INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR LAND ACQUISITIONS: WISH LISTS, CURRENT PRACTICES AND POSSIBLE SCENARIOS by SUZANNE WARREN B.A.,State University of New York at Albany (1978) Submitted to The Department of Urban Studies and Planning in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY September 1987 SUZANNE WARREN 1987 The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. Signature of the author Suzanne Warren Department of Urban Studies and Planning August 7, 1987 Certified by Gloria Schuck Lecturer, Sloan School of Management Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Michael Wheeler Chairman Interdepartmental Degree Program in Real Estate Development MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JUL 2 9 1987 LIBRARIES gn i INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR LAND ACQUISITIONS: WISH LISTS, CURRENT PRACTICES AND POSSIBLE SCENARIOS by SUZANNE WARREN Submitted to the Department of Urban Studies and Planning in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT ABSTRACT As the regulatory environment becomes more restrictive and complex, the lead time needed for obtaining approvals in land development, lengthens. This, in turn, increases risks due to the difficulty of forecasting future supply and demand. New sources of information could reduce uncertainties in site selection. Land developers were interviewed to determine their information wish lists. Descriptive accounts of the decisions are indicate that these acquisition process individually defined combinations of information-gathering approach is A technical experiential judgement. and suggested that would enhance this type of decision making. evolving information systems are Descriptions of three presented as examples of current practice, and illustrate the possible future Then, implementation. difficulties of scenarios are supposed of information systems being used for Finally, a recommendation is made to land acquisition. proactively position development companies to benefit from advances in microcomputer technology and the movement to create public land information systems. Thesis Supervisor: Gloria Schuck Lecturer, Sloan School of Management Title: 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In keeping with the philosophy of learning that founded the Center for Real Estate Development, this thesis combines the vision of academics with the insight of practitioners. It is not the sort of research that offers quick solutions or generates obvious cash flow. It is an inquiry for which we have yet to learn the language, let alone understand the implications. The imprecision of the task makes it all the more remarkable, that so many were so willing to take time to reflect. I feel very privileged. To my advisor, Gloria Schuck, my gratitude for helping to organize the unknown, manage the mundane and let me gradually understanding that were already discover frameworks of apparent to her. It is our good fortune that she spends part of her professional life teaching. My sincere thanks to Sandra Lambert (Center for Real Estate Development/MIT) for facilitating this research design. Her continued encouragement during the dilemmas of working in new territories helped to keep me on track. Studies and (Urban Joseph Ferreira Conversations with the technology into gave me insight Operations Research/MIT) I greatly that it raises. issues and the of the future appreciate the time and enthusiasm he graciously extended to supplement this research. A special thanks to Marc Louargand and Lawrence returned phone calls and helpful suggestions. Bacow for Trial, error, Innovations rarely evolve straightforwardly. and redirect are reflect to ability the persistence, and the way it Along common elements in the process of progress. respect with can be confusing and frustrating. I acknowledge all of those who candidly and thoughtfully shared their experiences -- particularly the experiences that are not yet success: Jessie Abraham (Data Resources Inc./McGraw Hill) Wayne Angle (Homart/Tysons Office) John Austin (Oliver Carr Company) Rita Bamberger (Trammell Crow Co./Residential) Jeffrey Bates (Office of Research and Statistics/Fairfax) Gerald Blakely (Blakeley Maddox Investment Company) Nancy Card (Cadillac Fairview) Paul Catinella (Bedford Properties) Daniel Coughlin (Copley Real Estate Advisors) Maurice Freedman (Edward Callan Interests) Richard Gold (Unum) G.T. Halpin (The West Group) 3 Catherine Hare (Trammell Crow Co./Residential) Philip Herr (MIT and Herr and Assoc.) Susan Hudson-Wilson (Unum) Alven Lam (Lincoln Land Institute) Brent Manssen (Management and Information Systems Consultant) Richard Michaux (Trammell Crow Co./Residential) Joseph O'Connor (Copley Real Estate Advisors) (Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Ruth Prendable Commission) William Lee Roberts (The Estate of James Campbell) William Rucker (The West Group) Thomas Steele (Perini Land and Development Company) James Sukeforth (Sasaki Associates) Dennis Tomsey (Trammell Crow/Residential). others are not formally To preserve confidentiality, several identified. Their insights are no less appreciated. Lastly, my gratitude to Hank Spaulding for seeing the need and estate development for innovative approaches in real having the wisdom to implement a plan. SBW/August 7, 1987 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract ..............................................--- 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..........................................--.3 TABLE OF CONTENTS..... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 5 .............................. 6 INTRODUCTION.................. CHAPTER ONE - INFORMATION NEEDS OF LAND DEVELOPERS.........17 CHAPTER TWO - SUPPORTING DECISIONS WITH TECHNOLOGY.........40 CHAPTER THREE - MINI CASES.................................48 A FUTURE FOR DSS IN LAND ACQUISITION?.......70 CHAPTER FOUR - APPENDIX A - SAMPLE OUTPUT/CASE ONE.................. ...... 86 SELECTED REFERENCES........................................87 5 INTRODUCTION Billions of dollars worth of land is bought and sold either party having anywhere near enough without Both market facts to support his price judgment. hunch by decisions to grope must seller buyer and and by guess, for America's biggest industry must get along with more inept and inadequate statistics government The federal than any other industry. peanuts on research market for spends more money keeps a Nobody on land.... than for market research is scarcity So lots.... unsold on running inventory professional by inflated are prices exaggerated and cannot be that optomists spreading inside dope checked. [House and Home 1960] Twenty-seven years thought a of as development continues later, land of complicated web to be uncertainties in the Typically, the riskiest portion of the real estate business. rewards have been high to compensate for those uncertainties. This has encouraged entrepreneurs who the market to an ample rely on make acquisitions, especially supply of ever-optomistic knowledge of their ingenuity and about decisions heuristic when lenders have been land willing to loan 80-100% of appraised value. In the past, demographic values bailed who had out many growth and inflationary real estate land developers (and significantly underestimated the cost their lenders) volatility of planning, processing and approval of their parcels. repositioning in the market was 6 required Also, if to correct for planning strategy of national large, of the some marketing expanding offices preserve a to and companies who budgets had the accelerate to maintain enough autonomy in their absorption were careful to regional small was to a changing economic environment. flexible enough to adapt Even firm typical the misjudgments, sense of entrepreneurial resourcefulness when a project got into trouble. learned to live with uncertainty Land developers, then, have as a way on an of doing business. inflationary conservative economy, projections, doors" to mitigate They high traditionally have relied inventiveness, in-house profit the downside risks. and margins If "back all else failed, the keys and the problems belonged to the lenders. There is evidence a that is transition taking place. External conditions are pushing developers to search for more data and become more methodical about analysis. This chapter will examine some of the driving factors in this change. RISK MANAGEMENT Today, land but from also on the developers depend not only their abilities start. Using sensitivity analyses to project, developers hope on contingency plans consequential risks to manage more detailed pro identify major sources of that special 7 formas and risk in a attention and early impacts. reduce any potential, negative detection will The risk management tasks, unfortunately, are multiplying as land requires more and complexity increases in development up front time. WITHOUT REGULATION INFORMATION zoning real estate owners. planning. rights of public documents and in the realm of Permits are comment and criticism from lay thus open for people as well more on the Often, outcomes are based as agency officials. the players personalities of facilities public and control private true in the This has been particularly environmental of permitting and approval modified the have increasingly process, areas the through Communities, some unified involved than on community policy. These attached individual to parcel-oriented, land of land modifications to the individually or titles negotiated nature inconsistencies common. This makes of it difficult a a consequence As duplication and into assimilated information system. process, explicitly are seldom tenure regulatory the of to estimate effort are the eventual cost, measured in time and money, of required studies, impact fees, proffers valued for or possible lawsuits purchase. The time when the land required for is being obtaining one of the key uncertainties regulatory approvals has become 8 in land development. EXTENDED TIME DELAYS time aggravates Lengthened processing it almost as time consuming Many land developers are finding To a large one. a small project as to process another way. risk in make better use of key staff members, the size of projects undertaken has expense of locational diversification. often expanded at the efficient but can be more organizationally This may the overall risk of the add to a greater venture by concentrating percentage of company resources in one project. INCREASED MARKET UNCERTAINTY Extensions market of risks the regulatory approval by subjecting the conditions. The further has forecast, to be Uncertainty is not maintain timeline project out in time that the less aggravated further reliable and current reliable if the to increase changing supply and demand the projections. jurisdiction does data on on which to base employment or demographic projections. As a further complication, many economists national real estate market due to shifts factors. is undergoing structural changes in demographics, Relying on past believe that the employment bases parochial experience future need could be risky. 9 and other to forecast LAND VALUES diligence periods come at extended due that they have have adequately been and believe control of desirable before important occurs factors specific to adding analyzed, and considerable expense to move quickly to gain This frequently parcels. sale agreements Developers perceive scarcity regions. in these and Contingent purchase competition. vigorous to due significantly inflated have markets inelastic, regional in many land prices same time, At the site uncertainty. may be forcing localities, speculation In these the market into supply and demand disequalibrium with land prices unduly high given the will approval risks. self correct, In the long lag the interim but term the market may cause costly misjudgments. INSTITUTIONAL PARTICIPATION In capital the markets, thrifts and other institutional lenders are trading lower interest rates for participation in future upside investor take potential. on any Rarely of the does approval the institutional risks, preferring instead to activate the partnership at a more secure phase of the project. Even when the partnership agreement compensates 10 the for developer of value market the after even confiscated if may be divided or approvals, that value land the performance does not measure up to pro forma projections. operational stages, By sharing the the however, often critical in high long-term profits developer may not consistently cover reserve to needs during early do reduce cash flow Lower interest rates vacancy periods. of successful projects, build enough the development risks of new able to be ventures. SOURCES OF FUNDS The tax code revisions of the 1980s have decreased the use of syndications as into entrants foreign lenders in fund unbuilt willing estate capital real pension and interested the fund to investors, projects. land More recent funding. a vehicle for project Since markets, are the are as not generally there development, such fewer cost of land development loans remains high as the risks increase. SHRINKING PROFIT MARGINS As a result of these interrelated competitive and highly regulated for land development are in markets, the profit margins likely reliable information and knowing how 11 uncertainties, to shrink. Accessing to use it are necessary trends that and predicting finding niches prerequisites in will help maintain competitive advantage. SUMMARY Despite a to willingness usual risk, with live land developers in competitive and regulatorily mature regions are disconcerted over uncertainties. in increases A simplified market and political explanation for this uneasiness is that more factors that affect success seem to be out of a developer's control and difficult to evaluate. The market and people-oriented the variables. political/legal These climate, factors are are dependent on people's preferences and attitudes in the context of economic regulatory and conditions interrelationships to which are complicated predict. The developer must forecast: What would intended occupants be willing to pay, several years in the future? What will the affected by developer be expected to the proposed project before pay to those approvals can be obtained? Additionally, experts real estate are observing economists and structural changes 12 capital in the market industry. Although there is no unified vision from economists about the supply macro effects, the office overbuilding of demand and growth reduction of the boomers," and the to alter patterns that have the the "baby aging of market, the as such factors GNP, are expected the last been operating during two decades. If use, market, and significantly, in real estate profit margins these conditions, matched under not properly timing are reducing effective yields may shrink many and causing investors to place their capital elsewhere. ISSUES RAISED characterized as having some Successful developers often are "sixth sense" that enables them to divine a suitable location for a project. understanding acquisition. Cultivating this mystique prevents systematic the of If decision the criteria criteria used land in explicit developer were more information needs could be better assessed. What market External lender conditions? provide to developer? What acquisition - drives an funds? goals? Internal company The of willingness Predisposition of a the Happenstance? sources of information 13 are being used by land to make developers acquisition decisions? What data the information gaps? Where are is needed and in what form would it be most useful? Is technical and better decision inform a appropriate technology this data of What type maker? most suitable for land technology is can to systemize support available How developers? be integrated land into development companies? OBJECTIVES AND ORGANIZATION OF THIS THESIS By analyzing the criteria used by developers to select sites, some key uncertainties, identified. The caused by objective is information to explore ways are gaps, in which components of information systems could be used to extend the range and depth of land acquisition analyses to better manage risk and reduce uncertainties. CHAPTER ONE commercial summarizes findings from interviews and residential make major developers who acquisition decisions in competitive markets. development, such as lenders, planning officials. decision supplement points and intuition These findings site designers, and Particular attention is focused information sources and land with other people associated were supplemented by interviews with land with twelve local market 14 on key currently used experience. As to a result of these interviews, a "wish list" of information that developers help would been has uncertainty reduce constructed CHAPTER TWO suggests a working definition of Decision Support Systems range and depth that emphasizes extending the (DSS) of analysis to improve effectiveness. the considering for perspective This discussion sets a technological tools appropriate for land developers. CHAPTER THREE contains three, development-oriented mini cases of have introduced companies that analyzed using an example is defined beginning of at the illustrates how a practitioner test financial the designs. impacts components of DSS. Each "automate/informate" framework The first the chapter. case uses interconnected models to of alternative site-specific The second case is about a company that models U.S. markets econometrically to strategically plan acquisitions by location and use. case is a retrospective look at company's decision a real estate integrate a The third and centrally to automate database to increase operational efficiency and strengthen its strategic planning process. CHAPTER FOUR builds identifies data that could on the developers' sources and existing or address future wish It emerging technology information needs. 15 lists. Scenarios of interactive applications relevant proposed. Finally, a to proactive jurisdictional approach is recommended. 16 land development are organizational and CHAPTER ONE INFORMATION NEEDS OF LAND DEVELOPERS The development of an integrated, large parcel of real estate today calls for techniques as dissimilar from the past as those required to pilot a jet We are no compared to flying an ancient Jenny. Rather we pants. our of seat the by longer flying master by perfected instruments on proceed technicians. [Gerald W. Blakeley 1960 While planning Laguna Niguel, CA,] Blakely referring was to three, then relatively new, techniques: market 1) developed analyses by the county and a data--jointly economic using research department of a university, then analyzed by market consultants; the land to match the future 2) master site planning of community 3) to the natural features; public backing to help and finance land purchases and improvements. In other words, public and institutional sources of data were combined with feasibility. public expert knowledge to determine market and site This in turn was supported by the commitment of financing. and Information resources were jointly contributed by the developer and the surrounding community to plan this new town. 17 research observed for this Developers interviewed that, in active markets today, this type of cooperation rarely exists. and developer, the conducive to not is planning, joint that can be regional market data The common. the community relationship between an adversarial Instead, accessed was often characterized as "not current, not in a useable format, or too time-consuming to track down." The is decisions facilities data acquisition land augmented by and combine with site-specific, usually and public topographical making in used information public on-site assessments by professionals from the private sector. other for sources used Information vary critical factors according to the decision making process of the developer. WHO, WHAT, WHERE & HOW Twelve commercial and residential developers, from regionally or recognized nationally, obtain information sources chapter were Washington other regions.) with land in active D.C., markets in the they used. two of country. A number interviewed The firms either the most of other development supplemented 18 paid to the surveyed for this metropolitan Boston competitive real (Some of the firms to acquisition land attention was Particular processes. their of accounts descriptive decision companies, were or estate also operate in professionals associated the research with their perspectives. It is worth noting to principals that, according in these land acquisitions is rarely firms, information gathering for Components, such as generating pro formas totally delegated. be delegated to specifically trained or obtaining plats, may individuals at lower levels. However, detailed evaluation by senior-level, regional staff is considered essential despite their time is expensive. the fact that makes sense that are expected to have the best those with the most experience land and location. "feel" for the It less apparent is What is that they also contribute significant input from a personally proprietary networks of sources. The the interviews findings from of categories developers. offered acquisition style of needs Despite decision the determining the information, whether 19 the maker sequencing of the Particular not, deemed pivitol by the developers. been most cases, In differences, common emerged. these by have explanations responses. and important both the approach and process. information given to in background seemed to influence and possible, Wherever for variations professional considered factors clustered into have been concerns attention was accessible or LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION of quipping that the three most "Real estate types" are fond a in selecting criteria important of property piece are "location, location, location." What location really means is the degree of market acceptance of a specific site. Locational differ preferences Externalities, such Often these changes occur area, alter preferences over time. in a few years--the time large project. market and it takes construct a to plan and locational preferences of the Understanding, anticipating adjoining in an land prices high or prohibitively system use. transportation a modifications in as intended depending on market acceptance upon project completion are two critical aspects of decision making. IDENTIFYING POTENTIAL SITES TO BE CONSIDERED Even companies differences in by giving markets multiple local respect development staff autonomy in ferreting out potential acquisitions. get leads from associates in regional significant Developers their real estate network, from land owners who know them by reputation or from studying maps and statistics that provide information about future trends. Companies who have been in a particular regional market for a number of years, with the same senior 20 people making land acquisition decisions, were more likely to rely on reputation and network In sites. identify to people words, other generally come to them with deals to consider and they react. If there is a particular type of project that the company is looking to undertake, they use the network to make it known. Those companies with new were more likely to use in key positions of prospecting developable land. of information bits branch offices or personnel changes from practice. common surveys" with "Windshield economic leads from newspaper reports, an informal method development offices or or unattributable hunches, are Alternatively, brokers or bankers might know and suggest a property worth considering. A sizable range plan timing the of approaches also future acquisitions. of workload with little attention way firms exists in the react Some to to local, real estate cycles. As existing projects require less staff time, new parcels are methods and criteria particular to actively sought using the that firm. the corporate planners cycles so wish that developer expressed the One regional would pay that more favorable attention to terms could be real estate negotiated at the time of site purchase. Another development company annually acquires a certain, predetermined amount of land and treats it as inventory. 21 The time as a increased level shared others and He environments. uncertainty caused of much or two year a one continues to regulatory and of complicated result to have on projects time needed the lead horizon yet political the over concern by fifteen one to is difficult it projections beyond in value confidence grow said that This CEO years. from varies for development horizon lengthened the approval processes. Although there the need was no seeking sites, exclusive approach to to make selection criteria explicit beforehand was frequently mentioned. Consideration of projects incompatible with resources organizational can the waste time of experienced staff members. THE QUICK CHECK and infrastructure Adequate predictably regarded essential. as access transportation They are the are first criteria evaluated because without these, the project will go nowhere. In most cases, it is readily obtained from was agreed that this information governmental agencies or consulting experts. Consensus on this however, did first step, not foreshadow agreement on the entire site evaluation process. extensively researched and modeled 22 a market One company before seeking any sites. Another bought more Florida marshland as a team baseball to had some, For wintered nearby. of be met. the return on others, an For intuitive standards, meant that appealing location gauged by project performance requirements could most ardent thousand acres first development venture because its hurdle-rate investment than a be relaxed. "numbers enthusiasts" spoke of Even the a parcel needing the "right feel" coupled with a favorable pro forma. Nevertheless, five identifiable considerations emerged 1)market categories of information from the interviews: acceptance at completion, 2)political/legal environment, 3)physical site constraints, 4)financial performance projections and 5) corporate strategy. Findings from the interviews are separated into these categories in the following section. The developers' wish lists are woven throughout. 1.MARKET ANALYSIS Many of the developers knowledge of their markets by outside consultants. interviewed believed that their was superior to analyses produced They complained that professional market researchers spend too much time looking at numbers and extrapolating from questionable data 23 sources, and not enough time in the field, talking to informed sources. Most of reports, did, the companies some more others. than 1)lender requirements, 2)the into an unfamiliar market, reasons cited The trusted market research companies the reports were: 3)not enough available staff time of heuristic Some developers made about market depth. judgments already market potential opportunity of going assessments and 4)verification for feasibility do use contract for however, routinely and find important in determining feasibility as well as for project pricing and design. The assumptions usually on absorption come from used in pro company either formas, however, experience with similar projects in the market area or through the network of sources and contacts rigorously, but informally, maintained by senior These assumptions are level developers. typically verified by "leg work" in the area that is competitive to the site. Not surprisingly, acceptance as real decentralized. developers interviewed the projection with the Imperfect general kept most development This breeds market greatest uncertainty. knowledge of the market estate saw traditionally has entrepreneurial opportunity for those who able to parlay experience into good marketplace judgment. 24 and are markets it In competitive supply and to according demand, make about local interviewed, those is Some point to project planning. becoming even more critical to time less and accessible information Reliable decisions. is there and consideration require more variables was observed that taking place it is difficult out that with more transactions to track complex and changing trends without hard data. growth useful exchange departments developer one seldom were as seen The as growth." Public in-migration and business departments users. potential by characterized were "cheerleaders for planning and developers between information an as acting and projections with assembling were credited Development Offices Economic supportive of developer interests. A macro economic understanding of current estate markets was considered important developers interviewed. market, a hiatus of not thought to For those be a viable option. a niche could always be found. national and local by only a few of the committed to a particular local There appeared or regional to be an opportunity It was also mentioned that both economists frequently real estate forecasts. project that real activities during economic downturns was attitude that optomistic American had contradictory Almost everyone shared a had been successful despite 25 story of a expert warnings to the contrary. MARKET ANALYSIS WISH LIST 1) Frequently, developers wished for more accurate local (i.e.what data supply growth (i.e.employment being and household formation) forecast market dynamics further means to data demand planned), is the and into the future. Fairfax, Virginia) were seen as Some jurisdictions (such as more helpful than others in providing information useful for development planning. 2) Developers expressed the difficulty in view for that that They creates inconsistency growth local tracing consistent more jurisdictions. proximate across recordkeeping wished also patterns to select optimal locations for new projects. 3) Some systemize of those interviewed piecemeal-data on the need mentioned to or migration. business growth Economic development data keyed to a mapping system would be of great benefit. 4) one determining costs developer points which above the this could of talked a land prices user's willingness "timing would drive to pay be anticipated, acquisitions might 26 method" for project threshold. If be sought in less convenient, but more affordable, areas. developer envisioned a local 5) Another selling price of the land that accurately disaggregates the It improvements. from factors reflected in of the property or special conditions any into account also take would sales database the buyer/seller agreement. 6) gathered through of important information. this compendium of data is The obstacle biggest storing and retrieving people. Doubts to inclination mentioned before, As typically filed in a dealmaker's decision process. to the acquisition is central to a more systematic approach of seen to be information is "soft" were raised about relying make to piles and unfiled newspaper clippings of notes, bulging roladexes head, yet Some pointed informal networks. many and retrieving data systematic way of storing wished for a as sources be possible, it would believed Although few routine inputs into on a developer's an information system given erratic job pressures. 2.POLITICAL/LEGAL UNCERTAINTY Developers, known for their penchant to that it acts approvals process. in the as a half a certain amount of political full, generally have tolerated uncertainty see glasses barrier to 27 entry Some have and helps observed alleviate This overbuilding. with to deal willing communities. higher for those keeps profits local working with become the thus has Houston of the unknowns who are frequently cited example of the dangers of too little zoning restriction. interviewed, those of Many uncertainty due, is the public sector's the use can considering costs ability to modify or claim of consistent impact fees be programmed into a purchase. such as this "voluntarily" lawsuits, moratoria or of the the a portion of Put another way, for off-site improvements of the valuation On increased Specifically, they point to tenure for "public good." private property that markets is extensions to primarily, intangible rights of the public. some, to According great. too concerned in competitive real estate political uncertainty becoming are however, the parcel other hand, when unauthorized unexpected required proffers, other informally required concessions can only be predicted using the current political context for a project that might take years to process. Changing administrations and public sentiments give added dimension to this uncertainty. Those interviewed direct development activities for companies that have been in a specific region feel pride in creating part for many years. They of a community and concern about the adversarial positioning that they believe has become part 28 of the approval process. cited as critical finding to Many of the development. up to your and "living Repeatedly, "reputation" and word" were processing land for most promising sites were acquired through the network of business contacts based on reputation. All see themselves as responsible business people with both a personal and professional stake in helping to maintain a good quality of life Some for the community. indicate that they feel singled out to carry more than their share of the burden of economic and demographic growth. POLITICAL/LEGAL WISH LIST 1)Reducing processing for time approvals, making publicly levied fees explicit and eliminating capriciousness in community negotiations were the most frequently expressed concerns. A site politically sensitive time could costs were Implicit of acquisition. that the expectation be valued more accurately, at the more determinable in this selling landowner if viewpoint is would absorb the some costs by accepting a lower price as a result of the negative externality. 2) Some hoped for greater cooperation among communities, developers municipal planners and projects. Two developers suggested 29 in evaluating proposed the creation of generic guidelines for with irrelevant out endless meetings also pointed agendas." One other developer developers that "to prevent citizen input community and often groups pay consultants to "duel it out with their computer models" when all be might collaborating served by better to assess impacts. 3) Careful timing is considered of primary importance in With such a wished for a of all proposals up for public convenient way to keep track hearing. developer One negotiation. approvals reference, a project would be less likely to get entangled in other issues due to unfortuitious timing. An example involved a hearing on a proposed traffic that was interchange scheduled in the same zoning hearings on a proposed office project. linked issue with the transportation (The developer month as The community the office believed that an unfavorable the project. outcome was in large part due to the promimate timing of the two hearings.) 4) A related suggestion included a publication that would provide summaries of public hearing outcomes including It itemized dollar amounts for impact fees or concessions. was thought that this would be helpful in negotiations with community groups and consistency government and prevent duplicate improvements. 30 officials by payments encouraging for the same A follow-up was suggested that The developer interviewed suspected that much actually used. of collected money the would that improvements funds were determine where concessions and fees or impact would track the proceeds from that in was county for of the users benefit the never spent project. 3.SITE FEASIBILITY As previously of time, the that information the is feasibility preliminary information sources are Public accessible. developers feel determining for necessary factors checklist. first on the critical infrastructure are Most and adequate mentioned, transportation access supplemented by various specialists in soils, land-use planning, environment, specialists, technical title architecture, engineering, in tools turn, to supplement increase their accuracy These others. and and knowledge speed the with of gathering data. site preparation are generally thought The costs of physical to be predictable and ascertainable diligence period prior to during a sixty actual transfer. day due For some who acquire property, though, even this is painfully long. The purchase price is almost always negotiated 31 before any the time lost. returned and the cost is in formal search. project rejection, There is an array of however, that must be discovered. site or title limitations, during a typically is deposit the then unfeasible, project discovered that makes If something is begins. study period These constraints may potentially are but not warrant important in This information is seldom available determining land value. when purchase price negotiation is underway. SITE FEASIBILITY WISH LIST Developers rely on a number of environmental and engineering consultants to determine the cost of site work. those interviewed, relying significantly increase deal of confidence expertise does outside on According to a great uncertainty because there is in the estimates generated not by these specialists is one 1) There wished for exception -- hazardous waste. more complete and accessible A few information on the cost of cleaning up various types of hazardous waste to more accurately value were better a contaminated parcel. known, an opportunity in taking on a informed If developer clean-up costs might find hazardous waste risk that others feared. 2) One land assembler wished for 32 title reports that As pointed could be obtained within hours instead of weeks. in the out title when negotiating a sale agreement, difference in could make a land assembly, particularly in and purchase of the the details knowing all last section, the price paid. 4.FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY The of the accuracy financial analyses is assumptions generated of accuracy on dependent the criteria. by other Developers surveyed said that preliminary project numbers are generally "back of the envelope" followed with pro formas, generally created on electronic spreadsheets. on staff members with financial pro formas while others rely to conduct the analysis. standardizes the format training often generate the decision makers themselves cases, the In many A customized for template between comparison projects. In determine the order to greatest impacts forecast. project performance, a series of sensitivity surveyed use pessimistic on assumptions that and most likely case will have most analyses. scenarios are of the those Optomistic, typically Correlated risks are extrapolated informally. Two developers separately acknowledged that the 33 impetus for was the desire to adopting computer-based financial analysis deal more effectively with the "MBA types" who approve loans. Obtaining lender commitment during the "due diligence" period reduces the level of the financing. and rate -- the terms It is interesting to note that of risk in a key uncertainty almost none of the developers mentioned concern over the long term outlook for years ago, this interest rates while a few was the variable that was receiving the most attention. sensitivity include expedites tables, a secondary As that the approach increases loan the bonus, these same process. formas that lender through pro language of the Talking the approval developers find their understanding of project uncertainties. Paying special attention to the variables with the greatest potential impact on bottom line profits allows a development staff to better manage risks. FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY WISH LIST 1) On large uncertainty interest is projects that will be phased if a developer can lock in an interest rate range) for a number of reduced rate (or in over time, years. 2) To save competitive, Your Office" staff time and encourage lenders a developer program on suggested a a cable 34 to be more "Shop-for-Terms From network. Lenders with range and the type advertise would funds available of current terms. 3) In large companies where computers are often closeted with the "whiz Experimenting privately could among senior staff themselves. variables forma pro analyze to members kids", there is a desire suggest alternatives that had not been considered when working through an intermediary. 5.STRATEGIC PLANNING TO SET ACQUISITION CRITERIA All of the developers interviewed operate under some type of corporate guidelines for property selection. as knowing budget limitations, guidelines are informal, such is best equipped to handle, the project types existing staff In other cases, the guidelines for differing levels of risk. are more explicit. markets. Others willingness Some developers only to discard any set land however, admit, all Almost operate in certain purchase will only zoned. appropriately can accept return that the company minimum rates of or the In some firms, of rules if a already to a significant opportunity comes along. Guidelines become development companies who use and/or portfolio diversification for location, size and use. 35 for those planning theory criteria site-specific corporate models to preset parameters In other words, company resource allocations and the restrictions on the specifications of diversification determine site. the parameters Once a selected national exact type of property market is made aware company wants that the are then brought regional developer who makes a potential the appropriate are determined, network in Potential parcels model used for of the to acquire. to the attention of the decisions on acquisitions based on experiential knowledge of that specific market. Developers who use corporate planning as a prime determinant it hedges risks by reducing in land acquisition believe that returns and it makes more the overall variability of company efficient use of key local favorable numerous, brought are often reputations, potential deals unsolicited Development companies with staff time. Having corporate to consider. parameters,then, expedites internal decision making. STRATEGIC PLANNING WISH LIST Staff developers have been generally objectives coupled and CEOs agreed that consist of corporate with product types. In inadequate. their strategic plans some cases profit-maximizing vague tendency to undertake company language particular In other cases, the planning is more detailed and regular, but originates at top management levels and thus is not easily modified. embarrassed to admit Still other developers were slightly that they operate 36 from project to information The strategy. real long-term with no project wish in most cases relates to increasing confidence in market forecasts to the company in the One company operates with a to position determine how coming years. There are notable exceptions. by corporate planning and portfolio five year horizon guided Acquisition regional uses cases, mini strategy is exampled jointly Another the location and type determine both (This developed managers. and national Three's Chapter is criteria the between company, one of models to econometric of acquisition sought. mini in strategy. general establish to models diversification case two Chapter in Three.) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS FROM INTERVIEWS Site evaluation has initial decision two stages for to acquire a parcel land developers. is probably inexplicit criteria and quick calculations. based on The internalized checklist is difficult to identify let alone quantify. members who "might mean seismic that they take demographics and other pieces note of flying branch banks earnings are "possible signal growing." of information somehow feed 37 sea gulls, pavements, "could be a dump nearby;" undulating activity;" new Staff with successful land have spent sufficient time developers report The These that and numerous into the decision, "I want this parcel." One observer wished for a way to access weights to give relative and manager. "I the mental criteria are know how many don't even checklist of his on it. Could be 200 or 1000." By roles of on the sequentially taking the other players necessary to make a project work, the developer reaffirms the initial decision. Does it have the return projections and margin of safety that the lender would need to fund it? concessions would what objectives and community planning line with it in Is be expected if it deviates? What arguments will abutters have and are the prevailing political winds Where will in their favor? the contractor find site premium costs? Is there an environmental issue to consider? corporate guidelines? Does the project fit often the most elusive. The persona of the intended user is How will the market accept several years the product out? What will be competing against it at completion? This second part of concerned with valuing anything that will process is principally the land and determining if there is the decision absolutely block the project. The anecdotal evidence seems to indicate that a tentative decison 38 to in the made early purchase is criteria. The decision maker choice by using the persona for prognosis for more exercise. staff the second It is in the need that developers feel to better political/legal uncertainties as well as the information. understand the a double checks this preliminary the decision process more based on experiential and possibly visceral combination of intuitive, part of first stage Specifically they acceptance. eventual market or contracting considering less need for more competitive markets. Some studies. A few are hiring Others are have looked at the microcomputer ensconced in their office and wondered what more it might do? 39 CHAPTER TWO SUPPORTING DECISIONS WITH TECHNOLOGY Data are the very latest kind of pollution. Information is what changes us. [Stafford Beer 1975] There Differentiation (DSS). technology is evolving to define an By trying real understanding. within Decision Support the field of Systems information in the workplace as theory is tested existing entity, jargon often blurs Nevertheless, in assessing how DSS could as a decision tool be used for definition no one is in land acquisitions, we need a working set of parameters drawn from current literatures. DSS DEFINED Hackathorn believe Keen and are interactive computer aids complex tasks system is process." to that "Decision designed to assist managers in requiring human judgment. support and Support Systems possibly The aim of improve a such a decision [1979, 3] They go on to say: observing a from begins Decision Support decision process and defining what improvement means for specific individuals or groups within a specific than just a simplistic is more context...[It] systems and models. The information packaging of feature the is which interface, software interactive other from DSS a distinguishing of attention ... ,becomes the main focus packages, above requires, DSS a for the designer. Building 40 all, skills in designing humanized interfaces and a secondary ability to exploit any self-contained technique or product developed within the MIS or [Keen and Hackathorn 1979, 3] OR/MS fields. INCREASE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF DECISION MAKING OBJECTIVE: organizational and individual making) emphasis to Alter,"The According rather than (in efficiency in decision processing 3) Automation of certain operational the system. tasks may be a component of The time and effort ideally be used to do saved, however, would increased is on effectiveness on increased (1975, masses of data." of DSSs a more thorough job of analyzing the substantive aspects of a decision. Scott Morton Keen and define effectiveness as "identifying what should be done and ensuring that the chosen criterion is the relevant one." improving an overall 7] In [1978, other words, organizational process that is performance does not critical to effectiveness. to improve little technically The point of DSS is to identify key decision points and focus technical tools, as well as human discretion, judgment and creativity, on the decisive components. At a times, effectiveness seeming conflict is perceived between efficiency because "effectiveness and requires risk of redundancy and false adaptation and learning, at the starts."[Keen and Scott Morton 1978, 7] The hope is that more effective decision making the in 41 present will lead to improvement in future performance. INTERACTIVE AND FLEXIBLE In theory, DSS is never superimposed into the decision making process but DSS is match to more closely continually customized and evaluated the needs and habits changes, the system will not Put another way. application to another. rather evolves from one way, user of its If users. the user necessarily perform in the same expectations and assumptions change criterion and utility. Further, DSS is the most effective when the decision makers. and in the control of studies performed by inclined more it is decentralized According to the Danziger and Kraemer [1986], to test different scenarios a user is for solving a problem or making a decision, perhaps unconventionally, if it can be done in the privacy of a user-friendly environment rather than through a technical expert. A command-driven system, with 'help' routines, plausible checks, choice of 'expert' or 'novice' modes and high-quality display devices reduces the learning...and also reduces the fixed cost of semifixed, set-up costs incurred at the start of the problem, remembering (structuring each run [Keene 1979, 12] commands,etc.). MARGINAL ECONOMICS OF EFFORT Perceived benefits must outweigh the effort (cost, measured in terms of time and money) required for a DSS to be used and 42 useful. 17] Benefits, however, are of effort" [1979, measured as "marginal economics what Keen refers to This is as costs. quantitative costs to the In contrast not as readily (particularly in an "organizational setting where situational factors cannot harder to are be controlled for"[23]) define and money by automating capture. qualitative benefits Unlike saving time or structured tasks, improved effectiveness is difficult to evaluate without well-formulated measurements for tracking. it is an article of Among proponents of DSS, aids to problem-solving faith that interactive improve the effectiveness of managerial decision making. They point to examples of DSS that have led their users to explore more alternative solutions, examine data in more depth and detail and become to approach their in analytical more a tool that encourages an problems... [However], of expand the range incompetent individual to solutions he or she inadequately assesses seems unlikely to improve anything. [1] The design and evaluation of from its user. A a DSS, then, cannot be divorced thorough understanding of the decision of the individual within the making process and competencies specific organization is important to improving performance. The potential user must weigh the perceived The of effort. against the relative costs value of fixed ones most apparent costs will be the system... The the learning and to adjusting incremental costs of effort implicit in a DSS can generally be reduced by skillful design....which software [costs in] incurring invariably means overhead. For example, a "Help" command... in no way adds to the problem-solving facilities of the system and requires a large amount of program code which takes time to write and may waste storage... However, [18-19] it makes the system easier to learn. At each step, the marginal economics of 43 effort should be carefully evaluated before adding a new application. Keen suggests generic operations that DSS can potentially address: 1) Computation costs in effort should always be reduced can be DSS, provided the computation by the of amount a minimum in requested quickly and easily steps. 2) Search costs can be reduced by the provision of commands that reduce set up and perform a range of The extreme is simulate which operations quickly. calculates the impact of a specific set of decisions and parameters. If users can also change values easily, they will find that searching widely for and fine-tuning alternatives imposes almost no cost. 3) Inference effort can be dramatically reduced, but The user need only if the user trusts the answer. not understand the inferential methodology but must For example, comparatively few users of trust it. standard statistical packages really understand the details of the method, let alone how they are translated into a computer routine; they accept it because they have consensual trust. by using may be increased 4) Assimilation costs may output the Decision Support Systems because may or to grasp require too much intellectual effort needs. be in an inappropriate format for the user's For example, graphics substantially eases the effort required for assimilation, but at the potential risk More of loss of conscious attention to data. systematic study is needed about output choices and effects. 5) Explanation costs are greatly eased if the software systems and output formats are well-designed and communicative. One implication is that a DSS can be effective as a device for organizational and joint problem-solving. If the marginal costs of examining another alternative is close to zero, there is every incentive to listen to someone's line of reasoning. [19-22] To summarize, piecemeal in Decision an Support organization 44 Systems typically beginning with evolve existing technologies and well-designed In a predispositions for problem-solving. competent user a system, quickly, can and relatively painlessly, massage data into information that may not have been accessible additional this or comprehensible before. increase will information the Ideally, level of confidence in a specific decision. DSSs AND LAND DEVELOPERS and adaptable nature of The interactive appropriate for land developers. by changing economic and and micro variability the and These developers undertake significantly affected of projects that are a diverse range ability to circumstances or DSS is particularly This macro political environments. requires frequent market repositioning quick make unforeseen judgments when opportunities materialize either on or off site. As mentioned in Chapter One, have relied on experiential to make the "go/no go" an intermediary, provide site judgments and quick calculations acquisition been an indirect tool technology has historically land developers such as the local decisions. Computer used typically through municipal government, to specific information or through consultants to generate market forecasts. In-house microcomputers, however, are no longer 45 rare in the offices of calculator to store and retrieve costs. as an extension of a pro formas -- In other cases, range and sensitivity analyses. technology Also, the through development of PC and DSS are appropriate that to increase and able of effectiveness and risks specified to The technology is, for instance, readily accessible to use, efficiency aims some common has individualistic developers. easy of are understand the or more fully impacts relative complex -- from simple to arrange financing vehicles to are used solely Sometimes they land developers. the user who is not the a computer expert. A few large developers have operation. These systems mini or mainframe drive a Management a DataBase Manager to assets or other operational functions. hardware and data Information automate accounting, manage System or software or computers in In the future, this can become a resource for an evolving DSS within a company. In fact, new applications for computer technology are already being as tested decisions. supportive Lenders, researchers, as well as tools planning for land officials developers, are development and market experimenting with the decision process so that ways to systemize components of critical information can be more reliable and accessible. 46 Chapter Three presents applications by practitioners who have formulated components of feasibility modeling. The company in Case Two takes a macro view of markets and studies them econometrically. summarizes the developer as experience it of the the undertook company-wide information system. a DSS is a dynamic staff of Case Three national a implementation of a Although the development of process, the next chapter describe current iterations in three DSS evolutions. 47 site relates to Case One a DSS. can only CHAPTER THREE MINI CASES INTRODUCTION TO CASES entity but rather a collection of DSS is not an identifiable and strategies technologies time. decision The perceived makers will needs, that evolve of the characteristics of the goals and influence the company over in a expertise systems that evolve. Zuboff differentiates between automating an organizational process and "informating it." The choice of emphasis is above all a question of strategy and derives from management's conception of the contribution that this technology can make to as an Informating may proceed the business. of consequence undermanaged and unintended computer-based automation, but it can also be part of a conscious management policy designed to exploit information presence to create a different the new and potentially more penetrating, comprehensive, and business...thus the of grasp insightful strengthening the competitive position of the firm. [1985, Schuck extends the discussion emphasizing smart machines to an informated to a shift encouraging smart people. environment, the issue you do, but how much you suggest 9] think." is no longer [1985, 77] from "In how much She goes on to observe, however, that this will require changes in training, 48 rewards and roles. The distinction between automating and implications for systems implementation informating, and its provide a useful framework for considering the cases in this chapter. The of process companies. tested are static follow examples that and The strategies and used within three that are being support experimentation decision are very components all have different yet dynamic of a slices possible application to land acquisition decision making. The research is in each firm based on the views of one involved in developing or two key people and modifying the is on the process of innovative approaches. The focus, here extending the range of technical support to decision makers. The relative value of the individual being evaluated. 49 applications is not CASE ONE: SITE-SPECIFIC SENSITIVITY ANALYSES Mark Twain once said, 'You can't go wrong buying land, they ain't making anymore of it.' While that Land always so. sounds like good advice, it isn't was ago years 130 Boston of section end in the south it give couldn't you Today sq.ft. per $2 valued at been $2 had same that If sq.ft. per $1 away for a in the bank at 3.5% annual interest, today it would be worth $175. [Maurice Freedman 1985a] In a mature and active market, land development opportunities are harder to come by due to a complex regulatory environment of the scarcity and In available parcels. his years as principal in charge of the site engineering and environmental services staff at Sasaki Associates, Inc.(based near Boston), Maurice Freedman observed a steady increase in reexaminations previously passed-over of "more rigorous evaluation 'rule of thumb' with available utilities interview, that the influx field has evaluation more properties require These techniques than the formulas applied to 'plug requirements)."[1982, 1] the sites. further and access He goes in' parcels (land nominal and on to traditional grading observe, in a 1987 of business school graduates into increased the need explicit since MBAs seldom to make site are practiced in examining land features. Freedman advocates a two-step evaluation 50 process.[1985b, 1] first step The computer generated information that are produced sketches can rapidly evaluate the site premium of alternative interplay with experienced-based judgment integrates that Then, quick site design being costs. reflect the considered. Once a feasibility range is established, the evaluator would move on to a second step, a short-cut version of a pro forma analysis. Conventional real estate economics does not provide an appropriate framework for isolating and analyzing or weighing trade-offs associated with land and the environment. Instead it examines the regulatory positive and negative cash flows over time through project to the entire life of a development establish IRR. that the comfort and ... [Freedman hypothesizes] of developers and by investors acceptance computer-generated pro formas for large and complex is or more, carried out over a decade projects created more by the ponderous weight of the document itself and page-after-page of reassuring numbers carried out to three decimal mathematical accuracy and precise bottom line R.O.I. than by any inherent predictability or reliability of such efforts. ... The most creative and least predictable part of land and the process, relating to manipulating the associated legal rights, tends to be buried, its desensitized and smudged in a single comprehensive developmental pro forma.[1985B, 1] As developers and site Freedman was an engineer, lenders to designs computer-generated while bothered by ignore the impact putting printouts that 51 great the tendency of of alternative confidence transformed best in guesses Freedman into precise projections. series testing. PC-based models of He began to develop his own assist to directed his staff to in site feasibility use them in some of the client work. Recently, Freedman joined the staff of Edward Callan Interests. He continues an office developer, to use and expand the models in his new position. The first steps are to perform a site reconnaissance by professionals with the requisite skills to properly inventory the site as a resource and to establish a synthesis map which records the above as positive and negative potentials and which acceptably delineates the net utilizable land area that can be used for development. this site Once resource analysis has been accomplished, site planning alternatives and feasibility testing can be explored. The conventional approach to this implies the preparation of sketch alternative site and grading plans, and road and infrastructure layouts which are then analyzed to determine infrastructure and grading costs. This procedure is costly and time consuming and often involves utilizing most of the study budget to sort through infeasible alternatives with little budget left to pursue and optimize the viable alternatives. The process by which feasibility alternatives are identified can be systemized and expedited through the use of computer models. In order to do so, three key issues must be relationships among these quantified: - terrain adaptability of the infrastructures and buildings(i.e.large vs.small building footprints) - density and arrangement (shape) of the site plan in relation to infrastucture, and quality for levels of design or - standards roadways and other site elements. organized to Furthermore, the analysis must be answer these practical questions which stem from and 52 guide feasibility testing: 1. How many units or square feet of a particular use can be placed on the site? 2. Are the costs of infrastructure and grading reasonable in terms of the product produced? 3. Will the arrangement of buildings be attractive and marketable? 4. What are the economic impacts of project phasing or variable rates of absorption? The answer to the third question is subjective and and experience. design judgement dependent on However, a system of microcomputer-based spreadsheet only which not developed has been programs issues effectively model and manipulate the key listed above, but yield objective answers to the of site questions.. .At the heart other three feasibiity analysis, however, is the interplay of the three key issues mentioned earlier: opportunity plan site the adaptations, terrain for [1985b, configuration, and chosen design quality. 2-3] The developed and knowledge-based models have applications in testing commercial models are values result, based Incorporated on experiential into these As a kept to a judgments. expected to are input requirements Freedman the feasibility of office, R&D, sites. and residential used by be minimum. The projection scopes participation by to run on programs are be to enlarge and be tried to PC-XT with the CRT staff or clients. user-friendly simulations can the IBM The interactive provision for to image models are designed so that determine the range feasibility. 53 increase numerous of project The following is a list of Freedman models in use. (Sample Output is included in appendix A) - Cost of single or double-barrel roadway section, including all infrastructure. - Site grading premium costs for office or industrial buildings. - Premium costs for density on higher parking structured suburban office sites. - Site finish (parking, driveway, drainage, lighting, curbs landscaping, etc.) costs for office or R&D sites. - office, industrial or R&D building pro forma. - Rough, static pro forma for residential property. - Multiphase office, R&D or industrial park cash flow and rent analysis. - A newly developed, prototypical residential support program for evaluating single vs use systems (expert technology decision multifamily site coupled with a knowledge-based shell). Maurice Freedman wrote about the key benefits of these models: Models the assumptions of the most experienced practitioner. The reliability of these assumptions have been verified in practice. for systematizing cost data Establishes a framework so that feedback from actual construction costs can be generalized and updated for planning purposes. in taking Identifies what is 'important' early on off quantities and researching costs for planning 54 projects. Allows for quick and easy trade-off analysis, cost] for [site providing the user with a tool sensitivity analysis. Allows exploration of many more alternatives than is early assures which practical otherwise quick and feasibility project of identification alternatives. infeasible of elimination Assures maximum participation of the client feasibility study process. in the - since calculation Avoids reinventing the wheel are clearly and presentation of results methods established. potential testing money in and time Saves reliable more provides and development alternatives 7-8] [1985c, results. It is the probability of Freedman's position that successful project models as computer generated by using is enhanced components of the site having a evaluation process because developer and site planner are the creative abilities of the freed up to choose from among the viable alternatives . After Freedman left Sasaki Associates, use to feasibility analysis was reduced. of this approach The reasons cited by staff members were: 1) Little advocacy by senior management with departmental staff and clients. 2) Limitations of programs "quirks" must be certain applications. for known and bypassed by the The user to avoid sometimes irreversible errors. 3) Unappealing learning curve when 55 compared to going the "known" route. 4) Shared access to computers that is inconvenient. The knowledge-based computer models are used, however, when several site feasibility scenarios are requested by a client or when numerous future changes are suspected. IMPLEMENTATION ANALYSIS INFORMATE AUTOMATE (=DSS) (effectiveness) (efficiency) Test a greater number BUSINESS GOAL site plan alternatives more comprehensively. PC-based to encourage TECHNOLOGY DESIGN individual use by site designers; flexible data administration. Black box to most IMPLEMENTATION users; designer=owner; central use of PCs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 56 fully realized was not original goal The It continued the software. limitations of had to be worked out and it was not In to order conquer but important, terminals due the to evolve. Bugs considered easy to use. always were not was practice curve, learning the in part available when needed. Freedman had acted as a self-appointed champion of the use of computer models in testing and head policy. of a site feasibility. department, he was he had the Although in position most of the staff. to influence authority to act as the models, he was not an for use of As a principal a sponsor effective champion for His technical skills as the designer of the system were "so superior that followers could have little hope of emulation." As a result of "institutionalized" Freedman left. skill to a new (Leonard-Barton and Kraus, 1985, 105] these factors, and is at Sasaki He, on the other position and is approach on a PC to the DSS not often was not used since hand, was able to bring the using the same interactive understand unfamiliar aspects of his new job. 57 CASE TWO: "20% in Real Estate - But Where?" [Hudson-Wilson and Greenwood 1986] growth Simply because an economy is experiencing estate real a good it is mean necessarily does not and 60's 1950's the in longer no are market. We that rapidly so growing was where the economy mistakes were easily hidden--or even the 1970's when inflation to ease the pain. The need for we had additional buildings is decreasing while preferred location and type are changing over time. cannot. Developers People can migrate. Buildings have this wild west mentality that they are somehow going to beat the supply and demand system. [Richard Gold 1987] the Investment Division at new senior manager in the In 1983, a UNUM life insurance company based that series differences in The Real real estate markets." Estate Market Index determine optimal maximizing and risk historic could capture The and prospective statistic, called (REMI), was developed that portfolios would be In its ideal minimizing. Maine to create "a consistent established a departmental objective data in Portland, both to help return form it would be an accurate description of the various real estate markets that would of increase awareness their past and act leading indicator of their future. series would be available over time and The ideal would be as specific as possible with respect to In addition, the types and geography. structure series would be able to be disaggregated into causal that so parts component meaningful relationships between the supply of space and the The demand for space might better be revealed. should bear a close relationship to real series 58 as estate returns - particularly given the desired end use in the construction of optimal portfolios. In theory a real estate return series purged of the effects of financing and consistent over time, space most appropriate would be the and structures (or occupancy) tool... a very high quality vacancy using maintained carefully statistic, rate consistent technique for every structure type in every county by an independent and objective group. [Hudson-Wilson and Greenwood 1986, 4-5] Unlike the Dow Jones, it could be disaggregated by markets. This would make it possible to adjust portfolios according to projections of future volatility in particular markets across property type. A regional director, Hudson-Wilson, the concept from the consistent for several years using field of stocks and reliable and bonds. has continued to develop asset allocation models Being able to compile is considered regional databases critical to reducing the cost of information. The REMI may be thought of as a vacancy rate proxy in that it measures the relationship between the supply of and the demand for square footage. The REMI is constructed by separately building the supply of and the demand for space. The concept can or annually monthly, quarterly be constructed (depending on demand side data availability) for counties, MSAs, states or the nation, for over 200 structure types. The supply side is constructed using the McGraw-Hill F.W.Dodge contract awards data ... [to formulate] an historical, put-in-place flow series... The demand side is constructed using basic labor For each demographic information. market and structure type an appropriate 'driver' is used. Changes in the volume of demand from period to 59 period are translated into square footage terms with per space used representing average a scalar scalar specific the uses area geographic .Each user.. calculated for that geographic area and structure type... This marginal demand series may be plotted and compared (on one graph since all orders of magnitude are comparable) with the marginal supply series. It is now possible to begin to draw inferences about the adequacy of supply relative to demand and to compare supply and demand cycles... The final stage in the construction of the REMI involves the conversion of the flow concepts of supply and demand into more of a stock concept. This is done quite simply by calculating a moving sum over 5 years of supply and an identical moving sum of demand. [Gold has expanded the timeframe to up to eight years in some markets.] The most important contribution of the REMI is its uniform construction over geographic areas, over time... The exercise of forecasting the REMI does address sensitivity questions and so provides insight on the Since the REMI is probability of various events. and is not a parts component from constructed it is easy to rate, vacancy a like reduced form side... demand or supply the on scenarios develop 5-12] 1986, Greenwood and [Hudson-Wilson The REMIs at UNUM have years and are being used to evaluate acquisitions. REMIs have areas. been calculated for 305 Over 1500 metropolitan statistical A new study underway models 62 of the cities for five structure types using a real for four now been under development estate somewhat different methodology. economist, joined has the staff Gold, and is expanding and modifying the models already under development. He has a dumb terminal connected to a service, Dodge/DRI, as well as national information an in-house work station that 60 includes statistical software and an (For a similar IBM PC. set-up it is estimated that an organization needs a budget of about $200,000 annually.) The sample cities heuristically the regional the currently uses director models to work. by narrow the Selected markets must can be used efficiently. venture partners Each directors. information number of forecast for more than one joint study were selected Gold screened in this a the generated by for field markets targeted have regional positive economic structure type so that staff time (Any existing relationships with in specific markets, however, will also be factored into acquisition decisions.) When the field work is complete, and potential properties identified, the regional directors will opportunities to each other and senior combination portfolio of experiential optimization management. judgments techniques, present acquisition a Using a computer-based and group of projects will be selected for purchase within the next few months. Despite an interest informal information regional network) site-specific in portfolio optimization gathering (through continues information to source. be techniques, field work a highly Regional and the valued economic information, however, comes directly from the analyst through 61 all forecasts come with a According He suggests [Gold 1987] and when the data is being verbal unique aspects of a given model. make implicit assumptions that his isolated so that that is not "tortured" too much. possible to can be informed about the In this way the analyst can and methodologies, explicit. position and office know the mitigators may have whenever presentation supplement hardcopy so that others explains In real estate the model-builders to Gold, are less reliable, what components that to be added story." proxies substitute for data economics, numerous available. models have a signature and Gold believes, "All the models. necessarily department are politics and Gold priorities will not impose themselves on the forecasting. Hudson-Wilson emphasizes that the She and Gold occasionally to be test used. disagree on the optimal techniques debates serve alternate approaches. frequently appropriate. make The evaluated The models are still evolving. and to fine-tune approach technology is viewed as diversification progressively accidental. It is expected and databases Assumptions the that procedures or modified a tool are when that can analytical, rather than tool will use of this increase overall performance significantly in the long term. 62 ANALYSIS IMPLEMENTATION AUTOMATE INFORMATE (efficiency) (=DSS) (effectiveness) to increase range of BUSINESS GOAL analysis TECHNOLOGY DESIGN expert to operate modeling analyses The station using encourage not does design systems learning. flexibility in designers=owners IMPLEMENTATION The requires technical are software that require expert technical interactions. one work prepackaged statistical analytical skill to monitor the On-line use of the is pro-rated by intensity of at primarily done terminals, models and hands-on user, remote database use - mistakes are costly. The environment is not friendly to non-expert experimentation. Except for the few who were in on the development of the REMIs, the computer output presents a bottom-line evaluation. The process is not interactive for 63 most of the staff. system was to act as a tool Although one of the goals of the for decision support, the economic models and the analyst who uses them to reveal market information, continue to be viewed as a black box by most of the end users. The designers of the system are experts of the technology and of the principles of economics. with a knowledge As in Case One, they operate base that is seen as "too the typical staff member. big a reach" for This discourages emulation. 64 20/20 HINDSIGHT CASE THREE: There are four types of components in any system: believable, perceivable, conceivable and leavable. [Roy Morian - student quoted by Thomsett 1980] in 1982, to update A national, commercial developer decided, and expand its automate and horizon, time three year a with Allocating $3-$5 computer system. the company planned to asset management financial and centralize its million tasks. Once a database was created to monitor national real estate assets, information could evaluate market conditions information, such lease as a in be retrieved quickly This particular region. terms, could be to used when decisions had to be made on acquisitions or refinancing. No commercially so appropriate available the staff had expanded from 15 to the system. The projections of 105 and over $10 indicated that 3-5 years, would be Something found to be customized three years, the systems development In less than million, and another was development firm began programs. been spent. software had gone awry. 65 million had another $10-15 needed to complete In hindsight, the following problems were identified: that had been used and 1) The hardware and operating systems handle develop more powerful hardware Corporation had planned to to users were encouraged plans were abandoned and but those to migrate was not underestimated the using the system VAC The systems. VAC Equipment Digital requirements. systems the power to have the size and upgraded, did not were being compatible with what had been developed. 2) The goal accomplish the to necessary resources had seriously planners systems The planners did existing technology and custom programs. in the requirements of such not have sufficient expertise a system. of the system did 3) The centralized design Regional offices were culture. encouraged to be somewhat entrepreneurial and did not want to be financial control therefore, Corporate system. the over control had tried to conform to a national importantly, they wanted local More processing schedule. not fit company maintained at wanted headquarters, and a large implement to officials centralized database. 4) The financing of system the was too indirect to immediately affect the regional offices that would have to assume the construction costs. loan. It been had Only when funded almost the system was like up a and operating would the costs be charged out to systems users. 66 Since the end-users design phase, writing checks were not inputs into unmotivated to make they were during the the process. In late reevaluation of the 1985, a rigorous undertaken. scrapping in It resulted situation was the technology and system under development in favor of a decentralized approach using seven IBM Systems 38 and a staff pared down to 25. The national database was this With abandoned. is design, also more million, there However, the decentralized company culture. possible the users have are funding a single creating goal of original costing database This was is a critical a implementation, now nearly it directly while with factor which made complete. Regional because they also paying off the costs of the abandoned system - definitely an attention getter! 67 data. better fit in this design taken keen interest and inputs duplication of $10-15 about IMPLEMENTATION ANALYSIS OF THE ORIGINAL SYSTEM AUTOMATE INFORMATE (=DSS) (effectiveness) (efficiency) centralize and monitor----->new source of BUSINESS GOAL information TECHNOLOGY DESIGN central database with no regional input into the design; top-down IMPLEMENTATION controlled by experts; pay for it but do not participate. Although many misjudgments were made in the decision process, the key obstacle to implementation system that did not fit strategy of decentralization is strength of the was attempting to adopt a the corporate culture. credited with company yet this "grass A business creating the roots" strength was not tapped in designing and implementing the original system. 68 SUMMARY OF MINI CASES of technical design to business goals or if system is demonstratably is decentralization expert can operate Two Chapter As centralized. be must the inconvenient, then and is limited access or to If the equipment and software that only a technical are so complicated design technology the effectiveness," conducive to user interaction. them to perform the goal is to "inform" When the business stated tasks. or corporate culture, inadequacy of the technology rather than the "enhance often a mismatching to system implementation is The barrier out, pointed of supportive more decision makers than centralization. The concept of implementation planning is eases the involvement in systems user involvement compels designers transition and the needs better understand This years old. least ten at in design and all levels of users at to of the organization, not just senior management. It is incorporating a to make sure objectives select not only to crucial, then, system that can support that of the it is compatible organization. technology and their style perceive the decisions, but also with and carefully plans appropriate and goals, position themselves 69 the values Companies that implementation systems's full business potential. benefits of to to realize their CHAPTER FOUR A FUTURE FOR DSSs IN LAND ACQUISITIONS? If I had to start all over in land development today I don't know that I would do it. I am too impatient to deal with the complications and concessions. The approval process is four to ten times as long as it was when I planned Laguna Niguel. It's an awful nuisance. Don't get me wrong. Developers brought a lot of this on themselves. Too much attention is focused on how to maximize profits and not enough on 'How can liveability. Developers should also ask, this project make people's lives better?' [Gerald Blakely 1987] The type of data needed to supply relevant information in the for a but also each potential information with current regional statistics only not Developers collect. to developer site-specific and impractical estate market is extensive present-day real on need acquisition, demographics, employment growth or decline, and the projected future supply of competitive projects. using comprehensive, which has been, in Even when it is Forecasts are ideally accomplished well-maintained and up-to-date data most cases, non-existent or inaccessible. available, the cost of the technology and staff needed to maintain and analyze it has been prohibitive. Technological changes are significantly increase taking place, a developer's databases within the next five years. 70 however, that access to can large information for decision support in More accurate and timely land development depends on three major factors: 1)Comprehensive, current and well-maintained databases. 2)Enhanced technology that is user-friendly, preferably of interacting with large, microcomputer-based, and capable remote databases. 3)An on-going, in-house implementation plan. support systems in land development Although use of decision is only in a pioneering stage, enhancement of PC hardware and software, and advances will make the use in public of information data systems and private technology in this field more widespread. Three, the findings In Chapter out issues that the organizational implementation even after the phenomenon is been from the mini not unique analyzed extensively cases pointed can prevent successful technology is available. to real estate companies by management experts. This and has In this chapter, the focus will be on the other two factors: enhanced technology and more accessible databases. REMOTE DATABASES As the cost of computers capabilities advance, in number. decreases public and private and technological databases increase Many major cities have at least one privately run computerized real estate information service 71 that "provides by other sources" [Godschalk, and deed records, supplemented Bollens, Hekman, have multiple Miles 1986, xi) and almost all communites listing services to advertise residential and Typically, these databases commercial properties are government assessments data based on and sales real estate either special available public for sale. purpose or sources of have relied data. Because heavily on the land developers and their consultants are dependent on jurisdictions for much of the information needed to select and process a site, this of data systems at the section focuses on the implementation local level through public agencies. (Evaluating private systems would be another worthwhile research topic.) LAND USE INFORMATION SYSTEMS (ALSIS) Automated land supply information systems are defined as computerized databases designed to monitor changes in a jurisdiction's land inventory, in order to assist in management and regulation of land development and to facilitate analysis of They enable decision private market decisions. makers to understand the impacts of public policies on the amount, price and location of land available They enable developers to reduce for development. of private uncertainty and expense the risk, development projects. [x) Numerous sectors systems. from both interest groups are advocating Policy environmentalists and implementation the makers, lenders, are others effective management of land the public of surveyers, concerned and private land data farmers, about the supply which depends on current 72 and accurate data. private and public of number A growing monitor to up set been have systems computer-based These development and provide land market data. feasible because of advances in computer systems, decision policy and are powerful technology, analysis tools. [1] Bollens and Drummond have suggested that the functions of a land data system are: (valuation) 1) Real property assessment 2) Land planning and regulation 3) Natural resources conservation 4) Real estate market analyis 5) Public facilities planning (transportation, utilities) 6) Project (site) planning 7) Archiving (land title records) 8) Academic research. Each community prioritize concerns and decide on according to local the system to have would the components of whether demand would into the system or would be integrated functions mapping capability whether a geographic such as the be tracked as well as supply. Currently, metropolitan areas, with populations of 100,000 or more, are increasingly 1983, a Virginia. counties study It have was automating their done at George Mason University over half of all found that "well a land records. system computerized 73 in In in cities and operation, are developing one or and software systems within information governments." [Hysom and Ruth local nearly all reach of the planning of cost brought the has hardware The existing soon. are planning to do so See Gebert, Gordon, ed. 1984. 1984] communities Informed and Duplication high. departments of within the inefficient and an that finding cost the of records lack to is coordination the same jurisdiction impediment not of information system land supply an automated developing also are effective is costly, long range planning. accurate, timely and comprehensive Also, if information demand private sectors, is available to both land supply and the public can be given "proper consideration and to the market impacts of development restrictions and incentives" as well as decisions. to improving the accuracy Over-constraining the of land public facilities supply can inflate land prices and unnecessarily redirect development. more development make uncertainty and Risk since housing for expensive. The consumer pays more investor require higher risk projects higher and competition returns. Market uncertainty limits the if land forces the developer to pay more for market is artificially constrained. The government pays more for public facilities when they are not properly sized due to uncertain knowledge about the actual supply of land available for development. As factors' to 'safety maker adds each decision information, affordable for missing compensate housing opportunities shrink. 1986, 2] [Godschalk et al. 74 It is important, then, that upon by government and or unimproved all is mutually agreed available land supply that definition of developable by private interests." [62] Typically, are parcels underutilized considered logic, owner Using this planning officials. have "a data system the land intentions, site constraints and economic feasibility are not account. into taken These real factors parcel development. influence the likelihood of not considered all are by planning officials, which If they are inaccurate assessment of the amount of developable land will result. A study in Stockton, California did factors into account and take these concluded that only additional the 36% of holding capacity of vacant land designated residential on the Stockton General Plan, was likely to be built [24]. Zoning decisions study. the are based is too large This study on the is accurate, Plan, not General a discrepancy to be there may be on the ignored. significant If over constraining of the land supply. Planning departments concentrate on quality of and general economic and demographic trends. give scant attention to the economic parcel development. to be myopic about projects and not Developers (as the financial Often, planners dynamics of individual Blakely points out) tend performance of attentive to the way the 75 life issues specific project fits into that both it is imperative monitor land supply, systems to In designing macro economy. even the good or the greater private and public interests are represented so that reliable information for decision making will result. As of the price declines while data automating land the number and complexities of transactions rise, the benefits of implementation plan a modular and experiences and the process that that so program dissemination are interested and others Land Policy land monitoring in developing can communities a exchange This could shorten begin to standardize approaches so each other. learn from and perhaps evolving Lincoln Institute implementation has more chance of success. of pioneers have years, the design and holistic that a of the and culture the needs last ten Over the agency-users. found must fit and design the companies, individual Paralleling costs. outweigh to begin will systems information land issues can be viewed with a broader perspective. THE ENHANCEMENT OF MICROCOMPUTER HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE If well-maintained regional developers could address many items effectively current through data. advancements in computer on their wish lists most reliable access to last few years, hardware and software have interactive Within available, land databases were the 76 and predictable made possible the use of microcomputer technology to manage larger volumes of data, and to interact over networks with databases managed by some other public or private organization. new multitasking, a announced of PC. They also have graphics-oriented operating a second generation already released IBM has evolution has been rapid. In the past few years, PC Other system (OS/2) that will support the 32 bit 80386 chip. manufacturers such as Macintosh are introducing variations on same the theme. These allow enhancements users of microcomputers to run more than one software application at a Integration capabilities, time and access remote databases. in other words, are built into the hardware. Without this, the alternatives have been to perform applications separately and move static files from one use available considered integrated a compromise program to another, or try to packages which are generally best, individually-packaged of the Another option for those with an adequate budget, has tools. been to have an expert build a custom application package. Specialized packages are usually difficult for users to amend probably will not be able to if contextual changes occur and interact over a third party network. With enhanced hardware advances in database Advances are expected to capabilities, query language the missing link application is tools. come from large commercial hardware 77 and software vendors within three years. non-procedural This will language (Ferreira, 1987) allow a to user make statements that the program will translate into a complicated series of steps. Then the package or application a program can interact with another remote standard database if the Ferreira described the format and content is known. situation: are too new to have software design issues The gelled so that the right way of constructing the pieces at the PC relationship between all these economic, user friendly and relatively is level painless to link the analytical side to the design The best tools [software packages] do not side. Not only do have automatic hooks into each other. you need some expert to connect them, but it is more It will take a few painful than you would like. more years to find some standardization about the information. I believe the way packages will trade evolving these for the proper pathway is PC (1987] interactive tools. Hardware already has the power and capability, to efficiently multitasking (performing perform interactively). relevant databases bottlenecks are are one application for specifically designed Software, analysis, and acquisition more than public or commercially available bottlenecks. the When following scenarios addressed, the land these will be possible: 1) A land developer, while performing analyses could of potential call up demographic or data sites on from database current land sale information 78 spreadsheet, an electronic county a financial feasibility containing or the outcome While waiting the few hearing. of a recent be automatically plugged into the results of that inquiry to (or maintained model as separately tried be could scenario another of parameters the outside was If the remote database indicated that information received from the project local a appropriate), could be running. applications package such as Lotus the minutes for the feasibility, data additional and requested. land developer could decide criteria on a planned project. 2) A The of (e.g., Lotus). modifications design making determined by monitoring the spreadsheet. Again, if the on a graphics editor, financial impact The be could immediately automatic changes made results the design linked to a pro forma on an system such as Autocad, could be electronic spreadsheet change to to the were unacceptable, a design variation could be tested. 3) A land developer for new prospecting could be sites. Based on corporate planning or intuitive guidelines, a public or private parcels queried to identify database could be that following could meet a set be readily of criteria. For queried: within owners of the example, one mile of an interstate in a particular county - vacant or underutilized within a half mile of criteria could be an elementary school. develop a selected to 79 Combinations of priority list of information could be further linked to geographic to designate These potential sites the parameters. areas and then screen a be possible might even system it had jurisdiction the If sites. potential local sales information or public facilities planning. WHY WAIT? can be made for waiting A number of arguments until all the components are in place before integrating support technology into a development office. Management may believe that it is a waste of staff time to build new computer skills in advance of There is their need. the cost concern about also updating technology as improvements are made available. want to wait until the fully developed. "perfect" system for their of Many needs is buy it and plug it in Then they can simply - not a realistic alternative. Even culture judgment that takes approach characterized don't." as development is in land more pervasive pride to the inexplicit, acquiring land, a talent If technology in can the dealmaking that which "either be used experiential sometimes is you have to support or you acquisition decisions, then it implies that at least some of the analysis can be made explicit and learned accepted by some developers. 80 - a notion not readily Running counter to those arguments are commonalities from the One. interviews summarized in Chapter better make could information a There are areas where as such difference, forecasting market acceptance, competition at completion, and the amount and type of concessions expected by the community. If accurate and package, statistical likely (of scenarios pessimistic) and with an appropriate timely data is combined used by the most optomistic, developers would better reflect the true range of possible outcomes. Better information would For instance, more most affect project a for On the profitable. that the margin. on projects in current and accurate data the pipeline might signal a use deals at "go/no-go" decision or change of other hand, or beneficial marginally was skilled and creative data analysis might reveal a short term window of opportunity in a use specific market for a particular at a price that is perhaps higher than intuitively projected. SUMMARY Before technology can be useful the site must be evaluated to determine which explicit and "informated" by technology systemized in order a technological tool? of choice for the selection process parts of it can be made to be supported Microcomputers-- the typical developer-- 81 or have the potential testing site stages of enhanced in all analysis can be the process - from or judgements of the "master" programmed using the experiential land developers, remote databases linked to are When PCs acquisition. property process of impact the to significantly prospecting for parcels, to interactively feasibility, to and financial forecasting the dynamics of regional markets. needs to keep track Developers, with their of data yet operate entrepreneurially, thought is used in advances. from PC greatly benefit being given to land how acquisitions and are in So far, how these of large amounts position to however, little new tools can software best be innovations, related to the real estate field, can be encouraged. Further research could be important: What is on the checklist of criteria and by what process is it analyzed? How fundamentally the complexities of development changing is land environment the regulatory due to and the interactions of markets? Are future land different from those developers apt to be dispositionally who have gone before, and if so, what new methodologies will they use in decision making? Who will control future sources of funding and what additional requirements will they make? Who will control future sources of information and will 82 the information be accessible? And most importantly, What specifically can developers do today to assure that critical information to is decisions acquisition land available in the future? The technological advances that are currently taking place in hardware and microcomputer significant can have software, impact on the way land developers make acquisition decisions. risks, managing Instead of merely reduced if well-maintained uncertainties databases combined are be can with for transforming the data into in-house tools and techniques The alternatives to becoming better informed in information. competitive regions to let the are either market painfully correct misjudgments or to adopt a conservative strategy. The challenge shaping after for the land the future changes are developer is to be in place. rather than process acquisition Just as potential users to be involved in planning within an organization, proactive in it is react important for design and implementation the same needs exist when using systems external to the organization: 1) At the land jurisdictional level, supply should be cooperation in established in 83 a non-site monitoring specific for advocates become should Developers context. representation in the design and implementation of local land With the release of PCs that can manage information systems. use remote databases to supplement large volumes of data and source could be must decide what to the recommend intelligently to the technologies about enough Developers could be useful pieces of this information and understand them future. the near available in information important and new a applications, localized data inclusion of management components beneficial to private interests. 2) At firm individual the encourages technological experimentation the company. individual and for the should technology be consistent can have advantages of any Implementation with that environment an level, culture. corporate Users must be convinced that the benefits outweigh the effort Users required to tackle the learning curve of a new system. should have input attention careful expanded informate their range transferring to systems planning process, implementation realize of the design implementation planning. participate in pay into of some of goals. analysis and they 84 If a to and design are and senior managers the more likely to in an method of This will the components decision making to others. the technology result systematic of their experiential 3) In seeking project be lenders to made forecast. funding, more persuasive arguments can Many believe that this latest more lender lead to overbuilding will variables market if of market analysis required. the type accurately model be better round of office can sophistication about Those developers who regional markets will have the competitive advantage with real estate investors and lenders. acquisition can be supported and This can formas. developer and decision. the free of land considered in the process is that factors The hope modeled as routinely as pro up the extend the inventive energies of used to range of analyses make a Obviously, computer technology, no matter how good information components, does source not now, or the enhanced how nor will it ever, technical duplicate the complexities and nuances considered by a land developer. it can make a difference evaluated the and understood, in how and factors are some of those may well be an component of competitive advantage in the 1990's. 85 But important APPENDIX A Flgure 3. Structured Parking Rato Model Vertical axis shows the amount of structured parking needed per buildngs of known height and F.A.R. Ths statistio can be applied to the cost of structured parking In order to determine a structured parking premium cost. STRUCTURED PARKING RATIO 50% open spaces 3.5 car space 1000 bgal: 35% use by small cars 1.1 1.0 c 'C 0.9 0.8 0.7 15 0.6 * 0.5 0.4 1 2 3 4 6 5 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 number of buildng stories AREA OF STRUCTURED PARKING (IN SF] REQUIRED PER 9UILDING 6SF (301 open space; 3.5 car spaces/1000 bgsf: 35% use by snall cars) bldg height (stories) U W4 "4 -------------6..75 1.00 FAR --------------------------------------1.25 1.59 1.75 2.00 NA 8.98 NA NA NA NA 0.81 0.73 0.68 0.91 0.82 0.77 6.65 0.74 0.72 0.97 0.89 0.84 0.81 0.78 1 2 3 NA NA 0.61 0.84 0.44 4 8.36 0.67 0.S9 5 6 7 8 9 0.31 0.27 0.25 8.54 6.51 0.48 0.62 0.23 0.22 0.46 0.45 10 0.21 0.44 11 12 13 14 15 0.20 0.19 0.43 0.42 0.18 0.42 0.18 0.17 0.41 0.41 0.60 8.59 8.58 0.57 0.S6 6.56 0.55 0.55 0.70 0.68 NA NA 1.02 0.94 0.89 0.86 0.83 0.75 0.81 0.80 0.67 0.66 0.66 0.65 0.64 0.64 0.74 0.73 0.72 0.79 0.78 0.77 0.72 0.77 0.71 0.76 0.76 0.80 0.90 1.00 NA 0.76 0.60 0.51 0.46 0.43 0.40 0.39 NA 0.84 0.67 0.59 0.54 0.76 0.71 X 0P FAR bldg height I-----------8 |.50 0 (stories) 0.60 0.70 NA 1.04 0.87 0.64 1 0.66 0.54 0.14 0.37 2 0.50 0.37 0.21 0.00 3 4 0.00 0.12 0.29 0.41 0.36 0.24 0.00 0.07 5 0.21 0.33 0.04 0.00 6 0.31 0.02 0.18 0.00 7 0.29 0.16 0.00 0.00 8 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------.. 86 0.S1 0.48 0.46 15 SELECTED REFERENCES Decision Support 1980. 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