Meat Science 89 (2011) 202–208 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Meat Science j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / m e a t s c i Effect of garlic, onion, and their combination on the quality and sensory characteristics of irradiated raw ground beef Han Sul Yang a, b, Eun Joo Lee a, Sun Hee Moon a, c, Hyun Dong Paik a, c, Kichang Nam d, Dong U. Ahn a,⁎ a Department of Animal Science, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 3150, USA Department of Animal Science, Institute of Agriculture and Life Science, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, Gyeongnam 660-701, Republic of Korea Department of Food Science and Biotechnology of Animal Resources, Konkuk University, Seoul 143 701, Republic of Korea d Department of Animal Science and Technology, Sunchon National University, Suncheon 540 742, Republic of Korea b c a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 13 January 2011 Received in revised form 11 April 2011 Accepted 20 April 2011 Keywords: Ground beef Irradiation Garlic and onion Lipid oxidation Odor and flavor a b s t r a c t Irradiated raw ground beef had lower a*- and b*-values than nonirradiated ones regardless of garlic or onion treatment at 0 d. Irradiation increased TBARS values of control ground beef, but addition of 0.5% onion or 0.1% garlic + 0.5% onion reduced oxidative changes during storage. Addition of garlic or onion greatly increased the amounts of sulfur compounds, but the increase was greater with garlic. With irradiation, the profiles and amounts of S-volatiles in raw ground beef changed significantly. However, the intensity of irradiation aroma in irradiated raw ground beef with garlic or onion was similar to that of the nonirradiated control. This indicated that some of the sulfur compounds unique to garlic or onion interacted with common sulfur compounds detected in irradiated meat and masked or changed the odor characteristics of irradiated raw ground beef. It was concluded that N 0.5% onion or b 0.01% garlic would be needed to mask or prevent irradiation aroma in irradiated raw ground beef. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Ground beef products comprise about 42% of beef consumption and are also the major cause of foodborne illness in the U.S. (Davis & Lin, 2005). Ground beef is highly susceptible to microbial contamination because of its nature and method of preparation, and the elimination of contaminated pathogens such as E. coli O157:H7 and Salmonella in raw ground beef is a challenge (Morris, Buzby, & Lin, 1997). Irradiation is recognized as the most effective method for controlling pathogenic microorganisms in ground beef; yet only a small fraction of ground beef (0.15%) is irradiated (Kume, Furuta, & Todoriki, 2009). Consumer surveys and research indicated that decreased meat quality has the greatest impact on consumer rejection of irradiated meat (Lee, Love, & Ahn, 2003). Therefore, developing methods to minimize quality changes are critical to increase consumer acceptance of irradiated ground beef. The most important quality changes in raw ground beef by irradiation include color change, off-odor production, and accelerated lipid oxidation. The color changes in irradiated meat vary depending on irradiation dose, animal species, muscle type, and packaging conditions (Luchsinger et al., 1996; Nanke, Sebranek, & Olson, 1998). In general, light meat such as pork loin and poultry breast meat produced pink color, while dark meat such as beef ⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: + 1 515 294 6595; fax: + 1 515 294 9143. E-mail address: (D.U. Ahn). 0309-1740/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.meatsci.2011.04.020 became brown or gray after irradiation under aerobic conditions (Ahn, Olson, Jo, Chen, Wu, & Lee, 1998; Kim, Nam, & Ahn, 2002; Nanke, Sebranek, & Olson, 1999). All irradiated meat produced characteristic irradiation odor regardless of degree of lipid oxidation (Ahn et al., 1998). Hashim, Resurreccion, and MaWatters (1995) reported that irradiating uncooked chicken breast and thigh produced a characteristic “bloody and sweet” aroma, but others described it as a “barbecued corn-like”, “burned oil” or “burned feathers” odor (Ahn, Jo, Du, Olson, & Nam 2000a; Ahn, Jo, & Olson, 2000b; Heath, Owens, Tesch, & Hannah, 1990). Several off-odor volatile compounds were newly generated or increased in meat after irradiation (Ahn, Nam, Du, & Jo, 2001; Pattersin & Stevenson, 1995). Ahn et al. (2000a) and Ahn et al. (2000b) reported that dimethyl sulfide, dimethyl disulfide and dimethyl trisulfide were among the most prominent sulfur compounds produced by irradiation and were responsible for irradiation off-odor in meat. The generation of new volatile compounds by irradiation suggested that radiolytic degradation of proteins were much more important than lipid oxidation in irradiation off-odor (Ahn et al., 2000a; Ahn et al., 2000b; Jo & Ahn, 2000). Antioxidants are used in fresh and further processed meat to prevent oxidative rancidity and improve color stability, but the use of antioxidant in meat products is highly regulated by the Food Safety Inspection Agency (FSIS). For example, synthetic antioxidants such as butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) and butylated hydroxyanisol (BHA) are only permitted to use in meat at 0.02% of fat content, and their use should be listed on label of packaged meat. Consumers prefer the use H.S. Yang et al. / Meat Science 89 (2011) 202–208 of plant-derived natural antioxidants to conventional synthetic antioxidants (Johnston, Sepe, Brannan, & Alderton, 2005). Research results showed that many natural antioxidants such as ascorbic acid, α-tocopherol, sesamol, gallic acid, and quercetin had high potential in preventing oxidative changes, minimizing off-odor production and preventing color change in irradiated meat (Chen, Jo, Lee, & Ahn, 1999; Nam & Ahn, 2003). However, only antioxidants approved as generally recognized as safe (GRAS) substances can be used in meat products. The seasoning used in meat should be declared as “spice” or “natural flavor” in the label (Electronic Code of Federal Regulations, 2009). Garlic (Allium sativum L.) and onion (Allium cepa L.) are two major spices widely used in cookery to complement and enhance the flavor of meat products (Tang & Cronin, 2007). Both garlic and onion possess strong antioxidant and flavor properties because of their high phenolic and sulfur compounds, respectively (Griffiths, Trueman, Crowther, Thomas, & Smith, 2002). The organosulfur compounds and their precursors in garlic such as allicin, diallyl sulfide and diallyl trisulfide are the key compounds that are involved in garlic odor and flavor (Kim, Jin, & Yang, 2009; Silagy & Neil, 1994). Therefore, addition of garlic or onion may change, mask, or improve the odor/flavor characteristics of irradiated raw ground beef. Currently, only non-fluid seasonings and dried spices and herbs can be added to fresh or frozen red meat and irradiated. However, dried garlic and onion lose most of their sulfur compounds during the drying processing process, and will be much less effective than using fresh ones. The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of fresh ground garlic, onion, and their combination in preventing lipid oxidation and color changes, and masking irradiation aroma in raw ground beef after irradiation while not producing excessive onion or garlic odor. 2. Materials and methods 203 2.2. Ionizing radiation The aerobically packaged ground beef patties were irradiated at 0 or 2.5 kGy using a linear accelerator facility (Circe IllR; Thomson CSF Linac, St. Aubin, France) with 10 MeV energy and 5.6 kW power level at 22 °C. The average dose rate was 74.1 kGy/min. Alanine dosimeters were placed on the top and bottom surfaces of a sample and were read using a 104 Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Instrument (Bruker Instruments Inc., Billerica, MS, USA) to check the absorbed dose. The dose range absorbed in meat samples was 2.48–2.83 kGy (Max/Min ratio: 1.16). The non-irradiated control (0 kGy) samples were exposed to ambient temperature (22 °C) of linear accelerator facility while other samples were irradiated (30 min). There was minimal temperature change in meat (b2 °C) during the irradiation process. After irradiation, raw meat samples were immediately returned to a 4 °C cold room. All 8 treatments were analyzed for color, TBARS, and volatiles at 0, 3 and 7 d, but sensory characteristics were determined after 2 d storage using only 5 treatments (nonirradiated control and 4 irradiated ground beef with additive treatments). 2.3. Color measurement Color was measured using a Labscan spectrophotometer (Hunter Associated Labs Inc., Reston, VA, USA) that had been calibrated against white and black reference tiles covered with the same film as those used for meat samples. CIE L⁎ (lightness), a⁎ (redness), and b⁎ (yellowness) values were obtained using illuminant A (light source). Area view and port size were 0.64 and 1.02 cm, respectively and observer angle was 10°. An average value from two random locations of sample surface was used for statistical analysis. 2.4. 2-Thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance (TBARS) Lipid oxidation was determined using a TBARS method (Ahn, Kawamoto, Wolfe, & Sim, 1995). The amounts of TBARS were expressed as mg of malondialdehyde (MDA) per kg of meat. 2.1. Sample preparation 2.5. Microbiological analysis Eight beef top rounds from different steers were obtained from a local packing plant 6 d post-slaughter. The animals were 27 months old steers finished on a ration containing grain, by-products, and hay for 4 months. Two rounds from different steers were pooled and treated as a replication. Each round was trimmed of any visible fat and connective tissues. All the muscles from the two rounds were pooled and ground together through a 3-mm plate twice, and used (approximately 8 kg/replication). The beef were of Choice grade, and eight different treatments were prepared: 1) non-irradiated control, 2) irradiated control, 3) non-irradiated added with 0.1% garlic (wt/wt), 4) irradiated added with 0.1% garlic, 5) non-irradiated added with 0.5% onion, 6) irradiated added with 0.5% onion, 7) nonirradiated added with 0.1% garlic + 0.5% onion and 8) irradiated added with 0.1% garlic + 0.5% onion. Skinned fresh garlic and onion were purchased from a local supermarket, ground until they became semiliquid form using a Kitchen Aid food processor (Model KSM 90; Kitchen Aid Inc., St. Joseph, Mich., USA) immediately before use in a fabrication room of meat laboratory (4 °C). The entire homogenate of garlic and onion was used, and the amount of garlic and onion treatments was selected on the basis of our preliminary study to prevent excessive garlic and onion odor in ground beef. Each additive was added to the ground meat and then mixed for 1 min in a bowl mixer (Model KSM 90; Kitchen Aid Inc., St. Joseph, Mich., USA). Ground beef patties (approximately 60 g) were made by hand, packaged individually in oxygen-permeable bags (polyethylene, 10 × 15 cm, 2 mil, 2300 mL/m 2/24 h at 22.7 °C, Associated Bag Co., Milwaukee, WI, USA), stored at 4 °C overnight, and irradiated the next day morning. Ten grams of ground beef was aseptically removed from the packages and placed into a stomacher bag (Nasco, Ft. Atkinson, WI, USA) with 90 mL of 0.1% buffered peptone water. Samples were then stomached in a Stomacher (400 Circulator, Seward, Bohemia, NY, USA) for 1 min and serial dilutions were made. Subsequent duplicate plating were made on tryptic soy agar (Difco Laboratories, Sparks, MD, USA) supplemented with 0.6% yeast extract (TSA-YE), according to manufacturer directions. Plates were then incubated at 35 °C for 48 h in an incubation chamber. Counts were recorded as colony forming units per gram (CFU/g). 2.6. Volatile compounds A purge-and-trap apparatus (Solatek 72 and Concentrator 3100; Tekmar-Dohrmann, Cincinnati, OH, USA) connected to a gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer (HP 6890/HP 5973; Hewlett-Packard Co., Wilmington, DE, USA) was used to analyze volatiles produced (Ahn et al. 2001). The meat sample (3 g) was placed in a 40-mL sample vial, and the vial was flushed with helium gas (40 psi) for 5 s to minimize oxygen content in the vial. The sample was purged with helium gas (40 mL/min) for 14 min at 40 °C. Volatiles were trapped using a Tenax-charcoal-silica column (Tekmar-Dohrmann) and desorbed for 2 min at 225 °C, focused in a cryofocusing module (−80 °C), and then thermally desorbed into a capillary column for 60 s at 225 °C. An HP-624 column (15 m × 0.25 mm i.d., 1.4 μm nominal), an HP-1 column (60 m × 0.25 mm i.d., 0.25 μm nominal; Hewlett-Packard), and an HP-Wax column (15 m × 0.25 mm i.d., 0.25 μm nominal) were 204 H.S. Yang et al. / Meat Science 89 (2011) 202–208 connected using zero dead-volume column connectors (J&W Scientific, Folsom, CA, USA). Ramped oven temperature was used to improve volatile separation. The initial oven temperature of 30 °C was held for 6 min. After that, the oven temperature was increased to 60 °C at 5 °C/min, increased to 180 °C at 20 °C/min, increased to 210 °C at 15 °C/min, and then was held for 5 min at the temperature. Constant column pressure at 22.5 psi was maintained. The ionization potential of the mass-selective detector (Model 5973; HewlettPackard) was 70 eV, and scan range was 19.1–400 m/z. Identification of volatiles was achieved by comparing mass spectral data of samples with those of the Wiley Library (Hewlett-Packard). Standards were used to confirm the identification by the mass-selective detector. The area of each peak was integrated using the ChemStation (HewlettPackard), and the total peak area (pA ⁎ s) was reported as an indicator of volatiles generated from the sample. Table 1 CIE color L*-, a*- and b*-values of irradiated and non-irradiated raw ground beef with different additives during aerobic storage at 4 °C. Color Lightness (L*) Redness (a*) 2.7. Sensory training and evaluation Ten panelists were screened from potential panelists (total 16 panelists) using basic taste identification tests. Panelists were given samples representing anchor points for each attribute, and training sessions using non-irradiated control and 1.25, 2.5, and 4.5 kGy irradiated samples produced in the meat lab. During training, a lexicon of aroma and color terms to be used on the ballot were developed and references that can be used to anchor the rating scale were identified Final anchor point ratings were decided upon by training panel after initial evaluation and discussion. They were trained with ground beef patty products for 2 weeks with the product characteristics to be evaluated. For the samples, panelists evaluated the color, irradiation aroma, ground beef aroma and garlic/onion aroma using a 15-point hedonic scale as described by Meilgaard, Civille, and Carr (1999), where one 1 was “no aroma” and fifteen 15 was “strong aroma.” Five samples were provided to each panelists per session and the total number sessions were 6 (3 sessions per each treatment). The samples were placed in glass containers (Pyrex ®, Charleroi, PA) with plastic cover before the sensory test. Panelists evaluated samples in isolated booths fitted with a breadbox server and red incandescent lighting to make color differences. Yellowness (b*) 0 day Non-IR IR SEM 3 days Non-IR IR SEM 7 days Non-IR IR SEM 0 day Non-IR IR SEM 3 days Non-IR IR SEM 7 days Non-IR IR SEM 0 day Non-IR IR SEM 3 days Non-IR IR SEM 7 days Non-IR IR SEM Control G0.1% O0.5% G0.1 + O0.5% SEM 39.03 37.35 0.8 40.24 39.9 1.23 39.3 39.36 0.84 39.57 37.25 0.98 0.99 0.98 40.07 39.29 1.19 40.11 39.93 0.98 41.18 40.24 1.08 41.67 40.59 1.32 1.01 1.3 42.05 42.11 0.96 43.07 42.18 1.37 42.26 40.39 0.82 41.71 41.62 0.88 1.04 1.06 16.06x 8.41y 0.58 14.77x 7.25y 0.53 15.55x 7.46y 0.64 14.07x 8.01y 0.42 0.63 0.44 8.17 7.83 0.42 9.01 8.39 0.31 8.53 7.77 0.38 8.48x 7.75y 0.23 0.2 0.41 8.87x 7.37y 0.42 8.53 7.15 0.56 8.86 8.25 0.35 8.18 7.17 0.35 0.47 0.36 16.76x 13.05y 0.47 16.40x 13.05y 0.6 15.81x 11.76y 0.88 15.67x 12.57y 0.35 0.57 0.6 14.9 13.3 0.61 15.58 14.58 0.39 14 12.54 0.65 15.1 13.72 0.48 0.48 0.58 14.46 14.43 0.29 15.46 14.58 0.89 14.72 14.75 0.5 14.55 13.74 0.7 0.69 0.54 x,y Values with different superscripts within a column at the same storage time are significantly different (P b 0.05). n = 4. Control: without garlic and onion, G0.1%: 0.1% garlic, O0.5%: 0.5% onion, G0.1 + O0.5%: 0.1% garlic + 0.5% onion, Non-IR: nonirradiated, IR: 2.5 kGy irradiation. SEM: standard error of the means. 2.8. Statistical analysis The experiment had four replications. Data was analyzed by the procedures of generalized linear model (GLM) of SAS (2000) SNK (Student-Newman–Keuls) multiple-range test was used to compare the mean values of treatments. Mean values and standard error of the means (SEM) were reported. Differences in sensory values were compared using the Tukey's significant differences. For sensory data, mean values and standard deviations were reported. Statistical significance for all comparisons was made at P b 0.05. 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Color values The CIE color values of non- and irradiated ground beef with added garlic and/or onion are shown in Table 1. The lightness (L⁎) value of ground beef was not affected by additives nor irradiation treatment. During storage, however, L⁎-values of both irradiated and nonirradiated ground beef gradually increased. This findings agree with Kim et al. (2002) who reported no irradiation effect on L⁎-values of beef steaks. Also, these results are consistent with those of Ahn and Nam (2004) who found no irradiation effect on L⁎-values of ground beef with ascorbic acid and/or sesamol + tocopherol. Treating ground beef patties with garlic and onion had no effect on L⁎-values. The redness (a⁎) values of all ground beef at 0 d dramatically decreased (P b 0.05) by irradiation. The a⁎-values of all irradiated ground beef remained similar levels during storage, but those of nonirradiated ground beef decreased to the irradiated ground beef levels after 3 d storage and then remained unchanged after that. There were significant differences found between irradiated and nonirradiated ground beef with some additive treatments after 3 d and 7 d storage, but the differences were not consistent. Addition of garlic and onion had no effect on the a⁎-values of both irradiated and nonirradiated ground beef. The changes of color a*-value in irradiated ground beef at Day 0 were similar to those of others (Kim et al. 2002; Nanke et al., 1999). Satterlee, Wilhelm, and Barnhart (1971) reported that the red, oxymyoglobin-like pigment formed from metmyoglobin was greatly inhibited in oxygen atmosphere. Ahn and Nam (2004) suggested that the addition of ascorbate increased the reducing power in beef and increased the red color intensity of ground beef. However, addition of garlic and onion was not effective in changing color values of irradiated ground beef during storage. Irradiation decreased the yellowness (b⁎) values of ground beef at Day 0. However, there was no irradiation effect on b⁎- values after 3 d and 7 d storage. Addition of garlic and onion also had no effect on the b⁎- values of irradiated ground beef. Ismail, Lee, Ko, and Ahn (2008) also found no irradiation effect on b⁎-values of ground beef after 3 and 7 d storage, but Nam and Ahn (2003) reported that addition of H.S. Yang et al. / Meat Science 89 (2011) 202–208 Table 2 TBARS values of irradiated and nonirradiated raw ground beef with different additives during aerobic storage at 4 °C. (Unit: mg MDA/kg meat) Control G0.1% O0.5% G0.1 + O0.5% SEM O day Non-IR IR SEM 0.15y 0.23x 0.01 0.15y 0.24x 0.02 0.13y 0.20x 0.01 0.15y 0.24x 0.03 0.01 0.02 3 days Non-IR IR SEM 0.34y 0.59abx 0.04 0.38y 0.63ax 0.04 0.33 0.46b 0.04 0.37 0.49b 0.04 0.04 0.04 7 days Non-IR IR SEM 0.69ay 0.97ax 0.11 0.43by 0.91ax 0.08 0.37by 0.60bx 0.06 0.41by 0.64bx 0.07 0.09 0.07 a,b Values with different superscripts within a row are significantly different (P b 0.05). n = 4. x,y Values with different superscripts within a column of the same storage time are significantly different (P b 0.05). Control: without garlic and onion, G0.1%: 0.1% garlic, O0.5%: 0.5% onion, G0.1 + O0.5%: 0.1% garlic + 0.5% onion, Non-IR: non-irradiated, IR: 2.5 kGy irradiation. SEM: standard error of the means. ascorbic acid+tocopherol maintained a⁎- values and increased b⁎-values of irradiated beef during storage. 3.2. Lipid oxidation The TBARS values of irradiated samples were higher than those of non-irradiated ones (P b 0.05) throughout storage except for 0.5% onion and 0.1% garlic + 0.5% onion treatments at 3 d storage (Table 2). TBARS values of ground beef showed an increasing trend as the storage time increased. Additives, especially onion and garlic + onion treatments started to show antioxidant effects in irradiated raw ground beef after 3 d storage. After 7 d storage, 0.5% onion and 0.1% garlic + 0.5% onion treatments showed significant antioxidant effects in both irradiated and nonirradiated raw ground beef. The differences in TBARS values 205 between control and 0.5% onion and 0.1% garlic + 0.5% onion treatments are small, but maintaining the TBARS values of ground beef as low as possible is important because some sensitive consumers start to recognize oxidation odor when the TBARS value is greater than 1.0 (Jayasingh, Cornforth, Brennand, & Carpenter, 2002). Several previous studies indicated that irradiation accelerated lipid oxidation of meat only under aerobic conditions (Ahn, 2002; Ahn et al., 2000a; Ahn et al., 2000b; Jo & Ahn, 2000), and the effect of antioxidants in raw ground beef was more distinct after 7 d storage than at 0 d (Ahn & Nam, 2004). 3.2.1. Volatiles The production of alcohols, aldehydes, hydrocarbons, and ketones from irradiated and nonirradiated raw ground beef were not influenced by additives except for alcohols and aldehydes in irradiated meat after 7 d storage (Table 3). The amounts of alcohols produced from 0.5% onion- or 0.1% garlic + 0.5% onion-added irradiated ground beef were significantly lower than those from control and 0.1% garlic-added ground beef at Day 7. Irradiation had no effect on the production of alcohols at Day 0, but the amount of alcohols dramatically increased in nonirradiated ground beef after 7 d storage because of the growth of microorganisms in nonirradiated meat. The total plate counts of irradiated ground beef remained 3–4 log CFU/g meat level while those of nonirradiated meat increased to 7–8 log CFU/g meat after 7 d storage (Table 4). Irradiated ground beef produced much greater amounts of aldehydes than nonirradiated meats, especially after storage. In fact, the amounts of aldehydes produced in irradiated meat were 3–10 times greater than those of the nonirradiated ground beef depending upon additive treatment and storage time. Irradiated control beef produced the highest amount of aldehydes while 0.1% garlic + 0.5% onion-added meat produced the lowest among the irradiated meats at Day 7 (Table 3). The aldehydes detected in ground beef were mainly lipid oxidation-related products. Ahn and Nam (2004) reported that hexanal was a good indicator of lipid oxidation in meat. Hexanal was the major volatile aldehydes and the production of aldehydes agreed well with TBARS data (Table 2). Irradiated ground beef produced higher amounts of hydrocarbons than nonirradiated ones and the differences between irradiated and nonirradiated meats became greater after 7 d storage. However, Table 3 Alcohols, aldehydes, hydrocarbons and ketones compounds of irradiated and nonirradiated raw ground beef with different additives during aerobic storage at 4 °C. (Unit: Total ion counts × 106) Non-IR IR Control G0.1% O0.5% 0 day Alcohols Aldehydes Hydrocarbons Ketones 219 20 213 532 231 25 267 626 238 18 292 600 3 days Alcohols Aldehydes Hydrocarbons Ketones 329 50 274 500 460 98 491 483 7 days Alcohols Aldehydes Hydrocarbons Ketones 2793 68 309 733 2808 40 590 344 G0.1 + O0.5% SEM Control G0.1% O0.5% G0.1 + O0.5% SEM 239 24 408 740 32 7 64 119 335 51 340 561 352 83 656 724 242 48 522 631 265 92 666 728 53 16 89 136 283 29 378 491 405 44 535 556 60 20 83 118 411 285 562 390 534 434 785 724 491 279 656 649 542 436 656 689 45 136 88 87 2222 35 319 466 1477 30 377 131 805 23 133 108 695a 420a 609 616 730a 237ab 979 693 414b 109ab 719 605 310b 93b 660 333 94 80 113 127 a,b,c Values with different superscripts within a row of the same irradiation treatment are significantly different (P b 0.05). n = 4. Control: without garlic and onion, G0.1%: 0.1% garlic, O0.5%: 0.5% onion, G0.1 + O0.5%: 0.1% garlic + 0.5% onion, Non-IR: non-irradiated, IR: 2.5 kGy irradiation. SEM: standard error of the means. Alcohols (ethanol, 1,2-propanol and 1-butanol), Aldehydes (hexanal, butanal, heptanal, propanal and pentanal), Hydrocarbons (1-pentane, pentane, 1-hexane, hexane, heptane and octane) and Ketones (2-propanone, 2,3-butanedione, 2-butanone and 2-heptanone). 206 H.S. Yang et al. / Meat Science 89 (2011) 202–208 Table 4 Total plate counts of irradiated raw ground beef with different additives during aerobic storage at 4 °C. (Unit: log CFU/g) Treatments Control G0.1% O0.5% G0.1 + O0.5% 0 day 3 days 7 days Non-IR IR Non-IR IR Non-IR IR 5.27 ± 0.27 5.44 ± 0.24 5.84 ± 0.43 5.28 ± 0.24 + + + + 6.42 ± 0.47a 7.02 ± 0.16a 6.98 ± 0.34a 5.60 ± 0.14a 3.72 ± 0.49b 3.58 ± 0.17b 3.36 ± 0.16b 3.41 ± 0.06b 7.82 ± 0.18a 7.93 ± 0.14a 7.78 ± 0.05a 7.05 ± 0.28a 3.35 ± 0.12b 3.40 ± 0.15b 3.38 ± 0.10b 4.03 ± 0.18b a,b Values with different superscripts within a row of the same storage time are significantly different (P b 0.05). n = 4. Control: without garlic and onion, G0.1%: 0.1% garlic, O0.5%: 0.5% onion, G0.1 + O0.5%: 0.1% garlic + 0.5% onion, Non-IR: non-irradiated, IR: 2.5 kGy irradiation, SEM: standard error of the means, +: CFU/g meat b 10. additive treatments had no effect on the production of hydrocarbons in both irradiated and nonirradiated ground beef. 3.3. Sulfur volatiles In nonirradiated ground beef, the production of sulfur compounds (S-volatiles) greatly increased by the addition of 0.1% garlic, 0.5% onion, or 0.1% garlic + 0.5% onion at Day 0: the sulfur compounds produced from the nonirradiated ground beef with garlic include methanethiol, 2-propene-1-thiol, dimethyl disulfide, 3,3-thiobis-1-propene, methyl 2-propenyl disulfide, and di-2-propenyl disulfide. Garlic produces greater number sulfur compounds than those listed here, but the amounts of minor sulfur compounds were below the limit used here. 2-Propen-1-thiol was the major sulfur compounds of raw ground beef added with garlic, but very large amounts of dimethyl disulfide, 3,3-thiobis-1-propene, and di-2-propenyl disulfide were also produced. With 0.5% onion treatment alone, only 2-propene-1-thiol, dimethyl disulfide, 3,3-thiobis-1-propene and methyl 2-propenyl disulfide were newly produced. 2-Propen-1-thiol was the major sulfur compounds of raw ground beef added with onion, but the amount was much smaller than those with garlic. Carbon disulfide was produced from all ground beef including control, but the amount was small compared with other sulfur compounds. Total amount of sulfur compounds produced from the ground beef containing garlic (0.1% garlic and 0.1% garlic + 0.5% onion treatments) was over 20 times greater than that with onion alone, indicating that the amount of sulfur compounds produced from 0.1% garlic was much greater than that from 0.5% onion. During storage under aerobic packaging conditions, the amounts of all sulfur compounds in ground beef decreased rapidly, and 2-propene-1-thiol and dimethyl disulfide were not detected from the nonirradiated ground beef with 0.5% onion treatment after 7 d storage (Table 5). With irradiation, the profiles and amounts of S-volatiles in raw ground beef were significantly different from those of nonirradiated ground beef: in control beef, carbon disulfide was not detected, but methanethiol, dimethyl disulfide and dimethyl trisulfide were newly produced after irradiation (Table 5). Irradiation is reported to produce various volatile sulfur compounds such as hydrogen sulfide, carbon disulfide, mercaptomethane, dimethyl sulfide, methylthio ethane Table 5 Sulfur compounds of irradiated and nonirradiated raw ground beef with different additives during aerobic storage at 4 °C. (Unit: Total ion counts × 106) Non-IR IR Control G0.1% O0.5% G0.1 + O0.5% SEM Control G0.1% O0.5% G0.1 + O0.5% SEM 0 day Methanethiol Carbon disulfide 2-Propen-1-thiol Dimethyl disulfide 3,3-Thiobis-1-propene Methyl 2-propenyl disulfide Dimethyl trisulfide Di-2-propenyl disulfide 0b 73 0b 0b 0b 0c 0 0c 554a 71 14,864a 1334a 1553a 500a 0 3195a 0b 98 647b 209b 60b 0c 0 0c 649a 81 18,880a 1474a 543b 380b 0 1969b 45 25 1668 72 175 32 0 184 180ab 0 0b 357b 0b 0 38b 0 329a 0 2631a 1126a 642a 218a 200a 412 22b 0 56b 446b 119b 19b 10b 0b 198ab 0 1109ab 930a 322ab 202a 200a 174a 64 0 62 102 116 26 20 155 3 days Methanethiol Carbon disulfide 2-Propen-1-thiol Dimethyl disulfide 3,3-Thiobis-1-propene Methyl 2-propenyl disulfide Dimethyl trisulfide Di-2-propenyl disulfide 0b 18 0b 0b 0b 0b 0b 0b 212a 21 10,222a 692a 920a 200a 194a 1124a 0b 36 982 67b 25b 18b 2b 0b 298a 29 9896a 804a 865a 200a 139a 1122a 40 14 493 39 64 16 10 93 0b 0 0c 0c 0c 0b 0b 0b 100a 0 630a 529a 398a 167a 60a 142a 0b 0 97c 50b 0c 20b 8b 0b 90a 0 330b 288b 302b 151a 50a 139a 7 0 64 44 28 13 13 12 7 days Methanethiol Carbon disulfide 2-Propen-1-thiol Dimethyl disulfide 3,3-Thiobis-1-propene Methyl 2-propenyl disulfide Dimethyl trisulfide Di-2-propenyl disulfide 0 0 0c 0b 0c 0b 0b 0c 118 0 3434a 181a 533a 150a 80a 340a 0 11 0c 0b 23c 25b 10b 0c 52 0 1501b 111a 298b 70b 20b 69b 43 0 107 58 53 30 10 16 0b 0 0c 0c 0c 0c 0c 0c 50a 0 127b 229b 369a 106a 20a 92a 0b 0 0c 0c 0c 0c 0c 0c 0b 0 478a 400a 236b 58b 20b 60b 0 0 25 24 27 10 4 17 a,b,c Values with different superscripts within a row of the same irradiation treatment are significantly different (P b 0.05). n = 4. Control: without garlic and onion. G0.1%: 0.1% garlic, O0.5%: 0.5% onion, G0.1 + O0.5%: 0.1% garlic + 0.5% onion, Non-IR: non-irradiated, IR: 2.5 kGy irradiation. SEM: standard error of the means. H.S. Yang et al. / Meat Science 89 (2011) 202–208 dimethyl disulfide, bis-methylthio-methane, 3-methylthio-1-propene, ethanoic acid S-methyl ester, methyl thioacetate and dimethyl trisulfide (Patterson & Stevenson 1995; Ahn et al., 2000a; Ahn et al., 2000b; Fan, Sommers, Thayer, & Lehotay, 2002) some of which are also produced from garlic and onion. Most sulfur and carbonyl compounds have low odor thresholds and important to odor (Wick, Murray, Mizutani, & Koshik, 1967). The perception of odor from samples containing sulfur volatiles, however, can be changed depending on the composition and amounts of sulfur compounds as well as those of other volatiles in the sample because aroma is not a simple result of sulfur volatile content but the interactions among sulfur compounds as well as sulfur compounds with other volatile compounds (Ahn, 2002; Ahn & Lee, 2002). Therefore, the aroma of onion and garlic are different from irradiation odor, and high levels of sulfur compounds such as mercaptomethane, dimethyl sulfide and dimethyl disulfide found in irradiated meat do not necessary mean strong irradiation aroma. Sulfur compounds produced in meat by irradiation are via the radiolytic degradation of the side chains of sulfur-containing amino acids (methionine and cysteine) and the secondary chemical reactions after the primary radiolytic degradation of side chains (Ahn, 2002). More than one site of amino acid side chains was susceptible to free radical attack, and many volatiles were produced by secondary chemical reactions after the primary radiolytic degradation of side chains (Ahn, 2002). Methionine and cysteine were the major amino acid sources for sulfur compounds, but the contribution of methionine to the production of irradiation-induced sulfur compounds was far greater than that of cysteine (Ahn & Lee, 2002). The changes in profiles and amounts of sulfur compounds in raw ground beef after irradiation confirm the secondary chemical reactions among sulfur compounds and between sulfur compounds and other volatiles in the meat. The amount of total sulfur compounds in raw ground beef with garlic, onion, and garlic + onion treatments decreased dramatically after irradiation (Table 5). As in irradiated control, carbon disulfide was not detected in irradiated garlic and/or onion-added ground beef. In garlic-added raw ground beef, the amounts of 2-propene-1-thiol and di-2-propenyl disulfide decreased more than 80% after irradiation, but changes of other sulfur compounds were not comparatively small. In onion-added ground beef, the amount of 2-propene-1-thiol decreased by 90%, but methanethiol was newly produced. The amounts of sulfur volatiles in irradiated ground beef decreased dramatically as in nonirradiated ground beef during storage: only 2-propene-1-thiol, dimethyl disulfide, methyl 2-propenyl disulfide, and dimethyl trisulfide were detected in 0.5% onion-added ground beef after 3 d and no sulfur compounds were found in both onion alone and control ground beef after 7 d storage. In garlic added ground beef, however, significant amounts of sulfur compounds, which include 2-propene-1-thiol, dimethyl disulfide, 3,3-thiobis-1-propene, methyl 2-propenyl disulfide, dimethyl trisulfide and di-2-propenyl disulfide were produced even after 7 d storage (Table 5). Ahn et al. (2001) reported that the sulfur compounds produced by irradiation were highly volatile and readily disappeared during storage under aerobic conditions. However, approximately 20% of sulfur compounds 207 were still remaining in garlic-added raw ground beef after 7 d storage in aerobic conditions. 3.4. Sensory characteristics Sensory results indicated that the intensity of irradiation aroma was significantly (P b 0.05) higher in irradiated control than nonirradiated control beef. Addition of 0.5% onion treatment had no effect on the intensity of “irradiation aroma” in irradiated raw ground beef (Table 6). It seems that the amounts and odor intensity of sulfur compounds from onion, which include 2-propene-1-thiol, 3,3-thiobis-1-propene, methyl 2-propenyl disulfide, were not large and strong enough to overcome the odor produced by methanethiol, dimethyl disulfide, and dimethyl trisulfide (Table 5). Addition of 0.1% garlic or 0.1% garlic + 0.5% onion significantly reduced, and the intensity of sulfury aroma in irradiated raw ground beef with garlic and garlic + onion was similar to that of the nonirradiated control (Table 6), indicating that adding garlic or garlic + onion can mask or totally change the odor/flavor characteristics of irradiated ground beef. Ground beef with 0.1% garlic and 0.1% garlic + 0.5% onion produced very large amounts of sulfur compounds including mercaptomethane, dimethyl sulfide, and dimethyl disulfide, which are the main sulfur compounds produced in meat by irradiation. In addition, garlic produced even larger amounts of other sulfur compounds that are responsible for their characteristic odor/flavor. Irradiated raw ground beef produced significantly lower “ground beef aroma” than non-irradiated ones regardless garlic, onion or garlic + onion treatment and addition of garlic or onion had no effect on the intensity of “ground beef aroma” in irradiated ground beef. This suggested that some of the sulfur compounds unique to garlic or onion (2-propen-1-thiol, 3,3-thiobis-1-propene and di-2-propenyl disulfide) interacted with common sulfur compounds detected in irradiated meat (methanethiol, dimethyl disulfide and dimethyl trisulfide) and masked or changed the odor characteristics of irradiated raw ground beef. The color of irradiated ground beef was lighter than nonirradiated beef and addition of garlic or onion had little effect on the color of irradiated ground beef (Table 6). The perception of odor from samples containing sulfur volatiles changed greatly depending upon their composition and amounts present in the sample (Ahn & Lee, 2002). Garlic and onion both produce sulfury odor, but their odor in foods is not considered as offodor. The amounts of sulfur compounds produced in irradiated ground beef by 0.5% onion were similar to those by irradiation, and the intensity of onion aroma in meat was relatively low and was not enough to mask or reduce irradiation aroma. Addition of 0.1% garlic or 0.1% garlic + 0.5% onion produced 10 times greater amounts of sulfur compounds than those produced by 2.5 kGy irradiation, but produced significant “onion/garlic aroma”. Therefore, we suggest use of N0.5% onion, b0.1% garlic, or their combination to mask or prevent irradiation aroma in irradiated raw ground beef. Both dried or freshly ground onion and garlic are permitted to use in irradiated ground beef, and use of dried onion and garlic would be more convenient than freshly ground ones. However, we suggest use of freshly ground onion Table 6 Sensory evaluation of irradiated and nonirradiated raw ground beef with different additives during aerobic storage at 4 °C (Tukey's HSD 5%). Nonirradiated Irradiation aroma Ground beef aroma Onion/garlic aroma Ground beef color Irradiated (2.5 kGy) Control Control G0.1% O0.5% G0.1 + O0.5% 2.57 ± 2.12c 7.75 ± 2.86a 0.60 ± 0.52c 12.22 ± 2.08a 7.96 ± 4.85a 4.19 ± 2.92b 0.83 ± 0.70c 7.44 ± 3.97bc 4.21 ± 3.77bc 3.63 ± 2.75b 7.24 ± 3.30a 6.19 ± 3.27c 6.21 ± 4.13ab 4.07 ± 2.86b 3.25 ± 3.02b 8.34 ± 2.79b 3.13 ± 3.05c 3.69 ± 3.02b 7.99 ± 3.62a 6.50 ± 3.66bc a–c Values with different superscripts within a row are significantly different (P b 0.05). n = 10. Irradiation aroma (0: weak and 15: strong intense), ground beef aroma (0: weak and 15: strong intense), onion/garlic aroma (0: weak and 15: strong intense), and ground beef color (0: light and 15: dark). Control: without garlic and onion, G0.1%: 0.1% garlic, O0.5%: 0.5% onion, G0.1 + O0.5%: 0.1% garlic + 0.5% onion. 208 H.S. Yang et al. / Meat Science 89 (2011) 202–208 and garlic because they contain greater amounts of sulfur compounds than dried ones (unpublished data) and are more efficient in masking irradiation aroma. 4. Conclusion Addition of 0.5% onion showed some antioxidant effect, but had no effect on the color of irradiated raw ground beef. Adding garlic, onion, and their combination produced large amounts of sulfur compounds in non-irradiated ground beef, but their amounts decreased and profiles changed after irradiation. Addition of 0.1% garlic in ground beef was effective, but 0.5% onion was not enough to mask irradiation aroma. Onion at 0.5% produced weak onion aroma, but garlic at 0.1% level produced very strong garlic aroma in irradiated raw ground beef. Therefore, N0.5% onion but b0.1% garlic would be needed to mask or prevent irradiation aroma in irradiated raw ground beef. Acknowledgment This study was supported jointly by the Iowa State University, and WCU (World Class University) program (R31-10056) through the National Research Foundation of Korea funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. References Ahn, D. U. (2002). Production of volatiles from amino acid homopolymers by irradiation. Journal of Food Science, 67(7), 2565–2570. Ahn, D. U., Jo, C., Du, M., Olson, D. G., & Nam, K. C. (2000a). Quality characteristics of pork patties irradiated and stored in different packaging and storage conditions. Meat Science, 56, 203–209. Ahn, D. U., Jo, C., & Olson, D. G. (2000b). Analysis of volatile components and the sensory characteristics of irradiated raw pork. Meat Science, 54, 209–215. Ahn, D. U., Kawamoto, C., Wolfe, F. H., & Sim, J. S. (1995). 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