The multiregional core-periphery model: The role of the spatial topology
Javier Barbero*
José L. Zofío
Department of Economics
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
C/ Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 5
Madrid, 28049, Spain
We use the multiregional core-periphery model of the new economic geography to
analyze and compare the agglomeration and dispersion forces shaping the location of
economic activity for a continuum of network topologies ranging from the homogenous
spacering topologyto the most extreme heterogeneous spacestar topology.
Within graph theory, we define the homogenous space as that topology in which all
regions have the same relative position, and the heterogeneous space as that
configuration in which there are regions that have better relative positions due to
locational advantages. Systematically extending the analytical tools and graphical
representations of the NEG framework to the multiregional case, we calculate the
critical sustain and break points for the two polar cases as well as the intermediate
topologies, whose relative space heterogeneity is measured in terms of the network’s
degree of centrality. We show that as the centrality of the network increases, so does the
sustain and break points for those regions that are best located, and therefore can uphold
and draw agglomeration to a larger extent. The examination of the alternative equilibria
allows us to study new phenomena such as the absence of any stable distribution of
economic activity for some range of transport costs, and the infeasibility of the
dispersed equilibrium in the heterogeneous space, resulting in the introduction of the
concept pseudo flat-earth as a long run-equilibrium corresponding to an uneven
distribution of manufacturing activity across all regions. The results have important
implications for transportation and infrastructure policies intended to promote territorial
cohesion by reducing the centrality of the spatial economy and promoting a balanced
distribution of economic activity.
KEYWORDS: new economic geography, space topology, transports costs.
JEL CODES: C63, F12, R12.
Corresponding author. Telephone: 914972569. Fax number: 914976930.
Email addresses: (J. Barbero), (J.L. Zofío)
1. Introduction and motivation
Economic Geography, the study of where economic activity takes place and the forces
behind it, is a field of increasing interest in economics. The real world shows that
economic activity is distributed unevenly across locations: nations, regions and cities,
Krugman et al. (2011). One of the most important explanations underlying that uneven
distribution is the fact that geography matters. At any moment in time, the configuration
of economic activity at any of the above mentioned territorial scales cannot be
dissociated from the particular geography where it takes place, i.e., economic forces are
influenced by the geographical characteristics of the economy and therefore both “first
nature” geographical determinants and “second nature” economic determinants give
shape to a particular distribution of economic activity in space. 1 For example, taking
regions as the territorial benchmark, the distribution of economic activity and
transportation networks in France have given rise to a topology resembling a star
network, where the central Île-de-France region presents a prominent situation, which
characterizes its high degree of centrality. On the contrary, Germany presents a more
even geographical distribution of economic activity, which along with its close-woven
transportation grid, results in a more balanced economy with a lower degree of
centrality. It is the clear then that geography, understood as specific spatial
configuration, determines the final distribution of economic activity along with
economic forces.
Theoretical models explain agglomeration outcomes by way of increasing returns to
scale, thereby departing from the perfectly competitive market assumption. Increasing
returns in production and transportation costs, as the opposing centrifugal force, are the
main ingredients of the so-called new economic geography with respect to other
approaches that study the location of economic activity in space such as location theory,
Thisse (2010). Geography is introduced in the economic models by way of
transportation costs, normally associated to the concept of distance between locations,
shaping a specific spatial configurationto which we associate a network topology in
this study.
Cronon (1991) defines “first nature” as the local natural advantages that firms seek when deciding their
location, and “second nature” as the forces arising from the presence of other firms. The first one is
related to geographical features–resulting in diverse market potential, while the second one corresponds
to economic interactions, i.e., Marshallian externalities.
Resorting to graph theory, it is possible to characterize the geographical configuration
of the economic activity according to a specific spatial topology. In this setting, the
question about how a particular topology influences the centripetal and centrifugal
forces that drive the agglomeration or dispersion comes naturally. In recent years there
have appeared several contributions that change the initial setting of the seminal coreperiphery model introduced by Krugman (1991) and thoughtfully discussed in a
textbook presentation by Fujita et al. (1999); e.g., allowing for different definitions of
the utility function, the existence of vertical linkages, etc., but it is fair to say that the
behavior of these models under alternative spatial configuration of the economy has not
been discussed in a systematic way. In its original version, there are two regions and the
long-run distribution of economic activity can be either full agglomeration in one region
or be equally divided between the two regions.
Nevertheless, a few ways to generalize the model to a multiregional setting have been
proposed in the literature. The core-periphery model has been extended to a greater
number of regions assuming that they are evenly located along the rim of a
circumference, in the so-called “racetrack economy”, see Krugman (1993), Fujita et al.
(1999) or Brakman et al. (2009). While these authors obtain results based on numerical
simulation, Ago et al. (2006) analytically study a situation in which three regions are
located on a line, while Castro et al. (2012) consider the case of three regions equally
spaced along a circle. The former authors conclude that the central region has locational
advantages and the economic activity will tend to concentrate in that region when
transportation cost fall. However, using the alternative model of Ottaviano et al. (2002),
they show that the central region can also present locational disadvantages and that
price competition can make economic activity move to two or just one of the peripheral
regions. Castro et al. (2012) qualify the results obtained for two regions regarding the
long run-equilibria, and are able to generalize some of them for a larger number of
regions. From the perspective of graph theory, the previous racetrack (or ring) economy
and the line (star) economy, represent two simple and extreme topologies of a spatial
network, with the former characterizing a neutral or homogenous topology where no
region has a (first nature) geographical advantage, while the latter characterizes a nonneutral heterogeneous space where the center presents a privileged location.
The aim of the present study is to generalize the well-known canonical model of the
new economic geography and systematically analyze the effect of different geographic
configurations on the locational patterns of economic activity. To accomplish this goal
we analyze how alternative network topologies determine the long run equilibrium of
the multiregional model using the customary analytical and simulation tools of the new
economic geography. Particularly, and relying mainly on the methodology summarized
as “Dixit-Stiglitz, icebergs, evolution and the computer” by Fujita and Krugman (2004)
since the non-linearity of the model prevents closed analytical results for the
multiregional model, we calculate the sustain and break points characterizing the
transport cost levels at which full agglomeration cannot be sustained and the symmetric
dispersion is broken, respectively. We do so for a continuum of network topologies
comprised between the already mentioned extreme cases: the racetrack economy
corresponding to the homogenous space, and the star economy corresponding to the
most uneven heterogeneous space. In fact, with three locations the racetrack (or ring)
economy corresponds geometrically to the triangle studied by Castro et al. (2012), while
the star economy corresponds to the line economy of Ago et al. (2006). Without loss of
generality, as our methodology can be extended to a larger number of regions, we study
all the possible network topologies (spatial configurations) for the case of four
By exploring the effect of different geographic configurations on the locational patterns
of economic activity our study determines the relationship between the “first” nature
characteristics of the network and “second” nature economic forces; i.e., the underlying
assumptions of the core-periphery model related to CES preferences, iceberg
transportation costs, increasing returns and monopolistic competition. As a result, as
recently argued by Picard and Zeng (2010), we contribute to the scarce literature
characteristics, and see how localization patterns change as some locations benefit from
first nature advantages, yielding endogenous asymmetries associated to short-run and
long-run equilibria, as well as the dynamics associated to continuous or catastrophic
In the real case of economies characterized by a heterogeneous network we confirm that
the greater the centrality of the spatial configuration of the economy, the higher the
sustain points, as centripetal economic forces are reinforced by the locational advantage
of the region with the best location, and therefore the dissemination of economic
activity takes place at a higher transportation cost. Alternatively, if full agglomeration of
the economic activity takes place in a region with the lowest centrality positiona
peripheral region, it is less sustainable because the locational disadvantage works
against the agglomerating forces. Consequently, an increase in the transportation cost
shifts the economic activity from those regions with the lowest centrality to the regions
with the highest centrality in the network. For the break points, we show that the flatearth equilibrium is infeasible in the heterogeneous space. Therefore, performing the
stability analysis associated to the break points requires the introduction of an analogous
concept that we term pseudo flat-earth, for which we can determine that transportation
cost value at which economic activity starts agglomerating. We find that this break
point is larger the greater the centrality of the region with the best location. It is relevant
to emphasize that these important results are not only observed both for the extreme
topologies represented by the ring and star networks, but also for the continuous range
of topologies exiting between these two polar cases.
The paper is structured as follows. The multiregional core-periphery model and the
characterization of the network topologies by way of a centrality index, including the
extreme racetrack (ring) and star space topologies, are presented in section 2. In this
section we also generalize the model dynamics relative to workers moving between
existing locations. In section 3, we illustrate, without loss of generality, the analysis
with four regions for the well-known racetrack economy, and its opposite spatial
configuration in terms of network topology, corresponding to the star. We analyze when
the agglomeration of the economic activity is sustainable, the sustain point, and when
the symmetry between regions gives way, the break point. New phenomena regarding
the absence of long run equilibria in the core periphery model within a homogenous
space, or the infeasibility of the symmetric flat-earth equilibrium in the heterogeneous
space, are introduced and discussed. We also show the bifurcation diagrams
summarizing this information for the extreme topologies. In section 4, we analyze the
continuum of intermediate topologies using the network centrality index, determine the
corresponding sustain and the break point, and generalize the previous results for any
degree of centrality. Section 5 concludes.
2. The multiregional core-periphery model and the network topology
In the multiregional core-periphery model, there are N regions with two sectors of
production: the numéraire agricultural sector, perfectly competitive, and the
manufacturing sector, with increasing returns to scale. The agricultural sector is
immobile and equally distributred across regions.2 Manufacturing workers can move
between regions and λi is the share of manufacturing workers and manufacturing
activity in region i. Iceberg transportation costs are assumed for the manufacturing
sector. Transportation costs between region i and region j,  ij , depend on the unit
distance transport cost T and on the distance between the regions dij. The transportation
cost function defines as:
 ij  T
The income, price index, wage, and real wage equations that determine the
multiregional instantaneous equilibrium are well knownsee Fujita et al. (1999):
 1  
yi   wi i  
 , i  1,..., N
 N 
1 1 
N 1
1 
gi   i wi1    j  w j ij  
j 1
, i  1,..., N
N 1
wi   yi gi 1   y j g j 1 ij1 
j 1
, i  1,..., N
i  wi gi   , i  1,..., N
The homogeneous space is defined as a topology in which all regions have the same
relative position whereas in the heterogeneous space there are regions that have a better
relative position, i.e., “first nature” locational advantages. The most simple and
extensively studied case of a homogenous topology corresponds to the already
mentioned racetrack-ring-economy, where all regions situate evenly along the rim of a
circumference, Krugman (1993). The extreme heterogeneous topology is the star, where
one region, the center, has the best relative position, while all the other regions, the
periphery, also situated along the rim of the circumference, have the lowest relative
position, and are only connected to the center through the spokes of the star. Both the
Although different asymmetries can be incorporated into the model, as the uneven distribution of the
population working in the agricultural sector, or differing productivities at the firm level, we depart from
the seminal model where all locations are symmetric, and the only source of variation in the long-run
distribution of economic activity are the unitary transport cost and the network topology.
homogeneous ring and heterogeneous star network topologies are represented in Figure
1 for the case of four locations.
Figure 1: The extreme homogeneousringand heterogeneous star network topologies.
The network topology enters the model by way of the distances between regions that
determine the transportation costs between them. Since we are interested in how the
topology, and the changes in it, affect the agglomeration and dispersion of the economic
activity, we normalize the absolute measures of distance and transportation costs, so as
to render all topologies comparable. The simplest way to do this is by using the
following transport cost function:
 ij  T r ,
where r is the radius of the circumference circumscribing all possible topologies for a
given NFigure 1 shows the circumference enclosing the networks for illustrating
purposes; the discontinuous line implies that regions are not connected through the
circumference, but through the shortest distances represented by the straight lines
connecting them, i.e., a ring topology.
With regard to the shares of workers and manufacturing activity, the dynamics are as
follows: (i) workers will leave region i if there is a region j with a higher real wage, eq.
(5)i.e., or, equivalently, with higher indirect utility; (ii) in case of several regions
having higher real wages, workers are assumed to move to that having the highest
value; (iii) when the highest wage is observed across several regions, workers emigrate
evenly towards those regions. Therefore, from region’s i perspective, workers will move
according to these rules:
i  0 if i  max  j  j  i ,
i  0 if i  max  j  , j 
 j  i , j  i ,
i  0 if i  max  j  , j    j  i , j  i ,
where the second line summarizes the instantaneous equilibrium, i.e., real wages are
equal across regions. Therefore a distribution of lambdas for which the system of
equations (2) thru (5) holds represents an instantaneous equilibrium, while a long run
equilibriumsteady statedefines as that equilibrium in which workers do not have an
incentive to move according to (7), and is denoted by  *  (1* ,..., N* ) .
In the multiregional economy we can characterize the spatial or network topology
resorting to graph theory, which proposes several indicators that summarize the layout
pattern of the interconnections between various locations, e.g., Harary (1969).
Particularly, centrality measures are well suited for the study of the multiregional model
as they are good indicators to characterize the space topology.
Defining by
i 1
the sum of the shortest distances from location i to all other j
locations within the network h, the centrality of location i corresponds to the following
 N
min   dijh 
 i 1  ,
cih 
 dijh
i 1
 N
where min   d ijh  corresponds to the value of the location(s) better positioned within
 i 1 
the economy, denoted by i*, with cih* = 1. In a homogeneous space such as that
represented by the ring topology all locations have a centrality of 1, whereas in the
heterogeneous star space the central node has a centrality of 1, while all the peripheral
nodes have equal centrality values lower than one: cih < cih* = 1.
The centrality of the economynetwork centralitydefines as:
C ( h) 
 c
i 1
 cih*  cih 
i 1
max   cih*  cih  
 i 1 
 c
i 1
 cih 
 N  1 N  2 
 2 N  3
 cih  is the sum of the differences between the centrality of the location
with the highest centrality and all remaining locations, and max   cih*  cih   is the
 i 1
maximum sum of the differences that can exist in a network with the same number of
nodes. This maximum will correspond to a heterogeneous star network with a central
node and N-1 periphery nodes. The network centrality of the homogeneousring
space is C  h HM  = 0 and for the heterogeneousstarspace is C  h HT  = 1. The two
extreme topologies have the extreme network centralities.
3. The analysis of the extreme topologies: the ring (racetrack) and star
Without loss of generality we study an economy with four regions by comparing the
two opposite cases of spatial topology in terms of network centrality corresponding to
the ring and the starFigure 1. In the homogeneous space the four regions are located
like the four vertices of a square. In the heterogeneous three-pointed star space there is a
central location, 1, and three peripheral locations connected to the center. Both spaces
are circumscribed in a circumference of radius 1.
The adjacency and distance matrices of the four regions ring network are the following:3
1.4142 2.8284 1.4142 
 0
1.4142 2.8284 
; D HM  
 2.8284 1.4142
1.4142 
0 
 1.4142 2.8284 1.4142
And for the four regions star network:
The distance between two neighbor regions is computed using the formula of the length of the side of a
regular polygon of n sides and radius r: dij = 2r sin  n  .
3.1 Sustain points.
The sustain point is the level of transport cost at which the agglomeration of the
economic activity is no longer sustainable, and the economic activity disperses across
regions. To compute the value of the sustain point we must choose a reference region,
or regions, where the economic activity is initially agglomerated and check if it is a
feasible solution for the instantaneous equilibrium defined in eqs. (2) thru (5). After
that, we compute what value of T makes i  0 for each region by the dynamic rules
set in (7), and given a particular network h. For example, assuming that a single location
agglomerates, e.g., region 1: 1  1 in (5), and given the generalized definition of the
real wages for the remaining regions (i ≠ 1)appendix1:
i 
1    1  1   N  1  1   1     N  2  1 1
 i1
 i1
 i1   i1  ij , i  2,..., N ,
j 1
we compute the level of the transportation cost corresponding to the sustain point,
Ti1  S  for which i  1 , i  1 , and determine the subsequent final instantaneous
equilibrium compatible with T  Ti1  S  i.e., a comparative statics analysis. In this
section we explore the sustain point for three cases: (i) the homogeneous space, (ii) the
star space when the region in the center starts agglomerating, and (iii) the star space
when the region that starts agglomerating is one located in the periphery. Since all the
regions in the homogeneous space are equivalent, we need to explore only the case of
one of the regions, as the long run equilibria present partial symmetry, i.e., it does not
matter what region begins agglomerating in the homogeneous space since all the
regions are equal, and therefore any permutation of the agglomerating location yields
equal results.
Performing simulations for the ring network with region 1 agglomerating: 1*  1 , we
have that the sustain point for region 3, the farthest region from 1 as d13 = 2.83, is
T13HM  S   1.39 , which is lower than the value for the neighbor regions 2 and 4
separated by d1j = 1.41, j = 2, 4, i.e.,
 S   1.52, j  2, 4 .4 That is, when the
transportation cost T raises above 1.39 the economic activity spreads to region 3 since
3  1 , and both regions 1 and 3 will produce manufactures. The sustain point, defined
as min T1HM
 S    1.39, j  2,3, 4 , suggests a partial agglomeration in two regions
separated by the maximum distance d13 = 2.83. As a result, the configuration:  =
(1  0.5, 2  0, 3  0.5, 4  0) is a candidate for a stable equilibrium since the real
salaries in the agglomerating regions are equal: i  0.9353, i  1,3 , while those of the
empty regions are i  0.8611, i  2, 4 . The fact that the minimum of the sustain values
corresponds to the farthest regions shows that the balance between firms’ competition
and transport costs makes it more profitable for firms and workers leaving the
agglomerating region to relocate as far as possible, thereby serving equally the market
of the regions with no manufacturing activity, regions 2 and 4.
Whether the partial agglomeration (or partial dispersion) given by
(1  0.5, 2  0, 3  0.5, 4  0) is a long run equilibrium or not depends on the
corresponding stability analysis associated to a shock marginally increasing the share of
manufactures in one or more regions, and its effect on the real salaries, i.e., i i ,
i=1, 3. This stability analysis is performed in the next section dealing with the break
points. Nevertheless, assuming that such a shock does not take place, and since the
previous distribution may represent a subsequent instantaneous equilibrium, we further
study its sustainability as transportation cost keeps rising. Figure 2 shows the real wages
for different transportation cost values when the instantaneous equilibrium corresponds
to regions 1 and 3 agglomerating. The sustain point in this case is at
 S   T3HM
j  S   1.72, j  2, 4 . When the transportation cost increases beyond 1.72
the manufacturing activity disperses across all regionsflat-earth. That is, a situation
where all regions have the same share of manufacturing activity: i  0.25 i , emerges
To ease comparability with Fujita et al. (1999), all the simulations in these sections have been done
using the following values of the parameters:   5 and   0.4 . Expression for the real wages when only
one region is agglomerating that depends only on transportation costs are presented in Appendix 1 for N
regions and in the appendix 2 for N = 4 regions.
as a possible long run equilibrium as regions end up having the same real wage
i  0.878, i , but, once again, its steady state assessment pends on the necessary
stability analysis for long run equilibrium.
Figure 2: Real wages for the ring topology when opposite regions agglomerate.
2  4
1  3
3.1.2 Heterogeneous-star-topology: From full agglomeration to “pseudo” flatearth.
We now examine the star topology when the location with the highest centrality
situating in the center of the star: max ciHT  ciHT
*  c1 = 1, begins agglomerating: 1  1 .
As we show in section 4, the sustain point for this extreme heterogeneous network
topology is the highest among all possible spatial configurationsnetwork centralities,
with TcHT
 S   2.58, j  2,3, 4 . Above this value of transportation cost, agglomeration
i* j
is no longer sustainable and manufacturing activity disperses to the three peripheral
regions. Once again, the question is whether the dispersion of economic activity can
result in an equal distribution of the manufacturing industry, i.e., whether i  0.25 i ,
corresponds to a long run equilibrium or not.
Once gain we would need to resort to the stability analysis, but it turns out that we can
immediately prove that this spatial configuration does not represent a stable equilibrium
because it simply cannot exist. That is, the flatearth long run equilibrium is infeasible
in any heterogeneous spaceincluding the extreme star topologygiven the system of
equations (2) thru (5) characterizing it, because it requires that transportation costs are
equal between all regions (i.e., a homogenous space topology is a necessary condition).
Indeed, the symmetric equilibrium is only possible if all regions have the same real
wage: i  wi g i  i . If all the regions have the same share of manufacture, λi = 1/N,
the nominal wage in all agglomerating regions is wi  1 as the following condition holds
(see Robert-Nicoud (2005, 11) for N=2, as well as Ago et al. (2006, 822) and Castro et
al. (2012, 406) for N = 3):
 w
i 1
Therefore, real wages will only be equal across regions if the price indices are equal in
all regions. Since the price index of a region i depends on the transportation cost
between all the regions that agglomerate and region i , the price index will be equal
across regions if an only if all the regions have the same relative position in the network
Proposition 1. Inexistence of the flat-earth equilibrium in any heterogeneous space:
The symmetric equilibrium, flatearth, is only feasible if all locations have the same
relative position in the network. Therefore, the symmetric equilibrium is only feasible in
a homogeneous space.
Proof: Equality of real wages across regions: i   j ,  i, j , agglomerating an even
share of manufacturing activity i  1/ N i , requires that the price indices are equal:
g i  g j ,  i, j . Substituting this even share of manufacturing and wi = 1  i from
costscentralitiesare the same, which is (not) verified in the homogenous
(heterogeneous) space.
Proposition 1 can be easily illustrated. The real wages when the four regions of the star
hypothetically have the same share of manufacturing activity: i  0.25 i , are
represented in Figure 3. For all levels of transportation cost, the real wage of the central
region 1 is higher than the real wages of the remaining regions except for the unreal
case when transport is costless: T = 1. This illustrates that economic activity moves
from the periphery to the center and that the flat-earth equilibrium is not feasible in the
heterogeneous space.
Figure 3: Real wages for the star topology when all regions have an even share of economic activity.
2  3  4
Therefore, with region 1 agglomerating, once transportation costs overcome
thesinglesustain point TcHT
 S   2.58, j  2,3, 4 , manufacturing activity will
i* j
disperse across regions reaching a configuration that we characterize in the following
section and name pseudo flat-earth. As we show, in the pseudo flat-earth the share of
manufactures in the central region is above 0.25, while the share of manufacture of the
peripheral regions is below 0.25.
A different situation occurs when the region that begins agglomerating in the star
network is one in the periphery, presenting the lowest centrality: i  1 with ciHT  0.6,
i = 2, 3, 4 corresponding to any of the peripheral regions in Figure 1. In this case, the
central regions defines the lowest value for the sustain point: min T2HT
ci*  S   1.44 . The
sustain value for the other two peripheral regions is T2HT
j  S   1.59, j  3, 4 , but as in
the homogenousringtopology it will never be reached because region 1 captures all
the manufacturing activity of the economy, and a tentative long run equilibrium with
1*  1 emergesthe stability analysis in the following section shows that it is indeed a
long run equilibrium. Since region 1 starts agglomerating over 3 and 4, the second long
run equilibrium will be the one previously studied where the center agglomerates. This
can be farther explained by exploring what happens when the transportation cost is T =
1.59 and the manufacturing activity is supposed to be evenly dispersed between the
initially agglomerating region 2, situated at the periphery, and region 1, the center of the
(1  0.5, 2  0.5, 3  0, 4  0) . This distribution of economic activity is not an
equilibriumeither instantaneous or in the long run because the real wage of the
central region 1 is higher than the real wage of all the other regions, including region 2:
1  1.0023 > 3  4  0.9023 > 2  0.8950 . This means that economic activity
will not spread evenly between regions 1 and 2. Instead, when the transportation cost
rises over 1.59 all the economic activity will move from the periphery to the center. At
least, up to the sustain point TcHT
 S   2.58, j  2,3, 4 where full agglomeration at the
i* j
center is no longer sustainable, suggesting that for transport cost values over 2.58 an
intermediate long run equilibrium of economic activity between the unsustainable full
agglomeration and unfeasible dispersed flat-earth (proposition 1) may exist; i.e., the
pseudo flat-earth equilibrium. Figure 3 illustrates that the hypothetical flat-earth
situation is not a stable equilibrium for all transportation costs, including the sustain
point TcHT
 S   2.58, j  2,3, 4 , as the real salary in the central region is larger than in
i* j
the remaining regions: 1  0.8774 > i  0.8772, i  2,3, 4 .
3.1.3 Comparing sustain points in the ring and star network topologies
The differences in the sustain points between the homogenous and the heterogeneous
space leads to the following resultgranted that the “no-black-hole” condition holds: 5
Result 1. The sustain point in a heterogeneous space is greater (lower) than in the
homogeneous space for central (peripheral) regions: There is a transportation cost
level in the homogeneousringtopology and the heterogeneousstartopology for
which the agglomeration forces are outweighed by the dispersion forces. Regarding this
level of the transportation cost, the sustain point for the central region (peripheral
region) is greater (lower) in a heterogeneous space than in a homogeneous space,
because the agglomeration forces are higher (lower) in regions that have a locational
advantage (disadvantage), i.e., exhibit a better (worse) relative position.
 S   TijHM  S   TjHTci*  S 
i* j
The values of the sustain point for the different situations already examined are
presented in Table 1. Beginning with the homogeneous space we have the initial
equilibrium, EHM = 1, in which only one region is agglomerating. When the
transportation cost reaches T13HM  S   1.39 half of the economic activity moves to the
farthest region, thereby reaching a secondunstableequilibrium, EHM = 2. If
transportation cost continues to increase beyond T1HM
 S   T3HM
j  S   1.72, j  2, 4 the
economic activity disperses across all the regions, ending in the last long run
equilibrium, EHM = 3. In a heterogeneous star space, starting in an equilibrium in which
the center is agglomerating the economic activity, EHT = 1, when transportation costs
raises over T1HT
j  S   2.58, j =2,3,4 , the economic activity disperses across all regions
ending in a pseudo flat-earth long run situation, EHT = 2.
The “no-black-hold” condition in the multiregional model can be obtained from eq. (10). It can be
shown that all summands except the second one tend to infinitum as transportation costs
increasesregardless of the network configuration, as long ( -1)/ < ; i.e., the original two regions
condition. For the particular N =4 case shown in appendix 2, the first summand coincides with that of the
two regions case, while the third and fourth terms are positive for the values of  and  previously
assumed:  > 1 and   [0, 1].
λ1 = 1
λ2 = 0.5
λ1 = 0.5
EHM = 2
EHM = 1
Opposite regions
One region
Homogeneous Space
λ4 = 0.25
λ3 = 0.25
λ2 = 0.25
λ1 = 0.25
λ1 = 1
EHT = 1
Central Region
λ4 ≈ 0.25
λ3 ≈ 0.25
λ2 ≈ 0.25
λ1 ≈ 0.25
Heterogeneous Space
λ2 = 1
λ1 = 1
EHT = 2
EHT = 1
Central Region
Heterogeneous Space
λ4 ≈ 0.25
λ3 ≈ 0.25
λ2 ≈ 0.25
λ1 ≈ 0.25
EHT = 3
Table 1: Sustain point values for different network topologies. From agglomeration to dispersion.
If the region that starts agglomerating in a heterogeneous space is one of the periphery,
EHT = 1, the economic activity shifts from the periphery region to the central region
when transportation cost raises over T21HT  S   1.59 . When economic activity is
agglomerated in the center, EHT = 2, the situation is the same as the one previously
describedi.e., column (7) equals (4), and when transportation cost increases over
j  S   2.58, j =2,3,4 , the economic activity disperses across all the regionscolumn
(8) equals (5).
3.2 Break points
Studying the break point involves determining when a symmetric equilibrium is broken.
To obtain the break point analytically we generalize the procedure set out in Fujita et al.
(1999), that requires defining an initial distribution for which the stability analysis is
performed. We start with a symmetric equilibriumeither flat-earth in the homogenous
ring topology or pseudo flat-earth in the heterogenous star topologyin which all the
regions have the same share of manufacturing activity: i  1/ N and evaluate the
derivative of the real wage with respect to a change in the share of manufacturing
activity in a region i: i i . A break point is the value of the transportation cost at
which the derivative of the real wage equals zero and the symmetric equilibrium is
unstable because at that transport cost level the right derivative is positive and the left
derivative is negative. If the equilibrium is unstable, a little shock increasing the share
of manufacturing activity in a region will trigger the agglomeration process into that
The system of nonlinear equation derivatives of (2) thru (5) that allows determining the
value of i i is the following:7
dyi   dwi    wi d i ,
This is normally illustrated in the literature with the so-called “wiggle” diagram presenting the value of
the derivative i i for the full range on lambda values:   [0, 1]. In this diagram, the instantaneous
equilibria are characterized by the equality of real wages. Whether these-interior-equilibria are unstable
(stable) depends on whether the right and left derivatives are positive (negative) and negative (positive),
Equation (13) is obtained directly by totally differentiating the income equation (2). How the obtain
derivatives (14) thru (16) is presented in appendices 3 thru 5, respectively.
1   
 wi1 d i  1    i wi dwi 
N 1
   w j ij 
j 1
d  j  1     j ij
w dw j ,
dwi 
wi  gi 1dyi    1 yi i  2 dgi 
N 1
   g j  ij dy j    1 y 
 1 1
j 1
gi di  dwi   wi
i ij
g j dg j  ,
 2
3.2.1 Homogeneous-ring-topology: From flat-earth to agglomeration
At the symmetric equilibrium we calculate the break point corresponding to a first
simulation (S1) characterized by: (i) an equal distribution of manufacturing activity
 S 1  (i* )'  (0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25) , and (ii) the evaluation of the system on non-linear
equations i i i under a shock of the following magnitude: d  S 1 = d 4·1
(d 1  0.001, d 2  d 1 /3, d 3  d 1 /3, d 4  d 1 /3) . This corresponds to the
standard setting adopted in the literature to evaluate break points: a flat-earth
configuration and a shock in one of the regions. The value of the break point is
T HM  B 
S1 , d S1
 1.45 , meaning that when transportation cost falls below 1.45 the
symmetric equilibrium breaks as 1 1 > 0, and a process of agglomeration of the
economic activity starts. Given the differentials, this positive value is observed for the
region where the share of manufacturing increases: d i > 0, which in this case
corresponds to region 1. However, a long run equilibrium characterized by 1 = 1 is not
reached, since the sustain point for this configuration is min TijHM  S   T13HM  S   1.39
as presented in the previous section; a value that situates below the previous break
point T  B 
 min T
S1 , d S1
 1.45 . Therefore, in the ring topology, for values of T 
 S  , T HM  B  
, d S1
 = 1.39,1.45 , neither full agglomeration nor symmetric
dispersion, are long run equilibria. This is in contrast to the usual configurations of
stable equilibria in the two or three regions economies where at least one of the twoor
bothequilibria exist (see Ago et al (2006) and Castro et al. (2012)). Given the
relevance of this situation we stress the following result.
Result 2. In the multiregional homogenousringnetwork topology, the coreperiphery and symmetric flat-earth equilibria do not exist if the break point is
greater than the minimum sustain point. In the homogeneousringtopology, there
are transportation cost levels in the range T  min TijHM  S   , T HM  B 
 S1 , d  S1
which a full agglomeration and a symmetric dispersion of the manufacturing activity are
not stable equilibria.
This result can be summarized in the following relationship between the sustain and
break points:
T HM  B 
S1 , d S1
 min TijHM  S  
As we show in the next section whether there exists an intermediate distribution of the
manufacturing activity  * representing a stable long run equilibrium for the previous
range of transportation cost: min TijHM  S   , T HM  B 
 S1 , d  S1
 , can be ascertained by
way of the stability analysis evaluating the equality of real salaries and the sign of the
derivative i i .
The previous evaluation of the stability of the symmetric equilibrium given by the shock
d  S 1 affecting the first region is not the only one that can be performed.
Complementing the existing literature on three region models, in the multiregional
model one can think of shocks affecting any number of regions as long as
i 1
d  1.
Considering now a simulation associated with the initial distribution of the
manufacturing activity:  S2   S1  (i* )'  (0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25) , but a shock to two
d  S2
 d 1  0.0005, d 2  0.0005, d 3  0.0005, d 4  0.0005 ,
value of T HM  B 
 S2 , d S2
d 4·1
results in a break point
 1.59, , which is higher than the previous one, and therefore the
second result above still holds. Why this second break point is larger than the first one:
T HM  B 
 S2 , d  S2
> T HM  B 
 S1 , d S1
, is due to the fact that as we spread the agglomerating
shock to a larger number of regions from region 1 to include region 3, the remaining
regions holding the symmetric equilibrium trough transportation costs reduces
accordingly, and the centrifugal forces associated to them weaken. As a result the
symmetric equilibrium breaks for a larger value of transport cost. For this second
simulation, the range of transport costs for which neither full agglomeration nor
symmetric dispersion exists is T  min TijHM  S   , T HM  B 
 S2 , d  S2
 = 1.39,1.59 . In
this case, both regions 1 and 3 start agglomerating and a partial symmetric
dispersionor partial
asymmetric agglomerationin
the two regions:
(1  0.5, 2  0, 3  0.5, 4  0) . As a result, we have reached the instantaneous
equilibrium that we characterized in the previous section when departing from full
agglomeration in the first region, and we can now perform the stability analysis to see if
this represents a long run equilibrium.
Specifically, we check if the derivative of the real salaries with respect to the
manufacturing share presents a positive sign, signaling that the equilibrium is unstable,
or negative, and it would be stable. We have calculated the values of the derivatives for
the whole range of transport costs assuming this distribution of economic activity
 S 3  (i )'4·1  (0.5, 0, 0.5, 0) and the following shock to the two farthest regions
 d 1  0.001, d 2  0.001, d 3  0, d 4  0 .
d  S3
d 4·1
In this case we obtain that for region 1
the derivative is always positive for any transport cost level, and no break point exists
since the instantaneous equilibrium characterized by  S 3 is never stable and brakes in
favor of the region experiencing the positive shockFigure 4 shows the real wage
derivatives for a positive shock in region 1 (negative in region 3) in the partial
equilibrium. This means that in this partial symmetric equilibrium if a shock to one on
the regions that agglomerates happened, a further agglomerating process would start
into that region no matter the transport cost level, and therefore this distribution of
economic activity never is a long run equilibrium. However, whether the agglomeration
process into region 1 ends up in a stable full agglomeration: 1*  1 , depends on the
particular transport cost level for which the shock takes place. For transport costs levels
below the sustain point T < min TijHM  S   , economic activity agglomerates in one
region, while for transport costs above this threshold T > min TijHM  S   , the change in
other regions real salaries eventually reverses the agglomeration process, with the real
salary in the third region overcoming that in the first region. As we discuss in the
following section when commenting on the bifurcation diagram, for T > min TijHM  S  
any positive shock in one of the regions results in the redistribution of manufacturing
activity between different instantaneous equilibria.
Figure 4: Real wage derivative for a positive shock in region 1 in the partial equilibrium.
d1 / d 1
d 3 / d 3
3.2.2 Heterogeneous-star-topology: From “pseudo” flat-earth to agglomeration.
In a heterogeneous network topology the flatearth equilibrium with all regions having
the same share of manufacturing activity is infeasible as stated in proposition 1.
Therefore, to analyze the break point we must characterize first a stable long run
equilibrium that best captures the idea behind the concept of symmetric dispersion, i.e.,
a spatial configuration where no region should be empty of manufacturing production:
 *'  (1* ,..., N* ), i*  0 . So, in general, what we name pseudo flat-earth is a situation in
which all locations hold some level of manufacturing activity, but there are some
centralregions that have a greater share. Given this criterion we can introduce a
further qualification that allows us to determine the bounds for the set of lambdas  *
for which the long run equilibria exists. These bounds can be defined according to the
principle of least differences, by which the sum of the differences in manufacturing
shares is the lowest: min iN  max  i   i  denoted by  * L '  (1* L ,..., N* L ), i* L  0
and named minimum pseudo flat-earth; and that distribution for which the sum of
differences is the highest:  * H '  (1* H ,..., N* H ), i* H  0 , termed maximum pseudo flatearth: max iN  max  i   i  . The introduction of the pseudo flat-earth (including its
maximum and minimum qualifications) is a novel outcome of the present multiregional
core-periphery model, since contrary to the two and three region models, we
characterize a steady state where all regions produce manufactures but having different
shares. The different shares of manufactures that each region has in the pseudo flat-earth
depend on the relative position of the region in the network.
In the heterogeneous space, the break point is the value of the transportation cost that
satisfies the following conditions: (i) the real wages across all the regions are equal:
i   j  i, j , and (ii) all the derivatives of the real wages are lower than or equal to
zero: i i  0 .
Definition 1. In the multiregional heterogeneous network topology, the pseudo flat*
earth is a stable long run equilibrium characterized by: i) i  0 i , ii)
i   j  i, j , and iii) i i  0 i .
In the particular case of the heterogeneousstarnetwork topology, the derivative of
the real wage of the central region should be equal to zero, and for the regions they
should be negative. Therefore, the pseudo flatearth is given by the set of lambdas
1·*'N  (1* ,..., N* ), i*  0 having as upper and lower bound values those solving the
following optimization programs for all transport cost levels, corresponding to the
maximum and minimum pseudo flat-earth distributions of the manufacturing
production, respectively. Considering the system of equations (2) thru (5) and its
associated system of derivatives (13) thru (16) , we determine the upper bound
associated to the maximum lambda of the region with the highest centrality
maximum pseudo flat-earth distribution, by solving the following program:
max cHi*
 i  0, i,
    i, j ,
 i
 
s.t.  1  0,
 1
  j
 0, j  1,
  j
where the first set of restriction characterizes the new pseudo flat earth definition (no
emptiness), the second ensures that an instantaneous equilibrium exists, while the third
and fourth restrictions determine its stability. Precisely, the upper bound corresponds to
third restriction that determines the largest value of lambda 1* H for which the pseudo
flat-earth still holds, thereby signaling the associated transport cost corresponding to the
break point value.
The minimum value of lambda for which the dispersed equilibrium holds, i.e.,
characterizing the minimum pseudo flat-earth distribution, is:
min cLi*
i  0, i,
   i, j ,
 i
s.t. 
 i  0 i.
 i
We denote by  the distance between the maximum and minimum shares of
manufactures that the central region can have in order for the pseudo flatearth
equilibrium to be stable.
  max c*H  min c*L
As for the stability analysis, since the central region tends to attract and agglomerate the
economic activity as a result of its privileged “first nature” situationsee proposition 1
d  S1
d 4·1
(d 1  0.001, d 2  d 1/3, d 3  d 1/3, d 4  d 1/3) , when evaluating i i .
This analysis allows us to identify the maximum pseudo flat-earth as the transport cost
and its associated distribution of manufacturing shares for which 1 1  0
constituting a break point T HM  B 
* H , d  S1
, while the minimum pseudo flat-earth is
asymptotic to the traditional flat-earth definition, where manufacturing production is
equally distributed, as transport cost tends to infinity.
For our particular four regions star network topology, the combination of shares of
c*H  1*H  0.3376, *j H  0.2208, j  2,3, 4 , yielding a break point value of
T HT  B 
* H ,d S1
= 2.14, since for this value real wages across regions are equal
i   j  i, j as illustrated in Figure 5a and 1 1  0 , with the right derivative
being positive and the left derivative negative Figure 5b. This means that for a
transportation cost value smaller than T HT  B 
* H ,d S1
= 2.14, the maximum pseudo flat-
earth is no longer stable and the manufacturing production starts agglomerating in the
central region 1. The combination of shares of manufactures that solves the
minimization problem given by (18) is c*i*L  1*L  0.25 , slightly over 0.25 for the
central region, and 2* L  3* L  4* L  0.25 , slightly under 0.25 for the periphery regions.
The distance between the maximum and the minimum is  =0.0875. Consequently, the
c*  1*   1*L ; 1*H 
 0.25;0.3376 ,
*j 0.2208;0.25 , j  2,3, 4 , and this range of transportation costs T  2.139;  .
For each level of transportation cost we find a unique combination of shares of
manufactures that is a stable long-run pseudo flatearth equilibriumFigures 5a and 5b
illustrate the real wage and real wage derivatives for the maximum pseudo flat-earth.
Figure 5a-b: Real wages and real wage derivatives for the maximum pseudo flat earth.
2  3  4
d1 / d 1
di / d i , i  2,3,4
3.2.3 Comparing the break point in the homogeneous and the heterogeneous
The differences in the break points between the homogenous and the heterogeneous
spaces lead to the following resultgranted that the “no-black-hole” condition holds:
Result 3. The break point in a heterogeneous space is greater than in the
homogeneous space: There is a transportation cost level in the homogeneousring
topology and the heterogeneousstartopology below which the long-run dispersed
equilibrium (either flat-earth or pseudo flat-earth, respectively) becomes unstable. This
level of the transportation cost is higher on a heterogeneous space than in a
homogeneous space because the existence of regions with locational advantage, i.e.,
better relative position, start agglomerating economic activity for higher values of
transportation costs.
T HT  B 
* H ,d S1
 T HM  B 
S1 ,d S1
The value of the break points for the two network topologies are summarized in Table
2. Beginning with the homogeneousringtopology, the full dispersion equilibrium
characterized by i*  0.25, i , EHM = 1, is stable in the range of transportation costs
between T  B 
* H ,d S1
= 1.45 and infinity if the positive shock affects only the central
region 1: d  S 1 = d  ' = (d 1  0.001, d 2  d 1 /3, d 3  d 1 /3, d 4  d 1 /3) , and
between T  B 
* H ,d S2
= 1.59 and infinity if the exogenous shock applies to the two
d  S2
d 4·1
 d 1  0.0005, d 2  0.0005, d 3  0.0005, d 4  0.0005 . In Table 2 we report the
latter simulation. For the obtained partial dispersion (or partial agglomeration)
instantaneous equilibrium: 1  3  0.5 , EHM = 2, the partial derivative of the real
salaries with respect to the manufacturing share is always positiveFigure 4, so it is
unstable. And recalling the sustain point results, for the transport cost range T 
 min T
 S  , T HM  B  
, d  S2
1.39,1.59 
the full agglomeration and partial
symmetric dispersion equilibria are unfeasible (result 2), and only short run
instantaneous equilibria exist. For transportation costs levels below the sustain point
T13HM  S  = 1.39 the full agglomeration long-run equilibrium in one region is stable.
For the heterogeneous star space, the pseudo flatearth dispersed equilibrium, EHT = 1,
is only stable in the transportation costs range between T HT  B 
* H ,d S1
= 2.14 and
infinity. If transportation costs fall below 2.14, only full agglomeration in the central
region, EHT = 2, is possible, because the sustain point for the star network topology is
 S   2.58, j  2,3, 4 , and therefore T HT  B 
i* j
* H ,d S1
< TcHT
 S  , j  2,3, 4 (i.e., result
i* j
2 above does not hold).
Table 2: Break point values for different network topologies. From dispersion to agglomeration.
Homogeneousring topology
EHM = 1
EHM = 2
EHM = 3
Pseudo flat-earth
EHT = 1
EHT = 2
1* = 0.25
1 = 0.5
1* = 1
1* =(0.25;0.3376)
1* = 1
2* = 0.25
2 = 0
2* = 0
2* = [0.2208;0.25)
2* = 0
3* = 0.25
3 = 0.5
3* = 0
3* =[0.2208;0.25)
3* = 0
4* = 0.25
4 = 0
4* = 0
4* =[0.2208;0.25)
4* = 0
1 1.39
2.14  +∞
1  2.58
1.59  +∞
(Result 2)
3.3 Bifurcation diagrams
The bifurcation diagrams summarizing the information on the sustain and break points,
for the homogeneousringand the heterogeneousstarnetwork topologies are shown
in Figures 6a-b, respectively. On the horizontal axis there are the different values of
transportation costs, and on the vertical axis the share of manufacture for region 1. The
solid lines represent stable long-run equilibria whereas the dotted lines represent only
short-run stable equilibria.
3.3.1 Bifurcation diagram of the homogeneousringtopology.
In the bifurcation diagram of the homogeneous space (Figure 6a), full agglomeration in
region 1 is stable until the transportation cost reaches T13HM  S   1.39 . Beyond this
threshold economic activity disperses to two opposite regions 1 and 3, sharing half of
the manufacturing activity: 1  3  0.5 , which nevertheless is not a stable
equilibriumFigure 4, and therefore, any shock to the manufacturing share in one of the
two regions triggers a redistribution process between instantaneous short-run equilibria.
This situation holds for any simulation between T  min TijHM  S   , T HM  B 
1.39,1.59 
 S2 , d  S2
the shock for the break point is given by d  S2 = d 4·1
 d 1  0.0005, d 2  0.0005, d 3  0.0005, d 4  0.0005 , and considering different
distributions of economics activity between regions 1 and 3. Yet, as transportation cost
increases over the break point T HM  B 
 S2 , d  S2
= 1.59, manufacturing activity spreads
over all regions, having all of them the same share of manufacturing activity: i*  0.25 .
Indeed, departing from the flatearth equilibrium and considering a shock on the two
opposite regions:
d 1  d 3  0.0005 and d 2  d 4  0.0005 , the symmetric
equibrium is stable for transportation cost values greater than T HM  B 
 S2 , d  S2
=1.59, but
it is unstable for smaller values. However the intermediate instantaneous equilibrium
1  3  0.5 is not stable, and we do not find, once again, any no long run equilibria
for transportation costs in the range T  min TijHM  S   , TijHM  B  = 1.39,1.59  .8 As
transportation costs fall below 1.39, an exogenous shock to the share of manufacture in
the two opposite regions leads to an agglomeration process in one of the regions, e.g.,
region 1. Note that there are levels of the transportation cost in which different
equilibria are possible. For example, between the highest break point, 1.59, and the
second sustain point, 1.72 , there are several unstable equilibria, as well as between that
break point and the first sustain point (here only unstable equilibria) .
In fact, the partial dispersion or agglomeration, instantaneous equilibrium, represented by 1  3  0.5
only exits in the range between 1 and 1.72.
Figure 6a-b: Bifurcation diagram of the four regions ring and star topologies.
min T13HM  S  
T HM  B 
 S2 , d  S2
min T1HT
j  S   , j  2,3,4
T HT  B 
* H ,d S1
3.3.2 Bifurcation diagram of the heterogeneousstartopology.
In the bifurcation diagram of the heterogeneous star space (Figure 6b) agglomeration in
the central region, region 1, is stable for transportation costs smaller than
j  S   2.58, j  2,3, 4 . If transportation cost rises over 2.58, the economic activity
will be dispersed between all regions, ending in a pseudo flat-earth long run equilibrium
with the central region having a share of manufacture over 0.25 and the periphery
regions slightly under 0.25. On the other hand, the pseudo flat earth-long-run
equilibrium is stable if transportation costs are over T HT  B 
* H ,d S1
following ranges of manufacturing shares: c*i*  1*  1*L ; 1*H  =
= 2.14 and the
 0.25;0.3376 ,
*j 0.2208;0.25 , j  2,3, 4 . Under 2.14, the only long-run stable equilibrium is the
agglomeration in the central region. In passing we note that contrary to the two or three
regions models, for the range of transportation costs between 2.14 and infinity, as we
reduce transport costs there is continuous change in the manufacturing shares
corresponding to successive equilibria (in favor or the regions with the highest
centrality), and therefore one observes smooth changes in equilibria as opposed to
catastrophic agglomerations or dispersions. For values of the transportation cost
between T HT  B 
 H , d S1
= 2.14 and T1HT
j  S   2.58, j  2,3, 4 there are three possible
equilibria. Two of them represent stable long-run equilibria: the full agglomeration in
the central region and the pseudo flat-earth, and the other one is unstable, i.e., a short
run equilibrium.
4. Intermediate topologies: Centrality and critical points.
In this section we explore the sustain and break points for a continuum of topologies
between the already studied extremes corresponding to the homogeneousring
C  h HM 
heterogeneousstarconfiguration with C  h HT  = 1. First, we determine the number
of intermediate topologiesstepsthat we want to study between these two cases.
Recalling the distance matrices in section 3, the differences between these extreme
topologies is given by a linear transition matrix:
 D HT 
where D HM is the distance matrix of the homogeneous space and D HT is the distance
matrix of the heterogeneous star space.
For our four regions case, the difference matrix is:
0.4142 / steps 1.8284 / steps
0.4142 / steps 
0.4142 / steps
0.5858 / steps 0.8284 / steps 
. (21)
 1.8284 / steps 0.5858 / steps
0.5858 / steps 
 0.4142 / steps 0.8284 / steps 0.5858 / steps
In our simulation we determine the sustain and break points for a hundred network
topologies: steps = 100, each one corresponding to the following matrices:
D HT ( h )  D HT  hDDif , h = 1,…,100, where DDif
varies as the matrix of the
heterogeneousstartopology gets successively one step closer to that of the
homogenousringtopology, i.e., for h=100, D HT ( h )  D HM .
4.1 Sustain points for the continuum of network topologies.
Figure 7a shows the sustain point for intermediate space topologies between C  h HM  =
0 and C  h HT  = 1. As a generalization of the first result, we see that the underlying
function that defines the sustain point increases as the network centrality increases.
Moreover, it is convex, implying that as the uneven spatial configuration associated to
first nature characteristics reduces, the reduction in the sustain point gets smaller.
Assuming that the “no-black-hole” condition holds, we can summarize this finding in
the following:
Result 4: The sustain point is greater (lower) the greater (lower) is the centrality of
the network: There is a transportation cost level for which the agglomeration forces
that tend to concentrate the economic activity, are outweighed by the dispersion forces
that tend to disperse the manufacturing activity. Regarding this level of transportation
costthe sustain pointit is greater (lower) the greater (lower) is the centrality of the
network, C  h  .
T1C3 ( h)  S   T13C ( h ')  S  , C(h)  C(h ')
4.2 Break point values for the continuum of network topologies.
To compute the break point corresponding to each intermediate topology and their
associated maximum pseudo flat-earth distribution: c*i*H , we once again evaluate the
system of equations (2) thru (5) along with its associated system of derivatives (13) thru
(16), for the following vectors of differentials corresponding to the previous analyses of
the homogeneousringand the heterogeneousstartopologies.
d  HM
 d 1   0.0005 
 d 1   0.001
 
 
0.0005 
0.001/ 3 
 2
; d  HT   2   
 d 3   0.0005 
 d 3   0.001/ 3 
 
 
 d 4   0.0005 
 d 4   0.001/ 3 
The difference vector of the shock from one topology to the next is given by:
d Dif
 d  HT 
As for the distance matrices, the vector of differentials corresponding to each simulation
HT ( h )
 d  HT  hd Dif , h = 1,…,100, where d Dif
is d 
varies as the associated matrix
of the heterogeneousstartopology gets one step closer to that of the
homogenousringtopology, and d HT (h) = d  HM for h=100.
The break point values for intermediate topologies T ( B) * H ,d  HT ( h ) are shown in Figure
7a while the shares of manufactures corresponding to those break points are shown in
Figure 7b. As with the sustain points, the function underlying the break point is
increasing in the network centrality and exhibits convexity. This implies that decreasing
the network centrality makes the full dispersed equilibrium stable over a larger range of
transportation costs. Once again, assuming that the “no-black-hole” condition holds, this
generalizes the third result relating the break points for the two extreme topologies.
Result 5. The break point is greater (lower) the greater (lower) is the centrality of
the network: There is a transportation cost level under which the long-run dispersed
equilibrium becomes unstable and this level of the transportation cost is higher (lower)
the higher (lower) is the centrality of the network.
T C ( h ) ( B)
c*i*H , d  HT ( h )
 T C ( h ')  B  * H ,d  HT ( h ) , C (h)  C (h ')
Figures 7a allows us to disentangle the effects of changes in the network topology, C(h),
and the unit distance transport cost T. For a given value of transport cost, and departing
from the fully agglomerated equilibrium, reducing (increasing) the centrality of the
network will eventually result on a dispersed spatial configuration as the sustain point
threshold is reached. Alternatively, departing from the fully dispersed pseudo flat-earth
equilibrium, reducing the centrality of the network for a given transport cost level will
also break that equilibrium toward a more agglomerated outcome.
Figure 7a allows us to illustrate and further discuss the previous result 2 regarding the
inexistence of either the fully agglomerated or the dispersed equilibria. For a zero
degree centrality we noted that in the range T  min TijHM  S   , T HM  B 
1.39,1.59 
 S2 , d  S2
none of these equilibria exists. Now we confirm that this situation holds
for a range of centrality between C  h HM  = 0 and C  h HT  = 0.6975, with
min TijHM  S   = T HM  B 
 S2 , d S2
for this latter value, while beyond this level of
centrality both long run equilibria existas well as other intermediate unstable
(Figure 6b). The expected outcome with regards to
the final long run situation that is eventually reached as the network centrality varies can
be also illustrated in Figure 7a, where A represents an economy exhibiting a degree of
centrality and unitary transportation cost given by  C(h), T  . In this situation both the
fully agglomerated or fully dispersed equilibria are not steady states, and reducing the
network centrality (e.g., by way of infrastructure policy) favors the dispersed outcome,
while if the network centrality were to increase, the agglomerated outcome would
Figure 7a-b: Sustain points, break points and manufacturing shares for intermediate network
T13C ( h )  S 
T C ( h ) ( B)
c*i*H , d  HT ( h )
  
A   C (h), T 
2  4
Finally, Figure 7b allows us to picture the gap between the maximum and minimum
pseudo flat-earth for a given network centrality:   max c*i*H  min c*i*L . The largest
and smallest gaps are observed for the extreme heterogeneousstarand
homogenousringtopologies, respectively.
5. Conclusions
The relative position of a location: nation, region or city in space plays a critical role in
the process of agglomeration and dispersion of the economic activity. Whereas
transportation cost is one of the elements that shapes the current distribution of
economic activity, we also need to take into the geographical topology, since the effects
of a change in transport costs on the distribution of economic activity (e.g. triggering
alternative processes of agglomeration or dispersion) differ depending on the spatial
configuration of the economy. Therefore the relative position of a region in space
determines what will be the final result of these processes.
Our results show that alternative network topologies result in different behaviors of the
agglomerating and dispersing forces and therefore alternative spatial configurations of
economic activity. Indeed, results 1 and 3 show that for the two polar cases
homogenousstartopology, both the sustain and break points are larger in the latter.
The existence of a “first nature” advantage in favor of the central region makes
agglomeration in it more sustainable (and therefore less sustainable for peripheral
regions). For the exact same reason, if we were to depart from a symmetric equilibrium,
regions with higher centralities would start drawing economic activity at a higher
transport cost level that if the network were neutral, with no region presenting a
locational advantage. We generalize these results obtained for the extreme topologies
for any pair of network configurations, showing in results 4 and 5 that the sustain and
break points are larger in those networks presenting higher centralities.
The systematic study of the sustain and break points results in several interesting results
never studied in the literature. Firstly, for homogeneous networks with a zero degree of
centrality we find that, as opposed to the existing two and three region cases, there is a
range of transport costs for which neither full agglomeration, nor full dispersion, are
stable long-run equilibria, and therefore, only instantaneous short-run equilibria exit.
This result is observed for those transport cost values between the minimum of the
sustain points and the break point, with the particularity of the former being smaller
than the latter (result 2). Secondly, for heterogeneous networks exhibiting a positive
degree of centrality, we stress that the dispersed flat-earth equilibrium constituting the
initial configuration of manufacturing activity when studying the break points is
infeasible (proposition 1). Therefore, to perform the stability analysis associated to the
break points, we need to introduce the concept of pseudo flat earth. We define the
pseudo flat-earth as that steady state equilibrium where all regions produce
manufactures. As there are different values of manufacturing shares satisfying the
stability conditions associated to this criterion, we further qualify this concept in terms
of the inequality between the shares, thereby introducing the maximum pseudo flatearth as that situation where the difference between the share of the central region and
the peripheral regions is the largest, and the minimum pseudo flat-earth where the
difference is the smallest. Thirdly, we find that both the sustain and break points are
convex on the degree of centrality and therefore, as the centrality of the network
increases, the transport costs thresholds for which full agglomeration and the symmetric
dispersion are no longer stable increase to a higher rate.
These results have important implications for infrastructure policies aimed at increasing
the territorial cohesion between regions by way of infrastructure investment (e.g., in
terms of accessibility, which in our network framework corresponds to the reduction of
the network centrality). Departing from a heterogeneous space, full cohesion between
regions can only be achieved if all the regions have the same relative position in terms
of transportation costs. Since looking at the real geographical patterns reveals that there
are locations better situated than others first nature advantages, a full cohesion is not
possible unless transport costs are equal across all regions (e.g., by way of infrastructure
investments), and therefore infrastructure policies should take this into account. Since
transforming a heterogeneous space in the real world into a homogenous space like the
“racetrack economy” by way of infrastructure policies is impossible, policy makers
should have in mind that there might be situations where the first nature advantages of
some locations are so large that any feasible reduction in the centrality of the network
topology may not be enough to trigger the dispersion of the economic activity; i.e.,
given the existing levels of unit transportation costs, reshaping the spatial configuration
of the economy in terms of network centrality by way of infrastructure policy may not
be enough to substantially change the distribution of economic activity. In the same
vein, given a network centrality, a reduction in the unitary transportation cost driven by
lower market prices (e.g., as expected from a liberalization of labor and capital markets)
or technological improvements, may not be enough to overcome the privileged position
of some locations. 9
In terms of our model, we have normalized the distance between regions by the radius
of the circumference where the alternative topologies are circumscribed, and therefore
the results we have obtained are based on relative transport costs differences regardless
their absolute values. This allows us to disentangle the effect of changes in transport
costs and network topology-degree of centrality. Nevertheless, it is clear that both
elements end up configuring total transports costs. In fact distance as cost in economics,
and even geography, is not only represented by the obvious geographical distance
between two locations. There are other measures of distance apart from the physical
distance like distance as travel time, generalized transport cost, social and cultural
disparities, political and institutional differences, etc.. All of them can expressed in unit
distance terms (e.g., per km. or minute), and therefore our distinction between these two
elements can be maintained in empirical applications. Rodriguez-Pose (2011) has a
good discussion about alternative concepts of distances for economists and geographers.
Clearly, other alternative ways to introduce transportations costs would be the
consideration of weighted networks, where the distance matrices capture more
sophisticated definitions of the cost function. This opens the possibility of using
weighted linkse.g., distances weighted by generalized transportation costswithin
network theory, e.g., Opsahl et al. (2010). In any case it would be possible to simulate
the effect that transport policies aimed at reducing the network centrality would have on
a particular economy, thereby answering questions related to whether this investment
efforts would be able to result in more territorial cohesion or not. For example, as
previously suggested, the network topology within a country could be so that no matter
the investment efforts, one would never be able to change the existing geographical
Please note that we do not favor a particular locational pattern, since whether dispersion or
agglomeration is the better social outcome depends on the alternative social functions that can be defined
and the level of transports costs, Charlot et al. (2006). Nevertheless, it is widely accepted that transport
infrastructure policies aim at increasing territorial cohesion in terms of per capita income, and therefore,
when promoting infrastructure improvements, public officials take for granted that reducing the centrality
of a network goes in favor of less developed (peripheral) regions, i.e., territorial cohesion understood as a
reduction income differentials is the expected long-run outcome.
distribution of economic activity because the network itself presents such degree of
centrality that a sustain point can never be reached.
Finally, for the
multiregional model in this study we have considered only the
canonical core-periphery model of Krugman (1991), but we could extend the analysis
and introduce network theory in other simple models of the new economic geography
like the linear model by Ottaviano et al. (2002), the model with vertical linkages by
Puga and Venables (1995), and others.
We are grateful to Martijn Smit, Andrés Rodriguez-Pose and other participants at the
52nd European Congress of the RSAI, 21st- 25th August 2012, Bratislava, Slovakia, for
helpful comments and suggestions. A previous version was presented in the macro
student seminar series at New York University. N.Y., U.S.A.. Authors acknowledge
financial support from Madrid’s Directorate-General of Universities and Research under
grant S2007-HUM-0467, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, ECO201021643. Javier Barbero acknowledges financial support from the Spanish Ministry of
Education under research scholarship AP2010-1401.
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Appendix 1: Real wages in a multiregional economy when one region is
When only one region, say region 1, is agglomerating we set 1  1 and i  0 i  1 in
equation (2), thereby obtaining:
y1 
1   N  1 
1 
; yi 
, i  2,..., N .
Since by equation (11) the real wage of region 1 is equal to 1, we can substitute and get
the price indices (3).
g1  1; gi   i1 , i  2,..., N .
Inserting the price indices and the income we obtain the nominal wages (4).
 1    1 1   N  1  1 N 2 1    1 1 
w1  1; wi  
 i1 
 i1  
 i1  ij  , i  2,..., N ,
as well as real wages (5).
1  1; i 
1    1  1   N  1  1   1     N  2  1 1
 i1
 i1
 i1   i1  ij , i  2,..., N
j 1
Appendix 2: Real wages in a multiregional economy with N = 4.
Following the same procedure as in appendix 1, and setting N = 4 we obtain the
following expressions of the real wages:
1  1
2 
1    1  1  3 1   1      1 1
 1
 21
 21
 21  21  23   21
 231 
3 
1    1  1  3 1   1      1 1
 1
 31
 31
 31  31  32   31
 341 
4 
1    1  1  3 1   1      1 1
 1
 41
 41
 41  41  42   41
 431 
Appendix 3: Price index derivative
Raising the price index equation (3) to 1σ yields
N 1
gi1  i wi1   j  w j ij 
j 1
Taking logs:
 1 N 1
 i wi   j  w j ij 
j 1
 .
Taking the derivative:
dgi d i wi   j 1  j  w j ij 
1    
N 1
i wi1   j 1  j  w j ij 
N 1
The denominator of the right hand side is gi1 , which can be brought to the left side:
1   
N 1
dgi 1
gi  d  i wi1   j  w j ij 
j 1
 .
Totally differentiating the right hand side we obtain:
1   
N 1
dgi 1
gi  wi1 d i  1    i wi dwi    w j ij  d  j  1     j ij1 wj  dw j ,
j 1
and equation (14) is obtained:
N 1
1      wi d i  1    i wi dwi    w j ij  d  j  1     j ij1 wj  dw j .
j 1
Appendix 4: Wage derivative
Raising wage equation (4) to σ yields:
N 1
wi  yi gi 1   y j g j 1 ij1 .
j 1
Taking logs:
  1 N 1  1 1
 log wi  log  yi gi   y j g j  ij
j 1
 .
Taking derivatives:
 1
 1 1
dwi d yi gi   j 1 y j g j  ij
N 1
yi gi 1   j 1 y j g j 1 ij1
N 1
The denominator of the right hand side is
so it can be brought to the left side:
N 1
dwi 
wi  d  yi gi 1   y j g j 1 ij1
j 1
 .
Totally differentiating the right hand side we get equation (15):
N 1
dwi 
wi  gi 1dyi    1 yi gi  2 dgi   g j 1 ij1 dy j    1 y j ij1 g j  2 dg j
j 1
Appendix 5: Real wage derivative
Totally differentiating equation (5) yields:
d i  dwi gi     wi dgi gi   1.
Multiplying both sides by g i  :
gi  d i  dwi   wi dgi gi1 ,
resulting in equation (16):
gi  di  dwi   wi