KM Hydrobiologia 524: 145-156. 2004. 145 B9 © 2004 Khtwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. A century of change in macrophyte abundance and composition in response to agricultural eutrophication Christopher J. Egertson1'2, Jeff A. Kopaska1'3 & John A. Downing1* ^Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology, Iowa State University, 353 Bessey Hall, Ames, IA 50011-1020, USA 2Present address: Oregon Natural Desert Association, 16 N.W. Kansas Avenue, Bend, OR 97701, USA 3Present address: Iowa Department of Natural Resources, 1436 255th Street, Boone, IA 50036, USA (* Author for correspondence: E-mail: Received 25 April 2003; in revised form 15 January; accepted 19 January 2004 Key words: macrophytes, long-term, eutrophication, phosphorus, water clarity, lake Abstract Clear Lake, Iowa, USA is a shallow, agriculturally eutrophic lake that has changed drastically over the past century. Eight macrophyte surveys since 1896 were pooled and examined to characterize long-term impacts of eutrophication on macrophyte community composition and relative abundance. Surveys in 1981 and 2000 revealed few submergent and floating-leaved species and a dominance in emergent species (Scirpus, Typha). Over the past century, however, species richness has declined from a high of 30 species in 1951 to 12 found today, while the community composition has shifted from submergent- (99%) to emergent-domi nated floras (84%). Potamogeton praelongus was the first emergent species to disappear but was followed by several other clear water Potamogeton species. Several floating leaved and emergent genera increased in relative abundance with eutrophication, notably Nuphar, Nymphaea, Phragmites, Polygonum, Sagittaria, Scirpus, and Typha. P. pectinatus was present over the entire century due to its tolerance of eutrophic conditions. Macrophyte growth was generally light-limited, with 93% of the variance in relative abundance of submergent species explained by changes in water transparency. Clear Lake exhibits signs of alternative stable states, oscillating between clear and turbid water, coupled with high and low submerged species relative abundance. The maximum macrophyte richness occurred as the lake oscillated between submer gent- and emergent-dominated states. Changes in the water level have also impacted macrophyte growth since the area of the lake occupied by emergent macrophytes was negatively correlated with water level. Strongest correlations indicated that macrophytes respond to water level variations with a 2-year time-lag. Introduction Aquatic macrophytes, key components of aquatic column through uptake (Goulder 1969; Van donk ecosystems, are impacted by eutrophication, yet they provide a buffer against water quality degra et al., 1993; Kufel & Ozimek, 1994). dation. They offer habitat and food for aquatic tible to anthropogenic alteration, eutrophied by organisms (Timms & Moss, 1984; Engel, 1988; increased nutrient and sediment loads and altered Over their histories, shallow lakes are suscep Venugopal & Winfield, 1993), decrease the con hydrology. Aquatic macrophyte communities can centration of suspended solids in the water column be influenced by these changes in nutrient levels (Van den Berg et al., 1997; Barko & James, 1998), and and lower concentrations of nutrients in the water richness has been observed to decrease as lakes physical conditions. Macrophyte species 146 eutrophy (Niemeier & Hubert, 1986; Sand-Jensen, 1997) due to light limitation to submerged vegeta tion (Scheffer et al., 1992; Skubinna et al., 1995). As water transparency declines, macrophyte com munities can shift in composition from a domi nance of submergent (e.g., Cham spp.), to canopy forming (e.g., Potamogeton spp.), to float ing-leaved (e.g., Nuphar spp.), and to emer 2002) and permit photosynthetically active radia tion to penetrate to new areas in the water column (Chambers & Kalff, 1985). Both can lead to altered growth and distribution of macrophyte species (Wallsten & Forsgren, 1989; Blidnow, 1992; Gafny & Gasith, 1999). Because anthropogenic eutrophication has oc curred over a great time period, long-term data are gent vegetation (e.g., Scirpus spp. and Typha spp.) essential to an understanding of the trajectory of (Niemeier riched and can trigger a switch from a clear-water changes in macrophyte communities. Only longterm data can reveal trends that exceed the subdecade scale (Magnuson et al., 1991). Long-term data on lake ecosystems, especially those predating anthropogenic influences, are very rare (Sand- to a turbid-water stable state (Scheffer, & Hubert, 1984; Chambers, 1987; Moss, 1988; Sand-Jensen, 1997; Van Den Berg, 1999). Such changes lead to decreased abundance and diversity of macrophytes as lakes become en 1990). Jensen, 1997), making such records particularly Lakes in turbid stable states have often shifted valuable. Here we extend the span of study of from submergent species dominance and clear macrophytes in Clear Lake (c.f., Niemeier & Hu water to emergent species dominance with high bert, turbidity. They also have discernible feedback lake (Fig. 1). mechanisms (e.g., nutrients, waves, carp) sustain 1986), an agriculturally impacted shallow Clear Lake has undergone significant changes ing the longevity of the turbid state Scheffer et al., in water quality and watershed characteristics over 2002). the last century. Water transparency has decreased Another factor that can mediate the dominance from at least 1.5 m in 1896 to 0.4 m in 2000, while and structure of macrophyte communities is water phosphorus concentrations have increased from anthropogenic <20 /ig P1 in 1934 to 190 ng I"1 in 2000 (Fig. 2). modulation of hydrology. As water level decreases, Its small watershed has changed from forest, tall grass prairie, and oak savannah to 60% farm land, level alteration resulting from macrophytes may overcome light limitation. Light can reach the sediment and germinate seeds (van 10% urban, and 10% pasture (Downing et al., der Valk, 1978; Medeiros dos Santos & Esteves, 2001). Because Clear Lake is shallow (Z, 2.9 m; Clear Lakejowa, USA ^ Farm land ^ Urban & residential «■ Grass & pasture ra Wetland m Forest 5 km Figure I. Map of Clear Lake, Iowa, USA and its watershed showing landuse. 147 rophyte and water quality information date back (a) () O 160 - / • 3 120 - CO o 80 • / / / o Q. 40 - 0 - P< 0.02 aquatic macro- i * • (b) sons, i large iVjt 0.4 - 1880 1958; emergent macrophyte beds because an of sediment at random locations, determined that <1% of submerged macrophytes were located outside these ten emergent beds. Each bed was intensively surveyed using methods similar to Niemeier & Hubert (1984). To estimate species N TV> i- 0.43 P< 0.01 Riddenhour, extensive preliminary survey, employing raking 0) (0 a. 1952; July 2000. We concentrated our analysis on ten f i Pearcy, ek, 1896) and a new intensive survey performed in j 0.8 - 1950; Mrachek, 1966; Niemeier & Hubert, 1984; Shim- t 1.2 - Methods lished literature (Bailey & Harrison, 1945; Par r 0 - on sition and species relative abundance, aquatic 8 c eutrophication macrophyte data were collected from the pub / E JC agricultural phytes in shallow lake ecosystems. In order to assess changes in community compo o •i fi l.O further elucidate and document the impact of Cf 5 a. as far as 1896. A long-term study of this nature can occurrence, we placed a 1-m2 quadrat every 20 m along transects perpendicular from the shore to the outer limit of the macrophyte beds. Tran sects were situated every 20 m along the shoreline. 1*1 1920 1960 Year 2000 Figure 2. Historical changes in phosphorus (/ig 1 ') (a) and water transparency (Secchi disc; m) (b) since 1896 and 1934, respectively. Solid lines represent least squares trends, broken line represents a time trend. Filled symbols indicate inorganic phosphorus concentrations and open symbols indicate total phosphorus concentrations. Sources of data listed in Methods. The r2 and p are the coefficient of determination and the probability of obtaining this r2 by chance alone. To generate the most comprehensive species list possible, species observed along transects, outside of the quadrats, were also noted. Voucher specimens of each species found were collected and identified using Fassett (1940) and were deposited in the Ada Hayden Herbarium of the Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology (353 Bessey Hall, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011). Water depth and substrate type were noted at each sam pling location. Zmax* 5.9 m) and turbid, interannual variation in water level may also play a role in the areal dis tribution and composition of macrophyte com All macrophytes were identified to the species level except Scirpus and Typha. These were only identified to genus because hybridization between S. validus and S. acutus and between T. augusti- munities. folia and T. latifolia (i.e., T. glauca) are prevalent The purpose of this analysis was to examine in the lake (Niemeier & Hubert, 1984). Scirpus and changes in macrophyte community composition Typha species found in this and previous studies and species occurrence with water quality and were therefore grouped into Scirpus and Typha spp. categories. water level changes over the past century. This historically popular recreational lake offers a rare long-term record for North America since mac Macrophyte relative abundances were quanti fied based on percent frequency of occurrence in 148 examined quadrats. Taxa were classified as rare Small (1961), United States Environmental Pro (<0.25% of quadrats), occasional (0.26-1% of quadrats), common (1-5% of quadrats), abundant (5-20% of quadrats), and very abundant (>20% of tection Agency (1976), Bachmann (1980, 1994), Crumpton quadrats; Niemeier & Hubert, 1986). Although only Niemeier & Hubert's (1984) and our new are inorganic phosphorus (determined by the stannous chloride method), while later dates, (1994, unpublished), and Downing et al. (2001). Concentrations from 1934 and 1961 study were fully quantitative, all other studies 1974-2000, are expressed as total phosphorus indicated relative abundances as rare, occasional, (determined by the ascorbic acid method). The two common, abundant, or very abundant We con inorganic concentrations are probably somewhat verted these categorical indicators of relative inaccurate because of the difficulty in replicating abundance to the medians of the ranges noted concentrations using the stannous chloride method above as deduced by Niemeier & Hubert (1986). (Murphy & Riley, 1962). Relative abundance estimates for each functional Water transparency data measured by Secchi group (e.g., submergent or Rs, floating leaved or disk depth were collected from Shimek (1896), Rf, emergent or Rq) were calculated for each survey Neal (1962), United States Environmental Pro by summing the median score for all taxa in each tection Agency (1976), Bachmann (1980, 1994), functional group after Fasset (1940). We were then Crumpton (1994, unpublished), and Downing et able to gauge historical trends of i?s, /fo and Rc by al. (2001). The datum from Shimek (1896) was expressing their sum (RK) as the fraction of the estimated from field notes describing Potamogeton total sum of all scores for all taxa documented in praelongus as >3 m long. This indicates that Sec each survey (RJY,R)- Simple temporal trends in chi depth was at least 1.5 m at the time because relative abundances of individual species and taxa submerged macrophytes can only grow to 2-3 were assessed by converting the relative abun times the Secchi depth (Canfield et al., dances to numerical scores of 0-6 (for absent, Chambers & Kalff, 1985). 1985; present, rare, occasional, common, abundant, very abundant, respectively) and applying Pearson's correlation analysis across years (Snedecor and Results Cochran, 1989). Since water level can impact macrophyte dis Over 500 quadrats sampled in 2000 collected a tribution and composition, we compared the area total of 12 species of macrophytes. These included of emergent beds (ha) and Rs, Rf, and i^e data in four emergent taxa (Typha spp., Scirpus spp., concert with yearly water level (m) averages. Wa Sagittaria ter level data were obtained from the United States floating-leaved species (Nuphar advena, Nymphaea latifolia, Phragmites australis), two Geological Survey National Water Information tuberosd), and six submergent taxa {Potamogeton System web database ( nodosus, Potamogeton pectinatus, Ceratophyllum nwis/). Emergent bed area was estimated by digi demersum, Vallisneria americana, Chara sp., Pot tizing aerial photographs taken by the Farm Ser amogeton crispus; Fig. 3). Our survey showed that vice Agency (Mason City and Garner, IA, USA) in macrophytes years 1979-2000 and a macrophyte cover map approximately 1% of the total lake surface area lands, CA, USA). Because the impact of water surveyed were located on silt/sand sediment and in level on vegetation may have a lag-time in its <1 m of water. The emergent genera Scirpus and (Pearcy, 1952) using Arcview 3.2® (ESRI, Red- covered 19 ha, accounting for 1468 ha). All ten beds of emergent vegetation influence on macrophyte growth (van der Valk, Typha were most abundant followed by Pota 1980; Mitsch & Gosselink, 2000), we compared mogeton macrophyte data with data on yearly averaged tuberosa, and Potamogeton pectinatus (Fig. 3). All water level from the year of estimation of macro other species occurred in <0.1% of the quadrats phyte cover as well as water levels over the previ sampled. ous 3 years. Organic and inorganic phosphorus (ng I"1) data were gathered from Bailey & Harrison (1945), nodosus, Nuphar advena, Nymphaea Since 1981, species richness in Clear Lake has declined from 20 to 12 species (Table 1). We found, as did Niemeier & Hubert (1984), that 149 Taxon 1896 1944 1950 ■ Chara sp. Najasjlexilis 1952 1 Hij 1 HI 1 1 1 I ■ 1 HH Poiamogeton alpinus Poiamogeton amplifolius | Potamogelon friesii | Potamogelon illinoensis Potamogelon natans d « 8? ^^ Potamogeton nodosus Poiamogeton pectinatus | Poiamogeton praelongus H Potamogeton pusillus | Poiamogeton rishardsonii Potamogeton zosteriformis ^| |H I 1 H ^H 1 IH 1958 1966 HH ■ HI Hi ^H H H ■ I^H ■ ■ ■ H 1984 2000 1 1 H H I H i Poiamogeton crispus I Zannichetlia palustris Elodea canadensis Vallisneria americana m |^H I I Heteranthera dubia IHI Ceratophyllum demersum Myriophyllum hcterophyllum Myriophyllum exalbesccns 1 ■ ■ 1 i ^^| H| I 1 ■ Myriophyllum sp. Ulricularia vulgaris 1 ■ i Lemna minor I Spirodela polyrhha ■ Woljjia Columbians « w E ■ ■ ■ ■ Polygonum ampltibium Polygonum coccineum Polygonum lapathigolium 1 1 1 1 Polygonum punctntum hi Nuphar advena Nymphaea tuberosa ■ 1 H ■ 1 I H ■ H Alisma plantago aquatica ■ Sagittaria latifolia Sagittaria rigida 1 1 Sagittaria teres Carex comosa ■a B M 1 I I Cartx hystricina ■ Cyperusferruginescens Cyperus sp. Eleocharis acicularis w Eleocharis palustris HH Scirpus spp. Sparganium eurycarpum HH 1 Echinochloa pungens Phragmites australis 1 H 1 ■ ^H HI I 1 1 1 Bidens cernua ■ Bidens connaiu va p va p va p I 1 Equiseiumfluviatile p 1 v( p va p va p va p va Figure 3. Species found in each functional group (submergent. floating, emergent) and their relative abundance in each of eight macrophyte surveys dating back to 1896. Relative abundance was determined from the fraction of total quadrats containing species. Bars indicate macrophyte relative abundance and follows the scale at the bottom of the figure representing macrophytes being present to 'very abundant'. Scale indicates/? for 'present', but no abundance information; rare (<0.25% of quadrats); occasional (0.26-1% of quadrats); common (1-5% of quadrats), abundant (5-20% of quadrats); va is for very abundant (>20% of quadrats). Data sources are listed in the Methods section. emergent genera Scirpus and Typha were the most species were few and rare respectively (Fig. 3). The prevalent, nine common and floating-leaved and submergent species to both studies showed 150 100 100 □ Emergent ■ Floating Submergenl Figure 4. Fraction oi quadrats containing each of nine com mon species in surveys performed in 1981 and 20011. Nole the scale break between common (emergent) and less common 1920 (floating-leaved and submergenl) species. Year 1960 2000 Figure 5. Long-term trends of the percent relative abundance {RjYlR) of functional groups, submergenl (#s), floating-leaved general similarities in occurrences over the past (R,), und emergent macrophytes (Rc). between I896 and 2(100. two decades (Fig. 4). 'VR is the sum of !<„ R, and RL. while 8, represent one of the Species richness and composition have both three functional groups. Me;ins of calculation of percent rela tive abundance for each functional group from historical data is changed radically over the last century. Species explained in the Methods section. richness decreased from a high of 30 species (Pe- arcy, 1952) to 12 species found in 2000 (Table 1). Species composition changed in dominance from some Typha spp. Today Scirpus and Typha are the primarily submergent to mostly emergent species most abundant genera in Clear Lake, with Typha (Fig. 5). Submergent macrophytes made up nearly having expanded greatly since 1951. 100% of the flora in 18%, but were reduced to less than 5% of the species found in 2000. Floating- Some species disappeared as eutrophication progressed while others appeared as water quality leaved species remained fairly constant across the changed (Fig. 3). For example, Potamogetonprae- century at <5% of the species, but became rela longus, common in the late 1800s. declined signif tively more abundant in 2000 (>10%). as general species richness creased from declined. <\% to Emergent species icantly (Table 2) and was not found in the lake in after IS96. Several other species of Potamogeion >80% of the macrophyte also species. Shimek (1896) reported no Scirpus spp. or declined P. friesii, P. significantly with zostertformis, P. time, including ampHfolius, and Typha spp. in the lake, but by 1951, Pearcy (1952) P. natans. Other species showing temporal declines reported large-conspicuous Scirpus spp. beds and were Myriophyllum heterophyllunt, I'allisncria Table I. Species totals and relative abundance for submergent {R.,), iloaling-leaved (flr), and emergent [J?J species 1896 1945 1950 1952 1958 1966 I9S4 2000 14 i 1 24 30 11 24 20 12 11 5 58 21 93 60 46 2 3 Floating-leaved relative abundance {R-) 5 5 0.1 7 0 6 6 Emergent relative abundance (fiL.) D 23 20 60 6 24 40 Species total Submergent relative abundance (/?,) 40 See Methods section for means of calculation of relative abundance from historical data. Fxcept for this study (2000), years indicate when macrophyte data were published. Data sources are Shimek (1896); Bailey & Harrison (1945); Parsons (1950); Pearcy (1952) Riddenhour(l95S): Mrachek (1966); Niemeier & Hubert )I9S4); and this study. 151 Table 2. Temporal correlations between the relative abundance of the taxa in Figure 3 and the year of observation Taxon P r Last year observed First year observed (declining species) (increasing species) Potamogeton praelongus -0.79 0.01 1896 Potamogeton friesii -0.79 0.02 1896 Potamogeton zosteriformis -0.79 0.02 1896 Myriophyllum heterophyllum -0.79 0.02 1896 Eloclea canadensis -0.76 0.03 1966 Potamogeton amplifolius -0.74 0.04 1952 Vafiisneria americana -0.67 0.07 2000 Potamogeton natans -0.63 0.09 1966 Myriophyllum exalbescen -0.63 0.09 1966 Potamogeton richardsonii -0.62 0.10 1966 Nuphar advena 0.69 0.06 1950 Typha spp. 0.72 0.04 1944 Scripus spp. 0.78 0.02 1944 The relative abundance scale indicated on Figure 3 was converted to a numerical score where the length of the bars was exchanged for a scale of 0-6(0 = absent, 1 = present, 2 = rare, 3 = occasional, etc.). Correlations (r) and probabilities of obtaining a greater r by chance alone (/>), were determined using Pearson's correlation coeflficientt (Snedecor and Cochran, 1989). Only trends with p < 0.10 are reported here. americana, and M. exalbescens. Most of these Because a great deal of variation in Rs was species disappeared before 1966 (Table 2). Several explained by transparency, and transparency alternated between clear-water (>0.8 m Secchi; e.g., 1896, 1951, 1975) and turbid-water (<0.5 m Secchi; e.g., 1949, 1965, 1981, 2000) periods species, notably a few submergents, some floating leaved species and several emergents became more prominent after 1950 (Fig. 3). The submergents P. illinoensis, P. nodosus, Zannichellia palustris and Heteranthera dubia were not found prior to 1950 but were seen in more than one subsequent survey, although H. dubia and Z. palustris disappeared again before 1984. The principal floating leaved plants before 1950 were Wolffia columbiana and Lemna minor but Polygonum spp., Nuphar and Nymphaea have become common since that time. Further, Sagittaria spp., Eleocharis acicularis and Phragmites also appeared in later surveys. The principal genera that became significantly more Typha, and Scirpus (Table 2). The only species that was con common with time were Nuphar, sistently common throughout the century of study was Potamogeton pectinatus (Fig. 3). Because of great changes in water transparency (Fig. 2(b)) and macrophyte community composi tion (Fig. 5), we sought to examine the strength of correlations between Rs, Rf, and Re and water clarity. Rs was positively correlated with trans parency (r = 0.93; p < 0.01; Fig. 6), while nei ther R? nor Re were significantly correlated with water clarity. 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 Transparency (Secchi; m) 1.6 Figure 6. Relationship between relative abundance of sub merged species (Rs) and water transparency (m). See Methods for means of calculations of /?s from historical occurrence data. The r and probability are the coefficient of determination and the probability of obtaining this r by chance alone. 152 80 CO (D 3 cr 60 - CO a> CO a xa 40 c3 "c Q) 0) CD ,,« (I) E 20 H HI 1980 1985 1990 Year 1995 2000 Figure 7. Historical trend in water level (broken line) and 0.4 emergent macrophyte bed area (solid line). Points indicate years emergent bed area was measured. Water level data were ob tained from the USGS and emergent macrophyte bed area was determined by digitizing aerial photographs (see Methods sec tion). 0.8 1.2 1.6 Water level (m; time-lag of two yr) Figure 8. Relationship between area covered by emergent macrophyte beds and a 2-year lag in water level. Least squares regression determined that emergent bed area decreased. (Fig. 2(b)), we examined the historical data to determine whether Rs also fluctuated among clearand turbid-water periods. Although few studies offered quantitative data, anecdotal evidence sug gested that at least one switch occurred between clear water with abundant submerged plants and turbid water with few submerged plants. Parsons (1950) reported that submerged macrophytes were so abundant in 1945-1946 that boating was nearly impossible. By 1949, submerged macrophytes had declined from an R& of 58 in 1944 to only 21 (Table 1), with a concurrent low water transpar ency of 0.4m (Fig. 2(b)). Three years later, sub merged plants were abundant (Rs = 93; Table 1) and water transparency increased to 1.5 m (Fig. 2(b)). The area covered by emergent macrophyte beds increased as water level decreased (Fig. 7). There appeared to be a time-lag in response of emergent bed area to water level changes because bed area and water level from the same year were not cor related (p > 0.05), while water level from one, two, and three years previous to emergent bed area Table 3. Relationships between yearly averaged water level (m) data and emergent bed area (ha) data showing a lime-lag between water level changes and emergent bed area Yearly averages of water level data n r estimation showed significant (p < 0.05) negative correlations (Table 3). The best correlation was provided by a time-lag of 2 years (r2 = 0.46; p simultaneous 22 0.17 >0.05 1 y previous bed area estimation 22 0.37 <0.003 2 y previous bed area estimation 22 0.46 <0.00l 3 y previous bed area estimation 22 0.22 <0.05 Emergent bed area data, determined by aerial photographs, p < 0.001; Fig. 8). The relative abundance of macrophyte functional groups (i.e., Rs, Rf and Rc) did not show any distinguishable trends with water level (correlation p > 0.05). Discussion were compared to water level data, obtained from USGS web site (, from simultaneous 1, 2, and 3 yr previous to emergent bed area estimation. Number of data points is indicated by n, while are r2 and p are the Agriculturally driven eutrophication has had a profound impact on the macrophyte abundance coefficient of determination and the probability of obtaining and community composition in Clear Lake. Our this r2 by chance alone. finding that macrophyte communities changed 153 systematically from a dominance of submergent, increasing eutrophication, to floating-leaved, and to emergent macrophytes Nymphaea, Phragmites, as eutrophication increased agrees with the find Scirpus, and Typha (Table 2; Fig. 3). These genera observed to Nuphar, Sagittaria, ings of previous studies (e.g., Kowalcweski & have frequently Ozimek, 1993; Sand-Jensen, 1997). Light limita tion is the most likely explanation for the changes dominance as eutrophication progresses (e.g., Arts in macrophyte composition and relative abun Bertness et al., 2002; Germ et al., 2003). P. pec- et al., been notably Polygonum, increase in 1990; Vaithiyanathan & Richards, 1999; dance that we observed (Fig. 6). As turbidity in tinatus was one of the few taxa that remained creases no present throughout the century of water quality longer penetrate the water column to depths that decline. This is characteristic of its high tolerance allow submerged macrophytes to become abun for eutrophic conditions (e.g., Grassmuck et al., through eutrophication, light can dant (Chambers and Kalff, 1985). Because float 1995) that it attains by forming a canopy to exploit ing-leaved and emergent species can rely on energy light near the water surface (Van den Berg et al., from rhizomes for short time-spans (Borman et al., 1999). 1997), they can escape short-term light limitation and survive impacts of turbidity. Another expla Clear Lake may have reached the turbid stable state. This is suggested by the similarity of species nation for the pattern we observed may be that relative submergent macrophytes are unable to root in (Fig. 4), and the low and stable transparency over abundances between 1981 and 2000 loose detritus and silt (Scheffer, 1998; Gafny & the past few decades (Fig. 2(b)). Patterns of Clear Gasith, 1999), prevalent in eutrophic lakes. In Lake vegetation creased phytoplankton densities can also out- patterns found in other lakes exhibiting stable compete macrophytes because phytoplankton can states (Scheffer et al., 2002). For example, re decrease peated oscillations between submergent species the availability of dissolved carbon are consistent with historical dioxide (Moss, 1990). Mechanical perturbations dominance during periods of clear water and by benthivorous fish, e.g., carp (Cyprinus carpio), emergent species dominance during periods of and wave action from wind and boats can also high turbidity between 1945 and 1960 are typical decrease the success of submergent macrophytes. of lakes changing among alternative stable states. Carp, prevalent in eutrophic lakes in this region Ironically, the maximum taxonomic richness was (Egertson & Downing, in preparation), and wave found during this period as the lake oscillated action can uproot vegetation (Crivelli, 1983; Van ance also agree with knowledge of the biology and between submergent- and emergent-dominance. Current stable turbid conditions and emergent dominated vegetation may be maintained by negative feedback mechanisms such as turbidity, wind, and carp. The ability of this lake to main tain a stable, clear-water state seems to have been ecology of aquatic macrophytes. The most strik compromised by shifts in community composition ing loss was the early disappearance of P. pra- accompanying the process of hyper-eutrophication. Wijk, 1988) and decrease water transparency by increasing suspended solids (Breukelaar et al., 1994; Anthony & Downing, 2003). Patterns of species appearance and disappear elongus. This species is known to occupy clear waters slow-growing. We found few submergent or floating-leaved Therefore, other long-term studies have observed because it is large and species outside of emergent macrophyte beds. large declines in this species with eutrophication Emergent macrophytes can increase water clarity (Rintanen, 1996; Sand-Jensen et al., 2000). Other (Dieter, 1990; Horpilla & Nurminen, 2001) possi disappeared by the end of the study, e.g., Potamogeton species that declined over time or P. fish perturbations. Therefore, emergent beds may amplifolius, P. freisii, P. natans, P. pusilis, P. ri- act as refuges for the few remaining submerged chardsonii, and P. zosteriformis (Table 2; Fig. 3), and floating-leaved species. bly by decreasing wave action and benthivorous seem to be characteristic of fairly clear waters and Time-lags appear to be important in responses have frequently been found in habitats with P. of emergent macrophyte beds to environmental change (Fig. 8). For example, as water level de creases, more surface area of the sediment is praelongus (Pip, 1987). Several floating leaved and emergent genera increased in abundance with 154 exposed to light, which may allow for greater lowing agricultural development. It then began to germination of seeds (van der Valk, 1978; Medei- oscillate for 15-20 years before stabilizing in its ros dos Santos & Esteves, 2002). Under high water current turbid-water condition. conditions, however, emergent macrophyte distri butions likely decrease due to lack of germination, The history of the aquatic flora in Clear Lake is one characterized by a systematic decline in sub anoxic conditions, and perturbation by muskrats mergent biodiversity and cover. Many species have (Ondatra zibethicus) (van der Valk, 1980; Froend vanished and will not likely return without long- McComb, 1994). Time-lags in macrophyte cover term, significant, water quality remediation. Be responses to water-level changes probably reflect cause this lake is shallow, eutrophic, and has a the amount of time it takes for germinated seeds to high likelihood of perturbation from waves and give rise to substantial root and vegetative mass benthivorous fish, significant improvement in the and to depletion of energy stored in rhizomes once littoral habitat will require long-term, substantial water level is increased (Mitsch & changes in transparency, the sedimentary envi Gosselink, ronment, and bioturbation. 2000). Correlations between R^ Rr and Rc and water level were not statistically significant. This result differs from Hamabata & Kobayashi's (2002) data Acknowledgements indicating an increase in submerged macrophytes with decreased water level. We may not have been able to detect correlations between Rs, Rf, and Re and water level because the range in water level changes was small (<0.5 m). However, it is possi ble that because this lake is so shallow, any de crease in water level may allow macrophytes to receive a detrimental amount of photosynthetic radiation, subsequently diminishing macrophyte biomass (Gafny & Gasith, 1999). We would like to thank members of the Iowa State University Limnology Laboratory James An thony, Laura Schrage, Nicole Eckles, and David Knoll for their help and support throughout this project. A special thanks goes to Rebecca Anthony who persevered a full day in the field after having been attacked by a muskrat with a serious attitude problem. This project was funded by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, the city of Clear Lake, Cerro Gordo County, and Hancock County. Conclusions Long-term, historical observations permitted the detection of patterns that would not be detected on shorter time-scales. Our analyses indicated that References Anthony, J. L. & J. A. Downing, 2003. Physical impacts of species richness has declined dramatically since wind and boat traffic on Clear Lake, Iowa. Lake and Res 1951. Since 1896, submergent macrophytes have ervoir Management 19: 1-14. decreased and emergent macrophytes have in creased in relative abundance. While transparency has been quite variable within some specific time Arts. G. H. P., G. van der Velde, J. G. M. Roelofs & C. A. M. van Swaay, 1990. Successional changes in the soft-water macrophyte vegetation of sub Atlantic sandy lowland re gions during this century. Freshwater Biology 24: 287-294. periods related to shifts in stable states (e.g., 1945— Bachmann, R. W., M. R. Johnson, M. V. Moore & T. A. 1960; Fig. 2(b)), this variation explains 93% of the Noonan, 1980. Clean lakes classification study of Iowa's variation in the relative abundance of submerged macrophytes over the past century. 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