Science and Technology Journal, Vol. 3 Issue: II ISSN: 2321-3388 Cloning and Sequencing of Methyl-coenzyme Reductase A (mcrA) Gene of Methanogenic Archaea from Landϐill 2 Shailendra Yadav1, S.S. Maitra2 and Sankar K. Ghosh1* Department of Biotechnology, Assam University, Silchar–788011 School of Biotechnology, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi–110067 E-mail: * 1 Abstract—Methanogens are classi ied under domain Archaea, Phylum Euryarchaeota. They are responsible for 90% of biogenic methane production on earth. Methanogenesis last step is catalysed by α subunit of enzyme methyl coenzyme reducatse A gene and is used as a biomarker for identi ication of methaogens. In present study, we irst optimized the protocol for extraction of metagenomic DNA from the leachate samples using “Fast DNA spin Kit for Soil” and ampli ication of mcrA gene. The phylogenetic analysis of mcrA gene indicated presence of methanogens belonging to order Methanobacteriales and Methanomicrobiales. Clone MCR2.KM041254 clustered with Uncultured archaeon clone and Methanotermobacter thermoϔlexus. Clone BMCR2.KM041258 clustered with Methanoculleus marisngri JR1. Molecular characterization of methanogens in land ill site may enrich our knowledge about relation between methanogens active population and methane emission potentials. Keywords: Land ill, Leachate, mcrA, K2P, Metagenomics LIST OF ABBREVIATION with two active sites, each containing one molecule of the nickel hydrocorphinate F430 as the prosthetic group [5]. mcr A MSW GHG K2P MEGA IPTG BLAST The highly conserved nature of mcrA gene makes it suitable for phylogenetic analysis. The primer MLFWD and MLREV designed by Luton et al 2002 is widely used for identi ication and quanti ication of methanogens [6–8]. Methane is an important greenhouse gas and it is 25 times more potent than CO2 in causing global warming [9–11]. Land ill sites are estimated to release 40 Tg CH4 per year, which accounts for 6.7% of global methane emissions. Rice paddy ields, land ills, livestock, fossils fuel production and biomass burnings are considered as important anthropogenic sources of CH4 [12–18]. Methane is third most abundant gas in ecosystem and it contributes about 18% in total greenhouse effect. It has highest generation (60%) than other gases [9]. Therefore, there is immense concern for its abatement or utilization. Methyl Coenzyme Reductase A Municipal Solid Waste Green House Gas Kimura 2 Parameter Molecular Evolutionary Genetic Analysis Isopropy Thiogalactosidase Basic Local Alignment Search Too INTRODUCTION Methanogens are strictly anaerobic microorganisms which come under Kingdom Archaea, Phylum Euryarchaeota. They are classi ied under six phylogenetic orders of Euryarchaeota: Methanobacteriales, ethanopyrales, Methanococcales, Methanomicrobiales, Methanosarcinales and Methanocellales [1, 2]. All of these orders are highly diverse and has the ability to produce methane metabolically. Methyl-coenzyme M reductase (MCR) in methanogenic archaea catalyses the rate limiting and inal step in methane biosynthesis [3, 4]. MCR is a 280 kDa enzyme built from three different protein chains in a C2 -symmetric α2β2γ2 assembly Compared to the western countries, the composition of municipal solid waste (MSW) in developing countries like India has higher (40%–60%) organic waste [19]. These sites lack base liner to avoid percolation of leachate to groundwater table and neither has biogas nor leachate Cloning and Sequencing of Methyl-coenzyme Reductase collection facility. City generates about 6000 tonnes of solid waste per day and the expected quantity of solid waste generation in Delhi would be about 12,750 tonnes per day by 2015 [12]. Due to scarcity of land in big cities, municipal authorities are using same land ill for nearly 10–20 years. Hence, the possibility of anaerobic emission of GHG’s further increases [19]. In other words, biogas and leachate generation are inevitable consequences of the practice of waste disposal in land ills. Microbial decomposition, climatic conditions, refuse characteristics are amongst the many factors that contribute to the gas and leachate generation at land ill sites [20–22]. The migration of gas and leachate away from the land ill boundaries and their release into the surrounding environment pose potential health hazards, unpleasant odours, ground water pollution, air pollution and global warming [23, 24]. The present study was aimed to detect presence of methanogens using mcrA gene PCR ampli ication, cloning and sequencing in the leachate samples of land ill site. MATERIALS AND METHOD SĆĒĕđĎēČ Ćēĉ DNA EĝęėĆĈęĎĔē Leachate samples were collected from the land ill sites of New Delhi India and stored at 4oC prior to DNA extraction. DNA was extracted from leachate sample using “Fast DNA Spin Kit for Soil” (MP Biomedical Santana Ana, CA) as per manufacturer instructions including some pre-treatment steps. Since, leachate samples are very rich in humic acid and other contaminant which affect the purity of extracted DNA and limit downstream processing like PCR, cloning etc. Therefore, to overcome this problem, some modi ications were done to the protocol. Initially, 10 ml of leachate sample was taken from the reactor and centrifuged at 3000rpm for 15 minutes. As centrifugation at this speed will not cause precipitation of bacterial/ archaeal cells but heavier particles and contaminants will be settle down. Then supernatant was transferred to another tubes and were vortexed for 1 minute and centrifuged at 13,000 rpm for 15 minutes. The supernatant was discarded and the pellet was resuspended in 5ml nuclease free water by gentle tapping and vortexing. Then the tube was centrifuged at 13,500 rpm for 15 minute. Again, the supernatant was discarded and resulting pellet was used for DNA extraction following protocol as per recommended by manufacturer. Before elution of DNA, column was placed inside laminar air low for drying about 30–45 minutes (2 minutes in kit protocol) to remove residual ethanol of wash buffer which may also 199 inhibit PCR ampli ication. During elution step after addition of 70μl DNase/ Pyrogen-Free Water, column was placed inside waterbath at 56oC for 30 minutes (optional 5 minutes in Kit protocol). PCR AĒĕđĎċĎĈĆęĎĔē Ĕċ MĊęčĞđ CĔĊēğĞĒĊ RĊĉĚĈęĆĘĊ A Extracted DNA was ampli ied using primer MLFWD 5’GGT GGT GTM GGA TTC ACA CAR TAY GCW ACA GC3’ and MLREV 5’TTC ATT GCR TAG TTW GGR TAG TT3’speci ic for mcrA gene of methanogens [18]. PCR was performed in a thermocycler (Applied Biosystem–Gene amp 9700). A typical reaction mixture of (50μl) for PCR of mcrA gene consisted of Taq buffer 5μl, Taq polymerase 1μl,dNTP 5μl, fwd primer 2 μl rev primer 2μl, MgCl2 2μl and 32μl of nuclease free water and template DNA 1μl. The ampli ication pro ile was initial denaturation at 94oC for 5min, subsequent denaturation at 94oC for 30s for 30 cycles, annealing at 52oC for 1minute, elongation at 72oC for 2 minute and inal extension at 72oC for 10 minutes followed by a cooling step down to 4oC. The annealing temperature was optimized by doing gradient PCR and annealing at 52 oC for 1minute gave better ampli ication. CđĔēĎēČ Ćēĉ SĊĖĚĊēĈĎēČ Ĕċ MĊęčĞđ CĔĊēğĞĒĊ RĊĉĚĈęĆĘĊ A The PCR products of 450–500 BP amplicons size were puri ied using PCR puri ication kit (Fermentas, UK) as recommended by manufacturer protocol. Puri ied mcrA gene amplicons were cloned inside PTZ57R/T vector using the Insta-T/ A cloning kit (Fermentas, UK) and transformed into Escherichia coli DH5α. The positive clones were selected using blue-white screening on Luria-Bertani plates containing Ampicillin (100mg/ml), X-gal (20mg/ml), and IPTG (100 mM). Then positive clones were sequenced using M13 FWD primer. Clones are sequenced using automated sequencer (ABI 3500) at Department of Biotechnology, Assam University. PčĞđĔČĊēĊęĎĈ AēĆđĞĘĎĘ ċĔė ĒĈėA ČĊēĊ Methyl Coenzyme Reductase-A (mcrA) sequences obtained from land ill site in this study were checked for vector contamination using VecScreen tool/ NCBI. Then sequences showing similarity with vector sequences from both ends were trimmed and were searched for similarity using BLAST [25]. After performing BLAST, sequences showing similarity above 85–95% were used and aligned using CLUSTAL X 2.0. Yadav, Maitra and Ghosh The phylogenetic relatedness among clones was estimated using the Maximum Likelihood Tree using T92+I model with 2000 bootstrap value. For model selection Bayesian analysis was performed and the model with lowest BIC value (i.e. 3090.594) was chosen for tree construction. All positions containing gaps and missing data were eliminated from the dataset (complete deletion option). The Phylogenetic analysis was carried out using MEGA software version 6.0 [26]. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION DNA ĎĘĔđĆęĎĔē Ćēĉ PCR DNA was extracted from leachate samples collected from eight different locations of Delhi land ill site Fig. 1. Metagenomic DNA was extracted on the same day of sampling. The purity of extracted DNA (i.e.260/280) was in range of 1.6-1.9 and concentration from 124.49ng/μl to 166.80ng/μl. IDENTIFICATION OF METHANOGENS FROM LANDFILL BY MCRA GENE CLONING AND SEQUENCING Nine mcrA partial cloned sequences were developed in this study, out of which two sequences were used for phylogenetic analysis in present study. The accession numbers of partial nucleotide sequences of mcrA genes were KM041254 and KM041258 respectively. Two major clusters were observed in the phylogenetic tree i.e. Fig. 3. In irst cluster, clone BMCR2.KM041258 clustered with Methanoculleus marisngri JR1 and Uncultured archaeon clones belonging to order Methanomicrobiales. In second cluster, clone MCR2. KM041254 clustered with uncultured archaeon clones and Uncultured Methanobacteriales archaeon clones belonging to order Methanobacteriales. Methanogens belonging to order Methanobacteriales and Methanomicrobiales carry out hydrogenotrophic pathway for methanogenesis. From this we can conclude that hydrogenotrophic methanogens are abundant in the land ill site and it may be the main pathway for methane emission from land ill site. Fig. 1: Showing Metagenomic DNA Isolated from the Landϐill Site Fig. 2: mcrA Gene Ampliϐication of Genomic DNA Isolated from Landϐill Sites Out of eight samples from which Metagenomic DNA was extracted, seven of them gave positive mcrA gene ampli ication using primer Luton speci ic for mcrA gene as shown in Fig. 2. Lane 1 and 7 contain 100bp DNA ladder. L2 to L5 contain mcrA gene amplicons from leachate samples G2 to G5 and Lane 8,9 and 11 contain mcrA gene amplicons from leachate samples G6-G8. 200 Fig. 3: Shows Maximum Likelihood Tree of mcrA Sequences Obtained from MSW Leachate Samples of Landϐill Site, Delhi using Mega6.0 The earth harbors a huge prokaryotic diversity, and they act as key functional drivers of our planet’s ecosystems [27]. Yet the diversity and interdependencies of these microscopic organisms (such as methanogens) remain largely unknown and our understanding of the functional potential of most individual microbial taxa residing within any ecosystem is extremely limited [28, 29]. Metagenomics (culture independent) holds enormous potential for discovering novel organisms that are drivers of processes relevant to disease, industry and the environment [30, 31]. The term metagenomics was coined by Jo Handelsman [32, 33]. Metagenomics can be de ined as a molecular and computational approach for Cloning and Sequencing of Methyl-coenzyme Reductase understanding the microbial community structure, and its functional potential associated with an ecosystem [34]. As metagenomics seeks to understand microbial ecosystem by studying the genome content of constituent microbes in their natural habitat. It provides a relatively unbiased view not only of the community structure (species richness and distribution) but also of the functional (metabolic) potential in a community [28] [30]. But, even culture independent/ metagenomic approach can be also biased by the choice of method of DNA or RNA extraction used which in turn can bias microbial diversity studies. Since, these approaches are based upon both quality and quantity of metagenomic (environmental DNA) extracted. Harsh extraction methods, such as bead beating, can shear the nucleic acids, leading to problems in subsequent PCR detection. Different methods of nucleic acid extractions may result in different yields of product. With environmental samples, it is necessary to remove inhibitory substances such as humic acids, which can be coextracted and interfere with PCR analysis. Subsequent puri ication steps can also lead to loss of DNA or RNA, again potentially biasing molecular diversity analysis. Therefore, in present study considering above mentioned facts, we irst optimized the method of metagenomic DNA isolation from the leachate samples of land ill site, Delhi. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We are grateful to Department of Biotechnology (DBT) of the government of India for providing a grant (BT/14NE/ TBP/2010). REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. CONCLUSION 7. In short, global warming and water pollution is among one of the major causes of concern to humanity in this modern era. Water vapour, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) are the most important greenhouse gases, and human activities such as industry, livestock and agriculture, contribute to the production of these gases. Land ill cover soils plays an important role in the CH4 cycle as methanotrophy (oxidation of CH4) and methanogenesis (production of CH4) take place in them. 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