AL K * MIGRATION AND DEVELOPMENT STUDY GROUP Jagdish M. Bhagwati Nazli Choucri Wayne A. Cornelius John R. Harris Michael J. Piore Rosemarie S. Rogers Myron Weiner U C/76-4 WHO, HOW, AND WHY: RURAL MIGRATION TO LIMA Henry Dietz Department of Government University of Texas Migration and Development Study Group Center for International Studies Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 April 1976 i...e--e.w:.e-- e--'- -,rkh-mir.*ns7 -,:r:'6,r-74W1.,. .0'rg.. ',s,.;'-.1-S -- "- .'--*'.-- s,- -- -- - , ---.-. -M-.---.--a .-. -- -- :---.,--..''..... ... - TABLE OF CONTENTS Page List of Tables INTRODUCTION iii 1 WHO MIGRATES TO LIMA? 10 WHAT HAPPENS IN THE CITY? 26 CONCLUSION 38 LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1 Origin of Sample: Provincial Development 12 2 Origin of Sample: Size of Place of Socialization 13 3 Job Classifications of Migration 4 Sample During Rural-Lima 24 The Migration Sequence Within Lima -iii- 30 WHO, HOW, AND WHY: RURAL MIGRATION TO LIMA' INTRODUCTION Since the end of World War II, Peru--along with almost every other country in Latin America and experienced a fundamental and massive population, inspired by the Third World--has redistribution of its the spread of new means and networks of communications into hitherto isolated regions. Hector Martinez, a long-time observer and student of internal migration in Peru, identifies a number of migration patterns within country. Divided as Peru is into geographic Martinez within, zones--the coast, the three separate and distinct sierra, and the jungle-- describes six migratory patterns in terms from, and to these three zones. inter-Andean; the other three of movements Three of the major currents of migration are labeled sierra-coastal, and the inter-coastal, flow toward principal mining centers, toward the jungle, and toward Lima. 2 In addition, Martinez develops patterns: a typology of five migration cyclical, where individuals may leave their places 1Funds for this research were made available through a grant for a year's work in Peru from the Foreign Area Fellowship Program and from the Center for Research on International Studies at Stanford University. This assistance is gratefully acknowledged. 2 o Hector Martinez' most recent and complete work is Las migraciones internas en el Peru (Caracas: Monte Avila Editores, 1968). See also Martinez, "Las migraciones internas en el Peru," Aportes, 10 (1968), pp. 136-160. -2- of origin to participate in harvesting or other agricultural activities; permanent, are in which returns only brief, and where no permanent stantial amounts of between nomadic, where, families will "home"; points of for example, follow harvests, but will have staged, where individuals may pass sub- time residing in two, three, or more places their points of origin and their eventual (see below, pp. 21-23); and direct, where an two basic descriptive destination individuai, with a distinct destination in mind, moves in a single these origin the individual becomes a full-time resident of a new location; individuals and/or to step. Given variables--geographic patterns and movement types--a complete accounting of internal migration in Peru would involve research into a minimum of distinct migratory phenomena. however, detailed possibilities, and some 30 As might be rightly concluded, investigation exists on only a few of the gaps far exceed our knowledge these of the subject.4 3 /- Martinez, 4 "Las migraciones internas en el Peru," pp. 167-191. The following include a selection of works which deal with the Peruvian situation: Jose Matos Mar, Estudio de las barriadas limenas (Lima: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 1966); Matos Mar, Urbanizacion y barriadas en America del Sur (Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 1968); Direccion Nacional de Estadistica y Censos, Encuesta de Inmigracio'n de Lima Metropolitana (Lima: Ministerio de facienda, 1966 ff., 3 volumes); J. Oscar Alers and Richard Appelbaum, "La migracion en el Peru: un inventario de proposiciones" (Lima: Centro de Estudios de Poblacion y Desarrollo, Estudios de Poblacio'n y Desarrollo, 1:4 [1968]); Julio Cotler and Aprodicio Laquian, -34 (cont.) "Lima," in Aprodicio Laquian (ed.), Rural Urban Migrants and INTERMET, 1971), pp. 111Metropolitan Development (Toronto: 133; Mario Vazquez and Henry Dobyns, Migracion e Integracio'n en el Peru (Lima: Instituto de Estudios Andinos, 1963); various unpublished manuscripts presented at Primer Seminario sobre Migracion Interna en el Peru (Lima: Centro de Estudios de Poblacidn y Desarrollo, November 25-28, 1970); William Mangin, "Sociological, cultural and political characteristics of some urban migrants in Peru" (unpublished manuscript, 1964 [?J); Rodrigo Montoya Rojas, "La migracion interna en el Peru: un caso concreto, " America Latina, 10:4 (1967), pp. 83-108; Oscar Valdivia Ponce, Migracidn interna a la metropoli (Lima: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 1970). The general literature on migration is vast and expanding. G. Beijer, Some of the more recent works include the following: Rural Migrants in Urban Settings (The Hague: Martinus Nijoff, 1963); Eugene Brody (ed.), Behavior in New Environments: Adaptation of Migrant Populations (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1970); Melvin Goldscheider, Population, Modernization, and Social Structure (Boston: Little, Brown, 1971); Clifford Jansen (ed.), Readings in the Sociology of Migration (London: Pergamon Press, 1970); Herbert Karp and K. Dennis Kelly, Toward an Ecological Analysis of Intermetropolitan Migration (Chicago: A Guide Markham, 1971); and J. Mangalam, Human Migration: to Migration Literature in English, 1955-1962 (Lexington, Ky.: University of Kentucky Press, 1968). The literature on urban development in Latin America has seemingly grown exponentially in the past several years. The most recent bibliographical works include Denton Vaughn, A Working Urbanization in Twentieth Century Latin America: Institute of Latin American Bibliography (Austin, Tex.: Studies, Population Research Center, University of Texas at Austin, 1969); Richard Morse, "Trends and Issues in Latin American Urban Research, 1965-1970 (Parts I and II), " Latin 1 and 2 (Spring and Summer, American Research Review, VI: 1971), pp. 3-52 and 19-75); Anthony Leeds, A Bibliography of Urban Settlement Types in Latin America (Austin, Tex.: Department of Anthropology, forthcoming from the Center for Latin American Studies, UCLA); Richard Morse, "Recent Research A Selective Survey with on Latin American Urbanization: Commentary," Latin American Research Review, I:1 (1965), pp. 35-74; Wayne Cornelius, "The Political Sociology of CityToward Empirical Theory" ward Migration in Latin America: in Francine Rabinowitz and Felicity Trueblood (eds.), Latin American Urban Research, Volume I (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1970), pp. 95-147; Martin Sable, Latin A Guide to Literature, Organization, American Urbanization: Scarecrow Press, 1970). and Personnel (Metuchen, N.J.: -4- However, certain of these patterns and types a considerable amount of research. Chief among these broad area of rural-urban migration; within that the movement of migrants into Lima has inquiry than any other. The have produced is the general problem, generated perhaps more reasons for such a focus emerge quickly from a few data which demonstrate the overwhelming dominance of Lima as an attraction for migrants throughout Peru. Ever since its founding in 1532, preeminent also place in Peru in terms of its physical its importance in national life. capital of Lima has occupied a the country; Lima Not only pull.5 the entire nation, and as The 1961 Census 47% migrant in origin. moreover, suggests 5 is it is also the political, economic, cultural, and administrative seat direction for size and the social, of power and such exerts an enormous revealed that Metropolitan Lima was The size of the migration flow, the impact which provincial-origin migration Census figures report a very high concentration of commercial, industrial, and financial activities in Lima: some 67% of the industrial labor force, 44% of the service sector, and 53% of the commercially employed reside in Lima; 60% of the industrial production, 98% of the financial transactions, 65% of the income from the retail business sector, and 73% of the income from See Carlos Delgado, "Three industries are generated in Lima. The Lima Proposals Regarding Accelerated Urbanization Problems: Case," in John Miller and Ralph Gakenheimer (eds.), Latin American Urban Policies and the Social Sciences (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1971); see also Sherman Lewis, Urban Government for Metropolitan Lima (New York: Praeger, 1970). -5- has had upon the city. At the outbreak of World War II Lima had a population of slightly more had grown to 1.1 million; by 1961, to the population of Lima exceeded population of 13 million). than 500,000. By 1.7 million; 3 million6 And of this 1958 it and by 1972 (among a total increase across time it has been estimated that at least half is due to the migratory influx. In discussing rural-urban, Lima-directed migration it has become almost impossible in recent years not to mention the most obvious and spectacular manifestation of this into city, the the squatter settlements, referred to past as barriadas and now labeled pueblos translated as young or incipient towns. have of the adult heads of 80% origin; the pueblos jovenes in the jovenes-, roughly All studies that taken these settlements as their focus imately input agree that approx- families are non-Lima in therefore provide a reasonably 6 Sources for these figures include Adolfo Cordova, La Vivienda Comision para la Reforma Agraria y la Vivienda, en el Peru (Lima: 1958); Fondo Nacional de Salud y Bienestar Social, Barriadas Ministerio de Salud Publica y de Lima Metropolitana (Lima: Asistencia Social, 1960); and Informe Preliminar del Censo Oficina Nacional de Desarrollo de Pueblos Jovenes, 1970 (Lima: 1971). See also David Collier, Squatter Settlements and the Incorporation of Migrants Into Urban Life: The Case of Lima (C/76-3)(Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Migration and Development Study Group, Center for International Studies, 1976), footnotes 2 and 3. -6- discrete, accessible, and homogeneous site for investigating 7 It should be pointed migrants of rural origin in the city. out here that selecting squatter settlements has one terms of discussing migrants drawback in that not all migrants become squatters. migrants. But the questions of which squatters, of what differentiates significant in Lima, namely, Nor are all squatters individuals become them from the nonsquatter, and of how and why this selectivity occurs, are for the present unanswered. Potential topics for research which can be developed concerning the nature and consequences of migration into Lima are limited only by the do the migrants come city into 7 from? Where Do people move directly to the the squatter settlements, or do other patterns predominate? apart imagination of the observer. What sorts of moves occur within from such purely demographic concerns, the city? And questions multiply Homogeneity here should be understood to apply to the squatter settlements in terms of the proportion of adult individuals in the communities who are of migrant (i.e., non-Lima) origin. As has been pointed out, the pueblos jovenes of Lima and of every other city vary enormously along a whole range of dimenSee Anthony Leeds, "The Significant Variables Determining sions. the Character of Squatter Settlements," America Latina, XII:3 The 80% figure for adult 1969), pp. 44-86. (July-September squatters has been reported in Cotler and Laquian, "Lima," where 76.6% of a migrant sample are reported to have come to See also Ernesto Paredes, "Fuentes de Lima in a single step. la poblacion de la barriada Fray Martin de Porras" in Vazquez were and Dobyns, Migracion e Integracion, where 89% of the adults barriadas, y Urbanizacion Mar, Matos from outside of Lima. reveals that a 1956 census of the barriadas of Lima showed that 89% of the heads of families were of provincial origin. -7as social, on economic, psychological, and political perspectives the migration flow begin to the nature of city? the adaptive process of To what extent is psychological assume importance. What is the migrants within the the move accompanied by socio- readjustments or breakdowns? input of very large numbers What does this of job seekers mean for the labor market? All of these the migrants questions, in the pueblos researchers has of course, can be applied to jovenes. also acted to produce literature dealing exclusively with munities and their the city of Lima. influences the motives This is not to the beginnings the nature of these com- imply and on that full answers listed above. Studies for making such a move, are exist but quantitative data, and the intra-Lima shifts this research either presents or derives from case studies. The latter's richness of detail cannot, the representativeness required for generalization.8 8 of a some idea of the sequences of migration to Lima, which the new arrivals make; insufficient their interest to on their inhabitants available to the many questions which give us But unfortunately, supply Almost Some case studies available are Henry Dietz, "Urban Squatter A Case Study and Analysis," Journal of Settlements in Peru: Inter-American Studies, XI:3 (July 1969), pp. 353-370; William Mangin, "Urbanization Case History in Peru," Architectural Design XXIII:8 (1963), pp. 366-370. -8- no large-scale empirical of providing studies have been directed to the task detailed information concerning the stages of migration into Lima, and even fewer have offered hard data to clarify the various stages which occur once the arrives individual in the city. The findings presented here constitute a segment of a larger study undertaken in Lima during 1970-1971, which on the phenomenon of development rural-Lima migration, the of the squatter settlements, focuses creation and and the concomitant problems of political adjustment and assimilation within the city. A basic has been to produce a series of detailed individual migration histories well as aim of the study since its inception, however, dealing with the sequence of moves within Lima as the movement from the survey was administered to rural areas. (i.e., massive invasion, sponsorship), 9 land), the manner of incremental growth, and past and present of the community.9 in among them were size, geographic peculiarities being on a hillside or flat a Various criteria determined the selection of the settlements: the city, these ends 422 male heads of households five pueblos jovenes of Lima. location within To age, (e.g., formation government organizational structure Each respondent was classified as a migrant Typologies of urban settlement types in Lima are found in Delgado, "Three Proposals Regarding Accelerated Urbanization Problems"; Orlando Llontop S., "Tipologia de los asentamientos no controlados" (Lima, mimeo, n.d.); see also the typology developed by the Junta Nacional de la Vivienda (Lima, n.d.) -9- a nonmigrant, with a migrant being defined as any individual or who spent most of his or her first 15 years of life outside the metropolitan limits of greater Lima. 80% of the total sample corresponds with other settlements.10 (N=333) is migrant, a figure which studies Throughout to the migrants or to to this Using this definition, carried out in the squatter the remaining discussion, references the migrant portion of the sample refer figure. 9 (cont.) which classifies the squatter communities of Lima according to open space, regularity of layout, topography of the site, and the materials used in the construction of the housing. See also Collier, Squatter Settlements and the Incorporation of Migrants Into Urban Life, for some further analysis of the effects of this type of dwelling environment upon the inhabitants. 10 See Footnote 7, above. -10- WHO MIGRATES TO LIMA? Who are the people who migrate? they come from almost all parts departments in of the country; sample resembles the coast came to 31%, while is more basic environment the of the migrants in far south and the jungle Geographically than 8%.12 the distribution that other studies of the migrants; the jungle added a mere 4%. distributions have some demographic interest, to the aims of the study or situation in which department in Peru is to inquire into the the individual was born and brought up--in a word, where he was llA 24 (not including those people born in metropolitan While these it the come from the central and south- The sierra region sent 66% have revealed. Lima) 70% together contributed less the migrant 22 of with no other department contributing over (12%), central areas areas of the country; The highest percentage originated Regionally, almost 10%. first place, in Peru appear among the birthplaces the sample.11 Ayacucho In the socialized. That is, the equivalent of a state in the United States. 12 North-Regionally, the country was divided as follows: Tumbes, Piura, Cajamarca, Lambayeque, La Libertad; Jungle-Amazonas, San Martin, Loreto, Madre de Dios; Central--Ancash, Huanuco, Pasco, Junin, Lima; South-central--Huancavelica, Ica, Ayacucho, Cuzco, Apurimac; South-- Arequipa, Puno, Moquegua, Tacna. -11- since one fundamental thrust of the research focuses upon migrants and adaptation, an important identification and description of task involves the the place of origin or of socialization. Early in the investigation we determined that tain simply the department insufficient covers ments to of origin for the purposes of of the migrant would be the study. a good deal of territory and includes that range from the smallest, most (in almost all departments) cities of we were careful to precise fashion. Thus, if an individual of Arequipa, not much department includes learn that he is of origin, rural settlements some size. Therefore, is known to have come is actually revealed city in the isolated rural villages. from the province of Camana is to know a good deal more since province is living environ- the second largest country as well as many small and However, to A department establish the place of origin in a more from the department since that to ascer- the largest settlement slightly over 7,000. therefore, allows us Establishing to in that the province characterize the individual's background with considerably more certainty, whereas merely knowing the department of origin does not permit such a gener- alization. The provincial origin data agree nicely with work done by John Cole, who abstracted data from the 1961 Peruvian national census and performed a factor analysis. The first dimension or factor he identified was labeled a "Development -12- Table 1 ORIGIN OF Developmental Level Upper (31 provinces) (33 provinces) Middle-lower Lower of Province a (12 provinces) Middle-upper Middle SAMPLE: PROVINCIAL DEVELOPMENT (24 (42 provinces) provinces) Lima-Callao Percentage of Sample (%) 10 (N: 41) 20 (N: 82) 18 (N: 75) 21 (N:86) 10 (N:41) 21 (N:87) 100 aThe variables (N:422) included in the "Development Factor" include the following: the percentages in each province who hold white-collar jobs, who hold the voting franchise, who are literate, who work agriculturally, who live in urban settings, who work in commerce and services, who are manual workers, who are Spanish speaking, who consume cocoa, who are employed Also as domestics, who do not vote, and who wear shoes. included are the percentage of migrants living within the Variable loadings province and the altitude of the province. range from 0.92 to 0.41. -13- Factor," some 14 variables which have loadings and includes ranging from 0.92 to 0.41. He then produced a ranking of all ranging from the provinces of Peru, with numerical scores 420 (for Lima) to -136 (for Acombama, in the department of Huancavelica). results clearly indicate that migration from outside The flows Lima-Callao provincial range of Peruvian from the large middle settings. The highest and lowest ranks come from the cisely equal percentages to Lima, while 80% middle of the development distribution. An equally important datum concerns the place of send pre- origin. As shown in Table 2, Table ORIGIN OF SAMPLE: 72% size of the of the total 2 SIZE OF PLACE OF SOCIALIZATION Size of Place of Socialization Percentage of Sample (%) Under 2,500 49 (N:163) 2500-10,000 23 (N:77) 10,001-25,000 14 (N:48) 25,001-50,000 5 (N:17) 50,001-100,000 5 (N:15) Over 100 ,0 00 a 4 100 aDoes not include Lima natives. (N:13) N:333 -14- sample grew up half of the 2,500. in settlements of less than 10,000, with almost sample having come from villages of less Not including the native-born Limenos, less than than a quarter of the migrant sample was socialized in environments of over 10,000. In other words, the migrants are very largely those people who grow up in small settlements, the Leedses have pointed out)14 it assumed that such settings migrant had no previous to and while cannot automatically be are exclusively rural or that appear that the migrants have very environment. seldom had prolonged exposure to any major urban no the migrant portion of the sample, time at all in any of the six largest These conclusions the occupational fathers. the contact with any urban setting prior coming to Lima, it does Indeed, of (as 79% cities had spent in the country. receive further support by comparing ranking of the migrants with that of their Fifty-seven percent of those who were employed before coming to Lima worked either as small independent farmers or as landless agricultural laborers prior to their arrival in the city; over 60% 1 4 reported that their fathers had See Anthony Leeds and Elizabeth Leeds, "Brazil and the Urban Experience, Work, and Values Myth of Urban Rurality: in 'Squatments' of Rio de Janeiro and Lima," in Arthur J. Field (ed.), City and Country in the Third World: Issues in the Modernization of Latin America (Cambridge, Mass.: Schenkman, 1970), pp. 229-2857 -15- maintained appears similar employment for most of that agricultural a majority of the migrants their lives. settings. places of origin of the migrants, we can now turn to themselves: who the to the they are, when and why they come Lima, and under what conditions they move. As noted, more than 60% come from settlements with a population of under 10,000. When asked to describe these places, they were from small villages and 41% medium-sized towns, said that while 28% either a small or large city remainder (less than 1%) haciendas or (20% exactly (51% 24% they had come from and 8%, When asked center of downtown, 49% answered that that they were from respectively). described their places in other ways. downtown or outside the almost it come from rural and Provided with this basic information concerning individuals Thus The of origin as if they had lived town, the answers were split outside). As has been suggested earlier, the migrants arrive in Lima at a fairly early age. the city before the the ages of be 15 and Over 80% age of 24; with 24 and 23% of the sample arrived in almost 60% coming before coming between age 15. As might expected from these figures, many of the migrants without completing their education. Slightly less third ever progressed beyond primary school, beyond secondary training. of their The left school than a and only 5% went large majority received all education outside of Lima. 79% of the migrants had -16- no formal education within the city; Lima, and 8% 12% had some schooling in received all of their education in the capital. A more basic question in many respects than place of origin is why and under what this question has factors. conditions people However, our investigation often revealed the difdichotomy can possess. instance, a respondent may answer "a need reason for his coming to the city. be as clear-cut as it appears tunity But for work" as may help to if the individual has the oppor- five quick sketches create a fuller picture of the motives Rojas left 19 with his wife some ten years in ments) San Juan, and small Ica, son. callejones for which at the age of He lived for (alleyway tene- in downtown Lima before moving to a set- tlement along the bank of the Rimac River, where he has his own house. He left San Juan where he had worked as a laborer for the owner of an hacienda because "the owner was going to land where I worked, and family I didn't have to Lima." By way of migration case histories migration occurs. Alvaro the this motive may not to explain the circumstances of his migration. of illustration, Frequently been posed in terms of "push" and "pull" ficulty and undesirable rigidity which this For left. sell the since I had a son and any other choice but to come -17- Oscar Huamani has been in Lima for 14 years. came from Ayacucho to the city and He lived in La Victoria near the downtown wholesale market for seven years; he worked unloading trucks of produce, and lived in a callejon in the area known as Porvenir. Seven years ago he and his family were members of the original invasion group pied land south of the city. He that occu- came to Lima because "I wanted to see if all the good things they were saying about Lima were true; besides, have any work and my I didn't father encouraged me to go to Lima and see what I could make of myself here." Miguel Fernandez grew up in Andaray, a small mining town of a few hundred people in Arequipa. when he was quillo, the 20 and moved to a callejon in Sur- a lower-class area, where He left district outside the downtown he lived for three years before invading same site as Oscar Huamani. an independent He works now as taxi driver, drawing on his work in Andaray, where he had been a truck driver for the mining company. at the mine; He was "since I had children by that and since I couldn't work at I came to injured in an accident Lima because of the mine time, any more, the facilities that are -18- here for my children to grow up in, and to go to school." Sometimes the migration paths to the city are more complex. Arturo Jimenez was born in the mining- smelting center of La Oroya, where Pasco Corporation employed his moved to the city of was three years 15 years to do old; the Cerro de father. The family Cerro de Pasco when Arturo he returned to his birthplace later with two friends "because we wanted something different and see something new." He was successful; he was drafted into the Army and spent two years stationed in Pucallpa, a booming and still somewhat primitive jungle town of 50,000 people on the Ucayali River. Lima when he was "I didn't want He came to mustered out and decided to stay: to go back to La Oroya or Cerro de Pasco, and I had a chance to enroll at SENATI vocational a job then training school]." His [a training got him first at a naval maintenance station and at a United States he works as a technical supervisor. And finally, times be steel company office where life in a small sierra village can simply too grim for some people. at Agusto Sanchez Melindez was born and raised in Pomacocha, -19in Acobamba, Huancavelica by Cole; teacher see p. 6). His in Pomacocha, but (the province ranked last father had been the school Agusto as a peon on an hacienda. He started work early left for Lima in his early twenties and came directly to where he presently lives--the foot of a hillside settlement located near the downtown area. He works as a cook in one of Lima's many Chinese restaurants. "There is a lot more work in Lima; besides, in my on foot to reach home town I had to walk six days Acobamba [the provincial capital of 6,000 people]." A single-answer response, while perhaps indicating one basic reason for the move frequently, such as or to Lima, inadequate and oversimplifed. a bad home environment "pull" factors, such as look for adventure, account The major work, to simply into 15 "get Clear "push" factors, or displacement from the land, the military or a desire for only 14% response categories--to ically one should be understood to be, look for work or for better ahead"--cannot dichotomy. see Lima or or so of total responses. be classified as or the other, and probably should not be the "push-pull" to specifforced 1 5 Janice E. Perlman's report on the favelado draws the same conclusion. See Perlman, Portrait of the People: Migrants to Rio de Janeiro (C/75-25) (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Migration and Development Study Group, Center for International Studies, 1975). -20- Closely related to reasons for leaving are the manners and ways in which individual migrants left their places of origin. Some said that latter 54% reported that they left alone, while 40% they traveled with members of the family. response includes both those who had established their own families before moving to Lima and those arriving at the decision to move, 69% decision by themselves or in any way members reported Insofar as site other than Lima; thought about moving felt that forced to leave. of Some 8% of the migrants considered moving to another thirds had this small percentage two to another major city, largely because they would have better chances there their hometowns. than in They abandoned the idea of moving to these however, and came other places, that they made the and had not been sent by other family they had at one time that said coming people who, at an early age, were brought by their parents. they This to Lima, generally because they felt that Lima would offer better opportunities, especially insofar as job sample, less selection was And of the their migration to acquainted with Lima for permanently to the city. the first the city; so by himself; The migrant, therefore, and arrival in Lima represents, substantial majority, the first contact urban setting. 78% became time when they moved city by himself, after having made the with a major total than a quarter had ever visited Lima on any occasion previous to to the concerned. tends to come decision to do for the very the individual has had -21- All of this, of however, does not tell the the migration process, or of perform key roles. complete story the various persons who may Large numbers of people may make the decision to migrate alone and may travel unaccompanied, but the matter of assistance and of individual that the to Lima they were the city. Of family members preceding the requires examination. first member of Some 44% their city stated to come to had been preceded by their father or mother. had had a brother or sister who came to Lima prior to own arrival, and 27% (a cousin, uncle, extended family). reported that About other member of the half of the migrants of the sample their predecessors 28% gave them some sort of assis- said they had received letters them to make the move; encouraging assistance had had another relative in the godparent, or some tance in making the move: 23% said they had received in one form or another in arranging reported that and 14% their family the remaining 55%, 28% (or in some cases accompanied by) Some 45% a relative had were given the trip; 19% sent them money for the move; room or board when they first arrived in Lima. The plans to an immediate and extended family structure, therefore, important role in weighing the decision to move or remain in the place of origin. Having a family member already in Lima--a close relative who can offer assistance in making the move and a place to live crucial in the city--may be a (if unrealized) determinant in reaching the decision -22to migrate. When asked specifically if assistance of any sort had been given after arrival, 55% received aid from parents, number, 87% relatives, few reported aid or assistance in obtaining a job. to be highly temporary Examination of reveals the various that the individual household. processes, that or paisanos. they had Of this had been given housing or meals or both, while the remaining seems replied However, before in the form of loans, gifts, Such assistance, however, (see the discussion below). stages of migration within the soon establishes city an independent looking at the within-city migration the question of whether or not a clear "staged" migration occurs can now be answered more completely. Walter Harris migration summarizes the traditional concept of staged succinctly: The general case for rural-urban migration throughout Latin America also holds for Peru. The migration trend is generally from the rural mountain areas to important towns in the larger valleys of the Andes, from these to the coastal region, and finally to Lima....But whereas Arequipa, Trujillo and the other secondary urban centers on the coast often represent intermediary stopping-off places in the migration process, Lima represents the end of the chain. In this sense, it is possible to infer that most migrants to Lima have already become urban dwellers, prior to their arrival there.16 16 Walter D. Harris, The Growth of Latin American Cities (Athens, Ohio: The Ohio University Press, 1971), pp. 102-103. -23- The data do not support span of a of single generation. Lima, Lima from their place of another 18% made but a single stop on the way. only 12% 70% In the first place, almost the sample moved directly to origin; least within the such a sequence--at Therefore, made two stops or more between their birthplace and and the great majority of these were farm laborers who moved from hacienda to hacienda in search of work. A clearly defined small-rural/larger-rural/small coastal/Lima pattern simply does not of emerge from the sample or other studies. 1 Furthermore, from the reports 7 there is little evidence that of moves show any sort who do in fact make a series ingful occupational improvement by their move to Lima--a the staged migration pattern, if in fact some of the Any individual asked about occupations at each rankings at each site classifications (see Table 3) remain almost sort of urbanizing in the migrant portion sample who did make intermediate moves Lima was of mean- description of possibility which might be expected from the process did occur. those people on the way site. demonstrate constant, and to Briefly, job that occupational that among the 17Morse classifies the inner-city adjustment period as a form of staged migration, drawing on Mangin's work; however, Morse clearly distinguishes this sequence from the sort of pattern See Richard Morse, "Trends and Issues in Harris proposes. Research, 1965-1970 (Part I)," Latin Urban American Latin VI: 1 (Spring 1971), p. 22. Review, Research American -24Table 3 JOB CLASSIFICATIONS OF SAMPLE DURING RURAL-LIMA MIGRATION JOB CLASSIFICATION Lower Manuala Upper Manualb Birthsite (N:333) 41.6 10.7 First site (N:106) 63.2 16.0 Second site (N:39) 69.2 12.8 Third site (N:13) 61.5 23.1 Fourth (N:6) 83.3 -- [Migration Stages to Lima site aLower manual: Lower Nonmanual C Upper Nonmanual 0.6 47.1 - 20.8 2.6 1 nactive e 12.8 2.6 7.7 7.7 16.7 unskilled workers, street vendors, agricultural laborers, tenant farmers, sharecroppers, subsistence farmers, soldiers, policemen, etc. bUpper manual: skilled workers and craftsmen, vehicle operators, small retail merchants, salesmen in grocery stores, small commercial farm owners, etc. cLower nonmanual: office workers, sales agents, sales clerks, supervisors and foremen, farmowners and managers of medium and large-size farms, etc. dUpper nonmanual: professionals, technicians and semiprofessionals, managers, executives, employers in nonfarm business and industry, etc. eInactive: retired, too old to work; too young to work, student. -25- stops, vertical very few individuals who make several occupational mobility does not appear. surprising when it is noted that the not generally of long duration: years at any given site between place To answer the questions, and how?", " 83% This finding is not intermediate stages are spend less than four of origin and Lima. therefore, of "Who migrates it is: the young, generally under 25, who have been educated outside of Lima; " the inhabitants of small villages and towns of under 10,000 * in the central and south-central boys and men who have worked, regions of Peru; and whose fathers have worked, in small subsistence agriculture, and who have not 0 visited Lima previously; individuals whose childhoods have been spent in the large middle range of Peruvian provincial environments; 0 people who make the decision to move largely independent of * family members, and people who and who move directly to Lima; depend upon and receive considerable assistance from family members, both in making and in settling into the city upon arrival. the move -26- WHAT HAPPENS In many studies of migration, data and analysis the individual arrives in pointed out (at least IN THE CITY? the city. However, it has in the Peruvian case) Lima cannot be equated with arrival to end once long been that migration to the pueblos jovenes. 18 Admittedly large numbers of people migrate to Lima and remain in the downtown callejones or in other housing. 9 But growth and proliferation of squatter settlements offers reasons to -pursue the individual migrant once the urgent in the city, and 18 Only sketchy information exists on the number of migrants See who actually move on to residence in the pueblos jovenes. Planeade Nacional Oficina (Lima: 1967-1980 Director Esquema miento, 1978), p. 54, which estimates that about one quarter of the migrants in Lima live in the pueblos jovenes. 19 Literature on the callejones is not large; the Oficina Nacional de Planeamiento y Urbanismo has published a series of studies which treat the architectural and city planning See Estudio de aspects of this type of dwelling environment. (Lima: Victoria La y Maria tugurios en los distritos de Jesus de el Plan Oficina Nacional de Planeamiento y Urbanismo, Desarrollo Metropolitano Lima-Callao, Cuaderno Serie Violeta No. 2, n.d.); see also Richard Patch, "Life in a Callejon," American Universities Field Staff Reports, West Coast South America Series, 8:6 (June 1961), and Patch, "La Parada, Lima's Market," American Universities Field Staff Reports, West Coast Our South America Series, 14 (February 1967), Parts 1, 2, 3. area callejon a in own field work in Lima included interviewing analysed. yet in the district of Surquillo, but the data are not See also Humberto Rotondo et al., Estudios de Psiquiatria Ediciones del Sol, 1963). Social en el Peru (Lima: -27to investigate how it is have terminated their migration jovenes. important as the move to these various there that occupational mobility and Does Initially, we arrival to city--and therefore, indications are stability develop during Turner's "bridgehead-consol- the city. Where he goes parts: immediately after is first, what part And secondly, what does he do does he each of the take up? We will there? consider these What sort questions for steps within the city. It has been stated many times moves into the that the migrant typically central downtown districts of Lima where rel- low-cost rental housing exists adjacent to 20 Turner's of the into what sort of dwelling environment--does he enter? atively What What, take up with the migrant where he stopped: a question with at least two of job city becomes thesis seem to be verified? 2 0 idation" first the pueblos the city. stages within Lima: the intra-city migration? upon experiences in The sequence of movement within the at least as are that several hundred thousand people sources of work can be found in "Barriers and Channels for Housing Development in Modernizing Countries" in William Mangin (ed.), Peasants in Cities: Readings in the Anthropology of Urbanization (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1970), pp. 1-20; Turner, "Uncontrolled Urban Settlement: Problems and Policies," International Social Development Review (United Nations), 1, pp. 107-130. See also Turner, The Squatter Revolution: Autonomous Urban Settlement and Social Change in Transitional Economies (title approximate, forthcoming from Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press). -28- unskilled labor--commonly, in and around the sprawling whole- sale/retail market of Lima known as La Parada. Housing here consists mainly of callejones--long alleyways leading off street, with a series of railway going off from each side. which includes Cinco In the Several parts the sample, 29% the city); migrated 37% lived in this lived in other of 21 Altos, of housing (another downtown, old part a total of 44% of the callejones sample type of urban dwelling environment. types of housing within the city the many pueblos jovenes the city which acts migrants of central directly into callejones private homes, haciendas, and so on), into one of the families of the district combined with those who moved into in other parts of the city, first of 21 in Lima, La Victoria, and Rimac of 21% others--provide the same sort and occupational surroundings. Of limits, La Victoria--such as Barrios Esquinas, and three rooms district of La Victoria, La Parada within its live in callejones. Lima next to flats of two or the and 19% Some (rented rooms, migrated directly of the city. The district as receptor for the largest share of is La Victoria, followed by central Lima the and Rimac. Data from Estudio de tugurios cited earlier. The figures in the study show that for every 1,000 families in La Victoria, "Tugurios" are defined as including five 208 live in tugurios. different types of downtown slum housing; in La Victoria, the tugurios contain an average of 1,347 people per hectare, or about 575 per acre, in one and two story housing. -29- No other district of the city receives moved directly to these, (or 2% the same site ently no (i.e., intra-city moves at all). information on each point the migration sequence within the city: step, While these data are in self-explanatory, several points deserve special mention and elaboration. More than half of the sample, instance, did in fact make at least their present site. half moves prior to time classification he had while there, and his reason for leaving. at length of the type of dwelling environment, with whom the individual lived, the gross job many ways and of and address at which they pres- The following table presents at each than 7% of the total migrant sample) moved directly to of Less the site where they are presently, only one third live over 6%. on to settling at of short duration; is three to one move before arriving Approximately one-third a third site, and a the present of the remaining few lived in four places site. the modal time at all five years, and the mean for These moves are not sites length of except the third residency exceeds three years at all sites. The type of urban dwelling environment comment as well. dominates for the migrants at sequence, as equal to or some As noted above, the callejon-type residence the first site the callejon does not predominate throughout migration deserves (46%). However, the intra-city residence in private housing becomes greater than callejon housing as movement in Lima -30- Table 4 THE MIGRATION SEQUENCE WITHIN LIMA First site (N:333) (%) Time in years Under 1 year Second site (N:187) (%)%) Third site (N:63) ) Fourth site (N:14) (%) Present rse a site (%) 9.4 2.7 9.5 7.1 1.0 24.6 29.0 13.8 23.2 27.3 38.5 15.5 16.0 28.6 22.2 20.6 19.0 28.6 35.7 14.3 14.3 4.6 37.6 22.3 34.5 31.9 37.4 25.0 69.2 90.5 7.0 6.4 7.8 7.7 .2 46.5 33.7 26.6 7.7 8.1 Tugurio Rented room 4.4 2.9 7.5 8.6 9.4 14.1 ----- .7 .2 Other 7.3 6.4 17.2 15.4 .2 Job classification Lower manual Upper manual Lower nonmanual Upper nonmanual Inactive 67.2 18.3 1.7 --12.8 62.4 30.1 3.2 --4.3 57.8 32.8 6.3 --3.1 53.8 30.8 ----15.4 38.7 50.6 5.9 1.0 3.8 With whom respondent lived Lived by himself With relatives With friends With his own family Other 16.5 53.8 9.5 17.1 3.2 19.3 27.3 7.0 42.2 4.3 20.0 18.5 3.1 49.2 9.2 --28.6 --64.3 7.1 1.7 3.3 --94.5 .5 Reason for leaving site Work situation Economic necessity Bad housing conditions To acquire own house, land Change in family status Displacement Problems with landlord Found better housing Other 14.7 6.6 14.4 25.4 19.5 5.7 1.8 6.6 5.4 10.9 4.3 9.2 44.4 14.4 4.3 1.1 4.3 7.6 10.9 3.1 7.8 35.9 14.1 7.8 1.6 9.4 9.4 23.1 7.7 --38.5 23.1 7.7 ------- x x X x X x X x x 1-2 years 3-5 years 6-9 years 10 and over Type of housing Private house Apartment Callejon, quinta aFor total sample (N:422) -31- develops. The two most common residential patterns residence in one callejon, and then the present residence in either two callejones other type more or one callejon and after Does the move to become adjusted to the to a squatter settlement seem to stabilized employment? within the the questions stages of intra-city migration allow the individual migrant a chance city? Slightly data provides an an answer for some of do the one their time in Lima. An examination of job classification These are: 2) (26%) reported never having lived in a callejon setting during opportunity to attempt 1) site; and of environment, and then the present site. than a quarter of the sample above. are: Does his follow overall period of time central city permit the individual to establish himself? Comparing job classifications at first present occupations for reveals that the migrants across time. in the city 67% manual and upper manual jobs. and 18% Put during their considerable mobility exists Upon or immediately after of the migrants worked first the squatter communities, and 51%. residence with in lower By the time migrants reached these another way, 35% figures had shifted to of the 39% sample moved upwardly intra-city migration sequence, with most changing from lower manual to upper manual occupations. job arriving classifications may hide some of data however, since an individual may These gross the significance of the remain within the same classification and still better his position in terms of job -32- stability, income, and possible advancement. For instance, a man may begin as a street vendor but later become an unskilled factory worker. but has He remains in more in the same gross classification than one way bettered his situation. When detailed job classifications are compared therefore, the comparison becomes increasingly revealing. For employment in Lima the four lowest and most menial street vendors, agricultural workers, migrant of sample, while moderately skilled upper manual taxi and bus drivers, construction workers, and other the jobs-- skilled factory and skilled workers--totaled 18%. the time of the interview the percentages had changed: least skilled occupations rose to totaled 18% while the the more skilled 44%. This shift in occupational to upper manual during the more important arrival in the city and reveals that 78% occupational rankings from lower manual intra-city sequence is considerably than any mobility which might rural-to-Lima move.22 2 2 occupations-- laborers, unskilled service and other unskilled workers--claimed 39% small merchants, By first of A comparison of the last job held before the first job taken following arrival the migrants stayed within the same gross ranking--generally Compare Tables occur during the 3 and 4. lower manual. The migration -33- sequence within the city is, The final move occurs. therefore, when upward mobility (out to a squatter settlement) in many ways to represent a step requirements for existence in Lima have been met; comes taken only when the basic a steady job, a fairly well assured income, and an acquired familiarity with the city. one An examination of site to another within the the reasons for moving from city (see Table 4) economic reasons--a change of work site, job--decline in importance over time; marriage, or an increase in to process? the size of family--and the desire degree can it be greater importance in concluded that do in fact represent the the squatter final stage of the migration And more broadly, can the squatter communities be viewed as permanent that or a change of actual a squatter settlement. To what settlements that while family reasons--e.g., to become a homeowner assume greater and the shift shows settlements? the inhabitants may at (That is, what are the chances some time decide to return to their hometowns?) In the most general sense, having moved to to the the migrant's Lima is overwhelmingly positive. In response question "Are you glad that you came to Lima, or would you prefer to have stayed in your hometown?" 95% that they were satisfied with having migrated. were evaluation of answered Preferences based on the presence of more readily obtainable employment in Lima (51%) and an overall better environment-- more entertainment, more attractive suburbs, wider streets, -34- and a better place to raise children were commonly voiced. The most frequently mentioned disadvantages problems with employment including climate, and so forth), (13%). of Lima included (18%),23 environmental factors (18%, traffic congestion, a hectic pace of life, followed by the presence of crime and delinquency A high cost of living mentioned by 10% of and housing problems were the respondents. A large majority of the migrants maintain contacts and relations with their hometowns: to said that their point of origin at least once since The most such as (28%), common reasons for such visits were funerals, weddings, and the like and to return the opportunity to for visits, of the sample to 70% (65%) therefore, is common. vacations (26%). Willingness However, two thirds and many of those who said that they would revealed under probing strongly conditional: that their answers were "I would if I could be sure of having a good job back there,""maybe A number of family matters stated that they would not consider returning live in their hometowns, have grown up," coming to Lima. (31%), visit parents they had returned and other respondents after I retire and my children similar answers. The move to Lima in the sample cited employment as both advantageous and disadvantageous, i.e., Lima was seen as better than the hometown because of chances to work, but worse Laborers whose employment is when there was no work available. unstable (for instance, construction workers) were among those who expressed such opinions. -35- is, for the most part, permanent and satisfactory. The move to permanent as the for the squatter settlement itself the migrant, who comes to view his end point of migration, and as a place of Some 88% of is situation consolidation. the sample stated that they planned to where they were, as far as they knew at the likewise remain time of interview. Furthermore, when confronted with a hypothetical question which asked them what they would do them elsewhere, almost half 30% said that such as full if an attempt were made (48%) rejected the notion outright; they would go if title to the land; would go only under pressure. they could perceive and 5% clear benefits, responded that they Sixteen percent answered that they would go willingly with no qualifications. produce to relocate These responses a picture of individuals who have gone through a good deal of movement within the city, who have obtained relatively stable and assured incomes, settlements in order to and who have moved to the squatter consolidate their achievements by establishing a permanent residence. Despite this that ties with of from other data The most straightforward: Eighty-five percent they think of themselves as provin- (from the provinces) and not residents). evident the place of origin persist. the migrants stated that cianos was conclusion it is common motive as Limenos given for (native-born Lima such a feeling the individual born outside Lima maintains a strong feeling of affection for his hometown. reasons vary. For instance, a telephone The exact operator in a hospital, -36- who had been born and raised in the sierra city of Huancayo, considers himself a provinciano to be one," "because it seems better to me while a neighbor of his who was at the age of five and who has 30 years that he had to maintain his "I felt can't and won't deny it my whole life in Lima." brought lived in the city in Lima permanent don't like Linkages and affection apparently deep-rooted, interviewed residents of Lima. How commonly does and 20 or 30 years a return migration? What reasons would prompt investigation of each individual respondent was and why that person had returned. (43%) was replied the that place of birth. the person had been unable to and the same number said that the had undergone severe reason. asked if he Twenty-five percent individual was able to find work back in his find work in Lima; research go back to the provinces, the most common reason given Sixteen percent answered that such temporary or the basic concern of the knew of anyone who had left Lima to affirmatively; as noted, Yet the question can be raised: While an transient migration is not reported on here, consider themselves, an individual come to Lima and then decide return to his hometown? for that "I call himself seldom erodes them. The migrants to I've lived One of the few migrants to a Limeno, a taxi driver from Cajamarca, said, for the hometown are for over origin no matter what: despite the fact that it when someone calls me a provinciano." to Lima individual adjustment problems and had left the Thus there are people who migrate city to the city -37- but who do not remain, and it for leaving seems is noteworthy that the major reason to be availability of work in the hometown, rather than a specific inability to "make it" in Lima. -38- CONCLUSION The great majority of the migrants settlements are people who by to make the squatter their own reckoning have had reasonably good luck and success the city. to How do these people in undertaking the move to feel about others who may want the move to Lima, and where are people in general more satisifed--in the city or in the country? Would the migrants be willing to help someone else who wanted to come to Lima? Perhaps surprisingly, nearly three said that 27% they do not favor unlimited migration to Lima, feeling that migration should not be who might want to come. the most common response was the city was that When asked why overcrowded that for sample only curtailed for those they felt as they did, (for those in favor migration would create more job consequences quarters of the (42%), of halting migration) and that further shortages and other adverse those already in the city. Another 16% felt further migration would be detrimental to the countryside, that agricultural production would suffer, and the like. Of the quarter answering that migration should be allowed to continue chances unabated, a third stated that Lima offered more for advancement and that people should be able to take advantage of such opportunities. Another question asked whether the respondent would be willing to help wanted to migrate to the city; almost two thirds someone who (63%) responded -39- affirmatively, while 37% In general, opinion. off in the city than responded negatively or had no the migrants felt that in the country terms, i.e., areas. that life is better the rural in the squatter settlements have an appreciation for in the the same time, in the in problems which At to 26.5%), though, the migrants create two other principal considerations bear directly adjusts in Lima, migrant the city: how easily the When asked less difficult if getting used to Lima had been more or expected or about equal, replied that there 52% difference between expectations it was easier to get along than and 26% thought that they arrived in Lima; deal of trouble a great two-thirds and only 7% Four-fifths had a job waiting yet only 27% had been they had expected, it had been harder. said that they had not felt that (65%) found work within a month delayed more than six months. the they had encountered Almost after their arrival (Employment problems in Lima are by no means relegated to migrants A native Limeno referred to (82%) of for them when in finding their first jobs. for some people such difficulties than he and the actual situation. For 22% migrants dif- and how the migrant perceives ferences between migrants and native-born Limenos. fade. the they and others like them have helped to upon the phenomenon of migration to no city than cities. Perhaps had thus they express very strongly articulating in broader terms what in personal (73.5% people are better indeed, alone; make migrant-native the occupational differences situation -40- when he said, "It's the same for everyone because I'm a Lime'no and I can't get a steady job.") Another item probed into the same area: it is more difficult for a provinciano than for someone born and raised here, that it makes any difference?" felt 30% ahead in Lima or don't you think Again, a slim majority (54.5%) replied that the provinciano faced more difficulties, while 13.5% maintained that at a disadvantage. the Limeno people of center the city around the belief that it is adjust himself to take advantage of you" of one Lima native. the Limeno the native-born Limeno operated Perceived contrasts between the ficult for the migrant to that you think that a provinciano/native difference does not exist. About and to get "Do A 22-year migrant provinciano more dif- the city: was the "The response from Pisco in Ica said "has it easy because the provinciano has change himself to become accustomed to to the atmosphere (ambiente) of Lima." Perhaps of more interest and surprise are of those people who felt Arturo Jimenez, 18, stated his Limeno is that the Limeno has more trouble. whose migration history is sketched on page reason for believing this way, "because a isn't well prepared and is very lazy." representative interviews, the opinions in all of answers This response that were repeated throughout settlements and for all types of migrants. The native Limeno is unwilling or unable to work hard; does the not know how to struggle; "he enjoys the good life he too -41- much and does nothin but party (festejarse) all day." A variation was voiced by an 11-year migrant from the rural area of the department of Lima who felt had more trouble "because he already has that the city-born individual doesn't value hard work since he everything, like his family and house and work." This persistent downgrading of the native city dweller, besides implying a perception by the migrants of the inferiority of Limenos, may also help to explain part of the strong affection and pride which many migrants take in being provincianos. While what has been presented and described here will hopefully the service to answer and clarify a number of questions, data inevitably raise further questions Of special concern are questions do individuals those that for investigation. such as these: leave Lima and return to do stay, what seem to be How frequently the provinces? For the crucial factors or variables which determine whether an individual will choose to make the final move to a squatter settlement? (For that matter, how commonly is an actual choice made, and how often do circumstances simply force an Another area of special difficult among to for concern, but the move?) one which might prove Are the migrants who leave to Lima the more dynamic, their hometowns? the rural areas upwardly mobile elements of Are the sierra and thereby losing the "cream of cities? to make investigation, involves the matter of selectivity the migrants. come individual coastal the crop," rural regions so to speak, to the Some incomplete and fragmentary evidence suggests -42- that this may imply that indeed be the case.24 further that reasons given for migrating suggest the migrants manifest a high level of status quo in the rural satisfaction with the urgently sought to their children. processes find a better way of life for themselves A thorough study of the self-selection crucial importance. comes to involved in migration both from the rural areas The remains data presented here may help an understanding of who migrates to he dis- areas, and Lima, and within Lima to the squatter settlements, of study the migrants come to Lima relatively well educated; moreover, many of the and Data from this toward the city and why, where from, and how for a large number of individuals migration appears to end and consolidation takes place in the pueblos jovenes. 24 See Stillman Bradfield, "Selectivity in Rural-Urban MigraThe Case of Huaylas, Peru" (unpublished manuscript). tion: Bradfield concludes from a study of brothers from Huaylas that those men who are best educated and those who are most imaginative Bradfield also and progressive are the most apt to migrate. finds that the target for migration very strongly tends to be Lima.