Reprinted from Nature, Vol. 323, No. 6085, pp. 255-257, 18 September 1986 © Macmillan Journals Ltd., 1986 Spatial heterogeneity: evolved behaviour or mathematical artefact? 0.9-1.0(7.8%) 0.8-0.9(6 .1%) 0-0.1(34 %) 0.7-0.8(6.2%) John A. Downing Departement de Sciences Biologiques, Universite de Montreal, CP 6128, Succursale 'A', Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3C 3J7 0.6-0.7(6.3%) 0.5-0.6(6.4%) For more than a century ecologists have sought to explain the spatial heterogeneity of plants and animals1, but progress has been hampered by measurement bias2. A measure thought to be an unbiased index of spatial heterogeneity3 is 6, the fitted exponent in the empirical relationship s2 = aM\ where s2 is the variance and M the average of randomly placed replicate population esti mates4. This index is widely accepted because of the impressive correlation between s2 and M and because it requires no interorganism distance measures. Theoretical models, based on migra tory behaviour5 or demographic factors6, have been proposed to account for the relationship between s2 and M. These models disagree regarding the effect of environment on b and the diver gence of b values shown by different species. Here I report data showing that species-specific b varies among environments and that different species often show similar b values, favouring the demographic model. Analysis of these data shows that different levels of replication and sampling coverage lead to biased b values, casting doubt on the use of b for the deduction of cause of spatial variance relationships or the comparative measurement of spatial heterogeneity. Plants and animals are not uniformly distributed in nature. Two contrasting mechanisms5'6 have been proposed to explain the empirical power-function relationship between s2 and M 0.4-0.5(6. -0.2(10.9%) 0.3-0. 4(7 0.2-0.3(8.3%) Fig. 1 Frequency of probability levels obtained in 24,310 pairwise Mests of the hypothesis that species-specific b values are equal. Comparisons are for 221 species of aquatic and terrestrial animals (refs 17-37 and refs listed in ref. 29 as 3, 5,6,9, 10, 16, 18, 19, 21, 29-31, 38-40, 43, 44, 48, 55, 56, 59, 62, 67, 70, 74, 75, 81, 90, 94, 97 and 101). Variance functions were calculated on a per sampler basis (unstandardized to area or volume), and include only organ isms from a single sampling site. Analyses include only species for which correlations between log s2 and log M were statistically significant (P<0.01). Frequency histograms of b values have been published4'5'15, but nobody has examined these exponents to find the frequency with which the null hypothesis of equality of b values can be rejected. I collected observations of M and s2 from several publications (see Fig. 1 legend) and performed linear regression analyses of log s2 on log M specific to species, site and design (sampler and replication level) for 221 species of terrestrial and aquatic animals (data available from me on request). Despite the (ref. 7). One mechanism suggests that the fitted exponent b is a measure of spatial heterogeneity that results from a specifically strength of correlations (77% of r2 are >0.8) and the precision evolved of b values (78% of s.e.b/6 are <0.2), dissimilar b values are combination of 'migratory' and 'congretory' behaviours8'10 (the A model). The second suggests that b arises from the stochastic interplay of demographic characteristics of populations and environmental heterogeneity6111"13. These models disagree on at least three points. First, demographic simulations suggest that b values are highly variable among populations in different growth phases or environments6, whereas the A model suggests that b is constant within species regardless of environment5. Second, the A model suggests that because b results from innate behavioural responses, b values 'segregate' species3'14. Therefore, b fitted for different species should frequently be dissimilar. Third, demographic models considering environmental heterogeneity show that b should rarely lie outside the range 1-2 (ref. 6). The A model allows greater latitude in b; it is supported by fitted values as high as 3.9 (ref. 15). Next I present tests of these controversial points. Discussion surrounding one of the earliest estimations of a s2: M power-function16 suggests that b is an intrinsic property of the organisms concerned and therefore independent of environmental influence. Previous tests of this hypothesis have been anecdotal5 or confound temporal and spatial variability (for example, ref. 14). Inter-habitat comparisons of b values estimated by repeated sampling of several species of zooplankton, benthic invertebrates and terrestrial insects (Table 1) reveal frequent dissimilarity of b values within species. I found sig nificant differences among b values (P < 0.05) in 86% of species. Of 19 possible intra-specific comparisons, 30% show different values of b in replicate determinations. The spatial heterogeneity of species, as measured by b, varies significantly among environ ments. rare. Figure 1 shows the distribution of t probability levels for all possible pairwise tests of the null hypothesis. Only about 1/3 of the comparisons show significant differences (P<0.1) and 30% of these would be expected by chance alone. The null hypothesis of equal b values can therefore be accepted with P>0.1 in at least 2/3 of the pairwise comparisons of b. Less than 2% of the taxa examined yield b values different (P < 0.05) from all other species. Either there is a high degree of conver gence in the evolution of species behaviour or stochastic, mathematic or demographic factors are operating similarly on many species. Monte Carlo simulations of the stochastic/demographic model of spatial distribution with moderate environmental heterogeneity6 predict that b should vary only between 1 and 2, with exact values determined by population parameters and environmental variation. This contrasts with empirical studies that show values of b ranging between 0.4 and 3.9 (ref. 5). Such studies use a wide range of replication both in calculation of M and s2, and in the estimation of regression coefficients. Greater replication in M and s2 calculations («„) would lead to more accurate estimates of fi and a2 and less error in the fit of regressions38'40. Inclusion of more (M, s2) pairs (nr) in regressions would also lead to more stable estimates of b (ref. 41). Contrary to current opinion3, b is biased by mathematical artefact. The range and size of b vary with the number of samples taken and the range of M considered. The range of b is largest where nm nr or the range of M covered by the s2: M relationship is small (Fig. 2A-C): b outside the range of 1-2 is rare where The view that b arises because of species-innate behavioural responses is essential to the A model and is inconsistent with a stochastic/demographic approach. The evolutionary origin of behavioural responses suggests both their constancy within M and s2 are calculated on >60 replicates (Fig. 2A)\ more than 20 (M, s2) pairs are included in the regression (Fig. 2B)\ or believe that, given enough statistical power, most species could mates tend to 1< b < 2 as suggested by the demographic model6. species and their individuality5'8. Proponents of the A model be demonstrated to have significantly divergent b values14. more than one order of magnitude is covered by M (Fig. 2C). Extreme values of b (6 < 1 or b> 2) appear frequently at low replication or narrow density coverage. Stable and robust esti I found that b varies systematically with degree of replication. A : Table 1 Student's f-tests of replicate species-fitted b values Species/sampling site ■ . ii • , ji j !• l) i •*» • • •* «• •♦'. ' .• ! I: * . *♦t '*' • • * 2.0 3.0 Ref. »v "r b 17 39 6 3.61 18 5 6 2.23 0.093 J 19 144 16 0.76 0.066 20 5 16 1.40 0.365 21 2 5 1.88 0.178" 21 3 26 1.23 0.083 Michigan/Ontario 22 2 7 Lake St Clair, Michigan/Ontario 1.15 0.289. 22 3 78 1.40 0.092 22 3 4 23 3 3 0.83 1.40 24 25 4 2.14 0.157" 24 50 4 2.12 0.221 24 624 8 1.31 0.212_ 25 5 16 2.75 0.74ll 26 50 11 1.23 0.087J 27 324 3 1.21 0.003] 27 1296 3 28 4 21 1.09 1.08 28 10 16 1.69 Bosmina coregoni Donk Lake, Belgium Belgian reservoir Leptinotarsa decemlineata Field near Chatham, Ontario Plots near Merivale, Ontario Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri Lake Norman, North Carolina Lake Norman, North Carolina Lake St Clair, Monodiamesa bathyphila Lake St Clair, Michigan/Ontario Harding Lake, Alaska Papillia japonicum Plots near Jacobstown, New Jersey Plots near Jacobstown, New Jersey Plots near Jacobstown, New Jersey Pieris rapae 1 2 Range of m Fig. 2 Site, species and design-specific b values from published sources (see Fig. 1 legend), plotted against: A, the log10 of the number of replicate population estimates included m M and s2 (nu); B, the number of (Af, s2) pairs included in each variance regression (nr); and C, the range of Af in logarithmic form (log,0Mraax-log,0 Mmia) covered by each variance regression. Two negative values of b have been omitted from the extreme left of each plot. Variance functions were calculated on a per sampler basis (unstandardized to area or volume), and include only organ Plots near Merivale, Ontario Field near Sendai, Japan Pyrausta nubilalis Field in north-east Iowa Field in north-east Iowa Fields in Wood County, Ohio Fields in Wood County, Ohio s.e.6 1 0.608 L <o.ooi"l <0.00lJ * L 0.01 lj 0.240 0.327 Significant differences between b values at: P < 0.05 (*), P < 0.01 (**). nv, number of replicate estimates included in each calculation of M and s2; nr, number of (M, s2) pairs in each regression analysis;, standard error of the estimate of b. isms from a single sampling site. Analyses include only species for which correlations between log s2 and log M are statistically sig nificant (P<0.01). A multiple regression analysis (three negative b values omitted where M spanned 0.0001 of an order of magnitude) shows that seem most realistic. Unfortunately, b values are biased and cannot be used as support or criticism of any causal model of spatial distribution. I thank E. McCauley, R. H. Peters, W. L. Downing, A. Morin, b = 2.057-0.111oglonu-0.371og,0 nr (218 species; F=8.2; P« H. Cyr and C. Plante for helpful discussions. Supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the Minister of Education of the province of Quebec (FCAR). Concrete examples of the bias in b are shown in Table 1. Papillia japonicum and Pyrausta nubilalis have significantly Received 27 February; accepted IS June 1986. 0.001) despite heteroscedasticity. Bias in b is a major technical problem, suggesting that comparisons of b should only be made where identical levels of replication are used and equivalent ranges of M are examined. different b values although determinations of b were made on the same sites and dates. The lower value of b is always found where more samples are analysed. Hence, competing theoretical models are arguing about the ecological meaning of mathemati cally biased estimators of spatial heterogeneity, rather than about spatial heterogeneity itself. Environmental differences, demographic factors, evolved behaviour and statistical artefact may each play a part in the perceived spatial distribution of natural populations. Analysis of b values of spatial variance relationships suggest that spatial heterogeneity is no less variable within species than among species. The assumptions of the demographic model therefore 1. Lussenhop, J. J. HisL BioL 7, 319-337 (1974). 2. Green, R. H. Res. Pop. EeoL 8, 1-7 (1966). 3. Taylor, L. R. A. Rev. EntomoL 29, 321-357 (1984). 4. Taylor, L. R., Woiwod, I. P. & Perry, J. N. J. Anim. Ecol. 47, 383-406 (1978). 5. Taylor, L R., Taylor, R. A. J., Woiwod, I. P. & Perry. J. N. Nature 303, 801-804 (1983). 6. Anderson, R. M., Gordon, D. M., Crawlcy, M. J. & Hasscll, M. P. Nature 296, 24S-248 (1982). 7. Taylor, L. 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Reprinted from Nature, Vol. 323, No. 6085, pp. 255-257, 18 September 1986 © Macmitlan Journals Ltd., 19S6 ERRATUM 0.9-1.0(7.8%) 0.8-0.9(6 -0.1(34 %) 0.7-0.8(6.2%) 0.6-0.7(6.3%) 0.5-0.6(6.4%) 0.4-0.5(6.6%)' -0.2(10.9%) 0.3-0.4(7.1%) 0.2-0.3(8.3%) Fig. 1 Frequency of probability levels obtained in 24,310 pairwise f-tests of the hypothesis that species-specific b values are equal. Comparisons are for 221 species of aquatic and terrestrial animals (refs 17-37 and refs listed in ref. 4 as 3, 5, 6, 9,10,16, 18, 19 21 29-31, 38-40, 43, 44, 48, 55, 56, 59, 62, 67, 70, 74, 75, 81, 90,' 94^ 97 and 101). Variance functions were calculated on a per sampler basis (unstandardized to area or volume), and include only organ isms from a single sampling site. Analyses include only species for which correlations between logs2 and logM were statistically significant (P<0.01).