Lesson #13 – Parallel Structure


Lesson #13 – Parallel Structure

Parallel Structure : the repetition of the same rhythm within a sentence or within the body of a longer text. It may be achieved by repeating words or phrases, or by repeating clause or sentence structures.

Examples: Parallel Words: Work, play, and rest are part of his daily routine.

Parallel Phrases: A successful athlete needs to work out on a schedule, stay on a healthy diet, and rest on a regular basis.

Parallel Clauses: His coach was telling him to run faster, but his legs were telling him to stop immediately.

Improve the parallel structure in each of the following sentences.

1. The coach set up a meeting, communicated expectations, and a tryout was held.



2. She keeps a regular schedule: she goes to bed early, gets up early, and she exercises for two hours every afternoon.



3. To have an enjoyable winter camping experience, you need a warm hat, lined boots, and socks made of wool.



4. The centre offers the services of a sports doctor, a chiropractor, and remember the massage therapist.


