A Novel Technique for Rapid L* Calculation Kyungguk Min1, Jacob Bortnik2 and Jeongwoo Lee1 1 CSTR / NJIT, 2 Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences / UCLA The Scientific Magnetic Mapping and Techniques Focus Group Jun 18th Motivation • L* calculation is essential in radiation belt modeling. • It is currently computationally expensive to compute L*. • We propose a new rapid method that calculates L* from first principles. • Calculating L* at 181x181 (32761) grid is done in about 2 min. L* is... • Roederer's generalized L value: • L* = 2πk /ΦR , Φ =∫B⋅dA =∮A⋅dl • Commonly used for quantifying radial 0 E transport in the radiation belts. • Flux integration should be performed along a closed curve in guiding drift shell. Closed Curve in Energy Space Bm(x, y, K) Total energy: W = PE + KE = qU + μmBm – Bm(K): magnetic field magnitude at mirror point as function of K. – K: modified longitudinal invariant K = ∮√(Bm-B(s)) ds W0 (xi, yi) Ki Under conservation of energy and first two invariants, particle trajectory is iso- energy contours on a mirror point. References: "(U, B, K) Coordinates: A natural system for studying magnetospheric convection," Whipple, 1978 "Particle tracing in the magnetosphere: new algorithms and results," Sheldon and Gaffey, 1993 K er and S. Zaharia: LANL⇤ V2.0: global modeling and validation Comparison with LANL* and IRBEM: Input Setup Table 1. Input parameters for the neural network LANLstar. Table from Koller and Zaharia [2010] Number Parameter Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8–13 14 15 16 17 18 19 tY tDOY tUT Dst psw By Bz W1 6 Lm Bmirr ↵loc rGSM ✓GSM 'GSM Integer number representing the year = 1996 Day of the year (int) = 6 Universal Time in units of hours (float) = 1.24 (01h 14m 34s) Disturbance storm time index (nT) = 7.78 Solar wind dynamic pressure (nPa) = 4.10 Y component of the IMF field (nT) = 3.72 Z component of the IMF field (nT) = -.13 See Tsyganenko and Sitnov (2005) = [.12, .25, .09, .05, .23, 1.05] McIllwain value; Roederer (1970) = From IRBEM and UBK Magnetic field strength at mirror point (nT) = From IRBEM and UBK Local pitch angle (deg) = [90 60 30 10]˚ Radial coordinate in GSM system (RE ) = [9 8 7 6 5 4 3] Latitudinal coordinate in GSM (deg) = 0˚ Longitudinal coordinate in GSM (deg) = 180˚ 20 21 Vsw Φ Solar wind velocity (km/s) = 400.10 Electric potential (kV/RE) = constant (i.e. W' = μmBm) Tile≈-30˚ er and S. Zaharia: LANL⇤ V2.0: global modeling and validation Comparison with IRBEM: Input Setup Table 1. Input parameters for the neural network LANLstar. Table from Koller and Zaharia [2010] Number Parameter Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8–13 14 15 16 17 18 19 tY tDOY tUT Dst psw By Bz W1 6 Lm Bmirr ↵loc rGSM ✓GSM 'GSM Integer number representing the year = 1996 Day of the year (int) = 6 Universal Time in units of hours (float) = 1.24 (01h 14m 34s) Disturbance storm time index (nT) = 7.78 Solar wind dynamic pressure (nPa) = 4.10 Y component of the IMF field (nT) = 3.72 Z component of the IMF field (nT) = -.13 See Tsyganenko and Sitnov (2005) = [.12, .25, .09, .05, .23, 1.05] McIllwain value; Roederer (1970) = From IRBEM and UBK Magnetic field strength at mirror point (nT) = From IRBEM and UBK Local pitch angle (deg) = [90 60 30 10]˚ Radial coordinate in GSM system (RE ) = [9 8 7 6 5 4 3] Latitudinal coordinate in GSM (deg) = 0˚ Longitudinal coordinate in GSM (deg) = 180˚ 20 21 Vsw Φ Solar wind velocity (km/s) = 400.10 Electric potential (kV/RE) = constant (i.e. W' = μmBm) Tile≈-30˚ Dipole vs. IGRF Φ(L=1) = 1.90e5 Φ(L=8) = 2.37e4 L* = 7.9991 Ldip=8 Footprints (20.7˚) Φ(L=1) = 1.95e5 Φ(L=8) = 2.35e4 L* = 8.2972 L* (U=0): Comparison with IRBEM: Dipole Only L* comparison for dipole 0.08 UBK IRBEM RMS(L*true − L*est) 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 −9 2⋅10-3 3⋅10-4 −8 −7 −6 x (y =0) [R ] i err = √(∑PA(dL*)2/nPA) i E −5 −4 −3 L* (U=0): Comparison with IRBEM: IGRF Only L* comparison for IGRF 0.35 L* −UBK UBK dip – IRBEM L* L*dip−IRBEM – UBK 0.3 dip UBK−IRBEM L*dip – IRBEM RMS(dL*) 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 −9 −8 −7 −6 xi (yi=0) [RE] −5 −4 L*dip =∮surfAdip⋅dl /∮orbAdip⋅dl −3 Comparison with IRBEM: Dipole+TS89 [SM] L* comparison for Dipole+TS89 RMS(dL*) 60˚ 8 L*(90°) [] 7 Large deviation at tail-like structure 90˚ 6 0.16 0.14 0.12 Same order of error predicted in Dipole only 0.1 5 4 0.08 3 2 −9 UBK IRBEM −8 −7 −6 −5 xi (yi=0) [RE] −4 −3 −9 −8 −7 −6 −5 xi (yi=0) [RE] −4 0.06 −3 dL* 9 Comparison with IRBEM: Dipole+TS05 [SM] L* comparison for Dipole+TS05 10 60˚ 9 RMS(dL*) 0.16 8 0.14 7 0.12 6 90˚ 5 0.08 4 3 2 −9 0.1 0.06 UBK IRBEM −8 −7 −6 −5 xi (yi=0) [RE] −4 −3 −9 −8 −7 −6 −5 xi (yi=0) [RE] −4 0.04 −3 dL* L*(90°) [] 0.18 Comparison with IRBEM: Dipole+TS89 [GSM] L* comparison for Dipole+TS89 7 RMS(dL*) 6.5 0.12 0.1 5.5 0.08 5 0.06 4.5 0.04 4 0.02 3.5 −9 UBK IRBEM −8 −7 −6 −5 xi (yi=0) [RE] −4 −3 −9 −8 −7 −6 −5 xi (yi=0) [RE] −4 0 −3 dL* 6 L*(90°) [] 0.14 Comparison with IRBEM: Dipole+TS05 [GSM] L* comparison for Dipole+TS05 7 RMS(dL*) 0.02 6.5 L*(90°) [] 6 5.5 0.01 5 4.5 0.005 4 3.5 −9 UBK IRBEM −8 −7 −6 −5 x (y =0) [R ] i i E −4 −3 −9 −8 −7 −6 −5 x (y =0) [R ] i i E −4 0 −3 dL* 0.015 Speed & L* Map MATLAB UBK IRBEM (DIP only) LANL* 181x181 ~ 2 min > 24+ min < .5 sec Dip + TS05 8 8 6 6 4 4 9 2 0 0 5 −2 L* map: none+geodip sm −4 8 L* 2 y [RE] q=e μm = 1 keV/nT K = 0.1 √nT RE 9 Φ = const. L* map: ts05+geodip sm 5 −4 8 −6 6 1 1 −8 4 0 x [RE] 5 0 −2 −5 9 2 y [RE] −5 2 0 5 −2 0 x [RE] 5 9 5 −4 −4 −6 −6 1 1 −8 −8 −5 0 x [RE] 5 −5 0 x [RE] 5 L* −8 4 −6 6 L* y [RE] L* map: ts05+geodip sm L* Dipole only y [RE] Fortran (x, y) L* map: none+geodip sm −2 Fortran Φ = – A/r – B r sin(φ) , where A=92 kV/RE, B=10 kV. Summary 1. Trajectory calculation in energy space is preferable because – No error accumulation due to numerical integration (only errors are from numerical interpolation), – Strict conservation of energy and 2nd invariant (accurate contour and perfectly closed if closed), – Fast computation: contour calculation is rapid (ex. contour plot) and independent of initial value of a particle, and – Based on first principles only. 2. Preparation step is required to compute Bm(K) and the time depends on the field model (≈10 minutes for TS05). 3. The difference (dL*) is generally less than 0.1 and this method outperforms, at least in a dipole-like magnetic field, the previous method based on Lagrangian approach. End of slide