English 250 – BEST Learning Community
Tentative Syllabus Fall 07
(As Dr. Colbert and I collaborate, due dates and shared assignments may change)
(1)Aug. 20-24
(2)Aug. 27-31
(3)Sept. 3-7
(4)Sept. 10-14
(5)Sept. 17-21
(6)Sept. 24-28
(7)Oct. 1-5
(8)Oct. 8-12
(9)Oct. 15-19
(10)Oct. 22-26
(11)Oct. 29-Nov.2
(12)Nov. 5-9
(13)Nov. 12-16
Nov. 19-23
(14)Nov. 26-30
(15)Dec. 3-7
(16)Dec. 10-14
Unit 1:
Shared Reading
Introductions; Syllabus and Course
Policy; PPT Prepare SRNavy (SRN
“before” paper); paper Journals;
Summary+Summary Article (Due
Friday 29th)
Continue reading Ishmael; Discussion +
Hand out: A and C paper;
SRN assignment; Summary
Start reading Ishmael;
Hand out: Observation Paper
Assign and Material; Start
Continue reading Ishmael Discussion +
Journal; Begin reading The Future of Life
Discuss Chapters 1-2+ questions and
Ishmael Paper due; Tech
journals; Discuss vocabulary and Summary Def/Concept paper due
(Summary Assignment)
Discuss Chapters 3-4+questions and
Discuss vocabulary and Summary
Discuss Chapters 5,6,7+questions and
journals; Peer edit paper;
Discuss vocabulary and Summary
Future of Life Paper due;
Unit 2:
Habitat, Collaborative Project with
Bio-Science in Middle School
Habitat: Divide into groups; Select
species; Divide up the work; Start your
research; In class work
In class work; Continue work on Habitat;
Sign up for presentation dates; In class
Habitat Presentations
Saving Place unit
Saving Place unit-work on paper, draft
due Wednesday; Scrapbook
Presentations on Friday
Thanksgiving Break
Tentative Shared assignment with Bio;
Children’s Story/Science in Middle
Dead Week: Present Children’s Story/
Science in Middle School
Finals week
FOL Paper Due Mon 23rd;
Scrapbook Assignment due;
Saving Place paper due
Observation Paper Due;
Quick Ref Guide due;