Course Code: Unit Title: Big Ideas and/or Questions:

Course Code: ENG 1D1
Unit Title: Short Stories
Big Ideas and/or Questions:
1. Short stories teach us about our own identities.
2. Setting, structure, character and conflict all contribute to the story’s central themes.
3. Communicating for different audiences and purposes requires attention to word choice,
structure, and point-of-view.
Knowledge (I will know):
Unit Learning Goals
Skills (I will be able to do):
• Components of Plot
• Three Types of Conflict
• Different Points of View
• Range of Literary Terms
• Principles for Stating Theme
Content of Stories:
• Plot, conflict, characterization in a
range of short stories
Identify a character’s main traits
Make the connection between analysing
character and understanding myself
Write for a specific audience and
Appreciate the importance of structure
and character development
Evaluate a story’s effectiveness using
established criteria
Develop an argument using textual
Character map
Character sketch
Short Story Outline
Writing Exercise to explore character traits
Newspaper Article
Newspaper Article
Creative Presentation
Argument paragraph