2010 National Wildfire Risk and Hazard - Draft Report Summary of the First Approximation for the Continental United States A first approximation considers how fire likelihood and intensity influence social, economic, and ecological values. This First Approximation of Fire Hazard and Fire Risk was designed to meet three broad goals: 1) evaluate wild fire hazard on federal lands; 2) develop information useful in prioritizing where fuels treatments and mitigation measures might be proposed to address significant fire hazard and risk; 3) develop risk-based performance measures to document the effectiveness of fire management programs. The research effort described in this report is designed to develop, from a strategic view, a first approximation of how both fire likelihood and fire intensity influence risk to social, economic, and ecological values at the national scale. The approach uses a quantitative risk framework that approximates expected losses and benefits from wildland fire to highly valued resources. Specifically, burn probabilities and intensities are estimated with a fire simulation model and coupled with spatially explicit data on human and ecological values and fire-effects response functions to estimate the percent loss or benefit. This report summarizes risk to highly valued resources by the eight continental US geographic areas and ranks Fire Planning Units (FPUs) according to national relative risk scores. David Calkin*, Alan Ager, Julie Gilbertson-Day, Joe Scott, Tom Quigley, Matthew Thompson, Charlie Schrader-Patton, and Allison Reger * Corresponding Author: decalkin@fs.fed.us, 406-329-3424 1 Photo credit: California BLM Office Introduction Reviews have been conducted by Federal oversight agencies and blue ribbon panels to identify causal factors of the unprecedented fire suppression costs and to suggest possible modifications to Federal fire management policy and strategies (Strategic Issues Panel 2004; USDA Office of Inspector General 2006; Government Accountability Office 2007, 2009). Agency and panel member reviews have found that Federal agencies with wildland fire responsibilities are not able to quantify the value of fire management activities in terms of reducing wildfire risk to social, economic, and ecological values. In response, the Wildland Fire Leadership Council’s (WFLC) monitoring strategy asked: What are the trends and changes in fire hazard on Federal lands? Fire risk assessment requires an understanding of the likelihood of wildfire by intensity level and the potential beneficial and negative effects to valued resources from fire at different intensity levels. This national hazard and risk assessment was conducted to meet three broad goals: (1) address the WFLC monitoring question regarding fire hazard on Federal lands; (2) develop information useful in prioritizing where fuels treatments and mitigation measures might be proposed to address significant fire hazard and risk; and (3) respond to critiques by Office of Management and Budget, General Accounting Office, and Congress that call for risk-based performance measures to document the effectiveness of fire management programs. The results of this monitoring study are useful for project planning to quantify the potential effects of proposed actions in terms of reducing risk to specific resources of concern. Developing decision support tools that utilize an appropriate risk management framework should address many of the issues identified within government oversight reports. Specifically, the Office of Inspector General (USDA Office of Inspector General 2006) reviewed USDA Forest Service (FS) large fire costs and directed that the “FS must determine what types of data it needs to track in order to evaluate its cost effectiveness in relationship to its accomplishments. At a minimum, FS needs to quantify and track the number and type of isolated residences and other privately-owned structures affected by the fire, the number and type of natural/cultural resources threatened, and the communities and critical infrastructure placed at risk.” 1 The application of fire risk and fire hazard analyses has been demonstrated at the watershed and National Forest scales (Ager and others 2007). There, specific details regarding probabilities of fire and fire intensity are linked with specific resource benefit and loss functions (Ager and others 2007). Expanding these detailed analyses to regional and national scales to provide consistent risk assessment processes is complicated by the required data specificity and difficulty in developing loss-benefit functions for the range of human and ecological values. The research effort described in this report is designed to develop, from a strategic view, a first approximation of how both fire likelihood and intensity influence risk to social, economic, and ecological values at the national scale. The approach uses a quantitative risk framework that approximates expected losses and benefits from wildfire to highly valued resources (HVR). The information gathered in this study can be summarized in tabular and map formats at different scales using administrative boundaries or delineations of HVR such as built structure density. The overall purpose of the analysis is to provide a base line of current conditions for monitoring trends in wildfire risk over time. Future analyses would be used to determine trends and changes in response to fuel reduction investments, climate shifts, and natural disturbance events (e.g., bark beetles) between the timeframes analyzed. Monitoring data could be used to address national and regional questions regarding changes in fire risk and hazard as a result of investment strategies or changing conditions. While similar analyses could be conducted for alternative scenarios, this work is designed to develop the base line hazard and risk situation. Three main components were combined to generate wildfire risk outputs, namely (1) burn probability generated from wildfire simulations, (2) spatially identified HVR, and (3) response functions that describe the impact of fire on the HVR. Risk is calculated as the product of the burn probability at a given fire intensity and the resulting change in value summed over all possible fire intensities and values (Finney, 2005). Calculating risk at a given location requires spatially defined estimates of the likelihood and intensity of fire interacted with identified values. This interaction is quantified through the use of response functions that estimate expected benefits and losses to resources at the specified intensities. This report summarizes wildfire hazard and risk at the Fire Planning Unit (FPU) defined by the Fire Program Analysis project. A detailed discussion of how the methodology to estimate 2 hazard and risk was developed is described in Calkin et al. (2010)1, with application demonstrated for the state of Oregon. Results Results are summarized by the following geographic areas: California (CA), Eastern Area (EA), Great Basin (GB), Northern Rockies (NR), Northwest (NW), Rocky Mountain (RM), Southern Area (SA), and Southwest (SW). Results are presented in two distinct sections. Within the first section, wildfire hazard and risk to individual HVR layers is graphically presented. Within the second section, a system of weights and adjustment factors are developed that allow ranking of aggregate risk at the FPU level, evaluation of the contribution of individual geographic areas to national risk, and the relative contribution of each HVR to national risk. Wildfire hazard and risk output Description of the graphical output organized by geographic area for the individual FPUs is presented below. 1. Burnable Area The first figure, Burnable Area by FPU, illustrates the portion of burnable versus non-burnable acres present in each FPU. Non-burnable land types (pixels) are represented by zero burn probabilities and these pixels are excluded from the model. This figure demonstrates the area where fire may occur in a given FPU, but does not provide an understanding of the spatial distribution, likelihood, or relative intensity of fire in the FPU. 2. Burn Probability Distribution Burn probabilities within each FPU are displayed using box whisker graphs. Box whisker graphs (or box plots) summarize the range of burn probabilities found between the 10th and 90th percent of the data points and provide a snapshot of the variability of burn probabilities in the FPU. The box portion of the plot contains the middle fifty-percent of the data points from the 1 Calkin, David E.; Ager, Alan A.; Gilbertson-Day, Julie 2010. Wildfire risk and hazard: procedures for the first approximation. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-235. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 62 p. Available at: http://www.fs.fed.us/rm/pubs/rmrs_gtr235.html 3 25th percentile to the 75th percentile, with the horizontal bar representing the median. At a glance one can determine the most frequently occurring burn probability values present in the FPU and the variability around the center of the dataset. The location of the horizontal line within the box (relative to the top 75th percent and 25th percent bottom of the box) is an indicator of how the data are distributed around the median. The whiskers extending from the bottom and top of the box represent the portion of data that lies within the 10th and 90th percentiles respectively. 3. Conditional Flame Length Distribution Flame length distributions for each FPU are represented using box whisker plots. The values plotted represent mean conditional flame length (CFL) for each pixel in the FPU. CFL is a measure of the probability that fire will burn at a given intensity, conditioned on fire occurrence within the pixel. For each pixel in an FPU, values exist for four CFL categories – Low, Medium, High, and Very High. These four categories correspond to resource response functions used to calculate HVR response to wildfire. It is necessary however, to condense these four categories into one mean value in order to map/plot one flame length value per pixel. The box represents the mean flame length for all pixels in the FPU that fall between the 25th and 75th percentiles (the middle fifty-percent of the data), with the horizontal bar displaying the median. The lines extending from the bottom and top of the box show the 10th and 90th percentiles respectively. 4 4. Area in HVR Value Categories Area of each highly valued resource is calculated for all FPUs. Acres represent total HVR area including burnable and non-burnable land types, and should be used to determine relative abundance of each HVR category within the FPU. 5. Total Change Equivalent (TCE) This table summarizes net change in Total Change Equivalent (TCE) measured in acres for each value category (M, H, VH) and FPU. TCE is the equivalent area lost (or gained) assuming 100 percent loss (or gain) for a particular HVR category as measured in acres. For example, assume that a given 18 acre pixel of critical habitat (RF 13) had a probability of burning of 0.5 percent, with a high fire intensity (70 percent loss in value), and a 1 percent chance of burning with a very high fire intensity (80 percent loss in value). The contribution of this pixel to TCE would equal 0.207 acres [(0.005 *0.7 * 18 acres) + (0.01 * 0.8 * 18 acres)]. 5 RESULTS FOR CALIFORNIA CA Figure 1-a. Burnable Area by FPU CA Figure 1-b. Burn Probability Distribution by FPU Burn probability 0.050 0.040 0.035 0.030 0.025 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 CA_CA_015 CA_CA_014 CA_CA_012 CA_CA_011 CA_CA_010 CA_CA_009 CA_CA_008 CA_CA_007 CA_CA_006 CA_CA_005 CA_CA_004 CA_CA_003 CA_CA_002 0.000 CA_CA_001 Burn Probability (fraction) 0.045 6 CA_CA_015 CA_CA_014 CA_CA_012 CA_CA_011 CA_CA_010 CA_CA_009 CA_CA_008 CA_CA_007 CA_CA_006 CA_CA_005 CA_CA_004 CA_CA_003 CA_CA_002 CA_CA_001 Mean Conditional Flame Length (ft) RESULTS FOR CALIFORNIA CA Figure 1-c. Conditional Flame Length Distribution by FPU Flame length 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 CA Figure 1-d. Area of Highly Value Resources by FPU 7 RESULTS FOR CALIFORNIA CA Figure 1-e. Wildfire Risk—TCE by HVR Value Category and FPU TCE (Acres) 8 9 RESULTS FOR EASTERN AREA EA Figure 2-a. Burnable Area by FPU EA Figure 2-b. Burn Probability Distribution by FPU Burn probability 0.050 0.040 0.035 0.030 0.025 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 EA_WV_001 EA_WI_002 EA_WI_001 EA_PA_001 EA_OH_001 EA_NJ_001 EA_NH_001 EA_MO_001 EA_MN_002 EA_MN_001 EA_MI_002 EA_MI_001 EA_IN_001 EA_IL_001 0.000 EA_IA_001 Burn Probability (fraction) 0.045 10 EA_WV_001 EA_WI_002 EA_WI_001 EA_PA_001 EA_OH_001 EA_NJ_001 EA_NH_001 EA_MO_001 EA_MN_002 EA_MN_001 EA_MI_002 EA_MI_001 EA_IN_001 EA_IL_001 EA_IA_001 Mean Conditional Flame Length (ft) RESULTS FOR EASTERN AREA EA Figure 2-c. Conditional Flame Length Distribution by FPU Flame length 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 EA Figure 2-d. Area of Highly Value Resources by FPU 11 RESULTS FOR EASTERN AREA EA Figure 2-e. Wildfire Risk—TCE by HVR Value Category TCE (Acres) 12 13 RESULTS FOR GREAT BASIN AREA GB Figure 3-a. Burnable Area by FPU GB Figure 3-b. Burn Probability Distribution by FPU Burn probability 0.050 0.040 0.035 0.030 0.025 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 GB_WY_001 GB_UT_005 GB_UT_004 GB_UT_003 GB_UT_002 GB_UT_001 GB_NV_006 GB_NV_005 GB_NV_004 GB_NV_003 GB_NV_002 GB_NV_001 GB_ID_004 GB_ID_003 GB_ID_002 0.000 GB_ID_001 Burn Probability (fraction) 0.045 14 GB_WY_001 GB_UT_005 GB_UT_004 GB_UT_003 GB_UT_002 GB_UT_001 GB_NV_006 GB_NV_005 GB_NV_004 GB_NV_003 GB_NV_002 GB_NV_001 GB_ID_004 GB_ID_003 GB_ID_002 GB_ID_001 Mean Conditional Flame Length (ft) RESULTS FOR GREAT BASIN AREA GB Figure 3-c. Conditional Flame Length Distribution by FPU Flame length 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 GB Figure 3-d. Area of Highly Value Resources by FPU 15 RESULTS FOR GREAT BASIN AREA GB Figure 3-e. Wildfire Risk—TCE by HVR Value Category and FPU TCE (Acres) 16 17 RESULTS FOR NORTHERN ROCKIES AREA NR Figure 4-a. Burnable Area by FPU NR Figure 4-b. Burn Probability Distribution by FPU Burn probability 0.050 0.040 0.035 0.030 0.025 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 NR_ND_001 NR_MT_010 NR_MT_009 NR_MT_008 NR_MT_007 NR_MT_006 NR_MT_005 NR_MT_004 NR_MT_003 NR_MT_002 NR_MT_001 0.000 NR_ID_001 Burn Probability (fraction) 0.045 18 RESULTS FOR NORTHERN ROCKIES AREA NR Figure 4-c. Conditional Flame Length Distribution by FPU Flame length Mean Conditional Flame Length (ft) 12 10 8 6 4 2 NR_ND_001 NR_MT_010 NR_MT_009 NR_MT_008 NR_MT_007 NR_MT_006 NR_MT_005 NR_MT_004 NR_MT_003 NR_MT_002 NR_MT_001 NR_ID_001 0 NR Figure 4-e. Area of Highly Value Resources by FPU 19 RESULTS FOR NORTHERN ROCKIES AREA NR Figure 4-e. Wildfire Risk—TCE by HVR Value Category and FPU TCE (Acres) 20 21 RESULTS FOR NORTHWEST AREA NW Figure 5-a. Burnable Area by FPU NW Figure 5-b. Burn Probability Distribution by FPU Burn probability 0.050 0.040 0.035 0.030 0.025 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 NW_WA_007 NW_WA_005 NW_WA_004 NW_WA_003 NW_WA_002 NW_WA_001 NW_OR_011 NW_OR_010 NW_OR_009 NW_OR_008 NW_OR_007 NW_OR_006 NW_OR_005 NW_OR_004 NW_OR_003 NW_OR_002 0.000 NW_OR_001 Burn Probability (fraction) 0.045 22 NW_WA_007 NW_WA_005 NW_WA_004 NW_WA_003 NW_WA_002 NW_WA_001 NW_OR_011 NW_OR_010 NW_OR_009 NW_OR_008 NW_OR_007 NW_OR_006 NW_OR_005 NW_OR_004 NW_OR_003 NW_OR_002 NW_OR_001 Mean Conditional Flame Length (ft) RESULTS FOR NORTHWEST AREA NW Figure 5-c. Conditional Flame Length Distribution by FPU Flame length 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 NW Figure 5-d. Area of Highly Value Resources by FPU 23 RESULTS FOR NORTHWEST AREA NW Figure 5-e. Wildfire Risk—TCE by HVR Value Category and FPU TCE (Acres) 24 25 RESULTS FOR ROCKY MOUNTAIN AREA RM Figure 6-a. Burnable Area by FPU RM Figure 6-b. Burn Probability Distribution by FPU Burn probability 0.050 0.040 0.035 0.030 0.025 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 RM_WY_003 RM_WY_002 RM_SD_003 RM_SD_002 RM_SD_001 RM_NE_001 RM_KS_001 RM_CO_008 RM_CO_007 RM_CO_006 RM_CO_005 RM_CO_004 RM_CO_003 RM_CO_002 0.000 RM_CO_001 Burn Probability (fraction) 0.045 26 RM_WY_003 RM_WY_002 RM_SD_003 RM_SD_002 RM_SD_001 RM_NE_001 RM_KS_001 RM_CO_008 RM_CO_007 RM_CO_006 RM_CO_005 RM_CO_004 RM_CO_003 RM_CO_002 RM_CO_001 Mean Conditional Flame Length (ft) RESULTS FOR ROCKY MOUNTAIN AREA RM Figure 6-c. Conditional Flame Length Distribution by FPU Flame length 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 RM Figure 6-d. Area of Highly Value Resources by FPU 27 RESULTS FOR ROCKY MOUNTAIN AREA RM Figure 6-e. Wildfire Risk—TCE by HVR Value Category and FPU TCE (Acres) 28 29 RESULTS FOR SOUTHERN AREA SA Figure 7-a. Burnable Area by FPU 30 0.000 SA_KY_003 SA_KY_001 SA_GA_001 SA_FL_004 SA_FL_003 SA_NC_001 0.005 SA_VA_001 0.010 SA_MS_002 0.015 SA_TX_006 0.020 SA_MS_001 0.025 SA_TX_005 0.030 SA_MD_001 0.035 SA_TX_004 0.040 SA_LA_003 0.045 SA_TX_003 0.050 SA_LA_001 Burn probability SA_TX_002 SA_TX_001 SA_TN_001 SA_SC_002 SA_SC_001 SA_OK_005 0.040 SA_FL_002 SA_FL_001 SA_AR_002 SA_AR_001 SA_AL_001 Burn Probability (fraction) 0.045 SA_OK_003 SA_OK_002 SA_OK_001 SA_NC_003 SA_NC_002 Burn Probability (fraction) RESULTS FOR SOUTHERN AREA SA Figure 7-b. Burn Probability Distribution by FPU Burn probability 0.050 Burn probabilities for this FPU exceed the range of this plot. 0.035 0.030 0.025 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.000 31 SA_MS_002 SA_NC_001 SA_VA_001 SA_KY_003 SA_KY_001 SA_GA_001 SA_FL_004 SA_FL_003 SA_FL_002 SA_FL_001 SA_AR_002 SA_AR_001 SA_AL_001 SA_TX_006 0 SA_MS_001 2 SA_TX_005 4 SA_MD_001 6 SA_TX_004 8 SA_LA_003 10 SA_TX_003 12 SA_LA_001 Flame length SA_TX_002 SA_TX_001 SA_TN_001 SA_SC_002 SA_SC_001 SA_OK_005 SA_OK_003 SA_OK_002 SA_OK_001 SA_NC_003 SA_NC_002 Mean Conditional Flame Length (ft) Mean Conditional Flame Length (ft) RESULTS FOR SOUTHERN AREA SA Figure 7-c. Conditional Flame Length Distribution by FPU Flame length 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 32 RESULTS FOR SOUTHERN AREA SA Figure 7-d. Area of Highly Value Resources by FPU 33 RESULTS FOR SOUTHERN AREA SA Figure 7-e (part 1). Wildfire Risk—TCE by HVR Value Category and FPU TCE (Acres) 34 RESULTS FOR SOUTHERN AREA SA Figure 7-e (part 2). Wildfire Risk—TCE by HVR Value Category and FPU TCE (Acres) 35 RESULTS FOR SOUTHWEST AREA SW Figure 8-a. Burnable Area by FPU SW Figure 8-b. Burn Probability Distribution by FPU Burn probability 0.050 0.040 0.035 0.030 0.025 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 SW_TX_004 SW_TX_002 SW_NM_007 SW_NM_006 SW_NM_005 SW_NM_004 SW_NM_003 SW_NM_002 SW_NM_001 SW_AZ_006 SW_AZ_005 SW_AZ_004 SW_AZ_003 SW_AZ_002 0.000 SW_AZ_001 Burn Probability (fraction) 0.045 36 SW_TX_004 SW_TX_002 SW_NM_007 SW_NM_006 SW_NM_005 SW_NM_004 SW_NM_003 SW_NM_002 SW_NM_001 SW_AZ_006 SW_AZ_005 SW_AZ_004 SW_AZ_003 SW_AZ_002 SW_AZ_001 Mean Conditional Flame Length (ft) RESULTS FOR SOUTHWEST AREA SW Figure 8-c. Conditional Flame Length Distribution by FPU Flame length 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 SW Figure 8-d. Area of Highly Value Resources by FPU 37 RESULTS FOR SOUTHWEST AREA SW Figure 8-e. Wildfire Risk—TCE by HVR Value Category and FPU TCE (Acres) 38 Relative Risk Ranking for FPUs: Uncertainty-related Issues Our approach has been to consider TCE as a relative measure of risk to inform management priorities, and therefore we begin from the assumption that calculated risks should roughly align with current understanding of risk and current management priorities. This is not to say that results from this and subsequent analyses could not alter our understanding of risk or redirect attention to other resources, but rather that current priorities are an appropriate baseline from which to analyze simulation results. From this baseline we can therefore examine the relative proportion of risk assigned to individual resources and recognize potential issues where certain HVRs are responsible for a higher/lower proportion of risk than seems appropriate. Five issues merit discussion before the results of this first approximation can be used to inform prioritization discussions. In broad terms, all issues stem from uncertainty that needs to be recognized, evaluated and addressed. This uncertainty manifests itself spatially, temporally, in terms of unknown social preferences, and in terms of resource response function definition and assignment. This uncertainty was managed to the extent possible in this first iteration. These issues are not exclusive, but at present are the dominant challenges to using the results of this first approximation to inform prioritization decisions. 1) Weights must be applied to the different HVR value categories in order to indicate the importance of resources assigned to the Very High value category relative to the High and Moderate categories. These weights are essentially prices that may have a significant influence on final rankings, and therefore require careful consideration. 2) The initial value category assignments should reflect relative differences in national priorities. The interaction of value category assignment and the weights assigned to each value category may have a significant influence on rankings. 3) The HVR data layers were developed and compiled using different standards and for different purposes. As a result the geospatial identification of some HVR layers is quite refined whereas others are quite coarse. 4) Response functions effectively assume a constant time horizon (in that they incorporate future resource value changes, including potential recovery or deterioration over time), when in fact some resource changes occur at vastly different temporal scales. 5) Response functions were developed generally rather than for each resource specifically. As a result resource response functions assigned to specific resources may not fully encapsulate expected response across fire intensity levels. 39 Whereas issue #1 equally affects all HVR layers, issues #2-4 relate to specific HVR layers of concern. Specifically, we identified the following HVR layers as problematic and in need of a more refined approach: Non-attainment areas and Class I airsheds Temporal uncertainty: time horizon of response function Sage-grouse key habitat Spatial uncertainty: possible over-representation of habitat ◦ ◦ ◦ Preference uncertainty: incorrect value category assignment Canada lynx critical habitat Response function uncertainty: incorrect response function assignment ◦ We first address the issue of assigning weights to value categories. This section is important to understand, as the approach we take is the foundation for our approaches to handle issues #2-4. Weighting of Categorical Importance The intent of our analysis was to aggregate risk summaries for each resource into a common measure to facilitate monitoring and prioritization. In the ideal, the social value of all resources could be monetized. Unfortunately, prices for many of the resources considered in the analysis (e.g., critical habitat) are not easily available, challenging a monetization approach to quantifying risk. To estimate prices for non-market resources would require substantial financial investment, and results would not be available for some time. Therefore, some form of multi-criteria analysis is required with relevant experts queried to develop a reasonable priority ranking. Multi-criteria analysis involves a systematic approach to analyze relative worth and to assign a weight to each HVR (or in this case, for simplicity, each HVR value category). Identifying weights for each value category affects all HVR layers. If the weight distribution is too skewed, resources in the Very High value category may disproportionately influence risk calculations and therefore prioritization decisions. Conversely, if the weight distribution is too narrow, resources in the Moderate value category may be given an inflated importance. To move forward with aggregating these results into a single risk metric we simply assumed that the ranking of the three individual categories maintained a simple proportional relationship. We evaluated how changing the class weight differential affected the proportion of risk assigned to individual categories and resource types. Four initial weight vectors were evaluated: (1,1.5,2.25), (1,2,4), (1,3,9), and (1,4,16), reflecting value differential factors of 1.5, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. Although we have little information related to the appropriate weights, we selected the weight set (1,3,9) to move forward. In other words, this initial approach assumes resources in the Very High value category are 3 times as important as resources in the High value category, which in turn are 3 times as important as resources in the Moderate value category. This multiplicative approach allows for the aggregation of TCE measures across 40 value categories into a single metric to facilitate prioritization efforts. Adjustment Factor Approach To account for the variable sources of uncertainty in the risk calculations, we adopted an “adjustment factor” approach that is effectively a rough correction. Given the challenges of rerunning the nation-wide analysis to generate new TCE values, we decided this approach was the most practical and transparent way to move forward at this point. These adjustment factors allow expert panels to rapidly explore alternative adjustment schemes and determine how risk profiles change in response. The end result is effectively an approximate re-run of the model, without the burdensome computational effort required. TCE calculations for HVRs are based on the integration of burn probability maps, geospatial identification of resource presence, and expert-defined resource response functions. The adjustment factor approach we adopt assumes that the burn probability mapping is correct, i.e. the likelihood and intensity of fire is not biased towards certain geographic areas or specific fuel types. Therefore we look to geospatial identification of resource presence, expert-defined resource response functions, and initial value category assignment as possible sources of error. The adjustment factor approach is based on the value category weighting approach described above. As all TCE value categories are aggregated using a multiplicative approach, the adjustment factors similarly employ a multiplicative factor to increase/decrease the calculated TCE risk values for a given HVR layer. For instance, if we had reason to believe the spatial extent for a given HVR layer was mistakenly input as twice its actual area, we would use an adjustment factor of 0.5 to correct the TCE calculation. Below we discuss in more detail the adjustment factor approaches we took for each HVR layer identified as possibly erroneous. Specifically we identify our rationale for believing the unadjusted TCE values to be incorrect, and describe the steps we took to arrive at adjustment factors. 41 Non-attainment areas (Very High) and Class I airsheds (Moderate) HVR-level risk as a share of nationwide total Fire-adapted ecosystems GACC-level share of nationwide risk ski areas 2.4% Energy Gen 3.1% CA (1) SA (2) Recreation sites 11.3% Communication towers SW (5) 6.5% National Trails NR (6) 4.5% Energy Gas 50.2% NW (4) 6.4% Energy Elec GB (3) 15.5% EA (8) Class 1 airsheds low density structures municipal watersheds mod and high-density WUI fire-susceptible species non-attainment areas -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 Figure 9. Unadjusted nationwide risk for all HVR and unadjusted GACC-level share of nationwide risk. As can be seen in Figure 9, non-attainment areas accounted for nearly 50% of nation-wide risk. Although we recognize that smoke issues are very important and can result in significant health and economic impacts, particularly in highly populated areas, smoke impacts last only a short duration (days to weeks) relative to the impacts to other resource types. (Class 1 airsheds also have the same issue, but are assigned to the Moderate value category and therefore are not as strong of a driver of national-scale risk.) Resource loss due to wildfire occurring within moderate and high density populated areas are considered equivalent to loss associated with smoke in these same areas. We felt this inflated the risk associated with wildfire in nonattainment areas. The issue here is the temporal nature of the response function. To modify the TCE values we employed an adjustment factor of 1/52, based on the rationale that the human health and safety issues associated with smoke only last for, on average, one week per year. 42 Sage-grouse key habitat 2.5% 5.0% 0.9% 0.9% 0.8% 0.8% Sage grouse (14.8%) 4.6% Canada Lynx (4.3%) Northern Spotted Owl (1.6%) Mexican Spotted Owl (1.2%) 6.3% 17.2% Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow (1.1%) Marbled Murrelet (0.6%) 59.5% Desert Tortoise (0.2%) Coastal California Gnatcatcher (0.2%) Peninsular Bighorn Sheep (0.2%) All others combined (0.2%) As can be seen in Figure 10, unadjusted risk calculated for the sage-grouse comprised 59.5% of risk associated with fire-susceptible species, and 14.8% of national risk within the High value category. We first looked to habitat maps as possible sources of uncertainty and subsequent error. Table 1 displays the acreage of all fire-susceptible species, and suggests that in particular sagegrouse habitat is extensive. The argument is that there is an overrepresentation of habitat, in turn unduly influencing TCE calculations. In absence of more refined maps, we proceeded using the adjustment factor approach to reduce the influence of sage-grouse on TCE calculations. Figure 10. Unadjusted contribution of fire-susceptible species to nationwide risk (pie chart) and percent contribution national risk (percentage shown with species next to species label). Table 1. Area of fire-susceptible species habitat showing burnable and non-burnable pixels. Fire-Susceptible Species Acres Sage grouse 50,406,639 Canada Lynx 27,720,188 Mexican Spotted Owl 9,869,519 Northern Spotted Owl 7,139,518 Desert Tortoise 6,452,177 Marbled Murrelet 3,296,559 Peninsular Bighorn Sheep 816,466 Bull Trout 717,425 California Red-legged Frog 449,503 Coastal California Gnatcatcher 373,232 Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow 197,487 Quino checkerspot butterfly 171,745 Alameda Whipsnake 154,632 Southwestern Willow Flycatcher 120,586 Arroyo Toad 104,463 Additional 26 species 288,314 Total 108,278,453 To arrive at an appropriate spatial adjustment factor for key sage-grouse habitat we proceeded as follows: 1) Through a literature review we identified that wildfire occurrence within a 2-mile buffer around lek locations would potentially degrade habitat2. 2) Chet Van Dellen, GIS Coordinator for the Nevada Department of Wildlife, created 2mile buffers around all leks occupied in 20032008, and derived the proportion of total mapped area these buffers represented within the key sage-grouse habitat map. The buffered lek area represented ~28.4% of the total mapped key habitat. 2 http://sagemap.wr.usgs.gov/Docs/Greater_Sagegrouse_Conservation_Assessment_060404.pdf 43 3) Assuming a relatively consistent ratio across mapped habitat areas in other states, we arrived at a spatial adjustment factor of 0.284 to reduce TCE values. Recognizing that sage-grouse is not a listed species under the ESA, we took the further step of reevaluating the initial value category assignment. That is, we addressed Figure 11. Adjusted contribution of fire-susceptible species preference uncertainty relating to to nationwide risk (pie chart) and percent contribution sage-grouse importance. We national risk (percentage shown with species next to species decided to re-assign sage-grouse to label). the Moderate value category. Using the (1,3,9) weighting scheme described above, we therefore further reduced the TCE values for sage-grouse by a factor of 1/3. After combining the spatial and preference uncertainty adjustment factors, the overall adjustment factor applied to sage-grouse key habitat was 0.095. Figure 11 shows the contribution of the adjusted fire-susceptible species. Canada Lynx To arrive at an appropriate response function adjustment factor for Canada lynx critical habitat we proceeded as follows: Response function 13 Net Value Change (%) Figure 12 displays the response function assigned categorically to all firesusceptible species. With respect to Canada lynx, this response function was deemed inappropriate because it did not recognize the potentially beneficial (or at least non-detrimental) effects of lowintensity fire. Adjustment factors were therefore employed to handle response function uncertainty. 100% 60% 20% -20% Low Moderate High Very High -60% -100% Fire intensity Figure 12. Response function selected for firesusceptible species. 1. We identified two FPUs with substantial Canada lynx critical habitat. 2. Within these two FPUs, we calculated the overall percentage of risk attributable to low flame lengths (which, according to the assigned response function, were deemed 44 detrimental). The analysis identified that 85% of TCE risk values for Canada lynx were associated with low flame lengths. We removed these losses from TCE risk calculations. 3. Assuming relatively consistent conditional flame length probability distributions for other FPUs housing lynx critical habitat, we arrived at a response function adjustment factor of 0.153. Summary To reiterate, re-running the national model would require a great deal of time and effort, and was not feasible for generating these first approximation results. Hence we adopted an interim solution using adjustment factors that roughly approximate a re-run of the model. These adjustment factors address the various sources of uncertainty we believe could result in erroneous results, which in turn could lead to inefficient or ineffective prioritization decisions. The approaches taken to calculate adjustment factors were necessarily abbreviated due to time constraints, and could be refined for further analysis. However, we feel they are useful for recalculating risk values to be more aligned with what we might reasonably expect, and do address all sources of uncertainty in a reasonable manner. GACC-level share of nationwide risk 3.6% 3.5% 6.1% CA (2) SA (1) 7.8% 32.3% 3.7% SW (3) NR (6) 10.1% NW (4) GB (5) 32.9% EA (7) Figure 13. Adjusted nationwide risk for all HVR and unadjusted GACC-level share of nationwide risk. 45 Results of the risk adjustments can be seen in Figure 13. Non-attainment areas are now only responsible for 2.4% of overall national-scale risk for the Very High value category. The contribution of sage-grouse to risk across fire-susceptible species dropped to 17.9% (Figure 11), and to 3.9% of national risk within the High value category. Canada lynx dropped from 17.2% of fire-susceptible species and 4.3% of national risk to 8.4% and 1.8%, respectively (Figure 11). For purposes of comparison (and due to time constraints) we retained sage-grouse in the High value category. Future analyses will display results with sage-grouse assigned to the Moderate value category from the onset. All figures displaying TCE values in the sections preceding the discussion about uncertainty issues and FPU rank are shown without an adjustment. All figures proceeding this section are adjusted as described in the text above. In future analyses, there is a need for resource experts and fire management experts to re-prioritize HVR layers within value categories, to refine response function definitions and assignments, to improve upon data layers, and to consider the variable impact of alternative weighting systems on national priorities. Given the significant uncertainty and challenges of compiling enterprise-level datasets for myriad resources it is still likely similar adjustments will need to occur, but these can be minimized by appropriately mapping resources, appropriately assigning response functions, etc. The issue of how to prioritize across resources will remain a challenge. Our coarse approach to define three value categories (Moderate, High, Very High) is a useful first step, but could be refined in subsequent analyses. 46 47 Figure 14. Relative Risk Ranking for California FPUs 48 Figure 15. Relative Risk Ranking for Eastern Area FPUs 49 Figure 16. Relative Risk Ranking for Great Basin Area FPUs 50 Figure 17. Relative Risk Ranking for Northern Rockies Area FPUs 51 Figure 18. Relative Risk Ranking for Northwest Area FPUs 52 Figure 19. Relative Risk Ranking for Rocky Mountain Area FPUs 53 Figure 20. Relative Risk Ranking for Southern Area FPUs 54 Figure 21. Relative Risk Ranking for Southwest Area FPUs