MECHANICAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE PLANE-STRAIN DEFORMATION AND RECRYSTALLIZATION TEXTURES OF AL-KILLED STEEL by PRACHEESHWAR SWAROOP MATHUR B. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (1967) S. M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1968) Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCE at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology June 1972 D Signature of Author Department of Metallurgy and Materials Science May 5, 1972 Certified by Thesis Supervisor Zoo A~ .11 Accepted by Chairman, Departmental Committee on Graduate Students Archives JUL 5 1972 LIBRARIES ii MECHANICAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE PLANE-STRAIN DEFORMATION AND RECRYSTALLIZATION TEXTURES OF AL-KILLED STEEL by PRACHEESHWAR S. MATHUR Submitted to the Department of Metallurgy and Materials Science on May 5, 1972 in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Science ABSTRACT This work is concerned with the texture changes which underlie the reduction dependence of the plastic anisotropy of cold rolled and recrystallized killed-steel strip. The earlier observations of Whiteley and Wisel on the maxima in the intensity of rolling plane {lll and in the anisotropy parameter, Rf, were repeated and extended by introducing into the cold-reduction step the variable of deformation-zone geometry (i.e. A, the ratio of the mean height of the zone to its length). A range of A < 1 to A = 4 was covered by cold rolling (< 1) and strip drawing (from 1 to 4). Pole figures after rolling reductions of about 98% are changed abruptly as if by a 550 rotation of part of the stable texture around the transverse direction. It is suggested that the mechanism is localized flow in macroscopic bands along maximum shear planes as strain hardening capacity is exhausted. There is both mechanical and metallographic evidence of such bands. Assigning a shear texture to them modifies the parent texture in a way which is consistent with the pole figures. As A becomes > 1, strain and texture gradients appear and the texture inversion occurs in the more strained regions at smaller total reductions -- after as little as 40% for surface layers with A = 4. The mechanism appears not to be changed,however, only accelerated in terms of the imposed reduction. Implications for practical texture control are discussed. Thesis Supervisor: Title: Walter A. Backofen Professor of Metallurgy and Materials Science TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT ---------------------------------------------------------- 1i LIST OF FIGURES --------------------------------------------------- v LIST OF TABLES ---------------------------------------------------- viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS -------------------------------------------------- ix INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------------ 1 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES ------------------------------------------- 3 Choice of Process -------------------------------------------- 3 Design of Experiments ---------------------------------------- 6 Material and Specimen Preparation ---------------------------- 8 Texture Measurements ----------------------------------------- 10 Microscopy --------------------------------------------------- 11 RESULTS ----------------------------------------------------------- 11 The Homogeneous Deformation Texture -------------------------- 11 Inhomogeneous Deformation and Texture Gradients -------------- 20 IMPLICATIONS FOR TEXTURE CONTROL ---------------------------------- 33 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ------------------------------------------- 36 REFERENCES -------------------------------------------------------- 37 APPENDIX I - Procedural Details --------------------------------- 40 APPENDIX II - The Uniformity of Rolling Texture ------------------ 48 iv - Stereographic Rotation of Ideal Rolling Textures in {100} and {110} Projections ---------- 51 Stereographic Rotation of the Ideal Shear Textures of Iron in {lOO1} and {110} Projections -------------------------------------- 54 Gradients in {lOO} Reflection Intensity for A > 1 56 SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH ----------------------------------- 58 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE ------------------------------------------------- 60 APPENDIX III APPENDIX IV APPENDIX V - - v LIST OF FIGURES Pagj Figure 1 Deformation zone geometry for strip drawing (a) and rolling (b). ------------------------------------------- 4 2 Cold rolling pole figures: {100}, {llO}, and {111}. Cumulative reductions noted on each. Ideal fiber textures identified by A, B, and C. Fiber axis is <110> along the R.D. for A, <110> 600 from the R.D. toward the sheet normal for B, and <111> along the sheet normal for C.------------------------------------ 12 Strain and reduction dependence of rolling-plane reflection intensities. The insert shows the more usual method of plotting directly against cumulative reduction. -------------------------------------------------- 14 Ideal fiber textures from Fig. 2 in a {1lll} projection in (a) and after a + 550 rotation around the T.D. in (b). -------------------------------------------------- 15 Ideal shear (or torsion) textures for iron in a {1lll} projection in (a) and after a + 350 rotation around the T.D. in (b). The 350 rotation in (b) leads to pole reinforcement at 55' from the sheet normal. ------------ 17 6 Shear bands after 99% cold rolling reduction.----------- 19 7 Strain and reduction dependence of {111} reflection intensities from the drawing plane of strip reduced with different A. The various a-r combinations for any A are noted in each case. Curve u is for the homogeneously cold rolled strip of Fig. 3. Curve s (filled symbols) represents near-surface reflections; curve c (open symbols) is from the center.-------------- 21 8 The {l00} companion to Fig. 7. -------------------------- 22 9 The variation with depth, At, below the surface (where At/to = 0) of {111} reflection intensities in strip reduced different amounts with several A. ----- 23 3 4 5 vi Fiqure Pagi The A dependence of the imposed (or apparent) strain, Ei, for the {111} inversion in Fig. 7 and for the appearance of edge cracking, Rolling A is known only to be < 1. -- 25 The effect of friction on surface-reflection intensities from strip drawn with constant A = 1.5 and a = 6 .------ 26 Strain and reduction dependence of {111} reflection intensities from the drawing plane of strip reduced with different A and then recrystallized. The various a-r combinations for any A are noted in each case. All measurements are from the surface. Curve u is "recrystallized" from Fig. 3. --------------------------- 27 13 The {100} companion to Fig. 12.------------------------- 28 14 Pole figures from different locations in strip cold drawn a total of 80% with A = 2 and a = 120. Location is defined by At/to: 0.05 is just below the surface, at a depth of 5% of the drawn thickness; 0.44 is near the center; 0.20 is about midway between surface and center. Ideal textures from Figs. 2 and 4a are included. ------- 30 Scanning-electron micrographs of edge cracking in the 99% cold rolled strip of Fig. 6 and in the 80% colddrawn strip from which the pole figures in Fig. 14 were taken. Cracks penetrate only about 20% of the thickness in the drawn strip.--------------------------- 32 Variation of rolling-plane {100} and {111} intensity through the thickness of strips cold rolled to various cumulative reduction. ---------------------------------- 49 11-2 {111} pole figures of 80% and 92% cold-rolled strips. -- 50 III-1 Ideal fiber textures A, B and C in {100} and {110} pole figures (a); and rotated + 550 around T.D. (b). A and B are two partial fiber textures with fiber axis <110> parallel to R.D. (A), and at 600 to R.D. toward N.D. (B); C is a complete fiber texture with fiber axis <111> parallel to N.D. --------------------------------- 53 10 11 12 15 II-1 vii Page Figure IV-1 V-1 Ideal orientations of the shear texture in iron in {lOO1} and {110} projections and rotated + 350 around T.D. ---- 55 Variation of rolling-plane {00} reflection intensity as a multiple of random through the thickness of strips drawn to various cumulative reductions with constant A and a. ------------------------------------------------- 57 viii LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Strip Drawing Conditions ----------------------------------- 7 2 Composition ------------------------------------------------ 9 3 Some Mechanical Properties --------------------------------- 9 I-1 Conditions for Pole Figure Determination ------------------- 44 1-2 Conditions of Diffractometry ----------------------------- 45 ix ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author is grateful to Professor W.A. Backofen for his help, guidance and encouragement throughout the course of this work. He also wishes to thank Mr. R.L. Whiteley of Bethlehem Steel Corporation for providing the sheet steel used in the research. Discussions with members of the Metals Processing Laboratory are gratefully acknowledged. Special thanks are due Miss Jean L. DiMauro for typing the manuscript. The research program was generously supported by the American Iron and Steel Institute. 1 MECHANICAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE PLANE-STRAIN DEFORMATION AND RECRYSTALLIZATION TEXTURES OF AL-KILLED STEEL INTRODUCTION The crystallographic textures of wrought metals are commonly classed according to the processes by which they are produced, e.g. rolling, wire drawing, deep drawing.2,3 This implies that the strain state is defined by the shape change imposed in processing, or that straining is homogeneous. In many practical operations the implication is a reasonable one. It can happen, however, that the strain state is not fully known from just the external shape-change; local variations are possible depending upon the geometry of the deformation zone in the processing system. A useful index of that geometry is the ratio of the mean zone thickness, II,to the zone contact-length, L, or A = I/L (Fig. 1). Many effects of processing respond to changes in A. One of interest here is the amount of redundant strain in a given reduction; there are good theoretical grounds4 for expecting it to increase with A, and experiment has shown it to be an approximately single-valued and linear function of A irrespective of the particular reduction and zone contour, e.g. die angle.5-7 Strain dis- tribution, also, has been found to be strongly dependent on A.7 ,8 It seemed reasonable therefore, as a starting point in the present work, to suppose that texture would be sensitive to A level and even 2 subject to some control through control of A. Ferritic low-carbon steel strip was the material choice because it can be given a texture by planestrain reduction and annealing which causes large amounts of useful plastic anisotropy.l* The texture of cold-rolled ferrite is known from earlier pole figure studies, and there is no serious argument about how it ought to be de2 3 9 14 cribed. 9 ~14 The recrystallization texture is also well known. , , ' A number of mechanical studies after recrystallization have emphasized 14 15 i values and the intensity of rolling-plane X-ray reflections.1, , In cold rolled and recrystallized killed-steel there is a maximum in ' after about 80% reduction and, somewhat later, at , 98%, a maximum in the intensity of rolling-plane {lll}. Texture gradients have been studied as well, although there is still some controversy over their origin. Roll-gap friction can con- tribute to the gradients but from weighing all of the evidence friction appears not to influence cold rolling texture to a depth greater than * The usual index of plastic anisotropy is the width-to-thickness strain ratio in the uniaxial tension test; this is designated as R (which often represents roll radius as well) or r (which might now be confused with strip reduction). The average, R', from measurements at 00, 450, and 90* to the rolling direction is commonly reported. Drawability usually impoves with increasing R.1 3 16 -20 about 5% of the strip thickness even when there is no lubricant. There is other evidence that large A, i.e. > 1, or what has been called "high-body rolling", also contributes, even more importantly, to texture gradients. 20 Background in this area, however, is extremely limited, and adding to it was another goal of the present work. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES Choice of Process: The A for each of two plane-strain reductions is defined in Fig. 1. The process in Fig. la is strip drawing through a die of semi-angle a; mean thickness, F, is taken to be the circular arc midway through the deformation zone, drawn normal to both die faces, and L is the interface length. A In these terms, ~ L r (2 - r) where a is in radians and r = 1 - (1) (h1 /h0 ) is the reduction in the pass. For strip rolling (Fig. lb), Az ~ h0 R (2 - r) where R is roll radius, h0 is entering thickness, and r is again the fractional reduction in the pass; the usual approximation is made of L ~ Aii~. 0 Thus the equivalent die angle in a rolling reduction is (2) 4 L a r 2-r) (b) -4Rr ( 2 -r )= CI (2-r Figure 1. Deformation zone geometry for strip drawing (a) and rolling (b). 5 rh ' In cold strip rolling A tends to lie near 1 because a horizontally directed friction force large enough for the rolls to "bite" and deliver well-lubricated strip cannot usually be developed with A much larger than that. To fix A at any level, however, is nearly tantamount to making roll size, R, a variable, for only then could a sequence of constant-reduction passes be made on any given lot of material. To achieve constant A in a given mill r could be lowered in succeeding passes, but then r would no longer be an independent variable and would eventually become extremely small and difficult to control. To avoid such complications, the process choice for much of this work was plane-strain strip drawing. As Eq. 1 shows, A can be held constant now for given r by fixing the die angle, a; and as Eq. 3 shows, this is equivalent to reducing R along with strip thickness in rolling to produce the same effect. drawing. There are, however, two related disadvantages to strip One is that the final cumulative reduction (Er) will not be as large as in rolling because the applied tension encourages drawing failure as the material's strain hardening capacity is exhausted. Its effect in these experiments was to limit the total strip-drawing reduction to Er ~ 90%. The other disadvantage for present purposes is that the low rolling-A magnifies frictional stresses. In low-A drawing, the effect again contributes to a total allowable reduction less than that in rolling. Accordingly, the highest cumulative reductions in the work about 6 to be described (Er ~ 99%) were still reached by rolling under conditions which could be controlled only to the extent that A was always kept < 1 (in a range of about 0.3 to 0.5). in strip drawing. The range of A > 1 is easy to explore Although the high end of that range, e.g. A > 2, is not usually entered in practical rolling it was important to do so here, to establish the trends which carry down to lower A. There is good reason to expect that textures will be essentially the same in strip which has been rolled and drawn the same amount in plane strain under identical conditions of deformation-zone geometry and friction. The displacement boundary conditions, i.e. the shape changes, which determine the kind of texture that develops in a given material are the same. The processes differ only in the hydrostatic part of their stress systems. This expectation is borne out by the findings. Design of Experiments: Experimental conditions for strip drawing are summarized in Table I. Each A was produced by different combinations of a and r to see if texture did depend on the variables which fix A, at least within the range of values in Table I. The drawing apparatus was almost a copy of that used by Rogers and Coffin 2 1 in their study of plane-strain strip drawing, although without the provision for measuring die load. A different pair of tungsten- carbide inserts was used for each die angle. A constant r was maintained 7 TABLE I STRIP DRAWING CONDITIONS (Terms are defined in Eq. r, % A 1 1.5 2 1 and Fig. 1) 30 10.0 60 20.0 120 40.0 30 6.7 60 13.5 120 27.0 30 5.0 60 10.0 120 20.0 60 4 120 120 5.0 10.0 10.0 8 by changing the die-face separation after each pass by inserting pieces of hardened-steel shim stock between the backs of the inserts and the outside casing in which they were mounted. machine at 1.0 in/min. Drawing was done in an Instron testing Other procedural details are given in Appendix I. A Teflon coating was the usual lubricant.* by Alexander's 22 method, was about 0.08. The friction coefficient, Friction effects were studied for A = 1.5 with a = 60 and r = 0.135 by lubricating some strips with an ordinary washing soap and water solution. Drawing forces now were about twice as large as those with Teflon, which meant that the friction coefficient (from an analysis by Wistreich 23 ) was raised to about 0.20. Material and Specimen Preparation: The test material was an an- nealed and temper-rolled aluminum-killed steel of ASTM grain Size No. 7 processed to yield a nearly random orientation. Its composition and some mechanical properties are given in Tables II and III. Drawing specimens were 1-in wide, 12-in long (along the rolling direction) and surface ground to a uniform thickness which varied from batch to batch but was about 0.2 in. They were "pointed" by rolling half their length so as to pass through the drawing die and then cleaned and lubricated. Periodically during the reduction sequence pieces about 4-in long were cut off for the texture studies. * Emeralon 323 from the Acheson Colloid Co. 9 TABLE II COMPOSITION Mn C Al Si Ni Cr S Cu P Mo Sn 0.33 0.052 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.004 0.004 0.002 0.002 0.002 TABLE III SOME MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Test Direction I _________ * + Tensile Strength (psi) R 00 (R.D.) 0.93 450 1.0 900 (T.D.) 0.97 ________ ___ 0.98 = (R0 + 2R4 5 + R90 n is the slope of a log a - log s plot 0.25 45,000 0.26 44,500 0.24 45,500 10 The recrystallization treatment after cold working involved heating in vacuum to 1300*F over a six-hour period, soaking for 28 hours at 1300*F, and finally furnace cooling. Texture Measurements: These were made at different locations in a reduced strip, from the surface to center. Each location was exposed by etching at room temperature in a 50:50 hydrogen peroxide and phosphoric acid bath. The surface location was also reached by etching away material, usually from 1 to 3% of the sample thickness; this proved to be enough to avoid frictional complications with the Teflon lubricant used here. There were two kinds of measurements: parallel to the exposed surface (I figures. 24 line intensities from planes and I{100}) and Schulz-type pole The latter were constructed using a Siemen's texture goniom- eter and are plotted with intensity contours based on unit intensity from a random iron-powder sample. Line intensities are integrated in- tensities and are plotted after normalizing with respect to the same line from a random sample, i.e. Io, using Harris' method for doing this.25 All line-intensity data are given with their 90% confidence limits; at the surface these are based on measurements at three or four different areas from each side of the strip, while six different areas were usually scanned for any one interior location. detail is found in Appendix I. Further 11 Microscopy: The as-drawn and rolled edges were sometimes examined, after degreasing only, in the scanning electron microscope. Strips were also nickel-plated and sectioned for more conventional metallographic work (Appendix I). RESULTS The Homogeneous Deformation Texture: This is the base for evaluating A effects and was produced here by cold rolling with A < 1. The result was a texture uniform through the thickness and, over a large reductionrange, no different from what has already been reported. 9-1 details are given in Appendix II.). (Supporting The two <110> fiber textures normally assigned to cold-rolled steel have been overlaid on the pole figures in Fig. 2,although a slight improvement in the description could be made with the recent suggestion, from work on cold-rolled niobium, to substitute <320> for the fiber axis.26 A <111> fiber texture around the normal to the rolling plane is also called for by the intense central region in the {111} pole figures, especially that for 98% reduction. The new observation appears in the last reduction step, 98% to 99% (an increase in the logarithmic thickness-strain, c = kn [1/(1-Er)], of 3.9 to 4.6). It is most clear in the {111} pole figures where the central intensity-peak is nearly halved while that at 550 toward the rolling direction is raised almost 40%. 4. Companion changes in the other 12 R. D. R.D. {Il0} 80% I \r \B T. D. R. D. - -- T.D. R. D. R.D. 92% 1.5 4 3 1.5 T. D. R.D. D. i18 4 T. D. 2 R D. R.D. {100} 98% 98% 0.5 - 432 1- 1.5 2 0.5 R 5 T. D. T. D. 8 R.D. 6 3 T.D. R.D. T. D. Figure 2. Cold rolling pole figures: {100}, {110}, and {111}, Cumulative reductions noted on each. Ideal fiber textures identified by A, B, and C. Fiber axis is <110> along the R.D. for A, <110> 60' from the R.D. toward the sheet normal for B, and <111> along the sheet normal for C. T. D. 13 pole figures are a 30% drop in the {110} peak and a 50% gain in the interior {100} peak, near the intersection of the <110> fiber textures. A high-reduction texture change has also been found in cold-rolled niobium, in {100} and {111} pole figures; in {100} the interior peak was doubled while in {111} the central peak was hardly changed as the 550 peak became about three times as strong as that at the center. 26 Reflection intensities from rolling-plane {111} and {100}, i.e. Ill}/I and I{100} /, are related to the cumulative reduction in Fig. 3. Measurements for each reduction were made at 4-5 locations between the strip surface and center and were sufficiently alike to be combined. The trends for cold-rolled material parallel those in Fig. 2, with a {111} peak somewhat better defined now at Er ~ 98%. One way of producing the major textural change in Fig. 2 (from Er = 98% + 99%) is simply to rotate the ideal orientations of some fraction of the sample by 55* around the transverse direction. That has been done in Fig. 4 with a {111} projection which shows that all components now reinforce at 550 from the rolling-plane normal while the central region is spread out. The same rotation for {110} and {100} projections also shows that changes in high-intensity regions follow those in Fig. 2 (See Appendix III). The mechanism for producing such a rotation might be found in an area of overlap between continuum mechanics and crystal plasticity. 14 %r,% 40 60 99 98 95 90 80 7- 6 Recrystallized 4- Cold Rol led 10 3-- 2-2 3 2 90 92 94 96 98 0I IXroo Cold Rolled (100) Recrystallized 00 0 3 2 4 6 Figure 3. Strain and reduction dependence of rolling-plane reflection intensities. The insert shows the more usual method of plotting directly against cumulative reduction. 15 R.D. (a) A --- .. - .... ---------- ..--- T.D. L-------- .D -A R.D. B C rotated 550 ~~~ (b) 550 .---- - T. D. Figure 4. Ideal fiber textures from Fig. 2 in a {111} projection in (a) and after a + 550 rotation around the T.D. in (b). 16 The inversion in the upward trend in {111} comes after large reductions when the strain hardening rate (which has not yet been measured in plane strain at such large strains) is probably low and perhaps even vanishing. Were all strain hardening to disappear flow could be expected on the macroscopic maximum-shear surfaces, or along the continuum slip lines at 450 to a frictionless interface. Shear strain in stably flowing volumes around these surfaces in a non hardening solid would be of the order of 1*; without strain hardening and, if the zone is sufficiently thick, with any adiabatic heating the flow could become unstable and still larger localized shear develop, even to the point of fracture. There would be no need to change crystallographic deformation mechanisms. The effect on rolling texture would enter from the shear texture in the locally flowing zones. This texture is known for iron, 27 and its ideal orientations are given with reference to the shear plane in a {111} projection in Fig. 5a. To fit the argument being developed, Fig. 5a ought to be rotated 450 around its transverse direction and then compared with the rolling pole-figures. The comparison is a more useful one, however, if the rotation is 350 instead, as in Fig. 5b. * Now two ideal orientations reinforce With two orthogonal zonesthe shear displacement in one is the amount by which the other thickens. In each zone, therefore, shear displacement and thickness are roughly the same so that the shear strain is n 1. 17 shear direction shear plane (a) 0 V 0 -7 R.D. rotated 350 7 0 o (10) < 12> 1~ 112} < Il> (110{ {110) < I Il> <001> v 0 V o0 550 (b) 0 0 I Figure 5. V T.D. Ideal shear (or torsion) textures for iron in a {1l1} projection in (a) and after a + 350 rotation around the T.D. in (b). The 35* rotation in (b) leads to pole reinforcement at 550 from the sheet normal. 18 (three poles overlap) at the 55* peak in the {lll} pole figures in Fig. 2. The same exercise for {110} and {100} projections (Appendix IV) also produces a pole redistribution consistent with that in the 98 -+ 99% reduction- step in Fig. 2. The implication, of course, is that the shear planes are inclined at 350 to the rolling plane, not 450, as they could be owing to some friction and other uncertainties in the slip-line field in an actual rolling reduction. Although the argument is somewhat speculative there is nothing speculative about the shear zones or bands that it calls for. There is ex- cellent metallographic evidence for them, beginning with Adcock 28 in 1922. They appear after heavy cold-rolling reduction and almost always at an angle of 30-40* to the rolling plane. All reported observations seem to be for flat rolled non-ferrous materials,29-33 although some excellent pictures from what may be a more nearly axisymmetric reduction on a low-carbon steel have been published by Cockcroft.34 An example from the 99% reduced strip of the present work is given in Fig. 6. Metallographic contrast is poor in Fig. 6 but sheared zones are visible. From many such observations on this material the volume fraction of its bands was estimated to be not less than about 15%. That amount may be quite enough for noticeably transferring <111> poles from the normal toward the rolling direction, as in Fig. 2. Just the presence of such bands is good support for the premise that the hardening rate does decay in plane strain. 19 Figure 6. Shear bands after 99% cold rolling reduction. 20 The distinction between shear bands and shear cracks must be subtle. At the edge of a strip, where the hydrostatic part of the roll-gap stress system is substantially reduced and even tension may develop, the band will first become a crack. That was the observation here at Er > 98%, shear cracks at the edge becoming shear bands inward from the edge. Therefore shear cracks are also a symptom of this localized flow which, it is being argued, may act to modify a previously stabilized texture. Inhomogeneous Deformation and Texture Gradients: The effect of A > 1 on deformation-texture development is largely summarized in Figs. 7 and 8 with the strip drawing reduction dependence of I{lll/I and I{1o}/I o for the different A. The curves marked u are from Fig. 3 for the cold rolled and uniformly textured strips. The other trend lines and data represent the center, c and surface, s. The c and s curves are plotted with data gathered in making gradient determinations of the kind found in Fig. 9; more gradient data are given in Appendix V. It seems clear from Figs. 7 and 8 that curve c is about the same as u, as it ought to be since it represents a principal plane. For A = 1 there is not yet any texture gradient, and c and s are indistinguishable. For A > 1 there are differences, and for A = 1.5 and 2 in Fig. 7 there is also indication of some a-effect on the reduction dependence; with a 30, Il l}/I seems to be raised a small amount. The broad, dotted bands are drawn to accommodate any a effect and the scatter in the data (which tends to characterize such measurements). 21 Ir, % Er,% 20 40 60 70 80 20 90 85 60 40 70 9C 85 80 2 a* r% .30 A 620 a r% . 12 40 . A 3 6.7 612.5 1 1227 0 A=2 0(11 C - 3 _ -. ____c-- a' r%C 1 2- 0 A 6 10 m 12206 r% 3-a, 5 U12 10 TO 6 EA 0 2 0 2 Figure 7. Strain and reduction dependence of {111} reflection intensities from the drawing plane of strip reduced with different A. The various a,-r combinations for any A are noted in each case. Curve u is for the homogeneously cold rolled strip of Fig. 3. Curve s (filled symbols) represents near-surface reflections; curve c (open symbols) is from the center. 1(100) 10 1(100) I0 OL 0 2 2 0 Figure 8. The {100} companion to Fig. 7. E N)~ rNa 23 A=1.5,I j{ 6* Ir=80% 62% 3 Io 5O/% 29% 0 2 3 o ~~aIo E r=60%- 3 10 r=83%0/ 240% 26%1% ( sufae)(srfce(ener 10 0igue9 (Surface) Figure 9. h 20 arainwt 40 30 At to(Surface) depth, 0 10 30 20 40 1t9eowtesufc 50 At (oCenter) The variation with depth, At, below the surface = 0) of {111} reflection intensities (where t/t in strip resuced different amounts with several A. 24 The I f /I in Fig. 7 is strongly dependent on Er and A, This particular intensity has a peak value at the surface after an imposed strain, e (or reduction, Zri), for all but A = 1 when than the total reduction limit. Ei was larger The pattern is an extension of the rolling results (Fig. 3). There is some uncertainty in picking Ei from Fig. 7 and what has been done is to let it be defined by the maximum in the upper side of the dotted band. The A-dependence in Fig. 10 is too strong, however, to be seriously affected by that uncertainty: the strain for inversion falls with increasing A from its highest level in rolling when A is < 1. The peak I{ll /I falls also, although not so regularly. Held 18 has suggested that the cumulative reduction for the re- lated peak in the anisotropy parameter, If, of recrystallized material is sensitive to friction. The possibility was tested here at the surface for A = 1.5 with the results in Fig. 11. Intensity levels are changed, but Ei is not. Measurements on cold drawn and recrystallized strips are summarized in Figs. 12 and 13. alent. Rolling and A = 1 are again nearly equiv- The I{lll}/Io pattern is not basically changed, although intensity levels are raised as others have shown them to be in rolled strip (cf. Figs. 7 and 12).14,35 The I{100}/o pattern is changed by recrystallization and resembles that previously observed 25 99 4 -]98 95 3 - C 90 cracking 21-- IF- 85 80 1111 70 inversion (E) -160 40 20 OL I I I I 0 1 2 3 4 Figure 10. The A dependence of the imposed (or apparent) strain, e.-,for the {111} inversion in Fig. 7 and for the appearance of edge cracking. Rolling A is known only to be < 1. 26 Er,/ 20 l 3KF 40 I 60 70 80 | 85 90 | |____ soa p 1(100) 10 2H Teflon 0 21- Teflon 1(Il1 ) I0 I - 0 0 2 6 Figure 11. The effect of friction on surface-reflection intensities from strip drawn with constant A = 1.5 and a = 60. 27 r,% 70 80 85 90 5 4 3 0(II 2 0 4 3 Jo 2 OL 0 Figure 12. 2 0 2 Strain and reduction dependence of {111} reflection intensities from the drawing plane of strip reduced with different A and then recrystallized. The various a-r combinations for any A are noted in each case. All measurements are from the surface. Curve u is "recrystallized" from Fig. 3. 2 I(1oo) I0 0 2 '(100) I0 OL 0 2 0 8 Figure 13. 2 8 The {100} companion to Fig. 12. r%) CO 29 for rolling, '51 in 1 except that as A is increased above 1 the upward trend 00/}1 0 begins at smaller reductions. At this point pole figures were invoked to find reasons for such behavior, especially that to be seen in Fig. 7. Material reduced 80% at A = 2 (when Er. ~ 65%) was chosen for the study. The {100}, {110}, and {111} pole figures at c and s locations and at an intermediate one as well are given in Fig. 14. At the center they compare well with those for 80% rolling reduction in Fig. 2. Moving from center to surface, there are changes in Fig. 14 which resemble those produced by the last reduction-step in Fig. 2, from 98 to 99%, which brought in Fig. 14 the central intensity- on the rolling-texture inversion: peak of the {111} is nearly halved while that 550 away is now doubled; the {110} peak is lowered by about 40%; and there is some gain, perhaps 50%, in the interior {100} peak. Figure 9 indicates a similar change for the {111} peak around the normal direction. are lower in Fig. 14 than in the 98 Measured intensities 99% step in Fig. 2, but so is -+ the overall reduction. Because trends are alike --- through the thickness in an in- homogeneously strained material in Fig. 14 and with reduction in one homogeneously strained in Fig. 2 --- it that their explanations might be, too. seemed reasonable now to think On that basis, the texture gradient must derive from a gradient of the same macroscopic shear which produced the uniformly distributed inversion in Fig. 2. There 30 R.D. R.D. R.D. {Ioo} {1001~ ~ {uo} 10 N {IuI} B \Bj A0.5 .-.BC 2 1.5N \B c 0.5 I 5 0.\ )\\Bo c.5\ T. 1 AC 15/' A~ 1 \B / j A B 1' CB1 At0.44 (center) R.D. R.D. R.D. {I00} {nIo} T.D. 0.5- {III} [------.2 ,- 2.5 = Figur P . 2 (su5 fen TD 14. 00.5 IT..T 4T.D. "t to R.D. 0.2 R.D. R.D. {I10} J1001 {II 0.5 0515j 5 3 21. 1.51. 5 35 2 2 1.51. 3.5- rm 2re1.5cluded ig02.5d4 2.5 TD. 1 05 T. . 2.5 2 T. 4 t 0.5(surface) Figure 14. Pole figures from different locations in strip cold drawn a total of 80% with A = 2 and a~ = 120. Location is defined by At/t :0.05 is just below the surface, at a depth of 5% of the Krawn thickness; 0.44 is near the center; 0.20 is about midway between surface and center. Ideal textures from Figs. 2 and 4a are included. 31 is good evidence of such a gradient in the shear cracks at the edges of strips after drawing beyond Ei. An example from the material of Fig. 14 is given in Fig. 15 along with one from the cold-rolled strip shown earlier in Fig. 6. The rolled strip is cracked through the thickness, while for A = 2 the cracks penetrate only about 20% of the thickness or to about the depth in Fig. 9 at which I{lll1/Io begins climbing. The implication in this is that the {111} inversion begins where strainhardening rate first drops down to some more or less critical upper limit for shear flow. Texture inversion is therefore initiated at the surface because strain gradients rise with A7,8 and strain hardening rate is tied fairly directly to the effective or equivalent strain (with an inverse relationship). The imposed e. for inversion must therefore fall as A rises, as it is shown to in Fig. 10. Also plotted in Fig. 10 are the imposed strains at which edge cracks were first clearly seen. Their A-dependence closely parallels that of e . These strains are larger, presumably because the shear bandto-crack conversion requires more strain, but their closeness is evidence that e. is determined by localized shear flow. The shear cracks after 80% reduction at A = 2 (Fig. 15) were followed inward from the edge and observed to turn into shear-bands. The problem with Fig. 10 is that it requires very large strain gradients for which there is little independent experimental support. If the strain for inversion in rolling at £ ~ 4 is the critical level 32 Figure 15. Scanning-electron micrographs of edge cracking in the 99% cold rolled strip of Fig. 6 and in the 80% colddrawn strip from which the pole figures in Fig. 14 were taken. Cracks penetrate only about 20% of the thickness in the drawn strip. 33 which must be reached for all A, the surface-to-center strain ratio must then be close to 8 at A = 4, nearer 5 at A = 2, and about 2 at A = 1.5. Related work on hardness (and strain) gradients in initially annealed copper suggests a maximum ratio of 4, or perhaps somewhat more, for A ~ 4 and no more than about 2 for A ~ 2.7 The roughly factor of 2 difference between that work and this may reflect different strain hardening characteristics and different measurement techniques, or it may mean that a critical-strain inversion criterion is too simple. The lower I 11/I at E: as A is raised is perhaps to be explained as a result of the redundant character of the straining in which two principal axes are rotated away from those of the strip, i.e. the pulling and thickness directions. IMPLICATIONS FOR TEXTURE CONTROL The findings show that there is a mechanical basis for close and perhaps even useful control of texture. Although real textures are complex, their ideal components are about all that can be accommodated in analysis of texture-controlled behavior. In the past, however, this has not been a serious limitation to such analysis, and that is why only two components known to be important in Al-killed steel strip are singled out for comment here: {111} and {100} in the rolling plane. 34 {111}: Control of {111} is very much an exercise in control of the inversion, or of Er (or Eg) in Figs. 7 and 12. Suppressing the in- version must allow Ifill/10 to continue rising; hastening it cuts off that trend. Therefore to intensify {111}, macroscopic shearing ought to be avoided in reductions with A < 1. Restoring enough strain hardening capacity to disperse localized flow should have that effect. What seems called for is repeated low-A reduction, to below Er , and annealing. This general approach has been tried for maximizing if, but without conclusive results. 36 It might work better if practiced on killed-steel strip with stricter regard for maximizing the cold reduction but stopping short of an upper limit, which is at the i peak (below Er.) if that is the emphasis. Should interest focus more on elastic constants, e.g. as in maximizing Young's modulus, then Er is a more logical upper limit. To promote lower Il /I, macroshearing can be induced at smaller imposed reductions by raising A; gradients are unavoidable now with surface layers being the first to undergo the inversion (Figs. 7 and 9). {100}: The reduction dependence of {100} in either cold worked or recrystallized material seems unrelated to the macroshearing. strip rolling the characteristic upward turn in I{100}o1/ In after re- crystallization starts before the {111} inversion at Er , which was first pointed out by Whiteley and Wise.1 With increased A both re- ductions are lowered (cf. Figs. 12 and 13) and eventually come 35 together at around Er = 50% when A = 2. There is little basis in these data for anticipating how {100} will be affected by repeated reduction and annealing; perhaps some enhancement will be found with reductions greater than that for the up-turn in I{100} /o' An unfortunate practical complication is that I is driven down more rapidly by increasing {100} than it is raised by increasing {111}. As Whiteley and Wise 1 have shown, the peak in if vs. Er is determined more by the up-turn in {100} than the inversion in {111}. With low A, therefore, raising i would have to be concerned more with suppressing {100} than with the comparatively easier task of increasing {111}. What this appears to mean is that the proposed macroshearing development has little influence on the Rf peak. Perhaps the most obvious merit of increased {100} would be in magnetic-material processing when it should make some improvement in permeability. 37 The greatest practical problem is to use these findings in strip rolling, a basically low-A operation. From Eq. 2, A > 1 requires R/h0 < 10 (where R is now the roll radius) when the reduction per pass is r ~ 10%; with larger r, the R/h0 falls, e.g. when r ~ 25%, R/he 3 for A > 1. These are low values of R/h0 , more common to heavy-section hot rolling and cluster-mill cold rolling; they must also reflect roll flattening so that the apparent R/h0 (based on measured roll radius) may have to be smaller still for A > 1. But this is hardly a serious disadvantage in strip rolling, for the 36 inhomogeneous deformation under A > 1 is only occasionally useful. What has been given here are some guide lines for the control of that kind of deformation. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The mechanical factors of total reduction and deformation-zone geometry can have strong effects on both the deformation and recrystallization textures of killed-steel strip. When the height of the zone is less than its length, or the ratio A is < 1, texture is uniform through the thickness but undergoes an inversion, largely in the intensity of {111} in the rolling plane, after a reduction of about 98%. Inversion has been associated with the formation of shear bands as an outgrowth of diminished strain hardening capacity and the development of shear texture in the bands which changes the previously stable rolling texture. As A becomes > 1, texture gradi- ents appear and the inversion occurs at smaller total reduction, beginning at the surface where straining is most advanced. The implications for control of the plastic-anisotropy parameter are discussed. 37 REFERENCES 1. R. L. Whiteley and D. E. Wise: "Relationship among Texture, Hot Mill Practice and the Deep Drawability of Sheet Steel", Flat Rolled Products-III, p. 47, Interscience Publisher, Chicago, 1962. 2. C. S. Barrett and T. B. Massalski: McGraw-Hill, New York, 1966. 3. I. L. Dillamore and W. T. Roberts: "Preferred Orientation in Wrought and Annealed Metals", in Met. Rev. 1965, Vol. 10, p. 271. 4. A. P. Green: "Plane Strain Theories of Drawing", Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs., 1960, Vol. 174, No. 31, p. 847. 5. R. M. Caddell and A. G. Atkins: "The Influence of Redundant Work When Drawing Through Conical Dies", Journal of Enqineering for Industry, Trans. ASME, Series B, 1967, Vol. 89, p. 1. 6. R. W. Johnson and G. W. Rowe, "Redundant Work in Drawing Cylindrical Stock", J. Inst. Metals, 1968, Vol. 96, p. 97. 7. J. J. Burke, Sc. D. Thesis, Department of Metallurgy and Materials Science, M.I.T., Cambridge, Mass., 1968. 8. B. B. Hundy and A. R. E. Singer, "Inhomogeneous Deformation in Rolling and Wire Drawing", J. Inst. Metals, Vol. 83, 1955, p. 401. 9. F. Haessner and H. Weik: "Untersuchungen der Walz-und Rekristallisationstexturen von Karbonyleisen", Arch. Eisenhuettenw.9 1956, Vol. 27, p. 153. 10. M. Moller and H. Stablein: "Walztexturen von Transformatorenstahl", Arch. Eisenhuettenw., 1958, Vol. 29, p. 377. 11. J. Bennewitz: "Untersuchungen uber die Walztextur von Eisen und Kubisch-raumzentrierten Eisenlegierungen", Arch. Eisenhuettenw., 1962, Vol. 33, p. 393. 12. H. Takechi, H. Kato, and S. Nagashima: "Rolling and Annealing Textures of Low Carbon Steel Sheets", Trans. TMS-AIME, 1968, Vol. 242, p. 56. in Structure of Metals, p. 541, 38 13. P. N. Richards and M. K. Ormay: "Preferred Orientations in Commercial Cold-Reduced Low Carbon Steels", Trans. TMS-AIME, 1969, Vol. 245, p. 715. 14. R. H. Goodenow and J. F. Held: "Recrystallization of Low Carbon Titanium Stabilized Steel", Met. Trans., 1970, Vol. 1, p. 2507 15. M. Fukuda: "Mathematical Analysis on the Relation between Crystallographic Texture and Lankford r Value in Steel Sheets", Trans. ISIJ, 1968, Vol. 8, p. 68. 16. I. L. Dillamore and W. T. Roberts: "Crystallographic Texture Variations through Rolled Aluminum and Copper Sheet", J. Inst. Metals, (1963-64), Vol. 92, p. 193. 17. C. S. Stickels: "Surface Texture in Iron and Steel", Trans. TMS-AIME, 1967, Vol. 239, p. 1857. 18. J. F. Held: "The Effect of Inhomogeneous Textures on Mechanical Properties of Low Carbon Steel Sheets", Trans. TMS-AIME, 1967, Vol. 239, p. 573. 19. F. Haessner and D. Mayer-Rosa: "Uber den Aufbau der Walztextur kubisch raumzentrierter Metalle und Legierungen", Z. Metallk., 1967, Vol. 58, p. 12. 20. R. A. Vandermeer and J. C. Ogle: "Texture Inhomogeneities in Cold-Rolled Niobium", Trans. TMS-AIME, 1969, Vol. 245, p. 1511. 21. H. C. Rogers, Jr. and L. F. Coffin: "Influence of Pressure on the Structural Damage in Metal Forming Processes", Trans. ASM, 1967, Vol. 60, p. 672. 22. J. M. Alexander: "The Effect of Coloumb Friction in the Plane Strain Compression of a Plastic Rigid Material", J. Mech. and Phys. Solids, 1955, Vol. 3, p. 233. 23. J. W. Wistreich: "Investigation of the Mechanics of Wire Drawing", Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs., 1968, Vol. 174, p. 847. 24. L. G. Schulz: "A Direct Method of Determining Preferred Orientation of a Flat Reflection Sample Using Geiger Counter X-Ray Spectrometer", J. Appl. Phys., 1948, Vol. 20, p. 1030. 25. G. B. Harris: "Ouantitative Measurement of Preferred Orientation in Rolled Uranium Bars", Phil. Mag., 1952, Vol. 43, p. 113. 39 26. R. A. Vandermeer and J. C. Ogle: "The Development of Preferred Orientations in Cold Rolled Niobium", Trans. TMS-AIME, 1968, Vol. 242, p. 1317. 27. W. A. Backofen and B. B. Hundy: "Torsion Texture of 70:30 Brass and Armco Iron", Trans. AIME, 195 3, Vol. 197, p. 61. 28. F. Adcock: "The Internal Mechanism of Cold Work and Recrystallization in Cupro Nickel", J. Inst. Metals, 1922, Vol. 27, p. 73. 29. J. D. Grogan: in Communication on Adcock's paper, J. Inst. Metals, 1922, Vol. 27, p. 103. 30. M. Cook and T. L. Richards: "The Structural Changes in Copper Effected by Cold Rolling and Annealing", J. Inst. Metals, 1940, Vol. 66, p. 1. 31. M. Cook and T. Ll. Richards: "The Structural Changes Effected in 70:30 Brass Strip by Cold Rolling and Annealing", J. Inst. Metals, 1943, Vol. 69 p. 351. 32. W. T. Roberts: in "Discussion on Preferred Orientation", J. Inst. Metals, 1954, Vol. 82, p. 654. 33. S. L. Couling, J. F. Pashak, and L. Sturkey: "Unique Deformation and Aging Characteristics of Certain Magnesium-Base Alloys", Trans. ASM, 1959, Vol. 51, p. 94. 34. M. G. Cockraft: "Ductile Fracture in Cold Working Operations", in Ductility, p. 199, ASM Metals Park, Ohio, 1968. 35. J. T. Michalak and R. D. Schoone: "Recrystallization and Texture Development in a Low-Carbon, Aluminum-Killed Steel", Trans. TMSAIME, 1968, Vol. 242, p. 1149. 36. K. Matsudo, T. Shimomura and Y. Hashimoto, "Effect of Two-Stage Cold Rolling-Annealing Process on Deep Drawability of Low Carbon Rimmed Steel Sheet", Report of Tech. Res. Inst., Nippon Kokan Ltd., 1966. 37. S. Chikazumi: "Magnetic Anisotropy", in Physics of Magnetism, p. 128, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., London, 1964. 40 APPENDIX I PROCEDURAL DETAILS Strip Drawing: The drawing apparatus was almost a copy of that used by Rogers and CoffinI in their study of plane-strain strip drawing, although without the provision for measuring the drawing load. A wedge- shaped orifice for two dimensional strip drawing was provided with a pair of tungsten carbide dies inserted in die holders which were made of low carbon steel heat treated to a hardness of Rc 45. Three pairs of dies with flat surfaces and semi die angles of 30, 6* and 120 were used. The die holders were supported by the walls of a rectangular hole (2.2 in. x 2.1 in.) in a thick steel cylinder of 5-in. diameter. This cylinder, of 2-in. height, was resting on a 6-in. diameter and 1.25 in.thick steel base-plate having a 2.5-in. diameter hole. Everything was then bolted through a 0.5-in. thick aluminum "washer" to the top of the Instron Machine (in the cavity provided for the load cell.) The gap between the dies could be adjusted by inserting pieces of hardened steel shimstock of various thicknesses between the die holders and the sides of the rectangular hole. Strips used were about 12-in. long. They were surface ground to uniform thickness and width which varied from batch to batch but were about 0.2-in. and 1-in., respectively. Strips were "pointed" by rolling half their length so as to pass through the drawing die. After cleaning 41 with acetone, Teflon was sprayed on the thicker part of the strip and allowed to dry. The dies were cleaned with acetone and the rolled portion of the strip inserted into the gap which had been set for the desired reduction of the undeformed and Teflon-coated portion. The rolled portion of the strip was tightly gripped in wedge-type jaws mounted on the moving crosshead of the Instron machine and pulled at a constant speed of 1-in/minute. All strips were drawn at constant A by keeping r constant during repeated drawing through the same pair of dies. A constant r was maintained by changing the die-face separation after each pass. The coefficient of friction for Teflon coated strip was determined by Alexander's 2 method which involves plane-strain compression of lubricated strip. lubrication. It was a reasonable choice for dry, solid-film With liquid lubrication, however, a veritcally aligned drawing operation provides a better and more nearly uniform supply of the lubricant than plane-strain compression; liquid is much more easily displaced from the latter. Therefore the friction coefficient with the soap and water solution was evaluated in drawing. This was done according to an analysis by Wistreich3 and involved the comparison of drawing forces for Teflon-lubricated and liquid-lubricated strips of the same thickness reduced the same amount in dies of the same design. It is assumed in doing this that the value for Teflon, 42 derived from compression, applies in drawing as well. Reduction details were A = 1.5 from a = 6* and r = 0.135. Drawing loads were measured for this purpose by attaching a load cell to the moving crosshead of the Instron machine. The inverted load cell was bolted on top of an adapter-cylinder of 1-in. wall thickness and 3-in. height with its base plate bolted to the moving cross head of the Instron machine. screwed into the load cell. The wedge-type jaws were now Drawing loads for six successive passes with r = 0.135 and cumulative reductions up to 70% were measured for both kinds of strips. In each pass the drawing loads were always uniform and showed a variation of no more than + 5%. The ratio of drawing loads for two strips, in identical passes, was always 2.1 + 0.07. Using the coefficient of friction for Teflon coated strip (0.08) as the base, that for soap and water lubrication was calculated to be 0.2. Rolling: A quantity of strip was cold rolled to 99% reduc- tion in thickness. Cumulative reduction up to 80% was carried out on a two-high laboratory mill with unlubricated 5-in. diameter rolls. For further reduction, up to 99%, a four-high mill with 1-5/8-in. diameter work rolls was used, with lubrication only in the last step of the reduction. 43 Texture Measurement: Experimental conditions for pole figure determination are given in Table I-1. made with a GE X-RD5 diffractometer. given in Table 1-2. Line-intensity measurements were Conditions of diffractometry are The intensities are always represented as a mul- tiple of the intensities from a random sample. As reported by Takechi, Kato, and Nagashima, 4 random samples were prepared by spraying -325 mesh electrolytic-iron powder on a glass microscope slide with a fine coating of silicone grease to act as binder. For line intensity measurements, integrated intensity, i.e. the area under a peak, was used as a measure of line intensity. area was measured graphically.) (The The intensity ratios (with respect to the same lines in a random sample) were normalized to avoid any effect of surface preparation, sample thickness, and instrumental errors. It was done as proposed by Harris 5 who has shown that the measured ratio of intensity, I{hkZ}, from textured material to that from a random sample, Io, is related to the actual ratio as I[{hkU 1 k I hkj( measured where k depends on variables noted above. from the X-ray source is constant, 1 _ real As the power emanating 44 TABLE I-1 CONDITIONS FOR POLE FIGURE DETERMINATION Radiation . . . . . . . Filter Slits . . . . . * Mo K * Zr * Diverging: 2 x 1 cm Receiving: 4 x 1 cm Rotation of specimen in its own plane . . . . 36*/minute Rotation of specimen in a plane perpendicular to its own . . . . . . . . . . 0.5*/minute 45 TABLE 1-2 CONDITIONS OF DIFFRACTOMETRY Radiation Mo K . . . Filter Slits . . . Zr, 0.002-in thick Diverging, . 30 Receiving, 0.20 Scanning speed . . . . . . 2-in/minute 46 {hkk} 1o = n (2) real provided summation is done over a large number of peaks. Summing both sides of Eq. 1 and using Eq. 2 f{hk}] o k.n measured or k =1 hkt} n0 measured or I{hk} o {hkk} j real L measured 1 {hk} n Io measured This is the ratio plotted in all the reflection intensity measurements. Summation was done over the first thirteen lines (n = 13). Microscopy: examination. Strips were nickel-plated before metallographic Mounted in bakelite, samples were mechanically polished and etched with 1%Nital solution for observation under the optical 47 microscope. Specimens whose edges were examined by scanning electron microscopy to observe edge cracking were only cleaned with acetone. For grain-size measurement, a piece of undeformed strip was mounted in bakelite so as to have the rolling plane as the plane of polish. After adequate mechanical polishing and etching with 1% Nital solution four micrographs were taken. as proposed by Hilliard.6 A.S.T.M. grain size No. was determined Mean linear intercept measurements were made with the Hilliard circle, with at least four arbitrary, non overlapping circle placements on each photograph to insure accuracy. APPENDIX I - REFERENCES 1. H. C. Rogers, Jr. and L. F. Coffin: "Influence of Pressure on the Structural Damage in Metal Forming Processes", Trans. ASM, 1967, Vol. 60, p. 672. 2. J. M. Alexander: "The Effect of Coloumb Friction in the Plane Strain Compression of a Plastic Rigid Material", J. Mech. and Phys. Solids, 1955, Vol. 3, p. 233. 3. J. W. Wistreich: "investigation of the Mechanics of Wire Drawing", Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs., 1968, Vol. 174, p. 867. 4. H. Takechi, H. Kato, and S. Nagashima: "Rolling and Annealing Textures of Low Carbon Steel Sheets", Trans. TMS-AIME, 1968 Vol. 242, p. 56. 5. G. B. Harris: "Ouantitative Measurement of Preferred Orientation in Rolled Uranium Bars", Phil. Mag., 1952, Vol. 43, p. 113. 6. J. E. Hilliard: "Estimating Grain Size by the Intercept Method", Metal Progress, 1964, Vol. 85, No. 5, p. 99. 48 APPENDIX II THE UNIFORMITY OF ROLLING TEXTURE The {100} and {111} reflection intensities from the rolling-plane of strips cold rolled to various cumulative reductions showed no variation with position in the strip (Fig. II-1). Also, the'{lll} pole figures from positions near the center of the strips cold rolled to 80% and 92% reduction (Fig. 11-2) are similar to those from positions near the surface of the same strips (Fig. 2). These provide suf- ficient basis to conclude that the deformation texture developed in cold rolled strip is uniform through the thickness of the strip. Xr= 980/ Ir= 990/ 91%/ (100) 60% 40% - - 10 o~ -: 2I I I I 10 20 30 40 (Gee I I 0 10 (Surface) 20 30 At 40 50 0 (Ce nter) (Surface) At 50 (Cen ter) S0 5 4 I0 10 2 - 2O (Surface) Figure II-l. At to (Center) I 3 10 0 (Surface) - I I 30 20 At to 40 50 (Center) Variation of rolling plane {100} and {111} intensity through the thickness of strips cold rolled to various cumulative reduction. 11 5 4 Figure 11-2. 7 {111} pole figures of 80% and 92% cold-rolled strips. Cn C0 51 APPENDIX III STEREOGRAPHIC ROTATION OF IDEAL ROLLING TEXTURES IN {100} AND {110} PROJECTIONS The ideal rolling textures, A, B, and C, are shown in Fig. III-la for {100} and {110} projections. A and B are similar to that reported by Bennewitz. 1 A has <110> as fiber axis parallel to N.D. (the sheet normal) and is limited to a + 550 rotation of {001} <110> around it. In B, the <110> fiber axis lies at 600 from R.D. towards N.D. with a + 350 rotation of {554} <225> around it. In C, the fiber axis is <111> parallel to N.D. and the rotation is a full 3600 around it. The new positions of these fiber textures after a + 550 rotation around T.D. are shown in Fig. III-lb. The rotated {lOO} projection shows a concentration of ideal textures near the "interior" high intensity region to be seen in the {100} pole figures of Fig. 2. This would explain the increase in intensity of this region in Fig. 2 (98% different trend in {110}. -* 99%). There is a Before rotation there is a marked intersection of ideal textures at o 300 from the center towards N.D. (Fig. III-la). With rotation, however, this spreads out over a 20-350 range which is held responsible for the drop in the high-intensity region of the {110} pole figures of Fig. 2 (98% + 99%). 52 APPENDIX III 1. - REFERENCES J. Bennewitz: "Untersuchungen uber die Walztextur von Eisen und Kubisch-raumzentrierten Eisenlegierungen", Arch. Eisenhuettenw., 1962, Vol. 33, p. 393. 53 R.D. R.D. {oo} * N (n o} N -~. (a) -N. ISN L... . . .. . .. . >IT.D. T. D. A B C R. D. -- R.D (100){ 110 rotated 55* rotated 550 (b) T D. Figure III-1. - Ideal textures A, B and C in {l00} and {110} pole figures (a); and rotated + 550 around T.D. (b). A and B are two partial fiber textures with fiber axis <110> parallel to R.D. (A), and at 60* to R.D. toward N.D. (B); C is a complete fiber texture with fiber axis <111> parallel to N.D. D 54 APPENDIX IV STEREOGRAPHIC ROTATION OF THE IDEAL SHEAR TEXTURES OF IRON IN {100} AND {110} PROJECTIONS The ideal orientations in the shear texture of iron are shown in f100} and {110} projections in Fig. IV-la. To fit the argument being developed in Fig. 5, a rotation of these ideal orientations by + 350 around T.D. (Fig. IV-lb) is imposed to simulate the new rolling-plane texture. A cluster of ideal orientations in the rotated {100} pro- jection near the position of the "interior" high-intensity region of the {100} pole figure of Fig. 2 shown by dotted region is thus offered as the explanation of the rise in the intensity in this region in Fig. 2 (98% -.- 99%). 55 (100) (110) shear direction shear direction O1 I7 00 she ar Pla ne 0 (a) 0 COC V {1 10) < 112> 0 (112) <I ll> < I II> (11 0) R.D. -~-P, 0 35 rotated 35* El S7 V C 0 T. D. Figure IV-1. Ideal orientations of the shear texture in iron in {100} and {110} projections and rotated + 350 around T.D. (b) 56 APPENDIX V GRADIENTS IN {100} REFLECTION INTENSITY FOR A > 1 The variation with depth, At, below the surface (where At/t 0 = 0) of {100} reflection intensities from strips reduced different amounts with several A is shown in Fig. V-1. The data from positions near the center (At/t 0 = 0.50) were used to plot curve c in Fig. 8. Extrapolated values of I{100}1 o were used in the absence of measurements at the center. 57 I 1.5, a= 6* 2 1(100) I0 0 62% i!N2 ,a=6* 2 1(100) 29 3 =2 A2 2 (100) -- 10 ..--- 48% 0 2 (100) I0 I 0 0 (Surface) Figure V-1. 10 30 20 t to 40 50 (Center) Variation of rolling-plane {lOO} reflection intensity as a multiple of random through the thickness of strips drawn to various cumulative reductions with constant A and a. 58 SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH There are three areas for further investigation, briefly outlined below. 1. Texture Sharpening: Increasing Illl}/Io without raising I{100}/o is essentially what is implied here. The reason for such interest is the correlation between large R (Plastic Anisotropy Ratio) and large I{ll}/I{100}. drawability. The large R in turn contributes to greater The proposed experiments would involve controlled-A reductions to levels just below those that will be known to bring an increase in I{100} o after recrystallization. would be recrystallization. The next step Repeating the sequence may lead to both interesting and useful results. The variables would be A (in a range of direct interest in rolling, e.g. 0.5 - 1.5), cumulative reduction, and the recrystallization practice. 2. Mechanical Control of Texture in Non Ferrous Metals: There is reason to believe that macroshear and texture inversion are not at all unique to low carbon steel sheet and strip.2,3 A parallel study of the mechanical contributions to the planestrain deformation and recrystallization textures of non ferrous materials would test the hypotheses of macroshear and shear texture development in shear bands, suggested in this study. 59 It may also provide some information about R and/or AR control in such materials. 3. Plane Strain vs, Axisymmetric Strain Hardening: Strain hardening in iron to large strain has been studied in detail in recent years. The medium for much of this work has been axisymmetric reductions by wire drawing.4 When straining is axisymmetric, however, macro- shear is prevented because of the difficulty of accumulating shear on unchanging macroscopic shear surfaces in axisymmetric reduction. Therefore the strain hardening behavior, especially as the strain hardening rate falls, may be markedly different in the two cases. Considering the practical importance of plane- strain reduction in sheet processing, this deformation mode is an appropriate area for similar study. REFERENCES 1. M. Fukuda: "Mathematical Analysis on the Relation between Crystallographic Texture and Lankford r Value in Steel Sheets", Trans. ISIJ, 1968, Vol. 8, p. 68. 2. M. Cook and T. Ll. Richards: "Fundamental Aspects of the Cold Working of Metals", J. Inst. Metals, 1950-51, Vol. 78, p. 463. 3. R. F. Braybrook and E. A. Calnan: "Some Observations on the Development of Face-Centered Cubic Rolling Textures", J. Inst. Metals, 1956-57, Vol. 85, p. 11. 4. G. Langford and M. Cohen: "Strain Hardening of Iron by Severe Plastic Deformation", Trans. ASM, 1969, Vol. 62, p. 623. 60 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE The author is the eldest son of Mr. Parmeshwar Sarup Mathur and Mrs. Gopal Rani Mathur of Moradabad, U.P. India. Born on December 19, 1945, he graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree from Agra University in 1962. He received the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Metallurgical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India in 1967 and was judged to be the best graduating student in Metallurgical Engineering. thesis award the same year. He also received the best Bachelor's He then entered Massachusetts Institute of Technology and received the degree of Master of Science from the Department of Metallurgy and Materials Science in 1968. After work- ing with the Division of Sponsored Research at Massachusetts Institute of Technology for a brief period he started on his doctoral program in 1969. The author is a member of Sigma Xi, American Society for Metals, and the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers.