Umnol. Oceanogr.. 33(3), 1988, 447-458 © 1988, by the American Society orLimnology and Oceanography, Inc. Spatial patchiness in the lacustrine sedimentary environment1 lated with depth, cause heterogeneous sed iment distribution: sediment distribution patterns can be affected by the deposition of lotic sediments in lentic waters (Hakanson 1982; Fabre and Patau-Albertini 1986; Hilton et al. 1986); slumping, sliding, and turbidity currents can generate heteroge neous horizontal sediment displacement at subordinate depths (Ludlam 1969, 1974; Hakanson 1982; Hilton et al. 1986); reser voir sediment patterns reflect the course of the original riverbed (Fabre and Patau-Al bertini 1986); currents redistribute sedi ments in very large lakes (e.g. Lake Huron: Wood 1964); finally, Hargrave and Nielsen (1977) have suggested that irregularities in original lake basins can lead to large-scale spatial heterogeneity in deposited sedi Abstract—Spatial patchiness of sediment char acteristics in central, bathymetrically uniform sites in eight lakes was examined by comparison of within- and among-core variation in water, or ganic matter, pigment, and phosphorus concen trations. Sampling sites were chosen to avoid known sources of sediment heterogeneity. Re gression analysis of within-core and among-core variance on mean sediment characteristics was used to examine sampling exigencies. Compari sons of microscale and analytical variation with variation in sediment characteristics among core samples, within sites, showed significant {P < 0.05) sediment heterogeneity in >62% of the comparisons. AH sediment characteristics and all sampling sites showed some significant hetero geneity. The variance in sediment characteristics among core samples, within sites, was from 2 to 320 times greater than analytical or microscale variation. Spatial heterogeneity might result from aggregated benthic animals, slow currents, or small-scale variations in bottom profile. ments. It has long been observed that sediments are not uniformly distributed in lakes. Many studies have demonstrated that sediment accumulation increases with depth (e.g. Lehman 1975; Likens and Davis 1975; Sly 1977; Evans and Rigler 1980; Davis and Ford 1982, and many others). Such sedi ment focusing results from the resuspension of sediments by wave action and by sea sonal or continuous mixing, from slumping and sliding on steep slopes, and from re duced organic matter degradation at depth (Hilton 1985). Sediments are therefore usu ally less abundant and coarser in high-en ergy, shallow environments and are usually thick, fine, and flocculent in deeper waters. Several other factors, not directly corre- 1 This is publication 319 of the Groupe d'Ecologie des Eaux douces of l'Universite de Montreal. This work was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, the Department of Ed ucation of the Province of Quebec (F.C.A.R.), the Sportsmen's Fund, and the Secretary of State. In open, flat areas of sediments at uni form water depth, where these mechanisms do not operate, sediments should be uni form in composition. This uniformity should be assured by the random rain of sedimentary material and by the lack of sed iment redistribution mechanisms in such areas. Current information on sediment dis tribution mechanisms therefore suggests that sediments ofuniform depth, far from deltas, inputs, and steep slopes, should be homo geneous in spatial distribution. There is some indirect evidence that sed iments in bathymetrically uniform areas are patchily distributed. Several workers have found that much of the variation in sedi mentation rates (Kimmel 1978; Dillon and Evans 1982; Hilton et al. 1986), sediment lead burden (Evans and Rigler 1985), sed iment particle size and organic matter con tent (Keulder 1982) cannot be explained by variation in water depth. Anderson et al. (1982) found that the variance in numbers of dinoflagellate cysts found in replicate samples was always greater than the mean 447 448 Notes number per cubic centimeter. Both sonar (Miiller 1977) and visual observations (Fabre and Patau-Albertini 1986; Sweerts et al. 1986) reveal sediment patchiness. Hargrave and Nielsen (1977) concluded that the variation among replicate sediment samples exceeds values expected from an alytical error alone, although they present no such analysis. Thus, sediments may be highly variable, even within small, uniform sampling sites. In spite of the potential importance of sediment assessment to lake management, the possibility of sediment patchiness is sel dom considered in experimental design. Most paleolimnological and sediment de position investigations are based on the analysis of a single core sample per site (Wentz and Lee 1969; Shapiro et al. 1971; Lehman 1975; Kimmel 1978), even though adjacent samples sometimes yield different profiles (e.g. Whitehead et al. 1973). Esti mates of sediment chemistry are usually based on one sample taken at each arbi trarily chosen station (e.g. Williams et al. 1971,1976; Hart et al. 1976; Premazzi and Ravera 1977; Johnson et al. 1982). If sed iments are patchy, extrapolation of single core samples to entire sites or lakes could yield greatly biased estimates of actual con ditions. The magnitude of bias depends on the degree of spatial heterogeneity of the sediments and the relative size of analytical error and spatial variation. Despite the abundance of indirect evi dence of small-scale spatial heterogeneity in sediments and the importance of sediment assessment to aquatic ecology, no one has tested the hypothesis that the variation among sediments in different core samples, taken at the same sampling site, is greater than either analytical error or microspatial variation within core samples. In fact, many believe that sediments are homogeneous at a given depth (e.g. Twinch and Peters 1984) or station (e.g. Reynoldson and Hamilton 1982). Although some researchers have shown high coefficients of variation, C.V. = 100 (sVmean), among replicate cores taken at the same site (Hargrave and Nielsen 1977; Slater and Boag 1978; Anderson et al. 1982), it is unclear whether this "heterogeneity" results from spatial variation or analytical error (cf. Eddington and Robbins 1976). The purpose of our study was to estimate several important sediment characteristics (organic matter, water content, phosphorus, and pig ments) in small, potentially uniform areas of eight lakes, to determine the frequency of significant spatial patchiness in the sed imentary environment. We thank M. Portier, Y. Rochon, and D. Miron for technical assistance. R. D. Evans, D. R. Lee, J. Hilton, J. Cornett, H. Cyr, S. Lalonde, G. Niirnberg, C. Plante, and A. Vezina provided criticisms. We also thank the staff of the Station de Biologie of l'Universite de Montreal and the Limnology Re search Group of McGill University for use of their field stations. The general experimental design was to take a series of replicate core samples within a zone that would normally be considered homogeneous with respect to large-scale, erosional-depositional processes. Each of these sites was nearly uniform in depth, near the center of the lake or bay, and far from inputs and obvious sources of sediment het erogeneity. Either microscale spatial vari ation (within cores) or analytical error was determined within each core sample, and intercore vs. intracore variation in several sediment characteristics was compared with a Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis (Conover 1971). Twelve series of core samples were taken at sites in eight lakes within a 150-km radius of Montreal, Quebec. Sampled lakes were morphometrically and trophically diverse (Table 1). We took 6-28 core samples at each site with a Kajak-Brinkhurst corer (Kajak et al. 1965; Brinkhurst et al. 1969) equipped with a contractible, machined ny lon flange to permit gentle removal ofsharp ened acrylic core tubes (26 cm2). The sam pler was lowered smoothly into the sediment and no core sample was retained that showed either sediment disruption or obvious com paction (Hongve and Erlandsen 1979; Ev ans et al. 1986). Samples were spaced as evenly as possible over the sampling site (100-1,000 m2) by anchoring the boat per pendicular to the wind, taking samples at the bow, center, and stern, reanchoring about 5 m downwind, and repeating the process until all the samples were obtained. Core Notes 449 Table 1. Average characteristics of the study lakes. Zm is the mean depth, Zmm is the maximum depth (in m), area is measured in hectares, TP is average annual water column total phosphorus (in /ig liter"1), Secchi disk transparency is growing season average (in m), Chi is seasonal average Chi a concentration of the water column (in mg m~3) (<64 ftm), cond. is average conductivity (in fitnho cm"'), and alk. is average alkalinity (in mg liter"1). Median values for conductivity and alkalinity are shown for Lac Hertel. Lake Memphremagog chlorophyll analyses were performed on whole samples. Lake de PAchigan Connelly Cromwell Hertel Area zm 12.3 7.7 3.0 3.8 26.8 20.1 8.0 8.0 527.8 129.4 9.2 4.7 TP Secchi Chl Cond. Alk. 9.5 9.2 11.5 10.0 5.0 5.1 2.4 3.4 1.0 1.5 8.6 3.0 56.5 95.5 35.1 104.0 15.2 21.7 9.8 28.5 Reference Lafond 1985 Lafond 1985 Lafond 1985 Kalffl972; Heath 1985; R. H. Peters pers. comm.; J. Rasmussen pers. comm. Memphremagog, 7.0 9.1 5,607.0 12.6 2.9 5.4 130.0 46.0 8.7 14.0 2.5 4.0 14.8 5.3 10.7 3.1 1.6 2.7 70.6 12.1 1.7 9.8 2.9 5.6 3.5 42.3 33.6 17.5 8.3 8.0 south basin Pin Rouge Thibault Triton 1.4 2.1 samples in Lake Memphremagog were tak en randomly by divers to assure minimal compaction. The water depth to sediment surface (±1 cm), the pH (±0.01) and the sediment temperature at 2-cm sediment depth (±0.035°C) were recorded immedi ately for each core sample. Samples were kept cold and undisturbed during transport to the laboratory. Two different measures of within-core variation in sediment characteristics were used. First, four tests of the relative size of among-core and within-core spatial varia tion were made by subsampling each core sample with a 2.3-cm2 glass tube. The glass tube was pushed into the sediment to a depth of 10 cm while applying a controlled vac uum to the subsampler such that no differ ence between the level of sediment in the subsampler and the core sample could be detected visually. Each ofthese three or four subsamples were homogenized indepen dently, and sediment characteristics were determined for each. Within-core variation in these experiments represents the sum of microscale and analytical variation. Be cause this measure of within-core variation was not significantly different (P > 0.05) from analytical error alone (J. A. Downing unpubl.), eight further analyses compared Nakashima and Leggett 1975; Ross and Kalff 1975 Lafond 1985 Lafond 1985 Lafond 1985 analytical error with among-core variation. Two 2.3-cm2 subsamples were extracted as above, mixed together, and homogenized by hand-stirring before sediment analyses were performed on 2-4 subsamples of the homogenate. Four 2.3-cm2 subsamples of 5-cm depth were taken in Lake Memphre magog. Sediment subsamples were analyzed for several characteristics of limnological and geochemical importance. The water content was determined by massing (±0.0001 g) fresh sediment samples of about 5 ml, then drying to constant mass (60°C, 24-48 h). Organic matter content was approximated by loss on ignition (55O°C, 6 h). Organic matter content was analyzed both per unit of sediment fresh mass and per unit of dry mass. Sediment phosphorus content was mea sured because of its importance to lake eutrophication studies. Total phosphorus analysis of homogenate samples was per formed with a modification of Andersen's (1976) ignition method. Ashed sediment samples from water content and organic matter analyses were boiled in 50-ml beak ers containing 25 ml of 1 N HC1. After re duction of sample volume to 5 ml, deionized water was added to return sample 450 Notes volume to ~25 ml. This procedure was re peated three times. Samples were then cooled, and the volume was made up to about 50 ml and the exact dilution factor determined gravimetrically (F. H. Rigler pers. comm.). A further dilution, with a Brinkmann Diluette (50:1; 500:1 in Lake Memphremagog), was necessary to decrease the acidity and to bring color development into the detectable range. Internal phos phorus standards were prepared in triplicate with a sample chosen randomly from each sample series. Reagents were added to all samples (Murphy and Riley 1962), and phosphorus concentration was determined spectrophotometrically at 890 nm, 30 min after reagent addition. Sediment phos phorus content was analyzed per unit offresh mass, of dry mass, and of organic matter. Rudimentary sediment pigment analyses were performed because ofthe potential use of sediment pigments as indicators of eutrophication (e.g. Gorham 1960). Chloro phyll a and pheopigment concentration of the sediments were determined with a mod ification of Lorenzen's (1967) method. A known quantity of fresh sediment was ho mogenized in 12 ml of 90% spectrograde acetone. Tubes were covered with Parafilm, and samples were digested in the dark (4°C, 6-12 h), then centrifuged in a clinical cen trifuge until clear (~ 5 min). The superna tant was decanted and 21 ml of 90% acetone added to it. Chlorophyll a and pheopigments were determined (Strickland and Parsons 1968) with a Bausch and Lomb Spectronic 21 UDV spectrophotometer. The sum of Chi a and pheopigments and the ratio of Chi a to pheopigments were cal culated because degradation of chlorophyll may decrease under anaerobic conditions (Staub 1977; Swain 1985), which may vary in space. Sediment characteristics are expressed per unit of fresh mass, of dry mass, and of or ganic matter, where possible, because units ofsediment mass can influence the apparent concentration (Shapiro et al. 1971; Hakanson and Jansson 1983; Swain 1985). In addition, the expression ofconcentration per unit of dry mass or of organic matter elim inates variation due to sediment compac tion caused by sampler penetration. Analytical error and within-core microscale variation were quantified by calculat ing the (n — l)-weighted variance among subsamples withdrawn from the same core. This variance was compared to the withincore average for each sediment character istic (mw) with logarithmic transformation and least-squares regression analysis, re sulting in typical variance: mean relation ships (cf. Downing and Anderson 1985). The residuals from each of these equations were calculated, and the hypothesis of amonglake homogeneity of analytical variation was tested with Kruskal-Wallis one-way analy sis (Conover 1971) of these residuals. The hypothesis that sediment character istics varied significantly among core sam ples was tested at each site with KruskalWallis one-way analysis (Conover 1971), considering within-core subsamples as rep licates. This nonparametric test was used because data were often heteroscedastic. The Kruskal-Wallis analysis is more conserva tive than normal ANOVA applied either to the raw data or their ranks. Variation in sediment characteristics among core samples was quantified by cal culating the (n — l)-weighted variance of the within-core averages (mw) within each sampling site. This variance was compared to the average of within-core averages with logarithmic transformation and leastsquares regression analysis. Approximate calculation of the requisite number of sam ples for a given precision follows Downing and Anderson (1985). The 178 core samples showed fairly uni form physical conditions within each site. The coefficients ofvariation (C.V.) for depth to sediment surface were usually <6 (Table 2). Water depth was therefore fairly con stant except in Lac Cromwell and Lac Con nelly where depth to sediment surface var ied as much as 3 m without apparent gradient. Sediment temperature was some what more variable, with C.V. often > 12. It was common for within-site sediment temperature to vary >PC, and sediment temperature in Lac Connelly, for example, varied as much as 5°C within the same site. Most variations in sediment temperature are probably significant because measurement error was <0.07°C. Sediment pH was vir- Notes 451 Table 2. Average sampling depths (m), sediment temperatures (°C at 2-cm depth), and sediment pH and their C.V. Averages were calculated among core samples within sampling sites. Sampling depth Lake, site Connelly Cromwell, site 1 site 2 de 1'Achigan, site 1 site 2 Hertel Pin Rouge Thibault Triton, site 1 site 2 site 3 Memphremagog, south basin A' Mean C.V. 20 10 12 12 20 10 12 6 12 24 12 28 7.62 10.14 7.05 4.57 5.44 17.53 2.75 2.20 6.94 4.09 5.36 5.57 4.33 2.15 9.42 9.08 6.72 7.38 2.18 3.48 3.38 3.69 6.00 tually invariant both within and among sampling sites. The composition of the sediments at our sampling sites was similar to that reported in other lakes. The median water content of our samples was 90% (range: 28-97%), and a median 35% (range: 8-98%) of the dry matter was lost on ignition. Sediment total phosphorus content varied from <200 to >5,000 Mg g"' dry mass (>0.5%), which nearly covers the range reported for lakes in general (Williams et al. 1971; Sly 1977; Graneli 1979), except perhaps warm, turbid reservoirs (e.g. Keulder 1982). Many have shown that Chi a and other photosynthetic pigments are abundant in sediments (e.g. Gorham 1960) and increase with eutrophication (Gorham 1961; Sangerand Gorham 1970). We found that the median concen tration of Chi a and pheopigments (on a fresh mass basis) in our sediment samples was 1.8% (range: 0.7-5.3%), which is greater than the average chlorophyll concentration in fresh algal cells (Parsons and LeBrasseur 1970; Nicholls and Dillon 1978). Although our sediment samples covered a range of depths, only the sediments at Lac Triton, site 1, stood out as being qualitatively dis tinct. These samples were rich in undecomposed forest litter and thus were low in water content (<35%), high in organic matter (>96%), and poor in phosphorus. Compar ative analysis of the sediment characteris tics themselves is presented elsewhere (Downing in prep.). We found that within-core and analytical — Sediment temp Sediment pH C.V. Mean c.v. 9.02 17.20 6.56 3.03 4.84 6.47 7.31 8.13 14.82 Mean 7.54 14.90 5.18 22.98 19.21 21.22 10.64 10.27 3.55 5.25 12.60 13.24 1.61 1.84 0.75 1.88 16.35 — — 6.39 5.40 — — — — 6.58 6.75 6.30 2.67 2.27 1.86 _ _ 6.55 1.35 variation could often be quite substantial. Despite our best efforts, the standard de viations of replicate determinations were often as great as their means. Coefficients of variation for sediment pigment analyses were largest with median values between 10 and 35. Measures of organic matter and water content were the least variable with C.V. frequently <1. The variance attrib utable to within-core and analytical varia tion varied significantly with the mean mea surement (e.g. Fig. 1A-B). Table 3 shows that within-core variation rises significantly with the average measurement in all vari ables but water content (e.g. Fig. 1B). The variance of water content decreases as av erages approach 1.0 (Fig. 1 A) because water content is constrained to the range of 0-1. In all cases, however, analytical variance is unstable, implying the necessity of data transformation if parametric statistical analyses are to be applied (Downing 1979). More troublesome is the fact that analyt ical error varied significantly among sam pling sites. Nonparametric one-way analy sis of the residuals from the variance: mean relationships in Table 3 shows that different sampling sites, although treated equally, yielded different degrees of analytical vari ation that were unexplained by differences in the average of sediment determinations. This result implies both that workers in oth er lakes may not find the same level of error predicted by Table 3, but also that it may be misleading to infer spatial hetero- or ho mogeneity simply by comparison ofamong- 452 Notes 0.56 □ □ 12 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 14 16 18 SEDIMENT TEMPERATURE (°C) log WITHIN-CORE AVERAGE Fig. 1. A, B. Relationship between the average and variance of replicate determinations of sediment char acteristics made within core samples. Data represent either the combination of analytical and within-core spatial variability or analytical variation alone for (A) water content (g g"1, fresh mass) and (B) total phosphorus concentration (pg g"1, fresh mass). C, D. Relationship between sediment temperature and sediment organic matter (g g-', dry mass) for individual core samples taken from (Q Lac Cromwell, site 2, and (D) Lac Hertel. core variation with analytical variation ob served elsewhere. The only valid test for sediment patchiness is a direct comparison of within- and among-core sediment vari ation. Although our sampling sites were chosen to avoid known sources of sediment het erogeneity, all sampling sites showed sig nificant sediment patchiness. Fifty-nine percent of comparisons showed significant ly (P < 0.05) more variation among core samples than can be explained by analytical variation, and 67% of comparisons showed significantly (P < 0.05) more variation among core samples than can be explained by microscale and analytical variation (Ta ble 4). Significant patchiness was more readily demonstrated in organic matter and water content because analytical variation was lower for these sediment characteris tics. Sediment total phosphorus and organic matter concentrations varied significantly among core samples whether expressed per unit of fresh mass or dry mass, indicating that sediment compaction was not respon sible for variations in sediment quality among core samples. Sediment pigments were also significantly patchy, but chloro phyll: pheopigment ratios varied little in space, echoing the spatial uniformity of re- Notes t 44 Jg 40- 0 E 3 0 £ UJ t 0. licate samples of the same core. Thus, single a 36 32 D O> 28 D 1 20 CO 16 UJ D D 0.91 DC -P uj E d < Ta)0.90 a D □ Z Z0.89 UJ 1 P S 00.88 a □ in a D CO O 0.87 1.40 CO □ o □ □ 1.35 D Q. CO o I IUJ 30 o> □ 1.25 5 UJ CO 1.20 □ 6.2 6.6 7.0 453 7.4 DEPTH TO SEDIMENT SURFACE (m) Fig. 1. E-G. Relationship between the water depth overlying each sediment core sample in Lac Hertel and the sediment pheopigment concentration, sediment water content, and sediment phosphorus concentration in each sample. dox potential suggested by sediment pH measurements (Table 2). /^-statistics for normal ANOVA (parametric equivalent of Table 4) show that the variance in sediment characteristics among core samples, within sites, is from 2 to 320 times (median = 5) greater than the variance found among rep core samples cannot even characterize small sampling sites without a level of bias that is much greater than analytical error. Sed iment heterogeneity was found at all sam pling sites (Table 4), regardless of the sam pling depth, size of lake, or trophic status (Table 1). The number of sediment samples needed within each sampling site depends on the sediment characteristic examined, the mag nitude of the characteristic in the site ex amined, and the required level of precision. Table 5 shows that the among-core .y2 values of sediment water, organic matter, pig ments, and phosphorus concentrations vary as power functions ofthe among-core mean. Data on chlorophyll and pheopigments and data on total phosphorus expressed with all denominators (fresh, dry, and organic mass) are pooled in common equations because ANCOVA showed no partial effect of these categories. Although these equations were derived from limited data, they can be ana lyzed with the protocol of Downing and An derson (1985) to calculate the approximate number of core samples that must be taken within a similar 100-1,000-m2 area to ob tain a requisite level ofprecision. For a stan dard error of 5% of the mean, for example, sediment phosphorus content can be esti mated with 2-3 core samples, independent of concentration. This finding is in basic agreement with Reynoldson and Hamilton (1982). Most other sediment characteristics require greater sampling effort near the min imum concentrations that we encountered: 300 samples for pigments, 80 samples for organic matter (dry mass), 20 samples for water content. Organic matter content ex pressed per unit of sediment fresh mass re quires little replication at minimum con centrations (i.e. 2-3 samples) but up to 70 samples at the highest concentrations. More samples would be required from larger sam pling sites or sampling strata (i.e. > 1,000 m2) because larger areas probably include more variability in sediment types. Hakanson and Jansson (1983) attempt to com pute requisite sample number without such information on spatial and analytical vari ation, but it cannot be done with accuracy. It is also apparent that analysis of a given 454 Notes Table 3. Coefficients for the equation s2 = amwh where s2 and mw are the variance and mean of sediment characteristics calculated among the two to four replicate samples taken from each of the N core samples, r2 is the coefficient of determination for the least-squares regression relationship, P is the probability of obtaining such a relationship by chance alone, and F is the probability level associated with the Kruskal-Wallis test for homogeneity of the residuals among sampling sites (asterisks: *—P < 0.05; **—P < 0.01). Sediment unitsfresh mass (fm), dry mass (dm), and organic mass (om), loss on ignition. Chi—sediment chlorophyll concentration. Variable Organic matter, fm dm Water content, fm Chi, fm Pheopigments, fm a b -1.781 -4.780 -6.240 -0.433 3.138 0.973 -7.901 5.195 0.929 1.486 0.982 -0.551 -1.401 -1.721 -2.739 2.028 -1.152 Chi + pheopigment Chl/pheopigment Total phosphorus, fm dm om p p 178 0.62 0.06 0.52 ** ** 0.06 0.09 0.19 0.17 177 167 133 141 141 134 149 149 148 1.999 0.484 1.569 number of samples will not yield equal precision for all variables of interest. This research demonstrates for the first time that sediments are spatially heterogeneous in ways that are unrelated to depth gradients, sediment focusing, or other largescale redistribution processes. Unfortunately, we can make but little progress toward finding a cause for this patchiness. There are at least five possibilities: sediments accumulate in the sediment shadows of macrophytes or outcrops (de March s ** * *• ** *• ** *• ♦* *« ♦* ** •* 0.30 ** ** 0.02 * ** 0.32 ** ** 1978), littoral materials are ice-rafted into deeper waters (Pelletier 1968), local temperature differences due to groundwaterdiscontinuities (Lee 1985) cause differential sediment decomposition (Nikaido 1978; Kelderman and van de Repe 1982), patchily distributed benthic invertebrates (Downing 1979) either accumulate materials around them (Luckenbach 1986) or lead to patchy aeration and release of sediment components (e.g. Petr 1977; Graneli 1979; Rippey and Jewson 1982), and slow, deep currents Table 4. Kruskal-Wallis one-way tests for heterogeneity among core samples within each of the 12 sampling sites. The first four tests examined the hypothesis that variation among cores was greater than the combination of within-core microscale and analytical variation, while the final eight tests examined the hypothesis that among-core variation was greater than analytical variation within core samples (asterisks: *—differences at P < 0.05; ♦*—at P < 0.01; ns—no significant difference was found). Abbreviations: om—organic matter; Chi— chlorophyll; Pheo—pheopigment; sum—chlorophyll + pheopigments; ratio—chlorophyll: pheopigments; TP— total phosphorus; other abbreviations and units as in Table 3. Sampling site Water om/fm om/dm * ** Lacde PAchigan (1) Lac Triton (1) Lac Triton (2) ** * ** ns ns ns ** ♦* ** Lac Connelly Lac Cromwell (2) Lac de l'Achigan (2) ** •* ** ** ** •* ** ** ** Lac Hertel Lac Pin Rouge ** ** ** ** ** ** Lac Thibault Lac Triton (3) Lake Memphremagog ** Chi Pheo Sum Ratio TP/fm TP/dm ** ** ** ns ns ns ns ** ** TP/om Microscale vs. among-core Lac Cromwell (1) ns * ns * • ** ns ns ns *« ** ** ** — — — — * * ** Analytical vs. among-core ns ** ♦ ** ** ♦ ** ** ** ** — — — * ** •* ns ns ns ns ns ns * ns ns ns ns ns ns * ns ** ns ns ** ns — ns ** ns ** ns ** — — — ** * ** ns ns ns ns ns ns — — — ns ns ns * * Notes 455 Table 5. Coefficients for the equation s2 = amb where s2 and m are the variance and mean of sediment characteristics among the replicate core samples taken at each of the 12 sampling sites, r2 is the coefficient of determination for the least-squares regression relationship, and P is the probability of obtaining such a rela tionship by chance alone (asterisks: **—P < 0.01). Data from Lac Triton, site 1, were not included in the analysis because they were qualitatively different due to the large amount of undecomposed forest litter in these samples. n—Number of sites for which data were available; other variables and units as in Table 3. Variable om/fm om/dm Water content/fm Chi or pheopigments Phosphorus (all forms) a b n 4.299 -4.753 -5.520 -0.161 -2.065 6.226 -2.021 -18.907 0.904 1.939 11 (Lemmin and Imboden 1987) winnow and redistribute sediments (Hakanson and Jansson 1983). For our sites, the first two possibilities can be tentatively eliminated because only the sites in Lac Triton were near macrophytes or outcrops, and no coarse, littoral materials were ever observed in our core samples. Temperature might play a role because sed-' iment temperature is sometimes negatively correlated with sediment organic matter content within sites (e.g. Fig. 1C). The role of temperature seems minor, however, be cause out of 105 possible site-specific cor relations between sediment characteristics and sediment temperature, only 17 were statistically significant (P < 0.05: Downing unpubl.). In addition, three of these corre lations are significantly positive (e.g. Fig. ID). It is tempting to suggest that the activities of invertebrates are responsible for sedi ment patchiness, especially given their striking heterogeneity (Elliott 1977; Down ing 1979). Invertebrates may physically transport sediments, ingest and degrade them, or alter them by increasing the ex change rates ofwater and oxygen (Petr 1977). Such an explanation is even more plausible considering that invertebrates and habitat patches are sometimes correlated in fresh water (e.g. Alley and Anderson 1968; Vodopich and Cowell 1984) and marine (e.g. Gray 1974; Rhoads 1974) benthic environ ments. This correlation is also found in the lakes we examined (Rath 1986). Whatever mechanism is ultimately re sponsible for the patchiness of lake sedi ments, this structure is expressed and per 12 11 20 30 P 0.51 0.59 ** 0.53 0.44 0.92 ** ** ♦* ♦* haps maintained by physical variation in the bottom profile. We found that the actual depth to the sediment surface was more variable than would be expected from bathymetric maps or sonar scans (Table 2). A typical 20° sonar transducer integrates bottom depth over a circular surface with a radius of Z tan(2072) (where Z is depth); thus at 10-m depth, sediment details of a diameter of < 3.5 m could not be discerned. Visual inspection often reveals a rolling pro file, with hummocks separated by small depressions—a structure reminiscent of moguls. The distance from water surface to sediments was significantly (P < 0.05) cor related with sediment characteristics in 25% of the possible site-specific correlations. Pigment concentrations, water content, and phosphorus concentrations were often pos itively correlated with depth to sediment surface (Fig. 1E-G), suggesting that the sed iments between the moguls are less compact and accumulate pigments and phosphorus. This accumulation could be mediated by the winnowing effect of slow, deep-water currents (Lemmin and Imboden 1987). In addition to the depth gradients created by sediment focusing, sediment deposition is highly patchy, even at a relatively small spatial scale within relatively uniform sites. Heterogeneity among "replicate" sediment samples is many times greater than microscale or analytical error, necessitating care in sampling design. Sediment patchiness may result from the activities of aggregated animals, sediment transport by deep cur rents, and small-scale variations in bottom profile. Reynoldson and Hamilton (1982) studied the spatial variation of phosphorus Notes 456 in the sediments of one lake and concluded that homogeneity is the most apparent fea ture of the spatial pattern of the sediments. Our research shows that sediment hetero geneity necessitates careful sampling design, even within bathymetrically uniform sam pling sites. John A. Downing Departement de Sciences Biologiques Universite de Montreal C.P. 6128, Succursale 4A' Montreal, Quebec H3C 3J7 Laurel C. 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