A GOAL-ORIENTED DESIGN EVALUATION FRAMEWORK FOR DECISION MAKING UNDER UNCERTAINTY by JUN BEOM KIM Bachelor of Science, Aerospace Engineering Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, 1992 Master of Science, Mechanical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 1995 Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 1999 © 1999 Massachusetts Institute of Technology All Rights Reserved t........ .70........................ .n...or................-. Signature of A uthor............................................ Engineering Mechanical /Department of May 9, 1999 Certified by........................................ David R. Wallace Esther and Harold E. Edgerton Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Thesis Supervisor Accepted by...................................................... Ain A. Sonin Chairman, Department C tee on Graduate Students ENG To myfatherfor his perseverance and To my motherfor her dedication A GOAL-ORIENTED DESIGN EVALUATION FRAMEWORK FOR DECISION MAKING UNDER UNCERTAINTY by JUN BEOM KIM Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on May 9, 1999 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering ABSTRACT This thesis aims to provide a supportive mathematical decision framework for use during the process of designing products. This thesis is motivated by: (a) the lack of descriptive design decision aid tools used in design practice and (b) the necessity to emphasize the role of time-variability and uncertainty in a decision science context. The research provides a set of prescriptive and intuitive decision aid tools that will help designers in evaluating uncertain, evolving designs in the design process. When integrated as part of a design process, the decision framework can guide designers into the right development direction in the fluidic design process. A probabilistic acceptability-based decision analysis model is built upon characterizing design as a specification satisfaction process. The decision model is mathematically defined and extended into a comprehensive goal-oriented design evaluation framework. The goal oriented evaluation framework provides a set of tools that constitute a coherent value-based decision analysis system under uncertainty. Its four components are: (a) the construction of multi-dimensional acceptability preference functions capturing uncertainties in designer's subjective judgment; (b) a new goal setting method, based upon a discrete Markov chain, to help designers quantify product targets early in the design process; (c) an uncertainty metric, based upon mean semi-variance analysis, enabling designers to cope with uncertainties of single events by providing measures of expectation, risk, and opportunity, and; (d) a data aggregation model for merging different and uncertain expert opinions about a design's engineering performance. These four components are intended to form a comprehensive and practical decision framework based upon the notion of goal, enabling product designers to measure uncertain designs in a systematic manner to make better decisions throughout the product design process. Doctoral Committee : Professor David R. Wallace (Chairman) Professor Seth Lloyd Professor Kevin N. Otto ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This is a culmination of my four years' research at MIT Computer-aided Design Laboratory in the field of design and decision theory. My appreciation goes to my advisor Professor David R. Wallace. Countless times, he patiently listened to my thoughts and provided me with much critical and constructive feedback throughout the course of the research. I especially thank him for the trust and encouragement that he had shown to me in all of our meetings. I also would like to thank my committee members, Professor Kevin Otto for this feedback on a few issues and Professor Seth Lloyd for the discussions in shaping two of the topics presented in this thesis. Also I have to thank Dr. Abi Sarkar in Mathematics Department for his inputs shaping Chapter 6 of this thesis. I would like to mention all of my friends at CADLAB and MIT Korean community. Some of the old members at CADLAB ; Paul, Nicola, Krish, Ashley, and Chun Ho. Current members at CADLAB ; Nick, Ben, Shaun M., Shaun A., Manuel, Jaehyun, Jeff, Pricilla, Chris, and Bill ; don't stay here too long. You deserve a window. The Korean community at MIT has been the main source of relaxation and refreshment throughout the long days at MIT. To name a few; Shinsuk, DongSik,HunWook, DongHyun, Taejung, JuneHee, SungHwan, KunDong, JaeHyun, SangJun, Steve, SokWoo. Without you guys, my life in the States must have been so boring. Finally, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my parents. Their unconditional love and support throughout my life has shaped me and my thoughts. My brother is the MAN. For all the support and encouragement that he had shown to me while I have been away, I cannot thank him too much. We have been the best friends and will be as we go along through the rest of our lives. I am so blessed to be a part of such a family. One is one's own refuge, who else could it be? - Buddha I 9 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTR A CT .......................................................................................................................................................... 5 TABLE O F C O N TEN TS .................................................................................................................................... 9 LIST O F FIG U RES ........................................................................................................................................... 13 LIST O F TA BLES ............................................................................................................................................. 15 1.IN TR OD U C TION ...............................................................................................................................--.....--. 17 ............... M OTIVATION............................................................................................................... .................................................................................................. AND DELIVERABLE THESIS G OAL 1.1 1.2 Goal-orientedpreferencefunction ..................................................................................... 1.2.1 Go al settin g .................................................................................................................................. 1.2 .1.1 Preference function construction.............................................................................................. Decisions underdesign evolution and changing uncertainty........................................... 1.2.2 Uncertainty M easure....................................................................................................................21 M ultiple estimate aggregation................................................................................................ THESIS O RGANIZATION .................................................................................................................... 1.3 2. BA CK GR O U N D ............................................................................................................................................ 2.1 2.2 Design D ecision Making.................................................................................................... D ecision M aking as an Integral Part of D esign Process ................................................. RELATED W ORK ................................................................................................................................ Qualitative D ecision Support Tools .................................................................................. 2.4.1 P u gh ch art..................................................................................................................................... 2 .4 .1.1 House of Quality .......................................................................................................................... Q uantitativeD ecision Support Tools ................................................................................ 2.4.2 Figure of M erit............................................................................................................................. M ethod of Imprecision ............................................................................................................ 2.4.3 2.4.4 Utility Theory............................................................................................................................... Acceptability Model .................................................................................................................... Other Decision Aid Tools.................................................................................................... D iscussion............................................................................................................................... SUMM ARY ......................................................................................................................................... 3. ACCEPTABILITY-BASED EVALUATION MODEL ............................................................................ 3.2 3.2.1 25 26 27 2.3.2 3.1 22 22 D esign..................................................................................................................................... D ecision Analysis ................................................................................................................... DECISION A NALYSIS IN DESIGN....................................................................................................... 2.5 21 21 21 25 26 2.3.1 2.4 20 .........................---. O VERVIEW ........................................................................................................ D ESIGN, DECISION M AKING, AND DESIGN PROCESS................................................................... 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.3 --- 17 19 28 28 29 31 32 32 32 34 34 35 36 39 42 43 44 45 O VERVIEW ........................................................................................................................................ A GOAL-ORIENTED APPROACH......................................................................................................... 45 45 Goalprogramming ................................................................................................................. 46 Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 10 Goal-baseddesign evaluationframework.......................................................................... 3.2.2 A SPIRATION AND REJECTION LEVELS........................................................................................... 3.3 D efinition and Formulation ............................................................................................... Absolute Scale of Aspiration and Rejection Levels............................................................ 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.4 O NE D IM ENSIONAL A CCEPTABILITY FUNCTION.............................................................................. Formulation............................................................................................................................ Operation : Lottery Method............................................................................................... 3.4.1 3.4.2 M ULTI DIMENSIONAL A CCEPTABILITY FUNCTION ....................................................................... 3.5 Mutual PreferentialIndependence..................................................................................... Two-dim ensionalAcceptability Function............................................................................ 3.5.1 3.5.2 3 .5.2.2 47 49 51 51 52 53 53 55 Formulation..................................................................................................................................55 So lutio n ........................................................................................................................................ 56 58 D iscussion............................................................................................................................... 58 SUMM ARY ......................................................................................................................................... 59 3.5.4 4. GOAL SETTING USING DYNAMIC PROBABILISTIC MODEL...................................................... O VERVIEW ........................................................................................................................................ 4.1 47 N -dimensional Acceptability Function.............................................................................. 3.5.3 3.6 46 61 61 4.1.1 Goal-basedM ethod................................................................................................................ 62 4.1.2 Problem Statement ................................................................................................................. 62 4.1.3 Approach ................................................................................................................................ A DISCRETE M ARKOV CHAIN : A STOCHASTIC PROCESS............................................................... 4.2.1 M arkov Properties................................................................................................................. Transition Probabilitiesand M atrix................................................................................... 4.2.2 D YNAM IC PROBABILISTIC GOAL SETTING M ODEL ....................................................................... 4.3 4.3.1 OperationalProcedure...................................................................................................... 4.2 4.3.2 4.3.3 Identification of Candidate States ...................................................................................... Assessm ent of Individual States.......................................................................................... Local Probabilities ....................................................................................................................... M odeling Assumption on the Local Probabilities .................................................................. Interpretation of Subjective Probabilities ............................................................................... M arkov Chain Construction............................................................................................... 4.3.4 4.3.5 4.4.2 4.6 67 67 67 68 71 72 Decision Chain.............................................................................................................................72 Transition M atrix Construction................................................................................................ 74 Limiting Probabilitiesand their Interpretation................................................................. 75 O peratio n ...................................................................................................................................... 4 .3 .5 .1 Existence of Limiting Probabilities......................................................................................... Interpretation of Limiting Probabilities ................................................................................. 4.4 POST-A NALYSIS................................................................................................................................ 4.4.1 Convergence Rate .................................................................................................................. 4.5 63 65 65 65 66 66 Statistical Test ........................................................................................................................ A PPLICATION EXAMPLE ................................................................................................................... 75 77 79 80 80 82 84 4.5.1 4.5.2 4 .5.2 .1 Purpose................................................................................................................................... Procedure............................................................................................................................... S e t-u p ............................................................................................................................................ 84 85 85 4 .5 .2 .2 4.5.3 P articip an ts ................................................................................................................................... G oal-setting Software ........................................................................................................ 85 86 4.5.4 Result ...................................................................................................................................... 87 4 .5 .4 .1 P ercep tio n ..................................................................................................................................... M easurement Outcome................................................................................................................88 SUMM ARY ......................................................................................................................................... 5. DECISION MAKING FOR SINGLE EVENTS........................................................................................ 5.1 5.2 O VERVIEW ........................................................................................................................................ EXPECTATION-BASED DECISIONS .................................................................................................. 5.2.1 5.2.2 Framework ............................................................................................................................. Allais paradox........................................................................................................................ Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 87 88 91 91 92 92 92 11 Th e E xperim ent............................................................................................................................ 5 .2 .2 .1 Alternative analysis......................................................................................................................94 Its Implication to Design Decision M aking ............................................................................. U NCERTAINTY CLASSIFICATION ................................................................................................... 5.3 Type I Uncertainty : Repeatable Event .............................................................................. Type II Uncertainty : Single Event ..................................................................................... D iscussion............................................................................................................................... 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 DECISION MAKING UNDER TYPE II UNCERTAINTY........................................................................ 5.4 92 95 98 98 98 99 99 100 101 102 5.4.1 5.4.2 5.4.3 M ean-varianceanalysis in finance theory .......................................................................... Quantificationof D ispersion............................................................................................... Opportunity and Risk ........................................................................................................... 5 .4 .3 .2 5.4.4 Bi-directional measurement.......................................................................................................102 D efin itio ns..................................................................................................................................10 Quantification.............................................................................................................................103 Interpretationof Opportunity/Risk in evolving design process.......................................... 104 5.4.5 Discussion: Risk attitude...................................................................................................... 106 5.5 EXAM PLE : ALLAIS PARADOX REVISITED....................................................................................... 107 Pre-Analysis ......................................................................................................................... First Gam e: L, Ivs. L1 ....................................................................................................... Second Game : L2 , vs. L2 .................................................................................................... 107 5.5.1 5.5.2 5.5.3 SUMM ARY ....................................................................................................................................... 5.6 3 108 109 109 6. DATA A G GR EGATIO N M ODEL............................................................................................................111 OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................................... 6. 1 Problemfrom Information-Context..................................................................................... 6.1.1 RELATED RESEARCH ...................................................................................................................... 6.2 Point Aggregate Model ........................................................................................................ ProbabilityD istributionAggregate M odel ......................................................................... 6.2.1 6.2.2 PROBABILITY M ERGING MECHANISM ............................................................................................ 6.3 I11 112 113 113 114 115 115 Approach: Probabilitym ixture............................................................................................ Analysis of difference among the Estimates........................................................................115 118 M erging with variance-difference....................................................................................... 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3.3 Prerequisite: N-sample average................................................................................................ M odeling Assumption ............................................................................................................... 119 119 Pseudo-Sampling Size ............................................................................................................... 120 121 Confidence quantified in terms of Pseudo sample size............................................................ Pseudo Sampling Size in Probability M ixture M odel..............................................................121 6.3.4 6.3.5 6.3.6 M echanism for merging estimates with different means .................................................... M odeling Assumption ............................................................................................................... Quantificationof Variability among estimates................................................................... A Complete Aggregate Model..............................................................................................125 EXAMPLE ........................................................................................................................................ SUMM ARY ....................................................................................................................................... 6.4 6.5 122 122 123 125 126 7. APPLICA TIO N EX AM PLES....................................................................................................................127 7.1 7.2 OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................................... A CCEPTABILITY AS AN INTEGRAL DECISION TOOL IN DOME........................................................ 127 128 D OME system and Acceptability component...................................................................... D OME Components.............................................................................................................128 D ecision Support Component .............................................................................................. 128 7.2.1 7.2.2 7.2.3 7.2.4 An integratedModel............................................................................................................. A CCEPTABILITY A S AN ONLINE COMMERCE DECISION GUIDE .................................................... 7.3 7.3.1 129 Acceptability Setting M odule....................................................................................................129 Criterion M odule........................................................................................................................130 Aggregator Module....................................................................................................................130 Background........................................................................................................................... Shopping Decision Attribute Classification ............................................................................. Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 131 133 134 134 12 7 .3.1.2 C urrent Tools ................................................................ 7.3.2 .................................................. Constraint Satisfaction Problem.................................................................137 Utility Theory..........................................................---..........-. Comparison of Decision Tools............................................................139 7.3.3 7.4 . -----------.............................. ...... ...--- .. O peration ............................................................-. --...----------------........................ Online M arket Trend ........................................................----.... - .......... -----... . ......................... D ecision Environm ent ....................................................- System Realization........................................................................ . ----.. ------------............................ -----------..................... 135 136 136 137 138 140 140 . - - - --.................................. ...... .. . A rchitecture..............................................................- 142 --....................... -----.. --.............. Im plem entation R esult...................................................... 143 ..........................................................---..---.--.--................... SUMMARY 8. CONCLUSIONS ...............................................-----.......--.-------------------............................................... 8.1 8.2 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.2.3 -----. ----------------------........................... SUMM ARY OF THESIS ...........................................................CONTRIBUTIONS ............................................................................................................................. 145 147 MathematicalBasisfor Acceptability M odel...................................................................... A Formal Goal Setting M odel.............................................................................................. Classificationof Uncertaintiesin Design Process............................................................. 147 148 148 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE WORK .............................................................. 8.3 8.3.1 8.3.2 8.3.3 145 Dynamic Decision Model in Design Iteration Context....................................................... Multidimensional Goal Setting Model ............................................................ Extension of Goal Setting Model as an Estimation Tool.................................................... APPENDIX A ..............................-..-.--..-..--.-------.----------------------------------------............................................... 149 149 149 150 151 APPENDIX B...............................-....---.------.-----------------------------------------------...............................................153 BIBLIOGRAPHY ...................................--------...----------------------------------------------............................................... Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 157 13 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1 Design iteration for a two-attribute decision problem over time................. 18 Figure 1.2 Research elements in the proposed goal-oriented design evaluation framework 0................................... . .. 26 Figure 2.1 Three main components of design ............................................................ 30 Figure 2.2 Design Divergence and convergence ........................................................ 32 Figure 2.3 An Evaluation matrix in Pugh chart........................................................... 33 .................................................. Figure 2.4 Main component of the House of Quality 36 Figure 2.5 A Lottery Method for utility function construction .................................... 37 independence........................................... utility Figure 2.6 A conditional lottery for 40 Figure 2.7 Recycling acceptability function............................................................... 40 Figure 2.8 Recycling cost acceptability with uncertainty ........................................... 48 Figure 3.1 A utility function for an attribute X .......................................................... Figure 3.2 Acceptability function for attribute X in a two attribute problem (x, y)......... 49 Figure 3.3 Conceptual comparison of locally defined preference functions and 50 acceptability functions........................................................................................ design single a for Figure 3.4 A reference lottery for evaluating intermediate values 53 -................ attribute...........................................................................64 Figure 4.1 Saaty's ratio measurement in AHP .......................................................... Figure 4.2 Break-down of the suggested dynamic probability model.......................... 66 Figure 4.3 Qualitative relationship between knowledge and uncertainty .................... 69 70 Figure 4.4 Elicitation of local probabilities............................................................... Figure 4.5 Chains in the dynamic probability model. (T,si) represents an assessment of T . ------------------............... 73 against s,.........................................................................--. 81 Figure 4.6 Quantification of information contents by second largest eigenvalue ...... n of eigenvalues of value absolute largest second the Figure 4.7 A typical distribution of 83 by n m atrices under null hypothesis.................................................................... Figure 4.8 A null distribution of second largest eigen value of 7 x 7 stochastic matrices 83 (2,000 simulations)............................................................................................ 86 space.................................................. state of Figure 4.9 First Screen : Identification 87 Figure 4.10 Second Screen: Elicitation of local probabilities ..................................... Figure 4.11 Expectation measurement result for time reduction(A) and quality . 88 im provem ent(B ).......................................................................................... 93 Figure 5.1 First Game : two lotteries for Allais paradox ............................................. 93 Figure 5.2 Second Game : two lotteries for Allais paradox ......................................... 95 Figure 5.3 Hypothetical weighting function for probabilities ..................................... 100 ............................................... Figure 5.4 Portfolio construction with two investments 102 Figure 5.5 Com parison of different statistics ............................................................... 104 ............................................. metrics suggested Figure 5.6 Visualization for using the MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 14 105 Figure 5.7 (g,') plot of two designs A and B .............................................................. Figure 5.8 Construction of a preference function and uncertainty estimate .................. 106 108 Figure 5.9 Deduced utility function for Allais paradox ................................................ Figure 6.1 Comparing different statistics proposed for differentiating distributions ..... 116 117 Figure 6.2 Classification of difference among estimates .............................................. Figure 6.3 Concept on the underlying distribution and pseudo sampling size............... 120 122 Figure 6.4 Main stream data and a set of outlier .......................................................... 126 model....................... Figure 6.5 Merging probability distributions using the proposed 129 Figure 7.1 D OM E com ponents.................................................................................... 129 Figure 7.2 Acceptability Setting M odule ..................................................................... 130 Figure 7.3 GU I of a criterion m odule .......................................................................... 131 ..................................................................... m odule aggregator Figure 7.4 GU I of an 132 Figure 7.5 Acceptability related components in DOME model.................................... Figure 7.6 Movable Glass System as a subsystem of car door system.......................... 132 Figure 7.7 Figure (A) shows part of a design model in DOME environment, while Figure (B) shows an aggregator module for overall evaluation ....................................... 133 135 Figure 7.8 Online shopping search operation............................................................... 137 Figure 7.9 Preference presentation using CSP ............................................................. 139 ........... theory utility attribute multi using project T@T for Figure 7.10 User Interface Figure 7.11 System architecture of a simple online shopping engine using acceptability 14 1 model as the decision guide ................................................................................. decision the of Figure 7.12 Acceptability setting interface. The left window shows the list attributes. The right panel allows the user to set and modify the acceptability 142 function for an individual attribute ...................................................................... Figure 7.13 Figure (A) is the main result panel where (B) is a detail analysis panel for a 143 specific product shown in the m ain panel ............................................................ Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 15 LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 Table 2.2 Table 2.3 Table 4.1 Table 6.1 Correlation between decision components and design activities................. 29 35 M ethod of Imprecision General Axioms .................................................... 44 Comparison of different decision frameworks........................................... Threshold point for matrices(based upon10,000 simulations)..................... 84 117 Comparison of differences among distributions ........................................... MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 16 Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 17 1. 1.1 INTRODUCTION MOTIVATION Product design is becoming increasingly complex as the number of requirements that must be met, both from within the company and from outside, increases. Customer requirements need to be accurately identified and fulfilled. While underachievement in some of the identified consumer needs will result in a launch of an unsuccessful product, over-achievement at the cost of delayed product introduction is equally undesirable. Additionally, designers must proactively consider internal needs such as manufacturing or assembly engineers' needs to achieve a rapid time to market and desired quality levels. Many Design for X (DFX) paradigms such as Design for Assembly reflect this trend. From a pure decision-making viewpoint, modern design practice begs designers to be well-trained multi-attribute decision-makers. Throughout design phases, designers have to identify important attributes, generate design candidates, and evaluate them precisely. This generation/evaluation activity will be repeated until a promising design candidate is identified. Design, from a process viewpoint, is iterative in nature, encompassing two main components - design synthesis and design evaluation (see Figure 1.1 ). A design activity usually starts with a set of preliminary design specifications or goals. Then, the design task is to generate a set of solutions that may satisfy the initial specifications. MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 18 attribattibue * I i 1 e1asifdes o end of design1 Figure 1.1 Design iteration for a two-attribute decision problem over time Those generated alternatives are evaluated against the initial specifications and promising designs will be chosen for further development. Throughout the process, either design candidates or specifications may be modified or introduced. This generation/evaluation pair will be repeated a number of times until a suitable solution is achieved. The design activity is an iteration of controlled divergence (design synthesis) and convergence (design evaluation), which will be terminated upon achievement of a satisfactory outcome. This thesis aims to provide a supportive decision framework for use during the process of designing products. Special emphasis will be given to ensure that the decision framework is prescriptive - normative as well as descriptive. From normative viewpoint, the framework should be sophisticated and mathematically rigorous enough to reflect the designers' rationality in decision-making. On the other hand, from the descriptive viewpoint, the framework should be based upon real design practices- how designers work, perceive decision problem, and make intuitive decisions in the design process. To be normative, the decision model must embrace the kind of formal decision analysis paradigm such as in utility theory. For the model to be descriptive, designers' practice Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 19 must be observed and their processes should be fully reflected in the decision framework. By incorporating these characteristics, it is hoped that the designers will embrace the suggested framework in real-world design applications. Specifically, this research effort will construct a comprehensive and prescriptive engineering decision framework that, + From decision-analysis perspective, will emphasize the role of evolving uncertainties over time. + From engineering view, will serve as an intuitive and practical decision guide for engineers or designers. + From process perspective, will support all design phases, from concept selection to numerical optimization. 1.2 THESIS GOAL AND DELIVERABLE The outcome of this research should be an integrated design evaluation framework for use in the context of an iterative design activity. The iterative design process, as illustrated in Figure 1.1, introduces two main components that should be addressed - tradeoff between competing design attributes, and evolving uncertainty about design properties. The work will build on an acceptability model characterizing design activity as a specification-satisfaction process (Wallace, Jakiela et al. 1995). Acceptability is quite descriptive in its construction and one of the underlying goals throughout this research is to develop a more solid mathematical basis for the acceptability model. In addition, the effort will expand the acceptability-based decision model to form a comprehensive, goaloriented decision framework for designers to use during the design process. The first part of the thesis will concentrate on the construction of goal oriented decision metric and a goal setting method for the acceptability-based decision-making model. The second part of the thesis will address metrics to support decisions subject to evolving Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 20 Goal-oriented preference function a(xy) q preference fuswtion 1DM's preference ,structure - Perform ance estim ate f(x y) DMx E[a(X Y)] experme comnbinirngexpert 2 e Suppltntarv 1___ Lam__e Y - design evolution Figure 1.2 Research elements in the proposed goal-oriented design evaluation framework uncertainty. A data aggregation model will also be covered in this second part of the thesis. These main elements are shown in Figure 1.2. 1.2.1 Goal-oriented preference function At the onset of a design process, designers or managers set target values (goals) for the performance of a product under development, corresponding to customer needs, thereby defining specifications. Assuming that these specifications are correct, the achievement of these goals will be the development of a successful design. In this part of the research, design decision making is characterized in terms of goal setting and the subsequent construction of specifications (acceptability functions). Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 21 Goal setting Although a significant body of literature emphasizes the benefit of using goal based approaches, little work has yet been done on formal goal-setting methods - how to quantify the goal level under uncertainty. This research will suggest a prescriptive way of setting goals at the start of design activity. Since the goals are usually set with soft information at the start of design activity, subjective probabilities will be used as basic components for the constructed methodology. Preference function construction One-dimensional preference functions will then be constructed around the notion of the "goal" and be properly extended to multi-dimensional cases. For this purpose, an operating assumption based upon the preferential independence will be used. The proposed value analysis system will hopefully achieve both the desired operational efficiency and mathematical sophistication for multiple attribute design decision problems. 1.2.2 Decisions under design evolution and changing uncertainty Uncertainty Measure The "value of information" is a well-established concept in decision science. It quantifies the maximum worth a decision-maker will pay to get a perfect piece of information that will completely resolve the associated uncertainty in the decision situation. Although it provides answers to what-if questions, the resolution of all relevant uncertainties during the design process is hypothetical and it does not provide a guide to the pending decision. This research will address how to interpret and reflect the evolving uncertainties for the decision. In order to achieve this, the proposed framework will first try to categorize different kinds of uncertainties encountered in design process. Based upon the classification, an additional metric to supplement the metric of expectation will be suggested to cases where uncertainty is driven by lack of knowledge. The metric will facilitate a more meaningful comparison among uncertain designs. In some cases, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 22 suggested metrics might help designers to identify an initially unattractive, but a potentially better design once the associated uncertainties are fully resolved. Multiple estimate aggregation Design activities usually involve multiple designers. It is likely that designers will have different judgments on how the intermediate design is likely to perform. Since each estimate may possess different information, it is important that the different views are properly used in the decision-making process. This component of the thesis will suggest a systematic way of aggregating multiple estimates by different designers into a single reference which, in turn, can be used for a more informed decision in an evolving design process. 1.3 THESIS ORGANIZATION Chapter 2 will provide background on design process and related work in the area of design decision-making. A general discussion on design will be followed by the role of decision-making tools in design process, after which subsections will discuss existing decision-making tools and design assessment methods. At the end of the chapter it will provide a qualitative comparison of different design evaluation tools. Based upon the comparison, this chapter concludes that currently available tools fail to adequately achieve the balance between operational simplicity and modeling sophistication. Further, even the most sophisticated value analysis tool such as utility theory minimally addresses the time variability and uncertainty part of a decision problem. Chapter 3 begins the main body of the thesis. Key concepts in acceptability model aspiration and rejection levels - will be reviewed and given mathematical definitions. This chapter then shows how these concepts are used to build a single attribute acceptability function. With the introduction of an operational assumption of acceptability independence, one dimensional model will be expanded a two-dimensional case, and finally to a general n dimensional case, using mathematical induction. Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 23 Advantages and limitations of the acceptability model will be discussed at the last part of the chapter. Chapter 4 presents a formal goal setting method using dynamic probabilistic model. This method is applicable when an expert tries to set a target value under lack of all relevant information. The goal will be used in defining acceptability functions. The task of goal setting is, in a mathematical sense, defined as a parameter estimation under uncertainty. The operating philosophy behind the suggested model is to let designers explore their knowledge base without worrying about maintaining consistency. The model uses a discrete Markov Chain approach. A detailed description ranging from elicitation of transition probabilities, construction of transition matrix, to the use of the limiting probabilities will be detailed in this chapter. A post analysis at the end of the chapter can be used to draw useful information about the states of decision-makers when they use the suggested model. Chapter 5 discusses decision making under uncertainties of single events. As a first step, this chapter attempts to classify uncertainties in product development process. Based upon different kinds of uncertainties encountered in design decision problems, this chapter suggests that designers need a better understanding of their uncertainty structures to make better informed decisions. Although the whole chapter is addressed in a qualitative manner, a metric is suggested in order to supplement the popular expectation measure. While the preceding chapters address the preference side of the decision making, chapter 6 addresses a very practical issue in decision-making situations - uncertainty side. This chapter will develop a mechanism for merging multiple estimates by different experts. A probability mixture scheme based upon an opinion pool concept will be used. Chapter 7 describes two software implementation examples using acceptability model as an integrated decision guide. The acceptability decision model is currently used as a decision guide in the MIT CADlab DOME software. Its implementation as part of a Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 24 systems model will be briefly discussed. As a second implementation example, the acceptability model will be used as an online shopping guide. This application is motivated by the characteristics of acceptability model -measurement accuracy at a rather modest operational effort. These application examples will also discuss how the acceptability model's characteristics will benefit both the buyers and the vendors at the same time. Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 25 2. BACKGROUND 2.1 OVERVIEW This chapter reviews previous work relevant to this thesis. The first part of the chapter will provide a brief description of design and design process in general. After briefly introducing the decision analysis, this chapter quickly merges these two topics, decisionmaking and design, emphasizing the role of decision analysis as an integral part of a design process. The second part of the chapter introduces related work on design decision-making tools, both qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative tools, which often cover broader issues than decision analysis alone, are often used in early design phase to provide an environment for a design group to discuss and reach a consensus on major issues. The quantitative tools provide a more rigorous framework for designers to carry out sophisticated tradeoff studies among competing uncertain designs. The last part of this chapter will provide a qualitative framework to compare the methods surveyed. The chapter closes with a discussion of desirable properties that a design decision framework should possess for practical applications. MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 26 2.2 DESIGN, DECISION MAKING, AND DESIGN PROCESS 2.2.1 Design Design facilitates the creation of new products and processes in order to meet the customer's needs and aspirations. Virtually every field of engineering involves and depends on the design or synthesis process to create a necessary entity (Suh 1990). Therefore, design is such a diverse and complex field that it is challenging to provide a comprehensive review on every aspect of design. From psychological view, design is a creative activity that calls for sound understanding in many disciplines. From systems view, design is an optimization of stated objectives with partly conflicting constraints. From organizational view, design is an essential part of the product life-cycle (Pahl and Beitz 1996) Although there are variants describing product design, three main design components are (Suh 1990). + problem definition * creative (synthetic) process * analyticprocess The main task in the problem definition stage is to understand the problem in engineering terms: the designers and managers must determine the product specifications based upon the customer's needs as well as resources allocated for the design task. The subsequent creative process is then to devise an embodiment of the physical entity that will satisfy the specifications envisioned in the problem definition stage. This creative process can be Problem Definition Creative Process Analytic Process Figure 2.1 Three main components of design Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 27 decomposed into conceptual, embodiment and/or detail design and is the least understood part among the three, requiring the creative power of designers. The analytic process is associated with measurement process, where designers evaluate the candidate solutions. At this stage designers determine whether the devised solution(s) are good or not, comparing the devised designs against the initial specifications. 2.2.2 Decision Analysis Every decision analysis framework has a formalization process for the problem, incorporating both objective and soft/subjective information. This explicit structuring process allows the decision-maker to process assumptions, objectives, values, possibilities, and uncertainties in a well summarized and consistent manner. The main benefit of using decision analysis comes from this formalization process (Drake and Keeney 1992; Keeney and Raiffa 1993), requiring the decision-maker to investigate the problem in a thorough way to gain an understanding of the anatomy of the problem. The decision analysis is useful if it provides a decision maker with increased confidence and satisfaction in resolving important decision problems while requiring a level of effort that is not excessive for the problem being considered (Drake and Keeney 1992) A typical decision framework structures a decision problem into the following three main constituents (Keeney and Raiffa 1993) + A decision maker is given a set of alternatives, X = {x,, x 2,..., IXJ, where each x, represents one alternative. + The decision maker has a set of criteria, C=(c, c2,.., c). + Then, which one is the best solution among the alternatives based upon the set of criteria? Decision analysis helps the decision-makers in the following three areas. MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 28 + Preference Elicitation: to identify the set of criteria and the quantification of each criterion. + PerformanceAssessment: to assess the multi-dimensional performance of each alternative. * DecisionMetric: decision rule for choosing the "best" solution. In most applications, these tasks become complicated, mainly due to the uncertaintiesin the preference construction and performance assessment. A preference function is obtained by transforming a decision-maker's implicit and subjective judgment into an explicit value system. In many practical cases, the decision-makers are not sure about their own judgment, complicating the elicitation process. However, sophisticated decision tools should capture and quantify this uncertainty. On the side of performance assessment, lack of hard information makes the quantification task very challenging. As a result, the performance is usually expressed with degrees of uncertainty. Based upon the constructed decision-maker's preference and performance estimate for each alternative, the final decision metric suggests a course of action under both kinds of uncertainties. 2.3 DECISION ANALYSIS IN DESIGN 2.3.1 Design Decision Making Among the three design activities, decision analysis would be most applicable to the problem definition and analytic process. The activity of specification generation, the main activity at the problem definition stage, overlaps with the identification of the criterion set in the decision-making framework. The House of Quality (HOQ), from Quality Function Deployment (Hauser and Clausing 1988), is an extensive design tool applicable to the problem definition process. The HOQ provides a framework where designers can translate the customer attributes into engineering attributes. In addition to its basic functionality, it allows engineers to set target values for the engineering attributes using competitive analysis. In general, preference elicitation component of decision analysis can help designers to better understand and quantify the design task. In Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 29 the case of product development, the preference elicitation process can help designers to accurately formulate the customer's needs. The analytical process is another apparent design activity that can be helped by use of decision analysis. At the analytical process, the designers will be given a set of design candidates that will be evaluated against the set of criteria elicited at the problem definition stage. For this purpose, the multi-dimensional performance of each design candidate has to be assessed, often under uncertainty. The formal way of assessing the performance of alternatives in decision analysis will ask the designers to more accurately measure each alternative. The performance thus obtained, with the preferences elicited earlier in the problem definition process, will be inputs to the metric system. The metric system will suggest to the designer which design alternative to pursue for the subsequent development stage. These are two main visible areas where the use of decision analysis can improve the design activities. Table 2.1 shows the correlation between design areas and decision analysis components. Table 2.1 Correlation between decision components and design activities DESIGN ACTIVITY ELEMENT Problem Definition > Z Creative Process Analytic Process Preference Elicitation Performance Assessment Decision Metric 2.3.2 Decision Making as an Integral Part of Design Process In most practical cases, initial design efforts will not yield a design solution meeting the initial specifications. In this case, the designer might change the initial specifications to accommodate the realized designs and terminate the design activity. More commonly, designers will devise new design candidates to meet the initial specifications. In most Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 30 cases, the succeeding iteration will be a mixture of these two strategies. The designer will try to devise new designs based upon a newly modified set of specifications. Design assessment between iterations will provide a feedback to the designers suggesting a guideline to the succeeding design activity. With this feedback, the design activity will be iterated multiple times, resulting in a design process. The design process will continue until a promising solution is identified which satisfies the initial or modified specifications. In addition to its role in the design activity, the scope of decision analysis becomes broader in the design process. In the design iteration context, decision analysis tools can be used to provide designers with critical feedback necessary for succeeding iterations. The analysis might even suggest an appropriate direction for the following iteration. For instance, the decision analysis result can help designers identify weakly performing attributes of the most promising candidate. In the next iteration the main effort can be directed to improve the weak performing attributes of the design. Extending the above argument, continuous feedback from the analysis including measurement of the design candidates would help designers to continuously monitor the strength and weakness of each design. Ideally, design evaluations can be placed in many parts of the design process to provide feedback to the designer. From the decision-making standpoint, design process is often viewed as a controlled iteration of divergence and convergence (Pugh 1991). Design Generation *A Denon 1101 degree of uncertainty DlOvion Realuion Figure 2.2 Design Divergence and convergence Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory time 31 Divergence corresponds to the Ideation/Creation part of the design, and convergence to the evaluation/selection part. The overall role of decision analysis tool as an integrated part of design process is abstracted and visualized in Figure 2.2. This is a modified and expanded interpretation of the controlled convergence diagram by Pugh (Pugh 1991). The x abscissa represents time in the design process, while the y abscissa is a hypothetical multi-dimensional design attribute space. For instance, this design space might be a cost/ performance pair. At the initiation of a design process, a target point A on the multidimensional design space will be set in the problem definition stage. A set of design candidates will then be generated through the creative part of design. This part is again modeled as each divergent part of the cone in Figure 2.2. The width of the cone represents the uncertainties associated with the solutions. The ideation process may be viewed as an exploration of uncertain design domains that may yield potentially satisfactory designs. In the convergence part of design activity, the level of uncertainties associated with design candidates will decrease through analysis and measurement. The dots in the figure represent a trace of how the designer's aspiration level or specification might undergo a change based upon the feedback from the analysis/evaluation at the convergent part of the diagram. Given the newly set targets, a new round of divergence is carried out. The critical role of analysis/evaluation is clear. It guides the overall direction of the design process. This guidance can also direct the effort and resource allocation in each succeeding design iteration. 2.4 RELATED WORK So far, the role of decision analysis in both design and design process has been discussed. This part of the chapter discusses current design decision-making tools. These existing tools are classified as qualitative and quantitative. Well-known qualitative tools include selection charts and some aspects of Quality Function Deployment. Among the well known quantitative tools are Figure of Merit, Fuzzy Decision-Making, and Utility Theory. These quantitative tools provide a more sophisticated and complete value analysis but are more expensive in terms of operational effort. The Acceptability model, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 32 the basis of the goal-oriented model of this thesis, is intended to reduce this operational effort. e Qualitative Decision Support Tools Pugh chart Pugh chart is a selection matrix method often used in early design phase. It provides a framework for a group of designers to discuss, compare, and evaluate uncertain design candidates (Pugh 1991). Figure 2.3 shows an exemplary evaluation matrix used in Pugh's total design method. In the chart shown, there are four concepts, from concepts I to 4, under consideration and five criteria from A to E. One of the design candidates serves as a datum point against which other concepts are compared. In the assessment, three legends of +/-/S are used to specify "better than", "worse than", and "same as" the datum, respectively. The design with the highest aggregated sum will be chosen as the best candidate among the candidates. The Pugh chart is qualitative and does not allow an indepth analysis. However, it is intuitive enough for many designers to use in concept selection process. Concept 1 Concept 2 Concept 3 Concept 4 Concept 5 A + - D - + B - + A - + C + + T -+ S D + S U + S E S S M - - 2 1 0 -1 1 S Figure 2.3 An Evaluation matrix in Pugh chart. House of Quality The basic aim of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is to translate product requirements stated in the customer's own words into a viable product specifications that MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 33 can be designed and manufactured. American Supplier Institute defines QFD as (ASI 1987), "A systemfor translatingcustomer requirements into appropriatecompany requirements at every stage,from research through productiondesign and development, to manufacture, distribution,installation and marketing, sales and service. " House of Quality is a major tool in QFD to perform the necessary operations. HOQ is a very versatile tool applicable to a broad range of design and the decision-making aspect of HOQ will be discussed in this section. Figure 2.4 shows the major components of a HOQ. The main body of the house serves as a map between the customer attributes and the corresponding engineering attributes. The column next to the customer attributes allows the designers to specify the relative importance among the customer attributes. Then the designers, based upon the translated engineering attributes and competitive analysis, can determine a set of targets for evaluation. There are many variant versions of HOQ adding more functionality (Ramaswamy and Ulrich 1993; Franceschini and Rossetto 1995). Correlation Matrix Requirements degree of importance Customer Attributes Product Engineering/Design Requirements Competitive Benchmarking Assessment Relationship Matrix Technical importance ranking Figure 2.4 Main component of the House of Quality Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 34 Quantitative Decision Support Tools Figure of Merit The Figure of Merit (FOM), a commonly used design evaluation model, determines the value of a certain design as a weighted average of individual attribute levels. A weighting factor is often thought of as relative importance. A typical FOM for a design X. expresses the overall value as N iwi FOM(XJ) = - vi(xp,1) N ' = (xj' 'j, 2 ... j,N ) (2.1) i=1 where, Xi : aj" design candidate N: total number of attributes wi : weighting factor assigned to the i't attribute. vi: performance indicator function of the i' criterion. This method seems very popular since it is quite intuitive and easy to use. In fact, variations of FOM seem to be in use in many decision situations. Its operational simplicity and intuitiveness are its advantage. However, there are also limitations. First, unless the function vi's are defined as a closed form, the designer will have to evaluate the i" performance indicator function for every design candidate. As the number of designs subject to evaluation gets bigger, the designer may have to evaluate the performance indicator in an exhaustive manner. Second, the FOM method addresses the uncertainty in a simplified way. The Figure of Merit Method addresses the preference and performance with one function, the performance indicator function. In practical cases, x j ,the it' attribute level of aj' design candidate may be uncertain. In the FOM method, the performance criteria function of vi Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aided Design Laboratory 35 will be used to express both the preference and uncertain performance for a specific design. As the problem becomes complex and gets bigger, this approach will not yield accurate and consistent measurement results. Method of Imprecision Otto performed an extensive research on different design metric systems in decision frameworks (Otto 1992). He argues that there are different kinds of uncertainties encountered in design; possibility, probability, and imprecision. Imprecision in the method refers to a designer's uncertainty in choosing among the alternatives (Otto and Antonsson 1991). The method itself is very formal. A preference is defined as a map from a space Xk to [0,1] c- R, yk : Xk (2.2) --> [0,1] that preserves the designer's preferential order over Xk., where k= 1,2,..n and n is the total number of attributes. The subsequent step is to combine each preference, yk 's into an aggregate preference. The first step taken for this aggregate preference construction was to define a set of characteristics that describe and emulate designer's behavior in design decision-making. This set of characteristics then is transformed into a set of axioms. Table 2.2 shows the set of axioms proposed for the design decision metric. Among the many possible aggregate models investigated, Zadeh's extension principle is used to Table 2.2 Method of Imprecision General Axioms Boundary condition P(O,0...,0)=0 ,P(],...,1)=1 P( N.... N)ffIk <k' iu p)P(N1,...,k ,..., P(i,...,p M'N k'-+k P(p', ...,O,..., pN) =0 ''''.k N Monotonicity Continuity Annihilation P(p,...,p =YyIdempotency Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 36 aggregate the individual preferences (Wood, Otto et al. 1992). Employing the fuzzy framework, the initial map pk can be regarded as fuzzy membership functions. The concept of "fuzzy" is based upon concept of possibility, not probability, and there is some debate on using this in decision science (French 1984). Utility Theory Utility theory is the most sophisticated analytical decision value analysis method, originally developed for economic decision making. Since its formal inception by von Neumann, it has been extensively developed by many researchers and has been applied to many disciplines including design (Howard and Matheson 1984) (Tribus 1969; Thurston 1991). Utility theory is built based upon a set of axioms that describes the behavior of a rational decision-maker. Among the axioms are transitivity of preference and substitution. A detailed discussion on the construction of utility theory is found in the classical book on utility theory, Decision with Multiple Objectives (Keeney and Raiffa 1993). Since the acceptability-based framework is to a large extent associated with utility theory, this section will discuss basic formulation of utility theory and its relatedness to design decision making. A single attribute utility function quantifies the utility of an attribute level on a local scale of [0.0 , 1.0]. Lottery method is used for the construction of a single attribute utility function. In order to quantify the utility of $ 500 on a basis of ($ 0, $ 1,000), a decisionmaker participates in a hypothetical lottery as is shown in Figure 2.5. P\ $ 1,000 $ 500 Figure 2.5 A Lottery Method for utility function construction MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aided Design Laboratory 37 The minimum probability, p, that will leave the decision-maker no different between the sure amount of $ 500 and the lottery of ($ 0, $ 1,000 ) is defined as the utility for $ 500. A continuous utility function for a certain range is constructed interpolating a number of data points available in the range. Construction of a multi attribute utility function is a challenging task compared to that of one-dimensional function. Theoretically, an n-dimensional surface can be constructed by interpolating and extrapolating a number of data points on the surface. However, this direct assessment approach becomes impractical as the number of attributes or the surface dimensionality increases. Utility independence is an assumption often invoked regarding the decision-maker's preference structure used in utility theory. Its role in multi attribute utility theory is very similar to that of probabilistic independence in multivariate probability theory. Attribute X is utility independent from attribute Z when the conditional preference for lotteries on X given z do not depend on the particular level of Z. The conditional lottery is illustrated in Figure 2.6. 0.5 (x1, zO) 0.5 (x 2, zO) Figure 2.6 A conditional lottery for utility independence If a decision maker's certainty equivalent value, i , in the lottery does not change with the level of Z, then the attribute X is utility independent of attribute Z. In a surprisingly large number of cases, this turns out to be a pragmatic assumption for the construction of multi attribute utility theory. If an attribute X is utility independent of Y, and Y is utility independent of X, both attributes are mutually utility independent and this mutual Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 38 independence dictates a special form for the multi attribute utility function. For instance, for a two dimensional utility function, one of the special forms is u(x,y) = k u(x) + k, -u(y) + k, .u(x)- u(y) (2.3) where kX, k, and k, are scaling factors to be determined from a set of more hypothetical lotteries. A more strict assumption of additive independence further simplifies the above formula to (2.4) u(x,y) = k, -u(x) + k,) -u(y) A general n-attribute utility function, where attribute xi are mutually utility independent, is n nI u(x)=0k, .u,(x,) +k0 ki -kj . u,(xi) -u (xj) i=1 j>i i=1 k, -k +k 2 (2.5) k .u,(xi)-u (x 1 )-u,(x,) i=1 j>i 1>j + -- +k"n- -k, -k2 -.. kn .u1(x).u 2 (X2 )..-u(x) where, 1. u is normalized by u(x, x,--, x)= 0 and u(x*,x2,...,xn) = 1 2. u (xO) = 0 and u (x')=1, i=1, 2,..., n 3. k,= u(x,* , ) 4. k is a scaling factor that is a solution to +k = J(1+ k -k,) i=i As the number of attributes increases, the complexity of multiple attribute utility function, including the number of scaling factors, increases. Under the assumption of additive independence for a multi attribute case, the above formula reduces to MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 39 n u(x)= k, -u,(Xi) (2.6) Besides the operational complexity of a multiple attribute utility function, the trade-off strategy built in the utility function does not reflect typical engineering trade-off scenario. Due to its additivity, utility theory assumes that a trade-off is always possible between attributes, even to a point of achieving a zero value in some of the attributes(Otto 1993). For instance, utility theory may prefer a design exceeding stress limit with a low cost to a safe design with an intermediate cost. In real design, the first case would not be acceptable at all. However, utility theory is unique in its mathematical sophistication. The acceptability model shares many ideas with utility theory, especially in the process of formalization and construction. In effect, acceptability function is a utility function on an absolute scale (Wallace 1994). Acceptability Model The Acceptability model is based upon the observation of design practice and intuitions behind the observations. It bears a design hypothesis that design is a specificationsatisfaction process. The acceptability model intends to emulate how product designers use the specifications in the development process. Design activity starts with a design brief or specification. Although the initial specification may be subject to change in the course of design, the specification will be used to judge the intermediate designs in the process. The design activity will be over if a design meeting the specification is identified. Acceptability is a notion translating the design brief or specification into an evaluation metric system. Acceptability is defined as a designer's subjective probability that a certain attribute level will be deemed acceptable MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 40 1.0o _ 0.0 | 1.5 1.0 0.5 y Material Recycling cost Virgin Material cost Figure 2.7 Recycling acceptability function (Wallace, Jakiela et al. 1995). Figure 2.7 emulates the behavior of a designer who has a binary logic about what attribute levels are acceptable or unacceptable. The designer will accept a recycling cost ratio of 0.9 with a probability of 1.0, while he/she will accept the ratio of 1.1 with a probability of zero. For many design attributes, designers will often not be able to specify a clear boundary for an attribute being acceptable or unacceptable. In most cases, this comes from the designer's preferential uncertainty on selecting a single binary threshold for decision. In Figure 2.7, a ratio of 0.99 will be totally acceptable, while a ratio of 1.01 will be totally unacceptable. This illustrates that the uncertainty on the threshold point can have a significant effect on the decision and it would be more realistic to capture this kind of uncertainties in decision making. In effect, most decisionmakers will have a vague region in the attribute level and this intermediate region can be Probability of Acceptance 1.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Material Recycling cost Virgin Material cost Figure 2.8 Recycling cost acceptability with uncertainty Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aided Design Laboratory 41 further quantified as subjective probabilities in acceptability model. Figure 2.8 shows an acceptability function with a transitional boundary. The transitional range between ratios of 1.0 and 1.5 quantitatively models a designer's uncertainty about the threshold point. In this representation, the ratios greater than ratio of 1.5 have probabilities of 0.0 for being acceptable. This model more realistically describes a decision-maker in practice. There is an important concept used in the construction of acceptability functions. Since the acceptability is defined in terms of probabilities, the acceptability function is on an absolute scale. Therefore, zero acceptability or zero probability in the recycling cost ratio will render the whole design obsolete regardless of other characteristics of the design under assessment. For the construction of multiple attribute acceptability function, there are two steps involved. First, individual acceptability functions a(x), i=1,...,n, are elicited on the absolute scale. a, = ai(x,), a(x2)= 0.0 and a(x)= 1.0 (2.7) where, i=1,2,...,n. Then a multi attribute acceptability function is given by n a(x, X2,---, Xn) =1 ;ai(xi) (2.8) We can multiply the individual acceptability functions under an implicit assumption that the each acceptability value, quantified using probabilities, is independent from each other. The greatest advantage of the acceptability model is its intuitiveness due to the descriptive nature embedded in the formulation process. It is based upon the premise of the design activity and is built with familiar design languages. At the same time, multiplicative metric serves as design logic frequently found in many design practices. MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 42 The acceptability model described in this subsection will be more refined and rigorously formulated in chapter 3. * Other Decision Aid Tools The qualitative and quantitative decision frameworks discussed in the previous two subsections had two main elements, either separately or combined: preference and performance. Designers implicitly combine these two components together in qualitative tools such as Pugh chart. For example, one element in the selection matrix is an assessment for both preference and performance for a design's specific attribute. On the other hand, more sophisticated quantitative frameworks treat the preference and performance in a separate manner and combine those two components into a metric afterwards. The utility theory and acceptability models fall into this category. There are other decision tools available to address specific aspects of preference elicitation, performance assessment, or both. The Delphi method is a process-oriented method applicable to a broad range of group decision-making environment. It is a method for building a consensus from a group of experts using a combination of anonymous survey and feedback. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a quantification method under uncertainty. It relaxes the decision-maker's burden of maintaining consistency in assessment task. The method allows decision-makers to express possibly conflicting opinions, which are then processed into a set of consistent opinions. It was originally devised to determine priorities among competing attributes in a multiple attribute problem. However, the method can be modified for general assessment problems under uncertainty. MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 43 2.4.4 Discussion This subsection provides a qualitative comparison among the decision-making tools discussed in this chapter. The comparison is made in three aspects - which the author believes are important for use from a design engineer's view. They are mathematical sophistication, operability, and issues associated with uncertainty in evolving design environment. MathematicalSophistication:This is associated with the accuracy of the measurement method both for preference elicitation and performance assessment. The decision tools are very difficult to empirically test their correctness. Unlike natural sciences, the role of controlled experiment is very limited for testing a specific decision making tool. Therefore, the accuracy of each tool will be mainly deduced from the modeling assumptions and mathematical steps taken for the construction process. Operability:This dimension addresses the use of ease for applying the tool in practice. A decision model with high operability should be intuitive to understand and, at the same time, the measurement and elicitation steps should not be lengthy. Incorporationof Evolving Uncertainty:From the pure decision making standpoint, design process is viewed as a decision-making under evolving uncertainty. This dimension addresses how each decision framework addresses the inherent component in the design process, the uncertainty and time variability - the evolving uncertainty. Table 2.3 qualitatively compares these attributes between the decision tools addressed in this chapter. The Pugh chart is judged to be easy to operate with minimal mathematical sophistication. At the same time, it does not have a mechanism to adequately address the evolving uncertainties in design process. The utility theory is by far the most mathematically sophisticated. It is built on a set of axioms and every construction step is much mathematically rigorous. In our observations, however, utility theory is not typically used by practicing product design engineers. It involves multiple assessment steps, for example, scaling factors, for designers to accurately apply it to design process. MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 44 Also there is a criticism that value-based decision analysis tools, such as utility theory, emphasize too much on the multi dimensionality of problems while more important issues such as uncertainty and time variability issues are minimally addressed (Bauer and Wegener 1977). This research effort was partly initiated with an intention to provide a comprehensive decision framework achieving a balance between mathematical sophistication and operability. The acceptability model is believed to provide a groundwork for this task. However, the expanded model should have a component for addressing the evolving uncertainties in the design process. Table 2.3 Comparison of different decision frameworks Mathematical Operability Sophistication Pugh Chart Incorporationof Evolving Uncertainty VA/i/ / Figure of Merit Utility Theory 2.5 SUMMARY This chapter provided a discussion on design and design process from decision-making viewpoint. The design decision analysis tool is a subset of design process. With decision analysis as an integrated part of design process, the designers can continuously monitor the design candidates and receive feedback during design iterations. Related work was also presented in this chapter. Some of the well-known tools were then qualitatively compared on three important dimensions. This thesis is motivated to provide a decision framework emphasizing a balance between its operability, mathematical sophistication and emphasis on incorporation of uncertainties. Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 45 3. ACCEPTABILITY-BASED EVALUATION MODEL 3.1 OVERVIEW This chapter presents an acceptability-based evaluation model, a prescriptive goaloriented decision making tool applicable to most design phases. The approach uses goals or targets as are commonly observed in design practice. Section 3.2 provides the motivation for using a goal-oriented approach in early stages of product design compared to traditional optimization-based framework. The section 3.3 introduces two important concepts used in the acceptability model. Based upon these two concepts, section 3.4 develops one dimensional acceptability function, and section 3.5 will extend the onedimensional model to a multidimensional acceptability model using mathematical induction. 3.2 A GOAL-ORIENTED APPROACH The concepts of setting goals and satisficing are not new. Satisficing was first formally introduced to the operations research/management science (OR/MS) community by Simon (Simon and March 1958). Thereafter, Koopman introduced the idea of goal programming, which has subsequently formed a rich body of literature (Zeleny 1982). In engineering design, many parametric design phase optimization problems have been approached using goal programming. Dlesk (Dlesk and Lieman 1983) and Mistree et al (Mistree and Karandikar 1987) have used goal programming in multiple objective engineering design applications. Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 46 Keeney (Keeney 1993) provides a good example distinguishing the concepts of optimization and satisficing. The optimization framework is usually expressed as an objective indicating a direction in which the participants should strive to do better. For a postal service, the objective may be expressed as "minimize the total transit time for a certain category of mail". For this same problem, satisficing framework is represented by a goal. A possible representation of a goal would be "deliver at least 90% of the parcels and letters within two days". The major difference between these two concepts is that, using the goal, the participants can say that the task is either achieved or not, while using objective will force the participants to be in a continuous improvement mode. The goals are useful for clearly stating a level of achievement to strive forwards. 3.2.1 Goal programming The primary motivation for goal programming in OR/MS is tied to the multi dimensional aspect of the decision problem - Keen (Keen 1977) noted that the optimization paradigm had stalled on "the curse of multidimensionality" of modern decision problems. In its essence, goal programming was proposed to simultaneously secure minimum levels in all attributes of interest. It has been adopted in engineering optimization problems for similar reasons. As a systems-oriented view received more emphasis over the period, engineering design problems frequently involve multiple attributes and designers must simultaneously consider the conflicting objectives. 3.2.2 Goal-based design evaluation framework Goal programming has been used in many engineering applications to address the multidimensional aspect of engineering design problems. In addition to the multidimensionality of the design problems, this thesis adopts the goal-based approach from one more perspective. As was discussed in chapter 1, design activity is characterized as a specification satisfaction process. Design process is terminated if designers can produce an artifact that meets the targets. Embracing this view, the design goal is a set of targets and the design activity is to achieve the goal. MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 47 In the acceptability evaluation framework proposed in this thesis, a goal-oriented approach is adopted since it is a close emulation of how design tasks are carried out in practice. There may be two reasons that goal setting is used in product design. First, as was previously described, goal-based approaches can be useful in multidimensional design problems. Second, the author believes that it provides a framework for designers to confront uncertainties during early design phases. Even in a single attribute problem, designers may be uncertain about what can be achieved or what is desired. Under this uncertainty, aggressive but realistic goals can serve as a guide to the designers to focus design effort (Ramaswamy and Ulrich 1993) without introducing artificial precision into the statement of preferences. 3.3 ASPIRATION AND REJECTION LEVELS 3.3.1 Definition and Formulation In comparison or evaluation methods, the datum point serves as a set of references for differentiating different objects. In qualitative evaluation models, the datum point is often set as one randomly chosen design candidate. In Pugh's selection matrix, for example, all attributes of one random single design candidate serves as a reference against which other designs are compared. In quantitative method, the notion of setting datum point for a specific attribute often translates into a set of two points- the most and worst favorable points in an interval. The interval is determined such that it contains an arbitrary attribute level of all designs under the evaluation. In acceptability model, these two threshold points are defined in such a way to emulate the design activity. The starting point for constructing an acceptability preference function is to establish these two threshold points in the attribute abscissa. In order to see how the acceptability model determines these two threshold points, in comparison to other evaluation framework, the threshold point setting process for utility theory is introduced first. The points x* and x0 , shown in Figure 3.1, represent these thresholds for an attribute X in utility theory. In utility theory, the guideline for MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 48 determining the threshold points (x*, x") is that they should bound all possible values or worth for the attribute X of every alternative. For a two attribute design problem (X, Y), this may be stated as, [x",x*] s.t. x4 <x. <x*, Vi = 1,2,...,n. [y',y*] s.t. y' < y, where the symbol (3.1) y*, Vi =1,2,..., n. is read as "preferred to or indifferent to" and n indicates the number of alternatives. Each alternative is represented by a set of attributes [x,yJ, i=1,2,...,n. These thresholds serve as a reference set against which other intermediate attribute levels are evaluated. However, in design practice, a single design with an ideal attribute set [x*, y*] is usually unachievable since it is the set of best possible performance levels for all attributes. Therefore, in this case, alternatives are measured against an impossible reference design [x*,y*]. A goal-based model might use a different approach for setting threshold points. Alternatives are gauged against a standard (i.e., a set of goals) which is presumed to be achievable although aggressive. It is a common practice to set such targets at the onset of a project. Measurement against an achievable target provides a designer with a feedback about how close a design alternative is to its desired state. The proposed acceptability model assumes that, if projected targets are achieved, the designer will find the solution to be acceptable with certainty or with probability of 1.0. Utile Utility function 1.0 * x X0 Attribute X Figure 3.1 A utility function for an attribute X Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 49 In order to incorporate this idea, two key concepts of an aspirationlevel and a rejection level are defined as follows. Definition. An aspirationlevel for an attribute is such that, under current technological, physical and other constraints, if this level is achieved for this attribute, the designer is certain that he/she will accept the whole design assuming other attributes are acceptable. Definition. A rejection level for an attribute is such that, under current technological, physical and other constraints, if this level is not achieved for this attribute, the designer is certain that he/she will reject the whole design even if all other attributes are acceptable. Figure 3.2 schematically shows the two threshold points defined as above. In the flat region of the acceptability function at 1.0, the aspiration level or goal is exceeded assuming the other attribute Y is acceptable. The flat region of the acceptability function at 0.0 is delimited by the rejection threshold regardless of the other attribute Y's level. The intermediate x levels are evaluated assuming the other attribute Y has achieved its goal of y*. Acceptability 1.0 Acceptability function x* (x, y*) X" Attribute X Figure 3.2 Acceptability function for attribute X in a two attribute problem (x, y) 3.3.2 Absolute Scale of Aspiration and Rejection Levels The aspiration and rejection levels qualitatively differ from the threshold points usually set in many scoring-based decision methods. In scoring based methods, the threshold points are set on a "local" scale. Therefore, the intermediate attribute levels are also Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 50 evaluated on this local frame. When different attributes on individual local frames are combined, an additional procedure is needed for comparing these "local" scales. As shown in the left frame of Figure 3.3(A), attributes X and Y are first evaluated separately on their local frames. In order to merge these two evaluation scores, scaling factors or weighting factors are then introduced such that the separate evaluations of attributes X and Y are commensurate. In the proposed acceptability model, the rejection level is a baseline with the same worth for all attributes. This is schematically shown in Figure 3.3(B). The worst-case values of attributes X and Y are equally unacceptable. If either level fails to be achieved, the whole design will not be acceptable. Similarly, the simultaneous attainment of all aspiration levels provides a common reference for all individual attributes. - v(x) - Scaling u(y) y v(x) 01 facto o~ au(y) 0 0 1 I ) 0 1 (A) Scored-based model a(xy") or a(x ,y) a(x*,y*) a(x,y*) a(x*,y) 0 (B) Acceptability function Figure 3.3 Conceptual comparison of locally defined preference functions and acceptability functions Thus, different attributes are gauged against a common reference set. Later, this will enable the aggregation of multiple individual acceptability functions without an additional mapping procedure such as use of weighting or scaling factors. This may appeal to designers in two respects. First setting weighting factors is a difficult task in a MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 51 decision problem. Second, the absence of the weighting factors diminishes the number of steps necessary for the construction of a multiple attribute acceptability function. 3.4 ONE DIMENSIONAL ACCEPTABILITY FUNCTION 3.4.1 Formulation Consider an n attributedecision problem. Let the superscript * denote an aspiration level for each attribute and the superscript 0 denote a rejection level. Assume that the aspiration levels for all attributes are identified and that X* denotes a set of all aspiration levels. Let X 0 denote the corresponding set of rejection levels for all attributes. X*=[x*, x*,..., x*] (3.2-a) =[x , X,...,x0 (3.2-b) x Additionally, assume the existence of a value function, i.e., it is possible to construct a preference function v(.) quantifying a decision maker's preference. This assumption is identical to one of the axioms in utility theory - the existence of a preference function. The rejection level and aspiration level for an attribute are mathematically expressed in the preference function as v(x 1 ,x 2 ,--, IiX,,..,Xn) = 0 Vi E 1,2,...,n) * x,* , v(x * x*,...,x *)= 1 (3.3-a) (3.3-b) Property (3.3-a) is a mathematical interpretation of a rejection level. Failure in achieving a minimum level in one attribute will render the whole design as unacceptable with certainty, regardless of the other design attribute levels. Property (3.3-b) indicates that, if aspiration levels in all attributes are simultaneously achieved, the design is acceptable with certainty. Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 52 With the assumption for the existence of a preference function, it is possible to define one dimensional acceptability function as a(x,) = v(xx,---, 1 ,x (3.4-a) ,x+1 ,--, x) with boundary conditions of a(x*)= v(x*,...x ,..x*)= . (3.4-b) a(x2)= v(x*,...x ,...,x*) = 0.0 The definition of equation (3.4) provides that one attribute is evaluated assuming that the other attributes are all acceptable. This is the essence of one dimensional acceptability function. The argument of this function can also be a vector. For example, if an acceptability function, a(x), has two arguments then, a(xi, x) = v(x*,. x, xi , x *,,x _, x x* (3.5) From the definition of X*, X0 and v(.), we can derive the following properties of a one dimensional function a(x). a(x,) = v(x,.., 1,x, x = 0 Vi e {,..,n} a(x*) = v(x*,x*,...,x*) = 1 Vi e{1,2,...,n} (3.6) a(xj,,xj) = v(x*,.., x i,..,x ,..,x,)= a(xi) Vj#i 3.4.2 Operation : Lottery Method The well known reference lottery (Keeney and Raiffa 1993)(also discussed in Chapter. 2) can be used to assess one dimensional form of a(x) as is illustrated in Figure 3.4. The elicited subjective probability p is assigned to the attribute level x,. The upper and the lower options in the lottery respectively have acceptabilities of 1 and 0. The acceptability of I is the subjective probability that the designer will be satisfied with the set of X*. MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 53 Likewise, the acceptability of 0 is the subjective probability that the designer will be satisfied with any attribute xi . Therefore, the elicited subjective probability p is also on an absolute scale. (x(*x2,--,X1--,n 1 i+ X ~ ( - *- * ( 1, * 2 X 1 ,, (2X..X "- i-1, 00 Xi , * i+1 ,-- * Figure 3.4 A reference lottery for evaluating intermediate values for a single design attribute 3.5 MULTI DIMENSIONAL ACCEPTABILITY FUNCTION 3.5.1 Mutual Preferential Independence Without introduction of any operational assumptions on the designer's preference structure, construction of a multi-dimensional acceptability function is a much challenging task. In that case, interpolation or extrapolation technique may be heavily used for construction of a multi-dimensional acceptability function. This process is in its essence, an n-dimensional surface construction technique with a limited number of data points in the space. As the number of attributes increases (more attributes to consider) the n-dimensional surface construction easily becomes complex. The increasing number of necessary data points, the decision-maker will have to go through many hypothetical lotteries. In this case, it will be technically difficult to achieve a decision-maker's continuous attention for an accurate measurement. As a consequence, the overall surface may be constructed with false points, not accurately reflecting the designer's preference. There is one particular preferential structure easily found in many decision-makers and that preferential structure will be introduced as an operating assumption. Consider a two attribute decision case in which price (P) and mileage (M) are the only decision attributes MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 54 for a car buyer. Given two alternatives of A = ($ 17,000, 24 mpg) and B= ( $18,000, 24mpg), most economy-conscious buyer will prefer A to B, A = ( $17,000, 24 mpg) > B = ( $18,000, 24mpg) Where > is read as "is preferred to ". The same decision maker will probably prefer A'= ( $ 17,000, 26 mpg ) over B' =( $18,000, 26mpg ). A' = ($ 17,000, 26 mpg) > B' = ($18,000, 26mpg) When two choices of A and A' are preferred to B and B', respectively (A >B and A' >B'), the attribute of "price" is preferentially independent of the other attribute, "mileage". In words, when "price" is preferentially independent of mileage, lower price will be always preferred for every fixed mileage level. The following is a formal definition of preferential independence between attributes: Attribute Y c X, where X is a set of all attributes, is preferentially independent of its complement Y if the preference order of consequences involving only changes in the level of Y does not depend on the levels at which attributes in 7 are held fixed In the above (price, mileage) example again, we can easily see that, for most economy conscious buyers, "mileage" is also preferentially preferred to "price". In this case, the two attributes are mutually preferential independent. More formally, If X is preferentially independent of Y and Y is preferentially independent of X, then two attributes of X and Y hold mutual preferential independence. This operational assumption of mutual preferential independence does not always hold but appears to be pragmatic in design practice. Most of the frequently used engineering attributes are in favor of this assumption when traditional design goals or targets are Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 55 established. The preferential independence is important since it allows us to address a single attribute among the set of attributes. 3.5.2 Two-dimensional Acceptability Function Formulation As was pointed out in the preceding section, construction of a general multiple dimensional acceptability function using interpolation/extrapolation is technically challenging. Moreover, if the number of attribute increases, the quality of the secured surface may not accurately reflect the preference structure of the designers any more. This section will construct a two-dimensional acceptability function for mutually preferential independent attributes. The utility independence assumption introduced in the previous chapter is based upon the preferential independence discussed in this subsection. The acceptability independence and mutual acceptability independence can be defined in the same way as the utility independence is defined. Under this mutual acceptability independence assumption, a two dimensional acceptability function of a(x, y) should be represented by a proper combination of a(x) and a(y) (Keeney 1993). One candidate form is a(x,y) = k, -a(x) + k, -a(y) + k,, -a(x) a(y) (3.7) where k,, k, and k, are scaling factors. The identification of the unknowns will give a two dimensional acceptability function under mutual acceptability independence. In order to find the values of the unknowns, the properties of single attribute acceptability functions are applied. a(x*,y) = a(y) (3.8-a) a(x,y*) = a(x) (3.8-b) a(x0 ,y) = 0 (3.8-c) Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 56 (3.8-d) a(x,yo) =0 The above set of equations appears to be over-constrained since there are three unknowns (kx, k, and k.,,) and four conditions. However, some of the equations derived from the set of conditions are linearly dependent and a unique solution is found. This will be shown in the next section. Solution In order to determine the three unknowns of k.,,k, and k,,, let us sequentially apply four equations from (3.8-a) through (3.8-d) into the equation (3.7). Applying equation (3.8-a) into equation (3.7) yields, a(x*, y) = a(y) = k, -a(x*)+k, .a(y)+kk,, -a(x*)-a(y) = k,+k, .a(y)+k,- a(y) = kx +(k,+k,)-a(y), Vy The above should hold for all values of y. Therefore, kX = 0 (3.9-a) k, + kx, = 1 With the equation (3.8-b), we obtain k =0 (3.9-b) k,+ k,, =1 The substitution of (3.8-c) leads to Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 57 a(x 0 ,y) = 0 =k -a(x0 )+k,y,- a(y)+k,, -a(x0 ).a(y) =k -a(y), Vy Therefore, (3.9-c) k,=0 The same procedure for (3.8-d) into (3.7) yields (3.9-d) kx=O Recollecting all the substitution results, =0 k, k,' =0 k kk =0 =1 =1 (3.10) The above four equations of (3.10) are dependent. Further a simple reasoning reveals that the scaling factor k, is unity and k, = k,= 0. Thus, the two dimensional acceptability function of a(x, y) becomes a(x, y) = a(x) - a(y) (3.11) Using the definitions of aspiration and rejection levels, two dimensional acceptability function for mutually acceptability independent attributes is just a multiplication of the individual acceptability functions. Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 58 3.5.3 N-dimensional Acceptability Function An acceptability function for mutually independent attribute cases where n _>3 can be obtained using the same way (see Appendix A ). However, the same result is obtained using mathematical induction. a(x, y, z) = a(x) -a(y, z) = a(x)-a(y)-a(z) (3.12) Equation (3.12) is obtained using the property of mutually preferential independent attributes and the property of the acceptability function. They are e When attributesX and Y are mutually acceptability independent and attributesX and Z are mutually acceptabilityindependent, attributeX and a pair of attributes(Y, Z) are mutually acceptability independent. e Argument of an acceptabilityfunction can be a vector. Applying the above two properties for the construction of an n dimensional acceptability function for mutually acceptability independent attributes yields, a(x,I...xn) = a(x,) - a(x2,-.. n )X = a(x1) - a(x2) -a(X3,---., In) = ... (3.13) n = $la(x,) This completes a multi dimensional acceptability function under mutual acceptability independence assumption. 3.5.4 Discussion The intuitive form of equation (3.13) is due to the absolute scale of the metric obtained through the definitions of rejection and aspiration levels. The carefully defined threshold MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 59 points bring the operational simplicity into the model. Under the same operational assumption of mutual preferential independence (mutual utility independence), the utility theory involves two steps in constructing an n-dimensional utility function. First, individual utility functions have to be constructed. Then the scaling factors are elicited through cross-evaluation of different attributes. These scaling factors, conceptually close to weighting factors, will map the local value systems into the common global scale system, putting disparate measurement into one coherent value system. For example, for n an n attribute case, a total of nC, scaling factors will be obtained through cross- evaluation. This number grows quickly as the number of attributes, n, grows and measuring all of the scaling factors with acceptable consistency level is quite challenging. In the acceptability model, the absence of scaling factors or weighting factors is seen to be a major advantage over the conventional weighting factor-based framework. This reduces the necessary steps for the construction of multi attribute acceptability function. However, this advantage of using implicit weighting factors is not free. It should be noted that acceptability approach is based upon the implicit notion that the designers have enough domain knowledge so that they can set the aspiration and rejection levels for the attributes of interest at the onset of the design activity. However, those threshold points may be fluidic with the design progress. If the designers do not have good perspective on what they will accept and decline, the use of acceptability model may not accurately address the decision-maker's preference. Also, while the approach to setting the threshold points has some advantages, the restrictive assumptions also introduce a limitation. The acceptability model cannot distinguish designs exceeding goals. Only goal achievement is valued. If several design alternatives are found to achieve all goals, it will be necessary to formulate new and more challenging goals and redo the analysis to distinguish them. Most scoring decision models do not have this characteristic. 3.6 SUMMARY This chapter presented an important piece in this thesis. The acceptability - subjective probability of acceptance - was used to quantify the preference structure of a designer MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 60 under uncertainty. By modeling design activity as a specification satisfaction process and viewing designers as possessing the domain knowledge to quantify the aspiration and rejection level, an acceptability-based design evaluation framework was constructed. Under the assumption of mutual preferential (acceptability) independence, one dimensional acceptability function is extended for construction of multi-dimensional acceptability function. Development of the aggregated acceptability with less restrictive independence assumptions should be the subject of future work. MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 61 4. GOAL SETTING USING DYNAMIC PROBABILISTIC MODEL 4.1 OVERVIEW The acceptability evaluation model hinges on the notion of "goal"and this chapter will provide a formal method helping designers set these important threshold points in early design phase. The proposed goal setting method will be constructed using a dynamic probabilistic model and can be used for product specifications or product targets early in design process. Considering that these specifications will serve as a guideline to designers throughout the design process, it is important to set a goal level that accurately reflects all relevant issues associated with design. The goal level at early design phase is usually set with designers' soft information. This chapter provides a prescriptive method helping designers quantify their goal level under lack of sufficient information. Section 4.2 introduces a discrete Markov Chain, a stochastic process model. Section 4.3 then takes a step-by-step approach to formulate the goal setting task as a dynamic probabilistic model. This section also provides a solution to the model formulated in the previous section, followed by the interpretation of the solution for real-world application. Section 4.4 discusses the calculation of the convergence rate in a discrete Markov Chain and its implication in the goal setting model. The last section provides an application example measuring engineers' expectation level for adopting a new design technology. Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 62 4.1.1 Goal-based Method The benefit of using goal-based approach is well documented in business literature (Sterdy 1962; Curtis 1994). After assessment of current status in terms of resources and capability, the goal-based approach helps people establish targets for a given task. A goal should reflect a compromise between what is realistic and what is desirable. Therefore, the goal level should be determined such that it is achievable and aggressive at the same time. The process of setting goals requires that the decision-maker deliberate upon possible outcomes. In a group, target setting provides an environment amongst team members to discuss and review the given task. Although the final goal level is quite important, the major benefit of using goal setting comes from the process of setting the level. In that spirit, the proposed goal setting method will be process-oriented to allow decision-makers deliberate on the outcomes. Goal setting is widely used in design process, especially when setting the product specifications. Ulrich (Ulrich and Eppinger 1995) views the establishment of specifications as a goal setting process. From systems approach, goal setting is as a part of problem definition (Pahl and Beitz 1996). 4.1.2 Problem Statement The goal level is usually set by a team leader or a manager, often experts in the specific domain. At the same time, the expert is supposed to have various kinds of soft information necessary for setting a reasonable goal level. It is also assumed that the team leader will have a management mind set: the leader should have a clear understanding of the current situation in the product development status, in terms of technologies and resources allocated for the development. When setting a target at the onset of a design activity, the leader will resort to soft information and intangible knowledge of any kind to arrive at an estimate such as "ball parkfigure" or "orderof magnitude" analysis. MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 63 Extending such an idea, this chapter models a goal setting task as a parameter quantificationprocess under uncertaintiesof single events: uncertaintiesdue to lack of information or knowledge. It will not be applicable to the parameter estimation subject to uncertainties of repeatable events. The designer's soft information will be formulated into a discrete probability model. The model then generates a probability distribution of the parameter (probability mass function), which represents a decision-maker's degree of belief for different parameter levels. At the same time, issues insightful to understand the designer's behavior will be addressed. Although the main application area of the proposed model is goal setting in early product development stage, it will be extensible to more general parameter estimation problems subject to uncertainties due to lack of knowledge. 4.1.3 Approach Maintaining consistency is an important issue when using probability based methods. The probability axiom that all the probabilities sum up to one has been one important consistency check. However, it is noted that improving consistency does not necessarily mean getting an answer which best reflects the "real" life solution (Saaty 1980). Rice compares maintaining consistency as having a good bookkeeper (Rice 1995). In many practical cases, maintaining consistency often constraints a decision-maker's assessment process (Saaty 1980). The proposed dynamic probabilistic model will be based upon the idea that a practical assessment tool should allow the users both to maintain consistency and to provide answers close to a "real life solution". The suggested approach takes the following two steps, e Let a decision-maker explore all realms of knowledge to assess a parameter, worrying less about maintainingconsistency. MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 64 e The resulting broaderpool of knowledge is later transformed into a set of consistent assessments via dynamic probabilisticmodel. The constraint relaxation concept is found in Saaty's well-known ratio measurement technique in Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Using the Saaty's method to measure the ratios of likelihood of three events, A, B and C, (where the three events constitute a complete space), the decision-maker is asked to assess 1. DA,B 2. (C = lik(A) I lik(B) = lik(A) / lik(C) 3. wB,C = lik(B) / lik(C) where lik(A) is the likelihood of event A and so on. Although the ratio of OB,C is uniquely determined once the values of cRAB and A,C are determined, the ratio measurement technique asks the decision maker to independently assess the above three ratios. This provides a more flexible environment to the decisionmaker in the assessment task. Then, based upon the elicited ratios, the method constructs a matrix. The technique transforms a set of possibly conflicting ratios into a set of consistent ones using matrix operations. In doing so, Saaty assumes that the resulting answer will be closer to "real life". The proposed dynamic probability model follows the same motivation with the ratio measurement technique as in AHP. mA,B 1.0 1 SA,B I1/ -A, rai I1/ (OA,C meB,C wB,C 1'0 _ Figure 4.1 Saaty's ratio measurement in AHP MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 65 4.2 A DISCRETE MARKOV CHAIN: A STOCHASTIC PROCESS 4.2.1 Markov Properties Discrete Markov Chain, a stochastic process, has been widely used in many applications such as social science, natural science, and engineering. A sequence of random variables (Xi, i = 0,],...,n ) is a discrete Markov Chain if P(X ,2+ =k \, X,, =i, ..., X 0 =ko) = P(X,,, =k I X,, =i) = P(X =k | XO =i) =Pik (4.1) In order for a dynamic probability model to be a Markov Chain (MC), the model should have transition probabilities, Pik such that " they are history-independent. e they are time-wise homogeneous. 4.2.2 Transition Probabilities and Matrix For a Markov chain X with a state space S, where Sl = n, the transition probabilities, Pik are given by Pik - P(X,, = klX = i), for n2 0 (4.2) The n by n matrix (Pik) of transitional probabilities is called the transition matrix and is denoted by P. One obvious but important property of the transition probabilities is Pik 0 for all i and k (4.3-a) (4.3-b) Pik = 1.0 k eS MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 66 Any matrix satisfying the above two properties is deemed to be stochastic. This stochastic property is often used in deriving many useful characteristics in the mathematics of Markov chains. 4.3 DYNAMIC PROBABILISTIC GOAL SETTING MODEL 4.3.1 Operational Procedure A schematic of the proposed dynamic probability model is shown in Figure 4.2. A set of candidate states for a parameter is first identified by a decision-maker. This activity serves as a screening process for the decision-maker to determine a set of discrete candidate values used in the parameter estimation. Then, each candidate state will be assessed one by one in a probabilistic manner. These sets of individual assessments will be conflicting unless the decision-maker can exclusively choose one single candidate state as the value for the parameter. Those conflicting sets are processed via the discrete Markov chain model, yielding a probability mass distribution on the candidate states. Identificationof CandidateStates Solution : Limiting Probabilities Assessment of individual States in the Space Markov Chain Formulation & TransitionMatrix Construction Figure 4.2 Break-down of the suggested dynamic probability model MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 67 4.3.2 Identification of Candidate States A state space S should be determined such that it contains all possible candidates for the parameter. S={ s11s2, ... ,Is} (4.4) There are two important issues regarding the set of state space S. In the case of goal setting, the state space should contain both the most optimistic and pessimistic values. The most optimistic value reflects the most favorable scenario, while the most pessimistic one reflects the worst scenario. Also, the resolution between states should be neither too coarse nor too fine. This is important to facilitate a meaningful comparison among states by the designer. However, the states do not have to be equally distributed in the space. 4.3.3 Assessment of Individual States Local Probabilities Let T represent a parameter of interest that the decision-maker is trying to estimate: in a goal setting context, it is a target level for a specific attribute of a design. The goal for nominal average fuel economy of a new engine is an engineering design example. Assume that the states s, are increasingly preferred in the following example. Under certainty, the comparison of T against an arbitrary state s, e S should exclusively lead to one of the following conclusions. T -s (4.5-a) T < si (4.5-b) T> s (4.5-c) Under certainty, the value of T should be either equal to, less than or greaterthan an arbitrary state si. The above three events are complete and the judgment will lead to one of them. MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 68 However, under uncertainty the decision-maker's judgment for the comparison is no longer exclusive. In this case, it is likely that the three events may be valid to different extents. We quantify this judgment under uncertainty with subjective probabilities as Prob.( T - si) =pi (4.6-a) Prob.( T > si) =q (4.6-b) Prob.( T < si) = ri (4.6-c) where pi + qi + ri = 1.0 , i = 1,2,...,n. and n is the number of elements in the state space. The set of probabilities, U, = / pi, q,, r}, i =1,2,...,n summarizes a decision maker's judgment on a single reference state s, under uncertainty. Moreover, this set of probabilities is assumed to be based upon the decision-maker's accumulated knowledge up to or prior to that assessment. In words, the set U is a probabilistic answer to a hypothetical comparison based upon a decision-maker's information available up to that point in time. The set of local probabilities, U, = [p,, qi, r, i =1,2,...,n plays a key role in construction of the probabilistic model. Modeling Assumption on the Local Probabilities Important assumptions on the elicitation of the set, U = f U1, U 2 . U,, are as follows: e Existence: a decision-maker's uncertainty is quantifiable with subjective probabilities. * Homogeneousprobabilities:there is a unique set of probabilistic judgments for a single state that will remain unchanged as long as the information for the assessment is the same. The second assumption will be discussed in depth. For this purpose, another observation on relationship between knowledge and uncertainty quantification will be addressed first. Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 69 It is assumed that a certain state of knowledge-content determines a unique uncertainty structure for an uncertain parameter: qualitatively, this is roughly equivalent to saying that there is a one-to-one correspondence between knowledge-content and quantified uncertainty. This qualitative statement is shown in Figure 4.3. Another assumption is a hierarchical uncertainties of U= [ U, i =1,2,...,n }. The suggested dynamic probability model hinges on this decomposition hypothesis. In summary, as long as the basis knowledge-content remains unchanged, the overall uncertainty as well as the decomposed uncertainties, in a qualitative sense, should remain unchanged. Uncertainty Information Figure 4.3 Qualitative relationship between knowledge and uncertainty Figure 4.4 shows how the local probabilities are elicited in practice. Here, t represents a discrete time in the assessment process. Each block with a component U,(s 1 ) represents a decision-maker's assessment on a state s, at a discrete time t=n. In Figure 4.4, the decision-maker starts an assessment on state s3 at t=1, and then on S3 and s4 at t=2. At t=2, it is possible to have U,(s,) - U2(si) for the specific state i under assessment This discrepancy is interpreted as a decision-maker modifying the previous assessment at a later stage. This implies that the decision maker reviews and cross-checks their previous MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 70 (S3) t=1 (s4) t=3 t=5 (s) (2 t=n (si) (S2) s) (s (sg) (s s)(s Figure 4.4 Elicitation of local probabilities judgment against other judgments (in this case, on U2(s 4 ) ) , and based on it, changes the assessment on a state s3 . At t=5, all of the candidates states are assessed at least once. During the discrete time through t =5 and t= n, the cross-checks and adjustments on every state are made by the decision-maker. It is through this repeatedprocess of checking and reviewing that provides decision-makers with more opportunities to carefully quantify their subjective judgments on the parameterestimation. After repeated sessions of cross-checking and reviewing, we assume the existence of a certain time t = n such that V k, 1 ->n Uk(si) ~ U(si) V i =1,2,...,5. (4.7) After a certain number of reviewing sessions, a set of homogeneous (or steady) local probabilities emerges. The time t=n is recognized as a point when a decision maker feels that he/she hasfully exploited the realm of the availableknowledge to a sufficient degree and that, unless new information becomes available to the decision maker, he/she does not feel like modifying the local probabilities.In a formal way, t=n is identified as MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 71 V e >0, 3 n and 3 U.(s,) s.t. V k > n and V ie f 1,2,...,n], d(Uk(s,), U-(s,)) <e (4.8-a) (4.8-b) where d(.) is a hypothetical metric to measure the distance between two probability distributions. A suggested operational scenario summarizing the above assessment procedure is as follows, step 1: All knowledge relevant to the assessment has been accumulated. step 2: The decision-maker randomly chooses one state si . step 3: The decision maker determines U =[ p,, q,, r,} for a state s,. step 4: The decision maker repeats the above two steps (2 and 3) until all states are at least once considered. step 5: The decision-maker reviews and cross-checks the set of assessments on U= [ U, i =1,2,...,n ] until no further modifications are made. The existence of convergent local probabilities (U-(si)) plays an important role in extending the suggested dynamic probability model into a discrete Markov Chain. The final set of assessments obtained after step 5 will be a set of U = [ f p,, q,, r,}, i=1,2,...,n,} and it is quantification of a decision-maker's judgment on the entire states. So far, the only consistency requirement imposed on the set U is the minimal condition that the three judgmental probabilities on a single state must sum up to one ( p,+ q,+ r, =1.0). However, on the whole set level U, the consistency issue is not addressed at all. As a matter of fact, the sets of U are in conflict against each other unless the decision-maker can pinpoint one state as the choice. The next step is to construct a globally consistent assessment based upon the set of individual assessments, U= { U, , i =1,2,...,n}. Interpretation of Subjective Probabilities A statistical interpretation on subjective probabilities will be used in this chapter. For example, "the probability that throwing 6 in the next throw of this loaded die is 1/4" is interpreted as (Popper 1956) Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 72 "The next throw is a member of a sequence of throws, and the relative frequency within this sequence is 1/4" By using a statistical interpretation for the subjective probabilities, we can apply the probability calculus in processing the elicited probabilities. The resultant final distribution from the calculus is then interpreted as probabilities of single events. 4.3.4 Markov Chain Construction Decision Chain Hypothetical sequential decisions under uncertainty are modeled as stochastic process-a sequence of random variables. This stochastic process may be interpreted as an automated decision analyst helping a decision-maker to estimate a parameter of interest, T, via a sequence of hypothetical interviews. Consider n candidates in the state space, S. Starting from a state si, the decision-maker will be asked to compare the parameter of interest, T, against a state, s,. Due to the uncertainty, the decision-maker would not be able to provide a 100% confident answer for this question. Assume that only probabilistic answer is available for this comparison. Further, depending on the judgment between T against s, , the decision-maker will be asked to assess, at the next phase, an adjacent states as (assume that states are increasinglypreferred) sj, i < j, if priorjudgment was (T > s,): to a better state s , i > j, if priorjudgment was (T < s,) to a worse state s , if priorjudgment was (T~ si) a reassessmenton the same state Continuing this hypothetical process will generate a chain of sequential assessments, sometimes requiring repeated assessments on the previously considered states. This hypothetical chain will be called as a decision chain. More formally, a decision chain, G Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 73 =(G, ; n =0), is a sequence of random variables of G, , taking values on the state space S. A random variable Gn represents an n" reference state used for the comparison by the decision-maker. For example, we have a realization of decision chain A. (4.9) A ={G,=s, , G 2 =s 4 , G 3 =s 2 , G 4 =s 3 , G 5 =s 2 1 The above chain indicates that, in the current decision process, the decision-maker sequentially considers s, through s4 and again s2 on the fifth stage. The chain A is one probabilistic realization from the uncertainty structures. Figure 4.5 provides a more complete picture of how the chain can potentially develop, starting from state S3 in a probabilistic way. In this figure, each node represents a decision-maker's hypothetical comparison of T against s, as a reference state. The edge, on the other hand, represents a decision, a probabilistic transition between nodes, based upon the subjective judgment on si. For instance, the chain A in Figure 4.5 indicates that, at time t=] the designer assesses T against s. As he/she judges that the state s3 would underestimate the parameter, the designer considers a more aggressive value-the state S4 at t=2. t=1 (T.sJ t=2 t=3 t=4 \ ,(T~s (T.s) (T.s) (T.sJ (T.sJ) (T~s (T s (T~S (T.s) (T.s (T.s(s Converging Distribution (T s<) Branching process Figure 4.5 Chains in the dynamic probability model. (T,s,) represents an assessment of T against s, MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 74 Probabilistic transitions between states, under a set of operating conditions (which will be discussed in detail later), yield a converging distribution amongst states, as in the left hand side of the Figure 4.5. This is called a stationary distribution. It represents the limiting probabilitiesif the decision-makerrepeatedly carriesout the assessmentprocess for a sufficient large number of times. Further, it captures the decision-maker's overall or global uncertainty structure of the parameter T in the limiting case. The above process describes how a decision-maker's idea might develop under lack of information. However, the figure 4.5 supports a specific kind of transition: it only allows transitions among neighboring states and this will further be addressed in the following subsection. Transition Matrix Construction This section addresses how to construct the goal setting process as a discrete Markov Chain. At the center of the discussion is that the dynamic probabilistic model should satisfy two critical conditions of the discrete Markov Chain, i.e., the existence of history independent and time independent transitionprobabilities. Assume that at a stage n, a decision maker probabilistically judges that (T > si). A nonzero likelihood of (T > si) implies an existence of e >0 such that, (T > si) <-> { T = s, + e, for some E> 0 ] (4.10) The non-zero probability of P(T > s,) does not, however, provide in-depth information such as the magnitude of the parameter e and the corresponding likelihood. In order to address this problem, we seek the most conservative or minimum level of information that would let a designer pursue the decision of (T > s,). In words, If a decision-makerchooses a decision of (T > si), what would be the most conservative information deduciblefrom the decision? Given that T is judged to be greater than si on the finite state space S, it is always true that T would be greater than or equal to si+. Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 75 (4.11) Prob. ( T _ s j., I T > si ) =1.0 In a most conservative sense, T would be equal to si, . From a descriptive view point, where a decision analyst interviews a decision-maker, the non-zero probability of (T > si) assures, with probability of one, that the decision-maker will always shift to and compare T against the next level, si,. Based upon this conservative information context, we define the transition probability from si to si, as Prob.( G,,,,= s ., I G =s ) qi = Prob.( T > si) (4.12-a) Extending the same argument, the other two transition probabilities from a state si are also defined as Prob.( Gn, 1 = sI | G,,= si ) Prob.( G,, 1 = si | GI = si ) ri = Prob.( T < si) p = 1.0- r-q (4.12-b) (4.12-c) This completes the construction of transition probabilities used in the discrete Markov Chain. 4.3.5 Limiting Probabilities and their Interpretation This subsection discusses the existence of the limiting probabilities and their use. After providing an example about its operation, conditions for the existence of limiting probabilities will be discussed in detail. Operation In order to obtain the limiting probabilities of a stochastic matrix P, a decision maker will have to construct an n by n transition matrix first, with each element, pi;, representing the assessed transition probability from one state(i) to another(j). For a ten-state case, a 10 by 10 transition matrix, P, is constructed as Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 76 0 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 0.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.3 0.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.4 0.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.4 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 0.45 0.35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.3 0.4 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 0.3 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.8 0.2 (4.13) Suppose that a decision-maker starts the judgment process from state 1. Then this starting point is represented by a vector: (4.14) G, =[1,0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] One probabilistic transition from state 1 subject to the transition matrix P yields, (4.15) G2 = G, P Thus, a general n" step transition is (4.16) Gi = Gl- P = G, P " If a decision maker continues the transition process for an infinite number of times, 7r = (4.17) G_ = G,-P- There are two ways of interpreting the limiting probabilities of r. * steady state/equilibrium view : c = r - P * limiting probability : 7r =limn,1 G,. P" MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 77 ,where wis the limiting probabilities, P is the transition matrix, and G, is the starting vector. Theoretically, the limiting probabilities are obtained after an infinite number of iterations. However, in practice, they are obtained in a relatively small number of iterations as long as they exist. For the case of a stochastic matrix of P, every row of the limiting matrix P- is identical. This property is called "monodesmic" in a discrete Markov Chain. Therefore, regardless of the initial starting vector of G,, the limiting distribution of G_ is identical. This may be interpreted as a real situation where, regardless of the decision-maker's initial starting point for the assessment, the estimation outcome should be identical. A related theorem will follow shortly. Existence of Limiting Probabilities Up to this point it was assumed without a proof that limiting probabilities exist for a corresponding transition matrix. There is a mathematical theorem stating the existence of limiting probabilities under certain conditions. Theorem: Given afinite, irreducibleand aperiodicMarkov Chain, there exists a unique stationary distribution, r. Further, (4.18-a) V i,,r > 0 V ,,,-lia G,-P (4.18-b A detailed proof of the above theorem is found in many advanced books on a discrete Markov Chain. The focus of this chapter is, therefore, to verify whether the goal setting model constructed using a discrete Markov Chain meets the conditions for the existence of unique stationary distribution. For that purpose, definitions of the conditions will be given first. Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 78 Definition : if a discrete Markov Chain has a finite number of states, the chain is a finite Markov Chain. The decision chain for the goal setting method isfinite since the state space contains a finite number of elements. The following definition precedes the definition of an "irreducible"Markov chain. Definition : States i andj communicate, if E t,t' s.t. p';, pj)> 0 The states i and j communicate if the chain can move from state i to j and j to i in a finite number of transition trials. Definition : A set of states (S') is irreducible if a V ij e S' and i andj communicate * V ieS'andje SIS' then pi, =0 The states in S' can communicate to each other but any state originating from S/S'cannot leave the irreducibleset S' once it reaches S'. For the state space { s,,...,s, ] in the goal setting matrix, the probabilities of pjo = p,,, = 0. As long as some of the local probabilities are not zero, the states with nonzero probabilities should communicate each other. Therefore, there exists an irreducibleset in the state space S. Last definition of aperiodicMarkov Chain will be given after the definition of a period of a Markov Chain. Definition : The period of a state i is the largest integer N such that, if p", # 0 then N divides n. Definition : A Markov Chain is aperiodic, if its period is 1. It can be shown that for afinite, irreducibleMarkov chain, all states have the same period, which is then defined as the period of the whole chain. MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 79 Since the decision chain constructed for goal setting is finite and irreducible, all the states in the state space have the same period. More, if there exists at least one state i with p,,0, the chain will be aperiodic. Therefore, the Markov Chain constructed based upon the local probabilities is afinite, irreducibleand aperiodicand it will have a unique limiting probabilities. Interpretation of Limiting Probabilities The outcome of the goal setting model based upon the sets of local probabilities is a probability mass function on the state space. The probability mass function quantifies a parameter of interest under uncertainties of single events or lack of knowledge. A challenging issue with the resulting probability distribution is how to use it to set a nominal goal level in real-world applications. A general answer to this question is that the resulting limiting probabilities should be interpreted and used in a very flexible way to fit and reflect the designer's needs. For example, for an increasingly favorable attribute such as mileage in a car, an aggressive designer may take the 75th percentile point as a nominal goal level. On the other hand a conservative designer may take 30 - 40th percentile point as a nominal target. The nominal goal value determined by the corresponding cumulative probability, S, P(x !;s.) =AP(s,) j=1 is a meaningful guide in the goal setting process. Using this format will allow the designers to quantitatively reflect upon their risk level in the goal setting process. Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory (4.19) 80 4.4 POST-ANALYSIS 4.4.1 Convergence Rate A fully deterministic n by n transition matrix in the dynamic probability model will be defined as the matrix which * has (n-1) zero eigen values and * has only one nonzero eigen value and its value is 1. A] = ... = A,, = 0.0, An =1.0 for an n by n matrix (4.20) A stochastic matrix, where each row sums to one, always has eigenvalues such that / Ai /< 1.0 V i. Further, the largest eigenvalue is always one. Under this definition transition matrices in Markov Chain are stochastic. If a matrix is not fully deterministic, then it will have an eigenvalue I and some nonzero values. The nonzero eigenvalues may provide an insight about the state of a decisionmaker. A Z-transform decomposes m'" power of an n by n matrix into 0(m) = P' = 0 + T(m) where m = 0,1,2,... where 0 (4.21) is a constant matrix ( used to obtain limiting probabilities ) and T(m) represents the transient part of the m"' power of the transition matrix. Further, the matrix T(m) is expressed as T(m) = A,"111'T 1 +A ' T2 + 2 ... +2 y_'"-Tu MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory (4.22) 81 where A,are eigenvalues and T are corresponding matrices( the matrix T, need not to be eigen matrices ). Therefore the convergence rate of 0P(m), the rate how fast the transient part approaches to zero, is determined by the eigenvalues of the transition matrix P. In a simplified manner, its convergence rate will be dominantly determined by the largest eigenvalue besides A=1, where / Ai /_<1.0. Greater eigenvalues imply slow convergence for the matrix multiplication. Degree of Determinacy More deterministic 1 0 Second largest Eigenvalue Figure 4.6 Quantification of information contents by second largest eigenvalue The large absolute value of eigenvalue is interpreted as a state of decision-maker who does not possess enough information to produce a deterministic transition matrix. In words, the underlying hypothesis is that, a decision-maker can provide a transition matrix closer to a deterministic matrix in proportion to the amount of relevant information used by the decision-maker. When more information is available, the transition matrix will show a quick convergence. Based upon this observation, we generalize that the absolute magnitudes of eigenvalues quantify the information level of a decision-maker's local judgments. In order to simplify the analysis, we will focus on the magnitude of the second largest eigenvalue. MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 82 4.4.2 Statistical Test This section addresses how to statistically judge whether an elicited transition matrix P is backed by an acceptable amount of information. A decision-maker, in an extreme case, can just give out random numbers. The objective of this section is to screen out such random assessments in a statistical manner. The underlying idea is to apply a testing the level of information using the second largest eigenvalue, comparing it to a pool of second largest eigenvalues of randomly selected n by n transition matrices. Through a statistical comparison, a quantitative statistical conclusion can be drawn. The basic underlying assumption is that, if the decision-maker had enough information, the resulting transition matrix will be far from being random in the context of absolute magnitude of second largest eigenvalue. Neyman-Pearson approach will be used for the testing. The null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis are as follows; HO: The elements in transitionmatrix are randomly chosen. HA : The elements are not random. Under the null hypothesis, the elicited transition matrix is subject to a null distribution. We can generate this null distribution by a numerical simulation. Let X be a random variable representing the second largest eigenvalue of an n by n stochastic matrix and be subject to a null hypothesis. Then, a one-sided a-test provides a threshold value, x* such that P(X > x*) = ]-a (4.23) If the absolute value of the second largest eigenvalue of the transition matrix is smaller than or equal to x*, we reject the null hypothesis at (1-a).100% confidence level. MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 83 probability 2 "d largest eigenvalue Figure 4.7 A typical distribution of the second largest absolute value of eigenvalues of n by n matrices under null hypothesis In other words, if the second largest absolute value of eigenvalue of the elicited transition matrix is smaller than or equal to x*, we can say that the decision-maker's transition matrix is not random with confidence level of (1-a).100%. Table 4.1 shows the threshold values for random stochastic matrices of different sizes. For example, if the second largest eigenvalue of a 5-state stochastic matrix is smaller than or equal to 0.5622, we can say, with 99% confidence level, that the decision-maker's matrices is not random. 0.35 . n 0.3 : 0.25 0.2 >1 0.15 Reject H0 0.1 0 0.05 0. 0tC Ci llz LO V: ' U) 0 D rt Cq - - t N-, W P- 2nd largest eigen V* Cq -cd. Cq 0 0D CO 0D value Figure 4.8 A null distribution of second largest eigen value of 7x 7 stochastic matrices (2,000 simulations) Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 84 Table 4.1 Threshold point for matrices(based upon10,000 simulations) # of states x*: 1 % value 3 4 5 6 7 8 0.2449 0.4509 0.5622 0.7267 0.7291 0.7715 (C=0.01) 4.5 APPLICATION EXAMPLE DOME (Distributed Object-based Modeling Environment) is a software developed at MIT CADLAB(Computer-aided Design Laboratory) (CADLab 1999). It is an internetbased software environment that enables designers to collaborate in a very heterogeneous environment, both in terms of geography and deployed software. The Ford Motor Company has been an industry sponsor. This opportunity provided the author with an opportunity to use the developed goal setting model for measuring the Ford engineers' expectation level for using DOME in their product development process. From the Ford's standpoint, DOME may be a new facilitating factor in their product development process and it would be helpful for them to quantify their goal levels for their expectations in adopting the new technology. 4.5.1 Purpose There are two main objectives in testing the goal setting model with Ford engineers. The first point of interest was the user's perception on the developed goal setting model. The model itself has been mainly developed based upon observational assumptions and mathematical reasoning. Therefore, this interview serves as an excellent opportunity to observe its assumptions and applicability. Another point of interest was the measurement outcome. Engineers at Ford Motor Company were very enthusiastic about the functionality and features of DOME. This survey serves an opportunity for us to measure Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory the Ford engineers' expectation levels in key attributes such as development time reduction with a potential adoption of DOME technology. 4.5.2 Procedure Set-up The MIT CADLAB had a software demonstration at the Ford Motor Company at Dearborn, MI in March 1999. The purpose of the demonstration was to illustrate the functionality and features of the DOME to Ford engineers. During a break in the demonstration, prepared handouts were given out to potential interviewees. The handout contained exemplary questions that can be addressed by the method and the basic idea of how the local probabilities will be used for a dynamic probability simulation. The appendix B contains the handout. The interviewees read the handout and returned to the remaining part of software demonstration. The interview was then conducted after the demonstration. Participants Two engineers participated in the interview. Since the objective of the developed tool is to help designers set their goals or targets in the early design process, it is assumed that the designers are experts in their application areas with extensive prior experience in their fields. The resulting local probabilities should be the answers based upon their domain expertise. In order to meet this assumption, two senior engineers were chosen for the interview. One was an IT(Information Technology) senior manager and the other was an engineer for Movable Glass System (MGS) of door system. The MGS engineer has 13+ years of experience in the automotive industry. Considering their extensive experience, they were judged to be good candidates for the interview. After the DOME demonstration, they were given three topics for the interview and chose one based upon their field of interest. The senior manger chose the question of "average product development time reduction using DOME" while the engineer chose the question of 'average product quality improvement using DOME". Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 86 4.5.3 Goal-setting Software Each interview was conducted using a JAVA program that allows the users to interactively express the quantities necessary to build the transition matrix. The program has three main GUI (Graphical User Interface) parts. At the first screen, the designers are asked to identify the candidate states for assessment. The user decides the most optimistic and pessimistic values for the assessment. Upon determining the two points, the user is asked to decide the interval between the extreme points. The Figure 4.9 shows snapshot of the first GUI. With the second part of the GUI, the user can express local probabilities that will lead to the transition matrix. It has a pop-up window with which the user can interactively set the local probabilities at each state. After initial assessment of each state, the user can edit the prior assessment state-by-state. This functionality is considered to be very important in the overall elicitation process, since this multiple revisions allow the user to arrive at a set of stationary local probabilities. After all the local probabilities are elicited, the user can go to the next GUI that shows the limiting probabilities from the transition matrix from the previous GUI part. Figure 4.9 First Screen : Identification of state space MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 87 I 2 3 4 ~ uuu U.U 20.00 35.00 50,00 000 00.40 0030 *u.U :UUU UU.U UUU 0000 00.30 00.70 0000 00.30 00 00 00 00 01 00 01.00 ttState foAhl 2 o .0 mEa ton Pobabiity Sum [2 finish random set edit next Figure 4.10 Second Screen: Elicitation of local probabilities 4.5.4 Result Perception Both of the interviews were carried out without significant operational difficulties. The self-explanatory handout provided enough information for the interviewees to understand the purpose and the elicitation process. The following is observations made during and after the interview process. " The concept of local probabilities on one state was not difficult either conceptually or operationally. The engineers can elicit those local probabilities without much difficulties. * One main objective of the developed model is to let designers think hard on the assessment problem at hand. This is inherently built into the model by letting the designers think on local states, worrying less about maintaining consistency in the assessment. This was observed with the IT senior manager. Even though the author didn't reveal that GUI allows the users to edit the local probabilities, the manager, after finishing the random assessment, showed the desire to revise some of the previous local judgments. Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 88 Measurement Outcome As was previously discussed, the objective is to measure the engineers' expectation level on impact of using DOME. The limiting probabilities for both cases are shown in Figure 4.11. The time reduction is shown as a probability mass function, while the quality improvement graph is shown as a cumulative distribution. o GaSetnPlgin M~~~B I[ - Goal Setting Plug-In I N91131 (B) (A) Figure 4.11 Expectation measurement result for time reduction(A) and quality improvement(B) 4.6 SUMMARY This chapter presented a goal setting method using a discrete Markov Chain. The goal setting problem was formulated as a parameter estimation problem under soft information or subjective judgment. The rationale behind the model is that maintaining consistency may constrain designers from fully exploring their knowledge pool in the estimation task. The model uses consistency relaxation technique that allows the designers to worry less about maintaining consistency in the assessment process. The parameter estimation MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aided Design Laboratory 89 process is then modeled using a discrete Markov Chain with designers' local knowledge defining the transition probabilities among states. The details of transition matrix construction process, the existence of limiting probabilities were discussed in detail. An analysis mechanism using second largest absolute eigen value is suggested to qualitative measure the information content of a transition matrix. An example illustrating the application of the suggested model is shown at the end of the chapter. MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 90 Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 91 5. DECISION MAKING FOR SINGLE EVENTS 5.1 OVERVIEW Design decision making under uncertainty often uses probabilities to represent and quantify uncertainties associated with early design alternatives. In this case, expected value, the most compact statistic to summarize a probability structure, is often used to compare design candidates each of which may have distinct uncertainty structures. However, there may be a discrepancy between the decisions based upon expectation and the final realization after all uncertainties are resolved. This chapter discusses the possibility of using supplementary metrics other than expectation alone, to help designers identify promising ideas in a fluidic design process. Section 5.2 reviews expectation-centric decision making framework and introduces Allais' paradox in expected utility maximization. Section 5.3 then classifies the prevailing uncertainties encountered in design process. With the insights gained from the classification, section 5.4 suggests a descriptive set of metrics to supplement an expectation-based decision rule. The concepts of risk and opportunity will be introduced and mathematically defined. Section 5.5 will illustrate that the mean-semivariance framework can be used to partially address the Allais paradox. MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 92 5.2 EXPECTATION-BASED DECISIONS 5.2.1 Framework In design decision-making, a designer structures and quantifies their preferences and all associated uncertainties for a specific decision situation. Typically, a decision-maker uses a value-based concept to quantify preferences while using probabilities, often subjective in a strict sense, to formalize and represent circumstantial uncertainties associated with early designs. Design alternatives with the highest expected values are then chosen because they offer the highest expected performance in a statistical sense. In utility theory, the maximization of expected utility is inferred from a set of axioms which define the behavior of a rational decision-maker (Pratt, Raiffa et al. 1965). Under uncertainty a rational decision-maker should follow the rule of maximization of expected utility. However, some economics literature argues that, in some operational cases, expected utility maximization has limitations as a descriptive theory (Kreps 1992). Allais paradox and Machina's paradox constitute the oldest and most famous challenges to the expected utility theorem. The following section introduces Allais paradox introduced in mid 50's. 5.2.2 Allais paradox The Experiment The most famous violation of expectation-based argument in utility theory is Allais paradox, named after its discoverer, Maurice Allais (Mas-Colell, Whinston et al. 1995). One modified version is presented in this section. It is comprised of four choices among two hypothetical gambles; the first gamble is shown in Figure 5.1, while the second one is shown in Figure 5.2. Empirical evidence provided by many literature shows that majority of people choose lottery LI over L 12for the first lottery. Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 93 0 $2,500,000 L 11 0.1 $2,500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $0 $0 Figure 5.1 First Game: two lotteries for Allais paradox For the second gamble with two lotteries of L2 , and L22, the empirical result indicates that majority of people prefer L22 to L21 0 L21 -0.11 0.89 $2,500,000 0.1 $2,500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $0 $0 Figure 5.2 Second Game: two lotteries for Allais paradox Let's analyze these two decisions using utility function u(x), $ 0< x < $2,500,000. Interpreting the first gambling result between L,, and La using the expected utility theory, u(0.5M) > 0.1 - u(2.5M) + 0.89 . u(0.5M) + 0.01 -u(0) (5.1) where M stands for million. On the other hand, the second gambling result between L2 , and L22 is interpreted using expected utility theory as MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 94 0.11. u(0.5M) + 0.89 -u(O) < 0.1 u(2.5M) + 0.9 -u(O) (5.2) Adding 0.89 -u(0) - 0.89 -u(0.5M)to both sides of equation (5.1) yields 0.11 -u(0.5M) + 0.89 -u(0) > 0.1 -u(2.5M) + 0.9 -u(0) (5.3) which is in contradiction with equation (5.2). Therefore, in this hypothetical application, majority of decision-makers violates the maximization of expected utility theory. One interesting point in this paradox is that the utility function does not influence the result at all. This paradox exists for all possible utility functions. Therefore, the paradox originates not from the utility functions but from the use of expectation as a decision metric. Next subsection reviews previous work regarding the paradox in other disciplines. Alternative analysis The discovery of Allais paradox raised different reactions within the decision science community and other academic disciplines. At first, the paradox was dismissed as an isolated example. However, research efforts traced its origination to the independence axiom in utility theory. More specifically, this empirical violation of the independence axiom is known as common consequence effect. A more detailed discussion on common consequence effect is found in (Machina Summer 1987). Kahneman and Tversky explained this paradox from a descriptive viewpoint (Kahneman and Tversky 1979). One of their arguments in the suggested prospect theory is that people over-emphasize certain events when using probabilistic representation of uncertainties. This view is shared by other behavioral economists (Baron 1988). Massachusetts institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 95 Decision Weight: xt(p) 1.0 0.5 0 0.5 1.0 Stated probability: p Figure 5.3 Hypothetical weighting function for probabilities Figure 5.3 schematically shows a hypothetical weighting function in probability. Based upon this hypothetical non-linearity in the probabilities, many researchers have suggested nonlinear functional forms. The simplest form suggested by Kahneman and Tversky is (Kahneman and Tversky 1979) Sv(xi).- 7c( p,) (5.4) where v(.) is a generalized value function such as utility function and n is the decision weight. A more complete coverage of many other functional forms are found in Machina (Machina Summer 1987). Another explanation of this paradox is "regret theory". The regret theory argues that people makes decisions in the direction to minimize the regret after the uncertainties are completely resolved. Therefore, in the above examples, getting $0 as the lottery outcome will bring the highest regret to decision-makers and this fact qualitatively governs the decision. Its Implication to Design Decision Making A designer may choose a preliminary concept with a high expected value that may not turn out to be the best choice at the end of the design activity. Thus, one might infer that Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 96 preliminary design concepts selected solely based upon highest expectation may not always be the best choice. Given such discrepancies, it would be of interest for a designer to quantify the potential gap between current expectations and possible final outcomes in advance. This might lead to development of additional metrics that would supplement the metric of expectation in design decision making. This interpretation is qualitatively related with the regret theory in the previous section. The source of discrepancy between the initial expectation and the final result is at least twofold. First, preliminary subjective probability distributions quantifying uncertainties associated with design alternatives may be unreliable. This has been an important issue in the use of subjective probabilities in many decision science disciplines. Although design activity is an on-going and continuous process, a specific decision often has to be made with temporal information that will have an influence on the rest of design activity. Therefore, a designer tries to secure high quality information to construct appropriate subjective probabilities. Although the use of imperfect information for a temporal decision making is an important source of discrepancy, this issue will not be addressed in this thesis. A second possibility is use of probabilities to represent different kinds of uncertainties encountered in design. Objective or frequency-based probabilities represent and quantify uncertainties of an infinitely repeatable event. However, many decisions involve uncertainties for single events. For example, the lotteries for the Allais paradox are given just once to the participants. In the paradox, the events are not repeatable. Probabilities are used to model the state of knowledge and quantify the uncertainty of single events. The interpretation of single events, often subjective probabilities, is addressed in the literature (Popper 1956) (French 1986) and it is widely accepted that probabilities (often subjective probabilities) are used to represent and quantify single events subject to uncertainty. However, the interpretation of expectation is more difficult and hypothetical for single events. Expectation is the average value of a random variable and, at the same time, is an answer to a very hypothetical and abstract question for an infinitely repeatable Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 97 experiment (Bodie 1989). The meaning of the expected worth in design decision-making in many cases is abstract because the relevant decision event (i.e., the experiment) is usually only repeated once. The statistic of expectation, initially devised for repeatable events, may not fully address the implication of probabilities used to describe uncertainties of single events. The expected value may not even be one of the possible values. For example, a random variable that takes on values of either 1 or -1 with equal probabilities can never have zero in a single realization. An interesting anecdote is found in (Schiller 1997). Samuelson told a story which he believes demonstrates a violation of expected utility theory. Samuelson reported that he asked a lunch colleague whether he would accept a bet that paid him $200 with a probability of 0.5 and lost him $100 with probability of 0.5. The colleague said that he would not take the bet, but he would take a hundred of them. With 100 such bets, his expected total wining is $5000 and virtually he has no chance of losing the money. It seems intuitively compelling that one would readily take the complete set of bets, even if any element of the set is unattractive. In summary, two issues have been raised. Probability is often used to represent and quantify both repeatable and single events. And the statistic of expectation effectively differentiates uncertainties of repeatable events. However, expectation may not fully differentiate the implications of single events that are quantified through probabilities. This chapter will continue to investigate these two different kinds of uncertainties. It will extend to a survey of methodologies that can be used to differentiate single events. Based on this, a supplementary metric in addition to expectation will be devised. MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 98 5.3 UNCERTAINTY CLASSIFICATION 5.3.1 Type I Uncertainty: Repeatable Event This type of uncertainty, also called aleatoryuncertainty, describes natural variability (Apostolakis 1990). This uncertainty is due to the random or stochastic variability of the phenomena and is contained in the formulation of the model under investigation. Other terms used for this uncertainty are randomness or stochastic uncertainty. Exemplary uncertainties in this category are dimensional variability of manufactured goods, variability found in material properties, life time of a machinery, and etc. The uncertainty in this category is best described as the variability in the outcome of a repeatable experiment. This is associated with frequentist's view on probability. The classical probability theory was developed to describe and quantify this kind of uncertainties. Another interesting observation about this type of uncertainty is its relationship with information. This uncertainty is due to humanly inaccessible information. Uncertainty in this category is not reducible to a deterministic form no matter how much information is available. For example, there are too many variables governing the dimensional variability in manufacturing processes. Therefore it is virtually impossible for the human to control all the variables to reduce the variability to a complete zero. From an informational context, the aleatory uncertainty is characterized as irreduceable uncertainty (Veneziano 1994) 5.3.2 Type II Uncertainty : Single Event This type of uncertainty is also called as epistemic uncertainty. This uncertainty is due to our ignorance and represents the state of knowledge regarding a certain parameter. Many economic or social events such as interest rate on the last day of 1998 or next year's total car sales in US fall in this category. Another famous example would be the weather forecasting in one week. In design perspective, all the nominal values subject to estimation in early design phase falls in this category. Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 99 This type of uncertainty is completely resolved if the decision-maker has access to all the necessary information. The decision-maker can pinpoint one single number for the interest rate on the last day of 1998 after this date. For the case of future event, the uncertainty will be resolved completely as time goes on. As the day passes, more information will be available for more reliable forecast. On the day itself, all the uncertainty will be resolved; only one event will realize. Reflecting this time-based resolution property, the uncertainty in this category is also referred to being reduceable. Uncertainty in this category is evolutionary; the uncertainty can be completely resolved accordingly with the amount of accessible information, in many cases temporal. In most cases, probability is used to model and quantify the uncertainty in this category. However, the probability distribution in this case should eventually have zero variability with addition of more information (within the desired level of resolution). Based upon this observation, we call the uncertainty in this category as uncertainties of single events. 5.3.3 Discussion Since the underlying implications for the uncertainties of repeatable and single events are different, the probabilities in both cases should be treated in a different manner. Considerable research effort has been focused on providing different interpretation of subjective probabilities expressed in terms of objective probabilities. In this way, the uncertainties of single events can still be subject to the probability calculus devised for objective probabilities. Next subsection discusses decision making solely on the uncertainties of second kind or the uncertainties of single events. 5.4 DECISION MAKING UNDER TYPE II UNCERTAINTY Portfolio construction in finance theory provides a good example for decision making under uncertainties of single events. The yearend return for a specific equity is subject to uncertainty and the associated uncertainty in this case is uncertainties of single events. Although there is much uncertainty about the yearend return before the end of the year, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 100 there will be just one number realized at the end of the year. And the financial managers, if their time horizon is the end of this year, are interested in that specific number. 5.4.1 Mean-variance analysis in finance theory In finance theory, probabilities are used for encoding uncertainties of single events. Figure 5.4 schematically shows a portfolio construction process for two investment opportunities, A and B. In this process, the probability density functions for the ROI(Return On Investment) of A and B are first constructed based upon accumulated historical data. It is a clear assumption that only one point in the probability distribution will be realizedforthe decision period. The expected return and risk are defined by the expectation and variance of the distribution, respectively. Variance, in turn, can be interpretedas the degree of surprise,quantifying the deviation of the actual returnfrom the expected value (Bodie 1989). Then, the pair of expectation and variance for investments A and B is plotted in t-a (mean-standard deviation) space (Figure 5.4 (B)). A proper portfolio - a weighted combination of these two investments - yields a parabola probability Expected 15 return 15 investment A P 20 15 -5 25 return, P rA [-B =20 GB=15 -10 A - probability 00 20 (A) . investment B return, 5 rB (B) Figure 5.4 Portfolio construction with two investments MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 15 standard deviation 101 in the diagram. The solid portion of the portfolio line is called an efficient portfolio. At the same risk or standard deviation level, this curve yields the highest expected return. Once the efficient frontier is identified, the final portfolio selection depends on the risk attitude of the investor. Usually, higher return is expected only with higher risk. Therefore, a risk-adverse investor would choose P1 over P2. On the other hand, a risk-seeking investor might choose portfolio P2, which may yield a higher return at greater risk. The variance is always considered in the portfolio construction process. The uncertainty of a specific equity was quantified with mean and variance and the final portfolio point will also be determined on the (g-a). The portfolio construction is a good example that a surprise factor should be included for the decision making under the uncertainties of single events. Under the premise that the variability should be considered for in early design phase, the first step is to determine how to measure the variability of the uncertainties in evolving design process. Then its interpretation and use should be determined. 5.4.2 Quantification of Dispersion There are many statistics that address distinct aspects of probability distributions. Expectation is by far the most compact way of summarizing information contained in a probability distribution. Other statistics such as variance and skewness, 2 " and 3rd moments respectively, extract information that expectation does not provide. Figure 5.5 schematically compares different statistics in two attributes - information abstraction and intensity. Expectation achieves the highest level of abstraction at the cost of information intensity. On the other hand, the original distribution delivers the most complete information at the highest complexity level. It is true that expectation allows an efficient mechanism for comparing different uncertain design candidates. However, when the probabilities represent single events, the statistic of expectation may not convey sufficient Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 102 information -intensity information abstraction compromised region Exp. Exp. + Var. Box plot Whole distribution Figure 5.5 Comparison of different statistics information for designers to deal with possible discrepancies between what is expected and what may be realized. InterQualtile Range(IQR) is one of the most robust statistic to measure the dispersion of probability distribution. This is defined as the difference between two qualtiles. Median Absolute Deviation from the Median or MAD is another robust statistic. Assume the presence of discrete data points, x,,...,x,, and its median as i. MAD is defined to be the median of the numbers lxi - ii. The most commonly used measure of dispersion is the standard deviation, which is a square root of the variance. It is defined as a 2 = f(x).(x -m)2dx, m=fx.f(x)dx 5.4.3 (5.5) Opportunity and Risk Bi-directional measurement Mean-variance analysis, as applied to finance theory, assumes that the underlying uncertainty in ROI is expressed as a normal distribution. This assumption about the underlying distribution is often valid for financial data accumulated over a relatively short period of time(Brealey and Meyers 1996). However, in design decision-making the Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 103 underlying uncertainty may be asymmetric. Thus, the mean-variance analysis approach should be adjusted to account for more generic uncertainty structures. Definitions In mean-variance analysis, risk is defined and quantified as the degree of surprise that may occur if the outcome fails to meet the expectation of an underlying distribution. In design decision making, we would like to distinguish between good and bad surprises. These two different kinds of uncertainties are defined as: * Risk: possible single event outcomes with lower worth than expectation. * Opportunity: possible single event outcomes with higher worth than expectation. Symmetric distributions will always have same degree of risk and opportunity. Quantification From the notion of semi-variance in finance theory, a modified concept based upon 2 nd momentum is defined as (Fishburn 1977) a r - T) 2 ] T = E[min(0, (5.6) where E is an expectation operator and r is a random variable representing ROI. A target return for an investment is represented by T. This formulation uses the target return as a reference point for defining risk. Further it quantifies the risk as the 2 "dmomentum of possible realizations below the target value T. The definitions of risk and opportunity suggest the use of expectation as a reference point for uncertainty classification in design decision making. By doing this, the expectation can still be used as a normative tool in current decision-making framework. Risk is quantified in terms of oq, while opportunity is quantified in terms of a,. They are MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 104 02 inf = E[max(O,a(X) = - E[a(X)]) 2 ] (5.7-a) E[min(O, a(X) - E[a(X)])2 (5.7-b) where y2 _..72 +0.2 mnf sup where X is a random variable for an attribute level and a(x) is the corresponding preference function for X. After calculating the expectation and semi-standard deviations for each design alternative, the result might be visualized as is shown in Figure 5.6. value or utility opportunity - risk- ~7I7 expectation design A design B Figure 5.6 Visualization for using the suggested metrics 5.4.4 Interpretation of Opportunity/Risk in evolving design process Expectation, opportunity, and risk measured in terms of semi-standard deviations and defined as in equations (5.7-a) and (5.7-b), respectively, may be used as a primary aid for decision-making under evolving uncertainty. In Figure 5.6, design B's uncertainty structure indicates that its expected worth is slightly lower than that of design A, but its opportunity is greater than its risk. Design A's uncertainty structure indicates a slightly higher expectation with lower opportunity and risk. Therefore, qualitatively speaking, a risk-taking design decision maker might choose design B while a risk-averse design decision maker may choose design A. A useful index for providing insight into the uncertainty structure might be MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 105 sup (5.8) a inf the ratio of opportunity to risk. A modified two-dimensional plot of (R, Ti) might be used to understand opportunity and risk of design alternatives. This is shown in Figure 5.7 for the designs A and B (Figure 5.6). Note that for i1=1, the current uncertainty structure is symmetric in terms of risk and opportunity. On the other hand, when r1 is greater than one it suggests that the current uncertainty structure has more opportunity than risk. A third momentum of a random variable (a measure of skewness) might also be used to replace (5.9) M3 = E[a(X) - E[a(X)]]3 The resulting sign indicates whether opportunity or risk dominates in the corresponding uncertainty structure. Any odd momentum will have this characteristic, with the exception of the first momentum (expectation). A B 1.0 Figure 5.7 (g,Ti) plot of two designs A and B The opportunity/risk ratio Timight also serve as a normative metric to predict the implications of new additional information in the context of continuing design activity. As a design develops, more information becomes available and the level of uncertainties gradually decreases. The opportunity/risk ratio, in lieu of additional information, may indicate how a design might evolve during the design process. When f1=1 information, either equally positive or negative in a qualitative sense, will have same impact on the MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 106 expected worth of the evolutionary design. On the other hand, when r > 1, positive information will increase the expected worth estimate to a greater extent than equally negative information would decrease the design's expected worth. The opposite argument holds when ri < 1. This interpretation assumes that the next piece of information is subject to a stochastic randomness of equal probabilities. 5.4.5 Discussion: Risk attitude The shape of a quantitative preference function (Figure 5.8(A)), such as utility or acceptability function, determines the risk attitude of a decision-maker (Keeney and Raiffa 1993). Figure 5.8(B) shows a probability density function reflecting the uncertainty associated with a certain decision alternative. The integration of the preference function and the probability density function describing uncertainty yields the expectation and a corresponding variance. By interpreting the corresponding variance through mean-variance analysis, the value and uncertainty structure of each design alternative can be plotted in ([t,) space. Regardless of a decision-maker's risk attitude encoded in the preference function, the final decision will be made on ( ,y), depending upon the decision maker's risk attitude. We might question, then, if a decision maker's risk attitude is already expressed in the prescribed preference function as in Figure 5.8(A), why is another risk attitude necessary to make a decision in (g,y) space? Two kinds of risk seem to originate from different sources as follows. utile, u(x) pdf, f(x) attribute x, X (A) attribute x, X (B) Figure 5.8 Construction of a preference function and uncertainty estimate Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 107 The risk expressed in a preference function is a decision-maker's degree of satisfaction for attribute levels under an implicit assumption that each attribute level is achievable to the same extent. This information is mainly used for tradeoffs in multi attribute problems. On the other hand, the risk attitude for a decision in (g,) space is associated with different degree of likelihood on the realization of distinct attribute levels. This chapter identifies the single events as the source for the second kind of risk. For a more realistic decision in the evolving design, these sources for different uncertainties should be identified and their implications should be incorporated into decision making context. 5.5 EXAMPLE: ALLAIS PARADOX REVISITED This subsection applies the mean-semivariance analysis to the Allais paradox. 5.5.1 Pre-Analysis The first task for this example is to deduce the utility function of a decision-maker based upon the utility analysis on the first gambling result. For the people who favored L,, to L 12 , the expected utility theory dictates that, E[L I] = u(0.5M) > 0.1. u(2.5M) + 0.89. u(0.5M) + 0.01 -u(0) = E[L 12] (5.10) Since a linear transformation does not influence outcome of utility analysis, assume u(0) =0, (5.11-a) u(0.5M) = a, (5.11-b) u(2.5M)=1.0 (5.11-c) Substituting the above three conditions into the equation (5.10) yields, a > 0.1+0.89 -a Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory (5.12) 108 Combining the above result with the condition that u(0.5M) < u(2.5M) yields the range for a, i.e., 0.91 < a < 1.0. Based upon the value of a, the utility of 0.5M, we can deduce that the decision-maker is risk averse as is shown in Figure 5.9. utility g 1.0 0.91 --- - - - ------- r 0.5 2.0 1.0 $ (in million) Figure 5.9 Deduced utility function for Allais paradox 5.5.2 First Game: L11 vs. L2 Apply the mean-semivariance to the first game, the lotteries L,, and L1 , Lottery L 12 Lottery L,, E[L] = a E[L12 ] = 0.1 + 0.89a .2 = 0.0 u2 =0.1. (0.9 - 0.89)2 -2 = =0.0 o f,=0.01- (0.1- 0.89a)2 (inf 1111 = 1.0 (definition) 1712 3.16 . (0.9 - 0.89a) (0.1+ 0.89a) For the range of a, 0.91< a< 1.0, the expected values for the two lotteries are very close, E[ 1 ] = E[L 2 ] Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory (5.13) 109 However, the opportunity/risk ratios are quite different, 111 =1 (5.14) >> 1 12 Although the expected values are very close, the ratios are not, f I > f b. In words, there is much more "bad"surprise component built in the lottery L, 2 . Therefore, people might avoid this lottery. In the lab experiment, majority people choose L,, over L, 2 . The argument with (il > 1112) predicts the choice of the majority in the experiment. For uncertainties of single events, people tries to avoid "bad"surprise in the final outcome. 5.5.3 Second Game: L21 vs. L22 Application of mean semi-variance analysis to the second game yields Lottery L2, E[L 1]= 0.lla a 2 = 0.87a = 0.081 = 0.009 2 a32 = 0.01 1a =2.81 E[L 2] = 0.1 2 2 77 21 Lottery L22 32 inf 1122 - =3.0 In this case, again, the expected values for both lotteries are very close with 0.91 < a < 1.0. However, the comparison of the ratios )2, > 722 suggests that the decision maker perceives more opportunity or less risk with the second lottery, L22 than the first one, L2. This interpretation is consistent with the empirical result that majority people choose L22 over L2 ,. 5.6 SUMMARY This chapter provided mean-semivariance analysis for decision making under uncertainties of single events. After classifying the kind of uncertainties encountered in Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 110 evolving design phase, it was proposed that variability offers additional insight about decisions when they are subject to single events and when the associated uncertainty is large. The main concept characterizing such a decision situation was defined as risk and opportunity. Various interpretations using the mathematical definitions of risk and opportunity are given with a purpose to provide more insights to the decision under uncertainties of single events. The mean-semivariance was used to explain the empirical result in Allais paradox. The ratio of opportunity to risk seems to partly explain the contradiction that cannot be explained using expectation-based framework. MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory I1 6. DATA AGGREGATION MODEL 6.1 OVERVIEW Design activities usually involve multiple designers. In the product development process, it would be common that designers will have different judgmental opinions on an identical assessment task. In words, the decision-maker faces different estimates from different experts. This chapter provides a systematic method addressing this data aggregation issue. There are two main reasons that call for the development of such a method. First, from practical considerations, most decision-making tools incorporate a single performance estimate for decision making under uncertainty. Second, since each estimate may be based upon different knowledge pools, it may be important that the different views are properly incorporated into the decision-making process for a more informed decision. This chapter suggests a systematic way of merging multiple estimates from different designers into a single reference. The aggregated result, then, can be used for a more comprehensive decision in an evolving design process. After defining the problem from an information-based context, related work in the area of data aggregate will be reviewed. Thereafter, the suggested data aggregate model will be built in three steps. Each step will be discussed in detail, followed by a simple example illustrating the use of the aggregate method. Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 112 6.1.1 Problem from Information-Context In the suggested framework, designers represent their judgments in a probabilistic way. It is assumed that the probability distributions from different designers represent one and the same information with noises. In a symbolic representation I,=I+e ,i=1,2,...,n (6.1) where I is all of the accessible information at a specific time in the process. I,: information used by the i"' expert for the estimate. E, noise in the information I, compared to I. Different probability distributions (P,) by different experts are assumed to be based upon different information pools, Ii. On the other hand, using all the accessible information I will generate P*, a hypothetical, hyper probability distribution. The distribution P*, therefore, is a hypothetical but best estimate obtainable at a specific time t= T*. P P* I J E~) (6.2) P*(I) This chapter will construct an aggregating mechanism, Merging Mechanism(M) : P = M( P,..., P,) = P(I,,..., I) by systematically merging different estimates of P,'s, into P. It is hoped that the resultant P will be closer to P*. From the information-context, the merging mechanism will behave as a filter for the individual piece of information(I,). The imaginary filter will emphasize the core information (I) while diminishing the noise part(E) in each distribution (I,). Therefore, the resulting merged estimate will be based upon an information pool with minimum noise. Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 113 6.2 RELATED RESEARCH A rich body of research literature exists for aggregating different data or expert opinions. A complete survey is found in work by Genest (Genest and Zidek 1986). While the methods for aggregating objective data sets emphasize the pure statistical side of the problem, aggregating expert opinions or subjective knowledge emphasizes both the statistical technique and problem-specific issues as well. The aggregate model can be either point aggregation or distribution aggregation. Point aggregation methods combine a set of expert opinion given as single points, while distribution aggregation merges a set of different probability distributions. The motivation for this chapter is construction of a statistical framework for combining different designers' opinions given as probability distributions. Therefore, this chapter will mainly review related work in distribution aggregation, but relevant point aggregate methods will also be discussed briefly. 6.2.1 Point Aggregate Model Meta-analysis is a point aggregate model often used in social and clinical studies (Glass, McGaw et al. 1981). The method organizes and extracts information from large masses of data that are nearly incomprehensible by other means. This method is targeted at combining point data sets whose differences are so large or critical that they almost look impossible to integrate. Such situations are quite often encountered in clinical or social studies based upon literature searches. The common criticism for meta-analysis is that it sometimes looks too illogical to mix findings from studies that are not the same. Another interesting method, virtual sampling method, for aggregating point data comes from artificial intelligence (Hamburger 1986). The virtual sampling method suggests a mechanism for combining n pairs of estimate points given by, (m,,vi), i = 1,2,...,n Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory (6.3) 114 where m, is an estimate for a parameter and vi is an i'h expert's variance on the estimate. This aggregate mechanism is then formed based upon a set of desired characteristics for a proper merging mechanism. In this model, the variance is modeled to represent the uncertainty level of an ith expert. The method is built upon virtual sampling technique that is based upon a well-established statistical relationship between sampling size and standard deviation of the sample mean. A more general discussion on other point aggregate models is found in work by Hogarth (Hogarth 1977). 6.2.2 Probability Distribution Aggregate Model Aggregating distributions, as opposed to point estimates, is more technically challenging (Raiffa 1968). However, aggregating distributions has been an important issue in decision-making under uncertainty since formal decision making framework incorporates only one distribution for uncertainty representation. There are two main different views on the distribution aggregate or group assessments. The first approach views a set of different estimates as an opinion pool and represents the aggregated form as a weighted average of individual distributions. This is associated with probability mixture in probability theory. In words, n T P,..., = O, - Fi (6.4) The main task in using the probability mixture is then to determine the weighting factors characterizing the context of the problem. An engineering application using this model is found in the Probabilistic Risk Assessment (Hora and Iman 1989). Alternative to this opinion pool view is naturalconjugate approach based upon Bayesian statistics (Winkler 1968). Each expert opinion is viewed as a sample evidence which can be represented by a conjugate prior. Then, the final aggregate is formed by aggregating MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 115 each expert's prior distribution using Bayes' theorem (Hogarth 1977). However, this approach is practically difficult since one must determine the degree of dependencies between different distributions. Besides the quantitative aggregate models, the Delphi method can be modified for aggregating experts' opinions (Sackman 1974). 6.3 PROBABILITY MERGING MECHANISM 6.3.1 Approach: Probability mixture The opinion pool view is adopted in this research for three reasons. First, the model characterization for opinion pool is deemed to more closely describe the problem that designers face in practice. Second, from operational viewpoint, the opinion pool view is both intuitive and practical compared to naturalconjugate model. The identification of dependencies among the distributions for conjugate model is very challenging and is subject to considerable noise. Third and perhaps most importantly, there are studies documenting that composite distributions using simple weighting schemes show greater predictability than most of the individual ones (Sanders 1963). Although the author could not find comparative studies regarding the predictive powers of pool opinion approach and natural conjugate model, the gathered information suggests that the opinion pool provide significant predictive power with modest operational effort. The main task in probability mixture framework is then to identify the weighting factors for each distribution and this task should be based upon group decision-making behavior. 6.3.2 Analysis of difference among the Estimates The first logical step towards the construction of any distribution aggregate model would be analyzing the difference among estimates. In its essence, those differences simultaneously serve as a source of confusion and, at the same time, opportunity to MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 116 designers. The difference analysis process involves an investigation of how the distributions are different both in qualitative and quantitative terms. After identifying the key differences among different probability distributions, these differences can be used to decompose the aggregate model. There are many ways to quantitatively differentiate probability distributions using different statistics. For example, the statistics of "mean" is the most widely used statistic to compare distributions. On the other extreme, using the entire distribution provides the most information-rich but unintuitive way of comparing distributions. In lieu of constructing an aggregate mechanism with both intuitiveness and information richness, a pair of statistics of (mean, variance) is used for differentiating probability distributions. Qualitatively, the total difference among probability distributions will be characterized based upon the mean difference and variance difference. In words, Total difference = mean difference + variancedifference + H. 0. T's where the high order terms may include skewness, etc. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) also uses these two concepts for quantifying the difference among the sample data points. In ANOVA, variabilities between and within the sample data points are used to characterize the difference. , Decgree of Intuitivenss ,' mean (mean, variance) (mean, variance, skewness) Information Richness entire distribution Figure 6.1 Comparing different statistics proposed for differentiating distributions MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 117 Consider three sets of different distributions in Figure 6.2. In Figure 6.2(A), the variance of each probability distribution, X and Y, is the same, while their mean values are different. Figure 6.2(B) provides an opposite case. In Figure 6.2(A), the mean shift or mean difference between X and Y is contributing 100% towards the total difference while their variance difference contributes zero towards the total difference. In Figure 6.2(B), on the other hand, the variance difference is contributing 100% towards the total difference. This is also shown in Table 6.1. In most cases, the total difference between estimates will be a combination of mean and variance differences, as is shown in Figure 6.2(C). In Figure 6.2(C), the variance difference between the probability distributions is assumed to account A % towards the total difference, while mean difference accounts (100- A) % towards the total difference. This qualitative comparison is also shown in Table 6.1. So far the focus has been to qualitatively analyze the difference among the probability distributions using the statistical pair of mean and variance. Based upon the qualitative analysis, the following four discrete steps are proposed to determine the weighting factors for probability mixture. X y (A) X (B) X (C) Figure 6.2 Classification of difference among estimates Table 6.1 Comparison of differences among distributions case A case B case C Contribution to total difference by Contribution to total difference by mean variance Difference Difference 0% 100% A % 100% 0% (100-A) % total difference 100% 100% 100 % MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 118 " Merging mechanism for pure mean-different distributions: This merging mechanism is represented by M,,e,, . This method will be exclusively used when the meandifference contributes 100 % towards the total difference as in the Figure 6.2(A). " Merging mechanism for pure variance-differentdistributions: This merging mechanism is represented by Mva,. This method will be exclusively used when variance-difference contributes 100 %towards the total difference as in the Figure 6.2(B). " Quantification of total difference: The difference factor (a) that quantifies variancedifference's contribution towards the total difference will be calculated. The quantity (1- a), therefore, characterizes the contribution of mean-difference towards the total difference. The mechanisms of Mvar and Mnean will then be combined together in an appropriate way to yield the final weighting factors, as Mtotl = a Mdev(X, Y) + - totl (X Y)(6.5) (1- a)- Mean(X, Y) where, X and Y are two different probabilities. The completed model will be a proper combination of two separate merging mechanisms through the difference factor (a). The following subsections will show the construction of two separate merging mechanisms and calculation of the coefficient, a, for the proposed probability mixture model. 6.3.3 Merging with variance-difference This subsection addresses the exclusive case when the variance difference among the estimates is contributing 100 %towards the total difference. Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 119 Prerequisite : N-sample average Let a random variable X be subject to a probability distribution function F. Further, assume that it has a mean and a standard deviation of pF an aF, respectively. This will be written as X (6.6) F G2) Now let (x, , ... , x,) be a random sample of size n drawn from the distribution F. The mean n of the n-sample T = x, /n will have the same mean of pF , but with a smaller variance of (1/n. 2 n The variance of JYis 1/n times the original variance of X. This is the main reason for taking an n-sample average for a parameter estimation problems such as in manufacturing process control: the larger the sample size n is, the smaller the corresponding variance will be. Therefore, the confidence interval for the parameter of pF becomes narrower with a bigger sample size of n. Hamburger's virtual sampling model, introduced in the previous subsection, is based upon this sample size- variance relationship. This research also draws a conceptual analogy with this well-established relationship. Modeling Assumption The basic underlying modeling assumption in the pseudo-sampling approach is three folds. * Artificial sample sizes characterizing the variance of a distribution will be used as a measure of uncertainty for a distribution. * Uncertainty level of a distribution quantifies the confidence level of an expert. * Estimates with more confidence will be weighed more heavily. MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 120 In a group decision-making environment, it is logical to weigh heavy a more confident opinion in the pool. In a probability-based framework, variance of a distribution is a good indicator for sureness of the data or, in a subjective sense, confidence level. In the suggested model, the variance will be used to indirectly quantify the confidence level behind an estimate. Pseudo-Sampling Size Let a random variable X have an unknown probability mass function (PMF) of F. Suppose an estimate P,be provided by an i'h expert. It is hypothesized that an estimate distribution of Pi is obtained from drawing an unknown sample size of N, from F. This is interpreted as 2 (6.8) i' Ni where, a = variance of an unknown distributionF = variance aiac of distributionPi 2Pi (Yx impling with size Nx Estimate X F Hypothetical, hyper distribution Sampling with size Ny Estimate Y Figure 6.3 Concept on the underlying distribution and pseudo sampling size MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 121 Confidence quantified in terms of Pseudo sample size The confidence level is qualitatively correlated to a distribution's degree of dispersion. More specifically in the proposed model, it is to be measured in terms of pseudo sampling size. Further, an estimate with a larger sample size N is equivalent to a small dispersion and is interpreted as being derived with more confidence. The above relationship in section uses an existing statistical relationship for correlating variance of a distribution and the sampling size. Due to the desired characteristics of variance and confidence level, i.e. less variance into more confidence, the sampling size can serve as an excellent quantitative indicator for the confidence level for an estimate. Combining all these ideas together, we can now devise the weighting factor corresponding to Mvar. For estimates of X, and X2, their corresponding sampling sizes are determined as 2_ X (6.9) 2 Y ny where, nx+ny = 1.0. Pseudo Sampling Size in Probability Mixture Model Incorporating the above weighting factors in the probability mixture model, the weighting factors for Mvar are constructed as n M (FI,... P)=Y nv var(P*) where, var(I)= a(Pnvar, and nvar, i (6.10) - FP n = 1.0 i=1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 122 6.3.4 Mechanism for merging estimates with different means The subsection 6.3.3 provided a merging mechanism when the distributions are exclusively subject to variance-difference. This part of the chapter addresses the other counterpart, a merging mechanism for use when the distributions are exclusively subject to mean-difference. Modeling Assumption This subsection discusses an aggregation model for probability distributions when the mean-difference contributes 100% towards the total difference. The merging mechanism in this part is characterized as a consensus-based approach. See Figure 6.4. Given a main stream distribution A and a set of outliers B, there are two strategies to deal with the outliers. * Ignore the presence of the outliers: ignore the data which violates the main stream data set A. * Try to transform the outliers: in order not to discard possible information used for outliers; try to transform data B to fit into mainstream data set A. 0 eeA OS. B X Figure 6.4 Main stream data and a set of outlier The second strategy more closely reflects design decision context since the outliers may based upon important information that other estimates might miss. Ignoring outliers in the early design phase may exclude an important scenario as design develops. At the same time, the resulting probability should not be too sensitive to the outliers. The preceding idea translates into the following modeling statement MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 123 If the mean of a certain estimate is closer to the mean of the overall estimates, the estimate will be more influential on the final distribution construction. The above seems to be a natural thought in dealing with different multiple estimates: If a specific estimate shows high level of consensus among other estimates, it will be more influential. However, even if the estimate is not showing high level of consensus, there is a need to capture that estimate in the final distribution in a less influential way. This concept may be interpreted as a discountfactorfor each estimate. An estimate with more consensus will have a small discount factor while the one with little consensus will have a large discount factor. The above argument can be expressed with the following coefficient for quantifying the degree of consensus, = min{(Xi - X ) 2 (X - X), nean, = (Xi - (6.11) )2 where X, are mean of estimates and X is the mean of all estimate means, X,'s. If the value of # is zero, we can assign 1 to every n,,ea,,, for practicality. As a matter of fact, as will be shown in the following section that, if # is zero, there is no need to obtain n,,,,ani's. With the weighting factors defined as above, the mixture of the estimates exclusively with 100% mean-difference is M,nean (I --- , n) n,inean, i = (6.12) i=I 6.3.5 Quantification of Variability among estimates The sections 6.3.1 and 6.3.2 provided a qualitative analysis of difference between estimates. Based upon that qualitative analysis, two separate merging mechanisms were developed: M,, and M,ean. The next step is to combine these two separate models into Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 124 one complete model using a more rigorous quantitative analysis on the difference. The main question is How much does the variance-difference or mean-difference contribute towards the total difference? One way of answering this question is to use a modified version of Fisherstatistics. A statistic sharing the same qualitative characteristic with Fisherstatistic is defined as F variability between estimates variability within estimates (6.13) If F=O, all the mean values of the estimates are the same. In other words, the total difference exclusively comes from the variability difference among the estimates. On the other extreme, when F is infinite, all the estimates are the point values and their meandifference among the estimates contributes 100% towards the total difference. In between, when F is between zero and infinite number, the difference is partially from the variability between and within estimates. A modified Fisher statistic will be used to quantify the difference among estimates in the suggested framework. Here, the denominator and numerator will be replaced by F variability between estimates variability within estimates var(x,) (6.14) 1- a a where x, is a random variable representing each estimate. The derived quantity a , called a difference parameter,quantitatively describes the relationship between two dominant differences - mean and variance. Two critical characteristics of aX are MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 125 + When the variability between estimates are zero ( (X -- + When the variability within estimates are zero (Ivar(xi) 6.3.6 =0.0), (Xis 1.0. 0.0), a is 0.0. A Complete Aggregate Model Two separate aggregate models of M,. and M,,,,, will be combined through the derived difference level x, forming a complete estimate aggregate model. The final formulation is Mtota(PI. P,) = a . Ma,(P..,P,) + (1 -a) -M,,,,(It,..., P) = n, * v~ + (6.15) (1 - a) - niean,i) -P i= I When the variability between estimates is zero (ax = 1.0 ), the overall aggregation model of Mtot,, will reduce to M,.. On the other hand, if the variability within estimates is zero (a = 0.0 ), the Mto,,a will reduce to M,,ean. It was mentioned in the preceding section that, if all the means of the estimates are the same, the value of # will be zero and it is not possible to derive nzean,'s in equation (6.11). It turns out that if P is zero, then the denominator of equation (6.11) is zero. In this case, the value of a will be 1.0. With ac=1.0 the Mot,,, will reduce to M,. only and the user need not derive the ratios in equation (6.12). 6.4 EXAMPLE This subsection shows a simple example illustrating the outcome of the proposed probability mixture model. Given two estimates modeled as normal distributions of N(2,0.5 2 ) and N(3, 1.02), the task is to merge those two probability distributions. These two inputs have mean-difference and variance-difference as well. Two thin curves in Figure 6.5 indicate two input distributions, while the thick line denotes the combined result. Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 126 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 Figure 6.5 Merging probability distributions using the proposed model 6.5 SUMMARY This chapter presented a mechanism for combining different estimates by multiple experts, a problem often encountered in early design phases. At first, a number of existing merging mechanisms, both for points and for probability distributions were reviewed. The model proposed in this chapter is then conceptually based upon an opinion pool and statistically uses a probability mixture methodology. The model is qualitatively characterized based upon an assumption that estimates with more confidence and high consensus will be more influential on the resulting distribution. Three distinct steps were taken for the determination of the weighting factors, + Analysis and quantification of variability among the estimates + Construction of separate merging mechanisms for variance- and mean- different estimates. + Completion of a final model combining two estimates through the difference parameter a. MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 127 7. APPLICATION EXAMPLES 7.1 OVERVIEW This chapter provides two implementation examples; two software applications using acceptability decision model as a decision tool integrated into the software. The first example shows the use of acceptability model in an engineering application. It illustrates the use of acceptability model in the DOME (Distributed, Object-based Modeling Environment) system being developed at MIT Computer-aided Design Laboratory. An overview of DOME and its use of acceptability-based design evaluation model will be illustrated in section 7.2. The acceptability model in DOME will allow designers to receive a real-time feedback on design performance as the designers create or change engineering models. Section 7.3 shows the use of acceptability model as a decision guide for online retail sites. As the number of online retail sites grows, the number of selections available to the buyers grows accordingly. Although this serves as a good opportunity for buyers to purchase better product at a lower price, the buyers are easily overwhelmed simply by the large number of selections. The use of formal decision analysis tools in this situation can greatly help buyers to systematically and consistently judge a large pool of selections. In the second part of this chapter, a detailed discussion on currently available online decision tools will first be provided. After the usability of acceptability model as an online decision tool is discussed, the architecture and implementation of a "lap top computer" commerce engine with a built-in acceptability model as a decision guide will be discussed in detail. Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 128 7.2 ACCEPTABILITY AS AN INTEGRAL DECISION TOOL IN DOME 7.2.1 DOME system and Acceptability component Development of DOME system has been a major research initiative at MIT Computeraided Design Laboratory. DOME aims to provide to designers a web-based modeling environment where designers, working in a heterogeneous environment in every sense, can collaborate with each other by creating, sharing and optimizing designs in real time. DOME framework views design activity as a service network, where participants create, modify and exchange their design models. Each designer may work on a specific aspect of design and when those models are linked together over the Internet the entire model under development emerges. Acceptability model serves as an integral decision making tool for the DOME system. From functional viewpoint, subsystems associated with the acceptability model allows the designers to evaluate an ongoing design either in local or in a global scale in real time. Based upon this feedback, designers can identify problems and make tradeoffs among competing design attributes (Pahl and Beitz 1996). 7.2.2 DOME Components DOME system has a list of variables that designers can use in building an engineering model. Among them are real modules, PDF modules, Excel module, etc. A user can use a real module to have a discrete value in the model. A PDF (Probability Distribution Function) module is used when a user wants to specify a random variable as part of the engineering model that is being built. The DOME system can also have other application software incorporated as objects, providing inputs and receiving outputs from external software. This functionality allows the integration of heterogeneous computing environments. Common to all of these modules is their basic architecture. The Figure 7.1 shows a simple diagram for DOME components. It is a thin client/server system written in JavaTM and C++ language. The Java client, Java server and C++ engines are the main components. The engineering model is built in C++ and heavy computing is done in C++. The Java parts mainly provides Graphical User Interface (GUI) for visualization of the model and its building process. The C++ engine was written by M. Wall and is being MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 129 used in CAD Laboratory for research purposes. The Java part template is written by B. Linder and has been shared by CADlab members for research purposes. Due to the object-oriented technology used for DOME implementation, new functional modules are easily created and added to the existing system to add more functionality to the DOME system. Java Client Java Server C++ Engine Figure 7.1 DOME components 7.2.3 Decision Support Component There are three modules associated with acceptability decision framework. They are acceptability setting module, criterion module and acceptability aggregator module. This section briefly discusses the functionality of each module. Acceptability Setting Module Designers can set one dimensional acceptability function using this module. The corresponding GUI is shown in Figure 7.2. The buttons on the left hand side of the GUI panel allows the users either to create a new acceptability function or to modify an Figure 7.2 Acceptability Setting Module Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 130 existing function. This Java front-end part was written by J. Chung, one of the CAD lab members. Criterion Module The criterion module shows the current achievement of a specific design attribute with a corresponding acceptability level. It has two inputs; one for the acceptability function of a specific attribute and the other, the attribute level of a certain design under development. As an output, it displays three pieces of information, expectation, opportunity and risk as defined in Chapter 5. Figure 7.3 shows the GUI of the criterion module. In this figure, the achieved expectation is shown as 0.88 while the opportunity and risk are zero since the attribute level is assigned as a delta function. W ,:i. *~1 oe l I Moue -.- Ri-- Figure 7.3 GUI of a criterion module Aggregator Module An aggregator module shows the multi dimensional acceptability of a design under development. All the attributes in the aggregator module are assumed to be mutually acceptability independent and this assumption validates calculating the overall MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 131 Figure 7.4 GUI of an aggregator module acceptability as the multiplication of the individual acceptability values. The GUI of an aggregator module is shown in Figure 7.4. From functional viewpoint, an aggregator module allows the designers to collect all criterion modules, dispersed in different parts of whole design, and show the overall acceptability as multiplication of all expectation values from every criterion module. In Figure 7.4, each acceptability value is visualized as a bar in the table and the overall score is shown in the text field on top of the table. 7.2.4 An integrated Model A simple DOME model having an acceptability-setting module and a criterion module is shown in Figure 7.5. Here, a designer tries to evaluate cost, a design performance against cost specification, an predefined acceptability function. A real module is used to set the attribute level of "cost". An acceptability setting module named as "costspec" and a real value of "cost" are two inputs to the criterion module. A designer can set the values in both modules by using GUI. The GUI will pop up by double clicking the icons before the name of the modules. In Figure 7.5(A), a criterion module is collapsed hiding the three pieces of information inside. In Figure 7.5(B), the same criterion module is unfolded showing the inside information. In Figure 7.5(B), the cost real module and cost-spec acceptability setting module outside of the criterion module are hooked up to the corresponding modules inside the criterion module. Due to the object-oriented modeling Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 132 MINl E lmcadiab1 cada13 ol x Addres~ lltesto.mdIl |Vaue!Unt Name P cadlab13 v testO.rndl 4 testo.mdl 7s cost cost_spec criterion 3.7E3 $ $ $ 7cost C cost-spec V Criterion a evalue 3.7E3 $ 0.88 7H opportunity 0.0 0.0 a risk 74 cost_spec $ 3.7E3 78 cost (A) $ $ $ $ (B) Figure 7.5 Acceptability related components in DOME model. technique used in DOME system implementation, the decision module can be easily replaced by other decision models if the designers want to. For instance, utility-based decision model or other decision models can be constructed and integrated into the DOME system. For the time being, the acceptability module has been used in building engineering models in CADlab. Figure 7.6 shows a Movable Glass System(MGS), a part of an automobile door system. Figure 7.6 Movable Glass System as a subsystem of car door system Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 133 The main components in the MGS systems are glass, cross-arm linkages, motor, and window sealing system. Figure 7.7(A) shows the MGS engineering model built in DOME. At the bottom part of Figure 7.7(A) are shown several criterion modules for evaluating the current configuration of the design. In Figure 7.7(B) is an aggregator module included in the model. The aggregator module collectively shows the criterion modules dispersed in the model as well as the overall acceptability of the model. Address: model2.mdl Door Glass2 adeoffs Units Nan PVau 7 cadlab33 modetl.mdl r model2.mdl * Door Glass2 Seals SealsCatalog VelocityExcel BPillarHeight GlassRadius SealDragA MotorTorque MotorSpeed AvgVel AvgStall 300.0 11.5E3 0.09 5.5 82.0 6.09 410 mm |mm N/mm J rpm cm/s N //model2.md/DoorGlass2/Tradeoffs/ N GeometryiDEAS ArtificialGeornetry ', OpeningTime Matlab I Design specifcations -2 Integration '2Tradeoffs velocity spec openingjimespec stall forcespec w glass radius spce 7e glassradius spec 7Lopportunity 7r risk Preference Attribute l costspec e (A) 0.87 n00o 0.0 2.0E3 MI (B) Figure 7.7 Figure (A) shows part of a design model in DOME environment, while Figure (B) shows an aggregator module for overall evaluation 7.3 ACCEPTABILITY AS AN ONLINE COMMERCE DECISION GUIDE The second implementation illustrates the use of acceptability decision model as an online shopping decision guide. The explosion of Internet brought a more broader choice to Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 134 the buyers. As the number of online retailer increases, buyers have access to more selections than ever before. In order to fully exploit this large selection pool, ideally buyers should be able to compare each item carefully and identify a product that will best fit the their needs. However, in the presence of the large pool, most buyers find it difficult to systematically compare all the alternatives. The entire comparison process will not only be time consuming and tedious, but also be technically difficult if a buyer has multiple buying criteria. For example, if a buyer's criteria are price and performance at the same time, the buyer has to determine relative values of competing products with different attribute levels. This comparison buying then can easily overwhelm the users and keep them away from the best buying practice. Noticing this problem, vendors have been providing tools that allows users to flexibly and efficiently search the selections offered at their sites. Rough decision tools having been serving the buyers - the purpose of this example is to implement the acceptability decision model as a part of a simplified shopping engine usable over the network. 7.3.1 Background Shopping Decision Attribute Classification Criteria for online buyers are largely classified into two categories; product attributes and merchant attributes. Product attributes are characteristics of a physical product such as various performances and price. On the other hand, merchant attributes describe the characteristics of the merchant or broker such as shopping convenience, product variety, product availability, delivery time, and etc. Although these two attribute groups are in most cases equally important, it will be assumed in the following sections that buyers are only concerned in product attributes and make decisions based upon product attributes. Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 135 Criteria Setting EIK internet Translation MU Search Result Displav internet Search Result CLIENT side SERVER side Figure 7.8 Online shopping search operation Operation Figure 7.8 shows an overview of shopping site operation from both user and vendor sides. A buyer sets a set of criteria provided at the web browser. The vendor should provide a set of intuitive GUIs to the buyers so that the buyers can easily express their decision criteria. Afterwards, the set of specified criteria will be transferred over the network to the vendor's server. The server will have two components; a business logic and a central database. The business logic will translate the customer's criterion set into a query, which will then be fed into the database. The database contains all the product information. There are now web sites that do not maintain a central database. Using agent technology, the vendor site sends out a query to manufacturer's sites to collect the product information. However, in this implementation a central database is assumed. Upon receiving a query result from the database, the business logic will summarize the search result in an informative way. The result will then be sent back to the client side so that the Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 136 buyer can browse the result and decide. After that, the buyer will either go ahead and purchase from the set of suggested selections or redo their search. Online Market Trend The number of product categories offered at online shopping sites is increasing quickly. Although books and CDs used to be main stream products offered on the web sites for a while, diverse products are now available on the web market. Judging from product attributes only, buying a book or a CD is more or less a single attribute problem. As long as the buyers know the book title or the album title, the price would be the only attribute that will concern buyers. However, most products are bought based upon multiple product attributes. When buying a computer, for example, buyers will consider diverse product attributes such as CPU speed, RAM size, and Hard Disk size, for the decision. When buying decisions are made based upon a number of attributes, the decision analysis can benefit both the buyers and vendors in analyzing the situation. Decision Environment Although the online commerce example can be cast as a well-defined decision framework, the situation introduces additional dimension to the traditional decision problem definition: e The limited communication channel between buyer and vendor * The lack of mutual communication between buyer and vendor. Unlike physical markets, the decision analysis is the only channel through which the buyer and seller can communicate to each other online. The buyer's preference quantified through the decision analysis is the only information that a vendor will have about potential buyers. Based upon this information the vendor will provide a product set that will attract buyers. Another dimension being considered for online shopping is lack of bidirectional communications between buyers and vendors. In a physical market, a buyer is likely to be helped by sales persons in identifying products and arriving at a specific product. The presence of sales person can make buyers identify or change the buyer's Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 137 preference that will ultimately lead to a buying decision. From decision analysis view point, this is almost equivalent to decision makers identifying new decision attributes or modifying an existing preference through a rigorous analysis. Considering that vendors will maintain a finite set of attributes for a certain product in their databases, identifying new attributes for a certain product category through online decision analysis is not likely. However, a more realistic decision analysis tool would accommodate the possibility that the buyers modify the predetermined attribute level. The next section reviews a tool currently used as decision guide and one which will be available on the WWW as soon as the spring 1999. 7.3.2 CurrentTools Constraint Satisfaction Problem The Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) analyzes decision problems more qualitatively through constraints (Guttman, Viegas et al. 1997). Finite domain CSP is one approach composed of three main parts: a finite set of variables,each of which is associated with afinite domain; a set of constraints that define relationships among variables and restricts the values that the variables can simultaneously take. From operational viewpoint, it involves two discrete steps. First, the user determines a binary Retative to one another, how following fatOrs? SPA**the -w From: I. O ' y~rm1ou poreviit 01:hers here's your chance The be Us d t c 0rk the tiems on your inaleLat. MHz j3 From. Riom: Faster Petese Speed To: 900 [AOO ,pq*t*# if yoid like to stress the tnpzanc e of canain factors ovex To: To. Fram -I importarn art | targ To: m1 F rt. ihigh*iAn 2"4meit 1 i of 40.thet;Md ut #a (A) C r More Systei Memory (RAM) rlnir' r 9 Fadse Moden 0 Cbi r or r~ (B) Figure 7.9 Preference presentation using CSP MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory r C' r r r r~ C r 138 representation for each attribute. In Figure 7.9(A), a user can decide a range for each attribute. From a pure decision analysis viewpoint, CSP is a rough form of Figure of Merit, where an individual value function is represented as a binary function that sets a crisp boundary between what is desired and what is not. In the panel shown in Figure 7.9(B) a user can set weighting factors for each attribute. The overall score is then determined as a weighted average of the values set in Figure 7.9(A). CSP formulation seems to be the only sophisticated decision guide currently available. PersonaLogic TM provides a decision guide to sites including AOLTM and other shopping sites (PersonaLogic 1999). Its popularity stems from the fact that retailers began to provide more than a simple "search" method on the retail sites and this is the first generation product available as an online decision guide. However, as was discussed in depth in section 2.5, the Figure of Merit may not accurately express the buyer's preference in the shopping decision. This is apparent in the sense that FOM fails to capture the transitional ranges for attributes. The application of multi attribute utility theory seems to be motivated by the needs to provide more sophisticated decision tools both to buyers and vendors. Utility Theory There is a group of people trying to deliver a more sophisticated decision tools to the online retail sites. A research group at MIT Media Laboratory devised a comprehensive shopping guide engine using agent technology (Guttman, Viegas et al. 1997). As a part of the system, multiple attribute utility theory is chosen as a decision support tool. Titled as Tete@Tete(T@T), the support tool can be used to effectively differentiate both products and merchants in an otherwise homogenous-looking marketplace. The major benefit of using utility theory over CSP is the improved mathematical sophistication, which is often translated into measurement accuracy. However, this benefit comes at the cost of a more complicated and lengthy assessment process. The buyer will have to elicit utility functions for individual attributes, and also have to determine a number of scaling factors via cross-reference lotteries. In order to fully exploit the utility theory, the buyer not only has to spend more time in the elicitation process but also is assumed to have minimal MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 139 knowledge in utility theory. Figure 7.10 shows Graphical User Interface for TeTe@Tete project. The product attributes are displayed at the left column of the panel, while the user's utility functions are shown at the right column of the panel in GUI. In between is the individual score of the corresponding product attributes. After appropriate steps are taken for determining the scaling factors, the aggregated utility of the product is shown as the bright line at the top of center column. The research group at the MIT Media lab then launched a start-up company based upon the prototype of T@T and has been in operation in Cambridge, MA as of early 1999 (Kleiner 1999). Figure 7.10 User Interface for T@T project using multi attribute utility theory Comparison of Decision Tools Based upon the discussion provided in Chapters 2 and 3, the advantage of using acceptability model as a decision guide for retail sites is visible. In terms of operability and mathematical sophistication, multiple attribute acceptability places itself between the Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 140 Figure of Merit method and multiple attribute utility theory. Mathematical sophistication of the multi attribute acceptability model was claimed from the rigorous construction steps taken compared to that of Figure of Merit Method. The construction process of acceptability model shares much of it with multiple attribute utility theory. The operational simplicity of the acceptability model was deduced from the smaller number of steps necessary to construct the multi attribute acceptability function compared to that of multi attribute utility function. A key balance between these two dimensional space will be beneficial to both parties in that: e Buyers can express their key decision factors rather completely without many and complex steps. * Vendors can secure a relatively complete picture of potential buyer's key preference structure without imposing significant operational burden on the buyer side. With this rather complete picture obtained, vendor can provide more potentially attractive selections to the buyers. 7.3.3 System Realization This section discusses the realization of a simple online shopping engine using acceptability model as a decision engine and Microsoft® Access as a central database. After provision of a brief discussion on the systems architecture, its implementation procedure as well as its functionality will be discussed in detail. Architecture The Figure 7.11 shows a diagram of the main components in the implementation. There are two main parts in the system: client and server. The client part is written in JavaTM since the system should be deployable over the Internet. The server side is implemented in JavaTM, C++ and Visual Basic with Microsoft® Access as a relational database. MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 141 The client side has two main components: Graphical User Interfaces(GUIs) for data visualization and a Client Module(CM) for communication to and from the server. The CM, in turn, has a component that facilitates communications to server via RMI (Remote Method Invocation). The GUI part is also decomposed into two main components. These are: e Acceptability Setting Panel has two main parts. A main panel showing a list of decision attributes. It also has a set of popup modules that allows a buyer to set individual acceptability functions. " Result Panel has two main components. A main panel showing the result, product names, and their overall acceptability values. It also has a set of popup windows showing a detailed analysis of a specific product's individual acceptability levels. The server has four main components * Java Server: This part facilitates communication to the client. This part receives and sends events from and to the client. Part of it is implemented in JNI (Java Native Invocation) to facilitate communication between Java Server and C++ Engine. JAVA server r JAVA clien7t Comm. Between Java and C+ + Acceptability setting Result Display aSearch internet JNI C++ model O eEvaluation eSorting MS Access Figure 7.11 System architecture of a simple online shopping engine using acceptability model as the decision guide MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 142 * C++ Engine: This part is responsible for evaluating each record retrieved from the database based upon a set of acceptability functions. It also determines and sorts a finite number of highly scored records that will be shown to the user. This part has a component in COM (Component Object Model) for C++ object to communicate to Access Data Model written in Visual Basic. * Access Data Model: This model retrieved a record from the Microsoft® Access. This model is written in Visual Basic. * Microsoft* Access: A relational database. The database is constructed using product descriptions found in one of the online shopping web sites. Implementation Result Figures 7.12 and 7.13 show the GUI parts constructed for the application example. IrMAiez0mdTimpLe!!Mud Ix 1 Figure 7.12 Acceptability setting interface. The left window shows the list of the decision attributes. The right panel allows the user to set and modify the acceptability function for an individual attribute Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 143 Figure 7.12 shows the first GUI with the list of the decision attributes and a panel that allows the users to set and modify individual acceptability functions. The acceptability function set in this figure shows that the buyer is risk averse to the attribute, weight. After setting all the individual acceptability functions, the buyer presses the button at the bottom of the panel to send a service request to the server. Figure 7.13 shows two panels associated with the search result received from the server. The Figure 7.13(A) displays a set of products that have shown highest overall acceptability. The Figure 7.13(B) shows a detailed analysis panel for one product listed in (A). With this panel, a user can view the individual acceptability of a specific product and tradeoffs amongst the attributes. I F1 1/t.t p-vM -d/ (A) od- I (B) Figure 7.13 Figure (A) is the main result panel where (B) is a detail analysis panel for a specific product shown in the main panel 7.4 SUMMARY This chapter presented two implementation examples using acceptability model as an integrated decision analysis tool. The first example illustrates the use of acceptability model as a decision module at MIT DOME system. DOME provides a generic modeling framework where designers collaborate in a heterogeneous environment. Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 144 The acceptability serving as a decision guide, designers can view individual design performance attributes, decide tradeoff among competing attributes, and make overall decisions. The second example illustrates the use of acceptability model as a decision guide for a simplified commerce engine implementation. The role of decision analysis on retail sites is broader than traditional decision situations since the decision analysis tool is the only communication channel between buyers and vendors. Tools currently available and under development are discussed and the advantage of using acceptability model as a decision guide is presented. A simplified commerce engine is then implemented as a client/server system with Microsoft® Access as a relational database. Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 145 8. CONCLUSIONS 8.1 SUMMARY OF THESIS This thesis presents a goal-oriented design evaluation framework for use throughout the product design process. A set of prescriptive, intuitive decision tools is built into a coherent decision framework that will help designers in evaluating uncertain, evolving designs. The unified framework encompasses four areas. In the area of multi dimensional value analysis, a previously proposed acceptability-based decision model was reviewed and further developed. The key concepts of aspiration and rejection levels are refined and given mathematical definitions. A multi dimensional acceptability function is constructed from individual acceptability functions using pragmatic operational assumption of preferential independence. It was deduced that the intuitive form of the multi dimensional acceptability function is due to the mathematical definitions of aspiration and rejection levels. Advantages and limitations of using acceptability-based evaluation model are discussed compared to other scoring methods. A goal setting method, based upon a decomposition/recomposition framework provides a formal model helping designers quantify a goal level. This method is useful for defining aspiration levels in acceptability function. The goal setting task is mathematically modeled as a parameter assessment process with incomplete knowledge. This method models a parameter assessment task as a hypothetical decision chain subject to stochastic Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 146 uncertainty. In this model, designers' sublevel judgments are elicited as a set of probabilities. Unless designers can completely resolve the uncertainties, these sets of probabilities are in conflict with each other. However, a consistency relaxation method argues that they serve a good practical starting point for securing answers closer to real life answers. Under appropriate operational assumptions, the sub-level probability sets are translated into a transition matrix to construct a discrete Markov Chain. The conditions for the existence of limiting probabilities and the use of limiting probabilities in practical applications are discussed. As a post analysis, second largest eigen value of a transition matrix is analyzed to gain insight regarding information context of the transition matrix. A specific transition matrix is statistically compared against a pool of randomly selected transition matrices. This post analysis can help decision analyst to assess the information status of the transition matrix used in the model. Mean semi-variance analysis, the third component of the framework, addresses the role of uncertainties of single events on decisions made by designers in a descriptive manner. Two different kinds of uncertainties present in design processes are classified; uncertainties of repeatable events and uncertainties of single events. Although these two uncertainties carry different implications to decision-makers, most formal decision analysis tools fail to adequately account this factor in the decision framework. Relevant previous work such as Allais paradox and portfolio construction in finance theory were reviewed to further justify the needs to address this issue. This part of research argues that a decision-maker's risk attitude towards uncertainty is not fully quantified in preference structure. Based on those findings a conceptual framework on uncertainties of single events is provided and a metric is suggested to complement the current expectation based framework. The final element of the framework is a data aggregation model. It develops a systematic method for combining multiple estimates or subjective judgments by different experts in design process. This method is practically important since most formal decision analysis tools incorporate only a single probability distribution as an uncertainty component. This model assumes that an expert opinion is based upon a personal information pool that is Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 147 modeled as an unknown, ideal pool of information disturbed with noisy, personal bias. Under this assumption, the method develops a probability mixture mechanism that diminishes the noisy part of the personal information pool while emphasizing the ideal pool of information. This model uses a step by step approach; quantifying the difference amongst the estimates, merging estimates with exclusive mean-difference, merging estimates with exclusive variance-difference and combining two distinct merging mechanisms via the quantified difference parameter among the estimates. Those four research topics, combined with pre-developed acceptability model, form a comprehensive decision framework based upon the notion of goal. One research theme behind these four topics is to emphasize the role of uncertainties in two decision analysis components; decision-maker's preference and uncertainties of alternatives. 8.2 CONTRIBUTIONS The major contribution of this thesis is the provision of a comprehensive value-based decision analysis framework in engineering and design process context. The four research topics discussed in detail are closely linked together and serve as a guidance in diverse decision situations. The following subsections provide some of the major contributions. 8.2.1 Mathematical Basis for Acceptability Model The starting point for this thesis was that decision model should be context-dependent. Therefore, a decision analysis method being used in the design process should be built from observations of design practice and the viewpoint of design practitioners. In this context, the acceptability model serves as a starting point for development of a comprehensive, design context-dependent framework for design decision making under uncertainty. This thesis contributed to solidification and expansion of the existing acceptability model to form a comprehensive design evaluation framework, mapping the design language of the acceptability model into a set of definitions and mathematical steps. The steps taken for the construction of multi dimensional acceptability function is MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 148 similar to those of utility theory. This thesis takes the necessary steps to mathematically show the intuitiveness of previously proposed acceptability model. The first contribution is that: + Designers have a decision framework based upon design practice and built on design languages. * Designers have a design evaluation model that achieves mathematical sophistication at modest operational effort. 8.2.2 A Formal Goal Setting Model The goal setting method provides a formal framework for helping designers quantify a goal level in early design phase. This research models the goal setting task as parameter estimation process under uncertainties of single events-there are not many tools available for helping designers in this quantification process. A decomposition/recomposition model helps designers with a practical method for establishing goal levels. Using this method for setting a goal level: * Designers can effectively use soft information in a quantification task. + Designers can explore their knowledge pool to a greater extent, increasing the chance of securing a parameter more carefully thought of. This method is extensible to a general parameter estimation task subject to uncertainties of single events. 8.2.3 Classification of Uncertainties in Design Process Another contribution of this research is the provision of a new perspective on the uncertainties encountered in general decision making. The crux for this part of contribution is that two different kinds of uncertainties, uncertainties of single events and repeatable events, should be interpreted differently in the decision making process. MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 149 Although they are formalized and quantified using probabilities, these two kinds of uncertainties poise different implications to decision-makers in the decision context. This research brings attention to this issue and provides conceptual arguments from various viewpoints. Finally, it suggests a supplementary, descriptive metric to partially bolster the current expectation-centric framework. This metric may be interpreted as measuring an evolving value of design in the design process. The contribution in this perspective is: + Designers can classify the uncertainties encountered in the design process. * Designers have a metric to supplement current expectation-based metric for decision making under uncertainties of single events. This metric can be flexibly used to account the temporal impact of uncertainties. 8.3 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE WORK 8.3.1 Dynamic Decision Model in Design Iteration Context In its essence, most of design decision-making tools provide a temporal picture of a decision situation. However, in the design iteration context, a designer's preference changes over time, so do the associated uncertainties. Most currently available decision frameworks fail to, or minimally address this time-variability of a decision problem. As a matter of fact, most quantitative decision analysis tools are mainly focused on the multiattributivity of decision problems. A design evaluation framework accounting for time variability including the dynamics of designers' preference change is a challenging and important issue in design decision making. 8.3.2 Multidimensional Goal Setting Model The theoretical side of goal setting process modeled as a discrete Markov Chain is valid for multi dimensional case. As long as designers can express a set of sublevel probabilities for a certain state, a corresponding transition matrix can be built and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 150 limiting probabilities are calculated. In this thesis, an example is given for one dimensional goal setting case. However, it is foreseen that as the number of attributes increases, the sublevel probability elicitation part of the model becomes complex. If the attributes are independent in a certain operational way, a concept similar to the probability independence in multivariate probability theory may be introduced to make the elicitation process more tractable. However, if the attributes are not operationally independent, the complex elicitation process may easily overwhelm the participating designers. The operational issue regarding multi dimensional goal setting model needs further investigation. Another recommendation is to see whether the elicitation sequence matters in a multi dimensional goal level setting task. If it does, how does the sequence be decided? This topic is also associated with multi dimensional acceptability function since acceptability function hinged on the notion of goal. 8.3.3 Extension of Goal Setting Model as an Estimation Tool As was previously discussed in the preceding sections, goal setting task was mathematically formulated as a parameter estimation process under uncertainties of single events. In many cases, designers face the same kind of problems that can be formulated as a parameter assessment under uncertainties of single events. The basic framework for goal setting method can be used as a tool for helping designers in such cases. It is recommended to extend the current model to a more general assessment tool under lack of knowledge. Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 151 APPENDIX A This appendix shows the construction of a three dimensional acceptability function using simple mathematical steps. Although the multiplicative acceptability for a three dimensional case is deduced using mathematical induction, this appendix shows that an identical result is obtained directly using the mathematical definitions of aspiration and rejection levels. Under the mutual acceptability independence among attribute x, y, and z, the three dimensional acceptability function should be a proper combination of the individual acceptability functions, a(x),a(y), and a(z), a(x, y, z)= k a(x)+l -a(y)+ m .a(z)+ p -a(x)- a(y) +q a(x)- a(z)+ r -a(y)- a(z)+ s -a(x)- a(y)- a(z) In addition, from the properties of the one dimensional acceptability functions, a(xo,y,z)=O Vy,z a(x, yo, z)= 0 V x,z (A.2) a(x, y, zo) = 0 V x, y a(x*, y*, z')= 1 Substituting the first property of (A.2) into the equation (A. 1) Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 152 a(xOy,z) = 0 =l a(y)+m-a(z)+ r.a(y).a(z) Vy,z .-. l=m=r=O (A.3) From the second condition in (A.2), a(x, yo, z) = 0 = k - a(x) + m -a(z) + q -a(x)- a(z) Vx,z .. k=m=q=O (A.4) Also from the third condition in (A.3), a(x,y,z o )= 0 = k-a(x)+l-a(y)+p-a(x)-a(y) Vx,y .. k=l=p=O (A.5) Substituting the results from (A.2) through (A.5), the equation (A. 1) simplifies into a(x, y, z)= s -a(x)- a(y)- a(z) (A.6) The value of unknown s is determined from the last property in (A.2), a(x*, y*, z*) = 1= s -a(x*)- a(y*)- a(z*) = s (A.7) Therefore, a(x, y, z) = a(x)- a(y)- a(z) (A.8) An identical result is obtained using the definition of mutual acceptability independence and mathematical induction. MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 153 APPENDIX B This appendix contains the handout used for goal setting interview at Ford. The purpose of the survey was to observe the user's perception on the method and to measure the engineers' expectation of level from using a new technology in the product development process. The purpose of this handout was to provide the interviewees with a brief description of the method before the conduct of an interview. This survey was conducted on March 23, 1999 at Dearborn, MI. Purpose This is a part of my PhD research in the area of design decision making under uncertainty. For every decision, ranging from everyday life to sophisticated engineering work, you often have to estimate important quantities with only limited amount of information One example is the weather forecasting - we often encounter statements such as " the chance that it will rain tomorrow is 30%". The meteorologist, with his data and personal experience, is predicting an uncertain future event. Probability is used to present the meteorologist's uncertainty in the prediction. The "goal-setting method", developed at MIT CADLab for the past years, is designed to help engineers set appropriate goals for uncertain events. In words, the tool will help engineers set product target specifications at early design phase. It might also help to answer questions such as In which year did US population exceed 200 million? Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory 154 What will the Dow Jones IndustrialAverage be on Jan 2"', 2001 ? By which year, 20 % of the new passengercars manufactured in the US will be powered by alternative technologies rather than gasoline-basedengines? Common to all the questions above is that, all have an exact answer if all necessary information is available. For example, on Jan. 3, 2001, you could provide an exact number. However, all you can do today is guess with all the information now available. The Method and How it works Consider the last question in the previous paragraph (car question). In year T, 20 % of the new passenger cars manufactured in the US will be powered by alternativetechnologies other than gasoline-basedengines. Let T be the year that you think will make the above statement true. Compare the year T against an arbitrary year, say, 2010. There are three possible outcomes for this comparison. T will be less than 2010 T will be about 2010 T will be greaterthan 2010 And if you are not 100 % sure about the result, you can assign a probability to each event. For instance, my personal opinion is as follows. Chance that (T is less than 2010) = 0.1 Chance that (T is about 2010) => 0.2 Chance that (T is greaterthan 2010) => 0.7 MassachusettsInstitute of Technology - Computer-aidedDesign Laboratory '55 (NB: the three probabilities have to sum up to 1.0) Engineering Application DOME(Distributed Object-based Modeling Environment) is a client/server application developed at MIT CADLab. It enables engineers in a heterogeneous environment in every sense, to collaborate the design task over the internet. We hope this software will bring measurable values to the engineering organizations. This survey is aimed at measuring the benefits that you are expecting from using DOME in your organization. More specifically, Compared to the current practice, the use of DOME will bring X % of reduction in average development time Y % of reduction in average development cost. Z % improvement in average quality. 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