 10 0.5 0 -0.5 1 10- 0.5 5' 0 o 1012 C -0.5 W W~ I 0.5 0 10~1 10~i -O LG=10 nm, SL undoped "- L=10 nm, N,=10 9 cm 3 A-A LG=20 nm, N=1019 cm 3 -0.2 0 0.2 5-0.5 0.40 Gate voltage [V]M 10 20 30 40 50 Position [nmJ Figure 0-17. (Left) Simulated transfer characteristics for SLS nanowire FETs with different gate lengths and doping levels in the SL region. The values were labeled in the figure. (Right) Conduction band profile of the simulated devices for various gate voltages (Figure taken from [4]) 40 1e+0s 60 E peak U A-A (C) le+06 average 4-4 (D) 40"G (E) It0 +-+ (F) Sle.04 50 30E co) 20 1.+02 0.8 10 0.2 E 0.4 0,2 18-11 0.1 > V =0.1 V le-09 1e-07 10FF ['Ajpm le-05 (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) 0 Figure 0-18. (Left) On/off current ratio (top) and ION (bottom) vs. IOFF- ION was calculated at VDS=O. 1 V and VGS=0.4 V. (Right) Peak and average S (top) and gate voltage ranges over which the peak and average S are stable (bottom). From (A) to (F), doping level increases from 2 to 1019 cm-3 , with a step of 1019 cm-3 . (Figure taken from [6]). et al, where four different material pairs were simulated. In this idealized simulation, the fundamental differences between different material pairs were the effective masses and the conduction band offset. Compared to InP material system (pair (C) and (D)), GaN material system (pair (A) and (B)) has much larger effective masses. So the optimum barrier and well thicknesses for the superlattice will be smaller to ensure enough extension of the miniband and minigap. Still, the optimized miniband extension is still smaller, and therefore the drive current will be smaller in GaN material system. Moreover, the smaller barrier and well thicknesses are more challenging in terms of growth. InGaAs/InAlAs heterostructure has a conduction band offset of 0.5 eV, while only 0.22 eV is present for InAlAs/InP heterojunction. A large 41 conduction band offset guarantees enough minigap, which results in smaller leakage current and steeper subthreshold slope. Practically our group at MIT has rich experience with InGaAs/InAlAs lattice matched to InP, hence our device will be demonstrated in this material system. 2.4.5 Non-idealities in the Subthreshold Regime Until this point the discussions and the simulation work referenced have been rather ideal. Experimentally non-idealities often dominate and mask the desired intrinsic properties. Although it's too early to have an in-depth study of the various non-idealities, an effort to recognize some of them and discuss the possible consequences is still necessary. Equation (2.6) included the effect of non-ideal band edges in the expression of subthreshold swing. It pointed out that the sharper the band edge is, the steeper the turrn-on will be. The relatively soft band edges in Figure 2-15 is a consequence of the finite number of periods of the superlattice. In practical devices, the tail at the band edges will be caused by any imperfections in the lattice, such as phonons, doping, etc. All these imperfections will increase fl and leave us with a larger S. Phonons can definitely induce band edge states. In silicon, the optical adsorption coefficient falls off as an exponential at the rate of 27 mV/dec [34]. This coefficient is proportional to the joint density of states between conduction and valence band, and therefore the exponential fall-off suggests that the density of states should follow the same pattern. Heavy doping is another source of large density of states at the band edge, as dopant atoms disturb the idea lattice structure. Recently Sapan et al [35] extracted a minimum conductance slope of 120 meV/dec in a diode doped to near 10 20 cm- when it was biased as a backward diode. This slope was limited by the band edges, hence implying the existence of a tail in the density of states decaying in a similar fashion. This is one reason that the doping concentration in the superlattice region cannot be too high. For superlattices, in addition to the requirement of a high quality crystal structure for each of the constitutional material, the interface between the material pairs has to be as sharp as possible, which necessitates MBE growth. Another important issue is to find a suitable gate dielectric to the III-V material. Compared to the gifted interface between Si/SiO 2 , the interface between III-V compounds and the native 42 oxide suffers from larger imperfections such as much higher trap density, which usually results in "Fermi-level pining". Recently, high-k dielectrics such as A12 0 3 and HfO2 deposited by atomic layer deposition (ALD) have been shown to yield a better interface to III-V materials [9], but substantial interface trap density Dit is still present which will result in an n in equation (2.6) significantly larger than 1. Di, between ALD A12 0 3 and Ino. 53 Gao. 47As can be reduced down to 2 x 101 2 cm~ 2 eV-1 [36]. However, for InGaAs MOSFET, the best result so far has been obtained on a buried channel structures equipped with an InP barrier layer using ALD TiSiOx as the gate dielectric [37]. In our device architecture, the InGaAs surface will be exposed by dry etchibng and an InP capping layer cannot be present unless a regrowth is done. 2.5 Summary The central device concept of the superlattice source FET (SLS-FET) was introduced in this chapter. Our own quantum simulations of the superlattice were presented and the critical wire dimension for single band conduction was computed. Several device design issues were discussed and possible trade-offs for various device parameter were pointed out. In the next Chapter, we will move on to talk about the overall process design and various process technology modules that have been developed. 43 44 Chapter 3 Technology for SLS nanowire FETs 3.1 Introduction As discussed in section 2.4.1, a vertical transistor architecture will be pursued in this study. The material system contains InGaAs and InAlAs lattice matched to InP, with different doping concentrations. To realize single subband conduction, a process technology that can fabricate sub-10 nm diameter III-V nanowires is necessary. In this chapter, the overall process design will be presented and key fabrication technologies will be discussed in detail. 3.2 Overall Process Design Major steps of SLS nanowire FETs fabrication are shown in the process flow in Figure 3-1. The starting substrate will be semi-insulating InP. The heterostructure will have InGaAs as the source, drain and channel region, while the superlattice region features alternating layers of InGaAs and InAlAs that will be inserted between the source and channel. All materials are lattice matched to InP. HSQ, a negative-tone resist is first exposed via electron beam lithography (EBL) in a dot-shape and serves as the hard mask for subsequent pillar dry etch. A nano-pillar is then formed by reactive ion etching (RIE) where the unmasked semiconductor is etched away. As there is no etch stop for the selected chemistry, the etching depth is controlled by timing the process. A digital etch is performed to further thin down the nanowire and partially remove the dry etch damage during the RIE process. In order to achieve a uniform coverage of gate dielectric and gate metal, ALD high-k/metal gate is chosen due to the excellent conformality as well as the scalability for thin effective-oxidethickness (EOT). The high-k dielectric will be A12 0 3/HfO2 , and WN will be deposited as the gate metal. Since the gate metal is now covering 45 Side View Top View InGaAs Superlattice Adhesion layer Starting substrate HSQ ALD-A120 3 Step 1 Mask definition ALD-WN by EBL SOG Contact metal Step 2 RIE and cleaning Step 3 Digital Etch Step 4 High-K/Gate metal deposition and patterning Gate Step 5 Planarization and etch back Step 6 Planarization, etch back and G/D contact opened Step 7 Metalization Figure 0-1. Process flow of SLS nanowire FETs 46 the whole wafer surface as a result of the ALD process, a photolithography step using negative resist is needed to remove the unwanted WN. In order to control the gate length, spin-on glass (SOG) is deposited and etched back afterwards in the CF 4/H2 chemistry which will attack WN at the same time. Note that the etch back process has to be timed accurately so that the SOG surface can stop at the interface between the superlattice and the channel region, to minimize the capacitive coupling between superlattice region and the gate, as illustrated in the step 5 in Figure 3-1. The substrate will be immersed in NH 40H/H20 2/H 20 solution (which doesn't attack SOG and gate dielectric) to remove any WN residue to avoid the potential shorting between gate and drain. Another planarization and etch back step is adopted to form the isolation between gate and drain metal. Again, the SOG surface will stop at the interface between InGaAs source/superlattice region by timing. The source/drain ohmic contact and gate metal pad will be formed via lift-off at the end. In this process flow, critical fabrication steps are EBL, RIE, digital etch, planarization and gate technology which includes ALD high-k/gate metal and relevant etching. Except for the gate technology, other four steps have been developed and will be discussed in detail below. Development of the gate technology has been delayed due to equipment isses in the lab. Nevertheless, etching properties of the gate metal WN and ALD dielectric A12 0 3 are being studied on silicon wafers. In the following section, the heterostructure that was used is shown in Figure 3-2 unless specified. The sample was grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) at MIT. All the materials were lattice matched to InP. Note that this heterostructure was not the final design. It was chosen for the purpose of process development because it is made in the material system that we want to work with, and was immediately available at hand. 3.3 Process Technology 3.3.1 Electron Beam Lithography From the discussion in Chapter 2 we know that a pillar with a sub-10 nm diameter is needed in order to obtain single band conduction. With the help of digital etch which will be discussed in 47 section 3.3.2, the hard mask has to be defined with a resolution of sub-20 nm. In order to define isolated dot-shape mask with such a resolution, electron beam lithography (EBL) and a negative-tone resist have to be utilized. EBL in this work was first performed in a Raith 1 5 0 Tm system and later in an Elionix ELS-F 125 system for better result and yield. In any lithography process, the first step is to select a resist and identify the appropriate dose for pattern definition. Hydrogen Silsequioxane (HSQ) was chosen because it is a negative-tone resist and can achieve sub-10 nm resolution [38]. It can serve as the etch mask itself for III-V semiconductor RIE and eliminate the need for additional hard mask, since it resembles Si0 2 , especially after annealing. HSQ is a spin-on dielectric with the chemical formula of (HSiO 3/2)n, where n is the number of monomers with a typical value of n=8, forming a cage-like structure [39]. Upon exposure, high energy electron beam breaks the Si-H bonds and reconfigures the cage-like structure to a longrange network via a cross-linking process [40]. HSQ used in this work was a flowable oxide (FOx) diluted with Methyl-IsoButyl-Ketone (MIBK), available under trade name of XR- 1541M (from Dow-Corning*). The development mechanism of HSQ is suggested to occur via ionization by bond-decision, rather than dissolution [39]. Hydroxide (OH-) ions in the developer such as Tetra-Methyl-Ammonium Hydroxide (TMAH) can break the Si-H bonds, lead to stronger Si-O bonds and can be carried away by the (CH 3)N' ions and water molecules [41]. 15nm 2 nm 50 nm 500 nm 500 nm Figure 0-2. The heterostructure used in this work. All layers are lattice matched to InP. A typical process for HSQ exposure used in this work is summarized in Table 3-1. HSQ is believed to suffer from adhesion problem when deposited on a variety of materials, including metal and compound semiconductors [42]. It is well known that HSQ exhibits good adhesion on Si [43], so a thin layer of Si was evaporated to improve the adhesion to InGaAs in this study. 48 Figure 3-3 showed the HSQ lines defined on the heterostructure shown in Figure 3-2, following the same process flow. The only difference is that a 3 nm Si layer was evaporated onto the substrate in Figure 3-3b. The line width was 40nm, 70nm, 100nm and 600nm, respectively. While the substrate with the adhesion layer resolved the lines very well, the same structures directly on the InGaAs sample were collapsed, and the 40 nm line was not even there. The adhesion layer cannot be very thick as the pattern has to be transferred to this adhesion layer through RIE and a thick layer will degrade the resolution, which is critical in this study. Si layer has the additional benefit that it will be etched by the Cl 2 chemistry used in this study and won't be too resistive to the etching. Also, adhesion is a surface mechanism so that the adhesion layer does not need to be thick as long as long as the surface can be covered. HSQ is available with different solid concentrations from 1% to 6%. The higher the solid concentration, the thicker resist one gets for the same spin speed. The proper resist thickness would be around 50 nm in this work, which was determined by the trade-off between the resolution needed and the mask erosion during the subsequent RIE. In order to reach a resolution of sub-20 nm, the resist cannot be too thick to maintain an acceptable aspect ratio, or the HSQ pillar after development will fall down. If the resist is too thin, it cannot survive the RIE afterwards. As will be discussed in the next section, the resist thickness should be thicker than 30 nm to survive the RIE process. If the resist was as thick as 90 nm, for a 20 nm resolution the resist was not mechanically strong enough to stand up, as evidenced in Figure 3-3. A suitable thickness would be around 50 nm. In Table 3-2, the thickness ranges of different solid concentrations of HSQ are shown. From this table in order to have a resist thickness of around 50 nm, 4% HSQ with a spin speed 4000 rpm was chosen. 2% HSQ with a spin speed around 1000 rpm can also offer the desired thickness, but the spin speed was at the low end, only around 1000 rpm. Therefore 4000 rpm of 4% HSQ was preferred as a higher spin speed can lead to better uniformity. Unless specified, in this Chapter the HSQ thickness was about 50 nm. 49 a b Figure 0-3. Top view SEM images of the HSQ line structures defined following the same process flow, except that a Si adhesion layer was evaporated onto the substrate in (b). Process Step Process Details Storage Refrigerate XR1541 4% in a plastic container, at 5'C. (Glass container cannot be used) Adhesion promoter Resist spin Evaporation of 3nm silicon layer via TRL-eBeamAu as the adhesion layer Let the resist sit in the room temperature for half an hour to bring the resist to room temperature. Drop the resist by Polypropylene pipettes to cover the entire piece, spin at 4000 rpm for 1 min using TRL-Spinner Exposure Immediately after spin, using Elionix ELS-F125 system to expose the resist. Parameters used: electron acceleration voltage: 125 keV, field size: 150 pm, beam diameter: around 1.7 nm, step size: 0.625 nm, beam current: 200 pA, dose time: 0.2~0.4 ps (depends on the pattern size, as will be discussed below.) Development Usually immediately after the exposure, in 25% TMAH for 120 s, spin/rinse/dry Table 0-1. Optimized process flow for EBL using HSQ resist 50 Solid concentrations for HSQ Thickness range for typical spin speed (1000~5000 rpm) 1% 14 ~ 28 nm 2% 30~-45nm 4% 45 6% 85 -190nm 90 nm Table 0-2. Thickness range of HSQ with different solid concentration, at typical spin speed Note that right after the spin, unlike common resist process, no prebake is performed for HSQ due to consideration of the resist contrast. Resist contrast is a measure of how well the resist can convert the distorted patterns of a blurred aerial image into a sharp binary stencil, and directly affects the resolution of the entire lithography process. Similar to what will happen during the electron beam exposure, thermal processing such as baking at an elevated temperature will cause Si-H bond excision and recombination will occur simultaneously favoring the transition to a network structure reducing the cage/network ratio [44]. The major different is that the energy deposition in the case of electron beam exposure is higher than that of thermal treatments. Bond excision and network formation should therefore be, more pronounced than during the baking. Baking can therefore be considered as a kind of pre-exposure of the entire HSQ resist film, and hence the contrast will be decreased [44]. For similar reasons, HSQ is usually exposed right after the spin, and developed right after the exposure. Exposure of HSQ to oxygen in the atmosphere will tend to promote the excision of Si-H bonds as well as the network formation. Development and dose play important roles in determining the resist resolution and sidewall profile. TMAH with concentration of 2.38% and 25% are commonly used for photoresist development. 25% TMAH is reported to have better reproducibility and contrast for HSQ, and a development time of 1 min is commonly used [44]. Salty developer is shown to have even better contrast than 25% TMAH and can be used to resolve dense features with sub-10 nm pitch [45]. In this study, 25% TMAH rather than salty developer was chosen because the drawn feature was isolated. 2 min development was performed to avoid an underdevelopment situation. 51 Before dose information was provided, it should be noted that Elionix ELS-F 125 system uses dose time as a measure of the dose (which is the dwell time at each position that the electron beam will be unblanked and exposure will happen, in the unit of ps/dot) instead of more commonly used area dose with the unit of pC/cm2 . So the dose information below was recorded in the form of dose time. In a dose test, different doses were assigned to dots with different sizes in the Elionix pattern file (the drawn size), and all other parameters were the same with the values shown in Table 3-1. For the same drawn dot size, the higher the dose, the bigger the actual dot will be due to the proximity effect. In the 150 titled SEM image with regard to the cross section shown in Figure 3-4, the drawn dot diameter was 30 nm in both cases, but the dose time increased from 0.38 is/dot (on the right) to 0.6 ps/dot (on the left). Accordingly, the actually dot diameter increased as well. Also, the sidewall was more vertical on the right, due to less proximity effect. Proximity effect in electron beam lithography is caused by electron scattering, including forward scattering caused by the resist, and back scattering from the substrate. When the drawn size is larger, more electrons will pass through a fixed volume by scattering from adjacent area, and thus the effective dose is larger. The dose required for the actual pattern size to be equal to the drawn size increases when the drawn size is reduced (this dose is referred to "the right dose" hereafter). Table 3-3 summarized the right doses needed for different drawn dot sizes. In this study, the smallest HSQ dot obtained reproducibly was 15nm in diameter, as shown in Figure 3-5. For a better resolution, thinner resist, smaller beam current, and a smaller step size have to be used. Another interesting observation is illustrated in Figure 3-6. Even at the right dose, patterns with larger size suffered from more sloped sidewall, which was another consequence of increased proximity effect. 5 nm 30 nm M Figure 0-4. 150 tilted SEM image of the dot pattern with a drawn diameter for 30 nm. The dose time was 0.6 and 0.38 for the left and right figure, respectively The drawn dot diameter (nm) The right does time (ps/dot) 15 0.40 20 0.34 30 0.30 70 0.26 200 0.22 600 0.20 Table 0-3. The right doses for different drawn dot sizes Figure 0-5. 150 tilted SEM image of the dot pattern with a drawn diameter of 15 nm. 600 nm 30 nm Figure 0-6. 150 tilted SEM image of the dot pattern with drawn diameters of 30nm and 600 nm. The sidewall profile for 600 nm was more sloped. As stated at the beginning of this section, Raith 15 0 TM system was initially utilized for the exposure, and later we switched to the more advanced Elionix ELS-F125 system. There were several reasons for this change. Elionix system allows for a faster writing speed because a larger current is available. The highest electron acceleration voltage available for Raith system is 53 30keV, while that for Elionix is fixed at 125keV. A higher acceleration voltage reduces the forward scattering, and hence a smaller proximity effect can be anticipated. The major issue with the Raith system for our purpose was the difficulty of obtaining a circular dot pattern. As shown in Figure 3-7, top view SEM images of the dot pattern exposed by Elionix (left) and Raith system (right) were compared. It can be seen clearly that the pattern exposed by Raith turned out to be an elipse despite the fact that it was designed to be circular in the Raith pattern file. The problem gets worse with reduced dimensions. The x-y rastering of the electron beam during Raith system exposure the origin of this problem. in 115nm 70 r 80nm Figure 0-7. Top view SEM image of the dot pattern exposed with Elionix (left) and with Raith (right), following the process flow shown in Table 3-1 A 30 minute 02 plasma anneal was usually performed to harden the HSQ prior to its use as an etch mask in the subsequent dry etch that was used to define the semiconductor pillars. As can be seen from next section, this treatment improves the etch selectivity considerably. The recipe used for this anneal is summarized in Table 3-4. Process Step HSQ 02 plasma anneal Machine Asher-TRL Process Details 400W, 30 minutes Table 0-4. Process flow for 02 plasma anneal to harden the HSQ as the etch mask 54 3.3.2 Reactive Ion Etching After the definition of the HSQ mask via EBL, the pattern was transferred to the substrate by reactive ion etching. A conventional reactive ion etcher consists of a chamber with two parallel electrodes. The sample to be etched is placed on one electrode and the other electrode is grounded. A radio frequency (RF) voltage is capacitively coupled to the non-grounded electrode, ionizing the gas molecules and creating a plasma. The radicals and ions of the plasma chemically etch the sample. A pressure is maintained in the chamber by various valves. An equilibrium DC bias voltage is created between the positive ions in the plasma and the negative electrode. The DC bias causes the positive ions to accelerate toward the sample. This has a major impact on the etching anisotropy. Reactive ion etching is the combination of chemical etching by the reactive species in the plasma and ion bombardment, which not only enhances the chemical etching, but also sputters away material. In a RIE etcher, the power fed to the plasma and hence the ion density, can be controlled independently with regard to the DC bias, which is a major advantage over traditional plasma etcher where the ion density and DC bias are coupled. Cl 2 based chemistry is commonly used for III-V (GaAs based material, InP based material, GaN based material, etc) RIE for photonic, HEMT and HBT applications [46, 47]. Group III and Group V elements are removed by forming volatile Chlorine contained compounds and/or physical bombardment. It should be noted that Indium containing compound semiconductors present difficulties in trying to obtain efficient and equal-rate removal of the Group V lattice elements and the Indium element because In(Cl)x is non-volatile at room temperature, while Group V and Cl compounds are usually much more volatile[47]. In this case, an elevated temperature above 200 0 C is often used to balance the removal rate. In this study, Cl 2 gas was employed as it can provide Chlorine contained reactive species for chemical etch[48]. Also, we added BCl3 gas because it is reported to provide heavy positive ions such as [B(Cl) 2]+ to improve the physical bombardment component in the etching and also offer reactive species for chemical etch [49]. Physical bombardment results in improved anisotropy but often lowers the etch selectivity to the mask. N2 has been reported to enhance the anisotropy by a possible 55 passivation mechanism of the sidewall and also reduces the sidewall roughness, however, the physical mechanism is still subject to controversy [50]. For our device concept to work out, the RIE process has to fulfill the following requirements: a vertical sidewall, an etching depth above 200 nm, and a smooth sidewall surface. This implies an acceptable etch selectivity to the HSQ mask to guarantee tolerable mask erosion, good anisotropy, no selectivity between InGaAs and InAlAs, and small sidewall roughness. There are a number of parameters of the etch process to be optimized in order to get the desired etching properties: gas flow rates, RF power, DC bias power, chamber pressure, temperature, and etching time. For a selected etching chemistry, a parametric study has to be carried out and the process is usually optimized iteratively for best etching results. This etch was performed in the SAMCO Model 200iP Inductively-coupled Plasma (ICP) RIE system. The optimized etch parameters for heterostructures shown in Figure 3-2 are summarized in Table 3-5. Figure 3-8 shows SEM images of semiconductor pillars with different dimensions after a 2 minute etch. The drawn HSQ mask size is (from the left to the right) 20 nm, 40 nm and 200 nm, respectively. It can be seem from the middle pillar image that HSQ mask is still present, but the thickness was reduced from 50 nm to 20nm, resulting in a etch selectivity of 6. Prior to the RIE, an 02 plasma treatment was not applied. The etch selectivity is increased to 9 if the HSQ is hardened by a plasma. A 30 second buffered oxide etch (BOE) dip can be used to remove the HSQ. Parameter Value Gas C12 /BCl 3 /N 2 Flow Rate (sccm) Pressure (Pa) ICP Power (W) Bias Power (W) Temperature (0C) Etch Rate (nm/min) Etch Selectivity to HSQ Mask 0/4.5/15 0.2 20 160 220 90 6~9 (after 02 plasma treatment) Table 0-5. Optimized SAMCO ICP RIE parameters 56 From these images, a number of observations can be made. First, the sidewall profile was almost vertical, signaling good anisotropy. Second, the sidewall roughness was below the detection limit of the SEM, as evidenced by the 23 nm pillar in this figure. Third, a smooth surface (the unmasked region) was also maintained after the etching. Forth, a resolution down to 20 nm can be obtained by the optimized etching parameters. Fifth, although the etched semiconductor contained InGaAs, InAlAs and InP, judging by the etching depth, the etch profile was not material dependent. In the final heterostructure which contains InGaAs and InAlAs, the etching profile will not change, but the etch rate needs calibration. HSQri 210 nm 23 nim 180 nm 180 nm Figure 0-8. 150 tilted SEM images of semiconductor pillars with different sizes after a 2 minute etch following parameters given in Table 3-5. The drawn HSQ mask size was 20 nm, 40 nm, and 200 nm respectively (from the left to the right). In order to find the parameters given in Table 3-5 that can meet the requirements set by the device concept, an optimization process was carried out by identifying the key parametric dependences of the anisotropy and sidewall roughness. The temperature was kept at 220 0C throughout the study, because a good agreement on the temperature exists in the literature. Normally ICP power in SAMCO system is around 100W, which leads to an etch rate about 1 57 pm/min. For our purpose, it would be too fast because in that case only 15 seconds were needed, and therefore variations can be large. So the ICP power was lowered considerably down to 20 W, and the total etch time can be around 2 min. The ICP power was found not to affect the etching profile or sidewall roughness significantly. To achieve good anisotropy, it is clear from the previous discussions that the bias power, pressure, N 2 and Cl 2 flow rate need to be balanced carefully. The SEM images shown in Figure 3-8 illustrated such statement. The etching parameters for Figure 3-9 (a), (b) and (c) were shown in Table 3-6, from column 2 to 4. When the chamber pressure increased from 0.3 Pa in (a) to 0.67 Pa in (b), significant undercut was observed, because particle mean free path was shortened and therefore more chemical reactive species can travel laterally due to more frequent collisions. As a result, lateral etching was more pronounced. From (a) to (c), significant undercut was present when the N2 flow rate was reduced. The reduction of N2 flow resulted in less passivation of the sidewall, so the balance between passivation and lateral chemical etching was compromised. a C 149nm 330nm 1 pAM 16p 478 nm 740 nm- Figure 0-9. 150 tilted SEM images of semiconductor pillars etched with parameters specified in Table 3-6. The HSQ mask thickness was 90 nm for all three cases. 58 Parameter Gas Flow Rate (secm) Pressure (Pa) ICP Power (W) Bias Power (W) Temperature ( C) Etch Time (min) Values for (a) C12/BCl 3/N2 8.8/4.4/26.8 0.3 20 160 220 2 Values for (b) C12/BCl 3/N2 8.8/4.4/26.8 0.67 20 160 220 2 Values for (c) C12/BCl 3 /N 2 8.8/4.4/10 0.3 20 160 220 2 Table 0-6. SAMCO ICP RIE parameters for the etch results shown in Figure 3-9 (a), (b) and (C) One distinct feature from Figure 3-8 was the significant sidewall and surface roughness (or micromasking). To reduce the roughness and micromasking, a balanced removal rate of Group III and Group V elements are required. As discussed previously, InClx is harder to remove than other etching byproducts due to its low volatility, so Indium rich compounds were left on the surface/sidewall which caused the micromasking/roughness. So physical bombardment induced by heavy ions provided by BCl 3 should be enhanced with regard to chemical etching resulting from the chemical reactive species offered by Cl 2 . This is exactly what happened in Figure 3-10, where Cl 2 flow rate was reduced from 8.8 (on the left) to 0.5 scem (on the right). It can be seen that the micromasking problem was greatly improved. Other etching parameters were provided in Table 3-7. As only surface properties were needed, no hard mask was defined in this comparison. The etching was 15 seconds in both cases. Based upon these findings, further optimization was performed and the parameter set given in Table 3-5 were reached. 59 no micromasking micromasking Figure 0-10. 450 tilted.SEM images with regard to the top view of the semiconductor surface etched with parameters specified in Table 3-7. No hard mask was defined by EBL for both cases, since only surface properties were examined. Parameter Gas Flow Rate (sccm) Pressure (Pa) ICP Power (W) Bias Power (W) Temperature ("C) Etch Time (min) Values for the left image Cl2/BC 3/N2 8.8/4.4/26.8 0.3 20 160 220 2 Values for the right image C12 /BCl 3 /N 2 0.5/4.4/26.8 0.3 20 160 220 2 Table 0-7. SAMCO ICP RIE parameters for the etch results shown in Figure 3-9 Aside from the various parameters discussed above, there were several other considerations for this RIE process. Vacuum grease is often used between the carrier and the sample to create a good thermal contact that allows for better heat transfer between the sample and the heated wafer carrier. If vacuum grease is not applied, there will be large gaps between the substrate and the carrier, because neither of them is perfectly flat, meaning that they will only contact at a few points. One would expect the sample to take a very long time to reach thermal steady state with the carrier sits in a vacuum chamber. In the actual etching process, during the first 10 minutes 60 no RF power was applied, in order for the sample to reach a thermal steady state. Experimentally, etching was successful with this 10 minute wait period, even without the vacuum grease, suggesting that the sample was indeed heated up. Avoiding vacuum grease allowed for a cleaner process. A ceramic carrier was used to hold the InP substrate in the SAMCO system. Other researchers have found that a silicon carrier works for Cl 2 based III-V semiconductors. However, this was not the case in this study. BCl 3 plasma etches silicon and can sputter silicon elements onto the substrate, thus effectively passivating the surface by forming polymers. Figure 3-9 showed the etch result of a line structure following the process flow specified by Table 3-5, but with a 6 inch silicon carrier. The etch rate was found to decrease from 90 nm/minute to 22 nm/minute, and the sidewall profile was more sloped, suggesting excessive passivation. The size of the wafer to be etched was found to play a role in this RIE process as well. The etch rate for a 1 mm2 wafer was 90 nm/min, while that for a lcm2 wafer was 80 nm/min. Figure 0-11. 150 tilted SEM image of a semiconductor fin etched with a 30 nm wide HSQ line. The parameters for etching were given by Table 3-5. 61 CH 4/H2 chemistry was initially tested prior to the utilization of Cl 2 based chemistry. CH 4 /H2 chemistry is also commonly used in Indium contained compound semiconductors etch, as the byproducts are volatile even at room temperature [51]. Compared to Cl 2 based chemistry, CH 4/H2 gases offer slow etch rate (tens of nanometer per second) and smooth sidewall in general, which are beneficial for our purpose. However, we were not able to obtain a vertical sidewall profile by this chemistry available at the Plasmaquest system, which is an Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) Reactive Ion Etcher (RIE). The reason could be that a high pressure (> 1.5 Pa) is needed to maintain a stable plasma with the Plasmaquest system, so that a good anisotropy cannot be realized. Figure 3-11 showed the SEM images of a typical etch result, whose parameters were summarized in Table 3-8. As can be seen from Figure 3-12, a significant slope was present after the etching. Also note that the drawn HSQ size was 200 nm, but after the etching the mask size was reduced to 150 nm, meaning significant lateral mask erosion, which also degraded the slope. The fact that CH 4/H2 chemistry attacks HSQ aggressively resulted in the considerable lateral mask erosion, as well as a small etch selectivity of 2-3. Practically, the SAMCO system is more restricted in terms of materials and chemistries that can be used, and hence better reproducibility is obtained. Due to the above reasons, C12 based chemistry with SAMCO etcher was selected. Figure 0-12. 150 tilted SEM image of semiconductor pillars etched with HSQ dot of 200 nm in diameter. The parameters for etching were given by Table 3-8. 62 Value CH4/H2 9/40 16 200 200 25 27 3 Parameter Gas Flow Rate (seem) Pressure (mTorr) ECR Power (W) DC Bias (V) Temperature ('C) Etch Rate (nm/min) Etch Selectivity to HSQ Mask Table 0-8. Plasmaquest ECR RIE parameters for the etch results shown in Figure 3-12. 3.3.3 Digital Etch Standard wet chemical etching of Ill-V semiconductors occurs by oxidizing the semiconductor surface and etching the oxide. Typically this is achieved by submerging the semiconductors in a liquid mixture consisting of an oxidizing agent and an oxide etching agent. Therefore the oxidation and etching occur simultaneously, resulting in an etch depth dependent on the length of time that the semiconductor is exposed to the etchant. Digital etch separates the oxidation and oxide etching chemical reactions so that each reaction is independent of each other, and etching occurs by sequential application of the reactants [52, 53]. Because the oxidation chemical reaction is self-limiting, the etch depth is no longer dependent on the etch time, but is dependent on the number of etching cycles [53]. The etch depth during each cycle is rather insensitive to the time for oxidation or etching due to the self-limiting nature of the oxidation step. After the semiconductor RIE, there will be dry-etching damage to the sidewall, which is difficult to anneal in compound semiconductors [9, 54]. Digital etch serves the purpose of trying to remove the dry-etching damage by wet etching. Normal wet etching cannot be used because it will be difficult to control the etch depth down to a few nanometers in a reproducible manner. Another benefit of digital etching is to further reduce the diameter of the semiconductor pillar from sub-20 nm from the RIE process to sub-10 nm regime in a reproducible fashion. One requirement for the digital etching in this study was the ability to etch InGaAs and InAlAs in the superlattice region at a comparable depth per cycle to maintain a uniform pillar profile. 63 A typical cycle of digital etching used in this study is summarized in Table 3-9. A difference was made between "wet digital etching" and "dry digital etching". In the former case, a liquid oxidizing agent was used, which was usually 30% H2 0 2 . In a dry digital etching, oxygen plasma via Asher was utilized to oxide the semiconductor. The wet digital etching can remove semiconductor layers conformally for the same semiconductor material. But different etch depths per cycle for different materials can be anticipated, considering the fact that wet etching often etches different semiconductors at different rates. Figure 3-13 (left) shows a semiconductor pillar right after the RIE. Note that the heteostructure for this image is shown in Figure 3-14. The same semiconductor pillar after 8 cycles of wet digital etching using 30% H2 0 2 as the oxidant and 49% HF as the oxide etchant is shown in the right image. Note that HSQ hard mask and a 30 nm evaporated Molybdenum layer are on top of the heterostructure (which can be seen more clearly in the right image). The rest of the process followed the wet digital etching procedure described in Table 3-9. It was clear that the etch depth per cycle was different for different materials. The AlGaAs etched slower than InGaAs and GaAs. It is likely that the dry digital etching can solve this problem, because usually plasma is less sensitive to material compositions. Figure 3-15 (left) shows a semiconductor pillar right after the RIE, and the heterostructure is the same with Figure 3-2. The same semiconductor pillar after 7 cycles of dry digital etching using 10% H2 SO4 as the oxide etchant is shown in the right image. The process is the same as the dry digital etching shown in Table 3-9. The pillar after the digital etching is still uniform, confirming that the dry digital etching is not sensitive to material composition. Process steps Wet digital etching Dry digital etching Oxidation Oxidant dipping for 1Os Asher for 3 min, 800 W Cleaning 20 s DI water rinse, blow dry Oxide etching Oxide etchant dipping for 10s Oxide etchant dipping for 10s Cleaning 20 s DI water rinse, blow dry 20 s DI water rinse, blow dry Table 0-9. Digital etching process details. 64 543 nm 513 nm Figure 0-13. 150 tilted SEM image of semiconductor pillars with 30 nm Molybdenum layer evaporated onto the heterostructure shown in Figure 3-14. (left) immediately after RIE process (right) after 8 cycles of wet digital etching, with 30% H2 0 2 as the oxidant and 49% HF as the oxide etchant. A'AGaAs, 3 nm lon,Ga,, .,As, 15 n1m AloA2Gao,5sAs, 100 nm GaAs, 200nmri Figure 0-14. The heterostructure grown on GaAs substrate used for Figure 3-13. The drawn HSQ mask pattern size was 20 nm. Using this dry digital etching recipe, pillars with sub-10 nm diameter and an aspect ratio larger than 10 were fabricated. The footing during the semiconductor RIE process enhanced the mechanical stability. The etch depth per cycle was estimated to be 1 nm/cycle. 65 23 nm 135 n m 0 Figure 0-15. 150 tilted SEM image of semiconductor pillars with the heterostructure shown in Figure 3-2. (left) immediately after RIE process (right) after 7 cycles of dry digital etching, with 10% H 2 SO 4 as the oxide etchant. 3.3.4 Planarization In order to put the top contact and isolate the top contact metal from the gate metal, a planarization technology is needed. Spin-on glass (SOG) materials have been a mainstay as a low-k inter-metal dielectric with significant planarizing ability in semiconductor devices[55]. In this study, Hydrogen Silsesquioxane (HSQ) commercialized as FOx@ Flowable Oxide by Dow Coming was explored for the planarization purpose. The major different between this SOG HSQ and the HSQ used for EBL in section 3.3.1 was the spin thickness range. In fact, researchers have been using SOG HSQ in electron beam lithography [56]. After the ALD gate metal step, SOG HSQ will be spun on to cover the entire pillar and then etched back to the 66 desired thickness. Immediate after spin, HSQ is usually baked to let the resist flow and cured to enhance the uniformity and mechanical stability. As discussed in section 3.3.1, the curing process promotes cross-linking through thermal agitation, and usually takes place in inert atmosphere to avoid oxidation which will increase the dielectric constant. The etch back process can be performed through RIE with Fluorine based chemistry. Process Step Storage Process Details Refrigerate Fox-15 in a plastic container, at 5'C. (Glass container cannot be used) Resist spin Let the resist sit in the room temperature for half an hour to bring the resist to room temperature. Drop the resist by Polypropylene pipettes to cover the entire piece, spin at 4000 rpm for 1 min to a thickness of 350 nm using TRL-Spinner. Cure Immediately after spin, complete the melt and flow step by baking the sample in N2 environment at 150 0C, 200 0C, and 350 0C for 1 minute each. Cure the resist via baking the sample at 350 C for 1 hour, under N2 purged environment. Etch back Thickness measured on a dummy sample by FILMETRICS, and then the sample is etched by Plasmaquest for a certain amount of time. Etch back recipe: Plasmaquest, flow rate of CH 4/H 2 = 30/10 sccm, Pressure = 20 mTorr, DC bias: 1OV, ECR Power: 200W, Temperature: 25 0C, Etch rate= 30 nm/min. Table 0-10. SOG planarization process details A typical process flow for planarization with Fox-15 from Dow coming is summarized in Table 3-10. Figure 3-16 illustrated the planarization to a semiconductor fin. The SEM image on the right is a cross-sectional view, and the image on the right is tilted 150. From this figure, we can see that the process shown in Table 3-10 has a reasonable planarization effect with a starting HSQ thickness of 350 nm. The etched back process is able to stop right at the semiconductor interface. The key to this fabrication step is a reliable way to accurately measure the cured HSQ thickness. FILMETRICS based on reflectance method is used to measure the film thickness 67 using the calibrated refractive index. We are currently trying to demonstrate this process with pillars of sub-10 nm diameter. SOG 200 nmn Semiconductor Figure 0-16. (left) Cross-section SEM image after planarization process described in Table 310 was applied to a semiconductor fin (right) 150 tilted SEM image of the same position. 3.4 Summary In summary, the key fabrication technologies including electron beam lithography, reactive ion etching, digital etching and planarization for SLS nanowire FET have been developed. Semiconductor pillars with sub-10 nm diameter, an aspect ratio larger than 10, nearly vertical and smooth sidewalls have been demonstrated. The idea for a suitable gate technology was proposed and experimental effort is ongoing. 68 Chapter 4 Conclusions and Suggestions In this thesis, we devote our efforts towards the analysis and demonstration of the superlatticesource nanowire FET. The device concept was introduced and various device design issues were identified and discussed. Key technologies have been developed to fabricate sub-10 nm nanowire pillars. In this chapter, key findings are summarized and suggestions for future work are provided. 4.1 Summary The central idea of the SLS-FET is to engineer the carrier density of states. The conventional 60 mV/dec in a MOSFET is caused by the high energy tail of the carriers at the source. If the DOS can be engineered in a way that it can be cut off at some energy, the turn-on at this cut-off point will be infinitely sharp in the ideal case. It is well know that a superlattice exhibits minibands and minigaps in its band structure. The exponential decaying DOS at the edge of a miniband will sharpen the subthreshold regime in a conventional MOSFET when the superlattice is inserted between the source and the channel. Simulations performed by Gnani et al. showed that an InGaAs/InAlAs superlattice can offer respectable performance when incorporated as part of the source. In this thesis, quantum simulations of the superlattice band structure have been performed and good agreement was achieved with literature results. When lateral confinement is applied transversal to the growth direction by means of nanowire superlattice, subbands will form in addition to minibands. Our simulations including such effects predict that in order to have single subband conduction, the diameter of the nanowire has to be below 10 nm. This is the target of our experimental work. The device architecture pursued in this work is a vertical transistor with a superlattice inserted between the channel and the source. A wrap-around-gate is formed by ALD to control the channel potential. The number of periods of the superlattice affects the sharpness of the miniband edge. An analytical expression of the subthreshold swing was derived incorporating 69 the effect of non-ideal band edges induced by the finite periods of the superlattice. We found good agreement of our calculations with the simulated subthreshold swing by Gnani et al. validating our modeling environment. The superlattice region needs to be heavily doped to avoid the capacitive coupling with the gate. Non-idealities such as phonon and doping induced band edges as well as dielectric/semiconductor interface traps were discussed. We designed a process flow to fabricate III-V nanowire MOSFET. The key fabrication steps include electron-beam lithography, reactive ion etching, digital etching, planarization and a gate technology. We have developed several aspect of this process and demonstrated the capability of fabricating sub-10 nm semiconductor pillars in InP material system through EBL, RIE and digital etch. A planarization and etch back scheme via spin-on glass material is under development. A gate technology based on ALD gate metal (WN) and dielectric (A12 0 3/HfO2) is being investigated. 4.2 Suggestions 4.2.1 Ongoing Research Efforts The demonstration of SLS nanowire FETs requires further research endeavor. Following the work in this thesis, current research efforts have been focused on the following aspects: e As the essence of this device concept is to engineer the DOS through a superlattice, it would be useful to experimentally probe its energy filtering capability. To this regard, the spectral characteristics of electron transport along the growth direction of the superlattice have to be studied. Ballistic electron emission microscopy (BEEM) is being investigated, where a STM serves the purpose of injecting electrons with different energies into the superlattice. The fabrication technology for this measurement was already developed in this thesis and a heterostructure has been designed. We are now designing the BEEM experimental setup. e For SLS nanowire FETs to be fabricated, a gate technology has to be in place, which includes the ALD gate metal (WN) and gate dielectric (A12 0 3/HfO2 ) deposition, and relevant etching techniques. Ideally, three etching recipes are required: a selective etch 70 of HSQ over WN, a selective etch of WN over HSQ and gate dielectric, and a selective etch of gate dielectric over HSQ. RIE with CH 4/H2 chemistry can be used for the first etch. NH 40H/H20 2/H20 only attacks WN. A selective etch of gate dielectric over HSQ is still to be developed. HF based solution is commonly used to etch high-k dielectric such as A12 0 3 . However, HF based solution attacks HSQ aggressively. For example, the etch rate of HSQ in 1:100 BOE is still around 240 nm/min, which is too fast to control. 4.2.2 Suggestions for future research The work in this thesis is the first step toward SLS nanowire FETs. To exploit the potential of this device concept, different research directions can be pursued, including: e The simulations performed by Gnani et al. assumed ballistic transport. In reality, various scattering mechanisms including phonons can be very important, and even dominant in some cases [57]. It would be meaningful to develop and incorporate proper models for scattering that can be incorporated into our simulation environment. " As discussed in Chapter 2, heavy doping can result in significant band edges by introducing dopants and random potentials, which can degrade the subthreshold swing. A proper model to describe these effects is worthwhile to investigate. Experiments to identify the effect of doping on the band edges should also be conducted. * In contrast with the top down method in this work, a bottom up approach can also be utilized to fabricate the semiconductor pillars that incorporate the superlattice. Impressive III-V nanowire superlattice growth has already been demonstrated [58]. " In this work, the gate dielectric will be deposited directly on the surface of InGaAs. To address the issue of dielectric interface, a thin InP layer can be regrown after the pillar RIE process, acting as a cap. 71 72 Bibliography 1. G. K. 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