Lecture 8 Take Home Points Genetic Stochasticity •


Lecture 8 Take Home Points

Genetic Stochasticity

-Random fluctuation in allele frequencies can lead to loss of particular genotypes and fixation of particular traits.

-Small founder populations inherently contain limited genetic diversity, and inbreeding and genetic drift can enhance the loss of diversity.

-Inbreeding: Populations that have a high frequency of closely related individuals can suffer from inbreeding. In inbred populations, deleterious alleles can be exposed in homozygous individuals, which may reduce fitness. The importance of inbreeding varies with species.

Potential Genetic Consequences of Invasion

Genetic Bottleneck and Founder Effect

Constrained genetic diversity – small population sample

Genetic Drift

Random loss of alleles in small populations

Inbreeding Depression

Consequences of deleterious recessive genes becoming apparent through inbreeding

Genetic Hotspots

Repeated introductions lead to hyperdiversity and the potential for novel invasive genotypes

Genetic Diversity and Invasion

Invasions often involve a small sample of the original population

Through random chance, can over or underrepresent particular genotypes

Are Bottlenecks Bad for Invaders?


Reduced genetic diversity

Less for selection to act on, thus less responsive to variable environments

Expression of deleterious alleles through inbreeding

Inbreeding depression and No

Genetic ‘purging’

Advantage of relatedness

Many invasive species are not really bottlenecked

Genetic purging – moderately inbred populations can shed deleterious alleles over several generations as selection acts against them. After a number of generations, the fitness increases to that of outbred populations.

Harmonia axyridis (Harlequin lady beetle)

Underwent a bottleneck of intermediate intensity

Related individuals had an increased probability of mating, increasing the homozygosity of the population.

Deleterious recessive alleles were then purged from the from population after ~15 generations because once exposed (as a homozygous recessive), natural selection eliminated them
