Collision Avoidance via Laser Rangefinding By Long N. Phan Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology May 1999 autohrby 9r0sd1to M @ Long N. Phan, 1999. All rights reserved. dvrbutn putscht pape nd Ct*)ronic copies of thS the-si documentn wholo or In pcAs Author Obepartment of Mechanical Engineering Certified by Paul A. DeBitetto Senior Member of Technical Staff, Charles Stark Draper Laboratory Thesis Supervisor Certified by Sanjay E. Sarma Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology iwarvisor Th V Accepted by Ain A. Sonin Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Theses SSACHUSETTS IN TI Collision Avoidance via Laser Rangefinding By Long N. Phan Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering On May 1, 1999 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science And Master of Science In Mechanical Engineering Abstract This thesis describes the design of a prototyped collision avoidance sensor for small autonomous vehicles. The system is based on laser rangefinding using time-of-flight, and built using small, low-cost, off-the-shelf components. The key requirement is for terrain mapping in an urban environment on small autonomous vehicles although it can potentially be used for any application that requires rangefinding. The completed scanning laser rangefinding system includes a high power pulsed laser, high-speed timeof-flight measurement device, optical receiver, some optics, high-speed servo, and a microcontroller. System performance was characterized for both rangefinding and scanning functions. The final system design provides operational flexibility and technical knowledge for designing similar rangefinding systems. Thesis Supervisor: Paul A. DeBitetto Title: Senior Member of Technical Staff, Charles Stark Draper Laboratory Thesis Supervisor: Sanjay Sarma Title: Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2 Acknowledgements This thesis was prepared at The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc., under Internal Research & Development No. 18598. Publication of this thesis does not constitute approval by Draper or the sponsoring agency of the findings or conclusions contained herein. It is published for the exchange and stimulation of ideas. Permission is hereby granted by the Author to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to reproduce any or all of this thesis. Long N. Phan The work that is described in this document was by no means done all by myself. There are many people that I would like to thank for their support of my education here at MIT and Draper Laboratory during the many years. First, I would like to thank all the members of the Draper helicopter team. I have been involved with the team for almost five years now and my development as an engineer was largely attributed by members of the team; Paul DeBitetto, Bill Hall, Bob Butler, former Draper Fellow Christian Trott, Michael Bosse, and Rusty Sammon. Big thanks goes to Paul DeBitetto for his support of my wild endeavors, no matter how difficult or challenging the task may be and for guiding my personal growth. Bob Butler provided a lot of electrical engineering help to a young mechanical engineer. Christian Trott and Michael Bosse were student members of the winning 1996 International Aerial Robotics competition and we spent the whole summer sweating and working together under the most extreme of conditions. Rusty Sammon is my partner in the collision avoidance sensor business and supported me technically in every way. Without him, the sensor would not have been completed. Other Draper fellows and students in the autonomous vehicle lab include Bill Kaliardos, Charles Tung, Mohan Gurunathan, Anthony Lorusso, and the many others who have come and gone. Bill Kaliardos is a fellow mechanical engineer and mentor with many many years of experience to draw from. His nightly moral support and jokes will be missed. I would like to take this time to thank all the guys in the original unmanned vehicle lab for "lending" me the "tools" over the years and not charging me a premium for it. From MIT, I would like to thank my good friend, Amy Yu, for helping me get through my years of hardship to get to where I am today. Professor Sarma has been one hell of a professor for helping me in every way a professor could. His excellence and enthusiasm has been absolutely inspiring. Finally, I would like to thank my entire family for years of encouragement and support. It is to my mother, father, brother, and sister that I dedicate all my effort. Long N. Phan May, 1999 3 Biographical Note Long N. Phan was born on June 13, 1976 in Saigon Vietnam. He spent two years in his home country before his parents and uncle left the country as boat refugees traveling from country to country to escape the communist state of Vietnam. In December of 1979, his entire family made it safely to the United States where they resided in the tropical islands of Hawaii. After years of hardship, Long graduated from McKinley High School in Honolulu in 1994 and attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology studying mechanical engineering as an undergraduate and graduate student. During his years, he was active as a varsity volleyball player, member of the Beta Chapter of the Chi Phi Fraternity, and a competitive engineering student who competed in over three international engineering competitions. During all his summers, he worked on the autonomous aerial vehicle project at Draper Laboratory where he focused on electromechanical systems engineering. This work was the focus of his research for almost two years, from the beginning of his senior year to the end of his graduate year. Contingent upon this acceptance of this thesis, Long will be awarded a Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degree in mechanical engineering and minor in economics. His future career plan is to work on Wall Street as a trader for Lehman Brothers. 4 Contents CHAPTER 1........... ...............................- . 1 INTRODUCTION .....................................................-.-------- . . 10 - - - - - - - 10 -------------.......................... 10 12 1.1 Introduction............................................................................. 1.2 Objective of This Thesis Document .................................................................. 12 . ----.. --... --.............. 1.2.1 D ecision M aking Process ..................................................................................-......... 12 .................... ........ Process.............................................................................. D esign of 1.2.2 Description ............ ----...- .. .. ................... 12 1.2.3 Analysis of Perform ance..................................................................... ............. 12 ...... 1.2.4 Conclusion and Future Work................................................................................. 13 1.3 Autonomous Vehicles......................................................................................... . ............. 13 . ------..... 1.3.1 Land R over Vehicles ......................................................................................... . ------------------------------.................. 13 1.3.2 Aerial V ehicles ......................................................................................... . ...... 14 1.4 Challenges...................................................................... .. 14 ..... ........... 1.5 Conclusion................................................................. 15 . ------------..................... CHAPTER 2 ................................................................--------------.... 2 SENSORS ON THE M ARKET AND DECISION M AKING PROCESS.................................... 15 2.1 UltrasonicSonar Technology ............................................................................ 2.2 Ultra Wide Band High Frequency Radar......................................................... 15 20 ......... 2.2.1 Multispectral Solutions, Inc.......................................................................................... 2.2.2 Micropower Impulse Radar by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.......................................... -----....--.. 28 ........... Potential Applications ......................................................................................... 22 25 30 2.3 Laser Rangefinding ........................................................................................... 34 2.3.1 L aser T riangulation ..........................................................................................---------------------------.............. --.......... --...... 2.3.2 Pulsed Laser R angefinding.......................................................................................2.3.3 Continuous Wave Phase Shift Rangefinding........................................................................................ 36 37 2.3.4 Various Packaged Laser Rangefinding Systems...................................................................................40 40 LEICA LRF OEM Laser Rangefinder Modules........................................................................... 41 Riegl Laser Distance Sensor LD90-3GF .................................................................................... 42 ------------.......................... . . ..... -.... ............................................................4000 A ccuR ange 43 Riegl Miniaturized 2D Laser Scanner System LSS390................................................................ ...44 ............. AccuRange 4000 2D Line Scanner ................................................................ 45 Riegl Laser Mirror Scanner LMS-Q140-60/80 ............................................................................. 2.4 Comparison of Various Rangefinding M ethods ................................................ 2.5 Final Decision .................................................................................... CHAPTER 3 ....................................................................- 46 .. 47 . -------..-------------................... 48 48 3 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION.................................................................... 3.1 Scanning Laser Rangefinding System................................................................48 49 3.2 High Power Pulsed Laser................................................................................ 51 3.3 Power Technology ML100H15.......................................................................... 3.3.1 Laser Safety .......................................................................... . ............... -----.. -----------------............................ 53 53 . . ------------........ C lass I L aser P roduct ................................................................................................. C lass II L aser P roducts.........................................................................................................------------..53 ....... ............... 53 C lass 1Ila Laser Products................................................................................. C lass IlIb L aser P roducts ..............................................................................................---...------.----.. C lass IV Laser Products ...................................................................................................-------....... 54 54 55 3.4 Laser Optical Receiver..................................................................................... 59 Board....... Evaluation TOF RC-1202 IMRA 3.5 Time of Flight measurement: 3.5 .1 Initialization of R C 1202 ............................................................................................-......- 5 .-. ------...... 6 1 3 .5.2 Op eratio n :..................................................................................................................................................6 3.5.3 Output Data Formatting.............................................................................................................................62 3 .5.4 INP U TS ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 .5.5 O U TP U T S ................................................................................................................................................. 3.5.6 OPE R AT IO N ............................................................................................................................................ 1 63 64 66 3.6 System Controller: 16C73A PIC M icrocontroller................................................66 68 3.7 RS-232 Data Interface: M axim MAX232 ............................................................. 3.8 PrecisionMotor: Modified FutabaHigh Speed RC Servo................................69 71 3.9 Optics..............................................................................................................-----. 74 3.10 System Integration.............................................................................................. 75 3.11 OperationalProcedures.................................................................................. 76 3.12 FinalSystem .................................................................................................... C HA PTER 4 .................................................................................................................... 4 ANALYSIS OF PROTOTYPE SYSTEM PERFORMANCE .................................................. 4.1 Rangefinding Performance................................................................................ 4.2 Scanner System .................................................................................................. 4.3 Laser Scanner System ....................................................................................... CONCLUSION AND FUTURE W ORK ........................................................................ APPENDIX A ..................... ............ ............ ...... APPENDIX B.................................... REFERENCES.................. ................ 6 78 78 80 83 90 CHAPTER 5 ....................................................... 5 78 0. 90 ....... 92 .............. 104 ................... 105 List of Figures FIGURE 2.1 DISPERSION PATTERN FOR POLAROID SONAR........................................................................... FIGURE 2.2 A TYPICAL SONAR SETUP........................................................................................................ FIGURE 2.3 TIMING DIAGRAM FOR ULTRASONIC SONAR ............................................................................ FIGURE 2.4 POLAROID 6500 SERIES MODULE AND TRANSDUCER ................................................................. FIGURE 2.5 MULTISPECTRAL UWB RADAR SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM...................................................... FIGURE 2.6 MULTISPECTRAL UWB RADAR SYSTEM .................................................................................. FIGURE 2.7 MEASURED TIME AND FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF MULTISPECTRAL UWB RADAR .................... FIGURE 2.8 M IR M OTION SENSOR ................................................................................................................ FIGURE 2.9 M IR M ODULAR RANGEFINDER ................................................................................................ FIGURE 2.10 D IFFUSE REFLECTIONS .............................................................................................................. FIGURE 2.11 M IRROR-LIKE REFLECTIONS................................................................................................... FIGURE 2.12 R ETROREFLECTIONS ................................................................................................................ FIGURE 2.13 TRIANGULATION TECHNIQUE ................................................................................................... FIGURE 2.14 OBSTRUCTION IN TRIANGULATION.......................................................................................... FIGURE 2.15 PULSED LASER SYSTEM ............................................................................................................ FIGURE 2.16 CONTINUOUS WAVE PHASE SHIFT LASER RANGEFINDING ....................................................... FIGURE 2.17 LEICA OEM COMPARISON TABLE ............................................................................................ FIGURE 2.18 LEICA MRF2000 MONOCULAR RANGEFINDER (LEFT) AND STANDALONE UNIT (RIGHT) ........ FIGURE 2.19 RIEGL LASER DISTANCE SENSOR LD90-3GF HEAD UNIT W/O ELECTRONICS....................... FIGURE 2.20 ACCUITY RESEARCH ACCUIRANGE 4000.............................................................................. FIGURE 2.21 RIEGL MINIATURIZED 2D LASER SCANNER HEAD (LEFT) AND SYSTEM LAYOUT (RIGHT) ....... FIGURE 2.22 ACCUITY ACCURANGE 4000 2D LINE SCANNER ...................................................................... FIGURE 2.23 RIEGL LASER MIRROR SCANNER LMS-Q140-60/80............................................................. FIGURE 3.1 SCANNING LASER RANGEFINDING SYSTEM LAYOUT............................................................... FIGURE 3.2 SOLAR RADIATION NOISE SPECTRUM ...................................................................................... FIGURE 3.3 POWER TECHNOLOGY PACKAGED PULSE LASER SYSTEMS ..................................................... FIGURE 3.4 DIMENSION DRAWINGS OF POWER TECHNOLOGY'S PULSED LASERS..................................... FIGURE 3.5 O PTICAL R ECEIVER .................................................................................................................... FIGURE 3.6 BASIC SILICON PHOTODIODE PRINCIPLE..................................................................................... FIGURE 3.7 E-O DEVICES ERX1B OPTICAL RECEIVER............................................................................... FIGURE 3.8 TYPICAL SILICON PHOTODIODE RESPONSIVITY VS WAVELENGTH .......................................... FIGURE 3.9 SILICON PIN PHOTODIODE ...................................................................................................... FIGURE 3.10 IM RA RC 1202 BLOCK DIAGRAM ........................................................................................ FIGURE 3.11 EVALUATION BOARD DIAGRAM ............................................................................................. FIGURE 3.12 MICROCHIP PIC 16C73A MICROCONTROLLER ..................................................................... FIGURE 3.13 INDUSTRY STANDARD RS-232 LAYOUT ................................................................................ FIGURE 3.14 M AXIM M AX232 TRANSCEIVER ........................................................................................... FIGURE 3.15 STANDARD R C SERVO .............................................................................................................. FIGURE 3.16 PLANO CONVEX LENS FOR LIGHT STRUCTURING WITH DETECTOR ....................................... FIGURE 3.17 INTERFERENCE FILTER PATTERN SPECTRUM ............................................................................. FIGURE 3.18 COMPLETE LASER SCANNING RANGEFINDING SYSTEM ......................................................... FIGURE 3.19 CONTROL W ORD FORM AT ........................................................................................................ FIGURE 3.20 COM PLETED SYSTEM ................................................................................................................ FIGURE 3.21 COMPLETED SYSTEM WITH RS-232 INTERFACE ....................................................................... FIGURE 3.22 COMPLETED SYSTEM OPERATING AT VARIOUS ANGLES ....................................................... FIGURE 3.23 COMPLETE ELECTRONICS CIRCUIT BOARD............................................................................. FIGURE 4.1 LASER RANGEFINDER CALIBRATION CHART ........................................................................... FIGURE 4.2 PROBABILITY DENSITY FUNCTION OF RANGE ACCURACY, MEAN=0, STD=1.606 IN ................ FIGURE 4.3 SCANNER A NGLE D ATA VS TIM E................................................................................................ FIGURE 4.4 RAW ANGLE DATA FOR A SINGLE FULL SCAN............................................................................ FIGURE 4.5 PROBABILITY DENSITY FUNCTION OF SCANNER SYSTEM PERFORMANCE .................................. FIGURE 4.6 LASER SCANNED DATA FOR HALLWAY .................................................................................... FIGURE 4.7 FOUR FULL SCANS MERGED FOR HALLWAY............................................................................. 7 16 18 18 19 23 23 24 27 28 31 31 31 34 35 36 38 40 40 41 42 43 44 46 49 50 52 52 55 55 56 57 58 60 60 67 68 69 70 72 73 74 76 76 77 77 77 79 80 81 82 83 84 84 FIGURE 4.8 TRANSPOSED HALL PLOT OF ACTUAL ANGLE AND RANGE INFORMATION .............................. F IGURE 4.9 K NOW N SURFACE ....................................................................................................................... FIGURE 4.10 LASER SCANNED DATA FOR KNOWN SURFACE ..................................................................... FIGURE 4.11 FOUR FULL SCANS MERGED FOR KNOWN SURFACE.............................................................. FIGURE 4.12 TRANSPOSED KNOWN SURFACE PLOT OF ACTUAL ANGLE AND RANGE ................................ FIGURE 4.13 TRANSPOSED SURFACE PLOT OVERLAID WITH KNOWN SURFACE ......................................... FIGURE 4.14 EXTERNAL ROOFTOP TEST WITH SUNLIGHT............................................................................. FIGURE 4.15 FOUR FULL SCANS FOR EXTERNAL ROOFTOP TEST WITH SUNLIGHT......................................... FIGURE 4.16 TRANSPOSED SURFACE PLOT OVERLAID WITH EXTERNAL ROOFTOP TEST............................ 8 85 85 86 86 87 87 88 88 89 9 Chapter 1 1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction The concept of a machine that can navigate in a completely unknown environment has been around for many years. It has been a source of fascination and research for scientists, engineers, students, and just about everyone interested in the field of robotics. The term "robot" is generally described as a machine that can intelligently interact with people and the environment. Over the years, technology has helped machines evolve into robots by providing various improvements and inventions to implement ideas that help makes a robot into how we view them today. Faster computers, betters sensors, more advanced intelligent machine theory, and improved mechanical and electrical components are some of the things that has propelled robotics into what we know them as today. From manufacturing to artificial intelligence, ideas and technology have merged and coupled to help bring us closer to the concept of an ideal robot, one that approaches human or better than human abilities. From this, the term autonomous is often used to depict the idea of a robot that interacts intelligently with the environment. Today, we are beginning to see a new breed of autonomous vehicles whether it be ground, air, or sea. The vehicles can come in the form of a car, an airplane, helicopter, boat, or just about any other platform typically controlled and operated by humans. For some platforms, it is easier to be autonomous than others because of how it interacts with the environment and how technology is used to support important issues. An airplane for example needs to control speed, attitude, The heading, and pitch angles to help guide it from one destination to another. supporting technologies for an airplane are things such as GPS, inertial measurement unit, compass, altimeter, and radar. These devices help the airplane to maneuver and guide itself without significant input from the human operator. Relatively, an airplane can fly autonomously in the air easier than car in the city or a helicopter in an urban area. With proper path planning, airplanes can easily avoid 10 mountains and buildings and can detect other airplanes via radar. Unfortunately, for ground vehicles and helicopters interested in flying in an unknown urban area, autonomy is much harder to achieve. Not only will the vehicle need to move with confidence but also detect objects and obstacles with confidence. This has long been an ongoing problem for many engineers and scientists developing autonomous ground and air vehicles operating in completely unknown environments. They want to be able to not only move in those environments but also detect and avoid potentially hazardous paths along the way. It would be a lot easier to navigate through an environment if it were completely known. Unfortunately, this is generally not the case when we view how we wish to operate autonomous vehicles. Ideally, an autonomous vehicle can operate fully independent of an operator in any condition or environment. For this to be possible, the vehicle must not only know it's current state but the state of the surrounding environment. There are many types of state sensors on the market used to assess the active state of an autonomous vehicle. However, environmental state information is a lot more difficult to achieve. Optical cameras, sonars, radars, and lasers are some of the methods used to determine environment states. Each has their benefits and costs. For many years, researching and producing autonomous vehicles has been a major goal for The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory. A few examples of their autonomous research include both ground rover and helicopter vehicles. The goal of this thesis is to provide a basis for producing an efficient collision avoidance sensor for such vehicles. 11 1.2 Objective of This Thesis Document 1.2.1 Decision Making Process There are many types of sensors on the market that can be used to help autonomous vehicles gain situation awareness of the surrounding environment. Each type of sensor has positives and negative aspects, which includes range, resolution, accuracy, speed, and weight. The goal of this thesis is to decide on a single type of sensor and create a platform for its use on autonomous ground rover and helicopter support at Draper Laboratory. 1.2.2 Description of Design Process It is the primary goal of this thesis to outline a process that can be used to recreate the production of a scanning laser rangefinding system that fits the desired goals. The technique provided in this section will be used to design a very flexible rangefinding system and modifiable in the future for just about any application. The result is optimal compared to purchasing an off-the-shelf system because the intellectual property gained during through this thesis provides extreme flexibility in design and goals, something that is extremely costly and difficult when dealing with a manufacturer. 1.2.3 Analysis of Performance In order to determine how valuable the laser rangefinding sensor is, the performance will be tested in various conditions including indoor and outdoor tests. 1.2.4 Conclusion and Future W ork A total development time of 1.5 years has been placed through the study and development of the laser rangefinder. A great deal has been accomplished during this time period. However, there are areas for potential future improvements. Some of the suggestions are obvious while others are subtle. Various suggestions will be listed. 12 1.3 Autonomous Vehicles Autonomous vehicles come in all forms: aerial, space, land, and sea. The two areas of autonomous vehicles that we are most interested in applying this collision avoidance laser rangefinding is aerial and land vehicles although there is a possibility that it can be used in space applications as well. Despite the desire of most researchers to develop fully autonomous vehicles, the military believes in mostly "unmanned" vehicles. That is, the military does not foresee immediate applications in which there is zero human control over the vehicles. The most realistic scenario would involve in a semiautonomous vehicle traveling point-point movements with a remote human operator giving high level instructions and perhaps even giving feedback or control for any visual obstacles. 1.3.1 Land Rover Vehicles Land rover vehicles have advantages that make them good for certain applications. First, they can carry a heavier payload than other forms of autonomous vehicles and second, they have contact with the ground which means it is easier for them to perform tasks that are inside small confined areas. The most difficult task for an autonomous ground vehicle is naturally, collision avoidance. The task would be a lot easier if it were just a plane empty field but problems arises when there are objects such as buildings, trees, doors, and even other vehicles in the way. 1.3.2 Aerial Vehicles Aerial vehicles, particularly helicopters, have many advantages over ground vehicles for certain applications. They have three translational degrees of freedom that Besides better movement gives them an advantage for avoiding direct obstacles. abilities, aerial vehicles have better searching and surveillance because they are able to "look" at a wider field of view. Finally, they have ability to travel at high speeds and hover accurately in a stationary position. 13 1.4 Challenges The primary challenge in creating a collision avoidance sensor for aerial and rover vehicles is to create one that is low powered, lightweight, accurate, and fast. Even though weight is not as important to a land vehicle compared to an aerial vehicle, it is still important when you look at the opportunity cost of the situation. Heavier and larger systems means you will have to sacrifice space and energy that could alternatively be used to carry other payloads such as equipment, fuel, ordinance, or anything else that may be of interest. 1.5 Conclusion The rest of this document will describe the design process for making a collision avoidance sensor via laser rangefinding. Chapter 2 will go through the decision making process for why this laser system is superior to other laser systems, radar, and sonar technology. Chapter 3 goes through the process for making and integrating various off the shelf parts to make a flexible scanning laser rangefinder. Chapter 4 analyzes the performance of the prototype system. Finally, Chapter 5 will include suggestions for future systems and the conclusion. 14 Chapter 2 2 Sensors on the Mark et and Decision Making Process There are many types of sensors on the market that could be used to help autonomous vehicles achieve situation awareness of the environment. These include, but are not limited to, optical image processing, laser, radar, and sonar. Of these techniques, optical image processing is the newest and most difficult because it requires a lot of computational power and an extremely sophisticated expert system to handle object detection for an unknown environment. Thus, we will concentrate on the tradeoffs between laser, radar, and sonar technology in deciding which is the best technique for collision avoidance. 2.1 Ultrasonic Sonar Technology Ultrasonic sonar technology has been used for rangefinding for quite awhile now. The reason for its popularity for use in the robotics field is because it is small, simple to use, inexpensive, and relatively reliable at close ranges. This technology has been around since the late 70's, used originally in Polaroid cameras, and is still being used today for many robotic type projects. The major disadvantage of ultrasonic sonar is the limited range and relatively speed. Since it is classified as a "sonar" rangefinder, the ECHO signal emitted travels as the speed of sound (- 330 m/s for dry air at STP) and the return signal is limited to the type of surface the ECHO signal is reflected off of. Some surfaces provide good sonic reflections while others absorb sonic waves easily, limiting the operational range of the sonar rangefinder. Another negative aspect of sonar technology is that the signal sent is not a focused beam, but rather, a wide-angle beam that disperses in a large pattern. Figure 2.1 shows how a typical dispersed signal sent from a Polaroid 6500 series sonar emitter. 15 Typici Beam Patarn At s kHz Figure 2.1 Dispersion Pattern for Polaroid Sonar Polaroid, Inc. continues to manufacture ranging modules and ultrasonic transducers, the essential sonar components, even though their line of sonar cameras is out-of-date. The newest version of the ranging module is the 6500 Series Sonar Ranging Module (Part #615077). It is used in conjunction with the Polaroid high voltage electrostatic transducer to send and receive acoustic signals modulated by the ranging module and controlled by external sources, typically a computer or a microcontroller. The 6500 series ranging module from Polaroid is the standard model used for sonar rangefinding. Some of the module's useful features include: e accurate sonar ranging from 6" to 35 ft. (dependent upon the operating conditions) e operates on a single supply source in the range of 4.5 - 6.8 volts * accurate clock output using a 420 kHz ceramic resonator (2.38 gs output resolution) " variable data sampling rate The ultrasonic ranging module is operated by controlling two signals, INIT and BINH, and reading one signal, ECHO. INIT is the initializing signal which tells the ranging module to start sending a ping. INIT will remain a high signal for the entire length of the maximum desired distance. BINH is a the blanking inhibit controller signal. The ranging module has an internal blanking inhibit time of 2.38 ms. ECHO is the signal 1 Courtesy of Polaroid Corporation 16 from the module indicates the length of time between the return signal and the end of the INIT signal. It is from the difference in time of INIT and ECHO that the total time of sound travel, At, is determined. In actual operation, there is a series of 16 pulses that is sent to the electrostatic transducer after an INIT signal is received. The pulses are modulated at 49.4 kHz with a 400 volt amplitude that excites the transducer to generate an acoustic sound wave. After the pulses are sent, a 200 volt bias will remain on the transducer as the transducer waits for the return echo from the traveling sound waves. During a pulse cycle, a maximum current draw of 2 Amp can be expected. To eliminate the ringing of the transducer from being detected as a return signal during a pulse, a pre-selected blanking inhibit time of 2.38 ms is automatically selected by the ranging module. The blanking inhibit time in actuality is the time between the INIT signal going high and when ECHO can go high. This places a minimum on the distance that can be detected. This blanking inhibit time can be adjusted by feeding a BINH signal to the transducer. The BINH signal goes high after a the INIT goes high and remains high for as long as INIT remains high. The difference in total time between INIT and BINH is the blanking inhibit time. The purpose of a microcontroller is to provide the necessary signals to drive the ranging modules and measure the signal output, which is a function of the actual distance measured. The process is initiated when a signal is fed into the ranging board to initialize a 'ping', the term used to indicate a pulse of modulated sound. Once initialized, the ranging board automatically sends the ping and waits for a return 'echo', a term used to indicate the reception of the modulated sound. During this process, the micro controller measures the elapsed time between a ping and an echo. This interval is a direct function of the distance traveled by the modulated sound wave at the speed of sound in air. The speed of sound in air is: V, r = (1) where y is the ratio of specific heats(cp/c,) for air (= 1.4), R is the gas constant for air (287.1 J/kg-K) , and T is the temperature in Kelvin. The limited range, 30 ft. maximum range at optimal operating conditions and -15 ft. at nominal conditions, of sonar rangefinders are well suited for indoor and close range 17 operations. However, outdoor usage is limited by the constraints imposed by the limits of sonar technology. Ranges on ultrasonic sonars are determined by timing the time of flight of the ultrasonic sonic pulse between the time you send the pulse (ECHO) and when you receive a signal return (RECV). Figure 2.2 shows a diagram of an ultrasonic sonar. The time of flight (TOF) between the ECHO and RECV indicates the total flight time of the ultrasonic pulse. Distance is determined by the Equation 2: 1 d =-vxTOF 2 (2) d = distance v = velocity of travelling signal TOF = time of flight Electrostatic Transducer Micro Controller _Sonar -.. Ranging Module Modulated Sound Wave : @Surface 1/2 Figure 2.2 A Typical Sonar Setup ECHF 2 R ECV TOF Figure 2.3 Timing Diagram for Ultrasonic Sonar 18 s ' Object/ Solid A source of error in computing this distance is the temperature difference between different operating environments. The temperature variance between a hot day and a cold day can be as high as fifty degrees Fahrenheit. This error can be estimated by: Cerror = yiRT - VyRT2 (3) where Ti and T 2 are the different temperatures of the 2 operating environments. Given a variance of fifty degrees (1000 F for hot and 500 F for cold), this error would be 16.2 m/s. Thus, temperature should be a parameter or variable that can be changed based on the actual operating temperature of the sonar. Distance resolution is limited by the timing resolution of whichever method is used to time the TOF signal. It has been determined over time however that anything better than %" resolution is unrealistic because of random noise and errors. Microcontrollers such as the Microchip's PIC microprocessor and Parallax's BASIC stamp are typical controllers used to control the signals and for timing of the sonar rangefinder. Figure 2.4 Polaroid 6500 Series Module and Transducer 19 2.2 Ultra Wide Band High Frequency Radar One of the uses UWB technology is radar systems, permitting the precise measurement of distances, the detection of objects within a defined range of distances, or high resolution imaging of objects that are behind or under other surfaces. When combined with appropriate modulation techniques, UWB devices also may be used for communications purposes, such as the transmission of voice, control signals, and data. Most of the current equipment designs that have been investigated contain high level, distinct spectral lines concentrated near the center of the emission. However, it is recognized that, as the technology advances, this type of modulation is capable of spreading the signal levels over such a wide bandwidth that the emissions would appear to be similar to background noise. For such systems, the amount of energy appearing in any particular band should be extremely low. Such signals are not easily detected or intercepted. Recently, there have been many advances in the development of UWB technology. UWB systems typically use extremely narrow pulse (impulse) modulation or swept frequency modulation which employs a fast sweep over a wide bandwidth. Because of the type of modulation involved, the emission bandwidths of UWB devices generally exceed one gigahertz and may exceed ten gigahertz. In some cases, these pulses do not modulate a carrier but instead, the radio frequency emissions generated by the pulses are applied to an antenna. The resonant frequency determines the center frequency of the radiated emission. The bandwidth characteristics of the antenna will act as a lowpass filter, further affecting the shape of the radiated signal. UWB pulse widths currently are on the order of 0.1-2.0 nanoseconds or even less. The emission spectrum appears as a fundamental lobe with adjacent side lobes that can decrease slowly in amplitude. Applications for radar systems are currently being developed to detect buried objects such as plastic gas pipes or hidden flaws in airport runways or highways. Other radar systems could be used as fluid level sensors in difficult-to-measure situations such as oil refinery tanks and other storage tanks. Public safety personnel have expressed a desire for radar systems that can detect people hidden behind walls or covered in debris, such as from an earthquake. Other public safety personnel also have expressed a need for 20 UWB communications systems that can operate covertly. These possible communications systems could also be employed by heavy industrial manufacturers to overcome problems such as multi-path and machinery-generated radio noise. Currently, two general types of UWB systems have been presented to the public, radar systems and communications systems that can be used for voice, data and control signals. These communication products are comparable to spread spectrum modulated communication systems. Like spread spectrum systems, UWB systems are able to employ gain processing on the received signal and can operate in the presence of highpowered transmission systems without considerable interference. UWB systems also may have a very low potential, relative to the total peak powers employed, for causing harmful interference to other users of the spectrum if the transmitted signal is spread over a wide bandwidth which may result in a relatively low spectral power density. For the purpose of this thesis, there are two UWB systems that were considered. One is produced by Multispectral Solutions, Inc. and the other is a Micro Impulse Radar (MIR) developed by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. MSSI is recognized as an industry leader in the development of low probability of intercept and detection (LPI/D) communications and radar systems utilizing ultra wideband or short pulse technology. MSSI design experience includes GHz bandwidth RF as well as high-speed digital processing systems. 21 2.2.1 Multispectral Solutions, Inc. Multispectral Solutions has been developing a miniature ultra wideband radar to demonstrate the ability to detect suspended wires and other small obstacles exceeding several hundred feet using a UWB sensor that uses an average output power of less than 10 microwatts. The sensor utilizes a short pulse waveform of approximately 2.5 nanoseconds in duration while the receiver uses advance processing technology to detect the radar return pulse and achieve range resolutions of less than one foot. The key advantages of a Multispectral's UWB radar sensor include: e Wide volumetric pattern coverage " Precise range control. " High resolution, independent of range " Automatic system calibration " Lower power requirements * Low Cost At the heart of the ultra wideband radar is the receiver/processor board which contains the high speed pulse detect, digital signal processor for 1/0 and range calculations, and a field programmable gate array (FPGA). The MSSI UWB radar utilizes a 1 watt, 400 Mhz instantaneous bandwidth pulse (2.5 ns pulsewidth) and a 10 Kpps pulse repetition frequency. Thus, the duty cycle is 0.0025% and the average power is 25 microwatts. 22 Wideband Patch Antennas Impulse Source BPF Trigger Source Figure 2.5 Multispectral UWB Radar System Block Diagram 2 T.m.l Dod. Dec "rcWny Contl Electonics Boot Row BM Ram FPGA ftP EI.ctromcs Figure 2.6 Multispectral UWB Radar System 2 In summary, the primary advantages of the of a low power UWB radar include: * Extremely low probability of intercept and detection * High anti-jam immunity * Frequency diversity with minimal hardware modifications * Low cost components and assembly Specifications: Weight: 3 lbs. Size: 150 cubic inches Power: 10+ Watt 2 Courtesy of Multispectral Solutions Inc. 23 Ref Lvl 0.0d~m 1OdB3/ 4M __ Freq RevBW LEVEL ON= a 1.500GHz 10MHz VidBW - - Span 7M2 NWPA I.OGHz SWP 20mS te.5000MZ PiANB Freq ww I OdB Atten iUkt*,w.1t 97 Figure 2.7 Measured Time and Frequency Response of Multispectral UWB Radar 3 3 Courtesy of Multispectral Solutions Inc. 24 2.2.2 Micropower Impulse Radar by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory The Micropower Impulse Radar (MIR) is a fundamentally different type of radar that was invented and patented by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). It is a pulsed radar like other ultra-wideband radars, but it emits much shorter pulses than most and, because it is built out of a small number of common electronic components, it is compact and inexpensive. MIR technology has become one of LLNL's biggest technology transfer activity. They have licenses signed with industry in the areas of automobile back-up systems and in hand-held tools for finding studs and other objects behind walls. Many other diverse applications that are under investigation include fluid level sensing (electronic dipsticks), heart monitoring for medical applications, security systems, detection of breathing through walls or rubble (e.g., finding survivors of earthquakes), monitoring of infants for the possible prevention of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), underground and through-wall imaging, as well as many others. One unique feature of the MIR is the pulse generation circuitry, which, while small and inexpensive, had never before been considered in radar applications. Each pulse is less than a billionth of a second and each MIR emits about two million of these pulses per second. Actual pulse repetition rates are coded with random noise to reduce the possibility of interference from other radars, while each is "tuned" to itself. The same pulse is used for transmitting to send via the transmit as for sampling the received signal. Three direct advantages of the short pulse-widths are: 1. With pulses so short, the MIR operates across a wider band of frequencies than a conventional radar, giving high resolution and accuracy, but also making it less susceptible to interference from other radars. 2. Since current is only drawn during this short pulse time and the pulses are infrequent, there are extremely low power requirements. One type of MIR unit can operate for years on a single AA battery. 25 3. The microwaves emitted by the pulse are at exceedingly low, and therefore medically safe, levels (microwatts). Indeed, the MIR emits less than one-millionth the energy of a cellular telephone. As with conventional radars, the antenna configuration on the MIR determines much of its operating characteristics. Several antenna systems have been designed to match the ultra-wide frequency characteristics of the MIR sensor. For the standard MIR motion sensor with a center frequency of about 2 GHz, LLNL use a small 1.5-inch antenna. However, the MIR is also flexible enough that it can operate at a relatively lower center frequency, using larger antenna systems, giving it longer range and better capability for penetrating water, ice, and mud. What makes the MIR- so useful for security applications is its range gating capability. Imagine that each radio pulse is a large wave traveling across a lake. The wave bounces off an island and comes back to you. The amount of time it takes the wave to return depends on the distance to the island. By setting the radar's "gate," or echo acceptance range, to open only at the right time to receive echoes from a certain distance, it can ignore all other echoes. Range gating can therefore be used to set up an invisible security bubble around the radar. In a burglar alarm, for instance, the range might be set at 20 feet. The radar then detects only objects that modulate the reflected signal at this distance. It detects motion by repeatedly checking the echo pattern to see whether it changes over time; a change means the bubble has been penetrated by a moving object. This eliminates triggering on stationary background objects or "clutter." The current MIR motion sensor can be fully concealed behind walls or inside drawers while detecting intruders at ranges up to 20 feet. Its sharply-bounded detection range is easily adjusted for any situation. In addition, the MIR can project a set or sweep of range shells to generate a filled volume of sensitivity. It does not respond to objects outside the current range gate, and it attempts to avoid false triggering on near objects such as insects. However, the range-gating mechanism may be susceptible to triggering on large-object movement in the near-field (inside the range bubble) because radar phenomena like multiple scattering will modulate the range-gate return. 26 Averaging of many thousands of pulses is done on th.e MIR to reduce the effects of noise and to increase sensitivity. A single received pulse in the nanosecond time scale may be contaminated with various forms of outside interference, but if the returns of many pulses at the same range gate are combined, the result is much more representative of the actual return. The number of averages per range gate is adjustable (nominally it is about 10,000 samples) and is one of the tradeoffs in the MIR design. The exact pulse emission and detection times are randomized for three reasons: 1. Continuous wave (CW) interference, such as from radio and TV station harmonics, may cause beat frequencies with the received echoes that can trigger false alarms. When the 10,000 samples of MIR return echoes are averaged at randomly-dithered times, random samples of CW interference are effectively averaged to zero. 2. Random operation also means that multiple MIR units can be collocated without interfering with each other. Channel allocations are not needed and a nearly unlimited number of sensors can be in the same vicinity even though they occupy the same wideband spectrum. 3. Randomizing also spreads the sensor's emission spectrum to the point that it resembles random thermal noise, making it difficult to distinguish from background noise. That is, this randomizing makes the MIR very stealthy. Figure 2.8 MIR Motion Sensor 4 4 Courtesy of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 27 The MIR UWB motion sensing system projects an invisible "bubble" at the motion-sensing boundary that has a sharply define, adjustable radius. Intrusion into the bubble indicates motion via a non-microphonic, non-Doppler process that can also measure velocity. Figure 2.9 MIR Modular Rangefinder 5 The MIR modular rangefinder is a compact, low-cost ultra-wideband radar with a swept range gate. The device generates an equivalent-time A-scan (echo amplitude vs range, similar to a WWII radar) with a typical range sweep of 4 inches to 10 feet and an incremental range resolution, as limited by noise, of .01 inch. PotentialApplications Uses include replacement of ultrasound rangefinders for fluid level sensing (a dipstick without the stick), vehicle height sensing, and robotics control. When positioned over a highway lane, it can collect vehicle count, vehicle profile, and approximate speed data for traffic control. An FCC Part 15 compliant version transmits RF packets rather than a short impulse, and can provide swept-range quadrature Doppler information. A major application for this microradar is imaging. It operates in spectral regions that readily penetrate walls, control panels, and to an acceptable extent, concrete and human tissue. 5Courtesy of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 28 The basic antennas have a very broad beamwidth and corresponding low gain. They are suitable for synthetic beam imaging where broad illumination is desirable. Narrower beamwidths and higher gain can be obtained on a broadband basis with horns, reflectors or dielectric lenses. Unfortunately, MIR technology is still new and is not yet readily available on the market for testing and evaluation. In general, UWB technology is too new for practical use and general understanding. The technology is fairly complicated and the signal processing of UWB seems to play a very important role in determining the use and limits of the technology. 29 2.3 Laser Rangefinding Lasers are becoming more common for use as rangefinding sensors because their prices have dropped significantly over the years. Not only is pricing a major consideration but performance is as well. Laser rangefinding provides highly accurate and fast range readings because the pulses can be focused and travels at the speed of light Relative to sonar rangefinding, laser rangefinding offers significant advantages in speed, accuracy, and resolution. In both cases, distance is determined by (-3.Ox108 m/s). similar methods, by measuring the time between when a signal is sent and when it's received. Unfortunately, since the speed is light is difficult to measure, resolution in laser rangefinding is limited by the method used to measure the TOF. Similar to ultrasonic sonar rangefinding, laser rangefinding have constraints as well. It is limited not only by the signal strength of the laser pulse output but also, the reflectivity of the surface of the object. In extreme cases, a perfect reflective material such as mirror will make it difficult if not impossible to get a return laser signal and on the other side, a perfect black body surface will completely absorb the laser signal. After all, a laser signal is a form of light. There are various types of reflections that can occur; diffuse (Fig. 2.10), mirror-like (Fig. 2.11), and retro-reflection (Fig. 2.12). 30 incident beam target diffusely r efle ctin g target surface Figure 2.10 Diffuse reflections 6 glossy or mirnor-like target surface target Figure 2.11 Mirror-like reflections6 ReTroreflecting foil or cat's eyes reflector Figure 2.12 Retroreflections 6 6 Courtesy of RIEGL USA Inc. 31 For different objects and surfaces, the amount of laser light returned is characterized by the reflection coefficient p. For diffuse reflecting surfaces, the maximum theoretical value for p is 100%. For mirror-like or retroflecting surfaces, the maximum theoretical value for p can exceed 100%. Table 1 shows the reflection coefficient of various surfaces for a 900 nm wavelength signal. Reflective Coefficient p Up to 100% 94% 80-90% 88% 85% Up to 75% Material White Paper Lumber Snow Beer Foam White Masonry Clay Limestone Newspaper . Tissue Paper Deciduous Trees Coniferous Trees Carbonate Dry Sand Carbonate Wet Sand Beach Sands Rough Wood Pallet Concrete, Smooth Pebble Asphalt Lava Black Neoprene Black Rubber Tire Wall Reflecting Foil 3M2000X Opaque White Plastic Opaque Black Plastic Clear Plastic 69% 60% 60% 30% 57% 41% 50% 25% 24% 17% 8% 5% 2% 1250% 110% 17% 50% 7 Table 1: Material Reflectivity To boost the return signal strength of a laser, extremely powerful laser pulses are used and fired in small time increments. The average power maybe equivalent to that of a weak laser but the signal to noise ratio on the receiver is increased by a factor of 10's, 100's, or 1000's. This is the method commonly used, thus, it is call pulsed laser rangefinding. The average power is calculated by the following Equation 4: 7 Courtesy of RIEGL USA Inc. 32 (4) P = (Peak - Power) x freq x p - width P = Average Power PeakPower = Maximum Power of Laser Freq = Laser Pulse Repetition Frequency (samples/second) p-width = Pulse width length (second) Laser rangefinding has traditionally been a very difficult process. Because light travels at a speed of 3.Ox 108 m/s, it became necessary for the laser rangefinding system to have a timer capable of measuring time in nanosecond resolution. To time a 1 nanosecond differential signal, the minimum clock frequency required is 1 Gigahertz ( seconds), a very small fraction of a second. Over the years, technology has given us 109 the advantage of making timing circuits smaller and faster. In the 60's, laser rangefinders weighted in the tens of pounds. Today, they are lightweight and portable and weights less than a few pounds for the low end versions. 33 2.3.1 Laser Triangulation Even a few years ago, laser rangefinding was generally thought of as being very hard to accomplished efficiently and effectively. People used techniques such as laser angle triangulation to effectively approximate range. This process was range limited and relatively poor in quality. sin A sin B b -a B A Laser positions Figure 2.13 Triangulation Technique Laser triangulation makes use of a technique that's been used thousands of years by surveyors. It makes use of the law of sines to get a range. By knowing the two angles of a triangle and their common side, the remaining sides can be calculated. In the particular case of rangefinding, corners A and C of Figure 2.13 represents two separate cameras or charged coupled devices (CCD). The common side is the baseline separation distance, c. Thus, range can be calculated by measuring angles A and B and using the equation: sin A a sin B b 34 (5) (6) a =bsin A sin B Also, since angle B can not be measure directly, it can be calculated from angles A and C from the following equation: a~b sinA sin(ir- A-C) (7) This type of laser rangefinding is typically classified as passive laser rangefinding. Amazing, it technique also represents how the human eyes work and how people estimate distances. Each eye works as a detector and range is internally calculated or estimated in our heads. Unfortunately, passive laser rangefinding systems have self-imposed limits. Besides being dependent on two separate sensors, each individual sensor needs to view the target source directly, otherwise, triangulation will not be possible. This is illustrated in Figure 8. Another major problem with triangular rangefinding is that range and resolution is limited by the resolution of the receiver in determining angular return signals. Because of this, triangulation systems are mainly effective at close range only. 0 0i 0 Figure 2.14 Obstruction in triangulation 35 2.3.2 Pulsed Laser Rangefindi ng Data Out DataOutProcessor - Processor Target Receiver '' Figure 2.15 Pulsed Laser System Pulsed laser rangefinding is the dominant type of rangefinding technique used today. Pulsed laser rangefinding works on a very basic principle, the distance to the target object is directly proportional to the time of the return ECHO. Similar to sonar rangefinding, laser rangefinding operates on the same technique. A source signal is propagated and a return signal is received. The time between the two signals is directly proportional to distance traveled. There are inherent advantages to using a laser rangefinder compared to a sonar rangefinder. Sound travels at a speed of approximately 1 ft/s at room temperature while light travels at approximately 1 ft/ns, about a million times faster. One difficulty for laser detection is because the EM signals travel so fast, high speed electronics are required to detect reasonable distances. This is typically not a problem for conventional radar systems that may have ranges in the kilometers, but for short-range applications, this imposes requirement for short-range applications. In a pulsed laser system, the emitted pulse has a rather large amplitude that is characterized by a pulse width, the carrier frequency, and sometimes even the modulation of each pulse. Optimally, it is ideal to have an extremely large amplitude and short pulse width. A large laser signal amplitude will increase the signal-to-noise ratio of the return 36 signal thereby, increasing the probability of detection and range. A small pulse width translate to lower average power for the laser making it more eye safe and less power hungry. Modulation of a pulsed laser system only occurs when it requires separating the laser signal from the background noise such as ambient light. In this case, the laser is pulsed and modulated at a particular frequency and the receiver carries a band-pass filter that only allows signals of a particular frequency through. Although this is rarely used in typical rangefinding applications, it is possible to use this to carry "information". By changing the modulation frequency, it is possible to encode information in the laser signal and decoded on the receiving end. 2.3.3 Continuous Wave Phase Shift Rangefinding The final method in laser rangefinding is rangefinding using a continuous wave phase shift. Although similar to the TOF methods, instead of sending a short and distinct pulse, a continuous modulated signal is emitted. Rather than timing signals directly like in the TOF method, the continuous wave method measures the phase difference between the emitted and detected signals. Similar to the TOF method, the elapsed time of a CW wave is related to range by: (8) At=C d = distance c = speed of light Figure 2.16 illustrates the transformation between time and frequency domains of a continuous wave phase shift. The elapsed time of the phase difference between the emitted and detected signal is normalized by the period of the wave. This is shown in Equation 9. At T Ap 27c T = wave period = A$ = phase shift 37 (9) 1 - f = modulation frequency By combining Equations 8 & 9, the range can be expressed as: d =c=A f -4r AA 4r (10) f and measuring the phase shift $, Thus, by modulating the laser at a known frequency this method can yield a range of distance d. For example, if a continuous laser source is modulated at 10 Mhz, each period of the wave is 100 ns. In terms of the speed of light, this cycle is equivalent to approximately 100 ft in length per wave period. If an object is 50 ft way, the equivalent round trip travel time for wave is 100 ft, thus, there will be zero phase difference. However, if the target object is closer than 50 ft and the phase difference is measurable, the range can be determined easily from the phase difference using Equation 10. One of the major problems with CW wave laser rangefinding is the ambiguity in the calculated ranges. In the previous example where the CW wave is modulated at 10 Mhz, ranges can differ by multiples of 50 ft. Thus, if there was an object at 50 ft, 100 ft, 150 ft, etc, the CW wave method would not be able to distinguish from the various ranges from looking purely at the phase difference. Phase Detection Circuitry / A ' Figure 2.16 Continuous Wave Phase Shift Laser Rangefinding 38 In comparison, CW laser rangefinding systems offer some important advantages compared to the TOF method. The first reason is because of their continuous nature, this makes for very fast operations. There is no need to fire a pulse and wait for the return. The second advantage is, there is no need to measure time absolutely to determine range and resolution but only the relative phase difference. The range and resolution is determined by the modulation frequency and the resolution of the electronics in determining the phase difference between the outgoing and incoming laser signals. This actually lessons the requirements on the electronics compared to TOF ranging methods in addition to allowing ranging operations at extremely close ranges. The three primary types of methods for laser rangefinding, triangulation, time-offlight, and CW each has their advantages and disadvantages. Technology has advanced enough over the years that now, people can purchase off the shelf parts components to do rangefinding and there are firms out there that sells and specializes in the various components of a laser rangefinder. Of the three techniques, the TOF method is seemingly the most dominant because in theory and practice, it is the least complicated to understand and easiest to use. There are specific manufacturers for the various pulsed lasers, receivers, and even timing circuit. Also, laser rangefinding has become such a hot and profitable area in the recent years that many companies are making their own packaged rangefinding systems. Most of these firms are proprietary which imposes limits on engineers and scientists to learn more about the system custom build one that fits their specific needs. 39 2.3.4 Various Packaged Laser Rangefinding Systems There are many packaged laser rangefinding systems on the market today. These packages include OEM modules, packaged single point solutions, and 2D scanning solutions. The following will contain examples of existing systems on the market today. LEICA LRF OEM Laser R angefinderModules These rangefinder modules are available as basic assemblies, integrated with optics and housing. A typical example of the integrated form is the LEICA MRF2000. Basic assemblies can be manufactured in different configurations with the following main features: LEICA LRF LEICA LRF 860nm 1550nm Eye-safety class ANSI 2136.1 EN60825-1 (1994) AMa&)mum range 3300m 50M Wavelength Distance accuracy (1 ~ (1993) ~ +1 to 2m ~ ___ +1 to 2m + to)2m__ :Measurement rate 15per minutef20prmnt Data transmission RS232 or 422 RS232 or 422 DC0-28 6 V DC, 10-28 V DC 400 mA/6 V 450 mA/6 V ower supply DC AConsumption Weight Implemented in 95g 100g MRF2000 VECTOR Figure 2.17 Leica OEM Comparison Table Figure 2.18 LEICA MRF2000 Monocular rangefinder (L) and standalone unit (R) 8 8 Courtesy of Leica Technology 40 Riegl Laser Distance Sens or LD90-3GF The distance and level meter LD90-3-GF with glass-fiber coupled optical head makes use of the time-of-flight method to determine the distance of a remote target by measuring the transit-time between transmission and reception of a short laser pulse. Distance measurements can be performed to both non-cooperative and cooperative targets with high accuracy, interference immunity, and excellent reliability. The serial interface allows communication and operation of the instrument. Furthermore, the LD90-3-GF can be equipped with the various digital and analog data outputs frequently used in industry. The measuring system consists of a lightweight and small optical head and a separate electronics box, connected by a duplex glass-fiber cable with connectors on both sides. Specifications for Riegl Laser Distance Sensor LD90-3GF: Measuring range (depending on the reflection coefficient of the target) Good, diffusely reflecting targets, reflectivity 3 80% up to 100 m Bad, diffusely reflecting targets, reflectivity 3 10% up to 35 m Reflecting foil 2) or plastic cat's-eye reflectors > 1000 m Minimum distance, typically 1 m Distance measurement Accuracy: Typically ± 2cm, in the worst case 5cm Measuring time (ms or s): 1Oms/ 20ms/ 50ms/ 0.1/ 0.2/ 0.5/ 1/2 Statistical deviation (cm): ±7/ ±5/ ±3/ ±2/ ±1.5/1I/ ±0.7/ ±0.5 Resolution (cm)5): 5/ 5/ 2/ 2/ 1/ 1/ 0.5/ 0.5 Accuracy: ± 0.3 m/s Measuring time, typically 0.5 s Serial data interface RS232 or, alternatively, RS422 Baud rate selectable between 150 Bd and 19200 Bd, further 38.4 kBd and 115.2 kBd Physical Weight Data: Electronics: 1.5 kg & MK36 Head: 0.6 kg Figure 2.19 Riegl Laser Distance Sensor LD90-3GF Head Unit w/o Electronics9 9 Courtesy of RIEGL USA Inc. 41 AccuRange 4000 The AccuRange 4000 is an optical distance measurement sensor with a useful range of zero to 50 feet for most diffuse reflective surfaces. It operates by emitting a collimated laser beam that is reflected from the target surface and collected by the sensor. The sensor is suitable for a wide variety of distance measurement applications that demand high accuracy and fast response times. Specifications for Accurange 4000: Zero to 50 feet operating range for most surfaces. 0.1 inch accuracy, 0.02 inch short-term Optional RS-485/422, 4-20mA current loop, and pulse width outputs. RS-232 serial output standard. Reflected signal amplitude output for greyscale images. Fast response time: 50KHz maximum sample rate. Lightweight, compact, low power design. Tightly collimated output beam for small spot size Two output beam configurations available: visible or infrared Ideally suited to level and position measurement, machine vision, autonomous vehicle navigation, and 3D imaging applications. Weight: 2.5 lbs. Power Sensor Power: +5 Volts (+5V min, +6 V max) @ 400 mA Heater Power: +5 Volts (+5V min, +6 V max) @ 4A, temperature dependent. May be used to stabilize sensor temperature in low-temperature environments 3,13 22 oiWeght: Outer Shell Anodild Akuminum 400aded Foura -32 Mosarccu: mowiting bos 91 - 6.66 1.60 2.38 Figure 2.20 Accuity Research Accuirange 400010 o Courtesy of Accuity Research 42 Riegl Miniaturized2D La ser Scanner System LSS390. A semiconductor laser transmits short laser pulses, which are collimated and emitted by the transmitter lens of the scanner unit. In the receiver lens, a small fraction of the echo signal hits a photodiode. Range measurement is carried out by measurement of the time-of-flight of these pulses. The measuring beam is scanned in the horizontal plane to achieve the requested angle coverage. The scanning system consists of two parts: The SCANNER HEAD including transmitter/receiver front-end and the motorized scanning mechanism and The ELECTRONICS UNIT which includes power supply, signal processing electronics and interface circuits. Specifications: Measurement range: I - 200 m to cooperative targets I - 80 m to non-cooperative targets Measurement accuracy, typically t 5 cm Measurement resolution 1 cm Measurement rate: 2000 Hz Laser wavelength: 0.9 pm (near infrared) Interface: Serial interface, asynchronous, RS422 115.2 kBd in "HIGH SPEED" mode and 19.2 kBd in "ADJUST" mode Scanner performance: Scanning range ± 100 Scanning stepwidth typ. 0.20 Angular movement near-sinusoidal, symmetrical Scanning rate 20 scans per second, i.e. 10 up scans and 10 down scans per second Driving motor stepper motor, steps synchronised with laser clock Angle read out resolution at the edges of scanning range: approx. 0.05' in the middle of scanning range: approx. 0.30 Scanner head Electronics unit Physical data: 60x90x 120 mm 200x130x76 mm Dimensions (LxWxH) 0.9 kg 1.3 kg Weight SCANNERHEAD ELECTRONICS UNIT Figure 2.21 Riegl Miniaturized 2D Laser Scanner Head (L) and System Layout (R)" " Courtesy of RIEGL USA Inc. 43 AccuRange 4000 2D Line Scanner The AccuRange LineScanner can be used with the AccuRange 4000 to scan and collect distance data over a full circle. The scanner consists of a balanced, rotating mirror and motor with position encoder, and mounting hardware for use with the AccuRange 4000. The scanner deflects the AccuRange beam 90 degrees, sweeping it through a full circle as it rotates. Specifications for Accurange 4000 2D Line Scanner: Scan rates up to 2600 lines per minute. Scanning mirror sweeps laser beam through 360 degrees and returns reflected light to AccuRange 4000. 96% optical reflectance for maximum sensitivity. Compact, lightweight assembly with AccuRange 4000. May be used with AccuRange 4000 or AccuRange 4000 and High Speed Interface. Motor encoder with 2000 position counts/revolution and index pulse. Clear Angle of Scan with standard mount: 300 degrees. Weights: Rotating mirror: 6.5 oz Mirror and motor: 14 oz Full Assembly: 3.5 lbs (with AccuRange 4000, including mounting platform) Figure 2.22 Accuity Accurange 4000 2D Line Scanner1 2 12 Courtesy of Accuity Research 44 Riegl Laser Mirror Scann er LMS-Q140-60/80 The Mirror Scanner LMS-Q140 has been designed for high speed line scanning applications. The range finder system is based upon the principle of time-of-flight measurement of short laser pulses in the infrared wavelength region. This enables an accurate range measurement to practically any target surface with a narrow laser beam. Rangefinder Performance Measurement range 2. up to 350 m for natural targets, reflectivity 80 % up to 100 m for natural targets, reflectivity 2 20 % typ. 2 m 1) Minimum range typ i 2.5 cm, in the worst case i 10 cm 2.5 cm 12 000 Hz 0.9 pm (near infrared) Measurement accuracy Measurement resolution Measurement rate Laser wavelength approx. 3 mrad Class 1 for the scanned beam Parallel interface, ECP standard (enhanced capabilities port) Beam divergence 3) Eye safety 1nterface Scanner Performance Q140-80 .............. Q140-60 Scanning mechanism rotating polygon, 4 facets rotating polygon, 3 facets i 300= 60* total i 400= 800 total Scanning range 0.20 0 150 Stepwidth linear Angular movement 0.040 1Angle readout resolution typ Scanning rate 0 scans per second Physical Size: ain dimensions (Lx W x H in mm) Weight without protecting with aluminium with stainlesss steel case protecting case protecting case 375 x 140x 140 0 200 x 474 0 206 x 474 approx. 6 kg approx. 12 kg approx. 16 kg 11V DC, max 2 A - 15 Power supply Shock proofiess Mounting 100 g, 1-3 ms, XYZ ais +/- direction 8 x M6 threads 4 x M8 threads 45 4 x M8 threads Figure 2.23 Riegl Laser Mirror Scanner LMS-Q140-60/80 13 2.4 Comparison of Various Rangefinding Methods The three possible collision avoidance technologies that were discussed previously is ultrasonic sonar, UWB radar, and laser rangefinding. Below is a table listing the major advantages and disadvantages of each. Some of the important criteria that needed to be considered is ease of implementation, range, speed, resolution, weight, and power. Once again, the purpose of this thesis was to design a flexible collision avoidance sensor that could be mounted onboard an aerial vehicle, which is extremely weight and power conscious, and ground vehicles, which is more flexible in that respect. Sonar UWB Radar Laser Ease of Implementation Range Speed Resolution Weight Power Easy Very Difficult (Proprietary) Moderate Short Long Slow Fast High Moderate Low Moderate Low High Long Fast High Various Moderate "3Courtesy of RIEGL USA Inc. 46 2.5 Final Decision A final decision was reached to use a Laser TOF rangefinding method. The main reasons for this decision was that ultrasonic sonic technology is inadequate for long ranges and UWB radar is too experimental for any real application today as a collision avoidance sensor. The final collision avoidance sensor would have to meet the following criteria: e Ranges to 50 ft or more * Fast Data Acquisition and Transfers, 500 Hz minimum " Low Power, < 10 W " Lightweight, < 2 lbs * Provide at least a 2D ranging information, i.e. angle & range e Adequate Resolution, > 6 inches " Provide at least a 900 field of view * Provide adequate angular resolution * Provide flexibility in angle, range, and resolution measurements The problem with existing laser rangefinding systems on the market is that some are too slow at acquiring data, have limited range, inflexible operating conditions, requires too much power, or weights too much, or a combination of any one of these factors. The ideal solution is to have a minimal system that satisfies the above requirements and provide a gateway for future changes. If a system is bought off the shelf, there will be little or no intellectual knowledge gained. Therefore, it is the primary goal of this thesis to create a scanning 2D laser rangefinding system that meets the requirement, is low cost in production, and provides intellectual knowledge for future uses. The next chapter will explain the process for creating such a system. 47 Chapter 3 3 System Description 3.1 Scanning Laser Rangefin ding System Given the requirements listed in Chapter 2, creating a fully working laser rangefinding system is a fairly difficult task. The most difficult part of a time-of-flight rangefinding system is; how do you measure the time-of-flight? As previously explained, to get a 1 ft distance resolution in measuring the TOF of a laser pulse, a 1 Gigahertz clock is required. For a 6" resolution, a 2 Gigahertz clock is needed and this is realistically impossible since the power requirement for such a clock is be too large. Besides the time of flight measurement subsystem, a few other parts are required to construct a scanning laser rangefinder. The subsystems includes: * High Powered Pulsed Laser: Power Technology ML100H 100 W Pulsed Laser * Time of Flight measurement: IMRA RC- 1202 TOF Evaluation Board * Laser Optical Receiver: E-O Devices ERX- 1 Si-PIN Optical Receiver * System Controller: 16C73A PIC Microcontroller * RS-232 Data Interface: MAX-232 e Precision Motor: Modified Futaba High Speed RC Servo * Proper Optics: Edmund Scientific PCX BBAR 25x25 Lens 48 Angle & Range Data Out Figure 3.1 Scanning Laser Rangefinding System Layout 3.2 High Power Pulsed Lase r A high powered pulsed laser is the first required component of the basic rangefinding system. It is used to fire a laser signal that will reflect of a solid object and the return signal captured on the laser optical receiver. As previously discussed, it is optimal to have a very high-powered pulsed laser signal for several reasons. First, the signal-to-noise ratio will be increased significantly, thus increasing the range of the receiver and canceling the noise such as ambient and sunlight generated by the surrounding environment. In choosing a laser, there are two key factors that need to be considered, the wavelength and maximum pulsed power (which is different from average power). The wavelength will decide how the signal reflects off various surfaces and the power will determine the sensitivity of the receiver and how much noise will affect the signal. Figure 3.2 shows a graph of solar noise at various wavelengths. From that, it is seen that the in the visible wavelength range, that is where noise is greatest. Therefore, it would be optimal to pick a laser wavelength beyond the visible wavelength to minimize noise. 49 Also, by comparing Figure 3.2 with Figure 3.9, it is possible to see that the optimal sensitivity for a silicon laser detector is somewhere near the 900 nm wavelength. For this reason, more laser rangefinders operate at a wavelength of 900 nm. This is the reason why the pulsed laser chosen operates at a wavelength of 905 nm. Figure 3.2 Solar Radiation Noise Spectrum14 Power Technology is a manufacturer that develops packaged pulsed laser systems. Most manufacturers will either produce the laser diode or the pulse driving circuit. Typically, a pulse laser system will consist of a high power diode and the pulse driver, which will generate the proper power to fire the laser at a very high power for a very short duration. In examining the various systems that power technology produces, the pulse laser system chosen was an ML100H system which is a 100 W pulsed laser system. The following are specifications for the system. "4Courtesy of NASA 50 3.3 Power Technology ML1 00H15 The ML Series of pulsed laser diode systems are complete systems requiring only an unregulated DC input voltage and a TTL timing trigger to operate. These systems include the pulse drive electronics, focusing lens, and the laser diode. The laser wavelength is typically 905 nm, which is close to the peak sensitivity of most silicon detectors. A range of output powers are available utilizing either stacked or single junction lasers. The standard unit provides 15 nS pulse widths with fast rise and fall times. The ML is well suited to applications requiring a reflected beam (ie. ranging finding applications). Standard Features: Wavelength: 905 ± 10nm Pulse Width: Fixed at 15nS Propagation Delay: < 8nS Jitter: < 0.lnS Input Voltage (full rating): 9 - 14.5 VDC Input Voltage (de-rated to 5KHz p.r.f): 6 - 14.5 VDC Storage Temperature: -30 to + 850 C Operating Temperature (full power): -20 to + 50' C Operating Temperature (@ 60% optical power): 85' C MODEL: Output Pov ~er (Peak) ers Emitter Si ze (microns x st acks) Pulse Repetition Frequency (max) Typical Input Current (@ 12V, max. p.r.f.) Typical Input Current (quiescent) Weight 51 ML1OH15 100W 150 x 200 5 KHz 150 mA 56 mA 142g Figure 3.3 Power Technology Packaged Pulse Laser Systems 15 Figure 3.4 Dimension Drawings of Power Technology's Pulsed Lasers15 15Courtesy of Power Technology, Inc. 52 3.3.1 Laser Safety As posted by the Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) regulation 21 CFR 1040.10 and 21 CFR 1040.11, the standard classification for lasers are as follows: Class I Laser Product No known biological hazard. The light is shielded from any possible viewing by a person and the laser system is interlocked to prevent the laser from being on when exposed. (large laser printers such as the DEC LPS-40 has a 10mW HeNe driving it which is a Class II1b laser, but the printer is interlocked so as to prevent any contact with the exposed laser beam, hence the device produces no known biological hazard, even though the actual laser is Class 11b. This would also apply to CD players and small laser printers, as they are Class I devices). Class II Laser Products Power up to 1 milliwatt. These lasers are not considered a optically dangerous device as the eye reflex will prevent any occular damage. (i.e. when the eye is hit with a bright light, the eye lid will automatically blink or the person will turn thier head so as to remove the bright light. This is called the reflex action or time. Class II lasers won't cause eye damage in this time period. Still, one wouldn't want to look at it for an extended period of time.) Caution labels (yellow) should be placed on the laser equipment. No known skin exposure hazard exist and no fire hazard exist. Class IIIa Laser Products Power output between 1 milliwatt and 5 milliwatt. These lasers can produce spot blindness under the right conditions and other possible eye injuries. Products that have a Class Ia laser should have a laser emission indicator to tell when the laser is in operation. They should also have a Danger label and output aperature label attatched to the laser and/or equipment. A key operated power switch SHOULD be used to prevent unauthorized use. No known skin hazard of fire hazard exist. 53 Class IlIb Laser Products Power output from 5 milliwatts to 500 milliwatts. These lasers are considered a definate eye hazard, particularly at the higher power levels, which WILL cause eye damage. Skin may be burned at the higher levels of power output as well as the flash point of some materials which could catch fire. A red DANGER label and aperature label MUST be affixed to the laser. Class IV Laser Products Power output >500 milliwatts. These CAN and WILL cause eye damage. The Class IV range CAN and WILL cause materials to burn on contact as well as skin and clothing to burn. These laser systems MUST have a key lockout switch to prevent unauthorized use Inter-locks to prevent the system from being used with the protective covers off Emission indicators to show that the laser is in use Mechanical shutters to block the beam Red DANGER labels and aperature labels affixed to the laser. The reflected beam should be considered as dangerous as the primary beam. The Power Technology ML10OH15 was tested and approved by the Draper Laboratory Safety office. Although it is classified as a Class IIIb Laser, that assumes that the pulsed laser is operating at peak operating conditions, a 5 khz pulse rate. In actual operating pulse repetition rate is 500 hz, an order of a magnitude less than the maximum rating. The actual average power is 500 hz x 15 ns x 100 W = 0.75 mW. The maximum rated power output is 7.5 mW would define the ML100H15 laser as a Class 11b category. Actual power test using an optical power meter indicates the following power ratings at various ranges for a 5 khz pulsed test: Condition Distance Power No Lens 1 cm 1.25 mW/cm 2 5 cm 0.1 mW/cm 2 1 cm 3.5 mW/cm 2 10 cm < 1.0 mW/cm 2 20 cm 0.5 mW/cm 2 Direct Beam 54 3.4 Laser Optical Receiver The optical receiver is used to receive the return signal from the pulsed laser. It is essentially a high speed photodiode coupled with electronics for various controls. E-O Devices is a manufacturer of various laser rangefinding components including pulsed laser drivers, optical receivers, and even a time-of-flight chronometer. Their ERX1B optical receiver is a very small, lightweight receiver. A laser receiver operates on the principle that the photodiode collects photons returning from a reflected surface. Once the photons are collected, it goes through a series of operations before a TTL output is obtained and sent to the TOF counter. This is shown in Figure 3.5. The comparator is used to adjust the minimum noise level to cancel various noise such as those from ambient and sunlight. Figure 3.6 shows the basic principle of how silicon photodiodes works. Light Photodiode Detector p - l r --- Main Amplifier Demodulator Comparator TTL Out -- Figure 3.5 Optical Receiver .AR-coating depletion layer in ci ent -n light n+ reverse bi as breakdown light: light ," power density I forward bi as voltage photocurrent E on EVi1lumnali ele ctric fiel d -F Figure 3.6 Basic Silicon Photodiode Principle 55 Y ERXJB (with built-in comparator) Low-Noise Si-PIN Photodiode Optical Receiver FEATURES: * Low-cost, Compact, Si-PIN Optical Receiver for OEM Applications. * Si-PIN Detector, sensor area Imm 2 , (Siemens SFH217). " Wideband -3dB Bandwidth = 20MHz (modified upon request). " Input-referred Noise Current Spectral Density < 2pA/NHz. " Transimpedance gain > 1 MegOhm (modified upon request). * Power Supply = 9 - 12 Vdc @ 60mA (typ. ERX-1B). * Version lB includes latchable Voltage Comparator with reset input. * Version lB includes trim-potentiometer threshold adjustment on bottom side. * Customizable trade-offs with gain/bandwidth parameters upon request. * Compact Circuit Board only 1.5 x 1.0 Inches. * Mounting holes for 2-56 screws (4 plcs.) 1.30 x 0.80 Inch centers. Figure 3.7 E-O Devices ERX1B Optical Receiver 1 INTERFACE: Pin 1: COMMON Pin 2: ANALOG OUTPUT COMPARATOR OUTPUT (ERX-1B, TTL-positive going) Pin 3: LATCH CONTROL (ERX-1B, TTL-compatible input) Pin 4: COMMON Pin 5: 9 - 12 Vdc INPUT LATCH CONTROL (ERX-1B): Input OPEN or HI (5V) = Output Latch Enabled Input GND or LO (OV) = Resets Output Latch (latching disabled while LO) 16 Courtesy of E-O Devices 56 Application Notes for ERXJB: (1) To operate this correctly, there is there is noise level adjustment potentiometer on the ERX1B. Turning clockwise will lower the noise level and counterclockwise will raise the noise level making it more sensitive to ambient light. To make proper adjustments, place Pin 2 on an oscilloscope and adjust the potentiometer until there is a sinusoidal signal showing. Then, raise the noise level higher set the level sensitivity above the ambient noise level. Figure 3.8 shows the responsivity of a typical silicon photodiode vs various wavelengths. Notice that the optimal sensitivity is near 900 nm. (2) The optical receiver needs to be encased in a metallic housing grounded to the circuit board. This will minimize the various noise sources affecting the sensitivity of the receiver and also eliminate unwanted optical noise. Without a metallic grounding case, the optical receiver will no function properly. O - TYPiCAL DETECTOR RESPONSE CURVES 0.7 0 .---- BU 04 20 kQ XM 400 5W0 E" 7Q8001,0 0 1000 1100 WAVELENGTH-nrn 17 Figure 3.8 Typical Silicon Photodiode Responsivity vs Wavelength "7Courtesy of Edmund Scientific 57 All Metal (+) Not charge coneentraion p x field x W2 Intrinsic high resistivity layer is sandwiched between p and n regions and absorbs most photons Figure 3.9 Silicon PIN Photodiode 58 3.5 Time of Flight measurement: IMRA RC-1202 TOF Evaluation Board By incorporating a monolithic 2 GHz. phased locked loop (PLL), the IMRA RC1202 provides a low cost, single chip solution, for measuring time intervals with 500 picosecond resolution. The IMRA RC-1202 is ideal for measuring single event time intervals in applications such as electronic instrumentation, monopulse radars and rangefinders. Several user selectable options are provided for maximum flexibility. The IMRA RC- 1202 contains a 12 bit on chip counter that can be extended by the use of external circuitry if required. The counter resolution is user selectable, with re solutions ranging from 500 picoseconds to 4 nanoseconds. Additional features such as minimum count gating and multiple event operation (1 to 8) provide unprecedented functionality in a single package. The IMRA RC-1202 is a high-speed counter that can determine time intervals to one-half nanosecond resolution. The resolution is variable, 1/2, 1, 2, or 4 nanoseconds and is user programmable. The counter is able to determine the time between a user selectable number of events, up to a maximum of eight. The maximum elapsed time is a function of the resolution that is selected. The table below shows the relationship between resolution and maximum elapsed time. RESOLUTION MAXIMUM ELAPSED TIME 1/2 nanosecond 2047 nanoseconds 1 nanosecond 4095 nanoseconds 2 nanoseconds 8190 nanoseconds 4 nanoseconds 16380 nanoseconds The counter is clocked internally at a frequency of up to 2 GHz. The internal clock is derived using an on chip phase locked loop (PLL) with an on chip voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) running at 2 GHz. The reference oscillator is generated off chip and can run at a much slower speed, 25 MHz. This minimizes the number of high speed signals external to the counter, reducing the complexity and cost of the system. A block diagram is shown in Figure 3.10. 59 F,(TTL) Reference COUT VCODI\BO LOCKED F (TT L) F, (TTL) I |I Oscillator RCVD Counter (TTL) 12/1 PLL Formattng 1 + + + Circuitry + DATA RDY COUNT VALID CDAT AO CNTL R RDY Timing and Control CLK CLK DATA STROBE Pover Conditioning I i 2 Poer Ground Start Count (rniffercn All TTL I/D / 2 Sto p Count PDir1 N RT et Clock Slect (FVL) 91 IK) Figure 3.10 IMRA RC 1202 Block Diagram18 BOTTOM SIDE TCP SIDE A 3 8" 4 -2 10" 1P- Features: IMRA RC12Q2 - 12 Bit - 500ps resolution counter On Board +5 Volt Regulator - Pover Switching option External Clock option Figure 3.11 Evaluation Board Diagram 8 18Courtesy of IMRA America, Inc. 60 H = HCT641 LO = LT1129C-5 I R = I T1199R28-5 3.5.1 Initialization of RC1202 The circuit must be initialized before operation can take place. Power must be applied for a minimum of 100 microseconds before initialization can start. Once power has been applied, the RESET signal must be held at a logic high level for a minimum of 1 microsecond. The RESET signal is then brought to a logic low level. The initial conditions of the counter are shown below. The control information is loaded using the input CLK, DATA, and STROBE signals. The control word format is shown on the following pages. Parameters that are loaded into the system include; number of events, resolution, valid elapsed time window (min.), and cascade mode. PARAMETER INITIAL VALUE Mode Non-Cascade Resolution 4 nanoseconds Number of Events 1 Minimum Count 0 (changeable in 32 count increments) COUT Low DATA 0 RDY Low CNTL RDY High COUNT VALID Low 3.5.2 Operation: The counter is used to measure the time between events. The counter is started by a logic high level on the START COUNT input. The counter increments each clock period. A logic high level on the STOP COUNT input stops the counter. A DATA VALID indicator is provided. This signal is active high when the value of the counter is within the elapsed time window. This window is user definable and can be changed during operation. The STOP COUNT signal is enabled only when the minimum count, as set by the user, is exceeded. If the counter overflows, a pulse will be generated on COUT, a value of all zeros is output and the DATA VALID signal is low. 61 The counter uses the number of events set by the user to vary the mode of operation. If the number of events is set to one, the counter outputs a value for each start / stop sequence that is received. If the number of events is set to two, the first start / stop sequence is used to obtain the elapsed time of the first event, and the second event is detected by using the second stop pulse to obtain the elapsed time. Similarly, the elapsed time of the third, fourth,... eighth events is obtained. The control information can be changed if desired without resetting the entire system. The CNTL RDY signal is low during a timing sequence. The new control information can be loaded into the counter but may not be latched by using the STROBE signal until the CNTL RDY signal goes high. 3.5.3 Output Data Formatting The data from the counter is formatted for output to the external processor. The output data is valid when RDY and DATA VALID is high. The processor brings the RCVD signal high to signify that it has latched the DATA and is ready to read the next word. The START signal must be low before RCVD is brought high, otherwise the counter will begin its next count sequence. The output is double buffered. The processor must respond to the RDY signal before the next timing sequence is initiated. If the processor does not respond the next start/stop sequence will not be initiated. A signal (COUT) is provided to extend the maximum count capability when the circuit is in the cascade mode. This signal will change state every 4096 clock cycles. The signal can be used to clock an external counter circuit. This signal will have a maximum frequency of 488 KHz. The state of this signal is low upon reset. 62 CONTROL WORD FORMATTING: NUMBER OF EVENTS MSB AIN BIN CIN RESOLUTION SL2 SL3 CASCADE MODE (0=NON-CASCADE, 1=CASCADE) CASCADE MINIMUM ELAPSED TIME (MSB) MINCNT7 MINCNT6 MINCNT5 MINCNT4 MINCNT3 MINCNT2 MINCNT1 MINIMUM ELAPSED TIME (LSB) MINCNTO RESERVED BIT 0 RESERVED BIT 0 LSB DATA IS SHIFTEE INTO THE COUNTER LSB FIRST EVENT ENCODIN G: NUMBER OF EVENTS A IN BIN CIN 8 0 0 0 7 1 0 0 6 0 1 0 5 1 1 0 4 0 0 1 3 1 0 1 2 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 CLOCK DIVIDE R ATIO SELECT: RESOLUTION )IVIDE RATIO S L2 SL3 4 NANOSECONDS 0 0 2 NANOSECONDS 4 1 0 1 NANOSECONDS 2 1 0 500 PICOSECONDS 1 1 A block diagram of the evaluation board is shown in Figure 3.10. The board contains the IMRA RC- 1202, an on board 25 MHz reference oscillator, several HCT input and output buffers, voltage regulation for the buffers, a separate switchable voltage regulator for the counter, and a connector for an external clock input. The board is approximately 3.375" by 2.125". The required input voltage is +6V @ 700mA. 3.5.4 INPUTS SIGNAL NAME SIGNAL NAME PIN NUMBER DESCRIPTION CLKSEL J5-1 RESET J5-3 CLKB J5-5 Selects between internal clock and external clock (SMA-J2). A logic low level selects the external clock. A logic high level selects the internal clock. A logic high level resets the RC1202. This signal must be held high at least 1 microsecond. This signal is used to shift the control word into the RC1202. Data is shifted into 63 DATA J5-7 STROBE J5-9 RCVD J5-11 START J5-13 STOP J5-15 SHTDWNB J5-17 INENB J5-19 the RCl 202 in the negative edge of CLKB. This signal is used to input the control data necessary to configure the RC1202. STROBE is used to latch the control data after it has been shifted into the RC1202. A logic high level on STROBE latches the control information. This signal is level sensitive and must be held high for a minimum of 32 system clock cycles. RCVD is a handshake signal that is used to indicate to the RC1202 that the previous count value has been read. This signal should be brought high for a minimum of 20 nanoseconds and returned low a minimum of 20 nanoseconds before the next START pulse. The RC1202 begins counting when the START signal goes high. The START pulse must be a minimum of 10 nanoseconds wide. The START pulse must go low 20 nanoseconds before the RCVD signal is brought high. A logic high on this signal stops the counter. If the RC 1202 is configured for a single event, the first STOP pulse after a START pulse will stop the counter. If the counter is configured for two events, the first STOP pulse after the first START will stop the counter. When the second START pulse is applied, the counter will STOP after receiving two STOP pulses. The STOP pulse must be at least 10 nanoseconds wide. A logic low level on this input will disable power to UI (RC 1202) and U8 (MC 100ELT22) and will disable the oscillator (U6) output. This signal is used to operate the system in a power switching mode. By shutting down the RC1202 when it is not being used for counting, a significant power saving can be achieved. A logic low level on this input will enable the input buffer U2. This signal must be brought low before operation of the RC 1202 can occur. 3.5.5 OUTPUTS SIGNAL NAME PIN NUMBER DESCRIPTION DATA_11 THRU DATA_0 Counter DATA. DATA_11 is MSB. DATA_0 is LSB. Data is valid when RDY and DATAVALID are high. CDATAO J4-1, 3, 5, 7,9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23 J4-25 COUT J4-27 CDATAO is used test the functionality of the control word shift register. The value of the DATA input is available on CDATAO after 16 cycles of CLKB. COUT is the thirteenth bit of the counter. 64 LOCKED J4-29 VCODIV80 J4-31 CNTLRDY J4-33 DATAVALID J4-35 RDY J4-37 If the counter is configured in the CASCADE mode, the COUT signal can be used to clock an external counter, extending the capability beyond 12 bits. If the counter is configured in the NON-CASCADE mode, COUT will go high for approximately 10 nanoseconds when the count reaches 4096. This can be used to detect counter overflow. This signal will go high when the phase and Frequency of the reference oscillator is equal to the phase and frequency of the internal VCO divided by 80. The comparison is made on both the rising and falling edges, thus the duty cycle of the reference oscillator must be equal to 50%. The PLL compares only one edge of the reference frequency, thus the circuit can be locked in frequency even if the LOCKED signal is not high. The LOCKED signal will be low if the EXTERNAL CLOCK is being used. This output is It the frequency of the CLOCK divided by 80. Thus if the INTERNAL CLOCK is being used this signal will be the VCO frequency divided by 80. This will be the value of the reference signal if the PLL is locked. If the circuit is configured for EXTERNAL CLOCK, this signal will be the external clock frequency divided by 80. This signal will be high when the RC1202 is ready to receive a new control word. This signal will be low during a ranging sequence. This signal goes high when counter data is valid. If the RC1202 is configured in the NON-CASCADE mode, i.e. CASC=0, DATA_VALID will be high if the counter does not equal 4096 counts and the counter data has been latched and transferred to the outputs of the RC1202 . This data may then be read from the DATA bus (DATA_11 to DATA_0). If the RC1202 is configured in the CASCADE mode, i.e. CASC=1, DATAVALID will go high when the counter data has been latched and transferred to the outputs of the RC1202. In the CASCADE mode, the user is responsible for determining the validity of the data output of the external counter. This signal goes high when counter data has been latched and transferred to the outputs of the RC1202. This data may then be read from the DATA bus (DATA_11 to DATA_0). In the CASCADE mode, the user is responsible for determining when data output of the external counter is ready. 65 3.5.6 OPERATION The basic operation of the IMRA RC-1202 EVALUATION BOARD is as follows. 1.Apply power to connector J1. Pin 1 is +6V. Pin 2 is GND. 2.Set input signals J5-1 to J5-17 to their desired initial values 3.Bring INENB (J5-19) to logic low level 4.Reset RC-1202. 5.Load control word 6.Apply START 7.Apply STOP 8.Read DATA_11 thru DATA_0 when RDY and DATAVALID go high. 9.Pulse RCVD. 10.Repeat step 6-9 for each event. 3.6 System Controller: 16C73A PIC Microcontroller A Microchip PIC16C73A microcontroller controls all the laser pulsing, timing mechanism configuration and triggering, range sampling, servo angle sampling, and communication with the on-board computer. The choice of the PIC microcontroller was not based on any comparative research. There are most likely many other microcontrollers available that have the necessary input/output configurations, memory, and timing precision for the task. The PIC was chosen because the Autonomous Vehicles Group at Draper Labs has considerable experience using the PIC microcontrollers on autonomous vehicles. Draper Labs already had the programming components and technical expertise for the PIC16C73A, so choosing this microcontroller benefitted the project by reducing development time and promoting uniformity in microcontroller. Draper Fellow, Rusty Sammon, has helped with all portions of developing, programming, and testing of the PIC microcontroller. programming the PIC microcontroller was proven. His mastery of the art of Included in Appendix A is his ASSEMBLY coded program for controlling the various digital signals and data communications for the laser rangefinder. 66 A brief description of the code follows: Upon startup, the PIC loads the configuration word into the precision timing module. This configures the timing module for a 500ps timestep with triggering on the laser fire and receive signals. The configuration and variable registers for the PIC are initialized as well. The PIC proceeds to enter the main sampling loop, which is repeated at a rate of 500Hz. The speed of this loop is regulated using the timing interrupt flag generated by a built-in PIC timing counter. At the start of the loop, the PIC begins sampling the analog input corresponding to the servo position. The analog-to-digital conversion takes multiple clock cycles, so this needs to be started early. Immediately after starting the conversion, the PIC pulses the laser and simultaneously initiates counting on the timing module. Soon after the laser pulse reaction is received by the detector (triggering the stop of the timing module), the PIC receives a signal from the timing module indicating the timing data is available for transmission. The PIC then reads the parallel data outputs of the timing module into it's own register memory for the range measurement. The analog-to-digital conversion of the servo position is now finished, and this angle measurement is stored in the PIC's register memory as well. Finally, the PIC sends these digital values to the computer via the RS-232 serial port at 38.4 kbps and completes the main loop. MCTVPP-- + 28 1 E3 RA1/AN1 a 25 ] E 5 24 ) RA4(TOCKI E- 6 23 ] RA5/AN4 E 7 22 21 RA3/AN3NROF 8 Vss -OSC1/CLKJN -- 9 E- 10 11 RCaT10SO/T1CKI -4--( (~ 12 RC1rr1oS1CCP2 E RC2CCP1 RC3/SCKISCL - -- R85 - RB4 RB3 MRB2 --- R81 - RB0/INT --- 20 ) [ oSC2/CLKOUT RB6 PM4-- 26 4 RA21AN2 RB7 - 27 -2 RAOQANO -0- 19 ] 18 17 )--- - Vio -- VSS RC7:RX/DT -4-- RC6/TX/CK 13 16 ) RC5'SOO 14 15 ] RC41SO/SDA 19 Figure 3.12 Microchip PIC 16C73A Microcontroller 19 Courtesy of Microchip 67 3.7 RS-232 Data Interface: Maxim MAX232 The MAX232 and MAX233 are parts commonly used to translate TTL-level signals (0-5V) into RS232-level signals (in this case -10V to +10V). Unlike other parts, such as the 1488, the MAX232 does not require +10v and -10v supplies to do this translation: instead, they use two charge pumps to produce these voltage levels from a single 5v supply. Charge pumps require capacitors: the MAX232 and 232A require 5 external capacitors (I uf in the case of the 232, and . uf in the case of the 232A). The PIC 16C73A outputs serial data in the 0-5 V range and the MAX232 translate that data to a true RS-232 format that the computer can read and understand. Figure 3.19 shows the schematic for an Maxim MAX232 serial transceiver. Pins 10 and 11 are serial data input from the PIC and pin 7 and 14 is the RS-232 data out that goes to the computer. DB9 Pinout (Mouse) Function Pin # Signal Pint DCD DataCanierDetect 1 Pin2 RxD ReceivedData 2 Pin3 TxD TrnsmitData 3 Pin 4 DTR Data Tenmnal Ready 4 PmS SG Signal Ground 5 Pin6 DSR Data Set Ready 6 Pmn7 RTS Requestto Send 7 Pin8 CTS Cle artoSend 8 5 1 00000 0000 6 9 Figure 3.13 Industry Standard RS-232 Layout 68 TOPVIEW |I- v"O~ 4; M0X32 MAX232 MAX232A j";NV E CTIN DIP/SO .8 MAX2204 M O- V. (I"2 5VC4 F ~ CA T L0M4C' 4E1TJ 1.00 11. 1.0, 0 3" 1 CA. 1 0 R-3 k TCO CAPACW2ANC EV . T': 41 D GNU ~ Figure 3.14 Maxim MAX232 Transceiver2 0 3.8 Precision Motor: Modified Futaba High Speed RC Servo Radio Control (RC) servos are rather cheap ($ 30), accurate (about 10), lightweight (20 to 50 gr), relatively strong, and easy to operate. They are also commonly available anywhere and all operate on a standard signal interface. The purpose for using an RC servo as the motor control mechanism for scanning the laser is because it has two major inherent advantages built-in: a precise regulated position control and constant angular velocity control. Figure 3.15 is a drawing of a standard servo: 20 Courtesy of Maxim Semiconductors 69 i- - Servo Internal 2K Pot Figure 3.15 Standard RC Servo There usually have three wires: Black: This is the ground. Red: This is the power source. 5 to 6 Volts. White: This is the control signal. It's protocol is as follows: The signal sent to servo cycles at about 50 Hz. A TTL pulse between 1 and 2 millisecond is sent to the servo. The length of the pulse tells the servo at which angle it should put its action lever. For example, 1 ms means 0', 2 ms means 1200, 1.5 ms means 600, 1.2 ms means 240, and so on... (Servos are counter-reactive: they will try to maintain the lever at the controlled angle, whatever is below the maximum available force acting upon it.) The servo chosen is a modified High Speed Futaba FP-S131SH. Because the servo position is internally regulated by the electronics inside the servo, there is no need to create a feedback controller when using a microcontroller to control the servo position. Instead of controlling the servo using the PIC 16C73A controller, it was decided that it was best to use the BASIC STAMP II chip, another microcontroller. The reason for using the STAMP II instead of the PIC was because it provided an easier and faster method of programming and changing of variables. Each servo has its own characterization of angular speed and response. The BASIC STAMP code used was the following: 70 BASIC STAMP II Program: VAR X OUTPUT 15 WORD /* Setting Pin 15 as the SERVO Control Signal /* Start the loop SERVO: FOR X=1 TO 30 PULSOUT 15,100 LOW 15 PAUSE 18 NEXT /* a) Repeat for 30 times /* Pulse Pin 15 HIGH for 1OOx2ns=200 ns /* Pulse Pin 15 LOW /* Pause for 18 ms /* Goto a) till 30 FOR X=1 TO 30 PULSOUT 15,1200 LOW 15 PAUSE 18 NEXT /* b) Repeat for 30 times /* Pulse Pin 15 HIGH for 1200x2ns=2.4 ms /* Pulse Pin 15 LOW /* Pause for 18 ms /* Goto b) till 30 GOTO SERVO /* Repeat SERVO loop From the STAMP II program, it can be seen that the servo was controlled by changing the pulse width between 0.2 ms and 2.4 ms. The reason for this rather than between 1.0 ms and 2.0 ms is because each servo is different and some can handle more angle range than others. For this particular Fatuba Model FP-S131SH servo, the 0.2 ms to 2.4 ms represents a angle range of approximately 160 degrees. To measure angle, there is an internal 2k potentiometer inside the servo that's used by the servo electronics to determine servo position. This information can be read by an external source to determine servo position as well. As long as the impedance is sufficiently high so that load is minimal, there will be little or no effect on servo performance. The potentiometer was wired directly to the PIC's A/D channel and position is captured and sent to the RS-232 data port along with rangefinding information. 3.9 Optics Optics is required to improve the performance of any laser rangefinding application. Although lenses are often used in imaging applications, in many cases the goal of the simple lens is the projection of light from one point to another. To be useful, emitters, detectors, lasers, and fiber optics usually require a lens for some form of light structuring. Figure 3.16 shows a typical example of how a plano-convex lens can be used 71 to limit a detector's field of view. Considered in reverse, the figure might represent an emitting setup. This arrangement is particularly beneficial when using an LED or other broad field source. Such sources commonly appear in light-gate applications and require precise aiming toward the detector. The primary reason for using a lens to help gather 2 light is to increase the effective light gathering area. If properly done, a typical 1 mm 2 silicon surface using a 12 mm plano convex lens can achieve an affective area of ntr =113 mm 2, meaning 113 times the amount of light gathered. Lens (D1) -i 1/2 Field of View (P) p =D 2 / 2f (radians) Emitter/ Detector J (D2) Focal Length (f) Figure 3.16 Plano Convex Lens for Light Structuring with Detector 2 1 Knowing where the light will go is only the first step in designing a light projecting system; it is just as important to know how much light is transmitted. Typically the lightgathering capability of a lens is quantified as follows: EQUATION #1: f/# (f-number) = f (focal length of lens) + D (diameter of lens) EQUATION #2: NA (numerical aperture) = (0.5) / (f/#) In Figure 3.16, Theta illustrates how the numerical aperture controls the angle of light accepted by the lens. As f/# decreases, Theta (the acceptance angle) increases and the lens becomes capable of gathering more light. Matching a source's emitted cone of light with the accepting cone of a lens avoids underfilling and over-filling the lens, thus creating a perfectly efficient system. Edmund Scientific provides various types of lenses to help balance maximum light gathering capability for various physical requirements. 21 Courtesy of Edmund Scientific 72 Besides light gathering lens, there might also be a lens to reduce the noise from sources such as ambient room lighting and sunlight. This type of lens is called an interference filter. It is used as a band pass filter for allowing only light of a certain wavelength through. Figure 3.17 shows the typical dispersion pattern for such a filter. 100 Peak Transmittance Central Wavelength %T 50-- I I I I I I I I' -I 0 Half Bandwidth (WAVELENGTH) 22 Figure 3.17 Interference filter pattern spectrum 22 Courtesy of Edmund Scientific 73 3.10 System Integration VCC +6 V Figure 3.18 Complete Laser Scanning Rangefinding System 74 3.11 Operational Procedures The PIC 16C73A is the main device used to control all operations in the laser rangefinder system. The system is integrated as shown in Figure 3.18. The control process is as follows: 1) Apply power to the various parts of the system: 6-14.5 V 9-12 V 5V 6V 5V 5V Pulsed Laser: Optical Receiver: PIC 16C73A: RC1202 Counter: MAX232: Futaba Servo: Note: For Futaba Servo, place a separate 5 V supply to the rest of the system to minimize back EMF created by the servo when loaded. This back EMF. will effect various parts of the system including the A/D accuracy while reading the servo position on the PIC 16C73A microprocessor. 2) PIC Pseudo-Code: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Reset RC1202 (J5-3) Load Control Word Pulse Laser at 500 Hz, LASER OUT (PIC-Pin 15) to Laser Unit Apply START on RC1202 directly from LASER OUT Apply STOP on RC1202 directly from Optical Receiver Pin-2 Wait to RDY (J4-37) to go HIGH to indicate a counter is ready. Read DATA_0-DATA.I_1 (J4-1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23) Read A/D Channel for Servo Position (PIC-Pin2) Send Range AND Angle Data to RS-232 Port j) Pulse RCVD to clear RC1202 k) Repeat Steps d) -j) How to Load Control Word for 500 ps: Signals to Control 'Control Word': DATAIN (J5-7), CLKB (J5-5), STROBE (J5-7) Load Control Word in the following format: AIN 1 BIN 1 CIN 1 SL2 1 SL3 1 CSC 0 CT7 CT6 0 0 75 CT5 0 CT4 0 CT3 0 CT2 CTl 0 0 CTO 0 "O" 0 DATAIN CLKB STROBE Figure 3.19 Control Word Format Control Word Pseudo-Code: a) Set STROBE LOW b) Set DATAIN LOW c) Set 10 CLKB Pulses (-1 gs pulse width each) d) Set DATAIN HIGH e) Set 5 CLKB Pulses (- ps pulse width each) f) Set STROBE HIGH (-2 ps pulse width) .g) Set STROBE LOW 3.12 Final System The completed final system is shown in Figure 3.20-3.23. Visible Laser Unit Pulse Laser RC1202 Counter Optical Receiver Miscellaneous Electronics Collecting Optics 7 Futaba Servo Figure 3.20 Completed System 76 I~j'~ RS-232 Interface Figure 3.21 Completed System with RS-232 Interface 0 Degree View 90 Degree View 180 Degree View Figure 3.22 Completed System Operating at Various Angles Figure 3.23 Complete Electronics Circuit Board 77 Chapter 4 4 Analysis of Prototype System Performance The completed scanning laser rangefinding system performed suitably and met all expectations originally sought. The laser rangefinder subsystem works in conjunction with the servo scanner to output both range and position information. The completed system was able to map a visual representation of the environment accurately. The live communications range and angle data (ASCII, HEX format) was read by a laptop's serial port, the most common communications port available. The data was saved and mapped using Matlab. This chapter will explain the system performance and how the data and manipulated and interpreted to get an actual visual map. 4.1 Rangefinding Performan ce The rangefinding system was built separate of the scanning system. The performance is tested both in terms of range, accuracy, and resolution. From the tests performed, ranges obtained reached nearly 65 feet for indoor tests. For outdoors, the maximum range may drop a little because of additional noise sources such as sunlight. Accuracy and resolution is determined recording data and comparing it at various known distances. Appendix B contains the raw data. The conversation from hexadecimal to decimal was performed and graphed to find the actual scale factor for range. 78 120 y = 2.2004x + 0.8775 R = 0.9937 100 80 * Series1 * Series2 -Linear (Series2) 60 CA 0 40- ' 'V ' ' 20--- 0--0 10 20 40 30 50 60 Range Count Figure 4.1 Laser Rangefinder Calibration Chart From the data collected, a linear regression was performed and an equation for the linear scaling of the ranging data was found. This equation is the following: y = 2.2004 + 0.8775 (11) where y is the actual count from the RC 1202 counter. Therefore, the resolution of the counter is 2.2004 inches per count with an R 2 value of 0.9937 indicating that from the data collected, the approximation for the resolution is very accurate. To determine accuracy of the laser rangefinding system, the variance of the data needs to be compared for fixed location. Data was recorded for an extended period of time at various fixed locations inclued 6" from the laser and 6' from the laser. In both cases, the standard deviation is approximately 0.73 counts or 1.606 inches. Figure 4.2 shows the probability distribution function for a standard deviation of 1.606 inches and a mean of zero. This represents what we can expect for the accuracy performance of the system. 79 0.8 0.6 - 0 . 0.4 0.2 -8 -6 -4 0 -2 2 4 6 8 Inches Figure 4.2 Probability Density Function of Range Accuracy, Mean=O, STD=1.606 in 4.2 Scanner System The scanner system is completely independent of the laser rangefinding system. After range data is collected, it is merged in combination with an angle data but the two are not intermixed or dependant on each other in anyway. The performance of the scanner will depend on the speed and accuracy of the system in determining angle information. To determine the performance, data was collected while the servo scanner was in operation. Figure 4.3 shows a typical chart of the output angle over time. From this, speed, resolution, and accuracy can be determined. 80 100 90 -* 80 70 60 *i50 -4 S40 - 30 ------- - 20 10 0 0) 200 400 1000 800 600 1200 1400 Time (1/500 second) Figure 4.3 Scanner Angle Data vs Time From Figure 4.3, the scanner system can be characterized easily. First, it can be seen that the servo system moves linearily, which indicates that the servo has a constant angular velocity. For approximately every 600 samples (1.2 seconds), the servo moves approximately a full 160 degrees and back to 0 degrees. Thus, the angular velocity is: 160 - deg rees x500 samples sec 300samples (12) Q = 266.7 degrees/sec Resolution can be determined by comparing the maximum and minimum of the raw data recorded. This can be estimated over the total angular traveled, which is 160 degrees. 160 Resolution = 160-degrees 95-10 max- min = 1.88 degree/raw count (13) The equation for converting raw angle data to actual angle is: Angle = 1.88 x (x - 10) (14) Where x is the raw angle data. This is used later for converting raw data into an actual map. 81 100 90 70 - 60 40 30 20 00 50 200 150 100 300 250 350 Time (1/500second) Figure 4.4 Raw Angle Data for a Single Full Scan To calculate the standard deviation of the data compared to the linear trendline, a major assumption must be made. First, that the servo is perfectly linear as the trendline predicts. Although it is known that this is not true and that the servo itself does have errors, it will serve to help predict the standard deviation of the angle. Using the equation: (15) y = 0.2896x+ 10.47 where x is time, to predict the linear motion of the servo and subtracting the actual position of the servo, a data set is obtained for the difference with a mean of zero. Ay = Yactual (16) - Ypredicted Finding the standard deviation of the raw data set (Ay) and then converting the raw data standard deviation to actual angle standard deviation will yield an approximation of the variance in the scanning servo system. The standard deviation calculated from the raw data is 2.65 counts, which is equivalent to 4.98 degrees standard deviation for actual angle. Figure 4.5 shows the probability density function for a standard deviation of 4.98 degrees with zero mean. 82 0.8 [. -0 0.4 0 0.2 -16 -10 0 -6 5 10 15 Degree Figure 4.5 Probability Density Function of Scanner System Performance From the PDF chart, it can be seen that the scanner system is not particularly accurate. However, do remember the assumption that was previously made. This does affect the error by a certain factor but it is still shown that the angle does vary significantly. 4.3 Laser Scanner System The laser scanner system was tested as a combination of both the laser rangefinder and the scanner system. Together, the data is merged to get range and angle information. This can be used to represent a visual map of the area being scanned. This section will show various visual representations of the different environments. Three different scenerios was chosen; looking down the hallway, looking at a known wall surface, and an external test with sunlight. One of the easier environments to depict is looking straight down a narrow hallway. The end of the hallway is approximately 60 ft or so from where the laser scanner system is positioned. Figure 4.6 shows scanner range with respect to time. Given that the system was stationary, each full scan of 160 degrees should be similar. Since the system was looking straight down a hallway, the scan should also depict a narrow passage down the center of the scan. 83 Full Scan 800.0- 600.0 500.0 C400.0 * Series1i I 300.0 200.0- ilk__ 100.0 600 400 200 0 800 1000 1400 1200 Time (1/500 second) Figure 4.6 Laser Scanned Data for Hallway Next, the data needs to be combined with angle information and scans overlaid to show how consistent the hallway seems. Figure 4.7 shows an overlay of 4 full scans and merged with the scanner's angle data. From Figure 4.7, it can be seen that each scan is fairly consistent in performing with limited variation. Indeed, the visual information does match over different scans. - - -C0600 M 000.0 -20.0 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 100.0 80.0 Angle(Degrees) 120.0 140.0 1600 Figure 4.7 Four Full Scans Merged for Hallway 84 180.0 2 3 -) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L An gle (d egree s) Figure 4.8 Transposed Hall Plot of Actual Angle and Range Information Figure 4.8 is a transposed version of Figure 4.7 shown on a polar plot to accurately show the hallway visual information as it appears from a top looking 2 dimensional view downward. The result indicates that there are two lines down the center of the picture. This indeed is the hallway, a narrow passage approximately 4.5 feet wide. Also in the picture, is range information for the end of the hallway, which is on the extreme of 715 inches from the laser system. The next test is to place the laser scanner inside an enclosed room and test it against a known wall surface. The wall surface is shown on Figure 4.9. 135 135 Degrees Degrees Laser System Figure 4.9 Known Surface 85 250.0 200.0 150.0 0) 100.0- 500 0.0 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1400 1200 Time (1/500 second) Figure 4.10 Laser Scanned Data for Known Surface 250.0- 200.0-- 9$ 150.0- 100.0 50.0- - 0.0 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 120.0 140.0 160.0 Angle (Degrees) Figure 4.11 Four Full Scans Merged for Known Surface 86 180.0 60 120 167.86 60 - - 30 - - 1 330 300 '240 Angle (degrees) Figure 4.12 Transposed Known Surface Plot of Actual Angle and Range 90 223.8 a) C- 0 180 CD 270 Angle (degrees) Figure 4.13 Transposed Surface Plot Overlaid with Known Surface 87 The final test for the scanning laser rangefinding system is an outdoor test which includes sunlight effects. The laser scanner system was tested ontop Draper Laboratory's It was tested along the rough concrete surface with an estimated parking rooftop. At the time of the test, the sunlight was reflecting reflectivity coefficient of 25-50%. directly off the surface of the walls along the parking lot, similating a maximum noise environment. Outside temperature was approximately 600 F with no cloud and lots of sunshine. ................................... 600 0 -r h 4 500 0 5 *Oeresl 0 00O 0 2000 1000 00 0 100 500 400 300 200 700 600 Time (1500 second) Figure 4.14 External rooftop test with sunlight 6000 s I.. 5000 lot 400.0 IN. 3000 2000 1000 00 00 200 40.0 600 100.0 0.0 Angle(Degre.) 120.0 1400 160,0 180.0 Figure 4.15 Four full scans for external rooftop test with sunlight 88 90 645.2 120 6 x~ - 150 %2 327 .12 18 .0&- ,. 30 270 Angle (degree) Figure 4.16 Transposed Surface Plot Overlaid with external rooftop test What the external test shows is that the scanning rangefinder works under external operating conditions even with noise effects such as sunlight. During the test, the noise level adjustment on the optical receiver was adjusted for a higher minimum noise level, canceling higher amounts of noise produced by sunlight. For the outdoor test, it can been seen in Figure 4.15 and 4.16 that the range exceeded 540 inches, which translates to about 45 ft range, at least. Given the reflectivity of the surface outdoor and the sunlight noise, this is fairly acceptable for collision avoidance purposely and perhaps, performance. Outdoor performance can be improved further if a bandpass filter is used on the receiving end. 89 Chapter 5 5 Conclusion and Future Work The laser scanning system performed as expected. The final weight was 530 grams (-1.25 lbs), a weight lighter than comparable systems on the market. The total power required for the complete system including the servo is 8 Watts. The performance of the laser rangefinding system was 2.2 inch resolution with a standard deviation of 1.606 inches and a minimum 65 foot range indoors. The scanner system has a resolution of 1.88 degree with a approximate standard deviation of 4.98 degrees and a range of 160 .degrees which takes approximately 0.6 seconds to complete the full scan. In terms of weight, a lot can be shaved off the existing prototype. A large part of the electronics portion was unnecessarily lengthy cabling which can easily be reduced in future versions of the system. Perhaps better packaging on both the laser and receiver units can help save weight and volume. Performance is limited somewhat in this version of the prototype for several reasons. First, the A/D solution on the PIC 16C73A microprocessor is inadequate for precise monitoring and control of the servo position. In the future, emphasis should be placed on replacing the 8 bit A/D converter built into the PIC with a 12 bit version so that more accurate angle resolutions can be obtained. Secondly, optics plays a major role in gathering of the reflected laser lightwaves. In this prototype, an ad-hoc method was used for placement of the convex lens in front of the optical receiver. It was only noticed towards the end that the focal point between the convex lens and the silicon on the optical receiver was not properly matched. If it were properly matched the maximum should increase substantially. Several other designs should be considered for future laser scanning products. Although the servo type scanner might be sufficient for relatively low speed scanning, a spinning mirror scanner maybe more appropriate for high speed scanning, a system similar to the Accurange 4000 2D Line Scanner design. That design incorporates a spinning mirror control system rather than moving the whole laser and receiver unit. 90 The high speed movement and decoding of a cube mirror is significantly more precise and accurate than the servo system that was employed in this thesis. Of course, the complexity might increase a little but the advantages may be worth the effort. This thesis provides a framework for how to build a fairly accurate and inexpensive scanning laser rangefinding system. The system is easily modifiable by mixing and matching various subsystems such as the microcontroller, the pulse laser, and the servo control system, to meet a variety of requirements. That is the biggest advantage that was seen from the start of the project. Although initially thought difficult, this project has proven that time of flight laser rangefinding can be done effectively with low cost available technology. 91 Appendix A PIC 16C73A Microprocessor Code by Rusty Sammon processor 16c73 #include "16c73.h" #include "laser.h" ;Created 7/22/98 by Rusty Sammon ;Modified 3/22/99 by Rusty Sammon ;This version of the laser.asm code has the following options: *ascii output along serial line * 500Hz laser sampling rate / data send rate * 6.000 Mhz clock speed *configures counter for 500ps resolution ; analog servo input for A2D conversion *PWM output to set servo arm position ;This PIC code will run a laser rangefinder for use as an altimeter on ;an autonomous helicopter. The code is reasonably straightforward: 1) Start the counter and pulse the laser 2) Wait till the counter has data available 3) Read the data (parallel data) from the counter 4) Send the newest data to computer on a serial line ;NOTES ;Timerl is used to generate an interrupt flag to time the sampling rate ;(500Hz--> 2ms intervals). ;Code makes an effort to keep Bank 0 as the active register bank except ;when it is absolutely necessary to use Bank 1. ;This version of the code will send the data as Ascii characters, ;which makes it easier to display the data using a Terminal program ;on a PC. ;This version of the code contains a startup procedure to configure ;the counter for a 500ps timestep. The default counter timestep ;is 4ns Start Code;;; ORG OxOOOO GOTO Startup ; Reset Start Location ; Interrupt Vector Location ORG Ox0004 GOTO InterruptHandler 92 Port Initializations Startup: Initialize Port A _rp0 BCF _porta CLRF _rp0 BSF OxFB MOVLW _trisa MOVWF ; (1 -- > input, 0 -- > output) ; bit 5 - DATA9 input ; bit 4 - DATA8 input ; bit 3 - not used (analog input- see servo init stuff) ; bit 2 - RCVD output ; bit 1 - not used (analog input- see servo init stuff) ; bit 0 - SERVOIN analog input from servo potentiometer Initialize Port B _rp0 BCF _portb CLRF _rp0 BSF MOVLW OxFF MOVWF trisb ; Make all of them inputs (1 --> input, 0 -- > output) ; data0-data7 are on these pins Initialize Port C _rp0 BCF _portc CLRF _rp0 BSF MOVLW Ox08 MOVWF _trisc ; bit 7 - STROBE output ; bit 6 - SERIAL output pin ; bit 5 - CLKB output pin ; bit 4 - LASER Output to Laser ; bit 3 - RDY Input from Counter ; bit 2 - DATAIN output to counter ; bit 1 - SERVOUT output to servo ; bit 0 - RESET output to counter Initializations for Laser Pulse Rate ;General Interrupt Setup BSF _rp0 MOVLW OxCO MOVWF _intcon ; bit 7 - Global Interrupts are ENABLED ; bit 6 - Peripheral Interrupts are ENABLED ; bit 5 - Timer 0 (TMRO) overflow interrupt disabled ; bit 4 - RBO external interrupt disabled ; bit 3 - RB port change interrupt disabled ; bit 2 - TMRO overflow interrupt flag bit ; bit 1 - RBO external interrupt flag bit bit 0 - RB port chance interrupt flag bit 93 ; Interrupts are used for timing the laser pulse rate ; This program uses the capture compare module flag bit for timing purposes, ; but does not actually perform an interrupt. The flag bit is set regardless ; of whether interrupts are enabled, and this is all we care about. The flag ; bit is cleared in the regular code Enable Specific Interrupt BSF _rpO MOVLW 0x06 MOVWF _pieI ; bit 7 - Parallel Slave port interrupt disabled ; bit 6 - A2D converter interrupt disabled ; bit 5 - USART Receive interrupt disabled ; bit 4 - USART Transmit interrupt disabled ; bit 3 - Synchronous Serial Port interrupt disabled ; bit 2 - Capture Compare module 1 (CCPl) interrupt ENABLED ; bit 1 - TMR2 to PR2 match interrupt ENABLED ; bit 0 - Timer 1 overflow interrupt disabled ; Remember, the CCP1 flag bit is used for timing the laser ; pulse rate ; Timer2 is used to time the width of pulses that are sent to the servo ; The frequency of these pulses is controlled by the PulseCounter Initialize Timer I Use Bank 0 BCF _rp0 MOVLW OxO1 MOVWF _tIcon Turn Timer 1 on, it's used for timing the laser pulse rate Prescale 1:1 Use internal clock Initialize Capture Compare Module 1 (CCPI) BCF _rpO MOVLW OxOb MOVWF _ccp Icon ; bits 7-6 - Unimplemented ; bits 5-4 - PWM Least Significant bits (not used for ccpl) ; bits 3-0 - Select Compare mode and have interrupt trigger resetting of TMR1 Changes the interrupt flag when TMR1 has same value as CCPR1H and CCPRIL Then resets TMR1 so we can do it over again This is used for timing the laser pulse rate ;Load value into CCP1 BCF _rpO MOVLW OxOB MOVWF _ccprlh MOVLW OxB8 MOVWF _ccprll Get value into compare module for interrupts at correct intervals Used for timing the laser pulse rate Fosc = 6.000 Mhz Clock speed = 1.5Mhz => 667ns (have to recalculate if clock speed is changed) 94 500 samples/sec --> 2ms/sample 2ms / 667ns = 3000 = 0xOBB8 Generates an interrupt every time TMRl = OxOBB8 ;Reset Interrupt Flags BCF _rpO Reset Capture Compare module interrupt flag CLRF _pir1 BCF TimeForLoop ; 1 = Interrupt occurred ; 0 = No interrupt Initialization for Serial Output Initialize Asynchronous Transmitter (USART) _rp0 BSF MOVLW Ox24 MOVWF _txsta bit 7 - Clock Source Select (not used in Asynchronous mode) bit 6 - Use 8 bit transmission bit 5 - Transmit ENABLED bit 4 - Asynchronous mode bit 3 - Unimplemented bit 2 - High speed transmission ; bit 1 - Transmit Shift Register Status Bit (1=empty, 0=full) ; bit 0 - 9th bit of transmit data (not used) ; Note: Port C, 7 is both the DATAIN output and the Serial port receive input ; Because of this we won't actually enable the serial port (the enable affects ; both the transmit and receive ports) until after loading the control word ; for the counter (this is the only time that DATAIN is used) USART Baud Rate Generator Stuff BSF _rpO MOVLW 0x09 MOVWF _spbrg ; Value in the SPBRG register controls the baud rate for USART ; transmission using the formula ; Currently, we're using high speed transmission (BRGH=1) Baud Rate = Fosc / (16*(X+1)) Fosc = 6.000 Mhz (have to change this if clock speed changes) For baud rate of 37.5kbps, use X=9=0x09 Initialization for A2D conversion Configure analog conversion (ADCONO) BCF _rp0 MOVLW Ox81 MOVWF _adcon0 bits 7-6= Conversion clock at Fosc/32= 6.000 Mhz/32= 187.5khz This means that it takes 32/4= 8 instructions to do a conversion bits 5-3= Analog Channel= 0 (porta,0) bit 2 - A/D conversion not yet in progress bit 0 - A/D converter module is turned on 95 Configure analog port (ADCON1) BSF _rp0 MOVLW Ox04 MOVWF _adcon1 bits 7-3= unimplemented bits 2-0= set porta bits 0,1 ,and 3 as analog inputs note that only porta,0 is actually used (SERVOIN) Initialize Servo Controls ServoInit: ;set up Timer2 for pulse length timing BCF _rp0 MOVLW 0x07 MOVWF _t2con ; bit 7 - unimplemented ; bits 6-3= postscale 1:1 bit 2 - turn ON timer 2 bits 1-0= prescale 16 ; Interrupts are generated when Timer2==PR2. We set PR2=the length of the ; servo pulse, and only enable Timer2 once every 50 Hz (the servo update rate) ; Note that we set _pr2=ServoDestination in laser.h ; Start off with a pulse width equal to Servo_xO BSF _p0 MOVLW Servo_xl MOVWF ServoDestination ;Switch to Bank 0 (program should always be in bank 0) BCF _rp0 ;Reset pulse and angle counters BSF UsingTMR2_Int CLRF _tmr2 CALL ResetServoSweep CALL StartServoPulse Load control data into the counter PreparetoLoadCounter: ;bring counter reset low to prepare to send reset pulse to counter BCF RESET ;get laser ready for first pulse BCF LASER ;get ready to tell when data is received BCF RCVD ResetCounter: BSF RESET NOP BCF RESET ;pulse RESET signal to reset the counter ;pulse length = 2 cycles = 667ns * 2 = 1.3us ;finish RESET pulse, counter should be ready to go LoadCounterControlWord: ;The counter has a control data word that needs to be loaded ;at startup to get the counter into the correct mode of operation ;By default, the counter has a timestep of 4ns. Loading this ;control word reduces the timestep to 500ps. ;get set to load the data word BCF CLKB 96 BCF STROBE ;load the first 11 bits of the data word (all zeros) BCF DATAIN ;give datain time to be set - necessary? NOP ;Load data bit 0 CALL PulseCLKB ;Load data bit 1 CALL PulseCLKB ;Load data bit 2 CALL PulseCLKB ;Load data bit 3 CALL PulseCLKB ;Load data bit 4 CALL PulseCLKB ;Load data bit 5 CALL PulseCLKB ;Load data bit 6 CALL PulseCLKB ;Load data bit 7 CALL PulseCLKB ;Load data bit 8 CALL PulseCLKB ;Load data bit 9 CALL PulseCLKB ;Load data bit 10 CALL PulseCLKB ;load the last 5 bits of the data word (all ones) BSF DATAIN ;give datain time to be set - necessary? NOP ;Load data bit CALL PulseCLKB ;Load data bit CALL PulseCLKB ;Load data bit CALL PulseCLKB ;Load data bit CALL PulseCLKB ;Load data bit CALL PulseCLKB 1' 12 13 14 15 ;Finish loading the data word by brining strobe high BSF STROBE NOP ;pulse length = 4 cycles = 4 * 667ns = 2.7us NOP NOP BCF STROBE ;cycle 3 ;cycle 4 ;We're done with DATAIN, now enable serial port (part of RCSTA) ;Serial port ENABLED BSF _spen Main Loop- Do one sample InitMainLoop: CLRF _tmrlh CLRF _tmr 11 BCF TimeForLoop BCF _rpO MainLoop: BSF StartA2D ;reset timer #1 for interrupt generation ;reset timer #1 ;Clea r the interrupt flag ;Swit ch to Bank 0 (program should always be in bank 0) ;Sample the servo position and start A2D conversion ; pulse the laser ; clock = 6.000 Mhz = 667ns (need to change code if clock changes) ;start pulsing the laser BSF LASER ;pulse length = 2 cycle = 2 * 667ns = 1.3us ;cycle #2 NOP ;finish pulsing the laser BCF LASER WaitForCounter: 97 BTFSC RDY GOTO ReadData BTFSC TimeForLoop GOTO CounterTimeout GOTO WaitForCounter ReadData: CLRF DataLow CLRF DataHigh BTFSC dataO BSF DataLow,O BTFSC datal BSF DataLow,1 BTFSC data2 BSF DataLow,2 BTFSC data3 BSF Data_ Low,3 BTFSC data4 BSF DataLow,4 BTFSC data5 BSF DataLow,5 BTFSC data6 BSF DataLow,6 BTFSC data7 BSF DataLow,7 BTFSC data8 BSF DataHigh,O BTFSC data9 BSF DataHigh,1 ;IF counter is ready ;THEN continue on and read data from counter ;ELSE IF interrupt occurs ;THEN no laser pulse has been received and counter ;has timed out; send blank data and try again ;ELSE continue to wait for counter to be ready ;Assume all bits are zero until read in ;if bit 0 is set ;then set DataLow,O ;read bit 1 ;read bit 2 ;read bit 3 ;read bit 4 ;read bit 5 ;read bit 6 ;read bit 7 ;read bit 8 ;read bit 9 ;let counter know that data has been received by pulsing the RCVD output BSF RCVD NOP BCF RCVD ;pulse length = 2 cycles = 2 * 667ns = 1.3us ;end pulsing RCVD SendA2DAsciil: ;by now the A2D conversion is easily finished (it takes 8 cycles) ;convert the A2D result to ascii and send it to computer CLRF Digit BTFSC _adres, BSF Digit, 0 BTFSC _adres, BSF Digit, 1 BTFSC _adres, BSF Digit, 2 BTFSC _adres, BSF Digit, 3 4 5 6 7 CALL SendDigitasAscii ;converts digit to ascii and sends it SendA2DAscii0: ;convert the second digit of the servo position to ascii CLRF Digit BTFSC _adres, 0 BSF Digit, 0 BTFSC _adres, 1 BSF Digit, 1 BTFSC _adres, 2 98 BSF Digit, 2 BTFSC _adres, 3 BSF Digit, 3 CALL SendDigit-asAscii SendSpace: MOVLW Ox20 MOVWF Ascii CALL WaittoSend ;converts digit to ascii and sends it ;Ascii "space" ;Send the carriage return PrepareAscii2: ;Convert the third digit of the hexadecimal number to ascii CLRF Digit BTFSC DataHigh, 0 BSF Digit, 0 BTFSC DataHigh, 1 BSF Digit, I BTFSC DataHigh, 2 BSF Digit, 2 BTFSC DataHigh, 3 BSF Digit, 3 ;converts digit to ascii an sends it CALL SendDigit asAscii PrepareAscii 1: ;Convert the second digit of the hexadecimal number to ascii CLRF Digit BTFSC DataLow, 4 BSF Digit, 0 BTFSC DataLow, 5 BSF Digit, 1 BTFSC DataLow, 6 BSF Digit, 2 BTFSC DataLow, 7 BSF Digit, 3 ;converts digit to ascii an sends it CALL SendDigit-asAscii PrepareAscii0: ;Convert the first digit of the hexadecimal number to ascii ;This is done by taking the first 4 bits of the datalow register ;and finding their corresponding values as hexadecimal digits ;in ascii CLRF Digit BTFSC DataLow, 0 BSF Digit, 0 BTFSC DataLow, 1 BSF Digit, 1 BTFSC DataLow, 2 BSF Digit, 2 BTFSC DataLow, 3 BSF Digit, 3 ;converts digit to ascii an sends it CALL SendDigitasAscii SendCarriageReturn: MOVLW OxOA MOVWF Ascii CALL WaittoSend ;Ascii "line feed" ;Send the carriage return ContinueServoSweep: 99 DECF SampleCounterLow, 1 BTFSC DidNotBorrow DECF SampleCounter_High, 1 MOVFW SampleCounterLow ADDLW OxOO BTFSS ResultZero GOTO UpdateServoPosition MOVFW SampleCounterHigh ADDLW OxOO BTFSC ResultZero CALL ResetServoSweep UpdateServoPosition: DECF PulseCounter, 1 BTFSC ResultZero CALL StartServoPulse WaitToLoop: BTFSS TimeForLoop GOTO WaitToLoop BCF TimeForLoop FinishLoop: CLRWDT GOTO MainLoop ;IF there was a borrow ;THEN decrement the high byte also ;IF the low byte not zero ;THEN Finish the loop ;ELSE test the high byte ;IF the high byte is zero ;THEN Start sweeping the other way ;IF Pulse-counter == 0 ;THEN start the pulse output to servo ;if interrupt hasn't happened yet ;then keep looping ;Clear the interrupt flag ;(Note that this is NOT done in the ;interrupt handler) ;Clear the Watchdog timer ;ELSE continue sweeping this way CounterTimeout: When the counter does not send back a RDY signal before it is time to send data, then this procedure is called. This procedure will clear the interrupt and then send a "!" to indicate no data was received. MOVLW Ox21 ;Send flag value (Ascii "!") MOVWF Ascii ;to show that no signal is returned ;Send the blank data CALL WaittoSend GOTO SendCarriage_Return SendDigit-asAscii: This procedure converts a 4 bit number value in the register Digit and converts is to an Ascii value that corresponds to the correct hexadecimal digit. For example, (binary 101 1)=(hex B) converts to (Ascii "B")=(hex 42)=(binary 01000010) ;The converted ascii number is stored in the register Ascii ;First, we have to determine if the hexadecimal ;digit is a number or a letter. By subracting ;from 0x09 and then looking at the carry bit, we ;can see if the number is greater than Ox09 ;(greater than Ox09 means it's a letter) ;IF the /borrow bit is 0 (a borrow occurred) BTFSS Overflow MOVFW Digit SUBLW 0x09 100 GOTO Convert_ Letter ConvertNumber: MOVFW Digit ADDLW 0x30 ;THEN the digit is a letter ;ELSE the digit is number ;Reload the digit, the result of the subraction is useless ;0x30 is the ascii value for "0" ;0x31 is the ascii value for "1", etc. ;by adding 0x30, we line up the ascii values for ;digits 0 through 9 MOVWF Ascii GOTO Wait to_ Send ConvertLetter: MOVLW OxOA ;Subtract Ox0A from the digit to get the offset SUBWF Digit,0 ;Store this in the working register ADDLW 0x41 ;0x41 is the ascii value for "A" ;0x42 is the ascii value for "B", etc. ;by adding 0x4 1, we line up the ascii values for ;letters A through F MOVWF Ascii ;The TransmitFlag indicates whether the transmit buffer is eipty ;and it is possible to send more data. It is set regardless of ;whether the transmit interrupt is enabled (in this program, it ;isn't). The TransmitFlag can not be cleared in the code. WaittoSend: NOP SendAscii: BSF TransmitEnable MOVFW Ascii MOVWF _txreg NOP WaittoFinishSending: BTFSS TransmitDone GOTO WaittoFinishSending BCF TransmitEnable RETURN ;enable transmission ;wait for it to be loaded into TSR ;IF TransmitFlag is NOT set ;THEN _txreg is not empty and we have to wait ;ELSE _txreg is empty and we can send data transmission ;disable PulseCLKB: When loading the data word into the counter, it is necessary to pulse the clock for each new bit that is loaded. This procedure is called from the load data word routine to make the above code more readable It pulses the clock once and then waits long enough for the clock to be ready to be pulsed again. ;assume that CLKB is already low for sufficient time BSF CLKB ;pulse length = 2 cycles = 667ns * 2 = 1.3us NOP NOP BCF CLKB ;wait long enough so that PulseCLKB can be called again NOP ;wait length = 2 cycles = 667ns * 2 = 1.3us NOP RETURN 101 InterruptHandler: BCF _rpO MOVWF WSave MOVFW _status MOVWF StatusSave MOVFW _fsr MOVWF FsrSave BCF _rpO BTFSC Timer2_PR2_Flag CALL FinishServoPulse BTFSC CCPLFlag CALL HandleCCPIInt ;Save key registers ;register bank 0 ;IF Tim er2 interrupt ;THEN Handle that ;IF CCP1 Interrupt ;use a jump here? so that we don't reset the tr ;unless absolutely necessary? ;IF Transmit int BTFSC TransmitFlag CALL HandleTxInt ;This is the only way to clear the interrupt flag CLRF _txreg BCF A2DIntFlag BCF _rpO MOVFW FsrSave MOVWF _fsr MOVFW StatusSave MOVWF _status MOVFW WSave RETFIE ;Restore key registers ;ELSE do notthing for timerl interrupts HandleTxInt: MOVLW OxOO MOVWF _txreg BCF TransmitEnable RETURN ;clear th e flag ;disable transmission HandleCCP1_Int: BCF CCPLFlag BSF TimeForLoop RETURN ;Clear the flag ;Mark the variable ResetServo_Sweep: The servo destination stores the position that the servo should be moving to during the the upcoming sweep. For now, we only use the top 8 bits of the duty cycle register in setting the servo position. ;register bank 1 BSF _rp0 ;Servo_xO is the start position MOVLW Servo_xO SUBWF ServoDestination, 0 ;IF we just went to Servo_xO BTFSC ResultZero ;THEN do a forward sweep GOTO ForwardSweep ;ELSE do a reverse sweep Servo_xO MOVLW 102 MOVWF ServoDestination ;register bank 0 BCF _rpO MOVLW SweepSamplesHigh MOVWF SampleCounterHigh MOVLW SweepSamplesLow MOVWF SampleCounterLow RETURN ;move back to Servo_xO ForwardSweep: MOVLW Servo_xl MOVWF ServoDestination ;register bank 0 BCF _rpO MOVLW SweepSamplesHigh MOVWF SampleCounterHigh MOVLW SweepSamplesLow MOVWF SampleCounterLow RETURN StartServoPulse: * MOVLW PulseRate MOVWF PulseCounter CLRF _tmr2 BSF SERVOUT BCF Timer2_PR2_Flag ;Reset the pulse-counter ;reset the timer ;start pulsing the servo ;clear the interrupt flag BSF _rp0 BSF Timer2_Int_Enable ;Turn timer 2 ON BCF _rpO BSF UsingTMR2_Int RETURN FinishServoPulse: BCF Timer2_PR2_Flag BTFSS UsingTMR2_Int RETURN BCF SERVOUT ;clear the interrupt flag ;IF we're not using this interrupt ;THEN Don't do anything ;stop pulsing the servo BSF _rp0 BCF Timer2_Int_Enable ;disable the interrupt BCF _rp0 BCF UsingTMR2_Int RETURN END 103 Appendix B Calibration Data Average at 6" from Laser: 72.8 (HEX) STD at 6" from Laser: .7343 3/28/99 Each data represents 6 inches of seperation 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Pass 1 (HEX) 073 075 077/078 07A 07C 07F 082 085 088 08C 090 092 094 096/097 098 09A/09B 09D 09F/OAO OA1/0A2 Pass 2 (HEX) 073 075 078 07A 07C/07D 07F 081/082 085 088/089 08C/08D 08F/090 092/093 094/095 096/097 098/099 09B 09D 09F/OAO OA1/0A2 Inches 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 102 108 114 Pass 1(Bin) 3 5 7.5 10 12 14 18 21 24 28 32 34 36 38.5 40 42.5 45 47.5 49.5 Pass 2(Bin) 3 5 8 10 12.5 14 17.5 21 24.5 28.5 31.5 34.5 36.5 38.5 40.5 43 45 47.5 49.5 Data 1 Average 3 5 7.75 10 12.25 14 17.75 21 24.25 28.25 31.75 34.25 36.25 38.5 40.25 42.75 45 47.5 49.5 104 References [1] Kaliardos, William. Sensors for Autonomous Navigation and Hazard Avoidance on a Planetary Micro-Rover. MS Thesis, MIT May '93, CSDL-T-1 186. [2] Trott, Christian A. Electronics Design for an Autonomous Helicopter. ME Thesis, MIT June '97, CSDL-T-1283. [3] Paul Horowitz and Winfield Hill. The Art of Electronics. Cambridge University Press, New York, 1993. [4] Araki, Kazuo. High Speed and Continuous Rangefinding System. IEICE Transactions, V E74, October '91. [5] Hecht, Eugene. Optics. Addison Wesley Publishing Co, 1987. [6] Polaroid Corporation. Data Sheets for Electrostatic Transducers. Cambridge, '97. [7] Polaroid Corporation. Technical Specifications for 6500 Series Sonar Ranging Module. Cambridge, '96. [8] Fontana, R.J. An Ultra Wideband Synthetic Vision Sensor for Airborne Wire Detection. Multispectral Solutions, Gaitersburg, MD, '98. 105