Ecology, 69(5), 1988, pp. 1393-1400 © 1988 by the Ecological Society of America SPATIAL HETEROGENEITY IN FRESHWATER ZOOPLANKTON: VARIATION WITH BODY SIZE, DEPTH, AND SCALE1 Bernadette Pinel-Alloul, John A. Downing, Martin Perusse, and Gabriella Codin-Blumer Departement de Sciences Biologiques, Universite de Montreal, Montreal, QuSbec, Canada H3C 3J7 Abstract. The effects of body size, depth, and sampling scale on spatial heterogeneity were examined in the zooplankton community of a small lake. Analyses were performed by regression analysis of 27 sets (3 scales x 3 depths x 3 dates) of replicate (« = 4) samples of the natural zooplankton (cladocerans, copepods, rotifers) community of Lake Cromwell, Quebec, Canada. Spatial heterogeneity was measured as the variance among the four randomly arranged replicate samples of taxa taken at each scale-depth-date combination. The spatial distribution of populations of zooplankton in this community was found to be typical of the spatial heterogeneity encountered in other freshwater and marine ecosystems. The effect of population density on spatial heterogeneity was comparable to that found for other flora and fauna. Small animals were more heterogeneous than large ones, and populations sampled on large spatial scales or at greater depths showed greatest spatial variability. These effects were stable over the season. Few taxa or life stages diverged significantly from these trends. Key words: aggregation; body size; cladocerans; copepods; depth; freshwater; rotifers; sampling theory; scale; spatial heterogeneity; variance; zooplankton. Introduction In spite of the long-standing theoretical and practical importance of spatial distribution to ecology (Lussenhop 1974, Sih 1984, Taylor 1984), experimental stud ies of factors that give rise to heterogeneous spatial distributions in nature have received little attention (Gilinsky 1984). The study of zooplankton has been central to the development of ecological thought about spatial distribution for more than a century (Hensen 1884, Haeckel 1891). The etymological derivation of the term "plankton" (noun of irXayKTos = wandering, drifting) and its early use (Hensen 1884) imply that zooplankton are randomly or involuntarily distributed (Ruttner 1953:106, 258), an idea that persists today (e.g., Taylor 1984:323). On the other hand, early in vestigations of the spatial distribution of freshwater zooplankton (e.g., Moberg and Young 1918) and more recent research (e.g., Colebrook 1960, Dumont 1967, Klemetsen 1970, George 1974, Nieet al. 1980, Malone and McQueen 1983) have concluded that zooplankton spatial distributions are as strongly heterogeneous as other terrestrial and aquatic plants and animals. The spatial heterogeneity ofanimals in general (Taylor 1984) and marine and freshwater zooplankton populations in particular (Downing et al. 1987) is known to vary significantly with population density. Little other quan titative information is available about other ecological factors having systematic effects on spatial heteroge neity in natural zooplankton populations. In fact, sev eral authors have recently decried the general rarity of quantitative data on the degree of heterogeneity to be 1 Manuscript received 29 September 1986; revised 5 Jan uary 1988; accepted 31 January 1988. found in natural populations (e.g., Taylor 1984) and the lack of experimental evidence of its cause (Hanski 1983, Gilinsky 1984, Vodopich and Cowell 1984). Several factors may cause spatial heterogeneity in natural populations. In freshwater zooplankton as in other communities, spatial heterogeneity may result from both physical (George and Edwards 1976, Riley 1976, Watson 1976, Patalas 1981) and behavioral pro cesses (Ringelberg 1969, Siebeck 1969, Stavn 1970, Dagg 1977). Data on the effects of specific variables on spatial heterogeneity are difficult to collect in nature, and general tendencies need illumination. The role of body size is not clear, for example. If intraspecific com petition is important in structuring spatial pattern then larger organisms might be less aggregated on any given spatial scale because their rates of locomotion are great er (Peters 1983) and thus they can be more widely spaced, yet still find mates. On the other hand, if en vironmental forces tend to randomize populations (e.g., turbulent mixing, random resource distribution), then larger, more mobile organisms might be capable of maintaining larger social aggregations. Calculations based on allometric relationships between body size, spatial density, and home-range size (Peters 1983, Calder 1984) suggest that larger animals do form larger aggregations. There is also disagreement about the ef fects of physical factors on zooplankton heterogeneity because surface populations may be most readily ag gregated by wind-driven water motion (e.g., Langford and Jermolajev 1966, Malone and McQueen 1983), while populations in less turbulent waters at greater depths have been observed to be most heterogeneous (Dumont 1967). Several authors dating from Grieg- Smith (1952) have reasoned that samples distributed BERNADETTE PINEL-ALLOUL ET AL. 1394 Ecology, Vol. 69, No. 5 2500 m2 10 000 m2 -45°59' 100 m; *- 50 III CURRENT DIRECTION BEAVER DAM Fig. 1. Morphometry of Lake Cromwell, Quebec, Canada, showing depth contours in metres. The squares and rectangle (heavy solid lines) indicate the spatial scales over which samples were distributed randomly. over a large area should cover more habitat variability Methods and therefore spatial variation in populations should be greater over large areas than small ones. Seasonal The above hypotheses were tested by collecting four variation in spatial distribution might be induced by horizontally replicated samples of various taxa and structuring variables such as competition (Diamond sizes of zooplankton on three spalial scales, at three 1979. Levin 1984), predation (e.g., Anscombe 1950, different depths, on three dates in Lake Cromwell (Que Sih 1984), reproduction (eg., Cole 1946. Cowie and bec; 45°49' N, 74° W: Paquctte and Pincl-Alloul 1982). Krebs 1979), or habitat structure (e.g.. Cassic 1959a, Sampling sites within each sampling scale (100, 2500, b, Corkett and McLaren 1978), which vary seasonally. 10 000 ma; Fig. 1) were determined using a coordinate Taxonomy might also play a role, as many suggest that system and a random number table. Replicate samples spatial heterogeneity is an evolved species trait (e.g.. were taken at Taylor and Taylor 1977, Taylor 1984), although Win- hypolimnion) at each sampling site using a 31.25 L(50 1. 3.5, and 7 m depths (epi-, meta-, sor and Clarke (1940) found little difference in spatial cm high. 25 cm wide, 25 cm deep) plexiglass plankton variation among marine zooplanklon taxa. Thus, the trap (Patalas 1954, Schindler 1969) with a 50-^m Nitcx conflicting evidence suggests that spatial heterogeneity plankton net, This plankton trap was chosen because may not be a simple function of density alone, but may all samples arc of identical volume, and parallel com vary with several characteristics of the organism, en parisons show that pure sampling errors are small and vironment, and sampling scheme. sampling efficiencies are comparatively high, especially The purpose of this research was to use easily sam for species that usually show the strongest sampler pled freshwater zooplankton as a study community to avoidance reactions (di Bernardi 1984). Sampling was test the hypotheses thai spatial heterogeneity varies repeated on 14 June. 11 July, and 14 August 1985. All systematically with body size, spatial scale of obser samples were taken between 1000 and 1300 to avoid vation, and depth, and that it varies both seasonally diurnal migrations. and among laxonomic classifications. After collection, organisms were narcotized with car- October 1988 ZOOPLANKTON SPATIAL HETEROGENEITY bonated water, and concentrated and preserved with /• 4% formaldehyde. Preserved sample volumes were ad from mixed samples using a pipette with enlarged CD opening, and zooplankton were identified and counted c wheel (Ward 1955). A constant 10% of each sample was counted using this subsampling routine. Regres sion analyses of counts revealed no significant differ ences between full-sample and subsample estimates (P < .05), and x2 tests showed that subsampling did not significantly alter assessments of community structure (Loubier 1983). Subsampling error was thus assumed to be constant and negligible. Zooplankton species were identified according to Brooks (1959), Chengalath et al. (1971), and Smith and Fernando (1978). Crustacean body masses were estimated by drying (60°C, 8 h) a known number of specimens and weighing (±0.1 jug) u 5- "Z 4- o 0) _c 3- "5. E 2- to 1 - o O) 3 0-1 - -2-1 by biovolume (Bottrell et al. 1976, Ruttner-Kolisko 1977). This process resulted in the collection of 108 zooplankton samples corresponding to a three-factor (scale, depth, date) nested design with each cell con / .^X / / ■ *& / \&T f _^^^^^1 ■ .JleTf ■V'b ■■!■ I - 1 Log mean density on a Cahn microbalance (Loubier 1983, Pinel-Alloul and Methot 1984). Rotifer body masses were estimated Downing et al. (1987) 6- justed to 100 mL. Ten-millilitre subsamples were taken under 25-40 x magnification using an acrylic counting 1395 Fig. 2. Relationship between Iog1052 and \o%wX densities of zooplankton taxa collected in Lake Cromwell. (Densities were measured as number of individuals per sample.) The solid line is the relationship predicted by Downing etal. (1987), on the basis of published marine and freshwater data. taining four replicate samples of the zooplankton com munity (i.e., 4 replicates x 3 scales x 3 depths x 3 analysis (equivalent to ANCOVA) to test the hypoth dates). esis that all sampling scales, dates, depths, and body The variation among taxon-density estimates made sizes yield equal variances, by employing mean density using the four randomly placed replicate samples yields as a covariable. The analysis makes no assumptions an estimation of the spatial variation in the population. about Taylor's b as an index of spatial heterogeneity Our hypotheses were tested by calculating the mean (cf. Downing 1986) and avoids the confounding effect (X) and variance (s2; n — 1 weighting) of each taxon of mean density on common indices of spatial heter within each scale-depth-date combination, then using ogeneity. s2 as the dependent variable in a multiple regression analysis. Both Xand s2 are expressed on a per-subsam- ple basis with no normalization to volume. The mul Mean zooplankton taxon densities (X) covered a range from 0.25 to 687 organisms per subsample, and vari tiple regression model log10s2 = a + b Iog10;r + cS + dD + eZ + flogl0W + (error), Results and Discussion (1) ances (s2) ranged from 0.25 to 107 300. Body sizes of zooplankters ranged from 0.12 to 23.4 jug/organism. Only the 458 sets of observations where X > 1 were where S is the coded spatial scale (1 = 100 m2, 2 = considered in the analysis to avoid pseudorandom dis 2500 m2, 3 = 10 000 m2), D is the coded date (1 = tributions (J. A. Downing, personal observation). Only June, 2 = July, 3 = August), Z is the coded depth (1 20 of the 40 taxa collected were abundant enough to = epilimnion, 2 = metalimnion, 3 = hypolimnion), W be included in the analyses (11 rotifers, 3 cladocerans, is the body mass (micrograms dry mass per organism), 4 cyclopoid copepods, and 2 calanoid copepods). Dom and a-faxt fitted constants, was fitted to the data (Draper t value associated with each regression coefficient. The inant rotifers were Conochilus sp. and Keratella cochlearis. Bosmina longirostris, Holopedium gibberum, and Diaphanosoma sp. were the dominant cladocerans. Dominant copepods were the cydopoids Tropocydops significance of interaction terms was tested similarly, prasinus, Mesocydops edax, Diacydops bicuspidatus and the order of the coded variables for scale, date, thomasi, and Cydops scutifer, and the calanoid Skis- and depth was verified by residual analysis (Gujarati todiaptomus oregonensis. The spatial heterogeneity of zooplankton in Lake and Smith 1981). The significance of the effect of each of the variables was judged by the significance of the 1978). Logarithmic transformations were used to lin earize the effects of X and W, and to stabilize the vari Cromwell agrees well with that found in other geo ance of s2. Residuals (observed-predicted) were cal graphic areas. Downing et al. (1987), analyzing pub culated and analyzed using normal ANOVA to test for lished data from several marine and freshwater eco divergence of various taxa from general equations fit systems, found that s2 of replicate zooplankton samples, ted to Eq. 1. This analysis uses multiple regression calculated on a per-litre basis varies as: BERNADETTE PINEL-ALLOUL ET AL. 1396 Table 1. Multiple regression analysis of data on the spatial heterogeneity ofdensity ofzooplankton taxa in Lake Crom well (n = 458, F= 412, P <£ .0001).* Variable logm mean density logm body mass Coeff. t value 35.8 -3.5 <.0001 .0006 0.091 3.4 3.0 -0.4 .0009 .0030 .6621 Depth (1,2, 3) Date (1,2, 3) in Lake Cromwell also agrees well with values found for other aquatic organisms such as the profundal benthos, and macrophyte biomass (Downing and An derson 1985). The exponent of 1.53 is also within the range of 1.4-1.9 reported for the stream benthos (Mor- Coded vari ablest Sampling scale (1,2,3) measures of spatial heterogeneity. The exponent found (Downing 1979) and littoral (Downing and Cyr 1985) P 1.528 -0.097 Ecology, Vol. 69, No. 5 in 1985). 0.082 -0.012 Larger zooplankton were less heterogeneous than smaller ones (Table 2). A population of large zooplank ton («30 tig) would have half the s2 of a population of * The dependent variable is log,oS2 calculated among the four randomly distributed replicate samples taken at each scale-depth-date combination. The coefficient is the regres sion coefficient associated with each independent variable; the t value and associated probability (P) indicate the signif icance of each variable in the prediction of log,<>s2. t The coded variables are arranged in the order that ac counted for the greatest variation in s1. Sampling scale: 1 = 100 m2, 2 = 2500 m2, 3 = 10 000 m2; Sample depth: 1 = 1 m, 2 = 3.5 m, 3 = 7 m; Date: 1 = June, 2 = July, 3 = August. small organisms («0.1 ng) regardless of density, depth, or sampling scale, k of the negative binomial distri bution (Elliott 1977) would be 16.5 for a population of 30-^g organisms at average density (26 organisms/ sample) in the epilimnion on a spatial scale of 100 m2. The corresponding k for a population of small organ isms (0.1 Mg) would be 7.5. This finding is in conflict with the allometric analyses of Calder (1984) and Pe ters (1983). Both of these analyses use empirical allo (2) metric relationships between body size, density, and home-range size to predict the relationship between where XL is the mean population density (as number body size and the number of conspecifics found within per litre) and V is the sample volume in litres. Zoo an average home-range area. Subsequent interpreta plankton s2 in Lake Cromwell rises as a power function tions then equate this average number of organisms of X, and s2 values agree well with the predictions of with herd or aggregation size. Although the number of Downing et al. (1987) (Fig. 2). This suggests that Eq. organisms per home range may correspond to the num 2 makes good predictions in both space and time as ber per group in some organisms (e.g., marmot, prong- no data from Lake Cromwell were used in the concep horn, wapiti), this is not necessarily so in nonrandomly tion of Eq. 2, and our data were collected after the analysis of Downing et al. was completed. In addition, it appears that the degree ofspatial heterogeneity found in Lake Cromwell is typical of that found in other freshwater and marine zooplankton communities. distributed species that do not form obvious social Multiple regression analysis (Table 1) shows that groupings (e.g., zooplankton, benthos, terrestrial in sects). Spatial aggregation in zooplankton may be me diated by predation, reproduction, and competition. Our data suggest that the more aggregated small zoo plankton would be encountered at lower average rates several factors in addition to X account for significant by randomly searching predators than would large or variation in zooplankton heterogeneity. The regression ganisms (e.g., May 1978). In addition, the nearest dis coefficients show that body size, sampling scale, and tance to a conspecific is much greater in large organisms depth all account for significant variation in s2. Sam pling date is not a significant predictor of s2, suggesting than small. This spatial arrangement may allow small that variance relations had little seasonal component. large organisms to decrease intraspecific competition. All interaction terms were found nonsignificant (P > organisms to avoid predators and locate mates, and Spatial heterogeneity increased rapidly with the area .05), and analysis of residuals showed that coded vari over which sampling effort was distributed (Table 2). ables (i.e., scale, depth, date) were arranged in the order accounting for the greatest variation in s2. Table 2 shows The increase in spatial scale from 100 m2 to 1 ha re the regression equation (R2 = 0.82, F = 516, n = 458) population of 10-ju.g animals in the epilimnion at the sulted in a > 50% increase in sampling variance for a considering only the variables accounting for signifi cant variation in s2 (Table 1). The effect of zooplankton density on spatial heter ogeneity is similar to that found in other research. The exponent associated with X is 1.53, slightly lower than the value of 1.622 reported by Downing et al. (1987) and very close to the value of 1.57 taken from the plankton literature (Cassie 1963). The standard error of this exponent is 0.04, and the difference between this exponent and that found by Downing et al. (1987) is statistically significant (P < .05). Downing (1986) has shown, however, that such exponents are biased Table 2. Multiple regression equation for the prediction of logl052 in Lake Cromwell. Only variables that accounted for significant variation were retained. All variables are as in Table 1. Variable log,,, mean density log,n body mass Sampling scale (1,2,3) Depth (1,2, 3) Intercept Coeff. / value P 1.530 -0.096 36.2 -3.5 <.0001 0.090 0.083 3.4 3.0 .0009 .0026 -0.364 .0007 ZOOPLANKTON SPATIAL HETEROGENEITY October 1988 Table 3. Test for differences in fit of taxonomic groups to equation in Table 2* Test One-way ANOVA plankton predators such as Chaoborus are present all summer. Mean residual variance Group Calanoids Cyclopoids Cladocerans Rotifers 1397 104 95 37 222 -0.058 -0.036 -0.033 0.048 P of heterogeneity 0.198 * The mean residual is calculated as the average of observed logl0s2 less the log,0s2 predicted using Table 2. n is the number of s2 estimates available for each taxonomic group. The test for heterogeneity among groups was performed using the mean residual as the dependent variable in a one-way analysis of variance. A reviewer has suggested that actual spatial heter ogeneity might be better analyzed by subtracting the probable random error due to sampling (i.e., s2 = X) from each s2 estimate, then using these "corrected" data in an analysis of variance. This approach would have some practical problems in that it assumes that s2 due to sampling is always exactly equal to the mean, which is doubtful, and it causes all observations for which s2 < Xto be ignored in the analysis because the logarithm of values <0 is undefined. This would have caused us to delete 58 values, and would have weak ened our analysis. In addition, for real data, s2 « Xb where b > 1, and therefore values of s2 corrected by simple subtraction of X would have varied significantly with X. This would have lead to confounding of effects average population density of 26 organisms/sample. in an ANOVA because some of the variables were s2/X is usually > 1 and increases with increased scale. weakly correlated with X. In this study, we were not Zooplankton populations therefore attain a random interested in the effects of X on spatial heterogeneity distribution (i.e., s2 = X)ona spatial scale smaller than per se, but were only interested in an unbiased assess 100 m2. Extrapolation of the equation in Table 2 sug ment of the effects of body size, depth, sampling scale, gests that zooplankton at the average population den and season, given the effect of X. Thus, we avoided sity were randomly distributed in Lake Cromwell on these assumptions and difficulties by using Jasa co- a spatial scale between 0.01 and 0.0001 m2. Thus, fac variable in an ANCOVA of unconnected s2's, thereby tors generating spatial heterogeneity in zooplankton employing a statistically determined correction for X. appear to operate on a very fine scale. This may cor For our analyses to be confounded by the effect of pure respond to the stochastic, vectorial, and social patterns sampling error, pure sampling error would have to vary suggested by Hutchinson (1953) and Haury et al. (1978) systematically with body size, depth, and spatial scale. in micro- (0.1-5 m) and fine (5-103 m) scales. A prac There is no evidence of this. tical application of this knowledge is that more zoo There is little apparent taxon specificity of spatial plankton samples must be taken from a large sampling heterogeneity in this community. Most taxa and life area to obtain a given level of precision on population stages of zooplankton fitted the regression in Table 2 estimates (cf. Downing et al. 1987). In addition, as seen well. ANOVA of the residuals (Table 3) shows no sig by Grieg-Smith (1952) the effect of sampling scale may nificant differences among broad taxonomic groups (a not be monotonic, and s2 maxima may be found where = .05). Within each of these broad groups except the sampling scale surpasses patch dimensions. Such an rotifers, some taxa and life stages diverged significantly effect might have been seen in our study had more from the overall pattern, however (Table 4). Densities spatial scales been investigated or had the range of of the cladoceran Holopedium gibberum seemed some scales been greater. what more heterogeneous than those of Bosmina lon- Physical characteristics of the environment also had girostris, although differences were only weakly signif a significant effect on spatial heterogeneity. We found icant (.05 > P > .01; Table 5). Calanoid nauplii, a that the spatial heterogeneity of zooplankton increased planktonic dispersal stage, were much less heteroge with depth (Table 2). Although many researchers have neous than adults and copepodids (Table 6). Within suggested that turbulence and wave action tend to ag gregate plankton in surface waters (e.g., George and Edwards 1973, Riley 1976, Smith et al. 1976, George Table 4. Results of F tests for heterogeneity in mean resid ual variance among taxa within broad taxonomic groups.* and Heaney 1978, Alldredge and Hammer 1980, HeaNum ber of ney and Tailing 1980, Incze and Yentsch 1981), the data agree with Dumont (1967) showing that deeper populations are more heterogeneous than shallow ones. Our findings may either indicate that surface turbu lence has a randomizing effect on spatial distribution or that predation pressure may be higher in deeper waters yielding aggregation as a predation avoidance behavior (e.g., Rasmussen and Downing 1988). Either of these may be possible because Lake Cromwell is probably too small for wind rowing to be common and Group Cladocerans taxa 3 36 3.95 .0286 5 7 11 104 95 223 3.42 7.99 <.0001 Copepods Calanoids Cyclopoids Rotifers 1.77 .0114 .0672 * Mean residuals are calculated as in Table 3. The four separate tests were performed as one-way analyses of vari ance, considering taxa as treatments. BERNADETTE PINEL-ALLOUL ET AL. 1398 Table 5. Variations in fit of cladoceran taxa to the equation in Table 2.* Ecology, Vol. 69, No. 5 Table 7. Variations in fit of cyclopoid copepod taxa and life stages to the equation in Table 2. All variables are as in Table 5. Mean n Taxon Bosmina longirostris 27 Diaphanosoma sp. Holopedium gibberum 15 27 residual variance -0.130 0.067 0.396 Mean P <.05 >.05 <.05 Sign Taxon* - ns + * Shown are the mean residual variance (calculated as in Table 3) for each taxon, the significance of the analysis of variance comparing the residuals of each taxon with the av erage residual ofall other cladoceran taxa, and a symbol show ing whether the taxon yielded a greater (+) or lesser (—) re sidual than the other taxa combined, ns indicates that no significant difference was found. cyclopoid copepods, copepodids C1-C3 were the least heterogeneous in density while C4-C5 and adult Cy clops scutifer were most heterogeneous (Table 7). Ap parently, spatial behavior in copepods changes with age. Taylor (1984) has also found this to be true in terrestrial insects. Our analysis suggests that the effects of population density, body size, scale, and depth op erate differently on only a few taxa and life stages. This finding disagrees with one school of thought (e.g., Tay lor and Taylor 1977, Taylor 1984) that suggests that spatial pattern is species-specific. Such assertions have been based on the measurement of spatial heteroge n Copepodids C1-C3 Tropocydops prasinus Nauplii Mesocyclops edax Diacychps bicuspidatus Copepodids C4-C5 Cyclops scutifer 26 15 27 8 3 13 3 residual variance -0.214 -0.170 -0.107 0.015 0.211 0.420 0.468 P <.0i >.05 >.05 a.05 a.05 <.01 <.05 Sign — NS NS NS NS + + * Copepodids C1-C3 and C4-C5 are all cyclopoid copep odids combined, mainly Tropocydops prasinus and Mesocydops edax, which account for 62% and 18% (Loubier 1983) of the adult cyclopoids, respectively. spatial distribution. Thermal stratification decreases mixing in deeper waters, which permits the persistence of behaviorally induced patterns in plankton distri bution. Few differences occur among broad taxonomic categories but some developmental stages seem less able to maintain heterogeneous distributions or dis perse actively. The randomness implied by the term "plankton" does not apply to the zooplankton of Lake Cromwell. The "wanderers" distribute themselves in aggregations that vary among organisms and environ ments. neity using b'm s2 = aX*, which varies as an artifact Acknowledgments of sample number (Downing 1986), and have failed to Financial support for this research was provided by oper ating grants to B. Pinel-Alloul and J. A. Downing from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Can ada, and a team grant from the Minister of Education of the Province of Quebec (FCAR). We thank P. Ross, S. Pilon, and the staff of the Station Biologique of the Universite de Mon treal for technical assistance. This is a publication ofthe Groupe d'Ecologie des Eaux douces of l'Uni versite de Montreal and the Centre de recherches ecologiques de Montreal. account for the systematic effect of body size on spatial heterogeneity. The relative similarity of spatial hetero geneity among taxa found in our analysis is more reliable because our sampling design was constant and body size was included as a covariable in the analysis. This study has demonstrated that the degree of spa tial heterogeneity in freshwater zooplankton popula tions is not just a function ofdensity alone (cf. Downing Literature Cited et al. 1987), but varies with several factors related to Alldredge, A. L., and W. M. Hammer. 1980. Recurring aggregation of zooplankton by a tidal current. Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science 10:31-37. the organisms' specific behavioral components. 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