66th Annual Tri-State Geological Field Conference September 24-25, 2005 Iowa State University Ames, Iowa 50011 ROCKIN' IN THE HEARTLAND: The Paleozoic/Quaternary Geology and Hydrogeology of Central Iowa Co-sponsored by Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences Iowa State University and National Association of Geoscience Teachers Iowa Groundwater Association ROCKIN' IN THE HEARTLAND: The Paleozoic/Quaternary Geology and Hydrogeology Of Central Iowa 66th Annual Tri-State Geological Field Conference Iowa State University Ames, Iowa September 24-25, 2005 Co-sponsored by Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences Iowa State University and National Association of Geoscience Teachers Iowa Groundwater Association Trip Leaders: Jane Pedrick Dawson Matthew Graesch Neal Iverson Bill Simpkins Carl F. Vondra Field Trip Coordinators: Jiasong Fang Chris Harding Iowa State University Ames, Iowa 50011 TABLE OF CONTENTS WELCOME Carl E. Jacobson ……………………………………..……………………………… 1 STOP 1: WHATOFF'S BORROW PIT: TILLS, MORAINES, AND DYNAMICS OF THE DES MOINES LOBE Neal R. Iverson ……………..…………………………………………..…………… 3 STOP 1A: WHATOFF’S BORROW PIT: FRACTURES IN TILL OF THE DES MOINES LOBE William W. Simpkins and Martin F. Helmke ……………..……………………….. 12 STOP 2: ADA HAYDEN HERITAGE PARK: BURIED CHANNELS, QUARRY LAKES, BEAVER DAMS, AND THE WATER SUPPLY OF AMES, IOWA William W. Simpkins and Evan G. Christianson ……………………………..…… 20 STOP 3: DOLLIVER PARK: DES MOINES CHEROKEE GROUP Carl F. Vondra ……………………………………………………………………... 31 STOP 4: BJORKBODA MARSH: MORAINES, KAMES, AND DRAINS Neal R. Iverson ……………………..……………………..…………………..…… 44 STOP 5: DES MOINES RIVER VALLEY: LATE-WISCONSINAN HISTORY OF THE UPPER DES MOINES RIVER Neal R. Iverson ………………………………………………..………..………….. 50 STOP 6: MISSISSIPPIAN AND PLEISTOCENE GEOLOGY AT MONTOUR QUARRY Jane Pedrick Dawson and Matt Graesch ……………………………………....…… 56 Appendix A: Maps Map of Ames ……………...……………..………………………………….….….. 70 Location map of field trip Stops 1 to 5 ……………...……...……..…..…..….….. 71 Location map of field trip Stop 6 ……………...……………..…..………..….….. 72 Appendix B: 2005 Tri-State Road Log ……………………………….………….……….…. 73 WELCOME TO THE 66 ANNUAL TRI-STATE GEOLOGICAL FIELD CONFERENCE th by Carl E. Jacobson Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences Iowa State University Ames, Iowa As is traditional for Tri-State, the Sunday trip is only a half-day and this year includes just a single stop, Montour Quarry located east of Marshalltown. The quarry is within Lower Mississippian limestones and dolomites, and we will consider various aspects of the stratigraphy and sedimentology of these units. Also to be examined are exceptional exposures of Pleistocene till, loess, and paleosols exposed by the quarrying operations. Following a snack break, the trip ends here. The Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences at Iowa State University warmly welcomes you to this year’s Tri-State Geological Field Conference. Tri-Sate was last hosted by our department in 1993, a year of record rainfall and exceptional flooding within Iowa. With the recent devastation induced by hurricane Katrina, we are again reminded of the enormous impact of atmospheric and Earth processes on society. We hope for the duration of this trip that the forces of nature will be kinder to us. We thank you for coming to Ames and hope you enjoy the trip. Our trip this year will cover a diversity of geologic features in central Iowa. The first stop on Saturday will be at Whatoff’s Borrow Pit in southeast Ames, where we will view the basal till of the Des Moines Lobe and consider various processes related to the geometry and movement of the lobe. Next comes Ada Hayden Heritage Park north of Ames, where we will delve into a number of considerations pertaining to the water supply for the City of Ames. From there, we travel northwest to Dolliver State Park to view Pennsylvanian sandstones and have lunch. The middle to late afternoon includes two stops. The first is at Bjorkboda Marsh within the Altamont Moraine. Here we will discuss processes of end-moraine formation and the transformation of the Des Moines Lobe landscape caused by agricultural tile drainage. The final stop for Saturday deals with the late Wisconsinan evolution of the Des Moines River valley. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are indebted to the Iowa Groundwater Association and National Association of Geoscience Teachers for their generous financial support of the trip. Thanks go to Tom Neumann, Director of the Water and Pollution Control Department, for pumping data on Ames’ well field; Harris Seidel, retired Director of the Water and Pollution Control Department, for the water history of Ames; and Nancy Carroll, Director of the Ames Parks and Recreation Department, for access to Ada Hayden Heritage Park. We are grateful to Marc Whitman of Wendling, Inc. for providing access to Montour Quarry. Numerous discussions with Brian Gossman and Robert Dawson of the Iowa DOT improved our understanding of the Mississippian 1 Mathison and Jason White contributed substantially to the preparation of the guidebook. Dave Flory was instrumental in setting up the on-line registration system. nomenclature problems in Iowa. DeAnn Frisk is thanked for assistance with innumerable aspects of logistics, registration, and preparation of the guidebook. Mark 2 STOP 1 – WHATOFF’S BORROW PIT TILLS, MORAINES, AND DYNAMICS OF THE DES MOINES LOBE Neal R. Iverson Iowa State University lobe and the origin of one of its most perplexing landforms: its minor moraines. INTRODUCTION The Des Moines Lobe was the largest of several lobes of the Laurentide Ice Sheet that extended into the mid-continent region of North America near the end of the last glaciation. At its maximum extent, ~13,800 radiocarbon years ago, the lobe was up to 250 km wide and covered greater than 105 km2 in southern Minnesota and north-central Iowa (Fig. 1). The lobe deposited diverse sediments, but only its basal till, seen here in SEDIMENTS AND MORAINES Several end moraines delineate marginal positions of the Des Moines Lobe in Iowa from ~12,000 to 14,000 radiocarbon years before present (RCYBP). The most prominent of these are the Bemis (~13,800 RCYBP), Altamont (~13,500 RCYBP), and Algona moraines (~12,300 RCYBP), characterized by broad, concentric belts of ridges and hummocky topography, roughly 520 km wide (Fig. 1). These moraines reflect ice-marginal positions that were sufficiently steady for sustained sedimentation in one area. Radiocarbon dates on wood summarized by Clayton Ames and Moran (1982) suggest that the Algona moraine was built by a later advance of the lobe, rather than during Figure 1. Footprint of the Des Moines Lobe in Iowa with end moraines (Prior, a hiatus in the lobe’s 1991). recession. Whatoff’s borrow pit in Ames (Fig. 2), was deposited over the full extent of the lobe. The properties of this till and associated sediments, together with reconstructions of the lobe’s surface morphology, provide a basis for inferring both the dynamics of the Upland sediments of the Des Moines Lobe in Iowa are collectively called the Dows Formation (Kemmis et al., 1981; Bettis et al., 1996). Two till members that constitute the bulk of this formation have been identified: the Alden Member, which is 3 and sorted sediment, and the matrix texture of the diamicton layers is far more variable than that of the massive Alden Member till (Fig. 3). The degree of alignment of elongate gravel and larger-sized clasts—the so-called clast fabric—is also stronger in the Alden Member than in the overlying till. The stronger fabric and homogeneous texture of the Ice movement Alden Member are consistent with deposition at the base of the lobe; shear deformation there of sediment-laden basal ice or of the sediment bed would Whatoff's pit align clasts and mix primary heterogeneities. Although the bulk density of both till units is highly variable, the mean density of the Alden Member is distinctly larger than that of the Morgan Member (Fig. 4), consistent with its interpretation as a basal till compacted under the Figure 2. Location of Whatoff's pit in southeast Ames. The Skunk River valley is to the west and minor moraines are to the east. weight of the glacier. interpreted to be a basal till, and the overlying Morgan Member, interpreted to be a supraglacial till. Together they are commonly 15-30 m thick, although the Morgan Member is usually present only within end moraines. Both tills are yellowish brown where they have been oxidized, commonly to a depth of 3-5 m below the ground surface; at greater depths where the till is unweathered it is dark gray. Only the Alden Member is present at Whatoff’s pit, which lies about 7 km south of the Altamont Moraine. Thin (< 0.3 m) isolated layers of sorted sand and gravel, visible in Whatoff’s pit are present in the Alden Member till and may reflect water movement and associated sediment transport in zones where the base of the lobe was separated from the bed. Such zones are common beneath modern temperate and polythermal glaciers in the form of either discrete channels or interconnected cavities (Paterson, 1994). The Alden Member is interpreted to be a basal till based primarily on three properties that distinguish it from the Morgan Member: its textural homogeneity, clast fabric, and density (Lutenegger et al., 1983; Kemmis, 1991). The Alden Member is a loam with a very narrow range of matrix texture (Fig. 3). At any one location this range is even narrower. Isolated layers of sand and gravel are present locally but are volumetrically minor. In contrast the Morgan Member consists of interbedded diamicton Enigmatic landforms associated with the Alden Member till are minor moraines (also called corrugated or washboard moraines), which are ubiquitous over much of the upland regions of central and northcentral Iowa and are quite prominent near Ames (e.g., Kemmis et al., 1981; Stewart et 4 of the Alden Member but can also contain lenses of crossbedded sands. DES MOINES LOBE RECONSTRUCTIONS Reconstructions of the surface morphology of the DML at its maximum extent provide some basis for evaluating the lobe’s dynamics and the origins of minor moraines. Reconstructions indicate that the lobe was probably thin and gently sloping (Mathews, 1974; Clark, 1992; Brevik, 2000; Hooyer and Iverson, 2002). Basal shear stresses (down-slope component of the glacier’s weight per unit bed area) calculated from the widely cited reconstruction of Clark (1992) range from 0.7 to 4.3 kPa—one to two orders of magnitude smaller than is typical Figure 3. Textures of the Morgan Member and Alden Member tills for modern glaciers (Paterson, (from Lutenegger et al., 1983). al., 1988). Whatoff’s pit is excavated in minor moraines at the edge of the Skunk River valley; these moraines are welldeveloped east of the pit (Fig. 2). Although they are barely discernable from the ground they can be conspicuous on air photographs, owing to differences in soil-moisture content at the tops and bottoms if the ridges. The moraines are subtle, roughly concentric ridges with heights of 1-2 m and spacings of 30-180 m (average spacing of 105 m). Their original relief may have been reduced by a factor of 3 by slope processes and farming (Burras and Scholtes, 1987). Their crests are generally parallel to the Bemis Moraine (Fig. 1) and are perpendicular to the ice movement direction. The moraines consist largely of till Figure 4. Densities of the Morgan Member (top) and Alden Member (bottom) tills (from Lutenegger et al., 1983). 5 1994). To put these numbers in perspective, 0.7 kPa is the shear stress beneath a thick dictionary resting on a 20° slope! Clark’s (1992) reconstruction indicates that ice was only ~ 80 m thick in the vicinity of Ames, despite its location about 40 km upstream as measured along a flow line from the lobe’s margin at the Bemis Moraine. Clark (1992) used the elevation of the Bemis Moraine, together with flow-direction indicators (e.g., minor moraines) and the maxim that glaciersurface contours must lie perpendicular to flow, to reconstruct the lobe. A more recent reconstruction (Fig. 5) considers the possibility that the Bemis Moraine was ice-cored at the glacier maximum, such that the current elevation of the moraine underestimates the elevation of the lobe at its edge (Hooyer and Iverson, 2000). Reconstructions based on two different volumetric fractions (Cr in Fig. 5) of debris in the Bemis Moraine, assuming it was ice-cored, yielded a glacier thickness as much as three times larger than that estimated by Clark (1992) (~ 250 m thick at Ames), with driving stresses as high as 15 kPa. Although these values are less extreme than Clark’s, they do not alter the general conclusion that the Des Moines Lobe was unusually thin and gently sloping. DYNAMICS OF THE DES MOINES LOBE Figure 5. (a) Reconstructed morphology and flow lines of the Des Moines Lobe, based on the modern elevation of the Bemis Moraines. Flowline A-A' is the trace of the profiles shown in Figure 5b and 5c. (b) Longitudinal ice surface profiles compared with those of Clark (1992). (c) Basal shear stresses calculated for the three reconstructions shown in (b) (from Hooyer and Iverson, 2002). 6 The low shear stresses at the bed of the Des Moines Lobe indicate that little of its motion was by internal ice deformation (Hooyer and Iverson, 2002). The velocity due to internal shear deformation of ice, averaged over the ice thickness, is Ui = 2AEτbnH/(n + 2), where τb is the basal shear stress, H is the ice thickness, A is an icecreep parameter that is inversely proportional to the effective ice viscosity, E is an enhancement factor for soft Wisconsin-age ice, and n is the stress exponent in the flow law for ice (Paterson, 1994). Using maximum values of τb and H (ice-cored The rapid movement of the lobe into Iowa, despite warm conditions, suggests that the lobe was likely out of balance with the climate, such that the lobe’s rapid advance into Iowa was a pulse (or pulses), induced by rapid slip, that could not be sustained. This would have ultimately resulted in thinning and eventual stagnation of the glacier, much like that which occurs after a glacier surges (e.g. Kamb et al., 1985). As a result many have referred to “surges” of the Des Moines Lobe and have called the lobe a “surging glacier.” This usage should be avoided. Surge-type glaciers undergo quasi-periodic rapid motion or, more specifically, periods of rapid motion with longer and relatively uniform intervening periods of quiescence. There is no evidence that the Des Moines Lobe displayed such periodicity. Bemis Moraine, Cd = 0.05) to maximize Ui and reasonable values of A (7 x 10-15 kPa-3 s1 ), n (3), and E (2.5) (Paterson, 1994), Ui is < 1.0 m yr-1. This upper velocity limit is approximately three orders of magnitude less than advance rates of the lobe, as inferred from its radiocarbon chronology (Clayton and Moran, 1982) after correction for variable atmospheric production of C14 (Stuvier et al., 1998). Possible variability of A and E (Paterson, 1994) falls well short of accounting for this difference in speed. If the glacier did not shear much internally, it had to move primarily by slipping over or shearing its bed, which in turn implies that the bed was thawed (at the pressure-melting temperature of the basal ice). Considerable indirect evidence supports these inferences. The degree of compaction of the Alden Member till, as indicated by preconsolidation stresses determined in consolidation tests on intact till specimens (< 300 kPa for 13 samples tested, Hooyer and Iverson, 2002), indicates that only a small fraction of the weight of the glacier (< 15 %) was supported by the grains of the till. The rest of the weight was supported by pressurized water in the till pores, indicating that the basal water pressure was near the ice-overburden pressure. Such glaciers that are nearly “floating” are prone to rapid basal movement (e.g., Englehardt and Kamb, 1997). Additional evidence for a thawed bed includes fossil insects (Schwert and Torpen, 1996), herbaceous plants (Baker, 1996), and trees (Bettis et al, 1996) found near the base of the Alden Member. These fossils and the general lack of evidence of permafrost features in the area indicate that the lobe advanced into a relatively warm (non-arctic) climate. Moreover, tunnel valleys mapped along the former margin of the lobe in southern Minnesota indicate that there was significant meltwater at the bed (Patterson, 1996). A better modern analog may be some of the Siple Coast ice streams in West Antarctica (Clark, 1992). Like the Des Moines Lobe these ice streams move fast, despite low driving stresses, due to high basal water pressure that “lubricates” the glacier sole. They differ, however, in that they are bounded on their sides by much slower moving ice, which supports most of the down-slope component of their weight. The Des Moines Lobe, at least in Iowa, had no such lateral support (Fig. 1) and hence may been intrinsically more susceptible to rapid motion than the Siple Coast ice streams. DID THE DES MOINES LOBE MOVE BY DEFORMING ITS BED? If the Des Moines Lobe slipped rapidly at its base, where exactly, relative to the glacier sole, did that motion occur? Some of have argued that lobes along the southern margin of the Laruentide ice sheet, including the Des Moines Lobe, moved primarily by shearing their water-saturated 7 till beds (Alley, 1991; Clark, 1994). An implication of this hypothesis is that the till of the Alden Member may have been transported into Iowa largely beneath the glacier, rather than within it. fabric formed by the alignment of gravelsized elongate clasts becomes steady and strong at low strains (< 25) (Hooyer and Iverson, 2000). Steady-state S1 eigenvalues, a measure of the degree of alignment of the long axes of clasts that can vary from 0.33 (uniform distribution) to 1.0 (perfectly aligned), were 0.78-0.87. If the beddeformation hypothesis is correct, the till of the Alden Member should display similarly strong fabrics. Figure 6. Clast-fabric stereograms for the Alden Member till at various locations. (b) S1 and S3 eigenvalues for the Alden Member till, for till deformed in ring-shear tests (Hooyer and Iverson, 2000) and for till of selected drumlins. Measurements of clast fabrics along the centerline of the Des Moines Lobe (Fig. 6a), including measurements in Whatoff’s pit (“Ames” in Fig. 6), yielded eignenvalues of 0.44-0.66, far smaller than the steady-state values from ring-shear experiments (Fig. 6b). Hooyer and Iverson (2002) argued, on that basis, that although the till likely underwent some shear during deposition from ice, it probably did not shear pervasively over its thickness to the high strain required of the bed-deformation hypothesis. However, earlier measurements of clast fabric in Whatoff’s pit yielded a mean eigenvalue of 0.72 (Stewart et al., 1987), a value less than those expected at high strains but significantly larger than the values of Hooyer and Iverson (2002). Moreover, unpublished data gathered by Kemmis (1991) at three sites within end moraines indicate S1 = 0.680.91. If during the full duration of the Des Moines Lobe in central Iowa the glacier essentially rode “piggy-back” on till shearing beneath the ice, then the bed would have been sheared to very high strains (> 1000, such that glacier displacement was at least 1000 times greater than the bed thickness). The alignment of clasts in the till should, therefore, reflect this high strain. Laboratory ring-shear experiments, in which tills were sheared to strains up to 475 indicate that the One reasonable interpretation of this apparent variability in fabric strengths among different studies is that deformation of the bed was highly heterogeneous. A second, more unsettling interpretation is that clastfabric measurements require so much human subjectivity and hence uncertainty, that such measurements are not very meaningful. A controlled study that isolates the uncertainty of clast-fabric measurements, although not very glamorous (or fundable), is probably needed more at present than additional field 8 melting ice (Paterson, 1994). Vigorous water flow also is consistent with the cross-bedded sands observed in the moraines. Some of these sands have been described in Whatoff’s pit (Stewart et al., 1987) but are no longer visible. measurements that continue to neglect this uncertainty. GENESIS OF MINOR MORAINES The strong likelihood that the Des Moines Lobe moved rapidly into Iowa under very low basal shear stresses and high basal water pressures has important implications for models of minor moraine formation. Such glaciers that advance out of balance with the climate due to basal lubrication commonly undergo transient extending flow, even in their ablation areas where a glacier that is in balance with the climate would normally undergo compressive flow. The extending flow of a rapidly sliding glacier is somewhat analogous to flow of ice shelves (parts of glaciers that float on the ocean), which can extend rapidly under their own weight owing to a lack of basal slip resistance. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I thank Tom Hooyer whose dissertation research at ISU provided the basis for much of this section. REFERENCES Alley, R.B. 1991. Deforming-bed origin for southern Laurentide till sheets? J. Glaciol., 37(125), 67-76. Baker, R.G. 1996. Pollen and plant macrofossils. In Bettis, E.A., D.J. Quade and T.J. Kemmis, eds., Hogs, Bogs, and Logs: Quaternary deposits and environmental geology of the Des Moines Lobe. Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Guidebook Series, 18, 105109. Building on an earlier hypothesis by Kemmis et al. (1981), Stewart et al. (1987) appealed to extending flow to explain the minor moraines near Ames (Fig. 2). These authors attributed them to preferential deposition of basal till and fluvial sediment in crevasses that opened in the basal ice. If ice was extending parallel to the direction of flow, these crevasses would have opened perpendicular to the flow direction, consistent with the orientations of minor moraines. A possible problem with this hypothesis is that it is difficult for crevasses to open in basal ice because tensile stresses that promote crevasse opening must be very high to overcome the basal confining pressure that tends to squeeze crevasses shut. This is true even for glaciers as thin as 100 m. A potential resolution to this problem is that crevasses may have opened under the combined effect of high basal water pressure and vigorous water flow. The latter dissipates heat, which can hold basal cavities open by Bettis, E.A., D.J. Quade and T.J. Kemmis, 1996. Overview, In Bettis, E.A., D.J. Quade and T.J. Kemmis, eds., Hogs, Bogs, and Logs: Quaternary deposits and environmental geology of the Des Moines Lobe. Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Guidebook Series, 18, 1-79. Brevik, E. 2000. Limits to ice thickness in Iowa during the Late Wisconsian. J. of the Iowa Acad. Sci., 107(2), 46-50. Burras, C.L. and W.H. Scholtes, 1987. Basin properties and post-glacial erosion rates of minor moraines in Iowa. Soil Sci. Amer. J., 51(6), 1541-1547. 9 Kemmis, T.J., G.R. Hallberg, and A.J. Lutenegger, 1981. Depositional Environments of Glacial Sediments and Landforms on the Des Moines Lobe, Iowa. Iowa Geological Survey Guidebook Series Number 6. Clark, P.U. 1992. Surface form of the southern Laurentide Ice Sheet and its implications to ice-sheet dynamics. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 104(5), 595-605. Clark, P.U. 1994. Unstable behavior of the Laurentide Ice Sheet over deforming sediment and its implications for climate change. Quat. Res., 41(1), 19-25. Lutenegger, A.J., T.J. Kemis, and G.R. Hallberg, 1983. Origin and properties of glacial till and diamictons. Special Publication on Geological Environment and Soil Properties, American Society of Civil Engineers, Geotechnical Engineering Division, 310-331. Clayton, L. and S.R. Moran, 1982. Chronology of late Wisconsinan Glaciation in middle North America. Quat. Sci. Rev., 1, 55-82. Mathews, W.H. 1974. Surface profiles of the Laurentide Ice Sheet in its marginal areas. J. Glaciol., 13(7), 37-43. Engelhardt, H. and B. Kamb, 1997. Basal hydraulic system of a West Antarctic ice stream: constraints from borehole observations. J. Glaciol., 43(144), 207230. Paterson, W.S.B. 1994. The Physics of Glaciers. New York, Pergamon Press. Hooyer, T.S. and N.R. Iverson, 2000. Clastfabric development in a shearing granular material: Implications for subglacial till and fault gouge. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 112(5), 683-692. Patterson, C.J. 1996. The glacial geology of southwestern Minnesota with emphasis on the deposits and dynamics of the Des Moines Lobe. (Ph.D. thesis, University of Minnesota.) Hooyer, T.S. and N.R. Iverson (2002), Flow mechanism of the Des Moines lobe of the Laurentide ice sheet, J. Glaciol., 48(163), 575-586. Prior, J.C. 1991. Landforms of Iowa, 153 pp., University of Iowa Press, Iowa City. Schwert, D.P. and H.J. Torpen, 1996. Insect remains: a faceted eye’s perspective on the advance of the Des Moines Lobe into north-central Iowa. In Bettis, E.A., D.J. Quade and T.J. Kemmis, eds., Hogs, Bogs, and Logs: Quaternary deposits and environmental geology of the Des Moines Lobe. Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Guidebook Series, 18, 99104. Kamb, B. and 7 others, 1985. Glacier surge mechanism: 1982-1983 surge of Variegated Glacier, Alaska. Science, 227(4686), 469-479. Kemmis, T.J. 1991. Glacial landforms, sedimentology, and depositional environments of the Des Moines Lobe, northern Iowa. (Ph.D. thesis, University of Iowa.) 10 Stuvier, M. and 9 others, 1998. INTERCAL98 radiocarbon age calibration, 24,000-0 cal BP. Radiocarbon, 40(3), 1041-1083 Stewart, R.A., D. Bryant, and M.J. Sweat, 1988. Nature and origin of corrugated ground moraine of the Des Moines Lobe, Story County, Iowa. Geomorphology, 1, 111-130. 11 STOP 1A – WHATOFF’S PIT FRACTURES IN TILL OF THE DES MOINES LOBE William W. Simpkins and Martin F. Helmke Iowa State University and West Chester University freeze/thaw, and lateral unloading, may also play a role (Boulton and Paul, 1976; Mitchell, 1976; Connell, 1984). Helmke (2003) suggested that the fractures in till here and at his trench site south of Ames are shear fractures because their primary orientations are at 45 to 90° angles to the ice-flow direction. Fractures in Pre-Illinoian till show three main orientations indicative of the predominance of 6-sided (desiccation?) polygons. INTRODUCTION Tills are considered by many to be impermeable and thus should prevent vertical and horizontal transport of point- and nonpoint-source contaminants. However, studies in Iowa have shown that aquifers underlying till are contaminated and that streams contain high concentrations of nutrients and pesticides (e.g., Kolpin et al., 1995; Burkart et al., 2004). We observed fractures in till of the Des Moines Lobe at the Whatoff Pit (Fig. 1) in the early 1990s, at the suggestion of George Hallberg of the Iowa Geological Survey. Martin Helmke later obtained some of the test samples for his Ph.D. research on fractures from this pit. His dissertation (Helmke, 2003) showed that groundwater flow and contaminant transport in the till are controlled by these fractures. OCCURRENCE AND FORMATION OF FRACTURES IN TILL Fractures or zones of preferential flow in till have been reported previously in Iowa near Iowa City (Kemmis et al., 1992) and elsewhere in the U.S. (Connell, 1984; Simpkins and Bradbury, 1992; Brockman and Szabo, 2000), Canada (Keller et al., 1988; McKay et al., 1993a,b), and Denmark (Klint and Gravensen, 1999). Consolidation, unloading during glaciation, subglacial shearing, and stresses generated by glacer flow have been proposed as mechanisms for fracture formation (Boulton, 1970; McGown et al., 1974; Johnson, 1983; Connell, 1984; Feeser, 1988). Secondary processes, such as chemical alteration, desiccation, syneresis, Figure 1. Exposure of Alden Member till at the Whatoff Pit (c. 1990) showing extensive Festained fracture surfaces (Lee, 1991). 12 686 rural wells and revealed that 35 percent of the state’s shallow groundwater was contaminated by NO3-N concentrations above the US EPA MCL of 10 mg/L NO3-N, and that 18 percent contained detectable concentrations of herbicides. Aquifers confined by thinner (and presumably fractured) till units (<15 m) showed significantly more nitrate (35.1 vs. 12.8 percent) and pesticide (17.9 vs. 11.9 percent) detections than those confined by thicker (>15 m) and less fractured till units (Kross et al., 1990). WHY ARE FRACTURES IN TILL IMPORTANT? Fractures create preferential flowpaths that promote greater velocities in till than would otherwise be expected under porous media assumptions (Freeze and Cherry, 1979; Grisak and Pickens, 1980). A velocity increase occurs by increasing bulk hydraulic conductivity (Kb) and reducing effective porosity (ne). The Kb of a fractured till is typically one to 3 orders of magnitude greater than Kb for an unfractured till (Keller et al., 1989), whereas fracture porosity (nf) may be one to 4 orders of magnitude less than the total porosity (nT) of till (McKay et al., 1993a; Jørgensen et al., 1998). Advective velocity of solutes in fractured systems may be estimated by the average linear velocity equation: V = Kbi nf INVESTIGATIONS OF FRACTURED TILL IN IOWA Helmke (2003) used large till columns to investigate contaminant transport in till from the Des Moines Lobe, the Iowan Erosion Surface, and the Southern Iowa Drift Plain (landform regions) in Iowa. The study site in the Des Moines Lobe was located within the Walnut Creek watershed, about 7 km south and slightly west of Whatoff’s Pit. The surficial deposit at the site is the Alden Member till of the Dows Formation and is identical in texture and bulk density to the till at the pit. Previous investigations in the Walnut Creek watershed (visited during the 1993 Tri-State Field Conference) revealed that the till is extensively fractured (Eidem et al. 1999). To provide large-diameter columns for tracer tests, a 4-m-deep trench was excavated using a backhoe to provide access to the till. The trench was carved using a bench and tier method to provide multiple faces for fracture mapping and to ease column collection. Fractures were identified as planes with iron-oxide staining or as leached zones in the till and were mapped using sheets of clear acetate on both vertical and horizontal faces in the trench. Fracture strike and dip were measured using a Brunton compass. [1] where V is velocity and i is the hydraulic gradient. Fluid velocities up to 200 m/day have been calculated for fractured till using Eq. [1](Jørgensen et al., 1998). Fortunately, the processes of matrix diffusion, sorption, and degradation typically retard contaminants as they pass through fractured till, allowing only a small percentage of a solute to travel at velocities calculated by Eq. [1] (Freeze and Cherry, 1979). There is now good evidence that fractures allow contaminants to move through till more than previously thought. Vertical transport of contaminants has been documented in till in Canada (McKay and Fredericia, 1995) and Denmark (Jørgensen and Fredericia, 1992; Jørgensen and Spliid, 1992) as well as lateral transport to streams (D’Astous et al., 1989; Herzog et al., 1989; McKay et al., 1998). At a larger scale, the Iowa State Rural Water Survey (SWRL) of the late 1980s sampled groundwater from 13 The excavation revealed that the till contains numerous sub-horizontal and subvertical fractures from ground surface to the base of the pit. Fracture spacing ranged from < 2 cm near the surface to approximately 4.6 cm at a depth of 4 m. The most prominent fractures were observed below 3 m depth where the till is partially weathered. At this depth, the fracture surfaces were stained reddish brown (Munsell color: 10YR 5/8) in contrast to the olive-brown (Munsell color: 2.5Y 5/4) till matrix. The fractures were primarily sub-vertical and oriented northeast to southwest and northwest to southeast. The average fracture spacing at a depth of 3.3 m was 4.3 cm and the fracture density was 260 fractures/m2 (Fig. 2). Figure 3. Photograph of the till column (43-cm diameter and 45-cm length) prior to encasement. Sub-vertical, Fe-stained fracture surfaces are prominent. Putty knife for scale (Helmke et al., in press). The tracer solution was introduced to each column under a constant hydraulic gradient using a Mariotte bottle (Helmke et al., 2005). Diffusion coefficients were determined directly (Helmke et al., 2004). In a separate study, four fracture transport models (Fig. 4) – the Mobile-Immobile Model (MIM), Parallel-plate Discrete Fracture Model (PDFM), and Stochastic and Deterministic Discrete Fracture Models (DFMs) – were used to simulate transport of conservative solutes through the till (Helmke et al., in press). Tranport of nitrate and atrazine was also modeled using the MIM (Helmke et al., 2005). Intact columns of till, 43 cm diameter by 45 cm length, were carved from steps in the excavation trench using a shovel and putty knife (Fig. 3). Additional details on the core preparation process are given in Helmke (2003). Five tracers were used in the till column experiments: KBr [potassium bromide], PFBA [pentafluorobenzoic acid], PIPES [1, 4-piperazinediethanesulfonic acid disodium salt], KNO3 [potassium nitrate], and atrazine [6-chloro-N-ethyl-N’-(1methylethyl)-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine]. Figure 2. Plan-view map of fractures at 3.3 m depth in a pit near Ames. Fractures are predominantly sub-vertical in orientation and trend NW-SE and NE-SW. Ice-flow direction is from the NW (Helmke, 2003). Figure 4. (a) Parallel-plate Discrete Fracture Model, (b) Stochastic Discrete Fracture Model , and (c) Deterministic Fracture Model representations of the till column (Helmke et al., in press). 14 Differences of BTC morphology among the conservative tracers (Br, PFBA, Breakthrough curves (BTCs) showed that solute transport in the till is controlled by macropores or fractures (Fig. 5). In the absence of such features, breakthrough should have occurred after one pore volume (PV) had passed through each column. Instead, breakthrough occurred prior to one PV. Measurable concentrations of the conservative tracers (Br, PFBA, and PIPES) appeared in the column effluent (C/C0 > 0.02; the instrument detection limit) at least 10 times faster than 1 PV. Helmke et al. (2005) defined a velocity of Br, or VBR, corresponding to this time of first arrival. As a result, VBR velocities of 658, 106, and 9.7 m/d were calculated for DML-1, -2, and -3, 1.0 V (m/d) 10 -4 10 0 Relative Concentration (C/C0) 1.0 0.6 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Depth (m) 10-1 DML-3 10 0 10DML-1 10 1 DML-2 H2 10 2 H1 AO 15 AT 20 25 30 ALB VPM 0.2 0.0 10-2 5 DML-1 Column PV = 1.95 d 0.6 -3 3.0 DML-2 Column PV = 0.69 d VBr Figure 6. Plot of velocity (log scale) versus depth for eight till columns from Iowa. Time of first arrival of the Br tracer (VBR, filled arrows) and for plug flow through the bulk porosity of the sample (VPM, open circles) are shown (Helmke et al., 2005). and PIPES) provide additional evidence of macropore- or fracture-controlled 0.2 solute transport. Matrix diffusion, the 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 process whereby solutes are exchanged 1.0 between the matrix (immobile region) DML-3 Column and macropore/fracture (mobile region) 0.6 PV = 20.3 d due to a concentration gradient, 0.2 effectively retards solutes as they pass through the column. If matrix diffusion 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 is occurring, the rate at which solutes Days increase in concentration during the rising limbs of BTCs should be inversely PFBA PIPES NO3 Atrazine MIM Fit Br proportional to the respective D0 values Figure 5. (a) Observed and modeled breakthrough curve (i.e., PIPES will increase in concentration from the DML-1, -2, and -3 columns. Dashed vertical line first, followed by PFBA and then Br). indicates time for 1 pore volume (PV) to pass through the There should be a similar separation of column (Helmke et al., 2005). the solute concentrations during the falling limbs, or tails, of the BTCs respectively. These are among the highest (Moline et al., 1997; Gwo et al., 1998). This velocities recorded in the overall study (Fig. phenomenon occurs (Fig. 5), although it is 6). more pronounced in the longer experiments (DML-2 and DML-3 columns). Additional 15 retardation or complete degradation in columns from partially weathered and unweathered till. This may be due to the increase in organic carbon in this material and the onset of denitrification in the matrix (Parkin and Simpkins, 1995). Fracturecontrolled transport of atrazine occurs in weathered till, but due to sorption its velocity is retarded with respect to nitrate. Velocities in unweathered fractured till may be low enough for complete degradation of atrazine to occur prior to entering an aquifer or stream. evidence of matrix diffusion is shown by the response to rinsing the columns, where low concentrations of solutes were detected (socalled “elongated tails”) even when rinsed for twice the time of injection. Mass balance calculations indicate that 15 to 35 percent of the conservative solutes remained in the shallow columns. Hence, nonpoint-source contaminants could be stored in the matrix for later release into the environment (Helmke et al., 2005). Nitrate behaved as a conservative tracer during short-term experiments (fewer than 3 days) in the shallow columns (DML-1 and DML-2) and in a non-conservative manner during longer-term experiments for deeper columns (DML-3). The nitrate BTCs from the DML-1 and DML-2 column experiments were nearly identical to the BrBTCs (Fig. 5). This was not the case for the DML-3 column, where the relative concentration of nitrate remained below 0.05 for the duration of the experiment (Fig. 5), suggesting that it degraded quickly (presumably by denitrification). Atrazine behaved non-conservatively in all columns. Tailing phenomenon suggests that sorption, rather than degradation, is the main process acting to retard atrazine, particularly in some of the longer-term experiments (Helmke et al., 2005). Model simulations indicate that the close fracture spacing of the till allowed diffusive equilibrium to occur between the fractures and matrix over a relatively short time period (several weeks). This effect caused the system to behave similar to an Equivalent Porous Medium (EPM), even though a dye trace study (Fig. 7) showed that flow occurred primarily through fractures. Halos surrounding the fractures provide evidence of rapid matrix diffusion (Helmke et al., 2005). Thus, an EPM approach could ENVIRONMENTAL IMPLICATIONS OF FRACTURES IN TILL Experiments with three conservative solutes (KBr, PFBA, and PIPES) and two non-conservative solutes (nitrate and atrazine) showed that transport through till of the Des Moines Lobe is controlled by fractures. The potential for fractures to transport nitrate and atrazine and impact water quality varies with depth. Nitrate was unaltered in shallowest columns from weathered till, but showed evidence of N 20 cm Figure 7. Plan view of a slice taken from the center of the DML-3 column showing fractures (dark lines) and extent of FDC Brilliant Blue Dye no. 1 (gray zones) at a depth of 3.65 m (Helmke et al., 2005). 16 geotechnical properties of glacial tills. Quaterly J. of Eng. Geol., 9(3), 159-194. be used in these deposits for large spatial or temporal scales. However, for short timescales or situations where fracture spacing is large with respect to the scale of investigation, EPM assumptions would clearly be inappropriate. Additionally, for cases where boundary conditions are transient (e.g., recharge or remediation), fractured systems would remain in a state of constant disequilibrium and would require models that simulate diffusion explicitly. Brockman, C. S. and J. P. Szabo. 2000. Fractures and their distribution in the tills of Ohio. Ohio J. of Sci., 100(3/4), 39-55. Burkart, M.R., W.W. Simpkins, W.J. Morrow, and J.M. Gannon. 2004. Occurrence of total dissolved phosphorus in unconsolidated aquifers and aquitards in Iowa. JAWRA, 40(3), 827-834. In summary, thin, weathered till units will not protect underlying or adjacent aquifers (e.g., alluvial aquifers) and surface waters from contamination. In addition, matrix diffusion may store nonpoint-source contaminants in the till matrix for later release, providing a legacy of past contamination activities well into the future (Rodvang and Simpkins, 2001). Thus, we believe that the concept “till impermeability” for protection of aquifers and surface waters in Iowa should be re-evaluated. Connell, D.E. 1984. Distribution, characteristics, and genesis of joints in fine-grained till and lacustrine sediments, eastern and northwestern Wisconsin. M.S thesis, University of WisconsinMadison. D’Astous, A.Y., W.W. Ruland, J.R.G. Bruce, J.A. Cherry, and R.W. Gillham. 1989. Fracture effects in the shallow groundwater zone in weathered Sarniaarea clay. Canadian Geotech. Jour., 26, 43-56. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank former ISU hydrogeology graduate students Beth Johnson and Jim Eidem for doing the fieldwork that paved the way for this research. We thank ISU Veterinary Farm for allowing us to dig up part of a pasture to retrieve the till core. We also acknowledge the helpful insights of our collaborator, Dr. Robert Horton, in the Agronomy Department at ISU. Eidem, J. M., W.W. Simpkins, and M.R. Burkart. 1999. Geology, groundwater flow, and water quality in the Walnut Creek watershed. J. Environ. Qual., 28, 60-69. REFERENCES Freeze, R.A. and J.A. Cherry. 1979. Groundwater. Prentice Hall, New York. Feeser, V. 1988. On the mechanics of glaciotectonic contortion of clays. Glaciotectonics: Forms and Processes, 63-76. Boulton, G.S. 1970. The deposition of subglacial and meltout tills at the margin of certain Svalbard glaciers. J. Glaciol., 9(56), 231-245. Grisak, G.E. and J.F. Pickens. 1980. Solute transport through fractured media: 1. 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Groundwater flow, velocity, and age in a thick, fine-grained till unit in southeastern Wisconsin. J. of Hydrol., 132, 283-319. 19 STOP 2 – ADA HAYDEN HERITAGE PARK BURIED CHANNELS, QUARRY LAKES, BEAVER DAMS, AND THE WATER SUPPLY OF AMES, IOWA William W. Simpkins and Evan G. Christianson Iowa State University Figure 1. View looking north towards Ames, Iowa, showing alluvial valleys (and unconfined aquifers) of Squaw Creek (left) and the South Skunk River (right). Three-dimensional, shaded representation courtesy of David James of the National Soil Tilth Laboratory. of Ames during the past 40 years (e.g., Kent, 1969; Dougal et al., 1971; Austin et al., 1984; Wille, 1984). However, increased water demand, indications of contamination, and the arrival of more sophisticated modeling techniques and visualization tools all suggest that a new study of the aquifer is needed. INTRODUCTION The City of Ames, Iowa, located at the confluence of Squaw Creek and the South Skunk River (Fig. 1), receives its drinking water from an alluvial aquifer. The Ames aquifer, as it is collectively known, has provided the city with excellent quality, award-winning, water since the first municipal well was drilled in 1891. Why a new study? First, demand for water has increased. Since the last major study of the aquifer by Maroney (1994), Ames and surrounding communities have The Ames aquifer has been studied extensively through cooperative efforts between Iowa State University and the City 20 grown. For example, net-to-service pumpage in Ames on July 11, 2005, reached an all time high of nearly 9.5 million gallons. Industries, including ethanol plants, have come into the region partly because of a plentiful supply of good quality water. A 50 Mgal/yr ethanol plant, Lincoln Way Energy, LLC, requiring up to 500 gpm for regular operation, is being installed nearby in Nevada. It will draw water from same the alluvial aquifer that supplies Ames. Future supplies from the alluvial aquifer are also uncertain, because climate change will affect how much water will be available. Second, there are indications that the Ames aquifer is being contaminated. Concentrations of Cl in two wells sampled in 1998 in the Downtown and Southeast well fields were (Fig. 2) 26 and 33 mg/L, respectively – typical values for groundwater contaminated by road salt or fertilizer. In addition, the Cl/Br ratios were 745.4 and 729.9, respectively, well above the normal value of 50 expected from an atmospheric source of Cl for the region (Davis et al., 2004). Contaminants may also enter groundwater via induced infiltration from streams. Recently, part of the South Skunk River in direct hydraulic connection with the Southeast and Downtown well fields was identified as “impaired” on the Draft 2004 Clean Water Act Section 303(d) list compiled by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. The listing was the result of indicator bacteria above 400 cfu/100 mL in > 10% of the samples. Finally, the Hallett Materials quarry – the emergency water supply for the City of Ames – was converted into Ada Hayden Heritage Park in 2004. Although the City of Ames exerts more control on the lakes (including the stage), there is now increased usage of the lake for fishing and other waterborne activities. The relationship among the 21 lake, the South Skunk River, and the Ames aquifer is also not well understood. Understanding the controls on water volume and quality in the lakes at the park is critical for their use as an emergency water supply. This article highlights some of the extensive previous work on the Ames aquifer and presents some preliminary results of a new three-year study of the Ames aquifer and funded by the City of Ames. The primary objective of the new study is to understand the aquifer and the emergency water supply within a holistic framework of water supply and water quality. We will take advantage of existing wealth of borehole, geophysical, stratigraphic data and, will also apply new tools, such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and 3-dimensional groundwater flow modeling, optimization, and visualization techniques that are now available. The results will provide the city with the tools to manage the aquifer well into the future. DRINKING WATER IN AMES The site of Ames, Iowa, was chosen by the promoters of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway in 1864 on high ground between two streams, the South Skunk River and Squaw Creek, which migrated through wetlands (Seidel, 1991). This proved to be fortuitous, because the streams occupied buried bedrock channels filled with outwash sand and gravel. After drilling the first municipal well, additional wells were drilled in 1906 at the site of the present water treatment plant. Iowa State University (ISU) also drilled its first well in 1897 and maintained its own water supply. The city system expanded westward in 1924 to serve businesses and residences in that area. Although the drought of 1977-78 moved the city and ISU to share water, ISU continued to pump some of its own wells for Figure 2. Location map of the Ames area showing major streams, well fields (ISU, DT, SE, and SC), unconfined alluvial aquifer (gray), and the low-head dam at River Valley Park. Dashed lines show trends of major buried channel aquifers. Flags indicate golf courses. Mining symbol is Whatoff's Pit. drinking water until the mid-1990s, after which it switched totally to city water. Presently, ISU uses four wells in the vicinity of the power plant for processed water use. The city pumps water from two wells south of the Lied Recreation Facility at the east end of College Creek. Ames currently has four well fields – Downtown, ISU, Southeast, and the Sports Complex (Fig. 2). The Downtown well field, which is the oldest, is composed of 10 wells in the confined portion of the aquifer, known locally as the buried Skunk channel. The earliest of these was drilled in the 1940s and the last one was drilled in 1974. Wells range from 33.5 to 40 m (110 to 130 ft) deep and are often finished in the top of the Mississippian limestone. Most of the water is 22 drawn from sand and gravel units in the lower 12 to 21 m (40 to 70 ft) of the wells. These are large diameter wells (gravel packs up to 5 ft or 1.5 m) with screen lengths up to 9 m (30 ft) long. Well yields range from 1908 to 4633 m3/d (350 to 850 gpm). Pumping tests performed as part of the Field Methods in Hydrogeology course (Geology 410/510) during the past 15 years show the aquifer to have transmissivities (T) of 1200 to hydraulic 1400 m2/day, conductivity (K) values of 1 x 10-3 m/s, and storativities (S) near 2 x 10-4. Because of Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) regulations and the well field’s location in downtown Ames (i.e., potential hazards of sewer lines and underground storage tanks), it is unlikely that the Downtown field will be allowed to expand. Till of the Dows Formation comprises the main aquitard (confining unit) for the aquifer (Fig. 3); hence, the outwash sand and gravel in the underlying buried channel could be associated with earlier Wisconsinan or PreIllinoian ice. Peoria Formation loess has been encountered below the till, suggesting that the outwash might be Pre-Illinoian. The buried channel is thought to connect directly with the modern alluvium in the South Skunk River close to River Valley Park, providing a convenient point for vertical infiltration and induced infiltration (via pumping) into the confined aquifer. The ISU well field is located on the east side of the ISU campus (Figures 2 and 3) and is physically separated from the Downtown well field by Squaw Creek. The well field lies in the buried Squaw Creek 1000 south in the late 1980s, as a result of investigations by Squaw Creek Skunk River Brookside Cemetery Austin et al. (1984). The Lincoln River Brookside Soccer well well Sand Way Sand Valley Woods Southeast well field (Fig. 2) is and East Park well and wells gravel well gravel Wisconsinan situated just north of the 900 till confluence of the South Skunk River (flowing from the north) Silt (loess) and Squaw Creek (flowing Ames Aquifer (buried channel) from the west). Because the 800 land was in private hands, there was much controversy involved Lower till unit (Pre-Illinoian) in siting these wells. The Mississippian limestone landowners, who hired attorneys all the way from New 700 York City to defend their Figure 3. Schematic cross section of parts of the Ames aquifer claim, refused to relinquish the in the downtown and ISU areas based on Akhavi (1970), Nicklin requested small parcel of land (1974), and others. for the wells; hence, the City of Ames was forced to “take” the channel, which is thought to be the older and property under Eminent Domain. The first deeper of the two bedrock channels. well in this well field was drilled in 1986. Reconnaissance borings in the in the 1970s Downtown Well Field Elevation (ft asl) ISU Well Field and 80s suggest that the aquifer is confined in some areas and unconfined in others. The Peoria Formation loess is present below the alluvial sand and gravel associated with Squaw Creek and, where present, is likely the primary aquitard (confining unit) for the sand and gravel in the buried channel (Fig. 3). Two city wells were drilled in 1978 and 1982 to depths of 43 m (140 ft). Although production has been as high as 4088 to 4906 m3/d (750 to 900 gpm) the yield has been quite variable. Values of T, K, and S are about the same as those from the Downtown well field based on previous studies. Just to the north, four wells drilled between 1949 and 1969 are pumped for the ISU power plant and have depths from 42 to 51 m (139 to 168 ft) – the deeper well may tap the Mississipian limestone aquifer. Initial well yields ranged from 5451 to 7359 m3/day (1000 to 1350 gpm) and about 254 million gallons of water are pumped annually (20002004 average). The Ames aquifer expanded to the 23 Although the Southeast well field sits within the flood plain of the modern South Skunk River, the size of the valley and the depth to bedrock (29 to 33 m; 95 to 100 ft) suggest that it was carved by a much larger stream graded to a lower based level. The aquifer is unconfined and overlain only by about 3.3 m (10 ft) of alluvial silt, which grades into coarse sand and then very coarse gravels with depth – a classic fining-upward sequence. The aquifer could have formed from outwash shed from the Altamont ice margin just to the north. Five large-diameter wells with gravel-pack diameters of 1.5 m (5 ft) are installed at the bottom of the aquifer. Although the screens are on 12 to 15 m (40 to 50 ft) long, gravel packs are generally 26.5 to 30 m (87 to 99 ft) long. Yields range from 4633 to 8176 m3/day (850 to 1500 gpm), although yields of 11,992 m3/day (2200 gpm) are possible. Pumping tests conducted during the Field Methods in Hydrogeology courses during the past 15 years suggest T, K and Sy values of about 15,000 to 25,000 m2/day, 8 x 10-3 m/s and 0.2, respectively, for this unconfined aquifer. In 1999, two production wells were installed in the Hunziker Youth Sports Complex, just west of the South Skunk River and south of U.S. Highway 30 (Fig. 2). The hydrogeology at this site is similar to that in the Southeast well field and the aquifer is unconfined. The main water-producing zones occur in coarse gravel and boulders at depths of about 15 to 30 m (50 to 97 ft). The wells are 1.5 m (5 ft) in diameter with stainless steel screens that cover the entire production zone. An on-site well is used for irrigating the soccer and baseball fields. Seidel (1991) reported that the percentage of water coming from each well field was about 60 percent from the Southeast well field and 30 percent from the Downtown well field. Based on a total pumpage of 2230 Mgal in 2004, the percentages are similar – 35, 9, 37, and 19 percent for the Downtown, ISU, Southeast, and Sports Complex, respectively. THE DROUGHT OF 1976-77 AND ITS HYDROLOGIC SOLUTION Previous investigators have documented the hydraulic connection between streams and the aquifer – both in the confined and unconfined portions (Dougal et al., 1971). Under pre-pumping conditions, it is likely that both the South Skunk River and Squaw Creek received recharge from upland areas (i.e., gaining streams) and down-valley groundwater flow parallel to the stream. The expansion of the Downtown well field, however, induced groundwater flow towards the pumping wells. Induced infiltration has supplemented the depletion of aquifer storage during wet periods when the streams contain water; however, the relationship is strained during drought periods, particularly in the 24 Downtown well field. The South Skunk River now contains losing reaches and may be a disconnected stream (see Winter et al., 1999) at certain times of the year. The hydraulic connection between the modern South Skunk River alluvium and the buried channel aquifer of the Downtown well field was used to the City’s advantage during a major drought. During July 1976 to June 1977, total precipitation was only 33 cm (13 in) – nearly 20 inches less than normal (Seidel, 1991). Stream flow declined in the fall of 1976 and both the Skunk River and Squaw Creek remained dry into the summer of 1977. The hot, dry weather prompted residents to use more water, which lowered the potentiometric surface in the Downtown well field (the only one) to dangerously low levels despite stringent conservation measures. Parts of the aquifer probably converted to unconfined conditions at this time. Dr. Merwin Dougal and his colleagues at the Iowa State Water Resources Research Institute developed an ingenious plan to raise the water levels in the well field. They proposed building a temporary dam across the South Skunk River at River Valley Park on 13th Street and pumping water from the Hallett Materials quarry (Ada Hayden Heritage Park) across Highway 69 and into the river. The dam was constructed by bulldozing sand and gravel from the river bed into a structure about 2.4 to 3.3 m (8 to 10 ft) high, covering the upstream face with plastic liner material, and then adding another 0.3 m (1 ft) of sand on top to minimize leakage through the dam. The dam was located at this spot because it was believed that water would infiltrate through the bed of the channel and migrate southwestward toward the Downtown well field along the axis of the buried channel (Figs. 2 and 3). Under an agreement with Hallett Materials and a user fee of $1, pumping Figure 4. Photograph of a surface pump at the Hallett Materials quarry on July 12, 1977. Courtesy of the City of Ames Water and Pollution Control Department. commenced on July 12, 1977 from the shores of the quarry (Fig. 4). Four surface pumps, with a total estimated yield (4-day average) of about 43,608 m3/day (8000 gpm), discharged water to the nearby South Skunk River at a point nearly 4 km (2.5 mi) upstream of the low-head dam in River Valley Park. Despite the best efforts of beavers to dam the river upstream and hold the water above the sand dam, water pumped into the channel stretched about 1.6 km (1 mi) upstream from the dam after 4 days. Only about 25 percent of the pumped water was unaccounted for and presumably had leaked into alluvium prior to the dam (Seidel, 1991). As a result, normal water levels in the Downtown well field were restored within a few days (Seidel, 1991). Because of the distance of about 1.6 km (1 mi) between the dam and the closest well in the Downtown well field, it is likely that the rapid rise of water levels to extra water in the South Skunk River reflects a pressure response induced at the boundary of a confined aquifer (the “backwater effect” discussed by Todd, 1980), rather than physical migration of water from the stream bed to the Downtown well field. Assuming the river was a disconnected stream, it would only have been necessary to wet the bottom of the channel and convert it to a losing stream. At that 25 point, the pressure response would have been felt almost instantaneously in the Downtown well field. The sand dam washed away later that summer and was rebuilt again in 19811982 during a drought period. A permanent low-head concrete dam was built at the site during the winter of 1983-84. Temporary risers allow water to pool up to 1.5 m (5 ft) behind the dam (Seidel, 1991). Pumpage of water into the South Skunk River occurred during drought periods of 1981-82 and 1988. Peterson Pits, about 4 km (2.4 mi) upstream, were used in 2000 when the Hallett Materials quarry was not available. ADA HAYDEN HERITAGE PARK: DEVELOPMENT, RECREATION, AND AN EMERGENCY WATER SUPPLY The lakes at Ada Hayden Heritage Park (Fig. 2) were formed by gravel excavation (i.e., a dredging operation) that began with the E.I. Sargent Company in the mid-1930s and continued under the auspices of the Hallett Materials Co. until 1996. Coarse sand and gravel, which appeared to be in plentiful supply until about the mid1990s, was the main product of the operation. Because of the quarry’s ties to the water supply history of Ames, there was cause for concern when mining ceased in 1996. It was clear that land might be sold to parties not interested in an emergency water supply for the city. The following timeline of events was provided by the City of Ames: • Summer 1998 – Des Moines developer approaches Hallett Materials Co. for purchase option and agrees to buy land. Ames’ access to the quarry for water supply is denied; • February 1999 – Des Moines developer approaches City of Ames about land annexation and development of a 1400unit “Grand Lakes” subdivision; • March to December 1999 - City examines proposal and hires lake consultant to report by April 2000; • May 2000 – Consultant reports that water quality in the lakes will likely deteriorate over time, particularly with 1400 homes near the shoreline; • June 2000 - Dry conditions cause water levels to drop in the Downtown well field, but access to lake water is not possible; • Late Summer 2000 – City rejects developer proposal and decides to investigate purchasing the land for a park; • • September-October 2000 – About 6 x 105 m3 of water is pumped into the South Skunk River from the lake at Peterson Pits; the lake was pumped dry after 491.5 hours (~ 20 days); November 2001 – Ames residents approve (86%) a bond issue to purchase the lake area. The lakes were purchased by the city and converted into Ada Hayden Heritage Park, which was officially dedicated on August 28, 2004. Its namesake, Ada Hayden, grew up just south of the park, was an Ames High School graduate, and was the first woman to receive a Ph.D. from Iowa State College (now ISU). She taught Botany, was Curator of the ISU Herbarium, worked in the Experiment Station at ISU, and was inducted into the Iowa Conservation Hall of Fame in 1967 among other honors. Funds for the purchase and $6.47 million renovation of the area were obtained from a $1.5 million Vision Iowa CAT grant and a 26 $4.97 million bond referendum. An additional $1 million “in-kind” service grant from the Story County Conservation Board and SWC District will be used to plant prairie grasses at the park. Purchase of the land for a park guaranteed that the city would maintain a backup water supply of good quality water. The water supply potential of the north and south lakes is huge (Table 1). They are up to 18.6 m (61 ft) deep and the total surface area of the two lakes is 50 hectares (123 acres). They are fed by a watershed of 1150 hectares (2840 acres) containing agricultural and urban uses and moderately sloping to steeply sloping topography. Table 1. Characteristics of the North and South Lakes at Ada Hayden Heritage Park (from Downing et al., 2005). North Lake: Lake surface area: 16.0 ha (40 ac) Maximum depth: 14.6 m (48 ft) Mean depth: 7.3 m (24 ft) Volume: 1.9 million m3 (0.34 billion gal) Length of shoreline: 1.9 km (1.2 mi) Watershed area: 96 ha (236 acres) Watershed area/Lake area ratio: 6 South Lake: Lake surface area: 33.6 ha (83 ac) Maximum depth: 18.6 meters (61 ft) Mean depth: 10.4 meters (34 ft) Volume: 3.3 million m3 (0.86 billion gal) Length of shoreline: 3.2 km (2.0 mi) Watershed area: 1054 ha (2604 acres) Watershed area/Lake area ratio: 31 Research by Downing et al. (2005) suggests that both north and south lakes are dimictic lakes; i.e., they mix from top to bottom only in the spring and fall. Phosphorus is the principal limiting nutrient, owing to the high ratio of nitrogen (N) to phosphorus (P) in both lakes. The average total phosphorus (total P) concentrations at urban-rural lands (Downing et al. 2005). Monitoring indicates that all three tributaries exhibit high P concentrations, with total P concentrations > 100 µg/L. Nitrate-N concentrations > 10 mg/L occur mainly in tributaries A and D; tributary B shows much lower concentrations. Samples of inflow and outflow water from the cells since their construction in 2003 suggest that they remove some, but not all, P and N prior to entering the lakes. Hopefully, the effectiveness of these treatment wetlands will increase with time, although agricultural Best Management Practices and a reduction in Pbased fertilizer by the urban residents could help to reduce nutrient and sediment inputs to the lake. Figure 5. Aerial photo (c. 2004) showing the Ada Hayden Heritage Park area (north and south Lakes), Skunk River, and treatment wetlands. The watershed contains row crop agriculture to the north and a large subdivision to the south. shallow depths are 20 and 25 ppb for the north and south lakes, respectively. Owing to the depth of the lakes and the moderate degree of development in the watershed, these P concentrations are lower than most of the 132 lakes surveyed routinely in the Iowa Lakes Survey (Downing et al., 2005). Nitrogen concentrations are about five times greater in the south lake than in the north lake, which may suggest a greater groundwater flow component in the south lake. A consulting report and subsequent Master Plan compiled by the city advocated the creation of treatment wetlands to intercept surface water from the three main tributaries to the lake. The purpose of the wetlands is to intercept nutrients (N and P) and suspended sediment and process them prior to entering the lake. The exit points of these tributaries into the lake are shown as sites A, B, and D in Figures 5 and 6. Tributary A drains agricultural, tributary B drains urban, and tributary D drains mixed 27 Although studies of the limnology and surface hydrology have occurred at the park since 2001, no groundwater work has been done. However, preliminary mass balance calculations suggest that the concentrations of nutrients in the lakes cannot be accounted for by surface water inflow alone and that groundwater must be involved in transporting nutrients (John Downing, verbal communication, 2004). Thus, we hypothesized initially that groundwater may discharge into the lake on the north and west sides, leave the lake on Figure 6. View to the southeast overlooking two large treatment wetlands related to sites D and B in Figure 5. The parking lot and trail used during Stop 2 are also shown. the east side, and flow down the Skunk River floodplain – a classic flow-through lake (see Simpkins, 2006). As part of the new study of the Ames aquifer, we will install nested piezometers (wells) at 7 sites around the lakes in 2006 to test this hypothesis. In order to guide the piezometer location and provide an educational opportunity for the Hydrogeology and Watershed Hydrology classes at ISU, we sampled groundwater at three locations on the lake margin on August 25, 2005, using a Geoprobe, Iowa DNR staff, and a Screen Point groundwater sampler. We pushed the rod until refusal (usually about 18 m – close to or below the bottom of the lakes), exposed the well screen, measured hydraulic head, and sampled groundwater about every 1.2 to 2.4 m as we pulled the probe rod to the surface. Samples for Cl, SO4, and NO3-N were analyzed by ion chromatography at the National Soil Tilth Laboratory. Ortho-P of the supernatant fraction of unfiltered samples was analyzed using the Murphy and Riley (1962) method (after centrifugation at 4500 rpm for 5 minutes in the Soil Geochemistry Laboratory, Agronomy Department, ISU). Absolute elevations were determined using a GPS unit on September 6, 2005. Figure 7. Profiles depicting hydraulic head, temperature, and water quality with depth on August 25, 2005 at sites AH-1 and AH-3 (see Figure 5 for location). The elevation of the lake surface was 273.4 m asl. 28 The results supported the conceptual model, but contained a few surprises. Sediments consisted of unoxidized, gray, fine to mediumgrained sand with some silt. The direction of the vertical hydraulic gradient at AH-1 along with decrease in temperature and anion concentrations with depth suggest groundwater is being recharged here – right next to the lake (Fig. 5). The water table elevation of 273.5 m asl is slightly above the lake level at 273.4; hence flow is toward the lake at the water table. Recharge might occur here because of the wetland upgradient from this spot. At depth, the hydraulic heads are slightly lower than those in the lake, suggesting that outflow may be occurring through the lake bottom. The smell of H2S in all the samples and lack of sulfate and nitrate-N in the profile at depth suggest that reducing conditions prevail and that sulfate reduction is discussed earlier. Figure 8 summarizes the new conceptual model for the site, subject to rigorous testing by drilling and well installation in 2006. SUMMARY The City of Ames relies solely on groundwater derived from confined (buried channel) aquifers and unconfined alluvial aquifers for its drinking water. Its backup water supply consists of a former gravel quarry transformed into a recreational lake. Groundwater inflow probably replenishes the nearly 5.2 million m3 (1 billion gallons) of water in the lake and lake outflow feeds groundwater that flows along the axis of the South Skunk River. Droughts in 1976, 19811982, and 1988 (and almost in 2000) caused the City of Ames to pump water from the lake, across Highway 69, and into the river to pond behind a dam. This action raised water levels in the Downtown well field within days – probably a result of a pressure response or backwater effect. Figure 8. Revised conceptual model of groundwater flow in the vicinity of the North Lake at Ada Hayden Heritage Park depicting the lake as a flow-through system. occurring. Although we are unable to explain the pattern of ortho-P concentration with depth, the concentrations are similar to those found in surface Tributary A and generally higher than in the lake. The concentration of 1922 µg/L at 11.6 m may overlie a change in lithology. Data from AH2 (data not shown) are similar to AH-1 in all respects except that the hydraulic head increases slightly with depth, suggesting groundwater discharge at that location. Coincidentally, wetlands are not present upgradient of AH-2 (Fig. 5). Site AH-3 on the eastern side of the lake (Fig. 5) provides evidence that this is a flow-through lake system. Hydraulic heads are below lake level, indicating that lake water can flow into groundwater. Hydraulic heads are nearly equal with depth (suggesting horizontal flow) and are also above the elevation of the Skunk River at 272.2 m asl (see Stage location on Fig. 5). In addition, concentrations of Cl, SO4, and ortho-P are also fairly constant with depth and are similar to those found in the lake. The lack of NO3-N is not surprising given that concentrations in the north lake are below the detection limit (Downing et al., 2005). Presumably, water from the lake provides base flow for the South Skunk River, but the bulk of the water may flow down valley parallel to the stream – a model that is consistent with the disconnected stream idea 29 Research as part of the new study of the Ames aquifer will help provide a plentiful supply of good quality water for Ames into the 21st century. It will include a groundwater flow investigation at Ada Hayden Heritage Park, a re-analysis of stratigraphic, hydrogeologic, and geochemical data of the aquifer, and production of a state-of-the art, 3-D model of groundwater flow, including delineation of well capture zones, optimization of pumping schemes and a siting scheme for new wells in the aquifer. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS For this article, we are grateful for the help provided by the staff of the City of Ames Department of Water and Pollution Control, particularly Tom Neumann and Dr. Harris Seidel, the present and former directors, respectively, of that department, as well as John Dunn, Lyle Hammes, Phil Propes, Karla Tebben, and Barbara Schendel. We also thank Bob Drustrup and Hylton Jackson of IDNR, Kevin Cole and Colin Greenan of NSTL and Dr. Michael Thompson of the Agronomy Department for their assistance in the laboratory and the field. REFERENCES Akhavi, M.S. 1970. Occurrence, movement, and evaluation of shallow groundwater in the Ames, Iowa area. Unpublished M.S. thesis. Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. Austin, T.A., R. Drustrup, L. Antosch, L.Wille, and W.W. Parsons. 1984. Supplemental water supply studies, City of Ames completion report. Unpubl. Report to the Iowa State Water Resources Research Institute, Iowa State University, 45 p. with appendices. Davis, S.N., J.T. Fabryka-Martin, and L.E. Wolfsberg, 2004. Variations of bromide in potable ground water in the United States. Ground Water, 42(6), 902-909. Dougal, M.D., L.V.A. Sendlein, R.L. Johnson, and M.S. Akhavi. 1971. Groundwater and surface water relationships for the Skunk River at Ames, Iowa. Special Report, Engineering Research Institute ISU-ERI-AMES 99984, Project 893-S, 157 p. with appendices. Downing, J. A., G. Antoniou, D. Kendall, D. Stipp-Bethune, and J. Li. 2005. Ada 30 Hayden Heritage Park Lakes Monitoring – Interim Report. January 2005. 36 p. Kent, D.B. 1969. A preliminary hydrogeologic investigation of the upper Skunk River basin. Unpubl. Ph.D. dissertation, Iowa State University, Ames. 375 p. Maroney, C.L.R. 1994. Evaluation of the future water supply alternatives for the city of Ames, Iowa. Unpubl. M.S. thesis, Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, Iowa State University, 190 p. Murphy, J, and J.P. Riley. 1962. A modified single solution method for the determination of phosphate in natural waters. Anal. Chem. Acta., 27, 31-36. Nicklin, M.E., 1974. The hydrogeology of the regolith aquifer supplying the Iowa State University well field. Unpubl. M.S. thesis, Iowa State University, Ames, IA. 131 p. Seidel, H. 1991. Groundwater supply of Ames, Iowa. Iowa Groundwater Quarterly, 2(9), 20-21. Simpkins, W.W. 2006. A multi-scale investigation of groundwater flow at Clear Lake, Iowa. Ground Water 44(1). Todd, D.K. 1980. Ground water hydrology. New York, Wiley and Sons. Wille, L.E. 1984. The hydrogeologic investigation of the southeast well field and McCallsburg Arm, Ames, Iowa. Unpublished M.S. thesis. Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. Winter, T.C., J.W. Harvey, O.L. Franke, and W.M. Alley. 2002. Ground water and surface water: a single resource. U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1139. 77 p. Yazicigil, H. 1977. Mathematical modeling and management of groundwater 31 contaminated by aromatic hydrocarbons in the aquifer supplying Ames, IA Unpublished M.S. thesis, Iowa State University, Ames, IA. STOP 3 – DOLLIVER PARK, DES MOINES CHEROKEE GROUP Carl F. Vondra Iowa State University (The following is reprinted from Lemish, J., Chamberlain, R.E., and Mason, E.W., 1981, Part 1: Introduction and Regional geology, Iowa Geological Survey Guidebook, Series No. 5, pp. 2-22) GEOLOGIC SETTING The area of this study is located on the northwest flank of the Forest City Basin. Major structural elements of regional extent (Fig. 2) include the Wisconsin Dome to the north, the Mississippi Arch to the east, the Ozark Dome and Bourbon Arch to the south, syncline plunging southward toward the depositional center of the Basin in northern Missouri. The Paleozoic and younger rocks in the Basin reach a thickness of over 5,200 feet in southwestern Iowa (Fig. 3). The Paleozoic section includes Cambrian sands overlain by Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, and Mississippian sediments, predominantly carbonates. Their combined thickness is about 3,400 feet. The Pennsylvanian System reaches 1,700 feet in thickness in the southwestern part of the state and covers 20,000 square miles of Iowa. These rocks are unconformably overlain by Cretaceous sandstone, shale, and limestone which have a total thickness of 500 feet but locally seldom exceed 100 feet. A cover of Pleistocene drift from 0 to 500 feet thick mantles much of the state. Six major unconformities exist within the Paleozoic section: at the bases of the St. Peter Sandstone, Maquoketa Formation and Maple Mill Shale, and at the tops of the Gilmore City Limestone (Mississippian), the Mississippian System, and the Desmoinesian Series. Minor unconformities were developed at Figure 1. Index map showing field trip area in Webster various intervals throughout the County. The geologic map showing distribution of Paleozoic section. The unconformity of Pennsylvanian rocks is presented. greatest importance influencing subsequent deposition of the and the Nemaha Ridge to the west. In Iowa, Pennsylvanian System is the widespread the Forest City Basin forms a shallow erosion surface with over 200 feet of relief 32 series of northwest trending structures along the southern flank, called the Thurman-Wilson Structural Zone, includes faults and anticlines (i.e. -- the Redfield and Ames anticlines). Over 400 feet of structural relief in Paleozoic rocks have been related to this positive element in the basement (Figs. 2 and 4). The study area of the field trip is situated on the northern margin of this feature. DESMOINESIAN SERIES STRATIGRAPHY Figure 2. Major structural features of the mid-continent region. which developed on the exposed Mississippian rocks during the ChesterMorrowan interval. The major subsurface feature in the basin is the Midcontinent Geophysical Anomaly (Fig. 2) trending northeast across Iowa from Nebraska to the Duluth area of Minnesota (Coons, et al., 1967; Van Eck, et al., 1979). This feature consists of a series of gravity and magnetic highs and has been interpreted as a rift containing basalts and associated sediments of Keweenawan age. It presently is considered to be a fault-bounded horst about 40 or more miles wide flanked by a great thickness of clastic fill. This feature has been tectonically active exerting basement control on structural development within the basin since the Precambrian. A 33 The Desmoinesian Series consists of two groups, the predominantly clastic Cherokee Group and the overlying Marmaton (Fig. 5). The Marmaton and Cherokee Groups are of major economic importance because of their coal deposits. With the exception of the Mystic seam in the Marmaton and a minor amount of production from the Nodaway seam in the Wabaunsee Group (Virgilian Series), the bulk of Iowa's coal resources base occurs within the Cherokee. Stratigraphic study by Wanless (1975) and McKee and Crosby (1975) indicates that Atokan Series sediments occur in the subsurface beneath the Desmoinesian Series. Up to 400 feet of Atokan sediments may be present as sandstone and shale similar to Lower Cherokee clastic rocks. The Atokan is recognized in Illinois and Missouri. It is difficult to separate these units in the subsurface records in Iowa, and as a result, Atokan sediments are tentatively included as part of the Cherokee Group. The overlying Missourian and Virgilian Series (Fig. 5) are deposited on top of the Desmoinesian as part of an overall marine transgression and represents an onlap sequence with numerous transgressive and regressive phases (related to cyclothem deposits) (Heckel, 1977). Marine deposits of the Cherokee Group occur throughout eastern Iowa and are evidence that Pennsylvanian seas traversed the entire state. By the time of deposition of the Upper Cherokee, the Illinois and Forest City Basins were connected. Thus, the present boundaries of the Cherokee Group represent the erosional remnants rather than actual aerial extent of Cherokee Seas in the midcontinent (Dapples and Hopkins, 1969). The Cherokee Group is composed primarily of deltaic sediments deposited on an irregular Mississippian erosion surface of considerable relief. As a result, lithologies are extremely variable laterally and vertically and consist of mudrocks with subordinate sandstone and limestone and localized coal seams. Factors contributing to basal lithologic variability include inherited Mississippian paleotopography, prePennsylvanian structural trends, contemporaneous structural movement, and differential subsidence and related sediment compaction. These elements exerted a major control on the distribution of the Cherokee sand bodies. The overlying Marmaton Group, in general, exhibits the characteristics of marine-dominated sedimentation. It has been divided into four cyclothems: the St. David, Bereton, Sparland, and Gimlet (Wanless and Wright, 1978), and these were subdivided into seven formations which can be generally recognized over wide areas (Fig. 6). The Marmaton Group is composed of two basic litho-logic associations: a marine transgressive phase represented by their persistent limestones and minor black shales and a regressive phase represented by thin sandstones, shales, underclays, and coals. The coals and carbonaceous zones occur at several stratigraphic horizons representing distal deltaic platforms built up during Figure 3. Generalized stratigraphic column for Iowa. 34 regressive phases. The coals tend to be thin, and only two have been mined, the Lonsdale and the Mystic (Keys, 1894). The Mystic averages 2 1/2 to 3 feet in thickness across south-central Iowa and northern Missouri. Correlative deltaic coals of the Illinois Basin are much thicker; the Herrin (No. 6) coal represents one of the most widely mined coals in Illinois and is the equivalent of the Mystic coal seam (Lexington in Missouri). Characteristics of the Cherokee Group In Iowa the Cherokee Group (Haworth and Kirk, 1894) is defined as those rocks between the overlying Ft. Scott Formation of the Marmaton Group and the erosional surface formed on the Mississippian aged rocks. Cherokee Group nomenclature varies according to location in Iowa. The correlations are tenuous because of lateral and vertical lithologic variability prevalent in the lower Cherokee. Many of the units of the upper portion of the Cherokee in southeastern and south-central Iowa where they were named may extend to north-central Iowa. Nevertheless, the Cherokee has been subdivided into an Upper and Lower unit (Fig. 7) with an indistinct boundary; it is generally agreed that the base of the Upper Cherokee coincides with the Hanging Rock Sandstone (Landis and Van Eck, 1965). In subsurface studies of the geology of the deep coal in the Iowa portion of the Forest City Basin, correlations with the Cherokee units, shown in Figure 7, are difficult to achieve. The one prominent unit which serves as a marker bed is the Ardmore limestone, readily recognizable throughout the subsurface from Iowa to Oklahoma. Thus, it is used to establish the position of sandstone bodies in the subsurface. Cherokee Lithologies Figure 4. Structure section on NW-SE direction across the Thurman-Wilson structural zone showing the structure and corresponding gravity anomaly. Displacement in the lower Paleozoic is greater than displacement in the upper Paleozoic indicating continued tectonic activity along the zone. 35 Derynck (1980) analyzed the "undifferentiated" Cherokee Group (Cherokee Group and rocks of the Atokan Series combined) for lithologic composition based on well log information in southwestern Iowa. His results indicate that the group is composed of 80% shales, 17% sandstones and siltstones, 3% limestones, dolomites, coals, and underclays; 14% of the shales are black. Approximately 3.2 feet of coal Limestones are light gray, fossiliferous, and generally less than one foot thick. Frequently, limestones are represented by isolated nodules embedded in a shale or mudstone. Underclays are light gray, silty, and/or sandy and generally about two to four feet in thickness (Derynck, 1980). Subsurface studies by Reese (1977) and Mason (1980) in the Madrid area of central Iowa provide evidence of the distribution of Cherokee lithologies. Their studies indicate that the Cherokee section averages 350 feet in thickness with limestone units occurring only in the uppermost 80-100 feet of the section. Thus, the Cherokee strata appear to become more dominated by continental sedimentation to the northeast. Figure 5. Detailed stratigaphy of the Cherokee Group and its relationship to other Pennsylvanian rocks of Iowa. Experience to date indicates that the Lower Cherokee, especially in Central Iowa, is characteristically more clastic than the occur per 400 feet of section, less than 1% in overall composition. Shales are commonly gray, silty, and/or sandy with interlaminations of gray siltstone or fine-grained sandstone common throughout. Some gray shales are calcareous with fossils or calcareous ironstone concretions. The black shales are laminated, phosphatic in part, and commonly pyretic. The sandstones are generally very fine-grained to fine-grained and argillaceous. Thin sand units typically grade into thicker units, which are commonly massive to crossbedded with erosional basal contacts. Thick units consist of vertically stacked sand bodies typified by the sandstone exposed at Redrock Reservoir, Marion County, Iowa, and likely indicate possible structural or topographic control on sedimentation (Brown, 1975). Offsetting of sand units within the Cherokee may be evidenceofcompactional influence as well (Derynck, 1980; Mason, 1980). 36 Figure 6.Detailed stratigraphy of the Marmaton Group. Upper Cherokee. It is characterized by a scarcity of key marker horizons and consists of units of variable thickness and lithology, including lenticular and local sandstones, marine limestones (characteristically represented by isolated concretionary masses within shale units), and localized lenticular coal beds. The one limestone which is recognizable and persistent is the Laddsdale or Seville Limestone. It is characteristically dark gray, hard to earthy, fossiliferous, and lenticular, grading locally to a fossiliferous sandstone. It is known to exist in southeast Iowa (Davis Co.), but its presence has not been recognized in the Fort Dodge area. The Upper Cherokee is far more consistent in lithologic character and demonstrates cyclothemic characteristics. It consists of several persistent limestone, sandstone, and coal units (Fig. 7). In southeastern Iowa the basal unit is the Hanging Rock Sandstone (Landis and Van Eck, 1965) which directly underlies the Munterville Coal (Fig. 7). Recognizable marine and continental units alternate throughout the section with the Whitebreast Coal and Ardmore Limestone representing the most widespread deposition during Cherokee times. The Whitebreast and its correlative units comprise one of the most widespread coals in North America; during its deposition, a vast vegetated plain extended from eastern Kansas to western Indiana (Wanless and Wright, 1978). The White-breast Coal in Iowa is the equivalent of the Colchester (No. 2) Coal of Illinois and the Croweburg Coal of Missouri. In summary, the Cherokee Group consists of variable lithologies representing numerous cyclothems. These grade upward into more continuous units as the topographic irregularities of the Mississippian unconformity became less dominant. Typical lithologies include a basal sandstone (with channel and sheet phases) overlain by an underclay-coal sequence. These lithologies are typically restricted geographically to a one to three county area (Landis and Van Eck, 1965). Succeeding this sandstone-underclay-coal sequence are black shales and limestones representing minor transgressive sequences over coal swamps and deltaic platforms. Correlations over large areas are tenuous, and detailed descriptions are valid only on a local paleontologic and palynologic scale. Studies initiated as part of the Iowa Coal Program (conducted by the Iowa Geological Survey) under the direction of Dr. Matthew Avcin are essential to the solution of this problem. Figure 7. Detailed stratigraphy of the Cherokee Group and component cyclothems. 37 into the coals lithologies. Coal According to the Iowa Geological Survey (Avcin, pers. com., 1978), up to 19 individual coal beds occur in Iowa. Characteristically the lowermost coal seams are thickest and, therefore, most often mined. The upper coals tend to be thinner but more widespread. Detailed studies at Madrid (Reese, 1977) confirm this. The recognized coal seams are presented in figure 7; the nomenclature shown is that used for those coals in south-central and southeastern Iowa. Field experience and other studies confirm the economic importance of the lower coals. Work by Chamberlain (1980), Derynck (1980), and Robertson (1976) indicates that the Cherokee represents an overall onlap sequence and that basal coals get younger to the east as the basin was filled. In the Madrid area (Reese, 1977; Mason, 1980), a total of 10 coals were recognized; the two mineable seams occur in the lower part of the section 80 to 125 feet above the Mississippian erosion surface. Again, the upper coals tend to be thinner and more widespread than the lower coals. Two coal beds in the Lower Cherokee were mined in the Fort Dodge area of Webster County. According to Landis and Van Eck (1965), the local names were the Pretty (also known as the Big or Upper Bitumunous) coal and a bed known as the Big Seam (also Calhoun-Camel Bed) about 35 feet below the Pretty seam. In all, up to 4 seams appear to be present. Stratigraphically these coals are believed to occur in the Lower Cherokee because of the proximity (100' or less) of the Mississippian erosion surface. The sand bodies occur lateral to the coals and occasionally can be shown to cut 38 and other associated Sandstone During studies of the deep coal in the Forest City Basin, well log records indicated the presence of sand bodies having thicknesses of greater than 100 feet. The positions of the sand bodies appear to be controlled by a well-defined drainage system developed in the uppermost Mississippian deposits. The presence of several thick sandstone bodies exposed along the Des Moines River led to a field study of their occurrence in an attempt to better understand their relationship to paleodrainage and the incidence of coal. Exposures Sandstone bodies outcrop discontinuously along the Des Moines River and its tributaries throughout much of central Iowa. In particular many significant exposures occur between Fort Dodge, in Webster County, and Red Rock Reservoir in Marion County. Study of these and other sandstone outcrops in central Iowa forms the basis for the interpretations discussed in this guidebook. In general, primary sedimentary structures identified and measured on the outcrop indicate a strong southwesterly paleocurrent direction. Sand bodies are marked by erosional basal contacts; coarsegrained basal intervals characteristically rich in fragmented clasts derived from underlying and/or lateral rock bodies; cosets of largescale planar cross-strata; abundant carbonaceous debris, and a general finingupward grain size. On a regional scale, it is believed that the sand bodies studied in central Iowa indicate the occurrence during deposition of the Cherokee strata of a series of predominantly southwestardly flowing rivers. Farther south, in Marion County, studies by Hansen (1978) suggest a transition from a convergent to a divergent channel pattern which is interpreted to indicate a deltaic distributary system developed basinward from an area of dominant fluvial deposition. A general paleogeographic map representing conditions prevalent during the deposition of Lower Cherokee sediments includes a pronounced southwestward drainage network throughout central Iowa (Fig. 8). This reconstruction is in marked occurrence in the deeper part of the basin. As a result, studies were undertaken by Derynck (1980), Chamberlain (1980), and Mason (1980) in a series of Iowa State University master's theses. Derynck (1980) studied the distribution of the sands and their position in the Cherokee; Chamberlain related the distribution and stratigraphic interval to the Mississippian erosion surface; and Mason (1980) made an in-depth study of the sandstone, shale, and sandy shale occurring between coal beds in a 23-square-mile area near Madrid. A critical aspect of the subsurface sandstone distribution is its relationship to the Mississippian erosion surface. Chamberlain (1980) studied the unconformity and constructed a paleotopographic map (Fig. 9A) of this critical surface to see what effect it had on the distribution of sandstone bodies and coal. The map is based partly on the work of others in the Forest City and Illinois Basins (Bretz, 1950; Lee, 1943; Lee and Payne, 1944; Bransen, 1962; Siever, 1951; Wanless, 1975; Wanless and Figure 8. Inferred Cherokee pleodrainage based on outcrop Wright, 1978; Potter, 1979). The map and subsurface evidence of sand bodies. The sand bodies are at different stratigraphic levels within the Cherokee and are shows the paleotopographic patterns considered to be of different ages. (1) Nemaha ridge source, developed in the Mississippian erosion (2) source from the north, (3) Fort Dodge-Holiday Creek area, surface during initial Pennsylvanian (4) Dolliver Park area, (5) Ledges area, (6) Altoona (subsurface) sedimentation. These patterns exerted a area, (7) Red Rock area, (8) Southeast Iowa-northeast Missouri progressively decreasing control on area. sedimentation until deposition of the Ardmore Limestone during Upper contrast to the ideas of earlier workers Cherokee time (Wanless and Wright, 1978). (McKee and Crosby, 1975) which suggested At this point, paleotopographic irregularities a single dominantly southwardly trending were covered, and the Lower Cherokee river during this interval of geologic time. deposits formed a broad platform on which the Whitebreast and later coals were Subsurface Sand Bodies deposited. The surface distribution and the predominant southwesterly drainage directions indicated by surface sand bodies focused attention on their subsurface 39 Paleotopography township to none in Cass County. The Mississippian plaeotopographic map (Fig. 9A) was constructed using the unconformity contour method (Anderson, 1962) which requires that the base of the valley fill must be recognized in subsurface records. Following this method, the altitude relating to the top of Mississippian strata was recorded on a map, and a structure contour map of the Mississippian surface was made with present day sea level as the reference plane. Later structural movements can distort the valley fill relations. Other methods to determine paleo-drainage were not used because of the extreme variation in density of bore hole data used for control, which ranges from several points per Contours were drawn assuming that drainage initially developed on a relatively level surface developed on a uniform lithology, predominantly of Mississippian limestones. This results in a radial or modified dendritic drainage pattern trending to the south-southwest from the eastern margin of the basin toward the center and to the east and south under the influence of the Nemaha Ridge along the west flank of the basin. Laury (1968) used a similar approach in his study of the Upper Cherokee Pleasantview Sandstone in central and southcentral Iowa. Figure 9. A. Paleotopography of the Mississippian erosion surface. B.-F. Sand body occurrence in subsurface shown in successive 50 foot stratigraphic intervals. 40 Karst topography is believed to have been relatively unimportant for the presentstatus of the study because only 22 boreholes penetrated possible karstfill deposits. Extensive cave and sink formation probably occurred in the lower Paleozoic limestones and dolomites of northeast Iowa, similar to those documented by Bretz (1950) in the Ozark Region. Northeast Iowa, where carbonate rocks predominate, was probably emergent long enough for ground water flow to initiate substantial karst formation which may account for some of the karst present there today. Pennsylvanian deposits are not observed in the northeast Iowa karst at present suggesting either post-Pennsylvanian erosion or non-deposition. Further evidence supporting extensive karst development to the east and northeast is the evidence of Pennsylvanian-aged materials filling solution features in eastern Illinois. Siever (1951) has suggested that karst formation was not an important process deeper in the Illinois Basin because exposed thin limestones and shales were present in the basin interior. By analogy in the Forest City Basin of Iowa, the pre-Pennsylvanian surface is underlain by predominantly sandy limestones, shales, sandstones, and thinbedded limestones comprising the St. Genevieve and St. Louis Formations. These lithologies suggest limited karst development in the Basin. Review of additional literature on the Mississippian erosion surface in Illinois and western Kentucky by Howard (1979), Shaw and Gildersleeve (1969), and Garner (1974) provides another interpretation of the configuration of the erosion surface. This interpretation (Howard, 1979) suggests multiple erosion and sedimentation episodes under alternating arid and humid paleoclimatic conditions eventually developing a multiple anastomosing drainage system in contrast to the dendritic system favored by Siever (1959). Shaw and Gildersleeve (1969) describe an anastomosing paleodrainage system on the erosion surface in western Kentucky. Hansen (1978) and Hooper (1978), in their study of sandstone bodies in Marion County, had sufficient subsurface data to indicate that the erosion surface had aspects of a rectangular drainage pattern with valleys up to 200 feet deep incised into a predominantly Mississippian limestone surface. Comparion of their paleocontour map with that of Shaw and Gildersleeve (1969) shows remarkable similarity. This may be an indication that an anastomosing paleodrainage system is present in parts of Iowa. In view of the limited subsurface data for vast parts of the erosion surface within the Forest City Basin, the radial dendritic pattern is tentatively accepted until further data become available. Figure 10. Index map showing well control and direction of crosssections. 1.-8. Structure sections showing distribution and occurrence of sandstone bodies in the subsurface with reference to the Ardmore Limestone. 41 A study of the occurrence of sandstone bodies to the paleotopographic surface indicates a variable relationship. Near the Cherokee outcrop area where data are abundant, a strong correlation of sandstone bodies to paleodrainage exists (Hansen, 1978). The correlation fails in a down dip (southwesterly) sands has occurred over valleys and sometimes over hills in the paleotopography. Unit B sandstones show little relationship to paleotopography. Tracing of bodies between cross sections on the basis of thickness, vertical position, and paleovalley trends supports the idea of a dominant southwest drainage. The sand bodies occur at all stratigraphic levels in the Cherokee. This can be readily seen in the maps (Figs. 9B-9F) by Chamberlain (1980) in which the percent sand in each 50-foot interval below the Ardmore Limestone was plotted; the figures show the areas with greater than 25% sand in the logs superimposed on the Mississippian paleotopo-graphic map. This study supports the following observations: 1. The basal Cherokee Group sediments contain more widely distributed sand and fewer channel sandstones. Figure 10,continued. direction going deeper into the basin. Paleovalley control exists, as does sand body stacking; the weaker correlation is believed to be the result of fewer data points rather than lack of paleovalley control. Derynck (1980) approached the subsurface sand study by drawing a series of cross sections trending NW and SW and by subdividing the Cherokee into two units above and below the Ardmore Limestone, which is recognizable throughout the subsurface. Unit A includes the section below the Ardmore, unit B above the Ardmore. The sections (Fig. 10) show that unit A contains more sandstone than unit B and that drainage systems are confined, in many cases, to paleovalleys. Stacking of 42 2. A broad south-trending belt of basal sand occurs along the western edge of Iowa and probably represents sediment derived from the Nemaha Ridge to the west. 3. The 2nd and 3rd intervals between 150 and 200 feet below the Ardmore contain the most channel sands. 4. Cherokee Group sand bodies correlate closely with topographic lows on the erosion surface in the Mississippian rocks, and consequently stacked sand bodies occur within narrow geographic ranges. It was also found that isochore contours of the Cherokee Group correlate well with paleotopographic trends and percent sand contour trends. In a subsurface study of the continuation of the sand bodies outcropping in the Fort Dodge area of north-central Iowa with the subsurface Cherokee sand bodies in a down dip direction 60 miles distant, a strong correlation was found to exist. The sand bodies are confined to southwest trending valleys developed on the Mississippian erosion surface (Fig. 11). Continuing in a southwest direction into the deeper part of the basin, considerable subsurface sandstone is present. The correlation is not as strong primarily because the number of data points diminishes rapidly toward the deeper part of the basin. The strong southwest current direction indicated in the outcropping sandstone bodies and their close relationship to the subsurface sand bodies basinward strongly supports a southwest paleodrainage direction during Cherokee time. PALEOENVIRONMENT The encroachment of the Middle Pennsylvanian sea upon the Mississippian erosion surface led to deposition of the predominantly clastic and coal bearing Desmoinesian Series in the Forest City Basin. Paleodrainage and sandstone body occurrence suggest the existence of deltaic systems fringing the Basin during deposition of the Cherokee Group. Similar conditions probably existed during deposition of the Virgilian and Missourian Series although marine transgression is believed to have advanced farther to the northwest leaving cyclic limestone and shale deposits overlying the clastic Desmoinesian Series in the southwestern corner of Iowa. The Virgilian and Missourian clastic and coal-bearing equivalents of the Desmoinesian Series are not preserved in central Iowa. Figure 11. Maps showing the distribution of sand bodies in the subsurface in the area immediately southwest of the sandstone outcrops along the Des Moines River. The paleodrainage is inferred form well log data. 43 Recently published paleoenvironmental studies by Wanless and Wright (1979) on Cherokee, Marmaton, Pleasanton, Kansas City, and Lansing Groups for the northern midcontinent and Illinois Basin provide considerable information on the nature of sedimentation and geological setting of these groups. A summary of these studies includes the following: 1. Deltas composed dominantly of fine-grained sediments formed in the Forest City Basin; 2. Deltaic clastic wedges formed during periods of regression; 3. Widespread coals formed on deltaic platforms constructed by one or more deltas; 4. Most sandstone deposits over 20 feet thick are deltaic in origin; 5. The sea was present for a longer period of time in the northern midcontinent than in the southern midcontinent and Illinois Basin; 6. A marine connection developed between the northern midcontinent and Illinois Basin when the upper Cherokee was deposited. As a result of these observations, the Iowa environment for peat deposition is considered to be a deltaic platform with interfingering marine environments. The 44 Desmoinesian of Iowa is characteristically more marine in nature than the equivalent units in Illinois (especially true of the Marmaton Group). The deposition rates were slow in contrast to eastern or Appalachian sedimentation and probably account for the higher sulfur content and thinner coal beds in Iowa. Because the paleoenvironment during Cherokee deposition relates to a deltaic complex, the coal-forming peat is considered to have formed in fluvial, upper delta, lower delta, and possibly, lagoonal environments. Associated sand bodies result from coarsegrained sedimentation in these environments. The various occurrences of sandstone bodies can be related to the differing depositional conditions found in deltas, alluvial channels, estuaries prior to drowning, coastal and alluvial plains. Transition between environmental facies is believed to occur over longer distances than those observed by Horne, et al. (1978), for deltas on the Appalachians. Insead of a 10-mile wide transition zone for upper to lower delta environment in Appalachia, a 20- to 60-mile zone existed during deposition of Cherokee strata. Wanless (1975) indicates that the coals may retain their identity up to 80 miles down-dip. STOP 4 – BJORKBODA MARSH MORAINES, KAMES, AND DRAINS Neal R. Iverson Iowa State University INTRODUCTION The flat till plains that characterize much of the Des Moines Lobe landscape in Iowa are punctuated by curved, broad belts of ridges and chaotic jumbles of tight hills and depressions. These belts are end moraines where the location of the ice margin was stationary for a sufficiently long period to localize sediment deposition. Bjorkboda Marsh lies in a depression within the Altamont Moraine in extreme southern Hamilton County (Fig. 1, see also Fig. 1 of Stop 1). The marsh and surrounding hills provide the setting for this discussion of the Altamont Moraine and its formation, kame Bjorkboda Marsh Crest of Altamont Moraine development, and the history of tile drainage that drastically changed the face of this part of Iowa. ALTAMONT MORAINE The Altamont Moraine extends across the footprint of the Des Moines Lobe, curving sharply north near the edges of the lobe and merging with the Bemis moraine in northern Iowa (Fig. 1 of Stop 1). Near Bjorkboda Marsh the Altamont Moraine is roughly 20 km wide. Its southern end is defined by a ridge several kilometers wide that rises ~15 m above the plain to the south (Fig. 1). This ridge is locally called Mineral Ridge, with its crest about 5 km south of the marsh (at about the latitude of County Road E18). The ridge is locally transected by linked depressions with intervening hummocks (hills with short steep slopes). Kemmis (1991) developed a descriptive classification of the landforms of the Des Moines Lobe; he called such ridges “hummocky ridge systems.” Farther north in the moraine, the hummocky terrain continues but at lower elevation and locally is interrupted by river valleys (Bettis et al., 1996). Figure 1. Bjorkboda Marsh and the approximate crest of the Altamont Moraine. 45 The moraine consists partly of the till members described at Stop 1. The supraglacial till of the Morgan Member is present on both the flanks of hummocks and within linked depressions and probably usually accounts for most the moraine’s relief. Much of this till is expected to have been mobilized by mass-wasting processes during its deposition. The basal till of the Alden Member is also present and may reach thicknesses of 30 m beneath end moraines (Bettis et al., 1996). Also, any core taken from the moraine would have a high probability of containing fluvial sediments associated with the movement of water beneath, through, or over the glacier margin. Some of the hills of the moraine consist almost entirely of sand and gravel. These are with the climate when it advanced to its maximum position at present-day Des Moines. Note that rapid retreat is also consistent with the lobe being very thin at its maximum extent; ice moves from high to low elevations as a glacier thins during extending flow, which leaves the glacier especially vulnerable to rapid wastage once the period of rapid flow and advance have ended. The Altamont Moraine was deposited ~ 13,500 radiocarbon years ago. Radiocarbon dates indicate that the lobe’s margin had apparently retreated to the location of the Altamont Moraine, a distance of about 75 km up-flow from Bemis Moraine (Fig. 1 of Stop 1), in ~300 years (Bettis et al., 1996). This rapid retreat reinforces the hypothesis that the Des Moines Lobe was out of balance One popular myth regarding endmoraine formation, promulgated by the Bjorkboda Marsh interpretive sign, should be put to rest before continuing further: most end moraines do not form as a result of glaciers pushing sediment in front of them like a bulldozer. Such moraines, called push moraines, can form but are usually small Although the topography of the Altamont Moraine is distinct from flatter regions to the north and south, the end moraines of the Des Moines Lobe have generally lower relief than those formed by lobes of the Laurentide Ice Sheet that were farther north (e.g., Attig et al; 1989). These northern lobes, such as the Superior Lobe in Minnesota and the Green Bay Lobe in Wisconsin, built far more conspicuous end moraines, perhaps due to the margins of these lobes being frozen to the bed. Frozen glacier margins, by enhancing compressive flow near the margin, are thought by some to increase rates of supraglacial till accumulation (Hambrey et al., 1997). The observation that the Lake Michigan Lobe of Illinois also built low-relief end moraines supports this hypothesis; this Figure 2. Kame visible from the parking lot of Bjorkboda lobe, like the Des Moines Lobe, was Marsh. thin, sloped gently, and advanced far south of where there is evidence of a kames; an example is the peaked hill a few frozen margin. hundred meters northeast of the Bjorkboda Marsh parking lot (Fig. 2). END-MORAINE FORMATION 46 cored with ice for many years after retreat of the active margin (Fig. 3a). Differences in the rate of surface melting cause depressions on the ice surface. These depressions can fill with sediment from higher adjacent regions due to debris transport by mass-wasting or melt water. Wherever lots of debris accumulates on the ice surface, either due to locally high englacial debris concentrations or sediment redistribution to topographic lows, these areas eventually become hills after ice has fully melted. The longer the glacier margin remains in one area, the more sediment is carried to that area and the more prominent the resultant moraine. ridges with widths that do not exceed a few tens of meters. They are thus vastly different in scale from the wide zones of hummocky topography that characterize moraines of major ice masses. Most end moraines, regardless of their scale, form as the simple result of movement of ice to the glacier margin (Fig. 3). This ice contains debris that is deposited on the glacier surface as it melts. The bed is a major source for debris, so most debris is contained in ice near the bed and thus melts out on the ice surface near the margin. The debris helps insulate the underlying ice, which can result in moraine ridges that are In the case of the Altamont Moraine, owing to the thinness of the Des Moines Lobe, debris melted out at the lobe’s surface over a wide area, producing a broad belt of hummocky topography (Fig. 3b). Figure 4 illustrates the margin of a modern glacier in Alaska that is mantled in debris well back from its margin. Perhaps the margin of the Des Moines Lobe looked something like this when it built the Altamont Moraine (sans mountains). a Kemmis (1991) suggested that the Des Moines Lobe fully stagnated over much of its area after multiple advances, enabling a glacial-karst system to develop after each advance. In such a system, meltwater would b over ice Figure 3. Formation of (a) single moraine crest at a steep glacier margin and (b) broad belts of hummocky moraine at the margin of a thin ice sheet. The latter is a better model for the Des Moines Lobe (modified from Bennet and Glasser, 1996). 47 Figure 4. Till-mantled terminus of an Alaskan glacier. would have left hills of bedded sand and gravel, together with some till accumulated through mass wasting (flow tills) (Fig. 5). Removal of adjacent ice during melting would have caused collapse of bedding near kame margins. An alternative is that sand and gravel accumulated at the bases of moulins, near-vertical shafts in the ice that conduct water to the bed. These shafts in modern glaciers can be sustained, despite the pressure percolate through the ice and melt it, causing collapse of the debris mantle and resultant systems of linked depressions. This explanation for linked depressions seems plausible for a debris-mantled marginal zone of any glacier that has become isolated from actively flowing ice up-glacier; such isolation of marginal zones of stagnant ice in the form of ice-cored moraine complexes is common during glacier retreat. Thus, although the conceptual model of Kemmis (1991) for linked depressions may be largely correct, an aspect of the model that seems superfluous is stagnation of the Des Moines Lobe at a regional scale. KAME FORMATION (3) A kame is a landform composed primarily of stratified drift deposited in contact with glacier ice. The kames of the Des Moines Lobe are mound-like features, usually hundreds of meters in diameter and 6-13 m high (Bettis et al., 1996). They consist predominantly of sand and gravel, although uncommonly diamictons are present as isolated pods. Kame margins commonly display evidence of collapse in the form of steep faults or bedding that dips away from the kame center (Bettis et al., 1996). (2) Kames of the Des Moines Lobe, which can be classified as hill kames (Benn and Evans, 1998), likely formed either on the glacier surface or at the base of the glacier where water derived from the glacier surface encountered the bed. During supraglacial till deposition, depressions on the glacier surface associated with non-uniform ablation were likely sinks for sediment that was washed in from higher elevations. Crevasses on the ice surface that closed or narrowed sufficiently at depth could have also been loci for sediment accumulation. Filling of such depressions, together with the eventual melting of adjacent and underlying ice, Depressions on glacier surface (1) Figure 5. Model for hill-kame formation involving deposition of fluvial deposits and flow tills within depressions on the ice surface (modified from Benn and Evans, 1998). 48 were looking for ways to optimize productivity. Although farmers had begun draining the landscape of the lobe in the 1870s, by the early 1900s drainage efforts had greatly expanded. State legislation was enacted that encouraged farmers to band together in “drainage enterprises,” which stimulated drainage improvements and resulted in the formation of 3000 drainage districts in Iowa. During the decades up to 1940, over 126,000 km of underground drainage tiles were installed, most of them within the area spanned by the Des Moines Lobe (Fig. 6b). Most tiles were installed 1.01.5 m below the surface, and trenches for them were dug by hand. Networks of tiles typically emptied into ditches, which were excavated to feed creeks and rivers. These drainage efforts were highly successful. Today, for example, in Hamilton County, on the ice that closes cavities at depth, due to heat dissipation and consequent melting of ice associated with the falling water. This water can carry sediment from the glacier surface and pile it in mounds at the bed. Such kames are sometimes called moulin kames and are usually difficult to distinguish from kames that accumulate on the ice surface. *DRAINING WETLANDS “clay and cement tile is the most important industry in Iowa and . . . Iowa puts out more of these products than any other state, all because of the great drainage movement now under way.” 1913, D.A. Marston, an engineer at Iowa State University. “we should adopt a system of selective drainage in place of the reckless system which operates on the groundless assumption that all drainage is beneficial.” 1920s, B. Shimek, a geologist at the University of Iowa. a Wetlands like Bjorkboda Marsh are few and far between in central Iowa, surrounded by tracks of row crops that are vast in comparison. This was not true in the late 1800s. Over the footprint of the Des Moines Lobe, wetlands were the rule, rather than the exception. A horseback ride through the countryside at that time would have followed curving roads that snaked along high ground above adjacent ponds and sloughs. Patches of corn were common but isolated by large tracks of land that were too wet for too long each year for crops. These wetlands reflected the poorly developed drainage of the Des Moines Lobe landscape; the well-integrated river networks that drain most of Iowa are far more subdued within the margins of the Des Moines Lobe (Fig. 6a). b Figure 6. (a) Relief map of Iowa showing river networks. Compare with (b) land in Iowa subject to "drainage enterprises" in 1940. By the late 1800s, however, the settlement of Iowa was over, and farmers 49 which contains Bjorkboda Marsh, less than 0.5% of original wetlands remain. Moines Register (July 23, 2000) written by historian Lowell J. Soike. Intensive tile-drain installation transformed the distribution of agricultural productivity and wealth in the state. By 1910 the formerly swampy land of the Des Moines Lobe supported farms with greater cropproduction capacity and wealth than farms in southern Iowa, where the land was naturally better drained but more rolling and better suited to pasture. To try to compete, farmers in southern Iowa expanded row-crop coverage, commonly increasing soil erosion and worsening their already decreasing land values. At the same time the formerly diversified but modest farms in north-central Iowa expanded and focused on a few lucrative cash crops. REFERENCES Attig, J.W., D.M. Mickelson, and L. Clayton, 1989, Late Wisconsin landform distribution and glacier-bed conditions in Wisconsin, Sed. Geol., 62, 399-405. Benn, B.I., and D.J.A. Evans, 1998. Glaciers and Glaciation, Oxford, London. Bennet, M.R., and N.F. Glasser, 1996. Glacial Geology, Ice Sheets and Landforms, Wiley, New York. Bettis, E.A., D.J. Quade and T.J. Kemmis, 1996. Overview, In Bettis, E.A., D.J. Quade and T.J. Kemmis, eds., Hogs, Bogs, and Logs: Quaternary deposits and environmental geology of the Des Moines Lobe. Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Guidebook Series, 18, 1-79. Today, of course, the benefits of wetlands are better appreciated. Their positive effects on water quality, flood control, wildlife, and recreation highlight the need to preserve existing wetlands and have motivated numerous restoration efforts. Of course these efforts fall orders-of-magnitude short of restoring the wetlands that once existed over the Des Moines Lobe landscape (Fig. 6b). Wetlands like Bjorkboda Marsh, therefore, provide small glimpses of a part of the Iowa landscape and ecology that, for the most part, is probably gone forever. Hambrey, M.J., D. Huddart, M.R. Bennett, and N.F. Glasser, 1997, Genesis of ‘hummocky moraines’ by thrusting in glacier ice: evidence from Svalbard and Britain, J. Geol. Soc., 154, 623-32. Kemmis, T.J. 1991. Glacial landforms, sedimentology, and depositional environments of the Des Moines Lobe, northern Iowa (Ph.D. thesis, University of Iowa). *Data and quotations regarding the tile-drain history of Iowa were obtained from an article in the Des 50 STOP 5 – DES MOINES RIVER VALLEY LATE-WISCONSINAN HISTORY OF THE UPPER DES MOINES RIVER Neal R. Iverson Iowa State University when and why the valley formed and the Wisconsinan terraces within the valley. The discussion leans heavily on the work of Arthur Bettis and colleagues (Bettis and Hoyer, 1986; Bettis et al., 1988; Bettis and Hajic, 1995). The development of the valley provides a good example of how river history in the Midwest is commonly closely tied to glacial history. INTRODUCTION Except for some glaciers at very high altitudes or latitudes, glaciers seasonally produce copious volumes of melt water, resulting in outwash streams with high discharges of both water and sediment. This may have been especially true for the Des Moines Lobe, which advanced into a climate too warm to sustain the lobe. Melting and retreat of the lobe in Iowa occurred rapidly from ~14,000-12,000 radiocarbon years before present (RCYBP). The outwash stream that eroded the deepest and widest valley within the footprint of the lobe was the Des Moines River. This summary of the lateWisconsinan history of the river focuses on CHRONOLOGY Despite the prominence of the upper Des Moines River valley (the part of the river north of Des Moines), it is younger than the smaller Skunk River valley to the east (see Stop 1). While the margin of Des Moines Lobe was at the Altamont moraine ~13,500 RCYBP (about 14 km north of this stop), its major outwash streams is this area were the Skunk River and Beaver Creek, which is now a small stream about 12 km to the west. There is no evidence that the Des Moines River existed at that time. Instead, as argued by Bettis et al. (1988), the river did not develop until the lobe’s margin was building the Algona Moraine, at ~12,300 RCYBP and about 115 kilometers to the north of this stop (Fig. 1). The evidence for this late development of the river is convincing: (1) Stop 5 radiocarbon dates on wood from the highest Des Moines River terrace near Saylorville Dam just north of Des Moines are essentially the same as those for the Algona Moraine; (2) the Figure 1. Course of the Des Moines River and end moraines region north of the Algona Moraine of the lobe (Bettis et al., 1988). 51 52 Figure 2. Wisconsinan-age terraces along a reach of the Des Moines River spanning the Altamont Moraine (from Bettis et al., 1988). Noah Creek is nearest to Stop 5. 10 km downcutting exceeded 65 m in the vicinity of Boone. TERRACE FORMATION Formation of the Des Moines River valley included High Late Wisconsinan the formation of many Terrace Rose Hill Wisconsinan-age terrace Cemetary segments. Periods of lateral Low Late migration of the river Wisconsinan Terrace necessary to form the flat treads of terraces were punctuated by periods of downcutting. Two of these Holocene Terraces terrace surfaces are visible from Rose Hill Cemetery (Fig. 3). These are point-type terraces (Fig. 4) consisting of up to 6 m of alluvium resting on pre-Illinoian till. Thus, Figure 3. Location of Stop 5 at Rose Hill Cemetery. Terrace because the terraces reflect demarcation is based on Bettis and Hajic (1995). planation of a deposit that predates the river, strictly they forms the headwaters for both the East and are strath rather than alluvial terraces. Bettis West Forks of the Des Moines River, and et al. (1988) called them “benched” terraces. terraces of the West Fork just outside the Gravel operations active in the 1980s moraine contain kettles, indicating ice was at provided several good exposures of the the Algona Moraine when river terraces were alluvial stratigraphy in these terraces. Bettis being formed; (3) the Des Moines River is et al. (1988) divided the alluvium into three incised into older landforms of the Des increments (Fig. 5). The lower increment Moines Lobe, including the Altamont consists of sand and gravel, one to several Moraine, with terraces of the river well below the elevation of the moraine (Fig. 2). Holocene Terraces Erosion of the valley occurred over a period of 1,000-1,600 years based on the ages of the oldest Holocene sediments at the base of the valley. By ~ 11,000 RCYBP, the Des Moines Lobe margin had retreated far to the north of Iowa, and the late-Wisconsinan entrenchment of the river was over. The river in the area around Boone eroded through the deposits of the Des Moines Lobe, then through far older pre-Illinoian tills, and finally into Pennsylvanian bedrock. Total Figure 4. Point-type terraces like those at Stop 5 (from Bettis et al., 1988). 53 Figure 5. Stratigraphy of a Wisconsinan-age terrace, showing three characteristic increments. This section was about 500 m southeast of Stop 1 (from Bettis et al., 1988). meters thick, with a wide variety of bedding structures. Cross beds indicative of either migrating bedforms (e.g., dunes, ripples) or point-bar accretion are common, as are channel fills 15-50 m wide. Sediments of the so-called middle increment, which unconformably overly the lower increment, are much coarser. Middle increment sediments consist of cobble gravels that are massive to crudely planar bedded and very poorly sorted. Sediments of the upper increment are usually less than 1 m thick and are fine grained (sandy loam to loam). They are either massive or fine upward and abruptly contact the middle increment. This succession of sediments was observed at each of three terraces studied by Bettis et al. (1988). suspended load, approaching deposition typical of a hyperconcentrated flow. They interpret the fine-grained sediments of the upper increment to be waning-flow/overbank deposition associated with the floods that deposited the middle increment. The most likely cause of a jökulhlaup from the Des Moines Lobe margin at the Algona Moraine would be rapid draining of a proglacial lake. Proglacial lake sediments are present near the Algona Moraine; the lake, called Glacial Lake Jones (Kemmis, 1981) could have drained catastrophically (Bettis et al., 1988), but there is no evidence that it did. Another possible source for a catastrophic flood would be water that is sometimes stored subglacially during rapid glacier flow and released when rapid flow stops (e.g., Kamb Bettis et al. (1988) interpret the lower increment to be the result of normal deposition in a braided river, with fluctuating water and sediment discharges. They attribute the middle and upper increments, however, to infrequent very high magnitude floods called jökulhlaups, which occur when a large reservoir of water is rapidly drained from an ice-marginal or subglacial environment. They interpret the poor sorting of the middle increment to be a result of simultaneous deposition of bedload and Figure 6. Massive, poorly sorted gravel and cobble outwash in Scotland unrelated to jokulhlaup deposition (Maizels, 2002). Flow was from left to right. 54 middle increment was deposited during the rising stages of floods when sediment discharge was high but before the waterdischarge peak; erosion to a new lower terrace level was thought to have occurred during the subsequent peak in water discharge, after the river’s sediment load had begun to decrease. et al., 1985). An alternative interpretation is that both the lower and the middle increments reflect deposition in a high-discharge braided stream, with the upper increment a result of normal overbank deposition. The poorly sorted cobble gravel may well have been deposited during high discharges, but the need to invoke a jökulhlaup is unclear. For example, Maizels (2002) describes facies very similar to those of the middle increment as being common in glacial outwash deposits (Fig. 6) and not necessarily related to jökulhlaups. One difficulty with this hypothesis is that, without invoking a long-term change in either water discharge or sediment supply, it appears to violate the concept that rivers adjust their slopes toward a graded condition (e.g. Mackin, 1948). A graded river is one that is neither eroding nor aggrading its bed because over a period of years it has adjusted its slope to carry the sediment supplied to it with the available water discharge. Although no river strictly achieves this graded condition, the slope of an alluvial river is always adjusting to approach this equilibrium in which the water discharge is just sufficient to transport the sediment supply. In the absence of tectonic uplift or a reduction in base level, an increase in the ratio of water discharge to sediment supply in a graded river will cause it to downcut. Only an increase in this ratio that is sustained can cause sustained downcutting. This is why, although a flood commonly scours a river channel, that scour is usually transient; the scoured river bed eventually aggrades to its former level after the flood because the ratio of water discharge to sediment supply is the same before and after the flood. Thus, it is unclear why each of the jökulhlaups hypothesized by Bettis et al. (1988) would have caused downcutting of the river that was sustained between jökulhlaups. Instead, the scour caused by one of these floods, rather than initiating a new lower terrace level, would have been erased by aggradation of the river bed up to an elevation comparable to that before the flood. Sporadic floods alone, therefore, do not provide a WHY DID THE RIVER DOWNCUT? Perhaps the most important and difficult question to answer regarding the Des Moines River valley is why the river downcut. Except for a tendency for outwash streams to incise very near glacier margins, most proglacial streams generally aggrade their beds rather than erode them. This reflects the high sediment fluxes brought to glacier margins by a combination of ice and water flow; the highest sediment fluxes in the world are from catchments containing glaciers, which are generally more efficient, for a given catchment, than rivers in eroding and transporting sediment (Hallet et al., 1996). Bettis et al. (1988) attributed the cutting of the valley to sporadic jökulhlaups. These authors interpreted the downcutting of the river from one terrace level to another to be the result of these severe but infrequent floods. Between jökulhlaups, normal flows were assumed to have resulted in lateral migration and deposition of the lower increment. This explanation for downcutting is consistent with these authors’ interpretation of the middle increment as a jökulhlaup deposit. They argued that the 55 (1988) was gone. Without a commensurately large reduction in sediment supply, downcutting stopped. During the Holocene the river has underwent periods of both downcutting and aggradation, but with little net incision (Bettis et al., 1988). completely satisfactory mechanism for the erosion. Hypotheses for erosion of the valley, therefore, need to consider both the water discharge of the river and its sediment supply. Why was the water discharge sufficiently large relative to the sediment supply to cause sustained erosion, despite the general tendency for outwash streams to aggrade their beds? This question cannot be answered with much certainty. One possibility is that sediment produced by the glacier was stored primarily near the glacier margin, perhaps in an ice-marginal lake. Thus, high seasonal water discharges from the glacier would have been accompanied by low sediment loads. The Minnesota River valley to the north formed for this reason in the wake of the retreating Des Moines Lobe (Wright, 1973). A contributing factor could have been vegetation and its effect on reducing sediment supply. If the coniferous forest characteristic of this period in Iowa (e.g., Bettes and Hajic, 1995) occupied the tributary drainages feeding the Des Moines River, this would have enhanced storage of sediment in proximal areas and reduced the sediment supply to the river downstream. Another possibility is that the hypothosis of Bettis et al. (1988) is correct—that sporadic catastrophic floods eroded the valley—but that the time required to restore river equilibrium was long relative to the frequency of jökulhlaups, such that the slope and elevation of the river were always grossly out of equilibrium with the predominant river discharge and sediment supply. REFEREENCES Bettis, E.A. and E.R. Hajic, 1995. Landscape development and the location of evidence of evidence of Archaic cultures in the Upper Midwest. Geol. Soc. Am. Spec. Pap., 297, 87-113. Bettis, E.A. and B.E. Hoyer, 1986. Late Wisconsinan and Holocene lanscape evolution and alluvial stratigraphy in the Salorville Lake Area, central Des Moines River valley, Iowa. Iowa Geol. Surv. Open File Rep., 86-1. Bettis, E.A. and 6 others, 1988. Natural History of Ledges State Park and the Des Moines River Valley in Boone County. Geol. Soc. Iowa Guidebook, 48. Hallet, B., Hunter, L., and Bogen, J., 1996, Rates of erosion and sediment evacuation by glaciers: A review of field data and their implications. Glob. Planet. Change, 12, 213-235. Kamb, B. and 7 others, 1985. Glacier surge mechanism: 1982-1983 surge of Variegated Glacier, Alaska. Science, 227(4686), 469-479. Kemmis, T.J., 1981. Glacial sedimentation and the Algona Moraine in Iowa. Geol. Soc. Iowa Guidebook, 35. More certain is the reason why downcutting stopped. By 11,000 RCYBP glacier ice was gone from the Des Moines River basin, and the source of water that kept the seasonal discharge of the river high or produced the jökulhlaups of Bettis et al. Mackin, J.H., 1948. Concept of a graded river. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 48, 813-893. 56 Wright, H.E., Jr., C.L. Matsch and E.J. Cushing, 1973. Superior and Des Moines lobes. In Black, R.F., R.P. Golthwait and H.B. Willman, eds., The Wisconsinan Stage. Geol. Soc. Am. Mem. 136, 153185. Maizels. J., 2002. Sediments and landforms of modern proglacial terrestrial environments. In Menzies, J., ed., Modern and Past Glacial Environments, Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford, 279316. 57 STOP 6 – MISSISSIPPIAN AND PLEISTOCENE GEOLOGY AT MONTOUR QUARRY Jane Pedrick Dawson and Matt Graesch Iowa State University deposits in east-central Iowa, we will follow the ledges and ramps down to the quarry floor, examining notable sedimentary features along the way. INTRODUCTION Lower Mississippian (Kinderhookian) limestones and dolomites are quarried here by Wendling Inc. for use in highway and road construction. Limestone dimension stone was cut for one year in the 1990’s for the purpose of restoring the old state historical building in Des Moines. OVERVIEW OF STRATIGRAPHY KINDERHOOKIAN Witzke and Bunker (1996) concluded from their study of Paleozoic cratonal sediments in Iowa that most deposits were representative of either inner shelf or middle shelf epicontinental marine environments (Fig. 1). Inner shelf deposits are characterized by shallow subtidal to peritidal facies that preserve shallowing upward cycles. Middle shelf facies are dominated by subtidal deposits, which may have remained submerged through successions of relative sea-level changes. The carbonates are underlain by a siltstone that is the basal Mississippian unit in this area. These strata are interpreted as mainly shallow water, inner shelf deposits that record the on-lap of Early Mississippian epicontinental seas onto Upper Devonian bedrock. The Montour Quarry location is very close to the erosional edge of the Mississippian in east-central Iowa. Mississippian bedrock extends only 10 km to the east, where Devonian bedrock becomes the youngest rock preserved (Glenister, 1987; Witzke et al., 2003). By combining stratigraphy, biostratigraphy, and regional depositional patterns, Witzke and Bunker (1996) constructed a relative sea-level curve for the Mississippian in SE Iowa (Fig. 2). These data can also be related to east-central Iowa. Summarizing their interpretations, the first Mississippian transgressive-regressive (T-R) cycle is recorded by deposition of Kinderhookian thin transgressive, openmarine limestones (McCraney Formation) onto Devonian strata in SE Iowa. In T-R Cycle 2, more widespread shales and siltstones of the Prospect Hill Formation overlap the McCraney edge to lie on Devonian bedrock across much of Iowa. This cycle is characterized by progradational silt deposits and regional expansion of carbonate sedimentation. T-R Cycle 3 deposits overlap the Prospect Hill formation Quarrying operations at Montour have removed the Pleistocene overburden, exposing the top of the Mississippian bedrock. Glacial striations are evident in fresh exposures, but weather quickly. Cuts in the overburden next to quarry walls reveal three paleosols plus Wisconsinan aeolian deposits. We will drive past the quarry entrance and leave our vehicles parked alongside 290th Street and reach the quarry by walking south through the bean field. We will enter the quarry from the top and examine the Pleistocene paleosols first. After an explanation of stratigraphic relationships of Lower Mississippian 58 Mississippian is shown in Fig. 4, but it is not strictly followed. to lie on Devonian strata in NW Iowa. In SE Iowa, this cycle is characterized by the cherty carbonate middle shelf deposits of the Wassonville-Starrs Cave formations, whereas in east-central and northern Iowa it is The Kinderhookian carbonate rocks between the Prospect Hill and Gilmore City Figure 1. Large-scale marine epicontinental facies groupings of Witzke and Bunker (1996). formations were originally named the Hampton Formation, which included in ascending order, the Chapin (limestone), Maynes Creek (dolomite), Eagle City (limestone), and Iowa Falls (dolomite) members (Van Tuyl, 1925; Laudon, 1931). The term Hampton has been discontinued (Harris, 1947; Woodson and Bunker, 1989; Witzke et al., 2001), but the member names are still in use. They are now applied to stratigraphic intervals that differ from their original designations, as described below. represented by thicker carbonate inner shelf deposits of the Chapin, Maynes Creek, and Eagle City units, the focus of our field trip. A schematic cross-section of the entire Mississippian section in Iowa (Fig. 3) by Witzke and Bunker (2001) shows their interpretation and correlation of inner-shelf and middle-shelf facies from NW to SE Iowa. The stratigraphic nomenclature applied to the Kinderhookian strata in central and northern Iowa is somewhat confusing, with various groups adopting different naming practices. This confusion resulted from type sections defined at localities where the lower or upper contacts were obscured or missing, difficulty in correlating dolomites, and a lack of subsurface data which led to the correlation of similar lithologies from different depositional cycles (Woodson and Bunker, 1989). The Iowa Geological Survey Bureau’s current stratigraphic column for the The Chapin type section of fossiliferous crinoidal to oolitic limestone in Franklin County (Van Tuyl, 1925; Laudon, 1931) may not be at the same stratigraphic interval as the oolitic limestone referred to as the Chapin in the LeGrand area (Woodson and Bunker, 1989). However, in common usage, the term Chapin is used to refer to the thick oolitic limestone in the LeGrand/Montour area. This unit is 57 recommendation that the Maynes Creek formation be expanded to include the entire stratigraphic interval between the Prospect Hill and Gilmore City formations. This recommendation was made after Burggraf (1981) concluded that the Maynes Creek type section occupies a higher stratigraphic position than originally proposed. The Iowa Dept. of Transportation (Iowa DOT) views the Maynes Creek type section as cherty Iowa Falls dolomite, and they define the Maynes Creek as the cherty dolomite between the Chapin oolite and the Eagle City limestone/dolomite (B. D. Gossman and M. R. Dawson, pers. comm., 2005). considered correlative with the skeletal to oolitic grainstone Starrs Cave Formation of southeast Iowa (Lawler, 1981; Glenister, 1987, Witzke and Bunker, 1996). The Maynes Creek type section in Franklin County was defined as the cherty dolomite above the Prospect Hill siltstone and Chapin oolite and below the Eagle City limestones (Van Tuyl, 1935; Laudon, 1931). In their bedrock geology map of northcentral Iowa, Witzke et al. (2001) locally include the Chapin and Eagle City as members of the Maynes Creek Formation, following Woodson and Bunker’s (1989) The Eagle City type area is in Hardin County and includes fossiliferous oolitic limestones and dolomites (Van Tuyl, 1925; Laudon, 1931). These early workers described a lithographic limestone and fossiliferous oolitic limestone in the upper Eagle City at Iowa Falls. Woodson and Bunker (1989) put the contact between their expanded Maynes Creek and Gilmore City formations between the lithographic unit and the fossiliferous oolitic bed. However, the Iowa DOT considers these limestones the “Weldon Ledge” and assigns them as the basal unit of the Gilmore City Formation (B. D. Gossman and M. R. Dawson, pers. comm., 2005). Other workers have grouped the Eagle City beds with either the Maynes Creek Formation (Witzke et al., 2001) or in an informal stratigraphic grouping with the Gilmore City Formation where regional stratigraphic relationships are uncertain (Witzke et al., 2003). Dolomite overlying the Eagle City beds was originally defined as the Iowa Falls dolomite by Van Tuyl (1925). The type section in the Iowa River gorge in the Figure 2. Mississippian relative sea-level curve for city of Iowa Falls is now recognized as a southeast Iowa (Witzke et al., 1990; Witzke and Bunker, dolomitized lateral facies of limestones of 1996) (from Witzke and Bunker, 1996). 58 Figure 3. Schematic northwest-southeast stratigraphic cross section of Mississippian strata across Iowa, spanning inner-shelf and middle shelf facies tracts (from Witzke and Bunker, 2001). the Gilmore City Formation (Thomas, 1960; Woodson and Bunker, 1989). Consequently, the Iowa Falls dolomite was included as a member of the Gilmore City Formation by Witzke et al. (2001). The Iowa DOT uses the term Iowa Falls to refer to locally cherty, soft dolomites that occur in the stratigraphic interval above the Eagle City limestones/dolomites and below the lithographic and oolitic limestones of their “Weldon Ledge” (B. D. Gossman and M. R. Dawson, pers. comm., 2005). Keokuk Formation Bentonsport Member Montrose Chert Member Burlington Formation Cedar Fork Member Haight Creek Member Dolbee Creek Member Sub-Augusta Group Gilmore City Formation Humboldt Oolite Alden Limestone Iowa Falls Dolomite Maynes Creek Formation Eagle City Member Wassonville Member North Hill Group Chapin Formation Starrs Cave Formation Prospect Hill Formation McCraney Formation MISSISSIPPIAN (subsystem of Carboniferous System) Pella (Ste. Genevieve) Formation St. Louis Formation Waugh Member Verdi Member Yenruogis Sandstone Croton Member Spergen Formation Augusta Group Warsaw Formation Figure 4. The Iowa Geological Survey’s stratigraphic column for the Mississippian in Iowa. http://www.igsb.uiowa.edu/gsbpubs/ Stratigraphy/iastratcolum2.asp 59 Bed # Thickness EAGLE CITY 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12-8 7-6 5-4 3-1 Dolomite; reddish brown, fine to 0’-2.0’ medium grained. Limestone; light gray to white, 1.7’-2.0’ oolitic, variable in thickness. Limestone; light gray, medium to 1.3’-1.5’ coarse grained, crinoidal, as one or two beds. Dolomite; calcareous, gray-brown, 3.7’ dense, may become limestone in some areas, a .9’ silty greenish-gray bed at top, rip-up clasts. Dolomite; brown to gray-brown, fine 2.2’-2.5’ to medium grained, alternates from soft and powdery to hard and laminated with occasional calcite nests, banded with iron oxide staining throughout. Dolomite; brown to gray-brown, fine 3.0-3.9’ to medium grained, top 2.4’ breaks into irregular beds and may grade to limestone, dense gray bed in middle, chert band at base. Dolomite; brown to light gray-brown, 4.5’ fine to medium grained, .8’ light gray crinoidal limestone near middle of bed, occasional chert near top. Dolomite and limestone; light gray to 3.0’-3.9’ brown, fine to medium grained, crinoidal lenses near base, may grade to limestone in top 1.2’. MAYNES CREEK Dolomite; brown, gray-brown color ±24.0’ banding in some areas, fine to medium grained, scattered gray chert bands throughout but most abundant in lower half, ripple marks at upper ledge. CHAPIN Limestone, gray to white oolite, 3.5’ flaggy-bedded, coarsely oolitic, many brachiopods throughout. Limestone; gray to white oolite, 4.5’ massive, may have two thin beds at top, many brachiopods throughout. Limestone, gray to white oolite, 7.5’ coarsely oolitic, as 3 beds, many brachiopods throughout. Figure 5. The Iowa Dept. of Transportation’s stratigraphic column for Montour Quarry (modified from Gossman, 1985). 60 but that the ooids formed on migratory shoals and were dispersed in large non-crossbedded sheets. The correlative Starrs Cave Formation in southeastern Iowa contains cross-bedded oolitic sands and is more representative of an ooid factory area (Lawler, 1981). Whether or not the Chapin ooids originated in southeast Iowa, it is clear that they do not have local origins. STRATIGRAPHY AT MONTOUR QUARRY For the purposes of this field trip, we will use the Iowa DOT designations for the Mississippian units ledged and quarried at Montour (Figs. 5 and 6). Lawler (1981) noted a hardground approximately in the middle of the Chapin section in both Montour and LeGrand Quarries (Fig. 7), and found evidence that the contact between the Chapin and the Maynes Creek dolomite is another probable hardground. The contact is an abrupt, styolitic and bored surface, and ooids are truncated along the walls of vertical borings where Maynes Creek sediments infilled Chapin sediments (Fig. 8). Figure 6. Annotated photo of Montour Quarry wall with the Iowa Dept. of Transportation's stratigraphic divisions. Prospect Hill The basal Mississippian Prospect Hill formation is a dolomitic siltstone here (Glenister, 1987) and is not quarried. The Chapin oolite is ledged at Montour Quarry because it is an excellent source of concrete aggregate. It has a 3i Portland cement concrete durability class rating from the Iowa DOT, making it suitable for use in interstate construction (B. D. Gossman and M. R. Dawson, pers. comm., 2005). Dimension stone cut from the Chapin in the 1990’s was used to restore the old state historical building in Des Moines. Maynes Creek Dolomite The Maynes Creek dolomite is really more of a dolomitic limestone as chemical analyses show only a small percentage of MgO (B. D. Gossman and M. R. Dawson, pers. comm., 2005). This unit was originally deposited as shallow marine to supratidal carbonate muds (Glenister, 1987). Few fossils occur, which has been attributed to original impoverishment and the effects of dolomitization (Glenister, 1987), although dolomitization is relatively minor. Abundant Chapin Oolite The Chapin oolite at Montour is a thick bedded, fossiliferous (mainly brachiopods), oolitic grainstone (Lawler, 1981). The well-sorted bimodal texture in the ooids and a general fining upward sequence (Fig. 7), suggested to Lawler (1981) that this was not an ooid factory area, 61 Because of the abundant chert horizons, the Maynes Creek unit is not approved for use as concrete aggregate by the Iowa DOT, but is approved for use as asphalt aggregate, rip-rap, granular base and surfacing, and other aggregate products (B. D. Gossman and M. R. Dawson, pers. comm., 2005). Eagle City Dolomite The Eagle City dolomite is more of a dolomitic limestone, averaging a 25% dolomite component (B. D. Gossman and M. R. Dawson, pers. comm., 2005). Limestone beds include a crinoidal limestone near the base and an oolitic limestone near the top of the section. Dolomitized crinoidal deposits are often storm-derived hash beds. Other storm deposits include a bed with intraformational rip-up clasts about two-thirds of the way up from the base of the section (Fig. 11). Well-preserved silicified brachiopods Figure 7. Stratigraphic column of the Chapin oolite showing the are abundant in the upper part of the bimodal size distribution of ooids and fining upward trend. The section. See Glenister (1987) for arrow denotes the location of a hardground (from Lawler, 1981). illustrations of the macrofossils found in both the Chapin and Eagle chert horizons are present. A shallowing City sections. upward sequence is indicated, capped off by ripple marks in the top of the Maynes Creek ledge (Fig. 9). This area around LeGrand is perhaps best known for the spectacular fossils that have been recovered from Lower Mississippian beds. Just north of LeGrand, a world-famous nest of fully articulated crinoids was discovered in 1933 (Laudon and Beane, 1937) in a quarry that now serves as the headquarters for Cessford Construction. The crinoids came from a bed just above the Maynes Creek – Eagle City contact (as defined by the Iowa DOT). This same bed also contains crinoids at Montour, but no fossils of this quality have been found in the area since the last great find in the 1930’s. Native Americans from paleo times to European contact used Maynes Creek chert to make stone implements, likely quarrying the chert at exposures that crop out near the Iowa River from Franklin County southeast to Tama County (Morrow, 1982). Artifacts made from Maynes Creek chert (Fig. 10) have been found over the entire upper Midwest, indicating it was widely traded. 62 Montour has a 3i Portland cement concrete durability class rating from the Iowa DOT, and is ledged wherever it remains thick enough to economically remove it (B. D. Gossman and M. R. Dawson, pers. comm., 2005). Pleistocene Deposits Montour Quarry offers excellent exposures of the Pleistocene stratigraphy in east-central Iowa (Figs. 12 and 13). Most studies of Iowa Figure 8. Photomicrograph of the contact between the Chapin oolite Pleistocene stratigraphy are conducted and Maynes Creek dolomite in a vertical boring where Maynes Creek using cores from bore-holes because of has infilled into the Chapin. Note the truncation of oolite grains. Up the lack of natural exposure of these is to the left, bar scale = 1 mm (from Lawler, 1981). strata and rapid erosion when they are exposed. Stripping of overburden at quarries offers a unique and relatively rare As you look around the quarry, note perspective. The exposure at Wendling’s the undulatory erosional surface through the Montour Quarry tells a story of how glacial Eagle City beds. Glacial striations are visible and interglacial periods affect sediment on this erosional surface where the deposition, soil formation, erosion, and overburden has been removed. While the burial. upper contact of the Eagle City has been removed at Montour Quarry, it is preserved After parking on 290th Street, walk just a few miles away at LeGrand Quarry down the slope (along the east edge of the where the overlying Iowa Falls dolomite is bean field) towards the quarry. Once you present in places (B. D. Gossman and M. R. have descended into the quarry you will be Dawson, pers. comm., 2005). walking on Eagle City dolomite. Examine the upper surface for Pre-Illinoian striations. These striations were formed when rocks entrained in basal ice were dragged across the bedrock surface, and can be used to interpret local ice-flow direction. Because of erosion in the intervening time between Pre-Illinoian glaciations and the present, striations of this age can only be observed in settings where overburden has preserved them. The Eagle City dolomitic limestone at Figure 9. Ripple marks at the top of the Maynes Creek ledge. 63 Directly overlying the striated Mississippian bedrock is approximately 30 feet of Pre-Illinoian till (labeled 5 in Figs. 12 and 13). In Iowa, Pre-Illinoian tills range in age from at least 1.6 Ma up to the onset of Alburnett Formations on the basis of clay content and type. Work by Hallberg (1980) has shown that the Wolf Creek Formation is dominated by expanding clays with minor amounts of kaolinite and illite. The Wolf Creek Formation is divided into three separate till units based upon lithology and associated paleosols. The type section for the Wolf Creek is located in northwest Tama County within 20 miles of the Montour Quarry. The Pre-Illinoian till here is most likely the Hickory Hills Member of the Wolf Creek Formation, the upper-most till of the eastern Iowa Pre-Illinoian succession. Figure 10. Examples of points made from Maynes Creek chert. The Table Rock point (left) was found in Dallas County, IA and is 3000-5000 years old. The Scottsbluff point was made in 2000 by Professor John Whittaker of Grinnell College. the interglacial preceding Illinoian glaciation, pre-250 ka (Hallberg and Boellstorff, 1978). Till of this age is extremely difficult to date given that it is radiocarbon “dead” (>80 ka). Figure 12. Annotated photograph of the Pleistocene section along the northwest wall of Montour Quarry. 1 = modern Fayette and Downs soils; 2 = interbedded late Wisconsinan loess and sand; 3 = late Sangamon paleosol; 4 = Yarmouth-Sangamon paleosol; 5 = pre-Illinoian till. At least four tills of Pre-Illinoian age are generally recognized in Iowa although there are likely many more (Hallberg, 1980). These are split into the Wolf Creek and Examination of the Pre-Illinoian till at Montour Quarry reveals a largely finegrained diamicton. Clay and silt predominate with pebble to boulder size particles present randomly throughout the till. Clast composition within the Wolf Creek is often bimodal. Locally derived carbonate clasts can sometimes be found near the base of the till and reflect erosion of Paleozoic bedrock in the immediate area of the quarry. Fartraveled clasts of igneous/metamorphic rocks are also present and indicate a northern source area. Many of the crystalline clasts show extreme weathering and have decayed Figure 11. Rip-up clasts near the top of the Eagle City dolomite. 64 1A A horizon of Fayette-Downs soils; eroded in some areas. 1B Bt horizon of Fayette-Downs soils; Significant accumulation of clay, angular, blocky structure. 1C BC horizon of Fayette-Downs soils; transition between parent material and mature soil. 2A Fine to coarse sand; oxidized sand bodies, fairly continuous with occasional cross bedding. 2B Interbedded loess and sand; oxidatized loess and sand, convoluted interbeds, some clay present. 3 Late Sangamon Paleosol-Pisgah Loess; highly developed argillic horizon in LSP, Pisgah loess occasionally present in some locations, preserved wood fragments. 4 Yarmouth-Sangamon Paleosol; extremely well developed argillic horizon, stone line near upper boundary, sharp erosional contact with overlying LSP. 5 Wolf Creek Formation; Pre-Illinoian till, argillic horizon near top, far traveled clasts in upper, locally derived clasts in lower. Figure 13. Figure 13. Pleistocene stratigraphic section from the northwest wall of Montour Quarry. 65 Soil formation resumed during the Sangamon Interglacial after the Illinoian and before the Wisconsinan glaciations. During this time the Late Sangamon Paleosol (LSP) was developed atop the YSP (bed 3 in Figs. 12 and 13). Here, the LSP is three feet thick and is easily visible as it is often inset into the outcrop face with the YSP protruding below and Wisconsinan Loess extending above it. At some locations within the quarry it is possible to see the LSP extending down into eroded areas of the YSP and cutting across YSP structures. Figure 14. Boulder-sized erratic weathered to grus in pre-Illinoian Wolf Creek Formation. On the west wall of the quarry the LSP is overlain by sediments of late to grus as a result of hundreds of thousands of years of groundwater action (Fig. 14). Grading into the Pre-Illinoian till from above is approximately five feet of Yarmouth-Sangamon Paleosol (YSP) (unit 4 in Figs. 12 and 13). In Iowa, the YSP is widespread in areas not affected directly by ice during the Illinoian glaciation. This soil began to form during the Yarmouth interglacial following Pre-Illinoian glaciation and preceding Illinoian glaciation. In Tama County, the Yarmouth interglacial lasted at least 200 ka and resulted in a soil profile with a strongly developed Bt horizon containing up to 56% clay (J. Sandor, pers. comm., 2005). The lower contact between the YSP and the Pre-Illinoian till is gradational since the till is the parent material for the YSP. Note the stone line near the top of the YSP (Fig. 15). This stone lag is present throughout the Iowan surface (Prior, 1976) and represent erosion of the YSP during the Illinoian time. Unlike the lower contact, the upper contact of the YSP (Fig. 16) is extremely sharp (less than ½”) and is marked by a thin zone of Fe oxides and organic matter. The contact is immediately above the stone lag. Figure 15. Stone lag indicating erosion surface between YarmouthSangamon paleosol (YSP) and late Sangamon paleosol (LSP). Figure 16. Sharp contact between Yarmouth-Sangamon paleosol (below) and late Sangamon paleosol (above). 66 deposits in order to observe their often beautiful interbedded patterns (Fig. 17). In some locations the relationship between the loess and the sand suggests that soft sediment deformation occurred (Fig. 17, lower left of trowel). These forms are often referred to as “load casts” or “flame structures” and indicate downslope mass wasting of the interbedded material while still soft. Often a thick (12”-18”) sand body is present at the top of the aeolian deposits at this site and may represent localized fluvial activity. In some areas of the quarry a thin layer of earlier Wisconsinan loess (Pisgah) is present between the LSP and the late Wisconsinan aeolian deposits. Wood in this loess was dated by George Hallberg in 1978 to 24,500 ± 820 Y.B.P (unpublished data). To view this loess you will likely have to make a short excursion to the southern end of the current exposure area within the stripped overburden area. Figure 17. Interbedded late Wisconsinan loess and sand. Wisconsinan in age that are interpreted to be aeolian (bed 2 in Figs. 12 and 13). These sediments were likely produced by adiabatic winds that made dunes of loess and sand derived from the Iowa River just south of the quarry. At this outcrop the sand is often cross bedded and is coarser than would commonly be expected of aeolian deposits, possibly due to proximity of the river source. During the late Wisconsinan, the Iowa River would have been a braided outwash stream overloaded with sediment. Use a trowel or paint scraper to make a clean cut of these Topping the exposure are modern soils from Fayette to Downs. These soils often have strongly developed argillic horizons and mirror in many ways the paleosols beneath them. Examine the Bt horizon of the modern soils to see the blocky, angular structure common when clay accumulation is present. As with many Iowa soils, the A horizon has been largely removed by erosion. The parent material (C horizon) for the modern soil is the interbedded late Wisconsinan loess and sand. The contact between the two (Fig. 18) is gradational and in some areas the modern Bt/BC horizon can be seen grading into sand. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Figure 18. Contact between modern Bt/BC horizon (above) and sandy late Wisconsinan aeolian parent material. 67 We are grateful to Marc Whitman of Wendling, Inc. for providing access to Montour Quarry. Numerous discussions with Brian Gossman and Robert Dawson of the Iowa DOT improved our understanding of the Mississippian nomenclature problems in Iowa. Laudon, L. R., and Beane, B. H., 1937, The crinoid fauna of the Hampton Formation at LeGrand, Iowa, University of Iowa Studies in Natural History, 17, 225-273. REFERENCES Lawler, S. K., 1981, Stratigraphy and petrology of the Mississippian (Kinderhookian) Chapin Limestone of Iowa [M.S. thesis]: Iowa City, Iowa, University of Iowa, 118 p. Burggraf, G. K., 1981, Clarification of the stratigraphic position of the Maynes Creek Member of the Hampton formation (Mississippian): Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 13, 273. Morrow, T. A., 1982, Maynes Creek Chert: A common lithic material from central Iowa, Office of the State Archaeologist Research Papers, Iowa City, Iowa, 7(2) 306-319. Glenister, B.F. 1987. Mississippian carbonates of the Le Grand area: ancient analogs of the Bahama Banks, Geological Society of Iowa, Guidebook 47. Prior, J. C. 1976. A regional guide to Iowa landforms: Iowa Geological Survey Education Series 3. Gossman, B.D., 1985. Stratigraphic column for Montour Quarry, NW ¼ Sec 9 T83 R16W Tama County, Iowa Dept. of Transportation. Thomas, L. A., 1960, Guidebook for the 24th Annual Tri-State Geological Field Conference, North-Central Iowa, 28 p. Hallberg, G.R. 1980. Pleistocene Stratigraphy in East-Central Iowa: Iowa Geological Survey Technical Communication Series, no. 10. Van Tuyl, F.M. 1925. The stratigraphy of the Mississippian formations of Iowa, Iowa Geological Survey, Annual Report, 30, 33-359. Hallberg, G.R., and Boellstorff, J.D., 1978, Stratigraphic “confusion” in the region of the type areas of Kansan and Nebraskan deposits: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 10(6), 255. Witzke, B. J., 1990, Paleoclimate constraints for Palaeozoic paleolatitudes of Laurentia and Euramerica, In McKerrow, W.S. and Scotese, C.R., eds., Palaeozoic palaeogeography and biogeography: Geological Society of London Memoir 12, 57-73. Harris, S.E. 1947. Subsurface stratigraphy of the Kinderhook and Osage Series in southeastern Iowa, [Ph.D. thesis]: Iowa City, Iowa, University of Iowa, 155 p. Witzke, B. J. and Bunker, B. J., 1996, Relative sea-level changes during Middle Ordovician through Mississippian deposition in the Iowa area, North American craton, in Witzke, B. J., Ludvigson, G. A., and Day. J., eds., Paleozoic Sequence Stratigraphy: Views from the North American Craton: Laudon, L. R., 1931, The stratigraphy of the Kinderhook Series of Iowa, Iowa Geological Survey, Annual Report, 35, 333-451. 68 geologic map of Iowa, Phase 6: EastCentral Iowa, Scale 1:250,000, Iowa Geological Survey Open File Map 03-2. Boulder, Colorado, Geological Society of America Special Paper 306, 307-330. Witzke, B. J. and Bunker, B. J., 2001, Comments on the Mississippian Stratigraphic Succession in Iowa, in Heckel, P.H., ed., Stratigraphy and Biostratigraphy of the Mississippian Subsystem (Carboniferous System) in its Type Region, the Mississippi River Valley of Illinois, Missouri, and Iowa, International Union of Geological Sciences Subcommission on Carboniferous Stratigraphy Guidebook for Field Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, 63-75. Witzke, B. J., Anderson, R. R., Bunker, B. J., Ludvigson, G. A., and Greeney, S., 2001, Bedrock geology of north-central Iowa, Digital geologic map of Iowa, Phase 3: North-Central Iowa, scale 1:250,000, Iowa Geological Survey Open File Map 01-3. Woodson, F. J. and Bunker, B. J., 1989, Lithostratigraphic framework of Kinderhookian and Early Osagean (Mississippian) strata, north-central Iowa in Woodson, F. J., 1989, An excursion to the historic Gilmore City quarries, Geological Society of Iowa, Guidebook 50, 3-17. Witzke, B. J., Anderson, R. R., Bunker, B. J., and Ludvigson, G. A., 2003, Bedrock geology of east-central Iowa, Digital 69 Appendix A: Maps 70 Location map of field trip Stops 1 to 5 71 Location map of field trip Stop 6 72 Appendix B: 2005 Tri-State Road Log # 1 2 3 Mile 0.0 0.1 0.2 4 1.6 5 4.1 6 7 4.2 4.8 8 5.2 9 5.5 Location Start east of Scheman building Turn left onto Center Dr. Turn right onto Elwood (going south). Stop # Note Upon entering Hwy 30 and going east, note the Hunziker Sports Complex on the right (south) in the floodplain of the South Skunk River. Two city wells here account for about 20 percent of Ames' drinking water. There is a USGS gauging station on the north side of the road. Turn left to enter ramp for Hwy 30 (going east). Upon entering Hwy 30, note sports Complex on the right (south) and its 2 city wells. Exit Hwy 30 and turn north onto overpass (going north). Turn left onto 16th Ave. (going east). Turn left onto S. Dayton Ave. (going north). Stop at sign for Shady Grove Trailer Park and turn right (going east) Follow road to the end and turn left Stop 1: Whatoff's Pit 10 5.7 Return to Shady Grove sign on Dayton and turn right (going north) 11 7.2 Turn left onto 13th St. (going west). 12 8.7 Turn left on Duff (going south) After descending into the South Skunk River floodplain, note River Valley Park on the right. This is the home of the lowhead dam that will be discussed at Stop 2. This is the main part of the Downtown well field. All wells in this area are finished below ground surface and draw water from the buried channel aquifer. 13 9.1 Turn right on 7th St. (going west). 14 9.6 Turn right onto Grand Ave. (going north) 15 11.5 Turn left onto Bloomington Rd. (going west). 73 The Skunk River floodplain is to the right. We are now within the watershed for Ada Hayden Heritage Park. 16 12.4 Turn right on Eisenhower by Stonebrook church (going north) 17 12.9 Park on Harrison St. – walk to parking lot in Ada Hayden Heritage Park. Now entering the Bloomington Heights subdivision. Stormwater from this area discharges into the treatment wetlands prior to entering the South lake. Stop 2: Ada Hayden Park/Lake . 18 13.8 19 14.6 20 15.7 21 16.0 22 16.2 23 22.8 Return to Bloomington Rd. (going south on Eisenhower ) and turn left (going east) Turn left on Grand Ave./US 69 (going north). Turn left into the entrance of the park. Stop at parking lot north of lake (restrooms nearby). Exit the park to Grand Ave. (US Hwy 69) and turn left (going north). Turn left onto E18 (also called Hwy 221 or 130th St., going west). 24 31.8 Turn right onto 17 (going north). 25 38.7 Turn left onto Hwy 175 (also called 360th St., going west). 26 45.1 27 52.5 28 59.2 29 61.2 30 31 61.5 62.4 Turn right onto R21 (east of Stratford, also called Stagecoach Rd., going north). Turn left on D46 (also called 290th St., initially going west, passing Brushy Creek State preserve), follow road curving down south into Des Moines River valley and crossing bridge. Turn right (directly after bridge) onto (old) Hwy 50 (town of Lehigh) going west. snack stop This intersection is very near the crest of the Altamont Moraine (see Stop 4). Note hummocky topography of the Altamont Moraine. possible pitstop to the right before bridge (Riverside tavern) Convenience store on the right, directly after the bridge Turn right onto D33 (also called Quall St., going north). Entrance to Dolliver State Park. Park here for Dolliver tour. Lunch stop with benches to Stop 3: the left about 1 mile after Dolliver State Park the official entrance Note: a tour inside the Park follows (9 pages) after which the road log continues 74 Parking lot is on alluvium covered bench over bedrock. Trail to Copperas Beds is along Prairie Creek. Start of trail is on a dissected alluvial fan of Prairie Creek when it flowed at the level of the parking lot terrace. Dolliver Memorial State Park tour (Park entrance – Miles counted from here) This is an area of about 600 acres located on the Des Moines River and is a memorial to Jonathan P. Dolliver; orator, statesman, and conservationists. Mr. Dolliver served in the US House of Representatives from 1899 – 1900 and the US Senate from 1900 – 1910. He formerly practiced law in nearby Fort Dodge. Stop 3A – Copperas Beds, Dolliver Park (SW ¼, SE ¼, SE ¼, Sec. 34, T88N, R28W; and NW ¼, NE ¼, Sec. 3, T87N, R28W). From the north end of the parking lot, follow the trail to the west along Prairie Creek to the wooden foot bridge crossing the creek. (At this point, a short introduction will be given.) Of interest in the park are the deep ravines with massive cliffs of Pennsylvanian sandstone and wooded ridges and valleys covered with almost every variety of tree, shrub, wild flower and fern native to central Iowa. The Pennsylvanian strata of central Iowa are very poorly exposed. There are, however, a few outcrops of the Lower Des Moinesian Cherokee Group exposed along the Des Moines River. One of these is in Dolliver Park. The exposures here and in the near vicinity were studied by Burggraf, White and Lindsay in 1981 and delineated into six lithofacies representing subenvironments of fluvially-dominated, high constructive deltaic systems. The best exposed is the lenticular fine to medium grained, cross-stratified sandstone facies which was interpreted to represent distributary channel deposits. We will examine and discuss 3 outcrops of this facies in Dolliver Park. These sand bodies correspond to the channels labeled #4 in figure 8 of the attached article entitled “Introduction and Regional Geology” by Lemish, Chamberlain and Mason (1981). The following comments, descriptions and illustrations of outcrops are taken verbatim from the road log published by Burggraf, White, Palmquist and Lemish (1981). Proceed south, along the eastern bank of Prairie Creek, to view the sandstone outcrop comprising the Copperas Beds. The section (figure 2) includes a series of thin to very thick beds of very fine to conglomeratic sandstones with abundant carbonized, and in some cases permineralized, branches and leaves. Fragmented carbonized and/or pyritized woody material is very common in the lower, coarser-grained deposits which also include abundant subangular to wellrounded discoidal rip-up clasts of fine sandy siltstone. These are usually armored by a 1/8 to 1/4 inch (3-6 mm) thick rind of iron oxide minerals which causes the clasts to stand out from the outcrop face and often to pluck out as a single piece leaving only a partial mold behind. The clasts are rarely imbricated and usually very poorly sorted. They occur in thick lenses or wedges with sharp basal surfaces and sharp to gradational upper contacts; in many cases these bodies are interpreted to represent the cores of channel bars with laterally gradational and interfingering deposits of cross-stratified fine- to medium-grained bar-side sands. The strata of the Copperas Beds represent several cycles of aggradation within a channel and include vertically stacked and interfingering bar forms and overbank fine-grained carbonaceous sand and silt. Of special interest at this locality is the occurrence of Mile 1.2 Turn left (west into picnic grounds at Copperas Beds. Park in lot at end of road. 75 Figure 1. Field trip stops, Dolliver Park. sulfate efflorescences along the outcrop face. These were originally identified as ferrous sulfate, or copperas, from which the beds derive their name. Later, analyses by the Iowa Geological Survey identified the hydrated ferrous sulfate melanterite 76 grained, is interpreted to represent delta front sedimentation. The lenticular sand bodies, horizontally bedded and cross-stratified to ripple-bedded are believed to represent a crevasse channel while the thin-sheet sandstone represents a crevasse splay. Overlying the delta front interval is a thick sand sequence, the lower half of which is well exposed in the lower part of the cliff. Notice the sharply erosional basal contact with abundant rip-up clasts and carbonaceous debris, the lenticular body geometry with thinning to the north, and the abundant primary structures exposed in the cliff face. This locality includes abundant large-scale planar cross-bed sets to greater than 2 feet (0.6 m) thick which typically thicken in a down stream direction. Each set includes an erosional bse and is overlain either by shallowly dipping stoss-side cross-strata. Throughout Dolliver Park cross-beds are overwhelmingly directed to the southwest with a maximum of readings (143 or 249 or 57%) trending between S30°W and S70°W. Individual beds commonly exhibit normal grading on outcrops which are strongly ironstained but poorly indurated. To the north, a wooden footbridge crosses the creek. If the creek level is low enough, walk across the bridge and along the outcrop to observe details of bedding. (FeSO4·7H2O). More recent work by Cody and Biggs (1973) of Iowa State University has shown that the efflorescences, consisting of a layer (3/4 inch thick) of white, fibrous crystals intermixed with equant very finegrained crystals, include at least 3 mineral species: halo-rozenite (FeAL2(SO4)4·22 H2O), szomolnokite (FeSO4·H2O), and rozenite (FeSO4·4H2O). All are readily soluble in water and during heavy rainstorms may be completely cleared from the outcrop face. Subsequent periods of low to moderate humidity result in renewed precipitation of the sulfate rind. Return to the bus. 1.8 Ford Prairie Creek 2.0 Outcrop of channel sandstone to left (north); notice large concretion with mammalary morphology. 2.1 Stop 3B – Copperas Beds, Dolliver Park (SW ¼, NE ¼, SW ¼, Sec. 35, T88N, R28W). From the bus, cross the sand and proceed east-ward to the outcrop exposed along the east side of Prairie Creek. Stop before crossing the creek. Return to the bus. This exposure (Fig. 3) provides an opportunity to see deposits of the distributary channel and floodbasin depositional environments. At the very base are arenaceous siltstone and laminated silty claystones with small lentils of very finegrained sandstone and thin sheet sandstone. This interval, carbon-rich and very fine- 2.3 Oxbow lke to right. 2.8 Structural terrace to left with camp ground. (text continues after Fig. 2) 77 (5Y6/4); fine-grained; quartz with silt galls, micaceous, clay mineral cement; basal contact sharp, soured; moderately friable; up to 18 ft. Unit Description J. Sandstone, silty; grayish orange (10YR7/4); very fine grained; indistinct bedding; very friable, 7 ft. I. Claystone, silty; light gray (N6); laminated; friable, 2 ft. H. Sandstone’ similar to unit occasional claystone band; 5 ft. G. Alternating sandstone and claystone’ similar to unit E; 6 ft. F. Sandstone, same as unit D; 5 ft. B. Conglomerate, intraformational; dark reddish brown (10R3/4) to light brown (5YR5/6); very poorly sorted, pebble to boulder size, moderate sphericity and roundness, quartz and siltstone clasts cemented by ferroan dolomite; basal contact sharp and erosional; thin-bedded with slight imbrication; very well indurated, cliff former; up to 20 ft. A. Conglomerate – sandstone: cgl; quartz pebble and sandstone clasts; very dusky red (10R2/2) to moderate reddish brown (10R4/6); pebbles well rounded, poorly sorted; basal contact not exposed; thin bedded; very well indurated with dolomitic cement; sandstone’ light brown (5YR5/6); quartzose; fine grained; small scale crossbedding; friable to moderately indurated; unit up to 10 ft. C; E. Sandstone – siltstone’ sandstone’ same as unit D; siltstone; argillaceous and carbonaceous with clay galls; friable’ 8 ft. D. Sandstone, similar to unit C; some carbonaceous debris; horizontal laminations to trough crossbedding; lensatic, cobble-clast band at top; 10 ft. C. Sandstone, subarkose with thin claystone beds; dusky yellow 78 Figure 2. Graphic Section of Dolliver Park – Copperas Beds. 79 Approximately 15 feed (4.5 m) above the creek level at outcrops B and C deformed cross-strata are exposed. These deformation features are discussed earlier in the text (figure 15) and have been referred to as intraformational recumbent folding (Reineck and Singh, 1975) or recumbent-folded deformed crossbedding (Allen and Banks, 1972). The over-turning of the foreset laminae and other soft sediment deformation features suggests a saturated condition for the sand beds shortly after deposition and may reflect seismic activity which triggered the deformation. Continue along the creek noting the abundant cross-stratification, both undeformed and deformed. Leave the creek bed, climb out along the north side of the valley to a picnic area and the bus. 3.4 Stop 3C – Boneyard Hollow, Dolliver Park (Park; NW ¼, NW ¼, NE ¼, Sec. 35, T88N, R28W). From the bus proceed across the road along the north bank of the creek draining Boneyard Hollow (figure 4). Looking to the south-southwest, notice the sandstone outcrop which comprises the south bank of the drainage way. This distributary channel sand overlies light gray mudstone which is poorly exposed at the cliff base. Notice also the recent rock fall and the abundance of cross-stratification marked by iron-oxide stained foreset laminae. The sandstone/mudstone contact, though indistinctly exposed, is marked by springs which drain the overlying permeable sands. Continuing to the northwest along the trail, cross the creek and observe the vertical cliff faces exposed adjacent to the creek. (Figs. 3 and 4 follow): 80 Figure 3. Graphic section of Dolliver Park. sand; same colors as unit B; carbonaceous and micaceous; clasts up to 6 in dia.; sandstone clast conglomerate in upper portion; indistinct bedding; moderately friable; 20 ft. Unit Description I. Sandstone-siltstone repetitions; sandstones, calcareously cemented; similar to unit D below; 23 ft. H. Siltstone; sandy at base but very poorly exposed; covered slope; 36 ft. G. Sandstone, subarkose, similar to unit E; 9 ft. F. Alternating layers of sandstone and siltstone-claystone; as in Unit D; 9 ft. E. Sandstone’ same colors as unit B; fine-grained; indistinct bedding with scour surface and clay galls in lower portion; basal contact sharp; friable; 16 ft. D. Sandstone-siltstone; sandstone, carbonaceous with wood fragments; yellowish gray (5Y7/2), fine-grained, horizontal lamination; friable; 4 ft. thick; siltstone, argillaceous to arenaceous and carbonaceous; grayish orange (10YR7/4), to light gray (N7); laminated; friable; 1.5 ft. thick; total thickness 5.5 ft. C. Sandstone, abundant claystone bands and rip-up clasts of silt and 81 B. Sandstone; subarkose; dark yellowish orange (10YR6/6), weathers moderate brown (5YR4/4); fine-grained, moderate sphericity and roundness, well sorted; quartzose with minor feldspar, siltstone rip-up clasts at base; basal contact sharp, irregular with isolated coaly pods; small to large scale trough and planar crossbedding in sets to 2.5 ft. thick; well indurated, cliff former; thins laterally; 22 ft. A. Siltstone-sandstone’ siltstone, argillaceous and carbonaceous; medium dark gray (N4) to grayish orange (10YR7/4) at the top; thickly laminated to laminated; friable; sandstone; moderate yellowish brown (10R5/4) to moderate brown (5YR5/5); very fine-grained, well sorted; basal contacts sharp; lenticular; faint cross-bedding, ripple marks on upper surfaces; moderate to well indurated; lenses to 3 ft. thick; basal contact of unit A not exposed; up to 12 ft. 82 Figure 4. Generalized graphic section of Boneyard Hollow. Unit Description B. Sandstone; pale yellowish orange (10YR8/6) to pale brown (5YR5/2); fine- to medium-grained; abundant large-scale planar cross-strata; strongly iron-stained in basal portion; upper contact covered; basal contact sharp, erosional; greater than 35 feet. A. (Road log continues on the next page) 83 Sandy mudstone to claystone; medium gray (N5) to dark yellowish orange (10YR6/6); lower contact covered; basal 4 feet is laminated claystone; gradational upward to sandy mudstone 7 feet thick; highly iron-stained; 11 feet exposed. # Mile 32 64.6 33 66.3 68.5 34 72.1 35 81.1 37 84.1 38 88.0 Location Return to Park entrance (going south) From official entrance follow D33 south Turn left onto Hwy 50 (also 290th St.) going back east towards Lehigh Follow Hwy 50 into Lehigh - do not go over bridge(!) but keep going and turn left where road becomes P73, keep going south after leaving Lehigh (then also called Samson St.) Turn left onto D54 (also called 330th St., first going east then turning south and running west of Stratford) Turn left onto Hwy 175 (also called 360th St., going east) Turn right onto R27 (also called Fenton, going south) 39 91.0 Turn left onto 400th St. (gravel road, going east). 40 93.8 Stop at Bjorkboda Marsh . Stop # Note Convenience store on the left Stratford Note hummocky topography of the Altamont Moraine. Stop 4: Bjorkboda Marsh 41 96.6 42 105.6 43 106.4 44 107.1 45 107.9 Going west on 400th St. return to R27 and turn left going south. Turn right onto E26 (W 22 St.), going west. At stop sign go straight and stay on E26 (also called W 22 St. or Monarch Dr.). Curving left, follow E26 (W 22 St.) now going south. Cross rail road (still going south). After 1/4 mile: pitstop at gas station/bar (right) 46 108.3 Turn right onto W Mamie Eisenhower Rd. 47 109.0 Turn left and stay on E41 (216th Dr.). 48 111.0 Abandoned gravel pit to the south is cut into a lateWisconsinan river terrace. Turn right onto Laurel Lane for Rose Hill Cemetery (stay right, up the hill). 49 111.2 Stop at cemetery. Stop 5: Des Moines River Valley 93.8 From cemetery go south back to 216th Dr. and turn right(!) (going west). 51 112.0 Turn left to R18 (also called L Ave., going south). 50 111.4 84 52 53 54 55 56 57 112.2 115.8 128.5 130.1 130.3 130.5 58 130.5 59 131.9 60 134.2 61 156.1 62 179.1 63 179.7 64 180.4 65 180.6 66 181.2 Turn left onto Hwy 30 (going east towards Ames). Stop sign. Exit Hwy 30 and turn left onto Elwood (going north). Turn left onto Center Dr.(going west). Turn right and follow to Scheman Bldg. (going north). Stop at Scheman Bldg. Turn right (south) on to Elwood Drive from the Iowa State Center. Turn left on to U. S. Highway 30 (eastbound). South Skunk River. Drive off the east edge of the Des Moines Lobe at State Center. Turn left on to C Avenue. As of press time, this was an unmarked intersection in a construction zone. Descend into the Iowa River floodplain. Iowa River. Entrance to Montour Quarry. Turn left on to 290th Street. Park in the private road on the south side of 290th Street or along the side of 290th Street. Walk south along the edge of the bean field to reach the quarry. 85 Stop 6: Montour Quarry