CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level 2058/1 ISLAMIYAT MAY/JUNE SESSION 2002 2 hours 30 minutes Additional materials: Answer paper TIME 2 hours 30 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your name, Centre number and candidate number in the spaces provided on the answer paper/answer booklet. Answer Section A and two questions from either Section B or Section C. Write your answers on the separate answer paper provided. All answers must be in continuous prose. If you use more than one sheet of paper, fasten the sheets loosely together. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question. This question paper consists of 6 printed pages and 2 blank pages. TL 6281 SI8225 © CIE 2002 [Turn over 2 Section A (For all candidates) Answer all questions in this section. 1 Comment on the context and main teachings contained in one of the following passages from the Qur’an. Translation into English is not required. [6] Ò ‡°¸Ó ‰Ôu‡‡ßÔ¸Ó UÚÓ ¥Ó PLÓ‡] §Ò ‰ÓUÆÓ p (a) UÎOÒ‡ØÒ “Ó Uαö¨Ô p Ò Ó V Ó ‡Ó _Ó ÂÏö Ó ¨Ô wÒ ÊÔuJ Ô ¥Ó v] ¥Ó X Ú Ó UÆÓ UÎOÒÒ‡G‡°Ó „ Ô ¥Ó rÚÓË dχA Ó °Ó wMÒ º Ú º Ó LÚÓ¥ rÚÓ ËÓ Ò Ó cÓØÓ ‰ÓUÆÓ p sÏ‡Ò ‡ÒOÓ w ] KÓ´Ó uÓÔ p Ò °^¸Ó ‰ÓUÆÓ U‡M]‡ÒÒ± W·LÓ•Ú¸ÓËÓ ” Ò UM]KÒ W·ӥ«Ó¡ tÔKÓ‡‡FÓ Ú MÓÒËÓ UO]Ò‡CIÚ‡±] «Îd±¥Ó ÊÓUØÓËÓ (Sura 19.19-21) bÏ•ÓÓ« tÔ‡K]« uÓÔ qÚÆÔ (b) bÔLÓ‡B ] « tÔ‡K]« bÚ‡‡‡Ó uÔ¥ rÚ‡‡Ó ËÓ bÚÒK‡‡‡Ó¥ rÚÓ bχ‡•Ó¥Ó «Îu‡‡HÔ‡‡ÔØ tÔ] sÚJ Ô Ó¥ rÚ‡‡Ó ËÓ (Sura 112) 2058/1/M/J/02 3 2 Comment on the religious meaning and significance of any five of the phrases underlined in the following passages. English translations follow each passage. [15] Ò UM]KÒ WΰÓUÓ ±Ó X ” Ó OÚÓ Ú « UÓMKÚFÓ§Ó –Ú§ÒËÓ (a) vK]B±Ô rÓOÒ«d°Ó§Ò ÒÂUIÓ±] s±Ò «ËcÔÒª¢]«ÓË UÎM±Ú¥Ó ËÓ qÓO´Ò ULÓßÚ§ÒÓË rÓOÒ«dÓ°Ú§Ò vÓ §Ò PÓ bÚNÒ ´ÓËÓ sÓOHÒ zÒ PD]KÒ wÒOÒ °Ó «dÓN ©Ó Ê¥Ó œÒ u Ô º ^ « lÒ Ø]d^«ÓË sÓOHÒ ØÒ UFÓ«ÚËÓ (Sura 2.125) and we made the house a resort for humankind; the place of Abraham; for those who go around and those who meditate there. v Ó ‡C ^ «ËÓ (b) v Ó ‡ßÓ «–Ó§Ò qÒ OKÓ«ËÓ vKÓÆÓ U±ÓËÓ p Ó °^Ó¸ p Ó ´Óœ]ËÓ U±Ó vÓ Ë_Ô« sÓÒ± p Ó ] dÏOÚîÓ …ÔdÓîÒ ú Ó Ó ËÓ v{ Ó dÚÓ Ó p Ó °^¸Ó p Ó ODÒ FÚÔ¥ · Ó uÚ‡º Ó Ó ËÓ ÈËÓQÓÓ UÎLOÒÓ¥ „ Ó bÚ Ò Ó¥ rÚÓ ¥Ó ÈbÓNÓÓ ôÎP{ Ó „ Ó bÓ§ÓËÓËÓ vMÓ¨ÚQÓÓ ö Î zÒ P´Ó „ Ó bÓ§ÓËÓËÓ dÚNÓIÚÓ¢ ö Ó Ó rÓOÒOÓÚ « U±]QÓ dÚNÓMÚÓ¢ ö Ó Ó qÓzÒ Pº ] « U±]¥Ó ËÓ Ú b ‡ À Ó Ó p Ó ‡Ò °Ò¸Ó WÒ LÓFÒMÒ Ò° U±]¥Ó ËÓ (Sura 93) your Lord has not forsaken you; the latter portion will be better for you than the first; therefore do not oppress the orphan. 2058/1/M/J/02 [Turn over 4 dÓ£ÓuÚJ Ó Ú « „ Ó UMÓOÚDÓ´Ú¥Ó P‡‡] §Ò (c) dÚ Ó Ú «ËÓ p Ó ° dÓÒ q‡B Ó Ó dÔÓ °Ú_Ó« uÓÔ p Ó ‡µÓÒU‡®Ó Ê]§Ò (Sura 108) abundance; he is without posterity. 3 4 Comment on the religious and ethical significance of five of the following Hadith. [15] (a) ÁÒ b¥ÓËÓ tÒU‡º Ó ÒÒ sÚÒ± ÊÓuÚLÔKÒ º Ú LÔÚ « rÓÒKßÓ sÚÓ± rÔKÒ º Ú LÔÚ «Ó (b) sÒ ¥ÚbÒÒ « vÒ «uÚNÔI]HÓ¢Ó (c) s¥bÒÒ « œÔULÚÒ´ …ÔöB ] «Ó (d) ¡Ò ULÓº ] « vÒ p Ó LÚ•ÓdÚÓ¥ ÷ Ò ¸Úô«Ú vÒ sÚ±Ó rÚ•Ó¸Ú«Ò (e) ¸ÔUHÓGÚÒßÚôÒ «Ú » Ò uÔ c^« ¡Ô«ËÓœÓ Ë] ¡Ï«ËÓœÓ ¡Ì«Óœ qÒÒ J Ô Ò (f) WÔMÓOÚJÒ º ] « rÚNÒ OÚKÓ´Ó X Ú Ó eÓÓ ô]¥ rÚNÔMÓOÚ°Ó tÓ uÚ‡ßÔ¸Ó«bÓÓ ¥ÓÓË tÒ ‡K]« » Ó UÓ ØÒ ÊÓuÚKÔÚ Ó¥ tÒ ‡K]« ‹ Ò uÚOÔ°Ô sÚÒ± X Ì OÚ°Ó wÒ ÂÏuÚÓÆ lÓLÓÓ §Ú« U±Ó (g) ÊÒ ULÓ‡¥Ú_Ò « dÔDÚ‡Ó® ¸ÔuÚNÔD]« (h) UÎCFÚ°Ó tÚ‡C Ô FÚ°Ó b^‡A Ô ¥Ó ÊÒ UOÓMÚÔ Ú UÓØ sÒ ±Ò RÚLÔKÒ sÓ±Ò RÚLÔÚ « Ê]§Ò (a) Describe the events that immediately led up to the Prophet Muhammad’s migration, the hijra. [10] (b) Suggest three reasons why he decided to move from Mecca to Medina. 5 [6] (a) Describe the teachings of Islam about the position of women as: (i) wives; (ii) mothers; and (iii) daughters; [4] [4] [3] (b) Explain the teachings of the Qur’an about the relationship between men and women. 2058/1/M/J/02 [5] 5 Section B (For Sunni Students) Answer two questions. 6 (a) Describe the main achievements of (i) Abu Bakr, and (ii) ‘Uthman, during the periods when they were caliphs. [10] (b) Explain the importance of the achievements of one of these caliphs in Islamic history. 7 [6] Give a brief explanation of the importance of each of the following in Muslim beliefs and practices: (a) the Ka‘ba; [4] (b) ihram; [4] (c) ‘Arafat; [4] and (d) ‘Id al-Adha. [4] 8 What does a Muslim understand by the following: (a) “You alone we ask for help” (Sura 1); [4] (b) Muhammad is the Seal of the Prophets; [4] (c) belief in angels; [4] and (d) belief in books? [4] 2058/1/M/J/02 [Turn over 6 Section C (For Shi‘a Students) Answer two questions. 9 Give a brief explanation of the importance of each of the following in Muslim beliefs and practices: (a) the Ka‘ba; [4] (b) ihram; [4] (c) ‘Arafat; [4] and (d) ‘Id al-Adha. [4] 10 What does a Muslim understand by the following: (a) “You alone we ask for help” (Sura 1); [4] (b) Muhammad is the Seal of the Prophets; [4] (c) belief in angels; [4] and (d) belief in books? [4] 11 Explain why (a) the Imam ‘Ali resisted Talha and Zubayr; [6] (b) the Imam Husayn travelled towards Kufa; [6] and (c) Hazrat Fatima is respected by Shi‘a Muslims. [4] 2058/1/M/J/02 7 BLANK PAGE 2058/1/M/J/02 8 BLANK PAGE 2058/1/M/J/02