Eng 2DI Culminating Activity – Poetry

Eng 2DI Culminating Activity – Poetry
For the next few days you will be involved in the preparation of a culminating activity for
the poetry unit. Note that PART ONE is formative in nature while PARTS TWO and
THREE will be evaluated.
PART ONE: Poem Study (formative)
Note that all poems may be found in Sightlines 10. Your teacher may choose to make
additional poems a part of your study.
"Not Just a Platform for My Dance" (310)
1) List and explain each example of personification in the fourth stanza.
2) In small groups prepare a choral reading of this poem. Listen to other groups and
observe their different styles of presentation. Discuss how experiencing other
group's presentations and interpretations affects your understanding of the poem.
"What's Wrong With This Picture?" (384)
1) Select all the words and phrases in this poem that refer to colour. How do they
work to emphasize the author's point? What is the author's "point"?
"Dreams" (89)
1) Discuss how each metaphor is used in this poem. Reflect on the meaning of each
2) Following the structure, tone, and theme of this poem, write a third stanza. In
small groups, share your writing. Choose one of the additional verses from your
group to share with the class.
"Green Rain" (217)
1) Find and explain at least two similes from this poem.
2) Describe a memory (three sentences) that is very vivid. Use descriptive words and
phrases that recreate the colours, shapes, sounds, and smells of that memory.
Include a minimum of two similes.
"The Streets of Purple Cloth" (240)
1) Choose five descriptive words or phrases in the poem. For each, explain why it is
effective. Discuss your ideas with a partner.
2) What is the mood of this poem? Use specific references to support your response.
PART TWO: Writing a Poem (20 marks)
Using ONE of the poems that you have studied as a model, create an original poem.
Consider the options listed below.
"Not Just a Platform for My Dance" (310)
Write a poetic tribute to something that is important to you.
"What's Wrong With This Picture?" (384)
Write a poem with a theme based on the impact of media.
"Dreams" (89)
Following the structure, tone and theme of "Dreams", compose a poem of two
stanzas. You may incorporate work that you did on a third stanza during the class study
of the poem.
"Green Rain" (217)
Beginning each stanza with "I remember", write a poem about a place that you
associate with a particular person.
"The Streets of Purple Cloth" (240)
Write a poem in which you demonstrate a contrast of urban and rural values.
You must include in your poem a minimum of three poetic devices, such as simile,
metaphor, alliteration, onomatopoeia, and rhyme. You must indicate one place where
you have used each device by placing an asterisk (*) beside the line and then naming the
device you used in the side margin of the page. Note that the use of various poetic
devices will make the completion of PART THREE much easier.
Due Date:______________________________
PART THREE: Response to Poem (40 marks)
Respond to the poem you wrote while considering the following points:
• What is the theme of your poem?
• How effective were you in using at least one device to portray your theme?
• What is the mood of your poem?
• How effective were you in using at least one device to create the mood?
• Are there any significant shifts in your poem, relating to rhythm, tone,
characterization, etc., that make your poem particularly dynamic?
• How successful was your poetic effort? Are you proud of your work? Why or
why not?
• Are there any other points on which you would like to elaborate?
While this analysis is not as formal as the style of an argument in a literary essay, you
need to use proper paragraph structure, which includes the use of a topic sentence,
smooth transitions, explanations, etc. This response may be broken up into more than one
paragraph. Remember to integrate segments of your poem into your response, as this will
prove invaluable for explaining specific details. This analysis should be about 400 words
in length.
Due Date: __________________________