Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 345–369 (2007) Large-Graph Layout Algorithms at Work: An Experimental Study Stefan Hachul Michael Jünger Institut für Informatik Universität zu Köln Pohligstraße 1, 50969 Köln, Germany {hachul,mjuenger} Abstract In the last decade several algorithms that generate straight-line drawings of general large graphs have been invented. In this paper we investigate some of these methods that are based on force-directed or algebraic approaches in terms of running time and drawing quality on a big variety of artificial and real-world graphs. Our experiments indicate that there exist significant differences in drawing qualities and running times depending on the classes of tested graphs and algorithms. Article Type Regular paper Communicated by P. Eades and P. Healy Submitted January 2006 Revised January 2007 Hachul and Jünger, Large-Graph Layout Alg., JGAA, 11(2) 345–369 (2007) 346 1 Introduction What do biochemical reactions of proteins in baker’s yeast, the ecosystem of plankton, sea perch, and anchovy, the American electricity network, and the international air traffic have in common? They can be modeled as graphs. In general a graph G = (V, E) is used to model information that can be described as objects (the node set V ) and connections between those objects (the edge set E). One fundamental tool for analyzing such graphs is the automatic generation of layouts that visualize the graphs and are easy to understand. A popular class of algorithms that is used to visualize general graphs are force-directed graph-drawing methods. Those methods generate drawings of a given general graph G = (V, E) in the plane in which each edge is represented by a straight line connecting its two adjacent nodes. The computation of the drawings is based on associating G with a physical model. Then, an iterative algorithm tries to find a placement of the nodes so that the total energy in the underlying physical system is minimal. Important esthetic criteria are uniformity of edge length, few edge crossings, non-overlapping nodes and edges, and the display of symmetries if some exist. Classical force-directed algorithms like [5, 16, 7, 4, 6] are used successfully in practice (see e.g., [2]) for drawing general graphs containing few hundreds of vertices. However, in order to generate drawings of graphs that contain thousands or hundreds of thousands of vertices more efficient force-directed techniques have been developed [21, 20, 9, 8, 13, 23, 12, 11]. Besides fast force-directed algorithms other very fast methods for drawing large graphs (see e.g., [14, 17]) have been invented. These methods are based on techniques of linear algebra instead of physical analogies. But they strive for the same esthetic drawing criteria. Previous experimental tests of these methods are mainly restricted to regular graphs with grid-like structures (see e.g., [14, 17, 9, 23, 13]). Since general graphs share these properties quite seldom, and since the test environments of these experiments are different, a standardized comparison of the methods on a wider range of graphs is needed. In this study we experimentally compare some of the fastest state-of-the-art algorithms for straight-line drawing of general graphs on a big variety of graph classes. In particular, we investigate the force-directed algorithm GRIP of Gajer and Kobourov [9] and Gajer et al. [8], the Fast Multi-scale Method (FMS) of Harel and Koren [13], and the Fast Multipole Multilevel Method (FM3 ) of Hachul and Jünger [12, 11]. We did not test other efficient force-directed methods like FADE of Quigley and Eades [20] and JIGGLE of Tunkelang [21] since the original implementations were not available to us or the implementations did not allow to import test graphs, respectively. The examined algebraic methods are the algebraic multigrid method ACE of Koren et al. [17] and the high-dimensional embedding approach (HDE) of Harel and Koren [14]. Additionally, one of the fastest classical force-directed algorithms, namely the grid-variant algorithm (GVA) of Fruchterman and Rein- Hachul and Jünger, Large-Graph Layout Alg., JGAA, 11(2) 345–369 (2007) 347 gold [7], is tested as a benchmark. After a short description of the tested algorithms in Section 2 and a presentation of the experimental framework in Section 3, our results will be presented in Section 4. 2 2.1 The Algorithms The Grid-Variant Algorithm (GVA) The grid-variant algorithm (GVA) of Fruchterman and Reingold [7] is based on a model of pairwise repelling charged particles (the nodes) and attracting springs (the edges), similar to the model of the Spring Embedder of Eades [5]. Since a naive exact calculation of the repulsive forces acting between all pairs of charges needs Θ(|V 2 |) time per iteration, GVA only calculates the repulsive forces acting between nodes that are placed relatively near to each other. Therefore, the rectangular drawing area is subdivided into a regular square grid. The repulsive forces that act on a node v that is contained in a grid box B are approximated by summing up only the repulsive forces that are induced by the nodes contained in B and the nodes in the grid boxes that are neighbors of B. If the number of iterations is assumed to be constant, the best-case running time of GVA is Θ(|V | + |E|). The worst-case running time, however, remains Θ(|V |2 + |E|). 2.2 The Method GRIP Gajer and Kobourov [9] and Gajer et al. [8] developed the force-directed multilevel algorithm GRIP. In general, multilevel algorithms are based on two phases. A coarsening phase, in which a sequence of coarse graphs with decreasing sizes is computed and a refinement phase in which successively drawings of finer graphs are computed, using the drawings of the next coarser graphs and a variant of a suitable force-directed single-level algorithm. The coarsening phase of GRIP is based on the construction of a maximum independent set filtration or MIS filtration of the node set V . A MIS filtration is a family of sets {V =: V0 , V1 , . . . , Vk } with ∅ ⊂ Vk ⊂ Vk−1 . . . ⊂ V0 so that each Vi with i ∈ {1, . . . , k} is a maximal subset of Vi−1 for which the graphtheoretic distance between any pair of its elements is at least 2i−1 + 1. Gajer and Kobourov [9] use a Spring Embedder-like method as a single-level algorithm at each level. The used force vector is similar to that used in the method of Kamada and Kawai [16], but is restricted to a suitable chosen subset of Vi . Other notable specifics of GRIP are that it computes the MIS filtration only and no edge sets of the coarse graphs G0 , . . . , Gk that are induced by the filtrations. Furthermore, it is designed to place the nodes in an n-dimensional space (n ≥ 2), to draw the graph in this space, and to project it into two or three dimensions. The asymptotic running time of the algorithm, excluding the time that is needed to construct the MIS filtration, is Θ(|V |(log diam(G)2 )) for graphs with Hachul and Jünger, Large-Graph Layout Alg., JGAA, 11(2) 345–369 (2007) 348 bounded maximum node degree, where diam(G) denotes the diameter of G. 2.3 The Fast Multi-scale Method (FMS) In order to create the sequence of coarse graphs in the force-directed multilevel method FMS, Harel and Koren [13] use an O(k|V |) algorithm that finds a 2approximative solution of the N P-hard k-center problem [10]. The node set Vi of a graph Gi in the sequence G0 , . . . , Gk is determined by the approximative solution of the ki -center problem on G with ki > ki+1 for all i ∈ {0, . . . , k − 1}. The authors use a variation of the algorithm of Kamada and Kawai [16] as a force-directed single-level algorithm. In order to speed up the computation of this method, they modify the energy function of Kamada and Kawai [16] that is associated with a graph Gi with i ∈ {0, . . . , k − 1}. The difference to the original energy of Kamada and Kawai [16] is that only some of the |V (Gi )| − 1 springs that are connected with a node v ∈ V (Gi ) are considered. The asymptotic running time of FMS is Θ(|V ||E|). Additionally, Θ(|V |2 ) memory is needed to store the distances between all pairs of nodes. 2.4 The Fast Multipole Multilevel Method (FM3 ) The force-directed multilevel algorithm FM3 has been introduced by Hachul and Jünger [12, 11]. It is based on a combination of an efficient multilevel technique with an O(|V | log |V |) approximation algorithm to obtain the repulsive forces between all pairs of nodes. In the coarsening step subgraphs with a small diameter (called solar systems) are collapsed to obtain a multilevel representation of the graph. In the used single-level algorithm, the bottleneck of calculating the repulsive forces acting between all pairs of charged particles in the Spring Embedder-like force model is overcome by rapidly evaluating potential fields using a novel multipole-based tree code. The worst-case running time of FM3 is O(|V | log |V | + |E|) with linear memory requirements. 2.5 The Algebraic Multigrid Method ACE In the description of their method ACE, Koren et al. [17] define the quadratic optimization problem (P ) min xT Lx so that xT x = 1 in the subspace xT 1n = 0 . Here, n = |V | and L is the Laplacian matrix of G. The minimum of (P) is obtained by the eigenvector that corresponds to the smallest positive eigenvalue of L. The problem of drawing the graph G in two dimensions is reduced to the problem of finding the two eigenvectors of L that are associated with the two smallest eigenvalues. Instead of calculating the eigenvectors directly, an algebraic multigrid algorithm is used. Similar to the force-directed multilevel ideas, the idea is to Hachul and Jünger, Large-Graph Layout Alg., JGAA, 11(2) 345–369 (2007) 349 express the originally high-dimensional problem in lower and lower dimensions, solving the problem at the lowest dimension, and progressively solving a highdimensional problem by using the solutions of the low-dimensional problems. The authors do not give an upper bound on the asymptotic running time of ACE in the number of nodes and edges. 2.6 High-Dimensional Embedding (HDE) The method HDE of Harel and Koren [14] is based on a two phase approach that, first, generates an embedding of the graph in a very high-dimensional vector space and, then, projects this drawing into the plane. The high-dimensional embedding of the graph is computed by, first, using a linear time algorithm for approximatively solving the k-center problem [10]. A fixed value of k = 50 is chosen, and k is also the dimension of the highdimensional vector space. Then, breadth-first search starting from each of the k center nodes is performed resulting in k |V |-dimensional vectors that store the graph-theoretic distances of each v ∈ V to each of the k centers. These vectors are interpreted as a k-dimensional embedding of the graph. In order to project the high-dimensional embedding of the graph into the plane, the k vectors are used to define a covariance matrix S. The x- and ycoordinates of the two-dimensional drawing are obtained by calculating the two eigenvectors of S that are associated with its two largest eigenvalues. HDE runs in Θ(|V | + |E|) time. 3 3.1 The Experiments Test-Environment, Implementations, and Parameter Settings All experiments were performed on a 2.8 GHz Intel Pentium 4 PC with one gigabyte of memory running Linux. We tested an implementation of GVA by S. Näher and D. Alberts that is part of the AGD [15] library, an implementation of GRIP by R. Yusufov that is available from [24], and implementations of FMS, ACE, HDE by Y. Koren that are available from [18]. Finally, we tested our own implementation of FM3 . The provided executables of ACE, HDE, and FMS are Microsoft Windows executables. They were tested on the same machine but using Windows as operating system, instead. In order to obtain a fair comparison, we ran each algorithm with the same set of standard-parameter settings (given by the authors) on each tested graph. However, we are aware that in some cases it might be possible to obtain better results by spending a considerable amount of time with trial-and-error searching for an optimal set of parameters for each algorithm and graph. Hachul and Jünger, Large-Graph Layout Alg., JGAA, 11(2) 345–369 (2007) 350 3.2 The Set of Test Graphs Since only few implementations can handle disconnected and weighted graphs, we restrict our attention to connected unweighted graphs, here. We generated several classes of artificial graphs to examine the scaling of the algorithms on graphs with predefined structures but different sizes. These are random grid graphs that were obtained by, first, creating regular square grid graphs and, then, randomly deleting 3% of the nodes. The sierpinski graphs were created by associating the Sierpinski Triangles with graphs. Furthermore, we generated complete 6-nary trees. The next two classes of artificial graphs were designed to test how well the algorithms can handle highly non-uniform distributions of the nodes and high node degrees. Therefore, we created these graphs in a way so that one can expect that an energy-minimal configuration of the nodes in a drawing that relies on a Spring Embedder-like force model induces a tiny subregion of the drawing area which contains Θ(|V |) nodes. In particular, we constructed trees that contain a root node r with |V |/4 neighbors. The other nodes were subdivided into six subtrees of equal size rooted at r. We called these graphs snowflake graphs. Additionally we created spider graphs by constructing a circle C containing 25% of the nodes. Each node of C is also adjacent to 12 other nodes of the circle. The remaining nodes were distributed on 8 paths of equal length that were rooted at one node of C. In contrast to the snowflake graphs, the spider graphs have bounded maximum degree. The last kind of artificial graphs are graphs with a relatively high edge density |E|/|V | ≥ 14. We call them flower graphs. They are constructed by joining 6 circles of equal length at a single node before replacing each of the nodes by a complete subgraph with 30 nodes (K30 ). The rest of the test graphs are taken from real-world applications. In particular, we selected graphs from the AT&T graph library [1], from C. Walshaw’s graph collection [22], and a graph that describes a social network of 2113 people that we obtained from C. Lipp. We partitioned the artificial and real-world graphs into two sets. The first set are graphs that consist of few biconnected components, have a constant maximum node degree, and have a low edge density. Furthermore, one can expect that an energy-minimal configuration of the nodes in a Spring Embedder drawing of such a graph does not contain Θ(|V |) nodes in an extremely tiny subregion of the drawing area. Since one can anticipate from previous experiments [14, 17, 9, 13] that graphs contained in this set do not cause problems for many of the tested algorithms, we call the set of these graphs kind. The second set is the complement of the first one, and we call the set of these graphs challenging. Table 1 gives an overview of the structures of the tested graphs. Hachul and Jünger, Large-Graph Layout Alg., JGAA, 11(2) 345–369 (2007) 351 Type Kind Artificial Kind Real World Challenging Artificial Challenging Real World Name |V | |E| |B| |E| |V | rnd grid 032 rnd grid 100 rnd grid 320 sierpinski 06 sierpinski 08 sierpinski 10 crack fe pwt finan 512 fe ocean tree 06 04 tree 06 05 tree 06 06 snowflake A snowflake B snowflake C spider A spider B spider C flower A flower B flower C ug 380 esslingen add 32 dg 1087 bcsstk 33 bcsstk 31 985 9497 97359 1095 9843 88575 10240 36463 74752 143437 1555 9331 55987 971 9701 97001 1000 10000 100000 930 9030 90030 1104 2075 4960 7602 8738 35586 1834 17849 184532 2187 19683 177147 30380 144794 261120 409593 1554 9330 55986 970 9700 97000 2200 22000 220000 13521 131241 1308441 3231 5530 9462 7601 291583 572913 2 6 2 1 1 1 1 55 1 39 1554 9330 55986 970 9700 97000 801 8001 80001 1 1 1 27 867 951 7601 1 48 1.8 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.9 3.9 3.4 2.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.2 2.2 2.2 14.5 14.5 14.5 2.9 2.6 1.9 1.0 33.3 16.1 max. degree 4 4 4 4 4 4 9 15 54 6 7 7 7 256 2506 25006 18 18 18 30 30 30 856 97 31 6566 140 188 Table 1: The test graphs and their structures 3.3 The Criteria of Evaluation The natural criteria to evaluate a graph-drawing algorithm in practice are the needed running times and the quality of the drawings. In order to evaluate the quality of the drawings, we focus on the aesthetic criteria that all tested algorithms strive for (i.e., uniformity of edge length, few edge crossings, non-overlapping nodes and edges, and the display of symmetries). Suppose G = (V, E) is a graph and Γ is a drawing of G. Let lΓ (e) denote the length of an edge e ∈ E in Γ and lΓav denote the average edge length of an edge in Γ. To measure the uniformity of the edges, we calculated the normalized standard deviation of the edge length that is Hachul and Jünger, Large-Graph Layout Alg., JGAA, 11(2) 345–369 (2007) 352 v uX 2 u (lΓ (e) − lΓav ) σΓ := t . av |E| · (lΓ )2 e∈E We counted the number of edge crossings in Γ (denoted by ecn Γ ) as well as the number of pairs of edges that completely overlap each other (denoted by eon Γ ). To compare these measures on graphs with different sizes, we define the relative edge-crossing number (recn Γ ) and the relative edge-overlapping number (reon Γ ) of a drawing Γ of G as follows: recn Γ := |ecn Γ | |E| reon Γ := |eon Γ | |E| We did not measure the number of (partially) overlapping nodes. The reason is that per default some implementations represent nodes by points (ACE, HDE), whereas the others draw them as circles that occupy nonempty area. Since symmetry-detection is N P-hard [19], we did not explicitly measure the symmetry of a given drawing and printed the drawing, instead. One of the most important implicit goals of a graph-drawing algorithm is that an individual user is satisfied with a drawing. Therefore, we provide printouts of the computed drawings, too. 4 4.1 The Results Comparison of the Running Times The running times of the methods GVA, FM3 , GRIP, FMS, ACE, and HDE for the tested graphs are presented in Table 2. As expected, in most cases GVA is the slowest method among the forcedirected algorithms. The largest graph fe ocean is drawn by GVA in 5 hours and 20 minutes. The method FM3 is significantly faster than GVA for all tested graphs. The running times range from less than 2 seconds for the smallest graphs to less than 6 minutes for the largest graph fe ocean. The sub-quadratic scaling of FM3 can be experimentally confirmed for all classes of tested graphs. Except for the dense graphs flower B and bcsstk 33 GRIP is faster than FM3 (up to a factor of 9). Unfortunately, we could not examine the scaling of GRIP for the largest graphs due to an error in the executable. Since the memory requirement of FMS is quadratic in the size of the graph, the implementation of FMS is restricted to graphs that contain at most 10, 000 nodes. The running times of FMS are comparable with those of FM3 for the smallest and the medium sized kind graphs. In contrast to this, the CPU times of FMS increase drastically for several challenging graphs, in particular for graphs that either contain nodes with a very high degree or have a high edge density. Hachul and Jünger, Large-Graph Layout Alg., JGAA, 11(2) 345–369 (2007) 353 Type Kind Artificial Kind Real World Challenging Artificial Challenging Real World Name rnd grid 032 rnd grid 100 rnd grid 320 sierpinski 06 sierpinski 08 sierpinski 10 crack fe pwt finan 512 fe ocean tree 06 04 tree 06 05 tree 06 06 snowflake A snowflake B snowflake C spider A spider B spider C flower A flower B flower C ug 380 esslingen add 32 dg 1087 bcsstk 33 bcsstk 31 GVA 12.5 203.4 6316.1 13.1 171.7 3606.4 317.5 1869.1 6319.8 19247.0 14.3 130.3 1769.2 8.0 143.2 14685.7 17.6 189.0 4568.3 61.7 595.1 11841.5 23.1 43.8 80.6 624.8 1494.6 4338.4 CPU Time FM3 GRIP 1.9 0.3 19.1 4.4 215.4 (E) 1.8 0.3 16.8 4.8 162.0 (E) 23.0 6.8 69.0 (E) 158.2 (E) 355.9 (E) 2.6 0.3 17.7 2.4 121.3 (E) 1.6 0.4 17.4 6.1 166.5 (E) 1.9 0.4 17.7 7.2 177.2 (E) 1.2 0.7 11.9 19.3 121.4 (E) 2.1 0.4 4.0 0.5 12.1 1.6 18.1 3.6 23.8 29.1 83.6 (E) in Seconds FMS ACE 1.0 < 0.1 32.0 0.5 (M ) 4.1 1.0 < 0.1 33.0 1.0 (M ) 23.4 (M ) 0.4 (M ) (T ) (M ) 7.5 (M ) 4.0 2.0 < 0.1 43.0 0.5 (M ) 4.5 73.0 0.4 3320.0 (T ) (M ) (T ) 1.0 1.1 47.0 8.9 (M ) 280.7 1.0 < 0.1 46.0 1.4 (M ) (T ) 1.0 < 0.1 404.0 1.0 17.0 0.5 5402.0 108.4 6636.0 0.4 (M ) 1.9 HDE < 0.1 0.1 1.3 < 0.1 0.1 1.0 0.2 0.5 1.0 3.4 < 0.1 < 0.1 0.5 < 0.1 < 0.1 0.8 < 0.1 0.1 1.3 < 0.1 0.2 1.4 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 0.3 0.7 Table 2: The test graphs and the running times that are needed by the tested algorithms to draw them. Explanations: (E) No drawing was computed due to an error in the executable. (M ) No drawing was computed because the memory is restricted to graphs with ≤ 10, 000 nodes. (T ) No drawing was computed within 10 hours of CPU time. B denotes the sets of biconnected components of the graphs. Best values are printed bold. Worst values are underlined. The algorithm ACE is much faster than the force-directed algorithms for nearly all kind graphs. However, the running times grow extremely if ACE is used to draw several of the challenging graphs. The linear time method HDE is by far the fastest algorithm. It needs less than 3.4 seconds for drawing even the largest tested graph. Hachul and Jünger, Large-Graph Layout Alg., JGAA, 11(2) 345–369 (2007) 354 4.2 Comparison of the Drawings 4.2.1 Uniformity of Edge Lengths 5 4 GVA FM3 FMS ACE HDE 3 2 1 Kind Graphs Norm. Std. Dev. of Edge Length Norm. Std. Dev. of Edge Length Figure 1 shows the normalized standard deviations of the edge lengths σΓ of the drawings Γ for the tested kind and challenging graphs. 25 20 15 GVA FM3 FMS ACE HDE 10 5 Challenging Graphs Figure 1: The normalized standard deviations of the edge lengths of the drawings for the kind graphs (left) and challenging graphs (right). For the kind graphs the σΓ values of the drawings that are computed by GVA, FM3 , FMS, and HDE are below 1 while the σΓ values associated with ACE are still below 2. This indicates that for those graphs the goal of generating drawings with uniform edge lengths has been reached well by all algorithms. The σΓ values of some drawings of challenging graphs that are generated by HDE and ACE exceed values of 5 and 25, respectively. In contrast to this, the σΓ values of GVA and FMS remain below 1 for the majority of the drawings of the challenging graphs. All σΓ values associated with drawings computed by FM3 are smaller than 1. Notice that it is not possible to obtain the measures σΓ , recn Γ , and reon Γ for the drawings generated by GRIP, since the used implementation of GRIP provides screen output only. Hence, in this case we had to restrict ourselves to printing screenshots for visual comparisons. 4.2.2 Edge Crossings and Overlapping Edges The relative edge-crossing numbers recn Γ and the relative edge-overlapping numbers reon Γ of the drawings Γ generated by the algorithms are listed in Tables 3 and 4, respectively. For the kind graphs, the multilevel and algebraic methods generate comparable and significantly smaller numbers of edge crossings than the classical force-directed method GVA. With two exceptions, the recn Γ values of the drawings of the challenging graphs that are generated by FM3 are smaller than the corresponding values of GVA. The recn Γ values of ACE are much smaller than those of FM3 for several challenging artificial graphs, while they are comparable with those of FM3 for the Hachul and Jünger, Large-Graph Layout Alg., JGAA, 11(2) 345–369 (2007) 355 Type Kind Artificial Kind Real World Challenging Artificial Challenging Real World Name rnd grid 032 rnd grid 100 rnd grid 320 sierpinski 06 sierpinski 08 sierpinski 10 crack fe pwt finan 512 fe ocean tree 06 04 tree 06 05 tree 06 06 snowflake A snowflake B snowflake C spider A spider B spider C flower A flower B flower C ug 380 esslingen add 32 dg 1087 bcsstk 33 bcsstk 31 GVA 3.82 14.75 181.51 2.00 9.49 99.97 30.82 150.70 301.25 622.48 2.21 9.33 70.68 0.63 1.46 15.53 15.62 154.70 2522.89 46.71 64.90 578.22 22.93 47.52 8.65 1.74 720.94 708.69 FM3 0 0 0 0.05 0.07 0.09 <0.01 2.45 18.81 7.13 1.16 1.89 3.31 0 0 0 16.55 132.96 1029.64 49.08 51.57 53.39 19.55 23.71 1.69 < 0.01 376.18 94.26 recn Γ FMS 0 0 (N ) <0.01 0.01 (N ) (N ) (N ) (N ) (N ) 7.89 11.48 (N ) 0.10 8.18 (N ) 1.17 1.64 (N ) 5.63 1.90 (N ) 13.67 28.42 5.75 37.07 4171.05 (N ) ACE 0 0 <0.01 0 0.02 0.27 0 (N ) 12.27 9.07 0.01 0 4.16 <0.01 (N ) (N ) 6.60 0 0 0.26 0.06 (N ) 20.99 20.81 0.89 5.92 413.56 63.00 HDE <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.02 0.08 0.01 0.07 1.61 21.27 8.24 0 22.92 128.82 0.62 6.92 195.87 1.25 0 0 0.55 0.34 0.30 1.35 3.89 5.80 6.49 113.86 611.21 Table 3: The relative edge-crossing numbers (recn Γ ) of the drawings Γ computed by the tested algorithms. The entry (N ) indicates that no drawing was computed. Best values are printed bold. Worst values are underlined. challenging real-world graphs. Depending on the classes of tested challenging graphs, the recn Γ values of the drawings computed by FMS and HDE vary a lot: FMS and HDE generate many crossings for the 6-nary trees and the snowflake graphs but comparatively few crossings for the spider and flower graphs. No drawing of a kind graph generated by GVA or FM3 contains overlapping edges. In contrast to this, few pairs of overlapping edges exist in many drawings of kind graphs computed by FMS and ACE, and in all drawings computed by HDE. The challenging graphs spider A and esslingen are the only graphs in the test set that contain parallel edges, resulting in minimum relative edge-overlapping Hachul and Jünger, Large-Graph Layout Alg., JGAA, 11(2) 345–369 (2007) 356 Type Kind Artificial Kind Real World Challenging Artificial Challenging Real World Name rnd grid 032 rnd grid 100 rnd grid 320 sierpinski 06 sierpinski 08 sierpinski 10 crack fe pwt finan 512 fe ocean tree 06 04 tree 06 05 tree 06 06 snowflake A snowflake B snowflake C spider A spider B spider C flower A flower B flower C ug 380 esslingen add 32 dg 1087 bcsstk 33 bcsstk 31 GVA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.14 0 0 0 0 FM3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.14 0 0 0 0 reon Γ FMS ACE 0.03 0 0 0 (N ) 0 0.03 0 0.14 <0.01 (N ) 0.98 (N ) 0 (N ) (N ) (N ) 3.68 (N ) 0.22 0.38 59.09 0.86 504.27 (N ) 2929.74 42.02 32.11 169.77 (N ) (N ) (N ) 0.67 19.57 6903.67 4248.23 (N ) 44554.09 5.14 149.31 21.63 167.48 (N ) (N ) 1.29 0.79 0.97 1.93 1.21 0.19 109.23 1882.14 3416.70 0.13 (N ) 2.50 HDE <0.01 0.03 0.08 0.01 0.11 1.43 0.12 34.25 9.14 1.67 78.08 466.83 2030.40 85.34 398.06 16818.82 63.50 297.13 40163.33 160.36 210.83 340.19 10.69 2.54 5.73 1390.30 329.17 2386.76 Table 4: The relative edge-overlapping numbers (reon Γ ) of the drawings Γ computed by the tested algorithms. The entry (N ) indicates that no drawing was computed. Best values are printed bold. Worst values are underlined. numbers of 0.27 and 0.14, respectively. Hence, GVA and FM3 are the only algorithms that generate drawings with the minimum number of overlapping edges for all tested graphs. In contrast to this, the recn Γ values of all drawings of challenging graphs generated by FMS, ACE, and HDE are positive and reach extremely high values in many cases. For FMS an explanation of this behavior might be that the positions have integer values only, and that the underlying grid-resolution is too small. For the algebraic methods an explanation of the many overlapping nodes and edges can be found in [3, 17] and [11]. Hachul and Jünger, Large-Graph Layout Alg., JGAA, 11(2) 345–369 (2007) 357 Since overlapping edges are at least as undesirable as crossing edges we additionally compared the sums of the relative edge-crossing numbers and the dedicated relative edge-overlapping numbers (see Figure 2). recn + reon 10000 100 GVA 3 FM FMS ACE HDE 1e+06 recn + reon 1e+06 1 0.01 10000 GVA 3 FM FMS ACE HDE 100 1 0.01 Kind Graphs Challenging Graphs Figure 2: The sums of the relative edge-crossing and dedicated relative edgeoverlapping numbers of the drawings for the tested kind graphs (left) and challenging graphs (right). For the kind graphs, the recn Γ values of the drawings computed by GVA are significantly larger than the sum of recn Γ and reon Γ of all other algorithms. For those graphs FM3 and ACE have smaller values than HDE. FM3 reaches the lowest added values of recn Γ and reon Γ for the majority of the challenging graphs. The other multilevel and algebraic methods have frequently higher added recn Γ and reon Γ values than the classical force-directed algorithm GVA. 4.2.3 The Overall Picture In the remainder of this section, we will discuss the quality of the drawings of the tested graphs that are presented in Figures 3 to 10 by keeping the modeled esthetic criteria in mind. Note that due to the very restricted drawing area, not all details of each large graphs can be displayed, here. However, those details can be examined by creating large printouts or by using simple zoom and pan techniques. For all kind graphs the classical method GVA does not untangle the drawings that were induced by the random initial placements. In contrast to this, nearly all algorithms computed relatively pleasing drawings of the kind graphs (see Figure 3, Figure 4, and Figure 5(a)-(d)). None of the drawings of the complete 6-nary trees (see Figure 5(e)-(j)) is really convincing, since the algorithms either produce many unnecessary edge crossings or they place many nodes at the same coordinates. Except FM3 none of the tested algorithms displays the global structure of the snowflake graphs. Even the drawings of the smallest snowflake graph (see Figure 6(a)-(f)) leave room for improvement. However, GVA and GRIP visualize parts of its structure in an appropriate way. Hachul and Jünger, Large-Graph Layout Alg., JGAA, 11(2) 345–369 (2007) 358 The drawings of the spider A graph (see Figure 6(g)-(l)) that are generated by GRIP, FMS, and HDE are not as symmetric as the drawing computed by FM3 . But they display the global structure of the graph. The drawing generated by GVA shows the dense subregion, but GVA does not untangle the 8 paths. The paths in the drawing of ACE are not displayed in the same length. The drawings of the larger spider graphs are of comparable quality. The drawings of the flower B graph (see Figure 7(a)-(f)) that are computed by FMS and HDE display the global structure of the graph but the symmetries are not as clear as in the drawing generated by FM3 . The drawings of the other flower graphs are of comparable quality. We concentrate on the challenging real-world graphs now. The graphs ug 380 and dg 1087 both contain one node with a very high degree. Furthermore, dg 1087 has many biconnected components, since it is a tree. Only the drawings that are computed by GVA, FM3 , and GRIP (see Figure 7(g)-(l) and Figure 8(a)(f)) clearly display the central regions of these graphs. The social network esslingen (see Figure 8(g)-(l)) consists of two big wellconnected subgraphs. This can be visualized by FM3 , GRIP, and HDE. But the drawings contain several edge crossings. Since add 32 that describes a 32 bit adder contains many biconnected components, we expect that the drawings have a tree-like shape. This structure is visualized by GVA, FM3 , GRIP, and ACE (see Figure 9(a)-(f)). The drawings of GVA and GRIP contain comparatively many edge crossings, while the drawing of ACE displays the global structure, but hides local details. Finally, we discuss the drawings of the dense graphs bcsstk 31 and bcsstk 33. The drawings of bcsstk 33 (see Figure 9(g)-(l)) that are generated by FM3 , GRIP, and ACE are comparable and visualize the regular structure of the graph. The car body that is modeled by the graph bcsstk 31 (see Figure 10) is visualized by FM3 and ACE only. 5 Conclusion We can summarize that only GVA, FM3 , and HDE generate drawings of all tested graphs. The force-directed multilevel methods and the algebraic methods are – except the methods FMS and ACE for some graphs – much faster than the comparatively slow classical algorithm GVA. HDE, FM3 and GRIP scale well on all tested graphs. FM3 needs a few minutes to draw the largest graphs. GRIP is up to factor 9 faster than FM3 but it could not be tested on the largest graphs. All tested methods are much slower than HDE that needs only few seconds to draw even the largest graphs. As expected, all algorithms, except GVA, generate pleasing drawings of the kind graphs with relatively uniform edge length and few edge crossings. In contrast to this, the quality of the computed drawings varies a lot depending on the structures of the tested challenging graphs. In particular, FMS, HDE, and ACE frequently generate drawings with many overlapping edges. Unlike this, FM3 generates pleasing drawings for the majority of the challenging graphs. But Hachul and Jünger, Large-Graph Layout Alg., JGAA, 11(2) 345–369 (2007) 359 there still remain classes of tested graphs (e.g., the complete trees and the social network graph esslingen) for which the drawing quality of all tested algorithms leaves much room for improvement. A practical advice for developers of graph-drawing systems is as follows: First use HDE followed by ACE, since they are the fastest methods in all or many cases, respectively. If the drawings are not satisfactory or one supposes that important details of the graph’s structure are hidden, use FM3 to obtain comparable or better results in reasonable time. If those drawings are still not nice, one should experiment with other methods or try to improve the existing ones with new concepts. Acknowledgments We would like to thank David Alberts, Steven Kobourov, Yehuda Koren, Stefan Näher, and Roman Yusufov for making the implementations of their algorithms available to us. We thank Ulrik Brandes, Carola Lipp and Chris Walshaw for the access to the real-world test graphs. Hachul and Jünger, Large-Graph Layout Alg., JGAA, 11(2) 345–369 (2007) 360 References [1] The AT&T graph collection: [2] F. Brandenburg, M. Himsolt, and C. Rohrer. 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Hachul and Jünger, Large-Graph Layout Alg., JGAA, 11(2) 345–369 (2007) 363 (a) GVA (d) ACE (g) FM3 (j) FM3 (b) FM3 (e) HDE (h) HDE (k) ACE (c) GRIP (f) GVA (i) GVA (l) HDE Figure 4: (a)-(e) Drawings of crack, (f)-(h) fe pwt, and (i)-(l) finan 512 generated by different algorithms. Hachul and Jünger, Large-Graph Layout Alg., JGAA, 11(2) 345–369 (2007) 364 (b) FM3 (a) GVA (c) ACE 2861 2866 6887 7207 7208 7211 7239 6888 7220 9246 7210 7240 7241 7212 6897 6884 6910 6907 (d) HDE 2859 2860 2857 2883 2858 2867 2879 6899 2875 6900 6885 1201 2862 2864 6914 6908 6886 7209 7221 6912 6911 7222 9230 2878 2868 6895 477 6916 476 2871 2852 2876 2865 2863 479 2050 2885 2854 2886 2049 2855 2873 2874 2870 2869 7217 2851 6891 2881 480 6892 9233 7223 7229 475 7238 6889 478 7214 9231 6883 2853 7215 2872 1147 6894 2452 9232 2453 2880 9229 2048 2943 2884 2877 9249 7224 6913 4680 2056 6915 7232 7233 2038 2882 9234 1152 2944 7237 2053 9245 4678 2454 2856 341 6896 9241 6898 9252 1148 9237 20472033 7231 2422 4675 92517216 9228 6902 9225 1203 29322942 2039 1538 2419 7219 2433 6909 6917 2428 7242 2030 24512450 1149 7235 9248 4677 6893 2035 2423 2036 1151 2945 7225 9240 2052 2952 2424 408 1206 9247 9238 7213 2031 1202 7534 2948 3754 7230 4682 2951 9224 9150 9243 46614679 7543 2057 2430 7234 1541 4659 4676 7531 4683 2444 7227 1205 9235 2954 2034 1745 2448 2933 9242 6905 2058 2431 6890 9227 490 2941 9236 2032 2044 7550 6179 9146 6176 7236 2446 9239 20292023 1540 7545 2055 2040339 2958 2438 2421 9226 9250 9255 2946 9148 2955 1539 7218 7551 24439124 2929 342 7536 4685 1204 9258 3796 2447 6918 4686 4673 1744 7226 779 2054 2028 7546 3801 2037 2934 4657 3786 3795 2950 7532 4684 2046 9257 2427 7547 2931 2420 9254 2956 7548 4681 2449 2947 7535 338 7243 7228 4674 2043 407 403 7540 4655 37852425 2441 2051 2953 2930 4672 9244 1542 488 7554 9253 1537 72472437 7246 3764 6904 9145 5890 4651 3781 1761 1743 3753 1764 4653 6029 3768 3799 7197 9223 4660 3800 2025 3751 3771 2445 2435 492 3758 4656 2042 3804 3782 491 6031 340 1746 2432 6032 780 3839 1150 4662 79 1762 2949 5903 2439 6903 7544 9149 2024 7409 9256 4658 9132 7552 337 1756 3794 776 1524 3793 7043 1255 7538 5900 404 2927 5881 7407 3756 1257 2026 7190 7189 2957 3798 3780405 6041 2045 3827 6906 3818 6033 7559 5898 3777 7261 7270 5901 3775 7533 3826 6034 5894 4670 3838 6901 3837 2436 9128 6024 7549 2041 3772 7541 5895 2928 7560 632 7029 1207 7539 5897 3836 3761 9117 2027 7260 2924 9119 70417034 406 9130 9122 7553 290 7267 7251 6019 3834 4669 6026 3770 2429 3821 3774 1742 3752 7193 7556 7558 7410 3648 6027 487 7263 3765 3766 630 7408 3831 7036 7056 3760 7192 1005 6035 7259 2434 1754 2426 625 2936 9123 3825 7244 7245 6036 3763 7254 1258 6028 2923 3824 7271 7406 633 3776 9140 5893 9131 778 1520 72483673 7204 3803 9147 2925 627 3854 3847 17591763 629 6037 293 7405 9127 3778 3797 9144 3828 7039 3767 1004 9125 2090 1753 7268 1741 3678 5885 637 4652 3835 3759 200 3849 4671 626 6030 1757 1209 982 7537 1211 7194 639 3840 7051 9135 3755 7272 5902 2935 9133 2937 9118 1259 7257 9121 9815883 5896 1198 6048 1766 775 2926 60426025 7045 2442 7030 2624 3857 7255 7250 3779 5887 3830 2499 7396 7042 7422 5880 7266 5882 5875 7199 1210 980 628 3802 6049 3672 1256 6022 2939 38233773 7037 1521 6439 36743677 5886 6038 2634 5904 9116 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6812 7158 7635 5757 2339 5758 8208 7609 4697 6294 57455746 5466 2265 2552 8363 5191 7423 8423 1191 4273 7300 5042 3218 3233 2266 5011 8122 1264 2470 8128 6211 1239 3380 7845 3893 5755 3222 1944 5003 3370 3956 3921 62436813 7088 4243 5868 956 6749 7614 3892 5043 7604 7582 5566 7627 3880 6208 5650 6747 7575480 4484 1932 3940 3134 5709 2322 3350 7603 62257893 4750 5495915 4554 158 6067 4688 44887424 5866 3137 4979 9308 7634 47557573 7637 7154 8574 8544 3910 6093 3388 7779 577 7778 5744 8420 3381 1941 7633 4496 3348 7330 5577 5563 46985653 1263 130 7574 4714 5764 5761 3925 7302 8945 2553 5578 1012 6091 3324 53 5390 8206 1810 5862 1428 4203 646 563 4283 3116 76281267 54965501 3185 1900 4204 5861 5497 5854 6250 3879 4553 8541 323 4287 4245 5585 2647 4255 648 4985 5740900 7152 3463 3215765 1891 8939 4543 6109 6092 1015 3320 3120 8409 5747 5403 18814695 7437 7589 3446 9312 4999 8549 4215 4568 3234 938 3960 3878 7569 4248 6217 564 8551 1036 1038 4993 8942 3930 558 8195 4912 757544714711 832 7963 3904 5702 2485 5004 2648 4996 8965 8941 4289 2551 1363 745 707 42132528 4201 3186 6113 83956750 5858 8191 3361 7698 301 1125 7697 4687 7605 6234 7430 5485 7343 6218 1809 8569 1265 1939 6533901 7344 5479 4693 7578 8204 561 3877 1365 6118 4692 6744 7972 4747 976 5634 7700 4739 4715 3353 3912 927 6221 785 6233 7892 7577 6206 4552 62 781 1223 6077 6231 553 5394 8959 6754 3321 2801 3906 782 6220 8570 7583 1315 1261 3344 8202 1883 4277 792 2556 6087 1367 7894736 791 4238 4982 4241 1551 5218 7595 2530 1262 4757 1842 1808 5760 746 3181 3336 3183 7610 3909 9309 3384 5482 1424 5575 5498 6072 3231 650 3232 9295 957 4712 4279 7586 1940 47233939 5567 5706 4271 6111 4910 9319 7155 3352 4474 4285 714 1811 1048 1928 5404 1554 7341 7585 8192 7775 4545 3354 5633 7588 2805 4477 2471 4748 4284 1812 306 5483760 4247 556 7567 1838 557 8540 3227 649 7607 7606 421 5859 6064 3927 1830 2537 4240 4282 4472 818 912 4476 555 950 136 4914 4925 1819 24 1123 7327 914 5701 2468 5564 304 44866751 4478 7572 4706 4202 1947 4286 5041 4257 6073 4721 1916 4690 4242 4256 7692 7440 8119 2264 5737 9330 6096 3386 5565 4708 3902 3891 7340 8359 713 6078 4260 7781 3889 7339 2532 3923 1221 652 1827 33322803 1354 8181 4549 1841 4691 3938 7342 5629 1014 8950 709 1353 34676068 973 9297 1822 4689 3903 4696 4480 3349 4281 1489 49377156 4724 7571 12965512 1829 7780 4572 7436 6290 8196 8369 9326 4980 7298 4977 1935 4573 2787 700 1815 699 787 2262 7443 56566219 9306 6740 7299 4753 8958 4938 5502 4571 5510 4482 7431 8938 6074 3922 702 4754 3900 4120 4975 1307 9307 1011 5631 6115 3863 5630 422 4246 322 5748 1826 3351 8126 49789329 7782 8776 761 4911 4563 706 1936 4701 7844 4561 3905 1295 252 6743 3323 6119 2793 6752 5705 3919 5486 8546 4244 4205 2804 12389300 7570 7446 4216 6768 3887 1494 4506 3331 7568 7148 3371 3379 4481 7777 7328 3916 3223 784 6209 3347 3357 5476 3897 1839 4288 6292 6085 424 305 8360 4258 3862 96 7333 4574 3896 4749 2548 4270 4269 7969 7594 4728 8947 4127 3898 6753 7147 4694 3343 1934 3345 1240 3372 8547 1938 8949 4752749 8707 213 3876 1393 2527 3488 4225 8970 645 6742 3913 7895 118 6232 7347197 7688 7434 3895 4189 8130 4859 4720 49 1834 1835 77 5843 7847 236 5840 8967 6094 1818 144 2806 4995 1828 7315 4705 7894 4562 6090 4856 8948 4565 3383 7846 4199 1773 3918 7593 5473 4758 9311 7772 303 6739 7973 215 4197 647 7329 212 8571 2535 3339 3338 4497 47134727 1774 4740 3860 7703 7849 8545 7591 5207 4699 6756 5478 2545 5762 4860 6305 28358937 7764 5219 3924 4570 1127 5741 4237 4498 8121 8129 83708366 3914 4756 762 52174577 4268 1241 2807 1283 5206 7318 829 6291 3890 3885 1328 1771 786 5725 7702 918 3894 4738 2809 5524 6070 7843 2838 1050 3367 82071366 7771 916 4217 8379 4718 232 5841 4710 3334 1825 467 8784 3859 4194 4226 7774 1492 8120 4479 5704 5513 3342 8968 49357432 8936 5730 4725 60765722 9296 2812 1942 7896 3883 6205 8205 5475 5842 4195 643 6088 698 8198 1923 3899 4567 9081 7109 7656 4716 9328932538888774 8380 3322 5499 7445 7984 2786 8691394 4251 4495 7970 2245 5839 7332 3335 6089 1837 2531 5844 3385 3884 686 7776 8778 4239 8513 783 67416306 4122 18201823 4206 4906 8777 711 7655 7982 2785 5215 7773 4192 302 5718 1462 559 1224 5489 319 7924 9089 1491 4700 7592 4191 4709 4119 5526 1275 4196 4267 8382 5203 3873 8194 464 7967 7996 1327 5477 8572 217 4502 1772 1831 1550 8127 79747966 7762 2546 2547 2536 4726 2813 4576 8550 4707 93024994 1222 8197 7338 2533 1281 6293 2529 7971 3340 3937 4578 7331 3359 7322 7904 219 2790 3861 9304 4264 9327 114 8203 4855 2538 75961925 6086 5487 4200 1330 2808 4227 1821 4128 750 468 5220 3492 7654 4704 7346 8378 5720 295 4198 8783 4114 8199 4702 3487 7985 4123 4575 1832 5532 1917 3356 8775 27802791 1045 4263 6764 1920 6069 7968 704 7671 7449 8952 45044501 465 1833 7441 8514 8951 3480 4719 117 7641 1293 7701 5204 7704 5205 1937 374 9080 5530 4500 7691 8935 5523 4140 4230 7833 4124 5474 2811 867 8955 1813 4280 8200 4221 6763 687 6273 4142 4214 73354566 8368 6765 685 8863 4722 8895 5509 7848 3341 5430 9110 376 3871 8940 8361 121 1840 952 1824 5511 7668 17767995 1803 221 817 8894 7983 2783 7998 1922 3483 9310 3872 581 7653 4259 8868 8969 8966 8123 1775 1518 1836 8898 5714 7682 6298 4499 5531921 7317 2789 8364 7669 320 2534 6289 4121 5721 5529 4717 2549 4229 1780 7907 8362 5514 8381 9301 8953 7763 1514 7699 3875 4272 9086 6284 3360 74485527 7321 116 710 4223 5208 1305 1278 1332 4505 7444 22731918 8201 7832 7687 954 34707770 7644 2810 7835 7905 7442 3917 3915 6071 5198 4265 7853 1219 1306 7707 7642 578 8529 2244 1915 8957 3494 1919 4317 2270 7652 4112 1276 22 13081220 6767 472 49763886 8069 7348 2259 1924 7964 8365 4193 7997 4117 7965 2837 3358 9114 9087 7761 7981 7319 1513 7661 822 373 3333 8869 2274 5427 223 7452 6274 4857 9082 3473 9083 7429 4190 4266 4908 4904 4374 1273 7115 2246 1933 7993 7911 2258 4144 3498 90799090 7450 7673 4858 8897 2779 7851 1801 7451 63016302 6296 1921 2256 6304 2833 8780 5724 6275 1396 2248 7105 1814 8531 7976 809 4132 7670 2550 8367 3864 7323 1418 3471 4212 80374503 8954 7334 7349 6287 6283 2794 7831 7825 4126 580 14633486 153 2250 5226 1451 378 8522 7920 5212 5518 3475 7690 5200 7753 4233 7651 7708 4224 2814 7837 4133 19 4210 9107 7926 4118 4228 2252 8873 7759 7852 870 4188 2792 5726 7350 953 8528 701 920 9305 3479 3874 8377 1482 52215216 7660 7689 719 7667 9104 9303 8394 5223 4261 7975 7840 4903 463 9101 3474 185 689 7986 7898 703 7336 4113 7994 2795 3490 3147 4905 2260 2782 4371 4569 4250 1421 4131 7663 4207 6276 4907 579 8708 9088 8781 2788 1047 4254 5727 8865 5717 6303 4933 7324 3472 1926 1817 3476 1294 8691 1304 9112 7900 4853 87 8866 8896 2247 90914737 7901 4219 3491 688 3469 1292 4220 4262 582 7979 2781 300 2242 7662 4318 4936 8383 3516 708 4315 9111 7760 2269 8390 4253 4125 4187 8893 3482 4389 4249 7659 2850 791313191781 7643 7769 8956 1317 8773 4186 866 7754 3481 7684 7709 8864 4319 4320 1477 375 2834 4703 1420 1318 7918 7665 1816 868 5723 7686 8710 7706 8887 7834 7839 4397 1049 1784 1515 4934 1802 2243 5224 1277 7672 4116 7903 2241 7910 1284 6272 3495 9096 7674 7909 3515 7767 8392 1184 97 1777 3512 78267836 78 9109 7850 8532 7923 3146 3484 63008052 6297 5549 5528 4136 690 4141 4129 9093 9103 2784 8510 8779 4850 7345 1478 1329 8068 5716 7922 8786 7917 7925 7841 7657 4222 87117683 8687 6288 5522 4115 3355 1398 8871 1804 1316 5211 7316 99 4211 4138 5210 7830 7118 8042 6285 4135 7916 1517 2249 7921 585 5425 8509 8694 9092 904 7758 7838 7666 9084 3477 6271 7639 4235 1787 9100 8393 7828 6295 2796 2261 7664 3573 7705 1344 6702 4387 705 4143 4134 4366 731 4146 7676 2257 7326 7897 8512 3496 7768 3489 7121 3618 8511 4367 2254 7648 4236 4364 5715 7337 4130 5728 5719 4373 1341 1274 1320 4111 7107 697 4004 8892 881 7447 1183 3513 296 8712 8070 7099 8884 8867 5539 5521 4316 7999 7906 4851 7710 4838 8067 2271 7122 919 1280 7748 7681 667 3164 7320 8065 2836 146 3172 3485 7110 5202 1185 7106 2253 5429 1342 4385 8692 8872 3625 3493 4137 4139 1806 728 5292 727 8063 5428 8526 524 1303 7756 4252 5213 8039 3148 9097 85238521 1481 808 7822 7842 5713 8874 8870 297 5536 4365 100 7325 4363 7819 5426 7101 1782 4370 8885 4208 5199 5209 5534 8524 4145 3478 4299 2849 4231 7899 5525 5541 7658 112 8782 4390 3170 8515 5285 9085 8051 8530 62991343 7829 7914 4854 7757 7854 7119 7116 8044 41834185 1186 1419 4849 5729 4398 5288 4003 4391 849 7104 5095 1795 1805 5520 8704 243 8771 7820 7765 7988 8693 7675 732 4008 5289 246 4184 8703 222 7766 7908 8891 9108 4209 1340 7978 3514 8036 8049 5291 51977133 5222 8055 7649 7647 7915 4393 8375 3574 8527 5283 3583 4048 7128 2251 298 8525 1790 5201 9094 7102 1339 141 4388 5537 4382 9106 7821 4842 8043 8045 4308 7103 2255 111 5290 7113 7111 4396 5098 1291 8050 7919 7120 595 1279 2240 5097 1480 6286 8702 7112 7100 4232 5214 4234 730 3149 1422 3153 4840 8035 5538 8048 8683 4322 1448 8066 8889 4384 1789 8388 1447 6676 1417 299 8518 9113 7678 716 3151 8386 1188 7640 4006 7117 4060 8519 5517 717 1331 4297 8534 1333 7980 4372 1516 4062 7902 1788 8706 1395 4323 4301 8533 603 5100 5099 2239 8056 1397 7987 525 3166 1785 9098 119 3150 8504 5515 5225 8685 7650 5284 7827 8000 7129 8684 5125 35005096 5090 4300 4326 8538 1450 720 600 8690 3511 7912 8890 8047 7677 3627 7823 7114 8062 474 8789 3173 4394 7750 922 3585 3497 7679 8391 2839 3626 7992 4304 8007 7680 3613 3576 3636 3584 3596 8881 5273 8882 3614 7977 8505 4041 5516 3168 4051 473 8023 924 1796 4057 142 5550 3144528 9105 5093 7747 7645 1798 4303 7755 7108 1337 1799 8002 8003 523 604 150 5121 1779 3620 673 1783 8536 8054 7685 8709 676 3501 8389 5287 2844 134 2848 2843 3587 923 3615 9095 8886 8004 8024 5114 8506 8537 4395 597 3604 3572 3499 43064307 4043 8787 729 8053 5519 2846 8059 6674 8057 241 4866 4064 8883 880 5286 3145 4378 4839 2826 5535 1800 588 8756 8520 5281 806 8689 3621 8688 7749 1464 7134 848 8061 8064 7131 1116 8028 598 526 3589 7124 4852 527 4302 8046 5094 583 4380 85083629 1786 584 8888 4005 4383 8769 5298 5089 3155 4305 1778 3142 4392 8705 2845 470 8384 8001 8517 7132 4170 8374 1187 8503 9102 3623 5263 8376 7824 8373 5294 3163 3167 2822 4061 2272 3169 9099 43758040 8371 8372 5264 4325 3628 8025 4386 602 40 3154 3601 4032 5282 4368 8788 3152 3616 8026 31748038 3631 8058 1793 3641 1112 5119 3624 7991 4011 3611 668 8701 6694 3532 4044 148 5115 3508 4059 2842 674 4063 8385 7127 8005 3617 4841 1479 8762 3503 74 5546 8027 5266 471 671 3171 4369 40105129 4007 5542 4298 677 5278 877 4031 4027 8387 8879 5533 4042 7130 469 8686 4049 4863 6698 3509 3575 3603 853 5547 5130 1791 7752 8060 4381 8876 3602 4836 8041 2832 8008 879 8766 8878 6693 6699 5268 5117 8507 1460 4837 4311 605 5545 87132828 3622 2831 1794 8767 1797 1334 3571 5108 5092 3635 5131 4039 7646 852 5275 2823 1111 5085 8516 4309 7989 4376 3630 3590 6701 5265 718 1115 7125 5091 4324 1335 6677 5540 4055 7751 6671 51345548 2841 3591 3581 3588 5116 3507 3533 2817 1461 3592 4313 8875 8033 5271 3139 3586 3606 2816 1792 6670 1338 3534 4167 8765 8764 5543 4028 5118 5544 2847 3640 3141 4310 4314 606 8535 3633 5276 1459 675 4067 3582 3605 3162 3531 7126 8785 5087 8790 2819 4166 694 3161 596 8877 3579 3593 8018 3156 4862 601 4073 3517 810 3157 7123 4294 3612 5413 4321 40504070 4168 8758 5123 882 2821 4312 4014 4377 5370 715 8016 3529 7990 4058 137 878 3642 4379 2825 8006 2815 678 3530 3165 587 4865 4040 8009 8030 3632 5122 8019 5360 6684 3506 5279 5128 5140 8757 854 3634 847 2840 4013 6700 8880 8034 6692 3525 4072 5295 5088 3502 4020 6697 4066 5365 599 8032 4861 6688 1113 8031 2820 8010 2830 1452 4295 3580 6678 5101 52695274 3600 8768 3159857 3160 669 5267 5270 3594 3143 3519 851 6667 8014 4182 3595 902 6682 4845 8013 672 3639 4065 586 8759 4046 850 3510 8015 28273158 4035 5435 3504 8755 9055436 4045 4038 4847 1114 3599 4009 4177 4069 51135083 855 3619 5277 8716 8698 3577 2829 5126 5149 5084 8770 4047 805 115 3598 35233524 5124 3520 4056 6691 4291 8012 4864 4053 4015 4835 5361 8763 3610 5418 6695 5414 4012 2818 3608 5120 4964 5136 4029 670 5151 4018 6687 1336 5142 6681 5280 4844 6690 3609 4071 5348 4161 5112 5416 3140 5107 6675 5434 4942 4165 5293 5367 5421 8761 8696 4292 4947 3578 3607 5127 51446683 8011 3505 5272 5364 4940 5297 4052 5109 5086 5357 6673 6668 5150 8714 133 893 8029 5296 894 8772 4068 8253527 5431 4944 2824 6696 5439 4021 4833 8715 856 5369 5423 5139 4030 2686 8021 4973 5102 5147 1449 4016 5135 120 823 4181 4017 5335 3637 5432 6669 4296 5152 5104 858 5132 3526 8760 5363 5148 903 4179 5111 5415 4952 5368 891 6679 3638 8717 4832 5153 5409 4054 807 5339 4147 5351 890 8017 6672 6680 4152 4963 6685 827 5143 5441 691 4846 4169 8020 901 3521 448 2702 4022 4034 8022 6689 2690 5366 4961 4953 4834 4180 2692 3518 4036 889 5103 4951 8718 4293 8697 5106 450 5343 2701 4943 3522 4958 692 4156 4150 2705 447 3597 5338 696 2681 828 5359 5133 6686 4848 4843 4154 892 5137 906 5417 8695 5110 3528 4939 4831 5336 5358 4037 4348 4174 2689 4941 5145 5362 449 5356 4164 5141 4074 4966 2694 5146 4033 4946 4968 5352 4026 4954 4023 4148 5349 4157 4019 5433 2695 8700 5437 5105 446 5411 4345 49554830 826 2679 5340 4024 5353 5419 693 5345 2677 2696 5355 4797 4948 2693 5442 5344 4153 8699 5407 4971 5410 724 4972 5341 695 5346 4155 2687 4799 4950 4827 4956 5424 4347 824 4349 4795 2703 5422 5350 5354 4173 4965 4160 2680 2699 244 4949 4178 2688 5420 4149 5438 4798 5347 2704 799 4360 4159 8725 2678 51382691 4967 4974 4340 5342 2706 4346 2700 2684 2697 242 445 5337 4025 722 4338 4969 4158 8730 4343 4344 4172 5154 2674 4151 4800 2698 2683 804 1454 8746 5408 4970 4945 2675 5412 4162 4339 4796 8744 723 8793 8738 4334 8742 4959 8812 4333 5440 4350 8729 2682 4802 245 4825 1456 8728 8726 4358 2676 8741 726 4176 4962 8811 4960 4357 4163 4820 2673 2671 8748 1457 2685 8724 8752 4335 4342 4341 4828 8792 8747 4362 4171 8732 4811 1458 8739 4330 4957 801 8721 8740 803 1465 1468 4826 4336 4359 8722 8808 721 4337 8821 8753 8743 4821 8791 800 8822 4175 8737 8859 8719 8745 4356 1453 4810 4829 4822 8754 4361 4808 4331 8805 4807 4809 4812 4815 1455 8749 4818 8813 8814 1467 8810 8795 725 4354 8825 2672 8809 4819 1470 4329 4804 4823 8720 4803 802 8794 8727 8723 8854 4814 8823 8806 8750 8855 4805 8833 4824 4806 8861 8815 8801 4352 1476 8796 4817 4327 8826 8851 8856 1469 8731 4801 8807 4328 8824 1472 4353 8751 8803 8860 4355 4816 8819 1475 8734 8835 8852 4332 8857 8837 1466 8735 8736 8798 8800 4351 8733 8804 8799 4813 8858 8820 1471 8817 8829 8797 1473 8845 8831 8838 8847 8832 8836 8818 8862 8802 8834 8816 8830 8828 1474 8827 8849 8850 8844 8853 8848 6180 6195 6166 6168 6193 6164 6177 6175 6165 6167 6197 6196 1029 61866182 6198 6178 6189 6190 6169 6194 6187 1032 6188 6181 6170 1027 6184 1030 6163 5889 5910 6183 6191 2093 2094 1031 1028 5888 1951 1969 6185 1971 1977 6172 2091 4666 1970 4608 1953 2064 1975 1956 1978 1973 5906 1954 4606 2068 4605 1976 4586 1972 2069 4603 1980 4595 4592 1982 4428 2070 2084 2073 329 328 2065 2066 4611 1968 1952 348 2062 5909 58782092 2076 1979 4582 2085 1986 767 4584 4596 4593 764 4585 5892 5877 6192 6174 6171 6173 4590 4604 4588 4589 4579 325 1985 1961 4414 1984 171 4424330 345 4426 344 19742067 1965 2072 1966 2074 4607 4580 4417 1981 2083 4587 1983 4406 7654581 763 4601 4591 4594 4600 2218 1967 768 4583 2236 46124609 4410 4420 2215 2063 4106 2216 8639 2233 4598 4597 4418 4401 8635 1964 369 327 4610 2217 2220 4403 4422 4421 4080 4416 1963 4402 4429 2086 4407 5239 4095 2554 8846 88418842 8840 8839 8843 (e) GVA (h) FMS (f) FM3 (i) ACE (g) GRIP (j) HDE Figure 5: (a)-(d) Drawings of fe ocean and (e)-(j) tree 06 05 generated by different algorithms. Hachul and Jünger, Large-Graph Layout Alg., JGAA, 11(2) 345–369 (2007) 365 338 459 339 337 458 336 839 335 460 840 457 838 340 334 333 841 332 456 455 406 837 405 331 407 836 454 408 330 842 404 622 623 453 437 843 403 410 624 329 436 835 409 621 438 625 435 452 626 328 627 434 439 620 411 402 344 834 343 844 676 895 451 628 896 440 763 619 401 675 677 845 897 762 765 894 629 326 892 891 890 432 871 893 342 618 872 793 413 791 617 766 662 961 846 758 661 869 899 856 674 400 873 889 325 792 761 870 898 449 609 678 346 833 431 441 442 412 345 764 433 327 450 610 757 673 341 542 679 759 630 631 541 347 832 387 794 480 414 760 388 479 855 448 608 857 888 854 874 865 901 399 902 320 251 605 511 304 512 300 302 301 882 257 367 508 318 939 743 940 751 642 688 692 189 90 59 182 139 570 611 158 922 153 51 924 574 519 926 703 18 970 372 914 359 551 806 122 228 97 592 591 523 590 498 524 585 589 580 528 76 587 586 234 68 177 243 33 526 141 242 190 40 30 198 193 128 527 134 26 89 162 104 588 525 46 181 151 707 706 557 558 584 579 499 497 529 117 16 93 197 231 165 83 206 357 705 583 560 559 496 123 66 144 184 237 53 804 582 522 500 495 85 140 6 124 102 593 803 704 581 561 578 11 494 2 65 87 119 183 113 78 109 209 154 805 556 521 577 501 730 530 47 79 245 42 129 204 195 180 186 69 222 356 597 562 576 502 729 493 127 29 148 137 101 147 12 10 155 594 708 595 358 596 520 598 371 70 58 94 179 75 77 3 215 91 218 170 555 599 728 503 531 492 63 8 49 250 160 0 145 149 21 55 142 802 648 727 504 265 172 210 224 96 232 221 125 201 225 80 709 355 34 54 107 157 50 100 98 229 217 92 35 95 554 553 552 649 563 575647 491 159 13 1 230 136 71 246 7 82 196 207 354 801 650 807 915 373 264 28 227 216 60 44 73 143 130 470 651 808 916 360 374 917 646 263 67 173 171 235 56 38 166 550 353 471 800 376 375 923 925 645 912 192 213 233 247 20 9 48 5 32 108 24 549 652 377 468 469 726 266 262 121 565 564 913 45 188 132 22 110 61 352 711 472 378 809 361 88 236 185 105 114 25 490 488 422 425 653 427 918 702 920 921 710 600 532 487 548 473 799 426 566 919 573 362 518 969 43 423 489 810 428 429 430 928 747 927 115 156 174 17 169 569 567 701 571 466 572 943 746 942 748 505 200 212 15 284 929 745 467 268 267 261 175 161 424 644 689 690 691 57 152 27 798 379 944 286 643 363 941 911 725 19 52 670 930 285 270 749 724 486 421 380 612 533 601 485 351 654 568 945 968 517 36 420 826 811 773 774 287 269 506 687 163 23 936 931 712 750 364 516 827 547 937 669 465 723 288 967 534 686 602 14 260 135 39 713 946 935 283 641 938 880 239 381 685 365 507 694 693 106 825 613 474 879 731 881 317 695 906 259 908 419 824 350 475 668 722 782 744 514 907 910 909 392 394 546 828 772 953934 271 515 199 248 64 382 797 932 272 954 783 955 781 684 535 742 191 418 393 614 947 655 752 289 366 603 258 62 226 84 484 823 395 948 829 714 952 966 316 905 513 81 214 240 118 31 389 390 391 383 545 796 950 483 417 822 396 949 476 951 933 640 464 775 780 732 315 319 509 696 303 385 384 397 830 349 771 812 273282 776 784 667 721 904 510 604 368 386 482 416 544 795 615 275 656 715 274 785 639 777 720 778 779 956 290 883 256 369 481 821 477 789 788 787 813 786 666 308 741 965 878 298 370 307 314 306 305 276 348 831 716 281 850 463 770 536740 313 957 753 683 697 657 671 769 849 814 719 310 309 733 877 321 903 291 884 415 478 790 848 717 718 815 638 682 964 861 252 255 299 616 672 398 658 681 311 665 312 958 734 860 537 739 636 635 322 862 698 253 292 277 278 280 768 462 664 634 738 735 637 699 254 293 294 847 279 818 754 876 863 606 295 296 297 543 540 539 680 538 816 817 819 820 864 885 851 461 660 632 633 755 963 959 859 700 737 736 858 900 866 323 886 852 663 960 875 887 607 962 659 324 853 447 446 445 767 756 868 867 443 444 146 111 37 126 138 103 244 178 4 202 238 176 131 72 203 187 116 99 219 167 223 120 194 112 168 220 74 205 208 164 211 86 249 150 241 133 41 (b) FM3 (a) GVA (d) FMS 340 (c) GRIP (e) ACE (f) HDE 339 404 403 341 405 401 402 406 338 400 337 342 407 623 336 335 408 334 622 343 674 14 15 621 333 13 51 409 624 16 332 619 50 52 620 673 675 618 48 49 53 57 330 676 344 56 627 36 455 32 11 329 677 638 762 669 63 680 605 757 449 642 250 937538 736 6 837 831 938 323 248 935 931 981 994 836 944 161 432 513 463 247 943 843 829 4 754 734 536 644 851 156 162 255 293 979 923 304 306 535 752 430 154 308 509 319 291 907 399 88 518 745 166 508 520 685 780 228 507 176 270 474 94 779 777 421 711 473 596 555 423 353 424 425 556 472 709 281 70 595 557 141 354 121 471 76 563 501 282 558 500 188 361 179 574 286 71 212 468 470 284 502 504 142 123 559 360 708 594 283 495 710 565 77 213 494 362 217 726 352 554 564 573 467 151 234 505 195 196 280 597 140 650 493 178 725 287 233 132 498 241 422 490 491 96 492 189 214 775 216 363 268 506 242 267 729 523 551 552 553 194 572 649 776 778 269 232 312 313 314 687 351 488 279 489 193 69 95 566 651 78 426 215 177 152 288 730 522 226 315 532 122 355 700 701 707 131 225 728 235 266 531 524 224 727 497 120 562 469 560 359 358 575 128 181 129 219 593 356 702 72 211 186 130 236 223 357 124 180 150 239 525 265 264 75 503 218 240 689 263 285 187 496 688 262 690 278 192 191 198 598 190 139 427 648 133 499 311 231 686 316 261 691 549 550 487 91 277 92 712 93 652 567 79 570 599 138 571 774 724 466 243 227 521 167 260 692 773 98 97 364 229 533 136 782 781 310 169 168 99 749 134 230 289 317 259 693 486 420 379 378 68 746 772 272 475 653 568 569 273 785 377 274 80 771 722 747 748 135 428 137 271 783 647 175 153 731 0 694 485 90 350 380 276 376 786 869 962 812 912 784 723 197 244 171 170 476 81 744 713 721 811 820 911 963 813 750 365 534 318 519 381 714 86 67 770 919 275 914 646 174 290 698 165 1 89 87 654 375 819 961 805 920 861 913 199 964 814 419 548 173 172 697 696 258 695 547 382 477 720 969 868 970 870 905 956 915 715 85 787 918 854 955 860 910 806 862 807 863 957 349 397 84 82 398 818 867 800 960 917 855 856 916 906 857 864 965 83 655 743 954 804 921 871 971 821 465 429 751 309 484 788 799 374 968 926 904 817 810 866 816 909 865 815 908 366 684 732 699 483 66 826 976 769 859 958 858 900 645 307 245 2 302 418 482 395 719 383 876 803 999 967 949 903 853 966 972 959 320 299 305 164 257 798 825 975 925 953 973 899 809 464 367 808 292 517 478 716 768 392 384 546 789 977 827 927 877 948 848 822 850 950 683 246 733 298 297 303 389 391 393 394 481 348 717 797 997 897 924 998 922 901 753 510 256 516 296 947 847 898 978 928 878 828 849 952 902 431 321 3 163 852872 801 951 511 155 515 993 802 893 368 512 514 294 295 718 656 742 875 874 824 974 896 942 873 823 879 390 417 741 373 396 996 941 846 842 992 929 682 894 388 385 479 767 983 990 934 984 834884 991 892 845 895 945 844 369 322 796 65 840 940 839 891 841 946 835 985 545 480 980 885 735 643 755 5 253 766 832 933 930 830 886 537 160 254 740 883 833 790 881 372 880 936 995 986 370 462 433 795 657 882 932 890 989 987 681 249 252 158 838 371 887 756 251 324 386 347 939 889 539 888 982 448 416 791 543 794 738 988 157 42 387 542 541 64 540 544 737 461 434 41 765 665 658 7 325 159 415 40 792 666 659 664 739 641 636 604 450 603 601 444 793 668 632 663 633 635 440 441 447 346 764 667 662 634 8 637 460 435 602 39 414 670 43 631 679 640 606 451 326 600 614 613 763 630 660 607 758 301 44 615 612 629 761 759 661 25 445 38 671 611 678 62 760 608 9 639 452 24 23 443 45 412 345 628 610 61 413 453 27 459 26 439 446 35 37 60 30 29 28 609 442 616 34 411 33 31 59 10 454 458 436 22 46 672 55 58 457 328 327 437 21 300 617 410 626 54 456 47 625 331 12 17 18 19 20 438 74 561 149 127 185 73 706 703 143 119 125 592 126 705 237 101 576 238 102 530 526 220 144 184 210 182 222 103 116 147 591 527 528 704 117 148 221 529 118 209 183 104 577 145 146 100 115 578 208 202 105 200 203 201 205 204 206 590 579 207 114 113 589 106 580 588 112 587 107 111 108 109 586 110 585 581 584 583 582 (g) GVA (j) FMS (h) FM3 (i) GRIP (k) ACE (l) HDE Figure 6: (a)-(f) Drawings of snowflake A and (g)-(l) spider A generated by different algorithms. Hachul and Jünger, Large-Graph Layout Alg., JGAA, 11(2) 345–369 (2007) 366 (b) FM3 (a) GVA (d) FMS (c) GRIP (e) ACE (f) HDE 842 845 846 836 841 837 945 1061 943 840 1060 835 844 1059 847 39 838 831 857 40 1062 380 905 854 944 378 833 843 959 856 848 864 849 839 830 867 832 853 874 414 379 834 827 1058 1063 924 855 866 828 822 852 823 824 829 826 820 37 812 818 639 349 630 1022 364 463 21 939 340 631 1066 368 641 22 1064 922 374 252 628 345 1068 10 11 23 634 635 622 399 255 411 681 679 1 15 745 746 780 751 735 717 42 317 299 310 285 313 1040 258 305 312 92 280 91 256 89 726 722 590 756 757 86 907 213 482 133 507 471 478 1012 512 118 514 113 227 236 477 885 116 104 517 276 100 1079 114 516 103 1077 1006 211 109 970 99 94 95 1008 495 1007 102 882 101 128 518 97 112 117 121 1013 1085 494 210 93 1076 96 115 122 879 272 275 489 472 875 501 197 479 497 910 108 119 277 273 290 487 465 470 98 120 511 306 265 225 473 911 500 499 498 1005 1078 474 475 194 237 167 483 506 105 466 493 485 476 1001 505 504 878 106 468 467 464 515 1009 510 503 883 132 195 486 999 892 131 492 469 176 547 480 212 502 230 509 110 1084 263 171 261 566 481 508 48 520 193 597 1004 1003 484 1000 550 431 963 521 523 1010 332 585 594 570 528 524 1081 548 564 490 1002 876 513 1011 274 969 266 198 891 600 565 279 288 270 568 588 522 488 232 491591 530 551 554 1082 526 572 231 107 330 1083 259 323 289 534 540 529 1015 226 196 228 111 803 800 229 966 555 531 1016 553 224 549 220 576 203 582 579 578 804 727 287 257 428 538 527 333 215 574 166 202 967 235 739 725 278 49 46 302 320 264 573 773 771 805 740 87 324 558 525 537 552 532 965603 807 577 587 806 738 271 316 575 968 908 593 616 45 286 262 1102 535 541 533 933 216 559 334 808205 219 432 596 755 724 536 919 356 1073 557 358 183 72 810 187 567 214 964 77 571 199 429 44 308 268 73 809 569 775 329 123 774 801 14 430 1100 1101 281 260 318 315 741 728 47 282 284 303 314 153811 218 951 76 581222 206 615 584 85 772 618 802 88 617 723 298 269 322 1039 721 300 319 90 737 729 698 170 335 556 53 185 57 182 70 164 75 186 909 758 200 586 84 730 1041 754 648 699 283 43 985 912 71 602 179 595 583 759 592 619 742 799 889 396 776 599 190 1099 589 169 307 181 178 796 74 612 204201 613 614 654 1038 1031 790 877 168 311 174 177 78 792 598 433 150 1074 777 165 880 217 184 760 233 1042 644 931 79 331 580 142 1028 1032 207 1103 1029 652 1030 770 650 173 645 161 267 301 321 657 785 731 753 1072 342 913 983 560 915 601 149188 881 180 143 124 1037441 234 5 1036 656 1051 658 659 720 736 647 649 1017 355 1023 1035 1027 1075 646 743 445 655 769 666 309 294 610 136 744 872 208 784 703 719 752 653 665 718 701 667 4 440 982 51 984 50 795 700 692 660 697 651 41 903 932 542 539 1093 561 60 1033 1098 761 397 148 607 191 243 608 952 139 609 707 137 664 141 157 948 1054 1052 870 1071 1092 357 55 54 61 947 930 447 986 337 63 869 928 336 68 56543 52 868 887 328 611 245 134 786 781 767 135 138 702 705 684 160 359 1024 562 192 914 1097 793 151 1034 175 1096 209 242 768 750 716 704 147 145 661 685 156 159 393 392 949 67 338 797 434 778 886 152 146 606 223 734 663 162 706 154 1056 1053 926 927 62 916 794 798 435 782 189 140 711 691708 693 662 155 29 158 30 304 293 714 747 696 686 144 163 28 890 172 253 787 764 766 687 710 671 709 0 694 25 861 296 444763 895 920 1069 683 27 732 690 712 673 670 32 3 12 297 605 791 604 779 788 221 748 749 715 695 958 1043688 668 31 26 9 13 292 291 295 783 762 897 240 244 733 888 442 765972 254 398 247 896 689 384 871 65 353 1018 438 354 64 789 627 250 443 626 980 246 713 675 682 395 58 59 1070 34 929 1094 436 563 862 360 901 624 625 343 669 1044 18 1045 904 390 394 325 934 987 439 361 977 620 344 898 241 412 680 1067 16 351 544 1091 863 459 347 33 251 19 248 1046 677 7 1050 2 6 370 973 327 391 66 1019 894 979 978 623 400 249 672 1065 957 362371 954 621 902 899 674 676 981 1088 352 437 1025 383 389 388 387 341 975 955 893 918 900 678 81 1020 385 546 956 405 1095 971 974 976 923 950 69 386 545 377 1026 859 1047 1049 8 375 448 409 1048 941 946 382 961 426 421 937 419 339 460 372 953 632 633 17 942 376 373 917 420 413 363 365 369 401 80 446 367 403 404 425 1055 366 408 640 993 938 1087 992 422 1090 238 402 239 629 36 457 350 406 410 643 940 381 423 994 936 995 642 427 906 461 997 348 407 921 858 24 20 418 424 962 1057 458 82 935 462 998 455 1086 1021 873 989 1089 925 346 988 452 990 996 817 35 816 825 637 638 417 326 451 453 813 851 814 636 960 456 991 454 450 815 821 865 860 416 415 83 449 819 850 38 130 1080 127 496 125 519 126 129 884 1014 (h) FM3 (g) GVA (j) FMS (k) ACE (i) GRIP (l) HDE Figure 7: (a)-(f) Drawings of flower B and (g)-(l) ug 380 generated by different algorithms. Hachul and Jünger, Large-Graph Layout Alg., JGAA, 11(2) 345–369 (2007) 367 (b) FM3 (a) GVA (d) FMS (e) ACE (c) GRIP (f) HDE 1177 1181 1179 1015 1735 1182 1180 1379 1380 971 790 1178 399 788 1088 970 160 1388 1383 969 1203 1382 677 1158 1207 1247 1243 1211 968 1245 746 1441 1618 634 711 715 1433 1030 941 1490 520 912 1979 534 180 561 171 1259 1419 1408 1791 498 1866 1402 1420 2066 457 1948 963 2018 1725 1633 962 1629 265 1068 552 1479 1256 170 524 1671 184 666 1636 1067 458 1527 198 494 191 2064 1957 495 493 1921 282 185 491 1474 1374 551 1073 1727 230 921 310 501 1303 1899 508 398 316 507 154 309 1398 1084 1360 955 1786 1660 1900 1871 1951 957 672 589 656 401 406 43 402 42 1410 41 1466 405 2048 1222 1220 1295 925 2047 542 541 546 547 1574 543 2050 116 544 539 1486 1228 1255 204 1294 545 210 376 1426 1505 217 220 934 1227 1578 218 1270 1286 120 690 935 212 59 58 931 576 219 377 2038 113 122 112 222 540 119 375 123 125 2020 223 1425 1273 114 586 109 928 581 209 216 110 929 575 205 966 1803 1940 1939 2054 930 1120 121 1774 583 358 1744 1535 965 932 933 601 239 1756 1755 1750 1377 1758 1751 1391 594 598 592 1376 1743 1759 1455 1757 362 1579 366 363 599 1781 238 2031 926 927 967 221 590 600 591 1934 215 225 213 1413 580 603 588 1393 207 224 593 1754 2062 964 214 579 582 587 371 584 2060 2057 1836 1122 578 577 2058 1761 1628 1733 1325 2059 2072 1338 30 1221 1613 326 1569 1617 1610 2041 1616 1121 247 940 1985 1321 1327 404 1529 2049 1551 1596 1811 1611 1193 1609 537 658 1587 1783 1778 6711775 1666 1335 1336 14221496 1944 1909 1804 403 1598 1290 1544 2046 1599 115 1326 2040 208 1669 1889 1647 1646 893 1275 1417 1776 2019 1189 407 1690 652 117 1749 1780 1476 1488 1384 2006 1586 1142 1595 1901 657 2043 206 1950 1407 742 1319 1936 1478 1423 1933 1945 1448 1304 13121930 1530 1464 1991 1564 1531 1552 1565 1400 1607 1580 654 321 1481 108 133 1745 1941 1630 1796 1937 1773 1833 1557 895 1597 1728 1857 334 2044 234 2039 869 950 956 1808 1952 19492061 1330 1947 1772 1938 1763 1309 1954 548 1428 242 1489 1559 351 1832 344 353 75 357 767 585 595597 602 1494 1770 1162 1664 1421 1170 1840 1932 919 1385 1543 29 1810 1612 1741 1541 339 324 354 1576 352 1594 653 107 1606 1625 1334 1404 1495 1328 1911 1898 2074 1842 686 157 16001956 1547 1077 1556 338 646 2011 1588 1942 1795 138 1164 1339 1787 1399 1661139 1627 1946 1301 1329 1302 1214 1902 1130 661 1129 1134 1845 1809 1572 1878 1566 335 337 333 336 2026 1475 2055 1397 499 1747 211 1805 1472 1913 1165 1915 1914 1798 1737 1790 85 1912 1802 1358 1897 1323 1896 1359 1299 1331776 1111 281076 1078 1963 1561235 1018 1279 1834 663 1137 250 832 1691 1830 1853 1074 1089 1548 1097 1882 1828 128 1456 571 1219 1990 1813 424 1477 2042 1955 348 894 1403 1846 150 311 2035 426 1103 1687 1497 1104 1136 526 1427 343 159 158 1563 1838 236 1337 1883 1608 255 1648 1484 1663 1806 1390 1310 151 284 2056 1554 1465 1135 1127 1567 1592 1570 748 1079 325 76 2008 340 253 86 1602 1825 1794 867 954 596 1604 939 567 421 1186 574 415 1367 243 923 7 279 1071 1603 870 349 320 875 951 876 774 1341589 1767 565 1289 1560 1910 1591 1217 1457 1169 1300 1314 1652 1651 1891 1771 145 1492 384 1553 828 830 1458 1822 1562166 1550 2016 1703 330 126 570 568 573 427 435 420 1101 1555 1571 1126 1815 1546 1881 877 1558 1689 332 331 130 1168 1855 103 425 433 414 1098 778 1542 1585 318 1549 651 1366 1568 814 2009 231 1874 1740 2033 1131 1649 350 244 1590 394 393 938 1536 95 1471 1083 1082 673 1163 1167 1357 1658 1953 2073 155 289 285 833 1493 356 90 922 391 389 1637 129 1746 105 1144 952 1928 1916 1352 1654 156 146 229 314 1788 1340 502 306 286 283 1582 647 961 1906 96 1053 91 953 1801 89 960 1224 98 1305 1154 104 148 958 1872 345 1445 370 1704 1047 1701 2045 87 94 1081 1923 1667 1694 1895 397 293 295 79 1181539 1710 167 153 1623 1316 687 1322 1320 1890 1354 299 1782 292 303 1893 1342 1333 144 290 1141 506 504 505 301 305 296 871 1880 102 469 99 1257 509 291 307 308 111 1875 319 1662 342 831 649 836 1306 327 388 1537 1919 97 1789 1793 1657 1347 1624 920 1356 1296 1139 569 564 434 1185 417 2022 1844 1128 1532 1138 566 1218 438 439 411 1593 1698 1109 826 163 1462 1655 1187 465 468 1659 1656 20293 1332 1056 1348 1777 1670201 1766 1313 640 1153 1545 1102 1601 1682 1436 346 1133 252 650 1583 1615 2001 1307 51 1062 1061 1653 1695 1807 1784 1315 1785 174 1341 1693 2010 750 755 760 1605 1700 1538 466 84 842 725 1709 627 100 471 1988 763 726 1308 246780 1696 1282 1851 7491987 980 873 82 313 2034 2068 80 759 1463 762 106 764 638 1343 1779 1581 1213 1324 1346 1353 2070 1673 1100 1614 775 1692 2028 54 127 1534 422 416 1676 409 1394 1096 1132 280 1683 1037 1271 437 430 419 410 2036 328 769 36 691 743 1118 413 124 1818 1365 837 1125 31 1680 1876 1816 648 486 819 1873 817 2015 1884 2004 1812 3231885 1643 226 1287 1854 390 758 1506 1768 232 258 1697 607 88 605606 347 1839 1632 1055 1411 1344 1406 1155 1894 149 639 1345 500 2069 2071 810 812 981 753 1012 978 83 977 904 1986 1635 1926 147 193 470 1063 886 1052 152669 1351 1381 503 1389 510 1931 317 756 527 897 271 1080 1827 825 1892 164 622 809 781 200 1057 1929 1349 1058 1396 1378 1392 1467 1007 1008 300 49 1184 689 1194 1085 1060 6371480 632 1350 1355 1732 1748 729 288 1638 1720 1817 979 1013 761 1917 1927 1922 1066 636 245 553 297 315 1091 728 766 1924 555 556 183 731 2063 1009 1010 730 1054 19251918 1070 1641 549 554 178 1005 294 302 387 281 976 329 846 1852 68 754 777 1110 1975 1533 428 535 2000 1075 1640 1904 1977 1106 162 1974 322 1849 355 752 251 273 1877 1843 823 757 1230 483 275489 1575 487 827 5 432 1099 768 1274 1051 19731107 1114 1672 1998 46 484 1688 92 1886 264 751 257 4 485 1246 1760 488 274 10 1401 480 477 1705 805 482 1268 276 1708 1269 852 1267 1449 1717 101 982 1723 815 173 196 1525 1006 304 312 732 633 906 73 467 1920 16751584 1879 1989 1188 1826 429 987 699 1409 1966 660 1364 1112 1491 412 1706 665 74 436 1644 1684 418 2023 708 984 1850 1856 423 1674 2007 1819 1119 771 1681 701 704 19767702037 2030 1707 841 1434839 829 1460 862 858 1087 177 1414 1719 186 765 1065 1069 1059 1920 1064 559 557 1072 550 1386 558 1730 492 497 496 1504 287 1001 298 233 1192 476 254 900 62 899 259 896 260 1031 1025 943 161 1093 625 1668 847 490 655 385 15 341 905 479 1473 53 47 1999 703 854 1105 431 983 1147 135 1459 698 48 572 536 50 986 278 55 1145 1711 795 57 878 707 838 1113 1123 974 988 168 1685 1677 52 1820 643 12771679 1997 1867 697 1117 143 1116 1712 1865 56 945 532 378 78 1115 1108 1292 1512 277 1824 1678 668 16421046 848 1002 40 860 859 784 1175 256 81445 392 866 874 818 835 481 2003 717 270 266 773 1437 1686 77 1513 641 1864 947 1205 840 1699 1254 801 822 864 1284 782 901 37 1231 1146 1090 169 985 844 2053 1510 386 807 811 857 849 786 1151 1573 706 700 19641148 1444 1837 702 1004 709 675 845 1361834644 1996 799 1994 1831 1713 946 948820 783 623 824 821 1716 850 1870 451 175 816 863 1033 538 263 454 1019 197 1424 737 14 903 261 1036 975 872 459 176 1765 1174 132 69 1045 71 1742 192 172 1528 944 1250 1972 1251 785 1039 808 2021 611 806 1721 396 1862 621 262 33 32 1702 865 613 26 39 739 443 843 455 72 70 456 1724 2067 181 195 1524 441 452 474 444 449 464 1032 1415 1022563 1418 531 1034 475 36 2027 1959 1958 642 851 1869 1718 1043 861 620 267 478 616 868 610 472 735 35 165 898 1540 562 1769 879 630 1517 14391726 448 628 67 629 560 1023 910522 1626 182 199 1028 907 1029 203 1487 1430779 1764 179 1209 63 1021 664 908 440 453 131 447 909 882 188 1978 916 885 518 190 1024 1363 1454 194 187 1225 381 2065 914 1166 881 1258 913 918 516 917 521 736 740 993 1461 1149 705 1150 34 65 1173 142 1003 798 1969 1995 804 1968 1216 268 614 612 609 619 395 38 741 64 1650 718 66 936 996 695 659 696 1514 694 1714 1387 604 1965 1835 1665 2012 2 645 1868 1860 10481050 615 1375 617 902 618530 473 450 631 1722 21 738 1823 714 519 1280 1469 608 189 720 1482 915 517 1452 1044 1283 462734 446 442 719 712 710 721 1191 1518 1140 1981 1431 24 635 723 272 269 626 1035 1405 1020 1026 1395 1447 1526 463 1980 8 523 670 724 1285 1519 1858 884 514 713 722 949 693 942 1622 1416 525 380 999 991 1094 1508 1509 853 2013 1276 1814 1960 1829 1992 2051 1049 1821 716 911 1485 1577 379 924 1507 1520 1522 997 995 937 1272 1983 1172 2017 1993 1962 2005 1042 1861 856 1961 1738 803 813 1715 228 1511 1859 1903 1373 1223 1943 1239 1982 2002 1967 1171 667 61 1226 18 16 1483 1215 1468 1523 1521 1907688 240 1971 624 889 888 989 1 998 1639 1516 1905 1197 800 855 973 733 461 890 793 1438 1729 1515 1762 2025 45 1970 1863 802 1143 692 9 1000 1645 662 1841 1200 1739 1086 1095 382 2522 1241 1984 1234 1198 1500 1249 1152 13 12 1412 959 1435 227 1190 1027 1233 27 11 17 23 887 1016 1092 2024 1908 2029 1362 789 1503 1502 1501 237 892 1432 1446 674 1634 1240 1442 1281 1631 1440 1237 727 1238 1369 1888 1368 1017 1621 1619 2052 1196 1176 241 1011 1124 511 1429 1371 891 1370 1736 678 1620 1450 1195 1040 1041 1248 1253 1235 1244 1210 249 1265 787 137 1202 44 1038 1229 141 515 1443 1266 1261 1453 1204 408 1288 1498 1252 1797 1887 1161 60 1212 1232 1236 513 512 1293 1242 744 1297 1451 684 1263 248 1264 1199 994 460 1499 745 533 529 1262 1260 797 1156 140 747 528 680 794 1208 1160 682 679 676 374 1206 1014 1159 1470 685 990 796 791 792 383 2075 400 681 992 1201 1183 883 972 1372 683 136 1157 1298 1734 372 373 1731 880 1753 1752 364 361 1792 365 1317 1799 1800 367 1935 1318 2014 1291 1848 368 369 1278 359 772 360 1311 1847 2032 (g) GVA (j) FMS (h) FM3 (k) ACE (i) GRIP (l) HDE Figure 8: (a)-(f) Drawings of dg 1087 and (g)-(l) esslingen generated by different algorithms Hachul and Jünger, Large-Graph Layout Alg., JGAA, 11(2) 345–369 (2007) 368 (a) GVA (b) FM3 (d) FMS (e) ACE (h) FM3 (g) GVA (j) FMS (k) ACE (c) GRIP (f) HDE (i) GRIP (l) HDE Figure 9: (a)-(f) Drawings of add 32 and (g)-(l) bcsstk 33 generated by different algorithms. Hachul and Jünger, Large-Graph Layout Alg., JGAA, 11(2) 345–369 (2007) 369 (a) GVA (c) ACE (b) FM3 (d) HDE Figure 10: (a)-(d) Drawings of bcsstk 31 generated by different algorithms.