Take one of each copy from the front table next to the door. Copy the

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Take one of each copy from the front table next to the door. Copy the following
vocabulary terms on the blank page of the fill-in notes…
• Gene-section of a chromosome that codes
for a trait
• Allele-distinctive form of a gene
• Recessive allele-form of a gene that is not
expressed when paired with a dominant
• Dominant allele-form of a gene that is fully
expressed when 2 different alleles are
• Punnett square-A chart used to solve
genetic problems
• Monohybrid cross-A cross consisting of
only one type of trait
• Dihybrid cross-A cross consisting of two
types of characteristics
• Trait-Characteristic
• Phenotype-The outward appearance of a
characteristic (brown hair, blue eyes)
• Genotype-The genetic make-up of an
organism (Tt, Rr, Aa)
• Homozygous- The alleles in a pair are
identical (TT, rr)
• Heterozygous-The alleles in a pair are
different (Tt, Aa)
• Test cross-The mating of a homozygous
recessive individual with an unknown
genotype for a characteristic
• Hybrid-Organism that receives different
forms of a genetic trait from each parent
• Purebred-Organism that receives the same
genetic trait from both parents