Meat Science 55 (2000) 107±113 Color changes in irradiated cooked pork sausage with dierent fat sources and packaging during storage $ C. Jo, S.K. Jin, D.U. Ahn* Department of Animal Science, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011-3150, USA Received 25 June 1999; accepted 21 September 1999 Abstract Pork sausages were prepared with lean pork meat, fat from dierent sources [backfat (BF), corn oil (CO) or ¯axseed oil (FO); 10% of lean meat], NaCl (2%), and ice water (10%). The emulsi®ed meat batters were stued into casings (3 cm in diameter) and cooked to an internal temperature of 72 C. Cooked sausages were sliced and vacuum- or aerobic-packaged individually. Sausages were irradiated at a 0, 2.5, or 4.5 kGy dose and stored in a 4 C refrigerator for 8 days. Aerobic-packaged, irradiated cooked sausages prepared with BF and FO showed higher Hunter L-values than nonirradiated controls at day 0, but the dierence disappeared at day 8. Irradiation increased the Hunter a-value in vacuum-packaged cooked pork sausages regardless of the fat source used, and the increase of the Hunter a-value was dose-dependent. In contrast, the Hunter a-value decreased by irradiation in aerobic-packaged cooked pork sausages prepared with BF or FO. The Hunter a-value of cooked pork sausage with aerobic packaging was signi®cantly reduced at day 8. Hunter b-values increased at Day 8 in irradiated cooked pork sausages except for the sausage prepared with CO at 2.5 kGy. Cooked pork sausages prepared with CO were lighter, and sausage prepared with FO was redder and more yellow (p<0.05) in vacuum packaging. # 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Irradiation; Cooked sausage; Color; Fat source; Packaging 1. Introduction Color of meat or meat products is an important quality attribute that in¯uences consumer acceptance of the meat. Consumers prefer bright-red fresh meats, brown-gray cooked meats, and pink cured meats (Cornforth, 1994). Pigment concentration, chemical state of meat pigments, and physical conditions of the meat determine the color of fresh meat. The reducing capacity of muscle, oxygen availability to the meat, and autoxidation rates of myoglobin aect oxidation of heme pigments in meat (Renerre and Labas, 1987). Irradiation-induced color changes are in¯uenced by irradiation dose, muscle type, and packaging method. Fu, Sebranek and Murano (1995) reported that Hunter color L-, a-, and b-values and visual evaluation scores showed no color dierence between control beef steaks $ Journal paper No. J-18456 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa 50011, Project No. 3322. * Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-515-294-6595; fax: +1-515-2949143. E-mail address: (D.U. Ahn). and those irradiated at the 1.5 kGy dose. Paul, Venugopal and Nair (1990) also reported that freshly ground mutton irradiated at 2.5 kGy had better color, odor, and microbiological acceptability than that nonirradiated or irradiated mutton at 1.0 kGy. In contrast, Luchsinger et al. (1997b) reported that irradiation at 2.0 and 3.5 kGy initially darkened and reduced the redness of raw beef patties in aerobic or vacuum packaging, but the color dierence disappeared with display. Nanke (1998) observed that color changes of irradiated raw meat were species- and package type-dependent. Whitburn, Shieh, Sellers, Homan and Taub, (1982) showed the formation of both myoglobin and ferriperoxide upon radiolysis of ferrimyoglobin in the absence of oxygen. In the presence of air, however, the production of ferriperoxide predominates in radiolysis. Re-irradiation made beef brown in aerobic state because of the unstable red pigment reformation (Kamarei, Karel, & Wierbicki, 1979). Tarladgis (1962) explained that the compound responsible for the brownish gray color of cooked meat is a high-spin, ferric±porphyrin coordination complex whose ®fth and sixth coordination positions of the ferric iron of the compound are occupied by a carboxyl ion of 0309-1740/00/$ - see front matter # 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S0309-1740(99)00132-1 108 C. Jo et al. / Meat Science 55 (2000) 107±113 the denatured globin molecule and water, respectively. Tarladgis and Ehtashan-Ud-Din (1965) interpreted that the color changes in cooked meat after ionizing radiation were caused by the conversion of a high-spin ferriporphyrin to a low-spin ferroporphyrin compound. At least one ligand of the iron in the metmyochromogen was dissociated from the complex and was replaced by a less electronegative group present in the medium. The new ligand is then responsible for the gradual change in the spin state of iron. At the same time, some of the iron was being reduced. Ahn and Maurer (1990a) have shown that histidine, proteins, pyridine, and nicotinamide are very eective heme-complex-forming ligands with myoglobin, hemoglobin, and cytochrome c. They also reported that the concentration of the ligand and the pH of the system are very critical in the heme-complex-forming reactions of the pigments (Ahn & Maurer, 1990b). Shaw, Claus and Stewart (1992) reported that exposure of raw pork loin chops to ammonia resulted in a distinct pink color after cooking to 80 C, but samples cooked and then exposed to ammonia failed to develop pink color. The authors interpreted that the pH shift caused by ammonia is responsible for pink color development in cooked meat. Shahidi, Pegg and Sham Suzzaman, (1991) studied the eect of irradiation on the color and oxidative stability of meat treated with nitrite or a nitrite-free curing system and found that irradiation had no detrimental eect on the color of either cured or nitrite-free meat. The degree of saturation of a fatty acid aects oxidation rate signi®cantly. The relative reaction rate of linolenic acid (C18:3) with oxygen is much faster than that of linoleic acid (C18:2) and oleic acid (C18:1) (Frankel, 1991). In the muscle system, the oxidation of fatty acids catalyzes the formation of metmyoglobin, or the reaction couples, and vice versa. So far, however, information on irradiation-induced color changes in cooked meat products is limited. The objective of this study was to determine the eect of irradiation on color changes of cooked pork sausages prepared with dierent fat sources and packaging during storage. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Sample preparation Lean pork was purchased from a local meat packer and ground through a 9-mm plate twice. Pork sausages were prepared with the lean meat, dierent fat sources (backfat, corn oil or ¯axseed oil; 10% of lean meat), NaCl (2%), and ice water (10%). The emulsi®ed meat batters were stued into collagen casings (3-cm diameter) and cooked in a smoke house (programed at 54.4 C for 30 min, increased to 65.6 C and held for 30 min, and then increased to 82.2 C and held until the internal temperature reached to 72 C). After cooling in ice water for 20 min, sausages were peeled and sliced by electric slicer into 2 cm-thick pieces (approximately 30 g). Sliced sausage pieces were placed in a bag to have both cut-ends face the ¯at sides of a bag. Sliced sausage pieces were vacuum-packaged individually into oxygen impermeable nylon/polyethylene bags (9.3 ml O2/m2/24 h at 0 C; Koch, Kansas City, MO) to minimize oxidative changes during the delay between sample preparation and irradiation. The packaging bags used for this study were not approved for electron beam irradiation process. 2.2. Irradiation Sausages were irradiated at a 0, 2.5, or 4.5 kGy dose using an Electron Beam irradiator (Circe IIIR Thomson CSF Linac, St. Aubin, France) with a 10 MeV energy level, a 10 kw power level, and an average 98 kGy/min dose rate after storage overnight in a 4 C cooler. The irradiation process was conducted at room temperature with single layer display and single-sided dosage. The max/min ratio was approximately 1.180.15 for 2.5 kGy and 1.260.17 for 4.5 kGy. The samples were returned to the cooler immediately after irradiation. Half of the samples were stored in a vacuum, and the other half were stored in aerobic packaging. Samples to be irradiated and stored in aerobic packaging were cut open and ¯ushed with air before irradiation. To con®rm the target dose, two alanine dosimeters per cart were attached to the top and bottom surfaces of the sample. The alanine dosimeter was read using a 104 Electron Paramagnetic Resonance instrument (Bruker Instruments Inc., Billerica, MA). Irradiated samples were stored in a 4 C refrigerator for 8 days. 2.3. Color analysis Color of sausages was measured with a Hunter LabScan Colorimeter (Hunter Laboratory, Inc., Reston, VA) with a 1.225-cm aperture using an illuminant with D65 and 10 standard observer. Color of both cut-ends sides of the sample pieces were measured, and the average was taken as a reading for the sample. A numerical total color dierence (E) was calculated by: 1=2 E L ÿ Lref 2 a ÿ aref 2 b ÿ bref 2 Nonirradiated control samples were used as values for Lref ; aref , and bref (MacDougall, 1994). 2.5. Statistical analysis Two-way Analyses of Variance (SAS Institute, 1989) were used to determine the eect of irradiation dose and fat source during storage. Four replications were prepared, and the signi®cance level used was p<0.05. The C. Jo et al. / Meat Science 55 (2000) 107±113 Student±Newman±Keul's multiple range test was used to compare dierences among mean values of Hunter color L-, a-, and b-values and E. Mean values and standard errors of the mean (SEM) were reported. 3. Results and discussion The prepared sausage pieces for this study was roundshaped, and diameter and thickness were approximately 3 and 2 cm, respectively. The major fatty acids for cooked pork sausages prepared with backfat (BF) were C16:0 (23.3%), C18:0 (22.0%), C18:1 (47.3%), and C18:2 (6.7%); corn oil (CO) were C16:0 (13.5%), C18:0 (8.1%), C18:1 (35.9%), and C18:2 (42.3%); and ¯axseed oil (FO) were C16:0 (12.5%), C18:0 (7.2%), C18:1 (18.9%), and C18:2 (21.1%); C18:3 (38.2%), respectively. Statistical analysis by General Linear Model (GLM) indicated that Hunter color L-values of cooked pork sausages were not aected by irradiation, packaging or storage, but were signi®cantly aected by fat sources (Table 1). Hunter color a- and b-values were in¯uenced by all main factors (Table 1), and by irradiation packaging or packaging storage interaction. Irradiation, packaging method, and their interaction in¯uenced the E value of cooked pork sausages. Irradiation reduced Hunter color L-value of vacuumpackaged cooked pork sausages prepared with BF at day 8 and FO at day 0. No change in Hunter color Lvalue was detected during storage in vacuum-packaged cooked pork sausages except for sausage prepared with FO at 4.5 kGy that displayed lighter color after 8 days of storage (Table 2). In aerobic packaging, irradiated cooked pork sausages prepared with BF and FO showed higher Hunter 109 color L-value than nonirradiated controls at day 0 (Table 2). However, the dierence disappeared at day 8. Nanke, Sebranek and Olson (1998) reported that increasing irradiation dose levels had no signi®cant eects on the lightness of pork, turkey, or beef in vacuum packaging. Hunter color L-values of cooked pork sausages prepared with BF or CO, and irradiated at 4.5 kGy decreased during 8-day storage in aerobic conditions. However, Luchsinger et al. (1996) observed aerobically-packaged fresh pork chops were lighter than vacuum-packaged chops, and irradiated, aerobic-packaged chops were signi®cantly lighter with display time. Irradiation increased Hunter color a-value (redness) in vacuum-packaged cooked pork sausages regardless of fat sources used, and the increase of Hunter color avalue was dose-dependent (Table 3). This observation was consistent with the raw meat results from other investigators (Luchsinger et al., 1996; Molins, Charoen, Farrar & Skowronski, 1990; Nanke, et al., 1998). Satterlee, Wilhelm and Barnhart (1971) investigated the irradiation eect on bovine metmyoglobin and reported that the intensity of red pigment increased as irradiation dose increased. The red color produced had an absorption spectrum similar to that of the oxymyoglobin but was dierent from oxymyoglobin. Nanke (1998) also reported that irradiation induced an oxymyoglobin-like pigment in vacuum packaged pork, but vacuum packaged beef developed a pigment that contained both oxymyoglobin-like and met-myoglobin-like pigments, as indicated by re¯ectance spectra. Lycometros and Brown (1973) reported that irradiation polymerized puri®ed myoglobin and metmyoglobin in a dose-dependent manner, and the polymerization process was signi®cantly aected by the concentration of myoglobin in solution. We assume the red color of irradiated cooked Table 1 The probabilities (Pr<F) of main eects and their interactions in sausages with dierent fat sources and packaging during storage Irradiation (IR) Fat source (F) Packaging (P) Storage (S) IRF IRP IRS FP FS FS IRFP IRFS IRPS FPS IRFPS a b L-value a-value b-value Ea TBARSb value 0.20 0.0005 0.18 0.70 0.74 0.32 0.99 0.06 0.44 0.23 0.19 0.009 0.008 0.72 0.10 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.77 0.0001 0.01 0.66 0.38 0.0001 0.67 0.19 0.14 0.10 0.04 0.002 0.0001 0.0001 0.0002 0.50 0.004 0.08 0.69 0.23 0.0001 0.70 0.16 0.24 0.71 0.67 0.0001 0.62 0.0001 0.21 0.58 0.0001 0.20 0.30 0.07 0.55 0.10 0.49 0.31 0.95 0.68 0.04 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.77 0.02 0.0001 0.0001 0.002 0.0001 0.67 0.93 0.0005 0.0012 0.79 E=[(L ÿ Lref )2+(a ÿ aref )2+(b ÿ bref 2 1=2 . Nonirradiated control was used as reference values. TBARS: 2-thiobarbituric acid reactive substances. 110 C. Jo et al. / Meat Science 55 (2000) 107±113 Table 2. Changes of Hunter color L-value in irradiated cooked pork sausages with dierent fat sources and packaging during storagea,b Backfat Corn oil Flaxseed oil Day 8 SEMc Day 0 Day 8 SEM Day 0 Day 8 SEM Vacuum packaging 0 kGy 61.3 2.5 kGy 63.0 4.5 kGy 62.2 SEM 0.64 63.0a 62.7a 62.1b 0.38 0.60 0.40 0.40 65.2 63.7 64.7 0.59 63.9 64.3 65.8 0.55 0.79 0.29 0.52 62.7a 61.4b 61.6by 0.28 60.7 61.1 62.1x 0.60 0.78 0.63 0.24 Aerobic packaging 0 kGy 60.7b 2.5 kGy 62.9a 4.5 kGy 62.9ax SEMd 0.39 61.1 61.6 60.5y 0.55 0.50 0.47 0.48 65.7a 64.1b 65.9ax 0.41 66.7 64.3 64.7y 0.81 0.54 0.79 0.57 62.3b 64.2a 63.1ab 0.39 62.5 63.6 62.3 0.61 0.38 0.72 0.35 IR dose a b c d Day 0 Values with a dierent latter (a±c) within a column of the same packaging are dierent (p<0.05). Values with a dierent letter (x,y) within a row of the same fat source are dierent (p<0.05). SEM, standard error of the mean within the same irradiation dose (n=8). SEM, standard error of the mean within the same storage day (n=12). Table 3. Changes of Hunter color a-value in irradiated cooked pork sausages with dierent fat sources and packaging during storagea,b Backfat Corn oil Flaxseed oil Day 0 Day 8 SEMc Day 0 Day 8 SEM Day 0 Day 8 SEM Vacuum packaging 0 kGy 3.7c 2.5 kGy 4.6by 4.5 kGy 6.0a SEMd 0.18 3.2c 4.8bx 6.2a 0.09 0.18 0.06 0.09 3.2c 5.0b 5.6a 0.09 3.3c 4.8b 5.4a 0.13 0.05 0.12 0.15 4.0c 5.9b 7.0ax 0.09 4.1c 5.9b 6.2ay 0.09 0.05 0.09 0.11 Aerobic packaging 0 kGy 3.5x 2.5 kGy 3.6x 4.5 kGy 3.6x SEMd 0.86 2.2ay 1.8by 1.3by 0.18 0.07 0.20 0.13 3.1x 3.6x 3.2x 0.21 1.7y 2.0y 1.1y 0.38 0.41 0.18 0.27 3.9x 3.9x 3.9x 0.95 3.1ay 2.6by 2.4by 0.10 0.08 0.08 0.13 IR dose a b c d Values with a dierent letter (a±c) within a column of the same packaging are dierent (p<0.05). Values with a dierent letter (x,y) within a row of the same fat source are dient (p<0.05). SEM, standard error of the mean within the same irradiation dose (n=8). SEM, standard error of the mean within the same storage day (n=12). meat is caused by the formation of a low-spin ferroporphyrin compound as reported by Tarladgis and Ehtashan-Ud-Din (1965), and this color change in irradiated cooked sausages would in¯uence positively consumer acceptance of the product. Lefebvre, Thibault, Charbonneau and Piette (1994) also reported that panelists graded the color of raw meat irradiated in vacuum packaging better than that of the control samples. Storage eects on the Hunter color a-value in vacuum-packaged cooked pork sausages were inconsistent, but irradiation signi®cantly increased the redness of cooked vacuum-packaged sausages regardless of storage time (Table 3). On the other hand, Hunter color a-value of aerobicpackaged cooked pork sausages prepared with BF or FO decreased by irradiation as well as by storage (Table 3). These results agreed with those of Luchsinger et al. (1996). Hunter color a-values of cooked pork sausages with aerobic packaging were decreased (p<0.05) by storage regardless of fat source or irradiation dose. Jo, Lee and Ahn (1999) similarly reported that Hunter color a-values of aerobic packaged pork sausages with dierent fat content gradually decreased as storage time increased. Kamarei, et al. (1979) reported that the presence of O2 in the container during radiation±sterilization reduced red color formation. The authors suggested that ionizing radiation reduces heme iron of the brown pigment of cooked meat to an unstable red pigment, which, on exposure to air, reverts to the original ferric (brown) pigment. Furthermore, irradiation apparently accelerated loss of red color, because at day 8, a-values were always lower for irradiated samples than the non-irradiated controls. Lipid oxidation C. Jo et al. / Meat Science 55 (2000) 107±113 accelerated by irradiation may have contributed to the faster loss of red color in aerobic-packaged cooked sausages during storage. The results of Jo et al. (1999) and present observation indicate that irradiation increases lipid and pigment oxidation in the presence of air. Ahn, Olson, Lee, Jo, Wu and Chen, (1998) also reported that aerobic-packaged irradiated raw pork had signi®cantly higher 2-thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) values than those of the control. Luchsinger et al. (1997a) found that rewrapping irradiated beef steaks with an oxygen-permeable ®lm had a detrimental eect on color and shortened display time of the steaks compared with those remaining in vacuum packages. The aerobic-packaged cooked pork sausages prepared with FO were the most resistant to the change in Hunter color a-value during storage. This is probably due to antioxidants present in FO that had signi®cantly higher total tocopherol content (25.9 (mg/g) than BF (1.1 mg/g) or CO (1.7 mg/g). Hunter color b-values (yellowness) were decreased by irradiation in vacuum-packaged cooked pork sausages except for the sausage prepared with FO at day 8 (Table 4). Luchsinger et al. (1996, 1997b) reported results similar to the present study. Nanke et al. (1998) found, however, that Hunter color b-values of pork and turkey increased (p<0.05) as irradiation dose increased from 0 to 4.5 kGy but remained unchanged at higher doses (7.5 and 10.5 kGy). Millar, Moss, MacDougall and Stevenson (1995) also observed similar results to Nanke et al. from irradiated chicken breasts. Irradiating at higher dose (4.5 kGy) made cooked pork sausage less yellow than nonirradiated cooked sausage in aerobic packaging at day 0 (Table 4). But the dierence disappeared after 8 days of storage in cooked pork sausage prepared with BF or CO. Aerobically stored irradiated sausages with FO were yellower than the nonirradiated sausages. The 111 Hunter color b-values of aerobic-packaged cooked pork sausages generally increased during storage. These results disagreed with Luchsinger et al. (1997b) who observed that Hunter color b-values of raw beef patties decreased with storage. Numerically calculated total color dierence (E) in cooked pork sausages indicated that the color of vacuum-packaged sausages was changed more by irradiation than the color of aerobic-packaged sausages (Table 5). Irradiation at 4.5 kGy changed the color of cooked pork sausages more than that at 2.5 kGy in vacuum-packaged sausages prepared with BF at day 8 and those with FO at day 0 (p<0.05). Nanke et al. (1998) found that the total color change (E) of irradiated raw pork in vacuum packaging was 7 and 10 at 3.0 and 4.5 kGy, respectively. The total color change (E) of vacuum-packaged cooked pork sausages prepared with BF at day 0 and day 8 was 2.7 and 3.3, respectively. Therefore, it can be concluded that the extent of color change by irradiation in vacuum-packaged cooked pork sausages was smaller than that of the raw pork. Vacuum-packaged cooked pork sausages prepared with CO as a fat source had higher Hunter color Lvalues than sausages prepared with BF or FO (p<0.05), except for the samples at day 8 with 4.5 kGy irradiation (Table 2). Cooked pork sausages prepared with FO were redder than those with BF or CO in vacuum packaging (p<0.05), but the dierence was not signi®cant in aerobic packaging. The cooked pork sausages prepared with FO had the highest Hunter b-value suggesting that the presence of natural pigments in FO oil in¯uenced the color of cooked sausages in the present study. Instrumental analysis results indicated that both irradiation and packaging method in¯uenced the color of cooked pork sausage. Fatty acid composition of sausage Table 4 Changes of Hunter color b-value in irradiated cooked pork sausages with dierent fat sources and packaging during storagea,b Backfat Corn oil Flaxseed oil Day 0 Day 8 SEMc Day 0 Day 8 SEM Day 0 Day 8 SEM Vacuum packaging 0 kGy 11.5ay 2.5 kGy 11.1bx 4.5 kGy 10.7b SEMd 0.14 12.0ax 10.9by 10.8b 0.08 0.14 0.10 0.06 12.0a 11.1b 11.0b 0.22 12.3a 11.0b 11.4b 0.17 0.17 0.26 0.15 14.3ax 13.5b 12.8c 0.15 13.1y 13.4 12.7 0.20 0.15 0.20 0.18 Aerobic packaging 0 kGy 12.0ay 2.5 kGy 11.6b 4.5 kGy 11.4by SEMd 0.07 12.9x 12.5 12.9x 0.25 0.09 0.29 0.10 12.5a 12.5a 11.2by 0.10 12.7 12.4 12.2x 0.34 0.26 0.19 0.12 14.2a 14.2ay 13.5by 0.11 14.3b 14.9ax 14.9ax 0.13 0.14 0.13 0.10 IR dose a b c d Values with a dierent letter (a±c) within a column of the same packaging are dierent (p<0.05). Values with a dierent letter (x,y) within a row of the same fat source dierent (p<0.05). SEM, standard error of the mean within the same irradiation dose (n=8). SEM, standard error of the mean within the same storage day (n=12). 112 C. Jo et al. / Meat Science 55 (2000) 107±113 Table 5 Numerical total color dierence (Ea) in irradiated cooked pork sausages with dierent fat sources during storageb,c Backfat IR dose Day 0 Vacuum packaging 2.5 kGy 2.59 4.5 kGy 3.13 SEMe 0.17 Corn oil Flaxseed oil Day 8 SEMd Day 0 Day 8 SEM Day 0 Day 8 SEM 2.74b 3.52a 0.18 0.26 0.12 2.86 2.78 0.49 2.57 3.24 0.51 0.58 0.41 2.50b 3.63a 0.17 3.65 5.02 0.68 0.39 0.58 1.92 1.60 0.37 1.88 1.08 0.36 0.47 0.21 Aerobic packaging 2.5 kGy 2.29 1.48 0.26 1.90a 3.44 0.68 4.5 kGy 2.41 1.35 0.54 0.64by 2.52x 0.32 SEMe 0.48 0.35 0.32 0.68 h i1=2 a E L ÿ Lref 2 a ÿ aref 2 b ÿ bref 2 . Nonirradiated control was used as reference values. b Values with a dierent letter (a,b) within a column of the same packaging are diernt (p<0.05). c Values with a dierent letter (x,y) within a row of the same fat source are dierent (p<0.05). d SEM: Standard error of the mean among the same irradiation dose (n=8). e SEM: Standard error of the mean among the same storage day (n=8). was not signi®cant in this study mainly due to strong packaging eect and natural pigment in the fat sources. Increased Hunter color a-value and color stability in vacuum-packaged cooked sausages during storage would be an additional bene®t to the microbial control for using irradiation technology in cooked sausages. However, sensory and other quality aspects should be determined before claiming the advantageous eect of irradiation on cooked-meat color. Acknowledgements Supported by Hatch Act and Food Safety Consortium funds. References Ahn, D. U., & Maurer, A. J. (1990a). 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