w w ap eP m e tr .X w om .c s er CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Joint Examination for the School Certificate and General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level 2058/1 ISLAMIYAT OCTOBER/NOVEMBER SESSION 2002 Additional materials: Answer paper TIME 2 hours 30 minutes 2 hours 30 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your name, Centre number and candidate number in the spaces provided on the answer paper/answer booklet. Answer Section A and two questions from either Section B or Section C. Write your answers on the separate answer paper provided. All answers must be in continuous prose. If you use more than one sheet of paper, fasten the sheets loosely together. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question. This question paper consists of 7 printed pages and 1 blank page. TL 6285 SI8224 © CIE 2002 [Turn over 2 Section A (For all candidates) Answer all questions in this section. 1 Comment on the context and main teachings contained in one of the following passages from the Qur’an. Translation into English is not required. [6] (a) rÚ∑ÔOÚIÓ∑Ó∞Ú« –≈ rÚ≥ÔuLÔ‡ÔJ¥dÔ¥ –Ú≈ËÓ rÚN‡MOÔ´Ú√Ó w≠ rÚJ Ô KÔ‡KÒ‡IÓ¥ÔÓË ö Î OKÓÆ rÚJ Ô MOÔ´Ú√Ó w≠ ôÎuFÔHÚÓ± ÊÓUÓØ «Îd±ÚÓ√ tÔK]∞« w Ó C IÚO∞Ó ¸Ôu±Ô_Ô« lÔ§ÓdÚÔ¢ tK∞]« v∞Ó≈ËÓ ÎW‡µÓ≠ rÚ∑ÔOIÓ∞ –Ó≈ «ÚuÔ‡M±Ó«¡Ó Ós¥c‡∞]« UÓN‡¥^QÓ‡¥ «ÎdO∏‡ÓØ tÓK]∞« «ÚËÔd‡ØÔ–Ú«Ë«ÚuÔ‡∑∂Ô‡£ÒU≠Ó ÊÓuÔ∫‡KHÚÔ¢ rÚJ Ô K]FÓ‡∞] (Sura 8.44-5) (b) dÓ£ÓuÚJ Ó ∞Ú« „ Ó UMÓOÚDÓ´ÚÓ√ P‡‡≤]≈ dÚ∫ Ó ≤Ú«ÓË p Ó °ΩdÓ∞ Ωq‡B Ó ≠Ó dÔ∑Ó°Ú_Ó« uÓÔ≥ Óp‡µÓ≤U‡®Ó Ê]≈ (Sura 108) 2058/1/O/N/02 3 2 Comment on the religious meaning and significance of any five of the phrases underlined in the following passages. English translations follow each passage. [15] (a) ‡Ω°¸Ó Ô‰u‡‡ßÔÓ¸ UÚ≤Ó√Ó PÓL‡≤]≈ ‰ÓUÆÓ p UÎOÒ‡ØÓ“ Uαö¨Ô p Ó∞ ÓV‡≥Ó_Ó ÂÏö Ó ¨Ô w∞ ÊÔuJ Ô ¥Ó v≤]Ó√ X Ú ∞ÓUÆÓ UÎOÒ‡G‡Ó° „ Ô Ó√ rÚ∞ÓË Ïd‡A Ó °Ó wMº Ú º Ó LÚÓ¥ rÚ∞ÓËÓ ∞ÓcÓØÓ ‰ÓUÆÓ p sχ҇OÓ≥ w ] KÓ´Ó uÓÔ≥ p °^¸Ó ‰ÓUÆÓ U‡M]‡Ò± ÎW‡LÓ•Ú¸ÓÓË ” UM]K∞ W·ӥ«Ó¡ tÔÓK‡‡FÓπ Ú MÓ∞ËÓ UO]‡CÚI‡]± «Îd±Ó√ ÊÓUØÓËÓ (Sura 19.19-21) I am a messenger of your Lord; how can I have a son; a mercy from us. (b) ¸bÚIÓ∞Ú« WKÓO∞Ó w≠ ÁÔUM∞ÚeÓ≤Ó√ P‡‡≤]≈ ¸bÚIÓ∞Ú« WÔKÓOÚÓ∞ UÓ± „ Ó «¸ÓœÚÓ√ P‡±ÓËÓ dÌÚN‡Ó® n ∞Ó√ sÚ± dÏOÚÓî ¸bÚIÓ∞Ú« WÔKÓOÚ∞Ó ÓUNO≠ ÕÔËd^∞«ÓË ÔW‡J Ó zöLÓ∞Ú« ‰Ôe]MÓ¢Ó dαÚÓ√ qΩØÔ s± rÚN°ÒÓ¸ Ê–ÚS° dπ Ú HÓ∞Ú« lKÓDÚÓ± v∑]•Ó w Ó Ó≥ ÏÂö‡ßÓ (Sura 97) the night of power is better than a thousand months; the spirit. 2058/1/O/N/02 [Turn over 4 (c) s¥bΩ∞U° » Ô Ωc‡J Ó ¥Ô Íc∞]« X Ó ¥Ú¡Ó¸Ó√Ó rÓO∑OÓ∞Ú« Ÿ^bÔ¥Ó Íc∞]« p Ó ∞cÓ≠Ó sOJ‡ºL∞Ú« ÂUFÓ©Ó vKÓÓ´ i ^ ∫ Ô ¥ÓôËÓ ÓsOKΩB Ó LÔKÒ∞ Ïq‡¥ÚuÓ≠Ó ÊÓu≥ÔU‡Óß rÚN¢ö Ó ÓÅ sÓ´ rÚÔ≥ Ós¥c∞]« ÊÓË¡Ô¬Ód‡¥Ô rÚÔ≥ Ós¥c∞]« ÊÓu´ÔULÓ∞Ú« ÊÓuFÔMÓÚL‡¥ÓËÓ (Sura 107) who belies religion; who repels the orphan; who would be seen (at prayer). 2058/1/O/N/02 5 3 4 Comment on the religious and ethical significance of five of the following Hadith. [15] (a) tKÒ∞ bÔLÚ∫ Ó ∞Ú« ¡U´b^∞« qÔC Ó ≠Ú√ÓÓË tÔK∞]« ô]« tÓ∞Ò≈ Óô dØcÒ∞« qÔC Ó ≠Ú√Ó (b) …dÓî_Ó«Ú WÔ´Ó¸ÓeÚÓ± UÓ‡O≤Úb^∞« (c) UÎ≤«uÓîÚ≈ tK∞Ò« œÓU∂Ó´ «u≤ÔuÚØÔ (d) ‹UNÓ±]ôÔ«Ú Â«bÓÆÚÓ« X Ó ∫ Ú Ó¢ WÔM]π Ó ∞Ú«Ó (e) tÔÓ∞ bÓNÚ´Ó Óô sÚLÓ∞ sÓ¥Úœ ôÓ (f) WO]≠UFÓ∞Ú« sÒÒ± UΰUÓ° tÔÓ∞ tÔKÒ∞« `Ó∑ÓÓ≠ …Îd]Ó± v ] KÓ´Ó vK]Å sÚ±Ó (g) W‡M]π Ó ∞Ú« v∞Ó≈ ÍbNÚÓ¥ d]∂∞« Ê]≈Ë dΩ∂∞« v∞≈ ÍbNÚÓ¥ ‚ÓbÚB Ω ∞« Ê]≈ (h) t‡º HÚMÓ∞ V ^ ∫ ¥Ô UÓ± tOÚîÓ_ V ] ∫ ¥Ô v∑Ò•Ó rÚØÔbÔ•ÓÓ√ sÔ±RÚ¥Ô ô (a) Briefly describe the Prophet’s experiences in caves. (b) Explain why each of these experiences was important in the history of Islam. 5 [10] [6] Explain what Muslims mean when they say they should be modest towards (a) God, [5] (b) members of the opposite sex, [6] and (c) friends at school or work. [5] 2058/1/O/N/02 [Turn over 6 Section B (For Sunni Students) Answer two questions. 6 (a) Give brief biographical accounts of Hazrat ‘A’isha, Hazrat Khadija and one other wife of the Prophet. [8] (b) Explain the importance of these three figures in Islam. 7 8 [8] (a) Describe the events in Medina that immediately followed the hijra, mentioning especially the Emigrants (Muhajirun) and helpers (Ansar). [10] (b) Explain the significance of these events as an example for Muslims today. [6] (a) Describe the way in which the fast of Ramadan is observed. [8] (b) Give reasons to explain why this fast is important in Islam. [8] 2058/1/O/N/02 7 Section C (For Shi‘a Students) Answer two questions. 9 (a) Give brief biographical accounts of Hazrat ‘A’isha, Hazrat Khadija and one other wife of the Prophet. [8] (b) Explain the importance of these three figures in Islam. [8] 10 (a) Describe the events in Medina that immediately followed the hijra, mentioning especially the Emigrants (Muhajirun) and helpers (Ansar). [10] 11 (b) Explain the significance of these events as an example for Muslims today. [6] (a) Describe the way in which the fast of Ramadan is observed. [8] (b) Give reasons to explain why this fast is important in Islam. [8] 2058/1/O/N/02 8 BLANK PAGE 2058/1/O/N/02